Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 14, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH iS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 4-17 GEORG E BERGNER. - • TERMS,.—Six6I.A SUBsourrios. The DAILY TaLtaitll'a served to subscibers to the City at 6) 4 ' .015 per %rec.: Yearly subscr i ber s will harged $4 00 Wizzliti AND Sian-WM:IX TILGRAPH. The TRI.Eaa.4I,I iko publiihed twice a week durito the sesioa 01 LeipslAture, and weekly durlug tbt remainder of the yar, and turnlahed to alibScriberS al the 10110 Wing Viz : dingle subserbera per year-...... Ferca Teo 1113 1.419 OP tteRWAITI IB . 11 Ellbl.criber3 order the diScOlitiullCO of their nuntil ews papers, the publi,her may continue t o send them Arroarae, are paid. sun,eribers neglect Or Muse ho bun their newspa er front the office to which they are directed, they are re ponsible until they hose cectled the bills and orde. ed hey, dl,e,nialllned. gte tLRI. _ 1) . J 011 N SON 13.,a.merizzcoxlia LOOK HOSPITAL. " isLovered the most certain, speedy and °actual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. 14111.11 T IN KT TO TWILVI BONO. NO nierearry or Olorloull Drags. *r ,S Crile WdliiitANlND, OS NO CHARON, IX FROM Ors TO TWO DAYe.S it Lid.; 1,,s et the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In ;,OMs, Aueetions ni the bulneys and Bladder, organic W, v .kpepv, NeSVOIN3 habliity, Decay of thel'hysina JPow. lar.enor, Lew Spirits, Confusion of raft raft what. o. the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or 60,111,0 is, llibelthe of the Stomach, Affections 0, the &i d, Teruel, Ncse or Ekin—those terrible disov dera arising free.. the 11.0m:rotten or Solitary Habits el fouth—tho, destructive practises which „.„A u ge rote 1... 10. A r bi l dy, render marriage impose and de.ll-0.) both body anti *lnd. YOUNG MEN. Young Tit .14 CIAO who have become the victimised oilier) fire,aaeeally ' that dreadful and destructlye habit which 14WI•tp. , to an untimCig grave thousands ol y„,,, Men 01 the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect 4400 alight otherwise have entranced listening Ae....tes 4 an the thunders of ohpience, or waked to ec .,..4y 110 livteg tyro, may call with tun coafidence. MAAR/AGE. 'Limed persons, or those contemplating marriage, bo ne Aware of physical weakness, should immediately con ma or. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNFB enotedintety cured arad full vigor inhered. U. who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may r..igioasly 'menden' his nonor as a gentleman, and eon, rely upon his akin, as a physician. orefilce So. 7 South F.ederick street, Baltimore, ou the bait baud side going from Baltimore street, 1 hum the corner. Be particular In obsorving the .10mo or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. ler Ignorant, _Trifling Quacks, with false names, sir Autry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the repots. t .0 Or. Johnson, lurk near. all ietters must contain a Postage Stamp, to one on the reply OIL JOHNSTON Dr. Johuson member of the Royal Voltage of Burgeon; Loudon, graduate from one of the most eminent colleges of the United litotes, and the greatest part of whose life km been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has elletted some of the meet as. touieloug cures that were ever known, Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great tier rousures, being !donned at sudden sounds, bashfuluees, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meat or mind wore cured immediately, " TAKE VAIrtICULAR NOTICE. ...dresses all these who having injured thew w i v eg by private and improper iudulgencles, that secret and solitary , abut which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either business or society. Ito., are some of the sad and molanoholy pre diawo in early habits of youth, viz : Wealutosis of the Batik and Limbs, Pines in tile Head, Dimuusa of, Sight, Lose of liluscular lower, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye- Nom, icrvouslrrltabtilty Devaugomeut or the pigustive Fiutztlous, General Debility, Symptoms of ,Gonsump• non, ha. MIENTALLY.S thinstis, Lho fourthl ellects on the mindere mush to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Coninsion of Ideas,De pression or Spirits, Etvil Forebodings Aversion to.ino ty, gellt•ttiotrust, Love of Solitude, Thrthity,Ate., are same of the will effects. Thalamus of pardlltitS 01 all ague, tae new judge wbut m the canoe of Weir decline 10 health, losing their vigor, hemming weak, tale, Laramie sad emaciated, have Singular appearanee about the eyes, cough, and syrup. me of consumption. . YOUNG AUKN who have Injured theineelue by a certain praullea, lb delved in when alone—a habit frequently learntut from evil zompaniOne, Or at school, the etilicia of Which arc nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not eared, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, Should apply immediately, What a pity ebuL a young man, the tepee of his coun try, the darling of hie parents, should be snatched 'rein all prospects and enjoyments Cl life by the consequences of deviating from the path el nature, and indulging In a certain secret habit. Su ih persons must, before content. plating ItIARIIAGI3,2 abet that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without thee°, the journey through 1110 becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the vtaw; the mind becomes eliadoweil with doopair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. CORMS blighted with our own. DR. JOBNEUN'S INVItiottALNO IiKMEDY FOK OR: GANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy, Westutees of the 9rgans aro speedily cared, and hill vigor restor e d, Thousands of the Meat nervati and debilitated WIN had lost all hope, nays beet, immediately Tolland. Alt Impedimenta to Marriage,. Physical or Monied Jr/impala. capon, Nervous, Treiutillng, Weakness or hlhanation or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO RILANCIERB The many thousands cured at this instiutiou within the meat twelve years, and thy numerous important Bargicai operations porfornmd by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, fuel many other persona, notions el which have appeared again and again betore the public, besides his tianderip as a penfleirtan of character and re sponsibilbu, lea Bodleian% guarantee to the &dieted. DidEAdFS OF IMPRODENUE.—Whnto the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure ends he has imbibed the seeds el this palufal disease, it too often liappen3 that an Ili-timed sense of shame er dread of discovery deters him from applying to theme wise, from education and re. *salability can alone befriend him, delaying till the on saltutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, tiffeutfag the feud, threat, tiequ, skin, ma., progressing on with frightful rapidity, tall daa:h puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence au traveler reihros." it is a mel ancholy fact eat thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unsgutuluess al ignorant pretend ers, who, by the two of th tt itarhy .a,,,sna !weary, rale the constitution acid make the residue of 'lite misers6lo.. To branseitia.—The Dotter's inplommi hang in bit Mee. AM - Letters must contain a Stamp tons on the reply. Mr/tamed:es stint by Mail. prarNo. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. sooty SCHEFFE'RS BOOK STORE, (10/4R TRH Minn BITRG B.llpQa.) UNION ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, plu two eolora, sold by the thousand and by Ma ream at City Nab prises. n .' ll s o , Flogs, Union Breast Pius, Eagles, Union Rings mrsavtges at vary low pricas. Call at soossrose. `CO FA RUTTER (good, sw eet and fresh) one .4.-11 Mo tt Tolls, and rROW hi large 'iunall qt.lualkles takela 4 all times and cash psis or groceries Oren In exchane. Regular Market rates always Pald • WM. INCK,II,It, isCO. OPPoisife• the court**, attglg -0 15`titlf) . ') 1"4. .14 . . . . • 10 1 1 11 W . . , . • .. 4'l • . ' 1111 9 .4 : :" •' f" -;101r--" it •. • •'; • r r rt . t • Y - 7 - • * tg t. • • r• • t _ $2 00 12 00 15 00 VOL. XVI. 111. DJ. (a. rasa & to.. !T; . - D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLMAIA LE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEtVN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEEPERS AND, ;CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment.of goods all such articles as are desirable,! and would respectfully_call- your ;the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Otto, varnishes and Glues, Oys-Stuirs, Gtlass and.P,atty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground 9ptcer, Banding Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, ?,perna andßine 01la, Bottles!, Vial! and'lannp 131/Mbeir Castlte,Soap, Sponges and Corks, &a., &e., &e., Ric , Ric. , Ate., With a general variety of PROWltlarg & TOIT , !T 43 IdLES , veleded from the beat nianufacturerA Slid Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINT'S, WHITE LEAD ) . UNS B ED 914 VARNISHES, WINDOW: GLASS; ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETMS, OOLOBS•AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, TV R -0 - - • . ? 0 0 Ni 911 We respectfutly . invite *Axil, I,eellOg i , 4 x!!# l , dent that we can supply the - wants of all on. terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I. TEETH !I JONE'SAND WHITINSPOROBILA,t r aTEM4 PATENT MEDICINES AND I[44s RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Oonoedread Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel! . as low as It can be purchased in the cttlear MAYER'S MEDICAL F;IW1), JEK.POkM, GOAL OIL I OARRON„OIL I! Being large purchasers In these Cills; Ave attr otter inducements to close buyers..;mil Lamps of the most improved ;patterns, very cheap., All kinds of, lamps ; clukii4 . to burn FARMF.dtB."D ' aIt"IBItS ' . oee of you who have not gives our HOR.F.IE AND CATTLE POWDERS .:a trial.know not thetr superiority, and the adistntakc they ttrti in keeping Domes and WAle healthy And. An good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle by tee increasing quantity and quality, of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives ns the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our' business, on the beat of terma. Thankful fur the liberal patronage bestows on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of -PURE DRlTcite . at air-r/ow, ancl the desire to-Aoritik i ie . ,„I 7 t = okeifte•Contionauce of the favor ofge'dlTl".7` 164 public. ''''' ;; k.' , 17 - , , i+:::„7. *& "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." FIARRISI3IIRG, PA., MON DAY NO. 19 illisttllantons TREES TREES ! ! TREES I! I TIRE undersigned invite attention to their largeand well grown stnen.of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, I , =hrubs /kg, , embracing a large and complete assortment A'PPLb.I3, PEAUBW, PLUMS, CIP,ILKIE, , ,..A)BIei#7 I , awl NW rAdINKS, StandardlorawANehdrii, dod Dwarf for the garden s BNI3IIAff A SrAINIC 1,N13.8 NUTS; dug IfaSORRRII stRAw ERR 11`4,' MUM knd GOUdEfidrARIRB, in g roat GRAPES, OF CHOICEST KINDS ASPARAGUS, i.l,llHtdßit Ate doe. Ala" a fine stook o will forntadAitat?9 'EVEAdgEifS, suitable for the itriztatry and Lap. DECIDU'OUS.:TRVAS for street planting, and a general suptartmeni or Ornaatandlal Trees and ,Flowertnek,,Shratba. ROSES of chNce varieties, CAIIRLLIASVWDENGI PLANTS, do Our steer ; is remarkably ttirlftY and don, abl.Wa offer - t, it at prlbeelo'suit the time's. jay-Outaloguee mailed to ill' applicants. Address_ ; EDWARD J. ExAN-1 , 4.11., central Nurseries, rk, Pa. sep26-2nid .. ' , , / —•' jl"33lll= l l3ls7rVilli• DAILY LINEI Between ..t.l3.l.lade.l.rithia Leas, ,Havair, .4xneurir W .sdoary , ituaßerE i nr, • •Itiremrakied,•%lV.araceriowa, Misr*, i r t e • NORTUMBARLARD, SUNBURY, TREVOKIOI, GIORIBINtiNifiIoYMINSIOWN, ANLERB BURG, BiILIFAX., •N ILA R R B The. Philadelphia Depm being centrally, Wl orayme . irin o*l ea throdgh"arith each traliftb attend to the sire 6 1 / 4 3 00 de antrtistoi to dm Ilnb.. RoOdis Oily I,atttbac DepM of PARED, 'NARD I; vamp; . No. Market t; 'Alla d'elpbia;l4 6 o'cilacir. 'P. be doll in Harrisburg the neat Morhint• . Freight (sivraya)3lB.lmr.ea by sjy_other :,fie. Particular attention paid b this line to aN , IIIPEand speedy,dollvery of all Ehtrrisbar: . ,;The ddddrilkited thankfhl for Pala( hatroo by atria attention to 181881888 to merit a con , ultimo of the same. T. PRIMMER,' Philadelphia and Reading el* doltd6m Foot or MiiitistAtr••e Rioi.conr J - 11-BT-1 , 1...k.f - p:o h:'.kl, A mAICIJAI MILITARY SUftO.,Y WSW:9N. tgliCg EXERWOIIB f:i9idtao*ypog4 l l4 o ppiS .Wft S. D. GBDAS, M. D. *aulossolt. Dr aumustrx vs, TAtz ansgeon AmomAr. ootrAKre VlttuuntrmA. Tommie at . 81110NIUM •WHO' 1300KSTMV . ,:lagYr4C. • scREFFER'4', - 0061 t. theAlilarrisbarg ,Bridge.). a fad JUST. ;REOEIV, ED from * the oltittlo.4 eje . ' Millelolol NeTt APemluotttwe will B ell M $1.20 pit reath ' ' • ; 41: 4 • 11 0 , P4T tern . Nr. 31011 l'At% 3.1000n4 e 4 with d i ° lik ftt 'v t n• Pl inasia°' M nD/( 9P B 4 q a Pat r i a t)c 10.11 P Ibr 1000 WHITS4NVFLOPES. WWI zuktional Par4o llo 900 1 • 01 00, 9riMOl l X /0 LW.° 6010113., Mame eve UR a Gall. THE . , SUllesexit, Jasta-d Eisingtharg. UNNEkti3 and ad other, persona are upon Cite . G coutloned not to tramples' upon Lite form formerly occupied: by ...Thome Morley,n - Aye - tovylishifii 'Pair county, w,ithout peFpppin from ,iti(o3o.l.BBl.dtw. ,•,.,. • 1' A K.'E N1:0•1' ICE! ;rtlif A.T we have ,reeen tly. added to our al • i roioyfyi stock.. ' • • Og';; , SVAAARS . . • LA iVfIRIF4Tia3, • • • ' * rtnitf ki. ' • . Let BANANA. . OF ..FEXF1:111EllY• Fon xn - 701i3tplii itaomats, `. • Onlit OF MUSIC, *.• - itrieropaigassNap B9 l7 Qu B z Fos Tsg.gettl iteu XX01:4 1 -21 uttrLTALIZIEVRORATI3II. • • 'lllltETLtit A'!avajolarr Poitexu*. Foaxiog Ocotralooo TAI COF t i .t. -• • .• 'ROO 1414; P 059144, • ' Ninv t itOvor,u.,A.YßONtLEß, SI.ANO tS'PFit.f.l 4 0I!' 13 O , AP x i. •. ping limy . • • -• YrOT• . . NANY;;MOWti,HdYi JUOg Having the largest stook and best assortment of Toilet tArUclee, we fancy tkortlell ttaledier — ttblirthan our corn ;llutkture up get up I,cuMPiete Tolet.Bot at gutY•Prion Cell dna see. . 'Wirers on hsWd, a FRESH Stock oF DRUGS; MEDI-' 91100,,i/EUtmaltt9, &0., anutignant .of air 'receiving , almost ily, I s a d a ° l l 3r4tl ar ditt VAkTCY STUB . . 1 4 , .1 , 91 akeritiiiltrect, tio.6 doors znitt:for I!o#l•ll,A4ttiiet, ME THUNDER AND 14GHTNTAG. I'M vast:, proporty tlestrayed -L • vtil e -41. 1 40. 1 4Pzio.ligtt UT Poi ru...n. ins to, CV:Aft Hoag eittirgduri ototelortloag, rde " I heottekided to:•.itodirpotv'itivio/fige4 firitirovw !Le, mut Inasioao4l, , , " - • . Cl-.. , p. .zltvraerFißm.4rys BAWLING STOCK, arm anb.cennsonfin ernes Has been removed from No, 28 sexind of _ NU . MA , tlr , T STREET !.;!4T1PPR91 1 ..7, 1 ••• TBEAS4tTBY Norm TAKEN AT PAR. g ß AA. c wattlii -,-B frict l yDWP , PP4l#, :1114(laid SWltkit..-1.413 YeatitriVivpr 3001 95 .4 1 1.- '0 'evitif l AiiiOUltl2l.4l' - filde'lB46: ?dr is by t sll4l' : ! hie'Dtktgidi (JO.. Sitibrip• failted FuSkj. : .AND.. PERT DIRLIOAT.E. Put up neatly ova pound gunk:, , • ", jr.,&co. 1 ,:-.0, • e VAL... , , t', ; 10at0m........... .r.v ~. , is* PRlPPll9o ll4l 6itAstrkdotunsfit, icv *. exeildis UV . • , tztr u, ..,l tpialat&P"AsptfrAPatillith., gL Ottgaig ? FTERNOON, OCTOBER 14, ~1561 filiutilantuzis O. V'. 11dr.17 /El .I,C,CI,JET- IHe y 11#41,43. k 0 LI) Litt - ) WE • ip ..u4.—w..tdk0,,, 4 ,,rut.0n, i (molt kg 1.04 r . -4 :.b'*.iereetltiil.• 444;r-el. I'ni4lispati4,Jj". debt:lig; eerlekelit 'Wttiume. nor/, Jars°. •iboie: lime•• • ad all ...into , on 111. Northern Cent.ral, Pbiladelplea Rrie. tn.! Wileate. !Rot and Elmira RallTanite., Goads seat. La ricAtlcicii, Zi J,.a[ HiNagmAN N. eya epd Si r p ilarliat acre*, Poye by 44%441. Irirtig*Ulloo4llllo4o, kor :stor L wd,ll)o,. l .olo. inaumit " 4 ' e )tegtkil: *pa.ti . tuok ..ifseourrymjiineenisoonyt Hal lem anui, Sept.',4B,, 1861., , 1. No pardcspellibeveutedinitil notineof the application tfor shall-have , . been.Alyea hy publication. once ikwsek lot two:0 cenibontiwe weeks in a neettpaperpantedlin thetuounty which the oceruction, wal had.- . ; 2. No .wilLbe granted =less . notice of thfi t a therefor shallhasbin given to tile' ,". ottAttoonnyo the: County. 2. No 'whin wNI he' 'i-nrithont first consulting the Judge whq presidedsat the trial Of the party. BY ostler of theilinvenam NIZSDIFEJI, Orley of Com. sep4-lm. GILT r# , Ortli =Kum BIBS iciat PAIWg =l l - 1 - 1) -13 , . ogGlass ana FnOnes Gilt surPSOWood 400 Map 41ke. 48 OBEBI4IIIT, STREW; InEni SECOND. ICABBniailik‘viti„ Begetion liquartatioll prat Portrait Praottatt or awry, .deitgrtion. ' urn-stuunis muclatiav lie maw. ma - 40a O NIT , it EPill ATI 01N : • MORTIFY' tiP tionfiagline Patronage. ft : _2l-1 3 r1Pf:' _i,",FIVSOg: 3 -1 41P 3 47 11 ";: " itaku la r4 +Arlensin..,Wltt theArerld testily to the' ' J. atir Maher& 4e, and, ohassiisaiif theweiels lit' ilk' Olgrleettleinnhibi fughtiwknebetagived.; use drool* tor. IneekliOdiftiffD keitimpstmilde for pulls daunt., 47 wan &reed, Sew lon s , Deo.YADt it r, e , , Yoteflatriktit loth init., big r-, owed, saying thaewini Md that Thad bawl boo t* ,47'.41trolAYrenoRik, liaiNtehthestive, And request. . 101 7 °elongate of i 1044 4. 4 , PI* 0 0 101 ; to . SY° • 464 file • ate ireboat SO years ; Vat color of my Gale au trued,' and inolined to earl.. Some Ave or six years:since it turn' be Jody, and the soap on the crown of my heed tofidee isiteribitity and dandnialo forio apse it Saab of these disigreeebilitine inereseed trite time, end about four mo uth. . WACO a fourth was lidded to them, by hair Gibing off the top of my head and threatening to make, me' bald: • 'rhithienhpliitesent preaisament, I was 'minced to try Wooll's /Ur. :Restorative,' mainly to arrest the Ming off of t di) , heir . , for I had really no, expectation that gray, tuilr,cOulderer be roistered to Its origtual color except from df I Was; however, greatly surprised to find after the use of two. bottles only;that 'not only was the falling oft arrested, but the color was restored te the . gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and daudrull ceased to form on toy hoed, vary much to the gratification 9r my wife, et whtise aollcitation I was induced to try It. • For this, among the, many oblixahoos I owe to. her flex, : I strongly recommend all husbandts who "vAue 'the ad,- miration or their Mat by DAY example, and dee AI( growing gray or getting bald. Very resperefally,- BEN. Al' LAVENDER. To O. J. Wood iltpo., 444 Broadway, New York . 'Direfully arirebserit Ram the city , and I am no long er at r NO:11 Carroll place. ; • siannuton Ala ., July 20th., 1.8 6 0. To Pane. 0. J. WOOD : Dear Sir : Your iglu? Swtors tivt'•has one my hair so much good since [commenced • thb - use 'or,ft, that I wish to make known to the 1',11111 , 10 !ihreffebtaUti the hilit,Avhich are great. A man or mo. Imem may be nearly deprived of hair , and by a resort 10' 'your "Flair Restorative, " the hair will return more butudful than ever; lesit this is my expatiate:ie.— ', Senate hall.l . Yours truly P d.—Yoiroan 'publish the above If yoftllke. BOW g &our Southern paliers'yon wilt get more patron_ . Vet f 9 I AI4, 44e - several of• your. oartiftites ;blS,,, — .llr7o l l l a9Pig Southern papeS ' - WOODiS'aeas surrwrtvr. 4P_1136 laov 0. J:Wobli: Derir Sir : flaring had the mmfor. -, Ilea, P91440A Of. my hair, troni. the effects ;of thele/10wfever, in - Neur GrleAtusjit was.lll , do* 1.4 s inakii . * Will of your preparation { Ond found it, i to answer stillie•VairtfUog ' needed. -11 y bah , ' Ia now 0 1 4O41104:111beiyi and. no Words eau express' znY obliga ,llonAykyonAstrim affilidedeandra truntre • 2ThIhEY JOHN4tibl . ThaßesOreavelti Put up in bottles brthree gees; via : :httileattedium, and small t'the small bolds MICA pint; anti for one dollar per.'bottle ; the ..medinm " holds 'l4 treat twenty ; par cent ,more in proportionltian• the small, retiiihr for rye &Warn per balls ; the large UAL/ `teitiant, go pet iont. infra In proportion , and relit* jor O. J. WOOD & ak.,Ftop *Loris: 444 gßroadway, New : n d*ri et' streetol. fr4/11, - Bo .- soot Fancy GP O 4,, Dealers;"- • " I !..171AW.ed..f. • , s ( t,fri 4s Wl4 ) . I WVSI+Am -xespeafully tinfbrui ;.; usii ,k,,!.ccoxgaald-We 4•aeralik .that w 4 ,1: C a badt 6 1 13 P ii rSt io : i . Nk. 9 aulinotk... 119 ed t•,...e 4 - win ietb - 3 " a e4 tio " a p 9 up ilril ila 9 art er e lt h b95 1 7.2:f aiireix a, I r9llaeocßi 1 10;4 1 ;4 !fair daml7 below ; IttifOrm 6 tithirck •dea1.5,4 ti , . . _ A141' 0 1 ,- 3 44 1 .: . HENRY .PEFER. RM OR-7T EPID§TREErit:(O 3I 4 I UIOW,) Nkit,hlMixgr. *claime r Chafteut ithset near Aura. uyJZ wrir,.9r amuarjunta s rmorrig. .WHOLESAIA DIEBRELLA MAN:: ACTORY Afooket Strict 2 4 ,1 4: 01 1 2 4, - PA. Ir- 41 NE; Et, ; 41k/V.FAbitUREIL OF :UMBRELLAS ; 1!.1.11fils awl NALKoIa CANES, &Rabb ILV oodSLO =IA= ttulcapbe bowla..i.skany.of COatOrdierckftati will. do wok-A° fiadhuld exiiiiiina prises, qtagity,atirritice them sehres.of.,tixie ang23-dly. _ D1mL4419. WALIiTED.TO.BENT. , . oomfortable.two or three -iftory;thiel. . ao rtae.. WithAttir eight -MOM; 'WM rest 17 kMumulth ktr thesbrodiorsuo -ft; the ., " :1 I ' 4l3wln . l M 4 Tm e4 4140 1 4111 1 , - afs, -1 NI • • LOrtu A ret4l DOS. AN /Kb. BY TR r R O.'M • 7N -: . 0, iti.r.o,4k: More Rel elAooounte. of the:Attack on, Wilson's Fire &naves in fleri,da, ____.~._ The Conff4erate I:loverzunent Pur ohising Coiree. Arm* i4mik Vitilos ligire Vann) , " boot 12. The steamer Louhununt arrived at Baltimore this maiming; Stielsionght insliatt one hun dred Paesengtis, ili4t4hWthittzfiMiT Norfolk who were permitted toleave iiy:74o - : rebel lialau thorities. A iargepr,opo pieiklie, and children, =Before belat, tied' Leave they were cksili. Seidchcd t 4 - p *nit calm:sling newsparii.; • Onciswiatleritim 1 lui had placed a Norfolk Doi -Book bilis trunk leeile4wl _ detec don. !Mile :1 7 -4 -gook contains ,the As - patch from lthwv Prim= giving an account of,* desperate *Nett Watt .between Billy Wilatm's Zonaves 44:114th9luwnd ,rebelitiAboat two: o'clock on the morning of the oightlx , ult. The rebels were Andgsoll. They okay& the Bayptuul landed/at Saute Rosa, near the' - *slave hricaMptient with:Mkt 'discovery. Theytrove the pickets , in, stormed the place and in km than awhour destroyedttdl the tents excepting the hoi4titd: , i • • Thar also laipttifroil a l Warn*, of rations, e q ui P l ne n % it. 6 * aßo`spiked all the cerium placedifn • postman • Among the rebbiloirswrd,patAsht_Ttradford of Flwida, bfiiiiiiiibiGhorzia, ?led; Lieut. Bughir'inad Syrb, / tfiatP iiidigled." The rebel force consisted of three comPinies i tif a Georgia reginierit, a poilloh of the Mobile dontinental, thtee companies of detiehments of MissiiMiPpirms and Geotiahir, twto . hAndred Ara bliimiliniaird a 'limber 'of *ricers and seamen, 4.:odunandettbi "Bra* formerly ' l"F ` ' d I " UtieSkiliietil i .tl4llli/Wcarrying a of &lice' 161. a h:iistaities, was badly wouaded. 'Major Israel Vogdei,of 'the Federal second r. tecentlk f kS i was. n : 0 6 1 ' 663 E, .3! t KIVU The Elchmond Enquirer wOrk of :f2ransferring the Jamestown into a waiiressel is rapidly programing. • • Passengers from Norfolk and Hiao nd give a glooming account of affairs.' lib poorer classes of 'citizens are suffei* 'Much and are :early tired of the war. ; A ; • • The Government authorities' have purchased fearly all the coffee in Richmond and Norfolk or the soldiers. ' • Benjamin Huger, _formerly in command at Bikesville arsenal, , has been commissioned Major General. The prisoners captured' on the Fanny reached Norfolk on We dnesdairilitht gas follows : Lieut.V. ht. 'Peacock 'Lk ,9. 1 21aVy, commanding the 'Fanny,' LieriListisioX: ?.),nartermaster of the Tvieritieth.:lndiiink; ponds J. E. Luttle, Hudion: ittornity;:a.. Litvet , ild; New York city; both theNeiv .The !cliowing are : Mu? ,privates---New York: Ninth: -Rowan kle,ycnsi and Won, all_; :from 4 1 q 2,0 *.1 3 fmultY, quw4Paigwk, alionign4couv-, ty,,Dongherty and Pafm,Essex county, : John Nrsc nt James Beit4aP4intr.ik.. Trnthen, New York cityi; alBo.CaP.t. the Twentieth *Hasa, Sergeant Ikartielkand. twelve privates ja4tnimucand .414toiSanli who Prixaer§ caP4Prixliat Chinantenoinac in . . , . _ PetrgeP.4044.49X.1441.7.L0f Ake' TWell-• #0 1 " 4 - IndiaPa.a l /4 -19 11 r.alneanki, two' corporals instAirty-Beven Ni f vatestalso pf !the Twentieth. 1401=4 Also .tieorge•W. t.Orerbee, colonel's t:ir i fifteen,year.l 3 &Li A1:4414=y ? Hines ,. cap-. .: B ,49L,tburtegil Y. 04. Old, both OLp/caster, ROM ii,v;4 - ,4lug,p. fox, Wkiß:trniMlNi : OCk . Everything along the lines of the Federal y; as well as on those of the 'rebeli3, is re .. quid .to-claY The oPinion gains giotend that 'Gen: McClel an's plan for °mulish:4 Ids army into three' grand dbliaions,' whichlias heretofore' been oh jected to by - General Scott, Will be' adopted. Generals Heintslenum, 111cDimal/ are spoken of as the respectivi continaiideri: , &vend large tr a nsports oune;:tip the Pirtomac thii morning, running c,lose 'ruglida shore. . They were inimoleited. !'M.. Rimy May, IL 0., from Baltimore, his been released from Fort biallenry. The friends of sevend 0theX. 1 . 3 44 1 040w4 , n 97 wider Pr.r9st, are working actively for .thair release; kt,stm,l 7,OIqI3IW.MOMIOE. . . ieditiiive *won, !..- . ~ -.• • viallatinton*bat-!'_l2. 1- • ' - Zeme " - sent - imi fUlmil i - A - party of New York ves ~ . Newport NO* B this morning te Out big 'were 4ttaciked • probably by a scouting p'a'r i ty of CorC= . federates, and driven in with' 'the loss (pf. 040 earn Two Confederate" tags' appeared"2.t the win' time on Jaren' giver : ThO - SteSMar. .. .7.:_f*. VP-kalto4 ll .44PAPP . Pr 94 ticlßi t ßcep. ~.u.t was unatua.tdiesanike,enemy. .i alm - .14. - ,111. BkipatddilV4 '701144:-kA ...i ;-: - .. t ..._ ; i ..-.;:.. , Se. _ , .:._ • i 1:! -, I r . 7: ,er and will aegtauswibeitiliglef , • , , , at Hatteras Inlet. kW= .:',l4`ating ME. Haviog procured Steam Miter Presees, we are ptepar ed to exeetee-JOB Adfi BOOK Pit4TTIN(I *revery email. tion, cheaper ilea *Ain be doh" ah oy other eataletieh aiehtite thocititOl& • - rour lines or 'Less ccuistitnte one-balf square. Bight Imes or more than foer contaute a square. Half square, one day ..$0 25 ono week. 1 00 tt eh& month 2 00 IS t ill .441 g six ..... ....... •• •• • • 5 55 I.lonetlnere, One day • 60 one week 2 00 one month .360 three months 6 00 m0uth5.........10 00 one *car ......... ... "..16 00 Mar Business notices Inserted in the Ise, Column, or before Marriges and Deaths, FlVts Clitalit'PEß LINE for each insertion. Aar- Marriges and DeatbaAo be charged as regular ad weetteements NO. 30 Triiitoili in Via Cliiiia, - i 12a , .0, A late number of the North China Herald con tains the following : "Well, we certainly must sthy that the dis ruption of the United States. has sort assumed those etilamitous eharacteritaties, wars are so celebrated, 'Thell S.' Naint Store keeper at Shanghai was a politician named "Judge" Cleary—we believe he earned the title from having been a magistrate in California.— It seems by last advices from Shanghai, that this mao:in maineotion with tVolonel", Jihad (the celebrated fillibuster), Raptain - Allen (who brought the, steamer Surprise from. California), and Captain *nob (for sortie yeare in command of the atesiner Antelope, and lately of the Con te4), purchased the schooner .Neva, equipped her from the 13. S. Naval StoreS, end - Intend to cruise off the Coast as aPrivateer. The steamer Saginaw hurried tip -yesterday on the inn:El/- gene° -being : made known, and -we have no tionbt will caPture her. "Waid bl' tt desperate character, end has a large Sane of Money which be made in tbe'lln. pedal Venia l. lie was connected with Walker, and is a sailor, by pridesaion, Lynch is a Northener. We &icy the affair - Will end in grief Thacraft is LSI and' a' sortable crew can hardly Is'had!:in "We hearifthattivo. - ofthaSaginaw's officers resigned upon learning-the object on her trip, but subsequently withdreW th• resignations." The liasP'` . Doctor Hays, whole& t i kk,amritry ; :aomm teen months ago, with the inhmtion, if peihle, of going, farther north. than Nana, the , gallant martyr to science, had penetrated, has returned, but was unable to fulfil his:purpose,theoluumel being closed with ice. With a sledgnparty, he was to the 80th degree of latitude—about as far as Kane . and„ others had PrevieredY Pene trated. We are ,inclined to apply, the question cui bowl to all these perilous expeditions 7 -and ask what is to be gained by discovering 'that there may, sometimes be an aknest;klannesei ble pagsage, near the North role, between the At lantic and Pacific 9ceans Y., It is not. expanse, great as it is, but the hazard of Vie, .whith should prevent any further expeditinns . of . this What could we gain ,by lt,nowing Rhat the 'miters round the North ,Pgie are free from ice ? What equivalent to the life of ;,tha most humble seaman on the voyage t A Mixisrau os ms licaoLs.---We ate ittform ed that as a:Methodist-minister; ;reliklink, near Rose Valley, was . at work in ta,po xi mio4, 4 , fey, days since, there Came up,ihe road iraT,PY, a neighbor, whcse heist; had oflitteiltirdty tibliblikt our clerks:l' friend* by reason.of theirlfietuent Itrialtuto his !premises, add their, iireo tataL7usay Wiskunerlik On BOA occasions• ji - IftADA..4.II 14 654. 1 7. *lto hit neighbor, , and securing ..his oitontion, conitriimuilid to narrate 'the milailliebiat . lif his fowls, when iluttfirrisscibletentientait-•euts him 'short :by infouning hitn.that„Altifoughhe did, . • f 3) siste4 PcmajorikeTuotkW_llaCtfixit ,delk, ,he iwas an unmitigated liar . ims was too meet' i a minister, even, turd'afte si• few nit* i' {words he sprang over the Ames-it& the . road, istripped off. ever 9 tirti9k4 iciPliinfl'...einektinfl his pout ,loons and boots, ,mod..• ' pitched, jigo, the neighbor without cerenionY: - The' [feign& struck back, but without injurrto ;hid chnital antagonist. .: A few "rounds". were fought, 4the minister succeeded in ••eneircling :bna of:' .the; blue eyes with a : beautiful : ornament -faf , blue and black.hue, receiving itol injury Um., excepting a scratch upon. °nal:land _marled yA hittinethe neighbor upon the: frontrillhA, ether. the .antagoniSts•• wereus -hy ther plates ; or abandoned the t'mlll l -I:liciim. ilyp 'our 'informant saithlmoth - . L . ./iyoas 'Re- 1 iigas. •, AN Inman wren blenaL.—A Chaplain in one of the regiments -ori the -Potomac'-narrates the case ofa'slck ieldier 'Which •stiriltiligly: ii laskrates the reasoning many' aneti .in• the and out of it. -Beene one haidlinentioned I tci the soldier-the , oiu3e4of the , Ifeinniiiterl-who .vas sentenced to'-be ahot loi post. During the evening folloring,;:thbiever: Set in violently; the-sick• mace-iinagitie&thkitite , yeas the one , senteneddlo be slibt.l.Thelituffean.• peing called the follo%.thlg bonyersatlen'thfined";•' ' "Doctor, I inn nil* shot in •• the`ntintillig,j and wish you to send for the Dhaptabiti ,4 l'46-t , sire to make 0 1 neelgimitY'aYttgq4 B 4% my . ' , "They shall not shoot , of f r ou. Whoever comes to lakeleb. ,I shall have them arrested and pit muter guard " . I "Will you, dear dc - arr — gilaili you ,thank ,`you—wellthen,yoti•need noteeiglier the Chap dain 'just yet.!." , Lizairt:raom• Araaridartes , Famcval.-;-When • ,the„Z ! owtves arrived ak,Fortidertroe-mtber_. , '•nni amusing intir4 ocairr - ed. Al' :11 . - Cuniodif the mite whenever any vessel irgailiaies; the ser geant otthe dook;guartiniortedtd theipthpo s x, gimbal that .09 'Meaner: Oeterom was maw! mp,. , ; .thia ,Ste4lllo, genemify eturies cat*, fox, ,the camp; andlhe Qfuitter” Neste; Of iifte . polt notified his' men to go flown on. the dock and ' l talie their . ropes with them, • When 'lliettioati 31 ,4 1 '0. rt.4lelfire bo y s looked witikelpageMeation emnle fnnerlixige, nnd 9ne Pf f#9s l ,s'nnlii?ncl l tß l &Park :, . 'Why„My,o 6 d, ):434_. aikTagolo.: to Ihang ''as ' right right •itway,•'are • yet" l VNE4;Vord' Xarsbal, who; ivith•All, pp3seixtolimitil3r en joyed, ,4he joke s s*, if,l o AVsili/lh timptek be afraid; we only thought . 'Owe, woo w pm., wild_ ?mast on beard." "Well","iri4tlW w er barn on board, "there are•tiomel'n r ',. • X.FXPERG ArrLis =ytiu vast your.Wilitei , apples to.keep well yah:raust carefully observe the four foildwing things : LA . 1 , 1. Sen•thakthesurhice or outside of linft iostoi , des are ; from. moisture. Woos, yon : , store them away. 1. --: • 2. A;niid putting them irke damillp#lo9. - A4*' moisture can have access to themP - ' • t. Exclude them. from: - .the _aliry ice. them in drY,Parthlhl 3 ' clzier4 ll ol4494l9EfOy-, eying them in the . cellar rith Tick eakt4.„. •4. Keep them' in' a6ars as possible, but so as and , moisture Jut ftlielthrea actiri4gents that tourlSt,eFATe-‘%99nalEk.V9.4.4ltatt•aud rot , - apples: And twojug ugunua ut true of winter peace anti alljo of all ovroot, crops, such 1 0 8 cabbegkrainkip'PatinAKte* ttirigi", Po" • " - ••• • ' Zati 3 § 4 44 . ttrNike.4.4 4 gariOn 4 'ASPaidt &i t t r ittir‘ 1 1 l iWif ax at ula F t7 soap l , 0, c c ;araysiiing-WO6 Tier;:u 14rettataitannoMnibe aosqo ,to Limit otattbeht- - c of ti*Mragid9ilaefteffil4_ 1 1 ,; , t 0 8 41111111111 e wank, . ; -tub, and filled with mai o-. - aufacitait . to purify the tondo it "Old noyd." HA imS oF ADVERTIaNG =I