farbital. Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, feeble end complaining? Are you out of order, with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are Men the prelude to serious illness. :Some flt of sickness is creeping upon YOU, and should be averted by a timelY vie of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse oat the disordered humors—puri:y the blood and let the adds move oc emobstructeet u. health again. They stimu late the Inactions of the body into v igorous activity, pu rify the system trom disease. A ~old settlea somewhere In the body, and obstrirtsiii eatural functions. These, not relieved, react upon tninnselye9 and the surround ing oreanaisplrOdUCtog genes,il aggravation , suffering and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer s rills, and see how directly they mature the natural action 01 ale system, and with it the buoyant Waling of heallb -.gain. What is true and so i n t hi s and GonIMOD complaint. IS also tihs7M - Imany el the deep•seated and dangerous distem- The same purgative Wiese expels them. Caused trill'imilar obstructions feyerangements cd the natural bmctions of, the body, are rapidly, and many al them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the di:orders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some the principal cities, and from other well known public per_ Nona From a Forwardiaji Merchant of lit. Louis, Feb. 4, 1856: Da. MUM t Your Pills are th, paragon of all that Is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter al ulcerous sores upon her ban s and stet that had proved Incurable for years. Her m Aber lies been long grteylously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her akin and In her hair. After our child was cured, she also tr led your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA ifORGRILeig. As A FAMILY PHYSIC. Mom Dr. he. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.] Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excelien t vendee surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in they action on the bowels, which make them Invaluable fn's in the dally vestment of disease. HIMIAOIIII, ' HICK a RADAOIII, FOUL 87011•013 [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore,] Dun Bao. AT= : 1 cannot answer you WELiT corn. pi/Intel have cut= with your Pills better than to my ail Mat we ever tread unth a pargatiss audio tree 1 place wag dependence on au effsMusi ustaartiu m my dully contest with disease, and believing as 1 du that your fills milord us the beet we have, I of course value them Panacea, Pa., May 1, 1866. Da J. 0. : 1 have been repeatedly cured of he worst Aeodarhe anybody can have, by a dose or two your Phis. at seems to arise from a 10131 8101M1011, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. YREKA, Clerk ol Steamer Clarion. Batons Disottosno.-I.t sY Oosruisra. [From Br. Theodore Bell, J 1 New York City.] Not only kat, your eilta &am rably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I and their beuetlemi cuticula npcm the Liver very marked indeed. Choy neve in my pirates proved more effectual ter the cure of Bilious Complaints Mau soy one remedy I can mention. 1 sin cerely [Once that we have at length a purgative which worthy the oonddence of the profession and the people. DEPARTIONT or TUB Immon, Washington, D. C., 7th Feb. 1860. hir I have used. your Ville in my general and hospita I proatioe ever sinus you .wide them, and cannot neonate to say they are the beat cathartic we employ. their re gulating motion on the tver is quick and doubled eons& gawkily they are au iLU.III./.1)113 remedy for aerangement of that organ. Indeed, t cave deldom ittuud a ease of Bilious Disease soo bstnue Ullat it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally year ALONG) Bald , M. 1.4„ Pay etteiau c.l lite Marino Hospital DYBIZITERT Musa, Wooas. [From Dr. J. i. Groom', 01 Ohicasod Your Pais h .ve had a mug, Dist i .1 my practice, and I hold them in esteem its one of tee neat %invents I have ever found, lhelr alterative client upou the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when E t. vett to sausit doses for Bilious Dysentery and Diarrheas. Choir sugar-coa Dog makes them very acceptable and neuvenient for the use of women and children. DISPIPOLL, IMPURITY OP TRY BLOOD [from Bev. J. V. HMCO, Pastor advent Church, Bostoo. Dr. Altaa : 1 have used your Vale with extraordinary 11000eis lit my tangly and amon those I am called to Visit %distress. in regulate um oPgana of digestion and pu rity the, blood, they are the very best remedy I have aver tuoWn, and l can confidently recommend thorn to my Moods. Yours, J. V. 1111 d. M. Winalll, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 2A , 1855. Dana Sat: eat using your tiathartic tins In my pleadoo, snit% them an excellent purgative to cleanse Me imam sod purify the fountains of the blood. JOHN G. Pd.BACILLII, H. D. Oesionsisum, A1M311333103, Alli3MAll33l, GollT NgensullA, DisoPSY ' Paltaixtes Shil l ITO. maw [From Dr. J. P. Vaugtd, Montreal, Ulna a.] Too mac h canno t be amid of your Pala for the cure of Costiveness. If others of your fraternity have found Cons& efficacious as 1 have, they should loin ins In pro claiming It for the flew& of the multitudes who suffer hrtun that complaint, which, although bait enough 111 it self, Is the progenitor of others that are worse. 1 belly° ClOstivehetis to originate lu the liver, but your Pala affect that organ and cure the disease. Prom hbe. el. Smart, Papoose and tfiderite, Boston.] I dad one or two largo donee of your Pills, Soren ut the proper time, are eacoviletat protuouves of We N atural eefetieg Wows When) , er partially supproAsed, and also err eadcluil I.l.laLamusa tun trromeou and EXPIEL They we so snook the best physio we have that • 80.11L1 MOW/ 1110 ether to my patients. (from the lieu. Dr. naivices,ot trio Methodist e,p,,,,op a i Church.' ruusea-lloona, Swat:mail, Jau.l4 1860. Jioifeearo &U : 1 etwold be uogratutat Cur We rune( NM MEM has brought use ii I dme aoL report my case to you. A Geld Battled mmy num m aid brought ou excru ciating Neuralgia Palm, wnion ended in Chronic Rheu matism. Not Withsts.uthug t glad the best of pbySiOisil/8 . , the Minoan grew wersu +mud worse, uutil by the advice Of your excellent agent mu Baltimore, Dr. %Manzi°, tried year Pills. their enacts were slow but sure. By persevet ig in the use ot them, lam now euurely well. SZNA7O MAMBA; riatou 'Wage, La., DOD. 6, 1865. 08. ATex A have mosso ethirmay oared by your 01 abeillitaitiO Gout—.yatutul disease that had unlioted ale tor years. VINCItNT SIADSILL. Apiir Moot in the pub to maritet contain Mercury, which, although a voluble remedy at skiltfat Undo, is giustertmli in a public pill, trom toe .lreadlul consequen ces that irequeouly hillow iW ime3ULlOllll use. These 11011iAill no mercury or mineral subautueo whatever. Price 26 cents per box, or A boxed for 31. PecrifedpyDs z J. Q. AYElft , si . o3 : , Lowell , ' saki by U. A. Bannyart, D. L Heller, D. W. Gross Si 4.10.,J.M. Lutz, Hawse Si 00., ifrinstreug, Harrisburg, awl dealers everywhere. apr.74mdaw DAVID 1 - I.AXNEB, lIU MARKET, ST. HARRISBURG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrou g ht and (Rutted irco r,,a ha Burglar £root 1614a..1 4in StrioUy the ONLY Meroaue;+' ::•tte motto, that to both re and Burglar Proof. utur29 dly NOTICE is hereby given that appliea lien will be made to the Executive of this awnwealtti for the pardon of Simon Green, convicted over Ave years since of a felony. Oat 2,18131-48 t. CANDLESI PARAFFINS OANDLEB, SPEAK OANDLES, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, YrEhauriz CANDLES, 3T Ai&Turlija. T , President. i'lld'LF.f.l°. CANDLES 1 ) • ston. 'thoet a we to store and for sale at the low did , Il i derE.t i wm.i.coß JE. & co., , OPlunite the Court House. A VERY HEAVY STOCK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I 10F EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Priem Wow the Cost of Importation. CALL AT CATHCART'S, mayk Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY RE M= , BARRTFIAURGandPHILUELPHIA . IM. .L Burk, Agent, 812 Market aired, Phauk t . phi; formerly Livingston If Co, g rata. 'dal Conductor in charge of each ewes taivarad at the Warehouse, Mutat e& 4AI Oink P. R. w il l be delivered La Harr te am mob* WALLOWER, JR, Agerit, monde OXoe Reading Depot, HardWarg. Olisttllantatto. iiiifdiiiiiEDucED Howard&Hope EXPRESS CO.'S SHORT & QUM ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7} P. 11., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. H. WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS, Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York t 1 Branch " 412 For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen • Hasumnstraa, Aug. 1861.-dtf GENERAL ORDERS, NO, 2. Ef&AD QUARTRUS, P. H. Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1861. MIY DIRECTION of the President of the United States, all volunteer regiments or parts of Regiments accepted directly by the War Department from Pennsylvania, either with or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their commanders will therefore immediately report to these headquarters, stating the number of men and the station from which they are to be taken, that transportation may be furnished them without delay. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chie CRAIG BEDDIX, A. C. D aug2 1861. 3D OPENING 3D OPENING 1861 OP SUMMER DRESS GOODS OP 11.111112 DISORIPI7 The quality of the goods for the priee,will be an Induce moot to every one to purchase. The moat desirable goods of the season at a great sac ghee. MOZAMBIQUES, ORLSSALIAS, VALENCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BER'EGE ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAE are among the be r' CATHCART & BROTHER. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SKIRTS. The largestistookof the very best make to be found at CATHCART 8, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-five per cent lower than can be purchased Nowhere in the city. CATHCART & BROTHER. N 0.14, Market square, 51 yg Next to the Narriabere Bank. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO 81.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. PHE undersigned has established a J. regular LINE OF STAGE COAOHIN Rom Mechanics. burg, connecting every other morning with the Gumb sr laud Valley Ralf bad oars. The coaches leave every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. Passengers for Sheppardatown, Ginsburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced rates. Jell-dtf WM. J. TATE. JOHN B. BNLITHIS BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on band a large assortment of BOOTS, 6'110E3, GAITERS, Sio., of the very best analities for ladles, gentlemen, and childrons' wear.— Prices to suit the tames. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER In the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. octl6-dtf JOHN B. WITH, Harrisburg. IM NEW COAL OFFICE. PIIHE UNDERSIGNED having entered in 1. to the COAL TRADE in this idly, would respectfully solicit tho patronage of the citizens. I will keep on hand Ooal of all SEW, from the most celebrated and approved mines, which will be delivered to any part of the city, free from dirt and other Impurities. FULL WININI GUADANTRXD. COAL FOR RALE BY MR Boa? LOAD, OAR foes OR Moms :ON. Persons purchasing by the Boat or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ten. Oble No. 74 Market street, second door from Dewber ry alley Yard on the Canal, foot of North street. Or tiers let tat either place will receive prompt attention. acAtcly JOHN W. HALL *Feet • WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! %IRE best defining and pronouncing Die• denary of the English language ; Also, Wore&flees School Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at SCREFFEN'S BOOKSTORE, Near the Elarriaburg Bridge. JOHN WALLOWER, ,TR., Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING A„„) COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDL9E promptly frwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Ebntral, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads and Canal. HAULDIG AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the oity to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIRB removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Bratit'a European Hotel, or at the store of E. S. Eollinger, will receive prempt attention. Con signments of freight respectfully solicited. JOHN WALLOW/at JR., AO., &pa Office Reading Depot. AUGUSTINE u. CHAVNE. AND BUILDER. Resideinet No. 27 tionh &and N. B--JOBBING AITMOTO TO nta Map telegrapt), Mit ttlantous LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and bans fetal qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, Ida retic and Sedorific , highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, and some of the first families in Europe and America. S PEER'S SAMBUCI WINE Ls not a mixture or manufactured article, but is ?are, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by I:Dem ists and Physicians as possessing medical properties su perior to any other Wines in use, and an camellia/ arti cle for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting IPA and children. _ _ A LADIES' WINE, because ft will not intoxittate as other winos, as It MM. tab's no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is ad mired Or its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties , imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and,a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED EER, Passaic, N. J., Is over the cork of each bottle, ILARE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE, A. SPEER, Proprietor. Passaic, N.. 1. Offlee 208 Broadway, New Fork. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by I) W. Groes, & 00., C. K. Keller, John Wyeth and by druggists generally jyl-dawly. Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS Tiiki ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia. AND A SUM OURS POll "All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a met cated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons, no change in habits of living is required and it entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the injurious effects arising from the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this trtutment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting inevery , instance a perfect cure, and restore. the parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful Arn-Mallanual. agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the persist - oas ef fects of Mercury. Moderate cases are oared in a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy In aggravated eases of long standing. PRIOR $2OO, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Mee, No. 409 BROADWAY, Nevi York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. arAGEIs:Ts WANTED EVERYWHERE—EIi jyt-daw SOMETHING FOR THE TIKES ! A Necessity in Every Household 1 I JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue In the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, POR CHAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &c., &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: bn".Every housekeeper should have a aunty of Johns & Croaky's American Osment Glue."—W Y. Imes. ../t is so convenient to have In toe house"--X. Y. Facesses. "ft is always ready ; thiscommend3 to every body." N. Y. INDRPINDRNT. "We hive tried it, and find it as awful is our house as water. o .—Wnans SPIRIT or TER Taus, Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers, TERMS CASH, or For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Manufactures,) 78 Wzr.rasm STRAW, (Corner of Liberty Street,) Naw Yoas. JyS-dly FIRST CLASS GROORRES 1 LARGE ARRIVAL! A.VINU JEST RETURNED from the &stern cities where we nave selected with We GlittATIM I large end complete assortment of in. parlor goods which embrace •inything kept In the n .•~t city groooriee, we reapectiulb tad cordially invite u, i • pneqk to Gall and aramtoe ocr stock and KOMI nOir PRIOR, DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST" FFER,I3 his services to the citizens o ICI Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a Aare o the public patronage, and given assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro. Anat.:in. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels sate in nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with hie services, office No. 128 Market, street, in the bowie formerly oe • copied by Jacob E. Eby, near Ike united suttee Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. trHE SOLDIER'S BOOK, M'.lCinne y ,4 "oar Government,. an exposition of the Goutda tion oi the United auto!, slaplainlag the nature and ape,. won of our government, tram Judicial and antnentk) murceth Priee,at NI For sada at vve/ g RaIV 4 V I I 9 SI *"MRe B. M. GILDER, D. D. S. STA2E STREET, ePPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All operations, Surgical and Mechanical, soleatideally performed. Charges moderate. 108 SIGN OF THE Gloriouß Star Spangled Banner 1 NUTHER SUPPLY OF WA LL PAPER, ti. BOWERS th , SPLENDID WINDOW 21,1108, to which we call e attention of our friends, and cordially Invite them to examine our goods and prima. We are determined to Dell Wind_ pate lam. Ems. 's BOCUMBE, pow Neat the Haniaborg !Old" urobau illorning. Ortabtt 3, 1861. NEW Alit LINE ROUTE THUS ULM DAM TO NOW TOM TWO MAINE DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT MAME OF CABS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861_, the Passenger Trains will leave the Model p Reading Railroad Depol, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as Mows, vLs EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leavea Harrisburg at 9.30 a. at., on Nir rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Empress Train front the Wad, &Malpighi New York at 4 p. in. A sleeping oar is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without du = TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. arriving In Now York at 4p. in. and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. FART LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p.too arrival Penn Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.46 p. in., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. In. WESTWARD. FART LINE leaves New Yoric at 8 a. in., and Phnada'. pnia at 8 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. 11.A.1.1. TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. RIPRREN LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m. , arri ving at Harrisburg at 280 a. in., and oonneWng with the Pennsylvania &spree; Train Ibr Pittsburg. A sleeping ear is also attached to tale train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Ratan lbr Philadelphia, Pattern le, WiLkesbarre, AllentoWn,Mutton, he. Baggage checked through. faro between New York and Harrisburg, 26 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, 88 26 in No. 1 oars, and $2 70 In No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J.J. CLYDE, mylb General Agent, Hanisbarg. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD ! SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND ATTAR MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1881, Hie pusenger trains or the Pennsylvania Railroad Oom• pang will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows . EASTWARD. FAST Lin Naves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) as 1.16 a. al., and arrives al West Philadelphia al 6.10 a. M. flIllOl3OlO =PUBS TRAIN leaves Harrisbarg day at 0.20 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leave@ Harriabarg daily (except Sun day) al 616 p. m., and arrives at Weil Philadelphia at 10.16 p. m. These train make dome oonnotion at Philadelphia with ho New York Linea. nOOOIIIIODATION TRAIN, No. 1, vla Mount Joy, Waves Haresbog at 7.00 a. m., and Ramos at wed Mina&lptda at 1200 noon. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, 'els Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. and arrives a Weal Philadelphia at 9.46 p. m. ACOOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 6.15 p. in, atubscabtg at Mier vale with MAIL TRAIN, sad arrival at West Made& phiaatlo.l6p.m. WESTWARD. THROUGH HXPREEks TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.20 p. Im, Harrisburg at 220 a. m., Altoona 7.114, a. na., and arrives at Pittaburg at 12.00 nom MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia ILL 7.30 a m , Harris burg 100 p. m., Altoona, 6.50 p. andarrivee at Pitts burg st 12.00 midnight. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at LIM a. m., Harris burg ILSS p. m., Altoona 8.10 p. m., and arrives at Pitia berg at 12,80 a. m. HARRIE3BURH AOOOIIIIODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphla at 2.80 p. m., Lancaster 6.08 p. m., Columbia 6.43 p. and 'mires at Harrisburg at 8.05 p. m. This train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.06 p. with North ten Central - Rallroad Train for Sunbury , Wililarosport; Lock Haven, Scranton and all points North. AOCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00, p. m., Lancaster TAO p. m., Mount Joy 8.21 p. m., nu- LBO beh p. izt.town, 8 . 87 p. m. and arrives at Harrisburg at Attention is called to the fact, that :peaengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m„ connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION UAW, and arrived as Harrisburg at 9.30 p. m. SAMORL, D. YOUNG, Harrisburg, June 7 , 1861 Supt.. if Am, Div. Penna. Railroad JUST REC/EI V El) ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS (IF NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) manufacture, warranted to be the beet be material, the Iluest pointed, molt durable and aa cheap as any n market, for sale, With • variety of Gold and mile Owes of various alma and Flew at KIIRGIMe3 WRAP BOOKSTORE, at Market strain. PHOTOGRAPHY, In all its Branches, jgcricuted in the beet style known in the art, at. C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, ass Arch Bred, Aug of Moat, MUG. LIFE SIZE IN OIL AND PAI3TIL KEREOSCOPIO PORTRAITS, Ambirtypek My, Diguarroptme, ft., Au Qua, Ned L aßces as, _ nth? wssl. Slebtral eORHAVt , s Holland Bitters Gill DYSPEPSIA., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. Tam sacceatteal introduction and rise of this ode. butted Remedy bee been the signal for a literal flood oompounde called .Bittom,' aimed in various trim, from a quart bottle to a dee-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name kw "guts," or some sillanous whiskey mixture. lint the really great relief derived Bran the minute &gelonete"Pr i a lil I of OUT medicine, and the eatfre absence of qfter prostration, has este• bilsbed dark a reputation which the host of imitations and counterfeits have faded to undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely suilicieut Bp p one s e t l o s e p he e genuine, (nalf.Pint Bottles,) price Otrs Douai. It is a medicine of long tried efficacy ibr PlerOldni the libeei, so essential for the kundatioa of good health and ibr correcthm disorders of the staunch and bomb' Two or three doses will convince the 'filleted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take plata. and veneered break be the quick Insult. For INDIGESTION, Try Berhave , s Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN. Try Barbara's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY. Try Bterhaves Holland Bitters. For WATER/MASH, Try Berhave's Baud Bitters. For LCHILADACTEICI, Try Berhavel Holland Bitters. For LOBS OP APPETITE. Try Berhavel Holland Bitters. Dor COBTiv au ASS, Try Berhavel Holland Bitten. For PILES, Try Sorban% Holland Bitters. In all Nervosa, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, It baa in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others 'Mated a dadded cure. Read Carefb.U.3r! The genuine, highly-conosutrated BOMIILLVVB Hot. LAND arenas is put up In half-pint bottles only, and retailed at Om Dollar par bottle. The great de for this truly celebrated medicine has induced mail Imitations, which the piddle should guard against purchasing. Beware qf npadlian I &e Mat our loam it on the label of every bat& you bar• Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. For rale ha the shy etaterzerb,,ag ie' W. GRIM a a 0 adOrd D. —eoptiltwly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN it 001 n 5 2 MAR STREET, Harrisburg, opposite itann's Rots and adjoining the Emu, Whig purchased the "took at S. P Janata" end Wed a large apartment of NZW .111 1 1- ELRY, we will sell the same al the towed Dash pries, mid lic retiS mairL Cknigt and Jewelry needy and prneptly to. ALTRI:D Y. Baying disposed of lay stook of Jewelry to A. I. am maarmatt • 00., obaseldly rooonuated them to 167 lbe mar oaatomass as praatlaalsnd axpetioaoad Walsh Mikan, end solktit for them a ooatlaaanoe of the patron age wMah has beau to geaaroudy extended to me Amin L 66 lan mix years. yea 29 =MR aNNINGIB. 11):Villifting4A GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the JL/altimore Cioliege of Dental dargery, baying perms fleetly bested In the oily at Harrisburg sad taken the ethos Ownierly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third dr est, between Market and Walnut, respectfully Inkirms his Mends and the public in gement, that be is prepared to peribrm all operational In ttie Deana profession, either mustn't or mechanical, in a manner that shall not be Sgarrby operators In this or anyatty. His e iother thsenang artlbolai teeth Is upon the lateE m• proved solentilki principles. Teeth, from one to a hill set, mounted on tine Gold, Sil ver, Manna plates or the Vulcanite Haw. I take great pleasure In recommending the soave gen: amnia to all my former patients of Harrisburg and vi ginity, and feel confident that ho will perform all opera. Wins la a selentibe manner, from my knowledge of Ms ability. Luiyikltf) P. J o. GORGIAS, D. D. S. N'XIS3EE SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, CODFISH No. 1, MACKEREL t No. 1.. Ot,he above we Dave all the diaeresis, sized maws rem the Km to the aszsziz In store and for wile at the owed market rants. feblB WM. DOCK, h, k 00. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT 01 LADIES' TRAVELLING A= SHOPP'ING BAGS' At all priaat,for gala at lIHRONIB'S CHUP 11001C87OR/k 61 Market Btrai - . OUR UNION ds OONSTrrwriON , 4491T8, GOVERNMENT," by M. MlTax- Nzr, is a work containing the mussnincorr or THE man Suns, giving the construction of Terms and Provisions, snowing the reletiona of the several States to the Union and each other, and explain fag gene rally titanium of Government of the Conn try. Pries $1 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. agents for Counties and States wanted. tbb2l TREEMOMETERS I THERMOMETERS, Ornamental dod Mantle, Japanßronredese Metal. TERIUIOIIMTERS, o do ThERMOIUITERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THBRMOMETRRS, do Brass Bound Double Scala. THERMOMMLERS, Union Gum, 10-12 inch. THERMOMETERS, Metallc Frame, R-10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut Quo 10 Inch. THERMOMMLERS, Tin Ot“, 74.10 In ch. We have just received a Ina lot or TILERMOMMTE R of various Myles, and are them low. '8 DRUG STORE, AP 01 Market street HIOKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, M 92 ID srovz OR CORD =MIR IV 11672 POROHASSRS: ALSO, LOCUM P 0,928 AND OBRVINTIS BAILS OM VO CRAM • - ALSO, NONE AND RAND NOR BUILDING} PURPOSSq. inquire of the eubamiber u hiS residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will Engine House, or at the Yard, corner of Second and Broad streets West Sir. risburg. Emy274f 4. B. . REDUOTION IN PRICES I JOIRINOSS, Plain and Mired. aISHISIDSAB, Plain a.nd Figured. ALL WOOL DEMAlNallixtra Viand Qnailtr. iIIiOCA LONG SRA differe. FINE STOGIE OF HET SHAWLS. The phew in all the above Goode, on examlnation, be found "lower than ever," at omitaßT'S, Nent deer to the Warrisbart Bala. Ham. -Three Hundred Extra fin Ear RJR. meaukusieetreeetreee 334/14X4. EltbitaL "They go right to th e s DierANT)UtWErI nOP Yucp, PIIPJYY YOtrit BitEAT H i STRIINGTHU YOUR VoicE SPA LLDINGi s Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD AIR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAK}. GOOD FOR SII4GRI:, GOOD FOR CONStiIIT'FI-cb„ .ceitLyi G Ii.NTLEm EN SPALDING'S THROAT I'ON I' LAM' ARE DILLIGITTRD TI7R SPALDING'S THROAT CON=E,. CHILDREN CRY Pop SPALDING'S THROAT They relieve a Coach InetanUy They clear the Throat They give strength mid Volume to the v.,. They Impart a delicious troma,to the hru.:t They are delighthil to the teats They are made of simple herbi La 4 ea.“ I advise every ooe Who has 4 t;4llza or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty ot Lb Tt. package of my Throat OG oloc tlan w nstantly, and you will and them r-ry I:a.e• ant whiki traveling or attend:or pu tfli • Usg your Cough or allaying your tulrg I: package lam are In *laying that ]. w wards consider them indispensibk. at tb. Druggitte and Dealers la lieJt. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE as Y 7 signature la on each paclaga. A A Package will be seal by Ina, pr , ;vl : • Thirty dents &Address, HERBY C. SPALDIY,, No. 48 MILDER :,11EFT, CEPHALIC PILLS SWUM A PATH a 00. NERVOUS I[EADXCI-11', ALL KINDS OF BIADACE. By the use of these Plia the peroo: ELI e. rs OM or Ask Headache may be prevent , the Calunsimement of an Cur,. inllneLlal..S:c pada and alotneas n. tw °blamed They beldam WI In roman ag Sawa irldeb faruales are no subject. They act gently upon the bowel 4, reccar:; .erre: !Or Literary Nee, Students, DeL fel', A persons of sedentary bane, they ca Lourtitaa,Lmproetng the Arrems, gir r»I 0. 10 the digestive organs, And retwr.L.,,l2,: k; city and strength to the w bOlt) tyttena. • The CEPHALIC PILLS are mL n t gallon and carefully oonductßlesper In swi le any years, during wacr, vented arid relieved a vast amount of Oros Headache, whether ortglastng 4rrn Win er teem a deranged state of !kw Wm 444. • They are entirely vegetable in Lb 2 Di5,, ,2 MST bs taken at all times with WW 1 wain any enenge elf diet and vie it , s , a 1 , , inneabk kute renders it easy Is adellLgef ry 4 BEWARE 07 lie Hacr gesaine hays Aire Bignatur.lot cat each b oz. "5014 b 7 druggists and ail other dea.er A Box will be Sent by mall prepcd at, r - PRICK TWILYTY-FIVi COT:: All orders 'Mold be addressed w HENRY C. SPAWN`' id Cedar Stro.t. gingle bottle 01 SPAIN \ will We ten Was Its [CA da0,431 y SPALDING'S PREPARED GLCE PREPAtiELI 1;LEI SPALDING'S pREPAREP Gal] SAVE IEE DISPATCI ECONomy Srui etyma cir!vo arse g0.".6 4$ elexidenetspow nappen, eTenntli-Tiojal 11:10 very desirable to have sew v cazap a)cle; WO for repotting FLUllaile, TOSS, evi.r. SPALDING'S PUIPARND filti toille:Witirthe.n"lgn laelclivtes'ayasutde:ybao°7¢::'l4.l:64lll. trni a POlllt . "USgra IN KTEBY o ast.' Brash accompan i N. 8.—.6 es earn vats, tog Bc . Address HENRI C. o'6, No. 48 Cedar i,teel. Neil Soft . ----- CAUTION fad As contain unprincipled persons a 0 are Atapuog off go the unsuspecting public, !mown' ol e . 0 PARED GLUM, I would cannon all peso' L ' ) 'l bar" pstrehasing, and see tent the Ma OM ALDING'S PHIS; gilt 611:6 48 1 AiirdlP ali cabers iirosol'lMS l 118 e the outside snapper , ' t orin-dhe l y MAid* tin CURE JIM MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers