Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 07, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, I3v GEORGE BERGNER, TERMS--SrICGLX SIIBSORIPIION The DAILY TELEGRAPH IS served to subscribers in the City at 6,L4' cents per week Yearly subscribers will bi barged S 4 00 WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPII The TELEGRAM is also published twice a week during the session of ,the Legislature, and weekly during tbt remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following rates, viz : Single subscribers per year Seven it Ten • THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continuo to send them until ill arrearages ere paid. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa ,•rt, from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the hills and order cd hem discontinued; fitisullantous PENNSYLVANIA, SS A. G. CURTIN ln'the name and by the authority of the aIMMO)2,- (Wealth of Pennsylvania, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of said Commonwealth. PIiOCLADIATION WHEREAS, By the twelfth section of the Act of Assembly, passed the Fifteenth day of May 1861, it is provided that it shall not be lawful for any Volunteer Soldier to leave this Com monwealth as such, unless he shall have been first accepted by the Governor of this State, upon a call under a requisition of the President of the United States made upon the Governor direct, for troops for the service of the United States. Alm 'WHEREAS, Notwithstandim , :such prohibi tion, sundry persons, (many of them engaged in raising regiments to be furnished from other States,) are persisting in endeavoring to enlist volunteers in violation of law. AND WHEREAS, It is necessary for the public service and for the honor of Pennsylvania, that her military force should be regularly organized and furnished for the suppression of the existing rebellion, in conformity with the acts of Con gress of twenty-second and twenty-fifth July, 1861, and with the laws of the State, and that her citizens should not be seduced into organizations independent of the State authority whereby the raising of her quota is embarrassed, the regiments are not enrolled in her Archives, the families of the men are de prived of the relief provided by the laws of the State for the families of her own volunteers, and the State herself by the absorption of her men in such unlawful organizations may be found unable to supply volunteers to fill the future requisitions of the Government of the United States. AND WHERAS, the following order has been issaed by the War Department of the United States, viz : WAR DEPARTIMT, September 25, 1861. His Excellency A. G. CURTIN, Governor of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg. SIR :-I have the honor to transmit the fol lowing order from the War Department : 1. All men now enrolled or mustered into the service of the United States for brigades, regi ments, batteries or companies in the State of Pennsylvania, under the direct authority of the Secretary of War, are placed under the com mand of the Governor of Pennsylvania, who shall organize or re-organize them as he may deem most advantageous to the interests of the General Government. 2. The United States will continue to furnish subsistence, camp equippage, clothing, &c., as heretofore, for the organizations referred to in the first paragraph, and all U. S. commissaries and quartermasters will furnish, on requisitions made, the necessary subsistence, clothing, &c. 3. All authorizations heretofore given to said brigades, regiments or companies in the State of Pennsylvania, are hereby revoked from and af ter the expiration of the times limited in the original authority, or in any renewals hereto fore granted ; and in cases where no limit of time has been specified, then from and after the expiration of ten days from the date of this order; and in future all volunteers for the service of the United States shall be raised, in Pennsylvania, only under requisitions made on the Governor. All authorities issued by the War Department for Independent Regiments, subject to the approval of the Governor, which have not been so approved are hereby revoked. Respe'ctfully, SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. And, whereas, the President of the United States has, in accordance with the acts of Con gress of the twenty-second and twenty-fifth of July last, made requisitions on the Governor of Pennsylvania for sundry regiments of volun teers, which requisitions are in the course of being filled. Now, therefore, I Andrew G. Curtin, Gov ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose of preventing further impositions on the good and loyal citizens of Pennsylvania in this regard, do make this my proclamation, hereby prohibiting all persons from raising vol unteers in Pennsylvania otherwise than by au thority of the Governor, and especially forbid ding the raising of volunteers for regiments to be furnished from other States. And also for bidding all citizens of Pennsylvania from en listing in or attaching themselves to any such irregular and unlawful organizations and warning all persons that in disobeying this proclamation they will be disregarding the or ders of the Government of the United States, as well as defying the laws of the State and violating their duties as sons and citizens of the Commonwealth. And I do h ere by require all Magistrates, District Attorneys, and officers of the Commonwealth to arrest and prosecute all persons who shall disobey this proclamation, and particularly all persons and their alders and abettors, who under any preten ded authority, shall enlist volunteers for any Brigade, Regiment, Battery or Company of Volunteers other than such as may be authoriz ed by the Governor of this Commonwealth, or advertise or open or keep recruiting stations for such enlistments, so that such offenders may be brought to justice and punished according to law. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty-eighth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-sixth. By the Governor. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. sep2B GENERAL ORDER NO.B. HEAD-QUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. } Harrisburg, Sept. 30, 1861, I. No Surgeon or Assisstant Surgeon can re ceive a'commission from the Governor of Penn sylvania, unless he has first passed an examina tion before a Board of Surgeons, in accordance with the Act of Assembly and General Orders No. 26 of the War Department. A Medical Board for the examination of all Surgeons, or Assistant Surgeons, now acting as such, in any regiment raised in the State of Pennsylvania, will be held at Ilurrisburg, Octo ber 2d, 1861, at 9 a. m., and at Washington City, at Willard's Hotel, on Tuesday, the Bth of October, 1861, at 10 a. m. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander in-Chief. CRAIG BIDDLE, A. D. C. [sep3o-tf. OUR newly replenished stock of loi et and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed In this city, and feeling confident of rendering sltislaction, we would res pectfully invite a call. XRLLER, 91 Market street, two doors east of fourth street, south side. 11 I / / ...-- A lit,,., > - e „,,, , N....- c h . . • --,. Alipe---- -- it.• .k. t \ ft . 0 1?" ,-, 1 4 av ,.. : 4, e Ik• t ,-..., 0 ,-, •••-, ,-,.. 1 T ___-:::: --•..: - It • ~, , ..." _ _ _ _ - -.. .- - ..,- $2 00 12 00 15 00 VOL. XVI. filiattliantons SPECIAL PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. OFFICE SECRETARY OE THE. CORMONVERAI.TR, Harrisburg, Sept. 18, 1861. The following "provisions in case any of the militia or volunteers shall be in actual service at the time of the general election" are publish ed for the benefit of those citizens of Pennsyl vania to whom they may apply in connection with the general election to be held on the sec ond Tuesday of October, A. D. 1861: Whenever any of the citizens of this Com monwealth qualified as hereinbefore provided, shall be in any actual military service in any detachment of the militia or corps of volunteers, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this com monwealth, on the day of the general election, as aforesaid, such citizens may exercise the right, of suffrage at such places as may be ap pointed by the commanding officer of the troop, or company, to "which they shall respectively belong, as fully as if they were present at the usual place of election. Provided, That no member of any such troop.or company, shall be permitted to vote at the place so appointed, if at the time of such election be shall be with in ten miles of the place at which he would be entitled. to ;vote, if not in service as aforesaid. The proceedings for conducting such elections shall be as far as practicable, in all respects the same as are herein directed in the, case of gen eral elections, except that the captain or com manding officer, of each company or troop shall act a:s judge, i and that the first lieutenant or of ficer second n command, shall act as inspector, at such election, so far as shall relate to such company or troop ; and in case of the neglect or refusal of such officers, or either of them, to serve in such capacity, the officer or officers next in command, in such company or troop, shall act as judge or inspector as the case may be. The officer authorized to perform the duties of judge, shall adMinister the proper oath or affirmation to the officer who shall act as in spector, and as soon as such officer shall have been sworn or affirmed, he shall administer the proper oath or affirmation to the officer whose duty it shall be to act as judge, and such officer acting as judge shall appoint two persons to act as clerks, and shall administer to them the proper oaths or affirmations. The several officers authorized to conduct such elections shall take the like oaths or affir mations, shall have the like powers, and they, as well as other persons who may attend, vote, or offer to vote, at such election, shall he sub ject to the like penalties and restrictions as are declared or provided in this act, in the case of elections by the citizens at their usual places of election. Within three days after such election, the udges thereof shall respectively transmit hrough the nearest post office, a return thereof together with the tickets, tally lists of voters, to the prothonotary of the county in which such electors would have voted, if not in military service. And the said judges shall transmit another return of such election to the com manding officer of the regiment or battallion, as the case may be, who shall make a general return under his hand and seal, of the votes of all the companies or troops under, his command and shall transmit the same thiough the near est post office to the secretary of the common wealth. It shall be the duty of the prothonotary of the county, to whom such returns shall be made, to deliver to the return judges of the same county, a copy certified under his hand and seal, of the return of votes so transmitted to him by the judges of the election in the companies or troops aforesaid. The return judges of the proper county or counties, in which the volunteers or militia men aforesaid may have resided at the time of being called into actual service as aforesaid, shall meet on the second Tuesday in November next after the election. And when iiits or more counties are connected in the election, the meeting of the judges from each county shall be postponed in such case until the Fri day following the said second Tuesday in No vember. The return judges so net, shall include in their enumeration, the votes so returned, and thereupon shall proceed in all respects in the like manlier as is provided in this act, in cases where all the votes shall have been given at the usual place of election. ELI STTFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth seplB-doawte Writing, Book-keeping and Copying. 11. EVERETT, practical accoun tont, Reporter and Copyist, has taken an office ad touring the .Patriot and Union on Third street, where he will prepare young men for hookeepers, clerks, Sze., and assi-t them to situations in business in Philadelphia end New York. He will also attend promptly, to the adjust. merit of ddficult accounts, opening and, closing books, general copy work of any kind. Re oiling, Card and Letter-writing, Time tables, Muster and . Pay Rolls for the army, Notes, Mortgages, Bonds and Adveriisemente carefully made Charges moderate Refers to Hon. Edward Everett, Boston. Dr. J. Henry Puleslon, Phoenixville, Pa. Hon. George L. Carry, Banker New York. William Dock, Jr , Esq., Harrisburg. sepl9-2wd GITM.GOODS FOR THE ARMY, SUCH All Beds, Pillows,' Blankets, Coats, C s, Leggins, Drinking, Cups, &c., FOE mein BY WM. S. SHAFFER, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. augYl-d3m.u• Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. HE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWEE'6 School for boys, will open on the first. Monday in September. 'rhe room Is well ventilated, comfortably furnished, and in every respect adapted for school pur poses. CATHARINE M'ELWEE'S School for girls, located n the same buildimi, will open for the Fail term at the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted up to prOmote he health and comfort of sisholars. aug2ldtf C . 0. ZIMMERMAN'S BANKING STOCK, BELL AND COLL ECTING OFFICE Has been removed from No. 28 Second St. ro NO. 130 MA}KET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. TREASURY. NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. aep24 dtf CRAB CIDER I—Stfictly pure, spark ling aid sweet--haa received a Silver Medal or Di iellla, at every State Agricultural; Fax sineelBs6. For ae by jell-d WM. DOCK & CO. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 7, 1861 Dr. leek's Eestimate of the Safety of the Country and the Courage of its Defenders. Ile Refuses to Appropriate Money to Se cure the National Honor and Uphold the Federal Authority ! FREEMEN AND SOLDIERS OF DAUPHIN COUNTY, READ ! While the hot shot and bombs were falling thick and fast around the gallant band who were de fending their country's honor in Fort Sumter, Gov. Curtin had sent into the Legislature of the state, then in session, a message suggesting the better organiza tion of the militia, and asking for an appropriation of five hun dred thousand dollars to place the state on a war footing. The bill as it passed, can be found in the last volume of the laws of the state, page 299—and the proceedings attending its pas sage in the House, in the Journal of 1861, page 957. We extract the yeas and nays as they appear substantial on the Journal of the House : YEAS.—Messrs. Abbott, Acker, Alexander, Anderson, Armstrong, Ashcom, Austin, Ball, Barnsley, Bartholonaew, Bisel, Bixler, Blair, Blanchard, Bliss, Boyer, Bressler, Brewster Burns, Butler, (Crawford,) Byrne, Clark, Cowan Craig, Douglass, Duncan, Eilenberg,er, Elliott, Frazier, Gibboney, Goehring, Gordon, Graham, Trapper, Harvey, Hayes, Hfihnan, Hood, Hoflus, Huhn, Irvin, Koch, Lawrence, Leisenring, Lowther, M'Gonigal, Marshall, Moore, Mullin, Ober, Osterhout, Patterson, Pierce, Preston, Pughe, Roily, Ridgway, Robinson, Roller, Seltz er, Shafer, Sheppaid, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Philadelphia , ) Stehman, Strang, Taylor, Teller, Thomas, Tracy, Walker, White, Wil dey, Williams, Wilson and Davis, Speaker-76. NAYS.—Messrs. Brodhead, Butler, (Carbon,) Caldwell, Cope, Dismant, Diving, Donley, Duf field, Dunlap, Graskill, Hill, Kline, Lichtenwallner, M'Donough, Mani fold, Morrison, Myers, Randall, Reiff and Rhoads-21, Freemen of Dauphin county ! Soldiers ! who went at the first call of danger to the capital of your country, and who still rest upon your arms night and day around the limits of that capital, are you ready to vote for a man who so lightly estimated the hon or of yitur country and the lives of its defenders? Dr. Heck is one of the old Breckinridge Dem ocrats who sympathised with and still sympathise with and confide in the course of the trai tor Breckinridge, and showed' his attachment for those who are at the head of this rebellion by refusing to make an appro priation to arm the great state of Pennsylvania to aid their overthrow and its suppression This man is again before you, and again solicits your vote that he may again disgrace the halls of legislation with his presence and his conduct. He desires to be returned that he may aid in embarrassing the future efforts of our noble old commonwealth in assisting to redeem the land from rebellion by enforcing the laws and vindicating the federal authority. No patriot, no brave, loyal lover of his country can vote for Dr. Heck. GILT FRAMES! CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking•Glcss and Picture Frames, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &n. 43 CHESNUT STREET, NEAR SECOND. . . HARRISBURG, PA. French Mirrors, Square and Oval Portrait Frames of every description. OLD FRAMES RE.GILT TO NEW. jyl6-13, DWELLING HOUSE WANTED TO RENT. 4 comfortable two or three-story dwel. ti ling house, with six or eight rooms, with relit not to exceed $176 yer annum, for the three, or $l6O for the two-story house, will ba rented immediately on applica tion at this office. seplB tf aMOKE I SMOKE 1 ! SMOKE ! ! !—lt Rot objectionable , when from a CIGAR purchased as LER'S DRUG STORE, 81 Market street. LET THE RECORD SPEAK! =I =1 1-13MCK., The Rebellion of the Cherokees. The St. Louis Evening News has the following account of the rebellion of John Ross and his Cherokees : . , "The battle of Wilson's Creek has had the unhappiest effect. The secession party—against which Chief John Ross had struggled so hard, and, apparently, with so much success—was greately strengthened by that event, and, in stigated by emissaries of the Confederate states; had renewed their violent clamors for alliance with the. South. "Overborne by this pressure, John Ross, on the 20th of August, called the Council together 'at Talequah and sent in a message recommend ing a severance of their connection with the government of the United States and an alliance with the Southern Confederacy. The Council, by a vote, approved of these recommendations, and next day appointed commissioners to make a treaty of alliance with the southern govern ment. " The Confederate Commissioner at Talequan, with authority from Richmond, had made pro positions to the Council, offering to assume the payment of the regular annnities which the Cherokees had hitherto received from the Uni ted States government, and which they feared would be lost to them by as alliance with the South. The proposition, together with the violent and overbearing conduct of the seces sion party, proved too much for the wavering Ross and the Council ; and as they were threat ened with invasion from Arkansas and Texas, and without the hope of succor from the federal government, they agreed to secede from the United States, and unite with the rebel govern ment. " The wife of Chief Ross, however, held out to the-last, and refused to yield up her adher ence to the Union. After the proceedings of the Covncil, a Confederate flag was prepared to be hoisted over the Council House in Talequah, but Mrs. Ross declared that she would not allow it, and threatened that if it were raised,, she would make her son, six years old, tear it down. Owing to her spirited resistance, the flag was not raised." The Kentucky Rebels—Movements of John C, Breckinridge. From thaCincionati Enquirer We yesterday had a conversation with a gen tleman from one of the mountain counties of Kentucky, who gave us the following informa tion : Senator Breckinridge, with Keene Rich ards, arrived last Sunday night week at Pres tonsburg, Floyd county, which joins the Vir ginia boundary. Colonel George B. 'Hodge, of Newport, and Colonel George W. Johnson, of Scott county, arrived at the same place on ues day. On Wednesday Colonel William Preston, Hon. W. E. Symmes, a son of Brutus J. Clay, Union State Senator from Bourbon and Bath ; and Captain Stoner, with his company, arrived there. On the same day all left by the State road for Virginia, where they now are. They were all finely mounted and well armed. Our informant further states that near one thousand armed Kentuckians had passed through Prestonburg between Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, the time that Breck inridge and company were there. He also says that at the Sounding Gap, Cum berland Mountains, which is at the head waters of the Kentucky and Big Sandy rivers, there is a secession camp of fifteen hundred men, and that it is increasing in numbers daily by acces sions from Kentucky and Virginia. The camp commands the two great roads that meet there ---one down the Big Sandy and the other down the Kentucky river. It is about forty miles from the Tennessee railroad. Our informant said that on his way down the state road lead-, ing through Prestonsburg, he constantly met squads on horseback, in wagons and on foot, with shot-guns and squirrel rifles, on their way to Virginia to join the southern army. The Rebel Army Confessedly Wretched. We find in the Charleston Mercury this un willing confession of the deplorable condition of the rebel army on the Potomac : "The terrible sanitary condition of our army on the'Potomac is a matter of painful interest to the whole people of the Confederate States., There are few in the Confederate State who have not near relatives at Manassas , or on the Mississippi. And those who have not should be there themselves. The frightful condition of the camp it a subject of universal interest and alarm.— In the spirit of Spartan fortitude we are willing that our troops should be sacrificed, if need be, in the cause of the country. But that they should fall victims to the mismanagement of an inefficient department is utterly unendurable. It is not our business to depose and reform; but it is our duty to extioie that inefficiency which is disastrous to the public welfare. Ten thous and lives are now in jeopardy through this folly. The fruits of the great battle at Manassas have been sacrificed to this almost criminal fatuity. It is time to be done with it. The country must be served, and personal predilections on the part of our authorities must no longer con trol our destinies and mar our proceedings.— The state is riot to be sacrificed to fancies. How much longer is favoritism and folly to sacrifice lives and obstruct our arms ? Mothers, fathers, widows, alll cry aloud, and plead for those they love." GARIBALDI AND THE AMERICAN PROPOSAL.—In the London Daily News of the 18th ultimo we find another contradictory report regarding the vexed question of Garibaldi and the overtures of the American minister. The Italian corres pondent of the News , writing under date of the 14th ultimo from Turin, says with an air of au thority "The Minister of the United States of North America has returned from Caprera. He went there officially to offer General Garibaldi the command of a federal army, and also to treat for an Italian legion, which would likewise be under his command. The answer, if I may be lieve persons usually well informed, has been in the negative, but by no means so decidedly as to deprive the American Minister of all hopes. It ap pears the General wished first of all to obtain more exact information, so as to understand the political question fully, and what the military resources of the states really are. So he asked for time, that he might reflect and consult; it may be the King or it may be the chiefs who served under him. This is most probable the reason why some persons are already announcing Garibaldi's re fusal, and others his probable departure. In the meantime there is going on about the Gen eral a cross-fire of opinions and counsels, for one party wish him stay, so as to be at hand for some unseasonable blow to be struck Sooner or later, and another party would fain see him again defending a noble cause in those distant regions that formed the first theatre of his he roic exploits—so heroic, indeed, that since the days of , Columbus no Italian has ever been more popular in America than he. But there are others again who advise Garibaldi to remain at Caprera, to turn a deaf ear to 'all seductive offers, and calmly wait for the time when the King may call the whole of the Italians to arms. It is these last who mast assuredly are tender ing the wisest counsel." BY TEMPI. From our Morning Edition. From Washington. THE SEARCH FOR THE PIRATE SUMTER• The War Departnient Overrun by Office Seekers and Contractors I=l Instructions to Applicants for Posi tions in the Army. Particulars of,, the Capture of the Propeller Fanny. I=l STATEMENT OF TEE MASTER MATE. Electioneering Among the Trooped ARREST OF POLITICIANS WASHINGTON, Oct. .6 The United States steamer Pawnee arrived this afternoon at Alexandria from Hatteras In let, but reports , nothing of interest in addition to what is already known to the public. The Navy department has received a letter from Commander Scott, of the Keystone State, dated Aspinwall, Sept. 25, in which he states that he has been cruising on the coast of Yuca tan but obtained no information of Sumter. Of her prizes he was alike unsuccessful. In the vicinity .of the Isle of Pines and Cienfuegos the Sumter it was said endeavored to procure coal at Demerara and Cayenne and was refused. The merchants of Paramaribo likewise declined to furnish coal, but it was finally obtainedfrom a Scotchman. Commander Scott says Captain Semners is aware that our vessels are in search of him, and that therefore he will not again appear in the West Indies. The fact is ascertained that the Sumter has taken several prizes under British flags and decoyed others under our own with the Union down. This should serve as a warn ing to United States merchantmen. The Abbey Bedford captured off Puerto Ca belle in JulY, is the last prize taken by Sum ter. The crew of which numbers sixty-four men. She was in a disorganized condition ; several of them have escaped and will be sent home. The War Department is overrun by appli cants for offices and contracts. The Secretary's door is constantly besieged by persons who want interviews with him. To serve personal ends, the Secretary desires it to be understood that there are no vacancies of paymasters, quartermasters or commissaries in his gift. Nor, are there any appointments of officers of the line to be made excepting in regular course of promotion. When second lieutenancies are thui vacated, the places will be filled by appointment from the ranks. All contracts for supplying munitions, &e.; are made respectively, by the Quarter Master General, the Corn m'ssary General, and the Chief of Ordnance, and to them all parties should ap ply who have proposals to make.. Applications for, appointments as acting mas ter and master's mates sbould be made to the Navy Department in writing and not in person. The War Department can furnish the review army regulations only to the officers of the army and not to members of Congress and other applicants. The following statement of the master of the army transport Fanny gives the particulars of her capture by the rebels. She was dispatched by Col. Hawkins with clothing, amunition, provisions, &c., to Chicks; macomic•for the supply of the troops recently stationed there. After the news of the capture of Fanny was received at Hatteras, Colonel Hawkins called upon the commanding naval officer in these waters for a force to go to the relief of the troops: An armed expedition was fitted out which sailed on the morning of the 3d inst., but nothing had been heard from it at five o'clock that evening, when information was received from that quarter. STATEMENT OF THE MASTER OF THE FANNY lIATrERAs Inn, Oct. 1 I left in the steamer Fanny, at 6. a. m., for Chicamacomic or Loggerhead Inlet.. : Arrived there at Ip. m. We anchored in about eight feet of water and waited there two hours and a half before we got communication from shore. They then fetched a flat boat off and loaded her with an assorted cargo of stores, tents, Sce. When the boat had been shoved off and got about two thirds of the way to shore we saw a steamboat to the westward, about 4 p. m., which proved to be one of the enemy. She was standing to cut off our retreat, and in a short time two more appeared steering, directly for us. The first one then stood in and commenced firing upon ns, and as soon as the other two came up, they did the same. We returned their fire With nine shots, striking one of the bontS Ittam, tinting fart. Having procured Steam Power Preapex, we are prepar ed to execute JOB addBOOK PRINTING of every oeScrip don, cheaper than it can be done at any other establish. ment in the country. Kir Four lines or less constitute one•half square. Eight lines or more than four constitute a square. Half quare, one day one week one month... three months six months... one year...... OnekTpare, one day one week..... one month.... it three months. six mouths.... - - ......... " one year....... ... —l5 00 I. I IP Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each insertion. Afir Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular ad rerti,e7n4rus NO. 34 n the bow. Then Capt. Hart, of the Twentieth Indiana regiment, suggested us to surrender, saying that it was no use of fighting such - odds, and requested us to hoist the white flag. The mate of the boat and a few soldiers turned to and threw overboard some thirty cases of am munition, and Capt. Hart forbid them to throw any more overboard. We likewise requested the sergeant to throw the cannon over board, which he refused to do, saying it would be worse for them if they were taken prisoners. Capt Hart then requested the chain to be shipped, and the boat run ashore, which was done. The white flag was then hoisted, and the crew of the boat left in their boats. We , endeavored to get boats to carry the soldiers off of the Fanny, but could not do so. To the best of my opinion they had plenty of time from our arrival to that of the enemy for the boats to have got everything on shore from the Fanny ; if sufficient boats had been employed in transportation of stores, so that we could have destroyed the Fanny before she should have have fallen into the hands of the rebels. We left there about 6 o'clock P. M. in a canoe and arrived here about 7 o'clock A. M. on the 2d inst. [Signed.] Yesterday a large number of politicians, from Pennsylvania, who were electioneering among the Pennsylvania troops, were arrested, by order of Gen. McClellan, and ordered to keep away from the camps. Many returned to Philadelphia last night, while others are yet in this city. It is more than likely that no election will be allowed in the camps. From Fortress Monroe. Escape of Col. De Villiers from the GREAT SUFFERING AMONG THE PRIS ONERS. The boat from Fortress Monroe brought up a number of refugees from Norfolk, including some released crews of prize vessels. Col. De Villiers, the instructor of Col. Ells worth, who was taken prisoner by Wise in western Virginia, came up in a boat, having es caped from prison and made his way along James river to Newport News. He escaped, along with twelve others, who were arrested and taken back. He alone, by disguising himself and affecting lameness, suc ceeded in eluding the vigilance of his pursuers. He was compelled to swim the James river three times, and after much suffering, and being twice fired at by pickets, reached Newport News. He describes the suffering of, prisoners as great, and their treatment as barbarous. One of them having been shot from the street by a woman. He has gone to Washington with much important information gleaned on his journey down the James river. Prom Gen. Banks' Column. Expeoted Move Over the Potomac. PARDON. OF A DESERTER. MORE UNFOUNDED RUMORS CON- A gentleman who came from. near Bolesville last evening, states that he heard firing at noon in the direction of Edward's. Ferry. He saw a great smoke raising from the same point and thinks it was caused by the burning of a ware house on this side of the river. Rumors are current here that General Stone will shortly lead an advance over the Potorneo. The force under his command has been strength ened largely of late. Private W. L. Myers, of the New York Twelfth was recently tried and sentenced to be shot for desertion by the general court martial, but from the evidence it appears that he was on his return to the regiment when arrested, and that he was overtaken by liquor, causing him to be absent longer than his permit al lowed. The members of the court therefore unanimously recommended him to mercy upon his solemn promise never to drink any intoxi cating drink. Gen. Banks commuted the sentence into a forfeiture of five dollars per month of his pay for one year, and the gratified culprit was yesterday returned to his regiment. An unconfirmed rumor was circulated yester day that the rebels had fired into and sunk a canal boat carrying heavy baggage for a brigade stationed on the upper Potomac. The Potomac is now fordable at several of the fords between the Great Falls and Point of Rocks. The enemy are known to have largely aug mented their force in the vicinity of Leesburg, but the military authorities are of the opinion that it is only a feint and that on the first dem onstration by our forces they will fall back upon the Manassas Gap Railroad, and thence down to the Junction. No apprehension was ftlt of any attempt on their part to cross the river or make any . serious attack upon us at Long Range over the Potomac. RA !ES uF ADVERTISING J. H. MORRISON, Master Steamer Fanny Rebels. BALTIMORE, Oct. 6 =I TRADICTED. DARNESTOWN, Md., Oct. .4. $0 25 1 00 2 00 3 00 6 00 8 00 200 3 60 6 00 10 00