pailp ititgrao. 11 A It RISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, November i, 1861. RECRIVED TLLSIR UNIFORMS. —Capt. George W. P. Davis company received their uniforms this looming, and we presume will shortly be fur niheil with arms so as to enable them to enter open the discharge of their duty as guard of the mblic property. • DEATH OF .4 DALTRIN COUNTY SOLDIER.-0 11 la,t Monday, Wm. Mentzberger, attached to o apa. , y (1, 12th regiment, died at the Union 11,41, Washington. He was unmarried, about 20 years, and was a nativeof Middle town, this county. IM=ll3 THE JOUILNAL of Middletown, says that all the saw mills in that borough are doing a good Bills seem to be as plenty as in times of peace, and some of the mills are running day and night. The timber for the Harper's Ferry bridge was sawed at Middletown. Dit.SAGE TO BOATS —During the terrible storm on Saturday, some twelve boats were stoved l sunk below Havre de Grace. Mr. Jacob Wilson's boat, of Middletown, loaded with 1 , ale, was wrecked, and the top loading vaiu -lat ,ibout four hundreds dollars, sunk. The , im b er b e longed Mr. Samuel Landis, also of liddl ,,, o „n. it is feared that several other loam, ~t Middletown met with serious dis- =az= AS ,1 ILT i PON AN Orricsa.—A colored man mol Jelin Hillan was arrested by officer Lanpb,ll last night, for some misdemeanor, tut while on the road to the lock-up, he showed n.,lstauct . , and in the scuffle which ensued, he vl,l a pistol at the officer, and effected his • es owe. This morning, however, he was recap tund by officer Campbell, and taken before the Mayor, who sent him to prison'to answer. PHILADELPHIA is the seat of medical science in this country, and the test appliei by the teach , 1•• of medicine in that city to a new remedy Lr rheumatism advertised in our paper, gives to it a recommendation which we do not re inialiber to have ever seen attached to any me dicine advertised. It will be taken by those afflicted with rheumatism, with confidence, and must become a family medicine. =MEE Dtsrasssma Accinsyr.—On Friday a week, Mr. Jacobßoffa, of Frederick, Lebanon county, was out with a portion of his family gathering chestnuts, and had with him a gun, the trigger of which was caught by a twig, discharging the gun, the contents of which entered the body of his daughter Rebecca, an interesting girl, aged It years, 2 months and 12 days. She expired about three hours afterwards. Tut IIEAVgNS.—An interesting sight may now be observed before sunrise in the morning. Three of the heavenly bodies—Jupiter, Saturn awl the moon—will appear to be within two or three degrees of each mar. All are now in the constellation Leo, the two planets being scarce ly three-quarters of a degree apart. Jui.iter is the brighter of the two, and has just passed by Saturn its its course eastward. The apparent motion, however, is so slow that it cannot be detected in less than three or four days. As Jupiter makes the circuit of the heavens in Iktout twelve and Saturn in about thirty years, it will be two-thirds of the latter period before they are seen so closely together, and that in a different quarter of the sky. The planet Venus is now a most beautiful object in the southwest for an hour or two after onset. It is near the tropic of Capricorn, and of course will soon turn and move east by north, dining with a brilliant. light in the higher Loustellatious during the winter and spring. A WORD ABOUT FAstnos.—The indefinite and indefinable thing called Fashion—how capri cious it is! We join with a sprightly cotempo.. l rary in taking who makes Fashions, and what is it that determines that a certain style, though confessedly in fashion yesterday is horridly out of fashion to day ? Yet the rule of Fashion is as definite, as precise and as vigorous as that of any possible tyrant. Taste has nothing to do with fashion, or rather fashion has nothing to do with taste. Ina fashionable sense nothing can be intrinsically pretty and becoming. If a given style is "in fashion" it is of course pretty —if out of fashion, it is clearly outlandish and unbecoming! So the identical bonnet that was really a "love of a bonnet" yesterday, may be set down as perfectly "horrid" to-day. What is stylish to-day becomes dowdyish to-morrow. After a little while, behold, it will be stylish again ! No one knows where "style" comes from or how long it will stay. It is like the wind—"thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth." All we are suffered to know is that it "cometh" and "goeth"—and this we know to a dead certainty. Somebody must sit up o' nights to invent styles, but it is somebody "whom nobody knows." We have observed that fashion travels circuitously. The drunken booby saw the streets whirling and the houses gliding by and philosophically resolved to wait until his own domicil came round' to where he was standing and then get aboard. So, even more philosophically, may you await the return of the "latest styles." If you have a good hat which Mahlon has outgrown, just lay it safely aside, bide your time, and the fashion will come around. again. The female world is sacrificed OD the altars of Fashion. The rich constantly trying to be original, in order to distinguish th emselves from the poor, and,the poor chasing °A as fast as they can ! It is really a desperate 141 3. No sooner do the rich find themselves Z e up with in any given style than, in order ti„ caste,"they immediately reject that l l:, kw invent soMething new. The poor t411 3' take the alarm, find themselves shock -111/,.*.! 5 1 1 fashion when they supposed they had " 4 1 and then rush on to ape the rich 4allll the rtuzio so female divinity is perpetually on u dreedi na ital. seatthe "respectable" Part ever tiles ever Tevli:ation, and the woulii-be-respecta luld the unlnefe tlth to imitate I Groat is ?talon, n get the profit of it ' A HARRISBURG WO= or ART—PanOtarna of the United State.—Night before last we formed one of about a dozen of the personal friends of Harry Davis, a young and talented artist of this city, who were invited to his studio in Dock's building, Third street, for the purpose of witnessing the exhibition of his panorama of the United States—a work upon which he has been engaged for the last two years, and which now needs but a few days labor for its entire completion. We found the canvass properly adjusted on rollers, in frames, and brilliantly illuminated with gas, so as to display its beauties to the best possible advantage. The panorama is painted on nearly 19,000 square feet of canvass, each of the scenes being about 9 by 14 feet in size. It is divided into five sections, and altogether there a& about one hundred scenes. The first section opens with a magnificent scene, representing the discovery of America by Columbus, and is followed by the pilgrims at sea on board the May Flower, the landing of the pilgrims on Plymouth rock, and various other incidents in the early history of our country. The second section illustrates the manners and customs of the aborigines of the country, embracing religious ceremonies, dances, etc.; all faithfully delineated and admirably diversified with the most charming and picturesque land scapes. Several .portraits of celebrated Indians are included in this section, as well as a scene representing the attempt made to burn the elder John Harris, the first white settler in this vicinity. The landscape in this view, as well as the grouping and costumes of the figures are accurately portrayed. The third section is composed of scenes, illus trative of the war of 1812, the Mexican war and other modern historical incidents, in the repre sentation of which all the "thunder and smoke of battle" are given by a mechanical contri vance with a startling effect. The fourth and fifth sections are composed of illustrations representing the progress of the great southern rebellion, commencing with a finely executed view of Fort Sumter. All the principal battles are faithfully portrayed, and others will be added as they occur. Included in the fifth section are fine portraits of Presi dent Lincoln, Gans. Scott, Anderson and Beau regard, all taken from photographs. Altogether the panorama is emphatically one of the best we have ever seen, either in re gard to its execution, or general interest. The figures are sketched with anatomical accuracy, and possess a natural and life-like coloring, while the landscapes are bold and spirited, with just sufficient tone to render them attractive to the eye. Indeed there are several of . these lat ter which are perfect gems of art, and worthy of the highest commendation, which we are certain they will receive from all who are able to appreciate their superb beauty. Mr. Davis may well feel proud of this great artistical work, which is destbied to place him among the first of the leading scenic painters in the country, as he is now among the leading por trait painters. The panorama will be publicly exhibited at Brant's Hall about the first of December, when onrcitizens will have an opportuniti of fully judg ing its merits, and at the same time by their pat ronage extend to the talented artist a subatan tial remuneration for his ardor's task in produc ing a work so eminently calculated to reflect honor upon our city. Heron's Ornox —A Soul Above Bribery.— "Have you Terrance here safe and sound, yer honor," enquired a dapper little Irishwoman, bursting into the Mayor's office, just as the pre siding genius of that judicial temple had ex pressed a wish for her early arrival. Mayor.