Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 14, 1861, Image 2

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Thursday If ornlng, November It 1861,
In connection with the news which we pub
lished yesterday, of the burning of bridges
in East Tennessee, the report of the capture of
Beaufort which we print to-day { conveys also
the itrkilligeifCeof the destniction ofbonininnica
nication between rebel government at Richmond
and their allies in the Gulf States. There are
but tsio direct railroad routes between Rich
mcind, Ve arid the other rebel states. The
one by way of Richmond, Lynchburg, }Knox
ville, and' Memphia, at which latter point an
outlet is'afforded for transit and communication
doirh the Mississippi river. The other
route is by way of Charleston, thence to Au
gusta or Savannah, deverging from these points
to different localities in the rebel states. By
the burning of the bridged and telegraph lines
on the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad,
and. the Vi girda and Tennessee railroad,' the
communication between Memphis and Rich
mond is obstracted,and the conveyance of troops
from one portion of the confederacy to the' other
by mars et this railroad, therefore entirely de
stroyedi By the landing of the throes or the
fleet at Beaufort, and the taking pciesesskm of
the railroad as reported in our telegraphic
summary, communication letween Charleston
and Savannah by redirimid arripletely sus
pended, and its coutrol entirely in the hands of
the officers of the federal land forces now in
that vicinity. This control in a manner gives
them an advantage over any communication by
land, with southern Georgia and Florida.
Toe only possible route; left open to rebel
communication south, is via Chiliteston and
Augusta, thence to Atlanta,. Montgomery and
Pensacola. From Beaufort to Branchville, S.'
C., is h distance of about 46 miles. Branchville
L the point at which railroad communication
between the north and the south must pass, af
ter IGliiilg destroyed the linkbetiverin Savatuuth
and Charleston. This point can easily be
reached by our troops from Beaufort, as the
country; Is level, with no natural fortifications
affording means of intrenchment or obstruction
by an enemy.
The taking of these atrategetical points is an
achievement Which breaks the back bone . of
cusstom All that is now required is vigor` and'
promptness, and thus,with the rebel capital cut
off ik its crititutinkstion with the rebel' forces
month; thtorebellion itself will stion'be throttled
and destroyed:
The sailing of the fleet was the first really
vigorous preparation for the Suppression of re
bellion by' carrying the war into the rebel Com
monwealtluf. As the land forces leave the fleet
and operate beyond the coast, <the morality and
discipline of the rebel armies in. Virginia will
disappear, the forces at Manassas will diminish,
and in.:the anxiety of the rebel leaders to ,coun
teract the presence of the federal forces, they will.
destroy railroads, bridges, provisions, &c., and
thus practically become the fleaolators and de-
spoilers efA a ir own, lands and property. This
will exliitikt trees= in its true light to those who
have !along been deluded by traitors ; the
forces of the &Cleml government proceed to aid
and encourage the Union men of the Gulf
states, While the rebels themselves ravage, the
country, the spectacle of the influence of rebel
lion will be displayed in their own persons and
their own lwallty. This theory must be left to
work !is own influence ; while it eitends also to
the operations of the rebel forces at Manassas,
a large portion of which most be withdrawn to
oppCserthe force *Om the fleet. When that
withdrawal - occurs McClellan will Maich on Ma
nesete, and the same means of transport4ideh
carried the rebels from Virginia into South Car
olina, Will oho convey federal tro,ips, unless de
stroyech Ilthese railroad transports are de , .
etrordi Virginia and North Carolina will be
preserved frOm r the presence of a rebel array
witbont Much-aid from the Mend government,
and if they are not destroyed, the federal gov
ernment can use them in the transportation of
troops for•the accomplishment of the same par-
Thu tbolVerations of the fleet in the south,
by **dig a fire in the'rear Of the rebel" army,
will have their influence. It will remove the
war oA.of Virginia, carry it into • South Cam.
linkll49Fl4 aud. ToulteMeel and; at, length.
place it; responsibilities 'and horrors where they
111 Ttin AMINOB OP THAI Poke ItGum, )9to
, will
not attempt to 'reply to the charactiiietically
cowardly moult on his official conduct in the
Patriot, Onii:'fYys, ion yesterday: It will suffice`
the public . in linew;linWever, that the whole
statement in regard to neglect in mailing the
editinn 61, the Piltri4 in due to the carelessness
and indolence peCuliar to the proprietore of that
Isheet,tkfact so notorious to, Nbtinetk pion, ; that
their brielnees operation, so fax as the publica
tion of that journal is concerned, is regarded as.
the rattreat . farce by the industrious
Harrisburg,. When Postmaster flintier returns,,
he will be able to satisfy the few readers of the
Paarlaijitat.thefang of the delay in its recap.,
tion biabt b the - Post office, but in the printing
office of that journal.
-fat its the other groin flings of the Patriot
cbrinairisid, the y iniproveinente and facilities'
afforded by the Post Office in this city, and the
satiektictiltlniainet In *ldea its busbieesTe
loot '
the pafrigt to 4 the c pc .f i F y f oun d ed
de 25.
ik nn 13a111 ' , NWT , fflortnixg, November 14. 1861
The treachery of the people of Guyandotte,
an account of which will be found in our tele
graphic summary, was the Most horrible and
beastly transaction of whichNve have eves heard
or read. The bloody deeds of the &pops of India
sink into insignificance when compared to such
treachery, while even Cannibalism itself would
revolt at such mean and dagtardly cowardice.—
To invite men to 'the civility-of social hospitali
ty—to ask them to eat salt and partake sump
tuously of meat and fin*, and while thus en
gaged, tmconscions of danger or unsuspecting
of death, to be dashed upon and assassinated
was a work well reserved for those who are en
gaged in treason against liberty, that slavery
may increase and'be strengthened in the land.
In burning the WWII, Col. Ziegler done well, but
he would' haie done better, had he extennina-.
ted ruMuidninhabitanta. •
—The treachery of anyaadotte is the treach
ery of the masses of the south who are controlled
by the prejudices of slivery—the aseassination
was a direct result of the teaching of men who
Uphold slavery, so that timid() in' the north who
Make it a policy to defend the rights of the in
stitutional" it ems in 'the-ionth, , taake then:lJ
adlvt§ individually respondble for. its horrible
encemities. " '
, C r uzia's BECRE-
The foll Owing :latter from the Governor of
Pennsylvania is reply to the circular of the
Sec:fete - try of State Onlite subject of harbor' do:
fences, issued from the city of Washington some
time since. While Gov.'Cartin regards state .
"(Von as uncalled for,in view:of the Secretary's
assurance that a foreign war is less emminent
now than heretofore, and in view alit; of the
fact that Congtess will meet &fore the, state
legislatures, he proCeeda:to answer the circular
of *retary'SeWard in the . following clear and
4464 manner :
Atitisvivina trICUTIVB CRAMMER '
Hairlebtirg, Nov. 2; 1861.
Hon. William B. &Mad, Secrdaty of Stale, Wash
' . laigtin;•l). Q. . •
gat : kreceivg4 a few 4313 since, an envelope,
t=tly, from itbe Department
,of State at
igkott,iiibloshig a slip from a newspaper,
ptirpoitirig to be a copy of a letter to
thir fiovernor of New York. This mode of
communicating, advice by the Government . of
this 'United States to tie state authorities is so
uniliUttl, that r ani perhapi not quite justified in
Winning, rui'l do, that the communication is
authentic. •
ram glad to learn that the prospect of a dis
turbance of our amicable relations with foreign
counties is now less serious than it has been at
1,3 ,
' period. doting the Course of the iniurrectio'n. '
T e duty of taking precaution against such dis
t bance is appropriate to the Government of
the' United States; and as, when the prospect
wiamoreserions, it - Was not thought tit 'to in
Ate! to the aubject- the attention of Congress,
which had.atithority U. make suitable provision,
I do not understand how,the,fact that it is now;
leak serious can afford a reason for calling on
individual Stites, *Tali have no such authority.'
What Congress has done or , omitted you of
mime intist lroqw ; but it wane strange that
geheral appropriations for railitary purposes
should render lawful' the' eipense of 'fortifying '
Wirs'aington; Ofitelnintiti Bt. Thais and' other
li a
, allailet that trio Government should Sal
ta u nder, arkapprehanaion,qf want of authority
e porta.
rThe wail. iieuslon ofthe Legislature of'
'Pennsylvania, air ybil ' may be''aware, will' riot
coanneoce,until more than a month after the
nektril'etatig of Congresa.' 'When you assure
nut that the prospect of 'dbiturbance is now less
serious than it has been at arty period since the
in inneStion began, I fed that your letter would
,justify Ma in calling 'a' seeded session, and
without action by the 'Legislature; I have less
authority to act,than the Executive of the, United
wi4.B tes, since the subject itself is within the
of the General GoVermirent, and ' fit', not
hbtr thet . of e Stele Goverrument. .
State Governments haVe recently (in contor
t:illy 3vith the, spirit of : the constitutional pro:-
ons in regard to the Militia) acted as agents
of ;the tleriefal - Go , feininent, and in raising vial
=teens fertile genetal defence, and in clothing,
arrhing, equipping 'and supplying them ; but
ei r kiir this:matter, not, it is believed, ,beyond
this own people and territory,
Some of the points important for the marl
:dui° Clefenee of Penneylvania ' are situated in
other States. It could not; of course, be ex
peeted that the authorities of this Common
weklth abould go hike New - Jena* , or Delaware'
to erect fortifications: ' -
ithey are to be erected by the 'concurrent .
action of the„ seieral States immezliately, con
coped, an agreement 'aniong ihem would be
n , iry to determine what shoUld' done,
and what inoportion of the eiPense of doing it
&Mad be borne by.each., •
such agrcement could be lawfully made
I wiihMit action 8f th'e several' Stato Legisla
bilis, and the Constimilim expressly' prohibits
its! being made-'at all ;without the assentof
ectillingc , • , .
tp defray the qponises of: the propo6d ford
fi bone, file b~tate ' must, of course, resort •to
:the' effect , prodeced by the competition of . a
priippmwpal with hiy own agents, has *greedy been
ddidstrated by to, eTp¢ariassments attending
Quit gate= volunteeii, and'h
tha ccicsoildt(-Of clothing and- other sdpplies
for)them. : ' '
To. throw several of the States on the money
maiimt in ;direct competition with the large
Itrneoisifilifto fa? made '
e by the tteneral GeV
ant. especially uuder the discouraging in
,flu nee which the publication of =your letter'
may_ Lave on public credit, is an experiment
which must lead to einbarrasinaenti` similar in
lltdilatt: probably even more " njurious:
is aket.derlbUtditattilrovillion for reimburse
ie. twouldi:" made by law, for Congress at its
Ma goision promptly `palmed an . net providing
*Oho feleiburentient of expenses inclined by'
the Statelwraishig; &C., , volunteers for the' dli- ,
fen he otthe Mated:States. ,
For th4defepixt Pennsylvania has, i n pro
porliOnie her . populetfoii, hindelied a larger
an more 'effecti96 force , and' r's greatly' lets
ex thanwly other:State,'-and• her people
.are now freely contributing their money to the
los of the United States. 4
nder the above mentioned act of Congress;
th Government of .the United States, through
ibi proper DaPegttaeOl agreed .toPaY at once to
the several ; States forty percent. of their expen
eitArne, es stared bytheitrestiedtivianthenitfes;
but this payment hag :Wish thus fat withheld
fruai Peszwylvaniafor the ressonsasgiven, that,
.ah kl_ae,WaaithY, e 48.tfi; 1414 lala:exPa4tled so
little nieriej , In prcipottion 'to toe large' material
ai Which the luis"&i'M&M, that t* she a& wait
tilt iv moreicouvenled Season'i ' in 'Whet' 'Winds;
'that the economy,of : iterTGoternmeret and the
'liberality of her people afford ground's for mil:si
lk titt lidithelirompt; thOugh partfarrelinburse
ineut widchlis misd' e to other States, and 'Which ,
8114 would seem to have deserved not iew, but
sat tun worse then they. . -.
.1% rggart to iliel'Ustatittlinnerit'of 'these air
cornOln. , T oelorife shit attennierinication has al
dtbeert , • . votpaelitittyl a certified* et
W 0 0
414 : ' ; bk.; • , • 1... • 1 0 1 ,44,.Pcsition.,es
'tat ~F ; ''' ,3 "..;, r i e ta,2gealitY tent:
, •,, -. .. 1 , ..- -, . : - *rim *Me:
dents applicable to such cases to be foul:din , f . ff t . F. ~., ... el:, . .
tfaa 1. ousand -
past history of the Government, and addingth goad fuses, end -poured shells into
at the
this knowledge and proper consultations wi , rate of two hundred per our.
.a single
burst in a ship.
the accounting officers will be necessary to • . shell sent bYk.,,,,the rebel s„,,j, several times as
I able him to advise as to the best mode of m The Wabash ""”" '— was
ing up and proving the accounts, many of whi
must otherwise be rejected by the accountinlieg Positron k l"Is to th in e i a r li n ee gh ls t r
officers. The surgeon of Fort Walker was killed.
most of thefl w ee h t, en b th ut e e re ve he ry is tdd too p
These circumstances lead me to express tie At Charleston the next day thirteen
*al of aminute
hope that the next provision by Con f, grins were fired, indicative of the burial
the reimbursement of the State may be so Brigadier.
ranged that some faith may be reposed in i General Sherman has hundreds, perhaps
accounting departments by the several Ste thousands, of negrolaborers at hls command to
and that (at least in cases where the anions work okthe new entrenchments.
claimed is so small in comparison with the se A tertible panic prevails at Savannah and it
vices rendered, and with what they would Ina is believed Abet the capture of .that city could
cost the United States directly, as toexclude tf be easily effected.
impossibilityof extravagance or prodigalift BA LTIPribRE DESPATCH.
the actual expenditures made by the States ma
be refunded to them without the necessity 1 The following asp additional particulars of
resettling and revouching the accounts unfit the bombardment :
such formidable conditions. Notwithstanding the heavy calibre of the
On the whole, I suggest that the best mot guns in the rebel forts and their abundant sup
'of attaining the end which you propose, wort: ply of ammunition, as the subsequent discover
be for the General Governnient itself to imre les proved, not...a single vessel of our fleet was
diately undertake the fulfillment of its own either sunk or burnt, and none were seriously
ties in this regard, in which it will receive !
,injured or even disabled.
nedzistoyo thePPM P ts ainaitlkilasfd'SAloAs i The gunboat Pawnee which rendered efficient
oit - it - Government end peciplif of the Co - service in the fight, suffered more severely than
wealth. • i -. any of the 'sum veesele singaged, and yet she
It however, this corpse. mould not be - was not disabled in the slightest. A - rbund
sented to, then I have to say that Pennsylv , allot went through her ward room and another
iany way that may be required, will giver bail damaged the sewnd i lieutenant's room,
1 t man and last dollar to quell domestic - causing some havoeitmong the furniture, but
ri or drive. bat* gerelkil llwasili d
ml :and 1 doing the ship no material damage.
I p i
ve to a more quiet season the discussion a This ship, lost killed and two others of
dicision of the various questions that mays her gallant fellows were wounded
f m steps - that have been takenduring t . - . Your correspondent nifrets that he is , unable
kiting iCrlsis..' "..
_'.l - '.. I<'{ ".' '' 1:"' j ' .'' l 'l_ I `.. ' 'to furnish the nanies of thelilled and wOrmded.
c ould
case, thasefore, the
,General Wye ..ent :The flag ship Wabash escaped with a slight
should persist in.ols plan Whidlitlykini 6, : . , I
btig that the President will, as yoU p, . , The kocohontas had but one man injured.
iniarr, to *a main Mast by a round shot.
fotthwith send proper agents of that 0 ern- • The Chief. Engineer of the Mohican was
ment•to ldarrishurg t to confer with : ma . the,..h.illed, and an assistant Engineer of the Poco-
Fdsition and character otthe neeesititry fo I .dr hdntas is reported badly injured, if'not killed.
I , ris, so that no delay may ixcrathi• ' .t a ng The rebels set a trap but it missed fire. When
p per measures for their construction. our brave fellows landed, to take possession of
Very respectfully, your obedient sery . the Forts, they found the rebel flag at the
r'' -...- ..- nA! G..* la: J Fort in Hilton Head still flying, and just
as one of, our men pulled at the halyards to
drew down the traitorous banner, an explosion
tobk place in the. house just, vacated by the I
rebel..ofdeeks, Badding . little Uwe and in
juring no one.
it was found on examination thAt the rebels
hail before evacuating the place arranged what
they thought would' Provo a deadly trap to the
Mines had been laid and matches so arranged
that when the halyards of the flag should be
drawn down the mines.would be sprung, firing
the magazines and blow up the whole work and
lnyolve the victors in a common ruin ; but it
did not go off and soon the brave old flag, the
stars and stripes waved in triumph from the
rebel flag staff.
The magazines were found to contain large
quantities of powder and a vast quantity of
Ammunition, shot and, shell, and various de
scriptions of projectiles—the latter chiefly of
English manufacture. .
The Susquehanna had three men wounded.
The list of casualties as before stated gives
only eight killed and some twenty wounded,
only a small portion of whom were considered
seriously or dangerously hurt.
All the wounded were doing well, and a
great part would be sent home in a few days.
The town of Beaufort is entirely 'deserted
except by the negioes.
The troops had not occupied it when the
iii*mer left, being better engaged in strength
ening positiohj '
:-,-~ ~_
Farther Details from Another Some,
Gee. Sh erman Improvtng the Defeemi.
A Large Lot of Ammunition and
Stores Cap t ured;
240Q0 Shells Thrown from the Fleet
per Roar.
117117T7n7r=r"'M• 1 1,1.,,,t, is zi•
Every Teasel in a .Ilignting Condition
, w' hen the Rebels toorto•thole Reale.
18 Minute Guns Fired at gharleston, 1,4-
dicutive of t74 - Burial Ora itsfgadier.
TOIII3EOB of :Negroes at, yvgkcin the
_New Patrenahmentik
• *7.."---..7-•• - ;
4fieet of the Noire Woahington.
A National Seltite - Ordeiet toki
by Secretalf Welles.'
Letter from CouLmodom Dupont
Thiir Tont; Voir. 18.
l'he 2 1 antis Sped&
report fiopi lectikesi
Monroe sap; that Oa Thlinklay marking the en=
xirti feet founedinkam grand flimsier the fight
The steamer Beinville flanked the 91.9sPingit
which wee m ri - Cieclefiref, aeline4 g
'Fort Beaute&id, on the - noithwebf, - ifartlie
lied came around raking Fci•t, Walken , na• fife
southwest. • : I
I „
. _ „.. .. • .
loth ports , responded vigornusi,. The Pow._
: nee width:tonic:air having - for tide • • •I'e blaring got
`ag*tmd,:were considerably damage& :r; • •
.boi*eaximent:.buited WI/eau:four and
five hours, when the rebel flag on :Fprt Walker
carne down.
The rebel loss is supposed to.beZO. .- `" ~.:
4 exi:D-r591 ,0 commanded, at z.F..ort .ii r alker,i.
and cot Vahot at tort 13eitniega4
The rebels retired iiarc•iiirelCillt creek to ii`
lags twenty floelaillei in tliblinterior; Where'll'
is suPPosOd they 'intend thmitinin stpik. .rph i s.
leil li
uggroe.siiad alryl.yr. .10• and
PiAlsot tie,.
streyl3eauferir--•the w E "te .papclatioxiiuiving,
tied 63'Cliailtiston' 'EI by ' t - sit - emelt ";thriiiio;
MO, inland- konte.:2 ''l:•,••: • • _ ' • w , •-...• ~ _ . •-. ...
.. , at 4 ! nncbginqd , , that .Gem: Sherman will. im-•
pr fo e the defences of his position befpreAmiting,
anY forward movement.
~.*.the forbi was a lingo givrayi of inn:mini- -
tici andubiresidf tho hest doicriptiomo —, •-•• • ••
Qqwnik9ctors pApRo3 [Wilk ithmtichately triti*-
il€ l harb qt;P i ace.Tb l PP 'Pi n Cri e til4ittfais/4
the! Piiiitieli roll l:41 niactea
„Rermahentege of
ioperittioti4:: If I ::: r ft . : ,. ;=- 1 '' .. . ~ 1 .4.;'11 ~,, t
_4l ~,
!..sETer t resheichteosi htto:ittlitilighii'wlitivltheit
6 1 ,Stev;t 4. 4 ____,,' at4Cothaile ',. •'''' ' '' '' ' ' ' ' - ' -,--
tam Ilt • .!. 01u...g, '- : ..' ''•=4 111118 193 - . ' 14
, •CS' '''' ' '!''' -''' . :U9' t MAGCO4I aa
ALflag of truce Wei 1°14ot:folk yesterday,
but it is understood, to haye bropght no addi
tional tidings,
Wesamons, Nov. 18.
Citptain Stedman arrived to day at moon,
bringing the official dispatches from the expedi
tion. He is also the bearer of two rebel flags,
and a palmetto flag, and the American flag first
hoibted in South Carolina over Fort Walker.
Capt. &adman reports that the captured
torte are magnificent with covered ways and
braid> proofs. All that our troops had , to do
was to occupy them and they can be held against
an force.
Amoug the most efficient vessels were found
to. be the new gun-boats, and of which the Navy
Department had twenty-three constructed for
such purposes, and their•' success both in the
gas and under fire was perfect.
'Commodore Drayton, who commanded the
Pocohantas, is a brother of General Drayton
connnaudtxl„the.xe,bel :forts, and Captain
Steedritan wlio brings thid&patches, is the'son
of former mayor of Charleston.
On the reception of the official despatches
.the t , following order was issued:
FM7IMri . r;IMI
The Department announces to the navy and
,to.the country its high gratification at the bril
liant success of the ,combined navy and army
fnr4es respectively commanded by flag officers
F. Dupont , and Brigadier General S. W.
- Sherman in the capture of forts Walker and
Besuregard, commanding the entrance - to Port
*oval harbor South. Carolina .:
To' commemorate this signal victory, it is
'calved that a national salute be' fired from
each navy yard at meridian on the day after
Atiel,receipt of this order,
i Signed,
Nov. 18th, 1881
Le ter from Flag Officer -Dupont
„The following 18 a portion Of a private letter
ttoni flag officer Dupont to, the. Astiotant Secre
tary Of the Navy :
, P°2l • B4 o*/ 4 0., Non. 8.
* Dem , Mr. :Fizz :—During the dishearterdng
a 'milts of dm.pasitage my faith never gave way,
at gene mosaim a ts it seemed appalling. On
theldther hand I permit no elation at our, 5uc
.6.4, yet I eatmot retiald froth telling you' that
it has been more complete an& more , brilliant
ihait I ever could have believed.
- Plume been too much fatigued' to send a de
taUed official account of the battle. My report
is pill uplo the eve of it and I think will in
terest you, but ,I have contented myself with a
succint account which I think will be liked as
well as amore detailed narrative. This I will,
*Weyer forward in time for the. Secretary's re-
Ilkept under way and made three turns
thokigh I passed five times between. the forts.
.„(.Jihad a flanking division of -five ships to
watch Old Tatnall,.Who •had eight small and
ifiVift steamers ready to pounce upon any of ours
alittdd they be disabled.
•L.Lcould get none of my big frigates up. I
thpbght the Sabine would have gotten clear to
the; St. Lawrence. I sent no word and the ea
•vatinah was Morn off.,-
'"AL do not` regret it now exctpt on their ac
audit. I believe my plan was clever I stood
• magnet -the -tide-and had the management the
rin CQ 9 8901,441Ce. Their, confidence was
'har t they Could drive us away.,
ey britielf kid the ilflea guntintiver
' • 1004-,e 1 104. *lda rrillei,shota„..went
ugh wzr Mfiin_ 19* Alak thitillegq;COntref•
Milting au awful
They aimed at our bridge, where they knew
they would make a hole if lucky. A shot in
the centre let water into the after magazine,
but I saved perhaps a hundred lives by keeping
under way, and, being in close, we found their
sights graduated at 600 yards.
When they once broke the stampede was in
tense and not a gun was spiked. In truth I
never witnessed such a fire ad that of this ship
on her second turn, and I am told that its effect
vim the spectators outside of her was intense.
I learn when they saw the flag flying on shore
the troops were powerless to cheer, but wept.
Gen. Sherman was deeply affected, and the
soldiers are loud and unstinting in their expres
sions of admiration and gratitude. The works
are most scientifically constructed and there is
nothing like Walker on the Potomac.
I did not allow the victory to check our ar
dor, but dispatched some vessels under Capt.
Genes over on the other side to-day.
I have an expedition to Beaufort to save the
light vessels, but they were fired instantly after
Beaufort is deserted. The negroes are wild
with joy and revenge. 'I hey have been shot
down, they say, like dogs, because they would
not go off with their masters.
I have already a boat at Sewell creek and the
communication between Savannah and Charles
ton is cut off.
Cheering,. Intelligence.
Swords, .Commissions and. Corre
spondence Seized among the
Papers of their Officers.
The Destination of the Fleet Known
to be Port Royal by the Rebels .
The Whole Country Seized with
The Town Of Beaufort Deserted
The Plazttittion.9 Occupied by 40
One but Slaves.
The , Forts but Little Injured
F0RT11.1039 Momma, Nov. 12.
The steamer Beinville has just arrived at Old
Point from the great expedition.
She left Port Royal on Sunday and brings
cheering intelligence. ,Sha proceeds at once to
New York where she will be due to-mo?tow
Capt. Steedman, however, left her at this
place, and plumed; direct to Washington with
dispatches and trophies—two brass cannon and
secession flags.
He reports the gale encountered by the fleet
to have been very severe. The Union and Os
ceola went ashore and were lost as previously
The Governor foundered at sea, but the Isaac
T. Smith succeeded in. saving all her crew with
the exception of a few marines. The fleet ar
rived at Port Hoyal on Monday, the 4th inst.
On Tuesday the smaller gun boats rounded
and buoyed ' out the channel under a fire from
the forts which did no damage.
On Wednesday the weather prevented active
oparations, but on Thursday morideg the 7th
the men-of-war and gun-boats advanced to the
The action commenced at 10 a. m and was
hotly carried on both sides and lasted about
four hours: At the end of which time the rebels
were compelled by the shower of shells to aban
don their works and beat a hasty retreat.
Our loss was eight men and an officer.
The Chief Engineer of the Mohigan was
killed, and about twenty wounded.
Rebel loss not known. Fifty bodies were
found by our men and were buried.
All their wounded except two were carried
Two forts were captured—Fort Walker on
Hilton Head, mounting twenty-three guns and
Fort Beauregard on Bay Point, mounting nine
teengons. The guns were of heavy calibre.
They were both new and splendid earthworks
of great strength, constructed in the higtiest
style of military science and pronounced by our
Engineers as impregnable against any assault
by land forces.
The final retreat of the rebels was a perfect
route. They left everything, arms, equip
ments of all kindisi even to the'officers swords
and commissions.
All the letters and papers, both public and
private, order books and documents of all kinds,
were left in their flight and fell into our hands,
affording our officers much valuable informa
tion. Among the papers was a telegram from
Jeff. Davis to the commander of the post, in
forming him of the sailing of the fleet and that
he knew their destination to be Port Loyal.
.(Query ? who was the traitor ?)
The whole surrounding country was seized
with a perfect panic. The day after the fight
the Seneca and two other gunboats under. the
command of Lieut. Amman, proceeded up the
Beaufort, and found but one white man in the
town, and he was drunk.
Ali the plantations up the river seemed to be
deserted except ,bythe negroes whowere'seen
in great numbers and who as the boats passed
came down.-to the - shore with bundles in their.
hands as if expecting to be taken off.
They Seized all theietteis in die post offs:mat
After the capture of the forts the whole army
about fifteen thoutand met, wore safely landed
and establishedon shore.
The forts were.but little injured;- but the re
bels could not eterid 'the , expl(*ilcui of our big
shells. •
Tkilitwi e tlit a tiic iztawertaaned
a Panic.
their papers was front three to four th..
men under General Drayton, of Simi, (l'ai:1;11:
Our vict iry is complete, the entlllV 1 , ,,,,, :
everything but their lives, N‘hich they s,c, ' -
firit .
I ,-
J. S. Bradford of the Coast Survey, l,ir-r
dispatches and Lient P. H. Wyman, t:otn,n,,'ll
lug the Pawnee, also arrived in the It.luvi',
and take the boat to night for lititini, re
The boats front the Wabash wine the
land after the fight, and Capt. Ji.ihn hi., , e r ,.. '
the first man on shore. , - iv
The boats returned loaded with v al , :al , l , ' t , ,
phies of all kinds. One of our :Dan n .,, . 4, ,..: , -
:Dann.,,an elegant cavalry sword with 9:4 1 ,1 „ E .,,, :::::
bard. Swords, pistols, iSzic., s, - .' , wei, ..i ~ii,....i
about in every direction and in any , i :two :,
But four prisoners were found, t«.,, , ih ;, ,
were wounded. All hand, tonnei.t,.: iii. t:..
expedition are represent e d as actin,,n,,,.:
gallant manner. , , t , i,i,
The reporters who arcompani e 1 t 1,,•
return to New York in the Li.m:ll..:xk
: 1
Ordinance and Ordinanc e
Ordered to Port Royal.
NEW YORK, N. 1 ,
Orders were received to day for ,;
of ordnance and ordnance stores to r
to be forwarded immediately,
The rebel steamer NaShrille w 1
Georges on the 28th of Octol,r, ta',ll
Important from Wash ill t
Capt. Todd's Company, Line.)in Cr...
airy, in an Ambuscade,
Three Killed and One Wounded
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 2 . — \1iInizht
manta of inland", with two hatit•r!..,,,i., i.
companies of cavalry, unckr snow u,.j
Heintzelman, made a recoue.tis,,,,,,. t•,•
far as Occoquan creek, ai.out.
from Washington, or eighteen milt,
andria, in a southwesterly
They started at four o'cl.wk tl.i, r.i
and returned late this
force first' went 'to Putrick Ctntr 1... c. i;:.
divided—one portion takiiig ti«• -
to Burke's Station, on the 01:1,11_;, , A!
dria Railroad, and the other ti,.. t ,
on the Occoquan creek, about thug [4:
the Potomac river. The Lit kr
and Accotink creeks, and rca.:11,,1
without meeting with any opp. ,, ai
Captain Todd's company of L
valry, which was with the p a rty tl it t,
the direction of Burke's titathal, 11, ie
to make a reconnoissance in the ad v „
When Bevend wilts fora
portion of the divi-ion, they were rr. I ]t
rounded by a large number of IZeb;, 6,1
been concealed in the woods.
Their only hope of escape, then
cutting their way through. A skirt H:
ingly ensued, and the cavalry eff , . tn,:p
pose, but with a loss of three then 1.
wounded, and three taken pri:;criers.
it is supposed, in the last tttne.l, 11,1,
who had ventured at least a ipurter
in advance of his command.
The object of the reconnoi&wice haviL:
accomplished, General fleintzel wan or Lit' 1:1
troops to fall back to their encairm,rit,
It was ascertained that four hu
cavalry retriained at Pohick Church 13-r
but left before the arrival of General
man's forces to-day.
Ntitt (21.bnerttseinents.
THIS morning, in Market .Fquare or .0
Market rtreat, between Franc ant
part Of GOLD fincrecuts rewArd of i•n jo
-be paid 16 the Ruder by leaving them at Thl•
- VAST Evening, on Third Etreet, a Si'L
DIL'.RSI FaCidindGE bearing the Liam,
nine& The finder will confer a great ram
pie by leaving It al T RI i LiFFIO
Sable Furs,
Liberian Squirrel Furs,
French Sable Yuri, -rte
Silver Marten iurr.
Water V , k
Great bargains in theseGOOd.. Every a:1.n:: .rarrs
led to be els tly as represented, , it
Neal to the 8a,r1,1
large Invoice or New Styl. s or Ff 1,01 E.,lLict
Shawls received this miming br
nol3 C k
A Una aiseortmeut of I.Juder :111risaui
(all sizca,)
Goatlemens 2 Traveliug iwli qui Blallftet,
Every Mod of Guts Ho iery,
Clothe, Cassimers, dui Vt.suupi,
(ir. great v
Silk & Ca, hruere N .e 0 Tice &Cravaii ,
Large :too: (doves&
e. pen ers,
ii,vorkq rrca - Cl U7S ,
from ran he
A Large Stook of them GOOl-16
• • •'I
bound at c.+l.3C,
nol3 H bur nk:.
g g.
undersig:ned Laving, opened hie
Manufactory of Shirts &e., a. No- 12 We'c 'ln','
street, Harrisburg, Pa, moo treflatabiiy ,he It,. '
PattOnage and attention of Me Latlics, tiellt.Mlo.ll sC.:
Merchants to the following a`=
oz g 30.1.1 :Lii Ji
which are oar own manufacture :
&c, &c,. &c.,
Also the particular attention of ,
the Lad ies t., ..Er lati:e
assortment of under garments ,tc, ocion the Is.y3t t!
proved crFm i.:ri London sk an d
,: Paris styles;) L.P.r.,,, Col I. Vs , .
Otlf own mautmfacturerweeliwvialirsiecilll'6c.h'el.4,°ec't.l.4l.l'n'edbceliti'e
Purchased elsewhere.
Persons desirousof furniehing ther own aiterisi,r‘,
have cutting, sewing &c., of every vlr iecy due h r.,r4
Mgt° order. Ali ofthe above named rook= [lir. Oeni 2 ,"!` r ,'
we will make to trosvure, guaranteetiis to le, two Mir e
entire satisfaction to the purchaser for :t o
ll dar.blort
and = Aerial. All speNal erilei s isdi be prJallnly
handed to upon the shortmt notice 111:1 i 010-t 1,11•0111
terms.' Also Merchants suppled two., the most i edi thi
able terms. :. o f S OT
P. S. Ladies wishing shirts or under garm ents ..
dlseriplion, eon have Oleic mad: to order by ebdaq .
sample of such kinds as may be desired.
martet West,
arrn-dm H
illager's Gnarl
arrobars, ns,
ltooms ti next door to Hammel & V
= to
.0 A large assor Store „ r- tment of °enflames!' Faridallthif o , i , 45 ,,..
41 411 RI AMA thenbovo c an swop be found nits,
for cub;