ilitra. Ayer's eATHARTIC PILLS. .4,RE YOU SICK, feeble evdtoinplitining? Are you out of order, with your system deranged, 'tier feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some In of sickness t creeping upon you, and Skald be averted by a Hotel?' oggi of the right remedy. Take Ayers Pills and cleanse eat the'dittordered humors—purt:y the blood and letthe guide move on unobstructed heal th again. They Bt I M U " ate the functions of the body into v Igorous activity, pu rify the sYstem trom disease. A cold settles somewhere the. body, and obetruutaitt natural Junctions. Thee% .11 n ot relieved, react upon metastases and We surround dg croak producing gerewa aggravation, suffering and disease. While uga condition, oppressed bi the Ate , eangenienta, lake Ayer 8 this, and eee how direetty they Meters the natural action or We system, anti with It the buoyant feeling ol henna,gain. What Is true and so afferent In this trivial and svmmon comploult. y o a l so true in many to the deepeested and dangerous-distem . The same purgative dice expels them. Caused' Cresimllar obstructions and derangements el the natural husatlons of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them 'surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these PUN will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they core; Ea/dements from leading physicians in same of the principal Gilles, and from other well known public per. From a Forwarding Merchant et Bt. Louis, Feb. 4, 1866; Da. Ana : Tont Pills are tin- paragon of all that is peat in medicine. They have cured my little daughter et ulcerous sores upon her ban said feet that had proved Incurable for years. Her te riper has been long grieviously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin. and in her hair. After our child was cured, she aleo tr led ) au r Pills, and they have cured her. RG ' ABA NORIDGM. As a FAMILY Parma [Prom Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.] Your PHIS are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities swims any cathartic we possess. They are lead, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us in the daily reatment ol disease. litaatummi, -T dicos firADACEI, ton BuDlAce (From Dr. Bdivard Boyd, Baltimore.] Dna BaO. Area CAMS answer you weer corn = plaints I..have cumin with year Pills better than to say agthat uss seer treat oath a purgative media sne. 1 place great dependence on as awning cathartic is my daily Gooiest with disease, and believing an I do that Your MS afford as the bust we have, 1 of coarse value them highly PSITEIBURGI, fa., May I, Da. J. C. Avist—Sir : I have been repeatedly Mired 'el ha Worst Aeadack.e anybody can have, by a dowi di' two your Yips, it seems to arise from a foal stomach, . which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, O. W. fitlißLE, Oka of Steamer Clarion, Hawes DUIORDREIS.-1.,% as CIOXPLAINISI. • Mom Dr. Cheodore Belt : 01 Now Torn City.] ' Not only are year fills it.ta rabty adapted to - their purpose as an aperient, but I dull their beuedelal offset& • epee the liver very [named I Aced. they have in my potothe provad inure elleetual tar the ours RUMS Complaints ;Aug ad, one remedy . l can ,mention. I sin- Sorely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which m worthy the confidence el the profession 11114 the people. Dar.orempart up an.. Dreams, Waehiugwn, D. C., 7th Feb. 18156.1 Sir : 1 have used your fide in my general and noipita prioDoe over sluous#R, IPOIO, and cannot limittate to say they are the bed tut sego we employ. The r .1104tintactiou on the i i.ver, Is. nick and decided. 090403. %neatly they are ad mit alitr ai de remedy for derangement of that organ. iddeett,'t have , seldom found a case of &hoes Disease so obstinrde cunt meld not readily yield to that,. Yruiernally your " A•.uNru LULL, M. D. • knyalaian cline Marine MEOW! 01Aliglitma, Raja, wawa. (Pram Or. J. u. Grew ; of Oeicagu.i Your Nis h.itre lied a nag trial i u my practice, and I Meld them in esteem as one of toe neat aperients I have ever,tomid. 'their alterative edam upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given iu alma !. noses for labia Dysentery and Diarrhoea. their sugar-coating makes them very mmeptable and neuvenleut for the use of women and children. Drowns, Imrourr in us BWOD Viten Key. J. V. kienew., Pastor Advent. Mauch, Boston. lr:Asia : I tiave used your Ms with extraordinary Macaw in my family and among those I am called 0 visit liaMitrim. .0 regulate theorgew et digestion and pu rity the,hieed, Lucy aro the very...beet remedy I have aver &own, and Votin'earkedently'recommend them to otrhiends. 7oure, J. V. MMES. WAASk W, Wyommg Do., N. Y., Oct. 24,1865. 'l:inifeett using your Oathartic eilis in my aid an t tna o au eaceitent purgative to cleanse „iltenystem end parity thafeemnrrias gr ase blood. JOHN G. maAciima, OBliat/r1110;, SUPPIMS3IO2I, itelipitertBN, v Mmor, 'Maui:mom, Daum, Pes.satas, Ass; Mt " d m [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.] Ofee;mubh cannot be said of your tills for the cure of DoellVenate, If Others of your Irateruity have found Mew, as ellleaClOW3 as I lave, they should Join me ist pre elaissing it for , the 'meant of the multitudes who Buller fropkihal, °umpteen, whieh, Ulthotigh bad enough in h abil, is the progenitor of others that ore worse. t bitive OttatiVeneas to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect • that Orgehand. cure the disease. Wrom Mrs..E. Stuart, Physician • and Midwife, Boston. .I Land One or two large doses of your ems, talell at the proper Mina, are extwileat prolnolitVad of Ale Natural emetlou waeu wholly er partially suppressed, and also ery nateta MILRANBB the arofuna and 11X1911. WORMS. they are so ahem the beat physic we have that MOW no other to my paitlaute. Mom the ttev. . Dr. Hawices, of the Methodist itelseepal 'Cdturuh.l Poxmon-Housa, Savannah Ga., Jau. 6, 1.856. Hamm . Sin : I should be imitate:id for the relict your skill has brought me it I did cot report my case to you. A cold settled to my limbs tad brought on exam. Mathis Mound& Pains, wides ended in Gnronie Rhea- Notadthsteuattng 1 Mid the best of physicians, 110:_disease grew worse sud worse, until by the advice ot rag osoelient agent to Baltimore, Dr. atakenMe, I hied your - Ms. " Their elfeets were slow but sure. ft y ,pulevormg in thewi °album, 1 am now entirely well. Du. AOUge, La.: Dec. 5, 1855. Du. Ain : 1 have neat entirely oared by your Pint. ea 'lthetiniatie paimul disease um bad ~,,mo t c d seet6r years.' VIAGENT. eLIDELL IfirOMMI ta!blkit 1, 441 ( 9. 1 . f 4l / 18 " hi erertri, dttualthougits v le remedy skillfui haa/48, is ulna I' Yebbe plifOrom the dreadful ooneaquen - OW that tregoegily follow' MS incautious use. These eutdiathathereurY or mineral Subsbuice whatsv or. priba'Abtamts per box, or I,OOEllBlOr IL ?re:oared hie HE. J. C. AYMR & Letctill, Sold by U. A. Barinvart, 0. K. Kellar B.`.'Gross & lets 4 Y. el. LOU, Holman & Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, ,AliSottiellSertl everywhere. ap2l.6mdaw iAVID HAYNr.B, 11.0 MARKET, BT. BaRR.ISBITRG, Agent for y• .k"AVENI:II ',..Oreight' and 'Chilled ircii lf,ro lad Burglar Proof Strictly the ONLY, ktereantitt sale made, that is both re and Burglar Proof. raarlStdly WrOTICE is hereby given that applica -4,1 lice will be mAde to the Executive or tiro. 0001, nteitypultk, ,f9j' the pardon or Bunton Green, convict:3W over the years shies of tt felony. Oa' 2, 1861.—dat, • • 'C .. .ti g'l) L h.:, 81 / 1 .41 . t.AIS4INE CANDLES - SrIa&UVALtDLES., ADAMANTINE CANDLES, :i. 2 ' i OAL SE 6 trtini 'dititiiiMil; - "VijoLOW CANDLES. . ilt e rt Ot tne shore in store and tor salthat' the low iiet 0011 be . t : . wm. DOCK JE. & 00, 0 2 Oppoefte the Wart : • , isa. • AVERY HEAVY STOCK OF BLACK A.ND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I top EMT DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Priv , • below the Cost of importation. °AlLAT cnTrickit ' Nat door to tl / 0 1 13 Bank WA_LLOWER'S LINE, -DAILy Dimwit= 1 - 140318 BURG and PHILAD9I:4IC Ws. B. Burk, Agent, 812 Manua air wag phis, formerly Liakupikin 4 Co. opit-ficmiporg4 each • qtodi denv:rea.iiinkieWarolui ilad at 4M gook P. M., witi•bb daied _ n 1100 swab*, Mt r te; icky2Ldtt Mee urg, Snoutlmam'. FREIGHT REDUCED 1 flowardOope EXPRESS po.'s MORti ., QUOKIOUTE TO AND FROM NEiV YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7.1 P. M., by the Fast Through Expreit Todn, salving in Harrisburg at i A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF amts. Order Goode marked via' HOPE EXPRESS CO., General' 'Office,' 74 BrOsairay, New York. Bram& f‘ 412 ' t For farther Information empire of 'GEO. BERONER, Agen Ang140161.-dtf GENERAL ORDERS f NO, 2. HEAD 961)rrags;,.P. M. Aug. 19 ,, 1861. BT DIRECTION of the, President of the :United States, all volunteer regimnts or parts. of Regiments, accepted directly . : by the War Department from Pennsylvania, either with or without arms, equipments or, uniforins, are to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their commanders will therefore immediately report to these headquarters, stating the number of men and the station from which they are to be taken, that transportation may be furnished them without delay. By'order or A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chie Casio &MIA A. C. D '1:11g2 1861. 3D OPENING 3ff OPENING 1861 SUMMER DRESS GOODS 0. avast twanturmos. The gunlh,t , 4 iti c : te r t be an Induce mantle eVbrtone'te hone: ' - The tient•dealrabln goods of the 'saloon' at a great sac thloe • • • • 61.02tAhMBIQUES,- . ORISSALLiS, VALENCIAS, , Bgillmm•ASOtiAls, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS.- LAWNS and LAVELLAP. are am ong miens ' CIOT/1001 1 as EiltoTl43lt. Next dOor to the itarthittiorg Bank. SKEL.VIION 81112 TS: The lergeetaatookni Meyer, boot tetiiiiicto T-:. . The at Next door to the Harrlabutir Sank. Piragols Umbrellas Twenty-floe per 'cent' lower than can be ;Intimated 'nowhere In the city. ,PaTIEIOVIT & BROTHEk ' • ' NO:14, Market Square, ea y 9 Next to the florefehurit :Bank. STAGE UM FOR GETTYS DEG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. rrlllE undersigned has established a regular LINK OF STAGE COACHES hem liMhanics-, burg, connecting every other morning with the Cumber land Valley Railroad Oars. The coaches • bAvd every every Tuesday, Thuradity and Saturday, returning,every other day. Passengers lbr Shepcerd4town, Dilisburg, Petersborg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced. rates. WM: J.'TATI. 00<101- avArt B. BM/TWO BOOT & STdRE , CORNER BBOOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large aaaortn;Lont of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &c., or the very. bust snallUes for ladles, gentlemen, and chlldrenal wear.— Prices to suit the times. AU kinds of WORK MAW TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ootl6-dtf JOHN E. SMITH, Harrisburg. NEW COAL OFFICE.: FINI UNDJWIGNED having entei•ed. in j_ total* COdI.TRADE in this city, would resrtnlly solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep ii!Nand Coal of all slow, from the most celebrated and a prd.vad mines, which will be delivered to any part of toe city, -Doe from dirt and other impurities. -- You ! Writhe (.3012AAITOD. COAL FOB fIALI , II,Y, TOL BOAT LOr, , oAllt aaMpizot tbiletat 'ott, " .ratuatit. e Boil er Car . LoactwiereoeiTsq,24o pounds to the Ten OMO N0:74 Market street:second:door 'from nowise/ ry alio, Yard on the (korai, loot of North etre& Or dare tenet, either Place will reseive prompt attention. ao.e.dly JOHN W. MALL, mint WORCESTER'S ROYAL 'QUARTO 'DICTIONARY 'VILE best defining and pronoun() g Pie tionary ,ot B0) . 440181; language ; Ansa, W reader' School Diotionarlee. 'Webster's Pictorial Quarto ani &heal .Dlotionarlea for sale at SCEIRPFER'B 800 ap12141 Naar the Harrhibiriaßge. JOHN WALLOWER JR, GE NER AIL F 0 RIM ARD I-NI AND i . COMMISSION HERCILOTT. CIOODS AND Id7JRCHANDISE piomptly gui forwirded-by ildliAelphfa'abdßeading„ rth ern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads and Quilt'. HAULING AND DRAPING to and fromall parts of the - city to t h e digerent Railroad depots will be dolie at the very lowest retail. , FADDISM releasing will be promptly atten4e d to. .Orders..: en at Brunt ' s Rarafiesn e store of,g. S Whom, will .ritaeise prempt attention. Con signments of freight.reepectrully JONN WALIAWHIA-JR:, - • • 1..42 ' Oflbleßeal : Dario; IMMUNE L. ski `BU R. ,Rentenk-ArEll , , ./ Yrlfs!:#6 , firArtil: B—JOBBINeAMMINVIRD nia Val 17 - 73,M rtitiUntous. LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and .nan o Arial qualities as a genuine Stimulant Tonic, +du retie and World°, highly esteemed by eminent physt dans, and some of the drat families In BaroPe and America. SPEER'S SAKEIIICI WINE • is not a mixture or but' is Jere from cultivated Portugal Eld manufactu er, co mme n ded by Utica , late and Physicians as possessing medial properties 'sn parlor to any other Wines in twe, and an excellian arti , cle ihr all weak and debilitated persons, and the 'eked and infirm, Improving the appetite, and beneath's lad) and children. A LADIES' WINE, • because It will not intoxicate as other wines, as it con , tab's no mixture of spirits or other Honore,. add Is mired fbr its rich peculiar flavor andnotddverleper ties, imparting a healthy tone to the digeillve bricaos, and a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. • None genuine unless the signature of . ALFRED STEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle, RARE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. STEER, Proprietor. Pasta* N. J. Office 208 Etroadway,Aew Yorks - J. H. EATON, Limit, Philadelphia. For sale by D W. Gross, 1: Co., O. K. Keller,' 'John Wyeth and by draggists generally Great C ur e• LELLAND'S ANTI - `RHEUMATIC BAND ! IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia ' . ' AND A BURR CUBA ros All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a mal3 Cited compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons, no change:in habits Of living is required and it entirely removes the disease. from the system, without producing the injurious effects arising from the use of powarfoi internal medicines which weakest and destroy the cansiltntion, find ,gire temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come in contact the blood and reaches the disease, through thoipores of thci.tinigibeting,in instance, a perfect mire, - and resided 7tileinti l teldillffied to it' Healthy corilitibn. • . v This Band is also a most powerful Aint-Msaoutuay agent; and ntlrelywpl rcileyq the system trent the perstefesis ef• f IllercW7.l *Aerate pawn iv* cured In' a few Cure'actiSenStiintlykopeittigeeibiimonlals lie efficacy In aggravated doses - of long siandlfigg i , Pia. 00, to be had of Driiggistwgentridlyi br can be sent by , mail orespress, witit,,full directions foe ask - to any pifit kiftßecountrY; ttlri st frotn'the Prinkilpal : oolce, - • Ao 409 BROADWAY; New York. (.'SMITH &CO Sole Progri,tors. . „ clitahos , sent ' Vivo. •• EVABYWIZEIta.„Agig hd-dim I - . , , 13011ETKEird'1 iR:THE TINES 1 !I A *pew* in 40,CHOmeAdd JOHN'S 84. American Cement Glue The Eitiongest Nine in the Worh t , FOROEILENTING WOO, LEATHER, tiLIXS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE., POR OILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, 4 6 0., The only article of the kind ever produced which will, withstand Water. • . :EJLTIA.Aert3 . . - C"livery tioniokeeper ahould have a enprly of Johns & oaley's American Oement Vi' , is so convenient to have le tee house"—N. Y. Po:Pam. “lt is always ready ; this commends ~ to every body.” N. .Y.; INDlMiDittrt. "We hav e tiled it, and' find It as metal la oar home as water. o—Wana Swaim ma MUIR. • Price 26 Cents per, ,Bottle. Very , Liberal.lteduetioal to .Wholesale Dealers. .TERILS CASH. or For sale by all Druggists and i3tonsieep en generally throughout the country. ' JOillsTS 8i..C.RD8141, ( B oleMahufacturee,) • ' 78 Wrriliit iY3-41 (Corner of Llberty Street,) lbw Ins.. Y . FIRST CUSS . GROCIParfa I 'A" Eilta V . :: L 2 A.VINC4 JI:18T - Tw rintRAD from ' the Ididerd ddea 'where "ivel Uwe - debated' Mtn es auarrot. WAN urge 'ancti oompires tosottment of 14. pedor Oxide whiekeindraoe aFlteeis kept In i ltbe IA 31, eity'grocerlie.iierdipeetiudy and - terdialik.‘i vuu to t puNdo to. cell sad atanene our stair and donor ..dr moo, • • - ' • bB. Ta '3; MILES SURGEON D.ENTLST4 I- LIFTERS hiit'aervioeo to , the , :oitikens o Aarrisituoktil4its- He. 90110 14 a' mare o thei, public patronage, and gives isieunnee Abel, his beet itadeavirte a/0 bi given to render satisfaction in his pro louden— 'keting•An old, well tried dentist, he r is safe in Bir mig _the pnblio gen_erall_y _to on assuring, horn that they wilinot be dim.tiened with his dero c is i , Mee No. 128 Market street, in the house for erly oc cupied by Tacpbo. gay, near the United , Hotel garrieburg, Pa. ra. ly FrEIE SOLDIER'S BOOR, .11)Kihney'r, .1. "Citir-.Glii% eipbettion of 'the bought. don otthelhniedStatose,.explaining the nature end eitak , I m o of dike" itivernment, from tudlntal and *Mien*, _tatinee, PIMO,SI 00 rm. gala ,1 newan went Preaßil B. M. GILDER D. D. 'S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITRTHR BRADY 111011 USE. All operations; Surgical and Mechanical, selestlikallY Percermed. Charges moderate. .108 SIGN OF THE t ~ . &AWL Star -, -86alioled Bitnner A: TOUVat 4IIPPLY pp z i tiilzapEß, L ~ WUitita, ire.; SPLENDIb • . it- _taratisi to wlhlc we call the attecao of our frietta*.aad cw:dially aviWilit it t r hv i sw good' sad pr ..., We ere d iollitil cheip. .11104 - -te. titiv 'Otte .• 1111114 tiLitts niity To . fsW BL L. Artie. L wrrsouT CHANGE OF OARS. 1(0 AND AFT.ER; MIONDAY; JUNE 10, net, the PanielleriTraka wutrielys ttie PhUsdal rot* "u Delpot, at Harrisburg, for New Philadealidi, roftwz, .13AUT 1111411113811241BlesseellarrIsbars ottelet a. oi. t es.'ar mad Pennsylvania... Railroad Espresetraln. from the lireikaMittetht Sew York as. 4 p.• = sloping ear Is stAis%ed Iskthe mrstri through from Pittsburg without . . champ. HAM TRAIN 194984 Et;rtiabarg at BA. a., anivlatio Narr, , York Mi4p, m and. PhUaderda at 1.26 p. m. „ to `PAST I.4lCleaves H tirg at' .40rp: m., op arrival .01.PensurvIvanla Railroad )690r. artiwlnglio New Rork at 9.46 p. m, mut Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. A = • fasT'LLNE leaves NeW•Yort 'at Si. m " and Philadel B.a.mb, torten% at.lierriaburg aal,p 7 ta. NAIL 'MDT leaves New York at 19.00 noon, and adelpht&as rit.oarrivthg at Harrisburg rat 8 p.m. .88PR888 LlNB,lea,vea • New York nt 8 . tn. , arri , ving itilarriebitti 11.80 ofm., and " with the Peanaylvanta acprees,Alido lot Pittaborg. A sleeping car la also attached to tnia train • . • tionneolimnrare =dealt -Harriebft with 4railts on the ~eOpgylvaniaoN central and Omearland Railroad., and at Ibr Philadelphir, Potteall le, Willreetairrek AlhadolVtl; " • lOagOlge aheoko. throogh, ,Itare between New York le 007 between Itirriebdit and Plflts. ar il*" 24. 14 . X 04 1 1, and . BB 'VI in loot. te*eta or other Information s?ply to I '"" " '• • ; - 4.4:01.01111; toyle General Agent, Barrteherg. litiiiiriLVANlA RAIL 14111111 BUMMER' TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS - DAILY To 'ANC -FROM PHILADELPH4I ON AND ANISE iIONDAYJUNE lOth, ' 1861 rhe tealar or the fenissilasuila YAMS& Corn. and:' arrive as Harrisburg asai tigladedpida as 6lioirs - atazeeln LINZ Mayas liamilMorg every . =M liadditY) it 1.15 a. m., sad arrives at Wed Ph il adelphia at 5.1e,m aim', • - • . • rat da " TAAIN leatas liamisbert daily • 9.20 a. m.„ and arrives at Watt Philadelphia at 1.10 • Ih. HAIL , TRAIN leaven llamilltargi daily, (Nino' inn day) at .6.3/t and arrives as West PMladeiphia at 10.16 p. M, l - ; ;nem crania Mahe hbitie oonneotide Phliadtaimis with •he Liam; j , 4 .1 ACCOlLitedloiilON IMAM, No. Metuit leaves Handalturg at 1.00 a. m., and arrives At Week Antihuman 4510:101610EIATD11C TRAM, vM Calm esitemilarnebusw at LlO p. m y add anlem a Wad AOh)WtODATION TRAIN, No 2.. ma, mount Jay, leariilbiMidlilitt at' p. ainnegthnt itt WAIN, and arrives at West Phlladed phla at 10.15 p. m. TAMURA EXPRREWs TRAIN Iwo , FillialeiPllot • at 10.'10 p. ra n i Harrisburg. at 2.88 a. my, Altoona 7.60, a.. tn., and arrives at fittliburg at 12.00 noon. ' MAIL TRAIN leirrelahlladalphia at 1.30 a. m. l Harr*. berg I.oop. .11,W31114 p. m., ands:rives at ?Me-. burg at 12.00 midnilst. FAST LINE 'erns Filladelpnia at 11.20 a. t burg 3.86. p. m., Altoona 8.10 p. m., and arrives at Pitta.. bun at 12,80 a. : HARRISBURG ACOONIIODATION TRAM lesives delpida at 2.1g1 p. m., Ilanosster 808 p. m. , Columbia - 40 *Trivia at Hartiabarg at 8.064.. This train connects atElarrisbrug, at Lre ob p. ~ , • North' ern Central RdUroad Train for' liunbery v . Wiltlaiesport v . Lock Havel, Scranton and all points North. ' ACOGIMOHATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia a1!.00; p. ni4l.ancadter T. 60 p. m. , Mount Jay 8.21 buvßibta babtrovn, B.BT p. to. and arrives at Harrisburg at; 9.80 p , m ' Atter** us called to the trot, diet 'pourleavidg Pblladelpidd at 4.00 , p. nt.,-dooceot at Um w.lOl HOUNTJOr AOOO,ll/10DATION TRAIN, and inived at. Harrilburg at 9.80 p. dt. .311. SAMUEL. D. Y O UNG, • Sept. Dist, Div. Penes. Rilliviut. Harrkbu g, hit0...4486/•—(ltt JD' •Ab 1.3E1 V tia.) ,' • kiv 0 T MIR LOT 1416 sJj EXT PI tE .1"0_41.14.1) GOLD • p.;XEWTOIVEI. idt4otaro; : warr±lat to tuitho.bau thoixestorpoint,-.most,' durable And me ethe4p al. Ain *Parket, , thr *a. .t variety of Goal an.. Aikvao Omen of varioatinsaillitra 4, . vilikaN 8 W. ElCKkeltißk, . tit vw4tri4 gireat PBC 0 TO GRAPH 3r,, In all its Branches, _Executed in the beet style known in the ac a} C. G. means GALLtar,. sa ~,,a Abed, Bugg, SkgfA, Plat, OF E SIZE JR OIL Al p zajiag. , , , 1... a , mit ~.., t ATEMBOOPIC FO °°....... 8 sik,-0 morotrpte;Thignerrotowasobriamiro, '. 1 .-. 'mit Rip, in. ~..17,4 ..e id cl 'duo . jin saLL TWO Timms DAILY TO WESTWALRD. EAST WARD. !IA a iti WEB T . WA Etp . 2) 1861. fitbital iscr,,SHAVZ , s land, Bitters !OR „xxv-sro - mpsr.A., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. fax somessfUl hitrodoetion end use of this cide brated Remedy has beat the signet for w literal flood of compounds called "Bitters," offered In various forms, Mom • • quirt bottle to a five-gallwa krg, instil this word "Bitters" is but another name for "grog," or some villamius whiskey udirture. But the nulls grmt relief derived from the minute dosey One teaspoonful, of our medicine, . =Baum Houma) =mut, and Cie entire absawe qf qfter prostration, has est. 'bileheiL brit,* monition erhkh the harlot imitation' and amateribits have tailed to undermine. It is pod. thnlye vegetable preperetkro, with bray sufficient pure sprits Os preens It. But • one miss of the yenning (Halifita /3otUes,) prior Orta Moises. . , R a medidne of long-tried efficacy dr As (rating the /Rood; 'se essential ibr the lhandetkte of good health -sod ,Ibr correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. Two ar three dosss will onntoor the aillicted of Its =Wash", . The stomach cMy noir' its a beedthy salts of the laver Wank, and kkineys will scan take Pica and renewed health be the quick remit. For INDIGESTION. Try Berßeres Holland Bitters. , . For kwiTl3 - piusr.. Try BeeriutiVs Holland Bitters. For AOLDMT, Try • _ ikeiliave's Holl and Bitters. For IST.L.TBILIIEASE. Try, Berhave's Holland Bitters. -Far HEADACHE; Try Berhavel Holland Bitters. par Loss of Apprrms: Try Ilterhave's Holland Bitten. par cosTiv rity#es, Try ßeirhave's Bitters. For - Berlutve's Holland. Bitters. an-An Menem, Ithenmatio, nod Neuralgic After- Nora; it bee in minerals %stances proved hiedy beneficial; andinothand effectsda &add aura. Reap}, etwetthUy2 The gamin% highly-concentrated Boauusts UM. LAMB Berner's put np In halt-pint bottles only, and retallscLatthiallollarpor bottle th• great demand kw this truly celebrated nodkine has Wooed malty inlitadout, NM& the patine axatki 'Maid egitimst plirdl4llll:64 7 , . Dnoars etatiesition/ &e that our none is on the lad re taery bottle pow bay. Sem: P -e, Jr.* C I o. 1 . ,. . ... .. . SOLE M A . UFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH. A. Sae Ws to Abe AV atiplanieblog 07 D. Wu GROSS & Eglerd--ses&d&wly zikinguty WAI.:0111C82 man' PAM"' ,GIOODI3, /40. 4:41101Y Elp:461111110 & 00: E 6 2 *AVM MEV; giuilAyarg, 'l"e4 eppeette Holm sad zdjoteteg tie Mr..he illtWOlield -Ste ateelrot lemainte, ana 404 • large seartment et NVlllllll lialrorevithmil the Moe tithe lowest omit premised g reeSrllookeand4nretri aadiln:aiipity .- • t t: a co. Prowl Air stow* ofoAslßeki uk• norm= 00., I onoormy roommend thank to ati Visterain..sW. p +edd otperlesiod Malik w% mod. ootiott Pr Oben apouttim.nos or obi Faros. wino ha been so gometruiry 'Amide! to Es duriag yri Wilma dimors. i• - TENTISTRY. STitTE, ' o l.* o Dt 61 Ereahil Sargeiy, having perms mei; loastedle the My filandsherg mut hash • the popioll ,SX I OI I II7,XIOUPW , bi DR. Gorges, on Third Au eat, istwiso Market- 'Menet;respsettelly haws" his Meads:and the pahlMln (genera,' that MIM prepared se pelbrm all operation" toe Dental ,peormalon, either 8111110111 or maes to lc imiermer stms shag not be' amassed, by op.:Pam to this or any other 00.7„ made of Insert/It ordeal& teeth Is upon the law m Prated sdantlho principles. [temple or tall aet.matletad oit due Gold, ell , Ter, MaGna plaice or the Vulcanite Hate. . , ..,f,taltegatel *owe la ataxatunoadiag the atoIPTO goo,- Gowan to an nay !Omer *bents of Itarrinb nrg and vt"; dinity,aitnold madam mat. he my Jill opera, *ma b & edema° wanner, fr om my knowledge of hla ability. Latylidif] P. J B. SOMAS, to. D. & . aw), No.. sAzmox, ko. 1, HEREIN(, No. 1, OOD FINEI, No. 1, • MAOKNREL, No. 1. , tx„he above we Itarerad ,Itke diddred l W l Wl Alakaell ram - ow am to the SOX= 111 IWO and ' for We d tae rosiest market raGie fable . WY. DOE, Je. di 00. A NEW AND FINE ASSoiditENT OP tikratir TRAVEttbla AND SHOPP'ING BA6S' Ai ~11 prioes,romle ai ti va wilt? Bmarri 6 ; el IkarkeD Dine Ott '4" OUBTITIoNg .4.01 gt GOYS WENT T," vi . o 4 : OF ms nint , ,kProxialryup flawing the reatiosui Ait' the mayoral dlatseto the Union each other, and explain loog gape raily iherlysteei of Government of the Clew t Piloe e,i OR Sold, and order' *applied, by him, miliarriz )turt, Pa. Agents ibr Oman and Slates wanted. ODSII • • • • • . • •• 6 6 , , ~,,113411.1404017.11113 1, . - • nlismommeonsimanua mug* JaPwall• Natig, Tnialtall& do do Bronssd do ttillailialeirr DintillersTin Gnia, . • 12 inch. _ . _— • TpIIKOKIMR, , .00 *ass Bound Double maw , ` ;,..,:i• :(; 4Y,5: Ibiesitill • 10AtiDo h. e, Vl.o.lnob. , . :IA: 0= Black NalnacCiise, 10 inch. IM MO Tin Clastl4-10 WM: -'' . ii ir 14.7i ;: 14132 1113404 ih vgjasc r 4 a ib:lt titii 117 1 : 1 , 1 , 4 ? I B ..1 DRUG : • I • • A LOKORY, OAK AND PINS = ..TO srovir 1,1,4 mar? t. yeses 2V'B , • PQR0.1,111151 , ,ir pairs IND rinzmy Oil, 11.30, 8701 M 41.1147 , 161 Ara 606 BOIL 49. 1 iire.artilfki!d;Bariber at 1410 residence on roma, Op*Oalte-the ; Boo& Wilk.Angine' Yard, corner of Booood and Broad daleta. t bb -0/31Mr.] /IEIigOTION, IN MOE,: 1 . • tetolliteitad , 44 1 Wang i g aM a n2lkt r itaq, " Thewatin aboicao9dig,Am ,40110P4g/iraA"),Frfi2A 4:4lll;:tAt'iti """."901Mordoee to the Itorriebore • • tAtito.,A) Arritaiossi o ' ,NLAON "They go right to the Spot,; aVANTARLarr. SfOP ?, 0 Bigy YODR ' R 1 ~ t 1 UTH • IiRIiVNGTELN YOUR VOICE! SPAL DING-i s Throat Confectiois, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN', GOOD FM LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SFEAKERs GOOD FOP. SINGREs, GOOD FOR COIsTSUMPnva-s, ODiTLE,Inui.CARRy SPA.LDING'S THROAT roFECT: LAMAS ARK MILIGIIT:11 W:7a SPALDING'S THROAT C'uNFII:T:. CHILDRLN CRY it , F SPALDING'S THROAT CON FFA-7 They relieve a Cough latauttly. They clear the Threat. They give Arena and volume to the e They Impart a delicious aroma to it: hr...; They are deUghtihl to the biota. They are made of simple barbs ao i I *Oise every one who ba. a toa4l or s, Bad Breath, or any difficulty of tt package of my Throat Couteruons, natantly, and you will dad them v..ry L ant while trarollag or tat/tiding puhlt: thtc.:4l tog year °Wel Of allaying your thir i i r package lam ore in papas that yo, y wards consider them tudispeatible. at the Drandate and Dealers in Me iv uu, PRICE TWENTY-FIVE cEnb My signature is au each packago. A 1 :RV? r tarred*. A Package will be seal by msil, Thirty Mats Address, HERBY C. SPALDING. No. 4$ 0110&R MEET, QEPHALIC PILLS gTeKtHIE A D A C HE IittVOUS 11EMACIIE ALL KINDS OF HEADACE . . D! the low of these Me the perolk aro y me or HA Headache may be preseu:;•l. ard this asecessoesnent of an 'Mack iromei r: PakiNstßilelctose e, y neobtalmed. • AhlllT ll ok lo ot big remor, eg Nom ac] A:l'4 Isidtde tbsseles are 90 B nbject. Theyeet, gently upon the bowel 3, remov.q For Literary Yee, Stadentt, Dehcw Penang or sedentary habits, they sr* V 4 land kw, improving the APPTI1111„ csr.c, ro*i .10,thistMemilvs orpws, and restoring sec 11 94 strength to the w note syst , .rn CEPILILLW PILLS are 1D rm , 61;,, inijen maid serenity conducted esp,rare_ ,, In 110, I n many yearn, during which trap vented and relieved a vont ►mono: - trovaliautsche, whether originating n 11'2 1141 01 or from a deranged state of the sanack They are ooPrakr vegetable le t.tiL,r bo taken at all times web per.ed °111411134100 challis if diet and the a:44,, Al gragbk taste readers it easy to adotture, ot,w lINWARII ON CODINFaI. Tbegoaulue have IVO signaturea cia.sseh box.. • "&dd by draggle* and all other thuerr. A ilos will be sent by mail prepaid !Mg' CE-ri All anlers should be addressed le HENRY C. SP/LDIS'' ,. as Cedar :Uri, °bale battle of SPALPINti'S POP.43i.J win A are ten ow n! ,aoelly.ll SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM ALDING'S PREPARED GLEE! SAYE TB Pirate 100NOMY DIEPATCI3 Irma uono son stit' ve ar , 4 , 4, ineederata[eria l aPP sn e E 111;0 v et r 4110,701 e to have some chap Way tier repairing Furniture, Tom Ctoa'r; OOD PRIPASID obri au oat . , Emergenci es, tad n, d to Daunt:old e =Mogi 010: to) be without it. It te alWitys reedy gal ep PAC "Vara ix NVERY " Bras HOUSE." JR,h acconapares etch boat, Er ciA t " /Wm. 3.014 Y C. 6PgroCi.. No. 48 Cedar 1.-ULNA, Neo" CAUTIO N Gmbh' 2 antri,l3. tuntinsus:vecuilenciwoulap:ledcipeuvelricwo.,anirmv,e , uu aster Dl°k"Perebeirpg, Endi re that din ArdO4SPAWINGV PitFrAftfi. a add& Wrapper ;al l /Watt Egnadiolg • , 400.16A1 *til°l' Ridge rAt ft t tras- Oi?Lig. itltbitaL 'JLIIE Cd,hE