lUist tllantous LADIBB' WINE, SPEER'S SA.MBUOI WINE Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CEL U.:BRAT ED for its medical and bane Oclal qualities as a genuine stimulant, Tonto, 010 redo and Sodoritle, highly esteemed by eminent physi elsos, and some of the first families in Barone sal America. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE is not* mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by °nem late and Physicians as possessing, medical properties sn prior to auy other Win a nee, and an eacolitot arti cle Mr all weak and debit ts.ed bosons, and the aged and infirm, Improving the a,,stnn, A nd nenedung inddJ. and children. A LAIJI itSt WINE, because It will not intolloste as other' wines, as it con tains no mixture of ttpirt.e or other liquors, and is a .• mired for tie nob pecult tr flavor and nouitive properties Imparting a healthy tone to too digestive organs, and a eteerato t r, con and health' , ixin and comalexion. vu . .0111.1i120 unless the signature of ALleltis, TUSK, Passaic, N. J., is ova, 'he ccrk of e uth bottle, . MAKE ONE TRIAL HE THIS WINE. A. ErES.R, roprletor. Passaic, N. J. Office 208 Broadway, New 'roils. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia: for Bhl' by D W. Grass, & Ho., Keller, John Wyeth %lid by druggists geuerally Jyl-dawly. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what Its name Indicates, for while pleas• ant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. it also revivilles,re instable and renews the nloini in all its orLinal purity, and thus restires and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease It Is toe only preparation ever offered to the world in a popultr torm so as to be within the reach or all. do o , ,emlcally and skillful ly combined, as to the most powerqd toulc, end yet so perfectly adapted so A 8 TO ACT IN PNAINOT ACOuRDANOA WITH DIN LAWS OP NATURE, AND HMCo FOAMS SIDI ifaINACH and tone *the di gestive organs, sad allay ail norvoda irritation. it is also perfectly esnpar.iting la Its ef.ects, eau yet It is Dever followed by ineMtde depremsoin of spirits ti le com p :0 entirely of vegetatoee, and those tboreugly coot- Hieing powerful Puna and soothing properties, and con• gireukly can never injure. As a sure proven.ive and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ENDIGINTION, DYS PrpsiA, LAls4 or ArealTi; FAINTNESS, NEE, _VOUS nuurtanATY, NAORALGIA, PALMA. vtioNDRIA, Z 4141111 SWEATS, LANGUort, OIDDIDIL . 3B, AND ALL THAr CLAz•s OF ossa4 BO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED PENAL! WEAKNESS, A.No • BEREGuLARITIKa THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and llver elem• plaints, biseasee of the Kidney, or any general derange ment ut the Urinary organe It will not only tiro toe debility foil whig CHILLS and e SVF, d, but aU prevent attaces arising from Miasmatic 'aileron's, and ours the diseases at once, If already at. tacked. Travelers should haven bottle with them, as It will Infallibly prevent any deleterious cousequences follow. leg upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive organs, It should be in We hands of all persods of seden tary habits, Ladles not accustomed to much out-door exercise should alway 4 use It. Mothers should nee lt, fir it is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the dual • rid, she will pass the dreadful period with pmtect ease and safety. THIRY IN NO %MILKO ABOITI IT THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT I I I dlothers Try It II And to you we appal, to doitect the Illness or decline not only of your daugters before abe too lute, but also year eons and husbauds, tor while the former from Pelee delicacy, often go down to a prom dare grave, rather than let their condition be icnowa in time, the latter are often so mixed up wile the excitement of business, that if it were not for you, they coo, woJid travel in the sarre downward path, mail it le TAO late to arrest their fatal &IL Hat the mother is always vigilant, and to you we conddently appeal ; for w.! are ewe your never -felling affection will ucerriutly point you to PROF. WOOOl3 ItßsTukt,Krivu corwies, AND BLOOD KEN uVATJR as the remedy which should always be on hand in time of need. O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, Louis, Mo., and sold by all good Drusg6ts. Price One bo iar per Bottle. jyß-daw•euw Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheuraatora, Gout and Neuralgia MID A BIM CURB SOB All Mercurial Diseases. is conveniently arranged Band, containing a met I eat Kupolind, to be Worn around the Waist, without Miura to the most delicate- persons, uu change in habits of living is required, and it entirely removes the disease from the system, without produolog the injure:ma awn arising from the use of po Internal medic met Which weaken and destroy th,, instinition, and give temporary relief Only. By this trettmen ,t the medical properties contained In thin Band, come in commit with tie blood and reaches the diseme, through the pores of the skin, effecting In mere miscue a perfect cure, ane restore he parts allimied to a Healthy condition. This Band Mak* a most powerful A.vri•hinitotituat agent, ane will entirely relieve the system from the pernicious of. foots of Memory. Moderate eases are cured in a lea days, and we are oonstautly receiving testimonials of its effloacy in aggravated eases of long standing. Nuts 114 00, to be bad of Druggists generally, or can be mot by mail or express, with foil directions for use to any :tart of the country, dirrin trom the Principal lice, No. 409 BROADWAY, New. York. G. EMITS & CO., sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. igirk.GL\To WANIXD ritertYWHEB.E.JBW jyk. claw IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. D R. P. EL ALLABACH, Burgeon Den methodt,a ot Mineral Plate Teeth, the only that obriatee every objection to the use or art,- *dal teetn, emnrucing partial, half and whole gala of one pkwle Only, of pure and indestruct, sic mineral, there are, no crevices for the !mecum Wanon of email particles of food and therefore, no offensive oder from I. WI breath, as no me tal le used in their construction, there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste. Hence the indlv MAIM to notes. nosed with stre throat, headache, &c. Offkle No. 43 North mend street, liarriaborg. pa& dly WINE TOILET r 0 a PS, PUMA D ES, HAIR j: on, elowfults; CoLOGNicS and =Li_ ,ACTs of may "Wee, pricer sad Enttaatalaturos KELLSR'd DM% AND 'Amoy - Ra. SWAB INA SALE. BUILDING 'STONE or Stone masted w catiolm=l=.llApblp yVt°°ll to any aim WM. MM. Jr. filtbuoi AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the sub joined variant's of Disease : Bcr ofn 1 a and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, 'Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Elaine, and all akin Diseases. OAKLAND, Ind., 6th June, 1859. J. C. AYES & Co., Gents : I teal It my duty to acknowl edge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having inherited a &refill we infection, I have suffered from it In various ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in Him son my hands and arms ; sometimes turned in ward end distressed me at the stomach. Tieo years ago it broke ont on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, whilst' was painful and loathsome beyond description l tried msny medicdtes and severalphysi clans, but without much ralet from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejoiced to read in the (Repel Messenger that you had prepared an alternative (Sarsapardia,) for I knew trom your rep. station that any ming you made meet be good. I sent to Cuictiostl and got it and used it till it cured me, I i took it, as you advise, n email doses of a teaspoonful over a mouth, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy eke coin began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off my skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You c.n well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRBD B. TALLIY. St. Anthony.'s Fire, Bole or Erysipelas, Tette' and Salt Rheum, Scald Read hiniwonn, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Rouen Jli. ?rale writes from Salem, N. Y. 12th Sep., 1840, that he 0812 cured an invetkrate case of Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the perse vering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at men of Malignant Er) lapel's by large doses of the same says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : "Three bot tle, of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Gerrax—a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I bad Buffered from over two years." Lencorrhma or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Uloeration,lemale Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Changan, of New Yurk City, writes ; "I moat cheerfully comply with the respect, in your agent in eying I have found your sarsaparilla a mo.t excellent alternative la the numerous complaints for wince we em toy suet a remedy, but awn:hilly to Female Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 cured many inveterate cases of Leucorrhata by it, and some wears the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ul ceration itself was Soon cured. Nothing within toy anowiedge equals it f r these female derangements." Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, • , A. den. gerous oneness rumor on one ol the femaies in my family, welch had dolled all the remedies we could emplo2, hue . at length been completely cured by your extract or Sar saparilla. Our physielau thought nothing but extirpat gen could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it roved effectual. After taking yen. remedy eignt weeks no symptom of the cosease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New Oatrass, 25th August, 1959. Dr. J. C. Ares : Str, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and rep irt to you some of the effects Dave realized who your sarsaparilla. have cured with at, in my practice, most of the com pile uts fur witch it is recommended, and have, found its tffects truly wonderful in the cure of Vinercd and Ater , curial Dramas& tina of my patients bad syphilitic Moors its his throat, which were consuming Ins palate and the top of his /swum. Your Sarsaparilla, stea ally taken, cured him in live week. Another was attacked by sec , cindery symptoms in Ws nose, and the ukoratain had eat- en away a considerable part of it, so teat I believe the disorder would soon reacn his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my adadelstration of your Sarsapartlla : the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration wMs face. A woman who bad been tr..a%ed tor the same disorder by mercury was suffering roui this Widen in her bones. they bad become se eensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered omm:sating nein in her joints and bones. She, too, was mired entirely by y..ur Sarsaparilla iu a few weeas. I know from its formula, which you agent gave me, that this iteparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; 00ussqueully, these truly remarkeble results who it have net surprised me. Fraternally yours, G. V. CARL:UR, Si. D. Ithetunatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Irmarszsosocs, ?remelt Co., Va., Bth July, 1659. Ds. J. C. ATHA; Sir, I have been allhodsd with a'paln. fill chronic Rheumatism for a long tame, which" baffled' I the small of physician, and stack to me tn spite ef all tab remedies could tin , until I tried your BarsaPirilla.— the bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my gen eral health so much that r am far Dotter than beture I was attacked. I tune. It a wonderful modiclue. J. MUM. Jules Y. Catchall, of St. Canis. writes : "I have been afflicted tor years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing tailed to relieve me and I have been a broken down man for some years trout 00 thor cause than de rano:sane! the Liver. Sly beloved pastor, the Rev. lir. . gspy advised me to try your Sarsaparrilla, because be oda lie knew you, and anyming you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God it oas cured me. 1 feet young &gabs. The best that can be said of you is not Ludt good enougu." Schirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of eases have been reported to us where ours oC tame formidable complaints have result tbrin the use of this remedy, but one space hero will not admit them. Som of them may be found in our Amer can Almanac, winch the agents below named are pleased to furnish grads to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, lielanoholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made uy the altermsivepower of NIA medicine. Is stim ulates the vital =chows Into vigorous action, and shoe overcomes disorders winch would be supposed beyond its reaun. Such a remedy has beau required by the ne uessities of the people, and we are conlidont that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR THAI RAPID CORR OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Uroup, Bronchitis, incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief of uonsumptive Patients in advanced stages of the Disease This 12111, remedy so ULLlVergigly known to surpass any other for the cure dilly/at and lung complaints, that it Is useless here to publish we evidence of its virtues. Its unrivallen excellence For coughs sad colds, and Its truly wonderiul cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth.— New are the oonunanltien,or even familia, among teem who have noisome personal experience of its effects.— acme living trophy to their tribal, ot Its victory over the mune 11114 Wingert:nut disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreautuilatality of these disorders, and as they KAM too, the effects of thin remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that It has uuw all the vir tue, that ltdld have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr., d. O. AYR & CO., Sold by O.A.' 13annvart, U. K. Keller, D. W. Grum & Co., J. AI. Lid; & Co., Armstrong , Barrtzborg, and deal ers every where. ocll4 .6mclaw A YEAS 1311 AV Y STOOK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JIISTOPENED. At Priam below the Cost of importation. CALL AT CATHCART'S, =apt Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. WALLOWER'S LINE, MILT 1111/11MIN HARRISBURG} and2HILADELPH IA. Bwk, Aged, $l2 Market i*st, • phis, formerly Living/too di C o . S c a lia Uondaotor in o s i v iarc of each st ig u sed. chioen vaed M., nI I we be delivered i ' e n tl i at j a . os newt morebel. J. WALLOWER, JR, Agent, fl2t-dst Mee Routine Pena. IMPORTED BOLO GN A 9 AUBAGE.-4. rowan lothreceived and for sale by le an DOCK .111. 00 pennsgluanicc Oath) eitlegrapb, alittrobau Morning Nouttnba 7, 1861 SOMNTHING FOE THE TIMES! orA NECESSITY IN FABRY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEA Pal GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. Don% throw away that broken Ivory Tan, It Is easily re paired• IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Mae Cupe and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble) Mantle out be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCEY.ATN, No matter if tbat broken Pitcher did not coat but a an. That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will miser show when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with MOAMAR CIDIENT LOUIE will not show where it Is mended. "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Croaley's American Cement Glue"—N. In Times. ultia ea convenient to have in Ice house."—N. Y. its is always ready ; this commends itself to every body."—indepestdast. "We have tried it, and end it as usetal in our homes as widen"— Wilk" Sprit of tAc Una. $lO,OO per year saved in every funltyaby One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Buyeti. T SEAS CASH. For sale by all Druggists, sod Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. Corner of Liberty street. Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies - . Important to Farmers. 2b all whom this may concern, and it concerns every body. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S 1111PROV&D GUITA PERCHA , CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and ou ROOird of 'all kinds, steep or a it, and to gmacua Room without removing the Shingien. The Cott le only about One. Third that of Tin This article has been thoroughly tested In New York Qty and all other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies CentrAl and South America, on buSdinga all binds, such as rAaroanos, NOUNDRINS, OHIIIIOIOIB, BALL ROAD Darras, Uaas, and on Daum Bauhudis generally GOVZRAILIiNT BouDLrax at.C., by the principal Builders, arcnitects and others, duties the past four years, and has proved to be the CH. 'baron and Whif DURABLE ROOFING iu use; It is In every respect A FIRS, WAIBIR, WEADIRS and TINE P 1100! covering for ROM Or ALL SANDS. This is the ONLYmateriai manufactured in the United Mates which combined the Very desirable properties of Maddens/ and Durability, which are universally schnow lodged to be posseshect by Girl2A PISROHA AND MOM RUBBER. No Heat is required in making application. The expense of applying it Is !rifling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and Galabed the same day. It can be applied by any one,: and when finished fermi a perfectly Ma Pawn, stir face with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Elea, COLD or Smuts. Samna° of Boor Boma, nor any ex ternal action whatever. LIQUID GIITTA PERCH CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and G. I: This Is the only. Composition known which will success. fully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which It ad heres firmly, forming a body equal to coats of ordinary mint, costa much less and will bat THitgg Tild&S LONO and from lit elasticity is not injured by the contraction find expansion of Tin and other Metal Hoeft, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. It mid not CRACK IN COLD 6R RUN AN WARM WRAIRRR, AND WILL NUI WARM On. Leas) , Tin and other Metal ROO% can be readily repair ed with GlriTA PdILRA CaILF.NT, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a par femay tight roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON its , LINGs, SruvES, ILINGSS, tis,filM, AURI• CULTURAL litriaAsNT4 Sul., also, for general maim feeterers use. Lowell, Mass GUTTA TEECHA CEMENT For preserving and repaing Tin and other Metal Boots every deouriptiong from its great elasticity, is no, injured by the contraction and eipnanini of Metals, and will not crack in cold or run to warm weather. These materials are JUMP= To ALL (mynas, and we are prepared to supply orders trent any per of the coon. try, at snort, notice, for GlEfts PEACE'S ROOIeIIAG in rolls, ready prepared for use, and CHYrfit PERIM,. OE. Millie in barrels, with fall printed directions for appli cation. We wiU make liberal and satisfactory exrangesisats with reepaabible parties who would n Ka to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in error of our Improved Roofing hsvlng applied them to several thousand Roof in New York City and vicinity. JOHNS & CROSLEy, SOLE MiLNUFACTUREaS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St. Ckwoer of Liberty Mow. 111 S W YORA Fall deswiptitre Giiroulars and Prim will be fornhhed on applicathm. 0..8411y NEW LOT, j ust'rece ived, of the best ' at Car inA ßra.,lana dim to Harrisbos Bank. age liiisullamous. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots,pc. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cot Glass Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, hug, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, EXTRACT& ECONOMY IS WEALTH. JOEENS & CROBLEY, (Sole Malinfaotorors,) 78 WILLIAM 6TI EET, AND I ii , £S TWICE. AS uTIKABIABI. ROOFS OF ALL KINDS AGENTS WANTED OUR TERMS ARE CASH. MILITABY Ge.umrLirra. FREIGHT REDUCED I Howard (tHope ,EXPRESS CO.'S SORT & QUICK ROUTE NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. • Leave New York at nP. IL, by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Offwe, 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 41 41, For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen liaarusamte, Aug. 14361.-dd C. F. MUENCH TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. 91HIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE j_ is still in suocusafui operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other Individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams port, Jersey Shore, Lock leaven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia end Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. MUENCH. Good not to PurocK, zrat, & NINCHHAN, Nos. 808 and StO Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. M.. will arrive at Harrisburg, rea iy for delivery, the next - - - morning apStr JOHN B. BMITH'IS BOOT & SHOE STORE, coana SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a largo assortment 01 BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &a., of we very bee' inalities for !same, gentlemen, end childrens , wear.— Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at abort notice. ootl6-dtf ,TORN E. SEMI. Harrisborr NB W YORK B. M. GILDEA, D. D. S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical, soteetlfically performed Charges moderate 168 INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MIITAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1885. CAPITAL AND A6,31' 1904,90.1.51 COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF -PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794 CAPITAL AND ASBaTS...... $1,219,476.1 . THE undersigned, as Agent for the " 1- well known Compotes, will make lasursume against lees or damage by fire, either perpetually or an nually, on properly in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Blake also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WI LU.M BIJEHLER, Harrisburg, Pa. octo3l-dawl7 HERNLIS, the the Joint J. W Pusses, President of the Court of Common pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Hen. A. 0. EINSTIA and Hon. Fax Nuarxr, Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their precept, niaring date the 23 day of September, 1861, to me directed, liar holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliver y e a u Quarter gessions of the Peace at darrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence ox MN NOD Mox DAT OF NOUN:BM NM ' being the litra DAY OF NOTENDIR, 1861, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore. hereby given to the Coroner, Jim'. ties of the rime, Aldermen, and Oonstablee of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persona, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, witirtheir renirds, Inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to ao those things which to their alike appertains to be done, and these who are bound in recognmances to p rosecute against the prisoners that are or 'shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then end there to prosecute against them as shall be Nit. Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 23rd day of Seprember, in the year of our Lord, 1841, and In the eighty year of the independence of the United States. J. D. BOAS, Shedd Stownfis OFMCIB Harrizburg, October octl4.4lkwOl ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Board Reduced to $2 per Day. SINCE the opening of this vast and eom. =cactus Hotel, in 1864, it has been the single en deavor of the proprietors to mate it the most sumptuous, convenient and comfortable home for the citizen and stranger on this shin the Atlantic. And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the comfort of its guests they have endeavored, without re 'lard to cost, to provide, and to combine all We elements of individual and, social enjoyment which modern art has invented, and modern taste approved ; and the pat ronage which it has commanded during the past six years is a gratifying proof that their efforts have been appre ciated To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re glared to practiee the most rigid economy, the unda. Signed Rave Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars per Dap, at the same abating none of tho luxuries with which their table has hitherto been supplied. TRIIeroWELL, WHITCOMB St CO. New York, Sept• 2, 186t.—sepft.e8ns FLAGS 1 FLAGS 31 citXOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with Noon .' dodge; LETTER PAPER with • 1110 W 01 e yof Suttee erg, priteted and for We at 1101LEFFEWS BUOE MEE, SS Vow, ibs Harrisburg Bridge, HAtdii.-1. urea I:Jun(1/-8cl Ilixtra dugs, ured• awes teat received by jVCu IR. k CIO EMPTY PLOUB, • A ilitfiELS. it t LARGE NAV . BRIG-HT men nous Itiutial3 good oondition tor lake into DOCK, Jr., No firuntllcauous. TO AND FROM O. F. MUIP;CeI. Traveling Agerit4 THE IN6IIRIiNCE PROCIMUTION; ilithital ,e,cE,RHAVz, s Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &t. Tnt fmcressful introduction and nee of this oele. breed Itemody bee lien the signal for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitters," offered hi various brew, from a quart bottle to a five-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name for "grog," or some aillanoes whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute deco, one teaspoonful, of oar medicine, BCERHAVEI HOLLAND BITTERS, and the entire absence of after prostration, has esta blished for it a reputation which the host of imitations and countetibits have ailed to undermine. It is post &el, a vegetable preparation, with bare/y.suilichut pure spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) price Ors Douse. It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy far Purtfying the Blood, to essential hir the tiandation of good health end for corroding discaden of the stomach and bowels. Two or three dcees will convince the afflicted of Its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take Sac% and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try Bierhave's Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN. Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Bierhave , s Holland Bitters. For WATERBRdSR, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try B.erhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE, Try Baernave's - Holland Bitters. For COSTIVENESS. Try Berhaye , s Holland Bitters. For PILES. Try &above% Holland Bitters. in all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic affec tions, it has In numerous' instances proved highly beneficial, and In others effected a decided cur& Read. Carefully! The genuine, highly.concentrated Besatisra's LAND BITTERS le put up in half-pint bottles only. Rai retailed at One Dollar per bottle The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced mtu , y imitations, which the public. should guard aguinst purchasing. Beware of imposition! See that our name is on the label of erery bottle you buy. Benj. Page Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBU RG I 'A. I'a sale In the eity Of Elsnieb.dtg DW. GROSS /I CO. 41./kwly JEWELRY, WATCHES, O.LOOKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZnamTRILAN & 004 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Elora and adjoining the HUM, hawing purchased the stook of • IL 7 Jennings, and added a large ainortment of. NEW JIM. gLBY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, ano aolicdt patronage. Watches, Oinks and Jewelry neatly and prordptly re paired and delivered • ' 41URED 1 Having disposed or my %dock or Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Go., I cheerfully recommend them to nil tor. mer customers as praatical and experienced Watch takerrs, and solicit ibr them a writh:mime alike patron. age which has been so generouely extended to me during the test six years. Ma 29 OMNI' F. JOINING& DENTISTRY. D . GEO. SfiN4;, graduate of the aldmore Cotta , el Dental Surgery,, Oaring perms , Gently located in the city of Harrisburg and totals ' the office formerly awaked by Dr. Gorges, on Third! elk bet, between Market and Walnut, respeotfully infer= his friends and the public in general, that he 113 prepared to perform all operatleas to tat, Deotai prefeisiou, either surgical or meamrdeal, to a moaner that oot be salaamed by operators to this or any other city. His mode of Inserting artideist teeth is epee the late., tet. Proved selendac praciples. Teeth, from one to a 101 l set, Mounted on" Hoe Gold, M yer, Pladna plates or the Vulcanite Base. , , I take great pleasure lit recommending the LuOVEI gen tieman to all my former patients at liarrhtburg and vi and feel eoundent Mat he will all opera tions in a soientillo manner, trom my knowledge' of his ability. toty&eltri F. . J ii:9040/18, D. D. 8. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1;25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. THE tuidersigned has established a regular LINE OF STAGE WAGERS teom Meohanics burg, connecting every other morning with the Oumb er land Valley Railroad cars. The c,oachba isive every every Tueeday; Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Pareeogers for Shappardatown; Oillsburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at 4oduiletvateu. jell-dtf . W,hf(. TATS NEW COAL OFFICE. rIpHE UNDERBIt+NED having entered in _to the COAL TRADE in this city, would respeetiallY solicit the patronage of the oidsens. I will Keep ba band Coal of allabses, from the most celebrated. and approved mines, which will be delivered to any part of the city, free from dirt and -other impurities. Fuu. Wants, GoatAMlßico. Qua. POR RALE RV TEI Bair Lou), OAR LOAD OR aNGLII :ON. Persons purchasing by the Boat or Car Load will receive 2,240 pbtinds to the Ton. Ot lc, NO. 74.,Necket street, seo mid door from Dewber ry Tart( on the Ouistt, toot of North - itreet. Or dem Lulu ether place willreeelve prompt, attention. eo•edly TAPIR F. HALL, agent. F. 1181.13. S SHAD, No. 1, . RA.LDION, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1 • COD FISH, No. MACKEREL. t. .% 1 410. 1. Of pa abovewe have all the d u et sized packages rem the tar to the meant, in store and for sale at the aver market rata: fable ; .IFII. AWE, Ja. & 00. THERMOMETERS 1 THERMOkihTEBS, Ornamental Mut* Japanese Metal. THBRMOMETBIIB, do do Bronzed do TilklllBolllllTlithil, Distillers Tin Case, 1.2 inch. hilill.ll.oiluTlitt4 • dci . Brass Bound Double Sonde TablitalciitilTdß3,l7nlim Cue, 10-12 incn. THkilliollii MBA Menthe Frame, 840 inch. CillektlitASTEßS, Black Walnut Cue, 10 inch. TaBRIIKNILKTEIia, Tin Cue, 7-8 10 hub. We bayejuet received a line lot or TJEIEBIIOhiIiTE of various styles, add are Belling diem low. • • KSLLIIR'd Dam STORE, ap , 91 Market street. HICKORY, OAL. A.44ZD Ni WOOD HI C KORY, sale, , 067 STOVE OR CORD LENGIN TO SO!? ranemAargas. ALSO, L 00032 POKES AND CHEEPINVI RAILS CM TO ORDER. ALSO, MORE AND SAND Fria BUILDING PURPOSES Inquire, Of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will &gine House, or at th e Yard, corner of ".*:.oond and Broad streets, West Hu - rieburue tny27.4f - ' ; R. COLE. kilkiN 1112; Glorious Star Boa&led - Batumi , I A MOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPKR, Zig :BORDMIN Iko n I3PL6NDID WINDOW which We call ace,ottention of oar Malay sad °ordain" lards them to examine our gOode and prim. Ide art detendhledioooll ohm". load Mello.. e agitt4 ~, : 1 0 0 ,C ***ildltdri BOVA fttbitaL " They go right to the Spot,') INSTANT itzugir MP YOUR CoUGR PURIFY TOUR BREATut STRENGTHIN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECIMIERs, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSIIMPTIVE; GENTLEMEN CARRY: SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION . LADIES ARE PILIGHTED WITS SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONs CHILDREN CRY FOF SPALDING'S THROAT coNFEcTioN:.. They relieve a Cough Instantly They clear the Throat They give dreagth and volume to the voice, They impart a delicious aroma to the breath They ere delightM ta the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot Inrso An. MM=M=llll or a Bad Breath, or any diglculty of the Throat t vti package of my Throat Oonfectione, they will rehore yot tustantly, and you will And them very useful shot pleat. ant while traveling or attending public mbelinzs for sw lug your Cough or allaying your Writ. If 714 package I am safe In Baying that you will , Ter afw. warts oonittler them indispenslble. You will tin! ally it the Dreatete and Dealers in Medicines PRIM, TWENTY-FIVE CENT signature bon each package. All other A-e Nan tarfait. Peekege will be meta by =LEL:prepaid, on rmlrt Thirty Ciente Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 OMR STREET, NEW IC% CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE I CO. NERVOUS HEADACHE, ALL KINDS OF HEATH lay Ilia ass of these Pills the ports tic suse..s .tfr rooms or Sisk Headache may b e preveuted,EW' acct the commencement 01 au attack ItamedUtt re' er'" pain and sickness tn•tr I obtained. They seldom tall in remain ag NSW% cad Heaatew whisk females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, removiag la r Mato , Ihr Literary Yen, Students, DOGMA Peaulec I I IMMO= of sedentary habits, they are valusJ e 141111464, Improving the 11711Tiirs, gicog Tore TOO to the Iggeetive organs, and restores the UAW I , 4511 tdly and strength to the w oole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are tut re.,lr gallon end carefully conducted expertmeace, Low: Nei In Ism In many years, during watch time tar : ;rye pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain aol L'uleM haw Headache, whether originating in the wow' 10 tom or trims a deranged state ofthe &mot They are entirely vegetable In their comin+Nae• uy may be taken at all times with periect 4afely gun, mains any change of did and the absenel el any Lw Greemble gash rendes:a mkt ts adninister th'es : lIRWARB 01 COUNTEMEM The get nine have eve airunuree of Hoary C. pal= on 'soh box. Sold by druggists and all other dealers In meheise. A Box will be soot by mail prepaid on reaeipi () tee PRIG' TWENTY-FIVE CENTS All orders should be addressed to WA single bottle or SP WANG'S Pkt.!inn() no Win alive ten time Its coot annually.' a SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE t SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 sees no eismi ECONOMY sr. , . WWI Ul TINS aura insc"JEC II &radeWl w U happen, age o...g.regulatedfaisiliel It Is very desirable to bare some chap ,ne socrest al tray for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crocs • ISPAIDING'S PREPARED GIVE Meets all such emergencies, and no boutentad ma 0 00 sp be without it. It le always ready sad op to toe mot• mg KIIIIESCIL IN NVBII3 HOUSIe." N. B.—A Brush accompanies each b01d.% I As AddreSX • BINRY L. 2PAIA 4tiQ No. 48 Cedar Aram, New VOL CAUTION 4 as certain unprincipled persons ere attempting in Pis °a the lualuoilecting public, laututione of iny ea tirD 0 6011 , , I Valid caution all persons to sassing rixe purchasing, and see that the mil lame, JIITSPALDING'S 1.31 fs *the entilide wrapperiall others ere swindling s" -0116.4swirr dlebil CUL CUBE HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street. New York DmiTcH
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