filistrU.antons. LADIES' WINE. SPF A EIVS SAMBUL`I WINE Of daltivated Portagal Alder. M H Every Family Should Use. STEER'S SAMBUCI WINE gEL@BRATED for it® medical and bane ficlai qualities as genuine Stimulant, Tonic, ine annedoritio, highly esteemed by eminent Mel eau, and come or the firm families in &trope and America. . SPEER'S SANNUCI WINE is note mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by alnem lista and Physicians as possessing medical properties an- Pininr 4,4%licitilscr Wins" in sae, and an excellanc arid ale kw all weak and debtiaaled persons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting Weds. and eildran. A LAW NS' OVINE, basemen will not intoxicate as other wines, as It con tiles no misters of spirts or other liquors, and le no• mikied fir its rich peculiar tiabovand nutritive properties, Imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healib y ash) and complexion. due unless the signature of •LPRbi, .14LBR, Passaic, N. J ., is oval he cork of each bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THE NINE A. BeKik rropribtor. Painsle, N. J. Ornob 208 Broadway, New York. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia. Por 1.! by D W. Dross, 41.1 , K. Keller, John Wrath laid by druggists generally Jyl-dmrly. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what its name indicates, for while pleas- ant to the taste, It is revivifying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, re instates and renews the blood in all de original purity. and thus restores and renders the system invulnerah to to attacks or disease. It Is the only preparation ever offered to the world in s popular lorm so as to be within the reach tif all. So chemically and skillfully combined, as to the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted so A 8 TO ♦ar EN PUMP ACCORDANON WITH TEM LAWB OP NATIMIN, AND MIME WARN TON WEARIER STOKAOH and tone up the O. Heltthtti organs, and allay all nervous irritation. it la also perfectly exhilarating in its efiesta, and yet it Is never followed by inasitde ,tr depression of spirits lt is cont. pa .41 entirely of vegatablesi, and those thorough com bining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and eon s' mostly pan never injure. as a sure preventive and sure of . CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGEITION, DYS PEPSI: A s LOB' OF APPETIT4, FAINTNESS, NER- Tow IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA. PALPITA TION OF THE MARL', SIELANcHoLY, HYpO• NIGH. SWEATS, LANGUOR, GUIRLDRW, ,AND ALL THAT °LA.'S OF Wind SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED , pydiALE ,WILLENiess, ANo • t• -.-LMREGULARITOML MEMO& NGTEING n 1?. DUAL. Aso, Liypr i)srangements or Torpidity, awl Liver oem plaints, Mailbag of the - M.1:100, or any general derange, went of the Urinary organs It will not only t, me the debility foil swing caws Mid a/JULIA, but all'pretront attacks arising from Miasmatic influences, and cure the diseases at once, if already at. Travelers should have a bottle with them, as it will Infallibly prevent ear dekderioce consequences follow ing upon change of adulate and water. As it prevents coeilvenses strengthens the digestive organs, it should be in. Me hands of ad persods of eaden• 184 7 hAtei Lewes not accustomed 'to much out-door exercise should always ' Mothers should me It, far ft is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the final ,rial, she will pass the drsadflid wind with perfect ease and safety. TRIM IS 210 21/STAKS ABOOT IT. TUE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOB IT I I Slolhers Try It Si CCM And to you we appeal, to detect. the Illness or decline not only of your dangers before It be too late, but also year sons and husbands, for while the former from false dedimay, often so down , to a prom Iture grave, ratter than 11Aatheir essoditlon be Known la time the latter are often so rimed up whin the excitement o f ? business, that if it were not For you, they too, would travel in the sarre downward path, until It is too late to arrest their fatal 8011. But the mother Is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we arc sure your never-failing affection will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD% ILIBTOMATIVO OUNDLLL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which; abodbi always be on hand in time of need, a J. wqoa Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 litarketStreet, rt. Louie, Mo., and sold by all good Drugghtte. 'Prlce One Uo'lar per Bottle. 173-44liv-new Great Cure. DR LELLANDS ANTI' RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Mfg tam; tw . Gout" and Reuritigia MID A SURE Mk TOR All Mercurial Diseases. 1.40.,-,ollVinferitly sinuigail Band, containing a me( eat I eimuound, to be worn around the Waist, without lamer tisAmpsatat ,deliente Parkfitly itatialings Ara habits of living is required and it entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the injurious enema arising from the use of pow.tful internal medic tees which weaken and destroy 'ha uAntimtion, and give temporary relief only. ity Ole treument, the medical ProPeltiel contained in Ma Band, come In contact with the blood add tenches the diseutu, through the pores of the akin, Gaining in 'eery instance a perfect cure, and nominee (he parts aliened to a healthy condition. This Band is also a must powerful ASIMMUCUSIAL agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pallictous et how op. Memory. Moderate eases are cured in a lew days, and wears constantly repel ring testimonials of its einOalkyin aggravated eases 01 on standing. Piumjs OA to tie had of Druggists generelly, or can be seat kV ofexpreeki, with full directtons for use, to say "surf the oountry, direct from the Principal lace, ITCto 409 BIiiOAD,WAY, New York. . G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. R.--Descripthre Circulars Sent Free. WADI oas WANTMD EIhiIIYWHERE.-gEw JyB-daw . , IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. R. P. H. ALLABACH, Burgeon Den merffriurer°lerPlato :eth'the 0017 hotat obviates every abjection to eo: arU emoracing partial, half and whole seta of one piece only, of pure sue indesu - uottele mineral, there arc, Bei:reviews for the aOCCUMwailou Osman particles of feed a nd therefore, no otrendve odor from ttto breath, as no me tal is used In their construable, there can be no galvanic ..atetkotor metaldo taste. Hence the indiv ideal is not an noyedw with sure throat, headache, &c. Office No, 48 *fords &amend street, Harrisburg. am, dly DINEtle IL - ETrOAPS, POMADES, HAIR Jr POW ilrer DIRS., COLOGN29 and EXTRACTS, of prim sad masufactares at, MUMS tifO • •Eill'U.Nia FUR SALE. 113011,DING STONE or Stone imitated to, any love‘ - COLDER, Jr. gUbical AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD: AND for the speedy cure of, the sub joined varieties of Dbsolise Screftda and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, pimples, Pustules,Blotches, Boils, Mons, and all bki n Diseases. , OAKLAND, Ind., Bth June, 18.59. J. O. Area ai Co., Gents : I feel it my duty to sekuowl. edge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulousr..tion, I have auffers from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it b out in Cheers on my hands and arms ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago It broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore,'whieh was painful and loathsome beyond description I tried many medicines and sevemlphyal clans, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was releicedeo read in the limpet Messenger that you had prepared an alternative (Sarsaparilla,) for I knew from your rep utation that any thing you made must be goo& I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in small Moms of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy aka soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off my akin is now oleo, and I know by my feeling' that the disease has gone from my system. You eile Well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that. I hold you to be one of the at.ostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALIN= B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Piro, Rose or Erysip e t Tettei and Salt Rheum, Scald - R Ringworm, Sore Dropsy. Dr. Rouen M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y, 12th Sep., DM, that he use cured ett inveterate case of Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the porn. verhag use of osr Sarsaparilla, and also' a dangerous at tack of Malignant thy Opehe by large doses of the same says he curets the common Eruptions by le constantly. Bronehooele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebnion Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : "Three bot tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me trains beams- a bid eons swelling on the neck, which I bad suffered from over two years." Leuoorrhom or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Uloeration,Zemale Diseases. Dr. J. B. B. Chaining, of New York 'City, writes ; most cheerfully comply with , the - respect of your. agent in saying I have found your oarsapariila it most excellent alternative In the numerous complaints for Widen we em ploy inch a remedy, but especially in.lestale Distant of the Bcroftilotte diathesis. I Dive cured many inveterate cases of Lencorrhcea by it, and some wbere the com plaint was (mused by dileeratibe of the sterns. The ul ceration itself was soon aired. • Noth ng within my knowledge equate it far these female derangaments." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., w.ites, "A dan gerous Danish honor on one of the remain in my leanly, welch had Caned all the remedies we could employ, bee at length bean completely cured by your Extreat;of Ser ialised& Our phyalelan thought nothing but , extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your esreaparilla as the hurt resort before' cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the deism remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New Omemts, 25th August, 1959. Dr. J. C. Alm : Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re-. quota of your agent, and report to you some of the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. *, have cured with it, in my practice, most of the corn plahta fbr which it is recommended, and have found its effects truly wonderful In the cure of Veneral and Met. curial Diseases. Una of my patients bad syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in live week, Another was slacked by see ondary symptoms in big nose, and the ulceration had eat en away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon reaon hie brain and kill hint. But it yielded to my admiciatration of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers healed, and he Is well again, not amuse without some disfiguration to Lis face. A woman who had been treatud for the same disorder by mercury was suffering item this poison in her bones. They had become so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day alui sulTereu excruciating min in her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few WOOBB. 1 know from its formula, which you agent gave me, that dilarreyanitiOn from your laboratory must be a great remedy ; oonsequently, these truly remarkable results with It have net surprised me. Hraternsdly years, G. V. LJIBIBLER, M. D. Rheuniatigra; 'Gout, Liver Complaint. Inmarmnaticta, Preaton Co., Vi., 6th J aly , 1868 Da. J. admit: .11r, I have been Maimed with, eintih rul ehronle Jahetunittlsot for a long Mae; erltithrkialetd the Mall of phyilicians, and More to me In M l remedies I could fin', until I tried your flitreepti We bottle eared me In two weeks, and restored my gen.• oral health so mach that I am far bettor than before 1 4 was attacked. I thine it a wonderlal medicine. J. MUM. Jules Y. Getohell, of St. Lents. writes: have been diluted for years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyedmy health. I tried. every thing, and every thing tidied to relieve MO; 1114 I, have, Iteen a:, bleakest down:man Mt some years troth no think cause than 4e. rongmentof Oa Liver. Ity beloved pastor, the Rev. lir. . espy advised' me to try your Sariumemills, because he said ho knew you, and any Min g, you made war worth trYing. By the blessing of God it has cured me. I feel young again. The best that eau be said`of you is not hag good enouga.m 7)- • , Babirrus, Cancer Tnntits, Enlargement, Ulaeration, , Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. , A great variety of • tow have been reported to on where cures of mese fornadable complaints hire result form the use of this remedy, but one space hers will not admit them. Som- of them may be found in our Amer can Al manse, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fite,. By, kelanctholy, Neuralgia. Manyremarkable oures at these affections bittrirbeen made ny the alternadvepower.of trils medicine. It stim niatee the vital functions into vigorous potion, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed -beyond Its reach. Such a remedy NW bean required by the ne cesslUes or the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Clierry Peckral. FOR TEXHARD OMR OP Coughs, Cob* InSneriss Hoarientiss, Bronehitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for theltelief of t;onsuraptive Patients in advymekl. &ages of the Disease Thls lea remedy so universally lot'Own to surpass any other for the care of throat and lung complaints, that it le useless here to publish toe evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled exoelkace for coughs and colds, and Re truly wonderbil cures of pulmonary diseageOtave made it known throughout the civilised nations o the ea/Lb.—, Yew are the communities, or oven &milted, amcw* who have not some pessonal =pedalos of its some living trophy in their miwtor fte victory oVerilite subtle and dangerous disorders of the threat and lungs. knoll know Um dreadful fatality of these disorders, and ae they know, too, the steels of Ihla remedy; wodeed.not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that adld,have when making the area which MVO. won so strongly open the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & Co., Sold by O.A. Denuvart, O. K. Keller D. W. Grose & Co., J. lit. Lutz, & Co., Armetreug, Harrisburg, and deal, ere every where. oed4-6maaw A VIIItY HAAT! i3TOOK. BIAA.OIC AND SECOND , . MOURNING DRESS - GOODS I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Priorot ilekno the Gat-w' .Importation. CALL AT cATHcAliaus, msy Next doot is the Harrisburg Bat*. WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY sarwm H , AR.B.NIATBD and PLIELADF.LIP H 1 A ,Th iw k Agog, au markit owe, Phikkiet: phis, fens* zainglitige4.44l. 1: , 80 1 9 4 cOndodor in charge of each train. betide delivered at the Warehonee, Made). et 4){ debut P..IL, will be delivered in Harr le burg seat ovum& • WALLOWIIat, At., hind, terblAttMediae. Dead. Harriebtire. • . IMPO WED B OLOGNA BATRAGB.—A wa. kd rdira iast roodied and far oda by ' WK. BOOK aa oo pennsiluania iDat teleiltapt), alwobag littrnoon Nouttnint 7,1861 sommuma FOR THE TIMES! ! orA NECESSITY IN F.VhBY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. ' THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE In the only article of the kind over produced which WELL WITHSTAND WATER. Save the pieces of that expeoldee Cut Glass Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Penh Is easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Win Cope and Saucere can be made au good ae new. • IT WILL MEND MARBLE; That piece knocked out of sour Marble, Mantle can be put en as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter tied broken Pitcher did not cost but a shil ling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fast everything but Metals. • Any article Cemented with AIikRICAN 0111 LENT [CLUB will not skew where It Is mended. "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Crider' American Clement Glue."—N. P. 2istes. • “lt is se convenient to - have in toe house."—N. , l". limpress. le always ready; this oonimends Beef to every body."—lndepeadoat. "We have tried IN and Ind it as useful in our homes ati water.”— wake Sprit of the Timm ECONtanr IS WEALTH. . SlO,OO . per year saved in e of very famityiby . One Bottle AMERICO CEMENT GLUE. Price 25. Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Buyers. TERMS CASH. Wltor sale by all Druggists, and Storekeepers gbueral ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROStET, (Stile Manufacturers,) 78 WTF.T.T AM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NSW YORK Important to Roue Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies . Important to Farmers. lb all whom this may cmicens, and it concerns every body. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IMPROULD GUM PUMA , OEMENaT ROOFING, The Cheapest ancl,mostlituable /looting EL use IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to saw and cum noon of all kinds, steep or flat, and to Ell/LiGig Boon without , removing the Shingles. The Cost Is only about One• Third that of Tin AND If is TWICE AS IiIIILABLE This article has been thoroughly tested in New York Qty and all other parts of the United &ate% Canada, West Indies Central and Routh America, on buildings of all kinds, niches facrosies, FOUNDRI*; 08TJ130812, BAIL 410 AD Hums, OARS, and on PUBLIC Bonhomie generally Govsurnourr Bunensie, do., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the peat four years, and ties proved to be the CREAMY and Ear DURABLE ROOFING to issi; it is in every - respect A ME, Br/mut, WEATHER and.THIE PROW covering for ROOFS OE ALL RINDS. Val is else 0117. maalai manuractured in Glia United Matta which combines the very desirable properties of Altauicily and Durability, which are universally &aim w lodged up be possessed by GITI'2.I PRIZOHA 11+1.0 INDL4 BURl3.llll.___. _ , No Heat is regnired in aaakink application. The expense of APPIYIng ibis trifthlg,lp, extordloary roo can be covereilead neighed the mane day. and when finished forms a perfectly fray Pltoo/ stir fade With an Mastic body, which cannot be Injured by HEAT, Car/ or STOW SEROMONO of Mot Swum; nor any ex. tenet cation whatever. LIQUID GIITTII....PERCEEL - CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and • .1 6 aAi • 4_ la. 161: This Le the only Ompoaillcotlmown which will meows fully resist extreme otiangto4 of all climates,' for any length of dme, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres Ilrmiy, terming a body equal to coats of ordinary point, mete mac/elm and will LABE WILLIE TIMM Ali W4let ; mud , flatoupeedasdolty notiajttrod - by. gar eittractlehmal.exptmokbaof Tailed 'othisir Jtelatmodm copsequeal. upon auddeh'clutages of the Weather. It will a l l CRACII - IN OOLD-OR RUN IN WARM WB4l//NR, AND WILL NUT WASH an. Leaky Tin and other total Boon; can be readily repair ed with GUTTA PitRURA CILMENT, and prevented from further oorroake and leaking, thereby ensuring a par ' fenny tight roof for many years. This Cement le peculiarly adapted teethe preservation of IRON RAILINGS, STOS JIANGISS sAyik, AGED CULTURAL IMPLIISBNITA _ also . far general manu facturers use. - Lowell, Mau • GIITTA PERCHA - CEMENT For preserving and reptile' g Tin and , other Metal Roofs et eery description, frorelts great elasticity, is no...igitirell bY the contraction and expansion of Metals, and will 7 n6t. crack in cola or-ran in warm weather. Theis° 'materials aro , MA I M TO ALL =WM% and wo are prepared to ripply orders from say part attic Wan.. try, at short notice; Mr GUM' PICRCHA ROOFING in rolls, ready abort, for use, and G OTTA PERCEis idEztr nayrels, n with fall printed direetions for applf . cation. .We will make liberal and satisfactory aireegem en t a withreepoindble parties who would like to establish them selieila a lucrative and permalienk blialneas. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor et our Improved Rooting having applied them to several thousand Rode in New York Oily and . mauls itCROBLET SOLI MANUFACTUREas, Wholesale -Wareholuie 78 William Bt. Owner ot Liberty are& AT7I W YORK Full drocriptlirallircualin_rhiCerlcee_willite Imitated on amecatica. „ - I)IILITAXTSIMINTLATEL A = , NEW - 730 T, eoeilrel i of the bed ',l'doof to thirrbitiii But: *IT fikettllantous. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harneen, Straps, Belle, Boot &c IT WILL MEND GLASS, zrnisors. It can Id applied by any one,: ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. AGENTS WANTED, OUR TERMS ARE CASH. ittisaUantous FREIGHT REDUCED Howard &Hope EXPRESS CO.'S MORT & QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7i P. M., by the Fast Through lapress Train, arriving in Harrisburg at '8 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York. .B roich it 412 4S LS For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen HAmatinto, Aug. 1861.-dtf 0. F. MUENO . TRAYKUNG Aringr OF , THE , OLD WALLOWER LINE. 91HI8 OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE Is still in seaward operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury„Lewisburg, Williams port, Jersey 'Shore, loot haven, and all points on the Northern ()antral, Philadelphia sue Erie, and Williams port and Elmira . Railroads. - Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. Good sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & HINCHHAN, NW. 808 Mid 810 Harlot street, above Eighth, by 4 o'olook,.p. M., will arrive at Harrisburg, irea ty for 'deliVery, the next morning. C. F. M U NCH, apB4l' Traveling Agent.:4 JOHN 'B. 'SMITH'S BOOT .&,. gtoitt CORNER SEOOND AND WALNUT STS., • • Haniaburg, Pa. ALWAYS on h and a large assortment of BOOTS, SROKS, GAITERS, 40., or the very best analities fur Indian, gentlemen sod „ children ' wear.-- Prime to lull the Ulnae. 'All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the beet style by superior workmen REPAIRING Softest, short notice. ocllltdtf JOIN B. alma Harrisburn r ji - J • " B. M. CELLDBA I -D. D. 13. • SPAIE STR.EET, OPPOSITE 'THE'ER4I)3t "HOUSE. A 11 operaidni, Buigical and Mechanical, .41411;sobaeWbAllY performed.. CUM" MOdellaC INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTAT, SAFETY INSURANCE OOSIPANT. OE EILITADHLPHLL. INOORrORATED 1885. CAPITAL AND A2s $904,907.61. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH ' AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1194. CAPITAL AND emus $1,219,475.1 . ondersigned, as Agent' for the well known . Companies, will make Insurance against lessor damage by Ike, "either perpetually or en baldly, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportationltteks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to mums, Ilarriaburg,Ta. 00t4'61•.d;w17 JOHN WALLOWER, Agt. GENERALFORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GEO:DS AND MERCHANDISE promptly • Rimini& by'Phlladalplia aid Reading, biorthern Cumberland:Valk* and Pennsylvania Railroads and Will HAULING AND DRAPING to and from sliiiarts of the aity to the, dtgereat, Railroad depot; will :be:done at :the very Wiest rates. FA ILLLING removing will be promptly attended:to. Orders eft at Brent's European aotolor at the. store OR. 8. Zeilliipt'Srilr receive pteinfit attention.' 'Con signments of freight reepeettelly.solioisen. JOHN yir4I.I.OIPRR. Agt., Mee Raiding Depot. • ALDERBIAN. . HENRY , PEFFER:• OFFIOR-THIIID srazzr, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR hWMET Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. am: or munasPußa. !"'s'. myl2-dtt ,HOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Board Reduced to $T per Day. INDE the spenisg,sf this vast and com. S modious 1:44t11, in 18b4, it has been the single en deavor.of the proprietors to make ft the most sumptuous, convenient and ' - comfortable hem for the citizen hid stranger on this slue the - Atlando. And whatever him seemed likely to administer to the comfort of its guests they hanendeavored without re gard to Mg, to provide, and to combine al l elements of individual 'and social enjoyment - which . Modern art has invented, end Modern taste approved ; and the pat ronage which it has commanded during the pug ifix.yea t s is a gnltilliFg proof aimchair efforts have been appro. Tolnieet the estigesicles or the times when 'en are 're paired to praohoothe Most rigid economy, the -under stgOad • Bare. Reduced the Price 'of Board- to Two Dollars:, per Day, at. tho same abating none of the 'luxuries with which their i table hag hitherto been supplied. RIADWELL. WHCEIXOItki CO. Neer Rork, Se pt`.'p 2, 1861.aapa.ame FLAGS I Pia& Ci 43. I 1 FAMRE PAPER AND EN VIALOPRS with Nashogradspir,tAarsit PAPER :41121'a irieW ot- Y Pl'intlar- - 8.410 jig* 1.. • r l =. Eti l Atri'VF/ 41 4.44. 1 tetri. ' draiOlit • - 'llOltH 21.481' ILLebitai 15cERHAV.R, 8 Holland Bitters FOR DYSPEPSIA Livir Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Ns successful introduction and wie of this Me. hrsaydßenaSly has been the signs] fora literal flood oimpounds called "Bitters," offered in venom forma, from a quart, bottle to a five gallon keg, until this word " MMus" ia•but another name for "grog," or some villanons whiskey mixture, But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, VEMIMIE'S HOLLAND arrnras, and the entire absence of after prostrunibs e has esta blished for it a reputation which the host of imitations and counterfeits have gated to undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pore spirits to preserve it. Bat and else of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles.) price Chat Domes. It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy fbr POstfylog the Blood, so essential for the foundation of good health and for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. Two or three &see will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength,a healthy action of the liver, bowels and k tiricys will soon take place, and renewed health be the' quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try - literligtve's Reiland Bitters. For MBARTI3I3I33t, Try literliare's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY. Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For WATE.R.BEASE4 Try &CAMFeSßolland Bitte;s. For EIMADAIJILE, Try Ikerli4ve's.. Rolland Bitters. For .14088 9PFETITE4 Try BarnaWs Holland Bitters. Por COSTMEINESS, Try Nerhave's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try Bcethave% Holland Bittirs. In all Nervons,• Rheemaffe, and Neuralgic. A frt.,- tions, it bee in: numerous. Inninces; proved highly beneficial, and In others effected a dechtial cure ttimid Cair:etully! The gerndne, Melly-Concentrated Bcransore Rot- Leen Bursae IS lust up in half-pint bottled only, at el retailed it One Dollar per bottle The great deur, 1111 for this truly celebrated Medicine has inducedme. y imitation% which the public abould guard against purchasing. ' " ' Beware of bnyissitiort / Ste that our mane uon the label (emery bottlers.. buy. Benj Page, Jr &Co SOLE MANUFACTURERS PITTS fitrnall, PA For , Rio in ft. ray of Barrlib ag ay D W. GROSS 00. voWlrci--oeoldfkorly itisWIPAY • WATO.EIES ()LOOKS FANCY GOODS are • • ALFRED. .F: alithEltlikli 401 . . ~.• . • • • • •- xo. 52 Ream S T RE ET, Hartiabgrg, • 'FM; Oppeldte' Gaint's HOTI Mid adliiinlng' the Womb turtles Furchneed We Itseit of. EA? Janninis,:atior gilded a large assortment, of NSW SIM- I:MY, we sea-the Mime at the lowed cash price, and entleit.patronago. - . Watches; Midi lid Jewelry neatly and promptly re. paired sad delivered. ALFRED F. RIINOISMAN & CO. . r . • ' Raving disposed of . my mock of Jewelry to: A, F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully reeenunend them to my for mer enincirieets ..ati practical and nefierienced - Walsh klaker,and solicit fir them a continuance of the patron age wMch'iniaheentio paairously extended tome during the Mat Mx years: . jan2ll F. JENNINGS. . . DENTIBTBL. . GEO. W. 8 riNS, graduate . °Utile Daltimoro 00110 01 Dontaidurgery, having perm: wetly loeatedln the city of Ehirriaborg and tetra the office Ittniotertyr occuphd by , Or. Gorgsh,-els'elthlit:Fistr eet, between „Market, and Walnut, rentiootn Inferele trierlde end th it :heti° general, the "p eperdd te" perform ell QlN:ration& id too Dental Irofftoon, either sortitnal or mechanical, in a manner Gott Shalt not be eurinetted oinitatOre- tn . this or ineotbei ray.' -Hie mode of inseruncerildamt tooth Is upon the, hues: ul proved notentlfici pviedipleb. • • " Teeth, from ocosioa roll set, mounted en, fine Geld, Sli ver, Medlin plates or the Vulcanite Sue. Itate great pleasure In teconniending the Amore gen Stamen to , all 4ny,former patients et Harrlabar , s and et. *ay; and fed confident that he wtllltelrtiriii WI 'opera tions in'alattentido nut weir, Irmo idpicameledire ,o( LL ability. imyB.4ltri F. J 6. GO,DG4/3, D. D. a. STAGE .LIIIIE TOR GETTYSBURG FARE. ItEDUCEO TO $1.25 THROUGH. TO GETTIBBIHIG. THE undersigned has established a rqular LINE OF STAGE COACEEItI. Orn Atechan burg, connecting 'theory other morninerrith the Minh ar bi Vanity. 4alirosd; cars, The coadhestibave !every every Titeeday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Passengers for Sheepardstown Dillebtirt, Petersburg and Suifysburg are carried at reanced.rates. Jell-dtt ' !ran. . COAL OFFICE rpm UNDER SIGNED having•eids4•l4 in. ,&„ Witte COAL TRaDE In thia city, wouldlespeatfilly solicitthe patronagtrof the citizens. 1 wittreep on.ltand Coal of all sizes, from the most celebrated and approYwd Mines, which will be delivered to any part of the city, free front dirt and. caner Impurities._ ,FOLL WllllOlll tivaaarism. Coil 1011, BY BOAT LOAD; MI LOAD on doetits , Ana: Persina putahashni- by the Bow or Car Load, win raceive,9.,24o.posnde to tha Citilo 74"Narkat streat,'aecond debt' Mentfoirbei ry alias Yazd on the Qum', foot of North - .street .Or dere let tat either place will receive prompt atiention. aoktatly • I. • JOHN Wt 'HALl.,=linent. • 3PINtII3IEIC SHAD, No: 1'; SALIdON,-s4tol' - 1:; HERRING,' No I, corkFlBH, No: 1, o.:1. ‘IN he above we have ail the daletput. sired packages row the imr to the atoneLt in stein and poi ode at the Malt swerkety,a.tes, WM:DOCK, Jr. & CO. 11 EBRAMOSE I ATIRa_, j TturtGIOURTERS Ornamental Manus E rapanage lfetaL TEIRRAIOMRTRItS, de 'Bronzed do TWOGROALICTIRS, Distillers Tin case, 19 THIGGIOIrtiTHad. do Brass Resod Double 'Scale TElRRaillidadßS, Union Case; 70-12 hien. • THERILOIGHTGIS, Gentile Frame, 8.10 JOWL TORRiIOiLIIIIIII4 - Black , Walnut Rae, 10 loch. ,TARRANifinwas, Tin Cale, 7-8.10 . blob. We . have JUJU. received a One lot or' THERMQMMTR R of various swiss, and sraselang Wein- RELLRIVS DRUGSTOR E, daD . . . 91 Gerket street. tfoellOßY, OAK: AND WOOD 'r sale; ' 'qv slim: Olt QUID LENO2N TO RUM PaROHAS'Abt& ALISO, LOCUM ParB4.lVD psigsvvid Ams OU7 ro AWN; &lONE AND BAND FOR BDILDINQ. PURPOS&S impure of the subscriber at his resaence on the Ridge road opposite the Good,. Will .rligine Hoes or at the y ar d, ° ur n°, of &maid - and 'Woad streitsi West hat Ash [ m1 27 -tf ; . • ^'..o Bra /00Lg SIGN - THE Glorious Star Snantiledßanner . ' •. istoirian snr — ria' ALLYARER, s9olithalk-IaqtBPLEIMEIX ittliDolo BLINlis, Pi I lraklwit can the•iila Of.ogr ftligOa r apdcordially limits 'Wiwi blitgObUfintjorkiiii. OW d4illellibed4(Kien , PirP.' • . 14. i 4,1 : :1 I fitebitat "They go right to the Spot," INSTANT =ASV STOP YOUR CouGH PIIRWY YOUR BREATH! BTRINGTHRN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTDIIEFIS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSIIMPTIVR, GENTLENFN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CON F ri LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITFf SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION CHILDREN CRY FOF SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECI loN They relieve a Omagh instantly They Clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the .nire, They Impart a dellcionyi aroma to the breath They ars delightful to the teete They are Made of simple barbs and caunnt hAr ral I advtse every one who has a Cough or a flap N or a Bad Breath, or any diftleulty 01 thr Throat =amen of my Throat Confections, they win relio, =tautly, and you will Ond them very useful an ant while traveling or attending public Metinzs for in` your Cough or allaying your thirst. if yiii i try n , package I aid see In saying that you will err wards consider them indispensible. You will Cot tiF i c, attha Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. PE M TWENTY-FIVE OFSTs 111, *natal% Is on each package. All othpr lands. A Package win be sent by matypropaid, , Thirty Oente Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 OLDER STRERT, Yu. OEPH.ALIO PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE i lly the nM pt these Pills the periodic Altvis , t N'tr lea tor Sick /FreadaeJte may be prerent , d, sunt hommaticement of au &LW , immediau relY pita aad Oiliness a, .1 ...obtained. i They seldom& taU in removing Nausea sod liraddN wildish females aro oo subject. Septet gentry upon the bowels, remormg Claitessi Por Literary Men,4ltudents, Delicate Remy". A n; t, persona of sedentary habits, they ago vidusLi , r I Posseip4 improving the arrarna, giving TONI tO the . Digestive organs, and restoring the attar,' 'AM ClitY aid` itrecnith to the w bole eyetem. The CEPHALIC PHIS are the rc, nit .;; • grlon and carefully oondumed experithro, turth, hoe , lit 'Mahe many years, during which tine cr. listed and , relieved a vast amount of Pain Lai sultrai IMosa liesAbleho. whether originating in the sierras sys ten or from a deranged state often 'touch. :They ere entirely vegetable le their computtl 6 t. oso4 be taken at all times with {or ulety toeking any dotage of diet and the absence .1 any 164 Mnderi attt adotinitter th.•l ehUlr' BZWARII OW COCINTERFEM The genuine have live signatures 01 Limey i; oil sea )tox. .801 d by druggists and all other dealera la WoWind AI BOX win be Beet by mall prepaid as receipt of the PIECE TWENTY-FIVE OENTs AU orders should be Addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Strwl. >ie% SSA Idagle bottle of 9PA6ING'S po:potio "LI 7I !is Wit times Its cagt moaually.lo SPALDING'S PREP Alt if,D 01,1 i F., i SPALDING'S PREPARED OLIJE t SPALDING'S PREPARED (11.1 , E I SAVK THI 11190:$ I ECONOMY stir.. enrol IN TIMI dAYIIS 111.311.".te •••• 111ceidengs visa hallo., even in Kta.revidalta /3.10 11- very desirable to have some chum. .01 way tor repairthw Faraitare, Toys, Croc. SPALDING'S PIINPARIS GUI meets all suet' ememenees, stel no nousenoio Ilatl to , be Without It. It is always ready sad up W 0t,65• tug point. wUfiEWCIL IN EVERY EICIUSB." - N. B.—A Brtuili accoutpanteß arch bOlotiJ. ♦dams agNitY C. . t rAL.i.. Ol3, • No. 48 cedar *reel, N. York. CAUTIONS AA "dank usPrlncipled peritoneum attempting to Pa , a") unscultisoteng publio. Mutations 01 ciy .MOII I woad caution all Woos to esesese Puriiiipli, and see test the Tenn woe& _•.pl _ AlimrALpa,e, PtittPA (Eh lILUS.4I PriilPper;ell others ere surindhug 'l'4ll6t. ertbdewly•rctrebli Uhl . 6'(Y: F 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers