Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 09, 1861, Image 1
. , - --='-----_-_ •1 . 4 1 ii . ----'-- _ • . . . , . •-,,,LL--_i___ • i VI 0 I t -.16.1111-'ir I\ CI ___,„,,, TELEGRAP H. [IL • 13Y GEORGE BERGNER. iiiebical . ()1 i.NB( )\ LOCK :HOSPITAL Poi.ii.Ti.'c'touvorrl,sdidhy in theeEnthtweoretrdi f a o i r ° speed) d OD:SASES OF IMPRUDENCF:. KRIM, ffil .11 10 TWIILVS HOMO , . No film -vary or Noxious Drag., Aor A eon. Ii.OLKANTIO, D 09 Cl) CHAR EIa M', Pt Offs Cl TWO AYB.I WellAnflef 01 10.1 liftoff or Limbs, Strictures, Max tho InUle, AprnkarffeetfilliS of the k nicer and Bladder, 1.14 aril( serval,. Bohdity, Decay of the l'hysiet 'Pow• eff, Ifr f opfo. I A f f e.ifor, Lff.lBpirll9, CODIVIIOO of droll I nil indha, J 4, [l.-o,Tlondity, Trerobliugs, Dlstinen of :iht of 010(11,14Si,, Of the Stomach, Affection, (1 1 ,, Heck l'llfo se or :4111-111.80 terriblo dicor• el Yore arising Ira tho IDdrerefifm Or Solitary Bahl* ot Youth—Jl-e redfdl .I,struntive praotigoc which prure WOW floffeffo debit , render marriage twos- Ode, and dew.y hod:, ana mind, YOUNO lit EN, Y ou „g nr r5104:1111 have become the victims of Adory Vie, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually 1111 untimely grave thousands of Young na • a the moat exulted bloat and brilliant iniel ieot, w ,nig ht otherwise t eve entranced listening i,l,rialrgwitr he thunders ci eloq ce uen, or waked to ell lyrr, may call wil h full conlidenro. MARRIAGE. Named persons, or those contemplating marriage, he ll', swore or physical weakness, sbould Immediately con. mit IP. J., 'lnd he restored to perfect health. - - ORGANIC WEAKNEEI immediately oared and fun mgor restored up who places himself ender the earn of may r e.goissly conhde in his honor as n gentleman, and eon tib rely upon Ilia skill as a physician. ar °nice No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, no the loft hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 J , trim the corner. 8., par neuter lo observing tht ~.Ite or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. lie..lar for ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with nage Immo N Paltry tiambmg Certi fi cates, attracted by the repute. hon ui Dr..lohnson, lurk near. All loiters roust contain a Postage Stamp, to ale oe the reply, DR. JOHNSTON Johnson member of the Royal College or Burgeons, I llon, graduate from one of the meet eminent Collars", o .110 roiled hates, tied the greatest part of whose ur, Can been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila. docotss oud elsewhere, has elfeeted some et the moat as to,tidung cures that were over known. Many troubler v n ringing in the ears and head when asleep. great ner ;ow on, ring alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, rrequent blushing, attended sometimes with derenei. 0 nt el mind worn mired Immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE r. oresses all those who having Injured them- P • 'OS by pr wale and improper Indulgencies, that secret a, .Ittary Olt which ruins both body and mind. or, :hem for either birstnessor society. he ore come of the sad and molaucboly Aga pro , by early habits of youth, vir. : Weakness of the Keel( aid limbs, I'aiva In the bind, Dimness of Night, lnr+ol Niiißcular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye. pich, Nervous Irritability, Derangement or the Digestivr General Debility, Symptoms of Consomp. bon, ke. MENTALLY Stmt.'s, the fearful effects on the mind are must to bo dreaded=—Lone of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Dr minion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion loSnele ty, Selcdnitrust, Love of Solitude, Tholdity,/te., ore sivsg , of the evil sorts. Thournuog ot pnrsons ot all ages, can now judge what Is the cause of their dcolloo In health, toeing their vigor, is.conveg weak, pale, nervous and emaeoiteel, have e singular appearance about the oyes, cough, and symp mil or commotora. YOUNG MEN who have ll:Cured themselves by a cortsin practice, in delved ie when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the streets of which are Mealy felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys bola inind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes el his coon. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched In= all prospects and enjoyments of bib by the coming nen ert of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In certain secret habit. to h persons must, before comets. plating AulittlAGE, effect that a sound Wad and body are the moot utwessaty requistteo to promote connubial happioess. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a wear) pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the' mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with Ho melancholy reflection that the happiness of author cameo blighted with oar own. HR. JOHNSON'S INVIOnEATiNG SHMIKDY FOR OB GANIC WEAKNESB By this great and important remedy, Wealtnesunf the Orions are epeedlly nui e 4, suit full vigor resturod, Lhottsands of the tr.est nor vdea yid debilitated tyhe had lord all hope, hove been immediately relieved. Ad impediments to Marriage, Physical or Kemal Ihmealill. cation, Nervous, Trembling , Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TV STRANGERki The many thousands mind at this Inetiutiou within ant hat twelve years, and the oumorous Important tturglea, operations performed by Or, „1,, witnessed by Zhu re porters of the papers, and many other persona, notices of which have appeared again and again 'Delors the public, betides hit standing as a pentleman of character and n spmusibility, is a sufficient guarantee to th, alit, fed. WEAR'S OP IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguidec and imprudent votary of pleasure dude he has itebibed the seeds of this painful disease, it woollen happens tea an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from ellUO4tlol2 arid re• speolabillty can clam, befriend hint, delaying till the I:Or . Stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make thoft appearance, affecting the head, throat, oofto. &o n , pregresstng on with frightful rapidity, till dealt' puts a period to his dreadful auderinsa by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveler retinue." It is a me-. Ancholy fact that thousands tall soelons W ibis terrible disease owing to the unskilfulness el ignorant pretend. en, who,i by the as Or thlll,b3dly plota,/ IVMOUrg, rah the constitution and make the residua 0! miserable, Tn tilkanallite.—The iketer's oink:reds bans in bit office. 49-Letters must contain a Bump to lIR MI the min sir Remedies sent by Hail. sir No. T South Frederick stre , i, deitirtrem. eorlii deals SCHEFFE'RS BOOK STORE, (NEAR THE ILiaItISBURO UNION ENVELOPEIS, VOTE PAPER, of six different designe by , A.l routed in two colors } sold by the thousuud and al ream at City Cash prices. tut so, Flags, tlatea Brant Pins, Eagles, Union Rin% atri Root at very low aces. Call at g filFalf,C6 1300tiSrORR. TO FARMERS ! Burrila (god,o sweet anti fresh) in one toll ' LGGS iu large and small quantities taken at all times and aash or Pneeries 117 " 114 ezehmlte• _Regular market rates always paid WM. DOM) Opposite the Court Rouse filiscellantaus SEALED PROPOSALS, I;NDORSED " Proposals for Subsistence _E4 Stores" will be received until 3 P. M., October 14, 1861, for furnishing by contract the following articles for the United States : 260 barrels Extra Family Flour. 100 barrels Extra Mess Pork. 4000 pounds Rio Coffee. 3000 pounds Rice, in barrels. 3000 pounds good Hard Soap. 300 gallons Molasses. To be delivered free of cost to the United States at the United States Storehouse at Har risburg, Pa.,on or before the 19th inst. Altartiebe4o beef the best que4iV end in strong packages, and to be subject 0,14E41 .in epectit as the U. S., Commissary may require. Bids state the price per barrel for . flour and pork, pound for coffee , soap and ,ride, and per g on for molaesee. Th right is reserved to reject any bid ; and any alleles if not of satisfactory quality. Bids to be addressed to the undersigned at Harritburg, Pa B. DuBABRY, Capt. & 0. 8. U. S. A octg-dtd PENNSY.4VANIA, 88 A. G. CURTIN. • , . In the name and by the authority of theTontmon ®illinkwealth of Pennsylvania, ANDBZW G. Omar,- Governor of sad Commonwealth. PROCLAHATIOIV. WHEREAS, try the twelfth section of the Act of Assembly, passed the Fifteenth day of May 1861, itis'provided that it shall not be lawful for any Volunteer Soldier to leave 'this Cdm monweall as Such, unless he shall hitve been tirst accepted by the Governor of this State, upon a,call'under a requisition of the President of the United States made upon the Governor direct, for troops for the service of the United States. Arm wnwarres, Notwithstandinesuch prohibi tion, sundry persons, (many of them engttgod iii raising regiments to be furnished Wile Oilier States,) are persisting in endeavoring teekirit volunteers in violation of law. AND WIIIatEAS, it is necessary for. the public service and for the honor of Pennsylvania, dud her military force should be regularly organized and furnished for the suppression of the existing, rebellion, in conformity with the acts of C 64: cress of twenty-second and twenty-fifth Jul,y,' 1861, and with the laws of the State ? a n d that her citizens should not be seduced into organizations independent of the State authority ; whereby the raising of her quota is embarrassed, the regiments are not enrolled in her Archives, the families of the men are de prived of the relief provided by, the laws of the State for the families of her own volunteers, and the Stateliemelf by the absorption other Men in such unlawful organizations may be found, unable to, supply volunteers to fill the. fakir& 4equisitioro of the Government of the Did States. AND MO , the folio:Wing' order Mile Weir issued by the War Department of the United States, viz : Wan Daum:man, September 26, 1861. Ills Excellency 4. G. CURTIN, Governor qt' Penn Sylvania, Harrisburg. Stu :-1 have the honor to transmit the fol lowing order from the War Department : 1. All men now enrolled or mustered into the service of the United States for brigades, regi ments, batteries or companies in the State of Pennsylvania, under the direct authority of the Secretary of War, are placed under the com mand of the Governor of Pennsylvania, who shall organize or re-organize them as he may deem most advantageous to the interests of the General Government. 2. The United States will continue to furnish subsistence, camp equippage, clothing, &c., as heretofore, for the organizations referred to in the first paragraph, and all 11. S. commissaries and quartermasters will furnish, on requisitions made, the necessary subsistence, clothing, &o. 3. All authorizations heretofore given to said brigades, regiments or companies in the State of Pennsylvania, are hereby revoked from and af ter the expiration of the times limited in the original authority, or in any renewals hereto fore granted ; and in cases where no limit of time has been specified, then from and after the expiration of tea days from the date of this order; and in future all volunteers for the service of the United States shall be raised, in Pennsylvania, only under requisitions made on the Governor. All authorities issued by the War Department for Independent Regiments, subject to the approval of the Governor, which have not been so approved are hereby revoked. Respectfully, SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. And, whereas, theiPresident of the United States has, in accordance with the acts of Con gress of the twenty r sacond and twenty-fifth of July last, made regulations on the Governor of Pennsylvania for sundry regiments of volun teers, which requisitions are in the course of being filled. Now, therefore, I Andrew G. Curtin, Gov ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose of preventing further impositions on the good and loyal citizens of Pennsylvania in tnis regard, do make this my proclamation, hereby prohibiting all persons from raising vol unteers in Pennsylvania otherwise than by au thority of the Governor, and especially forbid ding the raising of volunteers for regiments to be furnished from other States. And also for bidding all citizens of Pennsylvania from en listing in or attaching themselves to any such irregular and unlawful' organizations and warning all persons that in disobeying this proclamation they will be disregarding the or ders of the Government of the United States, as well as defying the laws of the State and violating their duties as sons and citizens of the Commonwealth. And I do hereby require all Magistrates, District Attorneys, and officers of the Commonwealth to arrest and prosecute all persons who shall disobey this proclamation, and particularly all persons and their alders and abettors, who under any preten ded authority, shall enlist volunteers for any Brigade, Regiment, Battery or Company of Volunteers other than such as may be authoriz ed by the Governor of this Commonwealth, or advertise or open or keep recruiting stations for such e nlistments., so that such offenders may be law. ° Ught to justice and punished according to GiL a en te u , n a d t er my hand and the great seal of the otohffotSusaeh: itiedulornebeinagrirotuillwhttmtaihihredythea:anodfhosixt37tyldxl-0:17nor anondye 114rri8 borli, this twenty-eighth da By the Governor. s SecrektrY of th e o Z nse Hri guk. 3 1 I , Magi HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1861. .VVIP 'IP/ Vt1 4 .31 1 kI I W 91 I : ll ' 4 dV 4 P wPF - 3%r 8.. a = • 0 a r , r .. 4 1 6 , - s ,r • El 0 1a 0 1:05 01 8.. giq „, 14 .,..b . - ) 1 , 4 r 0 i , p ; I t .0 1 : 4 ,g 1..m0 Igt- , 1, .(7 TlT%s)B - Rm ox um s :4l O ,-.-,l' .-4w4,4,41: , .. km• KA ,l t i v' I gig r , 1,,1g4 • t , !. 4., 01., it a i E: r , E . p,,,., g rip ~,...* s . . 2 . gq2 ri-gr.— Wttm , El Lag '6l Cs OF. • Pr , .,, 1 4 .— F •-to • "fl . ra•A•*%gr A' S S S • P !-• r" T 4 e 4•• I:T' VP • 1 . 1 ti :ar .. ) %1 . 4 • • .s? ::::: c • • 4, • ::: :1 11 .• . . . . . ....... 0 !. . ....... b.O cn co cm Is. Go ts 2 0 -4 ea ~' .~ ,~mr 177 gt BM ME OVIII ' i "I ME EMS ISE:1 MEE WI UM MEE 1111 :•' ' • ME New tier mt . Writhig, Book-keeping and Copying, THOS. H. EVERETT, practical aceoun i_ tent, Reporter and Copyist, has taken an Willie ad joining the Ratio! and Union, on Third sheet, where he will prepare young men for beekeepers, clerks, no., and assist them to situations in business in Philadelphia and Nat i York. He will also attend promptly, to the adjust. ment of difilatilt accounts, opening and closing books, general copy work of any kind. Re, Ming, Card and Letter-wiling, Time-tables, Muster and Pay Rolls for the Army, Notes, Mortgages, Bonds and Adyerilsements serenity made.' Charges moderate Refers to Hon. Edward Everett, Boston. Dr. J. Heni7,Poleston, Pooenixville, Pa. Hoo..George Lt Noy, Banker, New York William Dock, Jr , Esq., Harrliburg. sepl9.2wd TAKE NOTICE! TEAT we have reoently added to our al ready full stook OF SEGARS LA NORMATL% KARI KARI, EL MONO, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERY Fos ma ELunnrsacroar TURKISH EB q3NCE, ODER OF mune LIMA'S issicNan BOUQUAT. Fog INK aria EAU LUSTNALN, CRYLTALIZIED NYNTI.I AND VIOLET POMATUM, FOR TOR COXPLECION : TAW OP VEMS-E, ROM IMO POWDER, NM W MOWN KAY YOWLER, BLAND DE PERM OF SOAPS Root's Farm MOS 3 RM,M, BENZOIN, UPPER TEN VIOLET. • NEW MOWN HAY, JOCKEY CLUB. Having the largest stook and bait assortment of Toilet Articles, we fancy that we are better able than our com petitors to getup a complete Toilet Set at any prase de sired. Call and see. Always.on baud , a FRESH Stook ot DRUGS, MEDI CINES, CEGIMICALS, ho., consequent or our receiving almost daily, additions thereto. IraLLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors East or Fourth Street, South aide. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. rpHE vast amonntof property destroyed _L. annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. All orders tar Ligittning.Rele left at the atiodoa store of W. BARB, will be attended to. Beds put up in the latest Improved le and warranted. jel2-d THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN ,A to solicited to oar very large amortmeni of UNDIREEURES AID DRAWERS of every else end qua lity Giem' Jaunt Km thong, beet article manufactured All the different kinds of Wursot GUN*. largest assortment of HOSIMIT in the city. CRAVATS, Suanumeas, Misametwoos, Ready Hemmed And everything in Glade' wear, at CULTHOART'S, Next to the Harrisburg Bent _ . FRESH ARRIVAL 07 Honors, Baur, Bane, Gams, Hottorr, Samna OQRX Beta Prke, ins; Maßsor Fax awn, Wawa Ma, dn., ku Art reeelved and for sale at the sonars onus moss fable Wm. DOOR JR. k 00. NOTICE. TN consequence of the death of W. J. E. 1„ Bishop, one the Arm oft!. J. Liktante and Huai, no- GO* IS hereby given that the books M the late Arm are In the lands thesurvtvtag mum. All Prams know" tog themselves to be Indebted to. the late firm, and all those ha ehtlmstmlp pressat them, duly auttienties tad, lip 'samust.slack ' ' Ply& whil—Sznqsfuig m )- , tococi.-4 co boa, oa-xco 02.4gakow RlMffl B 9 cc' Virk.RCA MWM IPA 'ag CR -Elk b 0 Ca OO varu .r ~. EMM .: .JSJ iL - `. ..... tea.: .57. 4 " VIM PFBIrEI WWI ME OM Or IT/19 I - . ' " • : VP" I" • . • Ai‘ti= . g. 1.11-• •• . . . cr• . EKIWOR—Inift O , IP - 00M,QPWC, CD-4*.ago Mks °TRAIL- • I—. r' Go • • pxw i l partu—pinqfq.usn' 02_ 02 Q 9, I-. C 2 CO - CO -41- , CO 02 mOO C. CO m ... -4 -4 1• 4 CO -paw& trpnoa—Szaq: CII2 tO I?. CO 4 .4 -4 tO •4 H.. P... 1••• CO tO tor 3711 1,4 W • • paw& tray —smqving ILO 19% os • Tn.& wis--itznq: . • cp.a. .Docnwt.., ITZBI - CO 4 ID •• .4 CO CO CO Cel IN CO • •—• • C* -4 b.D en -4 •-1 oIJ t-*op l-. -4 ela 00 b 2 0 co CO t•D CO OD 1.. CO •-• 0. Iwo. F. 1•• , • 1...• CO CO tO 41. CT OS ••• • CA 01 CT CO 10, CCto -4 CT 0 • 111111 Wirl.M7ll 1- 4 I- , CO alb. cr, 14. -4 to CO CO CO tO 4.4' -4 —4 : : : • &magi, - gh. a. co co - II t 2 tso • 4.• ag CO OD Igo. Ce. • 01 Ca C. CO -4 C. 0 al -4 • - , PEI Ena FRIFT9 Ntw r)Urs)trtisonttits: MEADQVARTEBS PAAsstLVANIA MamA, Quart:mummy. eharsaar.'s Oman, Harrisburg, Oct. 4th, 1861. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 8 p. m., on Thursday Oct. 10th, for the erection of a suitable building to be used as a military store, at Camp Curtin, near Harrisburg. All proposals must be accompanied by plans atltipeaifications, which must accord with the following conditions : All'Liimber to be sound and well seasoned, Building to be of frame weather-boarded, floor to be raised a short distance from the ground to insure proper drainage and ventilation ; to be one story in height and give about 7000 square feet of surface for storage ; height in the clear from floor to the lowest part of roof 10 feet ; double roof with sufficient pitch to shed water quickly; shutters to be strong and well secured 'and all doors to be furnished with bars and fast enings; strength, durability, and proper shel ter, together with sufficient facilities for receiv ing and delivering goods in quantites, are the desired requisites and the plan which most economically combines these will receive con sideration. B. C. RALF,, octs-eodBt Q. M. Gen. STONE FOR SALE. BIIILDING STONE or Stone snitated for tarnplicing purposea wit' lie delivered to any par of the city or its violnity. &oply to marNt WM. ()OLDEN; Jr. SPICED SALMON 11 MIRES!' AND VERY DELICATE. Put 1: up neatly In Ave pound cum ie2s WM. DCKIB , Jr., &Co. R EMOVAL. rp.H Y. SUBSCRIBER would respectfully IL inform the public that he had removed tils Plumb ing and Brave Founding establishment to No. 22 South Third street below Herr's Hotel. Thankful for gest pat ronage, he hopes by strict , attention to bushiest' to merit a oontinuanee of it. smildtf d. .70N1:1 WANTED O SHOEMAKERS on Coarse Work, p.&pply In North State street between Sixth and abort [sep6-Im] WM• ‘ll+l A T,T. IMPORTED BOLOGNA BAUBAGE.-A very rare lot jest received and (or sale by Sd s WM. MN JR & CIO KELL"'S DRUG STORK; is the place to find azythlng In the way Perfumery. VINE TOILET t 0 PS, POMADES, HAIR OIL, POWDERS, COLOGNES and IMAMS, of many styles, prices and manutosturoo at KELLER'S DRUG AND PANOv .2 .RR. 0. 0. ZIMMERMAN'S BANIING STOOK, BILL AND COLLECTING OFFICE Has been removed from No. 28 Second St TO NO. 130 MARKET STREET ussmsnuns, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. serecdtr ,CIRAD CIDER I l I—Strictly pore spark N.) bag and aweec—ltaa received a &Ivor Medal or Di tem& at every State Agricultural Fair alum 1858. For to by jelld WM. DOCK k CO. COAL. THE undersigned would respectfully in• form the citizens of Harrisburg that be is prepared tofarnish in any part of the city, Lyk ens Valley, Trevor to and Wllkaebarre Coal as low as any other dealers in hen city. Please call and give ate a trisl. J. W ALUMNA, Jr., Agent, sape.gnu Har r isbu No. 13, Heading Railroad DPrg P% , . MOK 1 131(101(3 1 I B.AIOKE 1 1 !--It act objecUenablii lotus frotn GIGAtt pirtayeed se 'it DRUG STORM, 11l Yaricet streqt. t 'T es '141—II0"40IPPIX Px B A *IPPIW—wwIeiPPIE P.m& ifluo9—x6lol9lPPlN 1-L• ao at • ,- ip- - lib. CO ...1 • t•J CI at • FEES Books for the Military 1 T UST imuTsnu AT BFIRCRIFES CHEAP t 1 BOOKSTORE, No. 61 Market street. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer cise and manoeuvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Department. By Bre vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARM, IJ. S. A. Vol. L --Schools of the Soldier and Company ; Instructions for Skirmishers. Vol. 11—School of the Battalion. NSTRUOTIONS IN FIELD ARTILLERY Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers.— One vol. Bvo. 82.50. CoL. S. Coors, Adjt.-Gen. 11. S. A. Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled by Special Orders No. 184, of 1866, and Special Orders No. 116, of 1868, has the honor to sub mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics and Regulations recommended for that arm. WM. EL FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil lery. WTTLTAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery. HENRY J. HUNT, Bt. Maj. Capt. Second Ar tillery. Published by order of the War Department. First Part—School of the Trooper; of the Pla toon and of the Squadron Dismounted. Second Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron Mounted. Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi ment. WAR DIPARTICENT, WASHINCITON, February 10, 1841. The system of Cava.* Tactics adapted to the organisation of Dragoon regiments, having been approved by the President of the. United States, is now published for: the government of the said service. Accordingly, instruction' in the same will be given after the method pointed out therein ; and all additions to, or departures from the ex acta* and manceuvrce laid down in this system are positively forbidden. J. R. POINSETT, Secretary of War. M'CLELLAN'S BAYONET RICERCISE,. Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for the use of the Army of the 'United States. By GEORGE B. Iif'CLELLAN, Capt. First Begi. ment Cavalry, 11. S. A. Printed by order of e.WarXeVzt. $1.25. MRADQUARTORB or min Asia, Waszateron, D. C., Dec. 81, 1851. f Hon. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War. Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit a system of Bayonet Exercise translated from French by Captain Geo. B. • M'Clellan, Corps, Engineers, 11. S. Army. I strongly recommend ita being printed for distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc tion. The Inclosed extracts from reports of the In spector General, etc., show the value. I have the honor to be, sir, with high respect, your most obedient servant, WINFIELD SCOTT. Approved. C. If. CONRAD, Secretary of War, January 2, 1862. R. JONES, Adjutant. General. Any of the above works forwarded by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of the published price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars and postage stamps. •Address GEO. BERGHER, Harrisburg, Pa. City . Proporty . or Sale. A LARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE Li an 4 letk et lOnund, Pkneandf. ./xuded /rent .atet betweem 11124 . _ street old IF,ak°lgma Avenue. Alan TWO Lagos PIANOS In-good onnditkpa • otiter #o,llWatcoßek, six • " " . , Re,* Milt feast., t M sulreqenbans L 8111.4131410 SBA. Inepnopucri isehi .S.Ltopuopaori I=l lesougg Tao llollllj . 'wired eIPPlii HARDEE'S TACTICS. CAVALRY TACTICS. Three yobs. 18mo. $8.76 PRICE ONE CENT. TBE ELECTION YESMDA Y. We go to press at two o'clock a. m. ; but the returns from the state come in so slowly that it is Impossible for us to foul' any estimate of the result of the election held yesterday. The returns from this county are also incom plete ; but we believe that the whole Republi can ticket is elected, excepting perhaps the County Treasurer. The vote, however, is so close for that office that it will take the official vote to decide it. V The Reimbllama have gained one member of the Legislature in 44 county by the defeat of the ritentoentic candidate Dr. Heck. This is a glorious residkas every exertion was made to elect him. Dauphin county has therefore sustained the men who are willing to do their utmost for their country. Dr. Heck's vote last winter against the militia bill has ef fectually sealed his fate. - Altogether old Dauphin has done nobly, and evinced by her vote her undying attachment to the cause of the Union. BY TELEGRAM Later From Washington. Explosion of an Ammunition Chest. A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. DEPARTURE OP GFEN• CAMERON. GIN. JAMES' BRIOLDE ACCEPTED. Brigadier Gen. Strong en route for CEN'LS. ROSENCRANS AND FREMONT TO BE SUSTAINED. As the Campbell artillery were passing near the President's house this afternoon, on their way from the grand artillery and cavalry re view, the ammunition box on one of the gun carriages exploded with a noise like the report of cannon. The box contained shell and solid shot. The three artillerymen sitting on the lid of it were violently lifted several feet and slight - ly scorched, and falling into the street were con ; siderably bruised. They were at once removed in ambulances to the hospital. The expl, sive force was principally at the back of the ammu nition box, that section being broken into seve ral fragments, while the lid on which the men were escaped a fracture, it is doubtless owing to these facts that they were not more seriously injured, if not killed. The wheel horses were severely scorched. Secretary Cameron left Washington this morn ing to thoroughly inspect the Pittsburg cannon foundry with a view to provide an increased supply of artillery for the use of the army. Gen. J. Y. James, of Penna., now here, has procured an order for the acceptance of three regiments from that State, composed of moun - tain men, who enter for the war. Brigadier General Strong, of New York, will, it is said, immediately leave for Missourifor the performance of important duties connected with the Quartermaster's department. According to a telegram from Gen. B.oaencrans he will be able fully to sustain himself against the com bined forces of the rebel Generals Lee and Floyd. Neither he or General Fremont will have occa sion to complain of insufficient force as the ad ministration is not unmindful of the importance of affording them all support which their sev eral positions require. The military event of to-day has been the Promised grand review of cavalry and artillery. It is now progressing on a favorable ground, some distance east of the Capitol. The review is witnessed by the President, the Cabinet, the foreign Ministers, and hundreds of distinguished spectators. Gen. McClellan was received on his appear ance with a salute of thirteen guns. The day is chilly and damp. The election among the Pennsylvania volun teers, encamped at Tennallytown and elsewhere in this vicinity, takes places at four o'clock this afternoon. The President has confirmed the sentence of the Court Martial in the case of certain volun teer officers who have been on trial for various charges, and ordered their names to be stricken from the folls.• • ' • Joseph B. Paxton, of Philadelphia, has been appointed Consul to Bahia. A soldier, name unknown, belonging to a Pennsylvania regiment, was accidentally killed last night while coming off sentry duty, near Bladensburg. Corporal John Naylor, of Philadelphia of the Cameron dragoons, died last night. CUMBERLAND COITNTY. CA.III.I9LP, Oct. 9.-2 P. M From all indications Graham will have about 200 majority in this minty. The Legislative ticket as heard from would indicate an increase over Foster's vote. Foster had 91 last , Might say Democratic majority for Amen' . will be about 150 in Cumberland county, butes Perry forms part of the district. Cant say—not heard anything from there. IMAIIINATION OF COL. BANKIN Toamo, C W., Oct. 8. Col, Rankin* the.Petroit Lancers, member of the Canadian Parliament, was before a mag- Waste this morning foi: a violation of the iiittrnentietihnt the hearing was postPont4 ortt - , :odetuit of the absence of Witamea. Missouri. WASHINGTON, Oct. 8