aZER QTeltgrao. HAIIRISBURG, PA Tuesday Morning, October 1, 141. tPItIITING MATERIAL FOR SALE. Tw.. P o w PermEs, old Attains' Patent. Tw,. box HAND Pszaw, one nearly new, 1 a large amount of sec md hand. Printing aterial, will be sold at exceedingly low price, r ca,ll or approved paper. All these materi ls illr in a izi.od condition, and would answer r a ...entry office. They must be sold to make on. for new and more extensive machinery, Apply at this office immediately. •• • . TRE PROPRIETY of serving out tobacco with Alias' rations is under consideration. Gen. fccl,llan is said to favor it, as a means of in es,ing the comfort and cheerfulness of the The General himself is said to be an 6verate chewer. I=l=l TILE PENNA. CANAL.—The repairs on the West- Division of the Pennsylvania Canal having ten completed in the begins of last re water was let in on Tuesday. Boats were aiiug on Friday, but were Unable to gat rough, as a sufficient of witic* bad tiSt tcheil the lower levels. Fears are entertained it the recent high water has again dttniOgiati i part of the caual to such an ettent MAW rent its further navigation during the pre-- Its ;Amu,. • - ...:I ea, : :• . '180.11.N0 Bons:r.—A very,plealm: n i,g, incident rep 'red in the Pennsylvania 29th regiment .1 other day. At the request of Col. Murphy td the Protestant chaplain of the regiment,` Rev. Father Dougherty, of Montgomery ;My, celebrated mass in the camp.,:. The iole regiment, with uncovered heads, 'kneeled id received the benediction, Murphy le* jli Aatit, but was happy On, 90061000. ow that he was no bigot e and.that in:uutttere itig to the, constitution and the laws, there Dahl be no diviaion.of sentipir ion , matters. _ _ _ Tax. " CARP Knriiii."C'e t 641 , ' copy of the " Comp Setae," a small news trwr published by the rieldattdlgnir >I Leasure's regiment—the "Round•heads" Olen as the exigencies of 'the servfoiiiivi erni it, and is designed to be the vehicle throng fbkll much valuable information will be cony rep l to the boldlers ou , s ll lP4Olgte unp life from mounting guard. to cleaning a u>•l;rt. Of course, the "Settle" is very small -not larger than two leaves of the spelling book but the numbinv Wiftttgattliectifftliiheir st hat a good tin cup full of important mill toy information. Pit. ISOM S OF WAR ER 31911 nil —A party of rebel soldiers, consisting of a' captain and thir teen privates iu chargEt of, fi sguad„of t Qhio rk t ! unteers under Capit. Bdridk,**Leclittritigh yesterday from the west en route to Fort H' Henry at Baltimore. Bigthrikhe prisoners ecctrcd wouncramortr - or lee serious allied on crutchei ; some limped with thatr arms in slings, while one fellow more unfortu nate than the rest, possessed' but one log, the other having been taken off by a cannon ball. The party were taken,prisoners by the nutted States army under Gen. McClellan at the battle of Laurel Hill, in Western Virginia, on the 11th of last July. FIREMEN'S AJFAiRS.—Tho manufacturers of the Friendship steam fire engine neglected to send with it the proper "reducing screws," vithout which the "steamer" is unable to ob ler from the fire plugs. Hence its trial ::orner of Canal and State streets last ?here the proximity of the canal afforded vportunity to test its suction powers. )mparty, however, expect to receive the 1g screws" some time this week, in ;ase there will be a public trial of the Ir" in Market Square next Saturday af- ear it stated that the Paxton Hose Com itend to make application to the City for the Friendship Company's hand This should be granted by all means. ?fatal boys" are already an efficient of our fire department, and would be )re so if the Council would supply them the necessary apparatus. They are the re company in the city south of 'Mulberry and have consequently a large district to over, and very limited means with to perform service in case of emergency. As a precautionary measure, therefore, the Council should not hesitate a moment to make the "Paxton boys" the custodians of this en gine, and thus enable them to extend the sphere of their usefulness. HEGEL WATER ire THE Neer.—Last Saturday's Pittsburg Chronicle says that the rivers and creeks in that neighborhood are swollen to a great ex tent, The Allegheny was pouring out an an gry flood, with twenty-five feet in the channel and still rising. It rose some twelve feet last Friday night, and though ample time had been given those having rafts, &e., along its banks to make them secure, a large amount of prop erty has been swept away, and much of it irre coverably lost. At noon last Saturday it was rising at the rate of thirteen inches an hour, and the indications were then that it would continue rising for some time. The lower part of Allegheny and Manchester was then under water, and those residing in the neighborhood were busy at work in removing their effects. Several of the streets were under water, and communication with a number of houses, unless by water, was cut off. The flood in the Mo nongahela is equally great and even more des tructive than that in the Allegheny. It is es butted that the value of the coal boats, barges, Ste., lost on this stream exceeds $76,000, and the end is not yet. The pier mark at noon last Saturday indicated twenty-six and a half feet in the channel, and still rising rapidly. The smaller dreams throughout the country are swoollen to au unheard of extent, and, from, all quarters, the editor of the Omni& heaps.° b ridges holing been swept away, fences ,attried off, crops destroyed, &e, AStan BOARD for the examination of can didates for Assistant Surgeons in the volunteer force Of PenosyliTnia,, will assemble in the chamber of the House of Representatives next Wednesday, October 2d. The POISON 4:471 . 110' 437 i by tinier of Town CounellAave SAlotited a unifonn after the NdW York style—blue frock coat with brass buttons, pants and cap of the same color, with leather belts for clutiand billy. A similar ar rangetient was - iiiikgeifed in this city some pforithe ago ; but we believe the Chief was the only" one of our police who adopted the regi mentals, and evert he only appears in this tog gery semi-occasionally. ZS' I60~I&vous RABOALS. , --Sdale mischievous res eals were about again bn Sattirday night, and armised themsetes by removing seVeral of the signs of our citizens, and Placing them at other premises. For the beneili hf these night prowl ers, wet publish the followin4 section of.thenew penal Code ; and should any of them be caught in their iniscldevo4 lids His Honor,. Judge Pearson, will no doubt give the fullest extent of the taw . • , apy . l ypin. shall wilfully and malici wily break, - ---- destrr win- MEMO a number 'of year Cork - kW with the prom ti ls of' • ' city, and form4y a repiesentativo fidnkt • ebuntyili tihiMe Legialitnie. Mr. rbirk,l s at pnedht,litigeSd publishing ts 11.-- 4)11E41%, . newspaper lUtlici, New York ; but won rencellains a stroef ffection for the inicill • . • , str i egg4and triumpbe— "ihe —',, • . lAtir •• , the deep tangled 4 the loved times iii mory so dear." in the MAIMS of good health, and j an 9 trealeFl igni more than usual i, aithcp O e lest none of that Ad activity which guishecl him fif twenty yaw 4110(1 1 ,. ------ "e --- few " And 1.1(1 ti tior 4 ~~~.~ MD Voz. Coxraprr.—A riteetirig will la t Ed m i AValnat atnit, e!. altettielti.6 elit • 6 :_parpOtae ‘.of A N] be bac o'clock' taking NM thaAlteleW OW toward r alallg a' - . 111 . r company, to 14) ; pfnaposed exclusively of you men of ttailo: burtity l luiii already , . trib tettli,lbegadithiaOftoituiteeatri thb „y, t, th.a.Y4R9-4.fctttßed atacalg:a Tisturtber of diffe ant • compiu*axAio that, properlympeak ing, we lAye, Uot,i4444.oarriebult einnimuy l ie f eld.aed9l"atie'neiting .to,.supplyr. omiss ion, and by calla g upon our s - igOttio yew Men; the promo re of them . sthi micelr o mf r i Maya ' ' • e eiel s V , by Hariistrargere, but one that will also, by its preficieitcy in drill and good appearance gen erally, reflect credit upon thekcity. ITUNI Editor of the Telegraph : Owing to the announcement from our differ ent pulpits yesterday, that the poor soldiers in Camp Curtin are in a suffering condition for want of blankets, and that they cannot be bought, I am informed by good authority, if an order *furnished to purchase, several thousand pairs can be furnished and delivered within a week, and as the State has appropriated start dent money to buy, " the bold soldier " should not be allowed to suffer a day. I merely present these facts, that those con nected ;with the depailanftds supplyjxgc :the soldier may know. Particulars can be given at this offiCe.. A Orrinur. FENLJNa AND LOOKING NFL, ta,alWaya source of great pleasure to 'us when see our friends and acquaintances looking well, - and the comforts&ble and handsome outisratd appearance has mualk to do with our feeling well: In view of this fact, we say to the ladieitiehr stock of cloaks, shawls and dress goods' barge. Gen tlemen I will find stronrAnducernents in our cloth, cassimere ittd 'resting deptirtniefit,' at the the south east corner of ,Front and lifarket I streets. sepBo-d2t ARR4AL OF Nivi ' GOODS, ' Aesnixiin'i 1 —We lave now on hand one of the best select ed and largest etonkotimeny,nM city.' Hav ing enlarged Oniitore, we are now enabled to keep a full line of all kind of gOods. 100 pieces of new fall DeLelptta 26 pc: of plaid Poplins. - 26pi splendid fi gured alLwool Mathes. 15 black Alapaces from auction. 100 p oche and wool Shawls. 26 in. oli_ l l - 4 - Y;i ll— W lDA Zi b ! , . il l c9l°". 200 4 , z. of Ithez men's and ' s stook- ."._ . 76 H of heavy brown X 100 pc. of bleached Muslin, all prices.. Larg lot .of Shirt Breasts, Hoop Skirts, , in fants' ' , Conti* White Cambrtas. - pl 60 Canton llanels' and Croak. ' Thankful for past favors, we most respectfully invite e public to call, and we promise not to be ou ld by any_one. , . A 1.J..., ~, iFi.jain, • . sop -dtf • , Shoed a old dia. - . 8ff4A409/ 1 HO LOST, E{OV.4 IE, STOARIf: US't PublOhnd in a , Sealed -Envelope e) Price 6 eta': Lecture on fhb NaturcThisttinerd, and radisal Cure Oi g :perznaiorrittoi Or ideininal Weak noss, Inidluniall , lesions, Senn& Debility, and Imps& intents Marx : age Norvocadtess 4 COO" m!Ption, EPilePay soi Binh dental and Physioal Incapacity, re sulting flrom ifolf`Abriso, - ittiß'P.• J. WELL, M. D., Author of the Green Book tic. "A Brion to Thousands lot Sufferers.i.l : sent under A • Wain envelope' to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, ordwo postage stamps, by Dr.' CH: J. C. KLINE, 1127 BAvery, Now York,-Post Office, 80x4586. sep9.dswam ttAD TO coNsumprivEs. T ifitOffid tO ang htt g WU, ving haat% • few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a curare lung affect ion, and that dread 'disease, Coneamptlen—la anxious to matte known to hie fehowEntliherit the natsnaptiloT°' To all mho desire "tt, he will send -4 ctipy- Of Atha pre teflPtioniused (free of charge), with the dlreahCato . tea preparing and *sing the Same which :theyP light AP mire cure for Consumption, datit=oantdUo*AWl The ' only object of the admertleerAn. the 3 ,Preenription p to benefit the aMited, anikapreid . inlbraosticaz which he conceive!' to ha nvaluable and he hopes every. rarer will try hie remedy, soil wilk ollsirtheMMOlMlL• *O4 may prove a - bleaalag, Pariah wishing the preactiption whipleaseaddreee IIDWAPD A.-1141180N ft ." :tr iar tnk..l ll 6EV , 06011 rA 417 , • t tletiftgluitittatra 1 . 9 oitchgttg* Afutebap Ann*, Ottobtr 1, 1861 B L A MK:EV:I3 e===o LET TWE RECORW-M.AK I Dr, Heges , 'Estatimate 'of the Safety of the Country and the Courage of is Defenders. He Refuses to ApprOprlate Money to Se cure the National Honor and Uphold the Federal Authority FREEMEN AND S . OLDIERS OF DAUPHIN COUNTY; min I While the hot shot and bombs were falling thick and fast around the gallant band who were de fending their country's honor in Fort. Sumter, Gov. Curtin had [ sent into the Legislature of the state, then in session, a ruessage suggesting the better organiza tion of the militia, and, asking for an appropriation-of five hun dred 1 thousand dollars to place the state: on a war footing. The bill a's it passed,, can. - he - found in, the Tut; , fit el the. lavvis .„ the State; page 299—and the proc+dings attending its pas sage In the House, in theJo a ; of ig page 1957 .4 We evtract the yell . M stye taey itAar substantial on the Journal of the House : yust--mazgreboit i -Acket,holzima. Andersr, Aryikreng; Barnsley; Bartholomew: Blanchard, Bliss, . 130 YCI") 4Breasleri Brewftter Burns, butler, (Crawford }Byrne Clark, Cowan Craig, i)ouglass, Drincia, Illilenixtrger, Elliott, loose, i ft the MOW ibitt of alously irn, 'piles of /yment, taw , to TlaY Alm, or iog six 'ton of !sited for Rapper, Harvey, Hayes, Hillman, Huhn, I vin, Hoch, .Lawienee, Lowther,' IkP Cidnigtd, 'Marshall, Moore, Mullin, Ober, Osterhont, Patterson, Pierce, Preston, Pughe, !Reny, Ridgway, Robliamt,lieller, Seltz er, Sheer, Sheppard, Smith, (13erks,). Sudth l ( Philadelphia:,)t"Stihnimi, Taylor, Teller, trhomas, Tracy, Walker, Waite, *ll dey, Willituns, Wilson and Davis, ,Spealeer-46.. NAyii—lilessm Drodlliead,litotldf; '(00 . 1:iolq Caldwe 1, Cope, Dbmiextt, Dirins i Donley, Doc field, Inlap, Gas kit . ll,Maigrr• r4ine t , Lichtenivallner, 1119)0nongil,Mani fold, 'Morrison, ?dyers, Randall, Reiff• and \ Freemen of- Dauphin. :ainnty,t Scadhiers who' went at the ::first ` call of danger tcr.the 64i:tar tof your courarl,- and who still rest [upon. your unnik,night and day around the limits otat capital, , 1 4„.,m.dy vote vine sol igh.wy or of your country and the lives of its defenders? Dr. Heck de one of the old VIrOlen).010 ocrats who sympathised, with and, still sympathise with and confide in the 'course of the trai tor Breckinridge, and i 'showed his attachment fore those who are at the head of this rebellion by refusing to make an appro priation to arm the great state of Pennsylvania to aid their overthrow and its suppression This man is again before you, and again solicits you! vote that he may again disgrace the halls of legislation. with his ,presence and his conduct, He de 'sires to : be returned that he may Edit r ick . embarrassing the future efforts of ou'r noble old commonwealth in aseisting to redeeth Lthe land from rebellion by enforcing - the laws and vindicating the feder4 authdrity. No patriot, no brave, loyal' lover of his country can vote or Dr. Heck.: . , A -CARD. TO TIEB-LADTM- , DR-I)IIPONOO"VGODDELPILLS. aeioro ntas n edrientlist, ; • er irotacrein obstructions, from whatever came, and I way: succeeder a. aireeeent.i „„. tiviv t. • TIELEt4I ; ILLB 'RAN A- BEM- {reeriP &the ; Aeon for , tOk*W*l/04.! and ca l witti:usperallek .s be be - hearse. by th"gahn lan " . - ahtiAgt wake the illekttobeet ItutthedWerdatiod dam*. from sojt tftegUlpiriliof Whitisciesoied‘weil we hi Pressat , en lesepeute oqf family Where bedtherill/not pereeltlitel— Phinektep particularly situated, or these supposing them. Miveate4 810 0 4 1 e4.xilathat t&eilt~i • tl* 09101/1 1 0TelY4re _t_a_EawA t v t. *mom , if$ l OO 34 AP Aktiolz, - b theft isknaiteitt would prieir - en „anyo Wart, to health--cutwewiso are rircoredien and explicit alwictiontiaollo Ara. Prise $1 00 per box. olui wholesale ' 4 'es • ." alisaLgs s: Bexiivil' "Ledioe,o by Mandlng hful - 51 - 00 - to thi ern Post klUloe, can have the PA aenkfrebsvilbservta„ auy,partiol the mambry (oouldeandly) and "free_pen tage by mall. Sold also ,hy_ S. •alrm4iniradiagi, Jouneowi runway k COWDZIII Phuadelithla, law W mentot, banoa, D. 44111n1Zrallatr/p-ig wi g hiseue ; a T .. ama, - , Aartd breve druggbaha every City and.villespda 1019 3 / 4 /tWand by S. D. Rota, ole proprletor, - Nelr'Ydrlr'""" N. D.- 4 .0 011 - out for immaterial& aidosidem Pills of any Wind anima every few% . others are a base itulaadlauat andonutafe therefollo, - 11 4 you value your lives and, heallhi .(t4saky motbing of hue ng humbugged oat of your money ) s bay, OO taw . who ehoW the eignature of S. D. Howe on weary box, which has reoently been added on amount or the Mlle nehm mmutertelted _ dell-dmerwiy. mint Tleivithoo • t * Melt Lm p 1 144 'red from aR Moira! Poisoss.—ln: oases of Scrofula. Ween, *am,. grtptitokus4NLtti6C4Nisi,-Nis OPSVIINgS' pt•thatite *PO*: y tr 47 i salwirempsiskS 44 stow SSA orw a. pl. their 'virgin/ effeetmie ; Lbe,• , • NlNbassAllsrits, raver ague, DrlPPNß,Dl'optiy:* sad It emit shi:44 • • as. • • ippi sallW • rit)44.43 T i ll. D New Terk...aA o- 1,4 =Po New 2ltivationunts BIiT AI WUN D mr lf irsiv iN Ye L ga STEAM WEEKLY N ANDING AND EMBARKING PAI:4- L - 4 gaNGISS at QUERNSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship company Inland despatching their full' powered Olyde•bollt her Steamships as follows: . CITY OF NKW YORK, Saturday; October 6 ; EDIN BURG, Saturday, October 12_; and 591iib i liatairday tober 19 ; Or/ OF WAMlNOTON;lldittorday, October 28; mid every Saturday at Noon L ,6lcam Pier 44, Newli 111VmS• i E!=!=M MRST CABIN *76 00pirKiditAftS_ $BO tai' do to London $BO.OO l- do to .thadoll —lee CA do .to Pane *B6 00 . do. to Paris $3B- dO to Hamburg-585-00 do I to, Hamburg $66 00 passengers also forwarded toCBltivt".BrelMlhi Aot4!.-r -darn, Antwerp, &e n at equallates. lar-Pereons WiShillig to bi*Cll4l.obilitltilliltdlllo•••bA) tickets bore at the ibUovring vital; tO Ne* --- Yerki IfrOu, Liverpool or Queenstown; lat,Daia, $75, *Wand UN Styomparom Liverpool. - 545 00. from . Qaoesstowt , . 530 00. These Steamen have superior * AM - s - : for passengers, sod awry experiattiod Sonoma. They OA' built in Water -tight Iran &Woos, and have Patent Fir. Annibibuors on board. , . for futthertnformation gply hi LieerpOol WWII° DeltAIN Agent, ZI Water Street ; Glasgow to WV.. INNAI , /,,5 tit...;;Snoch Square ; to Queenatown to O. & Vi • D. BSYMOUR , S; CO. ; In London to ALMS & SILLY, el_ Ring Wlllam l ;In Part, to AMOS DSCOUE, S. Slane de Is Bovine ;•-• in Philadelphia to 'JOON. a.. D,Alk, 111 Walnut street ; or at ate Oompaurlfeekiii:-..... - -, DALE, lOW F , , 115 liroadway, New York. Olt Siounoriaki.4.2ekit. Harr - %bora. irME3Bil fart R E PAR AT TON ' " . --,..-' WORTHY OF Univeil Oonfidenoe •ds : Patronage aFrpmtwirai, nova, - CLERGYMAN, a d il l ipakesen, in ell o tts isf the World testily fa_ el At , tat. 0..1 IF 'll Bair Reiterative, and gentle* of thes.Prese are poaninents In ,ts praise A ,how testi ' =lab only can be here given ; see circular or , there, axed it will be Impossible thy you to doubt. * I 47 Wail Buse; Newflork, Dec. Seish, 1828 . t, p sresem : lop not. 01 thole* inst., hae been to. ~, BiLYDNI ibM 70Mbetheerithat I had been bone. *id by the pee o ff Wood's nab Restorative, and repot legMy ertillOate Al the fact If . I ba d tm abjection to * sit. I awe* It to yes cheerfully, peewee I tit ilk It due— ify age is about CO years ; the color,ol my,halr auburn and toadied to earl. thane Bey or Alm years dace It be. pn to t. , grayomaii the scalp on the mown of my heed to beet sensiltilltythag dandruffto for,,, coon it. Nail, of these . bagrandattlasancreased with time, and almot ftew m , stAipubitia...aa esdar.o.i.reaos, by new ell ant threablniug 10 make mOial44 Y nrsol , In thinunplesient predkament,,..l was thawed to try Wood's Hair Restorative, malady to arrest the falling off of my halt; forpsdl 4 3ll3, expectation that gmy hair could ere tiii originalT eget from de m. r, y sorp#a Ito d ,Mr th o leseWw-bottise o , diet "LW -Wee e lating arrested, but the color was restored to the gra hap. an belleneUrpftlielAp,leed4dandruft ceased in [brutal My IthalCirest6 tediathiskiesteallicat . km of my wa x,: r in, ....a‘yrit 4 . : i 7licro mlis si Le vi es inducefl i w er tr e y th it her aext I strengly , , . all hpf 1 rho ; yttlue' the ad. °tuatara . err wive to - pro t. ymy ecuimple, and use t if trowtutirritY abattoir .belff. , * * .- . I Very respoothaily, BEN. A. LAVENDER. To 0 .I. iwpkigoo tti ll“ Broadway, New York My family ars litt'front Shealy, andl am no long er at Nol 11 Carrot plane. j 0... ... , gamaan, ' Ale., July Mth,' 1569. To ? , 7. 0. J‘Ecl o 4i NWlt' i Your tqlclr R"tofe tlet” nes decal anyaniinso gobdebnwlettemenced the Use a it; WA I wish to make known to the PUBLIC Beare* opAlm hair, whicbarecreet. A . man or wo Man they he near deprived of hair, and-by &resort to your “Nalgißeebnalve,” the hair will return, more beautittd thee seer ; at bag the Is my experience.— Believe if all I. • . Your. truly , ~_., . I uc - . NIX EL KORDY. P d—Tee me pnbatue above if you like. , By pub lishing In esieftthedm papers you wilt t more patron- N. south,,Bl mar several of_your tee in the itio bat dfo . l;* Wrong Southern Paler. . *AI Bendy. i , W4C11:03 HAlR lmam:env& A. L. , ' PROT. O. J-WOOD : Dear gra Having had the :dab r - erne to lthestbe bestverlion of my. hair, from thokaffeaist of the yellow thew, In New Orleans In ISM, 1 was.ln.- detail tote* a trial ,of your preparation, and found it 'to ~,k , „„ be very thing needed. kly dale. is now _ , and no words oan express my oblige '"' . ring loth° sigictedsuclica treasure. 1 PINUP ~,1011.11doN The Rego ve la,pittpp r ischottlei Of,thsee asap, vie large medium, and'ethisill ; the hordehat a plot", aid robing PfS4494f 0 , Pi t (11 43,3 tbfitaaPPol.Mdl . a ., Well per, cant .more ;In proportion than Ihe ti ts. rethib .thiro dathinper bottle ; the liege held, sitar; 40 per more ingeomertlon, end retails for O. J. _1 WOOD 400., Proprietors, 44411Breadway, Now York, and 114 Raga area, 81., Was, No. , , . -,:. end sold by al =good Druy,grste and. Pettey floods Dealers. . t. . ~, , , -..,. jylk-dootew ~ ST. NIGROLASIELOTEL - , wax.. • Boar<ebee4.l* $2 . .Per,.PaY. • INC the yOlllllO poi* ),3 mod sue nab 111 - 1 , Whip' libentba tiiigilen &savor o the prop mori mate It the moat sOmptaOus, c " °nvenle 1 6 1prr ert44 / 6 .l l pC f P.r th°,:o s t o Ma - 4 4 1 4 stma g er - Arpin o. - terer ithilnieter io the or its guests they Mae en deavored, without re- Paid to °Pet, to provide, and to combiite all the elements , orAltilvidual tact ttogtal,eo oymeni •whloh modern art hiiiirivetted, and. modern taws approved ;• pat. roma' eW kdi *lute ooMmanded durietthepastsix years warautylitkrroof that their Wrens have been appre. yo meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re' qat c rad tai prspUoti the woatright . -acZnotny,•at4 1 1 , , PW/aPI iim, o , r PaY , .: • wa . di! , ned4 AVO 44K APe'44o l o4rd tO at.thc sene l 4 asting none of thOuswilte iritb" ' whichtheir table bag hitherto beet Within.- '--' ' • •-; , •,1 -1 ' 1 1 t149W/WiElllooBlo a co. New 'kork, pt '2, 1801,-99 In* , . ~ , .. . PRI4SH-- AHRTVA.L, , gomon.l „Ails 1--. .v.z„ L,... Raw G , ' , , ''l4. ' gm PIA .alsturf,_ .. - I, c t vet i . , . M4m. low Far Theme, ~ , . • % i-. i' - a, ;,.7 1101 ,. PlAlit;&as ge.. ''t "It ' . - 6* it Wren - 01 ' 4 ; an for PI the to ha num . , Nail I 4 . 14- I 4W W: 'DIOR' JR.. & DO_ r § 6 149 EI 0 8110)1131 I 13MOK111 1 I I—lt not Objeolletabli when from a CIGAR purchased as It 91 Market street. if..." 1 3 DADS STOR i . 4_414 OVERCOATS FOE SALE. -•-' 1 Vo'iNewly Organised Regiments. ~.0 .-. , h! !; ..ic,4 of the veik,heit overcoats„ made ~,;," eilrding to Qin army regulations, andonfficien . , nronip a full regiment, ate (meals at D.:SHIGANRIIIt ./tati.l3o., Second street, L below Jones noose. Harris " 4 " - *lartigirrETt. 9 l9l ' .."). l .A. i. .1., It .. --LIME! WI p_eftlitrittoicrratozutaptda Loa-, Jaserar''RlEOßlC. Wauswaroirr,_ Mum, ".-:.rtUncarrowir, wassurrows, ittiosT, - DiwiTistrin, Nownsereganungei.. t-Mentar,. , Th ermo; Giticianwtown, lituaritoWs, Itn.unts -11 . ~ seen, Berataxi Daman; •ND"= WARSISBURG. i Tbs. ildiadelpida Depot being centrally located the Drayage trill.beattheioweettntem----&-Clontinotor- gees through with each train to amend to the safe delivery of Well entrusted to t4e191 0 ,. : . Gucci delivered AL the ei4t l M I. 4 g ri .;:-.14.. ~ , F IARD & FRIED -.- et PhDs, 7, A 9 by 6 o'oloset I'. M.; will tie fi.iiverfd In . ; Bastisboti thknext."Wintanna, • .;• ~. Prelgh (always) as low as by ay other •ine. Pant attention _pagAly. DIA i) 9e ..swprpayt. and speedy d very of all Harrialn4i,tiOods. The undersigned chanted tor tiadotiatren .4e hopes by = a4euticil to . „Piatitalli to moll a i Q. i a slice or the ' T. ?WM' _ Pldbidedphiaind.Reeritai.' Acm_e del? dem . not of Market, Stile*orris bort - • 1 lOR 413N,T. 7 ,—The jaAge). 33Tick dwclling Qrk's 1 . ' 114*i:1(104A cai Third atraetalear maoli, !Wean °Moe soma], for as attorney , Tasaameioa atm ana at October next. ISn " " .1114 . 4ffm,,kuaryvklinclk.. Wremuduii7,. I . ` 117 Rlfelkitti a4p III43TORD, is -the platoe' 4fts# *olow-. Bitty 2bnertistmenbi UNITO NTAfft LOIN: IREASURY NuTES—INTEJEST 7 3-10 PER ANNUM. .UIISUANT to instructions from the Beare tary of the Treasury, a book will be opened on the 28d .DAY . SEE:TEKIHI2( Ak: HARRISBURG BANE filirt staxattripito \ • United Statesitreasury notes, to be issued under the act of July 17, 1861. These notes will be issued in sums offifty dollars, ortehnndredldol lars, five hundred dollars, one thousand dollars and five thousisid dollars each,: &led 19th 7: gust, 1861, payalke three yea& d er datOtoitia order of the subscriber or as directed, and bear 'Mg interest at Oil 'rate of 7 3 1 10 per cent: per 'annum, payable semi-annually.; such interest being at thtkiit4iitwp amts or eat!li 4.34 every huudie'd - dollars. conienrenof the holder, each note will have coupons at tached expressing the several amounts of semi annual interest, .3ettich , cottpout l 4 ll6 7 be do: tech, d astcl - presented for paYrrieilt Separateli from the notilis:.. • • f: Subscription for, such ,44.1uurry notes will be received during 'ef opening the book as aforesaid. _ No supscrip tion for less than fifty dollars nor for any frac tion of that sumeanbekecishidil.' 6 Stibteriptil must-be paid - iinlAawful. - coht etiites or in Philadelphia or New York Ems' .t;hangelat-the.tizne,of ‘ subee4hing. , , iitPgrelisi r 4Mnplioltg subscribers for the amounts so paid, the original of whidh the subscriber will transmit by mail 'to theiSecretary of the Treasury, when treasu-: ry, notes, as ifciresitid,iwilrbiliiiieditiligicit t its' such stdsiribiii,vrorbili 'order, !tairlyix' as expressed in Such certificate; dripayment the' subscriber will pay, imaidditiowtheretoilti I= I `Nina to the kitiltist,tkentudilibreliti-friiiitUthe ilgth oti August to the date "of *hi& paymetite of interest will be reimbursed to the subscriber in itte(P*lnrit.. of Vie firsti ciniptiti4 The treasnrtnnteicisinied npon 'such certifi cates by thel treasury`- tom4l3e'sitat-- to the sub scribers by twill, Orstioh Othni nictle A:vat:olAl bidioated. - by wl4erk thil3l*lloll Their original certifibat4:duplieete, : qiithleal4 may he; retained by them for their - atm security. sep2l-d2N,r, gasommiralNiiarrimarr Bepi. 8 , - min: I L pardon xtiabe grantectuntil noticet:if the ,application therefor shall have beer:L.loM by-publication once a-week for two-oonsecutive weeks in a newspaper pli t nted in the county , in which 64 ticatirictictn.inahsull. •2. No pardon will be granted unless notice of the Imlicatilon therefor shall have been given. to the istriot .lktfjrnily di :311164 L thiper Counky. 8. - o pardon will be , gra n t: without first consulting the Judge who' preelded at the trial of the party. By order of the Governor. Eu.SUPER, ;._ sepf-iln• Sec'y of Com. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! ! SHIRTS! !,1 ROME MANUFACTURE:; THE CHEAPEST AN'. TRH ArARKEIT.- - • -- - "-r: .! undersigned booing opened Ida ; Tmtory of Shires Aka, at No. 12 Watt • market .1 5 streak ristiorg, nitietreepetaklly solicits the ,piitrOila and .atelettia otitis tadisailiesetiiimee and `Nordistis to the following assortment of goods all of ,Mhluti.are our own manufacture :- • - SHIRT BOSOM.* • 0 dAiltittill CUTS, 3-, WHIST-BANDS, SWATS, :: • • . 11 Also Abe pirtlcelar at uo ro Lao% tb our lane -einftoremnotof.under garments he., (from the Wan proved London and Pans styles,) LINigN COLLifIS, 'CUPP'S, Serto ho., in great varieties, all or which being Our r own walnut - a:Aura werwill well cheaper cban can be Purchased elsewhere. . t'ersons desirousof furnishing their own materials,osn. 'have cutting . ,sewing !A:Avery vartety., done ameord r , baKts ataitsitoovii INtutcl4loivilli f or CN.46,5*40.. Igo will make to measure, guaranteelt4 to and mittre sattatsoudn to the purcbaser- for •liktle, durability and material . All spesnal ordelVvr - jil Wiiromptly at tended to upon the, shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Misolieiristiants adipplied Mon ttielntlast, Ceases . MAW wrote. P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under gailfitints of any discriptiob, can have them.: Made to:1 order!;4l. sending sample or such kind,s as may be desired. JAma A. Lyitip 4.3 ,„ No. 12, market. a1p3,0, :nuitl-dOm Rairtibarg, Ps. Recaps: next .door to Hammel h Elltinger , a Grocer* MREEs TREES 1 i TREES I! I fritil/undereigneifinittesttention to Moir 11 . I,,ree said reirrilSooK 9 1 :„. -•- PRATIT AND OlitilDrEN'ilAkTßt shruba, &c., embracing& !pile an&•coniplete assortammt a APPLIU3, PRAnS, APRialf B , and NicrAßEia, Standard tor the Otchard, and Dwarf •foii the warden, ENGLISH wAtNins, 51PANI-1.13 ONESNUTO, MOLE: NUTS, kit, BASSERIGES,WfRAWBRIEIRS, CURRANTS and GODOBBERRICS, bt grett variety. ORAEES, OF CHOICEST KINDS ASPARAGUS. RHUBARB, ko., &o. Also a line nook of welt formed, busby EVIDIT.GRIDENS)- suitable, for the Cemetry and. l.awn. DECIDUOUS irTEES for street planting, and a general assortment of tOtretenieninl Trees and Flowering Shrubs. ROSES of choice varieties, cmarzus, BEDDING PLANTS So. • Our stock Is remarkably thrifty and tine, and we offer it at prices to suit the times. grOntalogues mailed to all applicants, Address ADWARD J. kV AN3 S CO., Central Nurseries, York, Pa. !lap26-21nd Or t T M- ; G - C) 1 01:YS Bede, trillotO,', l Blankets, }Cotats; O lieggbts, Drinhing; 108. SASS BY W fr. SUAPPER, North Side Market Square, hear Diable? 14 13 PBBITBai PAL , . z• Burn-ism* itrtdt) . - STATE Street near Third street, a • few doe* below aredi's Hotel, Harrisburg. 4 f e . . ppm Hearse Ready TORO 'alsgesii:ooluittlilod fleetly neighed to order. Silver plates, tsd. Tenderise p o eubse., tae3o4Btae] H. BAKER. 1 1 DWELLING HQPio WANTED TQ RENT. A coinfortabli two. or ...tfirie=stork: 061. ,i-sx., uni bonne, with ElX'alehrlit• room; with root net 1 Atiotiettited Me yer anuting, Millie three, or Sl5O tor to two-Eel house: will -be -reeted-inizoedistel,- 01 - B Pa ti . - seplB akin gt tie offics , . itE . Ls S , PTY • :B A AR , 1:0' ° liEßfilt 1411 W 'itKIIIIIT' Mint ( [ 1 nollesitigtga:in sof4 ccm"Msq for ,-- 1 9h* I P CII Y E T 4, 4 , 1.• *-- - PEN ' YLVANIA , , , N.k:' Ai G. CU TIN In the IflatlN and by the aufkoritt afirfteii gtahmitith'of Permaylvania, Awbuilsoll. CVs nf, amour of said alotatanetoxith. = PROCLAMATION. EAS, By the twelfth section of the Act o Assimbly, passed the Fifteenth day' 4 sf Nay 1861, ik. Is provided that it sh not be lawful for an! Volunteer Soldier to leave this Coin monweblth as Snob, unless he shall have been fiat aeeepttid u ly , the Governor of this stat e , z it t "..',u'call fir a requisition of the President . United States made upon the Governor inkt, for troops for the service of the united States AND WNEIRDAB p Notwithstanding each prohibi tion, s4adry persons, (many of them engaged, in ndsitig 1 regiments to be furnished from other Stitee,)aro persisting in endeavoring to enlist volunteers in violation of law. AND WM11111613, It is necessary for the public serviceland for the honor of Pennsylvania, that her military force should be regularly organised andiflinished for the suppression of the es:haft rebellictn, in conformity with the acts of Con zress of twenty-second and twenty-fifth Sulk, 1861, laid with the laws of the State, and thlither citizens should not be seduced into o t anbrations independent of the State authority whereby the raising of her quota is embarrassed, the, regiments are not enrolled j.n her Archives, the families of the men are de 011Ved of the relief provided by thH laws of the Vet& the families of her own volunteers, and tbe Stale herself - by the absorption of her men in such unlawful organizations may be found valuta:era to fill the future requisidorni of the Government of the United States. AMINIStAII, the following order has been imentedl the War Department of the United Slates, viz ; , WAR Dowznuerr, ; September 25, 1861. Bit Raveilleney A.' G. CUR.TDT, Governor of Poo - . sylvaliia, Harrisburg. Sin :L-1. have the honor tetranamit the fol lowing erder from the Department : 1. All men now enrolled or mustered into the service Of the United States for brigades, regi hisents, Wineries or companies in the State of Penroyiktanbt, under the-direct authority of the Secreta4 of War, are placed under the coin- Iliad cif the Governor of Pennsylvania, who shallorganize or re-organise them as he may darildrmoert advantageous to the interes's of the Wien' asal - 'Government. The United States will continue to furnish oksistence, camp equippage, clothing, &c., as fieretacire,' for the organizations referred to in paragraph, and all U. S. commissaries aiid pin-tern:asters will furnish, on requisitions - rinide,:the necessary subsistence, clothing, &o. All authorizations heretofore given to said Inigal regiments or companies in the State of Pennyanis, are hereby revoked from and af tr, the lexPiratifin of the times limited in the original authority, or in any renewals hereto fere granted ; and in cases where no limit of taighliat ra been specified, then from and after the ezp tion of ten days from the date of this orchu ; and in future all volunteers for the . service of the United States shill be raised, in Vennsyllvinia, only under requisitions made on the Governor. All authorities issued 17 the War Department for Independent Regiments, subject to the approval of the Governor, thigh have not been so approved are hereby revoked. Respectfully, SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. Bult,itylpttotk Agent. And, I whereas, the President of the United States has; in accordance with the acts of Can of ithelwenty:SeCond and twenty-fifth of July last, made requisitions on the Governor of Pennsylhnia for sundry regiments of volun teers, which requisitions are in the course of being filled. Now, therefore, 7- Andrew G. Curtin, *Gov ernorofi the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose or preventing further Impositions on the good and loyal citizens of Pennsylvania in this regard, do Make this my proclamation, herebyProhibiting - 1W peniona from raining vol unteers in Pennsylvania otherwise than by an ttprity of the Governor, and especially forbid -4114,th° raising of volunteers for r eg iments to lii&rniihed from other States. And also for bidding all citizens of Pennsylvania from en listing in or attaching. themselves to any each irregular and unlawful . organizations and ~. bye all persons that in disobeying this iiamation they will be disregarding the or ders of ..I:4e Government of the United States, as well as defying the laws of the State and violating their duties as sons and citizens of the ; Commonwealth. And I do hereby require all Magistrates, District Attorneys, And: offic i ous of ,the Commonwealth to arrest and prOs&ute all persons who shall disobey this prociamStion, and particrdarly all persons and their aidere and , abettors t who under any preten dexl :Airthority, shall enlist volunteers for any Arieide,) Regiment, Battery or Company of Voltnteers other than such as may be authoriii ed by - the Governor of this Commonwealth; of adver or open or keep recruiting stations for such es tmenta, so that such offenders may be ‘Biong ' ttto justice and punished according to . law. . Given der my hand and the greateeel of the State, t Harrisburg, this twenty-eighth: day of . Se tsmber, in . the yeSz'o . f our Lord, b i at :thp d eight hundred and sixty-one and , of pth4 Commonwealth the eighty-sixth. By the Governor. -. 4 - 14.1.51,114441 ELI BUM , Sooretoty of tito ainpoompoal,th. iep2,B AirrofirmiGarazezz's , lif.azinzaurto, Sept . 27, 186 i 1. My o pinion is requested by the Governor on the following questions, viz : L What 'volunteers will be entitled to vote at the approaching .general election in their " a- VOSOOL , tifi , AlblilhttestS so „entitled to vote, can vote tor Cciunty °Meerut.. . .. .. „ . I: T tn clearly of the opinion that no vol.: tattiest; entitled to vote in their camps, exceptch as are in actual military aerlerce-in conformity with law, viz : Such as are karst, 'vice miller the authority of the Governor/. ow/ the req{ isition of the President, of:the , United All the field officers of such. regiment& wilrbir }commissioned by the Governirrondtbe ;holding of such commissions by the Aoki a:M oods it*, be a fair test of the right:oft the regi- • 'Mont Id vote. .. .. _, .. IL e Act of Assembly provides that the volunteers may emeteisa INV light of suffrage; of comae they ha ve es nitielttght to vote for , _..._____ ,_ county MOROI liik . lqr AWY . tocher. • ' .-: - • '- -' ' - W. 4.100313504 ! •- ) - • • - , Attorney - Gann& - ' . t , , itBiiico witithig.the.above an additionarAtiaL-L, tioll . heenymounde countiesth e are inftlM. - 4 - 4 lisdY, . t _course should be imrstie&P„.„likai, of o.'l .n that in such cases} there sheelgrik, se . 1 7 ballot-bose% tally 'Usti Brit, *eel& county, and the votes should be returned, to peach'cofinty,g the voters entitled to vote in Su s w.., itamm.,Mttryditlif_. o. :*.l zg, lB 6 . , .. .. , . . New azw!rthunithy wANXED :.QN. 6 44 I .CAMA Ogar4O,..PAlF.: pply lo North State street bottle= Sixth and • ....I.hati.lagtadizil..t 1,1474.1, ertii - tgittlta . ' :roWiikehid u. .l46tbiA 4904.10 p- -doe: Eamem /me •ySL::ei