Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 01, 1861, Image 3
itlryao. HARRISBURG. PA. Friday Afternoon, November 1, 101. ------ To COnaggrONDENT4.—If " Vindex will f lica ur- nish us with his proper name, not for pub n" but as a guarantee of the truth his representations, we will cheerfully publish of his ommunication; otherwise we shall treat it like ire do all other anonymous communications— consign it to the stove. FIRS AT TON "UPPP It END. " —A correspon dent 'writing from Fisherville in the upper end of this county, says that last Sunday evening the home of Jacob Powel, situated about five wiles from that town took fire and burned to the ground, The origin of the fire IS Dot known, the family all having been from home at the time. There was no insurance on either the house or the property. BULLET PROFF.—There is a man named Schrei ner, from the upper end of this county now a volunteer in one of the companies stationed at Camp Cameron, who was accidentally shot about a year since, the ball, wadding and iron ramrod of the musket having passed in his body just below the naval and came out at the small of his back. So says a correspondent of the Middletown Journal. tiANFORDANIA.— SAGAMI ' S Ethiopian Troupe fairly look our play-going community by storm at Brant's gall last night. The house was a perf idm and of course the performances t were jom-up , A new programme is up for to night, tilled with choice songs, laughable ea travagantu3, and capital hits at the times, so that if any of our readers are troubled with the Mks, or indigestion, let them step around to the hall sad laugh and grow fat. Poucs,--Before the Mayor—Johnny O'Donnel, and Margaret his wife—regular "trampers" who take to lock-ups and other municipal ac commodations as naturally as ducks take to water—wore the only parties who paid their respects to his honor this morning. They were dikdir.ed with an injunction to extend their patronage elsewhere. Adore Alderman Kline.—An Irish Biddy, with cheeks like Newton pippins, was arraigned for thankeuees. Sent to prison to sober-up. APPOINTMENT OP A CHAPLAIN. - Rev. John lteosker has been appointed by the Governor Chaplain to the 96th (Col. Goslin's) regiment, now under marching orders for the seat of war. Rev ll'Cosker is the pastor of the Catholic church at Elizabethtown, Lancaster county, and distinguished alike for his piety, ability and Mildness of heart, virtues that will render him a favorite with the men of his regiment, and go far to improve their moral and religious condition. Shortly after his appointment he was the recipient of a handsome chaplain's sword and belt, presented to him by Mr. James Young, of Middletown, this county, as a slight token of the loner's regard for the many esti mated qualities possessed by the Reverend gen tleman. New RAILROAD Tgasasus.—The Pennsylvania Railroad Company have now about two hundred men at work upon their improvements at the foot of Washington street, Philadelphia, where an elevator is in course of erection. The eleva tor is to be of iron. The front, on Washington street, will be sustained by ten massive iron columns, which have already been put up, and the area enclosed will be sufficient to accommo date a very large business. The pier will be oue of the longest on the Delaware, the extreme end being eight hundred feet distant from Swan eon street. At least twenty-six feet of water will be obtained by the use of dredging ma chines, two of which are now in active opera tion. The work is expected to be completed by the first of January. DEATU OP A DAUPHIN COUNTY SOLDlEU.—Pri vate Jno. Bentley, of Middletown, attached to the Colder Fencibles, Capt. Detwiler, of the Thus. A, Scott regiment met with an accident last Friday night which resulted in his death. This company is stationed at Bee Tree Station on the Northern Central Railroad, On Satur day morning about 3 o'clock, Bentley lit his . pipe, and walked to the railroad, a short distance from his tent, and sat down upon a railroad tie. A few moments afterwards he was informed that a train of cars were approaching, and he made an effort to get away, but was unfortu- ' nately seized with the cramp, and before assis tance could be rendered, the cars struck him a fatal blow, His back and three ribs were bro ken, and he also received a severe cut on his head. The wounded man was taken to his friends in Middletown at 2 o'clock last Sunday morning, where he lingered in great pain until the following Tuesday at noon, when death put an end to his sufferings. He was about 40 years of age, and leaves a wife, and one child to mourn his untimely and sad fate. A Sr JUPERSTITION ABOUT 11Is Asa --112 e Highlands at the birth of a childTßlß., it is said that the nurse takes a branch of the ash tree, one end of which she puts into the fire, and while it is burning receives into a spoon the sap which 00z,.s from the other end ; this she gives to the 6 , 1111, to be mingled with its food. It is sup to impart wonderful virtues. In King's ..,,ulity, Ireland, near Benetry Church, is a fa ash, the trunk of which is now twenty ut ten inches in circumference. When a I "'" 'al of one of the peasan the try Passes by this procession pauses, the body is laid for a few words of prayer. Then ea c h caste a stone to increase the heap which accumulated over its roots. This is Lr,hl t„ benefit both the dead and the liv liere is an ancient saying that "a ser f,,,, Or •',l rather creep into the fire than over "f trea." Cowley, enumentt ,.„ '''lrodigies, says : safe try With ,g l ash 's top, with bats and owls, yit, ominous, and baleful fowls, P , oran e d dc,,,,,1,1L; while the screeching of the at i d It is gilt , Olated all the graves./ hOW creep int, met ,many of such follies will 8 t'sn . d. krrgsnow, Zoutassl—A meeting of the First City Zouaves will be held at their armory at ii o'clock this evening. Punctual attendance is required. WAsnmcrroal Rosa.—A stated meeting of the Washington Hose Company will be held at the hose house this (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is required. I== BALD Hams.—lt was not long ago that a French writer announced and proved the dc. minion of the "bald-headed men" in France, and showed them to be really the ruling spirit in every department of life —in politics, finance, 1-oetry, art, science, and even in gallantry ! In all of these there was a bald-headed man at "the head of the head;" and the young fellows with flowing locks and "Hyperion's curls" were quite thrown in the shade by the middle aged gentlemen, whose nobs were as bare and smooth as billiard-balls. Quilp, who, by the bye, is getting a little bald himself, says the same thing is true in all civilized countries, whatever the fact may be among savages ; and the reason lies, not certainly in the superior beauty of the bare poll—though a bald head may still be a very handsome one—but in the fact that a man rarely comes into the perfec tion of his manhood before the period at which baldness ordinarily begins. Accordingly, as a general rule, the lees hair the more brains and vice-versa. "Kit North,"--a competent judge of the cases—wrote in Blackwood, that "No strong-bodied, strong-minded, strong-hear ted man reaches his true prime until he is turn ed of forty ; and he keeps on till he is sixty ; being probably at seventy threatened with a small family by a second or a third wife." I=l Form Onurmax Buren TO DEATH. —On Mon day evening, the 21st instant, a short time af ter dark, a most distressing accident occurred in Ferguson township, Clearfield county. It appears that Mr. Nicholas Tubbs and his wife went to preaching at a school house a short dis tance from their home, taking with them their youngeit child and leaving the four older ones at home. Some time after their arrival at the school house, the alarm was given that their house was on fire. On reaching the scene of conflagration, the rafters and other timbers were already falling in ; and to their utter horror they discovered that the four children they had left at home were in the burning building. The youngest was three years of age and the oldest eleven—two boys and two girls. The remains of the children were afterwards taken from the burning embers—two of which were entirely consumed except a few of the larger bones ; whilst, of the other two, the limbs were only burnt off, leaving their bodies a shapeless mass of crisp human flesh, horrible to behold. There was no fire in the house when the parents left it, except a burning candle. The origin of the fire is mere conjecture, as it had so far advanced when it was discovered that no one could tell in what part of the building it did commence ; but it is presumed that the children had gone to bed, and whilst they were asleep, the fire originated from the burning candle by some means. "SOLDDIIRS' COMFORT OLI7/36." —A patriotic lady in Philadelphia, who has been indefatigable in her Lahore for the soakmauggor3l23 snalassoci dons might easily and with little expense be formed in all our cities, towns and villages, to provide some small matters which contribute greatly to the comfort of the men, and which the Government cannot be expected to furnish. This lady writes— "I seldom think of anything in these days but the war, and what can be done to help those who are so nobly helping us ; and I know there are thousands of women who feel as I do. Let such form themselves into clubs, and let each club devote itself to one particular regiment.— Let one lady be appointed to write to the Colo nel of the regiment selected, and inquire what comforts of this kind are most needed by his men. Let the men be told by him that it is to the sympathy and industry of these ladies that these comforts are due, and it will cheer and encourage them to bear their hardships more bravely when they realize that they are remem bered at home with affectionate interest. These ladies will feel a double interest in watching the conduct and success of what they will soon learn to regard as their own regiment. By ex exercising this living bond of interest some thing the old feeling of chivalry will be reviv ed—a chivalry modified and enlightened by Christianity." Although we know the ladles of this •city have been and still are laboring nobly for the comfort of our soldiers, they may gather some hints from the above suggestion which may be of practical utility to them. From what we can learn, a large number of articles for our volunteers' comfort could be obtained during the ensuing long winter evenings, if a systema tio and comprehensive organization was formed to operate in the county as well as in the city. I=l Tni LAIIOI3AGII OF THE AMERICAN Frew.—A number of years ago we read in an old congres sional document an explanation of the colors and symbolical meaning of the stars and stripes of our national banner, written by a member of the committee of the Continental Congress, to whom was referred the duty of selecting a flag for the then infant confederacy. Since then we have frequently desired to republish the ex planation, ass mattes of interest to our readers, but were never able to find it until this morn ing we diecoved it ificorporated in a sketch of the battle of Saratoga read before the New York Historical Society by A. B. Street, Feq. The explanation reads as follows : The stars of the new flag represents the new constellation of States rising in the West. The idea was taken from the constellation Lyra, which in the hand of Orpheus signifies harmony. The blue in the field was taken from the edges of the Covenanter's banner in Scotland, signifi cant of the league covenant of the United Colo nies against oppression, incidentally involving the virtues of vigilance, perseverance and jus tice. The stars were disposed of in a circle, symbolizing the perpetuity of the Union : the ring, like the circling serpent of the Egyptians, signifying eternity. The thirteen stripes show ed, vith the stars the number of the United Colonies, and denoted the subordination of the States to the Union, as well as equally among themselves. The whole was the blending of the various flags previous to the Union flag— viz : the red flags of the army and the white ones of the floating batteries. The red color, which otes in Roman days was the signal of defiance, den daring ; and the white, purity. What eloquence do the stars breathe when their full significance is known. A new Con stellation I Union I Perpetuity A covenant against oppreadon 1 Justice, equality, subordi nation, courage and purity. Pennsylvania Malty gelegraph, tribal, 'Afternoon, Novetnber 1, MR ON holm OIIARD.—It was night, the cold whistling wind howled its marches on the sol diers dreary midnight beat, and ever and anon his watchful fancy seemed to hear the distant footfall of the lurking foe. With gun in hand and bayonet fixed he paces to and fro. " Who goes there?" " A friend." The word, all fear dispelled, he thinks of home, mother, father, sister, his dear Kate, and perhaps the many winter comforts in dry goods that is always to be had at the cheap store corner of Front and Market streets of Urich & Bowman. A CmuJANGE Hamanc—portable, in brick or as a fireplace beater; the most powerful beaters known for warming several apartments with pure hot air, and by only one fire, suited for DWELLINGS, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, &c. For sale by the agent, Lyman GILBERT, Market street. Send to him for a book, cintaining full descrip tion, and an overwhelming mass of testimony. Oct. 26t. Ta® Gmerisr BARCIAINS 'Rom Ninir Your. AUCTION I The Cheapest Goods Recemed Yet ! 60 pieces of 6-4 bleached Pillow Case Muslin, 12} cents. 100 dozen of woolen Socks damaged by water, 8 cents a pair. 26 pieces of dark heavy Pant Stuff, 18, 25 and 87 cents. 50 pieces Canton Flannel, 121 cents. 100 of black and grey Cloaks, from $2.50 up. 12 dozen of ladies' woolen Sontss,very cheap. 40 dozen of grey and white merino Undershirts and Drawers, 76 cents. 50 pairs white woolen Blankets, at all prices. 100 dozen of ladies' and children's wool Stock ings, 12 to 87 cents. 50 pieces of white, red and yellow Flannel, at all pnces. Country merchants we would invite to call, as we have a large stock of all kinds of Goods, and are daily receiving Goods from New York Auction, which we will sell at. wholesale at City prices HOW LOST, HOW Ii.ESTOSED JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope; Price 8 eta : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Cure or Spermaterrhrea or seminal Weak nese, Involuntary Emissions, Benue! Debility, and Imped imenta to Marriage generally, Nervoesness, CoilatimptiOn, Epilepsy and Fits: deattl and Physical Incapacity, re suldng front self Abuse &a.—By HOBT• J. CULVB WELL, D., Author of Oran Book do. "A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers," sent under seal; in a plain envelope, to any• address, pat/ paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 127 B nvery, New York, Post Cffia, 110x415811. eep9•dew3m MOPPAT'S LIRE PUSS AND Pima BITTERS. h•ee front aI4 Ahura/ Poitons.—ln caws of Scrota's Gleam, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, tbe operation of the Life Stedleinaa is truly astonishing, ones removing in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions revers, rover and Ague, Dyspepsia ' Dropsy, Mee and to sho'rt, most a ll diseases soon yield to their curative properties So family should be without them, en by their timely um mush suffering cad expense may be saved. Prepaeod by Wit. p WW T, M. D., New York, and or •ale by All Drakeirm Tun ADVICRTISER ; having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having sollbred seven,' years with a severe mug &tract ion, and that dread disease, Consamialeu—is &radon to make known to his teliow.suifererA the means of cure. lb all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions tbr preparing and using the eame, which they will and a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, eic. Tho only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to benefit the &filleted, and spread Information which he conceives to be nvalaable, and he hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the preeorlption will pleeaeaddrese REV. ADWAIID A. WILSON, Willhunsburgh, •tinge meaty, New York 00131-wly • HAIR DYE! HAIR - DYE 11 - Wm. A. Hatch°lees Hair Dye ! The only Harmless and Reliable Die Known 1 All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Bison, without the least Injury to Hair or Skin. - FIFTEEN MIWALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to WM. A. Bwrcerunt 1n dlB 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made t, the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wx. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be dlathiguishoa from nature and is waasnarran not to injure in the least, however long it mty be wenn. ned, and the ill . recta of bad Dreg remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is prop erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New York. Sold i t all the cites slid towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name ~ William A. Batchelor,"" and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four rides of cacti box. oct4rdewly DR. CHRESEMAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheesernan, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. MITE combination or ingredients m these j_ Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, Painful Menstruation , removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous aMcdons, hysterics, fatigue pain in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which aries from o interrup tion of nature. • TO MARRIED LADM, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Indies who have been disappo nted in the Use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Plus doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE!. Dore is one cendifieos of the female system' in which t he Pub cannot be taken without producing a PAWL/AR RESULT. The condition reared to is PILEGITANO Y— the result mrsaoutsuaz Such is the irresistible ten• dan of the medicine to restore the stmt functions to a normal condition s that CMS the reproductive power of na ture cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road, ac company each box. Price $l. Sent by mall on enclos ing $1 to DE. COBNIILIUS L. Otlltaatkall, Box 4,631, Post Office, New York City. bold by one Druggla tin every town In the United States. R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent, for the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, To whom'all wholesale orders ehould t beaddreesed. Sold in Harrisburg oy C. A. Rum= nov29-demly DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOE FEMALES, cfilllble n cerreeting, regulating, and renurriog obstructions, from whatever Caere, and I way' eueceaeftd at a prevent live. HESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both In !ranee and erica, with unparalleled somas In very cue ; and he Is urged by many thonsana ladies who maid them, to make the Pi ll s public for the a ll eviation of those entliiiing from any irregularities whatever, ea well as Or prevent an inereane of family where health irffi not permit it— Females particularly situated, or these supposmg them. selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are ourr to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor asthma no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any mix chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each bet. Prise $l. 00 per box. Sold olesale and retail by VHARi A. BANNFART, No. 2 Jones Row, H Zi : itrm Pa. "Ladles,. by sending him 00 to the Harrisburg Post peke, can have the Pills sent free of obeervatlonto any part of the country (oonildenthdlyLa i n i L' a free B4 :lf da pee rage" by mail. Sold also by 8. 8. JOHNSON, HOLLOWA vatsWD PhiladelphiaA L. A. Lebanon„ H. Harm, Lancaster J. A. Writs, rightaville ; B. T. MILLI; York ; and C anae every oity and village In the Unica, y B. dr L I M; ale proprietor, New York N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Boy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed kD. Howe. Al, others are a base kapontion and unsafe; therelbre, as yea value your lives and health, (to say nothing of to ng humbued out of your money ' ) buy only of those o showy signature of 8. D. we onevery box, Which:Mei nommthr bees added m account of the Pills beteg otamdrwilited defidvrenwly. I=l S. Lzwz, John Rhoads' old stand MANHOOD PURIFY THE BLOOD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Wholesale Factory, 81 Bitola? St., Late 233 Broadway, New York IMPORTANT TO FEMALES .iql E T P 74 1 Wan Muer ttsementi LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE HARRISBURG POST OFFICE, FRIDAY. NOY. 1, 1881. OFETIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LADIES' LIST Adams, L M'Orain, N Adams W M'Kocke, T Abel, A M'Laughlin, J F Anderson, N M'Alliater, C 8 Bartelle, M'AUlister, T I Border, N M'Hanghey, 8 Bates, 8 A Miller, J H. Beard, N Mason, W Beard, M A 2 Mahan, M Bell, N Miller, V Bennett, J Michland, E F Beater, A Menely, E Blake, 8 • Miller, 8" Bowers, E Mullen l B Beltan, F 0 Murray, M. Bower, 8 Nissley, E Brown, A Neeley, N J 2 Brown, J Norton, C Brown, L A Owens,H A Brobeck, B Olmsted, E It Brown, if 2 Ottys, 8 Brubaker, L . Pancake, I Brady, H Payne, E Breekbaum, E Parker, 8 Brookes, H Parker, 8 .2 Brenan, N Paul, M A Bryson, S D Differ, N Carter, C . Pifer, M. Cambell, M Pindergast, N Canbanth, N Pallowel, B. Carter. M Pritchard, hi Cash, hi T Eaudibaugh, X 0 Carson, Riley, J Cowens, N Riley, M X Creamer, X 0 Rider, A Deffenbangh, 1 Roberts, J L . 2 Dean, J Roberts, J L Denis, E Rost, A Enders, A Rumich, B Eloman, E Roberson, S Fisher, B Rose, R Fessler, M A Ronch, S Fisher, X Shissly, A Frantz, L Stott, hi Garman, C Shiasly, S Griffith, hi Sharp, 8 J Gratnon, N Simonton, F B Green, C Simmers, X Hasler, K . Solomon, 8 Hartman, E J Snowden, D Hammon, hi A . Solomon, L hi Heyser, M - Sypher, X A 2 flatten, M Stills, E Ham, A Stewart, F Hetrich, 8 A Steckle, K Highly, 8 &Mier, 8 J Householder, K shanberger, M D Hover, M J Wayne, S Irvin, W B Wagner F Jones, A Waltman, J Johnston, W Ward, X Johnson, E Waler, M Johnson, C Weary, M Jones, M A Wenrich, J E Johnson, B W ' Whitne y' A Keener, M J White, M Kline, K , Williams, E W Kenck, C Wiler, X A • Kline, Williams, L Lee, N Wilder, X A Littleton, C Williams, E Leger, E Willis a, M Leib. A Wilson, I 8 Laird , A M Wise, It Leon, A Wilson, M E Lackey, E Wica, M LcKiM A Young; A , A Zook $ K Gicarms.mminsi , s LIST. Arnold, RCrouse, H Asbenshade, V Cunningham, J A Adams, J Derlin, B Aron, L Davis, J A Alexander, J W Deffingbangh, J Althaus, B Denniston, J 2 Adams, W Dewing, F 8 2 Ammons,..A. Davis, J Abel, J Dean, H Armstrong, A. Dasher, D W Atwater, W Derick, G,,,, Avdley, D Derrah,W Abbey, A L Dickerson, W 0 2 Alter, D G Diener, F Armstrong, G Duey, 8 P 2 Barbera, J B Doran, J Baird, A H 2 Doehne, G Baker, 0 Dunlap, H Bartlett, D A Erder, B Barkley, E D Meer, J . Baldy, P Evans, C Baldwin, J W Evans, T Ball, T J Eiger, J Baird, F W Everhart, A T Baldwin, J D Bwods, H Bender, DII 2 Erbangh, F Benin; IV Fisher, H W Beck, J . Feldman, Bell, R F Filling, L Bechtel, P P 2 Fordyce, J 2 Fisher, 3 Finch, A Bender I) Bernesaerfer, J Billinure, J Fahnestock, E A Binjiman, J 3 Fleming, J Beta, P Foreman, G W Blurnenstein, H 2 Forney, J Blair, B H Foncht, J B Bishop, W Fogarty, P Boell, J 8 Forney, W Berens, T J Frazier, W Bowers, A 2 Fuller, 8 Bowman, B C Pullman ; P B Bailie, W Frame, R Boyer, 7,1 Fuller, A • Boslyshell, C Frey, A B Bathe, D Fry, W H Boyle, T Guile, 3 11 Bogee, E Geisenberg, X Bowman, P Geyer, .11 Bordner, E Gamm, .7 A Brown, W H 7 Gilzenlichter, A Brown, G D Gibson, J 1 Brooke S B Glalden, G 8 Brown, 31 G Gardner, C F Brown, G W Gill, T Brooks, J S Gould, 0 Bright., S Green, P 2 1 Brisben. W X Greggar, H Brown, W Griffith, T D Brisben, J Griffiths, B Brenner, J Grace, D Brighte, J D Godley, 0 2 Buchanan, E Y Grafts, A Butler, L Gnisal, 8 Buckley, J . 11 Greer, W H Brink, H H Gorham, S Burke, J F Gribbene, H . Bryson, J Bartley, J G Carrier, S J Hamilton, B Campbell, J Halley, J . X C Campbell, I) Hoyt, J 11 Campbell, D A Hamilton, W .1 Chamberlan, 0 D Hartaran, Col. Canner, E Harris, J Cassel, D E Harper, S C Cassiday, B Hall, G C Coyle, W Herman & Co. L Clark, F . Renick, N W Covent, H D ~. Heistand, B 8 Collum, W Herron, J J Couplea, W Heughea, H Coglizer, G 8 Hench, le Cochran, X Hedges, J B Cable, B E , , grillogis, c g . 2 Crawford e G Riney, H Crotia, W 8 MU, HI Ouriyi TX ' "*, • Hoffman, W Ntw 20vicrtistments Hoffman, B Pearson, J Hillenbaugh, W E Pague, P D Howard, C Pemberton, W Hoon, H Peters, E Hoffman, D R Palmer, W 2 Homer, G Piesley, C B Hogeland, D B Price, J Hailer, J Reel, G Hall, B R Rippe, J B Irvin, G W S Rechert, H Irvon, 0 Rauch ; B Jervis, J H Badle, J Johnson, F Raphael, J Junes, G W Reitssel, H Jackman, D K Reed, W Jenkin, J Repline, D Jay, J Bayeer, H Jenkins, D Bank, D W 2 Johnston, W Bambe, J B Johnson, C Reynolds, W Kendrick, J K Richard, 0 G Kain, T Riley, J Keyes, J L Ritz, J Keester, G Richmond, 11 Karr, J B Rippman, C A Kemerth, M Richardson, A Kenner, P Rife, A Kauffman, G Roberts, D K Kennedy, T Rcsiger,• G Kenerst, M %play, J Kreity, W Bailey, J H Kuvler, J Robins, , King, 8 J Rudolph, J Klinger, E Roeder, J Kringsberry, E Rudy, J King, W Rhoads, A - Kinports, A Raner, G Krum, Rosen, J B • Kohr, J ' Robinson, 8 Knox, G W Rosskam, '3 Kilbourne, j M Savage, H A Limiter, R ' aro; S S Lamim, P Sarver, J Landes, I Scarfause, J H Lady, A J Schaffner, M. L— Schumacher, G 2 Levis, J C Saler, G W • Levingaton, J . Sanlinier, N Levering, Scott, 8 T Lewis, C Salads, J Lawrence, 8 M 2 Sigler, A Lion, J Sheaham, M Lynch, J Blamer, J Lyter, L Shaffner, J Lyter, C . Snyder, J Loyd, 0 W Sides, A Logan, W ' - Smith, IC 14 Long, H Smith, J L Long, J P Snyder, H A McGinley, J Shingledecker, W McAfee, J - Snoddy, 1 McVey, M Stenger, J A McCasling, W H 8 Shingle, L McCune, R Smith, B McCarty, L Solwell, 11, McConnell, J Stehlen, G F McChesney, T Stream, Y McDonald, Summer, A McClintock, I Stouffer, P McClellan, J Steele, A F McCune, A. Stoneroad, C McGuire, J Stepson, J McCarty, J Steward, T 0 McCardines, M Starks, R Meyer, D B Summerton, J H Markiffer, G Stephen, M Ilencrean, J S Stiffey, D Mais, F . Shearer, II W Mayer, A Stephen, W Marietta, W Swartz, J Marshall, A Buten Al 3 Machen, 8 - Stewait, T C Maher, II Steace, T Moyer, A Sting, C H Marring, Stanton, B W Menich, W Stewart, S Mason, W Stevenson, D Martin, B P Stinson, S Mather, H N Sweet, O Tr Mayer, W Swartz, N Maso W Swart, 0 F Miller n, , S E H Stair, 0 P Middleton, A It Sweet, 0 F Miller, J S Stanton, E W Milihouse, J Terry, T Miller, J A Thomas, D Miller, II W Terry, T Miller, T Trnmpe,J Miller, G Unangat, T Mills, G W Vankirk, J K Miller, T Vansychel, il C Moon, H Vasbnrgh, A Moffey, S A Wallace, D H Morstars, J H Wallace, 0 W Montgomery, D ' B Wagner R Moisten, J Wallies, Moore, H M 1 Werra', H Moor, J Warner, F D Moore, I White, J H Moore, W Welsh, T Morris, J G Wells, Col Musser, H R Weyo, T Murray, 0 Weaver, J Mumma, J West, A Mull, D Withmoyer, S Myers, A W Wilson, W Mnisen, J Wilson, W W Newlin, 0 Williams, S Nennsen, N Worley, D A Nissley, D H Wood, H B • Nelson, Bogue &Co Walfert, F Nagle, J Wormer, P O'Leary, D Wolf, D A Orbison, W • -youn g , T W Oliver, G Young, W N Overton,E 2 Zerle, L Pagne,G Zimmerman, J Paine, E Dees, A Palmer, W MILITARY LIST,. Altman, H Englert, X Adams, B 0 Euereny, B X Austin, J H Fink, J Adams, J leleagl, Z Anderson, pea Foster, D H Bible, D P Franklield, F Beisel, F Frymire, S Boal, W H Fishele, W Bryant, J Frambridge, J Briggs, G P Fachrer, JJ. Brady, J Fassett, A Burgett, D A Fry, W Bell, R L Fulkerson, E Bland, L Qallegber, Capt Binter, H Gregg, F Butler, Z Groin, J A Bordon, A Gilmore, Lient . Bachtel, 8 R Gagely, G W Boomly, G M • Grant, A Baker, J S 13ofmium, J W - .2 Booking J 1 Hull, S Bilode, 0 Hull, 3 BiPan, 3 Harner, S Burkhart, J 2 Hymee, B 0 Burner, H S Hoene, J R Boyer, G D Harbison, S Carpenter, E P . Ingham, J S Clement, B W Jones, H W Collan, P Jones, J E Campbell, D Jones, A Coe, J Jacobs, A C,ollaniore, J V King, S Cole, J X Kilboum, J lit 8 Colter, D Kiardare, J Chambers, H D Klingaman, J J Donngh, A Salle, J Dillie, J Kirkham, B Deleon, J M Long, J T Dobbins, W A Lapher, S X Donavan, D Lupher, P Dodge, R I Lady, A J Edwards, W S Logan, T X Edron, 0 C Liehty, B English, el• 0 Little, S 13 Edgar, M Linton, W Edwards, W J D 800 oslin, W H EdMiston, F • Iddra4din, .1' ._ Elliot, ,H • McAllister, 'll New 2Lbsertisments McKean, A McCarthy, D G McDonald, E Meet:Lllock, J J M Mudge, S Midleton, J M Morrow, J Maxwell, W C Momel, W Mathiot, J Milliard, C F Mesa, W Madge, It G Neely, J Oakleaf, H patties, F Putnam, S Scott, W T Sheer, G B Shorkley, G Spear, J W Shannon, J Steeler, J Scutt, A - Springer, J S Schreber, A Stewart, J Spangler, S Shiester, JH Sullinger, D Stambanch, Col Sanders, G Scott, D Sheflin, Sheriff, W Seymore, H B Shide, G Smith, H Srentz, M Trowbridge, J Tupper, B Thayer, J L Wheelock, A Weaver, S D Warner, J E Webster, L A Wilson, D B Westarer, J F Wyleme, L Tohn, .1 Porter, I J Peeler, 3 W Plumer, IA A ?rail, J T Peck, W Porter, A B Robinson, M t Reschart, J Raphill, W L Reagel, J A Etowlandron, H RAPP, J . Rode, J Riddle, M Rough, B Rieheg, H Persona eallteg for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. One cent due on each. It GEO. BEEGNER, P. IL DARLING'S LIVERREGULATOR, LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable extracts. They 11 cure eh bilious disorders of the human syMeat.— They regulate and invigorate the liver and klndays. they give tone to the digestive organs ; they regulate tie secretions excretions and exhalations, equalize the circu lation, and purify the blood. Thus all Wilms complaints —some of which are Torpid Lver, Mob Headache, Dys pepsia, Plies, Chills and Fevers, Oostlvertess or Loos r neas—me entirely rentroled and cured by there reme dies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Removes the-morbid mid billions deposits item the stom ach and howels,.regluates the liver and kidneys, remov ing. every obstruodon, restores a natural and healthy as in the vital organs. It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much better than pals, and much easier to take DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is • superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulently, female weakness, irreginari this, pain, in the aide and bo sett, blind, protruding and bleeding plies, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY ; Jas. L. Bromley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, writes, August 18, 1880: "I have been aillieteal with piles, aocomp.nted with bleeding, the lut three years ; I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR LIFE BITTERS, And now conaldec myaelr ICITIRILY MM." Hon. Jean A. Oroea writes, "Brooklyn, March 16 1860. In the spring of 1869 I took a eavere cold, whloh induc ed a violent fever. I took Iwo doses of DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attics, I han been troubled with dyspepsia several mouths I have lint nothing of it since." Otis Studly, Seq., 128 Bast 28th Street, N. Y., unites : "August 12, 1880-1 had a difficulty with Kidney Com plaint three years with constant pain In the small of my back. I had used moss all kinds el medloinca, bat ituand no permanent relief until I used DARLING P 8 LIVER INVIGORATOR, LIFE BITTERS I pawed °Wed blood by the urethra. I►m now en tirely cured, and take pleasure le recommending thane remedies:, Mrs. 0. Tebow, 11 Ohtistopher Street, N. Y, writes : "Feb to, 1860.—1 have been subject to attacks of Aath• ma the bait twenty years. I have never found anything eqnal to Darling's Liver Regulator, in affording Immediate relief. It in a thorough Liver sad bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, "February 28, 800 . In May mat I hada severe attack of Piles, which nonfo od me to the house. I took one bottle of DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS sod was entirely cured. I have had no attack shine." D. Westervelt, Esq., of South 6th, near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. 1., writes : "August 6,lB6o.—Raving bean troubled with a difficulty In the Liver. and subjrst to bil ious attacks, I was advised by a friend to try DAR'LING'S LIVER REGULATOR, I did so, and found Ti to operate admirably, removing . the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also said it as a FAMILY MEDICINE When our children aro out of Forte, we give them a few drape and it sets them all right. I find It meets the general wants of the stomach and bowels when disorder ed."' • BIADER, If you nerd either or both of these most ex cellent Remedies, inquire for them at the stores ; if you do not tind them, take no other, but Inclose One Dollar In a letter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be cent according to your d'reotlons, by mail or express, postpaid. Address, DAN'L S. DARLING. 102 Nassau. street, New York. Put up In 50 cent and $l-Botteln each. oct24-dein SHIRTS ! SHIRTS 11 SHIRTS 1! I HOME MANUFACTURE. THE CHE'APEST 111 TEE MARKET. THE undersigned having opened his Manufactory of anis So., at N 0.12 Weet Market street, Harrisburg, Ps , mos trimpectiblly solicits the patronage and attention of the Ladies, gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture : sailers, SHIRT BOSOMS, COLLARS, CCM., WRIST-BANDS, NIGHT SHIRTS, &c., Ast., Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large assortment of under garments La., (from the latest hn proved London and Paris styles,) LINEN COLLARS, OWN, MTh tta., in great varieties, all of which being our own marmoreal:ire we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons desirous of furnishing their own materials, slut have cutting, sewing Sc., of every variety done aceord ing to order. Alt of the above named goods for Gents weer, we will make to measure, guaranteeing to tit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability and material. AU special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied opus the most reason able terms. P. S. Ladies alining skirts or ander garments of any discription, can halm them made to order by sending maple or such kinds as may be desired. JAMES A. LYNN, No. LI, Market Street. an29.4113m Hurtsbarg, Pa. Rooms next door to Hummel is jrillingerta Gi rowy Store. WORCESTER'S ROYAL (MARTO DICTIONARY I frin ig. beat defining and pronouncing Die uonary the RugllsS language ; Alto , Worcester's sow' Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarts aid ic hoot DloUonarles for sale at SCIDEITIM3 BooKnoss, aplS-W Near the Harrisburt Bridge. LIMPTY BARRELS. —Two Hundred ra Empty and prilour F, m Sugar and Wine Barrels of all d• sariptkaii 098 ,EMPTY FLOUR BARRER:a, ti n LARGE NEW BRIM:W.IMM jayky FLOOR BARRELS in Waft sew _ h., Ms WM. Dollit Sit. 6 Cu,