Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 27, 1861, Image 3

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    gailg eitgao.
HaugisßUßG, PA
Friday Afternoon, Sept, 24, 1861.
Two POWER PRESSES, old Adams' Patent.
Two Imo HAND PRME•z, ono 11 , arly new,
and a large amount of sec nd band Printing
materil, will be sold paper.ceey low prices,
for cash or approved AIAI these materi
als ae in eciod condition, and would answer
for a r c untry office. They must be sold to make
room for new and more extensive machinery.
Apply at this office immediately.
oar ASSIISSED.—This is the last day on which
persons can be assessed who desire to vote at
the next election
FROMM:D.—We see it stated that Col. Seneca
Li Simmons, of this city, Colonel of the Fifth
Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers,
under Gen. McCall, at Camp Tennally, on the
Fotornac, has been appointed a Brigadier Gen
eral in the army.
CAMP StirErt, at Chambersburg, the headquar
tele of Col. Stmugh's new regiment, is fast
filling up. The u re are several full companies al
Teel on hand, and others not quite full. Com
plete arrangements have been made for securing
clothing, tents, blankets and equipments at an
early day
RAILROAD BUSINESS —The business of the
Pennsylvania Railroad at the present time is
immense. The fast train going west on Monday.
night carried tour hundred persons. The re
ceipts for the train would have reached nearly
$4,000 had all the inmates been through
Morehead, of this city a private of company D.
Et pner Fencibles, 12th Reserve. Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers, was accidently killed
at Tenallytown day before yesterday by aprivate
named Casper Eckleston. The remains of the
deceased arrived here this morning.
A Wausuea TO Bors.—A little boy was bad
le injured yesterday by falling from a carriage
to which he was clinging without the knowl
edge of the driver while it was passing along
Ridge road' towards Camp Curtin. Injuries,
more or less serious, from the same cause, are
frequent and should effectually stop a practice
hut too common among juveniles.
beautiful horse and stand of colors was presented
to day to Capt. J. H. Waltman, of Greider's
mounted Rangers, attached to Colonel Williams'
regiment, "Lochiel Cavalry," by Mr. B. M.
(ireider. The presentation took place at the
hotel of Quartermaster Bherbahn, in the bor
ough of Mt. Joy. This is a compliment well
merited by Capt. Waltman, than whom there
is not a braver or better officer of his grade in
the service.
CoaxEcrios.—lt seems that we were in error
in announcing that the remains of the private
Lanham who shot Major Lewis of the Forty
sixth Pennsylvania regiment, passed through
this city last Wednesday.. The coffin to which
we alluded bore the remains of Major Lewis,
which were being •onveyed to his relatives at
Scranton, Lucerne county. By recent tele
graphic dispatches, we learn that Lanham was
convicted of murder by a court martial and
sentenced to be hung, but that he anticipated the
execution of the law by cutting his throat night
before last.
A VIVANDIERB.—The Seventh Wisconsin regt
meld which passed through here last Wednes
day, has a vitandiere in the person of Miss.
Hannah Ewbrank. She is a good looking girl,
of modest appearance from Marquette county,
and apparently not more than twenty years of
age. She has for some time past„been employ
ed as a school teacher in Marquette. Her uni •
form is very neat. It consists of a walleye
jacket of blue merino, trimmed with military
buttons and gold lace ; pants and vest of white
Marseilles ; balmoral boots, and a hat of blue
velvet, trimmed with white and gold lace ;
yellow plumes, and white kid gloves.
Tat KUNZ@ FENCIBLE9.--Letters received
in our city state that the Kepner Fencibles are
stationed with their regiment, near Tenalytown
on the Potomac. The boys are all in good
health, enjoying good spirits, and anxious to
get a brush at the enemy. Sergeant Wm.
Woodall, has been appointed a drill master in a
signal company, with increased pay. A squad
commanded by him recently distinguished
themselves by capturing a party of five seces
sionists, and handing them over to the military
authorities. Private James Woodall, has been
promoted to a clerkship in the commissary De
pertinent of the regiment, and his brother
Charles has been appointed commissary of the
auxam.—There are now fourteen com
panies of infantry, five companies of cavalry,
and one battery of artillery in Camp Cameron.
Seven of the infantry companies belong to Col.
Powers' Keystone Zouave regiment. Three
more companies will arrive this week, when the
fall number of companies will be in camp All
the men belonging to the Zouave regiment are
now uniformed and fully equipped with new
tents and camp furniture. The entire camp is
under the control of Major Williams, 6th Artil
lery, 11. S. A. He has established strict milita
ry discipline throughout. Reveille beats at
daybreak ; breakfast call at G a. m.; drill call
at 71 a. m., when there is squad drill for one
hour. Drill call again at 9a. tn., when there
is company drill for an hour and a half, in a
field about one fourth of a mile distant from
camp. Dinner call at 12 m. Police cal at 1
p. m. Drill call again at 3p. m. After drill
ing for two hours, there is a parade, and at 6
m. guard mounting. Tattoo beats at Bp.
mud and at 81 taps are sounded, when all lights
be extinguished, and the men be in their
quarters. Major W. has also ordered that as
soon as a competent officers can be obtained, an
officer's dri ll and recitation in military tactics
will be had daily.
01511.—The Steam Fire Engine of the Friendship
Fire company arrived in this city via the Leba
non Valley Railroad at an early hour yest, rday
morning, in charge of Mr. J. E. Furlong, the
agent of the manufacturing company, who ac
companies the machine to see that it works
properly before delivering it over to its new
The announcement of its arrival attracted a
large concourse of our citizens to the freight
depot of the Reading Railroad, where it was
temporarilly housed, and as many of the visitors
had never previously seen a steam-fire engine,
and but few one of this pattern, it was amusing
to overhear the remarks and criticisms which
its appearance excited. One staid matter-of-fact
looking customer in spectacles and snuff-colored
breeches, whose ideas of machinery were about
as lucid as mud, declared "he couldn't git the
hang o' the critter" ; another, a dapper, bust.
ling little gentleman in blue integuments,
knew all about "steamers," but couldn't for the
life of him understand the use of "that silver
"The balloon is it ?" responded a jolly Irish
man at his elbow in a brogue as broad as his
rubicond face "D'y ye see now—thot's to carry
the water up, to be sure."
An old lady in black thought the machine
resembled a locomotive, and "la, me !" she
added "'lent it got a bright biler ?" "Sy !
yi !" remarked a little negro in front of her
with a grin resembling that of a chimpansee
eating chesnnts, "wont de Friendy boys make
her tell 1"
But while the crowd generally were thus ven
tilating themselves, the machine was undergo
ing the close scrutiny of another class of visi
tors, whose familiarity with the technical terms
of machinery indicated that they were skilled
in this branch of labor, and therefore the better
able to appreciate the character of the work be
fore them. They spoke of " valves," "flanges,"
" concentrics," " packing," "deflection" and
"segments" —all "Choctaw" to the uninitiated,
but to them as common as " household words"
—praised the fitting of a joint here, the turn of
a screw there, and the fine polish everywhere,
concluding by pronouncing it altogether as
clever a bit of workmanship as 'ever left the
hands of a mechanic.
As our readers are already aware, was manufac
tured by the Amoskeag Works of Manchester,
New Hampahlre, and is therefore emphatically
a " Yankee notion." It was patented June
Ist, 1860, and so popular have they became in
the eastern part of the country that the com
pany can scarcely turn them out fast enough to
meet the demand. Their appearance differs
very materially from those in use in Philadel
phia and the west, being much lighter, with
comparatively little less forcing power. They
are also considerably cheaper, and less liable to
get out of repair—very important considera
tions with small communities and limited
The main parts of the machine consists of a
frame and four wheels, the boiler, steam olden
der, smoke dome, air chamber and water tank.
The boiler is at the rear end of the machine, is
vertical, containing three hundred and fifty
three tubes, each fifteen:inches long, and will
generate steam sufficient to put the apparatus
.in motion in the short space of five minutes.
By way of ornament, and at the same time to
hide the roughappearance of the iron plates, the
boiler is completely surrounded with a finely
polished brass dome, on which is engraved
the name of the manufacturing company. Sur
mounting this, is another smaller brass dome
which covers the spark and smoke escape pipe.
The top of this latter dome is about seven feet
from the ground.
The steam cylinder is eight inches, with a
twelve inch stroke ; and the pumps are four
inches and three quarter in diameter, and double
The air chamber and water tank occupy
pretty much all the forward part of the machine.
The former is balloon-shaped, silver-plated and
reflects like a French glass mirror. It is sur
mounted with a handsome Signal lamp. The lat
ter is a copper pipe, about eight inches in diame
ter, bent in the shape of a syphon, the curve
projecting towards the front, with a very fine
effect. This lies horizontal, and is polished up
to the extreme point of nicety. The maker has
taken advantage of the prominent position oc
cupied by the graceful curve in front to engrave
upon it the name by which the machine is to bo
known, viz :—"ffLutrott Viatrunrs," so called in
honor of the wife of one of our moat estimable
citizens, to whose liberal contribution the
company were chiefly enabled to purchase the
apparatus. - • -
The front wheels of the machine are five feet
in diameter, and that of the latter five feet four
inches. They are stout, broad, well-made, and
painted, as indeed is all the other wood work of
of the apparatus, red, which seems to be the
hemldric color of the "Friendship" boys.
The machine is capable of carrying enough of
fuel, either wood or coal, for two hours work.
The pumps take suction on both sides of the
apparatus, and'will force two streams each con
siderable over two hundred feet distant. In
ordinary working the etsam gunge will indicate
sixty pounds pressure, though it may be worked
with perfect safety to a much higher figure. A
very important appendage is called the "heat
ing pipe," designed to prevent the water freez
ing in'the pipes during cold weather.
There are a number of other ingenious con- .
trivances about the machine deserving of spe
cial notice, but as we are not "booked up" in
such matters,we might fail to do them justice,and
therefore conclude our description by concuring
in the general remark, that as a piece of me
chanicism the machine cannot be excelled, and
as a "squirt" it is designed, in case of emergen
cy, to render the best possible services to our
citizens, for all of which "as in duty bound,"
they should give the best possible encourage
ment to the "Friendy" boys, through whose
untiring exertions are we indebted for this im
portant auxiliary to our already excellent fire
The apparatus was subsequently takente t he
house of the Friendship Fire company, herhio
street below Chestnut, where it was Submitted
to a vigorous application of pumice stone and
shamo cloth, and it now shines Ulu) a> trOiddY
aped silver dollar.
" ctaM (11';‘,
Owing to the inclemency of the weather to
day-the reception ceremonies and parade of the
fire department,has been. indefinitely postponed.
A priblio trial of the "iteauter, ° ' however, took
place at one o'clock this afternoon at the colter
of Canal and State streets, with the most grati
fying result. Steam was got up in Peer mamba
the three quarters after lighting tfit fire, and
the machine threw a 1* inch stream 0
ater horizontally the distance of two handl*
and forty feet !—an achievement which under the
circumstances may be termed astonishing. An
other trial of the " steamer" will take place at
8 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Bora), Baer, sparkling, eloquent, and as full
of patriotism and rich matter as a antis of meat
the Louisville Weekly Journal. For sale G. L.
Walter's Cheap Stationary store, No. 116 Market
SAD RAILROAD ACOIDIENT.—An itinerate vender
of notions, familiarly known as Betsey Thom
son, aged about sixty-nine years, was fatally
injured on the Penna. Railroad, Bird-in-hand,
on Tuesday. While attempting to cross the
track in front of an approaching train, she was
struck by the locomotive and dreadfully crushed.
She was removed to Rowe's hotel, where she
died in about an hour. .
Srarmrics 011 ODD FiLLOWEIDLP 12i ma STATE.—
Lodges, 603 ; initiations during the year, 8005;
rejections, 82 ; admitted by card, 289 ; with-'
drawn by card, 504 ; reinstatements, 849 ; sus
pensions, 8088 ; expulsions, 128 ; deaths, 896 ;
total number of members, 41,099. Number of
brothers relieved during the year, 6880 ; wid
owed families, 664 ; amount paid for relief of
brothers, $89,417 98 ; for widowed families,
$8,442 55, for education of orphans, $498 68 ;
for burial of the dead, $20,386 44; total amount
expended for relief, etc., $118,727 66. Total
yearly receipts, $167,550 28.
A Crrarous 'Wm.—Some workmen, recently
engaged in blasting rocks, on the farm of Col.
McClure, near Chambersburg, came upon a ca
rious specimen of Indian workmanship. It is a
stone statue of a human being, about half a
foot in length and very creditably executed, and
might be called an Indian idol, were it not for,
the fact that we have it upon good authority
that the Indians of this section of the country
Were not idolatom. They, however, were very
superstitious, and this may have been, apme
charm, or preventive of calamity or dam,
such as even more civilized people are Accra
tomed to regard as Infallible. This relic :ha.ff
become wedged, either by:accident or design,
between some massive rocks, and, in the blast
ing, the head was blown off.
The Fan was generally observed in our city
yesterday. The public offices, banks, manu
facturing establishments, and stores,were
and the post office observed Sunday hours.
Seldom bits there occurred in our histrry, a day
of religious commemoration which excited so
general an interest as this. Ail classes , and de
nominations seemed Impressed with the so
lemnity of the occasion. In our city thanks
giving days, as appointed by the Governor,
have been very generally observed, but we
doubt whether any of them were ever ushered
in with so much interest to all classes as
was yesterday. The people generally seem
ed to be aroused to a consciousness, of. the
partance of supplicating Divine mercy, and
thronged the various churches by their atten
dance. The sermons of the ministers, with a
solitary exception, were characterised by a
lofty patriotism and earnest genuine nationality.
On the 18th inst., in Petersburg, Perry coun,
ty, of typ hoid fever, Edward Dames aged'. 21
years, 1 month and 7 days.
The deceased was a three months's volunteer
in Col. Oakford's Fifteenth Pennsylvania
ment, and contracted the disease of which' he
died, in the service. Re was buried on Frfday
afternoon with the customary honors of War,
performed by a detachment
, of the Lochiel
cavalry. '
At a meeting of Perry Lodge No. 2, I. 0.. of
G. T. held on Friday evening Sept. 20th, 1861,
the following resolutions were adopted :
Wmourss, Our beloved brother Edward
Dames after volunteering in the service of his
country and serving faithfully the term of his en
listment has returned among us, suffered long
of a disease contracted in the di scharge of duty
and finally been called away by death, therefore,
Resolved, That we take a mournful pleasure
in putting upon record our estimation of him as
a worthy and consistent Good Templar, an up
right young man and a brave soldier.
Resolved, That in respect to his memory our
charter be clothed in mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That these resolutions be published
in the Harrisburg Telegraph and Perry County
Freemen, and a copy forwarded to the friends of
our deceased brother.
DIINOANNON, Sept. 24th, 1861.
ARRIVAL OF NNW Goons, 'Lawn Assonnizar !
—We have now on hand one of the best select
ed and largest stock of gooda in the city. Hav
ing enlarged our store, we are now enabled to
keep a full line of all kind of goods.
100 pieces of new fall Detainee.
25 pc. of plaid Poplins.
26 pc. splendid figured all wool DeLaines:
15 pc. black /dapaces from auction.
100 proche and wool Shawls. •
25 pc. of plain French Merinos, all colors.
200 dts. of ladies' men's and children's stock
75 pc. of heavy broivn Muslin. .
100 pc. of bleached Muslin, all prices.
Large lot of Shirt Breasts, Hoop Skirts, in
fants' Bodies, Collara, whitiCambrlcs.
60 pc. Canton Flanels andlltosh:
Thankful for past favors, we most cespectfolly
invite the public to call,' and*e promise not to
be outsold by any. one.' S. Lsionr,
sept24-dtf Bhoad's old stand:
Ilancronosoonrrs orb far estuvs.—Philosophy
teaches us that it cannot be well said, that all
the mental and physical labor of a life time, if not
properly directed will arrive at the congenial=
we have in view, and it is equally true in the
suppression of an organised conspiracy, made
doubly criminal in the absence of right and
justice. We are then not fighting with an ordi
nary foe, but one who's desperation partakes
'of the burglar, bandit 'and free booter. We
must not underrate their numbers or military
skill; no details must be neglected; the want
of reinforcements must not again sacrifice our
noble officers and men, whose tears start at the
destruction over which they have no control.
Who then is at fault f It cannot be Urich &
Bowman'who are always prepared'aith a large
and cheap stock of dry : goOda at . -south east
corner Front and, Market ,etrinte l • •
Sept. 27-1 t war
• ftintooxt x litingmba , 1861
. mt,F,Ava fin . PIMA AND
Pros fftot alt , Atinarad Poireru.--la oases of Scrofula
plasm Soars), or gratabroa or the Mtn, the eeereliOD
otitie fAfebelliddnet is truly -iiii•ntibutg, Often re/aorta!,
0 l dada; Ivory vestige or these lattbsome disease ,
by their ibirlfyinkeedietaari the blood. Bilduba Revere.
Fever and 4.ue Oppaptl4, Dropsy, Piles, and to short
most ail disease; so& yield to their curative properiler
vo family should be without them, a., by their ninety
x. mash initiating and expelieelnay he mired.
orevar-d by WM. R afftr , C • t-w f.ira , ere:
ter • %1.. • •r .11 Dropripto IT
TIM ADVtiatzgi hawing been reeturql Lc.
Milani be a tele bir ta .. vets simple ratundyj abet
hmibilillirdiUde Yetis (WitA s severe Won allect
too. tad ttecil
galo atiseadva CatigaMiliioll-311. Matidis W.
make koolm to wdbattemr, tue *WM :•., of core.
To dil who deak at ho' ortil wand a oopy kit We jW4,-.,
torsialou eyed OHM _ abuse), Wi th Opt direelkollOgn'
preiodloa and %sum e same, wtstelii. they till kind a
.ore owe tbr COnetisiptiou, aUtubsOiltigliChatlN "t - ftk ,
only object et the advertiser in smell* tbef'resorilAkoi
la to beim& itton ff
the am tined, and awns& nrino/6
lie oosoeinen to be eveinable, Wt.* ' eiery etd ,
lure, will try M Will
Me remedy, al it em nuilund
lli o la
.iod oak) prove a blLbsing. • ilik
Pestles A161'14 . 0.13 prAiloctrApu wW plume AMMO.
Kirg, ROWAN/ A.
-gm manty Nnw ?Art
Prepared by Comelbio L. Oheeeeman, M. D.,
!I[ll3l‘csombiqation of ingredients in these
are'theSemit M a long end ostensive mystics.
fir y are qiiid in ibek operation, arid oertiae correoli
alt irreildOriliter, Mural Iteesirualions re/Loving *Web
esruzdmik, whether itnim void or otgCrwise himdisehe,
pail) ki fhe sl palihtslisn ol tho heart, srWies, Der
v:" 4-auous, bystert.v, Whom, Win th e back and
11 , disturbed skip, welch arias* from illterrap•
en nature.
Ti) attRiED LIAM%
Dr Chneenman'e Pills are invaltudtle, is they wia bring
on the monthly period with regulmity. ladies who have
been itteoppo nted In the ire or otrwr rills can place the
utmost Confidence to's PAls doing all that
they represent to do.
Ikere is time cindat' ion of the female eywem in which the
Pitte cannot be taken without producing a PROD &IA ti
'MULE The condition referred to is P/IRG YANOY—
the rata. itaPjAtitßlA GE. Such it the iinisiitib's
denq Of the *tad= to restore the menial ftp.ettons , tci
normal eoildidon, that pen the reproductive power of Mil
berg mewl resist it. ' ,
Warranted purely vegetable;'iord free from anything
injurious. 'NAME directions, which should be road ac
cent' an,islich box, Price St. Sent by mall on enclos
ing St to Ds, morgues L Camostwair, Box 4,581, 'Post
uiMee, New York Qty.
boldby one Drugght in retry tow'. In the United States.
I. B. atirefliNGS,
General Agent, the United States.
14-Broadway, New 'fork,
Tu whom all wholesale orders should be addressed.
#404110 TO US WEN
Dt DtfPOSOO% ddLtiEt Ia
eatable a aorta:nag, reguluilttg, and remo - rinit
obaintotiona, tioga whatern: Ana., and I
ways eatioessfal a ik preveß-
the downs for many years both lb Branca anc
America, with unparalleled anomee In , every cue ;
he la urged by many thsusann ladles who used them, t.
make the Pills public for the aliteriallon of the4e anflishny
from any irregularititu whatever, as well an to prevent
an imam of family where health will-not penult
particularly situated or those suppeemg them.
selves so, are cautioned atidnat these pills while In that
oonditicaous they are intr. to) produce miscarriage, and
the plietok assumes no reeponsibllity after this admo
bitten, although their mildness would prevent any 'ma
duel to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended.
and expuis directions accompany each box. Prier
00 per box.. Sold wholesale and retail by
• No. 2 Jame Row,=l, Pa.
"Luisa," by ending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg
Pest Mee, can have the Pills sent free of observation to
shy panto l the country (oonfidentielly= s free=
tags", by mall. Sold also by S. B.
JonisoorOltuurprxr a Comma. Philadelphia, .J. law
sisissajabenost, Damn Hermano, Lancaste J A.
War. Wrightiel Uot ; MIU", York ; and Wein
ta, every GUI sod in the Onion, and by
9. l l). S twee ole proprietor. New rat
N. B.—LOok out for coontecialto. Buy no Golden 00
• say ktitOwnless avers. 'Mu is signed B. D. Rote. 'AI ,
o ther' are a base Imposition and lassie; therefore, as
you value your lives andihealth, (to say nothing of De
ng out of your.Asioney,) bay only of those
who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box,
which baa receetly hots added on amount of the Phil
being counterfeited +aB-dwiewlY.
JUST Published-in a Sealed Envelope ;
Price 6 ots : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment,
and radical Sure of Spumatorrinee or Sentinel Weak.
nese,lnvolontary Nadminos, Sexton Debtlity, and Imped.
imitate to Marriage generally, Nervonsitels, Consumptdon,
hpilero,y and FT.: tent d and Physic.' ineapeoity, re
gal log from . elf Abuse &n,-6y Wall'. J. CULVER-
Weil,. )1 D., Author of the Gress Book de. "A Boon
140U6aU Ad Of ..ulftwers." sent uuder seal, ins plain
easel*. to , any address, pose paid, on receipt of six
canto, or two postage .tames, by Dr. ca. J. O. KUNZ,
127 .wery, New fork, Po 4 &et, 50u4686.
sepi) detrain
New Aboertismtlits
No. 69, Market, fietoro Third,
missintrad, PA.
,M. H. LE E
PARASOLS and ALKINO Cal4llB, will tarnish
goods At LOWIIt PRICES than can be bought In any of
the Enet•ria olden. Country merchants will do well to
call and examine prices and quality, and convince them-
selves of tote fact. 5ug2.3.61y.
WOULD respectfully inform hie OW
patrons and the public generally, that he sth
continue to give Instructions on the PIA NO fo MTH, