ails ititgras. LIARIOSBURG, PA edoesday Morning, November 6, 1881• Di VON , ND Usctansu.—The Board of Directors o f the I.lartisburg Bank yesterday declared a dividend of four per cent. on its capital stock fur the last six months; payable demand.nNo ONE TO Love," with brilliant variations, by Grebe, "The Gipsey," by Cooper, "Annie Limit.," with spackling variations, and the IlilenukieLight Guard Quick Step," are among the choice pieces of new music just re- 1 ceivcd at linoche's music store, Market street, below Fourth. PuysicAL TRoustas have their compensation. A war correspondent of a western paper writes thus : "Did you ever have the 'yeller janders?" fru got a few and could spare an assorted stock to a small dealer, Better get some, for a dime looks like a quarter eagle, which is a pleasant lar Torni.—Colonel Charles Campbell, of t'amphell s First Pennsylvania, Artillery Regi : nt, was iu town yesterday, looking re akably well. Ills regiment occupies an advanc t position of the grand Union army in Eastern rginia, and when the proper time arrival, will le heard Inui Col. Campbell speaks very 1, 14 1 3 1 y of the flue condition and good fighting t of leis command. Timm 1,:log hard, and a cold winter at hand, ,:iv mills clever persons are at their wits' for b ourn means of keeping the wolf from door, Desperation has driven one ofthem t o the dire extremity he so forcibly'portrais in the follo%ing• advertisement: ' • • •WANTED—A situation as SON-IN-LAW; in 41, lie respectable family. No,objectiou to going :hart distance into the country. For reference an.l particulars, address FRANS STUART, FA Office, Williamsburg, N. Y." . 11.1111TER OF Deoxs.—Thirty barrels of dooks! wile killed in the Susquehanna, below Havre de tla e, on Monday of last week—that day the commencement of the shooting sea - M,»—hy gunners from sink-boats anchored in the river. They were sent by railroad toPhiht dvlphia, New York and other Northern citiee. A profitable trade is carried on every fall and winter by persons who live at Havre de Grace, and follow the killing of ducks for market. LADIES' Homo. --Col. Harris, The Ohio Field Yoke, an acknowledged authority on the sub lent, writes as follows in regard to the best kind of horse' for a lady, his management, etc.: 'The bridle of a lady's horse should be a single rein curb—never a snaffle to be pulled upon—requiring the streiith : 4 a thread only to guide and direct the animal, and draw only when the horse is required to be stopped ; at all other times to be kept slightly in hand, or be permitted to lie gently on the arched 'neck' of the beautiful creature, permitting him to look abroad upon things and see the road that he Is travelling ; starting with a bound into a graceful canter at the leaning fOrward of'the rider, wihout the using of the whip or other incentive." We had supposed a double bridle was prefer able—that is, a curb and snaffle, either of which could ho used as occasion required. The majo rity of English ladies use such a bridle. "The paces of a lady's horse should be long rather than short,. that the rider may bend gracefully forward, and not be jerked backward at every step, in the most vulgar manner ima ginable. A lady-equestrian must never appear hi a hurry ; it is unbecoming and ungenteel, and shows plebeian blood ; and many instances are on record, showing that a horse knows a geutleman or a lady at sight, as well as most of us." Tam Writ .—Now the leaves begin to circle down from the trees, and rustle musically under our feet; now the brown chesnuts , lay invitingly, half hidden in their prickly bur, awaiting the visit of happy, laughing children. Now do romantic maidens wander in thought ful mood, and quote the familiar lines— ", I he melancholy days have come The saddest of the year." and grow anxious in relation to th e fashion of the new winter bonnets, and long for opening day to arrive. Now do "Winkle" and Brown, Jones & Robinson, go in pursuit of the jacnnd quail and the sad-throated robin, and not find ing them, discharge their harmless guns at the feathered songsters of the barn-yard or pig stye and draw down on their devoted heads the dire ful curses of Teutonic cabbage cultivators, or the invectives of their more demonatitti4 an sputtering frau'', Now dues the agile squirrel commence to gather in his winter store, and with his "flag" most imminently "there" curl ed high above his back, laugh to scorn the puny efforts of the cookery hunter who would put a leaden - pellet in his pelt. Now do care ful horticulturalists gather in their store of , fruits, and now do dickey douts their banners waving in the breeze, leave the close confines ' of the busy city, and make predatory in cursions to country orchards, and rob apple 1 trees, all unmindful of the pathetic tale commencing with "An old man once found crude boy," or words to that effect.— Ow do the therougithres of our city grow resplendent with fan silks and gorgeous dyes, and now do the denizens of miserable hovels and those who hide in holes all round about, begin to fret and moan at thoughts of coming winter ; now do they wonder where the shoes shall come front to cover Little Sissy's feet, and guard them from the snow and ice and shiver, though 'tis not cold yet, in dread a nticipation of the bleak winds that are to blow slid the cold that is to come. Now does the shiest Home Guard, armed cap a pied parad e , 14 tlosic form where ladies most do emigre ,,4.ti, and with his fiercamoustache and whisker 1)(4 1. 4rike terror to their hearts, which his sword with serer • .. move in hearts of foes. Now does u"ace Prepare his bubbling urn and smile Nwhovile(io4th;rs smile o'er steaming whisky skins: ulkeys grow melancholy at thought of dreMill tittiVivi g •a n d thrifty home vri exercise thei r 7 1:1- ' —yes regr e t that , !Nadi with pumpkin pies, and all wild sweet , Alu Belah summer Bummer should be so Short I==i==3 CREITAIN CURS FOR HYADAOHL—Two spoons ful of finely powdered charcoal, drank in half a flees of water, will in leas than fifteen min as give relief to the sick headache, when caned, as in most cases it is by a super-abun dmce of acid on the stomach. Pozscas— Mayor's Office.—Jos. Anderson, Stephen Ward, and Wm. Moyer—all negroes-- were arraigned 'charged with making night Mdeons by a serious of discordant noises which they called music. Each fined $l. Jeff. Graham and Chae. &dam—negro va- Trants--discharged. Three coloied women were arraigned for boisterous conduct on the street at a late hour of the night. Discharged with an injunction to mend their ways. Chas. Kane, was up for interfering with the officer while making the above arrest. Fined Mathew G. Franklin—was arraigned for dis orderly conduct. Discharged. Hugh M'Donald—a regular "revolver"—was sent to prison for 80 days. Wm. Morgan and John Wilcox—both atnui gers—were up for drunkeness and dieorderly conduct. Recommitted. Jno. Mlaughlin—a fast oliss "sag"—dis charged. Geo. Roate, who superintends the bar at Mrs. Billing's hotel In Short street, was up for drunk , 0118116. Reconanitted. Several soldiers were also arraigned for drunk anew and placed in custody of a guard to be returr-eit to their respective camps. Itaoovialm.—The carpet bag stolen from Er. Irvine at the depot laat Sunday morning, noticed in Yesterday morning's TKLIGB.APH, was found in the possession of a soldier at Camp Curtin, having been picked up by him in one Of the streets, where it was no doubt thrown by ?the thieves, who feared to retain possession of 'it. The bag was opened by the owner, and its 'contents found undisturbed, the.thieves doubt less not having had - time to inspect the articles. The young men, Henry Clinich and Wm. Wheeler, arrested and confined in the city lock up charged with the larceny, have been die chargd. Somoza, SPARE THAT Homeal—lf we are to believe travellers, there are communities of horses, as there are of human beings—that they associate in droves, and though wild, have sa gacity enough to find comfort in association. Civilization, however, abridges their freedom; but we do not know that we can complain of this, for to man was given "dominion over the beasts of the field." It is another question, however, how far we may enjoy the subjugation Of the horse, fOr -we are commanded, by the same high authority, to show mercy to the Creatures below man in the scale of being, and among these the horse occupies a noble, and Certainly a useful position. The "war awe" have gathered hither numerous families of the horse kind. The strong and the beautiful, tire weak and the ugly, the large and the small, Ivith their various gaits and colors, are all pro- Miscuonsly huddled together at the corrals, in several localities adjoining this city. They are not even ittroduced to one another, but Made to scrape acqutdnhom4 as best they may, and become agreeablelirigh-bois. They axe plentifully fed, but whether the food is prepar ed exactly to their liking, is a question which ive have no means of satisfactorily ascertaining. It is safe to say that we have heard no complaint from those for which the provender is provided. 'hen some of these horses came to Harrisburg they could have bad no idea of the treatment to which they would be subjected. A number Of them, instead of being honored with the straddle of an epauletted officer, have been packed into the shifts, and amost suffocated with halters and collars, and made to feel, too Often, the sting of the whip, bid [ on in; Jueft sunm of music which cotild not eficat their. dun hounded applause." :Drawing huge wagons, and cannon, too, la no holiday sport_ But,thus it is—the uncomphordpg are often imposed on, without remedy. "Wear out rather than rust but," is a motto to them of esPeolal application. We pity some of the ignorant, green Govern- Meat horses. They have been [ brought here Without the rudiments of education, farther than an experience in a wood wagon or a brick- Yard. It cannot be' expected they should know anything of military affairs, or even be familiar. With the drum and fife music, much has with those tremendous beating, deafening institu tions, called " drum corps ;" a dams men or More in each thumping on sheepskin heads stretched over nicely finished cylinders. And *sus° the homes are skittish and shy when this martial noise passes by, they are regarded is cowards, and punished -accordingly. If "use is second nature;" why do not the horse guar dians allow the horses the benefit of a second birth? If the horses do not behave according lo the army tactics, why notiesOrt to the course bf training laid down in the manual, and, by Blow degrees, educate the' equine auxiliary ? Some new Men recruits are hard to be drilled, and it is with difficulty they can be made to underatanclAkevol,qtiont; : , [ then, why expect more from the home or the jackass? We pre sume thai are things which the horsetandera ,„have yet to learn in the way of mercy. How would they like to have good morals beaten into them with clubs arid kicks-4he . former [ on the bead, and the latter elsewhere? We are desirous of knowing whether horses under stand the nature of oaths andimprecationa; and right here, we will my that' if all the closes heaped upon these animals were consummated, some of them would have dart-aged eyes, and so otherwise injured that their auction price would not pay their dray hire to the horse pot ter's field. Spare the horsel Speak to him gently. Let him know a friend's band is near to protect, not an enemy's rude hand to bruise him. Let the voice of the biforked animal comfort the tractable, indispensable quadruped. Instead know yon are of c u e rebag and swearing. let the horse minim such imowledge, a g ena etan; that 'he Will when there is anpp #o4enlti, hie sagacity, or , inclines to believe. ,SeeProfixsorWood'e adrerthement another! salmon. - -• ;slri a 40Nz of ad' exchanges reports that a man down in Marine thinks so much of Jeff. Davis that he;hisi hamid his dog in his honor. Hard on the dog, that! Hanananmo Gas Coneerrr.—The following named gentlemen have been- elected directors of the• abovei eciraix4it l y for th,, 8 &mull? g.'lear : Wm: Dock, President ; Bishop, Trea surer ; George Bergner, Secretary; Valentine Rummel, Sr., A. Patterson, W.: W.. Rutherford, Geo. S. Remble. Viastars Iltrus.--Thie fine company, nrui -2' the command of 'Omit. (1461 A.ilrooke, of th city, are now in Gen. Banks' division of th. army at Darnestown, Md. The company num ber ninety-one men, _nearly ,all of whom. ar resideitsof*atiplan county. By refertince t an advertisement in to-day's TELEGRAI% it be seen that ten more men are wanted to the company up to the maxinm standard rl 1.0.. Patriotic yormg r roendesironsc i f,se their country cantio l ited it' better ofilortiiii of doing go than *gelling perakielvaa As - ith :Verbeke Rifles. Capt. Brooks is a good offi , and having himself iekiAdUk- private inle, three months' campaign, intimately knows a#d fully appreciates the wants of the soldiers, Rad supplies them to : the best of..biaability. Tit desiring to enter the service with the Rifles , obtain all the necessary information by - ` calla on W. B. Verbeke, Witburt street. ,' = ..: . v . . , 4- . t.-4 Sawn PRIEIONIREI mai Rours.—A detachmest of the Forty-Second Ohio regiment , . through here yesteFday With seven seeefit.; prisone&iienito4l4, milonto fin'Wew - "tork— The names of the parties are H. Stanton, Thomas, James Holt, Gecege .Forrester, W. J. !Carter, INS PA *tic 'Ws* They er 6 all KentUckians, and rabid secessionists. ; Stan ton is an ex-mester of Congress, and Thomls a prominentmeat of Maysville. Ammar. of ?dILIZMET,—A military com called the Rosencrans Rangers, commanded b our old friend Capt. E. H. Rouch, arrived he Yesterday, and are quartered at Camp Curi4. The company numbers altogether sixty doll The able-bodied men, recruited entirely in M h Chunk and Summit Hill, Carbon county, in e short space of seven days time. The folloW g I n is a list of the officers of the company--Cap ' E. H. Rauch ; First lieutenant, Harry W " - son ; Second Lieutenant, James Hyndman ; or derly Sergeant, - Daniel Tubbs. Captain Ratich is anold member of- the , editorial profestdon, and Well known to our citizen as the attehtive and obliging clerk of the two last sessions (if the House of Representatives. He has con; considerable military experience, having, f We Mistake not, held the position of Captain one of the volunteer companies in Carbon coup for a number of years. First Lieutenant 'A" m son, of Summit Hill, has also had consid ble military . experience, and has the reputatitm of being an able and efficient officer. Alto Other the company is admirably officered, .and corn imsed of as fine a looking body of men as have yet entered the army and march to the flunk of the Union—"one and indiviaable" °Arbon county has now altogether 1,100 men in the Service, which, in proportion to the population, is a greater number then that furnished by other county in the State. Besldt this, there are two more companies now forming in the County, which are expected to be filled in about two weeks. Bully for Carbon county. Os and after `Man y, Nov. ltlf, 1861, the mails at the:Harrisburg Post Office will close as follows : Fast. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD. For all places adjacent to the line of the railroad, between Harris : , m 55.11.30 A. M. For New. York, Philadelphia, Lan caster; Bainbridge, Colnmhia 12.00. Mt For Philadelphia, Lancaster and Hiddletow4P• M. For New York, Philadelphia' mid ' Lancaster - • - 900 P. M. , LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD For all places betveam Harrisburg. and Philadelphia, and adja cent to the line,of the Leba- non Valley and' Philadelphia and Raiding Railroad:-:-WaY For all 'Filiwes' 'between Harrisburg and Altoons.—WAy • Mait...6.30 A. M. For Pittsburg, Johnstown, Pa., Cin cinnati, Columbus and Cleve- . land, Ohio 300` P. M North. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD.'._. For all places ; ,between. Harrisbwg , and Wilk' end` toe „,adjacent to , --W .the line of the ; railroad. 1 2 .00-1 21 ( NORTHERN CENTRAL itAIIAtOAD. It& Washington, IMindoro,TorlF , and all placii along and ad- jacent to the line of the rai1.10.09 .10.09 A: M. For Washington, Baltimore and, • ,:,, • York 9.00 P.M. (KIM:BERLAND VALLEYBAILBOAD. For liegigitowt!, , Md., Cbknibers- „ bari,,,Sloppenalkurg, Carlisle and Meclumicalinrg . . 7.00 A. M. For all • placeB between ..Itturisborg • and CharOberstmig along e adjacent to the line of the . . railroad.--WaY Km: .... .12.80 P. M SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA BALL For Pottsville, Ellwisidi Pinegrove, - - Summit Station and Auburn, 12.30 P.M STAGE ROUTES. For Lin' glestown, Mantels Hill, West Hanover, Ono and Jonestown on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 700 A. M For Lisburn and Lewisbtug on Sat urday 12 M. GEO. BERGNER, P. M. Woe Ann Gainaninen —We ask -the atten tion of the ladies to our large, stock of shawls: and dress goods, selected with ranch care in ; New York and Philadelphia. To the gentle-I men wemy comne.fpkd mai ; clot)* cast 81U1093 and' vnittingis, and wens.' penkitehaiingtin. view chesPnet*t ' _ itt 'to 'their*/ • r briTtirfOsWoVUrie . h Bowman, oft Front and Market streets. cc igrqh, I=l -.•N-- MA/ 1 . — 7 .80 A. la West PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. `' l '' ) Ai? tsbn Morning: &lumber 6, 1861. SANFORD'S CHALLENGE HEATEas—To set in prick, Portable or as Fireplace Heaters. The oat powerful Reeder. knoim for warming Dwell a, Churches, Schools, 4c. Send to LYMAN GU SH.; agent at Harrisburg, for a full discripticm d an unparalleled mass of testimony. Tag Cosmosoura parlor coal stove with radi : geaddator and . gas burning attachment, intro need one year ago, already ranks as the kaeling .ye for Parlors, Sitting Rooms and all places where a soft pleasant heat is desired; together with a large assortment of other parlor and cooking stoves of the best patterns to be had at the store and tinware establishment of brit/Lig Grimm, Market street. tf. Naas, Fint Sr FIIREI.—SI,OOO worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ' • 100 fur capes ane mu ff s, from $8 up to $l2, worth double'; dos. hoop skirts for 60c.,-76c. and $1 26 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 60, $8 60 up to $lO, very cheap. A large . assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton; at 12i, 18 and 20 cents ; 86 large woolen blankets ; 60 pieces canton flannel, at 1.2/ cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; , 60 'pleats of white cutin fringes at half ;. beautiful set flow ers De La th es, at 22 and 26 cents ; received a new lot of shirt briiata, beaVtiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and 'retail dryi good store. Wholesale buyers we would especially invite to our large stook, to Arbil& we recelyeadditions most every clay from New York auction. P titormis poi LOND P amrliC fret Mad: *rota Pebsbus,—:ln Menu' or Walt Ulcers, tzmnroy, or Thoptiontror Sleitiohe operation of the Lire Medialloll 1s trely,astotdshing, oltso removing in a few days: eVery veatige Of thidie ltedisolite diseases by their luirlfylng ellbots on the blood. ' revers, never and Ague, Zyspwila, - Dropsy, , Pilea, anddn'shorti, Most all diseases loon, yield to their ourativeproperties Nolfaislly shdold be without Weds, as by thetrrtiinely use much suakodmukopeme may •Lberiaved. Prosetrvd by t D. V 0 , 1 17 tT, ft. .7"., New York, and for hr-all DrilgtriPla MA : OOD HOW LOST,::HOW', RESTORED TUST Published in it 'Seated Envelope.; tit Prize 6 cts A.Lemurn an the Nature,. Treatment, and radical Cure of Spermatorrbati , or.Seruluat. Wiak neas,lrivolmitary Emissipus, Sapid Disgsw*iia Imped iments to Marriage generally,, NersoMmen, Epilepsy and Fits: Yenlal and 'Physlcil Incapacity, re sulting Prom saltnflueolistorrHy ,494 X,. 4, CUL WEB ylt ELL, M. D.;;Atithot , of th e' "A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers." sect under seal, In a plant envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six Dente, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. RUNE, „ 127 B meg, vr Ne,York, Pest 0fbee.,8a5.4036. eep!t•dgwain: , . • - • . To CoNtwirMvl.o. • Tnl ADVIRTIBIR;,LsvIug Demi . ipstored to health In a fair Welts -by Vitt,. 'Annie remedy, after having suffered, gevere.Lyearn ,w)tb A •aerne lung attent ion, and that dr4d disease,ttasautgien=—lS anxious to make known to.hVeliow-sulferees the mantis of cure. To all who desire tie WUipend .a copy of the pre scriptkak used (Moir of &urge); With-the directions for preparing and Naging,g4 same, widele they will find a sure cure ibr Consumption, As Bronchitis, litc: The only object of the advertiser In Coking the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread ,infbrmation which he reoceives to be illimitable, and. he hopes every stif rarer will try, his reeledy. ha ft cost tbetknething, and may prrde a ddtineltill:: Pumas wishing the proscription will please address REV.' 111)WARD A. WIL99N, Williantsburgh, &lige' county, Now York. not9l.wly HAIAJWIE ti-AIR I JAE LI . „ Win. A. Bat n ]npAi Air, DLO I The only Harmless analL26l.4l3l6 4 l)YeXiOwn I Alt °lbws are mere imitations, and ahould be avoided Irvin wftirteltkaperthleteetr " GREY, RED OR misvx r ,B4l_A Azoi, justepAy to a beautiful and Defend EtownerEtialitc, arlihiairtini lout tetury3o,Beirez,ghia, , , • THEN MUDAISIffIi DIPi t OEA9 Dave been etio. ded to Wm. A. BAIIMILOR eltieet4B 9, and over 200,000 i‘Prathatieent ,twe been the hair of the Wrens of Ma famouWena _ WK. A. BATOI3.IIII.OR'S HAIR. DYE produces a color 11431, to bo distingulofiea from natere and b wAsuorrzo not to Winn* San least, however tong It may be c mina ned, and aVlttla. yo `` den rognedlede-Vho hadr is invigaidderf&lia ifileiddendid Dte:tehlidi brvitip er,lY-aPlged-S4.oAl6,ncied Street New L Xoell., ' sold to all the cites and towns of the United States, by Ihugatels,andYaang llocds Dealers . The eennine:hei the nail, e "William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel. plate engraving, on the .foor sides Of each box. , Whole3ale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 283 Broadway, New York A CARD TO • THE LADIESI DR: , DUP.14009 AMU'S - . PILL. mums,. n =feeling; regnioung, - int remo7ing °Wind:lnns, from who.** - ninon, and • • *On succenaithl ark proven live. • - TOEIME PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for manY years, both. In Brume and dd, witli'lMOralbiled midair fn *every arse; arid bele:'iried by Many Moussurtiadles who•useetneini to make golf.Pllfinhollo for the WBoo3oll' ofilmisemitnnin froth sty lireiredarttles Whatever, as mat Me in _prevent an increase of family where health wilt petteitte—. Female. particularly, =I. them supposing them 'Behr& to,'are elation ' ' thee, 'AU ithile - 16 that xxlilOttoilirlY a r e , inn l,to..Prrsitline,ndecarrAge,, end thiiproli ' r wines ne respolty, ;ow sw while,: tuition a/ ough - Weir mildness *Mild prevent arty mix- chid to linatermare ;the' fltIM. mai mwmded. Full and &OMNI •Salefie leab'ity - ncflibie "Prise tit 00 ter box. Sold wholesale and retail. - Ladles,'! by isattlitim, him;titilild to. the ;Harrisburg ,Peat Moe,- orm have the Pills. ealitititta Mt Allilla&Lion to l ow *tot the country (oordidenthillyMteela ß e4 tags" by mall. Sold also by „9., 8, ,lousog, BOILOWAT £ •Ooivossir'Phtladelphia, P J. L. Lam martowArsbapam t . Nana. N 1.4 aresseowLanotieler;,..L. ,4.... .110116 city El: T 4 ll. Intaii:-York an byiiioe dragMatia 'row end village In the anion, and by HAfFHOwil, ii iii M lortipridter,' New IMli -•,- .* - - --,-, 1 1. N. d.—tookontiliwooheterfene.,..i ,no Bohlen Ms OA Wes...way boa le signed D. Awe, °MOM e•se PASsintdiennedlion Mid tati ' eittliertiNrei' an *yon value your.OrkateijoklN.Atainty_elthlng of be tng humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those Wheel:we the ettwature of S. AN Howe on _every bog, "which haareeently been,-added mi• mount .of the Plitt :bellemouunterlbited .. v * • , . • - delf-dweewlyi ilmt , cmersi* ivco irszti4Juic" s . D R. OHEESEMAN' 8 -T-ILLS Pitipared 1)3 , Corgelitut-L. i . D., 14 EV ORK Crrt. 4l ' ' xrib"iiiitiou of irilirediqtkta; },lllo,are the remit of ahem end,iptenaiee,..prectieei. They are mild in their operstlon, and,certalii i 4 correollni all irregulerltles, Painful Meneureatlons, reinovingiall-eb stinoilons, !tether iron _cold 'or other . Wiseiltesehiclie, pelt th th e si de'. palpitation of the heait,'Whitee, voac idNellobii; hYsterele, hitigne,;'''Pati in ihe'becknnd limbs Sic., disturbed sleep, which arises treereinterintp-• non • mktursti'LloiEs, Dr..Chmieeman , a pidle4tre Invaluable, as.they bring on the monthly pelted withregularity.; .Ladies who have been disapho nted in the use of, othenPills tan-place the utmost confidence inDr: Oheeseman's Mang all that theY_reineeentto do„ OT: b is one illoktion of ilia female yawn in tonic] the Pat cowl eskes, tisThont, yinalts2 P.IIUULIAW 1 4E§VLA rialcOadaiolt ,11#9 14411 1 7 Z" therauil IaStARRIAOR. Snails 'finds& it ten. dove, the wealignen, rstiere, the soma; fractions to ' e normal eondtifonkeket even thttelieductivo power or FM -603.~ rd# 4l ‘l, 3 9 . r 4 ARAI/ vdilittahle,,,all4 fni..* 1 3 4 04 injurious. itspligit,ttirectiress-whiett ee r9o l : o er company each bee. Pike - I. Sent by until on enclos ing SI to Os. mingles y, Onignefites, Jitor. 4,534 Poet Moe, New York City. Scadhy pee DretgUtht ant. Owe tithe United Statee 1. - ROT lERNSII,. ' ";n General Agent theDifitet States. • . • oadway ew Y To whougall.witolitaaleorderlishou lk ld bladdees ork, eed. nov29 dewly . • . - rtAiy:A'l3ls •ii he if `Drees ingtefoin, in the BesemehiefltetiV Doe whole willing to mate himeelftesofalcanAPPl.V novb•lte J. SAM. friHEundereigilipd oggs fqr, 1 1 3:p ON li j_ NEW 86 - WOBIWINOrNit tied , ond-Rand s e ra [ glielLidyvd TO& WO tha l mi g ,n Yr mijueZm oai burg, Ps. JACOB M nol2.rlBw-wBt New 'Aiwertiaments 4 4 • Assignees' Sale of Ilea ~ Estate. MBE IsUBSCRIBERS . *Mlle!! by- public outcry at the Court Roue, at Harrisburg, on gator. day the likh day of November next,' at two o'clock' P The Farm of John Wallower, &pint', consisting of / 86 acres; situated in Susquehanna township, about three miles-trent barrObarg, adjtitrnsclands of John Fox, John Zinn and ethers: there aro era - sedan the Fektzt a large Two Story Stone Rouse, a Bank Bird; Tebard Hauses;Stablits; Tbitre is also a large orchard of apple, pear, peach and cherry trees of choice varieties in excellent hearing or. der. Alto, several veins et geol Lime. Stone, which have been mama be worked to advantage. The property will be sold in a body or in parcels to suit perdue-en. Conditions wdi be liberal and be asnounced on day of Mete will oleo be offered Ihr sale at the same time and place the undivided half Interest of 150 scree of Coal Lands situated on the Short.Mountaln, in Lykens Valley, Dauphin county. A. 0. HIRSTER C. F. httilitioH, esti) 3toawd-arts Assignees. Lancaster intehipeseer and Carlisle Herald Insert three times and send bill to this office immediately. FOR SALE, OF :RENT. TIIHE undersigned offerafor sale, ijL his Diatillery below Bare labors, between' the Renn hylsania Railroad and the Rwalliohlmllwrivem, With steam engine, pig pen, railroad siding and &boot eight acres ground. -Tergin tow. APPLY to .1 O. Borolert, Esq., Pahhirir medeinice fiiivizike Bank Wark, . LUST„ , • 0c."26-alms,„,, .14,hounta. COAL! COAL! ! 88, AND. $2 26 PER TON 0F2,000 LBS. O. D. FORSTER FFICE No.. 74, Market Street, yard on the C9, 11 14 . 900f N (12 .4 1 foot 2REVOR2ON, WiLLYBARRE, ZYKE.IVS VALLEY; 21711*BURY 5ad— .13,804R1Me400.41. rangiellltklaDealersmaY re/.10P9 11 1 1 / 4 11111Mtza.firatorate arnMe, weight, al the lowest rates. Orders promptly atteeded to. A liberal discount made to pnr (Masers paying foithe cool4ben ordered: Present price, $3 and $2 '25 par ton. • Harrisburg, Oct. 26.—aim SMUTS 1 ;13HIRT81 I SHIRTS 11 I HOBO MANUFACTURE. THE CHEAPEST`IK . THE HARK= HE undersigned having opened his manufactory of MI:M. As., at N 0.12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa mos' irespectrally solleita the patronage and attention of the' Ladies,lientlemen and Merohanta to - the following assortment or goods all of Whirl are our own manufacture 8080 COLLARS, - WFFE I 3._ lifuotr•BANDB, NIGHT SH*TS, am. Am aro am. . Also the particular attention of the Ladies to.eur large assortment of under garments dm, (from.tha latent im proved tondos and karat, atylce,) LINEW 1:11)IZAR-S, OUFFS,.BgTfo &c., In great vartettea,catl of which. being Our own mannufacterelre will acii. cheaper than can be rparchased 'elsewhere. . rersofts deldmusof furnistiing their own materiel,, mn have outtbig, sewing &e., ,of. every variety , done asiecird-, ingtoorder, shoring above namedworidefor Nests weer , we will make to measure, guaranteeing, ,to, fit„ and give entire imistention to the .Perekheser for. atyle.,durability And m ,All . special 009r11.1611 be promptly at tended to oponthe shortest nonce and most reasonable tforms. Alee.liernbants supplied upon the most, reason. able terms., ' P. $. Ladies wishing skirts ot nodes garments,of any emormtion, can have them madelto order by seeding sample of ; such kinds as may be, • JANES A.:LYNN, No. 12, Market. street, au29-dein Harrisburg, Pa. Rooms next door to Hummel dt,,Billinger , e. Grocery ors. . . -~~~g . .. i 0 TAT.E.atigie.i,neitTidietiiiiik a ei, fear, *ars Delko , 'Mart Meted, 4acriebarg. A gee E-lloarso Needy made Wilda &Amps ga hand and , y;tla4ied to ortloi.;",S1OOr plattis',ll):;" 'ferias ma-. blo. ' ' ' Uot304,Pel • GI:ITM GI- O.OIYS Fow THE. AR,MT, • Beds, Pillowy Blankets,Coati, 43 apt, WM. S. - • • S air i4t North Side Market Square, near Buehler' a Hotel, lit&lMßlgn* P 4. ana44l4l.i* DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON t • DENT..IOFit FFERAitiii oitiaus o toirrtabour soft ite vicinlly Ha solicits a share o the-public patronamand giveramieranoe that hitt best andesVora shell be given to rendiv rattlefaction in his pro- Norton. - Nitta old, ,, wea tried dentist, be feels tare in Writing the tuublic lenerelly to colt on Ma, assorint hemlbittlier linnet be dimtasiled witlrbiti'services, Moe No. 128 Market sitreet, in thetolose formerly m ounted by 'limb R. F•by, near the II:1,ad fltallee Hotel, 1 1.1.4 1 4 ) Sitle a navit 4 e4r:fr UPHOLSTERING. r_AIA.LEA.F . t `1: t tVlb Mritatit; V RAI A ef;,..totriyerk3. 4f 1 1.1. t VAMP- 1 .81 3 60M &c., &c., On handmaid (hr sale atshe verytioorest rates for cash. Hair mattressesauld,..klottortts waded° order. SOFAS; • 1.01;INEO; OH/WA „ HAIR ILATTREMES &o. Neydred and imbioreVisi to never very rSmonable, all a I No. losvmaticecitiree,i,oefivob so;: itdtlrilth',' by potB.2olll_, ' " JPS'i tt.A.RNITL. ifithisbut Bllivi'llanufkitory BECOND .SnIZET W ,CII3ATNIIT -A . . VENITIAN iiiid -mikrAwaridig. ivaijar and expeditiously done. Per was at a &lance can have.their wdrk clone by addres sing nlitteete . thesiriderstinid I Thiintrwl for patit Vat sumo he Viitiee; bYttlicit uttietket tochuitutiM; . to merit conunwince of the same. esirSatisfachod t invents° d Moth sato prices and work. 3.lismakujoarigußpo oct9:dem SOHEFFERS' 'ROOK - 'STORE. 1U N ONi E NeVIEI,O P F.IS. NQTE rAP,EII,,of t d ' ergot II -pFt n uNi toolors;sobi by tite tlhousand and by the ratup aLCity Clash, prtaelt, . • , Union War in t 71 , 4 14, Unloa. map 'ad at very toy pr cea. II at mvs;" Val 1300103CORS. TSUBS HL CRI4KR, has removed the 1 PLINKING A 19:) BRASS FOUNDRY from Market street to Feirtifstreet'ettwave Mantes, opposite the' Bathe oburals. limet.flat foritiltimtrortsge - No hopes. ets:kot mr2ls-SiedWM, . rAttorTr. - . . _ AAIR, TOOTEt .NALL, - CLOTII, HAT, LATHER and iNII T ANT'BitUgIEtit In great variety . 1 - 4 411 1 4k , 'P R VA AN.PIOI.4IYO°B4I BtoPtrAlo,lNdadran 4 44 , Viraneoeintrald of all de seriptions and prices. •-•,. • * AL ;OMR Atoka, , • • oaLDER fl VISEGATI !. VlSE=SLOStakti pu lkp i plp, d 24 WM. DOOR k 1:10. Nap 2ibttrtistmaits. NEW DRESS GOODS. EEMBROIDERED REPS, Blida and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Delaines, . Plain Merlnoes and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Detainee At CATHCART & awns. Ers Next door to the Harrisburg Bank Markin square. uov4 BLEB.CESEP biI7SLINS (at oldpricea.) BLANKETS, MEETINGS, Flannels, Ticking, Drdliugs, Gingham's, Callcoes, Towliogs, All kinds of Domestic Goode, A splendid Line of Shawls. All kinds of Men and Boys wear. In great variety to be found at cmsosars, Market Sqvisre. IMM WORSTED GOODS, LADIES HUMS, Misses Head Dresses, Ladies Hoods, Misses Hoods, Ladies Soutane, Misses Mitts, &e., &c. A fresh invoice jest opened et CATHCART'S, nov4 Next door to the Harrisburg Beak DARLING'S LIVERREGULATOR, LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable extracts. They Ll_ cure alrbilions disorders of the human ardent.— They regulate and tovigorate the liver arid trandeys - they give tone to the digestive organs ; they regulate the secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalise the circa lotion, and purify the blood. Tons all Wilms comptoun. ;-4Tme of which are roridd Liver, Sick Headache, Dys paoa, Peas, Chills sad Fevers, corivencio or Low ness—are entirely (Toweled and cured by these reme dies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Removes the morbid and billions deposits fleet the slum iamb and bowels, reglaates the liver and kidneys, remov ng every obstruction, restores a natural and healthy ca tion in the vital organs. It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much beet than pills, and much mailer to take , DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent In cases a loss of appetite,listuieney Annals weakness, irregulari thin. pain, in the Bice and bowls , blind, protrualug and bleeding piles, and-general debility. READ THE s'OLLOWING TMTIMONY Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, writes, August 18, 1860: ‘4 have been aMloted with puce, accompanied with blewing, the last three years ; I used . . DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR LIFE BITTERS, And now consider myself torrialux cratuat." Hon. John A. Oross writes, "Brooklyn, March 18, 1860. In the spring of 1869 l• took a revere cold, which induc ed a violent fever. I took two doses of DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. broke up my cold and fever at onms Prelim* to this attack, I ban been troubled with dyspepsia several months ; 1 have lint nothing of It since." • Otis Sindly, Req., • 128 East 28th Street, N. V., writes : .'August 12, 1880-1 had a Mfficul.y with Kidney Oms plaint three years with constant pain in the small of my back. 1 had used most all kinds el medicines, but round no permanent relief until 1 used DABLINq'S INVIGMATOR, LIFE BITTERS I passed clotted blood bythe 'urethra. lAM now en tirely cured, imitate pleasure la reocunmentheg these tamedie&n. ! Mrs C. %bow-, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y ., writes . 9hitr 70, Ileta—.l have been subject to attache of asth nut the last twenty years. I have never found anything usual to Darling's Liver Regulator, Lit Wording Immediate relief. It is a thorough Llveirass4 bilious remedy." Mrs. Yount,. of Brooklyn, writes , “Febr ua ry 28, 18412. In May last I bade severs attack of Piles, which coda el me to the house. I took one bottle of DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS and was entirely cured. I have had no attiokatoon." D. Westervelt, Pm:, or South 6th, near oth Street, cra llamsburg, L. 1., writes : "August 6, 1860.—Flaying been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to M ica' ettscir.s, I was advised by a friend to try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, S did so, and found It to operate admirably, removing the bide and arOuslog the liver to activity. I have also need it is FAMILY MEDICINE When our ohildren are out of ports, we give them a lbw drops and It seta thorn all right. I Ond tt meat Ma geoeral wants or the etomackt and bowels when disorder-, ed.' Bunn, if yon ne,d either or both of those most ex pellent inquire for them at the stores ; if you • do not find them, take no other, but loolose One Dollar lb a letter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be cent according to your directions, by dual or express, post-paid, Address, DAt',Ti S. DARL/1414. 1O 10 ' 4 Nitssau street i 1 „Ow qr Put op in Su cent and $1 Boatels Mech. oct24-dOtu NEW NATIONAL LoAyg. Tel ma and ThrewTentiks Per (kat. TEZAARTILY .NOTES, NOW RRADT FOR DAITRIAT AT TEO OFFIOR 4 . AY -GOOKE & CO., . . 13A RILERS, No. 114 South Third Street, PIIILADELPHIA. Pursuant o instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the SubseripUen Hack to the NEW NATIIM.II.I. LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the retool Seven and three-tenths per cent per annum, will remota open at my office, No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. until further notice, from 8 A. M. 11116 P. K., mad .ort Mondass tll.l 91'. M. These not m will be of the denomination of FUMY 1)01,1. Mh, ONN ElDNorte.o DOL ANS,. FIVO HUN- . MED, .1101.14.11 Q uNE THOUSAND DOLIAIRR, and AVE TIIOUSAND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of &uglier', 1861, payable gold. in. throe Years, or cone VerUble into a twenty years' air. per Gent. law; at WO option of the bolder. Each Treasury Note ham interest boupoos Atached, which oen be out off and collected la— gold at the Riot every am months, and at pot rate .ot owe, pant per day on each fitly dollars, Paymeint ef subicriptwo.l may be made in Gold Or Clocimeor;Noteeof,:tity.ot,ths phitademea Banns. Pimps kr ...S . letasneit can remit by their *leas; through Die matt; 01 , by express, or through Banlm 'and the Treasury!, Notes will be immediately delivered, or Sent tu c e ! :rett Subscriber as they may severally dlpire,. Rartlea.reruitting must add the interest from-likki of Liugus, ibe date at Mt the notes, t0.th419 resat", ;lance Mashes Rtdiadeiphia, at the rate' drone' dent pee 'day on each fifty dollars. 'Apply to or entrees - ovum, guswigewer AGEN t • Care of JAR 00E4 /600 Hanker% .003,iim Thwilareet, Philadelpbui. ..'ivroRVITERVIeti ;ROYAL ° QUARTO DICTIONARY t IHE beet defining and pronouncing DW- I r tionary 1:4 the !Ingillh leagnage ; Auto, Woreelfterii School redighlWlC — W - dbehirTit - Pidierhtl Quarto And , Batumi DictiouViditbi sale at SCEIRIVEWS BooKeraftl, arm' Seer the fleryieberg Bridge. Um= mw i, COAL 1 LORBERRY COAL . • oa Void Ow/7, neol,,,itabthsinkusi *POW M jr. 7:trtrT GAM OftE r fa m d c 8. & octalmd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers