pailp '7,:eltgrapil. H AVRIHBURG, P Friday Morning, October 18, 1861. TO MILITARY OVlORRS.—Officers' pay-roll blanks, handsomely printed on fine white paper, o rding to the prescribed rule, will be for rile at this office to-day, IMI IN 'Rata. --Cap M t. Jacob . Eyster was in town yesterday looking remarkably well. Tlic captain has just completed the Met tilting of a 11110 military eimpany in Ohio for the regular service, which will most likely be attached to the mainland of Gen. ROSOIICra1 17 : in Western i gin ht • ;,11' Tu Toss•—Edward Parthmore, the young Mal arrested in this city some time ago, and committed to prison by Alderman Kline, c harged with stealing one hundred and fifty dollars from William Sombarger, of York county, was taken to York at noon yesterday by Sheriff Boas to await his trial. Diviss Ssevics.---Tbe service, preparatory to the communion of the Lord's Supper, in the Thfertned Church, will be held on Saturday evening (the Wth lust ), in the Lecture Room of the Reformed Church. Rev. P. Schaff, D.D., will preach on SAturday evening, and Sabbath niorhing evening. AU are invited to at ren& Fitem ToNATOES TILL WINTKR.—If late in the sed4on, just before frosts, the vigorous late healing tomato vine be pulled and hung up in a moderately dry cellar, the fruit will gradually mature, and thus furnish the table with fine, ions tomatoes from time to time, even into the winter season. So say they who have tried it. STAMPED NEWSPAPER WRAPPERS.--The Post nu Art' General has ordered to be placed on sale at the post offices, a new and convenient form of newspaper wrappers, which will supply a 1011.4 existing want on the part of the public. "Iho: , e wrappers are formed of oblong square ,lwets, gummed at one end, and adapted to any newspaper. The introduction of these convenient envelopes will, doubtless, greatly increase the postal revenues, and promote the ntcrests of newspaper publishers by the facili -11, which they afford in the transmission of then publications through the mails. The ven 1, is of newspapers should supply themselves with them, the better to enable purchasers of their papers to transmit them, when read, to their friends. Pews—Mayor's Dice.—Thomas Fitz, a "bold surer boy" from Camp Cameron, was arraigned for drunkenness. Received a reprimand, and placed in custody of the guard under marching order for ramp. Vonrail Fisher, David Mister and Charles Royer, also soldiers, from Camp Curtain, were arraigned for the same offence, and put in charge of a guard for the camp. John Racier and Henry Freeman, both "vags" of the "first water," and very dirty at that, were up for lying around loose. Discharged with an injunction to leave the city for the city's good. Before Alderman Kline.—Thomas Smith, black as a tar bucket, was arraigned for drunkenness and sent to prison for five days. Zepemiah Henninger, a delapidated specimen of the genus home, was arraigned for the same offence, and sent to prison for twenty-four hours. FLOW BRIVIEN Framdts.—An interesting fis ting is said to have taken place at 9 o'clock Wed nesday night near the reservoir, between two of that class of females whom Solomon has de scribed as having "much fair speech" and all that sort of thing. It appears that both of the Amasons love a certain young man, who, flatter ed at the attentions of his sweethearts, has been playing the deuce with their hearts. Yester day afternoon the females discovered that they were rivals and agreed to fight for the posses sion of their sours idol. The cause of the dif- ficulty hearing of the affair succeeded in restoring quiet by telling the females that he loved both of them. As a matter of course, each of them fancied she was the loved one, and there the matter ended for the present. Thursday evening, however, young man accept ed an invitation from one of the females to have a stew of oysters at one of our restaurants of questionable repute, which coming to the ear of the other female, the quarrel was renew ed and the gauntlet again thrown down. The gage was accepted, and the parties met near the reservoir, and at it they went with the fol lowing result : Round No. I—Both parties came up to the watch iu fine style. Mary led off with her left duke and planted a stunner on the smeller of Catharine, drawing the "rosy." First blood claimed for Mary. Round No. 2 Catharine, notwithstanding the claret trickling from her beak, was prompt to the call of time, and watching a favorable opportunity, let fly savage blow, which greatly damaged the left sky-light of Mary. The whack somewhat sur prised the latter, as she retreated a few feet, wondering who had struck her. Before she re covered from her astonishment, her adversary sailed in and planted a stunner with her right bunch of fives square on Mary's ivorlos. This appeared to astonish Mary more than ever, as she uttered a yell of pain and went down into the gutter. Twenty to one "secesh treasury shinplaster" was now offered on Catharine, but found no takers. Round No. 3—Mary appear ed on the curbstone somewhat groggy; her op. tic was dosed, while her nose to use'a common Pharsse, was "spread all over her face." Both parties extended their grapplers with great force, but did no damage. Just as they were about to take each other into chancery, a cry wee heard that the police were coming, when th e eo taateuts picking up their bonnets and ge "vis' mad, baB tilY decamped in the direction of Rid FOR m LAMBS. —Red kid slippers with high black heels, and garniture of blachvelvst . or lace, are " all the go "in New York. They are intended for walking shoat, and are very striking and distingue with black dress and flame colored kid gloves. How soon shall' e have these fiery shoes on the streets of Harrisburg? NEW COMBRFZUS.-Our readers should be on a sharp look out for new and dangerous counterfeit silver coins which have made their appearance in this eitiWithin a few days. Some quarters were passed at one of our stores yester day, which are so well executed as to deceive some of the best judges. As there is reason to believe that there are some "shovers" of this spurious coin not far off, storekeepersand others should keep a sharp lookout. I=l "Human I"—A great many people have shouted "hurrah" "many a time and oft," but comparatively few, however, know its deriva tion and meaning. The same word, and for the same purpose, is used all the world over, and originated among the eastern nations, where it was used as a war cry, from the belief that every man who died in battle for his country, went to Heaven. It is derived from the Sclavonic word Hu raj, which mearue"To Paradise." ' Tam APPROACH of Wnvnia. -- The filling leaves, the changing foliage of the forest trees, the heavy autumnal rains, and the chill winds, are all eloquent of the arrival of the fall of the year and the approach of winter. Winter has no terrors for those whose coal-bins are well filled, who have cloie, warm hoHiee, and who have no fears of the want of sufficient clothing and food. But there are many who are not thus favored There are always improvident people who lay by nothing for a rainy day ; while depression in trade, growing out of the war, has caused many who are habitually pru dent to suffer for the want of the necessaries of life. This latter class will neither beg nor steal, and would rather die than make their wants known. Tun WEIATMCII.-It is worth one's while to notice what an influence the weather has upon different people. We might suppose mankind to be a sort of cloud•cbildren, so susceptible are they to atmospheric influences. It is a very common matter to tell how blue the weather makes him feel to-day, or how exhilerated he is another day ; but we cannot escape from these temperaments of ours, try as we will. Here we are, penned up in certain conditions from which there is no escape, save by getting out from our being itself. Even so trifling a circumstance as the freshness or the chilliness of the air controls us like a tyrant. If the sun smiles out through the clouds upon us, we are happy ; if the sky is overcast with clonds,we are particularly inclined to be miserable. Oar spirits go up when the weather is fine, and down when it changes. Fine air stimulates a person to goodnesi. He must be a rogue, indeed, who can commit a crime in the flush of a bright June morning, and he must be a stock or stone, who is not in spired to do deeds then worthy of his loftiest aspirations. Lunnures SYNOD. —The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of East Pennsylvania has recently held its twentieth annual convention in the church of Rev. L. E. Albert, in Germantown. The opening sermon was preached on Wednesday evening, by Rev. Dr. Hay, of this city. There were fifty-three clergymen and forty-seven lay delegates in attendance, one hundred in all, be sides a number of delegates from other bodies, advisory members, commissioners from churches, etc. Rev. J. A. Pales, D. D., was elected Preed dent ; Rev. Matthias Sheeleigh, Secretary, and Rev. L. E. Albert, Treasurer. The parochial reports and statements of pas tors were of a highly encouraging character, and a large amount of business was transacted, per taming to the Missionary and Education opera tions of the Synod. The anniversaries of these two societies were celebrated on Thursday even ing, at which interesting addresses were deliver ed Revs. Parson and . - • ' • •• A series of patriotic resolutions, on the sub ject of the war, were read by Rev. E. W. Flutter, and unanimously adopted. They declare the rebellion as a plain violation of the Apostle's injunction for all men to be subject to the higher powers whioh are ordained of God; ex- . press sympathy with the patriotic soldiers in the service of the Government, and recommend the churches to send them material aid, in the shape of stockings, blankets 3 and other winter comforts. The meeting of the General Synod, postponed , from May last, on account of the war, was re commended to be held in May 1862. The Emmaus Orphan House 'at _Middletown, founded under the will of George Frey, was supposed to be in danger of being wrested from the Lutheran interest, andrffeasures were adript ed to prevent it. On Monday evetdng,after an impressive dis course from Dr. Seise, five candidates for the gospel ministry were solemnly set apart to this service, viz : By &ensure, Samuel Laird and Johnson R. Groff. By ordination, B. S. Johns ton, J. H. Davidson and J. Friday. Infant baptism was recommended to be per formed hereafter, unless in exceptional cases, in the church, as are the other sacraments, and not in private. The Lutheran Board of Publication was com mended to' the continued favor of the' ehtirches, as also the Germantown Orphan Home. The latter was visited by the members of the Synod in a body.. The Treasurer's report exhibited the following receipts and disburseinents, in explanation of which, however, it must,be added that many of the congregations disburse their own moneyn, viz : Synodical Treasury, $260 88 ; Horne Mill' dons, $999 66 ; Education, $1126 46 ; Foreign Missions, $441 93 ; Batons' Frmd,* $ll6 49. The sessions lasted one week, and were throughout characterized by the utmost harmo ny and good feeling. On last Sabbath the min a isters of the Synod filled most of the pulpits Germantown, and also many in Philadelphia. The neat session is to be held on the first Wed ' nealay of September, 1862, in the chureiimattltik Rev. M. Valentine, in the city of Reading. SeeProfemarWood'sadvetimpa nienAtgrOMel column. THE Excrxnewr op Pima Derv.—Por gen uine excitement, in Which every 'quality of dirtily character is kept on the gal vise there is no position like that of the picket. "Plitilarott . the outpoets of our lines, and often within close *le shot of the enemy's pickets, each watching for the other, and trying to conceal himself from view, the greatest vigilance, caution and care is called for , lest the picket unconsciously become a mark for a hidden enemy's aim. If a shot is fired by an unseen hand, he must, by a rapid deduction from the loudness of the re port, its direction and perhaps a little smoke, almost intuitively conclude where his enemy is concealed, and in sending his compliments back, in the form of a Minie bullet, hope that his enemy, if not silenced, will at least conclude that it is better not to invite any further hos tility. Then he is compelled to keep ears and eyes open for the sudden approach of any su perior force, perhaps mounted, who, with a spirit of dare-devil adventure, surround him and his half-dozen companions, to carry them off as prisoners of war. How to extricate themselves from such a position, when on ce in it, sitar pens human ingenuity and develops cour age' to their utmost point, and bravery, skill and strategy have to make up for want of numbers. The excitement of months in time s of Peace Is compressed into a day when on picket in time of war, and an experience with most ineditigy sliaipens the.dealre for more FOR (ma SICK SOLDIIIRS.—Mini; Dix has sent forth word that there are many articles which wouli be quite acceptable in the hospitals of the army, among which axe jellies, dried and preserved fret* besides' blankets ; and woolen, socks, while bhe appetils'in touching terms to the philanthropic women of the North to come to the relief of the wounded and sick. We would zuggest! O. II J th i c . M 'of Ao lll _. e 1 who have these daintieilifid:neamaitieliishOttid . spare a portion to the sick of our army. There is nob a family but who could forego a day's indulgence in preset ves,'etc. ;11.114 givWthe Same to the gal halt men who are bearing our burdens and fighting our battles. Not only could our city residents, but our faimeni - might; contribute mu& out of their abundant storehouses which would comfort our sick soldiers. To us the sacrifice is nothing—to the invalids, suffering and enduring pain, how grateful would be the gift ! We should let them know that we re member them, care for them, and appreciate, their valiant services in the cause of theircoun try. Let us show by these simple gifts that by their devotion in the Nation's struggle the tide of warfare is kept back from our own hearth sides and homes. Some one lady should be appointed to receive these-gifts from our citi zens. Every one should contribute liberally as God has blessed him or her, and as He gives him opportunity. Svtmmm PRINBYLVANIA BODY GVARD FOR Gassear, SHERMAIL—A aplendid body guard is i 4 coarse of formation for General Sherman, Commander of the Department of Kentucky. It was originally intended for General Robert Anderson, and the suggestion, coupled with an urgent request to raise it, came from that officer .td Mr. Palmer, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company ; but as General Anderson's failing health was not sufficient to enable him to discharge the rigorous duties of the' Ken= trickyservice, and caused his resignation, the guard will be assigned to his successor, 'General Sherman. - Tiffit - eorptlif being filled by a stated tare from every county in Pennsylvania, who tare selected for their education and respectabili- Letters have been sent by Mr. Palmer to gentlemen inthe several districts, on whom the dirty devolves of cheetah -4 the honored recruits. The company is to rendezvous at Carlisle bar racks, and were to meet to-day. They will be drilled at that place in the movements of foot sakdiers, and in the tse of the sabre and pistol, and when prepared to move will be sent to Kentucky, where some of the best horses that famous country produsies will be procured them. The duties of the corps will be hazardous and ,intportant—it isnot intendedsimply to be a body guard—and we expect to chronicle some of thek exploits. With Pennsylvania's brain and' Mus cle, and Kentucky's fleet and fiery chargers, gieat things will be expected of these chosen warriors. We have not been able to ascertain who have been appointed to select the recruit"' from this county. . Tam Guzman BARGAINS mon Nsw Yosz. forariox! —The Cheapest Goods Received Yet /- 50 pieces of 5-4 bleached Pillow Case Muslin, 124 cents. 100 dozen of woolen Socks damaged . by water, 8 cents a pair. 25 pieces of dark heavy Pant Staff, 18, 25 and 87 cents. ' 50 pieces Canton Flannel, 124. cents. 100 of black and grey Cloaks, from 82.50 up. 12 dozen of ladies' 'woolen Sontags,very cheap. 40 dozen of grey'and white merino UndendArni and Drawers,' 70 cents 50 pairs white woolen Blankets, at all prices. 100 dozen of ladies And tbildum's'wooll*cir ings, 12 to 87 cents.' _ _ _ 0.: 60 pieces of white; red and yellow Flannel, at all .1 - • Country inercluulfs We'tionld Wife to call, as we have a large etock of all Waif of Nods, and are daily receiving Gob& from New York Auction, which we will sell at - wholesale at City prices. • • • S. , ,Lannr, John Rhoads' old stani. Convissamon Erman Mo. Rum, Has Bsowx AND Mas. SMlTEL—Meeting KUL Jones on the street, 1 wwf at a loss to account for her improved personal apputrance, and indeed was in doubt of its being lokuntil sheiaid'how are Aoki she had just nietlfra. Smith who said that she, Mrs. Smith, .had never seen Mrs. Jones look so _I therihiaild fully indorsed what. Mrs. Smith ,had said, and jest at that' titan Valued the beautiful water- woof cloth circular . Mrs. Jones -had bought at tha cheap store corner Front and Market streets, Thum &13eivicas,. and so Mrs. Bineli went on to say— . . octl74t mANHoon: ' .. ~ , , 40W LOST --- HOW -- RESTOBED - Tun Pubigth4lit4tir eed -Envelope ; tp Price 6 ate : A ilatarti urn the View ti Treatment, gad radical Owe ot 4 _Noah itees, lavabo:Alia aWstaat,lftW DatilsygtitdMped- Inmate to Ilarriagagenortdly,Nervoosnate,Cooeumption, Sodomy and 1 . 0 11 ti : .S6mtal OW Ebbi‘ . 49Giquicity, re- W s - Itb • ISO ,•. V . - It i lar nftairjarkorY2-ettateßook f tliha 0 The9POlO ll, W . 1 4 . 11 Fer. arse 0 • ,ilytt-under , pistli, ik 46 054 Il b ri "e445"16 euv509rpt 6 1 77 0 7 . - iicigAte r yt t . . 1 - - - -I r g a h -3 11 . fic)4l"l4. =I .03 31 Era i'Ard FZIE Fr= DR. DITPOk GOLD MIA . Pats ..itaplble tern off; testi/4(og, /4411 rtm di oytu opm C i t ra kp fria=attavers:Ganian. T • • • AV PILLS H REM tißßli BY the deaton for many yea . ga, both in France and America, with unparalleled etlemtlo- every case ; and he la urged by many %housing la d , who used them, to make the pills public ibeelfstatefittocM• et Show autferhi, from any irregularthet'Weßirei;.' ba *ell 'a, to prevent an Marengo or family famlly *heist heititk , Will'aek. permit it.— Females partiolderlY oittiot t . t' tethime' S l FPP °34l g them ' selves so, aid nabtomid.egainet MS thlifi4ddle. to that' condition, as they pze.itirr.*produce'meatilege,varh the proprietor aseumut lid aherthWilabnig When ' although their ralldthisalikohld lirumuit.tay chief to bealth—otherwtee'llual:Pilbr are 'reCOnliptolded: Full and explicit (11Tractiothandhitipill, teek•:-'.:Prise SI 00 per boa. cold` arlicilianthiffittEruterhy 011Aitt.F14p11014WARF,'Throggiet, Mo s t allialailtow,lktirtaburg,: Pa. "Wien," by eondteridatt4lllo i. , iburg Poet Office, can have thereat dent free of• ibestilttan to any part of the country lodffildeietbillyyttad “frie#olpor, - tagem by mail. Said it EL Ovirvineti,. - mwagi•.. Jornikrir, lioupwActif ' .Las-' moss 'Lebanon, DaetagAik ,' .- Latutastior;Ji A. Wow. Wrightsville'-‘II,AT: by one druggist is every . tiity viillotie lb the, 'and by S. D. BOWN ata proprietor, Nelt- N. B.—Look out for mnititerfeftky b • ey tio (Paden Pi* of any bled unless swot*, bint-leffighed LIL Howe':Al. ethers are a been Imposition returere4. the as you value your liveemad Vole; (to 4, 0 litothior be. og hUmbugged nut of our m o neydy,) play- '4EOl_ :those who blow the signature of St? /*Moto, Venii. which has recently been .4tdee ' ,4 l' , egisutfeLiarilbe Plus heitty annatarlear..l ..! IMPORTANT TO FEMALES tot. on : El.4.kitSil ~E! ,Lp. IPiephred by CdrithWnSeinertittirl, ': D. NEW - YORKZITY. . - '- IIt! EIE combination of-ingredients m thee: , Pills are.the rtuult of * lintgarid agtenitivei n ritialeti. ”Y are mild - ha their operaticin, atid ceneliiin . MAW irregularities, Painful 4tacuerpaticins, removing MI bbr ructions, rrh - ether rnenobolitrdr bibethliii4 'headache, Orin in the sl.te, palitititlen el Chi heart . ; whltini,alt nor -40113 afr. etions, 'hysterten, fatties t , pelt' is the batik and lmbs, ka.,•diritrirhed sleep, which arises front - InterrulP tion of nature. ' ' - ''- '' -- - • • i' TO MARRIED LAOTIO, Or Cheeseman's Pi& are irrraltiehlii;. as they will bring 4311 the monthly period with regularity. Lathe. , who have bees ilisapiio nted in tbrnise of other Pins-can place the almost conttlence in pr. , Ohehabinan , s Pills doing all that; they represent to do:' - • ' NOTION Ihere is one cosulition qf the fensede system' in which the Pills camel be takers withal/ prirdsseing a PECOLI'd RESULT. Thecondititit referred to PREGNANCY— tie meat 11[18L541021.4 GE.' Such is the . tom ='medicine to ratersthe seouta' flootiefis cocondition, that 'hell the retprodootive pottier of *a ttire mama 'via it. , Warrantrofturrely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. 'rep< dirdotiofte which ateteed be road go mullion! eackbox. " Pecs Sr.' Sent by mail ou analog ; .log-St to, IttorOtet. Office, New York Qty. , •- r . • I.4dlby oue - Druggrilln ['very town in the United Rana % H. B. 1113 MMHG'S, - '*" Go i ilera il 0 Di. for th - U Old lOW 1q ...„ 1. . . .... ,l, 14 Br . '4la To wboin alLvnAldial en silo 1 litr . 0. r 11,, Sold lu Harrisburg try U. A. Banvairr. ° °• 29 4 t r, 17- . -,- .4 , -., -. . HAIR RYE 1 HAIR DYE!! *6l The only Unite allttStlijable DYO KilieVrn MI others are. mere imitations, and should be avoided ystr wtstito espeoe ;NW a, l GREY, RED OR RUMT HAIR dyed MitantlY to a beaulinal and naturol Bronx or•Blao", without the least injury to Hair or Skin, - Flier EN etti)jISAND DlPLOMAShavecbeen lawkr dad to 'iV c til'A:•l3.tierartion Miro:eta: and • over 200,006 applications have been made to the hair or the patrons or his 'bracing Dye. • • ' Wis. A.. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE' produrne a color , not te• be. dlittlittiitshed from nature and is WARILIZMID not to %Orel° the twist; however long It Inv he comb ned, atid, the till &cis or bid Orin rimedied. Tho•Eudr 16 invigorated fort& by this setandid'Elye, Wilk& is prop erlY Wad at No. 16 mud Street New York. '- - sold the oiled end towns of the United MIMI, ey SrUgulate and 'Fancy Goods Dealers • *- • - • The Genuine has the name "William 'lladolielor,” "he, address upon a steel plate Tour aides of each box. ' • • • Whohissitaysotor7,ll Barehir - -LSO SSE Broadway, New York. 'ocatinwly TO OOKSIVES Tto ADviivaiiii, **wed to health In g few. weeks by a.,VIRY 8441Ple,xemedit after having indairedrseiieral remw`wltlia , tievere4tiesdrect. tan,ami. that drawkdiseatie•.Coat i rPttla—te Mil," ter Make Irlitivinidtde filiCw 2 stiffere tnermeithrorcure To 41100 Oldie 14,11 e. wllletwilso copy Of the Pre abriptimutved (free of charge), with 7.lie dlrectigna for eireparlerend'ashig tame; *WWI' theY igna a Iwo ours for Consumptiou, Asthma, Bronchitis, glatita only, object, of the- advertiser•in eendieg the Preacrliti el only to benefit the 'Sided ; and spread Informatibit w he coucelves to be nvaluable, and he hopes every ft *tar will try his IV Will cosialtem nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address • RSV: *moo WAPSON, • trilllamsburgh, . li bgbi eiwinty,'NeNor -York, ootBl-wly i str Ag? 7 TBß itMND • • •• Pliblielle .141 PILLS mak blow= -.Brum.- Aree sit :Mineral rosins etAirefula. p L ars, Seuriy;'or ltemniefda ar lbw bear, the "' operation ' ae,, Life MediCingkikWlJlXestosishipiri Oen removing Low IMP ey,F7_ ve s tige these Walb_lll6 diseases y their lieritying Meta on ` the-'blood. Billioda Fevers, sever and Ague, nymepithyDrotey; .Pikst, and in short, oat all amass BOW yield to their curative properties o family should be As. by their timely imo mash suffering anddetwanne may be saved:: R,IIOFf . IAT, K. D., Niw York, and Itallity-iiilDv lst. • novew-ly cw -urtisntts SHIRTS I - SHIRTS I SHIRTS 111 HOME MANUFACTURE. THE crißAl ,- ii THE Rwum,. •'• . • - HE undersigned having opened his /Bnoractory of &kis &c., at. N 0.12 Wad, Market narrisburg, ,ma trespebdplly solicits. the itatronertand attention of the ladles, Gentlemen and .Iferobanta to: the IbUowing issottment of goods 211 of .dibieb are our own! Ininufactare': BOSOMS; • •Cltdians, WitIST-BAND • , , ;:r 7 •71 1 .14,V0t: caorii - •••: 1 ' Also the - parUcidaritikatiVe antie to ledge Assortment,of ta *S. , (from tke Ws* lin - Hula* gid?!kfur vityke,) sei):4o3ol4btair s ! OurleS,'Sictricdol.,ln'greofvidiodes, all 'of Ntldcbliellig , bur own marmufactoro we will .sell cheaper than can be 'purchased elsewhere. PereOriatintkbeapf famishing their Own inaterials, , isan have cutting, sewing ite., of every variety Mine iceerd warder: Alt oftlreiboviihanied geode for Well wilAlr make to measure, guaranteeiog .to it, and give entire satisfaction to the pluchimei for EOM. dur.rib, rind miterial. All special orders will be prompt"' ; tended to upon the shortest notice and mart reasonable terms. Alsolleroliants supplied upon the Most ration. tibie terms. P. S. Ladies wlshing skirts or under germents et any chscrlptioh, can have them =dela Ordei Miliding sample of suolainds as may be desired. ; JAYRS. A. LYNN, No. 12, Market street, au29.4ldm Harrisburg, Pa. 1300ina..11eXt door to Hummel knlimptr'l.6. Grocer y, Store. . . pAy fiANNO3, 410 g, lulifasAugey . aig6gAir 11\ . • Id 11.1E'8 • PATENT wroiiti find qtately fro, ;N.." 'id 'Burg* Proof. fiIiALP" 11 111916, - • Btrially.theo4tilf9 sial. made, that la both re and Rontlii £iodf. inariZdly . , mmuslf Large 11;iid anniiteis ;Mode of - I-« BIBLES, COI PRISING EVERY VARDEti from - lae smalloCCocuit Ps 1 4 Pliodie d and Walla ,Pmitzvz Ru An been INVobased and reaalved * 016 4 'Fmk. Wee. Miming parchased thenst , • EXTRIIIKELY Low BATES, #t 17,1Lt')1 01401 f1 1 1 0 = 4 Tin smaU thlrlk e& eateix ia r i* 04161 r ~ r;eliiSsrit, a ri% Now_cAlmettisentents. _ - - PROOWUTION. 4• VJT erelHEttlittB;l ,ovr . JOHN J. in SADA 4.1 0 15 eajdens of thetleartmf_Common . newt irrßb JlDUDDirThliadi, fitthituf IliecOunthe ot Lebanon _attepin,,and the Ettn}t ut.,94 11 ' 111 and Hon. Fino.l4Baetar, - .,ltetioalate . Dauphin nountllha tirl intt lamed t heir heir pocept, bearing . date the, 23e1a7 Septantbect /8814 , te yle direutaloo. l. 44 l l l dlDlS bflt , er tiztofterEdtnet and and Quarter Semarang of the Peace at tiarriaburg f for the county of Dauphin, and to commence ON ma 3an Kw- DAS OF Norman Nam being the 18TH DAY Or NOYINBAR, 1861, and to =Oen two Weeks: . Notice ie therelore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the t'eace, Aldernien, and Constables of the said Mundy of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper wages, at DI Reebok in the foresees ersaid day, with thelVesclords, trelnitittonse examtaations, sad their own remembrances, to uo those things which to their Moo appertains to be done, and those who are bound in rttonitninannati to P leseouts naitinst the prisoners th are wil;ishittl`be fn the /Jain oft-Danrihin county, be then and there to prole:mkt-Against &ham as shall be just. Given under nil 'naafi, Efithishorg, the 23rd day of sepr em be r , in thq, rerettatr- Lord, 1864 and in the eighty-fifth year' a the 4Riependence or the PoLed States. 1 ' 1 ! ..J. D., BOAS, Sheriff. Semmelt_Disme Harriabag, Odobei 12,1861. J ' octl4-dewtd s. lirGEßsowis l'Atl2o • • • FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH- It dresses the hair withontmening the Angers. It effects a mimics of ope.haif in the use of hair prepar ations. notmaway with greasy heron bottles. It is handsomer article thiatbecommai hair-brush. It regulates the gumatily of fluid used, to a drop. It is perfectly 'llll*ll,lld hobos skill over In the trunk c on the toliet.: , entifigh4 any preliaration for a vol. /go or a low/journey. I Its Price 41",ilio,dyulteyl . 194 it sivei'lis °Wm* iwthree ?aura Benet% Irfrog indTencyllorei 91 'Market street two dotes east of Fourth! 'street, south aide. mate „ . Mirried Men or those -. Contem . plating! Marriage, irta E. nodersigeed will give iutermation on • veryiMtensti, and important eubject, which .mill be valued more than a thousand tikes cost by every. issarriednouple: Of say age or nondigkilt in . 11 . The information will basest by Mail to eve r y addresti through the same source accompanied by 26 cents and two red stamps. Address s i B. B. HORRID, lf. D., Lock Box 00, Boston, Mass. N. 13.—ThIsis no humbug!' 'tint ie warrantedrobenm ply 'satisfactory in ievery Instance (regardless of senti ments, age, or , condition in life,) or the money will be in tended. All lelbers !should be directed to N. Morrie, Look Box 60, Boston, Maas., with a plain signianre addieta.for return. r octlldendlmawlm TYNX;MIXAM I 4P STATE Strtiniirgic ThifiPhtrief , a few doors 14 0 .1„r„..iffototi4inroattnrg. A Ilan now Hearse y Amide' nAiwayi on hand and tinally finished lid Went Exi.llTenna rea vislabie. E5 1 4 80 . - .4 BAKN.K. UPHOLSTERING. PALM LE&lHKltrßiggig' COVRALTOPAtATTRIaSES, • HUSK NATnumm, COTTON CCIIIFOB, I 8, CHAIR CUSHIONS, • - • ; bkIIP'StOCLB I In baud and for sale at tbe verriewest rates for °nail. Hair Mattresses and BQring klottoqut made to order. - 404 13 CHAIRS - , • 7111/RiIiATTRIMSES &c., Merabred and made equal tedama u yery nameable, all at 109. Market Street, blikkeitalMattb jHt fi. ;1714.1•3 , ec19.201d , J. T. BARNITZ. arils ilrg" tin liciiiiitaot*: SECOND..STREET BELOW. CHESTNUT. ATENITIAN BLlNDlEhtiade t a o order, and Iv a n m *a ig vany.,,a,axpoinain t auti e. —Per sona at a IM - lahaftab i lMs~ wait dobe addres sing a letter to the.nadenUned. Thankful for past pat- Amuse he hopes; nrstrieVatterition to business, to merit dooasntkintgts pf tbasame. .Slrßagfacten guaranteed both afitnlie • - "' R.SiiRP. ' (3L'ITIM - G-0.0 I),S voitititt-THE 'ARMY Sets, Pillinir . l . 4llllsrikoktss, 'Clitats, 0 !es, 4firlns,, 41111. S. suarrEß, North Side 1 0 1 4Atet.Plioitck 4ear%ehlet's Hotel, • - HASSISBUSG, PA. GILV`PIO*III - GUN PRAM:MI J. BIESTER, CARVER ANIICFILDVA. Looking Glass and Piot= Frames, Mouldings &c. 4$ OH tfIT moor, NEAR SECOND. sgai .Y04§ 11 i 1 .744 French BlLirrksh zonare snit Oval Portrait P44.1K11! Of eviii.4 l CriPtkiii• OLD FRANLEIPEE.OHAT TO NEW. 3. ' it s, ksit„„of,AppLrk .Y. ,EUP.S.E4. , y a tittrildspedfaki Iriiiiim l ire -tit& 1 ,;-.4rir 1401151tp*Wlyi.tiutt.he will • .1 seld ye k on the PrAWO Foßn; NE sox,. a d olio' iiith•icgt&it of THOROUGH " Ili , Rleasurl , •wildt upo n , ,lietpUest ,the A r. • WS Ili ede.:ll),ltA or' itrysber - Sltheklv 6 l l4 ; , file residence, twlibbediAltriesi,c,viteW r iforeiti. below th Berman ftpfonned,Olanrcl,l.. , , . , decle.ti Ala '''t'q,';.!•;V::!.J.lYl',V.'L'g , .,lNi:c - : 1 * TRAWLING 'scam' or Tam . . , • Otto - • iitlizoixi—Efi • :LINE. atm. TRANSPORTATION LINE lista nseoo.islhlopaiationi clam freight es LOWEns , any. nine- indtiriensi , "• line between Kabuki/ Us; Hamipbarg,Aeplenr ya Lewisham, Williams, *lc AereiplAnin pelt• Nave% and alt Rotas on She florgiefP ten l. plia:Fm, and : Williams- , port and Millis.*ltaltnisd s. , n • Local Agent Good sent to PEACOCK; ZELL Bi'IIiNCHBLBN; Nes. 808 end $lO Marion street, above Eigbtb, by 4 o'clock, F. 11.; ill arrive at: Ijarrleburg, ready for, delivery . , the next therningt - A -• C. F. lilllffiNCt4 ap&tr Travellog.iigent. FOR .RENT AcournaT , ELt.IxG ROUSE, air .9A1NA0r14412,-widi,,or without,NrAßLlAN Wol, po,Wir#4. Pliothwion forthwith. , BARN Nairbss44, - ,o3iilier Mb, 1861.-1.10, . • -'- ' aratimt.a.L. . 11 E SUBSERltiEgi 7 hil4Z4Mooved his ' :AgINAILND 4ND..INAARR FOUNDRY freak *whet 49Witreet cheFOADteltek.emithao the: Xlethe &Ch. al - ft , PRI*PWOOfg e i 0 0/ 1 4 ,6 5 bY.lftrigt 10131111011 to bnitineint, to merit a continuance go it Illar 264 md .1:i .^ : , , ... i: Lin. PARKUTh . A CHOCX. FOR A BAUGADI rep thettonoeriv entire l IL ii=lta ria nlß A T.,,titils_oLthiver Be 1. Odds d will #e sold it lithos" to ' 414 lrri 144 the rooms w il l be" tented to natrfainePhara *Md. 'The term s will be Ouuttt Mialtfligte azikiliga49h4g9o AltEw LOT or BAG Comprising a umber of new styles GENIE' ap&I1 " , ` l4l , jr a i t T p V . sad tisij "flaw tav A tie.r.-ms vock rrzx f.464atw iiliscellanteay. , NEW NATIONALZOAN. Simn and Three.Tan#4 P. l " TREA.StiILY ROTES, DOW READY POR:IMUJYKRY AT TIM OPTICS JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS;` ; '., No. 114 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Pursuant o Matt' tichona from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription Hook to the NEW NATIoNAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, beariug inter , o 1 at the rate of seven.aud threo.teatha Dee eetit per annum, wilt remain open my 'ace, No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. until flarther notice, from 8 A. if. UU 6 P. M., and on Holidays till 9 P. IL These not a will be of the denomination of FIFTY DOLL ONE BUNN. It I lOL •11.8, FIVel N WED DOLLAR t. NE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE TIioUSAND DOLLARS,. and 'are all dated 19th of Augast, 1881, payable lb gold. in three YeariL or con. verUble into a twenty }aura' Eli per cent.. limatoit the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note hint Interest coupons .ttached, which can be cut off and collatini 14 gold at the Mint every Mx months. and at the rate of one cent per day en each Mlyalollars. Payments of subscriptioes may be made intilOkl or becks, or :Notes of any of Philadelpta Banks. Nauss AT A DJATANCE mu remit by their friends, through the mall, or by express, or through Banks and ttie Treasury Notes will be immediately delivered, or sent to e :Ch subscriber as they may severally direct •Parties remitting must add the interest from 19th of - August, the date ot all the notes, to di day the remit• tancs reaches . thltsdelptda, at the rate of ono (Mat per day jai AtUii tffty dollar:. Apply to or todroas Jim &kali; stmscinpriorr AGENT, Gait of JAY 00068 & CO., 8e30 :.. t5 ... No 11 , 11nouth itard %red, 1).41441416 tx3illm ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL .EROAPWAY, NEW YOILK. Board &shoed to $2 per Day. QINCE the opening of this vast and modlous trote4.ln .18M, it ham been the. Angle ea• ',tensor of the pthoriatonsto make it thetment enmpthcap, thnvententand comthitable borne air the dawn and stranger on Me siae the Atlantic. Ault whatever has seemed likely to administer '• the comfort of Its gnosis they have endeavored, without re. Bard to cost, to provide, and to combine all the elements of. Individual and social enjoyment which widens art has invented, and modern Iggue approved; nod the pat. ronage which it has commanded during ilia past ids years is a gratifying proof that their efforts have been appre elated To meet the exigencMg of the times, when all lire re qu'red to practice the most rigid economy, the , maned Bare Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars Iper Day, et the mime abothig roue of lho luxuries wi.ii which their labia has hitherto bLat t i suppiie i. THE DWELT, CO. Now York, Setit 2, 1961.—sep9,d3ne • - INSURANCE AGENCI. THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF rumAnaLrorA. INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL. AND A.•.:ETS 5904,907.61. TUE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASPIETA $1,219,475.1 . THE undersigned, as Agent for the well known Companies, will make buturinee against lows or damage by fire, either perpetually or an nually, on properly In either town or country. Aortae and Inland Transportation Risks alto taken. Apply personally or by letter to • - '• Harrisburg, Pa. . ott4'6l.dawl7 TAKE NOTICE! TAT we have recently added to oar al 1 ready full stock OF SEGABS NORNATIS, 'left Kew, EL NON% L 4 BANANA. OF PERFUMERY Fox kw rusrolamomxt : TUBEISE ESsENCE, OBER OF MUSK, LUBLVS ESSENCE BOUQUAT. FOR TOR HAta. EAU LUSTKALR, P4YLTAIURB POKATUM, - • , myitun A N A VLOp&T P,ObLATUji... FOR MI CONPLITIONI- . TALC OF VENR.E, ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MIME HAY FOWLER, BLANC LE PULES. . OF SOAPS 'ILISIN'a FINNS? MOSS RUB, BENZOIN, : UPPER TRH, - . . • VIO.I.ET, NEW MOWN HAY JOCK& cram Having tbo largest stock and beat assortment of 'habit Articles ' we fanny MLR Ere are batter able than 00! 99M-, polnosslo get up a complete Toilet. Sot at atiy.prmiL Sired— Oslt and see. • Always on band, a FRESH Stock of DRUM S , US - CINF9, CHEMICALS, &0., consequent of our receiving alinost dully , additions thereto. ; NAILER'S ORIN'ANO•IrAIkOE' Volta; . Street, two &we Bast of Nourth Stem*, Soul:11'0de. JUST PIJ_BLI.Sk..4III). A .MANU, NEILITA.RY SURCTERY OR, HINTS ON rag EMERGENO/SS fielit`bamp i a n d Hospital Practice. 8. D. GROSS, M. D PEOFSISHI a inIISSICT ltl TH. /11PWIRON MU/1W COLLIIOI For tale at BICHONSIP.I azutAv ISOOESTOFF.' may 24 SCIIAFFER'S BOOK 'B'II3KKI '(3Vear thd Rarristrurg Bridge.) SI.2SJUST R 1 01 81.1 , HI) from the • Mils n [owl 0110 COldliNiteleL nom " vr..ett, %men we will sell at $1.25 per ream: • iiienitietiperina.m.for. , lloll/eentlillitiltdeorireted latiat and - very handerime - emblems and patriette niotue. - saso for 1000 WHITE iNVFLOPEs, with national and k 1 patriotic emblems, printed iu Leo colors. I Hesse give Od call. TIIIC . jr. leiMb - VVV.E6 • ' annillatuTlNC4-.-7 'cleat Schools for Boys and Git FRONT wernmovr Assov . F. I Qt UST, '7 IIE Fall term of ROBERT hrij,w4FA6 • School lor boys, whippet' oh the -Arial lichidaYi for Member. It,: room is well ventilated, Mardorttbly redebed, end in every respect adapted - forachow par cATHARINII Febeol for girbi, locate l n the game buildinti, will open for the Fall term at the HAM time. The room has been eloruit/y ' Cited tip to promote tie health and comfort of scholars, aer22dli WirlY. _Wet . 14.,- z ,Two, .f.istudTe voriptione and : prfile.; t lapB • JR.llt . INE TOILET hti& PS, i'OMA.D.ES, HAIR COLOGIAZEI ant EXERAION, I Of 7 ASI es, Woe* 614._mimufActures at Aguitt's -AND-viagov IRAB CI l 6 'Tl:::Stristly 'pure, 'spark Sag anibawikt.Ruis ?rafted a Alvorliediii or DI? strovaryaadaagriaatiarai siaca - assa. • / Par Sr ,- *SW. was: BOON or CIO., • ~.!,11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers