Pailp titgrao. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday AfiCrlloo ll , October 19, 1861. —...... To MILITARY OFFlCF%R9.—Officers' pay-roll blanks, handsomely printed on fine white paper, according to the prescribed rule, are for sale at this office. REV. ARENT Ross, of Middletown, will preach in the Court House to-morrow (Sunday) morn ing at ten o'clock, and A. H. Shoemaker in the evening, at the usual hour. REV. Cacaos U. EARN, of Ohio, but formerly cf this city, will preach in the Fourth Street Bethel to-morrow (Sunday) morning and even log. Rev. James Colder, the pastor, will preach in the Bethel at Shiremanstown, Cumberland county. Psosytv,una WARRIORS.— There are in the State, between the ages of 18 and 45, the im mense army of 507,000 men. Say one-half of them, in case of the greatest emergency, would take the field, and.we have an actual fighting 1 1 power of 253,500. "'hat an luny for a singlei l State 17" CAMP CAMERON —Capt. d. D. Seymour, Fifth Artillery, of Fort Sumter notoriety, has now ; the command of this camp, *At his strict dis cipline has made a marked dilference"in the ap pearance of things. The fiv: , , ~:*(ments' are under the command of Cols:''- and Williams, of the Cavalry, Pow- : . • : .1 , :. , the Infantry, and the Artillery unde Captain Seymour. RELIGIOUS SERVIOSS AT CARP Ctrs:rm.—By an arrangement made by the Pastoral Association of this city, religious services are now held at Camp Curtin every afternoon. Rev. T. H. Robinson, of the N. 8., Presbyterian Church, will conduct the services to-morrow, commenc ing at three o'clock., • Rev. J. W. Davis, form erly City Missionary, has recenily devoted much of his time in caring for the spiritual interests of the soldiers, and we are lad to learn that there are many indications or good results. A van' CURIOUS calculation has been made relative to the Union troops on the banks of the' Potomac. Taking as a basis the regular allow ance of room that is required for a soldier to stand upright, and with his musket at "shoulder arms," and placing them in close single file, it would require the vithole'rottdili from Jersey City to the Capital to form litter If the same troops had to be reviewed it would take a Railway train, going at the rate of sixteen miles an hour, over fourteen hours to pass along the line of soldiers. TRAximArrod . Tans ";—This is the best sea son of the year for transplanting fruit or shade trees of all kinds. Any time in the fall before the ground freezes deeply will do. Persons having unoccupied dand, yards, &e., should plant them with trees. The result will amply pay the cost of labor, and yield a thousand per cent. in satlefatiion, comfort and beauty. Our farmers are too bare of fruit trees. There should be sufficient to furnish cattle with a shade during the heat of the day under a sum mer sun. There is land enough that might well be occupied for this purpose. Hs WANTS TO BEAR THE STARS AND STRIPES.- Some poetical genius in the last number of the Bedford inquirer, under the head of "Longings," let drives at the reader in this manner ; I to bear the stars and stripes Across Potomac's wave, And plant them on the golden soil . Of old Virginia brave. If the gentleman steps around this way he may have an excellent opportunity of satisfying his patriotic apirations. They are a number of companies at Camps Cameron and Curtin in an incomplete state, in any one of which, we have no doubt, the mountain bard would be cheer fully received as a recruit. I== Ptringras.--The puriipkin crop is as large as usual this year, and the fruit already appears in market. The field pumpkin is supposed to have originated on Nantucket Island, whither the In dians brought the seed and planted it in their fields of Indian corn. It now grows in most of the States, and its vines are trailed through all our Pennsyli ataia farms. The great pumpkin of the Valparaiso was introduced into that sec tion by Commodore Porter, of the United States navy. All varieties of the gourd, the squash and the pumpkin .have a common origin, and they are therefore said to hybridate readily. They make the cheapest pies, and the following is said to be a good receipt therefor : Take a teacupful of grated pumpkins, one pint of good milk, one egg, a little salt, two large spoonfuls of sugar, cinnamon, spice, or nutmeg. dLine the tin and bake until done. The remain er of the pumpkin can be cleaned out and kept in a cool pantry for several days, and uew pies baked each day with little trouble. Pap FORDARE DAY& 'ln times of peace prepare for war," says the popular political adage. There is much more meaning in this than most people are aware of. It does not simply urge us to prepare arms, munitions, ships of war, and strong fortifications. It has something more than this mere literal s'gniti canes. It tells us that in any department of life we should prepar e fcr the "wet days" dur ing the fair ones—that we should labor to some purpose while the sun shineth, ere the night cometh on when no man worketh. In times of peace and prosperity we have the leisur e and opportunity to deal with and study abstract questions and principles. These are our inter vals of study and reflection, when it behooves us to get our lessons so thoroughly that there shall be no hesitancy in the recitation ; wh en we shall become so well grounded in theory a s to make practice easy; when we shall becom e so embued with correct principles that we can not be led astray when the moral atmosphere is thick and full of the blinding heat of passion ; when we should acquire strength to maintain our equlibrium amid the clash of arms and th e rear of cannon, standing nnfl nchiogly for the right, and Passed unscathuh the fieri furnace ed thro n g %/awed "through. the ey, of the shadow of deatio COLD you have cold feet, immerse them morning and evening in cold water, rub them with a rough towel, and run about your room till they warm.-01 one month you will be entirely relieved. 2111 these red pepper and mustard applications are like rum to the4stom ach—relieve you to day, but leave 'You. colder to-morrow. HIS NAIIM. --The name of the unfortunate soldier recently killed on the Cumberland Val ley Railroad, noticed in the Thassars, was Myers. He was a member of Col. Stambaugh's regiment, and was from Luzern county, in this State. A man named John Over, of New vine, was also badly beaten while on the cars, and was taken home, his wounds being of a very dangerous nature. ANOTHER Naw Comeranysizr.—New counter feits appear to multiply at the present time, with great rapidity. Counterfeit b's on the Allegheny Bank of Pillalnrg, Pa., have been ch. , culated in Philadelphia and elsewhere for the last few days. These counterfeits are admira ble imitations, and well calculated to deceive. The best plan is to refuse the notes of that Bank altogether. Fos Hsitrz.—A deputation of colored people left Carlisle on Tuesday last, ea route for Hayti. hey joined 8 latgeritarty t , yvhorio they all started via the P MAW for New trork-olti -they- in a few days for this new Dixie.: .TheAravetomemt. o Haytl'offere thitiginehldectiseats4b emigrants of the ebony hunvf both am, Ousting, we Ave, a, bowie and lot . to !weal bona fi de er. Free.—The alarm of fire about 8 o'clock last' night was cc:maimed by the appearance of a bright light in the northern hotison above the: city. The fire bells sounded a general alarm,. and the entire fire depkit -- client, including the Friendship " steamer," were promptlyin motion: towards the scene of the Supposed confiagration.i When the apparatus of the several oompanieS' got as far as North street, however, the light had subsided, to the evident regret of our "fire. boys," who are fairly . " spilieg" for a OMR* td, distinguish themselves. The light isirappased to have originated from tie burning'of a bruilhi heaf, somewhere near the Blue Mountain. Ina "Fromm SOLDIER." - Miss Faller--the "female soldier boy " whO raised the. false report of the attempted assassination of Col.' Knipe, at the Darnestown camp—was in town yesterday afternoon, stopping at one of our ho , tele. She still wore the breeches, which, with a brown lindsey wool shirt, and a_ rajaaw,gip setting jauntily on her head,enabled her tc &IT the "boy" to perfection. Shetis apparently not more than eighteen years of age, of medium stature, spare build, with features by' noble* prepossessing in appearance, and a voice d& cidedly masculine in tone. She was inthefcus tody of some military officer, detailed by the authorities to conduct the young lady to her, friends in Elmira, N. Y., whither they.started in the 9 o'clock, train last night. "' I === Jim Brown—as. stout ululate, employed by Dr. Belly as a hostler--waebtoughtto the May or's office at noon to-day,' charged by his wife with being drunk and disorderly. Jim, when the officer made his appearance, was engaged in he very interesting occupation of "eking hag-, baked pies out of the stove at his residence In Cherry alley, and smashing them on the floor. He resisted the attempt of the officer to take him into custody,_ and, drawing a knife, threat ened to make mincemeat of the official's corpo rosity. Assistance, however, was, promptly summoned,and Jim was finally overcome,floor ed, and tied hand and foot, in whioh condition he was chucked into a brick cart and conveyed to the Mayor's office, and from- there to the Lock-up, to await a hearing to-morrow morn ing before the Mayor. -~=; Taoz Erivrizopelarrran.—nie cornbinad en velope-letter, or letter-envelope, which has just been prepared by the government, is . a most useful contrivance. It presents us three separate things in one, viz : a sheet of letter or note paper, an envelope and a post-stamp, all so simply put together that any one may use them with more ease than he would the old envelope. The advantages are; first, that the whole costs less than the materials would separately, thus effecting an important' economy for those who write many letters ; second, the stamp can not be stolen or rubbed off, which is a matter of some consequence when we remember that nearly a million of letters are. returned to the Dead Letter Office annually that have suffered in this way ; third, the postmark is always .on the letter itself, which can thestfore be used in courts of justice asa legal proof or document, as to elutes, contents, etc; and fourth, as the sheet, envelope and stamp are one, time and trouble are both saved in conducting a heavy corres pondence. These are advantages which must commend them to general use. They can lie had, like the ordinary stamp, at the various post offices. Bemis Aaus.—A distinguished physician who died in Pada, declared that, during the twenty six years he had practiced medicine in thatcity, he believed that twenty thousand children had ham carried to the grave from the absurd custom of expos . ing their bare arms. The bill of mortality here, from the same cause, is quite as large for the same number of inhabitants. We once called at a store in Philadelphia, in company with a Physician noted for his skill and success in his profession. It was an extremely cold winter day. A lady sat in the back pert of the store holding an infant whose arms were bare, about 'the size of an adult thumb and about as blue as a Winnebaug whet stone. The blood was stag nant and could not flow freely in capillaries, and it looked generally as if death might soon claim its emaciated form. "Oh Doctor," said the lady, "look here, whatwould you prescribe for my baby ?" The Doctor looked Pityingly at the poor child—for , he loved little children— and then in answer to the woman's; qsgitkm, said bluntly, .1 cLon„, hapAjui and turned hastily around and• left, thelstoire This simple prescription would seise_; as infant m during the present a tem Mat abaft' ' wirth , I Ptuttogivam'a- Waitt o frtlegrapfi l aluriap Ilimicion, Qt lobo 19, lafik A &Arm Ma of the Friendship Fire Con Van ), will be held it their house on Monday evening, at n o'clock. EQUIPMEM roa KENTUCKY.—SeveraI wagon loads of boxes, filled with bridle bits for cavalry, passed through the city en route for lientncky, yesterday, by Adams' Express, Consigned to Gen. Robert. Anderson. "COMING WITH SONGS TO Gaze Us."—San ford, the inimitable delineator of Ethiopian character, has written to Col. *ant, that he will be " around " here shortly iiith his cele brated troupe of artists. Sanford is always a welcome visitor to this city, where he never ails to dra - W " crowded houses." ' Heretofore his visits here have been limited to one or two nights, but on this occasion, we understand, he contemplates remaining for an indefinite period. Poracrs—Before the Mayon—Kate King—one of the frail sisterhood—was arraigned for drun kenness atid disorderly conduct. Sent to prison for fifteen days. Charle#Fox, up for vagrancy, and discharged. John Landis—a "bould Boger boy"—was ar raigned for drunkenness. Put under marching orders for the camp. S. Tbanhonser—a traveling puller of laces and .other, trirawkoks•--,w,,as arraigned for ped-' dliug witheut licsase. 'Wind over to answer. 441 ma Alderman ipley. T r4 old wonum, too drunk to tell her name, was brought up in 'a bray froMVAMietend.of the city. She was dobireinliaifiger," and sent to prison fefitifgAti . , vip4 4%huliliarer wa %AAA , : edier drunkenness, and sent to prison for 48 hours. SHIM' itliBIIIBIG."-#. correspondent of a giininny paper brings a seam' dune against tititkladlea of that ancient, borough. It appears he recently entered a mystic circle win re hehiund 'tour young- ladies seated in a circle with a spittoon in , the centre, each one industriously engaged in, applying snuff to the gums, teeth, &c., with ti4iintered Whalebone, and owasionally one of. 'the fair Cues would ,stoop over and " Spit,,".ifter the moetapproved bar-room style. •We have been informed that this same practice is hVulged in to a considera ble extent among certainladies in our city. It is called "snuff rubhirkg,"; and the object , is stiniulation, the same att-the " lords of crea tion" seek in chewing tobacco, smoking, drink ing * whisky, &c. It is - certainly a most disgust : ing practice, and should it become general; young men will make i,the same objections y. marrying " truttffrt*ers": as young ladies now make to marrying "tobacco chewers." A Worm Amur "Taampgas."—The season is here once more when theworthlesecrew known as "'Tampers" flock into the city to prey upon the good nature of industrious people. Of the poor-: pooi; and' even the 'poor devils—we have not a, disparaging word to say; but of that crew, which emphatically deserves the appellation ; or ithA devil's poor, we have this much to say tioakthe person who gives any thing to them efigunita a crime. in that he en- NVol# species of vagabondism known friend of the Belding Vines in his declaratian that the trampers are a set of thieves, who" roam about the country for eight monthein the year, stealing the farmers' produce, setting fire 1 to their barns and hay-ricks, and doing damage in numberless ways,until the severity of the weather compels Ithem to make for the towns, when they drag their loathsome bodies from house to house begging, and when their of-times un reasonable demands are refused, abusing women in the absence of the male portion of the family. For refuge at night they rush to the Poor House, or the Lock-up, and are an eyesore to the police and authorities. Now, there is a cure for thili evil, and we believe only one ; and that is to hit upon some plan to make every tramper who enters the city do some kind of work. This is the bane of their lives. They are tampers because they will not work ; and, after loafing the fine spring, Summer and fall weather' away with no higher aim than that of the beasts of the fields, the severity of the winter weather compels them to seek the shelter of the towns. Any person who has occasion from now on till snow sets in, to drive into the country; will see them wending their way toward the nearest , town, to be a. pest to the people. As we have said before, makes them work. Build a Tread mill, even if it has to run for no other purpose than to put these thieving miscreants to work, in order that the city may get rid of them. See ProfetsorWoor s advertisement in another cOlamn. . ' . . A MR' moan of those Cheap Chestnuts at six cents per quart. ' - Also, apples, Jersey sweet po tatoes, prunes, plums, a fine lot of fancy and common confectionary, mite, ,at the Ch..ap Commission Store of JEO. CCIMXIMIL t No 101, Market street. . , Thlif Gammon , Beans= ram N=or "roan Anon= !—The Chtiwed .Goorls ilteemxi 50 pieces of 5.4 bleached Pillow Case bizalin, L 2 cents, 100 dozen of woolen Socks damaged by water, 8 cents a pair. 26 pieces of dark heavy Pant Stuff, 1 8,25 and 37 cents. 60 pieces. Canton Flannel, 121 cenlz. 100 of blia& and grey Cloaks, from $2.60 up 12 dozen of ladles' woolen Sontags, very cheap 40 dozen of grey and whitemerino Undershirts and Drawers, 75 cents. 50 pairs white woolen Blaikets, at all prices. 100 dozer' of ladies' and children's wool Stock ings, 12 to 87 cents. • 'l5O pieces of white, red and yellow riltuniel, at all prices. Country merchants we would invite to caU, as we have a large stock of all kinds of Goods, and are daily receiving Goods from New .s,York. Auction, which we will seal at wholesale at City prices. S. LIMY, John Meads' old stand. HOW sLOST I , HOW- RESTORED JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope ; .Prioe 6me : a Lectors on the Nature,Tromment, cud radical Ours or *mormatorrbom or nominal Weak nom, Involuntary kikapolons, riaxnal Debility, and 'mood-. memo to dardagogenerally,Nervistinesa, Lonomption, Epilepsy and Ate dental and Phydoal inagpocity, rC sal Mg from Colt Abu*, IWBT. i..IThvER wZIAN. D., Author of the 'Greg Bede do.. 04 Boon to Thousands of tinititrano sun under mad, in plain envelope, to any address, lea 'arid, on receiptofids ennts.„6! indiedtainWilik ,o4 b! 011 4* egalt i 401( , po,olollyt Wo :.; 11 014"01,4 did MANHOOD. a CARD TO THE LADIES• DB DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES., a correettreg, regmattes, met rearrvoss sk . l obstructions, from whatever cause, and I• • ways auceessfal as a proven. ' owe. rfIEME PILLS HAVE BEEN USED. BY the dealers for many years, both In Prams and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousand ladles who used them, to make the PRia public Mr the alleviation of those sufferint from any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an Increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or these supposmg them selves so, are cautioned against thew Pills while In that condition, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, ono the proprietor assumes no responsibility alter thin admo tuition, although their mildness would prevent any mkt chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise 01 00 per box. told wholesale and retail by . • CHARLES A. BANNVART, NO.I Joins Row, EI j aL l rirg, Pa. ' , Ladies," by senates him 01 00 to the Harrisburg Poet Office, can bare the Pill' soul free of pluiervatiou tc any Fart of the (*entry (confidentially) mud "free, of pos tage 'by mail. told also by R. 'B. Rd 4 Reading, "Joareson, Hollowly 'll Cowmen, !Infidelities, J: 1.. Law. sutcsat,Lebanan, Dinas. H. riaTtEry T......5tar3 J. L WOIS. Wrightiville ;Musa, by one druggist la every city and village in Ififien,and by 9. D. How., ole proprietor, New York N. B.—Lobk oatffir counterfeltii. Bp, do Heiden Pills of any, kind anima every box Is signed Et.. D. Howe. Al , others are a Wei Imposition lindens ; theredbres, you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be dg humbugged out ofyopr•utoney,) buy only of those who show -the signature of B. D.' Howe on 'every boa, which.bas recently been added en moon it, of the Pills being coustartelted IMPORTANT . . .D.R..CHE'ESE.BIAN' PIL'L ' S PrepafedNE W Corn YORk elius L. Cheeseman,z X. D., CITY. T 1 g combination of ingredients in Iberia Pills are the rwult of a long and oltertatte.foreatioe. They are mild in their operationiwid oectihAn correcting all irregularities, Painful eleststreations, removintall ob structions, whether Irons .cold or otherwise, he adache, pate in the side, palpitation of the heart, whitee, ill ner vous an:l intone, hysterica,:fatigne paid. in . the back and limba, dm, disturbed sleep, whini &rim from interrup tion of nature. ' ' - ' " TO MARRIED LADIB3 1 • Dr. Cheesemanis Pills are Available, as they will tiring on the mouthly period with regularity. taiiiss who have been disapvo nted in the mewl; other Pills can place the utmost nonfittence to Dr. Oheeseman's Pills dotes all that they repreeiltittio 40. ." . NOTION - - . There is one cindition t r. She female system in which the Pitir cannot be taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition 'Vaned to is PREGMANCT— the result MISCARRIAGE. Sea is the irreeisabisfwt deecy of the wedicine to ragare the UMW /1111Cd011t to a normal condi**, that even the rigirioctuctive power sif tea Lure cannot resist it. Warranted. lintel, vegetable, and free front anything . injurious. 'Expired, directions, which SW:slid be road so wen any each box. Price St Sent by istall.on enolea• big it to De . Ocuorsuon L. Conalai.o," Box 4,431; Poet °Hee, Ni:ir York City. boldby one Broggistin every (owe in the United States.; . B 13..111HCIIING8, • General Agent for the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, To Whom all , witolesaleorders shoola d be addressed. ' Sold in Harrisburg ay C. A. asirf4Xr. nov29 oacirlY • • • HAIR DYE 1 HAIR-DYE!! Wm. A.. Batchelor's Hair Bye I The only liarad6s and:Reliable Dye' Known All others are mere itnitttions, and should be avoided . If you wish to e3cape ritticle. • GREY, RED•OR RUSTY HAIR dyed .instantly Cosa beautiful and natural Browworlidattic, without the least Injury toMalepr , • ,• FiIeITEN 14 it Det.S'AsiD"DOLCiHAShitie been ewer.: ded to Wr. A. BATOUZLOR sin•at 18.9, and over 200,000' applications ALPO been made to the hair of toe patrons of his famous Dye. • ' ' Hat. BATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE ,produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is waltzer/ran not to` ificuireln the leaet,Vivrever long it may blicontin' tied, and tho tll ,Ifeots of.had,Dy es remedied. ..The halt; is Invigorated for life' by'this splendid Dye; Whietclat prop: erly applied at No. le dead, Street New York, - Bold is all the cites and towis the•Unitedikitsit, by. Druggists and Fancy EloodsHealent The €11161160/1611 the name "%Mani 'ltiattbelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the fOur sides of each box. • Wholesale,Faatory, 81 Barclay Late 233 Broadway, New York: ocildewly ` ~o cost Epizvst Anvnitnints, . haring bee restored to health M. alfeeif- weeks sivlerlAhilele,feinedY.. after having stifferedlMVeral years wfll !Were /illltlatree&- lon, and that dread, disease, Consumption-1i anxious to make known to hie fellow.sullbreri the means emirs i To all who desire It, be will send a copy of the pre scriptiennled.(bee of Charge); with the ~ directlens preparing and ailing - the same Which' they lOW find it sore core for Consumption, Anteroa, Bronchitis, &Q..; The only object of the advertiser in sending.the .Prescrlption is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which be.concelven to be nvaluable, and he hopes . every sal. 'tater will try' MS 'remedy. salt ;WO, coat , them nothing, and may prove le biasing : ' - • • parties wishing the prescription will please address RBV. WWI-RILL .IWIISON, WUnitniebergh ; Kings county , New 'York. PURIFY THE BLOOD. , hicarrio Luta .. - elm .B=Fisast. Pres,froes ail Mineral , Pcdsotar.—ia Macs of. Feroftila. Ulcers, 'Scurvy, or Eruptions.of the gide, the okration of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing ih a few days, every vestige of theseloatbsome diseases by their purifying elasots on the blood. Billions Fevern, Fever and Ague, DYBP O PRIN DroP B 7, FAN, and In short, molt ail dlavaries ioonlield. to their enretiveliroperties No family should be without them,ut.4y their timely use mush suffering and expense may be saved. Preyiaredsby WM. 11107YAT,11. NoW . Yoris, and lor =le by all Dreggleta . eov9w-ly NttaV2tbvertisenunts: sErwra ! SHIRTS I I SHIRTS 1! 1 HOME MANUFACTURE. - TIER OHEAPEST;IN" TIER .K.A ire r. rrHE ntidersigned having opened his 11 Manufactory of. Shirts &c., sit N 0.12 West Market street, Harriaksorg, Pa ' moi treepectfully Solicits the jpstronage,and attention of the Ladiets,Gentlensen and Merchants to the, following assortment. dr WM& all of which are our own'tdumfactere ' ' 4 BRUM, FIEURT BMWS, CKlLlottla; • =Pa, wfthrf.RANlAt im NIGBT , . .•• to.; atc4; Also the particular &dallier' of the l.adles to our huge' assortment of under ormolus AM:, (frier"' the latent im. Proved London and Parm stylim,) LIMEN IXILLARS, CUM StlTif&O.; grrat'veletitts; . illiThirldolfbaing - our awn maunufacture ire will sell cheaper than eta be purchased 'elsewhere. • . _ Patens - deektonspf fundshing their own.materlaki r eau have cutting, sewing he., of every variety done accord ing to order. ah.ofthe above named goods for Gontayear, we will make to.measnrei guaranteeing 144 and give enthesatisfaction to 14 purchaser for style, durability and material. All sPecial orderti Will be promptly tended to upon the shortest notice and Most reasonable terms. also Merchants supplied upon the meat reason. able terms. P. S. Ladles wiabiniskirts or under garments of any diseriptiou, can have them Made to order sending sample of snob kinds as May be deslirod, JAU A. LYNN, . • No. 12, Market Wiwi, an29-dBm - Harrisburg, Ps. Rooms next door to Minimal IsHßlinger'a Grocery Store. - • . n&vm 'HAYNES, 110' MARKET . ; ST . HARSIBBIT.,EI, Agent tc PATENT Wrought and Milks Leta Burglar Proof .16:01i...1r I EIIEI4 thrictly the ONLY' hiereantile sate made, that la both re and:Burglar Proof. roar94dl3P BIBLES: BIBLES II A Lar g e lad thorOu g hl r complete Mach+ or BIBLES, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY prom the Smallest Pocket to th e lar g est, shied sad thus FAMILY" BIBLES , Us jest been purchased and recieivea hone 4le Credo gales. Having mobs,' theNas . marreaciumv LOW mom% attagnisialwil.,.vcry - r,se aulakidenio•- ;I ofriz AN NNW. A itrufa New 2thatiotmento. IMS=MMIII! - .PROMIIERTION. WHEREAS, the 11 . onorable joule J. PURIM, Preeident of GM Conner, Common. Pleas on the Twelfth Judicial Disirict, consisting or the conntlfs of Lebanon and tbanphin, and the Hon. A. 0. Eltiterre and Hon. Fax trineurr immolate Judges in Dauphin county, having Issued t oeir precept bearing date the 28 day ""ePtember, 1861, to me directed, tor holding a Court of Oyer sad Terminer and General Jail Deli very and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Carrishurg; for the county of Dauphin, and tonommence oa mte Sato Goa. oar or being the ma DAY OF N0V1113112, 1861, and to continue two *reeks. Notice le therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables on the said county of Dauphin, that they ha then and there in their pommy persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, ' with their records, inquisitions, examinant:as, and. their own remembrances, to no those thongs which to their onion appertains to be done, and those who are bound Ue reeognizances top toseoute against the prisoners 'h .t are or shall be to the Jell of Dauphin county, be thee and there to prosecute against them as shall be itt t. Given under my band; at Harrisburg, the Md day of September, in the year of our Lord,-1861, end in the eighty-fifth year of theindepetulence at the twi sK t . s tat . g . t J. D. BOAS, Sherur. Simian" Omaha , Harrisburg, Oatoberl24Bllf-j 3. R. ISitiERSOLL'S PATENT- FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH. It dieesee the hair without aolling the deiers. It effects s savieg of oato-lialf in the use bf hair prayer /onm •isidmectiEnii.wlth griessiligooltbetties.. Ills handsomer article than thefemmbt hair-brush. lerelulifift tee tiblini.itrOf field MeV; Ur a drep. - - It is perfektlgikasir, indietnnotimill Site in *tattle* or on the roust. , It carries enough of say preparation tobtst for a voy agi or a bugjoarna• • • - • o lts.price,ts nunterate,end earn owe cost In three th. For eats at Keller'i Drag and tagkay Store, ,91. Wirket street 0. Fourth two doers east of stro zt,mouth side. 91.4) ‘;-• TJ.N.II:7O3ELIELTALIM.IEI STATE Streit near Thifd street, a few doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A Roe new Beane Ready made Coma always on band and neallyllnisbed border. Silver plates, &c. Terms rea sonable. [mae.o3res] 0. BAKER. UPHOLSTERING}. PALM*LEAF MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSE MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFOR IS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, ' LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS &c., On hand and Tor sale at tue Tory tweet rates for cash. Bair Mattresses dad Spring bottoms made to order. tOUNGES; • • cams, HAIR MATTRESSES &c., Roraimd and made equal to new, very reasonable, all it N 0.309, liarketstreet, between Fourth an Fdth, by ora9-2ind , J. T. EtAIINITL. Harriabtat Blbia lidandstotory. . • SECOND sTitEET , BELOW CHESTNUT. lENITIAN BLINDS made to order; and all repairing neatly and expedidowny done. Per- SOUS at a distance can have their wont done by addres. Mug a lower to the undersigned. Thantfill for pant pat ronage he hopes, by stricl attenlion to baatneas, to merit a continuance of the same. Ilrirß misfastion. guaranteed both sato prima and work., ocl9-460 GITM G-00.DS FOR THE ARMY, SUC H AS Blankets, Cleats,„ OAPs , Litilus; Cups tic -1 YOR ULU BY ' wm. 111. SHAFFER, North tplulifaiket Sivare, - nearßuWer's Hotel, 'IIARBISBUB,G, PA. GILT MAXIM 1 GILT FRAMES 1 87,738TER, :.CARVER AND GI.LDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and rioture Frames, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings itse. 48 OHLSNIJT STREET, NEAR SECOND. d taY Iti)3Bv.itct; - PAC. French Mirror,, quare and ` 'thre iPoitralt Frames of every description: OLD, 13.11V-fiILT NR W. jyl6-13, VAN =IGEN &SNYDER, • P9SPler.s. - FAL4,. .9meTyrOp . on Wood - N. B:190/L.1 1 11alf Ar.:OBICSPTITi Philoddphia. "MECUM all kinds of .Wood Engraving with beauty, eorreotneslf 41nd dispatch. Original designs Furnished For Fine Book ;Illustrations. Persons Wishing ants, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype. can 'hive' views of Colleges, Churches, StorC Pratte, Machines, Stoves, Patents, Sc., engraved as well ou per sonslapplicatloN Ittnorldirelopos, rgibia4 Rif :gist Shoyr-Bil Is, vliiting;Writhes* an( other- esgraved in the highest style of art, and at the lowest prices. For specimens or Mae• engraving, see the Illustrated worlos,ef J. )3. ; Lippinoott4 Co- B. H. Butler & ca. 110V01310 ;respectfully fintoim, , his old . E strop, =Oho ;mu_ bAo th at he will continue to give ristruollons okuab 4 rwro b'ORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN SWAIM lithe saflllee of THOROL'OE RAM He will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their Mimes at any boar lessons will be gives a his residence, Is .Third idroat, • tow. dotfra,..bolow th Glermao 'Reformed Mara. doom-title 0" F • MUENC}I TRAMMING AGRNT, OF IMO, DLD:• • ~.• Wit.t.Lovtrrat trims - o,a), Eng:tit:7'loN LINE tastUL in successful °mutat% mut Pr oPared to carry Trews= LOW as any, other indivAusl line between Phibulelpbis, Earrisburgitiantirtry,lewisburg, port, ferseyebcre,Look iniven, and all points on the NortlaAVOtra,"PfiliidelpltlginglUKkies, Willianis• port snikElmtra Railroads. • Local Agent at Harrisburg, =;, • ' A.BO:NNW. Good sent to PEACOCK; ZELL & Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above, Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. M., soltardssuAwdZsferwaglit'lify,..tile next morning. - 0. F. Mun Noll, 003 , 8r* Traveling Agent,. FOR RENT , ,A,..POPILE9,IR4,IIIMDWP.,!.r lING HOUSE, leir l tite s il l iber — WittWrittireventhoutEiTAßLlbO as / Pf9 r be , dl i ti Pa a • PPgirEt4r,l!"thiCZ. C. RAWN. Harriekure, October 6tb, 7861—lred „. . . . REMOVA.L. TALE 4 SIMURgiSkili has removed, ; • hie, IteoY3iltrtrie=i thumb. Thep Pel toe past Petneegef be boPetst by strict attention iinesieell,lti me r it emiUmuinee or it, marßeand WIC PARKITIL . 'A CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. jgricLioe r ye : _ • t 4 caul the entire stocked ,ming 4; . _.:44 4 9t 4 tpinii Be 1. deopueliZ e tTlMAnit 414.ricet Square, will be sold'a, 'set 'Stied thrittoome will be rented to the purehoser desired. The terms will be reap ten- chi , P. 'ROAM Again. - ; ?VIEW 140 T OF • • tainzei, woppiNG do TItAVELING iroiNIS , 1, and ' nearstPa , Mel dicogradinnanank,WaB."-; dap s t - Innaindallikr o ar a . - 18..,xiiugu% ' ..F.1 , 10 • % . • , 144 k..tb ,16 . 4 olftW It: NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Seven and Threa.Tesittus Per Coati TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY TOR DELIVERY AT TIN .01M1011 JAY COOKE & CO., isANKERS No. 114 South. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. parguant 0 108trUCti002 from the Secretor,' of the Treasury, the Subscription Book co the NEVir NATI MAYA LOAN of Treasury Notes, hearing Mier et at the rote of , seren and three-tenths per cent per &mum, Will retnitll open at my office, No. 114 S. THIRD STRtr.r. until further notice, from 8 A. M. 1.111 b P. M., and on liondas a till 9 P. M. Thetio not a will be of the denomination 01 FIFTY DOLL ItS, ONE HUNDat U Dub Alp , , IVi kl N DEED DoLT.u.R.g, THOUBAND DOLLARS, and FIVE TII US AND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th Of august, 1861, payable fn gold. In three years, Or one. eertlble in.o a twenty years' six per cent. lean, at tae option of the holder hash Treasury Nora has intsrent coupons pasted, which can be cut 06 trod ordroc..i/1 fr sole at the Mint every ex month., and at the rate acne cent per day on each fifty dollars, Payments of subacriptio, a may be made in GOidtOS hocks, or rt otos of any of th 3 Philedeipia Bunke. PARIITS AT A MT •ZiCE can remit by their friends, through the mail, or by express, or through Banks sad the Treasury Notes will be Immediately delivered, or sent too .cu subscriber as they may severally dir. et. Parties remitting must add the interest from 19th of August, the date of ail the ncees, to Ur day the remit tance reaches Philsdelphia, at the rate of one own par day en etch fifty dollars. Apply to or a dress jay opogn, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Care of JAY COOKE 8t 00., Maniere, OcBl.dlm No 114 South Third Street, Pitilatielptua. oCtl4-dawld W E 'OFFER ,T 0 A New Lot of LADIES' POSSES, Of beautiful aylts, substantially made.. A Splendid Assortment of GENT.LEMSN'S WALLETS. KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put up in Cut Glass Engrave . '" Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HAN DLEROMIEF .PEREDMISI3, A very Handsome Variety Of POWDER PUFF BOXES, KELLER'S DRUG nom; 91 1d irket street. seplB ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK Board Reduced to $2 per Da SINCE the opening of this vast and corn modlous Hotel, in 1804, d has been the single en deavor of the proprietors to mese it the meet suMptdoon, convenient and comfortable bonze fur the citizen and stranger on this si.o the Atlantic. And whatever has seemol likely to adtniniste •O the comfort of its guests they have endeavored, without re. sard to mat, to provide, and to Combine all the demote Of Individual and social et/pp:nein which modern art has invented, and modern tame approved ; and the pat ronage which it has commanded during the paststi years Is a gratifying proof that their eirdets have been appre ciated To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re qn ref to practice the most rigid economy, the under stsomd Have Reduced the Price of Board lo Two Dollars &per Dap, at tho same abating roue of the luxuries with which their table has hitherto been supplied. • TRW,DWELI, WHITCOMS New York, Sept. Y., 186L—rop9-113m* A. B. SHARP. INSURANCE AGENCY,. THE DELAWARE MAJTAL SAFETY INSURANCE 001(PANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1888. CAPITAL AND !OHMS $*90 . 1.51. . . • THE INSURANCE , COMPANY OF NORTH AMEIUCA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS...: 81,219,478.1 , .1 T HE undersigned, as Agent fox, the well known Companies, will make holurateca against less or damage by fire, either perpetually or an fluidly, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Rieke also , taken,: Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUEHLER, Harrisburg, Pa. alt.4lll.dawl7 TAKE N•OTI . CEt THAT we have recently added to . our al ready full Mock LA NORMATIS, HARI HARI, KL MONO LA so Arti. OF PERFUME'gr FOR TEN ELLVIMIRCIZIFS : TURKISH kSSBNCE, OLBR OF MUSK, LUBIN'S ESSENCE, BOUQUET . . FOR UN ICOR • EAU LUSTRALR, CRYLTALIZED PONATUM,„ DIETLE AND Y/INAT ‘RONATDN i Yoh sea Commilaux : TALC OF vENI.C.I4 Roars LE tr POWDER, .. NEW NuWN HAY POWLBR, BLANC LE PERLIN w OF SOAPS - ROWE; FINEST MOSS IttRE,• B&NZOIN Unit ViOLET, • ' ' NER! MOWN HAT . , • JoORRY CLUB': Basing the largest stock and best assortment or Tenet Articles, we fancy that we are better able than oar eater petitora to get op a eomplete Toilet. Set at any pr;ce de sired. - Cali and see. Always on hand, a FRESH Stock of DRUGS, HEM t. .111NF3, CHEIitiCALS, consequent of our reeehing almost daily, additions thereto. KILLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE . 91 Market Street, two doors Easter Fourth Street, ;l ' Soutb side. SCREFFEWS BOOK ST(.).alt . (Near the Elarrieburg .Beige.) .• 318 T RhTglltl'fm A sl.2s .4,ll..lototeeczg r at wMP WO Will sell ae $1.25 per. ream. En.eo per resat for NOTE PAPER, decimated. with the latest and very handsome emblems and . pa mottos. $1.50 for 1000 WHITE ENVPLOPEt3, with natknfil add pat. .0110 emblems, printed in two colors. [lease give, us • call. THK '. SanaricE4 l!mtisk,!l &hot -Schools for Boys and-14 3 FR O NT STREET ABOVE logelf9l*, • - e'r HE Fall term of ROBERT-WELWRIPei T School for bogs, will open on the , BM , Igai t tiblu September. the room le well yentil4edl.l4olosolllolll.9 furntabed, and in every respeocausiksee tor,Ffr. pages. OATHARINS WELWEES School for gtrbk k 4,61;,, the same building, will open for the Fall terMattheliSatie time. The room has been elegantly fitted up to promote he health and comfort - of 2 . j. ibt VINE TOILET i:10 POI&ADES.-HAIR OIL, POWDSRS, ODLOGN&R, sod: KirRIMS, 1:4 many styles, prices and mannteitures ULM'S DRUG AND r4N.B° • • RV. • • ' - CIDER Ii I VINE }AR I I f i b MADE from choice and selected 4013, and guaranteedby us to be artily' pnre. - ^l 9 * WM- DOXIg & 00. Autir jtutigred 'afiriptinin~ azid4nie ftliaatalthie prim. • s ow te• ' • OA .4 I r Miscellaneous. CUSTOMERS A New and Elegant Perfume, Of the best Mannttoture. OF SEGARS EMI CIEMEII