THE TELEGRAPH IS PITBLISIIED EVERY DAY, 13v GEORGF, BERGNER. SCIDICNIPTION. The DAILY THLIOIIIPII is rved to subscribers in the City at 64' vats per WOO:se Yearly subscribers will be barged $4 00. WYSICLY AND 81011-IYINKLY TELYGRAPH. The TIDADDAYIi is iIPI3 published twice a week during the seadon of the Legisi.tture, and weekly during the reetaiuder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the uillovring rates, viz Single subscribers per year..... .... Seven •• Tea CM LAW OP sswermwag. aebseribere order the t o of their news. papers, the tuabli.her may coutinuo to send them until all arrearages are paid. subscribers neglect or refuse to take their xtewepa• reer. from the Oleo to which they are direc therare l onslble until they bare settled the bills andorde. ed hem discontinued. Ilitebital. DR. J 01INSO,N .13.A.MarrINICCMILIEI LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speed) and dreetaai remedy in the world tor DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. AILTIF IA SIX TO TIINLYI MOORS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. gra emu Waal:Aaron, oa No Munn, rat YAM Own w Two Ders."10111 Weakness et the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Loins, Attentions of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic W e ,wens Debility, Decay& thePbygieti irow. OTT, DyEPCPTIO, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion oi fait itation of Ma float% Timidity Tromblings, Dhuncas of Sight er Diddinees, Disease of die Stomach, Affections 01 We Bead, 'Ducat, Nose . or Skin—those terrible disor. Jere arising front the nalteorotion or Solitary Gabita to Youth—those drendinl and destructive practises which protnice constitutional debility, render marriage hap". tilde, and deism) both body' and mind. YOUNG MEN. young men specially who have become the vi alms all salary Vice, that dreadful and destructive NOW vktop. annually sweep; to an untimely grave thottsandit Of young men of the moat exalted talent add brilllaidintal tea, who misfit otherwise have entranced listening Sennten with the thunders of olutmonoe, Cr waked to ettl tgey the living lyre, may ball with full cenfidenoo. ' MARRIAGE. • ,Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, - be eg aware of physical weakness, should huniediatily Can suit Dr. J. and bp pattered to perfect health. (MANIC WEAKNES hantediately awed and full vigor restored. fle who places himself under the taro of Dr. J. map religiously confide indids honor an a gentleman, and eon. ddaatly rely upon his skill as a physician. say-011ice No. I SOuth Frederick stroet, Baltimore; lid, on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, t hors from the corner. Be particular in .observing !the awe or number, or you will mistake the plage. Be par ticular for frorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, it Pa/try Humihng fiertekstes, attracted by the MMus. don of Dr. Johnson, lurk flour. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use Milli reply, • DE- JOHNSTON. Dr, Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Loudon, graduate from one of the most eminent Col!eget of the United States, and the greatest part of whose life hue been spent In the Hospitals of Londo4Yarts, Yhibb% delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the mnshas. Whistling cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears sad head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing,attended sometimes with derange' moat of mind were oared immediately, .TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. ....tresses all Woes who having injured them. salvia by private and improper indulgenoies, that secret sod solitary tubit which ruins both body and mind, nn.. stung them for either business or society, Thee, are some of the sad and molaucholy Wields pro, damn by early habits of youtb, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Lose of Muscular Power, Paipitation of the Heart,. Dys• pepele,Nervouelrritabllity Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of .Consump. than, do. MENTALLY.] idestattr, the fearful erects on tho mind are much to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De. pressiou of Spirits, Evil Forebeitlings, Aversion whack, ty, Bell-distruas, Love of Oolitude, Timidity, Re., Tiro some of Weevil elects. Thousands or persons of all ages, can now Judge what It the oases Of their decline in health, losing their 'vigor, beaming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearimeo about the oyes, Googly and spoil. me of consumption. YOUNG MEG who have injured - themselves by it certain praetice, dinged in Wheat alone—m.babit frequently learned 'front inn dem:lantana, or at sabool, the infects 01 which ate sightly felt, eion, when asleep, and if not, cored, renders marriage ti posisible and destroys both 'mind and:nody, should apply immatilately. What a pity that a young man, the hoped of his sours. try, the darting of his patents, should be enatcued from all prospects and enjoyments ei file by the consequences of deviating froin the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Su apersons must, before Golden. plating niARKLAGBd effect that a sound mind and body are ,the moat necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, thejourney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes, shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be- Domes blighted with our owe, DE. JOHNSON'S LNVIGORATING REMEDY roiLoa: GANIU WKAltti-a4&" By Ilds great and important remedy, Weakness of Lb. Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. thousands of the most nervous and deblinatod mkt bad lost all hope, have beau Immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage Poysical or tieutal Naga*lin. tattea, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Eabaostloo or the most fearful laud, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS. The many thousands cu red at this Inatiution within the lam twelve years, and the numerous Important Surgical operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices et which have appeared again and again before thepublic, table his standifty as a gendsetun of Aureate. mid re. Iponithilite, la a sulliatuut sdarauteo to the militated. DISEASES OF IMPSUDpleasureDl OE.—Witeri the misguided the Roo p d and Imrudent votar at Rods ha has s t this pain ful ,it disease too often has imbibed ppens that an ill-timed muse of shame or dread of discovery deter, him from applying to those who, from education and re. speetability can alone befriend him, doleyttig tin the toil. stitntional symptoms of this horrid disomo maim their appearance, affecting the head, throat, hose, skirt, &o n progreseing on with frightful rapidity, till death pate a period to his dreadful suiforiopi by seeding him to uthat bourne from whence ail traveler returns.' It Is a rnel unholy Slot that thousanda lall theme to this terrible disease, Owing to the usocilfulne , .fs ei quer MS pretend ers, who, hy the use or UM Alp 0,1310/1, mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue or life miserable. Toe Minswasas.—The Docter's Diplomas hang In his ofhe, arLetters mush contain a Stamp to us on the reply. airMonledies sent by Mail. No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. apfliklawly SONEFFEIRS BOOK. STORE, (xlita mon unationtrao mow) UNION ENVELOPES.. 'NOTE PAPER, of six digerent designs, minted to two colors, Old by the thousand atid 'NOTE roam at City Chah prices. „Alm, Fins, Union Breast Pins, llagloo, Union Rings 4 4 4 + 4 6es at vary low prices. Call at oklot fiCEIRO•FRR'S BOORSTORS. TO FARMERS! BUTTER (good, sweet 4nd fireidij Into4e. mow.% and tradL 4,406 . in largo and aulail. (1414111 es taken lit all cm suit coati' or grocorbn given in exchango Regular market rages always paid . M., it CO. %mite th e fkliti Nesera . a PM ~.. , . ,/,,'• ~ . ' \ A. - 11, . . . .. s .........,„........., ... • . , --,.._ ...ww,fift, fi., ,-, •.. ~. , ; ~. ~ J 1 . . - .- • I srl'' ) . 4 / 9f ----L-• '' . . - t F ' ', ':: • . IC ... I. 1 '' '0,..", -; ' ' 4 0 A. '' e' ' '' , . .Z. - - C ' Z I ' 1 - . 1 .. -- ' . .17 • . , . - .. --- --, ..... t- -- -" . i,..-,* A , • • _ _ _ -'. 1 . - ••• • . . „., ~. ~ ,„ - ...w.,:-:rio qi -'' -, z , . - . _ .. . _ 4.. • Id 00 12 00 15 00 "IN I TOEF:ENDE . NT IN ALL TPANG - S -- NEVTR.A.I4 IN , NONE." VOL. rltantaus • TREES ! • . TREES I- ! TREE' .'.I ! IJ•ti THB nedersigusd. invite attention , to•Shelr I"gP.a44lw.4llsrptwri Bock of " • FRUIT-AND ORNAMENTAL TRESS, Shrubs. &c., ai large and complete assortment • 1 • APPLES . ) . PRAkR, !PRACRID3, PLUMS, Off eRtiIE4AMOOTS, and NECrAIIINIE3, Standard for theAllichard, and Revert for the gargled: t ENOLISH WSLetnTs, - SPANISH CREBNITIIit t .RAZLE.- NUTS, to, RAS URBAN, STRAWBERRIES, CURRANTS and GOOSEBER . RpRipi4reat variety. r• GRAF& CHOICEST AVIA AsP AR Acaqs. TuarEseliPi &c &c. A l " a ' au°. at°ck well formed, hushy. . „ , EVtRGBEENS, suitable for the Cemetry and Lawn. D E U U S T R'E E S for street planting,and a §eneral assortment of Ornamental Tieei and Wow! r!pg Shrubs. ROSES of choice ;varieties, CAMELLIA, .BRODIN9 PLANTS ; ato Our stoat'. IS reMa . rbiblY thrifty and Ane, and 'we offer it at prices to suit the times. Wit-Oataloguea mailed to all applicants. ' Address t . • RD WARD J. Eve.N3 & co., Central Nurserite, York Pa. sop2s-2md • " PMIIP.I33EIR'I3 D L ,Y LiNEI Between ;Philadelphia - - - - - - Loon RAVIN, 'JIMMIE) SIMI, WitILLIMPORTi UMONTOWN,, Wgeonows, Sinsort, • f NOSITHIAMMITAID, :Vanua; T&VOIRTON, theostarroKN,ldTMlNOWN, BIRO, HALM.; DAUM% • • AND HA.gRISBURG. ' , The , ittiodelpitia - NIA being centrall' located ' the Umpire will be at theilotwest rates. A oJrcliCtcir , •gohe through witb'egch i traittlrkattend to cne etre delivery r. 4 all goods entrusted to the lino. Goode delivered. , , at the . , Depot. of FREED, WARD'di FREED; No. 811 ASlA'et •Bteet;• , . , Fitiiitl dolphin, by sM'clbalr, B. M., will be tiolluired in NerriellygDie nest molar/ . ~ , , • ', Freight (alweeni), he 10W Ps by spy ° P r .l4' 3 ',L. ' ' Particular,'idEettabtt paid by this hoe ta pro m pt ' 44:1 speedy deliverioralllElerigshar • oods. • i , The undereigneit4letteal for past polar! 4e hopes by strict attention to littsineett to merit a coley we nee or the 8&010., T. PEIFHER, .. i ' Philadriltitill and Heading ' °not: '' '- ' del7 riete • recent ANareot ••;11 , - , e , Ei iirrEpmore, 1 • JUST P,UBLIS El H. U; , A MANUAL MILITARt SURG ERY HINTS ON ME EMERGENCIES OP . Field, Camp, and Hospital Praotioe. S. D. GROSS, M. D • . , rauiv.ssoß UP SußellittY.Ottlfifirrelltdelf flDiWi. 00L13014 Vor rale tic RAlRGri*g bHICAP EtOOIIO3TOVX.. BCHEFgEg 4 ~i 00 KST OgE 1`„ , 1 (Nair lasil 4 fEniiiieburp Bridge.) . ft.JBer' jt ECEIVED from 'the; . itigigiotof fl ue 01511CALk, A PE,K, whits we. willies it. $1.26 per ree:m.'. '', • /-:- s.*.tso per resm (er,NCITEC Peeskt, deitorated:fwilh' the latest and spry istudsome emblems and putplette mottos. .. ' $3.50 tbr 1000 Wart% 104V711,0014, with nadonir and; patriotic emblem% prlndedin two colors. + .-: -: Please give us a call:. .. •-• THS % ? {MEMOIR): . le2t-dlilerrieburg. , ___ 1 CAUTION. GIINNERS and dui other' persons are cautioned not. to treMpasi ttpon the form Rirtnerl occupied by Thommillorley, In Rye tawnSitip,!. Pert county, without permission from THE). sep3o-1861-dlw TAKE NOTICE! HAT we have=recently added to crui• al T ready full stock_ .'.. F. ' OF'!:SEGARS LA NORMATIS 4 , :; Alti .1441, ' , EL MONO, . LA BANANA. - OF PEOF II ME RI FOR MB EUNDICItHORUIR : f i . . TURISiLSH EB3ENCE, ', ODER OF MEEK, . LUBIN'S ESSENCE 'BOUQUET. FOR MR ILtrit : , ' •• i ~ EAU LUSTNALE, OKELTAUZED POBLITUM, „, „ i. M7/. I F,X.E AND VIOLET PONATOM. FOR VTR COMPLIDMIN , TALC OF VEND.S, -• • . . . .. • ROSE, 'sal poHwoot, bizw.Alown Inv PQWLBR, . i . . ELAN.° DE !TALES ? OF SOAPS ' - RUIN'S Palm ' MOSS Rt IL , . • . t BICVMVIN UPFSII VIIOLMT, • 'NNW MOWN HAY JOOll.e.Y CLEM' Bonus the largestatbok and beet assortment or Toilet Anklet., we fancy dmt tye are better able them onr,com pentors to get up a etknpAto Toilet Set at any prase de sired. Oakland see; Always on balid,:a••FitESH Stock oti DRUGS, MEDD CHE4iCALS, ao.,Aonaoquent or . ogr recel.9o4l almost daily, additions thereto. , r • ICSLLE*S Daftl f iND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Shook two 41obra Bast of Foutth Shoot; Smith side. THUNDER. AND LIGHTNING.. 4 (FIRE vast amount*, prope4doktroYe4 annually by Lighbolig ought to to property holders to'seoare 'their buiidings. *if -L arders tar Lightning Rods leilt ett...thre ¬ion store of Mr.aßd.itit, will be attendeskto. Rade Put uP ukii i ttP 4 Ovu l a _ . le and wart mated. , Lien-d C . 0. Z IMMERNIAN'S BANKING STOCK, BILL AND cOLLICOTING OPTICS Has been removed from No. 28 Second St." , . s NC. 130 1L4.1111.8T STREET aitiougaitma, PA. • TREASURY NOTES:TA/PIN . AT PAR. 8a1524 dtf ORAB CIDER [1.17-Strictly purareptirk:. lug and sweet—patsmegkeived a Myer Medal., oi.ble: q e p , tvery §tate Acsi , coltpral ?sir slow !hr 1 Y Jell - ------ SPICED SALMON 1 1 ' FRESHJe2+S • ' ANt lightY DELIOA.Tg. uP neatlY toitia caws. • . WM. DOOK Jr.,80). v4L, flint al WRIBEII. would reayeotfttq lag and Bra 'Worm the public Oa* b tma removed No.W.ratilaidilßraesNoup maooL to rjEk ommmvo Third street, 44461. to for Pole • renege, be mmero_ ydbietmitemi t m to bedlam Pe 1 4._ 1 continuance or it. tut sid24o • - ~Ii~RRISSi7I~G 3:o"ixy' 'stbutrtiamtuts. BRAVED VitOPOS4LI3, LINDOESEP,.`f Proposals for Forage," will J be received, until 3 P. If., on the 16th inst., for supplying by contract for the 'United. States: , . F. ,1 100 TONS OP HAY, 5,000 BUSIiIEIS OF CORN IN 'rag EAR, To be delVirered free of cost to the United States at Harrisburg . "l"*., within one week front that date. 1 Bids to state the' price so delivered and the amountproposed to be delivered. The right to iieject any bid is relierved” Bids tobe addressed to octls dtd #EGULATIONS. • n E l .ucnnva DBP.ARTIfiIIiT, 1 itartiuseczo, Sept. 3, 18A1. 1. No pardon will be granted ruitiknoticti Of the application therefor shall haVe ( Wei given by publication 'once a week for two consecutiVe weeks in a neWagiaper printed the county ih which tho colivictlOn was had 2. No'Paidon Will be granted Unlesi notice of the appliciation thinefor shall have beengiven to the District Attorney of the proper Gouty. S. No pardon 'will be granted without first consulting the Judge who presided at the trial of the party,l3y, order of the Governor. • ELI STJFER, Sec'y of Corn. sep4-1m GILT FRAMES 1 • GILT FRAXEd•I . . CARVE R:riAIN D GLLAD,ER, *nut" acturer of' Looking. (gaga. and 'lotto:a :Frames tilt 104 Rosewood Moul*tif do 48 CHESITOT.B*KET, NEAR SECOND: HARRISBURG, PA: French Mrrorx,::Soinare and Oval Portrait i'raFpoip . l ofoTery descrpßo)a„ OLD FRA M ES RE-GILT TO :- N EW. P3EE.III ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal. Oonfidenee & Patronage- FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN; Ladies and GentAnnan, in ell parts of the world t r iiithith the efficacy of .Pro(. 0.. j, Wood's Hair Restorative, and gentleman of the Isress,are unanimous In its, praise.; ,A few testimonials ,outy can be here given; see circulue , ot more, and it will be Imposeible for you to doubt. 47 WAR ffireet, New York, Dec. 901 h 1858 . Ommturx : Your note el the 15th last, has been re. Moved, saying that you had heard that I had boon bare r Mel by the use Of lYtkal's Hair gestorative l .Vittnatt log my csertfficase of the, fact if I bad no on to give IL • I award ft to you cheerfully, because t Minh it doer— Ity age is about 60yeare„; ;the,cotor of ply Mar auburn. and inclined to 'earl. Poem dve °roux 3reare sib it be; gan to torn gray and •thb scalp on the mown of my hood to logo its senlibillty and daudruffto form upon it. - Knob of these disagreeabilitireipereased witti time, and about , four months shire a tsiirth was added to them, by hair falling off the lop of my head and threatening to mitkd me bald. In this unpletouttit predlesment, I was induced to try Wood's Hatc;BestOrativr, mainly to arrest the failing off of my haft, for I had really no expectation that grayi hair could ever heratitored to its original color except' from dyes. , Wus,howeVer, greatly surprised to find: after the use Cl two, bol.kis only, that not,only wait the, falling oft arrested,' b esolcir was restored to the gray hairs and swell - alley fothe scalp, and dandruff ceased Io" form on my heed, -very much to the gratification of myt wife, at wnose was induced to try it. For this, among the many obligetfons lowa to her sox,: • I strongly recorruntifid afl.,/tuSbands who Value the ad.; nitration of - their errr..Bl6 profit by my example, and , use it if growing gray or getting bald.. ' . • •- •• ; Very respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER. • To 0 J. Wood k C0.;444• Broadway, New York gy family are aliment /Om the city, and I am no loceft- er at No. li Carrot place." ~alelloaston, Ala., July OM, 1859 i To Pawl'. CL.J. Wopn,i Dear Your " l tive" has done lily hilr So much good since I comuriancedl the use of it, that wish make known to tpo'f'uoiad its effects on the 'hair; whit; aro great. A. - • man: dr wo man may be ifectriy-flepriyed of hair, and.ey; a mew& to: your "Hair lieslorative," the hair will ; return *ore, beautiful thaieever ; at leta•t this is my Believe it all 1 • Yours truly,' • • • ~..,:: WM. HI REVEDYt: • P can publiah.the above if yoreilke. By pub-:,, fishing in our Sbutherit papers you wilt get more patfoti: ago south. I severs' of your certificates in the MO.; bile Mercury. 'a etretigHteitheru paper. , - •i• WOOD'S ELLIMUMTOIATIVN Pao'. O J. WOOD gear SiriLliaving had the Wafer-, tune to lose the beat porttoo of my hair, from the elfectel of the yellowfever,yin NOW Orleans in on, I was in duced to make a !ital..; of :your preparatiod, and round it to answer as the, Fery,,thing needed. Aly,bnic is now: thick and glossy, and no words can expreas my_ohliga tions to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. • FINLEY ,101INstiN. — „ - - - - - The Reatoratilfe issputtM in bottles of three alma, Nis : Mtge medium, and stmill ;,the small bolds,half a plat, ana retails for one do,lber,pqr bottle ; the medium holds; at least twenty' per tent more in' proportion than 'be. small, retails for taco dOlhun per bottle ; tbe !Argo kids a quart, 40 per cant. spore,' . .in proportion, and: rota 118 fOr • $3. 0. J. WOOD 8(.00., ,Proprietors, 444 3Breadway, New: York, and 114 Narkeistree.l, Bt. Louis,_ Au] d sold by t.ill . :good' Druggists' and:Feaoy Oodde: Dealers. : jyl.ll-deweosi PROF. ADOLPH P. TEI.IPSER,..., • wouLD rffiptilpitay inforru i pat an d generally,, that patron he ocionnue to give , instrtiiii on the ?LINO' WETS, Am- LODEON, VIOLIN find:Wats to the anianoe THOROUGIs. BM& Ile will w7li pitiamire wait upon, poplin. aL Magic homes at any hour 'desired ; or lessons will Outguroptt. his residence, it Third itraw,... few doors, below Ch' German Itetordaed Church. - ~/ , , , MLDERMAN. PEFFER. OFFICE--THIRD•STREET, (SHELyS:ROW;) NFL' MARKET iettatenci ) CliostUut , street near Fourth. CITY OP*E4:IIP4ISBURO, • W W.E.(9.L.1S AL E • . UMBRELLA- '•-• MA.IIII'ACTORY. I No. 69 , be10w Market , Street Third , Ithilpjilicao, PA. M LEE , . . . IVIA_NUFA.CTUM OF DI4BRELTAIS, peassois 'ant ALONG IDAN.I6I, ruroph goods at Lovntat Pk 10132 than can be bought in any of the &stern cilies. ;,Countiy , therchants will•do Well •10 call and exannneyollowi lad quality, and convince th em= solves of this nibt. IWELLINA 13..01PBEWASTED 941,0 r. 4 comfortable two or three-itory . dwelt ling house; Vth.sis or eight rooms, with rent not Ito exceed sl76,yer huhust,:tor the three, or, 150 fot the :two-story howle,,iriliabe-rehted immedi ately VPIIO4- ;don at this once. , "i„ Lit WBT.abiT ABWal.) EL rod 0 oondinontejo) '5-1 IIIIL DOCK / Jrft an' EMPTr4 - 100 TUESDAY' A.FTERNOON, OCTOBER 15 1861 B. DuBABBY, Capt. & C. 8., 11. B. A. Itenedy,i, ,6::4 - .,::.,.,.4,4t-4. : .. T R HE SECRETARY WAILI Mr HOME AND , ;1)3R0ti37 • lsnring the crowded state of Our ceitu3n , o the late: election campaign, we were preyentil from continuing our qUotations• of the defenix„,_ of the Secretary of War, made 4 - the in* prominefit iind Influential newspapers at limade and nbro*.: We resume the publication of these extracts, knowing that our readers arid the public generally in this loCality are alwaTs gratifieifte'Pernse the 'printed words of proms- . neat citizens in &fem.* of one whom,. they delight to honor. We offer theffollowing coni munication,aa one of the houfe defence* written by a gentleman heretofore connected with tile press of this state, at present occupying position of great respectability and trust among the business Men of dila:wintry.. He seems to espies, the smithaditki 'entertained. by a of men whose confidence any man may be prouli to possess : ' THE SSORKCARY OF WAIL . AND WS ACCUSXsa. ; [Writtenlor Hui Telegraph , 1 There is nothing more certain in the rapid 1 and ever-changing, current of events, than that justice and truth will ultimately triumph over ingratitude and dissimulation. "This is one f the consoling&eta revealed by fait** Water depiiied of a knoWledge of which man of wort and fortitude might be led to despair even .of Watt muntry. ' , /Lis true; indeed; thatiiiatrilits and statesmen are always so fortunate as to re., ceive the reward of their patient labors and disinterested'airvirsiinthe cause of their ea' L try, in their owl:octal , and generation ; bu nevertheless, the time will come, when th names o£..gaol/Inert will be found enrolled an venerated among thOse of the defenders of Bil -1 erty, and of the benefactors of mankind. Every day, however, even in these evil and maligna4 times, when men seek the Attainment of the* partisan:and personal ends through the detrao tion and misrepresentation of thosewhom they fear.on account of their -firmness,:their'justice'` and their unflinching rectitude , of , purism!, we behold impulsive evidences, flowing -froni' the hearts of the - people, bearing unmistakable proof ,:that they are neither unmindfid of,- nor ungrateful to those who serve them.ivith sin, cerity ' and with. no other object in view than the honor and integrity of their whole country; . Among • those patriots of our own. tuihixOpy times, whose disinterested labors In' behalf of his country are destined to receive the 'grateful plaudits of the tuture historian, we may justly , G kith's present Ekscretary Of Mar, the Roo; unreal :GAMMON, of .Pennsylvania. It is true; however ; that Ahetepntation of Mr. Cameron; like that of other patriots and defenders of their country, has not escaped the malice of disappointed aspirants, anxious to attain respon4 sible stations,the' h6nore of which - they were known to be unworthy of, and the duties of which 'they were incapable of performing with. ' credit, to themselves or advantage totheir couni .try, hattt.has. been owing to this, strict adhe4 pence to ,official. justice, ,andAci the severe die; crimination which Mr. Cameron has always instituted between capacity and pretension l , bei tweenintegrity and servility, that-he luss,caused hiadepartnient to be relied upon as :the. strong right arm, and. the. true.defenoe.of the Union.; Had he allowed himself. to bet swayed in any manner ley the impudent dictation of those, who have condemned his •f and prudent pol-. , ley,,the Mar Department never would have at tabled that . efficiency and .promptness which have Retired for it the •-highest confidence of, the people. In view of the confirsed 4:audit:loathe Department ;was:left in by his unworthy prede ,ceasor, the traitorous and thieving Floyd, • and of, the ea:tddenxiesa of the startling events•which claimed . all the untried energies of tthe nevi, secretary, it may justly be esteemed a subject of congratulation for the whole country, that Ar. caniekon.was selected as the chief of that most important executive branch of the Gov-; ernment. Nothing, indeed, but the rankest prijudiee 014 ingratitude could.induce4y prior to arfay hinaself `a6tiast a- public officer who! effected so much, in-soAheit a time, for the de-: fence of the Union against .a powerful and un-. prepared for rebellion, as did the present Secre tary of War, the honored son of Pennsylvania. .. Let us hear. no-more, -then,- of the malicious . utterances of disappointed aspirants, who, basely to: avenge themselves for some just rebuke of their presumption in demanding stations :they, were incompetent to fill, would-deeply injure, if not ruin foreverifthe - prospect of a happy fu-: tore tct our beloved. Country .. i . - '.0.: M. H. • The Terre Haute D(a7y .lApress, one of the. ~.. leading and ablest o7s , of f , the . Republicans , ;of the state of:lndiana, takes .np the .• defence, : of the Secretary of War in aiinOiner in which ire' had scarcely any right te , eV* f r om that .. . Ciiiarter, because the people of that state, like, the people of most of the western and south western commonwealths, have always regarded , Pennsylvania And heistateienen with a jealous' and a selfishindiffereitce. Why this is so they ean'bettet eiplaint ! han we are able •to do so, , bet we feel - certain that 'it is 'not . becatute the latest:tin luid'refireseritlitiVes reif the old. Key-, ~ . stone state have everieiled either in legislative council orthe cabinet; tocio'justicetta the great: west, its .interesta and its influences. With this frank evidence of the just estimation in which the .. . . press of Indiana and of nearly all the west ern and loyal south-western states hold a favor ite and diatingnisecioltisen of:Pennsylvania, we hail the dawning of a new era in the intercourse and political and social reciprocities of the peo ple of the great west and those of the north and east. The following article will therefore be read with interest : . TWI ATM= ON SEORNCANN °AMNON. It is high time that the baffled speculators who have been driven out of the War Depart ment, ceased their calumny about Secretary Cameron's use of the Harrisburg Railroad. Every soldier who has been transported over that route, iknowi'that Mr. Cankerork has saved to the government $5,000 on each regiment forwarded to Washington. That was the dif ference in the price charged by the Harrisburg line, and the Camden and Amboy. By this route, all trapsidpments and changes of cars were avoided,exceedingly important items in • tkatisportationrof htiattiriguiti horses, atom's andramitions,a ~ v rtdip enckth ntirejk" HIE We Alike .the , , foregoing extract from the Washhigtori n correspOngence ol the New YCirk Tribal*, and are, excrminigly gratified that it is in ourpower to contribute towards its circula tion, o ,„ a n ant of justice- to the -dis' tingilielmd ..g k atierasollo .whorn at prefers.: We have . -not suffered the findis;tan4 SaaMilts, Upon Mr.. Cain niOnto tilia4f?`or weaken in any degree, cur citi fideum in his intepiV,` and have rested uniiEw i s the,conviction that' in a short while, the * pone directed at him would be turned upon ' assailants. The time has come sooner than: e ariticipated,„and it Will' afford . his Mends to e Satisfaction to knot? . dud it is his stern and tiii yieldling deftmce of.the interests of the`Govern thelAwkOkluta.invited the flegetlasaults upon lihn. It is an easy matter to raise aPoPutr . htio and cry against the President or any me - ber of his Cabinet, by a charge of corruption upon them--because-the public mind, unfortn nattily, is far more prone to "believe a lie" than the truth. Disappointed office seekers and baffled ".speculators take advantage of this state of things, and, by their com plaints and groundless slanders, often caulk unjust suspicions. to be indulged against the honor and integrity of men who, at the time, both by day and night, are devoting every erseiggthey possess to the advancement .of c the public welfare. This we apprehend has been ,the case with the present Secretary. of ',War, whose position, aince he came into office, Misiiiirobred more' responsibility; by far, than ever rested upon any of his predecessors singe the,. Government was formed. In the first place, he found the Mains of his Department throWn into . conftusion by the steps which a traitorous predecensor had taken with a view of turning all the .material of the army againfit the Gou enonent, f ,upon. the breaking out of ,the revolution which he was, rith . unparalleled 'benefit= an corruption, then engaged in plot ting. And, hence, whenthe War broke out, he was immediately .surrounded with the most extraordinary embarrassments, which it re quired herculean energy to overcome. We' need' . nnlY refer' to the facts that nearly the entire army and all the war material were :in the Southern states, and a large portion 4 the forta in those, states, left" ungarrisoned, as the ground of these suggestions.. Yet, in the midst of these difficulties—which would have overwhelmed a kin of only ordinary energy—i- Secretary-Cameron has contrived to bring order out of chaos, put, the army , on a more Complete and better war footing than it ever was before. And besides this, he had to gather this army from among the farms, and work , shops, and business avenues of a country utiL used to war . and entirely unprepared for it. And he had , not only to:gather the men together; but to transport them mang hundred miles, in large bodies, and -to provide for• their subsist= WM. When all these things are remembered, the, only wonder is, that, situated as he was, he has done so well—and this, we feel Convinced; will be the judgment of the country when it shall come to understand the character of the services he has performed. ' Bat there is another view of the matter, which should not be overlooked. It is this I That, alike present time, nothing is so well calculated to advance the cause of rebellion Jo the North,,• as this constant . false clamoring against the Administration, and, especially the 'War and`Ravy,Departments, which are imme-i diately Charged with the conduct' of the War.' The secessionists desire nothing so much as to divide the fforth into factions,because thereby,' they, promise themselves to make a ;anted south the more certainly successful in overthrowing the Government and dividing the Union. And there is no more effective means of doing this than to destroy the public confidence in the Administration. Therefore, they are rejoiced, no doubt, to witness the attacks upon the See.' rotary of War, and consider those who makd themes anateijally helping their cause along, Now, while we would screen no officer of the, Government from the consequences of official misconduct, yet we must protest against such assaults as those referred to, unless they are supported evidence of •their truth. That they are not in the case referred to by the cor respondent 9f the Tribune is sufficiently shown" by the facts stated by him,-that instead of -there being anything improperin the employ ment of :the Uarrisbrug _Railroad by the War, Pepeztplent, !tactually_ saved the Government S6;fICID on each regiment forwarded to Washing-, ton,—which makes an aggregate saving of a Very' large sum: We feel oantident that, when, .all the truth is known, the other accusations, ' about : which so ~much much has been said against:, that Departmen t s will turn out in the same way., The Springfield Tonkel, the home organ of President Lincoln, fills referred heretofore to the malignant assaults made on the Secretary, iof` War by disappointed speculators and secret syMpathisers with treason, and again, in a late issue, thus refers to a repetition of those assaults 'Mid falsehoods by a class of sensation journal. ; `tits who' could not bedome notorious in any, 'Other manner'than by.traducing the good they' 'cirmuot eninlate. From the spirit and tone of thn :Tournal, one can judge of the confidence and - doidialitY existing between the President anit . thiSiicretaxy of War : Tin SICILIMILY OF WAR. A few weeks ago the sensation newspapers were filled with vague but nevertheless sweep ing . attacks upon General Simon Cameron, the Chief of the War Department. He , was assailed with a malignity which hesitated .at ; nothing, and i charges of -corruption and inefficiency . were, made against : him with the most wanton recklessness. He was held ac countable for every' reverse. He was made to bear the responsibility of every defeat. He was charged with complicityin every army contract; and, in -41ite of. the fact that he had, out ,of nothing, raised, equipped, organized and brought into the 'field an army of nearly 400,000 men in the short space of less than a' hundred days; performing an amount of labor which in all its complications and details- would have over arhelnied almost any other man, he was singled orit•air the' Jonah of the Administration ' and the cry want forth that he must be thrown over board.., iThe , PectPle, - . wile, were witnesses. of, the activity, zeal and efficiency with which he was conducting his departmeat of the Government, refused to believe thoist - Ories which were so lug tenifititigi circulated against Gin. Camelon.— Thtly demanded specifications. They insisted upon,knowing, if .ha watineffiolent, where was #Le !Ticlenue•ul: it ; if, he was acting oorruptly, in what Ammer it was exhibited ; if he was not competent far his pdititiOn, how it happened that' such an immense army had been brought' halo therfield in-so short a time t The specift , catkins kave.never been made, , . _The _. charges haVe died out; and those who started. them are ; iiciii-ihideifihiod to'be'corruPt contraet-hi : Am* who, ifeinitusitheirliebetines or plunder weretiv 4 . 1 . ......aliy- *illuAutanl 810 4 = the Secretary of W t ettompted to re -1.1 &tam Stinting Mart. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are pram, ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING of every deacrip. Coo, cheaper Mao tt mut be done at any other establish• meat to the country. sir Four lines or Piss constitute one-half square. Might ines or more than fos-r constitute a square. Halt Square, one day one week one month " three months . OM illOnc -year quare, one day ..... _ one week .............. 2 0 0 one month 6 b 0 three months 6 00 six 010008. .... 10 00 one year........: .. ......... .16 00 Var Mildness notices Inserted in the Local Cahalan, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PEE LINE for each Insertion. sir Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular ad vertisements 1111 it :hotel" ' NO. 31. i , * ict • 1 AA • venge iheirti3elvelii 'mod to get .r qt , him by trumping up their false uhartis,. Geritrameron so far from having been blared by them, stands to-day higher in the estimation of the people than ever; and the very:papers that but recently were made the vehicles of censure are now loudest in his praise. :1" BY TELE: ?IL From Washington. LATER NEWS FROM RICHMOND Quarrel Between Wise and Floyd WISE NOT EXYECTED TO LITE. oScers of the Twenty-fourth Illinois 'Regiment discharged by Gen. Fremont, Re-instated. Richard A. Lucas ' belonging to this city, a minor, was brought before Judge Merrick to day, on application to be discharged from Col. Tates' First District of Columbia Regiment. The decision of the court that there was strong circumstantial evidence that the petitioner e¢- listed with the consent of his parentai the ap plicatiort was accordingly refused.. An escaped prisoner, who has arrived from Richmond, brings a copy of the Richmond Bit quirer, of the 10th inst. From it we find that there is a brisk quarrel going on between the two Virginia rebel generals, Wise and Floyd, arising out of the conduct of the catripaign in western Virginia. The Enquirer takes the side of Wise, and says its correspondent has. never been taunted with suspicion. of crime, like. Floyd. • General Wise, who has been sick ever since he returned from war, was not expected to live on the 11th inst. The engineer who ran the train off the track on the day of the battle of Bull Run has been discharged. The War Department has ordered General Sherman, commanding the Department of Cum berland, to reinstate all the ()dicers of the 24th Illinois regiment who were illegally discharged by General Fremont through the instrumental ity of Col. Hecker. It is further directed that the charges of the directly interested parties may have to make the one against the other shall be submitted to Gen. Sherman for such action as the general interests of the country ,may require. The committee of aggrieved of ficers will leave Washington to-morrow to re port themselves for duty. The commissioners to the world's fair organ ized to-day by electing Secretary Seward chair man, and superintendent of census .Kennedy, secretary. Of, the thirteen commissiOneis Hon. Edward Everett only was absent, and he mat a letter of excuse. A committee was -appointed to wait on the President, with a request.that he send a national vessel to England to carry such goods as the American contributors may desire to exhibit. Gen. Walter Jones, an aged and distingelsh' ed retired lawyer, died to-day. MOVEMENTS OF SECRETARY CAMERON, PRICE RETREATING 8011b1-Liiit Great Disatisfaetion in the Rebel Bow They Manage to Beep their SoMien In Fighting Spirits. [Special 42 the St. Louie Rtpubilean.. SYBACI3SH, Mo., Oct. 13. General Cameron, accompanied by Adjutant General Thomas, spent Saturday night at Jef ferson City,and arrived in Tipton about o'clock yesterday morning. After breakfasting in camp they rode over to this place, six miles, on, horse back, accompanied by Gen. Fremont and staff. Upon its arrival here the party eidled upon General McKinstry, and after, spending half an hour with him, proceeded, pany a ith him, his staff and several other gentlemen, to review General MCKimitry's division, which is encamped here. At the close of the review, Gen. Cameron made a few well-timed remarks to the troops, express ing the highest gratification at the condition in which he formd them, and the utmost confi dence that in the hands of such men the hbnor and success of our country's arms was safe. Loud cheers were given for Gen's.. Cameron, Fremont, and Mciiiristry; after which Gem Cruneron and his party, accompanied by Gen. Fremont and staff, went by rail to Upton, where they reviewed Gen. Asboth's division, which was also in excellent condition. Than they went in a special train to St. Louis. It is understood Gen. Cameron came here at the request of the President, to examine the condition of afiairs in this department, and that he professes himself highly gratified with the condition of Fremont's army. Col. Merrill's cavalry have gone down the Osage, on a scout ing expedition. McKinstry and Stanly are to remain here, and not go east as reported., Gen. Fremont is on the eve of moving, but is greatly embarrassed by want of - transporta tion. • Within a few days, Forth,* of rebels have been foraging sixty miles south of Sedalia. I have very late intelligence from Price's army. My informant, a citizen of this county, Ideserted, and is here to claim the artmeift tffer ed to rebels who lay down their arms. .Ha l e ft Price on Wednesday a short distance , wi th of Johnstown, in Bates county, m ?,--aliouthward. He represents that great diguatisfactipngatists in Price's army • Desertions occur every day, *pi ifl u , mances mild _be conveyed , to Ahemthat i thio would not be harshly dealt with, he thinks the greater part of the State•Gruird would lay down their arms and return to their, homes. They are tired of war, and are wily prevent ed from deserting in large bodies by the assur ances oftheir officers that if they are.caught. they wilt be hung as traitors, and by. the stories , of terrible, Union , ontragekwhiph are actively *Plated Macaw them. The inoet:eseggerated aSlxotc*.of Atrocities committed by our array, the destniction of property, burrdng of towns and ravishment, of women, are, circulated and belleVed mionit them. ALlglit , or bib other - this -countty who belonged to.aibb ixiiiipmWdeserted;:idmigl with him and are ready to give themselves up. RA I ES uF ADYEKTISING From our Morning Edition. I=l I=l WASHINGTON, Oct. 14 FROM MISSOURI. Army. m 26 100 sOO 8 00 6 00 sOO