—"l believe we have. Here Terrance." "0, niver mind calling him," returned the ittle Irishwoman, "for I'd rather laive him orever and a day wid yees than run the rlsk ov oosin' him again." Here Terrance came forward, scratching his head and looking as if he was politely petition ing the tower of Brant's Hall to fall down and cover him, so that he might be safely put of reach of the scowl with which the aforemen tioned lady regarded him. "Bo Biddy alarm," said the culprit ins brogue as broad as his face, "you've came for me at last, I see." Biddy.—Don't alarms me ye lutist. Mucha, but sure it's the impudence of the divil, as well as our own, you must have to spaik to me in that manner !" Mayor.—" What has he done• to yon, Biddy ?" Biddy.—"o, don't ax me to mintion it, yer honor. 0, Terry, Terry, if I could only see ye hung without judge or jury, it's =self that 'ud be the happy woman I" Terrance.—" Troth, an' ye wouldn't, Biddy ; for, sure, blurinagers, a man's not to blame when he's decoyed away by a love poison." Biddy.—"o, the divil love yeis it love' yer spakia' ov? Yer honor, can't I send him to the pinitentlary for a year or two? It's the only way ov making him decent again, an' getting the Wet good ov him !" Mayor.—" Well, tell us the nature of his offence, and we'll see what can be done." Terrance.—"o, murdther !-0, Biddy, dar llnt, be rabenable ! Think on the time when I worked for yon, an' rocked the cradle for you, an' danced you on my lap till you wor th' envy ov all the married women in the neightiorhoodl 0, tarinagers, Biddy arthora: don't be looking at the Bible in that manner, for if you awair against me I'll be sure to die ov it, and thin may be rd be hauntin' you wid rue ghost." Biddy.—The sorra a much fear ov that, Ter ry any way—for th' divil 'ill keep you tonight whin he gets you to let you haunt any wan— unless it may be your dirty deary ! Terrance.—" 0, Biddy, daicency, an' I'll go clown on me knees, and swear agin her for ever an' ever." illayor.—" I see you've charged your hus band, Biddy, with leaving you without -sup port. Is there anything else?„ Biddy.—There is in troth, yer honor, some:. thing thee as bad as leaving me without two supports. (To Terry.) R oe, ye thalf nt everything, an' have you slut off to prison. " Terrance:—" Murdthar's me doo 4; - I see 14144 y. Biddy, wilho, . just forgive me thall ptunegthanta telegrgh, tlyirstrag 'Afternoon. Noventba 7, 1861. time, an' I'll buy you the puttiest pathern ov, a gownd that iver wint on a woman's hack." Biddy.—" Gownd, eh! Do you mane what ye say, Terry? tut ov course, you don't, you rashkill, for there's no few gownds for me your lawful wife—so long as that nasty black divil back ov the hill continues to cock her cap at ye." Terrance.—" Don't you hear me sayin' I'll swair agin her, an' isn't that enough ?" Biddy.—" Enough is it, whin you'd swair the leg off an iron pot ony day to desaive me, and get back to her ! No, per honor, just tell me if yees have wan place worse nor another for perjured thraitors, an' I'll swair him into it ?" Mayor.—" I am afraid we have only one place for him Biddy—the prison." Biddy—" Well sindhim there—so make haste and hand me the book." Terry, (in an agony.)—" For the love ov the Vargin, Biddy, don't put yer hand on it ! Don't agra machree or you'll kill meself an' braik yer own heart ; an' thin sure its to the dhrink I'll be takin to dhrown me sorrow. Bay, donna Sawn, won't you forget an' :forgive; an' take me home wid you.?" Biddy. No, Terry the divil Should have ye furst ! Mayor.—So, Biddy, you'll you'll send him to prison ? Biddy.--Ov course I will, yer honor ! Terrance.—An' give up the new gound, Bid dy asthora Biddy.—Main levy calico, I suppOse, while Miss Charcoal, as I may call her, wairs sprigged muslin. No, Terry, I've a soul above bribery; so in you go. Terrance.—Bale ginuiue worsted, Biddy, at three livies a yard. An' sure its yerself that would like a Qusne in it, if you'd,only listen to raison. Mayor.—Take hold of the book, Biddy! Biddy.—Wait a minnit, yet honor, jewel— three liviee a yard, Terry, an' the money down— an' you'll await, niver agin to look back on the hill secuta seculorum. Terrance.—On me knees, Biddy darlint. Biddy.—l don't belave you, you rashkill. Yer honor, now I'm ready for you! Terry.—(beseechingly)—Think on the beauti ful gownd, Biddy asthma, that you'd look like a Quane in! Biddy.—" Bale wasted, Terry !" Terry.—"Honorbright, Biddy, an' three livies a yard." Biddy.--"Yer honor, do yon think I might be after forgivin' him this want 1 Mayor.—" He's in the habit of running off to a black woman's, is he Biddy f " Terrance.—(in an interjection of dispair)— "Oh! murdther—l'm sould agin ! " . Biddy.—" Throe for yer honor, so we'd bather sind the baist off without any further trouble, for mercy would be only thrown sway on him!" Terrance. " Och hone ! yer honor, you've ruined me, an' I settlin' ' things so nately Biddy, asthera, ain't we goin't " Biddy.—" Yes, Terry, asthora, if its any com fort to you, your goin' to prison. Mayor—The book, Biddy 1 Biddy—ltepate the oath yer honor ! Terrance—l'll add a silk nick handkerchief, Biddy darlint :—a wasted gownd at three livies a yard—an' a silk handkerchief that might carve a lady heiress ! Magistrate—You hereby— Biddy—Wan ininit more, yer honor—a wisted gownd, you say at three 'lvies ? Terrance—As sure as I'm a sinner, Biddy alarms. Biddy—An' a silk nick handkerchaif Terrance—O, divil a lie in it, Biddy croon. Biddy—An' you won't ever think ov the black divil back ov the hill Terry—"Och hone ! but mire its meseif that won't—an if you doubt me word I'll sweir to it till I'm black in the face, Biddy ma vourseen!" Biddy—" Well, Terry, though I'm above bribery—l've got a heart in me buszom as well as other people ! Your'e sure you won't desaive me ?" Terrance--" I'll die find, Biddy, darlen't ?" Biddy—"An' that you've got the money for the gownd and the handkerehaif ?" Terrance (producing a wallet,) "I have, in troth—an' here kape it yerself, till. you've bought and ped for them." Biddy (securing the fundo,) "I think yer honor, I'll forgive him this time." Mayor—l thought so from the : beginning ; but what about the black lady ? t Terrance "Och murdher 1 hang me daicent ly at want, yer honor, but don't be afther killin' me be inches 1" Biddy—"l dunna what to do ; I'd like to ewair agin but—but— Terranee—"But the new gownd and the handkerchaif, Biddy darlen't I" Biddy—" Well, Terry as ye have me word,come along ; but wo be to you if you ever deeaive me me ageing" And the next moment theliving couple_were among the missiug. READ the advertisement of Philip Ensminger in another column. See Professor Wood's advertisement in another column. • A. M. STODDARD will open or Tuesday, Nov. 12th, a handsome assortment of Winter Milli nery. MIRO/lAMB AND • OTHERS whose business does not require the attention of a regular book keeper, can have the services of an experienced accountant in posting and examining books, drawing off accounts, &c., by addressing Levi Wolfinger, cor. Filbert and South sts. nov. 6-6 t. CHOICE Yoax BLUM APPLES, Greening's Bell flowers, GiMowers, English Bed Streaks, Co coanuts and nuts of all description, Currants, Citron. A choice assortment of Confectionary, Soaps, Candles, Spices, Tobacco, Sams. Fresh Butter, Cheese, Stc., wholesale and retail, No. 101 Market street, between Fourth and Fifth sire* by John Cotterel. • it° Tau Itsmover. or GIN. Fasmorr.- - -While we regret the removal of John C. Fremont, we can not doubt the wisdom that prompted it, when the servants of our Government transcend their instructions and subvert the interests- of the country, at any time, (and especially at a time; like this,) for their own sickly vanity and pek military gain, it is the duty of the President to remove those that so offend. Should Mr. Fre; mont visit our city, in his route to Washin the cheap More of 'Maw & Bowx.rE will o l!idoptßents to replatish hie waratoW . SANFORD'S CHALLENGE HsArres—To set in Brick, Portable or as Fireplace Heaters. The most powerful Heaters known for warming Dwell ings, Churches, Schools, to. Send to law; Gli.- Bum, agent at Harrisburg, for a fall discription and an unparalleled mass of testimony. THE COSMOPOLITE parlor coal stove with radi ating ventilator and gas burning diachrnad, intro duced one year ago, already ranks as the leading stove for Parlors, Bitting Booms and all places where a soft pleasant heat is desired; together with a large assortment of other parlor and cooking stoves of the best patterns to be had at the store and tinware establishment of LIMAN Gliuzar, Market street. tf. Funs, Funs, Funs.—sl,ooo worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ; 100 fur capes ane muffs, from $8 up to $l2, worth double ; 25 doz. hoop skirts for 60c., 75c. and $1 26 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 60, $3 50 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels ; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 14, 18 and 20 cents ;86 large woolen blan kets ;60 pieces canton flannel, at 14 cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; 60 pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers De Laines, at 22 and 26 cents ; received a new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and retail dry good store. Wholesale — buyers we would especially invite to our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. PURIFY TES BLOOD. •MorrA's Uri PriMatiD %Wight Bruise.— hie from air Assral Pormiss..Arlahes" of Suriorula Ulcers. Scurvy,. or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the life Medicines Is truly astonishing, often removing in a few aays, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects bn the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia; Dropsy, Piles, and In short, most all diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely use mottle suffering and expense may be saved. Preaarrd by WIS. 11. WIPP •T, D.. New Yort, and for rale by all Dr4WIEIPte sovitway MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED UST Published in a Sealed Envelope ; J Price 0 ate : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, antiradical Clare of Bpermatorrhota or teeminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, andlmped intents to Marriagegenerally, Nervotuniess, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits: Rental and Physical Incapacity, re. suiting from self Abuse, &o.—By ROBT. J. CULVER. WELL, if D., Author of the Green Book tic. "A Boon to ThonsanJa of Sufferers." sent -under seal, In • plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH..I. C. RUNE, 127 13 Avery, New York, Post Ofise, Box46&1. sepa-daw3m HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are mere Imitations, and ,should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule• GREY. RED 1111 RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least Injury to Hair or Skin. FllefEEN -YirallALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar. ded to Ws. A. BATOITILOR - 81n-41 18. ,9, and over 200,000 applications have been made t the lair of the patrons of biz famous Dye.. Ww. A. BATCH/HMS HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and fs WARUNTID not to injpre In the Mast, however long It m ty be °outfit. nod, and the ill trams of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied tt No. le Solid Street New York. Sold in all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fanny Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A, Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the tour Gees of each kbor.. Wholeads Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 288 Broadway, New York ooadAwly A CARD TO THE LADIES DBE DiTFONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOE FEMALES. afalltble u oorrecUng, regulating, awl reawslug a obstructions, from whatever came, and l aws successful as a craven _ live. PILLS RAVE BEEN USED 'BY the donors for many years, both In Prance and erica, with unparalleled anomie In every case ; and he le urged by many th ousand ladies who need them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities 'Whatever, as well as to prevent an imam) Of family where health will not permit It.— Females particularly situated, or these supposing them. selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition as they are sumo produce miscarriage, Ina the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo When, although their mildness would prevent any mia chief to boalth—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Pull and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise $1 00 per box. Sold, wholesale and retail. "Ladles," by sending ao to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (conildentinily a=rea lu t i f d re 4 gage by mail. Sold also by S. S. Jonsson, HOLLOWAY k aroma Philadelphia, ]. 1.. Lai- Entons, Lebanon, Daum H. Hamm,Lancaster; J. A. WOLF, Whtsville ,• B. T. Munn; York ; and toy one S. int isevery city and village In the Union, and by h i 3 owx, ole proprietor, New York. N. B.—Lookout for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind =lees every box is signed E. D. Howe. Al , others are a base Imposition and unsafe ; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of ta ng humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pine being counterteited • delkiwrowly. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES DR—CHEESEMAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Oheeeerean, M. D., IsLE W YORK OI.TY . TE combination of ingredients :n theft Pills are the result of a long and extensive nrardice. They are mild In their operation, and certain In correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwiie, headache, pain in the side, palpitation oi the heart, whites, all ner vous aleectipee, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the-back and limbs, disturbed sleep, which arises , from interrup tion of nature. TO MARRIED LAMP, Dr. Cheeseman's Pigs are Invaluable, ate they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladle who have been diaappomted la tho.use of other. Mt can place the *moist confidence I n Dr. Obeeseman's Pill. thaw all that they represent to do. NOTICE. There is One condition of the found. !plea which the Pak cannot be taloa without produciap a PE= L 14.8 Assn .T. Th 4 muraign roferred to 4 .21#6g1TeLNUY— = thepereit JELSVARRIAGit MC an Ad wahine to reek re thenon i; a to ' condition, that ens gke nsgroduative pater of na ture cannot resist it. • Warranted &rely vegetable; and free from anything injurious. Expllcn.directlaes, which should` be road, ac= company each hoi; Moe SL. Sent by mall oa enclos ing $1 to Da. tantrum= L. thiIISINAN, Box 4,581, Peat office, New York Qty. bold by one Dniggis tin every town In the United Slates. R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States. 14 Broadway, Now York, whoniall wholesale orders should,be addressed. nov29 dimly • WANTED, ,200 OVERCOATS, 500 Suits of good Second band Clothing, including hate, caps, boots and shoes, also household and kitchen furniture of every discriplion tor which a fair price In cash will be pild at the Auction Store, No. 34, on the booth corner of Second and Chestnut streets In th:a city. PUILIP ENSIIINGER, novb-d3l-tu•them Guy Auctioneer. THREE STEAM ENGINES FOR SALE.. BE undersigned offers for sale ONE NEW 30 HORSE ENGINE; and two Second-Hand engines of smaller size, The engines will be sold cheap tor club or approved paper. Apply at the Steam la trine Works, sixth street, between Walnut and Market, Harrisburg, Pa. JACOB It .I.IZ novZ•daw-wit 300 SHOEMAKERS WANTED. HE underuigned wishes to emptoy, im- T THREE ittiNnzuw SHOSeldriRS, to fit and bottom Cavalry &tote, to whom the highest wagm will be paid. Prices for lltthig 216 - oents, fOr bottoming 76 Dents. JONATHAN OORNAIAN. Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 80, 18113-42 W A. COOK WANTED.- Liberal wages jii will be given. Appply st T. J. JORDAN'S, 505-424.* Wsbmt street. OR KENT .= The r find no sO ' cextpied gO7 4.04. Yibaa. WA* %PIP 0 .44 11 ., ?we ; iven !tu ", gisIu PORTER. GECROS W. Nun 7thertionunts Assignees' Sale of Real Estate. THE SUBSCRIBERS will sell by public outcry at the Court House, at Harrisburg, on %tar day the 16:6 day of November next, at two o'clock P The VOA of John Wallower, Senior, consisting c.f 188 acres, situated in Susquehanna township, about three millet front Barrtitburg, adjoining land of John H. Fox, John Zinn and others. There era erected on the Farm a large Two Story Stone 11011.0, IL Bank Barn, Tetant Nausea, Stables, &o. There la also a large orchara of apple, 'mar t Peach and cherry trees of choice varieties in excellent bearing or der. also, several veins ci goof Lime Stine, Which have been and eau be worked to advantage. The propirty will be sold in a body or in parcels to twit pureliiters. Llinclitions will be liberal and be announced on day of sale. There will also be off.ned for sale at the same time and place the undivided halt interest of 150 acres or Coal Lends situated on the Short Mountain, In Lykens Valley, Dauphin county. . A. 0. WESTER, O. F. MUENOB, eet9 3loawd-a , is assignees. Lancaster Intelligence and Carl We Herald insert three times and send bill to this (Ace immediately. FOR SALE OF RENT. riiHE undersigned offers lot . or rent, 11 his Distillery below Harr isbure, between the Penn sylvania Railroad and the Susquehanna river, with steam engine, pig pen, railroad siding and about eight acres of ground. Terms low. Apply to J. O. Bomberger, Dat., Cashier of the Mechanics Savings Bank Harrisburg, or te J 4688 DAIRY, 00126411m* Middletowis. COAL! COALS! sB,_ AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS -76.- 0. D. FORSTBR, L FFIOE No. 74, Market Street, yard on j the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale Cud Re tell dealer la TNNVOR2ON, • WILKSB4 ARE LTXthN vaLrxr, SUNBEIRY and BROAD SOP COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal din:sant made to pnr chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—atim SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS 11 1 HOME MANUFACTURE. CHEAPEST IN nig MARKET. #IIHE undersigned having opened his Wanoractory of Mktg Sm., at N 0.12 West Market streetl WWllklaborg, Pa , mos weapectfully solicits the patronage and attention of the Ladles, Gentlemen and Idercbanla 5 We following assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture : • 81111141, SffißT BOSONS, COLLARS, CUFFS, WRIST-BARDS, • • NIGHT STS, itto., hc. &a., Acc., Alsoethegiartisolar attention of the Ladies to our large assortment of under garments &c., (from the latest im proved London and Paris styles,) LlNiall COLLARS, CUFFS, SERB Am., in great varieties, a or which being our own maunufactare we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Tersona desirous of furnishing their own materials, on have cutting, sewing dle., of every variety done a :cord ing to order. All of the above named goods tbr Gents wear, we will make to measure, guaranteeing to tit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability and m =aerial. AU special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the moat reason able terms. P. S. ladies wishing skirts or under garments of any discription; can have them made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired. JAMES A. LYNN, No. 12, Market street, an29.dem Harrisburg, Pa. Rooms non door to Hummel kiiillinger's Orooery Store. icrzTrpili EILTALIE.MI STATE Street near Third etre et, a few doors below Brady's Hotel, ttarrisborg. A line new Hearse Ready made Cofilioi always on band and fealty finished to order. Silver plates, &c. Terms rea sonable. [lOO-ants] • O. HABER. GITM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, MUCH AS Beds, Pillows, Blankets. Coats,Caps, Loggias, Drinking Cups, & c., YOB BALM BY WM. S. SISAPPEIS, North:fide Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, ang2l.43aill. DR. T. J. MILES , SURGEON DENTIST , ' OFFERS hie seryices to the citizens o Harrisburg and 113 Vicinity. Se solicits a share o the publlirpstronage, and gives assurance that his beat etidaNins shall be given to render satisfaction In his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels safe In writing the public generally to call on tdm, assuring bent that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Moe No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oo - imolai by Jacob R, gby, near the United States Hotel. Rsrrlsbnrg. Pa nayedly VPHOLSTERING; PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, E POTTON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK:MATTRESSES, • ' COTTON COMFORTS, CHAIROITSHIONS; "LOUNGES, - CAMP STOOLS &c., &c., On band and for sale at We very lowest rates for Gash. Hair Mattresses and kens bottoms made to order. SOFAS, - LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATTRESSES &c., Red made equal -to new very. reasonable, all si NO. tricot 0. tricot street, between Fourth an t Fifth by oc J. T. BARiinz. Harrisburg :Blind . Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. VENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repairing 'neatly add expeditiously dOini. Per sons at a distance can lutve their work done by addres sing& letter to the undersigned. Thankful for past pat ronage he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. saremlsfaztion guaranteed both auto prices and wort.-gig A. B. lERARP. COAL ! COAL ! ! COAL I l! illirsobseriber is now prepared to de -1 liver to the citizens of Harrisburg either by the Car, Boat, Load or single Ton, the choicest kind of Walks barre, Sunbury, Ly kens Valley and Pinegrove Coal, hauled Oct by the Patent Weigh Cart, and full weight guarenteed. Orders left at my office, 4th add Market will receive prompt attention. DaVID McOORMICK. g, Oct. 80, 186L-6wd* •l LMALE and RETAIL DEALER in Confectionary, Foreign and Domeetk Fruit.— Pisa, Dates; Prunes, ftaiedits and Nuts of all kinds.— Fresh and soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spices, W ham:y*ora and oOutitfy Produce in generel..ilarket street, next door to Parke HOl.lBO, also curd er Third and Walnut streets. 0ct21415m JOHN WISE. COAL! LORBERRY COAL '1 I • /IRON who want the reel Genuine Old Fashioned Phannwe Goal from the Lorberry Mies (ey the car load or otherwise.) apply to' (H Gd.RVERICR, Jr.„ R. de S. Railroad office. 'oed2-Imd Hawsßußa Raw, Nov. 6, 1861. ritHE Board of Directors declared, • dividend or 10 nr Par "4 torthe, .I,MatbaS payable on _ W: LIVER REGULATOR, LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable extracts. They Aii cure all bilious disorders of - the human system.— They regulate and invigorate the liver and hinders, they give tone to the digestive organs ; they regulate the secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalize thaotrou lation, and purity the blood. Thus all bilious complaints —some or which are torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dye pep,ia, Piles, Chills and .Fevers , Costiveness or Lomas. twas—are eutirely rontrohed and cured by these FllllO - LIVER REGULATOR Removal the morbid and billions deposits best the stom ach and bowels, regluatea the liver and lridneya, remov e g ovary obstruction, restores a natural and healthy ac tion in the vital organs. lt la a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, • Much better than pills, and much easier to take. DAttLING'S LIFE BITTERS Ls a superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent In CUSS o[ loss of appetite, flatuleney, female weakness, Irretgotati ties, pain, in the able and So cell, blind, protru flog aid bleeding piles, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TWTEMONY ; Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, writes, August. 18, 1880: "I have been smloteC with piles, aci-oinp..tded with bleeding, the hat three years ; I ied LIFE BITTERS, And now consider myself rSTIRELY cimw." Hon. John 4. Oross writes, *Brooklyn, March le, In the spring of 18i59 I took a severe cold, which induc ed a vionnt fever. i took two doses of DARLING'S LIVER REGULAMR. It broke up my cold and lover at once. Previous to this attack, I had been troubled with dyspepsia several months ; I have felt nothing of it since." UUs Studly, Req., 128 Nest 28th Street, N. T., writes : "August 12, 1880-1 had a difficulty with Kidney Com plaint three years with doadtaist pain in the smell of my back. I had need most aßltlnds id medicines, but Mat no permanent relief until I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, I passed clotted blood by the urethra. lem now en tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these remedies." Idre C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y., writes : "Feb 20 , 1880.-1 have been subject to attacks of Aeth ma the last tw e aty yearn 1 have never round anything equai to Darling's Liver Regulator, in affording Immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, "February 28, 1880. In May last I hada severe attack of Mee, which conk. ed me to the house. I took one bottle of and was entirely soured. I have had no attach Owe." D. Westervelt., Seq. or South sth, near 9th Street, Wt. liamoburg, L. 1., writ es: "august 5, 1800.—Having been troubled with a diMcultyin the Liver. and subject to bil ious attacks, I was advised by a triad to try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, I did so, and found it to cperate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also used Rasa When our children are out of sorts, we give them • few drone and it sets thorn all right. I flnd It meets a. general wants of the stomach and bowels when disorder ed." awns, if you ne.d either or both of these most ex cellent Remedies, inquire for them at the stores ; if you do not And them, take no other, but Inclose One Dollar In stetter, and on receipt of the-money, the Remedy or Remedies Will be cent according to your directions, by mail or express. postpaid. Address, • DAN'L S. DARLING. 102 Nassau street. New York. Put up In 50 cent and $1 Bottela each. oatU-d6m THAT we have recently added to oar al LL ready full stook LA NORMATL9, HARI HART, L MONO, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERY FOR THE HANDERRCROW : TURKISH 11WBNCE, ODER OF MONK, LUBIN'S ISSENCM BOUQIILT. Fon Tax HAIR FAD LOSTRALIS ORYLTALFLID POINATLIN, MYRTLE AND VIOLET PONATON. FOR TM COXPLITION : TALC OF VENIL.E 3 ROSE LEaR POWDER, NEW MOWN RAY YOWLER, BLANC DS PERLE OF SOAPS Ea Ilszcs's Forms MOSS ROSE, BENiOIN HYPES TEN VIOLET, NEW MOWN HAY Jocquir CUM. Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles, weTancy that we are better able than our coin. petitors to get op a complete Toilet Set at any price do. aired. Call and see. Always on hand, a FRESH Stock of DRUGS, 16CDI GINO, CHENICAIS, &c., consequent of our remising almost daily, additions thereto. EMLER'IIi DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors Rasta yourth Street, South aide. GILT FRAMES I GILT PRAMS J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufabturer of Looking Glean and Picture Frames, fillt and Softwood Nouldinp Lc. 48 onirmyr STREET, NEAR SECOND. HARRISBURG, PA. French Mirror; Square and Oval Portrait Frames of every deserlpUon. OLD PRAWN RIF-GILT TO NEW DA Vlll IIAYNbS, ILO MARKET, ST. HARRISBURG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrou g ht and Chilled fro, I. 10 ad Burglar ?root _ iska...lE - `llll5l. Strictly the ONLY Mercantile date made, that he both fire and Burglar Pena. mar2o4ll‘, 0. 0. ZIMMERMAN'S BANKING STOCK, BILL AND COLLECTING OFFICE Has been removed from No. 28 Second St TO NO. 130 MAI-c.KET STREET ELAERIfftURG, PA. • TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAR.. sep24-dtf NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED bah 44. ened hie LCllll3ll$ OFFICE, cornet t of Third iltr et , .adßinek. alley.berry near Herr's-Hotel. 6 = be, of all kinds and qualities. lit Babby W. • MURRAY. file undersigned will Bell Hones, oll.lllages Mgt her. Jon toy for cash, ALSO—Hones and Oartiogee to hire Mine sante sale marl] PRANK A. MITRB.AIf W ORCESTb EL'S 'ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY I r'filiE best deto t and pronounoini tionary of the language ; AIM Worcreter , s Pelted DictNearies. ebeter'a Pictorial Quarto aid r oe, ibr sal* at 82111111 1 2It'S OCKNIVIIM - &puma • Near the liarriabergNiNli s. Nem 2throtrtionntrits. DARLING'S DARLING'S D&RLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR LIFE MITERS DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS FAMILY MEDICINE TAKE NOTICE! OF SEGABB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers