Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 25, 1861, Image 1
rilllE TEL EGItAPI-1 iti putiLl:4ll47l) EVERY DAY, 13v GEORGE BERGNER. TER \ S.—SINC; e 913,19ciaprrow rhP ( ) AILS TKL•URAPEI IS pervert to subscribers tn the c uis per wee 3 Yearly Aubkortbera will be :.;-1 DO WEEKIN AND SIIMI•WIF:KLY buxomPn. The fetEttkAltit 78 J o loath-tool twice a week during. 01 - tho Legtai tltlre, and weekly during the thlealeder at the y•'ar, stud 'undated to subecribers al the tallowiug rateg, viz - Single subsor.bers per year Seveu Teo =! It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publi.ther may continue to send them until nllarreanitres are paid 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa p r= from the office to whip b they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and liras, cd iieni dincontinued. AleDitaL DR . J 0 UN SON 13ALLAMIXACC,JELM3 LOCK H.OSPITAL. HAB discovered the most certain, speed) aud effectual remedy m the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RIMINI In six TO Twins" HOMO. Ai .. Mercury or Noxious Drugs far QUI WAIIIA3I7D Oit xo CHAIM; 13 YROM 0/13 Two DAvo —Et Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pubis in the I onus, Allections of the kidneys and Bladder, Organir Weakness, Nervous liability, Decay of the Flukes Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Langnor, low Spirits, Confusion of .deal, Pali Ration of the Heart, ' Timidity Tremblings ' Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, IJlseaso of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits ei Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitotiouai debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind, ' YOUNG MEN Youug mien especially who have become the triennia oi solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit wince annually sweeps to au untimely grave thousanda • of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intel lect, atio might otherwise Lave entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to m issy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persona, or these contemplating marriage, be ing aware of physical weakness, should immediately non• nth Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WELAJINA immediately eared and fait vigor restored (le who places himself ander thacare of Dr. J., may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, ansi con, 'Metal) , rely upon his skill as a physician, , ifirOflice No. 7- South - Finderick streak; Baltimbis, Md., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, ? loom from the corner. Be particular in observing te mune or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Gerlificatm, attracted. by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, I ark near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on tht reply. DR. JOEINSTON. • Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, gradnatefrom ono of the must eminent Colleges U of the nited states, and the sveatest part of whose life has boon spent in the tiespitale of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has eaileted some of the most all tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the oars sad head when asleep, great ner 'nuances, being alarmed at sudden sounds, healthiness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange ment of mind were cured Immediately, TAKE PAETICULAIt NOTICE. Dr. .1. dresses all those who having injured then selves by r mate and improper indulgeneles,jhat secret and solitary obit which rums both body and mind, on. fitting them for either business or society. Theta are some of the sad and melancholy adopts pro duced by early babile 01 youth, viz : Weakness of the Buck and Limbe,.Paina in the Read, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Musoular Power, Paipitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritabtiity Derangement el the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of :f.:,ansump don, dm. IfitiloiTALLY almcr.mtsr, the fearful mirage on the mind are mash to be dreaded :—Losti of Memory, Confusion ol Ideas, Dot preemies of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toSocie ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, fee.,are some ol the ovil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages, eau now bulge what the cause of their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and aymp nut of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in delved to when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil zompaniou, or at school, the affects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his Own. try, the darling of his parents should be snatched from all preepects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in • certain secret habit. Su th persona must, before content, plating attARkUAGS, erect that a sound mind antibody are ,the west neaassary requisites to promote connubial . happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through, life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with doecalr, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INVIDORA.IiNG REMEDY FOR OR: G4NIC WICAKNESI3. By this great and rtAnt remedy, Weakness-of thf Organs are s ,"04141 full vigor restored. thousands of - ,nervous and debilitated who had lag all hope, h ivdinmediatoly relieved. AU lumedtmorda to MarrEvo ittystcal or Mental Dlegnallll- emion, Nervous Trembling, Vealcuess or Erhaustion or the meet liatrftri kind, 'moodily cured. TO STRANGERB. The many thousands cured at this Instiution within ins east twelve years, and the numerous important Burgles.. operations performed by Dr. J. witnessed 'by the re. porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the publics, besides his standing as a jentieman of character and re• sponsshaity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DlSPecit'a OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the mieguidea and imprudent votary of pleasure dnds he has 'imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it toe often happens that an ID-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters m from applying to those who, from education and: re. ,spectability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con atitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the need, throat, nose, skin, diss., 'progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death pine a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending hint to "that beanie from whence so traveler returns.' It is a mel. aneholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of - Ignorant pretend. ors, who, by the use of that deadly nelson mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. To STRANGIRB.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. /J -Letters must cantalu a Stamp tons on the reply. sar Remedies seat by Mall. igerNo. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. sprlB-ditwly NOTICE. ItiE UNDERSIGNED has his ir 'o I LMXIBER 01710 g, corner .0f Third 9e! •andUlaclo berry alley, near Herr's Hotel. Dry Lumber of all kinds and qualities, .pr sale by . W. - MURRAY. The undersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and har ass low for cash, ALSO—Horses and Carriages to'hlre et the same °MC marll PRANK A. 'MURRAY. gELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place to And anything in the wof Perfumery. -- ao. I , R.:, „. ,:. 7 . .:.,, „ ..: a.. -i! .... . . • 1 ..... . .... ...,..........„ r..~-~ $2 00 12 00 15 00 VOL. XVI D. Ii). $ qLo., • 11111 W D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGCTISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PENN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are dalli adding to 'our assortment of goods all snch articles as are desirable, . and would respectfUlly your ` atention to the largest and beet selected. stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Oils, varnishes and Glues, Dye Stuffs, Glass and Patty, Axtlirt Colon( and Voids; Pure Ground Spices, Burning Fluid and A,lonhod; Lard, Sperni and Pine ads, Bottle', Vitals and Lamp alcilbes, Castile Soap; Sponges and Corks,' &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &e., Are With a gmeral variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from, the best manufacturers and Per turners of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, - LINSEED Oil, VARNISHEI3, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR vAjuErntr i , • COLORS AND BRONZE OF ALL SIND% t, - , 4 N 0415 0 h . , . • .....: D iii r. - sr --- 0 P . 00a i 9MA 45 pi ci - -.4131/ ~.;f : We respectfully invite a call, feeling, ()ont o dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH !I 1~)~l~f.Yr~1~IJ:lY4~F~9~~]C?]:~il.\1:,~ M;d;My:w PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR ,k.k , + AESTORATIVES Of talk 4 , direct from the Proprietors. • - ' 4 14 .. , Saponiftii — and *Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be Pnichised in the cities. Mir'U'rWMM): COAL OIL ! CARBON OIL 1 1 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very Cheap. All kinds of lamp! changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS; ose of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horne and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived , from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality, of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex penance in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we cast in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to eur business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowe on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE.'DRUGS at fair toes, and the des!r;to plows" all, to merit a'continnturce of the fiivor of a disorlm sting public. "INIj . tPENDEN ) t IN ALL THIN`GS-NEUTRAL IN NONE:" HARRISBURG, FRIDAY AFTERNOON,. OCTOBER 25, . 18 . 61 puorosAis FOR RRATIONS FOR 1862. QUARTERMASTFICS OFFICE, U. S. MARINE CORPS, Washington, September 25, 1862. sFALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until the 30th day of October next, at 12 o'clock m., for furnishing rations to the U. S. Marines, at the following stations, during the year 1862, viz : Portsmouth, New Hampshire : • CharliNtown Massachusetts ; Brooklyn, Long Island,. New York ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; Washington, District, of Columbia. Each ration to consist of three quarters of a pound of mess pork, or bacon ; or one-and-a fourth pounds of fresh or salt beef; twenty-two ounces of :bread, made of extra superfine flour, or in lieu, thereof, twenty-two ounces of extra superfine flour; or one pound of hard bread, at the option of the Government; and at the rate of eight quarts of best mhite beans, or : in lieu: thereof ten pounds of rice; ten pounds of good coffee, or in lieu thereof one-and-a-half pouncit of tea; fifteen pounds of_ good New Orleans sugar; four quarts of vintri; one .liotrod of sperm candles, onezarid-a-half Winds Of ada mantine candles, or one-and-a-half pounds of good, hard-dipped tallow candles; four pounds of good, hard, brown soap . ; two quarts of salt; and one hundred and fifty-six pounds of pota toes, to each hundred rations. - 'lhe increased allowance of Jour ounces of fiour or. ,brgad, and the allowance of Tsotatim . a, as above proved, will cease, at the termination of, the pregent insurrection, and the ration be adprovided 17 law and regulations, on the Ist of July, 1861. The beef shall be delivered on the order of the commanding officer of each station, either in bulk or by the single ration ; and shall con sist of the best and most choice pieces of the carcass ; the pork to be No. 1 prime mess pork ; and the groceries to be of the best quality of kinds named- All subject to inspection. All bids must be accompanied by the follow ing guarantee: _Form of Guarantee. • The undersigned, State of • and , of , in the State of --, hereby guarantee that in case the forgoing bid of ,for rations, as above described, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the Poet Office named, execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties ; and in case the said -- shall fail to enter into con tract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference the offer of the and that which may be accepted. I hereby certify that the above named are known to me as men of property, and, able to make good their guarantee. G. H. (7b be signed by the United States District Judge, United Slates District Attorney, or Collector.) No proposal will be considered unless accom panied by the above ;guarantee. (Newspapers anthorized to publishithe above will send the paper containing the, first inser tion to this . office for examination.) Proposals to be endorsed " Proposals for Ra tions for 1862," and addressed to the under signed, ' W. B. SLACK, octl-4t] lifajorland Quartermaster. ALDERMAN. HENRY P.EFFER. OFFICE—TiII uJ I' P. Rd ; . .(gEiftLIiS:RIE)W,) Elia a NLAitE ET. , • Residence, Chestnut sty 4t - near _Fourth. OITY OP 13.1011trearCrttG, PENIPA. my 12 dtt . WHOLESALE'' UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY! N 0.69, Market Street, below Third, ILiiill3Blll - 110, PA. H LEE, MANUF iIOTURER .. OF UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and celim, will furnish goods at LOWBtrPRAIE4, than can be bought in any of: the Eastern cities. 'Country Merchants will de well to call and examine prices andquality, and'ixinvlnoo them- Selves of this fact. . aug2B-dly. TREES . ' TREES'!' 'TREES 1! ! THE undersigned invite attention to their large and well grown stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES , Shrubs, ku., embracing a largtiand complete assortment APPLES, PEAES, PEACHES, PLUMS, CHERRIES, APRICOTS; and. NEGPARINES, Standard for the Orcharkallft. pi 94. for the garden. NNGLIS& WALg6iS„SPANISH ortspuns, HAZLE. NUTS, &a. RASBERRLES, STRAWBERRIES, CURRANTS and GOOsEBERRIES, In mat :variety/ GRAPES, CHOICESREINDS ASPARAGUS, RHUBARB, hC., Sc. Also a One . Stook o well formed, bushy , EVEBGREETS . . suitable for .the Cemetry and Lawn.. DE.C,I-DUO US . 'TREES' for street planting, and a general assortment of • Ornamental Trees and Flowering Shrubs. ROSES of choice varIetios,..CANIELLIAS, BEDDING PLANTS, Stc • • • Oar stook Is remarkably thrifty and One, and we offer It at suit the times. sirOatalognei mailed to all appllcantS.. • Address EDWARD J. EVANS & CO., Central Nurseries; York, Pa. sep2l-2md . . • DAILY LINEI Between Philadel_nhia, LOCH HAVEN, JERSEY&IGIEA, Jimmy UNIONTOWN, WATHONTGR , N, MELTON, IMWMINGR, NoirramatzelAND,' §trimoity; - . Tariosytoxi esogarrowit, larirsa4tows, MILLIBB= BURG, HUMUS, DAUPHIN, AND HA. R R . . . Mho. Philadelphia, Depot. lug .csailfallys . flopated . , the Drayage will be at Hie lotiest Atea. l A.Oandtaptbi-f. koes through with alkeil titan fo'attenitto the' -safe dallier 3 , of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of ' - FRIED, WARD At FRRRD, Ho. 811 MO: ,liteet,.Phita.; deiphia, by 6 &isle& P. i 4 will be tialivertidtii Harrisburg the nest morniti g,-; Freight (always) as low as by any other 'line. Particular attention paid by thii and speedy delivery of all HarrisbUr.ofoods. The undersigned thankfUl for past palfrOn . hopes by striet attention to business to merit a cont. L canes of , the same. T. FEIPBEft, Philadelphia and Reading op.i. jelB46m pea of Market Sfrne EkrrAburg BUTTER, (gOod, sweet fritahlidolic pound Tols, andtier& D3OK is laige and Small quantities taken at all Closes l ion Gash pal o or groceries g pren in enononge. Ji g Regular • market rates sawisys ipirld WK. DOCK, JR., is OD. °Mae the Court Howe Misttiluntuus A. B , Guarantor C. D., Guarantor Witness : R F 1862 3PMEIPMEIII3EL'iIiS TO FARMERS •ogl9 lettlta ifttaititantous tREIGHT REDUCED ! Howard &Hope 1 4XPRESS 9 0 -'S SHORT & QUICK nacre TO AND FROM L W Y O R'K. adiSAB Ordered' in the Retiiined_ Ole same Night 4 , Leave er York at 7,1 P. W., by the Fast Through press Train, : arriving in Harriiiburg at 3 AvILI Taw CHANGE OF OARS. • • Order Cfos:lls marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO:, Genera Office, 74 Broadway, New York " 412 ." For fUrler information enciaire of GEO—BERGNER, Agen Hum= Aug. 1861.-dtf d. v. MUENOH . FRAVEL.T.NG,AGENT OF. TUB . • -• • OLD - WALLOWER LINE. IHLi ..01 4 1) TRANSPO - RTATION 'LINE is still /A kilde• 'Raul operation and pfsparod to carry rreightite L0W,,,a1 any miter indiiidual line between Philadelptil tarrisburg, Sunbury, Leavriaburg, Williams,- port, Jersey Cie, Lock liaven, and all touts on' the Noctitesp, al, ,Philadelphla and, Erie, and Williams -4 93" 111111 EWA : .. 0041.1 Rail . r°a . ". Local at Harrisburg, 'CI . • LL .A. 11-11111101/. - _ .good sent eI..COCK,.ZGLL ik HINCEMAN, Nee. 8O and SLOG street, above Engtith, by 4 o'clock t .P. 11.,, will arrive ate Harrisburg, roe iy for delivery, the next morning. , i • G. F.-111.1BNCI-1, ap.4-tt i •. . ... ••• .. r• ; . TravaLiug,Agent. , PROOLAMATION. .A.S, . • .. • W B.ELVE; the Honorable Joint J. resales, President of the : Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth judicial District, Cienelsting Of , the counties. 01 Lebanon and Dauphin, and the 'Hon: A. 0; Hwang and,Hon..Fsgr- NEWSY, ABM:IOMM Judges , :In , Daupblir county, baying , issued, their Prixiag lbouring date the; 23 day of September, 188 L,.usme ,directen,Air holding a Court of Dyer and Terminer and Geueral JailDe4k,egy, and Querter Sessions of Om Peaeo•at si.arrisnurc for the, county of Dauphin, and to commepee of Tadao Most OF Novalinim giniX:r„ being Me 113TH nsy NOTRILMIS, awn, and to continue two weeks. . Notice ia theretore hereby given to the Coroner; Jas-. . tices of the etyma, Aldermen, and Constables 'the 'sail county of nanpain,thst.tneY be then and there their proper persons, M 10 o'clockin theforanoon of said Any, with theirieonds, inquisitions, cumuli:unions, and their own remembrances, to do those thing" which' In their calico apportions to be:done, and those who are bound in recoginzantes topp .Toseoute agninst.the prisonera.tant are or shall be in the ;Jail ,cif Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Jun. • Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 2311' day of September, in thch year or our Lcird, 1881, and: br•the eighty-fifth year of thdindependence or the United States. . , J. D. BOAS, Sherif. OPMM I t Eierristiurg,9oMbir j -1881. • 00114-dawtoi To Married Men or those Contein , . plating . Marriage. .• i IHJ) undetsigned :wilt give information .. on a veryMiterestiag and important subject,Mbleti -will be valueii more than a ;thousand tamee its coat by every.marrieh couple of; any, age, or eoachhou in the.— The Itifdrmation will ba sent by awn to any, address on. the receipt or 25 Cents toxin Meer) and two red stamps. Address . H. B. MORRIS, M. 0., Lock Box 60 t • • Boston, Mass., ; N.13.--•This is no halibut, bul is warranted to, be am ply satttfilctory In every instance (regardless of senti ,ments, age, or condition in life,) or the money will be re funded. all letters should be directed to H. B. Morris, Leo: Box 60, Boston, Mass., with a plain signature, and address for return. octaldeoillmawlm, ST. Wag O,LAS HOTE,L BROADWAY; N:NW YORK. Board &minced to $2 per Day. • • . . QINC f ..g the. Opening of this vast and cOnl-, lgolot has. been.. the. single eti ueevor H of the itroPriewri to. main it the. most sumptuOgsr convenient and- coutdirtible home', ter 'the _citizen and stranger en ttita 1310,8 1116 - Anna& - And whatever ham seemett:idmiy. to administer- to! She comfort Of its guests they . hero . vadosozoreidi without- to. gard to cost, t$ provide iuldcombittp tAe.ettlmeate of individual and. social Okibytnetit which inederzi,art has invented, auttleedprn tame Approved and the pet, ronat,e which it has commanded during the past six years is a aratifyingifroof that the ir , curia nave been appre, To meet the ftnigendies of the timee, When all are fe qu•red to practice the most rigid economy, the under sighed . Have Red uced the -.Price- of-. Board to Two Dollartlper DO3r, ,' • , . . 1 attire same abating none or tholaanries ' with which their. table has hitherto been supplied: TithlaDWEL4,, WHITCOMB & CO. - p9NeW York, Sept'. 2,1061..—5 e -darn* FINEF. . TOAETIszOA.PS,PQMIDES; ELA.T,R, OIL, PoIVDaB.S, COLOGIOO3 =Maid; of mivay styles' prices and maeufsctures—eA , KßEitießtill DRUG AND rANGv • • AR. . - CIDER 11 1 , VINEGAR -1 1 - MADElfioin c,hoice dud sefectridltOei; and guaranteed by us to be strietly pure: • 1 els—A s WK. ,DOOR & ' ! I $4 l tES l-1: 3-,-. . itactaiod 124 Empty Flinn, Sugar , ' and Wine Barrels of all do aoriptione and ideas, apB WM. DIXIE JIL & ai EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. • 100 LARGE NEW BRIGHT 'EMPTY FLOUR BARAELS Ingood condition tor Sale by 1,1431 WR. J. L9OK.,h, 4rUov: AUGUSTINks` UHAINg. - CMIPEATEE . - AND SUfLDER: - 'ReA''..denie No. 27 NOrd " L B —JOBBING ATTINDND TO EY Jitt' • iSTH t • FrOM our No.rMPg ititston. ,ftom Washingtim. THZ BLOCKADE OF ,THE POTOMAC, The 4intored. Crossing! of the Rebels Into Maryland Denied. The Writ of Habaes Cotpus litlitary Cases Suspended. • -•^ r • .• • weawarroN, Oct. 24. Captain Parke,nf the tug Murray i , has ar rived from Indian Head. He• reports that the steamer. George Page was :.seen between 'Shirt ping ,Point and EvAnsportiyesterday. afternoon. It. is supposed that she - ram Aquia creek under the ttrkness and - leg:during. the prev lence of the storm .on .; Tnesday night. She crossed over to the Maryland. side , yesterday afternoon, and Capt. Parks with his glass'could see she waslorowded.with ' men. She was ob served tomake only, one trip. The river there is probably I U. mile and a quarter wide. She is covered and protected by the rebel river batteries. ' The Page while on her trip fired three shells over to the Maryland shore in the direction of the position of the third regiment (Sickle's brigade.) ' Se4eral small boats have been observed cross ing at or near the same point. • A schooner with wood which ran the block ade yesterclay, heard firing between the.eteam ens Island Bell and Freeborn and the Matthias Point batteries quite distinctly on Tuesday night: ! ; There were lying at Indian Head yesterday the Harriet Lane, Yankee, Hale, Wyandott, Herhert an 4 Murray, which last has comp up. . , The wood schooner mentioned, reports that all the Government transports at Smith's Point haie gone around to Annapolis. There were rumors in the streets this morn ing 'that the rebels had succeeded in effecting a crossing of the Lower Potomac into ,Maryland. But an officer who came up to-day in a gun boat says that they have not attempted to cross. He says, also, that such an attempt would be futile, while our gun-boats still remains in sight of them. i The rebel steamer George Page is cruising in the Potomac, but she is closely watched by our gun-boats. The'Sanitary Connnission have selected sever -4.l,Sites for the erection of military hospitals here. The 'thous° of the late Senator Douglas *being converted into a hospital. Daniel Foote,' of the Forty-Seventh Pennsyl vania' ,and Geo. Natitins, of the Eleventh, died yesterday in the hospital here. k grand review of a number of division of the army is to take place next week. .The President has informed the Circuit Court here that he has suspended the writ of, haws corps? inmilitary cases, thus putting an end to the numerous applications to get minors out of the army. Important from Key West. Arrival at Cardenas, Obit, of the Rebel Steamer Theodora. I=l Rebel Commissioners Id ason. and Blida' Aboard. Capture or a Rebel Steamer Filled with Contraband' Goods at Tampa Rap serum tip THE PRIZE FOR NEW TORS. Arrest , of a Proniiitent 'hierehant . Charged Wish Treason. /;letter from Key West, dated the. 20th; re-. porta the arrival at Cardenos on the 16thef the rebel steamer. Theodora, from Charleston, -with. the Frerieli Sonselyand family, and Messrs. Ma lian and Slidell, the rebel commissioners to France and i•;ngland, as passengersf:- SECCND DISPATCH A letter from Key West dated 20th furnishes the following interesting intelligence : The steamer Salter, from Havana, witn contraband goods,"was nlptured as she was about entering Tampa Bay, Florida, by. the United States steamer Keystone State and towed to Key West Her ;cargo is said to consist of six hun dred pistols,. half a million percussion caps, six hundred dozen hats, eight cases of shoes, fOur hundred thougarid cigars and four hundred bags of coffee. Capt. Scott of the Keystone State, refused to give the prize up to the United States 'Marshall for' adjudication, and to obey the or• . der of the United States Court and sailed with t. 4 1 , 3 prize for' New York. . . 'The United States, Consul at Havana sent in telligence to Major French of the sailing of the Saver from; Kama, sind also tom, another , Vowel; Raided with arms , and uumitions of war, , would leave on the There beigig trd - naval Wesel at Key West, she will undoubtedly slip to Tagpa, which is not now blockaded. Major French .arreeteil, !Mules-lift, a mem ber,of a large home at Key West, and confined Vert or It is supomd • , & is acquainted *lS:lithe diratunstanCes connect ed•with,the4steanier Salvar,4ltehowill'lwte;-• tallied as a witness. Mr. Fift lately took the oath of allegiance. ftsam tinting offtts. %Ravin g procured Steam Power Preemie, we are prepar ed to execute JOB add BOOR PRINTING of every deserip. tion. cheaper than it can be done at any other establish ment in the country. RA IES .F ADVEK'fIaiIEG. ,Nir Four lines or I.•ss constitute one-half square. Right olnes or more than four constitute a square. -.' Half square, one day 44 one week. ene month 44 three months.. six mouths one year • OneAuare, one day one week........ 200 one month 3 50 three months f 00 " six months 10 00 , , one year........ ........ . ..... 00 Jar Business notices Inserted in the Local Column, or bolore.lifarittges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER LINE for .each insertion. ' ger Marlges and Dea th s lobe charged as regular ad. fertiesanen - • • • • • NO 40 THE BATTLE OF BALL'S BLUFF. Further Particulars of the Fight Gen. MeClellim is now at his head-quarters, and from the best data obtained at Harrison's Island, up to late this evening, it is believed That the number of killed is 79, wounded in our possession and in posseSsion of the enemy 141, missing now, prisoners in the bands of the enemy and wandering in the woods on both shores of the river, not exceeding 400. The total loss in killed, wounded and missing, 620. This will be redUced by the men returning to camp, as they are constantly coming in. The officers and men behaved with the most 1. extraordinary courage. They were pressed by an overpowering force but stood firm until their whole supply of ammunition was exhausted and then retreated to the river and threw their guns and swords into the river to prevent the enemy from getting possession of them. Col. Raymond Lee and Staff were furnished with a sitiffto make their escape, The Colonel gallantly refused, and gave orders to use it for conveying the wounded across the river, It was' filled with wounded, "who reached the Maryland iihore in safety: The humane and gallant officer was taken prisoner. All credit is due to him. Col. Coggswelt took command when Gen. Baker fell, and behaved with the greatest coolness and gallantry. He is also a prisoner. Gen. McClellan returns with renewed confi dence in the action and efficiency of his sol diers. The conduct of General Baker in his effort to rescue the Massachusetts and other men under fire was heroic beyond descrip tion. Cotton firm—sales 500 bales. Flour buoy ant ; 28,000 bbls. sold at $5 35@5 45 for State, $5 80(45 90 for Ohio. Wheat—sales 38,900 bus. at $1 18®1 124 for Chicago Spring ; $1 22®1 25 for Milwaukee club, $1 30®1 36 for Red and $1 4001 48 for White. Corn— gales 162,000 bus. at 52(460c , closing at 67® 584 c. Pork firm at $l6 25®15 75. Lard heavy at 8i @Ale. Whisky dull at 20Q20is. LIORTNrIiG CA.LIGIULNIY.-0110 of the most remarkable achievements of electricity is thins referred to by a writer in Once a Week: 'Another great element of our present is beginning to, make signs of its exis tence in •the South Kensington Museum. We allude to the , electric telegraph. Bakewell's copying machine is - one of the most interesting of this clasa, as it brings before the public eye the means that can be employed to write with a pen thouaands of miles in length. If . the Atlantic cable were in'working order; tem 'in-' stance, a man through its iiiitrumentalify - eloidd sit down to write &letter in London and ,feel. certain that a fac simile of his handwriting was. at the same time coming out of telegraph office at New York. • The manner in which 'this ini tounding machine works is as fellows The message is originally written on a conduct ing material, such as tin foil; with resin or some non-4onducting ink. Over the face of this letter,. whidi is placed on a cylinder, a point of metal revolves, this point is connected with the conducting wire ; at New. York say a piece of chemically prepared paper is placed on a like cylinder to receive the message ; both cylinders are made to' move around by clock work. At the point of this end of the wire passes over the non conducting resin writing, no current passes, hence the point which moves synonymously with it at New York does not change the color of the paper, but all the other surface of the writing tablet being a conductor, the currents pass and deepen its color by chem ical action on the far distant recording tablet. The receiver thus obtains a perfect fac simile of his correspondent's handwriting done in white on a blue ground. Specimens of this electrical hankwriting are placed beside the telegraph machine in the Museum of Kensington, and af ford an admirable example of the caligraphy of the lightning pen. LAME FOIL Mil BACK Aces.—lt is a custom in Berwicke l hire, Scotland, among women-work ers in the field when their backs become sore by bowing low down while singling turnips with short shanked hoeit, to lie down with their faces to the ground allowing others to step on the lower parts of their backs with one foot, several times; until the pOn of fatigue is removed. Barton, in his "First Footsteps in Eastern Af rica," narrates a very similar custom of females who lead the camels, who, on feeling fatigued, "lie at full length, prone, standing upon each other's backs, trampling and kneading with their toes, and rise like giants refreshed." This custom. is called "fogsi, in Africa, and in our country, it is called "straightening the back." NEW You, Oct, 24 Ihmaitosouno Rumen. —The Richmond-En quirer says : "We have been requested to state chat the original underground railroad to Mary land has resumed its trips, with every prospect of uninterrupted • success.' It will run tri weekly." 3v, by the . expenditure of a 'thousand mil lions of dollars, we succeed in restoring the Union, it will be as profitable a pecuniary in vestment as mortal man ever made.--Louisvills Journal. W E' OFFER T 0 I=l=l NEW YORK MARLETS New YORK, Oct. 24 CII-STOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' P11R5E5,,..... Of beautiful Aphis subsboitially Made. A Splendid Assortment of .GENTLEMEN'S WALLETS. A New and INagant Perfarae, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BO,SHICT, Put up in Cut (Mass Engraved Botesit: A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF, PERFIJkiI3, Of the Ueet-lhainlhetai;e A very EtaniloooieVergaiy - of' PG*DER3 PUI4 DOERS, - KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market street. seplB .1025 . 1 00 . 200 . 800 .500 . 800