Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 21, 1861, Image 1
TI-IE TELEGRAJL IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 131' GEORGE I.3ERGNER, ------------------- SCILSCEIPTICAL as furry 'Nut:RANI 1. served to sutmcribers le the Co, :it , ais per wee: Yearly' ,ni'oicrlberl will be h treed $.l 00 Wczair SII3II-WEEILIN Tat:WHAM. 'l",e Tel FAIR lru 10 ,I'o 1111t111 , fte 1 1 twice h week during 111 • :: , sioll 0: the I,egl.d.dure, kind wee'cly during the Ireaditter ot the year, and I urnlehed to 'hubscrihors at In : , trale s alder her.; per year " ------- —.12 00 ;ecru fen " --------- ....15 00 7110 LAW OP NEWSPAPER.% siaseribers order the discontinuance of their new5,,119.8, ,,119.B, tile l aPill , her way COntittee Is send them until :rNarages are paid. -al:AT:hers negloet or Wiese to take their newva. .'rom the °fibula wltivh tali arc directed, they are re-insilde until they hare settled the halls and orde ed i-ednfinued. flit bital U. J OHNSON 13.41.11r1NEC1ML.133 LOCK HOSPIM , tiiseeVel the most certain, speed: 1 j fto,t oketwo remoty nu the world for pisasEs OF IMPIAMENOE. sewn 9IT TO !wars novas a t , Steno o:17 or Noxious Drugs. 0,,,,c00TT0), OR SO CHARON, IN TION lrtrf w two DATO...WI Cl • th • Reek or Limbs, Strictures, Pains* in, 11,0,00 of the helper and Bladder, Orgagli k „ " ‘ oetelity, Decay of the Physlegt Pow " "' pol fioo of ,he Ib•art, Ti midity Tremblings, Plaine= ju ht or Giddiness, Pent: Cl the Stomach, Affections o. '4 [ l Head, mr,„t, N,: e: or Skin—those terrible disor less , fprp , Ihf• Indl.cretion or Solitary Habits el youth--,h",'r I destructive practises which ~,csoldi•••cao debility, render marriage hopes eel h holy and mind. re le, and de•Tr•. VOCND MEN. 0 „, s tep t,prcielly who have become the victims of ,notary nee, !til dreadful and destructive habit which a. ,„„iij to an untimely grave thousands of h e min oi lao , most exalted talent and brilliant intel hat. nogb: otherwise b the entranced listening „ t „, w lto ,he thunders of eloquence, or waked to cc „..-, the living lyre, may call wi.ti full confidence. MARRIAGE. Hurried persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ta; aware of physical weakness, should Immediately con , e h or. J and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNES Immediately cured and full vigor restored. who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confide in hie honor as a gentleman, and con handy rely upon his skill as a physician. ee-011ice No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, on the left hand side plug from Baltimore street, 7 fors Iron, the corner. Bo particular In observing the a.m., or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par [Velar for Ignorant, Trifling Quack; with false names, it Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the repuls e,. Dr..lohnson, lurk near. All letters must confabs a PoetageStamp, to use on the DR. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Soya! College of Surgeon; Loudon, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greatest part of whose Itfe has been spent in the Hospitals or London, Paris, Phila. aelphin. and elsewhere, has °Tented some of the most as. t.,,,ishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled soh ringiug in the cars and head when asleep, great oar reaqi, se , being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, eh , . frequent blushing, atteuded sometimes with derange o la of mind were mired immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. or. oetireases all Mose who having injured th e m sores by private awl tint-roper luclulgencies, that secret and solitary obit which ruins both body and mind, to Meer them for either kinsinessor society. the: are seine of the cad and melancholy on etre pro dares or early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back aud Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Lae, of Mustiular Powor, PulpitaLion of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive ineetines, General Debility, Symptoms of "ensump , boa, sui SI ENTA, the fearful effect," on the mind aro much to U. dreaded :—Lose of illeutory, Confusion of Ideas, De- Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion tnSoole ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some ni the evil Keels. Thousanda el persona of all .tgeti, can now judge what lit a mul e or their decline in health, toeing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated,. have !angular appearance about the Oyes, cough, and symp me orconaumplion., YOUNG MEN who have injured themuselvos by a %Trish) practice, in thilyed In when alone—a habit frequently learned from ocd Jompanions, or at school, the effects of which are Manny felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Imposighle, mill destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the lumen of bin roan. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched ITOII7 all prospects and enjoyments la life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in I certain secret habit. *I persons must, before contort. plating 4 AliktidtlE, effect that a sound mind and uody are the moat necessary requisites to promote connubial happimms. Indeed without these, the journey through lire becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly, darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INVigIoItATING RHIMED4 FOR OH: =1 By this great and Important remedy, Weakness of tbl ()Tube arespeedily cured, iusd full vigor restored. thousands of the owl nervous and debilitated who bad lost all hope, hive been immediately relieved. Al; Impediments to Marriage, Physical nr Mental Disqualifi cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Xxbauxtinn or the moot fearful kind, speedily Mired. TO fiTßANDltififi, The many thousands cured at this Institution witnin tne list twelve years, and the numerous important Unripe& operations porformed by Dr. J., witnessed by thb re porters et the papers, and many other persons, notices In which have appeared again and again before the public', betides his Standing at a gentleman of character and ft vonauity, la a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. MEARS OF InPROOFNCE —When the misguide° and imprudent votary of pleasure [lads he bite imbiber the seeds of this paidui disease, it too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discover tither, him from applying to those who, from education and re. SPeailbility can alone befriend him, delaying till the COD • Stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make theta appearance, affecting the howl, throat, 1104 d, akin, progressing on with frightfui rapidity, hit dwelt put. a period to his dreadlul suileriugs by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns," It la a Lant ana* fact that tbouscols fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the ouskillunans of ignoraut pretend use, who, by the use of that illy panne. mercury, rule th constitution and make the residue of ng To ernalasks.—The Doctor's Plowman ha Is miserable. his Office. far Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the rep!,. arßentedies sent by Mail. OWN°. 7 'Aluth Frederick street, Baltimore, itprifi•dawly SCHEFFEffiS BOOK STORE, NEAR TH9 HARRISBURG BRIDGE.) UNION .ENVELOPES. OT E PAPER, of six different designs, 4.1 NI reaprinted ns in two colors, am sold by th e thousand ass by City Cash P lags, at Union Breast ri Pins, Eagles, Union Rings rasa ves at very low Vrwee- Cvll at EINFPR4.'d ROOKSPoRE, OUR newly replenished stock of c, ncesis is .unsurpassed in this city, and ibeling pecttullp 4i,,teLa ecalie.ndcring sehstactitto, we woo td res. in Market street, KELLER, two doors east orpourth arm s Atli .. ; .. . - ~.... , .. .. .. /. ..s.N -- 10, 4\filgS/44,..--- - "i" A 1ft,1.-.. : •, e mw . • • --.- . ~ ,,z \•••.-__- - -- .. 11l „J.._ ,_...„._,,,,,..,__. .. . 4 • ....i •. , -- ir-40R-, ,---------_ . . •,____-_,_-_-.. _.„-„, L .,... m . f ,,..„ .)_,,, • ... .., .• : . • . . ...„, _... •,•, fr . , -, W 7 ',' , A7.:"-;% "z , ...-'• ,"--- - . ._..: , 4 ~ -,-- (-- 4 -".- '44.T .. . . , r 1 ... .____-= -,-- -. . •.. .. - 1 ',......" VOL XV I. gliattlianetins TEEM ONLY PitFiPARATIOA WORTH? OF Universal Oonfidanne ds Patronage FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Ladies and Gentlemen, in all ',Lattice' the wield testily 10 the efficacy of Prof. G. J ; Wood's Hair Itestog attvc, end gentlemen of the Press are unanimous pn ita,proice. A few testimonials oily can be here given ; see' chuular , or more, and it will be Impassible for yeti to doubt. '- 47 Wall Street, New York s Dec.Q& Giorrustnts : Vont. note of the 15th Inst.,ll delved, saying that you had 'nevi Uill.khatt fiteetlY tale.ffilifsod's 'Mite 'Restorative', and molest. tag my certificate of the fact if I. bed no effiection to give it. I award II to you cheerfully, because 1 Mink it due.— My age is about 50 years ; the color of my hair auburn and inclined to earl. Some five or slit years Mace it be gan to tarn gray, and the scalp on the crown of my had to lose its seneiffillly and dandrffifto fortu 'elms it. Each of these disagreeabditieti increased with time, and about four months since a fourth was added to them, by hair fallingoff the top of my head and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try Wood's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling off of my hair, for I had really no eftpentatton that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes. I was, however, greatly surprised to find after the use of two bottles only, that not only was the falling oft arrested,. but the color was restored to. the gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandruft ceased to form on my head, Very much to the gratification of my wile, at whoaOsolicitation I was induced to try it. For this, among the many obligation I owe to her sex, I strongly recommend all husbands who value the ad miration of their wives to profit by my example, and use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER. To O. J. Wood , & Co., 444 Broadway, New York, By family are absent from the city, and I am no long er at No. 11 Carrel place. Siamaston, Ala,, July 20th L 11359. To PROF. 0. J. WOOD : Deer sir : Your . "Hair. Betdora- Live" has done my hair so ranch good sincel commenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to the PIIIII.IO its effects on the hair, which are great. A man or Wo man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return ' more beautiful than ever; at least this is my experience.-, Believe it. all I Yours truly • WM. H. BEINEDY, P .—You can publish the above if you like. By Pub lishing in our Southern papers yon will get more patrini age south. I see several of your cert'thoates in the Mo bile ifercury s a strong soinhern.paper. . W. H. Kenedy. . . . . . . WOOD'S HAIR RESTOS.ATIVE PROP. 0. J. WOOD : Dear Sir : Having had the misfor tune to lose the beat portion Of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851, I was In duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed. idly hair Is now thick and glossy, and no words can express' my obliga tions to you is giving to the afflicted such a treasure.. . _ . Thu Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz large medial; and small ; the small holds half' a pibt, anti retails Ibr one dollar per bottle i the medium holds at least twenty per cent more Id 'Proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large amide a quart, 40 per cont. more in proportion, and rata lls O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 j Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, Bt. Louis, 80. and sold by all good Lirtiggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jyl3-daweow TREES ! TREES ! TREES 1! ! rrliS undersigned, invite attention to their X large and•lire groin stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, &c., embracing a large and complete assortment AI'PLES, PEABS, ?RACISM, PLUMS, CHARM:ES, APRICOTS, and NECTARINES, Standard for the Orchard, and Dwarf for the garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANISH CHESNUTS HAELE NUTS, &e., RASREIRRIRS,STRAWBEERLE3, CURRANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, in great variety. . GRAPES, OF CHOICEST FINDS ASPARAGUS, RHUBARII,4O., &c. Also a fine stock o well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, Suitable for the Cemetry and Lawn, DECIDUOUS TREES for street planting, and a general assortment of Ornamental Trees and Flowering Shrubs. ROSES of choice Varieties, CAMELLIAS, ERODING PLANTS, &c. Oar steak is remarkably thrifty and fine, and we offer It at prices to suit thelbnes. SlKlatalogues mailed to all applicants. Address . EDWARD J. EVANS & CO., . Central Narseriea, York, Pa. Sep26-2md PZIIPMENIFL 7 II3 DAILY AIM:LINE! Between Philadelphia LOOK HAviat, JIMMY Sao* Wunmisroar, Kum, UNIONTOWN, WANNINIOWN *Molt lawisurno, Noirreinisisuro, Sintetnir, 'thrones, Gioucrowis,Limaaiows, Murus- BV Hutu; Dame, AND HARRISBURG. The. Philadelphia Depot being , centrally located the Drayage will be at the loWest rates'. A Conductor goes through with each trafritto attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of , FREED, WARD & TREAD, No. 811 ifark et Stoat, Phikt dolphin, by 6 o'clock P. M., will be delivered in Harrisburg dm nort morning, Freight (always) Mt low as by any Other line. Particular attention _paid by this ktie to prompt and speedy delivery of all Yartrrishdr.; Tim undersigned thankful for past patron go hopes by strict Woollen to busintsuu to merit a Cont , , 1 mince of the . • same. T. Philailelptda and Readid; jol6-16m Foot of I/Dirket Stine tfirrOsbora. FRESH ARRIVAL _ HIMONT BLUM, /atm, Witirrr, Ilestarr flastraaoOitir, , lirtrr.Paaa, Rbass, Iticattow teal Baum, Wacki Asa, 1t0.,' &o. Just received and for sale at the town/ case rams& tea ' DOOR JR. & 00. ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFIOE—TEIRD STREET, (SHELL'S !ROW,) NEAR MARKET..: Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. CUP OP HARRISOIIIO3, PENWA: 01912-dti WHOLESALE UMBRELLA 'MANUFACTORY I No. 69, Market Street, below Third, neamsßußa, PA. M. EL . LEE , Air i ,Nt r xr .n u t ir il lg i3 lTCßlL ni L T A ni S e; pada et LOWNIt PRICES than, can be bought In any of the Eastern nine& Country mernhaAta wit do well to call and examine price& and quality, andooirlhee them - delves of Ms fact. ang23-dii• TO FARMER / . . DIITTER (good, sweat and fresh) in one AI pound tone, anti keen E 4398 In. largo• 11 4 , / .anAn quanlltiee taken at. all tip:um ,a t e,4 cash pla o ,or. _ 41, given 'ln exchmlge,Rogular market t•a. , ' altraYß , . Wk. - ntxtrt; , iliti,Voo. r '" ! angl9 °Menke the.Oeurt Theis • - . , , EKE i . .BMOICE 1 1 B.4.0)11k 11 . I= It not otileetienahie' when from II MAR prcloomd t fa . 1 DRUG STOUR, 91 NNW event. -- - • "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 21, 1861 D W. GROSS sk CO., wlostutrAn.- , DRUGGISTS, MAR:KET STREET DRUGGISTS, ,P HYSICIANS, STORE• We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully your atention to the laigeet and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Price Ground Spicer, Banning Fluid, and Alcohol, Lard, dperoaand pine Bottles, Vials kind Lamp(;Robes, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, FINLEY JOHNsoN Selected from the best manufacturers and Per uMers of Europe and this country. Being very large`dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, UNWED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, We respectfaily twilit) a 'call, feeling, cant dent that we can supply the wants of all on tends . to'their sadsfaction. • JONE' AND WHITES'S POROKLATI4 TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Conoentrated Lye ' ! Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it mit be purchased in the cities. ILEATEWS MEDICAL. MUD EXTIIA.CTS Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can , oiler inducerinmU to close • huyeis: Coal Oil' Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of %Mpg chan6l'to buria oee of you who have not'given 'our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDEIIB . a trial knOir not Welt. superiority, and 'the advantage they are in keePing Horses and Cattle hipiiithy and in g. iod condition. • . Thousands can testify to the profit they have' derived from the use of on Cattle Powderi by the increasing quantity and quality of besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. • thir long ex, lierierice in the business, gives us the advantage of a- thorough knowledge of-the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish . a4thing apperiahling to our business. on the beit of= terms. l'kupgcfig fog the liberel patroaage beatowe an our house, we hope '-by strict 'lttteiatiofilo !milkman, a cerefolielection of • ' PURE DRUGS at fair pricee,;iol the 'deka to 'please all, to c°,o/ I rFuNE* Of ,-favor of Er disOrfra- - , s e llog pabuilr-7. I "1. I. Di Efibifis co.. NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PENN'A KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, Oile r iitrittshes and Glum, Dye Staffs; Main iind'Putty, Artist colors and Tools, Galant; Soap, Sponger and Corks. Ake., &c., &c., dgc , &c.; &c., Ito With a general variety of counts AND BRONZES OF ALL iinzw, uri , rig , '... 0 \ t-G , fi 3ki." ; g ' \ " .. 14 ' g . Wl4 6. 4 , - Ar ' ' 0 , 0 1 0 4N '.--.------'" ---"- 0 0 i ,:riffs 0 ea - . " -f-''.,:—..-•;', TEETH TEETH!! RESTORATIVES COAL OIL 1 GIBBON OIL 11 FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Misultantoirs" FREIGHT REDUCED 1 Ilowataanope ..-11661tVIS CO.'S SHORT & QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW'VOOK Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at P. M., by the Fast Through 'Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 3 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. Order Goods marked via ROPE EXPRESS CO., General Office. 74 Broadway,- New York Branch - " 412 olt if For further information enquire of (CEO. BERGNER, Agen • liAvra79BurtG, Aug. 1861.-dtf Assignees' Sale of Real Estat,e. 'FHB SUBSCRIBERS will sell by, public -AL: Outcry it the Conn dowse, at ilarriaburg, on, Rakar. daY thenth day Of Nora tuberneat, at two o'clock' P rar The Farm of John Wallower, Seni6r, consisting of 186 acres, situated in Susquehanna township, about three Miles from liarrißburg, adjoining lands of John 11., Fox, John Zinn atetothors; • • • •• ' ' There aro erected on the Farm a large Two Story Stone Hume, a Bank Barn, Tenant Houses, Stables, Sc. There is also a large orchard of apple, near, peach and cherry trees of choice varieties in excellent bearing or der. Also, several v'elns cf .ro i Limo $l, ins , which bePla And °shims-worked te , eigeantage: The property will• be sold In' a - body or in parcels to soft purchasers. Conditions will bo liberal and be 3 , 111/0110e4M on day of . There will also be offaed for sale at the Same time and place the undivided half .interest , of 150 acres of Ooal .Labds situated ciu the Short Mountain, in Lykens Diiiphin bounty. A. 0. WESTER, ect9.3toawd-wts 0. F. MUENOH,_ Assignees. tanoaster inteiligencer and Carlisle Herald inSert three tlineS and send bill to this office immediately. , 1 JOHN WALLOWER, Jll. l ' i . FORWARDING GiENERAL f , : . : . • .. . AND ' COMMISSION 'MERCILANT. CIOODSAND kr' ERCIT A NDISE -promptly lut prwicded by Philadelphia amd_fleadltig, Northern Cattier; chniberland Valley and Pennsylvania Itellreeds ..Ming: . DUNG Alin DRAPING to and from all pails of the I al to the different Retires':l s depots will be done at the ly lowest, rates., . i A . . ' A'3llLlO. removing' will be promptly attended to. Eirderi-'eft at Brant's Ehropotin HOW!, tur at the store o r p.• ktizoninstroirui resiefre prompt ettentlort. Con signments of freight teepeotfully solicited. • JOHN WALLA Vit.tHt JR., Agt., ipi . Office Reading Depot. . . .1770FACESTER'S • . ROYAL. QUARTO - DICTIONARY , .7011E:beat defining andprouounciikg Din. tionary of the Eingllsb litoguago ; Aiso; Worcesterit, %boa Tobiakmarids:. Wecisciee ~ Pictorial Quarto . and *Mock plotio:eariee %rim% at. . • • BOOKaXORrs is the Berrleburg Bridge.. CANIitJESI pAttAFEINE gArlptast§, g'BRA I . O 4ND-AN . #DA. 'gLiN LOANDLIPA, ' r-- 0 4 0 A/ 11)1 .EN 0 / 1 A4a 0 ;4 1 . Wag C.A.NDLRS, gAti LX.Ji_l;. I _ ,argo tot oft eltv".o at slut tor nolo at the em elt prim by ',OCR JR. & (x)., a" r• Oweette the Court BAH. •AN ew Feature ' ilie4§ieeli44l M lIIIPORTANT TO HOUSEK,EPEII,S' D'ORKBE r .00.'8 . SKLECT - SPICE,S, 1a Tie Yea (Una - 'WA Paper,6lll4 lital We. IMAM PEPPER, GINGBK, NUTttinG .wlirrg PEPPER, AUSPI , MACE 'CAYENNE PEPPER, CLN NAMON, CLO EP, i l i MUSTARD, '11:N THIS AGE of adulterated and 'tits le. J 4 less spleen, it le with confidence that we iutriid ace to ;the attention of housekeepees—theee superior and Minim articles. We guarantee.them not, only . LinALY AND PERFECTLY but ground from, fra3h Spices,.-selected and °leaned by us )axpressly for the purpciee, witheisi rerveitai W ads They are'beautifully packed in , tin ton, (lined with pa• peg,) to prevent inhiry by keeping, and are FULI WEIGHT, wbile the ordinary ground Spices are almost ltrwaria bly short. We warrant them, )n point of strength and ii6illltll9 of flavor , ItgliingiD ALL COMPARISON as a single trial will abondantly mire. Every package bears our Trade AIA. Manufactured only by E. R. DURKEE& Op., New Tort For sate by WM. DOCK 3E. &CO. • [P26! NOTICE. HE UNDERSiONW. has or fined his tumkru OFFICE, °enter oy !sr ,ind 81410 - Olutlejilley, hear . Hoed, • - • • Lumber of ell 'lama arid tiveatieg t f OY The untivftped will sell Horses, Carriages and her aril re! .. plio • , '• - Horses sal tiserhkees to hire it the eamer;ifie pats iarßttex. rt4m 2 = BY THEM From Waston. ' ..~ THE PACIFIC TELEGRAPH --mss•-- Telegraphic Bicchange of Viirligolea Be tween, the Acting Governor of Utah, and the krealdeat AMERICAN QUESTION IN EUROPE SATISFACTORY CONDITION OF AFFAIRS. The Blockade to be Strictly Observed by England. FEDERAL RECONNOISCANCES ----~-- LATER FAME SANDY HOOK, Thal Minh; About to Burn Bolivar. .1 •••- The Rebel Batteries on the Potothae . •----••••--- WesammoN, Oct. 19 On the opening of the magnetic telegraph to Great Salt Lake city, the following dispatches were exchanged : CHEAT SALT LASE CITY. the President of the United i Statee Utah, whose citizens strenuously resist all imputations of disloyalty, congratulates the President upon the completion of an enterprise which spans the continent, unites the oceans and connects remote extremities of the body politic with the gr,eat qoyepunent's heart. May the whole system speedily thrill with quick ened pulsations.. of that heart, the paracidal hand of political treason punished; and the en tire sisterhood of States join hands in glad re union around the national fireside, Signed, FRA.N.K. FULLER, Actin&Gbvernor of. Utah The following is the reply of the President : Su :—The completion of the telemph "tti Great Salt Lake ()iv is auspicious of the stabili ty and union of the Republic. The Government reciprocates your gratulatious. To Frank'Fuller, Acting Govemor, etc Those who are affected with weak nerves will probably be relieved by the fact which was as certained at the State Department yesterday, duit the advices received by the mails of the Arabia are more than usual satisfactory . ; but there is great activity in schemes for violating the blockade and introducingcontralrancl goods. Lord Lyons has addressed a brief &calar to her majesties Consuls in the. Southern States enclosing the following Ll?. embodied in the official note of , the Secretary of :State, namely ; The law of blockade • which does not permit a vessel in; a blockaded, port to. take on board a cargo after the commencement of the blockade will be expected to be strictly observed by all vessels bloclFadiii by the nayal forces, of the United States : Lyons instructs those Consuls to take this law for their guidance, A reconnoisance went out , yesterday towards the Odcoquan, and has returned; taking the telegraph road as far as Acatouk • creek. Par ties were sent to:the Acatink and Posick, and on a road leading up the.Acatink. This latter partymet the rebel pickets, who immediately fell back and gave the alarm, and the long roll was beaten at:their camp abroad , -the creek.— From the information derived from this recon noisaaice, there are no rebels between the tele graph road and the river tkis side of Occ.oquan, and but few at the latter phial:: U.'he Only adlites 'received at head quarters fr4m Sandy Rook'a brief dispatch from the operator there saying that thelebels are about hyping the town 'of 14oliVar;' near Harpet's OrrY• , „ , „ . !Three tug boats, the Pusey, Robert cieiley; a n d s itnoth9r went down the, river last night to giye, assistance to any vessels comingup, ,brit iu consequence of the bright moonlight; and of the thick fog,,they were ordered not to; attempt to pass the • batterieS either up or Firing was. beard ,froto the : batteries about uddnight, but.the unknown, . There are 'indicatiorui 'that the rebels are erfcting permanent btdteriety at Cockpit Point and Freestone POint;'as considerable bodies of nusi were seen at- Wiwk it those Points yester-: dak. Twenty-six Vessels are'knowri to have run the blciekiide night before last It is believed that' vessels draWing not more than eight feet of water . can hug the *4.ryland share anfkiently to escape harm ; from the bat teriei• . • • . . The only steainers now, at the Navy Yard are . the y Dawes; Il j etze• A-mionta and Coaner de Len. : - NEW YORK STOOK MARKET. Rim Yona, Oct. 19.. , . Stocks are lower Chicago and took Wand 51 ;Michigan Southern, 38 ,N , C. 0 144 liNfl+l44e.4o 3 :2, l* NPPl,. 9.64;4119wri t. 6:§ u 4N-;•9 o 4 telit 5-Tilaaft 2 t 188it1 944 /99.BPAYbs - ' a) 's ;Xi; Carolina's, 69 ; Louisiana's sqi i • N. Y. Central,. 74. gtsam tinting ram 'paving procured Steam Power Promos, we are prepan. ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING of every aettcrlp. lion, cheaper than It can bp done at any other Mobilo& mint In the country. Flla - Sour lines or less constitute one.hialf square. Bight lines or more than foer constitute a square. Half Square, one day $0 26 ct one week 1 00 11.4 ene month 2 00 tt three months 3 00 six months ........... .......... 6 00 tt one year 8 00 Oneequare, one day . ........ ..... 60 one week 2 00 REA" One month 3 50 three months ..... .... ......... . 6 0 0 LI SIX months 10 00 tt one year ..... ... ........ .... ... lb 00 Ilia - Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marrlges and Deaths, FIVE CaUtiTB PER LIRE for each Insertion. NO 36 tar Marrigea and Deaths to be charged u regular ad vern.ements Telegraphic Meisage from Brigham Young. UTAH FIRM FOR THE UNION The following message by telegraph was re calved at Cleveland last evening : GREAT SALT LAX& CITY, Kiday, Oct. 13, 1861. HON. J. WADE, President Pacific Telegraph : SLR : Permit me to congratulate you on the Completion of the Overland telegraph line west to this city.; to commend the energy displayed by yourself and associates in the rapid and suc cessful prosecution of a work so beneficial, and to express the wish that its use may ever tend to,promote the true interests of the dwellers on both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes of our con 'fluent. Utah has not seceded, but is firm for the Constitution and laws of our once happy coun try, and is warmly interested in successful en terprises as the one so far completed . LATER FROM EUROPE. Prince Napoleon Sends an Important State Paper on American Affairs so she Em peror of. France. The steamship Etna arrived off Cape Race at 10 o'clock on Friday night, bringing Liverpool dates to the 9th and Queenstown of the 10th inst—four days later than those per Arabia. The steamship Anglo Saxon, from Quebec, arrived at Liverpool on the Bth inst. It was reported that Prince Napoleon had sent the Emperor an important State paper ou American affairs. King of Prussia had paid a two days visit to the Emperor of France. Eales of cotton at the Liverpool market—two days, 30,000 balei. The market closing with a firm feeling. Breadstuffs have an upward ten dency. Provisions quiet but steady. Consols 924®930. THE NEWS FROM THE REBEL STATES. Loutsvuas, Ky., Ott. 18. Dates frora_Ciharleston and New Orleans to the 11th, Savannah the 10th, Richmond the 10th, Knoxville the 12th, and Nashville the 13th, are received. Gen. Twiggs has resigned on account of ill health. Gen. Manville Lovell succeeds him. Travel from New Orleans is under strict sus veilanoe. •As%&iw[ nsoom Gen. Wise's health is still improving. Parson Brownlow supports the candidates for the Confederate Congress, but severely satirizes the rebel authorities. Messrs. Breckinridge ~, and Preston were at Nashville on the 7th. The Louisville Courier was to be revived at Bciwling Green, on the 14th. Rebel accounts say that only two rebels were injured by the Monticello's fire near Chicama- Cemico, and both but slightly. Extract of a letter from Hon. Hobert M. Pal mer, Minister of the United States to the Argen tine Confederation, South America, to his wife, dated "BUENOS AIMS, August 22, 1861.—We laud ed in this city on the dth instant, but the im pending civil war between this province and the government of the Confederation has se entirely broken up the river communication with Para ' that we have been compelled to request Com mander Macomb, of the United States steamer Pulaski, to proceed with us with his Veasel to Parana. This he has promptly and kindly agreed to do, but has:been delayed at Montevideo for several days, waiting for the arrival of necessary stores from Rio Janeiro. These supplies have been received, and we are expecting the Pulaski here today or to-morrow, when we shall start at one for Parana. "We have sent a large package of letters for friends in Pottsrille and elsewhere, containing the "details' of our voyage, &c., with a box to you containing a few of the curious things of this country, by the English vessel Montezuma, foi New York, in unre. of Messrs. Tapscott & .00.• i buta hive concluded to send this short letter by the . EngliSh steamer to apprise you, .14haps, earlier of our whereabouts and condi tion. lam still feeble and suffering with fe moral hernia ; but on the whole,think I am iniproving, and have great hopes from the ap proaching spring weather; This is winter now, and some days are chilly and unpleasant. "Strange (his son) is fat and hearty, 143 pounds weight. Chesley Bass (his servant, a Philadelphian,) is in good health, and a faith ful, useful man. " We received grandria's welcome letter of the 17th June with packages of newspapers, by the late English steamer. How gladly they were received, and how eagerly we shall look 6,every steamer that arrives for your letters and the newspapers sent by you and from the publishers. " T hope the boys will preserve atid send all the newspapers in which they'find any thing likely to interest us. "Our American and English friends here, are all kind and attentive, and we found our letters of introduction very useful. I n g reat lore, " Your affectionate husband, if MOBS= M. human." STAMPEDE OF SLAII3B.IVedIo Creek, Va., tkt. 14.—Six slaves from near Romney came into camp to-clay. They were pursued until within sir. miles of our camp by, the rebel cavalry, who were after the reward that hid been offered for thonn,'Vvhich was $6OO. As soon as they came in eighty of our cavalry went into hot pursuit, but the rebels hearing they were pursued, re treatedlo Romney. The negroes reported 4,000 i re at that place. We ? ,200 'Strong here, *i. one 112,-pound gun;iiiid Capt. Butterfield r Of' VergifithVhio reginient; is building a very fonnidablex fortification. So s you see we will ready for them.--arr of ?thoancinigas: RAINS uF ADVERTISING I=l Thtranew YouNo Sr. JOHNS, Oct. 19 Hon. Robert M. -Palmer.