ittebicaL Ay er's CATHARTIC PILLS. A " Y U SICK, feeble slid COnapiaining? Are yes out of order, witliyour system deranged, . and your feelings uncomfortable? • These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. some fit of sickness is moving upon you, and should be averted by'e timely vse of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse out the disordered humors—purity the blood and let the g u id e move dc unobstructed health again. 'They stimm• /ate the inactions of the body into v igorous activity, pu rify the system litn disease. A cold settles somewhere In the body, and obstructsits natural functions. These, not relieved, react upon themselves and the surround mg organs, producing general aggravation, suffering and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer s t tits, and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling et health again. What is true and no apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many oi the-deep-mated and dangerous distem pers. The same purgative edeo expels them. Caused . by obstructions and derangements of the natural functions M. the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when sullering from the dimrders they cure. k Statements from tcadmg physicians in some of tbo principal cities, and from other well known public per sona. From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1856. Da. Arse : Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hen s and feet that had proven incurable tor years. Her m 3ther has been long grieviously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her shin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tr len 3 our Pills, and they have cured her. AM MORGRIDGE AB A FAMILY PHYSIC. (From Dr. E. W. Cartes right, New Orleans.) Your Pit:s are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very cerlain and eltectual in their action on the bowels, which malfe them invaluable to us in the daily reatrniint of disease. Efigiamode, Sica iiKADACON, 1 , 20131 STOMACH From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] DEAR BRO. AYER : I cannot answer you WHAT corn• plaints L have CURED with your Pills better than to say al/ that we ear teen{ ,uttle a parga/iee »kid/atria. I place great dependence en au effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as Ido that your Pile anon' us the best we have, I of course value .them highly. Prusauso, Pa., May 1, 1855. • : I have been repeatedly cured of he worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two your Pills. it seems to arise from a foul Stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, D. W. PREBLB, Cicrk ot Steamer Clarion Bivaos Dmmunias.—l A las COMPLAINT 3. pm Dr. Theodore Bell, IA New York City.] Not only ;we your rills adna rably adapted to their purpose us au aperient, but I ,n d, tneir beneficial effects open the Liver very marked ittleed. they hive in my praclioe proved more cacao:ll for the curd of Bilious Complaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sin• cerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence el the profession and We people. DS:PARTIVANT OP THII INTIFLIOR, t4rshiugtnu, 11. C., itch Feb. 1858. j Sir : I have used your Nils ie my gene . ral and. hospital practise ever since you nude them, and satinet hesitate to say they are the heal Uatimetio we employ. Their re gulating action lin the i.vur is and decided. Cones gamily lily 4 re :in remedy for derangement 01 that organ, ludeel, h.ive seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so 111.1:41111 m i e that it did not readily yield to them. Fratehally your s, A!.ONZO BALI, M, D., i'hraisia❑ 4 !the Marine Hospital DYSENTLIZY 1 4 1dettliel 4 e. ItELAX, WhialS4 [FLOM Br. J. U. Green, 01 Chicago.] Your Pills h eve had a ouz trill n my practice, and I hold them in esteem as One el toe 'ueat apertents 1 have Over found. Their alterative elledt upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, wimee Teo lo small doses tor Bilious Dysentery and Diarrhoea. rueir sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and oauvenient for the use of women and children. litSPRPSIA, IMPURITY 07 TIM BLOOD [From Nev. J. V. llimes, Pastor Advent Church, Boston. Dr. MCC: I have used your Pills with extraordinary success in my Mini ly and among those I am called to visit in distress. To regulate the Organs of digestion and pa rity the blood, racy are the very hest remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. MUNN. WARSAW, Wyoming CO., N. Y., Oct. 24,1355. DBAR Six: air 113ing your Cathartic Pills in my pratice, and dal ruoui an excellent purgative to cleanse tb3 system and parity the fountains of the blood. JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. D. iiOX3TIPATIO:g, V .3nersseoism, ltrisuetivlsetj GkArr, Mena...usu. llaursr, PARALYSIS, FIT; ITO. [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.] Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure et Costiveness. 11 others of your fraternity have Mond laminas efficacious so I have, they should ioin mo in pro claiming it for the licuodt of the multitudes who auger from that complaint, amen, although bad enough in it self, is the progenitor of other.; that are worse. I belive Costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills. affect that organ and cure the disease. 'From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.] I find ono or two large doses of your Pills, tak•elll at the proper haw, are oxuelluet promotive; of the Natural amnion warn wholly or partially suppressed, mod also eek .u.:II3ANSI the eloXaOu and axe 'Roams. They aro so much the hest physic we have that t nom mend no other to my patients. [From the Rey. Dr. Hawker, of the. Methodist Fpiseopal Church.] PVT./QM-BOUM Savannah : Ga., Jan. 6, 1856. HONORED Sic : I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me ti I diJ ant report my case to you. A cold settled in fay limbs tud. brought Oa Morn. elating Neuralgic Pains, which ended in Chronic Rheu. matism. Notwithstanding 1 had the bent of physicians, the disease grew worse mil worse, uutil by the advice of your excellent ageut is Baltimore, Dr. Makenzie, I tried year Pals. Their effects were slow but sore. By persevet .ng in the use of them, lain now entirely well. BENNIT. Cassels., Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 5, 1855. DR. Arus : 1 have been entirely cured by your Pills, Of Rheumatic HOUt--,t panda disease that had afflicted Me for years. %TIN C ENT SLID LL. Oir-Most of the Pills in nakrket contain Mercury' which, although a valuaole remedy iu akillfut hands, in dangerous in a pUblic pill, from the dreadful conk equo a ces that frequently follow ita incautious use. These Contain no mercury or mineral aubstauce wketever, Price 25 cents per bog, or 2 boite3 for , Prepared by DR, J. C. AYER kt CO., Lowell, blase. Sold by U. A. Banavari, C. K. .R.ollar, D. W. Gr oss & Jo., J. M. Lutz, flobaao & 00, . 4 ;ranstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere, ap27-6mdaw .1)A YI D 1:1A E 6, 110 MARKET, T. HARRISBVAG, A g eut f or 1 -4 1 .1 :LIE'S PA TENT Wrought 'ondl. bd Burglar Proof gi1.416. SL •:itriotly the ON IS alereant.! , , I.kto made, that le both re arid Burglar Proof. mar29.dly NOTICE is hereby given that applica tion wat be made to the E:Fecutive, or this. Com tumwealth for the pardon of Simon Green, convicted over five years since of a felony. Oct 2, lO6l.—cat. CAN iiLES! PAfiAFFINE CANDLES, SPENitil CANDLES, A:DAMANIIN E CANDLES, STEARIN CA.N STAR CANDLES, OEIEWCAL SIFE 01 CANDLES, TALLOW. CANDLES, arge lot of in hi.:ee and ?hr :WO at the low est prices by W. . DOCK JR. 8. CO., jan2 Uppoedte the court House. A VERY HEAVY STOCK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I EDF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prie , " ?wow the . cost of importation. CALL AT CA THCART'S, mayB Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY DRIAYRRN HARRISBURG andPHILADELPiIIA. Wm. E. Burk, Agent, 812 Market street, Philadet; pieta, formerly Livingston sr Co. Special Conductor in charge of each train. Goods delivered at the Warehouse, Hillside I. phis, at 4Y, oleo* P. M., will be delivered is Ha rr burg next morning. J. WALLOWER, JR., Agent, amy2.l.dtt ' Office Reading Depot, Harrisburg. IlListellantima FREIGHT REDUCED HowardScHope EXPRESS CO.'S SHORT & QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7i P. M., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in llarrisburg at 3 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, kew York Branch " 412 IC it For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen Ilanrasumto, Aug. 1861.-dtf GENERAL ORDERS, NO, 2. HEAD QUARTERS, P. M. } Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1861. BY DIRECTION of the President of the United States, all volunteer regiments or parts, of Regiments accepted directly by, the War Depaitnient from. Pennsylvania eithefWith or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their commanders will therefore immediately report to these headquarters, stating the number of men and the station from which they are to be taken, that transportation may be furnished them without delay. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chie CRAIG BIDDnE, A. C. D aug2 1861. 3O OPENING 30 OPENING 1861 SUMMER DRESS GOODS OF EVERT EMBOILIPTION. The quality of the good 3 for the prieewill be an induce ment to everyone to purchase. The most deeiralife gbittlinof the . sehiciri at q great sac rifice. MOZAMBIQUE'S, • GBISSALIAS„ . CREPE WESPANGS, BEREGE. ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NFAPOLITANS. ~ .14A.WNS and LAVELLAS are among the ha r• CATHCART & BROTHER. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. SKELETONSERTS. very best, The largestlsomittif the very hest . Make to be found at CATIICA.R7 5, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Uthrellas and Umbrellas Twenty,tivo per cent lower than; can be- purchased imewhero la .the city. - CATHCART & BROTHER. N 0.14, Market Square, 4 51'9 Next to the Harrisburg Bank. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG . . . FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. TWEE undersigned has established a regular LINE OF 6TAGE COACHES hem Mechanics burg, connecting every other morning with the (lumber= land Valley Railroad cars, Thri coaches leaVe every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Passengers for stieppardstowe, Dilleburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced rates. jell-dtf WM. J. TATE. 3'OEN, B. NIVEITEI3 BOOT &SHOE STORE • CORNER SECOND AND 'WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand 'a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Atc„ of . the very, . best suantios for ladies, gentlemen, and children' wear., Prices to suit the times, All kings of WORE, :MADE ORDE'd inthe best style by superior workmen. REPAIRING done at'short nbtiod. ' ' octl6.dtf JOHN B._ MUM Harrisburg. . NEW COAL OFFICE. HE UNDERSIGNED having entered in tothe COAL TRADE itilhis city, would reepectfuLly solicit the patronage of the citizens. f will keep on hind Coal of all sires, from the most celebrated and approved mines, Which will be 'delivered to any part of the city,,, free from dirt and other imphrities. Finn Wainer GUARANTEED. COAL FOR BALI nv TOX BOAT LOAD, CAn Loan OR :STOOLS 2oa. Persona purchasing by the. Bow or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the. Ton. 011ie No. 74 Market street, second door from Dew bar ry alley Tara on the Call*, toot of North -street. Or ders tel tat'eltber pliice will receive pronipt attention. ap•edly IOEI . N HALL, agent. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! THE best defining and pronouncing Dics;• 11 Honer) , of the English language ; Also. Worcester's School Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at. SCHEYFER'S BOOKSTORE, ap1341 Near the Harrisburg Bridge. JOHN WALLOWER, JR.,, GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. G OODS AND MERCIE A NDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Rai'reedit and Canal. HAULING AND GRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will tie done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft 46 Bratat's European Hotel, or at the store of E. s: 201lleger, will. receive prenipt attention. Con signments of freight respectfully solicited. JOHN WALLOWER JR., Agt., apt Office Reading Depot. AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. R eß id enm N o . 27 North &end &rut. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO 94111n411714itta `fatly filonditb"lftiritoint? (nib:Rid:7,lB6l. LAMES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and berm ficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, obi , relic and Sedorille, highly esteemed by eminent phYsi clans, and some of the first families in Europe ant America. SPEER'S SAINBUCI WINE 13 not a mixture or manufactured article, but is mire, from cultivated Portugal Elder; recommended by Onem• Ms and Physicians as,possessing medical properties su perior to any other Wines in use, ant an excell ipt ,rti cle for all weak and debilitated persona, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladi and children. A LADIES' WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is M'- mired fbr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive orguas, and a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, Ni .1., is over the cork of each bottle, ' _ _ _ MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPE,E.R, Proprietor. Passaic, N. J. °fano 209 Broadway, New York. J. H. EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by a W. Gross, & (Co., O. H. }Teller, John Wyeth and by druggists generally jyl-dawly. Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, LS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia. AND A 01= CUBE FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a me, 1: cated compound, to be worn around tile Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons, no change inhabits of living is required, and it entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the injurious effects arising from the use of pow..xt internal medicines which weaken and destroy th, ution, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained in the Band , coma in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting in every instan e a perfect cure, and restore the parts afflicted to a healthy condition This Band is 11180 a most powerful ANTI MERCURIAL agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pertnetous of recta of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a few days, and we aro constahtly receiving testimonials of its efficacy In aggravated cases of long standing PRIGS, $ 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can Le sent by mail or express, with fell directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Princinal No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. AarAt iINTd WANTED EV.E.BYWHERE Jar JyB-daw W E OFFER TO A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put up in Cut Wass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES, KELLER'S DRUG STORE, seplB 91 Market street FOR SALE; LIMN" One.. to.,Five Hundred Dollars I! worth of CITY B ONDS.kuquire of C. 0. ZIMIIiiIRMAN, ma.rl4 No..9.B.Soutb9econd Wee. FLAGS 1 FLAGS I 1 VOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with National designs, LETTER PAPER with a view of the city of Harriet priuted and for sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, at. 24 • Near the Harrisburg Bridge• . FIRST CLASS GROCERIES 1 LARGE - ARRIVAI,i f_f A VIMI JUST •lIETURNED from the Eastern cities where we have selected with toe Gilk“Tfat 00,11 ‘,.• large. MIA complete assortment of ,o pormr,thils„whieh embrahe 'anything - kept in the h • cilty grOneries,we rekpeettinty-and Mordially invite to r .to wad examine our stock and -manor: or , ' Whr„ weir •.r, DR, T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTISTA 0 . RFERS hie - Eiervices to - the citizen( - o . HarriebUrg and its nity, He solicits a shire o the'public patronage, and gives assurance that hie' best endettitors shall be given to render satisfactionlo his pro fession. ..Being. an old, well tried dentist., he feels softie nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring h em thatlbey will not be dissatisfied with his Service!, °thee No. I`2B Market street, in the house fornierly no - °Spied by: Jacobß..Eby, near the United. Shaw Hotel, Harrisburg,. Pa: .-,. . ... ®YB-dly. . T HE "our EI G O ov i er i ?tm lE eti ß t.:.' S an ß c ( x ) p O os K tuLi i M of 7 t Ki fte, llll oou e s YF ti:u..' . Mon of the United Stutee, ex[tlainleg the nature and °per- Ve - (if our g overnment;' troth' and an thoutdo ts . 00. For %IMO at z os, ..r 4ft*CP B. M. GILDEA, D. D. S. STAIE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. A 11 operalions, Suigical and Mecianical, riscientilicany performed. Charges moderate. •jeS Glorious Star Suanoled Banner I ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BORDERS, hc., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS% to which we call the attention of our frienda, and corOally Melte them twexamine our geode and prices. We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the ply; 13011EFFER'SRDORSToRk• apl3-11 Neer the latirtisbint Midi% iftisitilantous CUSTOMERS A Now Lot of LADIES' PURSES, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WALLETS Of the best Manufacture SIGN OF THE tints of itravtl Cranspottaltou NE•W Alll, ME ROUTE TRUK TRAINS DAILY TO NSW YOU. TWO MAINE DAILY TO 44PHIA . WrlllOl3T CHANGE OV.CIABS. , 0 1 - 861 N. AND' AFTER MONDAY, TUNEI.O, , the:Paimeirger Trains will lexia the :Philadel. phis anu Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, fur, New YorY and Philadelphia, as'foliows; vli -•- EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE, leaves Harrisburgat 9,00 a. m., on 'ar rival a Pennsylvania Railroad ' 'Express Train from the West, arrivingln New York at 4 .pr m, ..A -sleeping car is attached to the train through from. Pitts burg without MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at a a. in.. arriving in New York at 4p. in., and IF!filladdlphii. at 1.26 R. m. FAST LINE leave§ Rarrisliurg it 1.40 p. arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad 'tsst . Mail, arriving in New. York at 9.45 p. tn., and 'Philadelphia at ts:Aci p. m. WESTWARD. JUST LINE leaves Neil/176re m. , and Philedel. phiant 8 a.m.,arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. in. • HAIL TRW leaves - Nei! Yorit at 12.00 noon, and Ild.l- attelpitta at 3.15 arriying o nt Harrisburg at.3.,p.m. eXPitil. UNE leaven Hi* York - , m.",,arri... ving atliartisbnrg 2.80 and cinnecting with .the Pennsylvania ,Express Train for Pittsburg, A sleeping boi is also attached. Co ,pennections are made . at Harrisburg : with trains .on the Permayliania, N.:at:fern Centitritturtifinberland Valley Rallioadn,. and at Reading . for Philadelphia, Pattsvil le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Hutton. ate. Baggage checked through. Faro between Now Yerk and Harrisburg, 55 pOknetweenHarrisbuog,al,4 . Ph p a . delpliia, $3 26 in No. 1 ears, and $2 70 In'No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, mylb • • • • General Agent, flarrisharg • PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND . AFTNE. MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1863.;d Cho painpuget trilnlpf.tho Potyusylyanla444lrpq,4l Com.; pany from and, arrive at Harrlibarg and Philadelphia eui 'follows *,*':iii -. .*:**. - . 4: i.*'o. FAST -LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday); at 1.1.6 a. in, and arrives at Weat Philadelphie rtheolitia Minas TRAIN leaves .Harriaburg at 9.20 a. In n and arrival! at Weal ghdadalptna at I.IQ MAL TRAM leaves .liarrisburg„ daily (except day) at 6.10 p. arrives at Virgin. ,Pkillene phis at 'lo.l6'p. in: • These trinasiniiiie Giese connectien at Phlisilelpnia witlj the leW . • . . , . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. Monet Joy; leaves Harrisburg at toe - a. m.; and tirriites at Wea4 klilladdipMa at 12.0 d. bomb . .il36:l4l6liATloN'Tlidilr, via Comm.u bla leavai Harrisburg at 1:Mp; amid' arrives a -Wad Philad&Phia,atB.:24 - p , l*. • , 1 ACCOMOORATIOX.TBAIN, Noi,2, via Mount ~JoYi 001p1804g. at Diller; villa witiiMAlL . Tltitbf; abd' arrtyea Weal Made)! ptda - at p. - • • - • • • W E - WTIV A D• D. THRQUGHW.FIE4q • TRAIN learm Philadelphla. at 10:20 p-ut, Harrisburg: al '2.35 n. M., Altoona 7.80 a: m.,'and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.Ojnorm. Kin; Tit iibile:avell Ohiladerint 7.30 Harris burg:lso 'Altoona,' . m., and arrives at Pitt's. burg at 12.00 midnight., • . : " :,PAST LlNkleayealllitatlelphia at 11.20 a. Harris: btuolsp.: ru.,,Altocuta 8 . .10 p. m., and _arrives at Pitts: burg at 12,30 n. HARR AC mow. ffit4.lllleaves at 230 p.rii,, Landast; r 6.04 m., Cohn:hi:4 6.45 p. m., and arrives at litarvisbarg at 8:0E, pi n 4 Able train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.0.5 p. m. , with North ern Central Railroad - Train.' for Sunbury , Williamsport; Lock Haven, Suntan :1n and all points. North. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; leaves Phibidelphia at 4.00, p. 2 p m., Lancaster . in 7.50 p. Mount J0y8,21 p. m.., bethtoin 8.37 . . and arrives at , Harrlsbarg at 9.30 p. ,31 . . . . Attention Is Called. to the fact, that " p tarmigan, leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 pd connect.. at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrived at Harrisburg at 0.00 p. m, • . SAMUEL D. YOUNG, . . - . ' ' Rork. East, Div. Pions. Railroad Hrwrisburg, JunO 7, 1861.--4:lLf • JUST RECEIVED: ANOTHER. LOT . OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POIIV TED GOLD O . F NEWTON'S: _(formerly,Bagl9y!a) lUr manufacture, wrztanto.4b9.tkke nest tu material, the dnest pointed; most durable and as .cheap an. any a market, for sale, with 'a - iratiiti 'of Gobi auk ttlyet Cana of vaiiouirsiaes.and prlceS;,at • .• •. - 9NFIGNIERT OftE4P .. 11 00:1K8TOkft,! • sit V!rlreiittreat. PHOTOGRAPHY, In all its Branches, .IKnecuted in the best style known in the art; at C. G. CRANE'S , GALIMET, 532 1 474- A r co l ) E aloiiza t rnrtu . LIFE SIZE IN OIL AND PASTIL. STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, „ Atabrett, Daguerreotypes, gic.,for Cnseedinuibons tee, Mar; lie. stoyli win& IIIMB!8!=:==M3= illtbital (Ea H A V 4. Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. THE successful introduction and use of this cele• brided Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitters,". offered in various forms, from a quart bottlele a five-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but for "grog," or some villanous whiskeymixture.. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, . ECERRAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS, and -the cnyte, aksenoe of after . M . bstration, Lae esta blished for it a reputation which the host of imitations and coonterfeitahave failed to undermine. It is posi tively a yegetable, preparation, with barely sufficient puie spirits to "preserve it. But one -sip of the : genuine ; Bottles,) Price ONE Vai.t.,aa t i 9 a medicine of kaig-tried efficacy for Purifying the Blood, .so. essential . for the, foundation of good health' and for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels:. . • • ; . Two or.three doses will convince the afflicted of its ealritary effects` The stomach will speedily regain its strength. a healthy action of the liver,. bowels and kidneys Will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick yeanit. • For INDIGESTIOI4.Try Berhave , s Holland Bitters. For ErEARTEURN, Try Beernave's Holland Bitters, For ACIDITY, TrY Bornave's Holland Bitters. For WATEE4IRASEC„ Try Ikerhare's Holland Bitters. For HEAD A C HE. Try ilterhave 9 i gotland Bitters. For LOSS OF A_PFETITF., Try Bwritave , s Holland Bitters. Bov ccsTfvoisrEss, Try Berhave's •Holland Bitters. For pri.% Try ikerhave's nolland Bitters. In xlt Ndrvints, ,tilff Neuralgic Affec -00119, ,it .hattiitt onmirotia..lnmtances . proved highly beneficial, and in, effected a decided cure, Ciarefully The genni . highly-amceotntted...BCEßßAVE'H Loin, Birtmatt uLput la half-pint bottles only, aial retitiled at One Dolhir per bottle The great tiein:)l,:l for] this truly•belebrafetl medicine has induced mat y Imitations; which. the. publio should guard against imposition. I &,,e that our name is on the Jai') of every bottle you bay. Benj. P_ Jr. - 8t Co, SOLE MANUFACTURER PITTS 4 BIJR4II. PA. ForWolnthe city OfilEberrtgb, A rg di D. ICAIROSSiIk ° C s , • • • 1,4"1"1-004"/, JEWELRY; WATCHES, CLOCKS, . . FANCY. GOODS, &C. . ALFRED'I -- ZEKKERMO CO: No: 52 MARKET STREET; flarriibutg, N • O: timer and adjoining th e .El24olllal3,oW,•Aavlog;, pivot:wed the stook of •E. P Jenultgs, and addeda large assortment; of NEW JEW KEAY, me! . wiflleell th e iisorieat theloirOst bath pile°. and &Alai - - • • . Waiebee,, , Mei! and Jewelry neatly end promptly re Pei-rect. (41lyere4. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN A CO Erasing disposed of my Apex of Jeweiry to A. F. Zim- Menne* &Re.; I cheerlally recommend them to my for mer,. onstotrierxss ,praotical and experienced Watch Rakers, and solicit' for them a continnancti of the patron sge which halt been so XenereiMly eiteadiid to me during the last six yearL agLa ELMER F. JENNINGS. DENTISTRY. . • D.. GEO, Ar. - SliNg , I. ;.itinate of the altimore Colin go 01 Dental surgery, having perms neatly located in thu city of Harrisburg and taken the ethee,formotlyswouplecl, by. Gorgas; on : Third street, between Market and tValnut, respectfully informs his [rich - Mend-the public in .general, that tie is prepared to perform all operations in Lae Dental professton either minicar gr nbionaniiial; In a ataniier that shalt not be .surpaised by operators in this or any other. city. His mode of inserting - artidclal . toeth is upon the fates_ in proved scientific principles. Tehtb;from Lull sat, mounted on fine Gold, Sil ver; Pietism satee ee the Vulcanite Hasa. . . . . I take great pleasure in reeemmending the ammo gene tleman m, nsy former patients.% Harrisburg and vi :tidy; and feel donlldenf that he will paean° all Opera tions in a scientific, manner, irons my knowledge of hle Lmya-dtfl F.. 1 F. G0RG.413, D. D. S. FISH A SHAD, Nd.l , • 'SALMON - , NO. 1, . HERRING, No. 1, 0Q0 ; FIS,R, No: 1, 44,0,KgggL, No. 1. 9P ,he aboio we !WNW all tae daferent, siied, packages rom...oo,arri te , maim le Wore awl for male at 11/t -owed market rAtes. WM. DOCK, Js. k co. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT 01 LADIES' TRAVELLING 8,1 - IQPP'ING BAGS' "At all prices,for Bale at BRRONILWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market Streit OUR .UNION . 4. - OONSTITIITIONq 46t) UR. GOVERNMENT " M. WEN . - annr, is a work- Oontaining the Coss'. Twines 01. UM Naze Sum, gLvfng.the construction of its Terms: mai Provisions,showing., the .relations ,of the several' &Milled° the laidon 'and each other, atid explain i ng gene-, raltpthektstemoZtiorernment of the Own. try. • Price Fl 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris; febsl 6ge4ts for .Counties and States wanted.. 21,1pRIAOMETEREI I .••.: •• • , THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal THERMOMETERS, •do , do Bronzed do TisERAIOKETE.BS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THERMOISETERS, I - •do Brass Bound DOuble Scale. THERMOMETERK•Mnion. Oise, 10-12 inch.. THERMOMETERS, Metalic Frame, 8.10 inch. THERMOMETER Thick Walnut Case, 10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Tin Case, 7-43--10 Ina'. We have Just received a fine lot of THF.RMOMMTE R of various styles, and are selling them low : KELLER'S DRUG STORE, ap • ' 9l Market' street. H . IcKORY; OAK AND. PINE WOOD for sale; CUR TO STOYB.O2I CORD LENOIR . TO SUIT .PURODASERS.. . ALSO, L °CUM POS2S AND. CRESIN7J7 RAILS CU2 2Y ORDER. ALSO, STONE AND SAND FOR BUILDINtit PURPOSES • Inquire of the snbeeriberat histeißence on the Ridge rood, oppoeite the Good Will .pagina House, or at th e Yard, corner of Benond and Broad streete, West Har risburg. [my2.7.4f . G. B. COLE. REDUCTION - IN PRICES 1 mERINOFs Plain arid ' Figured. OARamEREs, Plain, and Figured. ALL WOOL DELAINES, Extra Styles and Quality. BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different prices. FINE STOCK OF BLANEET SHAWLS. .The paces in all the tibura Goleta, on examination, ,wlli be found "lower than ever," at .• CATHCART'S, .. =24 . : Next door to the Harrisburg. Bang. :HAlttb.—Three Hundred. Extra Eugar ered U ms just received by WII3DOCK JR. aitoi 1711 intbital. -^",• "They go right to the Spot," rNsTANTAKuErf STOP YOITR COD-Ott PURIFY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, ARE GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD MI PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEMFN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS LAMS ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION-6, CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. They relieve a Cough instantly They clear the Throat They give strength and volume to the voice They impart a delicious arema,to the hreeth They are delightful to the tads They are made of atm& herbs nod? cannot harm aoy I advise every one who has a Cough or a Ilasky voice or a End Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Confections, they will relieve you ustantly, and you will find them very useful and pleas ant while traveling or attending public meatus for stiff Sag your Cough or allaying your thirat. it you try ore package I am safe in saying that you will ever after wards consider tbeth indispensible. You will find them at the Druggists and Dealers In Medicines PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS My signature is on each package. All other are coun Whit. A Package will be sent by mail, iprepaid, on recipt of Thirty Cents tAddress, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDER STREET, NEW YORK CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURB ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner Dow or Sick Headache may be preheated; and if taken the commencement et an attack immediate relief from palm and eickneats two, Be obtained. They seldomfail in removing Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, removing Cortiversii For Literary Men, Students, Delicate - Femalee, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable u a Iseastive, improving the APPZEITII, giving roars ern VIGO to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural Waai• city and strength to the w hole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the res.& of foug inveau gallon and carefully condncted experimeuts, having been in use in Many years, diirhig which time they have pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering Dam Headache, whether originating tri the nervous BSI. tem or from a deranged state o: the stomach, Tbey are entirely vegetable in their compoeition, nfA tray betaken at all times with perfect 'safety without malting any ehanie of diet and the absence of any di-A greeable taite renders it easy to administer than 0 children BEWARN OT COUNTERFEnr. The genuine have eve signatures or Henry H. Spalding on each box. ''Sold by druggists and all other dealers in medbanes A Boa will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the 'lraq TWINTY-Iqv h CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C, SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York Sire single bottle of SPALDENWS PRRPARED GLUE will save ten times its coat SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I BPALDTNGI3 PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PMES ECONOMY ,g- 6, l!etertaz ill TM I.& II Nuts.', As accidents wits happen, even in weli-repdatedfoinuid It is very desirable to have some cheap . and convenient way for mitten Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Arc. SPALBINfiII PREPARED UPI meets all such onisrgeneled, and no honiebold can afford to be without it. It is always ready sad tip to the dttdd• teglpolut. iiIISEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. 53.—A Brush &Companies each bottle. Price 25 ctl Address REINItIr C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York, CAUTION As osrrtain totprincipled persons are attempting to palm oil on the unsozpacting public, imitations at my PITY PARED GLUM, I would castioo all persona to examine before purchasing, and see that the full name, iiirSPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. . . Is n the outside wicappe . r;ell othcrs Are garlodling oecet sits. tiovl.64Awly-rdiebill DISPATCH