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' '..alla iN/Far a lt HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY .MORNiNG, OCTOBEa.2B 1861. . ,A- . -lAA , ' ) PRICE ONE CENT. _ • BY GEORGE BERGNER. iillaital p . JOHNSON ..BArixx3dEcomin LOCK HOSPITAL. [4 4,s d discovere d iretautdhy e in Dl th O e llt s, certain, speed) Al ' DISEASES OF IMPRUDENOS. lima is 81.1 TO TRIM 00VOIN. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. pcpe Wmatunso, in no Canaan, na non On to Two DATELIN, of the Beet or Limbs, Strictures, False le doi Lona, Oedema of the Kidneys and Bladder. Organic fiouSsessr ""ffil""lngf. Mr* or ttiOrilyas Mow. Dyelx , r ept, languor, Low Spirits, Confusion ol Idey rail itatioo 01 the Wort, Timidity, Trembling', Domesi, or Sight ur Madames, Disease of the Stomach, Alrectkma oh IN Be t a, Throat, Nose or Sida—those terrible diem , Son emus Dom the ladders:Sion or Solitery Haight el Touto—dwee drowitul and destructive practlses ; wbtob produCt Coh6histional dety, and remind. nder marriage dimm able, and destroy both body YOUNG NEN. youpg men especially tette have become the victim oi Ro wdy Vire, Oat dreadful and destructive habit WU* anima, sweeps to an untimely grave thousands oi young WO 01 the must exalted talent and brilliant Intel -1001, who aught otherwise nave entranced listening Yenalre the thunders of elesnonoe, or waked to ea toy We Ilinag lyre, May can with Tu ll confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persona, or these contemplating rearrlage, be lig aware al abyslcal weak/tom should hzunedlidely me lon Ur. 1., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAIENBB Immediately awed mid tau ottor restored. Ho who places himself under the Dare ofDr..r., may religiously amide In Ms donor as a gentleman, and oon, Adeuily rely upon ins skill as a physioian. *race No. 7 South Frederic.it street, Baltimore, nth, on the le ft hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 loom Iron the comp. Be par ticular in observing the 3111118 or number, or yOu will mistake a this,platte. Be par- Muter kw Ignorant, TrWling Quack; with false names, or Paltry Humbug Cartficata, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal Collage of Burgeons, London, graduate from One ot the meet eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greatest part of whose Rte Me been Spent In the klatpitals of London, Par* Phila delphia end elsewhere, has effected some ot the meet as tonishing cures t h at were ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the ears and head when asleep, great per sonalism, beteg alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, rah frequent banshing,attended sometimes with derange melt of mind wore cured immediately, WARM PARTICULAR SCRIM. Ur, 4, atiLlYelBoB all those who having injured them- Wets by private and improper Indulgenotes, that secret sud solitary uabit whioh ruins both body and mind, on. thing them for either businessor society. !btu are same of the sad and melancholy clients pro doom by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Bad and Limbs, Paine in the Head, Dimness of Sight, lass of Muscular Power, Patpltation of the Hearty Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Oionsump. &A t &a MENTALLY{ demur, the fearful effects on the mind are hue to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Conibsion of Ideas, De. protein of gpirite, grit Forebodings Aversion totheet. ty, Self -distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, M., are some of the evil ends. Massada of meow of all ages, can now Judge What lathe citme 01 Weir decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a angular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp• ma Of cuoilLlMpitoll, YOUNG liLlit who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, in delved in when alone—a habit frequently learned from Mil zompanions, or at Reheat, the effects di which are Mildly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impouible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his noun. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments at life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a schen% secret habit. titiihpormieut must, before oonleni. plating niAItRIAGII,3 effect that a sound mind and body are the moat necessary requisites to promote connubial happleiess. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to she view; the mind becomes shadowed With despair, and Ailed with the melancholy reflection that the happineu ol another be comes blighted with our owe. DR. JOHNSONI LNVIUON.A.TiNG REMEDY FOR 01; la&NIO WKARNE243. By tide great and important remedy, Wealmeakof.thil Orono are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. fhossauds of the most nervous and debilitated who had loot all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Dlegualth cation, Nervous, rambling, Woodmen or KohanstiOn op the meat Warfel kind, speedily eared. 'CO STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this hUltintlon within the hat twelve years, and the numerous Important Surge* operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other penni notices DI which have appeared again and again before ng, thepnblie, tables Ms ;tending at a nallaman aharardwa and we. si t attnatil. is a sediment itaaramee to the &Mated. DISKASFS DF ISIIPRUDKNCE.—Whee thd misguided and impredent votary ul pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that anlll-timed sense of seams or dread of discovery deten him from applying to those who, from education sad re• spechiblllty can alone befriend him, delaying till the COI - symptoms of this horrid Mamie make theta appearance, affecting the head, uiroat, nose, skin, no, progressing oe with frighttul rapidity, till death puts it period to his dreadlui aelleriuge by sending him to stnat bourne from whence so traveler returns." this t a mel aacholy Mot that thousand& lad victims to this terrible Ohmage, owing to the ausktlfitiness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the we of that tkagity potion, mercury, run the conatilution and make the residue of life miserable. To thassages.—The Doeter's Diplomas hang in his office. Sir Letters must contain a Stamp tom on the reply. ilir•Remedies sent by Mill. arNo. T South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprla.dawly NOTIOE. rt o, UNDERSIGNED has opened his lt.t. bt, r ,,.-- En OFFICE, corner of Third str eel and Bleak it 4; 0 1. sear Herr's Hotel. wrober of all kinds and qualities, far salo__ky W. - , MIIHHAT. nn 4 11 , .... en chi, br i ms will sell Horses, Carriages and kw. !owe, n olles and Ouriag -- es toldre state gime Mc . PRANK A. MURRAY. oi4l owe._ nIIMIN -- " 4 41%1 Abe wikr xvIN $f - = • tklifit.: 2 X'' s • • • • _ , ' • Di W. GROSS I Bc CO., WHOLI6ALIC AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MEI NO. 19 NI *MICE IT HARRISBURG, PENN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the lairgeet and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, OREIdIOAD3 PAINTS, 01Is, varnishes and Glues, DreStites, Ohms and Patty, Arida Colors and Tools, PUre Ground Spiro., Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and,Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and LeongGlobes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &a., am, &0., dto., dco., Sws., Sus With a general variety of 4:0411."1:4:4'C'5)1L11ih'ii3: 4 04 1 0)4:141 selected from the beat manufacturers and Per ►umers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, WISENED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES • OF ALL rime, R P f. 1117 as We respectfully invites call, feeling, oontl dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH llf JONA" 8 AND 'WHITEST PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR 1;1;4:9 ID) :TN 4 Vi '.4: Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier awl Oonoentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased in the cities. COAL OIL I CARBON OIL 1 1 Being large purchase= in these Oils, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lampe of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Cody Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, ow of you who have not given our HOME &ND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are an keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we Cill in a very short time furnish 4 ) 1 311:ling appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestow e on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the. desire to plwa all, to malt, a. continuum of the favor of 041031* "dog **Ho. filistrilantuus PROPOSALS FOR RATIONS FOB 186 Quenrsamesnues Onucs, 11. S. MABINBCoRis, Washington,September 25, 1882. SEALED PROPOSLS will be received at this office until the 80th day of October next, at 1 • o'clock m., for furnishing rations to the U. S. Itarines, at the following stations, during the, year 1862 1 viz Pottemouth, New Ifa.mpshire ' Charlestown Massachusetts ; 1 Brooklyn, L ong Island,. New York; ; ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; , Washington, District of Columbia. i Each ration to consist bf Gabe qdfirtere 64 a` pound of mew pork, or =bacon ; or one-acid* fo3l4kilounde,of,lreekosvolt. beek „twenty -9r:l4d, mit of ,extra 8 911801449 1 ir, r or ' tied enty r .iiro o unces of extka superfine flour; Or one-paned hard breed; itt the option of the Government; and at the ode of eightAtuuts,of best, white beans, or in lieu thereof ten pounds of rice; ten pounds of good coffee, ' or in lieu thereof one-and-a-half pounds of tea; fifteen= pounds of good New Orleans. sugar; four quarts of .vinegar; one pound Of sperm candles, or one-and-a-half pounds of Ada mantine candles, or one-and-a-half pounds of good hard-dipped tallow candles; font pounds of good, hard, , brown soap; two pulite of salt; and one hundred and fifty-six pounds of pota toes, to each hundred rations. increased allowance of four ounces Of flour or bread, and the allowance of potatoei, as above proved, will cease, at the termination of the present insurrection, and the ration be as provided by law and mg - dation", on the Ist of July, 1861. The beef shall be delivered' on' the order' of the commanding officer. of each • stationv either, in bulk or by , the single ration ; and,shall cod slit of the best and most choice pieces of the carcsm ; the prat to be' No. 1 prime rnetas pot X ; and , the groceries to be of the best qualitt bf kinds named:.:. . - All subject to inspuclion. • All bids must be accompanied by tike i ng guarantee: Arm of Guarantee. "" , The undersigned, ---- of -, in the State of --, and of-, 111 the of - , hereby, guarantee that in ca 43 the forgoing bid of -,for rations, as above described, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the Post Office named, execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties ; and , ih case the said - shall fail to enter into con tract as aforesaid, we guimmtee to make good the difference the offer of the ' and that which may be accepted. Witness E. F, 1862. I hereby certify that the abolv , auuraed are known to me as men of property,.andAble to make good their guarantee. G. $l. ; (lb be signed by the Umled`Mates - District Judge, WWI States Distrid AlUorneg, or (Wieder.) t No proposal will be considered unleskaceons; ponied by the shove guarantee: (Newspapers authorized to publish the above will send the paper containing the that baserr tion to this office for examination.) Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for -Ra tions for 1862," and addressed to the under signed, W. B. SLACK, octl-4t] Major and Quartermaster. ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE-THIRD RTREET, (SHELTISTROW,) N''-'AR MARKET. Residence, Mest dsr s t r e e t near p etwt h. , Orr! OP WWI.BUHU , PIIMPe.L. myl2 dtt WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY 1: No. 69, Market Street; below Third, HASIII3BOIIO, PA. m. H. LEE,. M.ANITFLOTURER OF lIMBRELLAB, , PARASOLS and ALONG OANRS, will faring' . goods at LOW= PRIORS than can be bought in any of , the Eastern eines. °notary merchants will do well to call and examine prices and quality, and convince them selves of this fact. aug23-dly. TREES ! TREES ! TREES I! THE undersigned invite attention to their large and well grown stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, shrubs, &0., embracing a large and complete assortment APPLES, PEARS PRAMS PLUMS, =muss, APRIOO6, and Nearatum, Standard for the Orchard, andlilwart ibr the garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANISH CHUMS, RAZZ& NUM RaSBERRESS,STRAWBERRIIM, CURRANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, in great variety. GRAPES, OF CHOICEST KINDS ASPARAGUS. RHUBARB, &a., Re. Also • Ina stook o well formed, bushy •EVEBGEBENS, • • suitable for the Cemetry and DECIDUOUS TREES for street planting, and a general suisortment of Ornamental Trees and Flowering alumna. ROSES. of choice varieties, CAMELLIAS, BEDDING PLANTS, &o. Oar stools is remarkably thrifty and fine, and we offer ft at prices to anti the times. • iOstalognes mailed to all applicants. Address EDWARD J. EVAN 3 & Central Nurseries, York, Pa. sep2s-2md h=~~llc=o 'h Ll= DAILY MN LINE! Between Philadeliahla Lou Haim, Juan Boons, Waraporon, Mum; thaonowis Wnsorrows, Mum, Lawuanna, NOMMTAIBMILAND, Soaeoat, TRIVORININ • fiIIORGEIOIIIIII,LTICZNINOWN, Mumma suite, Hum:, Mum; . AND HARSIBBURG. The. Philadelphin Depot being soundly loaned the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted toUie line. Goods delivered at the Depot of MOD, WARD k num, No. 811 Nark et Meet, PhDs delphis, by 6 o'clock P. it., Vlll be finlivered in Harrisburg the neat morning, Freight (always) as low as by any other line. Particular attention paid by this lino to prong!". and speedy delivery of all Harrlsburh - boodas. The undersigned thankful for past patron .:1.• hopes by allot attention to, huffiness to merit a cow. nn .Doe of the in soma. - T. PXPRER, Tbiladelphla and Rwt.; "pet_ jelf3dam rest M Market sue' TO FARMEiui 1 Bu'lTEß(good, sweet and fresh )- in one polled roUs, i l iall fresh EIGIB bx isme and small: t ad" la Y. &WO 4 144 n!am mi - i . ' . ,: a. if f, 0 gr . , &CO: .-:. 1 .10 1 1 , -tr 'A , • 1- V-. 4111Z0014,110 90ust ROW r.O lA , iii, 4.,', 944 ; WaA I 0154 =ME FREIGHT- -ithitdE6 V.,.... [„ „.„.. •i ~" p t i t „,„ .. ~.,. ..3 AU ;Lt .1. 0. •• ,A. " 4 ,alit Laiti“ 01 LL ,kal k.-41(1..tni 101 l 1 3 rf. , i ) 1 . ibi kI balaqu6o6,-;1- i '4 1 4 , 1 i i ti n t ;,, ill i i 4 1 00 , 0 ,f ; t t :1 it ' ' 4 4 / 4 )Cteill -' r / i. 141; f 504 0 14114 1 191 1 41 , P , "444 NNW:. - YORK. 0690:Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New 'York at P. m., bY the Fut Through Express. Troia, arriving iii Harrisburg at *2 M. n 111617 11 Min OP Gni. Order T v Pi rs maT. O.R k :EXP . 113/ . 1313 General, Office, 74 Broad Way, New York. Branch " 412 . " " For ftiriher infOrmation enquire of • • . . GEO. BERGNER, Agen llenaraeunn, Aug. 1861.4tf OLD WALLOWER LINE. PHIS' OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE ie gem in siumagut operation and prepared to Garry freight es LOW as any_ other individual line between , Harrliburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams port, Jersey Shore, Loot listen, and all points on the Northern Wars), Philadelphia end Itrie, and Willlarni port and Elmira Railroads. A.. 8., Guarantor C. D., Guaxantor 'lt , Good sent to Pliii.coolE, ZELL & GINCIIKAN, Noe. SOB and 810 liiirket street, liboyo Elghlb, by 4 o'clock, P. .1,111. arrive at 'ffareletwg,-reitly 'Mr &dived, lite 11321 worothii. 4 . ,WIINCEL sp&tf ."'" Minoltas AirenL WHEREAS, the Honorable Joint I. Pasnsoar, President of the Otentof Common Pleas hi the Twelfth Judknal District, Consisting of the counties of Lobseon and kauldun, ant the Iron.. A. 0. Drama ind Elon. FELIX Kisaknr, Associate Judges in Dauphin ;county, having , imbed their precept, busing date the 23 day of September, 1881 4 to me directed , fcw hOlding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions i3f . the Peace at darrisbnrg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence on ma Ban MON. Cur an NOVloolgßinexi. being the 16111 DAT 01 NOIII3IIIII, UM, and to continue two weeks. • ' Mott:elm thereiere hereby given to the Coroner, JlM &lces of the recce, Aldermen, and Donstablee of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and there to th e i r. proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day; with their records, thealsitiona; examinations, and their own remembrances, to uo those things which to their Moe appertains to be done; and' those who are bound . In reoognisances, to p roes:tete MAIM the prisoners that are or dud life in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them ail shall tie NBC Given ander , my hand, at, Harrisburg. the 211 rd day of September, in the year of our Lord, 1881 and In the eighty-ONi year of the Independence of theThdted States. J. D. 1:10A.8, *noun' Pa fpfthar Ihirrisburg, October 15.1881. I ootl4-divrto ... ; REMOVAL.. ..61./1:1812,IBER wbuid reepectfully, A. wenn '4O public thod-he bad restored his. Plumb= les wd eviler Founding eetabilehmeut to No. $ll . Sou tic ' Third shoot:below iterr's Hotel. rhankfttl for pus tr wog% no hopes by 'Aria attention to business to meett a eontinuitiee'df it ' apaatt &hot Elohoobil for Boys. and Girls FRONT STREET A BO VEB LOCUST. r 6 HE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWEE',S School br boys, *Atop= onthe And Monday b Sep bber. riiv room Is well ventilated, nantorasbly itirnianed, and in every reaped adapted for school pr. , ULTHARINI M'ELWEWS School for etrLs, located n the same bonahu, wilt open for the Fall term as the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted up to promote be health and comfbrt of scholars. augt2dtf SPICED SA LMON .1-InEsa AND PERT DELICATE. Pu up neatly eve pound aono. - edd . WM. DOCK, Jr.,&00. 0. 0. ZININIERNIAN'S EASE:ENG STOCK, sa.r.. AND COLLECTING OPTICS Has imen removed from .No • 28 Second St ... • TREASURY NOUS TAKEN AT PAR. NEW. "ANTI FINE . ASSORTMENT or LADIES' TRAVELLING AID ' 8 H 0 P B.A.G S " 4 " liPrkies t fi r k lays &ta&P BOOKSTME, . II market atm. SCHEFFEIRS BOOK STORE, ' (mt. ista muumuu= BIIDGL) UNION ,E.N,v-pa,oPES., tbrTE PAPkR, of sirdillereut designs, printed In two odors add by the thousand sad by ream at C i ty OWL' price& • Also, Flags, Union. Bysixt, Pine, WO" Union Rings nd Badges et very low Prkm• QsU at mire PA inrw ird IlfX)KBrOttit. ' UR newly replethlhed stock 'of Tel et , and Fancy Goods la nosturpealied in Oda city, and f g ooptideto of rem:Wir; BilthitaAkby wa.wowd Iva- Q . peratally Invite; a call. '1C111316, l 91 Ilarketstreet,:two &Sus mat of &mirth street, south Side. THE BUSIALBER has. .:rettoved hitt P,LEWIOIII . I III AND,,BIROd FOlMpair frost fll arks' Et:trourthatrearabove Marta, Opposite tke to I;o,,,,2:ltbertVit, 111 tx -,574/.14.441001,'. ..40, 4 43N AA - :' ` T ' g..0.•;' TotiettNxi PROM 0. -- F.'*MIIENOH TM:VIM% AGENT OF Tall Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. HDINCIa. PROCLAMATION. Nu 130 Minge.'l l STREET HARRISBURG, PL REMOVAL. I`. • xff• -it* .1 . raw • otdin'ac, 464 , Air , t,attoo 741Zroh-tholgettf look .Ot 3 M th i a t~eSavoikMinf ofteit Itetokikt . 148.41014 ibotaihkost Matt `: rr• k". , 'I • . *PkiaktednitalbCot iffplgtittc , 4.10404.014M001.1411ch 1 ak .1247 gal teak bliSith • • *mod Iltkkontettkeiiii totobikruot. the ilkaiikkki by I: 7-azi --.s”'unta Irv; ' • ' ' to nowoldhoram4 1"1"; • rs ' . .rn t4e .t ;; ty, iv; ch is orAy t o .be 1630 in the, expullion, or retreat, of the we- Ley' of main dithytentii&etip*Mandies Jimo tam. The blockade of the river illustrates the folly of the politicians, .who i have proposed, to the country a division upoh "the line V Potomac,'' upon the supposition that Washington is to re main the capital of the Northern States,. We can have no secure access to the sea, unlesa we have both shores of the Potompo,, and, indeed, without that, Washington itself would he with in cannon range of an elienjurilmlietibn. •If we give up Virginia, we may as.-wall give rip Maryland, and retire with the national archives to the Delaware, or the Hudson. If we hold Washington, 'we must hold both sides of the Potomac, and the whole circuit of Chesapeake bay.— Washiwirns Republican. Nov* Coax Yon Looiraw.---A gentleman of high standing, relates an extraordinary instance of a valualde mare of his recovered from con firmed tetanus , by having recourse to means we never heard of being adoptedhefore. The - mare had been docked; a few days after the operation was performed, symptoms of lockjaw presented themselves. The best advice ,was immediately obtained, every remedy used proved unavailing, and death appeared inevitablk •An idea sug gested itself to the lady of the house (who is honed for the kind and skillful way in which she dispenses medicines i especially to the poor of the surrounding nei ghborhood,) that X I:rid den and severe shock might produce the effect of relaxing the nerves and muscles, now strung to, the highest pitch,ln the poor suffering brute. A. jun was loaded; the groom walked quietly to the mare's head, and discharged it close to her ear. The mare reared suddenly up, shook her self, at. once commenced - eating, perfectly re covered, is now , alive, and has bred two or three fine foals since. Dome Idkcionnes Woes won Hre.—Gover nor Morton, of Indiana and Go ternor Dennison, of Ohio, have each published earnest appeals to the ladies of their,btatefrint behalf of their vol,- unteers. The cold weather is appmeching whet warm clothing will be required to shield the soldiers during bleak, wintry marches, and the Governors of these patriotic MAW 'Mite the ladies to contribute their handiwork' in theway of woolen Hocks, drawers and shirt s , to secure the comfort of 'the brave men who are fighting their battles. Now, our Kentucky Governor takes but little interestin these matters, and don't seem to care whether our soldiers are pro vided for or not, or, indeed, whether we have any soldiers to proiride for. We shall therefore presume to act for him irr this particular and call:the attention of the ladies of Kentucky to the subject, with the hope thae they will readily respond and kindly aid in furnishing the gallant volunteers Of our proud old State with the com forts of a campaign. --Lei Observer. All AOODICKODAXING SIIPUBTITION.-A habit exists among the,Esquiznaux of placing on the graies of the dead the hunting implements used by them while living, which are held sa l ared andnever molested. .An American offices states that on a recent voyage to the Axctic re glens they were anxious to obtain, as specimens,. some implementa lying on the grave of an Es quinumx whb' bad been a celebrated' hinter. They would not take them, of course, without consent, of the Mends• of the deceased, and failed in their endeavor to purchase them. In this dilenima, however, they were informed that the Great Spirit would be propitiated by the substitution of some knifes on the grave. Knives amounting amply to-a quid pro quo were accordingly placed on the grave, and the hunt ing implements removed ; but, singular to state, the natives, who comddered it sacrilege to take the hunter's relics, appropriated the knives one by one, till all bed disappeared. .1. JON I& Dacia-worm Faaun.—Some of the secession sympathizing papers have been guilty of. a very Shallow trick. Mrs. Stowe recently wrote a long letter to the Earl of Shaftebury, in which she ably defended the policy of our Government in the present . Alluding to the policy of the Garrisonian Abolitionists, she: quoted the following passage from a speech by Wendell Phillips : " I have advocated disunion for lifteen years, because I thought it a practical method of free ing the North from the guilt of slavery, and of planting at the SZUth the seeds of early ,and entire emancipation; ' wrifiging. 'jiiiitice 4roni a weak and bankrupt South."- - fflispassage some Northern friend of Jeff. Davis has extracted from the letter, and passed it off as the utterance of Mrs. Stowe, So far from approving its' sentiments; the lady earn estly expresses her. attachment to the Union; and opposition to Philips, Garrison gr, , co. , • Beams Ortneas.—Washington letters say army movements are now made under sealed orders, so - that a ,regiment leaves" a brigade without giving any Intimation of ils destination to those who have been iti comrades ; and in several in stances officers who have come into the city on twentx-four /Ma_ 1 1 4 1011 1i1h,, have fomaditno easy be: to , find their comrades again. This shows'that the General commanding is getting the array of the Potomac into fighting trim and preparing for a campalgn. Every officer and man knows that he is well cared for a 44, .is, ready to, unhesitatingly, obey orders-Mopping for no eurphuut,tions:=suggesting no changes= but ready to go ahead I , A. Bazaar' or . Paosisa Cass, of more than usual interest, has just been Concluded - in the Supreme Court sitting at Binghampton. Emily M. Porryagainst Hiram W. Miner. The jury returned kverclict for lierJfor 31,000. The proof of the mirelemaxl and -nncanceled engagement, was fail and cmicliudia and the defendant was punishatfornfitiobtaining that honorable dis charge which the , evidence Ems to show the lady was .willbsp to grant.- Be Aafted..her. and challenged her to bring a, sudt, stall,. 40 U r - Fi told Up' juty; 's3lie tsalthiViace."= ' * siiiiiiid.althit . Phiteiliaitt l eWitit 1f54142 • ii.rwe el loWelia"-ti Wilt Vgasue, Lattibct it:. t td, BY TEM I From Washington. e Rebel Steamer George Page in a Tight Place. tif 11, VISSELS SUNNING Till BLOCKADE, eATAL RAILROAD ACCZDEN'T FEAR WASHINGTON- Lleat. W. R. Mtn, of Anderson's Zoltan*, RAND REVIEW OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Fairfax Mart. lime Evacuated by thellebele. The steamer Reliance came up from Abe Po tomac flotilla last night, bringing up Capt. Fox, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and at one o'clock this morning she left the Nary and to rejoin the flotilla. It is reported that the .Philadelphia ice boat, which has a fine battery of four guns, and another steamer, ran up past Matthias Point batteries in the night, and that they are now between the rebel steamer George Page and Ample creek, with the Yankee and Resolute lying at Stump Neck opposite Creek Point and the other steamer below Evansport. The steamer Page is therefore in rather a critical position. She was lying near the cap tured schooner Fairfax yesterday evening, and was supposed to be aground. On board the flotilla at Indian Head heavy tiring was heard yesterday afternoon in a south easterly direc tion. Two schooners with stores bound up, ran the blockade the night before last without re ceiving a shot. Nothing of public . interest has been received to-night from the Upper Potomac. As the train from Baltimore to Washington, due here at fri,e'clock on Friday amino's= nearing this city, a person was seen on the track by the engineer, but, not in sufficient time to stop the engine before the unfortunate man was struck by the cow catcher and thrown from the track and severely injured. The train was stopped as soon as possible, and the man was picked up in a state of insen sibility and placed in as comfortable a position on the train as circumstances would allow. Dr. Kerns, Assistant Engineer of the United States Navy, happened to be on, the train and rendered such assistance as could be tendered in the case. On the arrival of the train in Washing ton the injured man was transferred to the Array Infirmary near the City Hotel. An ex amination showed that he had received a se rious fracture of the pelvis and other injuries, from which he died in the course of two hours. The papers found upon his person indicated him to be W. R. Ross, First Lieutenant of the Anderson Zouaves. How he happened to be walking on the track at the time is not known. Joseph Rupert Paxton, of Philadelphia, has been appointed a captain in the fifteenth infan try of the regular army. Mr. Paxton recently received also the ap pointment of Consul to Bahia, Brazil, but in view of the greater honor now offered him he will, it is presumed, decline that office. General McClellan to-day reviewed General Porter's division which manifested marked pro ficiency. On Monday the commander of the army of the Potomac will review Gen. Casey's brigade, and on Tuesday the divisions of Gen erals Smith and McCall. A. scout who returned to our amps this morning, reports that there is no doubt but that the rebels have entirely evacuated Fairfax Court House. Many persons are coming here from the North to learn the fate of their relatives who were en gsge4 in the lath battle near Leesburg. All the Government transports destined for Washington, lying in the Lower Potomac, and detained because they cannot pass the rebel batteries, have been ordered to pros qed to An napolis to dischrrge their cargoes there. The following deaths among the Pennsylva nia volunteers have occurred in the hospitals here : Corporal Ray, Thirty-third regiment; Wm. Mcßride, Fourth; William Davis, Twelfth; Patrick Leahy, company G, and J. L Campbell, company L, Pennsylvania Cavalry, and Jobs , Stewart, First Pennsylvania Reserves. The President yesterday received telegraphic dirpatches of the same date from San„Rancho), The Pittsburg Post Office calls for ten them-. sand of the new stamped newspaper envelopes; from the Post Office Department. - . While Lord Lyons was prevented, by an acci dental circumstance, from receiving the invita tion to attend Col.Baker' funm al in time to evan himself of it, the French Minister similarly ex , : himielf to the Secretary of State and the Envoy from Prussia says his absence on that oc casion was caused by indisposition, for which he expresses his regret. • , Cotton. firm. Flour buoyant ; sales 82,000 bldg. Wheat—gales 290,000 bus. at an advance .Ic62c. Corn advanced La4c..; gales 210,000 4th. Vre,; yellow 61062 c. Lard Hllled. Wmarricrrox, Oct. 26 NEW YORK MAMETS N7IIW Yftas, Oct. 26. =EI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers