itlisitilantous. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONARY. OUSE Or REPRESENTATIVES UNITED STATES, CLEM'S OFFICE, Sept. 30, 1861. IN PURSUANCE of the seventeenth section of the act of Congress of August 26, 1842, en titled "An Act legalizing and making appro priations for such necessary objects as have been usually included in the general appropriation bills without authority of law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental expenses of the Departments and Offices of Government, and for other purposes," sealed proposals will be re ceived at this Office until FRIDAY, the 25th day of October next, at 12 o'.clock M., for fur nishing the following articles of Stationary for the use of the House of Representatives of the United States, viz : CLASS No. 1. 75 reams white cap paper, extra superfine, feint lined. 10 reams blue cap paper, extra superfine, feint lined. 60 reams white cap paper, extra superfine, plain. 25 reams white flat paper, extra superfine. 160 reams white quarto post, extra superfine, feint lined, gilt. 25 reams blue quarto poet, extra superfine, feint lined, gilt. 50 reams white quarto post, extra superfine, plain, gilt. 10 reams blue quarto post, extra superfine, plain gilt. • 26 reams white quarto post, large size, extra thin, feint lined. 10 reams white quarto post, large size, extra thin plain. 60 reams white laid Bath post, extra superfine, feint lined, gilt. 10 reams white laid Bath post, extra superfine, plain, gilt. 50 reams white note, extra superfine, large size, feint lined, gilt. 50 reams buff note, extra superfine, large size, feint lined, gilt. 26 reams damask note, extra superfine, large • size, feint lined, gilt. 25 reams white note, extra superfine, large size, plain gilt. 75 reams white note, extra superfine, small size, feint lined, gilt. 26 reams white note, extra superfine, small size, plain gilt. 25 reams white note, extra thin, No. 6, feint gilt. 10 reams white note, extra thin, No. 6, plain gilt. reams white note, extra thin, No. 8, plain, gilt. 10 reams white note, extra thin, No. 8, feint lined, gilt. 50 reams Jesup & Bros. extra superfine white wove post, feint lined, (wide ruled.) CUSS No. 2—. Envelopes. 60,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, 6* by 81 inches. 60,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, 51 by 81 inches. 40,000 butt thick adhesive envelopes, 51 by at inches. 90,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, ti by 81 inches. 10,000 wince thick adhesive envelopes, 51- by 21 inches. 25,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, 51 by 81 inches. 1,000,000 bud thick envelopes, 61 by si inches. 100,000 buff thick adhesive envelopes, 71 by st inches. CLANS No. 3. 200 gross best 'metallic pens, in boxes. 26 gross Perry's douule patent large blue bar rel pens, fine points, in dozen boxes. 26 dozen bla ck swan quill pens. 16 gross penholders, assorted styles. 2 gross out and pressed glass inkstands, as sorted sizes and styles. CrAKS No. 4.—Afiscellaneaus. 6 dozen pearl-handle pocket-knives, four blades. 8 dozen shell-handle pocket-knives, four blades. 10 dozen pearl and shell-handle pocket knives, 8 blades: 1 dozen office shears, 11 Inches. 1 dozen office shears, 9 inches. 4 dozen scissors, 4 inches. 10 dozen color pencils, large and small. 60 pounds sealing wax, best quality. 200 spools red tape. 5 dozen letter clips, gilt and broze. 2 dozen letter tiles. • 15 pounds India rubber, medium sized pieces. 4 dozen bottles pounce. 6 dozen short rubber pencils. 4 dozen portfolios, different styles. CLASS No. 6. 160 roam brown Idealist enveloping paper, very tough, with smooth surface, 27 by 87 inches, to weigh not leas than 42 pounds per ream. 600 reams brown Manilla enveloping paper, very tough, with smooth surface, 20 by 26 inches, to weigh nut less than 26 pounds per ream. 800 reams same as above, 19 by 24 inches, to weigh not less than 22 pounds per ream. Proposals for the above must state the price per ream for paper, and price per thousand for envelopes; and be accompanied by the names of the sureties intended to be offered. By the Act approved June 17, 1844, the Clerk of the Rouse of Representatives is "directed to confine his purchases exclusively to articles the growth and manufacture of the United States, provided the same can be procured of such growth and manufacture, of suitable quality and at reasonable prices, upon as good terms, as to quality and price, as can be obtained of for eign growth and manufacture." A preference will therefore be given to the productions of A mer i can industry ; and all persons making proposals to supply any article, will state whether the same is the growth and manufac ture of the• United States. The articles are to be delivered, free of any charge for carriage, at the office of the Clerk of the Reuse of Representatives, on or before the twentieth day of November neat. Each bidder, though he may desire to propose for the whole of the articles above enumerated, will be required to make a separate and ckstinct proposal for each days; and no proposal or paper embracing more than a single class will be con sidered. Each proposal to be endorsed, "Pro posals for Chub No. —, of Stationary for House of Representatives of the United States," and addressed to the undersigned. They will be free of postage. Sufficient specimens of each class must ac company the proposals, marked with the names of the bidder and the number of the class, ac cording to the above advertisement. The person offering to furnish any description of articles at the lowest price, quality consider ed, shall receive a contract , for the same on ex ecuting a bond with two or more sureties, satis factory to the Clerk of the House of Represen tatives, for the performance of the same, under a forfeiture of twice the contract price in the case of failure ; which bond must be filed in the once of the said clerk within ten days af ter the proposals have been opened and the re sult declared. =MON RTHERIDGE, sepBo-w4t Clerk R. R. IL S. STONE FOR SALE. BeILDING STONE or Stone &Mated for torapitiog purpow wi: , toe delivered to say par °Ube ally or Ito rtoloity. Apply to wiar9ll wl4. COMM, Jr. AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Ruidesse Ypa II North &mod bit. N. B—JOBBING AIMED= TO filtbit u AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. gND for the speedy. cure of the sub joined varieties or Disease : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Voyles, Pustule!, Blotches, Boils, Blaine, and all blur' Diseases. OAKLAND, Ind., 6th June,lBs9. J. C. AYES & Co., Gents I feel it my duty to ackeowi. 3dge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having in herited a Screfabus inhale°, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my hands and arms ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore which was painful and loathsome beyond description. t tried many medicines and several physi cians, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared an alternative (Sarsaparilla ' ) for I knew from your rep utation that any ming yon made must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it and used it till it cured me. I took It, as you advise, in email doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy skn wen began to form under the Web, which after a while fell off my skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You c well believe that I feel what lam saying when I tell you, that I hold yen to be one or the al °sties Of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED B. TALLkY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tettm and Salt Rheum, Scald Head Ringworm, Bore Eyes, Dropsy Dr. itooert li.Preble writes irom Went, N. r., 12th tiep., 1859, that he blll3 cured an inveterate case of Drop sy, which threatened to terminate Satallyi by the pores- Tyring use of our Sarsaixtr,lla, and also a dangerous at .ach of Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same; says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Prospest, TeXASi writes : "Three bOtl des of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Gernut—a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years," Leneorrhces or Whitsarthwie.n Tumor, Uterine Uleeration;ieniale Diseases. Dr. .1. B. S. Charming, of New York City, writes ; most cheerfully comply with the respect of your agent in saying I have found your earsaparWa a mo it:excellent alternative in the numerous complaints for which we em ploy aeon a remedy, but especially In Female Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 cured many inveterate cases of Leucerrhos.l by ii, and tainfo:where the -coin--• plaint was canoed by lamb:Won of the uterus. The' dld 4 ceratlon itself was soon cured. Nothing within iny, knowledge equals it f :r these female derangements ." Edward S. Marrow ,of Newbury, Ala., writes, dith- • gerous ovarian tumor on one of thetemales in my lamity;i. watch had dotted all the remedies we could employ o 'haa at length bean completely cured by your &tract . d ar saparlda. User physician thought nothing hitt' extirpa tion could afford relief, bat he advised the `trial or your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before ceiling, and it proved elfictual. after taking your remedy etgnt weeks no symptom of the chemise remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NEW OBlASus j 26th August, 1E,069: Dr. J. C. AYES : dir, I cheerfully comply with -the re quest of your agent, and report to you some Of the effects I have reamed who your sarsaparilla. I have cared with it, In my practice, most of the coin plaints for which it le recommedded, and have found its Sects truly wonderful In the our. of- Fenerai and Ker., curial Dis' ems. tine of my patlente bad Syphilitic Weems: di his throat, which were cousamiag 1118 palate and the top of his mount. Your Sarsaparill% des 'illy taken, cared him In five week. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in Ms nose, and the ulceration had eat en away a considerable part of it, so that f believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill hlm. But It yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla : the ulcers healed, and hole well again, not of course without some dialiguration to his face. A woman who had been treated ior the same ulaorder by mercury was aufferiug irom this poison in her hones. They had become so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excruciating ~sin la her jointa and bones. She, too, was cared entirely by ymir Sarsaparilla, in a tow wanks.= I know from Its formula, Which you agetie.gave ma,lhat this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable results - with it have not surprised me, Fraternally years, 1 .4. 14 A1ut, ift ii Rheumatism, Gout, Liver. Uoinplailit:; DffrarAknimran, Praetor' Co., Tit.,aitt July, 185 P. J. C. AIHa: Sir, I haim hien wlth.a fail:k- W chronic Rheumatism for a long time, which baffled the skill of pnystclans, and stunk to me in spite of *lithe remedies 1 could Lin , until I tried your Sarsaparilla.— One bottle cared me in two Weeks, and restored my gen eral health so much that I am far °otter than bolero -I was attacked. I think it a wonderfnl medicine. J. FRiLkitl. • Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis. writes : "I have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing tidied to relieve me ; and I have been a broken down man for 80¢e years from no ther cause than de. ?momenta the Liwrr. l y beloved vault*, the Rov.,l&j . lispy, advised me to try your Sarkaparrllia;beeause ..11e said knew you and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing or God tit naa oared:me. , -I feelf young agate. The beat that can be said of you is not half good enOlign.” Bohirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enhugement; Illoeration; Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of asset, have been reported to uS these where cures of these formidable complaints have result form the use of this remedy, but one space bore will not admit them. Some of them may be found in our Amer , can Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnssa grails to all who call for them: . , Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits,; Epilep• sy, 'Melancholy, Nannies, Many remarkable our of these affections have been made uy the alternative power of this medicine. It stim ulates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond It reach. Such a remedy has been required by the ne cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine use do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR THAI RAPED CURB ON Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoaxseneps, Croup, Bronchitis, incipient Con sumption, and for the Belief of Onsumptive Patients in advanced stages of the Disease This lea remedy so universally known to Bur pass any other for the care of throat and lung complaints,.that It is useless here to publish the evident* of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and-its truly wenderlui cures of pulmonary disease, have made It known throughout the civilized nations of the earth.— Few are the communities, or- even Gimillesounong them who have not some personal experience 'of its' effeets.— some living trophyln their mind of lte'vlotery omthe subtle and dangerous diaordis& of the itntarand lungs. AB all know the dreadful fatality of :these disci:dent; and as they know, too, th e erects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the 'Or: Cues that it did have when making the cures-which have won so strpsgly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. O. AYBE & 'Lowell, Man' Sold by C. A. Batinvart, O. K. Keller, D. W. Grosz & Co., J. IL Lutz, & Co., ',matrons Hartiiburg tuid deal ers every *here. octl4.6mdzw IMPORTED BOLOGNA SAIISAGB. very rare lotinsi, received and for.rtale'ey . -i d . 6 WM. DOCK JR, ik n A VERY HEAVY SPOOR OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS :.f OF VTNRY DESORIPTION JUST OPENED. At PrieA. 7 )ekhe the Cost of importation. CALL AT - CATHCART'S, mu g Next door to the Harrishwl Bank• • wALLowEws LINE, DA.UX 112M111/ HARRISBURG and PHIII.A I TEWHIC Bwk, 4904'.812 .1440: sin 4, fouNit Likatital 4r 0 14 - . penult Conductor in c 6,,,,0f„ wil • , Qom conricocactiwilr P al 4% otalook r.-.lliiiiwlll be Ulvered Hares Duvall sinning. J. WALLOWA JE, Usit. 0pg441 011os Fliadbig DepAcamMurg. penm.gb3cia SOMETHING FOR THE TINES! `1 G.: A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS, & CROSLBY'S American Cement Glue TNE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. • TfiE m'osr DURABLE GLUE THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEET GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT. GLUE • In the only erlicle of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, &c IT WILL MEND GLASS, .; Sive the pieces of that expeasive Oat Glass Bottle Don't iiirair away that broken Ivory Pan, It Is easily re• paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken., China Cups and Saucers can be made cc good as new. - _ IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knockedl out of your Marble Mantle can be put on. as strong as ever. " . . WILL AfFIND TOACELAIN, No rustier if that broken ilieher did not scat but a shit. Ilrig a stilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, . That costly Alabaster' Vase' is broken and you can't match it, mend it, It will never show when pat together. It .will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact' everything but Metals. Ally article Cemented with AMERICAN CRMENT will notahow where It is mended. “Every Housekeepers should have a supply or Johns & erneley's American Cement Glue."—tf. Y. Thom .'lt is so 'convenient to have in tae bouse. l, —Ar. r. 4Otalways ready; this .00mmends. Use* to every. , “We have tried il l and find it as useful in our homes as mater."—Wuke Rptritlf the Timm - $lO,OO per t year saved In every family'by One Bottle _of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cantiper Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Boitle. Price 26 CentiS perßolite: - - " Price 26 Cents per &idle. Pride 2,6 Cents per Bottle. Lewd. lieductims to' , Wholesale Buyers: TERMS CASH. •irpor,7lO by all Druggists, and Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. ITOgNS 4tc PROSL.EY, " • (Sole Menufaotarareo - 178 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Molly strest. NEW YORK. Laportant to HOllBB Owners. Important to Railders. Impprtant to Rail Road Companies . “laitiatintto'Farmers. Rli all whom this may' concern, and it effleerns every body. JOMYIS a CROSL'EY'S IMPROVE) GOTTA PEROHA OEME , NTI - ROOFING The Cheapest and Anna durable Roofing in use. IT IS 'TIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can beapplied to saw and inn itoora'of all kinds, steep or flit, and to Saudis Rooms without ' 3/I , J ; „reniwing. "Ideas `The Coals only, about One-Third that of Ma ;:AND IT to TWICE AS DURABLE. _This artiele has bein tboronghly tested In New York City and all other parts or the United States, Canada, West, Indies' Central and South Amelia', on buildings of all kinds, such as FACIZORIM, FOUNDRIDS, OEIOIIOIIIII4 RAM ROAD DIDOID, Casa, and on Pow° licrusanaa generally GOVCRIOURIT Bwotvaa, Ac., by the principal Builders, dreniteets ind others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the ,CHEAPEST and MOST MIRA= ROOFING in use; it , is In every respect A PIER, WAIER, WRATHER and TINS. PROOF corning for ROOFS OF . ALIT KINDS. • Thicis the ONLYmaterial manuraoiured in the United . SMiteintiloh combines the very desirable properties of /iZastieity end DetrabiliV, Which are universally aolulow hedged to be pheseined by GUIRA PZROILI AND NO Heat is required in _ making application. The expense or applying it is trifling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and finished the same day. It oanbe applied by any one, and when dratted Okras a perfectly Fine PROOF surface with an elastics body, which cannot be Colored by HILAT, blip or &Waft, eamanwict or ROOF BOARDS, nor any ex ternal &alba whatever: LIQUID GIITTA PERCH& CEMENT, ForOoating Metals of all Kinds when exposed toi the Action of the Weather, and FOR PREEXISTING AND REPEARING METAL • ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. This Is the only Composition known which will success fully resit extreme changes of all climates, for any length Of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres firmly, terming a body equal to coats of ordinary paint, costs =mitten. and w1112,40.1'T.W1111C Tuns LOW* ; sud from its slaskteity,b3 not injured by thei" ountrent4on and expansion of Ti t and other itetalginifs; .s e quest upon sudden chaoges of the weather. . L agialiot CRACK IN COL D NIN WARM WR1.2.13:11R, AND WILL 1 4 /02' WA RO FI. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofit can be readily repair - ederith GUTTA 01011124 T, and prevented from further oorroaton and leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly tight roof for many pure. . This Cement is pncalladradapted for the preservation of IRON RA JUNGS, STOVES, RANGES', RAF/Le, AGRI. CULTURAL IMPLEMENTd, Atc., als o for general mum fectur ere ase. • . GtiTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preen:n*lll4 and repthig Tin and other Metil.7toofe of eV ery description, from Stelgreat elastioity, is no tßijared bk . ' the 'contraction and expanaina of Metals, and will not crack in cold or run-in warm Weather., These materials are sperm ro 'au cantstsk-and we are suplgy orders from anY bartoof the coun try, at effort!notice, for GUM PFACHA. ROOFING in rolls, mar prepared for use, and. OUTrA. MORA CE -I,LaNT in:barrels, with till pentad dig :talons for appll. •- - • We will make • liberal • sad satisfactory, armagementa with responsible parties who would like to establish them eeivea in a luerative and'permaneat busineas. OUR TERMS We Dan give abundant proof of all We claim in favor •Lof our i m p r o v id goofing having applied them to several thousand Seca in New York City.and violnler. • • ;Owls & CROSLEy .; SOLE MANUFACTiTEENS, icholotalaWarehonse 78 William Et., Aki e ibt.Lib e rt i streer.. NEW IrCWJEC Full descriptive thrombus' and Prior will be InEkdahadi WfRAPPEI I IAIITEL Nigw LOT, justri*AlivNir 44,16 i;es I .11114. quality, at 0/THOARTltifiloorY' Riot • V tA - • : 14t , A t e, , ettegraph is: k Ob • illisultantous • IT WILL MEND IVORY, EXTRACTS. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. _ - AGENTS WANTED = tints of &an Sik transportation NRiii RIN LINII ROUTE. TRIER TRAINS DAILY TO NRW TORT TWO MAINE,DAILY TO . PHIL,AbELPI-lIA WITHOUT OFILNOE OF CABS.,, QN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, UM, the Passengar Train* will leave the Pbaadel ,una Reading Rafiread Depot, at , Harrisburg, for New To& and Philidelphlaois MOW% 'Via EAST WEB=. SZPRIS3 LINE leavra,Harrisburg at 9.80a.i6i dn 7er mg of Pennsylvania. itatirriad 'Sprees Train erioni the West, arrivingin New York ,4 p.. :A. sieeptatoisr is &Winked to the tratu throagn from P.Hts Ourg without TRAlNleaves Harrisburg at 8 a. m., arriving in New York at 4p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. PAST LINE learns Harrisburg at 2.'40 p. ta. •otrairrival of Pennivivanta Bodiroad Bast Mail. nrriTilig Tint at 9.46 p. m., and Philidelptila at 8.40 p. WESX'WI=. PART LINE leaves New Tort at 8 a. 111., Ws at 8 a. a. arriving at liarrisbasi at 1 . p., nu. ' RAIL TRAIN loaves New York at 12.00 moo; and _Phil adelphia at 3. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at . 8 p.m. UPR& LINK` leaves New York at Bp. 112: Ting at RarriabOrgat 280 a. as., and connecting with the Pennsylvania express Train for Pittsburg A sleeping car is also attached to 'tub train. ()omennon are made, at fisrrisbug, what trains on. the Pennsylvania, Northern'Oentral and Ordnberkind Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Phtlidelpide, Pottavll le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, `Osten, ho. , • Benne checked through. Pare betwoon• ew York and airtisburg, 26 00 ; between Harrisbort and. Phil*. delphla, SS 25 In No. 1 ears, and $2 70 in No. 2. for tickets or other inthronition ap ply ab'srg Gegierafig *CLYDE CM PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD simmEß, Tiat4:IABOE FIVE TRAINS -, DAILY TQ AND FROM PHILADELP i4IA OW AND MONDAY, JIINIC 10the-1881, num paseenet trains or toe Penni,keels Railroadpin papy will depart From and arrive 14 ilerriebara ;44 . 1 Philadelphis. m . . - ail IN A RD. FAST LINE laws Harrisburg avert inornlng (except litonday) ►t lab a., to., and arrives at 133301:1613 KXPR Xiang" leaves Harrisburg daily at 0.911 a, m., and arrives at Weld Philadelphia at 1.10 MAIL TRAIN leaved isiiieburg daily (sE4I Sun day) at 515 't. m. ; and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.15 p. .m k = . . These liaise make close connection at Phiadesptila with he New York Linea. . ACCOMMODATION No. 1, rte ;Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7,00, ;Ind - 141711111 We al rbilsalphia it 12.00 now,. • HARRISBURG AOCOIOIODATION „ bla, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 and ant* a West Philadelphia at 696 p • AOOORRIOBATIOR r tiAIII;^Noijitit , 110tmt ;ley, lessee Harrisburg at 5.16 p. oonneating at. Diller villa with KAM ,TRAX, - Alig Nriree at West . Liladel , plata at 10.16 p. m. W ES TWARD:' , , TEIROUGH:2IPREEM TRAM leaves Philadelphia- at 10.20 p. m., ;Harrisburg at 2.4 a. m., Altoona . LAO, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburut 12.00 noon. HAIL TRAIN Rayne Philadelphia-at 1.30 a. m. , Harris burg 100 p. m., Altoona, 6.50 P. M.; and arrives at Pitts- FAST LINE haves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. m., Harris burg 3.8 59. m., Altoona 8.10 p. ni., and wives at Pitt& burg at 12,80 a. m. , • HaRRISEILRG ACOOHHODATION TRAlNJesses Ptin. delphia at 2.80. p.. m., laneaster NOS p. m , Columbia 6.4 a p. in., and arrives Midarrisbing at 8.06 p m. This train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.06 p. m., with North ern Central Railroad Train for Sunbury,_ Wihnmalkirit Lock Have; Sarenton and alipointaXorth. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Pbliadel phis. at 4-00, it;: M., Lancaster 7.60 p. m., Mount Joy 8.21 p. m. , Elias 'bethtown, 8.87 p. and -arrives 'at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. 01. Attended la Caned l6 the Will that' Pulaltlierli . /Min Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m, comma at Lancaster with MOUNTJOT .60001010DATION TRAIN, and arrided at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. Sept. Bask ill y. 8 Penna. RailmmtL, , Harrisburg, June 7, 1861.—dtf JOHN 13. findITECES BOOT & SHOE STORE, COMM SEOOND AND WALNUT STB., Harrisburg, Pa. LWAYS on hand a large assortment of AOll. BOOTS, SHWA GAITERS, dm., or the very beet 'nada fbr ladies, gentlemen, and children' wear.— prim to snit the Nines. AU kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER In the best style , by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ootl6-dtf JOHN R. SKIMI, Herrkbarg. B. M. GILDEA, D. D.. 8. 'STAGE S TREET, OPF9BITE THE BRADY HOUSE. opera tiona' Eargbd and MeajaWnd nyrmaa 4 m .08 illindred Eligar . tus 'awaiting's Pal ramind by tP54,6 *1 1 1 / 1 1ABOOK A MAIM] 15(viRRAVzi , s Rolland Bitters Ma DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tim mmetasial - introdnetloto imwl isse of this vela. Crated Remedy bee been the signal for a literal Good VI *appends called "Bitten," offered in various time, from a quart bottle to a finical:ion keg, until this word "Bitters' is but another name kw a grog," JP some TIII6OOOS whiskey mixture. But the really groat relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, BEMHAVE'II BOLLARD BITEEII3, and the eNtisro absoce of qfter prod:ran* mg eg ti k . bitched brit is riamtatina which the &Mot Imltatkins sod counterfeits have tidied' to undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. But ow else of the Oudot), (Half-Plat Bottles,) price ONX Domes. It Is a medicine of long-tried efficacy lbrPerifSeep the Reece, ad awned for the foundation of good health and for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. Two or three de's* . will coeliac* the afflicted of It. Watery effect* The stomach will ipeedlly regain its 4rength, a healthy action of the liar, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. . For INDWEEPTION. 'Rey , liteihave's Ileßawd Bitten. For B'EBBTBI:72N. Try • Berhave , s' Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Tr‘. Berhave's Holland Bitters. For yirATEELBIZABB 4 Try Berisaves Holland Bitters. . For HEADACIEBI, Try Berhave's Holland - Bitters. For'llol3B OF AFPBT.LTICI. Try r ikerhave's Relied; Bitters. Nor cosTrvilairESS ‘ Ter Bierbaress , Bo!land Bitters. Por 1 3 .11i1118, Try . Berhare's Holland Bitters. . , To ell Marinas; thebniittiornd Itearegic Ar tions, It has to 1111111briNUI ineteeoee proved highly benefidal, and in others effected decided cure. , Read Carefully The geredies highirconcentnded BaSILHAVVB man Wertz' is put up in haltPlet bottles °WS, PM retailed at One Dollar per bottle The great dtaintel fbr this truly celetnated medicine has induced mat y imitatexe; which the pubilo &Wald guard agaiust purchasing, fleuiarc'qf impose ion/ See that our muse is an the Wel of ern, bottle you buy. - • Ben i ]: Page Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH. PA. far Ws la the of ry D.l4k W. OR & w/7 1118k476 JBWELBS, WATWIES, moon, FANCY 000D$, ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN sk 001 EasedMARKET STREET, Harriiibllrg, Pe., minks thowee lacnni, and adjoining the tfoirn Milos perobseed th e stook of If. II Minium Ind ded a taros assortment of NEW JIM 11 oda l.lllf, we wM WI the acme at the lowest cask pries t and s „ Watehma Oloolariba 'Jewelil neatly and promptly re paired arid delivered. WS= f Maytag disposed of my 'Wok of Jewelry to A. r. am mermen a 00., t Oheerftilly honnnumd them to my for mer customers, es preationl . experienoed Watch Yates, and masa flar them a oontinuence of the patron age wk had been so pmironsty °treaded to me daring the last Six years. mn.29 r. amities. DENTISTRY. • . (}EO; W EO; W. S.:CiNS- graduate of'tho Dunmore Wile 4e td DentrAurgery, having puma neatly located in the city of Harrisburg' and UMW the ofloe forkerly occupied by, Dr. Goma, on Third street, became , Mirka. - stet Wilma, reeiy.soffelly Informs his . Mends and the nubile to general * that he is prepered to perform all voratlona in toe Dental profondon, either turgid or meohatdoitt; in manner that hot be by :operators in, Ibis or any other salty. His of ineartmg irtillelel teeth le 'upon the tat* m tirovedeolentifie principles. •' "Verb, from one to a lull set„ mounted ma OXie gold, Ml vat Plasbni plates or the Vulcanite Base. ' !take greet pleasure In rommmendlng the 'ewe gee: unman to all my Air oter patlenti Harrisburg and ; *Ay, end 'Ad confident that he will Radium ill. °peep. Wight In ascientific manner, from my knowledge of his aDBiV imyll-dtri 11. J il.11ORGAII; D D. B. • .STAGE LINE FOB GETTIBBIERG likARQlk - Ran ItEDUOED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTUEstiRG. SHE Undersigned' has established J regular LIMB OrEPAGE COACHES nom Mechanics burgosmaseti_ ug every other morning with the Cumber land Valley Railroad care. The coaches leave every glory Punster Thursday and Saturday, returniogwvery other 'day. humeri ,tor Shapperdwown, Moberg, Petersburg Sad Gettysburg are carried at reduoed rates, jell-dtr ; WM., J. TAM NEW COAL OFFICE. ,IVFVUNDERSIONED having entered in• .'. to the COAL TRADE In this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the Wilson. I will keep on hand Oesi of all elseakfroin the moat celebrated and approved mines, which,will be delivered to, any part or the city, feao from dirt and " other finpurities. Pbra Wlfilial Ormaannwen. Chas VOR aura sr am Bea: JAW) CAA Goan ox tams ;oar. romps purchasing by the ' Boat or Clue Load will'rdoeive 2,240 Pdunda to the Ton. ' 01110 No. 24 glasisot, strest. , motend door from Dowber ry alias r Yard on the Metal, toot Of !forth street. Or dap tel tat dtbeir Wiese will reoolvdprompanstentlon. andalo JONN W. RAUG, wrest. ;Fibsiar: SHAD No. 1 _SALMON, No. 1, HERRING. No. 1, cgp F .ISh No. 1, kAIXEREL, No. 1. of ,he above we have all the dlfierent shag Packages ma the hr to the amiss= In dere la for sale at the mut market raga, • 4016 , - wx. DOCK, & 00. TaiiitthelOMETEßS TEOMlOrnamestal liiteJaPanese Meta I. THERMO d0:. , -do , lotiod do TetERMOIITS DlsUUera Mt Case, .12 Ruth. THIRMLOMIRS, .do Brass' Round Double BaIe. THERMOMETERS, Hotbn'Oase, 10.1 E %on. THERMOMETERS, .Iteiallejrame, 8-10 THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut GUN 10 Inch. THEItMOMETEES, One. T-8.10 inok.. We extrejust reoelsed a fine lot or THHIII(O3I3TY R of various styles, and are Selling teem lout. .E.ELLERP# WHIG SPORif, ap 'Ol kirks: 'street. . . HICKOAY", 1).4. 4ND MITE WOOD GE/1 .2V 'Grisvz OR way rauvom raw= • PO.ROZIAMIES. • • Auto, mous P,OBIO.AND CHASINVI &ALES OM 2'o .010104 42.30, IT** pD feIN"D IVA BVILDIPII Intiniricif the subeorthef residopoe oitt ire Bid p road, opposite the_ Good Will Endue Muse, or Wilt 6 Yard, corner opposite. dstreets, Watt Sari Mears. - [my27-4g1.„ . , GB. OGLE. SIGN OF THE Glorious Star 'BoazAid Banner I A xonitietatriift tar ATLI PAPER, joi. Ectßißmis, in.; Bp 1 winow minim so mucky& all lip s , of ,_ . Aliglerowcoorf IR, lavitAlbero to exaarthier our and WWI; Wo sr" detaiallerFfs=krlitatl vac at i m Alai 1 13 NM th. magoeberg Mar! "They go right to th____„,,,mou e S INSTANT RILLIF STOPYOURicouGg PURIFY YOUR Batumi sTaINGTENN YOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOB IBMlntgaili, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPRAicjigs, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR OONETIMPTIvm GItNTLINEN CARRY, HPALDINITS THROAT CONFRCTIONs LAD= ARE DILIGETED WrfH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECIIONs CHILDREN CRY FOE SPALDING'S THROAT They relieve a Progn InsisalY• They ober the Throat They give strength and volume to the mu.. They Impart a delicious aroma to the Meath They are delightful to the tains. They are made of simple herbal and rennet hem lay I adMosi army ooa who hat a Cough Of aCIACY col% or a Bad Breath, or any dlliloalty at %erbium 1 ,- ) gal ' makes. of my T hroat Oontestkes, they will relieve you and yen will Bnd than' very useful rad Ow aIIt walla trimanig as Mtendhni punka medium' for fog yam. Cough or allaying your thfrge If you try o ne paotaga lam We In Wing that you will ever cu r wards consider thaw Indiscernible. You will Bad them at this Droutota and Dealers In Medicines. PERS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS My signature bon each package. In other are 0412 tirade. • Package will be seat by mall,iprepeid, on rapt I 'Raney Oleo Address, HINRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 OIDIR BTILIEWT, NEW YORE CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE aOO NERVOUS HEADACHE, ALL HINDS OF HEADACHE By the use or these Ma We matte attacks of Met or Skis Sadaoke may be prevented; sod tr Liao the Mumma meet of an attack itamallata rellet from liana sad slekness mzy be obtataed. They seldom tall In remost ng Nausea awl 114culack whish nunales are so subject. They act gently upon trio bowels, removing autionno 11l For Literary Yea, Students, Delicate females, sod poncho of sedentary habits, they are valuable a a forWSPIss, hennaing the orremn, giving TONI 1O1) rIGO to the dirldtTO wpm, and restoring the wawa! slued. ally and Baron& to the whole system. The OICESMIO PILLS are the result of lout meth gallon and oarehdly oonduoted experiments, twit:4 l3 a In me In many years, during which time they have per vented and relieved a vast amount et pain mei edam from Headache, whether originating M the wet' 'Y' tem or from a deranged nese of the rime& They are entirely vegetable In their campmate:, ms saay be taken at all Unitea Plth perfect safety whims =king tug ebange of diet and the afesnoe of any 'Wf 6 greMbileissies renders it eery to administer theft to dogrel BIWARII OF COUNTSRTETI: TM gettlte be,. It'd! OICLIWIreII or Henry a 80014 0a such 1 OZ. "Sold by dradosteho and all other Madera in modicum' A Box IQ be sent by mall prepaid at receipt of the PRIM TWIINTR-FIVI OINIS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING , 4e Oedar Street. New York WA dads b o ttl e of spALDINGI pitapARKD ULU/ will save tea limes Its cad SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE' BPALPTWEI PA PARED G01:1 mrww SPALDING'S PREPARBD GLU!' SAVE TEI PIIO SWATCH KOONWITI ifir"Alintae u nriggans xunt."JEC As avidasts wia Myrrh eyes sait-regebsagla4loo OA Very destrtble to have lease asap and concede '7 her repairlng Ironhare, Too. Oroci'" r ! "' BF4IW 7/0 1 4 R1166LV; ants AU nett .m 01.0,00104 and no boasenold oan to be without It. is always ready aid ap to the that ineppint. 4, 1,81WE1L 11 1 / EVIRY1030 00." 31. 11.—A Breda aecompeales mob bottle. Prise 26 els Adana BENNY C. fiI'LDIN O, go. IS Cedar Street, fieV ToOr, CAUTION AI Dittman weprlncipled sonarper re attempting to Pam at on the anauspcottug public, Wishes"! el ref FUJI PARED OWI, I would amid ptreoos to examen 1?ellwe pecbssing, end gee that the tell name, iirergar"ll MOANED aux..fis 'a a wrifocldi own aewsindthit aot iftertv .orrielhorly-rdOil itEtbitai - CONFECTIONS. 01JBE