Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 01, 1861, Image 7

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    pailp itirgrapij.
Friday Morning, November 1, 1
DIN WEATHER is beginning to feel decidedly
winterish. Closed doors, coal fires and woolen
clothing. are coming in fashion again. Yester
day winning we had a heavy white frost, which
lay upon the roofs of the houses on the shady
side of the way for two hours or more after sun
'cc end looked as though it was snow.
train on the Pennsylvania Railroad had a small
onash up, on Friday night last, somewhere in
ISO Narrows, between Lewistown and Patterson.
The breaking of an axle was the first act; the
breaking of A rail, and a general heaping up of
ears the consequence. Two bead of cattle were
killed outright, and several had legs broken and
were otherwise injured. Fortunately no human
ivt were lost.
LIECT. COL. STEITILI giuys.,, of the First
llinnesota reeimt nt, has been co e d
ro om in the Jon's' Housed his city iOr several
weeks, seriously ill with the Camp Fever. We
are glad to learn, however,, that within the last
few clays he has I , cen gradually improving in
his condition, which lead his friends to enter
tain the Stronget hopes of his speedy recovery,
and restoration to his regiment, now gallantly
engaged defending their country's flag on the
banks of the Potomac.,
Guth Missuco.—William Cloud, of Bernville,
Bois county, advertises for information about
his daughter Sarah, who left her home in Feb
ruary last, and resided for sometime with Mr.
Amos Huber, in Roseville, Lancaster county,
under a fictitious name. She left Mr. Huber on
the . .ift Of September leak, with an old calico
frock on, but without shoes or bonnet. Noth
ing has since been heard of her, and her parents
will be thankft.l fur any information by which
they fluty discover whore she is.
PARTRIDGE Suoov.uo.-The season for this
most exhileratlitg of all * sports, is here, and the
disciples of Nimrod are beginning to improve
their opportunities. In the country now almost
every hour- in the day, crack I crack ! goes
same rusty "fasees"'in the hands of sportsmen.
forties of sportsmen with their trained "Poin
ters," which is an indispensable requisite to the
hunter(:)Vhci WaitaClittuk sport or game, leave
the city .every ,morning.and return in the even
ing with their game-bags well filled with those
delicate little birds, plump and fat as butter.
Tea Nsw BISHOP.—The Protestant Episcopal
Convention oftel te Di?cpie of Pelinnivivaida, on
Thursday, elec vntrilliim Bacon - Stevens,
the Rector of St. AndnDifs church, Philadelphia,
to the office of Assistant Bishop, made vacant
by the leath oC gip brenfed Bishop Bowman,.
Although the.tho*lslegarded as a trianlph
of the Evangelical or Low Church party, Dr.
Stevens is known to be no active partizan, and
his piety and qualifications are acknowledged
even by those opposed to his electidn.
from West Point, who commands one of the
finest regiments in the service, suggests that
woolen mittens for the soldiers will be greatly
needed when the cold weather begins. Will
not all who can employ themselves in this way
help to furnish five hundred thousand pairs.—
They should be knit with one finger, to allow
a free use of the first finger and thumb. It is
slid there were more soldiers disabled in the
Crimean war from frost bitten fingers than from
any other one cause.
Is TOWN.—Hon. Alexander Ramsey, Governor
of Ilinesota, wax in town yesterday, stopping
at the Jones' House. He has just returned from
Washington, where he has been looking after
the interests of the gallant troops from his State,
some of whom have participated in every nota
ble engagement with the enemy in eastern Vir
ginia since the commencement of the rebellion.
The Governor is looking remarkably well ; and
throughout the day was visited bya large number
of his old personal friends in this city, who warm
ly welcomed him back to the scene of his early
hints and triumphs, and congratulated him upon
his recent re-election to the gubernatorial chair
of his adopted State.
HANDSINS SERRNADE.—The fine bend attached
to Cul. Brook's regiment at Camp Curtin visited
the city last night and favored a number of our
citizens with a handsome serenade. Among
the places visited was the residence of Mr. John
Billo w in Pine street, where they discoursed
delightful music, and were sumpteously enter
tained. From here the serenaders repaired to
the residence of the "local" of the Tutoßarm,
and awakened his slumbers by performing
several lively and spirited airs, which, swelling
out on the stillness of night, had a remarkably
fine effect. The band is composed of • excellent
musicians, who will not only give eclat to their
fine regiment, but by their excellent perfor
that-ices, in: Aire the men composing it to deeds
of noble daring in the great contest for the
Lnion, in which they are RCM to participate.
ENLISTING Daua -MEN —lt has been judi
cially decided in Boston that a contract of en
listment does not bind a man if ho was drunk.
..; he entered into it. The case came before
Ige Dewey on the petition of Mary Finn, for
barge of her husband, a soldier in the
'liar army, on the ground that at the time of
knient he was so drunk as not to know
‘"( lie N% as doing, and that as soon as he be
-41, he repudiated the act and asked to
from his obligation. These allega
, ..r.• sustained by evidence, and the Judge
an enlistment was but a contract be
government and the individual, that
inlil all assenting. mind on the part of the
to atiti that a person so drunk as not
G " gut t he was about was incapable of
t e ht g e al d'
court accordingly ordered
m er l it ' l `" 4l l of the man. This ruling is of
cruitk,, l o t ie flon t and it should addkonish re
tozicattd. , cAs not to enlist say man when in
A Loorrzay Dzazza.—We are credibly inform
ed that a certain individual, residing in one of
our principal thoroughfares, is secretly engaged
in selling lottery tickets, and doing a flourish
ing business. The chief supporters of the es
tablishment are said to be servant girls and
negroes, who squander away a large amount of
money with the hope of drawing a rich prize.
We hope the establishment will be looked after.
Ray. Da. Juaxia, formerly of Lafayette Col
lege, in this state, but more recently President
of Washington College, Virginia, was in town
on Wednesday, and preached in the Old School
Presbyterian church: This is the same patriotic
divine who vacated his Presidential chair and
left Virginia the moment the rebel flag was
raised by the students over the College. Having
lived for more than Seventy years under the
protection of the "Stars and Stripes," he could
not endure existence beneath the folds of a rebel
banner, and though bound by many ties to the
people of that region, he sundered them all,
rathey than abanflon his loyalty to the Union
and the Constitution. The Doctor is a native
of Pennsylvania, his birthplace being in Cum
berland may, and is now on a visit to the old
" Tux Somme' is well known
that the sale of 'spirituous liquors ' is strictly
prohibited in all the eampe. The Sutlers are
not even alioNted to sell it to the officers. But
the bright precepts of John Gough, and the
Maine Law of Neal Dow, have been set at de
fiance. The enemy has assumed a new shape
in the form of 'The Soldier's Friend.' It is
handsomely and elaborately labelled and put
up in medical looking pint bottles with the
euphonious title of 'The Soldier's Friend," and
accompanying it was directions to take one
teaspoonful three times a day. A Colonel, who
has tried it, assures us that it is the closest
imitation of a brandy cock-tail that he ever
drank. He says that he found out that nearly
every man in his regiment had a bottle of it;
and some, so fearful were they that they might
catch the fever and ague, would not follow
the directions ; but took a teacupful at a
Itermtoen.—The fact of an accident having oc
curred on the Northern Central railway, eight
miles south of York, on Tuesday afternoon, by
which two persons were instantly killed, was
noticed in the Tatzentarn yesterday afternoon.
We have been able to gather the following ad
ditional particulars :
It appears from the repqrt of the conductor
of the unfortunate train, John J. MegLaughlin,
of this city, that the train was going at a mod
erate rate of speed, when a cow suddenly ran
on the track, and was caught by the pilot, badly
.breaking the engine and baggage car, and two
passengers cars. • Mr. John Valentine, of Balti
more, was one of those killed. It was asserted
by some of the passengers that he was on the
platform of -the fast passenger car at the time
the ambient occurred, and by other passengers
that he wag !Ind& tbe.ear, but the conductor
reports that he saw him on the platform, told
him it was dangerous to ride there, and advised
him not to run any such risk. The other party
killed was a stranger, who got on the train at
York, and nothing was found on his person to
lead to his identity,, He had on his person a
silver wet h and &pulite containing some money,
which were delivered to the coroner at York,
whither the bodies were sent.
At York an inquest was held on both bodies,
d from the testimony the jury rendered a
verdict exonerating those in chargo of the train
from all blame, but censured the owner of the
cow for permitting it to run at large on the
line of the railroad. The body of the unknown
man was left at York, but that of Mr. Valen
tine was taken to the city of Baltimore and
deliverel to his family. Among those in
jured was a volunteer for the federal army in
charge of a Mr. Thompson. He occupied the
front seat in the first passenger car, and one `of
his ankles was badly hurt. He, too, was taken
back to York, where he received surgical at.
tendon. A Mr. Chennoweth was also consider
ably hurt. He received a wound in tae fore
head, which bled profusely, but which did not
prove to be of a serious nature. A short time
after the accident, however, he complained of
much pain and soreness internally, and it was
found that he was badly bruised externally.
There were some others slightly injured. Im
mediately after the accident an engine was dis
patched from York with a force of hands to
clear away the wreck in time fin the passage of
the express train with but a slight detention.
enth" regiment, P. V., re-organised, and com
manded by Col. Richard Coulter, together with
part of Col. Dodge's regiment, both from Camp
Curtin, visited the city shortly before noon yes
terday with their fine bands, for the purpose of
paying their respects to the commander of the
old "Eleventh," Col. Jarrett, who is now in
town stopping at the Buehler House. The
troops entered the city by Third street, down
which they proceeded to State, thence out State
to Second, and down Second until the head of
the column reached the "Buehler House," where
it halted. 'Col. Jarrett upon preeenting himself,
received the customary military salute, and af
ter a bri . ef interchange of civilities "with the
field officers of the regiments, mounted a horse
which had been provided for the occasion, and
was conducted to a central position in the line,
when the column again took up its march, pro
ceeding down Second to Market, out Market to
Third, and up Third to the camp, the bands
meanwhile discoursing excellent music, while
the steady tramp of the men, the prancing steeds
of the officers, and the long line of polished
bayonets, flashing in the bright sunlight, formed
altogether a pageant which fully impressed us
with the
"pomp and circumstance of glorious
war." Both of these regiments are under march
ing orders, and will shortly leave for the seat of
war ; where we feel assured the gallant
"Eleventh," as well as that commanded by
Col. Dodge, will give a good account of them
selves, and the former keep g the laurels
so bravely won by them at the bailie of the
Falling Water& .
Bee4cdpenefoodls advertisement in en eV
peuntighicutia- 11164 .41tiegravh, inorning,, November MO.
Boca K a / a rr.—The time for the manuf
ture of this article of food has arrived, and cut
ters and "stompers" are in demand. Sour
Kraut, some years ago, was considered a dish
for "plebeiana" only, but it has gradually
worked its way forward, and is rapidly becom
ing fashionable. "Vive la Sour Kraut !"
Falun= and other wise people in the rural
districts predict an early winter, along one, and
a strong one. One of the signs is that birds are
already preparing for a flight southward, and
another, that the hulk of the growing' corn is
very thick-and close, and covers the ears to the
very ends, anever-failing proof , that overcoats
and fuel will be in great demand.
A Yezuris is a calculating instibitim, and
nothing comes along that he does not subject to
the ordeal of figures in some way. The last in
stance that has come under our observation is
the following, which occurs in the way of smile ,
editorial speculations upon comets : "Its tail
is at least 6,000,000 of miles in length. To
grease that tail, it is estimated, would use up a
Vasin of fat as large as Lake Erie, and make
constant employment to 15,000 ‘4laubers' for
ten years."
Ir TERRIS is anybody under the ,canister of
heaven that I have in utter excresenoe,"
Mrs. Partington, "it is a tale bearer and deglt.
erer going about like a vile boa constructor, cir
culating his calomel about honest folks. I al
ways know one by hisphismahogany. It seems
as if Beldabod had stamped him with his pri
vate signal, and everything he looks at`appetiis
to turn yeller." Aid having uttered this wile
what elaborate speech, she was seized with a
fit of coughing, and called for some demulcent
H.NAVY CA4llrnia.—An immense piece of 410-7
one of the "chunks" from which the new model
Dahlgren guns are turned—arrived here yes
yesterday from Pittsburg en route for the navy
yard at Washington. The Pittsburg Dispatch,
describing the mass of iron, says that the piece
in its present condition bears very little restrodk
blance to a cannon, and unless previously l int
formed, few would guess the fact. It is merely
a cylindrical mass of iron, resembling the "butt
cut" of a tree, slightly rounded at the lower
end. The mass is thirty-one and a half inches
in diameter at the breech, twenty-four at the
muzzle end, and fifteen feet long. Its estimated
weight is 26,000 pounds. From this mass Will
be turned a rifled eighty-pounder Dahlgren gun,
of seven and one-half inches bore. At the
Fort Pitt Works, where it was cast, work was
commenced some months since on these
"chunks," those first made being much small
er—rifled thirty-pounders, of 4.04 bore. These
were tested and having been ' found successful,
were followed by rifled fifty-pounders, of about
five inches bore. The fifties were followed in
'their turn by eighties, but whether a larger
size will be ventured on is not yet known.
The rough moul d is taken to Washington
city and finished under the supervision of Cite,
'Dahlgren. The body of the gun is turned out
of thelims*having no projections of an, kirid
on its unlace. It is then fitted in a wrought
iron cradle, on which the trunious and cascable,
or projecting portion of the breech, are forged.
The work of forging the cradles must be a very
difficult task, as the iron is necessarily very
heavy, and must be hammered toarigid exact
ness of shape and dimensions. We have not
.been able, as yet, to obtain any definite infor
mation from official sources in regard to the pe
culiar advantages expected from this construc
tion of the gun, but one feature is, probably,
the imposibility of rendering the gun un
'serviceable by the accidental breaking of a
ON PIMEHL` Gumu).—lt was night, the cold
whistling wind howled its marches on the sol
diers dreary midnight beat, and ever and anon
his watchful fancy seemed to hear the distant
footfall of the lurking foe. With gun in hand
and bayonet fixed he paces to and fro. " Who
goes there?" "A friend." The word, all fear
dispelled, he thinks of home, mother, father,
sister, his dear Kate, and perhaps the many
winter comforts in dry goods that is always to
be had at the cheap store corner of Front and
Market streets of Urich & Bowman.
A Caurarsom Hama—portable, in brick or
as a fireplace heater; the most powerful beaters
known for warming several apartments with
pure hot air, and by only one fire, suited for
by the agent, Limes GELBRIM, Market street.
Send to him for a book, containing full descrip
tion, and an overwhelming mass of testimony.
Oct. 26t.
AncrzioNl—The Cheapest Goods Received Yet !
SO pieces of 64 bleached Pillow Case Muslin,
12i cents.
100 dozen of woolen Socks damaged by water,
8 cents a pair.
25 pieces of dark heavy Pant Staf, 18, 26 and
37 cents.
50 pieces Canton Flannel, 12.1 cents.
100 of black and grey Cloaks, from $2.50 up.
12 dozen of ladies' woolen Sontags,very cheap.
40 dozen of grey and White merino Undershirts
and Drawers, 75 cents.
50 pairs white woolen Blankets, at all prices.'
100 dozen of ladies' and children's wool Stock
ings, 12 to 37 cents.
50 pieces of white, red and yellow Flannel, at
all prices.
Country merchants we would invite to call,
as we have a large stock of all kinds of Goods,
and are daily receiving Goods from New York
Auction, which we will sell at wholesale at City
'prices. S.
John Rhoads' old•itand.
TUST Published in a Sealed Envelope '
eJ Price 8 eta : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment,
and radical Cure of Spermatorrhcea or seminal Weak
'new, Involuntary &missions, Sexual Debility, and Imped
imenta to Marriage generally, Nervonsneis, Consumption,
?Epilepsy and Pits: Mental and Physioal Incapacity, re
(suiting from self Abuse, ho.—Ely MOST. J. , CULVER
WILLL, Author of the Gran Book de. "A uoimk
, to Thousands of Sufferers," 85111 under seal, in • plain
envelope, to any- address, plid paid, on receipt of six
'cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr.-OEL J. O. KLIMA
127 Biwery, New York, Post Office, H0z4686.
sepiLdawSin ,
` frrase.—
MomVitizini ft= AND'PNCINIX
Pres frost ail /Harrel POsear.....ln .4taiselt of Scrofula
Ulcers, Seamy, or &options of the 'Nft the operation
of the LificliWida , re ie truly astonisb leg,
le few says, every vestige of these iaighßOMe diseaaes
by their purifying on the bleed.' 'lllMousAreveht,
Paver and Agee, Dyspepsia, Drepenriks, mei Is &dirt,
nest ail diseases woos yield to their suftlirctr a il
NO DOW NMetli be orMoW. then, is by their
use knob 'sibling awillsoio sew boomed.
swPart,yrimi.BUIRIFFATI Y. D., New York, and
Prepared by Cornelins,L. Cheetaananyff.. D.,
MEIE combinatiori of ingredients in these
PIUS atti theS•amit of along ndt extensive practice. They are mftdinstbeir operation; and certain lo correcting
all irregularities Painful hteustruations, removing all eb
jocitions, wbi Rom cold ot foolerkise i 'headman),
M u in the side. 01 the beirt, whites, all ner
vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and,
limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arises from Interrup
tion of nature,
TO Si diiRIEO t.AnIL,
Dr. Chessman's Pills are invaluable, as'they win bring
on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have
been disappo nted in the use of other Pills can plena the
utmost cpandence in Br. Obeesennuids Palsdoing all that
they repreeent td do.
There it one condition of the female system in which the
Pills cannot he Mks with' out p .a PECONAR
• RINUL T. The coniditicm referreir Os is EEC hirkricr
Ike result 111.90Attalta E. Such it the Wyesistib is Mrs.
deny of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a
normal condition, that can the nvnroduelive' power of na
ture cannot resist it.
• .
Warranted purely vegetable, and-free from anything
injurionii. Explicit directions, arbich should be road, =-
coin; any each box. Price 31 Sat by mall on enclos
ing I 1 to CoarinloB L. HO , Bet 4,631, Poet
Office, New York City.
Sold by omit binygig tin every town is the United Slates.
General Agent for the United States.
• 14 Broadway, New York,
To whom'all wisolesale orders sbould 4 beaddressed.
Sold in Harrisburg uy C. A.Raven.
nov29- dimly .
of ft , ~
, ' , ,-..tpor gkipmmb,,,,,,,,, ~,,-1,
-nfallible • correcting,
~ regulating, and removing al
fiSitilbltiolle, from
_Mtehrier tonlitoihd, I
ways iIUM-. as ii,nneVen- .
Vie. r -
Tril 4 . F, E'l Wt. i jy.E, ,g.s.§rti BBB') BY
Ithe do.Anii kir man lyears,"- both id /Proem and
America, with unpaved .soncese til every COBS ;AO
Wit Willed •bY usiutY .ittoommit ladies who mood them, - in
make the Pills public for the alleviation of QOM suferizei
tinniest,: irregularities whatever, At Well MO% Prevent
an imr 4,:riltuaitoolikt llntil, out permit it.—
Footslog pa ~ rly el , kir the se acippOsmg them
rives so,. are calitkenotiegainst these Pilh while i bt that
condition, aa they are eno k to prOme, stirrirign, and
the proprietor assumes no responsibility alter this edam
palm', although their setthmar would prevent any mis
chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended.
Full and explisilletreettoddiecompuer meth inic Prise
" 11 00 per biliS Sold *Who& and retail by
. , 4 211 a RLltil AsitdralVAßA Druggist,
No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa.
“Ladles," , by , sendasg Alm 11l 00 to thedisrrlaburg
Post Moe, can hive the Nita Bent free of obierostioto to
any part of the ofmtery (ocleddentlally) and ' , free=
use. by mall. Sold:nogl4
by: . 8. , Orton", -
JOlllOBOl, lIOLLOWAY & Qom; PlbUtutelpida, J. L. Las.
oftose, Lobanapj Llentlif, R.THstopi,ftemuster; J. A.
Warr% Wrightsville i R. T. llictua, York ~_• and by one
IL ovary oar awkilllage la tho,Unient,and by
t 3. D, ole proprieboraliew York '
N. B.—Look out for counterfoils. no Heiden Pills
Al ,
° t in= C 7 IT= W. Ird .
you Thine your liver aye mr t :tti, PO * t itling or br
ug humbugged - out - 6f leht , - one'," y of those
who show tettigejituil?-4 4 .4 1 ' I). g2WP. 3 ever box,
which has ter: 91v .peen ^odded on R o oql2 O. t nib
being imuntereMie** , i, .. - ', .thriewly.
e , ) 1 61 - ,6 . iiiii Ti a, •• •
a ll; ;1•VM , .."• •
Tao Amon : Taiga, yas ISailik. adored to
E it
In a ft* iiiik'llyWi&Y-Illinilile suledY• after
ion, Vci 4 Thr d dia e k ., ' I .: V L .:, . apignitig.arl
make known to hie Alio* , r: % Abel means of cure.
Tft.rtil who desire, lt, Mk Isl. send a COPY of the pre
willtkoti used (nie kw u . 1, *KW 'the direathios 23f
preparing and men 'the . Windt they will And a
sure cure NW' . 4„ ; ,.; , • , r - imicititiimenee, Th e
only object e - ve") , "' - nien. ink am 'Piiicriptioo
et to benefit the aftiknotpardeproad bilbrmation which
he acmceivem to bill wi*ofthekenst beguiled every Red
ford will try. his' Vbiny,riktit' War dm them nothing,
aid ttlay4wavaktiiimisulg. ,
r. 7. g
.tcrtimioahlicAuo t vin, wilkAingar.W.. ._.
SOD A. tt,
Ifi A 0 rAPH i fi l li ti Carr e l ft t.
- •
: 141416411.11C 4 1.i,g Lii
The only Harmleee and Reliable Dye own 1
All others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided
Ifyou wide to escape
ORB?, Rif,D , QR. RUEllik; HAIR dyed instantly to a
boasting andinditral Brotentir BhOsit, without-the least
injury to Hair or Skin.
Fir fERN idBDAIS ARO bIPLOISAS have been awar
ded to ,W34..A. Minimum since 18.9, and over 200,000
applicatlinillate been made to the hair .of the patrons
of bis funnies Dye,
Wm:A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYR produces a color ,
not to be distinguished from nature and is waxes:run
not WWl:ere% the 'teat, however long it may im contin
ued, and the ill I trews of bad Dees remedied. The hair
is invigorated for life brthis splendid Dye, which is prop
erly applied at No. 16 Rood Street New York.
Bold is all the ekes and towns of the United States, by
Druggists and Yancy,Goode,Dealers
' The Genuine has ;thesilbe "William A. Batchelor,"
end addreen firon a steel platt etigraeing, on the four
sides ,of each box.
Wholesalelractory, 81 Barclay St.,
Tate, 3 Broadway, New York.
. oct2-dawly
AND' $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 L 13.9
AFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on
J the Renal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re
tail dealer in
Finales' and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate
article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders
promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to put . -
'chasers paying Tor thiSlxial , wbekbrderlid.l.
Present price, S 3 and S 2 25 per ton.
Harrblburg, Oct. 25.-413 m
WIIEREAS, the Honorable Joan J.
h Pzeueort, Prealdent of.the Courtof Commos Pleas
In te Twelfth Judicial Thetrickrowdsthilg thulMuntieo
of Lebanon and pariphin, and the Hon. A. 0. lIPOPTILD
and"Heui. PirmetilearsT, A 68001148 Judges - in.-Dauphin
county, having issued it beir precept, bearing date the
23 day of September, 1881., to me directed, for holding
a OVA of Oyer and , Terminer and GeneritJail Delivery .
and Quarter Sessieneetf tbe Peace atibertsburg, for the
county of Dauphin, and to commence oar um San Moe.
1861 and to continue two weeks.
Notice la therefore hereby given to the coroner, Jus
tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Honstables ot the said
county. of. Dauphin, that they be then and there in their
proper persons, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day,
with their records, inquisitimm, examinations, and their
own remembrances, to do':these things which to their
office eppertaism to be done, and those who are bound
in tecognizenceep 'weenie against the prisoners that
are or shall be hi the Jail of Dauphin county, be then
and there to prosecute against them es shall be jest.
Given under My hand, at Harrisburg, the'23rd day of
September, in the year of - our Lord, 1801, and 111 the
eighty-fifth year of the independence of the United States.
1. D. BOAS, Sheriff.
Sessumos 01 , 1101
Harrisburg, October 12. 1861, octl4-dawtd
To Married Men or those Contem
plating Marriage.
HE undersigned mill give information
on a very interesting and important subject, which
will be valued' mbre than a thousand times its cost by
every married couple of any age or condition fn
The information will be sent by mail to any address on
the receipt or 25 cents (coin silver) and two red stamps.
B. B. MORRIS, 14. D., Lock Box 60,
Beebe, Mass.
N. B.—This is no humbug, but is warranted to be am
ply satisfactory in. evprz. 'costume tregcsdiess of aenti
meets, age, or condition ef ]ifs,) oettremoney will be re
funded. dli letterer sheuld be directed to B. B. Morris
Loch Box 60,.805t0n, Nam., with a plain signature an.
address for return. • ocUldeodlmalirltn
UR newly replenished stook of Toitet
and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, and
tootuts confident of rendering saustioion, we would res
pectfully invite a call.
to Market street, two doors east otiourtlystreet,souti
side. :If
C AND I. S 1
.PARkiiklufs crAlfulite
TALL6Vrt A N D LS B , :.
_sb?!_pifile, Aida woo
lul2 Opposite es Court Mom
Ntw r)Oontstmenta.
Proposals: for Putting uP
Qtaiteis in 'Camp Curtin.
Hasn•Qtrionssie, Pieratistrithfill MC:tnumt4
Ituntrinufaci ) Oct: 23, 1861,
['WALED PROPOSALS will be received at
this officemp to 12 O'clock on Friday; the
Ist-of November next, for.'ptitting - up; in Camp
Curtin, nefir43irrisburg, ' Winter Quakers' for
two thousand men. - Rani and..specifiCatious
must accompany each bid.. The right to reject
any or all of the plans is reserved.
Sealed proposals will be received at the same
time for boards and scantling, necessary for the
ere c tio n of said Quarters, in the event of the
Department's rejecting the above bids. The
boards required will be white pine of a good
quality of cullinu White pine or Hemlock
mantling of different lengths and sizes.
ect2§..dtd Q. M. General.
18th hegiment tr- S. Infantry;commanded . by, Major
Will. A. Stokes,
The Patriotic, young men of Pennsylvania should eag
er/y inbred Ibis Opportnnity of jedidiit."'Shis. Splendid
R* Regiment. - ,
Retruitglrill be latlibrinbWisefigthw aa
eultitad. ,
Good dothickg, iroo‘Shahlolastot Xledloal atteadauco,
free' of,. charge, and -Alpt ,moldier,to tba,itegiment le
promgdy paid.
It Is impattant to ream trar that Ike Organizatioa. of
this Regiment hooch that yonng men who have the ia.
"Ina Or 110 /110/ 1 1. Ild l 4.ll4ll9,llollgaiebblvtitb path min
ardor for marching tinder the folds of the old srs and
Siri tb3 T r 4. l :Artholh
defile trete be grade or privates to that of a commia
11,1tdd 1111 b 41 ** 11 ftheRegalal• 'Ahoy,. de 'dee third of the
ofnehttrMill he 'aged treM the Itannta whenk the Regiment
bas - Ns elitePleinesir of dual.'
All the pension laws apply to all men in the' Regular
stilf i llit Rh
,PF O ers e, ; establish
ed bf 4141' Apptrlbm '•*". • "
.1. M. BYBTIIII, Capt. 13.13. , Aamy,
.Repreitteelßilloerliith 11. 0. Intantry.
Bearniti t
nßentavona tqlsolnuage," Waln u t Istreet,
Osi 19,
• W ..,
Seven awl drhreirMentlui Per Cent.
' l lo4Strllat NOTES,'
NOR RKAlly n ,liillll,llll4ptitr,„ AT 'TILE OFFICE
JAY C - OCtKZ s & CO.,
. No. 1 / 4 acircret aiiml i ii =litroot,
Iti.. .o it ;:jo .: .
permeate 0 itettraotiaaPtrOGP the Secretary of the
iTreasery,_theSottOolt to the tNEW NATI,. MAL
LOAN of Treeaucty Note", btZaa dna/rest autos rate of
have st haven and three-tenlint par per "mum, will rewwWw
No t S. /tali]) OEBBBT. ,
- until farther- AM*, (otn ',B A.A,i111 . 6 t. M., and tot
'ifOndltiettlf PP. lir -•- a
'fhese 'not& wilt &'t thicdedimniuttion of PIF P
DOLL';kI, ' 11 t• 0 tr lioL &3', Fp% . Hag-
lotto isDp 11 i • rfOSSAND:GOLLkItS, and
IIVE ifflo , . • •, , alid artralrdated 19th of
august,' I . 'q,. 010 - on tom: In ,three genre, or con.
Yerllble lattfni M tidery,ll.l fer 'Ont. loin, at the
optkat'of Glit , Br; lath Tinily Note Os intereet,
iittsollAld,'Nehtelf web. at or Ind rittleeted I ,
I; °: CMi s . the Miff dried', iix moult , Mid at the, rate of one
beat ped.dardit Vell _
i laynattrife Watt Lions
. e *mei" `lii aouf or
• hedWltettetaili tooy Of the , isilEt th hii.
; ritiretitr AT .t, *Ono 6azi tole .$ UMW, friends,
throC;ttudf, !I; by , ' expresa, or AA,. b *oaks end
the ' liketert lid yoked i . :r, delivered, or
itentiatirtelt a
hl , i r . ,. ty aircOL.
Fares, MMftes' Wit' cr , r` om,l9th of
August, the date of al! the .• "- :tite reknit-
Ulnae r fb at ' ono cent per
l'...tValit ... t ema 1 ,414...r.. ,1
1 ,4 4' ~ . , • - • _
JAY 7c .
Care of JAY 0049 EN & CO., Bankers,
°a-dim No 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
trivx).in EIMASOEC. El Xt.,
1111 1 11 r
STATE Btreet near Third itia et, a few
doors below , Rrady's Hotel, derrlsbum. A flue
new Hearse Ready made Colltna always on baud and
neatly Ruined lo order. Silver plates, Am Terms rea
sonable. [en.30480e9 .0. -BARAK
• -
- .FOR -TH-E 441iltike4"4-
Beds, Pillows, .21aaeps,Coa t s„ Caps,
Louth, DrizikineCups,l &c.,
ZOE 561.111 BY '
North Side Market Square, neat Buehler's Hotel,
atek2l-acalk: , ' •
. .
Board Reduced to $2 per Day,
SINGE the 443nint eft thui`itatcartd.ecen
mations Hotel, in 1801, It thin been the single en
deavor of the proprietors to mane it the most sumptuous,
convenient and comfortable home for the citizen arid
strangest talhitrilue theldtlithintl t, • ' . •
And whatever hasstmed itittslyt soadminister to the
comfortnf ltaiVeadeariAtil„ Without re
gard to costyteprovideiltattatkiiabiniettliitte•elements
of individual upri. - sOO%l Whitt modern art
has invented, and modern tatsie approved ; :and the pat,-
renege which ithartooeliniunied - duringthe Past six years
is a gratifying proof that UMW. carte :have been appre
To meet the exigencies of the limes, when all are re
to praeticethe moat rigid economy, the under
Have , Itedaced the price, of Board -to
• •
if . ipar - bay, .•
at tho same abating none Or the luxuries with Which
their table has hitlektoelikppl •
iß tit t3 4 m
New York, Sept. 2, 186 t.L-seo9:43ins
Harrisburg Blind Manufactory,
~1 ;
VENIT.I.I isuritno made to brder, an d
-alerapatritig ifietty and expeditiously done. Per
seus at a distance oadk nave thetr wort done by addros
sidg a letter to tbe undersigned. Thankful for past pat
ronage he hopes, by Hulot attention to business, to merit
a continuance of the same. sarSitignalon. guarantee d
A. R.
Tea. Genuine :Old
;j Faamoned Pioegrove Coal from the Lorberry Mines
(by the ear load or'otherwtae:) ARMY' 10
. 09. Railroad
• • DBE T. d MIL 1 " ), '
i/IFFERIS - his serviOes to the citizens o
%1,, Jr Harrisburg and its vicinity. die sa it a it a a share
it public patronage, and gives assurance that his beat
lendeaverd BMW be even to render satisfaction in his pro-
Vesiepl ysi Rein an c4l4,, e atiget ti gia efeels,sa e
! e '
them that they:Allot bedttlianNaded with his pervious,
leMoe No, litnewiten &VISA Mthe ikailitinaerty an
iseed by Jacob R. Slix fo nnar m tbe United States Hotel,
Harrisburg, ' myft-dly
hiPTYwo re
. 2 , np i yi r um .;s o gi r so Wiwi Agri:tabor a ll' a
%PA .
1101111 , 111bili eonditioitiokeldb
U. 281 WM. DOM, Jr., ddlo
Nem 2Urvertiimunts.
ARE pure vegetable extracts. They
Li cure all bilious disorders of the human system.—
They regulate and invigorate the liver and Madeira,
they give ions to the digmmve organs; they regulate the
secretions, sir:redone and exhalations, equaiise the circa
lation, awl-purity the bleed. Thus all bide= complaints
—some of which - are torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dye.
pep-ia, Piles, Chills and Fevers Costiveness or Low
uess—are entirely controled and cures -by timee reme
Removes the morbid and billions depoolts tram the slow
ed' and bowels, regluatea the liver and kidney', rumor
u g every obstructiou, restores a natural sod heathy ac
tion tn the vital organs. It la a superior
Much bettor than pills, and moult easier to take.
Is a superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent in MOB CC
loss of appetite, datuleuey, female weakness, irregulari
ties, pain, In the side Biel bet ear, blind, protruding and
bleeding piles, and general debility.
Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 token street. New
York, writes, August 18, 1860: "I have been afilioted
with piles, accompanied with bketateg, the last threw
Yearei I 1166,1
And now cOnslder myself EMI/RIMY cunso."
lIOn. John A. Cross writes, "Brooklyn. March 16,1880.
In the spring of 1819 I took a severe whist' induc
ed& violent fever. i took iwo dam; of
it broke np my cold and fever at once. Previous to this
anger, rhea been troubled with dyspepsia several
months ; I have lett nothing of it since.'
Otis trtudly, Req., 128 Bast 28th Street, N. T., writes
"August 12, 1880—I had a difficulty with Kidney Wm-
Plaint Ulna* years with constant pain in the small of my
back.. I had used most all kinds el medicines, bet 'band
no permanent relief until I used
I pamsd clotted blood by the urethra. lam now en
tirely cured, and tato pleasure ha recommending these
Sera. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. V., writes :
'Toll 20,E 1860..—1 have been subject to attack's of Aath•
Ina the last twenty years. 1 have never found anything
equal to -
Darling's Liver Regulator,
In affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and
bilious retnedy.".
Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, °February 28, 1880.
In Way last I had a severe attack of Piles, which confin
ed me to the house. I took one bottle of
and was entirety cured. I hare bawl no attack since."
D,,Wustervelt, Esq., of South sth, near 9th Street, Wil
liamsburg, L. 1., writes : "August b, 1880.—Raying been
troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bff.
lons attacks, I was advised by a friend to try
did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the
bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also and
it as a
When our children are out of forte, we give them a
few drops and it sets thorn all right. I find it meele the
general wants of the stomach and bowels whoa disorder
RISADRE, if you ne:d either or both of these meet ex
aellentßemedles, inquire for them at the donee ; if you
do not and them, take co other, but inclose One Dollar
ilea loam, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or
medbm,will becent according to your d'reotions, by
ail or express, post paid. Address,
1021V8ssau street, New York.
Put up hi 50 cent and sl.loottels each.
YHE nndereigned having opened hie ,
Manufactory of &arts etc., at N 0.12 West Market
reet, Harrisburg, Pa , moe irespectfally solicits the
patronage and attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and
Merchants to the following assortment of gooda all of
which are our awn manufacture :
Mt., los., dz., do.,
Also the particular attentioti of th e LAN to our large
assortment of under garments do., (from the latest Im
proved London and Pans styles,) LINEN COLLARS,
CUFFS, SETTS &c., to great variones, all of which being
our own mallouracture we will sell cheaper than can be
purchased •elsewhere.
Personas desirousof furnishing their own materials, ma
have cutting, sewing ate., of every variety done aoaord•
Leg to order. Ali of the above named goods for Gems w eir ,
we will make to measure, guaranteeing to At, and give
entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability
and material. All special orders will be promptly at
tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable
terms. Also 'Merchants supplied upon the most reason
able terms.
P. S. Ladles wishing skills or ander garments of any
dleerlpticin, can have them made to order by seeding
sample of such kinds as may be desired.
No. 12, 'feria% street,
eu2946m, - Eirrieburgi Pa
next donr to Hummel Jr. Killinger's Grocery
A New Lot of
Of lieniltiful Styles, sabsteAUally made
A Splendid Assortment of
' A'New and Elegant Perfume,
Put up In Cut Glass Engraved Bottles.
A Complete Assortment or
Of the beet Manufacture
A very Handsome Variety or
91 Market street
On hand and far sale at we very lowest rates for cash.
Hair Mattresses and Siring Bottoms made to order.
Rehired and made equal•to new, very responsible, all at
No. log, Market street., between Fourth ant FVlh by
oct9.2ind • J. T. BARNITIG.
y J ETTEVSteataiitentary.on the estate of
Elirabeth Thompson, deed., late •of the city or
Harrisburg, .4., having been granted to the undersigned,
residing there all persona having demands spinet the
*tate are requested t i make known the same-to hint
Without delay.
'sepia d °iv •
NiaTatftand pro . ttc a r
W u etaftr a rrloW 4 , 4 7 447 W-:
stir ale
aplB4t Hear Ike Bariiibarg Bridge.