1= illisctilamens. LADINS' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for its medical and bane Wel qualities ass genuine Stimulant Tonic, inn redo and Sedorinc, highly esteemed by eminent physi loos, and some of the first &mites In Europe and A 210446 .4 , SPICER'S SAMBUCI WINE Is not a mixture or manufactured article, bat le pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chem hits and Physicians RS possessing medical properties SU parlor to any other Win -s di use, and en excell tot art a. Wilt ter fill stela aud debu iabid earsons, and the aged and Merin, improvingtbe ...,,totlte, and benefiting and children. A LAOI bnonuse It will not intoskide to other W 113813, as it con tains no mixture of - pirt,i3 or other liquors, Med IS ad mired for its rice peJult .r flavor and nutritive properties, Imparting a bealthy tone to the dige.tive organs, and a blooming, colt and health f sod complexion. ' 'on ..ine unless toe siguature of ALPit... -PEAK, Passaic, N.. 7., ever he cork of etch bottle, pi AEA HOE TRIAL OF THIS WlYff A. Srdhß, Proprietor. Peasant, N. J. Office 208 Botedway, New roll. J. H EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. Nor sale by D W. Gram, & Co., O. IL Keller, John Wyatt/ end by dregglsts generally jyl—daw ly. PROF. O. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND ' BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what Its name indicates, for while pleas ant to the taste, it Is revivifying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital pawers, hobs° revivifies, and renews the blood In all its eriiinal purity. and this restores and renders the system invulnerable toatiairs of Ailsoese It Is tee only preparation ever seared to the world in a popular lorm so as to be within the nista of all. So tr eumeally and skillfully combined, as to the moat powerful to.lo, and yet so perfectly adapted so As TO Aar IN Val= ADOOIUMI4Oi WITH TIM LAWS OF NATTY; AND eau Co ram TUT woman srodAoa and tone up the ol padre orgAns, ulioy ail n e rvous Irritation. At to also perfeetly agnitarating In Its elfeete, and yet It is never ibtloweu by laseitde ^r depreaston of spirits It Is com posed ontirehof vegetables, and those thorough cow bluing powerful tonic and soothing properties, and con s gond!) can never Were. AB a sure prevendve and cure of ooNsumeTtuN, BUONCIIITIE, INDIGESTION, DYS• PK WV OF APPSTIT4, FAINTNIESS, NEK VOINARRIUDILITY, NtAIR&I.OIA, PALPITA .. ur . !yie HicAii, hi RLANum)i.Y, fypa. CIiONDB_ ,LA main acws, LA GO" HUADE34, AND ALL THAT CLANS OF LIAM BO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED PIMMIALB WBAKNELSB, ASO HARM uLaiaras. THERVIS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver lleraugewenta or Torpidity, and Liver com plaints, flieratoy of the Kidney, or any general derange- ment of the Urir 'try organs Itawilt not only otre we debility foil 'iwing CHILL/3 and /Mid, but atiVrevent nuance arising from Miasmatic Influences, and cunt the diseases at once, if already at- Melted. TEATS'less should have a bottle withibetn, as it will sibloly prevent any delotertons consequences follow ing opoironange of climate and Water. As itprevectu ooativvness, strengthens the. digestive organs r lf ihoititifbefzi tile heeds of ail periods of mien thZiiatai , issu es aodustorned to much out-door exercise shoal always use it illistbers should nee it, fir it is a perfect mile; taken a eth*or two before the Anal she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease And safety. TRW IN NO mous it ABOUT IT TREVORIMAL IS ALL WE CLAIM Fos IT I I I Mothers Try It t t • And to yen we appeal, to detect the illness or decline not only of your daugters before it be too late, but also year eons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, qfhai go down to a premature grave, rather Ulan let their rendition be Known in time), the latter are Often so Mixed up wile the excitement of business, that If inter(' not Ibr you, they too, WO .1 travel in the Sawa downward path, until it is too late to arrest their fatal fa Bat the mother la always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we are sure your never-fading affictiorewill unerringly point you to, PROF. WOOO'S RAIMORATIVD COltDlat A,vO stOODIUSNoVAT OR as the remedy whichahould always be on hand In time of flied. U. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadatay, New York, and 114 11/aka Street, rt. Louis, 1110., and sold by all good I/rootlets. Price One Co lar per Bottle. jyB.ol4w-eow Great. Gur e . DR. LELLAND'S - ANTI -_RREIIMATIC BAND. IE THE OILY' KNOWN EMIXDF FOB RhiganatlEClT4 Gout and Neuralgia .() , 1 / 4) AIT A BIM 017191 I toe Ail Mercurial Diseases. is ..otiiirgrielitlY'arranged Band; noma' !ming a me, 1 . cat . e impound, to. be , worn around the ,Waist, without in Ors io the , most deltoid° persons, no change inhabits °Ming is required sod it entirely removed the disease boni the sysiem, without produciag the injurious effects &Sala% from the use of posigfou tuternal medicines which weaken and destroy th.., canstitution, and give temporary relief only. Dy chid trettment, the medical properties cwetainediti thi Bind, come in contact with the blood and reaches the dialuse, through the pores of the skin, effeetiug in amity itti.ouo a perfect cure, and retire. ha parts ahead Lo a hastily condition. - This Bald is also* mat powerful dlimitssousuif agent, and mnaentirely relieve the eyelet° from the pereskietts of MOW* itteronry. Moderate cases are caned in a tew daykeed -we .are constautly receiving testimonials of its 011OOOJI to aggrrvated oases of long standing. to be had of Druggists generally, Or can be mg by mail or express, with tail directions for use.. to ameciwieeffthesiountry, direct from the Principal Mob, 4T0,, 4I BROADWAY, New York. G. SMIT & CO., sole Proprietors. S.• it.-,-DdlitiriPtive Circulars Sent Free: I.4.9III,TVWAINTILI) VirtgicliltßlLE.jor iytttdsw • *. IgkROVEVENT IN DENTISTRY. DR-P.H. ALLA.BACH, SUrgeon Den tist, Muumuu:or 01 Mineral Plate Tcottly the on ly melte:xi thin °bylines every objection to the nee of arta. Motel teem, °morticing Finial, had end whole mete of one pleglonly, pf pure cumitadeetructittle mln=there ere, netwevitieetor the soccumithition °remelt letrof food mid therefore, no °tawny° utter from the breath. as no me. sal to oilcan] ttietr construction, there ean be no galvanic de taste. Hence the indtr,idnal.is notte ore inked, heitdeehe, Ace. ,' 011ioe Ho, 413 mob deemed oweet, ilerriehurg. . 4 " 1 ” 'STONE FOR SALE. -ptritmNii 'STONE er Stone sulfated .srapilunpurpoted env re delivered to soy 0 . ,: ‘ ,40:!Ito cepa !toddy ,Apit ar o , rick jr iftrOLLZA.W_OBLOAS, HAIR jut o2 7 ofriit , WWWLILI Wilt zt Oreg . _ z_of KIT 1 03, =mahatmas s aim ,A* Ifltbi[at AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the sub joined varieties or Disease : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, /Rains, and all akin Diseases. o.urtasn, Ind., Bth June, 1859. J. C:Airia & Co., Gents : I Joel it toy duty to acknowl edge what. your SarsaparMa has done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my hands And arms ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago It broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore whisk was painful and loa th some beyond I description. tried many medicines and several Viral chine, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared as alternative (.3arsaparilla,) for I knew nom your rep• ntation that any thing you mace must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and need it MI it cured me. I took it, as yon advise, In small doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy skit soen began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off my akin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the spatted of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRID B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tette and Salt Rhetun, Said Head Itingworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. . Dr. Rooert N. Fluble writes Irom Salem, N. Y., 12th Sep., 1859, that helms cured an invettrate awe Of Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by,the parse. Tering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at. nick of Malignant aryainelaa by large doses Of the same says he cures the common Eruptions by It constantly. Bronehooele, Goitre or. Swelled Neck. Zebulon Moan or Prospect, Texas, writes : "Three bot tle= of your Sarsaparilla cured me trem a Semm—it hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had tinllered from over two years." Leneorrhoia or Whites, Ovarian Minor, Uterine Ulceration, female Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Channiag, of New l'crk City, writes ; most cheerfully comply with the respect to your agent in saying I have found your naraaparlila amoit excellent alteroauve in the numerous complaints for which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in dentate Diseases of the Scrofulous diathests. 1 hive cured many Inveterate cases of Leuoarrhma by It, and some wnere the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the Merest. The ul ceration itself was soon cured. Nothing within my Knowledge equals it f .r these female derangementa.” Mwara S. Marrpw, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family, which had dulled all the remedies we could employ, boa at length been completely cured by your iixtract of Sar saparilla. Our physidau thought nothing but extirpa tion oond afford rebel, but he UM trial y our daraaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Nn► Oitiztss, 25th August, 1959 Dr. J. C. ATER : Sir, I cheerfully damply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the effects / have realized with your nareapardla. I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of the coin plants for which it is recommended, and have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of Irsineral and fifer- curial Diteaw. One of my patients bad dypnithio ulcers in his threat, which were commuting his palate and the top of his moutn. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in five week. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eat en away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon ream his brain and kill him. Built yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman woo had beet) treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering nom this poise') in her bones. they had become Sc sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered emaciating ram in her Joints and DODOS. She, too, was cared entirely by your tiireaparilla to a few weeks. know from its tamale, which you agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory madam a great remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have net surprised me. .Fraternally yours, G. V. LAItIMER, M. D. • Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. '„ _ LIMAPANDSPIOII, Precton Co., Va., Bth July, lag. Ds. J. C. AM: Sir, I have been afflicted with a wan. fat chronic Rhinsmatism for ► long time, whicih hafand the skill ofttliyalcians, and stuck to me In spitc'of remedies I (Mild fin , until I tried your SaritapSiVat r e One bottle curled me in two weeks, and restored*Mpgen eral health so much that I am far matter tam) batura 1 Walk attacked. I think it a woudenal medicine. ,„ J. Jules Y. Belched, of St. Louis. writes : "I have been afflicted for years with an affection or the liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing tailed to relieve me ; and I have been a broken down man for Wine years from .no thin cause, than de. rartgreentif My beloved paitor, the Itetr..llr. irapy, advised me to try your Sarsaparrilitt„ beoattse be said he knew you, and anything you made was worth trying. By the bleating of 11$ IL nes cured me. 1 feel young again. The best that can be Raid of you is not hair good enough.". Ochirrus, Cancer nunors, Enlargement, Ulceration, caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of cases have been reported to us where cures of these formidable complaints have result form the use of this remedy, but one spree bare will not admit them. Som of them may be found in ba re can almanac which the agents below named are pleased to furnish grafts to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable our of these affections have been made by the alternaUvepower of this medlotne. It stim ulates the vitalfunctions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond tie reach. Such a remedy has been required by the ne cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FORMITI:RAPID OUBE ON Coughs, Collie, Influenza, Roam/mess, Group, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease Thletha remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the core of threat and intignomplabits, that it is useleds here to publish tne evidence of its virtues. Ile unrivallect excellence for coughs and oolds, and its truly wonderml cures of pulmonary disease, haVS made it tnown throughout the civilized nadeine of the earth.— Yew are the communitlekor yen Atmdle — s„ among teem who have not acme perion4l experience of Ifs effecla.— some living trophy m their misfit. of Its Vicitory Over the anode and oa estrous discirders of the threat and lungs. as all knoW the dreautut fatality of these disorders, and ea they know, too, ih e creme of ads:remedy, we need' not do more' than to amuse them that it has dow'alf the vir rued that itdta have when mating the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. • PTepangl by Dr.'''. C. AT. & CO., - Lowell, Mass. Sold by O.:A. Itaunvart, O. K. Rotor, D. W. urea & Co., J. M. Lutz, & Co., Armstrong , .lierrhburg, snl deal ere every where. oetl4-6muaw IMPORTED BOLOUrNA tSAUBAGE..A j. v ery rare lot Justreceived and for safe by , rrll. DOOR JR *OO A VERY HEAVY STOOK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF EVERY DEBORIPTION JUST OPENED. At Price* Wow the OM 01 iMPOrtatiOS. GALL AT • CATHCART'S, maiS Next door le the flarrislmeg Sent. - WALLOWER'S LINE, DAIM Blttwatint HARRISBURG and PHILADELPHIA Wm. A Burk, Aral, 812 Jfirkdt ow, ph a k i da z ibis; formerly Limy** Sr Co. ap , orial Conductor in charge of each train. goodsdarts_ St thit Warehou,e, PLUI ade I • at 4M (Moot Pak win bs nehmen In • auk rrts augment aaaralairo A r " , = d i aty2l4llt Mk! MM.gtST Attle.ipcipb; Meb.niotrav afternoon. Novena - 14 T s;:1661 SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES l I firA NECESSITY IN EVERY 11013SEHOIth; JOHNS & OROSLEY'S American Cement GluO THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE I* the only article Of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Hamm, Straps, Belie, Boote p tko. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Slave the pieces of that expensive Out Glaos Battle 1T WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broten Ivory nu t it le easily re. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cape and Flamers oan be made ea good ea new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked ont of your M arble ' Mantle olin be put on lig Strong altrilvor. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter it that broken Pitcher did not coat bat a shit. That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will newer show when pat together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. / Any article Cemented with AIdbRIOAN CEMENT LEMUR will not show where it is mended. "Every Housekeepers should have a supply or Johns & Crosiers American Cement Giue."—/V. Y. "1.1 is so convenient to have in tne house."—N. Y. Depress. "It Is always ready t commends itself to every body."—lndependent. 41 11 1 e have tried 1s and find it as useful in our homes as water."—Willa' Spirit of the Thaw ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Eio,oo per year saved in every fainityibi One Bottle . of • AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE, Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle.. trice 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per RJitle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Buyers. - TERMS CASH. ,mayor sale by all Druggists, and Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROBLEY, - (Sole Manufactsrers,) '7B WILLIAM STREET., Corner of Liberty street. NEW YORK Important to House Owners. Importaint to Iluilders. Important to Rail Road Companies . Important to Farmers. . b all whom this may concern, and it , concerns easy OEMENjT ROOFItiCh The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT 18 FIRE AND _WATER PROOF. It can be applied to NSW and OLD ROM or all kinds, steep or d 4, and to Smuts Rooms without - " removing the Shingles. The Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin AN L) I V AS TWICE AS UUSABLIC This article bas been thoroughly tested In New York City stud all other parts of , the United States, Canada, Westbadiris Central and South Amadei, On buildings of all kinds, such as roman% IiODDDDIND, 0111MHZO, RAIL Roan Dsrors, CARD, and On,Patum BIAIDLNGd generally Gorman= Boast's, ho., by the principal Rudders, ambito:is and others, during the past four years, and Dan proved to se the oseevmar and most , outtean.r. ROOFING la use; it is In every respect A FIRE, WALE t, WEATHER and THiE PROOS_ covering for ROOFS of ALL KINDS: no is the 0/U2'mi:erica stanisfactured in the United &Wet which (*mines the very desirable properties of itiotticity arid Durability, which are universally soimow ledged to be posses:Rd by GOTTA PARMA AND LIVDL4 SUBBILS. No Heat required in making application. The expense or applyingit is trilling, as =ordinary roof can be coveted and finished the same day. It can beapplied by any one,: ilnd when famished forms a perfectly, has Paooe gar face with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Ham, cour or &MUM Mamma of Boos Dome, nor any ca. ternal action whatever. CFUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals . of all KIWI; when exposed to the Action of the Wtathei, and FOR PRESERVING AND RE PR A RING METAL , ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. This Is the only Composition known which will atones*. Rally mist extreme changes or all onmAtes, tor any: length of time, Winn applied to metals, to which it ad heres thrmy, torming. a, hody , esuAll to coats or ordinary paint, costa much KM 4iLd WM Lesr THREE Tilds.'S AS /AMR i. anirtrosdlti elastibity is not Injured by the contraction and explundon of Tin and other lima! Roof; uonsequene du en sudden ebiegee Of iheWeitlhol% , ; , • ItwW not MAME 4 , 1+ COLD.49R. RUN LIT irARM wirAilisa; AND . WILL zry.r wa,,yir arr. Leaky Tin and Oilier Metal Rooni wk be readily repair - 'ad with GUTTA PrILJEIA Charter; and revealed fro* further corrosion and leablog, thereby ensuring' a per fectly tight roof for welly years. Tele Gement poeullArly , adapted for the preterTatiok of lIWN Re.,LAN44 SruVES, Ro.zi6nl3, Bane, diatr GOLTuitAL Ilertet.tEtad, Mo., also _ for general nigitiu , ft:duress ueo. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT Folepraservhigaund repaing.TUl and ether DiatiClinotb ;every deeenpdon, from 4tB great elestinity, itato,,igigreg cantraction nag aspanetou of Metals, and 'nu not . crack in .ouln or run in warm weather., These materials are AD6PTID TO aid - manes, and we are prepared to supply eiders , trOm any pert or the coun try, as snort. notioe, for Enure PEntaa worm° , to rolls, ready prepared for use; and GOTTA' PienoH A CE. MIX no barrels, with ran printed directi ons ler apPli• • We will make liberal and satlantotctry arrangements !with responeible parties who wouldtlie to establish them selves in a hiorativownd . perrowilent bitefneas OUR. a. TERM ARE CASH. We can, give abundant proof of &n ye claim in gsvOi of our Improved Readhii hiving lOWA them to several thousand AGMs in New Mirk. City, anti vicinity. JOHNS .& artosLET SOLI{ MaNIIPACTIMEgg, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William r t porker,or, Liberty Street. w yowic ihdl descriptive *roubles and Prices- will he rnrniehed on applioation. • . ' ' . M.I.LITA4Y,; Gi.r.&IINT . LW& 44' . • NEW tiyir, just received, of the het 4 3 6 Ati;PA.:'vgl.:9kArs..r04$16391: to 7 4arriabir, ...,, Jilizallantono. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture ling, a shilling saved is • shilling earned. rr WILL MEND ALABASTER, r.T"' l l JOHNS 'lllc MOSLEY'S • • . DIRROYBD GUTTA PHISCHA AGIOTS WANIM:k. Visttllantotts. FREIGHT REDUCED I Howard &Hope EXPRESS CO.'S MORT Br, QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM EW YORK. oods Ordered in the Morning Returned the nine Night. (Leave New York at P. M., by the Feat ,ugh Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg " TROUT CHANGE OF " CABS. Orfter Gooc iriarked vial HOPE Eitnriass co, General Office, 74 Broadway, New York. Branch " ' 412 " " or further information enquire of GE O. BERGNER, Agen ;Aug. 1861.-dtf VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Encrravers on Wood N. E. COB. FIFTH & CHESTNUT Sl., Philadelphia. t XECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original a furmahen for Fine Book illustrations. Persons w ing cuts, by sending a Photogrsphor Dagaerreoi l pe, m i na have views of Colleges, Churches, Ettore FrohUs, Machines, Stoves, Patents, sio., engraved as well on per soapplication. n ng ay Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings Show BS Is, Visit ' Business and other Cards, engraved in the hig t style of art, and at the lowest prices. specimens or line engraving, ac ass the Illustrated vror or.l. B. Lippincott & Co., E. H. Butler Ce. , 134 . . ,0 . M N 0 El. TRAVELING AliNg I' OF THE OLD WALLOWER . LINE, S?PprtNS:ORTATIZN LINE i atlllaacues perak..,dpreparedtoctry freigh as LOW as any other individual line between Phila Iphia, Harrisburg, Sumba'. y, Lewisburg, Williams port, ey Snore, Lock haven, and' all 'points on the North rn tkuittal, Phiiadelphla and Erie, awl Williams port a d Elmira Railroads. •Local Agent &L./Welshing, D. A. HURNCH. Hood sent to PEACOCK., ZELL & lIINCHMAN, Noa. 808 and 81.1 Market street, abuts Slghth, by 4 o'clock, P.,111., will or ive at Harrisburg, rattly for delivery, the next moral 7. . C. F. .111.1ENCH„ , ap3- Traiehig Agent. 1401 EN B. 810.ITHib • ' . BOOT SHOE' STORE . COBNER BHCOND AND WALNUTti'DS. ; • •' ' Harrisburg; N. ileaiINAYl3 on bah& a large astiortmeut of • BOOTH, SHOES, WASTREL% ;&a., of the v;iiry. best scfor iadms.„ gestlemen, and childrens wear.— Piloterto sidt•the Umee. All kindiof WORK 'Nate TO OILDMit, in the hest owls hy superior workmen REPAIRISO done at short notice. - tietl6-dtf JOHN it. SMITH,' Illarrtsbnig: GILDE.B, D. D:l3' STA. 7 E STREET, OPPOSITE - 111Z BRADY HOUSE. A 11 opera:ions, Surgical and Al*Aaincal, feriopried. Lailarea thodprtafg fIiBURA:IsTCE . , THE 'I:I)Tr‘AWARZ " • J • J' SAFETY INSURANCE .004IPANY. OF PILILADELPIiIA. => 1 INOORPORATED`Ii3gS - . • • . CAPITAL AND A T 3 $904,907.51. THE 1Nd1113 0 4.,N0E. . • 'COMPANY. OF NORTH- AMERICA,. • ;OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL Alin ASSk.Ti . TELE' 'undersigned, as Agent - fdr the well known .Campanioa, will make losuninoe loss or iiaOitigobi Ree, caber perpetually or an d ntiali, on ProPiriT in dither town Marine and Inland,Transportatlnn •itliks also lakan. : Apply personißY oil by totter to • •SYIiLIAM 'WENGER, Hathabarg;Pa. 0ct4111.4a9,17....,_ ; t PROCLICLITIONii. U[THEREAS, the , Honoratille 10His T. rr , Pattsaort r President of the Court of conimon Pleas fin line Twauth Judiouti Thatricti.conaisting of the cotuitl, a :of Lebanon and unapt:nil, aril the Hon. A. O. Elllialrliß ;and Honi FiarleGendettinsitirriera Jddgeel Dadottin !county, having, leaned t ueir Rrecopt betting dew the AB day of Geptediger, `1861.; - ' tb me,dieected, tor' ddidini is Court of Gyor'and Termlnerend General Jail Delivery ?and Quarter Betteiona ef tun Penne at tiarrishom for the :county of ,Dattphia, and to commence on Ism San Mon. DAY orNonsistar belie OW 1828 Eva or Novinunta, 1861 and to obnlinne tero"-Weims. • • 'Notice ix therefore .hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of We MAO% Aldertnm and Oo!istablew ei the said ounty.oriDiaphigthit iheybe cited:aid 'UAW in their proper persousott leleelecain i the 4)regeenAsai4. dey,, with their ree.maiOnquhiltioni?, eirnaitnittiohn;quilt their' own re.memorsnoes; to eif Unite tititige-wtHon to their ettice_kpriiirfaise be.ctene, thee° whiz, are. bound in reeogiusenoes tap loseounainporist Etic , prilionen that are or steal be in the 'ILI o Leuphhi county . , be then end there to pro:leoeta kgairut them nianali Given under thy band; at liarinitrarg; thef23rd day of GoproditiOr,_in pe year of :our. laird, 1861„ene. in the eigntylui year of the indePoodence of the Oohed States, . "s J' D..BuAn, Sextures 0171011 • Harrisburg, October 12-1861.1 • 'A N'D. I PARAFFINRDLik: SPERM 048,04 M, • .&.OABIANTIN X 014:80LIM I fammiltlß 04.814AR4 . v 3TARCANDLIM L __. OREtelo4l..-8k4.1pLax.4.:411 - DIJE, ; TALLOW 0419P 1 28.. • . /arse Jot of Lne 100 . 96 ;n atuce and for Bale at the low oat prices by • W. 310(311 JR. & CO., non 2 Oinwante the Court BOatte. tir AMb .--'r hree 011 undred 'Extra Sugar Ta ....nred nams.osiersisstvad•by. • : • .1 3 1:4W 1 *- f c' • onlYlLouit . 141:14EL$'. (tget LE NRW;BRIWITEsti" u notat BARBICIA brier 00010011104 t vagigt...t‘t 4111 -• - tt .00614hartitivtitt Lt;44 tiria v,CZREEAVt , s Holland Bitters' DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. fag sureeeseful intmduction and nee of thin tele. i. nnil Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood ocupounds called "Bitters," offered in Vallio6ll forme, from a quart bottle to a live gallon keg, until Ills mod "Bitters" is bat another name kir "grog," or some villanous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute doses one teaspoonful, of our medicine, DMILHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, and the entire atuenee of alter prostrabion, has este blished'for it a reputation which the host of imitation and counterfeits haye failed to undermine. It is pod. &reify a vegetable preparation, with barelY sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half• Pint Botties,) price Chts DOWN. ' It is a medicine of long-tr ied etHcaq kr PurVirtno the Mod, so essential for the foundation of good health end kw ,00rreothrg disorders of - the stomach and botiels. Two or three dome wID convince the afflicted of its salutary effects The atomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action' of the liver, bowels 'sad kidneys will soon takeplace, and renewed health be the quick resat.. For INDIGESTION, Try Bertiavres Holland Bitters. For ICEARTNISEtN. Try Beerhave-'s Rolland Bitten: For ACIDITY, Try Bierhave'sMild Bitters. For WATILEBRABEL, ' Beerltavel Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try Berdave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF .A.TywrITE, Try Bertiave"s Holland Bitters, Low COSTav adsir...Bl3 Try Ikerliave's . lipliand BitAers. For PILES, 'll/3" • Bcerhavets , Bolland Bitten. . In all Nations, Rinnunntinowd Nonalgic AT'o bone, it hse."lll onmerami Inatancei proved highly beneficial, awl in odieri tostated d decidod,cure.: ' EL.*id CareHrsilly .The genuine, Intpipconcentrated, BIERTIATVEI nnte , wen Btrreee to put up in halt:pint bottles enly, , owl retailed et One Dollar, par bottle. The, greed deulled for title truly celeteated medicine bee induced Imitatlemi, which thel pnblie eboidd guard value purchasing Thwart of impaagioni. See that our name is en Mt 1 ( 76,1 of ',Try batik you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTLIPERf'.. PITTSBURGH.. P.A • 00 ramie is use any oc serruts.eg ser eY VC , Wan a . use--weelAkeny JEWELRY, • ' VitATOtiES 0144..)0K13; ANCY 13:00D8 ALFRED F. ZIMILERMAN dc 00; NO.' 62 MARKET STREET; Harrisburg, Pa y. opposite'Hast's , Norm, and sditanting the Fa Boma, hurting purchased Ihe stook or S. ginning's, sad added alarms assortment of NSW JIM SLR ;we will tbm sane at the !owls!. Peak PtY4 6 . "G I Ws loaks and Joweiryi =wily and prom*, re palree and &speared. •• • - itlAntn mummitt 'is' co • Ettivhig diixahleilbf Olj etook ,M leitiiry'io inerzyds* CO., kabeerfully tooomateed them to 10 for. mot customers as pnus44oa! and mapertenced Walsh Midterm, and lolloltitir iheni abotticanicei Sieripitren. WOlch Aap boorrAl.SNlOrouskr eXterided to, me during Elle isms sis. years. Isom; . CUMIN T. J1210:11406. F DywrigrrE y .; U. _fig ,ra ULaie . jLisitimorweollb resoi Dioirst adigsrY, haviihr tants neatly !Isolated W. th 9 oitZ ot,ahrtisbinif mkt) ankh formerly octuralioil by Dr. florgas, on Timm sir net, between *aria* and , Vlroinut,4 rosNoLastiritsiorilik , hif r oVoti:g rf :gat t ili f ililithikiaz;illeolloglical, ia.a , mnEnnitrosc shall stbilla titirpassed by. op,orators in' this or stir other city. list d'hi ihiiertins ird6olsl Wirth Is optur thiol4ss. :tit: M 4 '.p . ilpfsteatitla.prittoiples. r r frobs one to Set, mounted on"litiedolti, sitteMitthut plate* Otis Vulcanite : • pfitunare'ln'recomistiviiiig tho ,aouvp, Sea Mutat" tot all fonter patients dillarrisbarg Mid 141 *do, 'nil (eel conk4e.ut and( ha 111.1kpertprin. arm"- Üblos itraltdentinftlitmet;ltroin . InY Inicoarlidite lehle I i,q(49404116..1k STAGE 1.01 FOROETPTSBITEG kARE 4ittmucas• THROUGH , illgTryggra t d . : TRE "'nrH'diftagiied . " - riti' fieblbliihVid'' • Moats' LlMl'OlitpaintOOACHll2 ttbni itectiantce. brTh ir r it l,,nea r lo d g evury c, ster , ciliog tt.,ll . r ee 9, a m v tlr y . remTni e wity„patujaday amt.Satunkinreturplag totter day. Fassengen SfiepptirA4towxi, retsburg, - Petiriabarg andlialSysburk carded refteed.rates. .le l / 7 4 1 . 1 , • Tff EW ZOAL=OFFIOE.4 : , AIgELE .UNDERSIONED. havinikeiitereilip , thl counernr. tn i this tlie - parrobligWor the - 0 tizehh. tir keep on blh d boot of all oP.ooi.lfrouhtke Mode odobrated and,opproved ices, which will be deUvered te,Any part,ol too city. Troe fr om dirt and , other irinfurtiteir. Ft it , 'oltAitArevp; ORAL, son.„ B . 4l #:if ryas BOAT, 1 . 0 414, Akh (10AD OR Sll/130' ;ON. Peraorid Pril'enald*by lbs B p ot Pr 06 LdittOtilireosivo.2,24oWoodo to the Tod.' ' • Offic Arrototrolt, seßopd dopr,from + Dooroor talc) t•Tard on tdellintr, A tootbt genii "Stieet. 'Or icter* 141 tatsither idiom wipireceilto Prq of attention.; - en-Mly , 1 4114 W W.,,HA M.. agent. • • JP.1151,11a , , .;J ~.!. . ": t C VQ 1144 _ 11 9!? L I • ~:! • ERING 1,. I No. 1 - Of,,heabeve we:Amu Mt ItheMSeittat pised eat 'Pk top' the as se the IlAsaTu. Ia more NT$ for .aJo etth z oweit eatirketia. .• • teb/ 6 .PDP.AXiikbil , Vr4. `,J. THERMOBSEITERB. , I- TEmOrsTugs.orphmoosai.Akotlri, Japanese Meta. T MOMETERS.