Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 14, 1861, Image 7

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    qtr t.
i t.! R , P A
)10ni1.13 r.ornlitg, October 14, Ix6l.
--An active young man, who can
le ;1 ~ :ood and rapid bawl. None others nerd
A titirESS CLERK, Darrisburg,
n\ 01 I,—
-The Baltimore Sun says that
vo!nnt,• r rrcently arrested in that
.oliscgisqltly discharged by promising
„,1111,, priqwr babiliaments, was a real
a this city.
\k'l;o r SHE
1',16 IN SEMINI OF MS Morma.—A bright
1;,.) a l, int nine or ten years of age was
11,0r0 , 0 Fri ay by the police of Lancaster
I 1 ii 11! TICSuII tell that mother was living
,31,,• the taverns of this city. The lad is
w :it tho re sidence of one of the porters of the
10,4.11.1eier tidiest!, noxiously awaiting the
-1F:1111 ‘.l his mother.
1111. I'orSTAIN flaw Itausn.—The Fountain
1,,1iv 1111,1, is olio:inked to effect a Saving of
bolt iu 11,, , 11, of all hair-washes, oils, &c.,
toe!' ;o1 ahy tel every other means
Hi Al• wine of these articles`
own ow , 1.0 i„•„ dollars per bottle, this is
i p t-mall moment. For sale at
11, •-• ;ld Fahey Store, No. al Market
. t -•,•,;iduertiseuient. t
, ipk•K ix.: RA ILIICIAD Accumorr. —A man named'
1, iitt 't•it . /441, employed as a watchman on the
1i ti,‘ I inlt I lai !road at the small bridge oross
: ft,. month of l'exton creek, 'below this city,
at an earlybour Saturdaymorning
11.: on the track near that place, his. body cut
lc in half. A lantern was found nearthe
and it is supposed that in attending to his
.hat of signaling either the fast line east
'clock Saturday morning, or the express
, r:t at, 235 A. M., that "all was right,"
H struck by a train approaching, from an
;t,. direction. Tim deceased leaves a wife
111 Wren, who reside in Moyorstown, at the
• iiil of the city Alderman Kline, being
•I of the circumstance, summoned a jury
:ugliest, who rendered a verdict in accordance
the facts.
E CAMP POBI , OI6ICFA. —A visit tithe post
cs at Camps Cameron and Curtin, shortly
the arrival of the mail bags from the city
r., is very interesting. Whenitisannounced
t "mail has arrived," crowds assemble
11,1 the offices to receive news from the loved
,it eeme; and it is truly painful:to '4,froarve
,wsiciy depicted on various faces. Agleam
hushes over the countenance of the
1 , 1 , ;v ic. , ipient, of the wished for letter, while
c. .1 stppointed one betrays sa corresponding
, leir , :;si,,n. If wives, fathers, mothers, broth
r,. ;old seaters, knew what a consolation it is
I•. the pan volunteer, deprived of the sacred
.is. ,, lttions of home, to hear from them, how
hipt would be their answers? How dearly
vet) thing prized coming from home ? The
1 merreotype of a loved one is shown around
infinite satisfaction. A little keep-sake,
bla because of its associations, is exhibited
to !lie soldier to his mess-macs. The smooth
..l boy can be seen writing to an aged
ni , .; her. In fact there are many ways devised
ommune, as it were, with home—to bring
an as near as possible to the camp. These
feelings are not confined to the sensitive or the
relined, but they are to be found in the breasts
of the uncouth and the unlettered, whose homes
though "homely," contain objects of adora
tion. There is a tender chord in the human
heart, which, if tonened, vibrates alike in the
p.dace of the Nabob, and the hut of the Slave.
CAMP CAMMlON. — Comparatively few of our
citizens have any idea what a busy, bustling,
noisy, little canniunity is congregated within
the limits of Camp Cameron, a mile or two
east of our city. Fifteen hundred volunteers,
exhibiting nearly ns many different inclinations
—some religions, others irreverant—some edu
cated, others nu 1....v.-I—all forming one of
uncle Sam's tppy 1 -I:{llles,' conforming to
the same discipline, and engaged in the same
just and holy c ocie. All phases of society are
represented—from th. ono whose deportment
and education do rote the gentleman, to the
individual w ho .3o itir.nsoars no higher than
a full stomach am: od pair of SllOOB. Pass
along the streets -(the passages between the
rows of tents are so termed)—and you will hear
the soul-inspiring strains ofsacred music issuing
front one tent, and a few feet in advance, the
coarse and vulgar jest, or the light and lasci
vious song.
shakspeare's Soldier,—
or strange malls, and bearded like the
lalous in honor, sudden and quick in quar
Seeking the Nibble reputation
Even in the vanuon's mouth,"
will find many eomiterparts in Camp Cameron.
The phretrol..giA will find herd an extensive
field for his expbqations ; the physiognomist,
too, will point with triumph to the prisoners
the guard house, as proof positive of the in
fallibility of his tiVklle4. Mu repulsive coun
tenance, indicating insubordination and ferocity
painful to contemplate—the angry expressions
intermingled with oaths sufficiently blasplte
lie mg, if used .r o j tration, "to shu t a spirit,"
explain the ei- their incarceration. Not.
3ri I.standiu g .31 I a varied associationsof char
13cter, however rue tact is clearly demonstrated
.., camp Cain.,,,, (It tt a man can be religious,
unl do right 1,, re, and though the general
t `'" "r'of our reul • ri,s indicate a prevalence of
irivloity or profanity, still there are many up
right, religion:; men in the ranks, ready to com
h tboth the Evil One and the enemies of our
country. The Sabbath is religiously observed
Iftrertching .y many of tho volunteers, who attend the
in emit, every Sunday Afternoon.
hriazenar IllemibLpi are held in various tents; and
O lap . tpi en
meat prevails. a decided religions
TEN on 'maw& more able-bodied men are
wanted to fill up Capt. Jacob Waltman's com
pany, the Greider Cavalry, now in Camp Cant
eron. Young men desirous of entering this
service cannot enlist under a more competent
and efficient officer.
Tim Manua Houas.—The Mayor has signeicl
the ordinance of council fixing the market
hours between the.bours of 4,1 and 8 o'clock A.
M.. during the meinths of April, May, June,
July, August and September, and between 6
and 9 o'clock A. M. during the residue of the
year. The ordinance,therefore,is now operative,
and will go into effect next Wednesday morning
SLERP Ansa Dnuwu.—The Cornhill Magazine
asks and answers the question—ls sleep after
dinner a good thing? On the part of some per
sons of weak digestion it seems to be so. T 4
habit should not be acquired without an at
tempt to ward off the necessity by a reduction
of the amount of food. If this have unfavora
ble effects, an ample compensation for the time
given to a short post prandial sleep may be- ob
tained by earlier wakefulness in the morning.
On the other hand, Dr. Beaumont found, in the
case of St. Martin, that digestion was promoted
by moderate exercise, such as walking, imme,
diately following the meal. In all , cases expe,
rience must.decide.
A Haavy Business —The extensive transpor-,
tation facilities of the Pennsylvania Railroad
are now taxed to their utmost capacity. Some'
214 engines, 70 passenger cars and over 3,000'
freight cars are constantly employed in carrying
passengers and freight. The shipment of stock
over this line is greater than that of any other
in the country. It appears almost impossible
to prevent accidents to all the trains, when
there are so many on the road, yet this thor
oughfare has been singularly free from accidents
endangering the lives of travelers, on passenger
trains, and but few of any account on freight
trains. This will account, partly, for the in
creased business of the road. Travelers and
shippers always choose the safest and most
speedy route. The receipts of the road for the
year ending on the first inst., was over $7,-
Tire Momman AND TUN WAIL-Right Rev.
Bishop Ames, of the Methodist Episcopal Church
in Indiana, lately advised his son, a young man
of eighteen years, to enlist for the war, and has
expressed a determination to spend the winter
in camp himself. The Conferences will soon be
over, when he will have a few months release
from official duties, which he proposes thus to
devote to the moral and religious interests of
the soldiers. HO is one of the most able and
popular men of the West, and his spirit is large
ly shared by the ministers with whom he is as
sociated. At the late session of thfr. Illinois
COnference, which embraCes but a small portion
of the State, not less than ten clergymen re
ceived appointments as chaplains to the army,
they have already been chosen to fill that posi
tion by the proper authorities. The other
Western Conferences are giving some of their
best men to the work.
Tus STUMBLING BLomcs.—We are waiting
anxiously for the "declaration of war" prom
ised some time ago by our Chief of Police
against the projecting "pavement washers" in
various parts of our city. ; Day ,and night the
unwary pedestrians are constantly tumbling
over them. Dignified gents, who walkiwith
noses elevated in air, suddenly come to grief
when their toes come in contact with these ob
trusive and iron-hearted nuisance. Pretty la
dies stub their little gaiters • and emit shrill
Screams as their corns cry out with agony. Fat
serving maids spill their baskets of potatoes and
plates of butter over them. Children trip when
they pass them, and make involuntary acrobats
of themselves, with specimens of, ground and
lofty tumblings not down on the bills. Profane
individuals shock our feelings by giving vent to
audible curses whoa they. come in contact: with
them at all houri of the" day Mid "night. "`Tu
fact these stop-cocks =Atka the rebellious se
cessionists and ought,iO beputclowa.
Elm:vs.—The female soldier whose arrest in Bal
timore last Saturday was noticed in Thursday's
Tarsonerfl, must not be confounded with the
one arrested in that city, some days_ previous,
Who originated the report of Abe attempted as
sassination of Col. Knipe, also published in the
TELEGRAPH. They are entirely different per
In regard to this latter lady, and her roman
tic adventure among the troops on the Poto
mac, we have been able to obtain the following
version of the affair, furnished by a captain of
one of the companies of the 46th Penna. regi
ment. It will be observed that it differs some
what from our previous account:
At Camp Kaloramo, Washington city, a hos
pital nurse was wanted. .:A choice was soon
made from this company, .furnishing recruits
from Georgetown—one of the enlisted was the
lucky one for the position. The choice was
made with much regard for the mild, youthful
and amiable disposition and the winning man
ners of the one appointed. The nurse, from
kind and. Pleasing manners r soon made-host's of
friends, and had alarsge•kktMeintit Min the re
giment ; was kriOna by the_ mane of. Charlie,
but was always addressed Doctor. He was very
active, very communicative, knew hoW to ex
tract teeth, prescribe, Sm. Infant with,
Mg to the department of nurse ,, and even sur
gery, he was perfectly conversant. Charlie was
graceful, good address, and rather Under the
medium height, and made a neatand tidy look
ing soldier, chewed and smoked the best tobac
co in the camp, and occasionally had no objec
tion to a "smile" of first rate liquor.,
Charlie got on a high, however, a few days
ag as sometimes, ooking and amiable young men
do borrowed a fine dress frock coat
from our young friend It. F., several other ar
ticles from others until a complete outfit of cit
izen's clothes had been donned; went to a farm
house hard by, there represented that he was a
—the ball also taking effect
w brother of the Colonel of the 46th regiment,
ho had been shot by a private in the regiment
(already slung 'bin his mu' hand,
horse, proceeded on
in a dag,e,) desired to go to
, and after borrowing wagon and a
his Journey, where a re
porter of the Baltimore Gime?' got theWO'
don Pf the Colonel being aliot who pnbl4--""I
the same in the Clipper of lase w ee k.
properisione is Miss D. S. Fuller, mud no.donia
when she arrives at home will and
Wthe crinoline with as un4grace as aliedid "the
pembigthritticiliDttitiff ticitigtrtptlP tntondit# c 14:"
AN Etorsiterr.,-The depravity of the human
race," said Mrs. Gababout the other evening,
as, at the tea-table, with elbows on the board
before her and tea-cup raised half way to her
skinny lips, she listened with breathless atten
tion to the following narrative of facts, "is mel
ancholy to think on. I ofteu sigh as I contem
plate it, but howsomever, as I tell our minister,
human natur' will be human natur' all the
world over, and if some folks 'pears to be better
than some other folks, or if some places gets a
better name than some other places, it's only
because their evil doin's aint fain 41 out," and
the old lady subsided in her cup of tea, happy
in her great joy from being saved the reputation
of our wicked city by so weighty a remark.
In one of our principal thoroughfares resides
a gentleman who had a wife—a young and pret
ty one ; but she has run away. She was repre
sented as being a bewitching lady, whose glossy
ringlets swept in profusion over as lovely a nick
and pair of shoulders as ever were allowed
to peep above a piece of calico ; with eyes
that shone like bright stars set in dark.:
est night, twinkling gaily,. and one per
haps pith a slight leer towards a nose the
most perfect ever chisselled from Paden
marble; with cheeks whose bloom "rivalled the
blushing peach ; with teeth which shone likt
rows of pearls as the cherry lips, wittathi.d in
sweetest smiles, Parted toemit her silvery voice:
This was the heroine. The hero—that is Qui
fellow who ran away with her—is a mechanic;
who leaves his wife and two small children to
mourn his untimely end. It was a clear case
of "love at first sight"—the guilty parties saw
each other, and both might have exclainieti
with the Roman General "veni vidi vice " In du4
course of time our hero became a frequent visii
tor at the houseof his "tetxmd . loie!'—was
traduced. tier -Witinitiditietitibizd--dienki
tea, played checkers, smoked .!')3ryer-root,';'
Was considered altogether about as clever al
"human" as one would meet with in a month'
of Sundays. But Campus fugd ; our hero had busi4
ness to transact in, some western city, The day
of his clOParture arrives`; hiS lasi . visit of
course must be to the house of his dear friends
that occupied by the aforementioned " confiti- 1
ing husband." This latter personage lipoid-,
gized for the temporary, .absence of his wife,,
who, he said, lied'" just gone to the store andl
would certainly be back in a few momenta."!
Our hero, however, replied that it would bei
impossible for him to wait longer, as he might
be left by the train. They then shook „hands
heartily, wished each other all kinds of good
luck and parted.. The confiding husband
waited anxiously for the.retunx of his wife from
the store ; but she came not. How
, he ascer
tained where she was,,7e will not relate, nor
how he threatened vengeance upon his quon
dam friend, and 'vowed he would marry again
the very first woman who would have Min, but
will leave the matter here, recorded for the
benefit of those who are inclined to follow in
the steps of the derilict wife and her illustrious
friend, the good looking mechanic.
A SAD SPECTACILE.—What more desolate sight
than that of a little child of two or three years
of age led through the streets of a great city by
;a drunken father or mother? To behold the
little one in the home of its parents, when they
!are intoxicated, is a sad enough sight. But the
ill-fatecl human is used , to the locality, and has
'perhaps gerkili.' - 'O4ll-seenes before. It
has its private sources . of nniniement, and if not
directly assaulted, and not, hungry and cold,
may get through the, grievous epoch without
much suffering. But one can see that out on
the street, Tar`froniknoWn•loalithe and faces,
led by a parent once kind, perhaps, but now
!rough and plainly insane, children such assome
we have met would have their poor embryo
brains full of horror and amazement, such as
adults seldom experience. Such a sight as we
have described was seen on our streets yester
day—a drunken father leading the wretched
waif. Suppose that it ,wa.9 the first time the
thing - had .happened, and.irnagine what "thick
curtains of night" came, down over the infant
priind. A child's parents, if at all worthy of
the name, are its gods. If it hears of a deity, it
habitually institutes comparisons between the
powers of its parents and those of the being of
Whom it has heard as the author of all things.
;When, then, the rum fiend , suddenly dethrones
these Lares and Penales, the whole universe of
Of the child seems rushing into a chaos of
"nameless speds and dissolution ;" especially if
the, drunken guardian is the only guardian it
bas, and the discovery of lunacy is made afar
from the wretched home. The struggle be
tween love and reverence for the being from
,vhom all good things have apparently come,
Mad horror of the wayward, staggering lunatic
could scarcely be exceeded by that of a home.:
tlieus Vinctps, "with the links of "the`lams
f.,emnian festering in his flesh."
DomesTre Durnis.—A knovrledg6 of dokiOile
4uties, says Mrs. Mild, is beyond all a
homan. , Every one of. our Sex ought _; tO kik*
ow-to sew, and knit and mend,. and peck and
ourrintend eirOri AtMtion. of
We, high , or low, this sort. of knowledge is: of
great advantage. There isnotieb4kitS , twge;
gaining of such,information should interfere
with intellectual requirement 0981t 1 4, -
pliehment. •well atioi ffnd!
time for all. When a girl nine tit 'mll'ol43' l
old, she sh ould be accustomed to , teke some
regular shame in househol(Fduties, atid_to,*
respOnsibiU for , fliie manner inwhiCh - her, part
performed, such as her own mending; washing
the cups and putting, them in place, , cleaning'
silver or dusting and
, arranging pe,rlors. This
should not be occasionally, and neglecied when
ever she feels it convenientodM i iihould consider
it her department. When older than twelve,
girls should .begin to take tarn in superintend
ing the household, making.puddings, pies, cake,
etc. ; to learn effectually to do these things
themselves, and not stand by and see others do
uudenigniid Would xesseetfully,
iorntlibeiWzons Hariisburg. that no is prepared
uiternish n any part of the city, Lyeens Valley, Trevor
to and WillcesesrroOked : Se.loer as. etijr,othir dealers In
hen city. flleso andkeetnim . tri4
No. ugituPs fortcopttooppc,
.aep6.dlm khuThlbnig
B - nt it ELK
i re ;
s i pe t pod prwwl . l -4
ittf IPY Doug J R. & ou.
—We have now on hand one of the best selett
ed anct byggstOck 0f,..g90,4 Lit ajty . Hav
enlarged our store, we 'are now enabled to
keep a full lint 4411 ikifurof gbOdii. A A 1 :1
100 pieces of Japoiy 4 Aka Afl t fOrfl..)
25 pc. of plaid Poplins.
25 pc. splendid figured ill wool DeLaines.
15 pc. black Alapacruffriki auction.
100 proche and wool Shawls
26 pc..of plairilliitaZlifelrloos, all colors.
200 dta: of ladies' ineeti a:a children's stock
76 pc.
O f hetiizylikOwn Muslin.
100 pc. of 'bleatlied:MUslin,,all prices.
Large lot, feldit t . Bidasite, tfoop Skirts, in
fants' Bodies, &rubrics.
50 pc. Carthji/liiiiele Un4crosh.
::Thankful for past favors, weFkof4t : respectfully
iiivite the publidlo Cell, and we promise not to
be outsold by any one. S. tiZfY,
sepl24-dtf 'stand.
a -P 4 03V3 *di"
ttlatllbly a coirixwig, '1%614 og,,,.ium reatireing xi
obatraCtiOok lirorn Whatavi.r, muse, and
way' , atienefarid 6A n
• Er-N N 11.134 ti...Nyk:, .ix 11810:1/ 131
L, the doutorg lob rpalik * F*41i.•. 1 44‘1 1 ,c/frauce
Ambrica, with oiiparalle*kaiaostios.tu,:evary base ; ono
he* urged by sway thoutsusi ith.osed th e m, g,
make thg.tillitpublio tor the filovialtr of the-toufferto ?
from tiay.trrsttilifilleir whataidE".is...weitriti.To4reveut
h • tad, pgrml ite
selves so, are caupiontsl ugAinat, ilosso.Plils wad" .tu r tkot
thity.ara , soo 4 to Orodut4 thisohii me, 40
the proprietor assatotai to:l:responsibility; sheath* taboo
igloo, although their mildness :would provslis any pas,
chief to hisallb-,othersitish. Plll3-aro.. ow:dm:mended
Full and expholl :firect,toon accompany each box. - Prism
$1 00 per htitrfiNficrirffahtittlio umd:rstblT liy
: . St - itittesltow t EhOrriEbtiri,
• “Ladteo." ,hy..eandbig , Oo to the liarrisherg:
Yost Office, use have,the tillsnut Iron of observation er
any pistol the rsiuntry (oontidontialLy) and 'Wee °rpm
Cage" byl man. • Bold, also. by, 3'. iiii4rsosiwiiiisding,;
1111UMit, Lebanon = ttLefici.'al.-litivah.ti,ifleurantar; J. A. l .
Woui, Wright/dell ;
o:4A. T. .11nuur, York aud.i by• - osiei
drtigglit . ovally oity and village. niche ilnion; and ay
& Eifillep..ola.:prdpriatocattw.York ~ . •
EL—lnnk fothaenterfaint.. fiti
of any klitimniesis ovecryiboatol
others are a base. napositiou t and-anestet;ltitaefore, asi
you value your livesitad bealtbi .(to nothing of be- ,
na humbugged out of youe mondy,), only:oE.thoer
who show - ithiVitignitUre ol ti. Howe oaf:every Moto
which hairgenantly vimin •ofdal teimunt of the Pills+
bake( eonatartelvo. del.dwaswly.
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D.
4. vi t If* 0 Rylifyy
E o uktit of r cnfs
:tbr. r rend ot alo atWel
They are mild In their operation, and certain in correcting
all irrentaglleeLpanautMenagnationa remo i ying all eb
atrucatelne,,ichetWartalalcihkUlur :otherallie,qieadache,
pain In the le
. galpleadar,heart., whites, all
str4 as, 311 1 114 i isg,,peinAn the back er
ietu red eiletVi .g A n
from iuttirrdii.
onof ea ure.
;IN:1111ABBIElf. ' 10N. ;. • •
Dr. Cheesemnn's Mlle are Invaluable , as they will bring
(ri g or pettirre.ti wtio have
'fed n &heti priwtarreini6ii the
utmost contldentitip Dr.o.hepaltsouPs Pdis doing all that
they represent to .le.
, Theri4slikleihadtion.4,4,l4. +Wick the
Pills cannot be taken withal/ producing a PROOLLAR
BAWL wushtlion referred to is P_REGNANC !
ad rota AUSCLARRL4OR. 3ueh irregiste Je ten.
dencgef.thewiathrine to restore theses:Dual functions to a
normal coadstion, that even the ref:reductive power of sw.
Summand raid it. : • ,
• , •
thiaarested,purely vegetable, and froo from .anything
injurious. ,Bzolicit directions,. which should be road'. so.
ootneany each bug . rrlee 41
- Sent by !mall orvenelos.
MS VI AO. 80. •koxisiono L. 011 MIXAM, Box 4,b81 Poet
Otlies, New York City. . • .
sold by, one Dinggii tin avery,to frit la the United States.
8..8. HU COEUNGt3,
. General Agent for the•Dnited States. •
14 Broadway ; llow Sark,
Tt;lifloithalliwito legate orderselondaybe addressed.
Solikin4fArrisburg uy 0. A. tipiv.tuT.
• RAM - DYE I fiAIR DYE! !
witostPligtor'sc;ll)ol , Dye
The.9nly Hare:deal and Reliable Dye Finctwuj
, pAttis ere,baitations, and shoithl
ifyou to 's • pViltiicale.
GRIky,,,RIIIIIIICRUBTY HAIR dyed. Instantly= to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the-least
ury to Beirut BM. .
it fEEN M DIN,OMAS have. been awar
ded to Wm. A. BATORICLOR sine 18.9, and over 200;000
'appliestions have been. made to the hair of ; the patrons
of his famous Dye: -
I Ww. A. BaTCHELOR'4,I4A,Iii.pv, produces a color
not to be distinguished from natio and is wanattsran
,not to injure in tbelawit, howeveriong R may be contin
ued, and tbaill effects nr,bad Deem remedied. The hair
Is invigorated for fife by this splendid Dye, which is prop.
I,arly applied at Net 16 tkidiffitreet Nb* . York.
Sold 1 4 AD Vie cites mid towns td. the United States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers ,
The Genuine Bait cline - ultimata a. Batchelor,"
m idress upon , a steel plata engraving, on. the four
'sides of each box. _ •
Whofa+aieFaitoiy Bar:clai St.,
.Latak2B.3 Broadway, New York.
Puarrylltt BLOOD
! MOFFAT'S laffii hilStAlikr PH - GOILIC BITTSIIB.--
LFregtilliati q 44 , Aftserrat Poisofts.—ln :mem . of scrofula
t ' mor*ujitopte sho SMo, the operation
'of the . edidelleisiltailY astunlableg, often renlOviPLE
. ,
o albilillsitil,lbteri vestige of these loathsome dlseitees
by theirmirlfyinulltta,sthe,btoest. Illtliciee Pesters,
Fever and itiolatitlEVPlNLDrePsY;Xtbakt,igrel.le abort,
most ail diaasome soon yield to their, curative properties
olluoitrbblubil tie iviithnt them, - it by their ' bmpty
louse °mob suffering and expense maybe slaved. .•.--
Prepared by Wel. B. MOFFAT, H. rt., Near York, and
I tier Rale by ell Druggists: ~ ~,,... t.. novito-1 y
TSB AD.44 a t - beeif ' restored to
Aealth * few .weekliby a Vory ‘ alinpla remedy, alter
having duStra seferal years with a severe lung affect
kin, sod that dread.dlaeesa, Conentoptiott—ls. *AXIOM to
! ! make known table tallow en !mans °Come.
re itli who desire lf, he Witt send a copy . Pie pre
iefirlOtion twititi(free.ore*ge),.iottli the directions Yon
:preparing and Being Jka,.laKie..t.lKaildi Org. will kid a
ribicurq4 l o,laliaN BronchitiB , rta..„ Thu
pnlY;Ohjeet ibehniva Omit Lip needipgtlie. , l"moriptlon
tiWiaillent'tle adlieW4, and apyeid totoriation which
e ooniwiltionliWiky a:valuable, and tie liopetterftry eat •
erer willtry bla teinedy, as it will eat them nothing,
and -
- Mikes wishlagthe peesopplion-w%Vseseadliressj
county, New York,
DV ' . Lost • '.,..:
. ts : , W' D
. '.l
0 - .l*.r kublisheilin a gealed 'Envelopa •,',":.
Price 6 OIL:. A; Lecture on the Nature; Treatment,
end radical Cure of Bpermatorrbrea or * . eminal Meek
less, Involuntary:EmiCsions 61mtiel Debility, end luiped
ow to.Narriagegenerally, Nervommesa, CoiSmilption,
.llepsy and Fife; dental and Physical -Iticupticity, re
: ulamprrnur. vett Abuse, &0.-41 y ROST. .1: - CtllAttlt
lILL, IL 104::Autbbr a the - Orem Book Eft.' ' - "4"'Boon
-tivissands or• Sufferers," sent under seal, in a plain
- . velope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of Mx
ate, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE,
-1111 Bowery, New York, But Office, 0054586.
Ii;' , CILQ ) s
_sum As
Pillows,l 13buiketsy Coats, eaps.
Leggin', Driuileingl Cups, &c.,
W jtt-TSu .S MA. FP E R ,
orth Side Market Square, near Buehler' s Hotol,
apg`p -dami
LETTBRS testamentary on the estate of:
Elizabeth ThOmpson, deed., tate of the city of
Itareaburg, Pa., hiving been granted to the ondersigned,
rtablibis Omme, kb Demote} having...demands against tho
eftii,fe are kegs to make known the same to him
lithobt delay.
t • • •
- _
Loumaidiorkanvanumbi fialAtY
2!Lulu)). .1 Ej.: 2 ,-*
041 tin ItuvernetWilts
Qt&Nyi rimi.oB4E, is rfi t v aio
bet; 1 1801,?Elt 12,b'alocit,ringoartnia . r
ellpplying th e „A. Dimi y with,, /mottle out . e
hoof, 'to be ; Ch• •%rs - tillig, HF"! -
buis proykistthetBta, tekvfAlMlltirriN
If& tiliivethgldWiirdtaWnutb, -
Bidders are requested. ,to -comply pia silt par -
culars with. the form of. bid berowitit
GP;MW:aRt•-rserlNs-PAtiilelf , tixe xiglitto pat
in •Vrearury. ex 9ther „funds .hae;for
bnisercient, and to reject any Aiit , ansi,fOr any
cause. No bid will be entertained unless the
bidder is preseitt tO!rehprond to
The Government will recrive
der the contract, reserve the right to
re wire any aciditionahnlthiberrihp ,to
head. 1!_
Deliveries to be made weekly in i such quantit
ties as may be required.
The Cattle.must average 1,300 * pounds gross
weight; and no aniinalWill" be received which
weighs less than . 1,000 poini3s gross.
No conditional bid' be.'ieceived.
The bids to be directed to Capt. A. Btos.wrrn,
C. S4U. S.'A..,
_VNihington D. C., and endors
ed "Proposals for 'Beef Cattle."
I, A B, do , hereby pro Pose to deliver to the
Government good Rita' Cattle on the hoof for
per hundred pounds:gross *eight. The
Cattle to be delivered ireChtunbarsburg, Harris
burg, or York," In the State: of Pennsylvania, ari
the Government ; may, designate,ficeptding,4o;
the terms of the enclosed advertisement. The'
Cattle to be weighed on the scales, and the
weight sirdetermited to be the ptirchhse Weight.
I hereby agree to gives a g00d:144 ludfirdetit,
bond for the fulfillment of the contract; and to
receive Treasury notes or °.othei!Gtovemment
funds in payment for the Cattle,. . .
The first delivery of the Cattle will be requir
ed to be made about the TOth.of November,
-1861. .''l,-dtoc:2o
z ffirrufirmlf . fik* TORE
" ..;.EMBAR.KING:, PASi•
AaKtuni.i3nNNNSTOWN, (Treat/C) The ttiter t •
031. N.,st tors and Phtladelptda Bleamithip
tutem.t, napatedllati , their full poWsrad ayfte-bt4w iron
Steamships as follows :
'4; Salt4.Bllß6s SaltuslaykOctolier 12 ; CITY 'ANA-Ign
iNGTON , Saturday, ooltitter - • II.; .
-and. llNArsatiardiay
October 26 ; and every Saturday at Noon, from :Pier
44, -I°l. "' 14FP%.2.1ut ,
aim as simian
cAttiN sTFAMOE..., • =kw
do to Loudon - kBO 001 do to London ...$BB 00
do to Paris $B6 00 1 do to Parts . 00
(I° ' lir m lig=i; • VIP Ilatbill(44s 00
Peale lma' we ; titbit r
dam, Antwerp,
tationttbatrirtendx ow buy
tickets bore Atftlblktwitjvatj..‘ , K,l s fork: From
laverpool or idußeusipiroi r *MN . , sad $lO6
st.,sirago friar- uibrpoa ; s3o' 4YrOns uoecistown,
SOO DO- ;•••.-
These Steamers nave , oripbrior nominmedatlona tor
Passengers. ItbAbare etwadoW4d:Gtostaitits. They are
built to Water-tight Aron Sectiunk, hay" Patent Fire
Annihilators on b6aid . Pi •••••:•-• - • -
;Agent:, t 2 Water treet:; Glasgow WY.
INMAN; 5 ot. &Loch •Sclairie Pti.4lueetastowu to C. & W.
D. SF.Y.IIOI.IR & CO.;fa AondoiktoAlly,
.54,64!40 , 44 ,
Ring WlWam *St:.; PtiffsIo.JULOSMOVE, 5 Place
de la Bonrse ; Iliilidiarbiiilß' - 31) ct. LIA LE, 11l
Walnut street~ IffeAftnalatyoBBl6,,cit
JNI). pALE, Agent,
': ,l l6lWritiAdway, New York.
4 114 %** Igfrrisbwg•
ocll4 I
LENDORSED " Prorsals for
Storeir walrl ei•e6eFied M .
October 14, 1861, forArnighing b.Y.„PtStraet the
following articles fel the — United - States .
20kOarre/a..Ektra Tand4r "
100 barrels Extra Hess "Ark.
4000 pounds Rio tottee:
3 ' ll POWldsHige,
8 " ' pounds good kard Soap.
800 ikallonk ,
To biee.dOliverid tree: &it too" tibtJahited
States at the United States Storehonse at Har
risburg, Pa., ou or befdre the 19th inst.
All a#olo3 f 4 be of the itpdjin
stroneWeldigeS, and tti n ll*rtO imcb,
spection As the V. 81 , 06 "
Bids_tostele *allying psr_barretfor flguoand
porkpriiii'poluidlor (Arse, Bow and 'rite, loid
'per gallon, for molasses. • • s :
The right is reserved' to reject any bid'; and
any articles if not of satikaattirYAuality.
•Bids_to be addressed to :the " nndenaigngd" at
Harrisburg; Pit. ' 4l -
wtoPosAlis , roxlsAPP,TANl
Ehose-Qusursas Pluissynysirm, MILITIA
Efirlisfiturg Oct. 9
, 1861
iOEALED proposals will be received at this,
1 .0 office up to twelve o'clock on MonditY,. the
I4th day of October, 1861, to •
,1 - dinish thirtol a
louring articleriof supplies
and it such &Lees as may be dir at
office : • •
300 cords of Oak Wood.
: • The` Mae to b 6 iniiiiedied proper persons
selected as provided - by the-Act:6f Assembly:
oct9-dBt., • ~:4;i5P1X449 ( 144. 'ben.
VIIITANTED-IMMEDLin'LY.-10 tct 115`,
To . Osrur Asir, and ?i,xoo,buOola of CORN.
FOUN'TttIN TEA: - 11031fUSH.
It effects a sairleg of one-half 111 the use of hair prepar
It.doestaway with Sressy : bottim, ,
Itte handsomer article thsn - ttin hair-brush.'
Itregulates the quantity ofthilifti.ed,'hi a drop', .`
It is.perfiiolly rtnirr and cannot Spill over in thOtrank,
or on the.Soilet: • , ' ; .
• It eariles enough of any preparation to lest for,
ageor along journey.
Its p-toe is 'asaerate, and it inVO3 its own cost in three
! For sale at,Keller's.Drng and , Fanny Stire,9l , Market
street two , dooris,opt of „Four* street, itoutttside:
, • .
upHoig , .,.'"• ,-1 :'• "i'd.'
PAUI.Dtir MATtROZEIS, • : ' ' t
; ' - ..4COITON,.CLIMFORM, .. . •
. '
' • _ ..004U!.....1500Lk . .&,C..c. &c. .
in' haziiiandlor Saill,p4, Ae gamy. learestvistes for cull: ,
nOr Mattresses told Sprlog .tlottotwmtute to order..c
• Lougoos
, ,
burr ES &c.,
-paired and made,equal to newixerFmemsonable, all at
0. 109, Market street; between Feartle Wit Fifth, by
Gelb amd • , - '•J: MATINITZ:.
1 'Rainsbu
''. ii. Bliti r
d — litm . t
iffuTh:tory: . ' -
' +.. .ENA Tti.l4l3LiNTop , T4,4:14 to
. 04pr, and
all repairing neatly and expadllitnudy done. Per
, os at adialitnpo.nan totyq yikig wArl , c.,4oiiik,by addrea
g a lent:mulatto* tinaknatlgnedr' Thankful rotormat pat
,, tt& no hopett,b,watt litttpdion,to business, to merit
t d
I couttunanr:e or. i bt4a%f4,. air 4 1 .. 1 5!. 144 " 1 - grffin t l A
! th
. okt pstnni44..wuramair :..,.. , , - .1.. , ........... .
. .
At. it...PlAlue: .
.. .
oix -min -
Oman ear
be tlkerFEbtri.MS.P ubeth'. R4Vba
ameea. wi
... el <=,ll. UNA
'74 7 ;" DRUG 'TORE is the p
to find anything la the way Perfumery.
I ;
RTA.TION AND 1011.A.P11 DI T. ,
' . . Harria6urg,! Oet o 40, 1861.:
-All• Pennsylvania reiiMPthi !ma.
ed - wc w iVlb4e'PrePi.rink. to: Cuter.:;tlit::;tbilied
Xrgtei, ~,serrvjua ..on the call of the ' Governor,
bising.ibtm directed to raise their ongiurlottions
an the maximum . standard required tlikOritr
94, viz :-41ifantry company. 101.
, :,,:.,:regir . nent r (10 oompanies, ) -1010,-oorn-
Plury dross. end • enlisted men: ' Citviiirrbetha
Pahr 95 ;.' Vargl tititi*nt." (10 .companies,)
.and...enliated. men c .the
regulations: to govern the remitting
thus made-necessary' bare - Wen 11400,15.0, „I2Y this
11 0 111 t)?t14*:tb - tala aka frait..and after..4iB
IZ Recruiting- will -be , vione-broffitlert • 4.-
"ited 4 tir thw Purwrefriffif,.§l4; PliZaUtititfor.
PorStigb"w.l l lfartitar.ttfuli4xntatißltritul
thii,Departarient,ln proper form, and
pay all'pioPer vocriummeinsql44Xll4oliit
ing. Pinch extietidelitcrti,
..„ -
Ist. ReirtV Ottice or recr uiting rendtisvons.
2nd. Advertising tae reasonsbitretttent ,
grd.:Subsistence.of recruitsfrom theNiste of
f,heir being sworn in iretbreli
their entrance into a siiitiAnip.,,lfite 'actual
expenses will be allowed not exceeding forty
cents per dalifor each man muttered into I ± be
'United States service. More than ten d;rys . or
any one recruit will not be admitted. Twenty
cents additional will be allowed for each day ne
cessarily consumed in traveling from the recruit-
Mg rendezvous to a State Camp. Subsistence will
net be Paid,for when rations can be obtained
from the Corrunissary Department.
4th. Transportation by railroad, steamboat
or stage line when not provided by the State,
may be procured by the recruiting officer if
he sees proper, but only half the regular fare on
the Pennsylvabla Itailroad, and two thirds regu
on ail other lines, will be refunded to
-Forms of AccouMs. —These must be pre
sented in the name of commissioned officers
only, on forms lainished by this Department,
accompanied toy bills.of allSmatters charged for,
with date, particulars and receipts of the parties
to whom payments were made.
IV. No. officer permitted to have bills for
recruiting. expenses . charged to the State. lie
must pay all liabilities of this character that he
incnrs,and be reimbursed by this department
on the basis heretofore stated.
By order—
Chief of Transportation and Telegraph Dept
CAPITAL. AND ASSETS 5904,907.61.
'00111t r :t OF NORTH • AMERICA.
CAPITAL AND 'ASSETS $1,2111,476.19. •
THE Undersigned,
. , -•• •••
HE Undersigned, ow Agent for t#o..
well known Companies, will make /sau ransa'
against Ices or damage by fire, either perpetually or an
molly, on properly in either town or coal:dry.
marine and Trawportatton Risks also taken • • •-•
. .„ . .• -
Apply personally or by latier to
Harrisburg, Pa.
- NEW 421.0NAL LO R
even and Irfiree4enths Per,AANA,
BANKERS, • • -
No. 114 South Third Street,
Pgivant , tostruotione from the Secretary of
Treasury, the Subscription Book to the NEW NATIoNALL '"
1.441 J. of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of
Berea And tbree-tenthe Der cent per annum, will remain
Open at my office,
. ,
until further notice, from BA. N. till B P. N., and on
Mondays till 9 P. N.
These notes will be of the denomination of PiFTY
FIVE THiIDSAND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of
August, 1861, payable Di gold. In three yews, or eon.
vertiblr into a twenty years' air per cent. loan, at the
gpticionf On bolder. Each Treasury Note has interest
gourmet ttached, which can be cat off and collected In
golf at the feint every SIX Menthe, and at the rate of one
gent per day on each fifty dollars,
1 Payments of subscriptions may be made in Gold or
beaks, or Notes of any of the Philadelpia Banks. •
I P,AMIRB AT A DISTANCE can remit by -their Mends,
through the mail, or by express, or through Banks and ta
the Tretpury Notes will he immediately delivered, .or
gent to e.cb subscriber as they may severally direct.
Parties remitting must add the Interest from 19th of
August, tbe date of all the notes, to the day the remit- •
tame reaches Philadelphia, at the rate .of one oent per
day en each fifty dollars.
apply to or actdress • . ,
Care of JAY GOOK B & CO., Bankers,
jo TWO, StreeLatiladidnlita.
cicB r db:!)
INHE tuldeinigned living opened his
Manufactory of Shirts &c., at N 0.12 Wen : Market
eet,' ariisharg, Pa , mos trespenthdly solicits the
qtanotrago - anu' attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and
MeretatturAo, the,ftillowiug• assortment of goods -all op- ,
*WO 'arem pwapandeeture :
- •
BEURTIb9OMS, , . .
Di/0117 SlilliTfi,
tee-,.&e,i ate - - * 0 4 , 1 - -
lAlso the particular attention of the Ladln ! o inn large
ortment of under garments &c.. (frdsktha litlied im
. ved London and Pana -style%) LENNWVIOLTARS,
r F c :
s , e
u n h.7 sew itc h . er , it: great varieties,' : nil mbl7 1, 8 1 7
- r own maunufacture we will sell etiparlingto can be
f rersone desirous of &Min th
ting e-Wean matiilitls, sae
,bikve cutting, sewing ite., of a rerp.inriety dune 110e0r 1 -
sig tP .rder. Ali of ttia alma mimed goods for Gents wear,
Me will make to measure, guaranteeing to fit, and OW)
Wire eatiefersa teitie _manager for style. durability
alid m.turia . f - AU`special orders will be promptly 416 .
tZded te . PTO detehorigillaonee and ..most reasonable - -
gl••••411 1 0 Morahan* supplied ePtr••49,MoiGilliNalit
i s •tapi n vondlo , ..oto..... , -- -
• G. loys Nisking stirts or ander garments Of aily
eripUrna, raniltaVe i tem made to order by aeudpag ,
lePle, et luta! Irtudx as maza i rf,t4 . l . ", .... f'. iV .
i p
. .
i1 i 29. ,i6 21 ... • j ,
• 14 .?:.P: WM% '4t ?'.
doom neat . fl oor to Hummel iii . S : ipii2lipiiiiiii eroilel7
3t r
.120 10.13 EL
iTATE S ee near V
I..oFeei, a few
r A
doors below Brad 'o'' 1 , Wahisburg. A See ,
I.lM l Zeil e Vell i g oi l l aw 'AIM* errbsidiaed 1
, 4•4 11 14 0 414 aTe.irAkio""".
AVlStniNr MO - di *
2 9f, '4444401440 , B4 0
Aft '
"In 014 allity,tes ORM , am
ram an