ititgraplj. 11 Allll I S UR(I , PA Tuesday Morning, October S, 'FINTING DIATEBIAL FOR :';AL.N. Tv.e POWER Passisss, old Adams' Patent. T i t, IRON HAND PRESSE ,, , one nearly DCW, ',d a large amount of sec nd band Printing atei fill, will he sold at exceedingly low prices, twill or approved paper. All these mitten . aie in a cod condition, and would answer w untry office. They must be sold to make new and noire extensive machinery. it this office immediately. EN I %ORDINARY exertions will be made in the est , in States this fall to manufacture sugar of •,,rglitusi -partially with the object of , adirr, the prospective heavy duties on im .11,1 -agar, and to supply the deficiency y the loss of the crop in Louisiana. PF.1 , 1 \THIN or AN ODD FELLOWS ' HALL. - A Odd Fellows' hall was dedicated at eti-town this county, last Saturday. The ,ruity was largely represented. A brass d pre, , int, and the ceremonies altogeth ss being. of a very interesting ire Col. A. J. Herr, of this city, delivered Id' •is on the °evasion. VANT DICKAIIP, of the first Penna. artil ampliell's) regiment, who was arrested in ty sisse time ago, charged with disobe of or d, rt , , and taken to Washington, was 21 0,10 martial, found guilty, and ze ro tie ranks, in which capacity he ca performing double guard duty for the I=MIZZI E vit ty s t•mt—Since the arrest and con t tti• the soldier Risue last Saturday, with having purloined a box of coins r. laila's store in Second street, his 1,. Ilse has been searched and a num- Ades found on the premises, which .1 has identified as his property. We ,et,thild that he has confessed to the robbery Ins, and the person to whom they were to. but it is hardly possible that they can be rctovered. CV eCuTS or Corros.—lt is well known that rgr quantity of cotton has arrived in New rk the Eastern States recently, for pthrl.t to Europe. It now appears that . brol,rs have been engaged in sending our staples abroad, receiving in return, for .Itract me into heavy goods, the India cot , freat England. The steamship Persia, on ter, at trip brought two hundred and forty this cotton. The sample is much short .oL American cotton, but the fibres are said t• yite as fine as ours. OF THE FRIENDSHIP STAAMEa.—An in s:tifc2; trial of the Friendship company's at fin . etigh,e took place in Market Square Satunlay afternoon, which was witnessed . large concourse of our citizens. The act. of t this occasion threw a one and one ,. th ,treain of water a distance of two hun- and nincieen feet, which is considerably than its previous performance at the canal. : it ii said is owing to the fact that the fire . arc inadequate to supply a sufficient vol e of water to meet the suction powers of the et. The trial, however, gave general sat tion, and impressed the spectators very fa bly with the superiority of steam over le. .4TII OS ROBERT J. Ross, ESQ.—WO deeply • t to announce the death of R. J. Ross, Esq., ich took place at his residence in this city day afternoon. Mr. Ross was well known social circles throughout the State as the ler of the Dauphin Deposit Bank, and for a g time as one of an eminent banking firm in • dclphia. His demise was the result of a lytic stroke experienced some time last , omer, while attending to his duties in the Since then be bas been confined to his , so powerless as to be almost unable to move thout assistance. Several times, indeed, he to be regaining in strength, and strong •s were entertained of his ultimate recovery, least so far as to enable him to move about attend to his official labors ; but these • ed delusive, and the spark which at these were only fanned by affection into a hter glow, has now, alas ! been quenched , • er. In the death of Mr. Ross, we have one of our most valued citizens—the needy destitute a generous friend ; and his family 'devoted husband and fond and indulgent her. VE REPORTED SHOOTING OF COL. KNlPE.—liow Story Originated. —The friends of Col. Joseph , Ki p will be glad to learn that the telegraphic patch from Washington published in last tday' s TELsomken, relative to the murderous ttonipt upon his life, turns out to be false. Its a lie received a letter and a telegraph dis latch from him on Sunday, in both of ?hid. :Illusion is made to the rumor as eNailin,g even in the camp at Darns- .Wll, but which he pronounces to be an entire bri.•ation, and so far from being shot, he on the Contrary, in the enjoyment of most cellent health, and anxious for a brush with e enemy. 'Fla; report of his shooting is said have originated from the arrest, in Baltimore • .t Friday, of a girl in male attire, who repre nted that she was the son of Col. Knipe, and 'at he with herself had been shot by the half -1 rotle•r of Lanaham, who shot Major Lewis. to girl wore one of her hands in a sling, and she was known to have come from Dart:la wn. her story seems to have impressed the 'lip„, authorities with its plausibility, and they Ole gulled into its belief. Of course, these 41,,itous gentlemen of the press, , , ydept re tt,•rs, were on hand and made an item of the . aWcvlars of the examination, which, in due Inns, : of time, found its way to Washington, nd from there, curtailed in dimensions, was ranswitted over the telegraphic wires to the associated press. In the mean time, the girl 1 30 told the story in Baltimore was remanded to wison for a further hearing, where her real sex was accidentally revealed, and she herself, fliseetered to be a rebel spy, which of ammo / : " 4 tha falsity of her statements': Selma —A middle aged man named D. Wat son, formerly a broker of New Castle, Lawrence county, committed suicide at the Jones' House in this city, about half past 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Watson, as evidenced by the hotel register, arrived here on the 23d of last month for the purpose, it is said, of obtainingsome po sition in the army ; but not succeeding in this, he unfortunately permitted a natural failing to get the better of his good judgment, and sought to forget his disappointment in the temporary pleasures of the glass, This course of dißsipa tion resulted last Saturday night in an attack of deliriem tremens, which, however, does not ap pear to have been vary violent, as we did not learn that any physician was summone 1, and he retired to bed as upon ordinary occasions. Yesterday morning he rose at the usual hour , and excepting a visible tremor in his nervous system, arrising from his previous excesses, there was nothing in his general appearance to indicate that his mental faculties were in the least disturbed. To a remark made by him "that he would like to have a drink of brandy" an acquaintance replied that he "had better get a prescription from a Doctor." He shortly afterwards went to Williams' bar ber shop, under the hotel, and got shaved, after which he proceeded to Wyeth's drug store, and what followed is fully detailed in the subjgined testimony of Mr. Lewis Wyeth, before the cor oners inquest, which we publish In full in or der to correct some misstatements which inad vertently crept into the account of the affair, published in yesterday morning's TELSGRAPM LAMS Warts, sworn. I keep a drug store on the corner of Market square ; a boy named Jeffries attends the store ; between 11 and 12 o'clock to-clay (Sunday) I was out of the store, and he called to me, and told me a gentleman was in who wanted some strychnine; I asked hlm whether he had an order from a physician ; he said that he himself was a physi cian, and that he wanted a drachm of strych nine ; I told him that I had not that quantity in the store ; I told him this because I did not wish to give it to a stranger even if he was a physician. To show him that I did not have that quantity, I took down a bottle containing probably the twelfth part of a drachm and showed it to him ; 'while I was getting this bot tle he stepped behind the counter and picked up another bottle containing some strychnine and stood it on the counter. He said, "I'll take what is here but have no change with me, but will pay you to-morrow," and then grabbed both of the bottles containing about 16 grains, and started out ; I thought his conduct very angu lar, and called to him ; when I got to the door he was going into the Jones' House ; I ran across the street, and met Coverly in the hotel, and stated the circumstances to him, describing the man, and told him that be (Watson) had told me that he was a physician ; Coverly re plied that he was not a physician ; while I was talking to Coverly, Watson came down stairs and started down Second street; I follow ' ed him and caught up to him at Kelker's corner ; I told him that Coverly said that "you are not a physician, and I must have the strychnine back ; he said it was up in his room, No. 33, in the Jonis' House ; I told him he must go along vrlth me and get it ; and I caught him by the arm ; he threw my arm off and drew back to strike me ; I jumped aside and went down to the hotel for help, when I met Mr. AVCalla and Mr. Duncan; and told them to take care of the man while I went and searched his room ; I then went and made a thorough search of his room, but could find neithar atryrthnina or bottle; 1. Watson escaped out of sight of those gentlemen, and we all started in search of him ; Duncan and I started in search of him down Mulberry street and up Chestnut and Second, and found him lying on the corner of the Square with a crowd around him ; this was probably as much as twenty minutes after I left him ; he was lying on the pavement and was still living when I came up; I sent for Dr. Reily ; he was - removed to the hotel at the request of Dr. Belly ; he died in a few minutes after his body was removed to the hotel. The coroner's jury returned a verdict in ac- . cordance with the above facts, and the remains of the deceased were put in a coffin, and this morning forwarded to his family at New Castle. Remo( or HENRY S. MLGBAW.—Henry S. Magraw, formerly State Treasurer, but now a resident of Lancaster city, who was arrested a few days after the battle of Bull Run while on an errand to Manassas to -rescue the body of Col. Cameron, returned to his home mad Friday. The commission appointed to examine into the character of the charges of the State prisoners at Richmond reported favorably in Mr. Ma graw's case some four or five weeks ago, but I through a misunderstanding the report was not confirmed by the rebel cabinet until the latter pirt of last week. Upon Mr. Magraw's release he was taken to Norfolk, and from thence to Fortress Monroe under a flag of truce, and from thence came directly home. Mr. HILITIEI who was captured at the same time was also released, but preferred remaining in- &wed& lie is a Kentuckian and his loyalty has been under sus picion ever since the breaking out of. the war. Mr. Magraw, though closely confined, has been' kindly traded during his sojourn in Richmond. The last three or four weeks of his captivity he was confined in the Court House., HiB health does not seem to have suffered much from his confinement, as he looks as robust, aw hearty as he 'did before leaving home. COL. HAMIOLIGHT' BLOMIIIIT.—Two companies of Col. Hambright's regiment, Capt. Kendrick's and Capt. Mcßride's from Lancaster, arrived here on Sunday, en route for the west. The re- . mainder of the regiment will follow this week. The .arpress says that the scene at the depot in Lancaster when the companies took the ears was of the most inspiring character. The depot, the surrounding streets; the adralows and balconies of the adjoining hotels and houses.. were filled with people, who congregated to bid adieu to the brave fellows on their way to de fend the glorious stars and stripes. The cars pushed off amid the most, enthushuttic applause of the assembled throng, while the tears -of mothers, wives and sweethearts attested only too truly how strong a hold many of them had upon the affections of those remaining behind. Is the item referring to the railroad acciden at Rinzer's Station in last Saturday's TELEGRAM several errors occurred. The child killed was a son of Mr. Edwin Elopton, aged- two years, and not a daughter of Mrs. liopkiria Beni:N*4 We obtained the particulars from the Lancaster Express, a suinequent issue of which make* the abevo correction. Ramaious Rrarria..—A protracted sui*lng r attended with Very gratifying reaulto, is now progressing in the Vine Street M. R. ,chts74 2 , l Them i elogrika will continue every; eveeiNK.W, week. t.l piiiivolituagiadopft --- gisl444 - 04;4**4p - igotttiq, .00b-tii't,:,;:;.:::lA4,.)-i Rsv. J. C. GBAGIG of Bainbridge, will preach this evening, in thewest Harrisburg M.E. church, at 7i o'clock. DEAD. —An obituary notice in last Saturday's Philadelphia papers, notices the death in that city, of George P. Crap. The deceased was well known in this city as the publisher of the Bor ough Item. THE Comatox Coma held a stated meeting in their room at the Court House last Saturday evening. A petition was received from Mx. Thompson, keeper of the City Hotel, asking permission of Council to build a vault under Market street, near Meadow Lane. Refused on account of want of power to give any such authority. The Paxton Hose company petitioned Coun cil to give them the old Friendship engine.— The engine not, having been given back by the company, Council refused to act. The following additional petitions were re ceived : From Chief of Police, asking for an increase of salary. Referred. From Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Com pany tor the erection of a house. Referred, with instructions to report. From Daniel Rhoads, former Clerk of Market, requesting exoneration for sum of five dollars. Granted. From Friendship Fire company, asking for 260 feet 10-inch hose ; also, from Good Will company, asking for same length of hose. Re ferred. From citizens in Walnut street to widen the pavement on the south side of said street, from Second street to Jail alley, at the. expense of the owners of said property, was granted. Alderman Kline sent in a complaint that , his sewer contained water, with a request that a sewer would ,be:made in Walnut street from Third street, to Jail alley. Referred. On motion, Daniel Carrichner was appointed a special policeman, without salary. On motion, the •market ordinance refailAting the hours of market was so amended that from the Ist of October to the Ist of May the market opens at 6 o'clock and closes at 8 o'clock ; from the Ist of May to the let of October, from 41- o'clock to 8 o'clock—to go into immediate ef fect. A communication was read from the Mayor, returning, with his objections, the ordinance in reference to the manner of issuing the city bonds. The veto of the Mayor was sustained, and a new ordinance was forthwith adopted. , Foot-walks were directed to be laid at Third and North and at High and State.streets ; also, a.pavement in front of the Good Will engine house. The council then adjourned. Tns FASIIIONS.-A fashion writer for a New York paper says that this fall the " Garibaldi Jacket" will assert itself a favorite with all economical ladies, as it has the advantage of being suitable to wear with skirts whose asso ciate body has become a thing of the past. It is made or red, white and blue flannel, and is gathered full into a band at the neck as well as at the waist, which will make it a redeeming feature to many a lean form, while to plump shoulders it will be de-tiop. The neck is finish ed with a small colar, and the sleeve closed in to a band or left open with 4„ reversed cuff., About the waist or across the shoulders, at op tion of the wearer, belongs a scarf one-eighth of a yard in width and about two yards long made, of similar material with the jacket. In bonnets the enlarged front is an accepta ble change, but the masses of trimming piled up within and above the arch is stupendous. Plumes which once waved to the breeze only upon the outer works and were considered no company for many hued exotics, now fall gloom ily over the brow of beauty, were not the shadow brightened by saucy knots of gay blos soms—all sorts of colors mixed up—for it seems the "red, white and blue" has reconciled our eyes to forbidden contrasts. Cloaks will in all cases reach far down over the dress skirt ; some will envelop the figure entirely. The circular, in various modifica tions, will prevail. The trimming will be vel vet, in different widths, heavy boa plating of the same material, and embroidery in silk or worsted. Dsomisful Cants.—ln conversation the other day with our worthy chief of police, Mr. Bade baugh, we asked the condition of busintss in.his depattment. Dull, very dull, no burglaries or thefts, he remarked. We suggested that per haps that kind of profeesionable men had aban doned their evil ways on account of the strong inducements to be honest, held out by Union & Bolivar in the very low prices at which they are selling dry goods at the south-east corner of Front and Market streets. oc7-2t ' 11 , Wice.—Numerous complaints having been made to the proper authorities, that a large num of the stop•cocks extend several-inches aboy ' the level of the pa vements throughout the ty, which is annoying and dangerous to pedestrians, especially at night time. nn day's naiads therefore hereby given,that Section 15 of an ordinance- passed by Council March 22, 1841, *ill' be rigidly enforced at the expiration of that time against all persons who fail to comply with said drdiriarice. Misr Re_oartauci, octB-Bt] Chief Police. MU/ 174,14 OF NIW GiNipth Lain Assossnacrr I —We have now on hand one of the best select ed and largest stock ofgoals in the city. Hay ing'enlarged cur store,`wn are now-enabled to keepia full line of all kind of goods. 100 plates of new fall 'NU/nes. 25 pc. of plaid Poplins. 26 pc. splendid figured all wool DeLaines. 16 pc. black Alapacas from= auction. 100 proche and wool Shawls. 26 Pc. of plain French Mosilitoi, all colors. 200 dts. of ladies' men's and children's stock ings- -76 pc. of heavy:brown Muslin. - 100 pc. of bleached Muslin, all prices. Large lot of Shirt Breasts, Hoop Skirts, in fants' Bodies, Collars, white Cambric's. 50 pc. Canton Flanels and Crash. Thankful for-paatfavors E weraost respeotfaßy invits the public. to Aall, and weprozaise pot to. `be outsold by any one. ' S. LIKIr sept24-dtf • , Rhoadts. old stand. • • _ COAL, . Trrmulercirin'd 'would r reepeotfully in. • 4 - . 4 . the elthserestot ifirrisbarg thkt be ffsprerared to oliftmVl 1 4 14tYr:Lefees:V•4 0 3 , . 1 i e re rr tot aid Wilkarre'Cold ae_aat ether dealers)h : ti t*. Remaly -7 f • 4.1 Harrisburg, I==l a CARD TO THE lablEB DR: DIIFONOO'S GOLDEN `PILLS FOR YRMALE&. ti correcting, regulating, and remo - rtig a Onetructiona,' front whatever! cause, awl I- ways successful is 5' preys') rive ; rlllkiEtiE PILLS RAVE BEEN 06.1111.) B' the doctors for many years; bath In frame anti America, with unparalleled sewage-1w every case ; anc be is urged by many Wousum ladktswho used them, h make the Pills public for the Wieviatleowlebose aufferini from •iwy irregubuities WhatevercAs Prevent an lumen of. fachlly where halltliqedlietoh pencil& it.— Female@ particularly situateit r or theamsriPPciamirthello seivea so, are cautioned molest UNA Pills while In that condition u they are surAtio .ustleoeNaleoutiageocie the proprietor assumes no relipcstidbliitt afteribla mime. anion, although their hallthietto would , an Wis.. ewes + to bealth—otherwietPcbee.PlWArtr. recommended:. Full and explicit directioureitillt box. Prior , Al 00 per be:. Sold uholcasieWadlt '•'• • + (.IHARLas AvEIANNYARTAttIitIik. No: it,TOrliniEttbligirrAlioftfil; OW" "radios? by tending • hin4l•oo tw She Hainitang, Part (Moe, can have the Piltinteittlreealf. obearmitlotate any part of the country (ondallettib4irree= lager. by malt. sold *NW Wit. • IX' Jouncing, lauwarav t Cloninnur , PhDodeliihisi mon, Lebanon, DelinnOliCasoirao,, Lanonteri J.' -A. Wow, 'Wrightsville r R. T.- Ilintarti.*YOrk ~_-, 4 lAd:, h y' our druids' irr - every city nisd villegninibe. Union, and by S. D owe, ole proprietor, -New York: • N. B.—Look ma for ocatoterfenst. Be** no (Olden Ms of any kind ulna every box w eignbd.V. 1:4: Rowe. Ak, utbere are if base imposition and unsafe; theraftire,lll3 you value your tiros and health; ‘(to ay ng humbugged out of your otoney,) 'buy oldrOf.ahoeir who show the signature of d. D. Howe , On every..thog, wldchrtiaa recently •uldffi nu recount' of .abb4fin being counterimta ,, tatt-Awairwly. IRIPORTAAI TO logatAmr.s DR. 0 HEESSAIAIsO4.. PILLS. Prepared by Cornelius L. Claeeseman, M. — NEW YORK, CITY. • 1110 E-combination of ingredients in-ibese A. Pills are the re-lilted a long and-extensive oracalca 'Choy are mild In their operation, and certain In correcting all Irregularities, Painfultitetwirtnitiontr removintall ob structions, whethertrom (told or otherwise, headache, pstn in the elle. palpitation of ttwheart, whites, ali,nera vuua affections, hysterics; fidgee,••paht in the back and limbs; ho , disturbed sleep, seek& arises from interrup tion of nature. TO HAKIM/ Dr Ctieeseman's Pills are Invaluable, as they will bring. on the monthly period with iegularity. - Isubsßwho have been thump° nted in the ascot other hue can place the, utmost coutlelenoe to Dr. Ohieseman's Ms doing all that they represent to no. • N OVIC N.! • • ' • • There is one condition of the Amok system in which the Pick cannot be taken without producing a PRODGUi It RESULT. The Condition reitived to it PIIIIGMANOY— the result JUSCAtitileOE.. Such is the ,irresittib le ten dency Of the medicine to snook the sexual fitteetione to a cornea condition, that even the reproductive power of na ture cannot te e n . i Waerauted purely vegetable, And from anything Injurious. Burnett direction/, which should be road an ooml any each box. Price 11. •Sent by mail on eneke hig $1 to DO. CONSIZLIIIB L. CHUSIMAN, Box 4,01, Post OffioeNew York City. • • • bold by one Drusgl.t in every town in the United Statel. - • - • • HU r081N08,.. • aetierai Agent fpir the United . • = h ..1.4-Broadway, 'York," To whom aillwtolessie orderiishouldibeaddiessed. bold hi Harrisburg uy C. A. Elsttrawr. uor29-ilswly • =• HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE I I Wm., A. ,Batclielor's Hair Dye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! Ali °Mara:are mere imitittons, and should be avoided Wpm wish to escape ri Acute. • GREY. RED OR Rusty HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or lilacs, without the least injury to Hair Or Winn, • t . . • . FIFTEEN Ms DA! S AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded -to Wir. A. BATOHZLOR Birine 18 9, and over 200,000. applicatkuut have been made to the hair of • the patrons of tdslatoous Dye. • Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYR produces a color. not to be distinguished from nature and is WARIUMMID 1101 104011* in the least, however longit may be coutin nett, and, the ill fleets of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is luvigerated.for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop, arty applind at No. 10 soad Street New York: . . Sold in all the cites end towns of thernded States, by Druggisis.and Fancy Goods Dealers llM.Genutne has- the name " William A. Batchelor, rr and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four Sides of each box. • Wholo3alo Factory, 81 Barclay'St., Late 288 Broadway, New York ocl24lawly TO OONSIIMITIVZS . _ , TITS Arivwwratow;' having 'betel. restored • to health flew weolohtiyhtvery simple ranintlyolter bovine thißliied acieFat years' ivithh severe - lung aro& tin, and that drefuLdhaiman.Consamptans anxious, to maim knewithkhis tellovriufferars the menus of cure.. To all who daiiie It, he will send a copy of the pro* : soriptim-used.(froe of obargo), with the directimis for prepatieg and using tab same, which. they will Iliad a sure *re for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &a. The only object of the advertiser in sendingthe Prescription w to benefit the alllietediand - -spread inflantation - which he emiceives to be nvainable, and, he hopes every suf ferer Will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and niay prove a blessing.- - - • Parties wishing the prescription will.gdeaseaddgews REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, ' Willhonstihrgh, . Kings county, New York. oetßl-wly • MANHOOD. - - • - HOW LOST HOW RESTORED TUST Pabliahed in a Sealed Envelope ; ej Pyles 6 ate :'A LeMure on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Cure of Spermaiorrhaut Or seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Ennesions, Sexual Debility, and Imped imenta to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Lonsumption, Epllepby and Fits: tiental and !Vaud* Incapacity, re sulting from .self Abuse, kw.—By . BoBT: J. VCR WELL., M. D; Anther Of the' Gran Book cgc. "A Boon . Thousands of buff/rani," Beat under seal, in a plain envelOpis;-to- any address, pail paid, on receipt of ..six centsoor two postage stamps,: by ;:Dr. CH: J. C. KLINE, 1 127 Bowery, New Ilork,'Post Office, 80i4686. sep9.4lawain PUB,Lrir TIM BLOOD. AVIATti .Lllll-Pilae ash Pftainrx - prMans:- - Nee frost an Mineral •Poitanni=ln chum •Of• &WWII Ulcer*, Scurvy, dr gripticinabf th e Skin, the 'operation of thane Ale, dioftwo trolyAstoaishing, often removing , to Ow days, every , vestige of these ioatistome diassieeue by their . purifying oftots on the blood. Billions Pevera,, Veveriand Egue, Dyilpitpeia r Dropiy, PiLea, and in abort, moat diseases. Woo yield to thclr curative properties No fetidly should he with Out them, as by their lovely ace m , eh suffering awl expence. may be eavud. • Prepared by $4..-;#4 itoyrier, Al D., New; VOrtr, as d toras/e by all prugcbta n0ve1...4y New '2thrtrtistirtents &warm Gamma 017101, Mennissuna, Sept. 27, 1861. f My opinion is requested by the Governor on the following questions, viz : d. ;What volunteers will be entitled to vote at the approaching general election in their camps ? II Whether the volunteers so entitled to vote, can vote for County officers ? L Sam clearly of the opinion that no vol =teem will be entitled to vote in their camps, excePt each as are in actual military service in 1 conformity with law, viz : Such as are in ser vice under the authOrity -of the Governor, on the requisition of the president of the United States. All the field officers of such regiments will he commissioned -by the Governor, and the 'holding of such commissions by the field offi cers will be a fair test of the right of the mgt. ment to vote. ILj The Act of Assembly provides that the volunteers may exercise the right of suffrage; of come they. have as much right to vote for County officers as for an other. M. dMEBSDITH, • Attorne` y General. . "Since writing the above an additional ques tion flag been propounded tome, via: Where inen from several counties are in. the same com pany, what course should be pursued ? lam of .opinion that in such cases there should be separate ballot-boxes, tally lists &c.,•for each county, and the votes should be returned, to eachcounty, of the voters entitled to vote in such county." W.. , Efinucepar,•orney.Ge neraL &pt. 28,.11.861. Sept. 28-d6t.. - CAUTION. GuNß utk4ied itii notito nd ad other person; a 91,11Pfed by ?PIM" upon the farts f tool wilav=4l4,blyiux Bye ttrirnsa--Iy /PR4rtwoz T 4 -I n Talla FINN. Nein 10n . 50mET4w1,0,1. 1 410 plPir?,l l ti orA NEGTeari 'E VERY HOtittgOLD JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THs mr,QHGEST OWE *.Tfilll THE OHIEiBRiTiOIEIR AtT/LltY4i r THE MOSIDURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. . AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE 12211 201dr artilq fAie I ' l ,l°7' itlreedAbidi :, WILL WITIISTAND - IVAT.CR. IT MEND,.W9CID, Save your broken Furnknre. Ire_la r WAßPlAf r aaaßk MendirrAliumiesal Sirs* Belts, IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Out Glass Bottle Don't threw away ihat brolatt Ivory litin; it bi m 0): re ` - P li f el / 4 , ifija c a _ E Your broken chili Cepnenikeitnnotipl . l:l4 , barnacle le IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle oan be .. • .1 44 Ogi aeilr9eca ,s lPr:,.. .IT WILL aiRtID. PO.IIOBLAIN. f tbs. k • COO btlt nag, a Wiling saved le • gulling earned. That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, , and in fact,averylking.bnt *Gti4p3: ,Any article Oemented with 4YkRIOAN did** GLUE will not show where it is mended. EXTRACTS . = "Every Honsehesperashotgd have a Duly of „Johns St CrOl se. ey's aitotintsita. Mmmt•Olue."/V. Yr-WNW. it 91 convenient to have in to! hou"—N. Y. • "It 18 always ready-; this commends itself to every. "We have tvi Sad findit. asmsefni in our homes ea water."— ake'eit' gke AIWA kdoip:O f ftr i t s WEALTH. per year saved in every [amity by One Bottle 4.MERIQAROEKENT 'GLIM Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Be#le, Prize 26 , 6 e* F 4 4' Aoitia• Price 25 Cents per pottle. Price 26 bente per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to irtide l sale littler& TERMS CASH. For eale . by all Druggleta s aud,Storokeepers general , Jy throughout theoountry.; JOHNS & CROSLEY, (e f t, man,rur,o*er9 78 WILLIAM 'STREET, Corner of Liberty Street. Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. • 21 + all whom this may ernelern, and it concerns every ZOEMEI 'BE CRoESLEY'ES IMPROVED Gf CITI* PZRcRA CIME 15 T., Rp 0 ,F.. 1 GI The cheapest ana Moiliiinzabi; - Rooting' in use. . IT IS ME AND WATER PROOF. . can be applied to NEW and ma ROM Of all kinds, meeker AAA Mid SO: . 8 1 / 09 / 4 1 44KTI, wit?iont removing the Shingles. The Cost Is only 'about One• Third that of Tin 411 "/ v I*TWICE 4s. LE. Thleartiole has been thoroughly tested in New York Illy and all other parte of the United States; Canada, West ladles Central and Routh Amerim, on buildings of all kindsi'sQchasraCtonnfl, 70W10),11WR.:0 • LA* ROAD REPOTI, 01.1014 and on Puwo taniDiscir: rank. GovveNXßArr ROEDDIGA. Ac , by the ,prinoipal Rudders, Archlieots and others, duties. the;pee four years, and nal proved to he the CHEAPBST and Roar DURABLE ROWING in use; it Ii in ever y respect A, ME, %USK, WEATWER A KINDSand T/ME PROOt covering' for ROOFS' CIF LL This, it the War tealerial rimmefaehsredin the .thsited Males which combine the very .desirable uropert,tea of Riastic{ity ast4.Disrabiliey, whit:44re universally eeknew, 'ledge& to be Poeseeeed by 8V21.A PBROHA AND INDLO. RUBRER. No Heat , is ietraired in making application. The eajpease of applying -it la trifling, as anordinary roof can be coveted and Alatithed the same . day. - ,It can beAppli, ed by any one, •L andiwhen fintitieitiortnit perfentlY - Pinalionoiti an irithi with eh elaatie,body,, gbh* suntan , be Nunn& by Ham, COLD Or SIORIDL L'HIONEING of 800, Boas* nor any en. Write' action wh 'toyer. LIQUID 431: A PEE.CHA _CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Binds when exiiimed to the Action of the Weather, and Vik4iI: IIS :): 4 : 4 IOderAZIIO 9S P4gAII:VIIINIFA ROOFS or *Lb liz#l: Thla is the Only Composition known which will success tally valet - extreme changes of all eilth WM, kir any length of time, when applied to metals; to which it ad heres tirnity, terming a Cody egael to emits of ordinary paint,;coete much less and 'mill I.A/3r THRIN and from its elasticity II net injured. by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other metal Hoeft, cow:rant upon sudden changes et the weather. . . Rl:gang CRACK IN COLD OR . RCN IN WARM w - sAgass,.4NO Jvz.r.j. NOT WASH 017. Leaky Tin and otherlletal Roofs can be readily repair ed with GOTTA PaIIGILA ChMRNT, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly *Atm,: _for many. years. .. . This Cement in pecniltrly adapted for the preservation of IRQN RA iLINGB, RTQVRS;RANGIiki iggiVo l , - AGRI CULTURAL IRYLERRSTd, &c., abut, Per general mann fectarers , DEE GUTTA PERCHA. CEMENT • • . For preserving and repaing Tin and other,Neta Boots of every {description, from its great elasticity, 'II no, injured by the contraption and expauctid or 'Metals, and wiu not crackp cold or rim* **lv !Napier. ..- Tbelse..materiso Pre .AniietsnactAix. CLEIIIIIII9 , and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the coun try, at short „Alice, doll 61 4' , , 11.0¢Finli rolls, {ready tweparcd. tor wish, J an a • ` -141013 A: WM in bar rehr h with tell printed directions for appli AGENit3 *ANiEtt. • We mill make liberal and satisfactory arrangements with rpeponalble partMeWhcit waft* like to ettleblisti them, &elven in a Incianve and permanent Inunneas. OVE TEEMS COSH. We can give abundant .proof of all Me claim in favor or out Improved Roofing h►ving applied them to several tkonsane Roofs In lien York City and vicinity. JOHNS CROWLEY, gam, 11,1ANUFACTLIREELS Wiplaiale Ware house 78 - Wil*a St., Corner of Mery Rim deloriPtivi aragdals - .Uid Ih•lese will be fareiehed as appileagioa.- ,onafily f Miltlltialt GAUNTLET& EWiar, "Wat'restAgYet 4 , 4 1 0,AMik, • uslitn'at ss , iwrikors° RTZIrI4 ENITED STITES LOB. TREASURE NtIke.O—INTEREir 7 8.10 PER ANNum. nIIRSITANT to instructions from the Secre tary of the Treasury, a book will be opened on the 23d DAY OF SEPTEMBER, AT THE g o iIIEISBURG BANK for subscriptions for lininid States treasury notes, to be issued under the act of July 17, 1861. These notes will be issued in sums of fifty dollars, one hundred dol lars, five hundred dollars, one thousand dollars =d r: five thousand dollars each, dated 19th Au grist, 1861, payable three years after date to the orderof the subscriber or as directed, and bear ing interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent. per annun, payable semi-annually ; such interest being at the rate of two cents for each day on every; hundred dollars. For the convenience of the holder, each note will have coupons at tached expressing the several amounts of semi annual interest, which coupons may be de taalitd and presented for payment separately from the notes. .. rti Subscription for such treasury notes will be received during fifteen days from the day of opening the book as aforesaid. No supscrip• tion for less than fifty dollars nor for any frac tip of that sum can be received. Subscriptions must be paid in lawful coin of the United States or in Philadelphia or New York Ex change at the time of subscribing. Certificates will be graned in duplicate to 6W:scribers for the amounts so paid, the original of which the subscriber will transmit by mail to the Secretary of the Treasury, when treasu ry notes, es aforesaid, will be issued thereon to such subscriber, or his order, carrying interest as expressed in such certificate; on payment the subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a sum equal to the interest accrued thereon from the 18th of August to the date of payment, which payments of interest will be reimbursed to the subscriber in the payment of the first coupon. The treasury notes issued upon such certifi cates by the treasury will be sent to the sub scribers by mail, or such other mode as may be 'indicated by them when they transmit their original certificates. The duplicate certificates may be retained by them for their own security. J. W. WEIR, Subscription Agent. sep2l-d2w NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Sevens and Throe-Tenths Per Cant TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT THE OFFICE JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 South Third Street, _PHILADELPHIA. Pursuant 0 inatructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription 1100 a to the NEW NATI 'NAL LOAN Of Treagury Notes, bearing inter. at at the rate of seven and three-tadthe Der cent per annum, will remain open at my office, NEW YORK. No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. until farther notice, from 8 A. M. 1111 5 p. id., and on lkindais till 9P, These notes will be of the denomination of FIFTY DOLL 'RS, ONE HUM te it DoL Alto, FIVE 13. N. DEED DOLLARS. • NE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THI IMAM) DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of &uguiti 1881, payablet In gold. in three years, or con. vertible into a twenty . yearn' la per coot. loan, at the option itf tbe holder. Each TreaSury NULL' hoe ma-rem. coupons Dashed, which can be cut off and Nanette.] to gold at the mint every ex mornh<, and at the rate if one cent per day on each filly dollars, Payments of subscript:to a may be mule In Gold or becks; or Noke of any of the Phi ladelpia Banks. PARIIIB AT A DIST,NOS can remit by their friends, through the mall, or by express, or through Banks and the Treasury Notes will be immediately delivered, or sent to elan subscriber as they mar •evrrally dir. ct. Parties remitting must add the interest nom 19th of August, the ditto of alt the notes, to the day the remit tance reaches Philadelphia, at the rate of use cent per day on each filly dollars. • 'Apply to ore dress JAY GOOSE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, • Care of JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, °ea-di in No 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. VOR Rt NT.—A. large and convenient brick boas° on Front street, two doors below Wash ingtOri, avenue For information apply to oe3-dtf JURN L UNG FAL $75 WILL BE PAID ON TIP?. RS - ceipt or a Commission for a Suttorship in a matto.ent. Address "Sutler" at the TELIKIRAPH OTP:CI, HarrLaburg, PA. ors.o3e• SHIRTS I SHIRTS!! SHIRTS!!! HOME MANUFACTURE. THE CHEAPEST 1K THE MARKET. THE undersigned having opened his Miumfactory of Shirts &c., at N 0.12 West Market street, Earrizbuqx, Pa , mos :respectfully solict the pauonage and attention . of the Ladles, Gentlemen and Marabouts to the following assortment of goods all of width are our own manufacture : man, SWIM BOSOMS, OOLL&MS, CCFFS, WRIST-BANDS; NIGHT SHIRTS, &c., &c , Arc., &c., Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large assortment - of under garnientd'Accf;.(Proliftlyelfiggsgigh primed Lierdon and Paris styles,) LlNlkkr OftuAgia, CUFFS, SSW'S &0., in great varieties, alt of which being our own maunufecture we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons deslrohs of furnishing their own materials, cm have cutting, sewing he., of every variety done a,:eord ing to eider. al, of the smove.naMeil aeons for Gents weir, we will make to mea-ure, guaranteeing to fit, and give enthe satisfaction to the purchaser for style durability arid" *lariat. All Special orders will be promptly at tended ;to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most tattoo. able terms. S.'Ladies wishing skirts or under garnientoof soy disTription, can have them mada to order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired: ' • JAM A. LYNN, Nu. 12, Market:Area, an29;d6m Elarrisbitrg;,Pa Rooms next door to Hummel & 1111lInger's Urocery Store. • • - S . . 11110110BRIN4' StreetTtTE lex T h ird str eet, a few dinbio wEid4t'irrilburgA,:. now. Hearse feady 44 alway s on hand and neatly deithed to order. plants, no. Terms reit. •-• --fan3o , 4r3nit) C. BAKER. . ——• = , BIN LIN E_ Between .gbalacielphia. -• to= hamlet; Twitery EBORM, WIII3.IA2PORT, lauscrr, v monow y, Weireenxonii, Mum*, t.Lallissuno, NeenitTelfeelAeD, AnininThiT, CUOROXTOWNLTKILVaTOWN, VILUOIB - BURG, KALMAN, DACIPHL,V i , AND i rtM a - p,Ariw A -,4.6.1 0 1. 40 orayz ww be if ow „ x•c„, ta d i at ar ..- goa a • tbro with each tx* iii tt en d in the i„,A, delivery. of all goods entrusted to h e Ilan.' 'dents de ll ioirett ht the Depot Qt FRB isap 7410? at non Na. BU. Market Meet, Phil de pbla , by 6 otataaa P. Al., will be [:slivered In • Unrylaburg tpq next mareing. ht ( I.6 iiii) l 4tlOlt an by any - other tine. Par culnir attended Om bytnis line to prompt Nad. OW I / deillVeyy 4,111 flaxitsbnr--, eette. dilrelgued't/inlifttfor past patrol tze bopee b y aria iwintn . sm , t nal- it a aanN• a apes ptde ibe : . 11diaitora lad oent n 'Artifoi lattkei 'Eerie' ; SirKwbOrg. New 121Dverfwements.