= 315aik Edtgrap4 I:= Forever AGM that standard sheet I Where.breathea the foe but falls before us Wl* Aliftedom's moll beneath alit' feet, AvilMeedona's banner streaudng o'er us OVA PLATFORM TN* 13NION--41W1VN# 3.Tutip5 7 4,1113 THE IMITOMINKNT lar THE LAW. HARRIBBIIAG, PA. IRMO Morning, October 16, 1861. THE. PROBABLE COMPLEXION OF THE 2EIT LEGISLATURE. We 'have' tried our *meat to present a com plete'llfaillS-Mehibers elected ls the next Legit Attire; bta' r tho returns are coming in so slowly, and the votes in shine corintles &than even ly balanced, thht nothing but l an'oilickl count of they . iny vote next Noyfrnirr will decide the result. The following table, however, has been prepared with much care , and we believe can be telled on: asmore correct than the state menta relating to the same subject, made by any,of.our cotemporaries. We expect, too, that the army.vote will give us one or two more members lathe House of Representatives than we claim in the following. table: AziPtllL,- The following slistridts elected Senators a the last election, : Third District, Philadelphia Montgomery Bucks., , .1 Northampton Berke Schuylkill Clinton, tycoming, Centre and Union 1 York Allegheny 1 Erie, and Crawford , 1 Clarion, Jefferson, Forest and Elk. . Senators bolding over Republican majority 1101131 Or EXPIUMITATIVIS The following,exelthe most reliable returns we can make of the probable complexion of tho next House of Representatives, viz : Adam,. ; Allegheny Armstrong and Westmoreland Beaver and Lawrence Bedford and Somerset Berke Blair Bradford Bucks Butler Cambria ‘,4 *Carbon and Lehigh Centre Chester • Clarion and ;Forest Clearfield, Jefferson, McKean and Elk Clinton and Lycomlng • Coltmlblai .Montour, Wyoming and Sullivan Crawford and Warren Cumberland and Perry .. . Dauphin Delaware„ Erie Fayette Franilk,andifultOn Greene Huntingdon Indiana Juniata, Union and Snyder lencastAr.. Lebanon Lucerne Mercer arsiVenaugo NkluntAgutiike.. Nor*Rptemi.:..;.. Nwikuxiberland . Ph Pottig Oft:UNA. •Ugleipbbk BuiqPohouna ..... VI EW& SchMALX., ... WAYAa.ii York,. 1 ........ ..... 1 . 1 =MI tipitukmajority colffasimiLiohtanwalinos and Cl* ~thagentlem ento/eated.hthararbon and wargskio 9:nth& pub& tioketand.can barehed on as good UnionAnen. . . TRIURATS .LEAVING Richmond fegiers report that a steamer got cue,* Charles . . n,. , mad that amen& her _passengers were two arch rebels— MaiOn; of Virginia and Slidell, of Louisiana. mate 44 , doubtful story ; t hut if be true;, we 91,14 t h e fact __ MfildffigliOr the fact on the principle of the adillaiiiiatriskts will leave a sinking ship. These twolinthe- southern conspirators have—more, others—the selfish . cunning ifiaifo them fiat to save own necho.,lgfalLilmely tetreat. .The report that thesetwolateli *snort have left Richmond ac cre44l"a'Ar*eters r . espeethrely . to England and talk% Ali4_ Y. be k ilo . dcfill4lesh both Masi:Fß/aid Slidell concocted the'plan of their escape 4, by -having themselves 'tbni accredited; but Yecidw , rely on thefact that thei sire theinost eel*, vowax s in the whole south, ioia it es cape is possible, will be the first to embrace , its oppolteldittati. It not easy to tell whether anyitteriwill have' an oppo4rOy't get ilesion or any other of the south . ... ern theri l est with "distinguished" , paasengens but the overland route_hyT.Tof 34looifs yet oPedNuiPliktli4l l A).i.e P 01 .1 ,9 may Rot 1 W4e4 1 . atelymbeibot doubtless, many others of the conspthitoitiwill:shortiT be fousinoissifig: Buell mentkidj 1 V .01,041 N Cobbi' * I' l l'o*, 0440tti5..44 .1448, gickisgOit to shin fitialexasetvesun uo;:airia7 , o 7.. 11= SECRETARY OdifffßON IN BT LOUIS. The St. Louis Democrat, of the 15th instant, in referring to the presence of Hon. Simon Cam eron in that city, says that the vigor and ac tivity of the Secretary of War4are nAceable by all: Lab& seems not to , wary hiS nor care to add one "line to his fa ce', On Sat ay he set out for the camp at Tipt4M, stoppin t Jeffer son City over night. Snoday • by day light he was up rid retity nr ...1. The train arrived at n t eitt o'clock, a. m., whei the ffwietarT orielnd rode with Gen. Fremont, who is a great horse man, to Syracuil,fiva Iniles ..l. where_ Amre-, viewed ihe troops, and were some Wours in the saddle. At five p. m. the train left for St. Louis, where it arrived at midnight. Yesterday Secretary Cameron set out for Kentucky, to in psect the , departmental the CumbeibMd. these rapid movements sh 94 the vio of the Man and though thesndwioisixthilidersimvefidied upon his head, the country has the promise of a continuance of his usefulness„torinany years to come. TherehavebsenidtnysiAdatioiMhdfLO little eaCtteMeit the arrival (len. Cameron, in referenim to the objects and results of his yisitlO the . TAtifint" s 43o: ag we can learn, the public curiosity has not been gratified by any reliable information ;and W ws, suppose the geoid ntmCi poislsiltiaiti . tiods. in patience until tire iditin of thilidaretary to. ,W,ashington,..-when the result& of his ohservu tion Midl2eforatheiCalMutt, )and acted 'upon. • • organization of the next House of Repre sedatives is . now attracting the attention of Ake people in various sections of the commonwealth, and from the tone of the p ress in ,tha lame lo &allies; the' indications are thtie *Or JOHN Rows of Franklin connty; will lie caliealo the Speakership by the almost iliattnimous vote of the Representitliire of the ' peailk Major an earnest, active, and intelligent business man, and while Surveyor General of the State, won the confidence of time, who had business with that ;department, by-the accuracy' of his official( acts and. the. his Nampa _belong,: IR the , SPlSheea Clairol. the next House of Rep -,, reaentativm he ; would tmdc . atbtedlyi..become, both useful, P. pßlirt,s4. fore we cannot refrain frog ip r 4hp: pre fere'r's wid4lS4), unani m ously, i n dicates John Rowe for that pnaiti4M, His:ability is undonhtedj aqd '/48 integ r i typersonalc cter,is above, reproaah and, beyond AIM* facts and qu al ifications ' in hie'faior, we have right to auticipato the pleasure of greeting Joh n ,m . Rowe ihe Speaker of the Honae.of Remeen . tatives in the approaching session of our UP. DEM 8 8 20 2 28 10 10 EXCRANGE OF PRISONERS The administration has adopted a method by' which an exchange of prisoners ctuz.be eitected;. if the rebels 0 1 90 6 e. It °PR', of,cgtirse;.recxt , . 1 4 1 them, in PAY: Yq 4 9,,a 8 . W.tiniate eUtal but es 44 11 t ' alkit4eYil:gealVia.PY, of'our Un , fortunate men seer/Nile:o*g number of.theirs, will„be released by .our xovepFient. Sq_me forty or fifty ”woluidtA cently returned from Richmond to Fortress. Monroe, ordw have been issued‘to Col Loomis;! of New York city,,to return in' the.. same wily sore forty or fifty of the incarcerated traitotc, This .is a ,tender. which, the rebels.. have”- hUmanly enoughlo ..regard restore , the. captives of both sides to their friends and homes., UNION. DEM Tin RiegS o23l PiamaSkof October 9th makes the folloyring very sensible admission, .of which we would scarc e lysesPtieW otie.sO,YashiM tree-. son as t4e,p4tor of t.Pft.4 l 4lectable Sheet-, to •be capable- from Si* eXtsMits ..s.ethese,lyße can , estimate elAte;VtWhkeh.kustalcUn.placesince this war began, in the opinion of eouthern men , for northern fortitude and yeller, ; and we may add, too, thai tfile is not ails which, thip war isAren, to inculcate in the southern , mird. pep* , Of the nOrth,:loni sufferin g the way of representatioii,shillortiletways tUiruseivithe peace and prosperity of the a:m.4lr* haye heretp 7 , fore submitted patiently to the aidgsuice and the , &oration of the son'th Thet tithe is no*Pest. 'the' leeders of the are - fait filkiiAtiiig - thiAt, they hiveßroireed tut tine* and"* . iillignetion' which`cannot be aitested :or allayed `by coin-' promise. They' bait discovers:4 that: it is one thing to violate 'a law and alio er topay the penalty of its violation. Biitiet "`tile leader bb- serve well the confeasionis of the itie/inieritrikij patch in the following:paragraph : • - " Whilst it is obvious-to every. one that the Yankees ,are .49t au military, a people as thii Roo plp .9fthe.a o oP - 7sts4 We do no,t believe, with the,mcception. the Freiiat; there suck a..na- Ulm of soldiers inir , frhent Mt 'the "face .45f the earth.as the southern Pet - pie—Whilst their-eon ,- dtict in every other particular of this war heal been es raßcally.as it well.. could. he 7 -ffet jfk idle to that they XsYq„4onteit , ,:td,alm,ost every battle brivhich thitik - hihre iri a)P4kungr,,w,hicll Astablishea .their courage,l ***bias credit awn. theArifEby„,whOte.t.liaY: woreveliguisted. We liikVe seen otllcers. ang .soldiers who have been engaged in'teMelif edgf ~ one of our importaiatliattlesoindtheir xmi.formk U 1411120 E3' is,. that-4 1 e work manfu lly, eseJOY - stottd Bp to th,eir y, artd wpvedthemelves, prgar,etli fighting irtiitlitieSte sOf ..dipr's steel: Were thetacteotlieriviiie*Ycofild' Between . have the assurance to ,utter the. word) GLORY 11l connection "a 40.0414004 which. the south has gained.:' 1 171"1231 th 4 only sonthenl of the noble white-feathered b 3 to the Richmond Enquirer, oikeording Con gress.' He been runningin " running f " C°11 " ever sinceh ran, -- some way, o avfaZ frPm gr z Potter, dcashL Oorikethne heran:i of oy ci t ' rieeTerli' Ye.22°1(414", 'much risk l P l.( ?. l ? al) l7 found too attached to that honor, and nn_ seeks a plea) when; ad • " CI the Y exemplify the tongue is mightier tian, 611 e. If he canonly ininege,'i: bower pistol and a bONifirdlY annianrel his veiolq a r *- -;in °Qd ).4 heard in Confederate%d minnow. Es-Plussinorr Bo::" ~s V — • in - York last lieek, hobnobing - v_rititl& &fief - §Ec t i4tary of fititte,'lbrtiinitdi 8. illicit; and delighting the ayoplttinCir of fit'; 'late Wiifii,etieviiii; 4114 breinfeilut!liiii . rtieognitioidaila*iiiiii3e.. The pereitilnititirii': of= the Eii-Pieeidetif)k4l; in . * ixiiithiiily ciiitiAioli,ifi l- 61 -. . , - 'cti ry ''4otititlegs' mod itiadmiiiiiiilAiiiialit :jivtMiy*: Y4rictitelimilita &kW elikhSßtdoiii4Ok , , 140341;mi, 4iVifelOa ht Crt'Wm i ttlet ~. ipdfrititi m Aaci _ efl aasit 1,„ ' ^l7; i . , 77$71SVaj -at to OW ' liflA.' " 4 : - ' i ..-4L. It oult visisair ..1Q !STRAKER OF THE ,HOUSE. BY TREG 441 , 1 a r, 0 , our sventog noltlon of Yesterday. • RANKS' COLUMN. 7.*1 — 4 lO- .lOnel Om , Again Heard From. Thirty-Five Hundred Rebels Repulsed, and One Hundred and Fifty Killed. FADKRAL Lops FOUR KILLED AND A 32-POUNDER CAPTURED. 09,4.44 1 eY /Wong. ale Wed. WAtspprawn, Oct: 17 Information has been received here of a dar ing and gallant 'exploit of Colonel Cleary, at Harper's 'Ferry. He made a recormoisance force, with four iiinidred' and fifty gektid men, with'threc pieces of artillery, upon the rebel en trenchments at Bolivar, a Small. settlenient at the top 'of 'the bfill He' as attacked by three thousand rebels, including five hundred cavalry, bit ifnftflioni-bakk three • 'the point -owning one.b 'aid fifty w unding a large number, capturing a 22- er. Col. Geaty'S doss is four killed and eight wouncied., Col. Ashley, of the 'rebel cavz airy, li - reported killed. Oar-men hold their. T Et. &intimation .!•ot' - the .-aliOte Aacounts. EIZOOND biIIIPKTCIII. BALlhmoam, Oct. 17. Passengers from Harper's Ferry state ,that there - wee ' quite a ' battle y4terday 'that pi* 'between two 'regithentippi 'aria -Alabama—and the Wisconsin First and some M‘sktachusetts companies. _While eannonading WEIS going onacross ihe'rifet; Way crossed` with a force and stormed the, battery, and,Stic ceeded caPtttring;'one• thitty4Wer-poinider; which he breught across' the xliei itieci camp: leie, is a considelable nuntUr of killed 'and nnded on both sides. The capture of the bafmon is confirmed by a dikciatehlrom Gen. MEORD. DIBPATOIa A gentleman Irommear Harper's • Ferry fur niihes;the p r atkruhun of , tint-fight between six seinpimies, consisting:. of ' parts of -the 28th -Perms:, lld :Wisconsin-and .18th Mass, regiments - under the command of Col. John W. Geary and tkree thousand rebels., Barly-yesterday , morning, the rebels showed. themselves .on :Bolivar ieigths, •at • Harpet's Ferry, and commenced an: attack:with artillery upon three companies under Maj. J. P. Gould, stationed on the north side of,the Potomac. A .ixrstant Are was kept up,for some boars, when three - companies of the 8d Wisconsin regiment cry, formed into line and•drove•lhe enemy bhpk;land ineceeded in capturing one of their heayy , gimit • They were, hpwever, compelled to retreat, but.n good order,•to the'rlvei, *here they were reinforced by three Other' obmpanies. They ther4 with - Geary - at the head, tairched-npon the eneniy. and after. hard fight ing drth , e the - M.66m 'their position ' and Yi34P tinted the gun; g 321kninder Ocilaintdad, Our fniii*l had but' three 'Pieces' of artlliezy, and these'Vere tied Irciin'this tide of the river until' the inietriy retteitM.- ' The' enetnY lad'sefen i fi tees, five hundred cavalgi'iegetheritli in•- - 1 1 - li r r 600: was . l 2 4 ll r l AatflY Warm calaitaleit ' " • ir" bur loss in killed and wounded is not over seven.- That iirt46'oeinyfrittlead - thie Col:dred and fifty ~ 'Ashby Vies' at the head of the enemy, and is among the,killed!.''' . LATER Sii*.iglsSOOßL ! - *: CAT&FIRT. T)IIRTY REVELS KILLED AND FIEFILTY TAKES PRISONERS. :Retreat of the Rebels Springfield froze. . PRICE taTiLglfinnaiiiitisooll - • GOlamt Defence of Union Troops at Big-. River Bridge. - AN ATTACK ON fRoNTT ,EXPE:CT,EN . t 1 '' lions.,,Mo„.oct. 16. hirty-one more of the wounded Federal sol diers arrived here from Springfield yesterday. [Chese men report that a sharp skirmish: took ace on Monday, twenty miles this side of ,_, on, between two companies of mounted 'in- . belonging to Major Wright's batailion at lb. to Gen. Mann's command, and some ' lBO re 1 cavalry. - ' : • ajor Wright surprised the rebels by an at k., ip,,,the, rear And completely routed them, ' g -about - 86 aid taking the mine number Oftprisoners. ef is th ere j e l o y r re Nr W beio d lig im h d t el l-mB Ve w ry as little e firin 4lieli gWrut ilad d o o n n e e .. . re Ic e re whi p9 af rk bau tha tee tO n o su l. ti ll k yl eit or's at , regiment, • ce the battle of Wilson's creokt. s has marched ti rth is tbrdirmeti; They - have probably gone s to- Orry nio , t t p t. o l. rta 6.-- thi t G sco en n tina t who co ar ,x. - 'to join._Gen.-Price ou the Osage. ri :. ii i wi lmEw here army cin gunday was - at tlintanville,' - in Cedar idopnty. Clintonville is tinntY - ftVeni4eB crkth. ofiPaPPiniville;. on. the Carthage river. The whole army .have effected the 'passage of the Otge and are still in full - retreat. 1 , Romeo, Mo., Oct. 16, We have the following account of the attack or the - Big River yesterday"morning. ' !She ; enemy was discovered approaching the irdildings, about seven o'clock yesterday morn iug, hy a German sentry, who gave the alarm. Odr troops, numbering' betvinen forty and fifty non; instantlyprepMed foraction and although the force . **NAL them - numbered somewhere nearsixhirudnxi; miaer the lead of Jeff, Thomit= so hirdelf,, they , stood ;their, ground , : and from a e Piles and other places of shelter, did good ex u teen. They were finally surrounded, how: , 'et r, and compelled to' ail r4ider. Their loss i n Mr one: 'killed and six wounded, while. the rota - lime - was - five - killed and - four wounded. Immediately after the - sitizinder, the Federal prisoners were sworn by Jeff. Thompson not to . arms against the Southern Confederacy - _ ,:' rebels then burnt the bridge, and Speedily I, , ff.. Thompson says thathe has 5,000 mounted l eed ii 4, in the vicinity, and that he intends to burn I other-bridges , on this road, and lhat - Pilot 14, o ture4 b and Ironto , n w ould ~... soon be attacked and ,1. boopijilokt . thirrilia' have been ordered _ 4ll 1,, Keaton--by eux • lin, CO] Miltrg'ibnt, ! t, nucipsucti - Zraf artier: IT ALUM Ttkt.t. I f.l e k. Otti.t e ~tpil.: ,‘x. :4 , ' fa' force is • be in the vicinity, • our f. the terminus of the loirceq?consists of the Thirty and-41111'44011fith Illinois, Twenty-first ndiaria, and ailetatffiMent of Indiana cavalry, which with our Strong fortifications is consid ered sufficient to repel "iv fora) the rebels have in that section until reinforcements can reach them. From the Blockading Squadron. CAPTURE OF A DOZEN SCHOONERS BY * 1 THE LOUISIANA. BRILLIANT. EXPLOIT BY HER 'CREW, ' WelammoN, Oct: 16 The 'United States steamer touisiana, which has been off Chincoteague Island has captured a dozen schooners, which had no clearance pa pers,. On the sth inst„ two launches, sent to capture a rebel vessel in shore, were fired upon by a larger force of rebels; and one of our men was wounded. The fire was returned, and one or more rebels killed. The shot-from disrobe] guns burned up the schooner.. : The folkiiiing official report of the affair has been reortreiE lINITILD SUMS STRUM. LOMBIAI44, , P00:VAG11.i . 41 . 1#40,0 5, 1861. This morning at 9 o'clock we had a sharp conflict witiathe enemy, ;who; 8000 strong, at ... ptedlto cut-off two boats from this vessel and 23 meq,.all told, which I.4d.dhpoloclied to takeyi dAtra the IcOoonet I had ion to believe was Ming convertedhito a privateer. Fortunately , I had villein with. the steamer at the same`time, it being Adel tide, and was en abled to cover the retuni of the party. The boats, After passing , through a terrible fire, tunny readied the schooner, but finding her aground made• a breastwork of her and opened a deadly fire, which, with the assistance of a few shots from our long-range gun, drove the enemy back , toia distanticover with ices, and the beats, after firing the schooner, return wigeout Smiher molestation. , Acting-Master Vunnird estimates the loss of the rebels to be at least eight killed and wounded, as, he saw , that number carried • Our loss was one seriously wounded, Acting Biester Hooker, and three very slightly. I have iiinch'praise to bestow do those engaged in the 'bisits for their (minas- an intrepidity when ;assailed by such overwhelming odds. They Were yet some three , hundred., yards. from the schooritir Alien fired dpebEit preferred pushing on and returning through it, rather than fail in accomplishing their 'object. During the reconnoisance, last night, two of their dispatch slbbliiwitii caiithred, _ . Lieut. Com. Flag Officer L. N. Ompasozoccur, Commander Atka - Ida $l leading Squadron From Fortress , Monroe. ' - Gunboat Seminole Fired Into by Rebel Batteries near Adquia Creek. A Valuable Prize ,Captured Near ' - 'Port Swnter: FMK= MOlOlOll, Oct. 16. The gunboat'Minoie haa arrived from Washington. When passing EvanSpoo,, *Mit Acquia RP*, she was fi red upon by rebel bitteries. Four out of forty shotti - tboltelfebk onb ' 'rieatly carrying :Okay her psizsekmast. .go,cone.con, board was injured: The Sethiliail returned - twenty-six 130111 e of burst over the rebel bat. 'rho gunboat Flag has sent up a valuable prise taken but a shoat distant* of Fort Sumter, laden with molasses and fruit. The Next World's Lair' at London. Aotion of the Executive Committee of the' American Co=timisioners: Wsoweitixos, Oct. 17. `' The commissionerareprestenting the interests of Americans at the 'World'spair at an adjourn ed meeting have apPobtted 'an executive com mittee consisting of B. P:lohrison of New York, Chairman, Henry Kennedy, I. Seat of Wash ington and Partridge of Maryland, the last naniusi being Secretary. It is their duty to make all the necessary preparatory arrange inents for the exhibition. An office is to be ea liblished at Washington and a description of all articles inbsnAed dor j exhibitkkk submitted to the committee fo r . their action. Inventors or other eil4blitoß 3 eggiaPPlY.tql*lY. one of the commissioners on the executive committee. TROOPS FR O M NEW JIMMY. TRENTON, N. J. Oct. 17 Information hraibrieiw obtained from Wash ington that Col. William Halsted, now in com mand of a regiment of cavalry in the service of the United States, has been authorized to raise three more traghnents...of 'infantry from'. bis State.' ' Ordeislitif~iisiseettl Brightly, the recruiting officer, to that , A Nista. WIIDDING TRIP. —Previous to' the meeting of the American Board in,this city, ar rangenients 'Were made for atorrirruldating sates at private houses so far as might be ne cessary—those' who could guests sending in their names to the committee of arrange menta. A gentleman who-resides In,the , upper part of the city found upon returning home on the 'noon of the ftst - day that' a gentlemen'ind ,ladyhad heenset apart to stsive his hospitality. They weremacoped and entertained until the honk. Hmihe'Ati thO labia the "Delegate wis requested to ask a blessing, which, strange to say, he declined. The time for the Board's afternoon_wionicamkand went, but; the ; gen eman and lady started out for a stroll, and re ed, blissfully unconcerned about either mis &unities or benightened heathens. The even ing passed away, and at an early hour they • The next morning in the course of conversa tion.; the lady.of the house inquired of of her female visitant if she had ever kept house. A. negative reply was returned. "How long.have you•been married? " " Since yesterday, morning." A few Words' developed' the following facts : The couple lived in a country town, and had been informed by their minister that the Board of Delegates was to be held in Cleveland, and that strangers would be provided for,: and pass ed at half fare over the roads. This was too good an opportunity to be neglected, and the worthy ,pair...:were forthwith united in holy betide, and sterAiid'oirkiii journey which re sulted so eniocesshilly to them.. - - Our Cleveland friend , had.little idea that he should Licoante'uoii'to dirteitalif each' angels' whenhe sent in his name.---CkorkuaLeader. Tint Prussian journals state that at the cere- nionyotliiii &monition of - the King of Prussia, the Qum& worat liresersif avh-ktei.niPiNer trirnmed with gold lace. The train of the dress and the ermine matitll3ed'rwith stn broideriesrepreliantipgAornatty_gold crowns and black agog& ifhliltliskntlatsfio Win. on 14 shoulder wAth a diamond clasp, so . flis to Iftffillr*&ll , Md dalt itydroillo ftwm4e How an Army Moves There are a great many things besides men and guns essential to an army, and a com mander about to lead an army into a hostile country And sees that the commissariat is well provided:iirith provisions, that there are ample means uf transportation, and that there is a re serve of ammunition and clothing, and a good supply of hospital stores and medicines. All the preliminary arrangements for the march baring been made, the "order of march" is communicated to the several commanding offi cers of divisions, brigades and regiments, but not published in orders. The troops are dis tributed according to the character of the coun try- Ina very open country, a large proportion of cavalry would be at the head of the column; but generally it is distributed throughout the line. The artillery should be in the rear of the first foot regiment. In a woody or mountainous country, detach ments, or Bankers axe thrown out to the right and left of the column, at a distance of one or two hundred paces ; to keep a sharp lookout for disasters. The column having been formed at half or quinter distances, and the baggage train assembled in the rear, protected by a guard selected from each regiment for its own baggage, the column is put In motion, and the march commences with the same regularity as would be observed by a regiment moving in or out of &garrison or town, the lands playing, the light infantry with arms sloped, and those of the riflemen slung over the shoulder, the officers withswords drawn exact whee li ng dis tances preserved' and per‘ Allence- observe& After proceedings distance In this manner the word of cquirripd "route step" is given by the general at the bead of the leading battalion, and passed quickly on to the rear. The imp tains instead of continuing at the head of their companies, draw back to the rear of thein.— The soldiers then march and carry their arms in any manner convenient to them, conversation and, smoking being orilimuily allowed. Hsavr ROBBIKRY IN CHICANO. —One of the most extensive robberies ever known in the police annals of Chicago occurred on Saturday last at the Sherman House, the circumstances of which, as near as we can ascertain them, are as follows : Sometime during the early part of last week an elderly gentleman, named Charles H.'Stewart, a collecting lawyer, residing in New York, but formerly are/Ado:it of Detroit, ern , ed in Chicago from St,. Louls and took rooms at the Sherman House. Shortly after his arrival, a large sum of money, which he had collected in St. Louis for a New Yorkbusiness house, was received by the Adams Express Company, Marked to his address. This money, which was in two packages, one containing $16,000 in cur rent Eastern, hio; Ihdima and'Canada funds, and the .;other' $21,000 in depreciated Illinois currency, the whole amounting to $86,000 in real value, was left at the Express Office until Saturday. On that day he took it to his room at the Sherman Howse, but while he was at din ner, some rogue entered his room and carried Off the entire pile. BADLY Houwrito.—Some of the cavalry com panies on this side are very badly mounted. A number of the , horses are worse than those at taehed t 6 a * Washington hack or Philadelpnia eySter cart. The frauds practiced upon the Government in this respect are outrageous. How such animals ever passed inspection we cannot tell. Nap Wiverfisements. HORSE. FOR SALE. VOR Sitle,.a good cart and wagon horse X Aar years od, wabroinsu to harrws, will be sold oneap (tor want of use) and pay taken io oath or farm produce.. To be seen at the latkOLE WORKS eetl74lw- TWO large sized soldiers,.iu blue wit .. tbrm=tme of them weren long black beard—miter: ed:my„stare about, 1,,t4 o'clock yesterday, were waited itsibS• lid; alterstintrtl three cf" Odt's pistols, one 8 limb, one 4 inch, one 8% inch. probably numbered 81090 l peculiar Anistr, fluted cylinder- Since th eir de parture Cairene ptertika amongtbe missing. A imitable reward, will be peid for the pistol; A. K. FAHNESTOOK. octl7-ltd • AN, ORDMAN IN RI LATIOW TO THE RENEWAL, OF Tail BONDS OR OT,BRE EVI OES'Or :DEW' tIF. TRW, BuROEISH, OIVEARRIS BORG:-.4inettitis; Venda poriktus 'of the, permanent debt of the borough of Eurhiberg are nordne and pay able, and other.Whi *circa 10111 be. coming die. and payable, from time to time hereafter, and it is desirable, for the interests of the, City, that the said debt should be renewed with the holders there of ae the same may he.. come due ; therefor* .' : Resoleed by . fhe Ovoistem Council of the eiti of Rafrit buip, That th e`' Gimmittee, under the direction and authority at the said Council, be mutant) , are here by slather's - id And empowered to renew, for any period of; en° not exceeding tea years from the 'date thereof, any as& albbondsor,other evltlenoes of des.leCthebor ough of Harriablirg thit'are now due and payable, or that may become dnennd payabl* . from time 'to time' heteafter upon the application or the holder or holders, mainline in lied thereof coupon - bonds or , lcertitittates of loan of the city of Harrisburg, bearing sixf per cent: in tenet, clear of Stattlax,llll provided by theMth sectimt of!the charterereald city ,• and that the old bonds' or ether evidenees of debt, when to renewed shall be can- Passed October 5, 1861. t President ofCommon Council. attain : Dkvip Irkmus,lllmic, ; Retained by Mayor, with his 'objections; dated Octo• bet 11,1861. Re-considered and passed by, Comet, ma requirediby Bedlam '9 or sky *barter, October. 15,1861 DAVID .11ARIIIS, - Clerk of Common °wadi. aetl7-dlt O Harrisburg Borough Bonds j• 0 1J will be sold at public Bale, at the Jones omen day evening the 18th day of October at oetn-deed& DAVID HUMID, Jr. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. ripHE milt amount of property destroyed 11 annually by Lightning ohgbt to be a warning to property holders to secure - their butte*. 'AA order. fat lightning ads left' &Vibe auction attire of W.' BARB, will beattended to. gods put up iu the latest improved te mind warranted. - 101.2-d C . 0. ZIMMERMAN'S BANTLING STOCK S BILL AND COLLECTING OFFICE Rea been removed from No. 28 Second St TO N. 130 .M.A.q.KIT STREET RABRISBURQ, PA. • TREASURENOTES TAKEN AT PAR. EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. 100 LARGEM , EW iIitIOBT EMPTY FLOOR BARRELS in good condition for sale by ,; WEI KW. DOCK, Jr„ gok,, SPICED SALMON 11 VICESII AND VERY DELICATE. Put Nos ap AWAY fit five Potm4 cons. Jr.,&Q. .RENIO_VAI.4. Pith SU BSUMUR. reopeo tinily Worm COo 1112140 W ho, removockbis ..Ploo4b 10.g PinitAkt4lo prOP*l., 1211,146Alfahment to go. Ist Third swami low Hem's Tar' olio" rat role" pie I** bylit. sigt,Oxiikkn I..timiglik4u. to moil thoisooe of D. -btf J. JONAL . • C 4k - 11 4 D L-E-S! = • -'- PARAFFIN it tIANDPIS, mum CANDUOS,' . ' " ATAMANIUM.C . .hiNtikES, MARINE CANDLES, 3 1:4 2 .SARrAgi... KIBEMIOAL SPERM ! TALLOW . CANDLES: itthe'' - Oosivriii#rerhifar'sat e st the 174 * -- 2•" D OOR . Ht. dt° 00 #l l l ‘ . ides . ** court acoue. i cl:4 :=4:11,1:; 61• ' t o 11, I the.. Pce ==rl I. 2~~ ;:s .~rh~:s*~ s~,u;, L.,::1 - :.: 1.13:'.7 "A- _____,......_. ix tw '2lbntrtistments C. K. REELER SOLE E AGENT Fo il MITHELL'S POISONED Pirato, To Poison. Crows, Rats and Mie, CAUSING THEM TO DIE ON THE SPOT, octl6-61w* SEALED PROPOST&Le7—' E NDORSED " Proposals for I.'”rag•, be received until 3 P. M., on th,. I .Hilll but., for supplying by contract for the Ishi''tel: States : 100 TONS OF lIAY, 5,000 BUSHELS OF CORN IN THE To be delivered free of cost to the l'aite,i.ta't„, at Harrisburg, Pa., within one wvok ituut date. Bids to state the price so delivered :ud amount proposed ect any hid is o•s Bids to be addressed to r ~1 B. Dull:1111Y, octls-dtd. Capt. & The time for letting the above lib tended to :3 p. m. on Saturday th, - QEALED PROPOSALS, till the ..11.. ; ber, 1861, at 12 o'clock, m , ate 1 ill 1 supplying the Army with Beef t:atth t hoof, to be delivered at Chamih,Nl,lll,z. burg, or York, in the State of Kum:, the Government may designate. Bidders are requested to comply i,i ,L 1 1; Mauls with the form of bid publishol Government reserves to itselt the in Thaitutry notes or other funds it bursement, and to reject any bid and cause. No bid will be entertained bidder is present to respond to his - The Government will ree-ive 1,1)011 „, 1 r der the contract, and will reserve the require any additional number up t o head. Deliveries to be made weekly in .11, r rti ties as may be required. The Cattle must average 1,300 1 1, )111 ,1, weight; and no animal will be re,k.ii,..lwLlLL weighs less than 1,000 pounds L , , ress . No conditional bid will be re, cive.l The bids to be directed to Cart. A 14, F,wi T , l C. S. U. S. A., Washington, 1). C., .‘n I t , h ed "Proposals for Beef Cattle." FOOM OP BID. I, A B, do hereby propose to delivor Government good Beef Cattle (11l tilt• - per hundred pounds gills., wcp 7 l, t Cattle to be delivered at Chamlk r,t kirr;: burg, or York, in the State of l'utin,ll ti.. the Government may designate, ajo,T,II:J.; the terms of the enclosed advertisemen t Cattle to be weighed ou the kale:, n „ weight so determined to heti. puri.l I —/11Se I hereby agree to give a good an.i bond for the fulfillment of the contract a.' t., receive Treasury notes or other tiev , -::r:h , r: funds in payment for the Cattle. The first delivery of the Cattle will ls• z. ed to be made about the 10t11 .- 1881. mil 11iee..20 - •• STEAM WEEKLY BETWNEN NKW Ind gr 4, , - AND LIVERPOOL LLANiPINU AND EMBARKING •-ohoicK.-.t. QUEENSTOWN, (1r..1.0.1.) Tcr. pool, Naw Vora. and Philadelphia Steams Intent d,apatchlog their full powered Stentnablpe AP %ROWS: CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, OctobiT C 111 00W, October 48 ; and ETNA, 3a lnrd Not,ll and every Saturday at Noou, tr.,u, Pier 44, ~ G r a *Mr. Lam o► rumor. FIRST CABIN $76 00 do to London sso oo to do to Parts $B6 00 I .1. to Cons do to Hamburg-085 00 do to Liarnlonrg 3 ..- PaSsellgetil also forwarded to flu — o, Bremen, dam, Antwerp, atc., .t equally low r3A, ,4113 r. PerBOIII linStLing to briug ..ittber ticket...hero at the following rotes, to New Liverpool or Queenstown; lot Clonin, Skerage from Liverpool 840 00 Fro, goo $BO 00. These Steamers have iuperior eercrinnidn,)u , inr padoengern, and carry experienced Stir.:,•cci.. ir, g lir built In Water.dlt board. SUCtiOn3, and h IV , } ' L r ' s Annildlatore on For Outlier halbrinatlon apply in Liverpool to MUM kY INMAN, Agent, 2i Water Street ; In Glo,gow t. 'XV. INMAN, 6 bt.'..ftoch Square ; In Queenvtown to t 6. D.ANYMOUR & CO. ; In London to EIVhS t 51.5. 1' it Xing Will AL ; in Paris to itnAlti DEO in% do la Bourse; In Philadelphia to JO'IN G Walnut street ; or at ills Company's JNO. G. JULE, lb Broadway, NO Sort Or O. O. Umberman. Actn, liar , 4.0 i 001141 FREIGHT REDUCED ! Howard &Hopc EXPRESS CO.'S MORT 8b OK ROM TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. !Leave la New York at 7k F. 11., by the F Through Express Train, at ' .3 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF OM. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, Nov Vor6, Branch " 4L2 For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen HARgisßuß(f, Aug. 1861.-dtf ...IMPROVEMENT IN DENTIS' I ' I3S 1) 11. • P. H. ALLABACH, Hurgeon Den tist, Maeuracturer of Mineral Plate 'twin,o. orny method that obviates every objectiou th. ficial lean, embracing partial, half and set- , 4 piece only, of pure and indestruct,... le mineral, flare . 0 r, *no crevices for the acceumulation ofsmill particle:, ,o' , and therefore, no offensive oder from the th.'6 alra mc 3 6 tat L 3 media their conatructiou there can be w , action or metallic tante. Henci the Indiv nlind Dot.'; hayed with sore throat, headache, &c. Oil! Nd. North second street, Harrisburg. oat y THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEM EN Is solicited to our very large assortment of VOlDestezone AND DRAIIIRD Of every OW mid 0 ,1 1 OMB' AMIN MD (} tows, brat article nutuea Yu fe All the different kinds of Wirrita OLOVO. asnOrtinentogEhnunaT in the city. .4..-J"ever7SuEntkouwele9,GenllANDue wellaillOvoglVll, Ready Bonne t . caggafirS, Next to the llerrisburt 80,01.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers