pa 4 EIARRISBURG, PA Saturday Morning, October 26, Is Tns Fran Ice.—An intelligent farmer from South Hanover township, this county, informs us that the water in that section was covered' yesterday morning with a thin sheet of ices the fret of the season, A Loon number of volunteer companies, and parts of companies, from different sections of the States, have arrived at Camp Curtin within the last few days, There is material enonghat.that cnmD 1101 P to form several regiments• Cot WYNKOOP'S RIGIMENT. -- W9 ; understand that Col. Wynkoop's cavalry regiment, at Camp Cameron, has been thoroUghly uniformed and supplied with nearly the , requisite number at boom They expect to receive their arms and marching orders some time next week. Capt. C. C. Davis' company is attached,to this regiment. TIAN Noma who apprehended , ddlnger the existence of a large sktituit . ity of pow& the State Arsenal, may noirkave their mini knowing - that the " anous pound," consisting of some twenty odd has recently been removeit tif State Maga zine, detached from the Arsenal; and perfe secure from accident. w a y oast —During the past week, large r flocks of wild geese bare been obserypd wends log their way southward A number of flocks. were noticed day before yesterday, and last night their discoid es were frequently heard, they appar: . • g quite-low. , appearance of wild g said by the knowin_ ones, to indicate the early appearance of cold weather. And if signs do .not fail, we,mayl .. • out for a speedy approach of the reign of t Ice King, FASTEN Toon VAULT OMENS. Wry few plc take the trouble to fasteriqtrtkon secttreffth • covers of the vault openings in the sidewalks, and children in playing freqUefitlyilft ,aut the covers and do not replace them properly, leav ing a trap into which the next pedeetriateipillo ing may be precipitated, to the danger ofille' life. Vault covers should be so weightedi or fastened down as to be immovable, empty** necessary to put down coal, and thert , exered °nlY by PPW. I O 4 ,WeI . Pomo o.— lifayoe s dr/f6i. LL'Eridane Marseilles was arraigned for violating one of the 'Market ordinancess r .aruLdnetLit and Agnes Steward—a broad faced blillesian lady. with a shock of unkempt hair red as the tip of .114 'log 4611421.. drunkenness and "lying around loose." charged with an injutiettiat to leave the clty# forthwith. f 13 Jack J° l / 011, 1 1) /44 W A RT 9V 0 3111 .4 1 14 1 4 11 1 the negroes arrested for card playing in Shell's lumber yard a day or two age-,z-were • brought up for heatizz_ and retniut, toe luck-up; ; TIM RAILROAD Racoon. —We still continue to receive favorable accounts of this regiment, both in regard tii'tbe luealth anoli! spiiiis of tie men. The first detachment which left York is still on guard along the line of tho read, and the balance of the regiment is in camp at Cock eysville. Last Monday evening a party of some twenty or thirty armed men approached the camp and fired on the pickets; The fire was returned by the pickets, which alarmed the whole camp. The troops were ordered under arms'and preparations made for an assault, .but the perpetrators of the outrage had fled. The Colder Fencibles, of this city, are attached to this regiment, and were on picket duty at the time of the attack last Monday night. Tune "WILD CAT" BOYS AT Worts..—Gen. McCall made a reconnoisance from Drainesville to Camp Pierpont on Monday. No rebels were found except to the Southward, where four or five hundred were reported at Hampton Station;' on the Leesburg Railroad. The rebel piCkets' were also found three miles west of Drainesville. Sunday evening, five of Lane's Wild Cat merit, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, were on picket duty southward, when fifteen rebel Cav alry came up and fired on them. They return ed the fire, and four out of the fifteen fell from their saddles. Three of the bodies were taken away, but the fourth was secured, and proved to be private Watts, of the "Louisiana Tigers." Hie shotgun, loaded with buckshot, sword and equipments were his in by ~the ball went in at hbs eye, and tore away his head killing him instantly. A D AuGHTEB. 01 us lisonsurr,—The Phila delphia, Fire Zotiaves have attached to their corps a young lady named Virginia Rail, as vivandie re of the regiment. In person Ma Hell is above the medium height. She is a bright blonde, having a clear blue eye, and her light hair cut short like a lad's, and parted on the side. Her nose is slightly retrousse, her mouth well formed, and when she converses, even den tists might go mad at the display of so fine a set of teeth. Her uniform consists of a blue Zouave shirt, trimmed with same colored braid, s Zouave jacket of the same color, and similarly ornamented, a tunic shirt, dark pants, Zonave lightleather gaiters, extending from the knee Bohn , a liberty eaP with a red band, a bine top,a green sash and hospital steward's chevron. She wears a short sword and small revolver at tached to her belt her apinsettnee p r epossessing. Miss Hall is a Bostoitiar t by birth ; she received a fine' 'education at one of t he l academic institutions on the Western Re -le, Ohio, and by her intelligence, rule con vaational powers, and pleasing marmers, 'he 4resses those who form her acquaintance very l , 4 : 1 1v. She makes herself generally useful lit the hospital, and renders whatever ser vbie MA tan tom the -ca m pmare comforts : and The Zonaves take grit it 'pridelniherl (Dieklent any lis 11117 L, sgaizst y resnildre• kilm 010.110.11111 S ee Prof eftWood's adierthilfiestiefillahl Hs. 41 D. Fogriabsa opened a coal yard at the cana, foot-of Nab street; rhere every varli ety of Ike "blaclt i liamond'''can be procured at pant prices. Cders left at the office. No.„ i 74 Mart street, be w promptly attended toe Cant; ;Aft * *. , V. *ma. pawed our o f -. flaa.FasiOdanat i; „head. Of a splendid body of menrecruited f among the very best ci tizens ... t _ d 4Pf9 t l oll , e'tt iltish he designs at-, tae 4 n ,W, rest . tme ek vai v ltegiments about: being otOnized by„ik state authorities. Cap tain.ll44lef I,a in theleree mouths service, end; sPring fr°!°:lir °lighting Qctakers who are as devotedlya ha 4 the cause of the union as any alms Ditn t taitte: county. lie will die himse w tinguish hewthe opportunity offers. Boss 430 gentlemeniiirs' Division of 'the •ioi suing year'i " Grand Worthy, Patesa:ehLioseph B. Bolton, Grand Worthy ,Ai&tt,n4;l4_ji t tnee M. Lyle. Grand Sogttiti . 7,46tiepht Martin. Grand Treasureelsaaetßaker. Grand Chaplain—Win. 7. Barnes _ . Grand'.' Grand. Sentinel-4.brara Neen. -....~ .• Muting tuiy one, detnteirtike trrin sometime, The injuries of the elbow, WI& not dan gerous,'are of cormrsiteryierveritt 3 Re was im mediately taken to *house in the neighborhood and his wounds attended to. Orme accidents will occur, even onlibe best managed roads, and bl.4otfirptte44ltfijary done is no worse.— Mr. Limes, we understand, is doing well. =I . Hblal'i ha' Stara Plorive Lryst—Perhaps this aint any body's business, bit it is oertainbr aa • tonishing how a class of beings can get'slong , so swimmingly. without ' nfappitient business. ITo labor is ItheAitty ff , all men, but especially those-whcrare dependent von their labor for 'their daily head. Yet 'them ere some of this class the newt indolent men living. Now the ' , wealth and' ' of any community I ldepends. upon the hkdristq L of its inhabl - tante locallti Where aII Awe producing something, and we will show you a thriftycommtinlty—thereveise•where indolence prevails. In this col,mtey aman. must labor, tit0 c it0,414 , 10664 tetar. man TIP I I. lia.nothing coma-verybody -ofsunot (follow the , most pleamt and lucrative our uita ; x tlllersis work to do. Wil' you dolt! A tt . ) Pt,: • ' ' ' rAeMWM III °F' W c ' u zk ti l neighlborhOod of Altoona, Blair amity, ,== ; lie a , perfect Paradise for hrinteni The net at p „ repui:on field- Xt' 4) M an %ITV distance from , him, he raised his head just in time to see the bird rise and, fly towards Win. As it was passing-he loide - a stroke at it with his hand, intending only to frighten it, but, singularly enough; he caught it fairly by the head. The velocity,of its flight would not al low its body to stop there, consequently the head remained in the old_gentleman's hand, while the body fell in the butdies several rods beyond, and was afterwards recovered. Bully for Al toona. Simms os A Vorsurrasa.—A., young man named John Greer, residing in North Hunting don townahip, Westmoreland county,' commit ted stdolde the, other-day under_the following c 1 ik04 0 044.4 1 r1.4.4004,11 , 4114 'bkitir 6 ltlti= Leered in someoompany in the vicinity, and on Friday last was to joined it. The accom modation, trabl;:ow,witich he leave; being due at Carpenter's station, he went to his bedroom in the house of Alexander Duff,.where he bad been 'tot** 'for ' atimd time, to , maiie preparations for his - departure. Mrs. rinitbeing ord 'hot , down: :In a fiti - later she heard ithe , report of a rifle' overhead; land hastening backtaascertaitrthercause, fOund 'the deceased lyirigitipotvihe"kooittiid bleeding to death. He had, it Orsini, , taken'eff one of - 1 Was, and 'ceding - hirttl;td on .the bed, trged the rifle with his foot, the cOntetzds en- !taring his body, and producing injuries from !which four horns liftiritivii he died. , Tnui NOR ltoceroier.—The Recess ties'ef the war, have created a diMuutd for labor in nearly all our mannfacturier and Government -estab lishments, and &did iibrkmen have no diffi culty at finding employment at fair wages.— Ws work however, is not like:theregular em ployments of industrY,*i of its duration, and depending upon the ,regular wants. of the population .of the country. It may last as long Bettie war and it may cease in a few montba,„ man; _jug se... suddenly .. as the demand : fitttlit. 'JIM_ litlintl iintateit It is i the part of prudence then, hi those who are now in a situation to Saves porthm of their wages to exercise the closest' econoMy, So that any sudden cessation o employm ent will not leave them, in the Wale of . wintese, without the means of. imbeirterice. It is usual in the time of public distress, to rely upon the mer &ante for contributions to -help the unemploy ed to support themselves,' bat it , mint hope membered thiti, this remoras is,tea kill *: altaa ` able, for the stoppage a the ordinary channels of trade lutkprintatted the merchants, and they have now as much as they can attend to pro viding for their own , mints, The odly sensible and m ire Pisa is for each laborer tobe provident now cent while be has employment, husband every expend nothing in idle pleasures or ataln ements, use s wages to, the best advari ‘tMiff .P r ovidine,his wm* wtoltsi end :sennr,t - for winter most oi the articlea he will 4Siii! . .... _#Aiske him and hie f a m ily . a a M *M il i I li k,, IJ M. sibdenbd and a little , aw. , '1111474 . / rdideed_ et the lma imeade' s ; y ' ° gem NV I SAt - Ii 1,!• 0 , 1 * before the winter is/ 0: 'l` J! I :I i• on444The following named elected officers of the Grand Temperance for the en- How To Lxi Gnarl J The fo Is given as a nyerierred ; -making grape' jelly. Wash the grapes thoroughly in cold water, seperate them from the stems, and mash them in an earthen vessel, put them over the fire and boil them twenty minutes. Strain them through a bag made of three thicknesses of white mosquito netting ; to every pint of the juice add one and a quarter pounds sugar, and boil twenty minutes. Put up in pint jars china'is 4 the strongest; paste white paper over the top, and tie a piece of strong mind* tight ly around. TAY ART or Anima on Lutwar cutt-- , lt has been said there is art in everything. There is *certainly some art in jumping from a car when in motion: Most persons imagine that: they must jump forward, iuthe direction the , car is moving. It is o mistaken notion. The ProPer` way is to look forward, that 'lf; the way the car is going,.and step off backward ; and if the,cat Is moving very rapidly, give a spring backward justoa you let go the raiL ,In this t 7 springing. iiii llll )at or. I 4PPaIRIO # le motion.of the car, yen overcome the impetus carps* feu &mord, anilnileftstoanding Re fee* still.; .whereas: when you jurnpswith‘ caltileirare plunged fon:wilt! its ..---•.......-. ,- Prota NMI Oare I $0416/ 4 0 . Sales' . . ---. from a isipappedil6 ixdoniimetliP l ibe fans, limati--;. - ilrove (lamp Cuaths.: The *Aril ste quickly gheen; wheeirlivrge -- -AtiMber Ici“isdieta ,proceeded , from _ the camp to ~,the Aeceeitgratibil, Oaft4 bOme Min* .. -. .. in arresting the progress of the fire itmlicmsl4uni entirely consumed the Ariz r e IThemsuoidon hem, barn, and other-4_ A bi . Oluatiti: 10 60:5,1 1 0#1011ki_ 40 1 1*;: Borne Attne At t ip lianas Of i g er, f ui l l N ° 'i dottbfbittAtib beau diareirxi Vali n! . 4 . . 1 for the timely aid !rendered' by the soldiers. ' MOlra Is supposed-to _bays originated r l e 114441.....„.t0ttm1141‘g1ii parti tkktk bison , " ' - Tair l itaiosorania boned amply! !pligeatted2 witiviieeigOkortivpm; stook, intialetto accommodate the tonnage o the Wesesaiweb6i4aili oinniiisijr. The ton nigtref Bath Old ° ". ' ' steaditiiiik4kitaraiesoualt . ite dica rns ti ita l le i e l . B lolloL laneona high* gni* 4«fry",l4W; probably eland to that of any 4401 'rbakt. of like capital in the country, tfiere:v.oB 1e; e year endiei orrtlit Ist 9idnt., amounting over awns maim of doilers l Three_ • or trains run daily between• e and Pililadelphia, connecthq direct tt'Tlgi delPhia with through trains to and fromalere , ton, NewlYork, and all points east, stab* Union Depot .at gittsburg With all •throngh trains to and from all pointiin the west o noit west and southwest. !Call and examine. A SPBCIIAL Ideamto or ma Mite death). Cilium, and strangers are respectfully requested Ito attend a meeting of the Home Guard at the south-east corner of Front and Market streets, to take into consideration the better organisa tion and -uniforming the Guards itr the fall campaign, in those beautiful and cheap Union Cassimeres, just niceilved`bPl7ana & Bowx&N. TR GANATOST BARGAISS .MlOll. NSW You AUOTIONI—The Cii;ap,st Gvod Roasted Yd.!— 60 pieces of 6-4 bletiolicd [Vow Csaellnalin, 12i- cents. 100 dozen of woolen Socks danuttoxi by water, 8 cents a pair. ; 26, pie= of dark heavy Pant SWAMI; 26 SO 1 1 37 cent 6. 60 pieces Canton FituuW, 12} centa„.,, 1 100 of black and grey Cloaks, from 82.60 np., 12 dozen of ladies' woolen Bontags,very chew I 40 dozen &grey and white merino Undershirts and Drawers, 76 cents. • . . 1 4 ~,s i 50 paha white woolen Blartitqta l f 4, , a4i . , yz 100 dozen of ladies'and childrers wool - , 12 to 87 cents._ I i TANS* Orwhite,,red aiid ii4oiiiiuuiel, at Lir° i all prices. 1 Country „merchants we would' invite to , call, ea we haves large stook of all kinds `of 'Oticsig ,land are daily receiving Goods from New York jAnction, w hich we Sill sell at, wholesale A t, .1;14 . . fpnces. B. LOWY? . John Bhoads' old stand. , TO COIFORIPTMO T , ~ i. „ ,•,. : ui: AD a t I , D7tl: ,i i s ti. 1 Ni tink,no ; l o .o. :health In a toworeekkbpa very sinipleasstialgli.altert t a l g 8111113 " 1 " Y r u ir •w"6 4,l4 YeriPli. ll 4 ll * '-,N. d that.iiisid. ' COnolitaotiali—lg salis . C.'ka; mmte atiotrai to kW au -intkiati thii,Aliikkgra ' . .i,„1 TO all who dwell It, he will snarl' Nip, Of: gli Vite- thailinhie sitedr(frsiiir vairseiovitt •ihe odlrdelellrfti, .„ ,r pratairtookattiodasc Qom outte,dwltiott-ihey.,* ihtini mare cure }kw Coueamption, Mhme,„ Brealehiiiin- e alit/ wits hhlseit Grille adnertlestln imadtomtlos: Prootodoloa Ito.boaegh, Oa al tmaufaatt—smora, lifOiramaloa valttla oaanaelvti do be .. auoiwo, awl • ktO;boisaftemeryi sofa. ar *Wag big renieOwila it Willanwatlsseunothing,. i 'alal W 4, prove a kisPkilt..:4 ,c... '... i.e. - ;44.1: -.404; .k 7 ' Parties wielding tau ansrtittjon will,plesseseldrivanua -- '•”. v • AIIuFAYIA A. W.... ' ' icr% Slags Yi - w 71 1 ~ ' . , ~ lI=E • ThripowrAirr4ontertizt#''',— DR. # fr PkriSE MA ft tierd' Prepared brOornelhirl,94,ll l p„ NEW Y 011.1C-011"1"i vz:OrffitiefftiMrlii§ThiThlferirtrag Pills areAlier.m anitatielpreetioe. They see Ulaiiiidperation, and v M =CM le=zig i ti i pain in dmobino t il i ri4orkol irbkato,ll ner vous ifeetions,. biMirind tion or limbs, in, di stur ed , sleep, aspic* arises [rem interrup nature. •'• 1 . 1 ;.•-• iiliesnaiMn's Itnalil As.* libr7 eg at i ta m iminthly ' been 414aPPe used theseie nr . blitroirta:Onsc OW Se Miami miniftlenee in Dr: 9Fieesenasn'lrPilhi elignolo4l, they repreemitte do. ' . • . . • liiires &'7 awa/wee trus•fanak system is &Lint 'The exoulifin mixen - WILWe - karsum. ~, ..... • , • - Aa ramie ifs 1 ~ • ' „,. - , fe few 4;=f this - ' . - 1 , "T";' , eke ' so a _pilaff", , egintihnimghictiiciPiestAr tan caiLMat e p4l _ j __ALl l .1 . a ril; ..iX id sm. Warran y vommable, and Doe from anything ITAillrOuL ItiIinaMIINOWIWE, odd le road so ootowach WM. Prht st..DannM ing , Da. Wancetang ' Oinliaitath ID& byte tin evai ' , Ws tii . r t ' lialtnairiftile: .- , c''' . r ai , 4 741a=isogrom". . --illinli 3:==i a OMUPPOI I / 4 11 1 14ADIEs Dl erfl V;r18 1 • . • ' ; a • • efilabir a tort yxsgutv.tw4ll4.xAoo7lVg . 6 2 lepWyklinAbeirdllol.llll. MN 0 viiya . Successful as i privarb. ' E E fkril liaßtl7 &lax - was/A the Ottani formaity yealel, tine ti[ Jib ano America, with imparAlialipt iniccaini, , i,, " (1 .„ an ' be is ores/ b' manirthounino ladles w 0% QM. l make the Pitis pub& far the eAlevtahgn iferin. 11l Ink iffegithutitell IrttlinitYl4 air *Mr itandhitevent p increase of farai/7- yv t liamialkitti will niciAtereiti it.— .ales PalliOnlatiP altnalell or these supposing thew 1 1 : 0 1 := ar eicsinglintri +Pinot S i g" fl= 'ha as th ey iris attr• th pre/duce MO amspropnistor pastimes lg inoit lova tufibUili al r ar UVYA ntsM, alehlo.r their naldnens Would ievini any G o O la IX '. iIM ar=lt i tt r ti lio l V it rt itt U 0 poi hold ' tons mini ripa 11l A 111iNVAIIT, Driv(s', / / ti , *l4) 1140beffkaairillairrlsburg, Pa mrmitagok" 0. O. fe Atieirarriaburii / ....rrar.s...Ma rlirt.;0111. Yfr4 at obits' v lion k p patt /site amine y (00114/Aenthaqi/ rot 444 t 0r pos e" siso b ll ) , litiliD in4l' errli kl a rd olipr 4 t ilmbiepr.i.,J R L eldi Lim utl' l a 211 4 14 1 n 1 44 ri ri4 flitiPtifr 4 61"414 1 .3. nos rig tery le , itruAtil, orn ,and y oat i"I 'MO' • 4 44(01bix4 ilt WI r [ Noe, and hi D owt Ole troy r eig pint „ , .. i NT. Dori& 'int 167 Ilik MN *' hey hn Itakian Pik any kind moles- vorylretie signed r• l 1 Bowe. At ors are.4 ll ,rAZflo:ai am / salt rtrefore se you faith rf I rtfe .tey log of br tint b*PlßMllkkllitakiirOtkakqueik)r44o taltilf We ho $llO.O the agnat , tastal Nti at:olow° on le vers boa, ~•,.-, tock ha a rteey.tly •1....13 t•• teft oi 0r.,"O r . , " 491 Of the 14h11 #!a, eeqterletet 1 ,I, it 4 ;i It ..i., I. 0 , 40 4 airiewly, ' El kriebil k i A fit e l ten g ‘"'T Wm. I AILf filiteWelifes 1hut7711)15 a" . a (ray flutiottah 'midi Iteliablbipoldl latown , l All otnagiilt bigg i thAtiligQiiiil iiii6aA • 6ii` l avoidea I y„u wto_tt - pp g .r t g i r r ie47.c. i „L. VL' i & WIRT. BA, i tiR Ar yeri na ni to a eam:Ml anirmontritilmiwif Or lieltiliteiftioutAsitsteaftt i skierytid ffitirrolitilkfeld • I?rti it it. it it ..ii t „. 1 ,. ..._. 2. ,,, j Far I' FEN • V r Diltl.SaVyld ,DIPLOM.42, here . i iiieterii. wrap,. toi;Wntilf IhrroMabit iitiottliPillt 1, and' o d' over Sod, pp 000 licaticnophomlikkarioetisbytbai...tne patrons his famous pye. JIM: A./BITCH itidiktiltilATllP WAS t pitnititee , tr-mitibilt tiot to be alit:4ol ( o*W frotrilaiNufie and iiWiraarmitinnir t to injure in the least,.howeym i long it m ty be contin ted, and the ill t ffecia dr' bAdlbeidni remedied. The hair .00vigoestel.14)ife 4.0414 0.4. 0 1.44V 0 -.4 .1)0 1 4 PrOP .. • aptit4..4 1 N0.115.10114 creel .44e*. 79 - ,lc. ,- .; told Wit obis ong'fb biArtha ;alto,, by i Dtvgitirs abitratoor uitidi &air — - , .: ... 4 The Geomine has. the uame " Willism A I , Fkitglidlort lid'addfelits'ipoli" r iftiibl'plair - bibpaittf o ilik-the 'roof ides of each b0x.... AlfrnShr . 4 li.'aist i o2Y,A itatobyst., -. ~' 233 droadwhy;lfewYork. ' oat24awly. , Worreee Les PLLLSIAND PatiVAILX. HITTIIin. r , erd trxtun i„.. . ~ 1 4f ails . prqn11. 1310 q ,„,.., qg r - .. . ONOIIOO 01 tilll 7- Tare - ST/0 iCia co re y nalrin tog, 01 eu removing io a low dayeeintottni smitirmtibiiittekStaolne disown nt their lemony; 4fmtut en 01_0140. . Whin Fevers, ievet met tiMiefflyskttutii-HioNr— Pita,lnod In abort, in = most 101 MP* • OTAo4l4lCtillt ;ROA% propertim No l'...iity shalt h without the lib ,by, their timely .1..• zn.loh au ' VW* tinAtired. P , ...0kr ,, 1 opArrgA , ()=3,7 n..:Yrw York, and for ',e rtfl z. , ,,,..? -... ttf' .. 9000114 Y ur " '. 1 1;!" - HOW LOOT;LEIGIVIIESTORED . . ._. ., e ope ; TrOrriAWltaliai-i*geti. ia:.' i ---- *- 2 Jo; prillitateguurzttiVaeatment, and radio* 1 Weak. noss, Incoloularyritexueyebthiy, and Imped iments to Marna", '14 . 4* 668neso,Kpasumption, Epilepsy slog Vits.., ," Writa d irhpiiidel thcapacity, ye sublocificnolialEribuse, dw.—ily , ,Lii./81',,, ? 11, .I:IILY.EaIc, WELL, N. EL; Walhor of We Oreettitootede' ill Bain toqueemmearmihetodimieLeeev-aetter-sesthrs- pion envelope, to e i n i v e r4=p444,, on receipt ,of elx Gems, Or twe je , betillIEICVMDlll, 127 Ilmery, Sew yerlc, Post OM*, 90z.4686. imp9.6evr3m Stttiil.l.2 tz.:l z 11,14 11:22 - 1;1 7 .. 44.4 1 / 4 440 C '~,~;~; v- -- A ISSFlgtrift frgoliditilig v " - ' E l let t r42 gr i s ot r illtr,W, l e -. 29th, 186 1 , i9r4W1P*4413 tiV , COAtrbot Hay and Oats for the United States trop at Camp Cam emt. ,Nirifilrilq Oas§ ..z.: b 1 a* . v, och quan t a- ties maym re q... m.tune to time *W . 01,1~fids - Of oilf•to the tricitßllStiiteg _ . at *II . 81460,413ri Lir idaileil-Ql-:(di TiWp 2240.b5.) for -hay and ;per bushel (of 82- lb.) for °sta. -6 'lle AittfoleS; td.;,:be ' of' the best A lit quality sub'ect tor' such ins p ection as the U. 191 4- 61 • - '..#64 4, 49A4h1101. the prifi .i ' • t ' zeil&rbiliSrckeTl lisi ftee fact ze be etatetHretbe sable: , - ' , 1, ' -• ‘,.. ':4l 6 o tc l i t it h il n ' Alo4 ,6 l**4o , A Jai AO required' for ;Oa 10/41.mentAstrAbe nuutract., . , , They right is - reserved to Meet:any bid. .., '--- - Pot o o€o 'to t 'fniiiiaV' *0 the- United States .40 3 P640-04 Cam 01) ,;,00 . P4ab1a in Dauphin • • nay, in quantifies from time S..iii, PS I PAINA , P,ISI. -I 4VII 4 M4 I TiITenWa 4 , 1 m*Nove mesitAA ,per -to w ca. , zhAV w 4. 40 1 to 044_ igiast . per - bushel oft 32 lbs.:at• Th -• (earn. ‘" ' ". " " 'Pal ; '7',";':k7 7 'n'lV . : [diTned-] ' ty, !1,,. :,: . e_ laTirMaptt iIia , ,,CiiriNVILSON,9I 4 ,-, A. Q. m. Yot. U. S. A, „ ,Thai3/4006crarea:". giMEME ... oct2B:dtd Q : 1 1.0. toot:itB,qB6l.i (RYVefrid4igl Commander-in-Chief ha% lei* earned the dea th of Cal. Edward D. Bak & iioori 'the field of battle. Ivwro e i s i n i VeMyn;way c tileßl PEr ni tir "to artliell sachheandfilliis dealattstlitatzilltintly laulinguthenstintill ludas aalistesdielleeling z (p4a Ykrefirtuq. 044 : -00finity..firf n -dartter; induced the y .diarlli..-Chnif`to recognize s. Pennsylvania...soldier, hit iv,`tlitti he11!..,V01,! 4 W pear 4 t cammanct of .-. ,r .4, rk , ^ apimott '4l *01313019451R451.-Chit* - Giampg, A:1Y: C. . cicip-tieC .chr „Puttu?.g up ' Wuirtf* 14bAiiitetrititCCidAp 6.ThraDiQuAminfic 153153* 9g mteß , R 4 v jALED P/10Fi)SATA will be ..received at this office up to 12 o'clock on Friday; the AO* 11 9 MA €s9lPlafinge4 0 ,1 1 4 vamp Curtin, near Herriaborg, Winter Quarters for ZY the l tunkd tru irk oPlanti acid tiOr inediftcaii a V? tto4444l l iNwhi , iigtlfWTO.le4 any of o:levities rs reeeried.; sSeged4oroposala vaillireisocelved-stAiremme time flit boarlaaud scantling mrsfeasy•iorithe Sl i tletkdit* taid lotirs.,' lilt • iteitiv kit _the Dipixtkiiktfixeiectlog •Ai.kisliC, 1 110 bold* required will be whits p i ne of a good quiditY of oalbuiv&lfigtrr ri siost or Zomloohemlo cki Fif i g i N•qt Aokimgoo 3T0e4.1 ;-1 11. - , 4 , 1L 'Genera- 1111: g P P 11 .H,114 Mg.. 14" 4 111 4 1 41 71 M 111 #0 et .x tilL...ll% . *lript OAMIAMOMPEMISELDIDER, -14 a-- %Midieffeliterbeof latittSlF 11 4r,' ; i rras visaliiht and jammed Moniilinp - ; 11 48 caessur k' KAB obeirlifigtf 411 WANTED AT - .ONCE, ;800 YOUNG Mt 13Arl i AljaR*, WO7 ~. - ischltsirm!%tir - s.lstlipliYe,o4 . otalryl4tior surAsaiatios, ,tlll,o:_itrit4fircilitlnera, sCitsensylvanii.Avd Vas ; trip emorace.uttlinitr of .4 Ant., A bu k y le I ItegimetV' • A - %Whits 101,11-be.uniformed.and disciplined as soon as enlisted.. . . 11 0) 610 i4 11 . is F 66, 14 Quarters and Mediae! atteodancse, !tree of sberge, and, the soldier in this itegtakent ie promptly • .. ',ltas !monad. remeinfter,that: orgasiskupti of • iitiettegTment is such that ye .mg teen who have tat in. Edina ot, aeldiers stet . who are ituwiroa. with the pair:oho ardor for linarclNCAL*ll the ,of Abe mid Stara and *Ass wflliave. ipAhisAitehmult. the opperWbily ef Ishii' tram the grade or laivaivs.te.tiittor cogesii. t h„iii,a: c fge,wj p 0 8 ,Itegift Army, as oat third of the Oilfeeitlirill he, ratan irpm the z ranics when the Regiment /solid etaneloseut °Green,. 41ltte pen..loe Ilea apply tiLitlkuv. It in .the. &gram , parvic° , X1 , 07t OTlLVisialleti:CrAirill be cogs rtsbly yrovhieff thso.lo tee." setnblish. 4 4 by the flesentineet..: 4PP I 7-Ut': ,J. M. 14v8tits„:018t 6. Arnky,.. ,44.0Adtipskgaiepeglt101. ft. eiry , .ReSawivoes, 3..uosage, -Walnut street, ris:z . . • • 494 , " • • t. AYNOIII 4 I,T4I WORK, l e# 4l A ) / 14 0