. . . . . •,, • ' ' ' ' 4 • i . •` '' ..'"' ' ' ' .'l • :144. ''''' .---, ' - 111 1111..1 - • - .....% . • i 'G.. . . .. . - • 4 • •—• 4 . 7 d• . . . . . ' . . . . . ... .. . ..._ . .. 1...h.\ G ._., , Al. f'!, . - 14: 1t '..! - 4. ;',- ' : -.. ; , ( I'4tlt4r - . .1,, , __ ~t1 1 , . 1 . 01 314 r: - , ; .r,,, , ,.., 1.;1 c , ______l _ ......k ... .Ic - . - ,_'9,,, ,, , - , -;,-,, - i ll, --'-'-- ' - A1 ..7- - __. , , --..-.-... ......-..., ~,.. , --- - l 7 - 4 , ,L= -- - " _______- _ _ -,_- , _____ . i _ _____. ( - 0 , -- .- •.'=: ---------- • . . . . . . : . . . . : . . , . . .. . . . '.. .-. ". .... '" H „ . . . . . ',..'":-.= ~., TEi .i. . ..:L. .... . :. . . • T BY GEORGE BERGNER. D ONE PRIVATE KILLED." Cold words to tells mother's doting iove ma her old agwas desolate indeed ; That the proud staff of her declining years Was taken from her, at her utmost need. Brief words—yet it was a terrible to feel, The bitter woe their scanty limits held! small jay it seemed, in that sad hour to know The field was taken and the foe, was quelled. Was it for this they sent him forth in pride, A mother's blessing on his boyish head, A sister's kiszzes on his beardless lips, Thus to receive him 'viceless cold aaad dead? He was their Lai, perchance breakinglOved sot He went— ;nd now-0, hearts lie Ain! Columbia's bles , ing on her bravest sons,, Hollows the grave his precious forme shellllll. bifs6 him ! no delusive hope of gain, No edittedect glory lured his youthful eye; Lovin;: his country with a boy's proud love, Counting it little e'en forlier to die.. And so he went—and thus they bear him home, The crimson stain upon his golden hair, The hush of death upon his huh-heart, The heart so eager then to do tali dare. And though on earth no trumpet sound his fame, Royally angel harps in heavens shall tell How, with his young heart full•of holy zeal, The brave boy-patriot for his country fell. REPORT IN GEN. FREMONT'S CASE. THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OBSERVA- TIONS IN MISSOURI. Seoretari Cameron's Visit to Ken tucky and Indiana, HARRISBURG, PA., Oct. 19, 1861 General; When I did myself the honor to ask you to, accompany me on my Western tour, it waswith a view of availing myself of your experlence'es Adjutant General of the Army. Finding that the result of my investigation might (as lat first apprehended) have an im poi tant effect, not only upon the army of the West, but upon the interests of the whole country,, I requested you to take full notes upon all points connected with the object of my visit. As you inform me that you have carefully com plied with my wish, I ndw respectfully request you to submit your report as early as practica ble, in order that the President may be cor rectly advised as to the . admihistration of affairs connected with the army of the West. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. Brig. Gen. L. 'fuottss, Adjt. Gen. U. S. A. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 1881. Snt : I have the honor to submit the report requested in your letter of the 19th inst. We arrived at St. Louis, as you are aware, at 1). a. m., Oct. 11 After breakfast, rode to Benton Barracks, above the city. On the street 'eating to the camp passed a small field work in course of construction. Found the camp of great extent, with extensive quarters, construct ed of rough boards. Much has been said of the large sums expended in their erection; but some one mentioned that Gen. McKinstry, principal Quartermaster, who made the disbursements, gave the cost as $15,000. If so, it was judi cious. The total cost, should be ascertained. General Curtis was in command. Force present, 140 officers, 3,388 men, principally detach ments, except the First lowa cavalry-34 offi cers, 004 men— having horses, but without equipments. Gen. Curtis said of General Fremont that he fount no difficulty in getting access to him, and when he presented business connected with his command, it was attended to. Gen. Fre mont, however, never consulted him on mili tary affairs, nor informed him of his plans. Gen. Curtis remarked that while he would go with freedom to Gen. Scott and express his opinions, he would not dare to do so to General Fremont. He deemed General Fremont une qual to the command of an army, land said that he was no more bound by law than by the winds. Re considered him to be unequal to the command of the army in Missouri. After dinner, rode to the Arsenal below the city : Capt. Callender in charge. Garrison, fcir its protection, under Major Granger, Third Cav alry. But very few arms on hand ; a number of heavy guns designed for gun-boats and mor ter boats. The Captain is engaged in making ammunition. He said he had heard that some Person had a contract for making the carriages ifor these guns ; that if so, that he knew noth ng of and that it was entirely irregular, he being the proper officer to attend to such work. This, in my opinion, requires investigation.— Re expected soon to receive funds, and desired them for current purposes ; was fearful howev er that they might be diverted to other pay ments. Visited a large hospital not far distant from the arsenal, in charge of Assistant Surgeon Bailey, U. S. A. It was filled with patients, mostly doing well. R.ispital in fine order, and a credit to the service. The Doctor had an effi cient corps of assistants from the Volunteer ser vice, and in addition a number of Sisters of Charity as nursers. God bless these pure and disinterested women, Col. Andrews, Chief Paymaster, called on me and represented irregularities in the Pay De pertinent, and desired instructions from the Secretary for his Goverament, stating that he was required to make payment and transfers of to law and regulations. Once, mo ney contrary olletting to wtat ho conceived an improper payment, he was threatened with confinement by a file of soldiers. He exhibited an order for the transfer of $lOO,OOO to the Quartermaster's l kpartment t which was irregular. Exhibited aletracts of payment by one Paymaster, (Major Frhzer) to 42 persons appointed by Gen. Fre es lit, 1 Coonel, 3 Majors, 9 Captains, 161 1-leitenants, 11 1 2 d Lieutenants, 1 Surgeon, a istant surgeons ; total 42. Nineteen of these tappoint mentstieEngineeno, and are entitled '"viklia' pay. (See exhibit annexed, No. 1.) abstract of payments wes furnished, t 1:31 vouched for as reliable, arithe Pamirs , , b. It is only given to show the ex en es of rank appointed to the Major " sly Guard of only 800 mien, the corn , ing a Colonel ' &c. (See exhibit'No. ntent, hole number of irregular .appeints Aletu. w ,"'''' by Gen. Fremont, was said by Co/. copy v be nearly 200. The following is a et these appointment. ugtOTELis %erne Direaannese, es ia c , St. Louis, Aug. 28; 1861. f caval ry, t0 . `,.° 4 ere hereby appointee tr: 4 4 'Jo employed hi the Litid tation Department, and will report for duty at these Headquarters. J. C. FREMONT, Major-General Commanding.. "To Captain Faux Voss, present." (See Exhibit No. 3.) I also saw a similar appointment given to an individual on General Fremont's staff as Direct or of Music with the rank and commission of Captain of Engineers ! This person was a mu sician in a theatre in St. Louis. Paymaster Andrews was verbally instructed by me not to pay him—the person having presented his two papers and demanded his pay. Colonel An drews also stated that these appointments bore one date, but directed payments, in some cases, a monthtor two anterior thereto. He was then r iiithout funds , &fie 'lnciaftiniiiint. .. The principal Co ' Capt. Hairus, had no outstanding debts. e ex pected funds soon. Major Allen, Prin 1 Quartermaster, had recently taken charge I. Lott* but report ed great irregularities in 11101- Department., and requested special instructions. This he deemed important, as orders were communicated by a variety of persons, in an irregular manner, all requiring' disbursements oft money. These or ders were frequently given verbally. (See Ex hibit No. 4.) He was sending, under Gen'l. Fremont's orders, large amouqts of forage from St. Louis to the army at Tiptoh; where corn was abundant and cheap. The distance was 100 miles. He stated indebtedness of the Quarter master's Department at St. Louis to be $4,606,- 809 78-100. In regard to the contracts. Without an ex amination Of the accounts it , will be difficult to arrive at the facts. It is the expressed belief of many intelligent gentlemen in St. Louis that Gen. Fremont has around r y him and his staff, persons directly and indirectly concerned in furnishing supplies. The followinig is a copy of a letter signed by Leonidas Heckell, Cap tain and A. D. C. Be though, on Gen. Fre mont's staff, is said to be a contractor for hay, and forage and mules. The person named in his note, Col. Degraf, is his partner. "IDEADQII7ABTX6B Wl2lllllOl DEPARTIKENT, Camp Lillis, Oct. 2,186 L } "Sir: ' I am requested by the Commander General to authorize Col. Degraf to take any hay that has been contracted for by the Gov ernment, his receipt for the same being all the voucher you require. "Respectfully yours, "LEONIDAS HASKELL, "Captain and A. D. o.s' ' (See exhibit No. 6.) • What does this mean ? Contractors deliver forage direct to Quartermasters, who issue the same. But here another party steps in, and for the purpose, if a contractor or the co-partner of one ; of filling his own contractor. It is diffi cult to suppose that this - double transaction is done without a consideration. The accounts in tEis case should be examined, and the price pail to Degraf be compared with that paid to the contractors, whose forage was seized. This same Captain Haskell, A. D. C., was a contractor for mules. He deeired Captain. Turnto , to reactive his animals, "good, bad, and indifferent,", as Captain Turnley said. This he would not do, but stated his prices for the different classes of mules, "wheel," "lead," &o. Besides, he had more mules than he could possibly send to the army. Notwithstanding all this, he , received an orker to inspect and receive Mr. Haskell's mules as rapidly as possible. Captain Turnley very soon after received an order from Gen. Fremont to leave St. Louis and go into the in terior of Missouri. (See,exhibit No. 7, showing his great labor and responsibility.) By directions of General Meigs, advertise ments were published for proposals to furnish grain and hay, and contracts were subsequently made for specific sums-28 cents per bushel for corn, 30 cents for oats, and $lB 95 cents per ton for hay. In face of this, another party In St. Louis, Baird, or Baird & Palmer(Palmer. being of the old firm in California, Palmer, Cook & Co., General Fremont's agents in that State,) were directed to send to Jefferson City, where hay and corn abound, as fast as possible, 100,000 bushels of oats, with a corresponding amount of hay, at 88 cents per bushel for the grain, and $l9 per ton for hay. (See Voucher No. 7.) Captain Edward M. Davis, a member of his staff, received a contract by the direct order of General Fremont for blankets. They were ex amined by a board of army officers consisting of Captain Hendershott, Fourth Artillery; Cap taro Harris, Commissary of Subsistence, and Captain 'Plumley, • Asisistant ' Quartermaster. The blankets were found to be rotten and worthless. Notwithstanding this decision, they were purchased and given to the sick and wounded soldiers in the hospital. Among the supplies sent by Geri. Fremont to the army now in field may be enumerated 500 half barrels, to carry water in a country where water is abundant, and 500 tons of ice. We examined the barracks in oourse of con struction in St. Louis, near and around the pri vate house occupied by him as quarters—the Brant house, which, by-the-by, is rented for $6,000 per annum. These barracks have brick foundations and brick outer walls, weather boarded, and our sufficient as quartets and sta bles for 1,000 men. Like those of Camp Canton, these barracks were built by contract on pub lished proposals. The are certainly more ex pensive and more permanent than the quarters a temporary- army would require, and the pre cise cost of them, though difficult to be got at, should be ascertained. A pontoon bridge has been erected across the Ohio river by Gen. Fremont, at Paducah. A ferry boat, in .a region where such boats are readily procured, would be just as efficient and much less expensive. Contracts, it will been seen, were given -to individuals without resorting to advertisements for bids, as is required by the law and the army regulations. Having received an intimation from another quarter of an impropriety, I called on Captain McKeever, A. A. G., for the hints, which he gave me as follows : One week after the receipt of the President's order modifying Gen. Fre mont's proclamation reladve to the emancipa tion of slaves, Gen. Fremont, by note to Capt. McKeever, required him to have .200 copies of the original Proclamation and Address to the army of the same date, printed and sent imm,- diately to Ironton, for the use of Major Garrett of the Indiana Cavalry, for distribution through the country. Capt. McKeever had the ooPies printed and delivered. Fremont's order in this matter was as follows : "Adjutant General will have 200 copies of proclamation of Commander General, dated 80th of August, together with Address to the Army of the same date, sent immediately to cavalry. Maj. Garret Ironton, for the use of Maj. Garret, Indiana the country.through "Sept. distribute,it "Sept. 28, 1861. J. C. F. ;Can. Gen." , We left St. Louis Oct. 2, for Gin. Fretnont's Iheedquartms, 'llpton, - 160 miles ' distant, passing themight at Janson City, the Capitol Of Misseind, 126 miles from St. Louis , General PricelD oOnleVillsi of the place; with HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1861. force of 1,200 men. The Eighth lowa was there, en route for Tipton. At this place there were accumulated a large quantityof forage, land ed from steamboats, and other means of trans portation; also, the half-barrels for carrying the water, and a number of mules, which Captain Turnley said he could mot get forward, having no control over the transportation by rail road. We arrived in Tipton at 8 A M. of the 18th: The Secretary of War was called, on by. Gael. Fremont, and, upon,his invitation, accompanied him to Syracuse, five miles distant, to review Gen. McKinstry's division, about 8,000 strong., This body of troops is said to be the best equipi ped and best shpplied of the wholearray. They; certainly are, as far as means of transportation! are concerned. . , At Tipton, besides Glen. • Fremont ' and staff, his body guard,•&o., I found a part of • Gen. Hunter's First Division and Gen. AsbOth's Fourth Division. • • • The force designed to act against Price con sists of five divisions, as follows : - .. . First Division...Hunter's...at Tipt0n...9,760 Second " atGeorgetown9,22o Fourth " —at Sedalia. : —7,980 Fifth • • ...Asboth's .at Tipton.. . .6,461 Sixth " ...McKintry's.at Syracuse..6,BlB Total As soon as I obtained a view of the several encampments at Tipton, I expressed the opin ion that the force there assembled could not be moved, as scarcely any maws of transportation were visible. I saw Gen. Hunter, second' in command, and conversed freely with WM. HO stated that there was great confusion, and that Gen. Fremont was utterly incompetent ; thikt his own division was greatly scattered, and the force there present aefective in many respects"; that he himself required one hundred wagons, but that he was under orders to march that day, and some of his troops were already drawn out on the road.. His cavalry regiment (Ellis') had horses and indifferent arms, but no equip ments. The men had to carry their cartridges in their vest, pockets—consequently on their first day's march from Jefferson City, in a heavy rain which fell, the Cartridges were destroyed. This march to Tipton (85 miles) was'nettle oil a mud-road,, theavy and mir'yllirith rains; and Par allel to the railroad, and but a little distance from it. The troops were directed by General Fremont to march without provisions or knap sacks, and without transportation.: , 'violent rain storm came Up, and'the trdoPs were ex posed to it all night ;.:were" 4ithout food for twenty-four hours ; and when food was received the beef was found to be spoiled. General Hunter stated to me that he had just received a written report from one of. the Cplo.- nels, informing him tliat but tWenty but of a' hundred of his guns would go off. These were the guns procured by General Fremont in Europe. 14111 here state that General Sherman, at Louisville,. made to me a similar complaint of .inferiority theei European :gips; He had giVen the Men orders to file down the nipples. In conversation .Witir SwOrdif;U r sistant Quartermaster General atinuisville, juit from California, he stated that Mr. &lover, Who was in Europe with General Fretnont, wrote to some friend in San Francisco that. hisShare'of the profits of the; purchase of , tfietzie arms $BO,OOO. ' . , When Gen. Hunter received,' at Jefferson City, orders to march.to Tipton, he was clirecteel to take 41 wagons with him, when he had' onlyi 40 mules, which fact had been duly reported to headquarters. At this time, Col. Stevenson, - of the Seventh Missouri regiment, was, without Gen. Hunter's knowledge, taken from him,' leaving him, when under marching ordera, with' only one regiment at Jefferson City fit to•take the field. Gen. Hunter also,showed me the order fdr marching. to Durock Ferry, dated at- Tipton, October 10, which he did not receive until the 12th. -(Prhibit No. 10.) He also showed me his reply, proving that it was impossible for him to comply with the order to march. (Ex hibit No. 11.) This order was changed 'to one requiring him to make ti single'day's march. (Exhibit No. 12.) When Gem Pope received his ordertn march at Georgetown, twentylLve miles distant, he wrote back to thin.' letter, which I read. It tot forth the utter impossibility of his moving for the want of transpdrtition flnd silP plies, and asked whether Gen. Fremont 'could mean what he had written. All of the foregoing facts go to show- the want of military foresight on the part of Gen. Fremont in directing the necessary means , fot putting into, and maintaining in the field, the forces under his command. Gen. Hunter also stated that although the second in command, he never was consulted by Gen. Fremont, and never knew anything of his intentions. Such a parallel I will venture to assert, cannot be found in the annals of ry warfare. I have also ,betm informed that there is not a Miassimatin on` 'staff—not a man acquainted personally with the topograpy its and physical . characteristics of the country or people • - A ^' The failure of Gen. Fremont to reinfor& Gen. Lyon demands notice. Gen. Fteniontar - - rived at St. Louis on the 26th Of July, called there from New York by a telegraph() despatch stating that Gen. Lyon was threatened with destruction by 30,000 rebels. At this time Gen. Pope had nine regiments in North Missouri, where the rebels had embodied force.' The boli federate forces in the State were these under Price and McCulloch, near Springfield in South west Missoari, and those under Pillow, Jeff. Thompson, and Hardee, in Southeast Missouri. Two regiments held Rolla, near the terminus of the Southwestern branch of the Pacific Railroad; while Jefferson City, Booneville, Lexington• and Kansas City had each a garrison of 800 or 400 men behind intrenchmente. , Cairo'and Bird's Point, were fortified, and defended with heavy artillery. (Pilot Knob and Cape Girardeau were fortified after Gen. Fremont'a arrival.)— All these places could be reinforced by railroad , and river from St. Louis and the Northwestern States, and could hold out, until reinforced, even if attacked by superior forces.: On his arrival in St. Louis, Gen. Fremont was. met by Capt. Cavender, First Missouri, and Major Farrar, aid-de-camp to First, . Lyon, with statements from,the latter, and requests for re-. inforcementa ; Major Phelps, M. 0„ from Spring field, Dr. Miller, of Omaha, and, many: other citizens, having ample means of,.information, made the same , representations, and .urged the. sending of reinforcements. To Gov. Gamble, Gen. FremOnt said, "Gen.-Lyon is es strong,.as any other officer in this line." He failed to strengthen Lyon, and the result, as is well known, was the defeat of that pliant. °freer. The two regiments at Rolla should have been pushed forward, and the whole of Pope's• nine regiments brought by rail to St. Lents and Itella,"and theme sent to, Ly•M's force. Any Other General such anomergency.would have pursued the same obVinua eaarpfl- • '. 4 , - , The 'he ',ltiingfieldlor` more ' FilEift tired)—odit kitiktmod: disparate ever Leaving Tipton on the 18th, we arrived at St. Louis on the same day, and on the 14th the Secretary, of War directed me to issue the following instructions to General Fremont:. "Sr. Lotus, Mo., Oct. 14, 1861.—Gimmar.:— The Secretary of War directs me to communi ,cite the following as his instructions for your government: "In view of the heavy sums due, especially in the Quartermaster's Department in this city, amounting to some 54,500,000, 'it is important that the money, which may now be in the hands of the disbilrshlg9fficer2, or be received by them, be applied to the current expenses of your army in MisSottil, and' theile debts to' remain unpaid pith they can , f)e, ptoperly' exsixiined' and sent to, Washington for -settlement;, the' disbursing officers of the army, to filehurse the funds, And ' not transfer them to irresponsible agents—in other words, those whti do not hold commis sions from the President, and are hot under bonds. All contracts - ilax!esary to be made by the' distitAing' officers.' `The senior Quarter master here has been verbally instructed by the SceretaU !I4 above. , Is is depri r d unnecessary to erect field-works around this city, 'end you will direct their dis continuance ; also thcate, 'if any in ,course of oenstruction at Jefferson City. In this connec tion, it is seen that a number of commissions have been given by,you. Na payments will:lie made to officers, except to those whose appointments have been approved by the Presi dent. This, of.course, does not apply to officers with volunteer troops. Colonel Andrews has been vernally so instructed by the Secretary,; also', fleet° make transfers of hinds, except for thepurposeiof paying the troops.' "The erection of barracks near your quarters in this city, to be at once discontinued. ~ "The Secretary has been informed that the I tniipteof Gen. -Lane's `command are cornmit ting depredations on, our, friends in Western a paper called" Dispositions for Retaking Spring del 1." It sets out with a statement that ispringffeld is the strong stragetical point of that ;wide elevation which separates the waters of the,Qsage from those of the Arkansas, the key Ito the whole southwestern Missouri, command_. 'fug' an area of rteixiTY 60,000 miles. Why did !thitenc4 . enter the brain of the ' Major General ',before the fall of -Lyori, :and he strain every nervcst4:l,llpicl that important key in his posies ,sion ? -38,789 ••- , , '- '4314 n. Hunter, in ans w er to the paper, replied, "Why mareVerapringfield; whereibere is no enemy • and nothing ,to take ? Let me rather Make.the troops „and ; proceed . to Lexington, in 'what direction Price, was marching, and where lie" 'expected" 'to be 'joined -by 40,000 rebels. instead of thii-ho was' sent to Rolla; without instructions, and Temainedlhere until ordered to Jefferson Oity o ,4Bllll without instructions, and iThence to Tipton, where .we found him. (Pee hi,bit-No.„18,), , , - IV° stepe have been taken by aenentl Fre ont to meet Piice in the field,_he moved for iiillelitßilLiriPailie:9meP7rM"i4thirty9f Al?'"1" -five r- pi ttill4 ilis iAltiti o in f d tt tclllll4g e place, . n inehne l'ellrefl.tdrt or,more days, evidently expecting tha some movement would be made against iiint,. None being nuaile, he advanced , and with ..* innqh superior force, laid . Beige to Lexing , it&i which wasq. 4 ll ll 4o bi,Mulligam with 2 ,700 moo, on the 12tb. of ,September, and captured it, in nine.daYs thereafter, on the ..21st of Peep iteml*, - , N P ow for the facts ,: to show that :this catas *phe cOniti:4ave bee S. prevented, and Price's army destroYed Vetere or after, that 'disastrous army Mere Price got to Lexington, the forces to, resist Bari were the following : At Jefferson City,. 6,680 ; at Rolla, 4,000; along the Milani ; bid aid St. Joseph Railroad, about 6,000 ; on the western line of Missouri, under Lane, 'down near Fort Scistt, 2;200; ,liitilligan's forosat Lex ingtory 2,700'; &large. force in Illinois, along late pasisitipid river and on the lowa line. Out,- side br,St: Lopis were some 17,000 ; in St. Louis Welt; 18;000., ,Sity, however, that tiiere were mai 10,000 there., H,unter's plan up to Sun -64, Sept. 22, was to concentrate from Pt. Louis, ibstleison ditY andMolkt, also from the Macmi.- bal and Rt.' joseik Railroad, 20,000 men, and relieve Mulligan. He said that if Price was a soldier' Lefington was already fallen ; .but with energy, Pricii .could ' 'be captured, with ail hie baggags'ind phinder. . The objection to this that' etY be urged-that there was no tranapor.• rion —is asi idle one. The railroad and the river iveie at command, and 'the march from Sedalia Was only forty-five !tales long. The force could, ben. Hunter suiiixisiXig . thrown into Lexing ton' W l Thiusday, and, 'ea it appears, before it Was taken. ' -' - ; General Fiemont- ordered Sturgis in North Missouri to Lexington ; and by crossing the rivet' to it:MA:tree Mulligan. Sturgis had only 1,100 Men, and on reaching the river opposite the town - found it commanded by Price, and of bourse was•compelled to fall back. Hunter's . plan .of moving these troops was to Strike the Vet at a point beloti Leiington in our control," itocross it; andmarch tip!to'tlitt town: In the terview with• Sen. Fremont, the 'question was askedi whether any iirdets, lad been 'given 'to teinfoicw'M Walken' and Ahe reply being in• the negiitive; Geiteralllnutei 'suggested brdeis to Sturgis, and;' . had the order' then been' given bytelegtapk 'he 'would hiie inached the river before '‘Price . had taken possession of the north bank and• could , have ctossed. 2he order kiss not , . . given , until' thew days after this snienneto. ` The loss of time was thud. . , , i Siulligim- vas ordered from Jefferson City, then garri4onefiwith 6,000 troops, with only one regitneht,land with that to hold Lexington until he could bei relieved. When' Lexington fell;•Pricehad under-his command 20,000 men, and his •force was receiving daily augmentations from the disaffected in the State. lie was O'er initted to gather milt' plunder, and to fall back loward.Arkatuals unmolested, until I was it ollpton en the 18th of October, when the .ac counts were that he was crossing the Osage. Freniont's order to march was issued to an army of nearly 40,000; many of the regiments badly equipped, with inadequate supplies of amlnu- Otion, clothing and transportation. With what prospect; it must be inquized, can General Fremont, under such circumstances, expect to overtake a retreating army, some. one hundred miles ahead, with a deep river: between ? 1 + 'Gen. Hunter expressed to the Secretary of Z7ar hts decided opinion that Gen. Fremont aSincompetent, and . tinfit 'for his extensive and important 'command. This opinion he gave reluctantly, for the reason that he held the position of seconkin command. The opinion entertidned'by'geittliimen of po &lien said-intelligence, who ' have approached and kobseived ikbti is, that he is more fond of pomp than of tile stern realities of war=that 4 Is mind4.sinaapable of fixed attention or strong eloncentration—tthat - by his mismanagement of Ones since: hisiarrival :in lifiesOnti, the' State has tdmost , beenvlostd- thtir-if-' he is cid famd‘hotfottanank-the-trorst reitalts ini4li be r ti , 'citiatedti ThistbillietOnwrre — nt'UStitilill iiiitikfittniberiattliio most l itatrrtii* Missouri. .. ,r;:4p... , L,) :-... 1 :ix ..,,4.. =MEI . , fought on this continent—took place August 10th, when the'brave Lybit fell; and'the troops borne down by greatly stiperior numbers were obliged to fall back, , but were unpurstuxEby badly beaten fOe-, 42hrn. Viemont called tiur mment from North: Missouri, and "tvent'bith them to Cairo. It is evident , that hb had no intention of re-enforcing Gen. Lyon, for.the two regitoenbr at Rolla, 126 miles only from. Spriu,gfteld, received no orders to march, and . were not Supplied with transpor: tation, and thirty' or 'flirty MARI 14gems,just returned t our Springfield,.'iverel dirroliarg at Rolla, August; 4th,: seven. daysibefore the-battle, and were returned tqßt.,Lpuis.„ After the native of th ahatlasiditch4Rt:L:nds, fottr Other merits were %Man *bra ' Rhin 'in North Missouri, and sent 4o Retain 'to have called on these troops, before Abe battle, as after the,hettle,the„,wrelo revelutionery ele ments Were let loose. _The six Ogintellis ac contplishednothing. TheY were - not orderedto advance and cover thErretreat of Lyon's , army; although it was,suppesed inst. Louis UAL Price and McCulloch wenkfollowing it, and that Har dee had moved up to cut Ofthie retreat - On' the An advance of three regiments - would have enabled the army to retrace its steps, and to beat the forces of Price and McCulloch so badly that they wduld have been fo f ollow our force on their retreat.. said that every of ficer in Lyon's armyexpected to meet reinforce ments, and to, return with them, and drive Price arid Miqtilloch from the Southwest. GerietAl'Htliter-lirrived at St. Lords from Chicago, called 'thither -on , a suggestion- from Washington as art adviser.. Genetal Fremont submitted to him for consideration and advice Missouri Your attention is directed to this in the expi3ctation - that yon - Will apply the' cor rective. ' • "Maj. Allen desires the service of Capt. Turn ley for a short time, and the Secretary hopes you may find it proper micelle thereto. "I have the honor to l l:every 'respedifully, "Your obedient servant; "L. ,THOMlkkAdjutant GeneraL'. `Maj. Gen. J. C. Faxamix, Commanding De partment of the West, TiPthn, Mo.' Instructiorue'werei prhvio given '` ((t. • 12) to the Hon. Jameserldg-t0 taiseic regiment at St. Joseph, Mo. (: d J i A . 1 t We left St. Louis Oct. 14, and arrived, at In ldianoPolii in the evening. Remained ailndia 'nopolit Oct. 15', andeConvesdd'hiSel3r with GOV. 'Morton, We found• that the State'of Indiana. .hadcome_nobly up, to the work of suppressing the rebeilion,. Fifty-five regiinents„with sever* batteries of had been raised and equip.- . largOr number 'of ti cops proportion to population than any other State) has - sent into !field.. 'Abe beet .spirit prevailed, . and it. was. !manifest that addition* tgqpgs, could readily,bc raised. The Governor bal — witablielied an am - 'md, and furnished'aWthtk Indiana littoPS ivfth ;full -supplies r ammunitiont eluding-Mimed , iammunition Pr ree estilhory;! This *venal was Visited, Ind found P. be to felt ;operation It Waetinder ilio'bhargicof !,potent pyrotachnigt. quite* timber tif females Were :employed t making 'cartridges,:: and .1 `venture to assert that the, eiesupttiqq:*.egii* to that which is Manufactured, anywhere else. Gov. Morton` littitedthat'his'fittide deride 'phi: loose were exhaustek-buti the Secretarydesired Lim to continue his . operations, and. informed 'him that the Government would , pay, for what, 'had`been furnished hills° troop& in the field. It it suggested that an •otheer or. ordnincs tie mutt to Lidianopolis to inspect the arsenal, and ascertain the amount, expended , in, the nmnufac mire of ammunition, t with a ,view to reiraburs- Mg the State. • We left- Indisiutpolis; Oat: - 10;.for Ky., where we arrived at-1? and had an interview aAtli Gen. SherMaPpROMI 'ending the Department oC Cumberland. He gave a gloomy 'Pletdelif ' in - Kent:ll64; Mating that the yoinie Men were generally isicessionists, and had joined - theeonfedeentss,. While the Union men, the aged : 444 eellierver tives, would not enrol themselves to engage in Conflict with 'their relation 'oh the Otfiet But few regiments could,, , beeraiiiidy: Hs'said that Buckner. was in admice.of- Green River With a heavy force on the road to Louisville, and an attack might •beidaily expected, which with the foree he had he would not be able to 'resist; but neverthelees he would, fight them. He, as well as well is citizens • of ,the State, said that the bo rder d State Kentucky `must futhis h ! the troops to drive the •lebehifroni the State. His force then consisted of'lo,ooo' troops in advance of LOUBIVIIIBO/1 , camp at Nolin river and on the Louisville, and Nashv4l4,a Railroad at various points; at Camp Pick Robinson, or acting in conjunaiOn' with d4keitel Thomas, 9,000 ; and two regiments at ;Henderson, on the. Ohio, at the monthl of,the....O.reen river.— (lieepaper No. 14.) On being asked the ques tion, what' forest "im deemed ',necemary, he promptly replied - 200,000 'me'n; This converse tion. occcirredin trers presence of ex-Secretary autkvit? and Opneml Woeds. ,The• Secretary of . War replied that he supposed that the Ken pickians would' Astit aliy 'Millibar take, up arms to operate agidnatithe rebels: Baths thoight G43ll:'Shdrutiiii river-esliniat-' ed the number and power oitherrebel :forces*, , that the Government would furnish troops to Kentucky to accomplish the work ; but that he (the Secretary) was tired of . defensive wa r, and that the troops must=assume the offensive and carry the wart° the firesides of the enerny, that the season for oPert4 ol B in, Western Vir ginia was about over, and that he onld take the troops from there and send 'them to ' Ken tucky, but he begged of Gen.' Sherman to as sume the offensive and to keep the rebels here • after on the defensive. , _Thq.Secretary desired that the Cumherland Ford - and Gap should be seized, and the 'East Tennessee' and Virginia Railroad taken possession of, and the artery that supplied the rebellion grit straight off. Copiplaint was made of the want of arms, and on the queetion being asked; What became' of the arms we sent to Kentucky ? we were in formed by General. Sherman that they had pass el them into the handiof the Home Guards- and could not be recovered; that many were tdready in the hands of the rebels;: and otheirri refuited to surrender those in their ponsitision,- alleging the desire to use them indeftince,of. their Indi- Vidual homes if invalid; fu the hands of in dividuals, and scattered - over'llts' State, these arms are lostlo the army in• Kentucky: Having ascertained that 6,200 arms had sr rived from Europe At. Philadelphia,: 3,000. of them were order& Ictov-Morton, who prom 7 ised th place them'iiiinediately in the hand s of, troops to be sent to Iterituelry. •. The remaining 3,200 rwereiseht-to Gen...Slisman aeLoubwilloo N. tie. W.B.Wicade,-Att iFiltisbini , 1% 8 0 0 strong,. two companies of the Nineteenth Infantry, cri 4 a Indianapolis, the Eighth Wisconsin regiment I' t Et , Loniiii•theJ SectiAld I ifinneitntiV , thruntiebt s Ititiobwg, andtvirolreginienta tiffirsseqrdiblii PA—tki.g9T.4994.‘' ', , t' " ! fvdEffikalitt. . :Cement for 4. ofr ii i en. .. , y, ....14)., t . . f.• PRICE , ONE CENT. We left Louisville at 8 P. M. fig Lexington, abcOmpanied by Gen. SheiMan and Mr. Guth rie ; remained there a few hours, and then went to Cincinnati. At Lexington, also, wo found that the opinion existed that the young men of Kentucky had joined the•rebele, that no large bodies of troops could be raised in Kentucky, and that the defence of the State must necessa rily devolve upon the Free States of the West and the Northwest. Respectfully submitted, - L. THOMAS, Adjutant General, Hon. Snioa CAMIRON, Secretary of War. BY TELEGIIII LATER FROM MISSOURI Arrival of Gen, Fremont and Staff at Springfield GRANO RECEPTION OF TBDISAL-ARMY. The Loss of Fremont's Body Guard in the Late Fight. TWO REBEL COLONELS KILLED, EN. PRICE !NUE VICINITY OF CARTHAGE. [Spacial. to this St. Louis Repubrwxrn.] Fainunres HEAD QUARTERS, &top Lyon, Springfield, Mo., Oct._ 28.—General Fremont and staff arrived here yesterday, and the Ben ton cadets, Col. Corr's cavalry, Major Holman's ,sharpshooters and Gen. Sigel's command at dif.. , terent periods during the same day. Finding inn professed rebels in the place, our troops were !received with delight. The Stara and Stripes .being displayed at numerous houses, and men women and children wavinglandkereldefs from ! almost every doorway. Major White of the prarie scouts whose com mand started 'with Major Zagongi for Spring !field had been quite ill, and was Captured by 'the .rebels while riding in a buggy, and.after I 'the , fight.was taken several miles out of tOrttt by a guard of twenty rebels, but was rewired by ' party .of the Green County , Homecluards and ptnow. here, , , . iThe loss of Frentotals'boay guard in theft desperate charge offriday last was fifteen killed, itwenty-tbree wounded and twenty-six misting. trhree of the wounded' have since died, and POubtless many. of the missing will soon report tlAmselves. The rebel loss is stated at from fifty to sixty killed and forty or fifty wounded. The rebels were commanded by Colonels John- , eon, Frazier,. Price and Turner. The lattertwo.' Of whom are said to have been killed. . • ", Gen. Freniont will probably remain here nn the other divisions. of the army arrive. Gen. Price is still reported to be in the vicini ty of Carthage, but nothing definite is known of his whereabouts. from Washington. Wmanxerrolt, Oct. 81 After inquiring in ()Tidal quarters, I am told that no written orders as to the exact destina tion of the naval expedition were given, and that neither the President nor the Secretart of the Navy know where it is going. the place Of landing is left to the discretion of Comic,- dore Dupont, of course in consultation with 1 General Sherman. - The War Department refuses tom:toile the authority of General Lane as a Brigadier Gen eral, and declines to / furigsh lain, with an engi neer corps. An arrival from the Lower p:ttomac divhdoit to-clay, represents all quiet in that region. , The tebele are still in force at their batteries. No vessels are arriving. The sword, sash and pistols of the late rebo Colt Mel; Jahn A. Washington, who was killed in WeStern Virginia, were today presented to Secretary Cameron. 4 The citizens of Washington are signing - , pall ions the, Seeretary of War to , seize the wood end coal on hand. here, so as to prevent suffer ing, as the speculators are asking ezherbitant rice folit. The mdy Pennsylvania soldiers reported to day, among the deaths at the hospitals, are Daniel I.osch, of the Forty-seventh and B. F. Haskell, of the First regiment. DURATION OF HIIMAIK Lurs.—A Paris corres pondent says that from cause at present _not known, the average of the duration of human life is rapidly diminishing. From 1825 to 1850 this average was forty years ; it is now Very little more than thirty-seven years, according to recent statistical returns. AN AussuaN NOBLEMAN Baron thliiilbeirstein, who has just died at Vienna,luus by will bequeath_ en 200,000 florins to each of the .ttravenities of Vienna and Peague, to , be etnploYed in misting poor students, and 40,000 null= to a Iddlia. Zollner, an actress. A NEW FlA , ll.—Some of the southern papers suggest that the Confederaby should discard the Stars, and Stripes altarether. A flag like that used by Kositiusco, when fighting the battles of freedom in Poland, is prposed—a Phtieblue itel,d with White eagle. Y/W9peen of Spain recently placed the sick Onncess, Donna Coecepeion, in the hands of a liorpaiwithic dOctor,ivhen the principal physi alan of - her majesty, Dr: Corral, stance resigned ' /*Ate, antiolhetitesondi, Dr. Dr'ament, left IliMetutrouciXt" pays $750 for frentrisrhv• ows of a house on the spare ofAoeigehat twee the Prueshui coronation.