Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 13, 1861, Image 1
.. . . . ~...-... c'-',.. . . • • .!•_....._.,.____, „„,,,,, _ _ _ _. - , ' . H .. . 0 . . . • • . . BY GEORGE BERGNER. EI 14.(; A 0,14,11, VP,IiY DAY . OE( B ERGNER. -ICMCKLPTION the IZILY Oki I:, Served to ailbaarlbora to the .cite per we. Yearly subscribers will be egged *4 00 Wgzittr Sictu.Wensts TELINIRAPH. 'DR I'lllo/Ul9i IS pill/n:47e twice a week during el the 1 rgislature, weekly duriog the remainder ai the yoir, uroietted allbacrlbora at the I,illaariati rate , . viz: Single .litisiirhara per year. „, ten R?' ES 4 F ADVe:t4TISIEV. l i mo or htsnetitute one Irdt" square. Right lir ' w ere loon Corn - cu netd urea square. twee Or $0 25 gall ; quaff], one day on., week 100 .6 etc MOO/ 2 00 •• three monthn. .......... ....... 3 00 ~ en mouths 6 00 •• ,me year.. .......... ............ 8 00 o r , r l rre. OD • day • ............. .• .• 50 2 00 oue month ..... 3 50 three coo the ..... ....... 6 00 • eta months. 10 00 one year.,, '........ 15 00 qg Bugne , s hovers Inserted in the ' lowa Column, or be:ore ilarrigen sod Deaths, 11VE 05E4E5 PER 1,011. for each linernoo. 0- 31arogoi end Deaths to be charged as regular ad forwent .ols Iflebicat. 1)11. JOHNSON 13 A.JICATJEIVIC, lELIEII LOCK HOSPITAL. Ati discovered the most certain, speed knad elleccual remedy le the world tar DISEASaI OF IMPRUDENCE. taUll IN MI TO TWILIT: HOORN Ao Mercury or Nomlone Drugs. it Nil-ACORN WARRANTID, OR NO CHARON, IN FROM 01115 Two DAY iconaueao of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains Le the Loins, Affections of the kidney; and Bladder, Organir Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Phyeloa Pow are, Dyspepsia, %Aligner, Low lleirits, Confusion ol dean. Pail Ration of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling!, DIUILICSI of Sight or Giddineee, Disease of the Stomach, Affection, of the Head, Tbroet, en or skin—those tumble Mawr darn arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits Youth—thwe dreadful and destructive practises whlot produce Constitutional debility, render marriageimpoe eible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG BUN. Young sum especially who bare become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which inviially sweeps to an untimely grave thousands o , young then of the most e.alted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise. have entranced mums 9ctuttet with the ttinndare oftaltameoce; or waked to or• '.spy the living lyre, may can sii: h full emondsoce lIARRIAUE Marled persons, or those contemplating marriage, De mg aware of physical weakness, should hamodlataly coo J and be rivitorso to perfect health. ORGANIC VF,AKNIIS tomodicasto owed drotfull vigor restored He who planet blinsell ender the care of Or. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and eon, [ideally rely upon hie skill as a physician. liFollice No. 7 ',loath Frederick street, Baltimore, on the left hand side going from Baltimore West, 7 Wes tram the corner . Be particular in observing t b arno or number, or you will miatakejhe place. Be par. denier for iptierrnig, Trittitig Quack; with false names, nr Paltry Humbug Cats et, &Uremied by the ntuta• don of Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must cootale a Postage Stamp. to ase on the eply. OR. JOEINOTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Ilttrgeons, iendon, graduate from elle of the meet eminent Colleges )(the United 'itates, and the greatest part of whose lift tee been spent In the if °spite's of London, Pavia, Phila. delahla and elsewhere, has ethwited some of the most as. welshing. ewes that were ever known. Reny troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner• femme, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attendedesometimes with derange. of mind were cured immediately, ;TARR PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. all those• who having injured they wives by ovte and improper indulgeneles, that secret 520 military obit which ruin both body and mind, tin dhing them for either business or society. Theo o re same of the and sod melancholy angels pre. Intro by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Dead, Nutmeg of Sight, Lees of Magenta? Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye. ..elmbi.Nereang Irrilahility, Derangement of the Digestive ?unctions General ()ability, Symptoms of ;".tituentopt, nun, fal. Ni [ALI y , SIIIKTALLI, the [earful elects on the mind are mush t” On dreaded :—LOst 01 ‘lroinry, ceeresion of ydeaa, D&. preealee et %drill, Evil Forehodines, Aversion to Sloe% of the t, Selev f-d il effectsistrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, km, are some Thousands m person. , of ell Ny9B, Dan now Judge whet le the came ,- 1 their 1, ( I, Atlltio in health, losing or: becominK woak. 100, nerrem end emaci their vig ated, have t demihr appearance about the eypp, cough, and otylnr. MS of consumption, YOUNG MEN who hare inlayed themselves by a certain praotioe • ro 11 de:red iu when alone—a habit frequ•ntly learned from Jempanteue, or at ichutil the tabula of which are tightly felt, even when a:deep, and if not eared, render* marriage imputoinle, to red nly destroys both mind and bed/ Mould apply !mmed What pity that a young man, the hopes of his gotta all try, the darling of hls parents, should be snatched Iron aide pr otat e t Iron the sod enjoyments of life by the connagnewoes 4 path of nature, and Indulging In • pianos certain secret habit tin. t ittersotts must, before tante= slAtittlAol4 eacci that sound mind and body are the meet Webeseary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tbelouroey through life become wear ptigneattor, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the Wed becoroes shadowed with despair, and filled with et melataboly reflection that the happiness of another be• onto blighted with our owe DR. JOHNSON'S I.NVIGOAATiNG REMEDY FOR OR; GAMIC! WRARNK4S. Bpi, greepeedUat cud i craPortant remedy. Weakness or the i 'reete arc ured, end vior restored. Romanis of the toed DerVOUrullS a n d debilitated wht 'ad lai di hope, have been immediately relieved. All ! ripe/twine to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disecanti. Anon New Trembling. Weakness or Fibanstioß to. it* tout Norio' Rind, speedily mired TO BTRANOERS. 6 111 , . octlY tboneande tea at this histintton within tor '' 4 "ve Years, and the numeroue important Berge n "utat performed by Dr. J.. Whammed h.,' the re Pah*. of the papers, and many other penpne, !hob have appeared again aud again be ore the p üblic,P &men at character and re. 44 41 his eleading al n sem - -- Meted. "W ahl/. le a sufficient gnarantee to the tIISEB OF IafPRUDKNOR —When the misguided mi i t t L are dada he hag imbibed prudent votary of F ' It t.orten hapPeng pail l b bog ol this Nimbi 4 seas% ,?, bo a ulnae of charrut or dread of discovery detail ''' t Ohni applying to Miele who, from education and re Zthooloy can alone befriend him, delaying till the con -, .. 44'141 / a nOlome of tole horrid Mame make their i,''r••ltace, affecting the head, throat, nose, sion, ate tort444 oh with tritnthal rapidity, till dam b otos a t 4'4'l tireadlul sufferings by leading him to o mit LMPourhe laaa ',bong to tras *der returns." It le a mel the"`r,o hat tbousiumn tall victims to this terrible a , " , ft to toe assail:Woes* of Ignorant pretend 0 . , tlf the nee of that deadlyworkent..olercorYt rue conussuso end make the residue et me miserable. ?a E'Mumeaft.—The Doctor,' DIPIOMMI 14% IR Mt 041,,, , etnetiess meat explain a littunp to U on that*** iletestsedies man by 1411. ttsillillsl.,B4"l.ll"eth* sheets hehbuomb PrgiOl titrJ '"vg' Cl` - " c 4 ITIftV,Vc-10 tortilAW f:7 l gat4 1:141-4E lab g E2 0714110 Es t .RE K o $0.4 irtin cryi " Agg wt,l slog -01w tiPPm.s. t-pizftgg AP $ got 8 gI P &D . ° 1133 P Ms0 9 -1 3* L . 201..14' • • mh9 m lab „ t z ,(q glf g . §, cvti f 4-4. • g •' 014 81 . 1 5. " e l i , 4-4 • Z., 41 0 p i gte, 0 2 , g 40e • • P -4. WM 0 4+ • 0 *ta ''' "' a i 3 '' . • '''' a • 1- . ..... . . • . • • • • ......... • • .... . . . . . $2 00 12 00 15 00 MMTFMM7MM49N:. • o N- CO W r - btor. o ” piti& pitu—ScusE woow woo ooop M WNW w o W r*..Wro oorro M 1-+ 1—• b 0 1- 4 P•-• b ... co Tam i l tn.moli—lnumulß .....cmco••- , ooba row. wo cAm wwm 1- , w-Tmeopp.. cis-4-4bato wcam cobocn wt.; ea -4w .o—svp row MW MW -4,02 W. 41 MN t.M..TWN WN bJstm MW Co—W WOm r IgNMFMMMMI MMM,IME MR FI;NWANTMIMMEMINgtIMMIIMV.I I;MMEMIR':7Mn;MMMMMM-n MIMPMMWMMEMMTIIM 1199 ETIPEEI I===IIEIMIMMII 1171 WM Mi:l FINER V GQ -4 - INME!II;MMOUM F , p• Cm .4 CR CO CP. •••I at .41 CO - • •.1 ta CIO tO CR, - 11F1 'TIMM= VIIIIMM , - MMWII • ca: V: • . • • •• 7 0 3 • 00 Co m w i•-• 00 • 00 00 • I=ll ••I • • • . • • • .• • • i••• • • I. • 001 • • 1••• • • • .1 . .. • • • ...I • ...1 • • .1 • ............. Mg • _•• .^ • • . - *- ; ettrg° 4.0 0 13 . 3 rtilliOS '3d . 1-.4 .. • • •.• . 0" 1... g 1.. •• , . 1•1. • • .. • • . .... I,lpspavineloo' 1.•• 1.4 d ury 01 4 -'OO i[ ..04.de0 t&tota tow .OR2= , Me. to ca.o .4.4.gavgq,46. Le .. m c. a-1 Pl. 4s Am= -sg. • - • , HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1861. INN CO VO • lonktii 1 11 1 13 — amlfili : I almo v-mom -4-461.citt OO tJ .u9o. o-0..c0 mcm,...cmcnr mmotow I P RA MMNSMrIM!!I7I MINUMMM m t=7l FEI EWlq n!=MO_IMMMM , MM7rEM Mil IMINMRM • • • 1•••• • P"' Of CO CR • S 7 . 4 • 8 • • N . CO!OtC. CO CO 0:o •NN b., wa. • cc) • CO • • tst W E T r• m CO CO : s OD OD Cn CD 1... t , S' : 1 ,7` •• : • S • tO 04 40 00 M M- EMNIM 1. 4 t 4 Oh 119 . CC) t. 2 .4 . GO BIFM cc' • Tce —FA"t•—i• I• TagA. 'll — umoralPPlN .1 °"? Zir. :"" ," 3 CD n S- RET3 MR M2M=3l CIE MWM r,9 1 MM!IME EMMff9ilgU3l FTI flTir IMEMIERPII3 Cri t 9.1 1 24.2 t g M=i MITI • I-• • • 0 4:=, 0 • • IN 03 Di CO _7_ Co co 1-4 • •• .411 P I=Mian =1 n MMIM7IE M 73 - - - ; dtivaaj, co dare° •0 !Jantag `9dei 00a •.4 m ROM • : • • • • • c ,, _: : M 7 MMq .4 • .011 CO CO 0 IZ:MCI •• • • •.; L.,/ >i 0r... , .-rulta-4. .44 ltr .4-4101, 4 7,44:e - RNA puu—Szncispusm PITA. talicw3--umo;9IPPI 8 InrMW MCI EMI W Q=M.7l KTFIMR I r TIM 1. 41 P. 1 .1 L.* ••••11 0 0* 11.• DIE : . • SG'S, „ dtaso , zo l ia l oc E , : t td • „...4 1 MCI RgEM • .pmt plmft---S.mqews- 'Tag& Illbl—SinVilmß prgAi OIPP4--11&0491PPIA wznalgenben ,u. o a, s 1 •,; : ItigplAtS 10/1.. I Luapaopaori pa& &ropuopu. o2aese • lizea 1 otreql q}° :_•I 49 A 0 CMH Viak ~t CL~~: ~~ a i~i ` ~H~ I trowea iee. I 'aid eIPP I" rigall l Ittuquengi 10i13109 110111009 I ~. ************* iedd i I • 'mum 1111111!= I YuRS I= =PIMA& ...Egan &inn ‘querapitat *9l , ~$31064 ,•;de •Austzej, dizso klustcrp tilZI vo '4IIAI 'l' nozetavo d lay em pa •qd ~1,. , '' 110.1411111 D dW "co s, A 9 .Id -op ° d'atvo 'zigetts -3. • '•• • r•-•- *4Yr `ll . 'oo 9 s i9coirg . **ViGurgiett MVP, Na -co 'PEP Er BY THE Pit The Battle at PikesNUe. o it THE 'VICTORY COMPLETE. --•- , TWO REBELVENERALS TAKEN 1 LATER FROM KANAWHA. Retreat of the Rebels from Cotton Hill P;. r 4 THE ATTACK ON OUR TROOPS AT GIIYANDOTTE, VA. TREACHERY ON THE PART 01 THE INHABLANTS. A Plot Laidto Massacre our Troops, A COLD-BLOODED BUTCHERY, THE TOWN REDUCED TO ASHES. The battle at' Famine lasted Friday and Saturday, and the victory was complete. Genet Williams and Howes are among the prisoners Advices from Kanawha state that the rebels who had been shelling Camp Tompkins from Cotton Hill, had retired upon the approach of a force under Col. Devine's. Nine of the enemy's pickets were killed, with no loss on our side. Col. Devilliens has taken possession of the Hill. The defeat of the I:Taion forces at Guyando'tte was accomplished by trickery on the part of the inhabitants.. It seems that a force of rebel cavalry, variously stated from five hundred to one thousand, had concentrated in the country back of the town. These prOposed, with the 11118113MICe or the, ji_ll_r_l3l- dotte, to annihilate the Federal forces in the town. This force consisted of two hundred and fifty of the Virginia regiment and a few of Ziegler's Virginia Cavalry. It was arranged between the rebel cavalry and the rebel citizens to massacre our troops in cold blood. Accordingly the iebel citizens were very kind to our troops on last Sunday evening and invi ted them to their houses on various pretexts, and all who were off duty accepted the invita tion. While they were being entertained, at about half past eight at night, the rebel cavalry dash ed into the town. Signals were displayed from every house where federals were, and into these rebels rushed murdering the unarmed soldiers in cold blood. Rebel citizens, men and women mashed to arms and aided the cavalry in the slaughter. ,The Rederals in camp prepared as soon as possible for defence, but were overpowered and had to break. Very few men were killed in the engagement with the cavalry—nearly all the killed being murdered in the houses. When Col. Ziegler arrived, on learning the particulars of the affair, he ordered the destruc tion of the town. Buildings were immediately fired and the whole town reduced to ashes. From Washington. A RECONNOISSANCE OF 16,000 TROOPS SOUTHEAST OF ALELANDEIL. Two Thousand Rebels Near Oooatink Creek, AFFAIRS ON THE POTOMAC, Tlvee Schooners Run the Blockade. it o ' From calms who have arrived here it is as certained that a reconnoissance in force of six teen thousand troops was made at an early hour this morning, in a south-west direction from Alexandria. ' Two thousand ,rebels arrived near Oocatink creek yesterday, from the main body of their strmy. The bearer De Lion has returned to the Navy :Yard from the Potomac flotilla,and report affairs unchanged down the river. The rebel steamer George Page still harbors in Quantico creek, and may be seen from Budd's Ferry Three schemers ran the blockade in the open day yesterday. They came abreast of the rebel batteries about eleven o'clock in the . morning. When a fire was opened upon them they "riled slowly up the Swash channel by the Maryland shore, and although .forty-three rounds were fired at thein they all escaped un touched. Most of the shells fired were appa, yet* -from Bib& guns and druck, en, the Ml4/730 4 1 shore. PRISONERS, C/NODTNATI, Nov. 12 in Open Day. WesmeroToN, Nov. 12 PRICE ONE CENT. Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pennsylvania B. R. Co. Lease of the Philadelphia 44300 Railroad. PRILADELPILIA, Nov. 12 A special meeting of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was called for 10 o'clock this morning, at Samsom Street Hall, to consider the contract and the loam of the Philadelphia (late Sunbury) and Erie Railroad. The attendance at the hour specified was fair, though not so large as usual at the "regular. meeting. After a lengthy debate a vote was taken sad the meeting adjourned till tomorrow to hear the report of the tellers, it being m dered that the polls be kept open at the office of the com pany in the meantime to receive the votes of the stockholders. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEw Yoluc, Nov. 12. Cotton firm. Flour heavy-26,400 bbls. sold. Wheat - advancing la2c-26,000 bile. sold. Chicago spring $1 20@L 22, Milwaukie club $1 24(41 26, red $1 32®1 27, white $1 88C4,1 60. Corn 1 ®,2cts. higher-282,000 bus. sold at 66®68ic. Pork heavy—mess $l4 . 75@15 25, prima $9 60®9 62k. Lard heavy at Rice steady at 7c(471-. Sugar from Mus covado 7ic®,Bt. Coffee firm. 2,000 bags Rio sold at 151c@,16. Stocks higher—fair business. Chicago and Rhode Island 56k, New Jersey Central 79i, Milwaukie & Mississippi 414, Mis souri sixes 44i, Tennessee's 20, United States sixes, 1881; coupons 94i. Sententious and Sentimental. Cusrou in infancy becomes a habit in old age. A Ilfas's name passes around most freely whoa t has a handle to it. Teira the world easy, but be careful lest by the world you are easily taken. WE may judge of a man's character by what he loves—what pleases him. SMALL faults, indulged, are thievee to let la greater. Quota MEND or Lovs—A neuralgic affection. MOVING FOR A NM TRlAL—courting a esoond wife. — Wara - rEvrineve-,--wrotch who IS pardoned for being meaner than his comrades. FRIEND-a person who will assist you became he knows your love will excuse him. Is you do good, forget it ; if evil, remember and repent of it. Love is a compound of honey and gall, mixed in various proportions for customers. FARHIONABLE people are apt to starve their happiness, in order t.) feed their vanity. WHY is the letter G like the sun ? Because it is the centre of light. THE chap who fell into error was lifted out by the lever of public opinion. Porsonincs—A. man employed by the corpo ration to sleep in the open air. Bazaars—A ludicrous transaction, in which each party thinks he has cheated the other. Wan's") To Kaow—Whether the volume of sound has yet been found. Ars diseases speak to us solemnly and elo: quently, except the dumb ague. A Quzsruor.—Whether the "old wine" NO much prized is older than elder wine? GAreszars aon THE SEAT or WAH.—The breathes made by the artillery. MArrma THE Tnmo Evinr,--We can get the Southern wool if we can't get their cotton. Tuosa who heed not God's writ are 'often forced to heed the sheriff's. Wove; never truly command till they have given their promise to obey. • Sons people are so obtuse that one would hardly think they could have an acute disease. Dog stealing in the second degree. Hooking town made bausages. A PUBLIC speaker, like a hunting dog, should give earefuLattention to his points. Rimy runs most furiously when sguilty con science drives it. Ix is with love as with apparit'ons. Every one talks of it, but few have ever seen it. WEBN does a fanner act with great rude ness toward his corn? When he pulls its ears. Tas man who was lost in slumber is said to have found his way out again on a night-mare. LARGIII Mil are less quarrelsome that little ones. The largest of all oceans is the Facitio. Trot most mischievous liars are those who keep just on the ver_e of truth. Fouow the fashion • you had better display other people's follies t han your own. WlEnnua a garden is safer business than =- weeding a widow, but not half so pleasant. Barash can sing and whistle, but they not pleasant musicians. Evari if your heart is in a oause, it dormet follow that you should "put your foot in it. This is a fast generation, bat our ancestors aea tairily got ahead of us in the world. MARRY if you would prosper ; a pair are al ways four-handed—an individual never. Tax man who took a bold stand, resolved to bring it back. A good many men are in the beat health when they are out of spirits. Taman the clouds rear their battlements to the 14x.y, they are easily carried by storm. Was would be pronounced quicker by ad ding a syllable to it?—Quick. "Pr= darkness" ,has been so improv_ed in after times as to rood •`bita,ninoas oWourity." NoT so isen.-,The ladies have adopted a red, white and blue hoop, which Walled the mem. hoop.