• do. do. i3roozed do TRERMOMEElRdiitheßfailVia V&A; .12 t . Tarsmomeua§, , do, ftcesz,Boundaoftble ilt*e„ THARMLOUVERS Union Case, /012 MOIL Tagßawurasma. ',maw Framb, B.ao inch._ 2 I , THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut Oeze, 10 incb, TBEIIIMItErrEa, ThiCeser74 lb tiolb. • Ere have Piet removed Apia lor :144ERMOMETE R of various atyfee, and are miffing them low. 4 KELLER'S DRUG 'non, „ • g „ Z ' , optl4-d.AIMI ILKORY, .OAS: WiAID for sale ~ &mkt' biar? psifd2ze 2 7 0 1//ii , : ~ A:loziß e aitsAt• AIJo, LOOVSI PbSit 0111L911012-k Al aOM VO:ol2zhas. A ,4-1#0,410N8 A.LYP 34N1 4 7 3 .4 .BUILDMG. • PWIPOSICS ef the enbadribeiritt rdirekdasea on the -Ridge Oka* OPlNFitethe 490d illl ENgtnet,Was•korld Yard, conger or - *acid' and' Woad 'We* West HO impure,. •1131 COLS. . • SIGN , etair , wilier i ANITIPIsu7 I 4 , 44,IvAIokR OA, to • fatOpo., u:NOrD WINIKAW BLlNhdy *Ma we (NOUN attentionof OthelriesidAzaud omdieltr Invite them to examine our geode and Pram& ; • • We ere determined Mind the Pao°. BOUILSTOSE, .34111daril )1: IM:eitt",Arthwslllllloo3llllllllMdWaridlidt Illttlite Illebitat "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT May STOP YOUR CoUGg PURIFY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPA.LDING's Throat Confections, MEI GOOD FOR CLFZGYXI32I, GOOD FOR LECTD-BEL'S, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKER:4, 'OOOD FOE SINGERS, GOOD FOB CONSUMPTIVES. GENTLEMEN CARRY. SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION. LEMEH ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDENG'S THROAT CONFEC'Tios% CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFEcTIo% They relieve a Cough instantly. They clear the Throat. They, give strength and volume to the voice , •,, They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are &Mental to the taste. The ii in made or'aimple barbs and cannot air:noo r I advtoo every 000 who has a Cough or a Efus'ic or, a Bed Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, t pie age of my Ttumit flonfectiom, they will reli:re rot fistamffiy i , and YOU will find them very u9eral awl m u . antoindki traveling or attending public Ineetinee ;o r :4. tug your Gough or allaying your thirst, 04. packsge lam Nate in saying that you will ever wards consider theta indispensible. You sun tic. opt, 'aibulDnlggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRIGS TWENTY-FIVE CENTs.. Ny eivatairele on each package. MI other ar. Walt. A Package erUl be sent by 1 111Nprepaid , OE r,'L; Thirty Oente Addeo*, HENRY C. SPALDING, NO. 48 ORDER gnu tor, NV 4' CEPHALIC PILLS SIVK HE A BACHE NkRVOUS HEADACHE, OMB ALL ins OF HEADACHE , ity. the use Of these Pins the pato, 41r 11L1 , K5 1' 3 , r MOW or Stab Headache may he precentili; tz.. ia..:.: analnitatottiomoot of no alio, icßruethaw reY ru sod . efekusse ri. if . obtained. h ifteli laidOlifitil to tamest og Nast% and thanitvt. ilkhderisitalbs arose subject. That sot patty upon the bowels, removing for LliWitry Yen, Students, Delicate Field,. ac persoss,or.sedenssury habits, they ere oaP 4se t • 411, 6 1 1*.imi,provius the arPmra,giving VIVI .01 , :et lo the digestive organs, and restoring the itori 'pity a nd strength 10 the w system. S The GEPEIALI 0 PILLS aro; I. • rant and carefully Gouda:tea expo, no,. , R,lno,in many years, during eaten 4. *lnd and relieved a van amount or PAW su 1 .±llottli lido~ Headache, whether originating in the arm -4 1 44 /I ' Oriigin a deranged state of the stoma& they are entirety vegetable In their compissitiesi stis In'titen at all times with rserrect rainy veinal instill; say change of Mee and the &menu 4 any 4111 Ores ble taste render/ it gam to Mown/rte. ttr BIWARI OP COUNTERFFM The genuine have tivc signatures or Hoary C. Winch box. gold by druggists and all other dealers in inedlertse. it Bet will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of tho TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All ardeie should be addressed Is HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar New Vqk .dmille betas of SPALDING'S PitSPARO save Lea time Its cost annuaily.iii 'SPALDING 'S PREPARED.GLUEI §P4DING'B PREPARED GLUE --SPADING'S PREPARED GU E SAVE TEES PIMCII2 ttamomy enraa Il rum NAM mr."-Ce aosidents end bappet, cree luell- re oduirj 100 It 1.*517 desirable to have some cheap ace con,. aeid myth. reniiring Furniture, Toys, Crouwery, at. • SPAIDII6'B PRKPLUBD 6111111 weds itl,such emergencies, end no household ca ifor d 0 i bewittiout It. , 1$ le always ready and Or 43 tar. stmt. lug Pinto "USEFUL LN EVERY R01.78E." N. 8.-4. arasb accompanies eachbott.o. Yribv /5 0 RENRY C. A1'.1.1.1.i. 0, AUTON No. 48 Cedar direr., New Fort. • CAUTION , ei certain uaprinclpled persons are anempual lo unsuspeoNag public, imitaaoim o; toy PR , Ii 60311,, I would cauuon aU porsoui 1,4 exodus pedalling and see that the tall olua,, iIiT4ALDING'S PREY.ai; Lih,..de Mid i PAO:8111AM wrgppereall awns ere onadleig r ) t I ovl64serly-rdieell DVPATCB
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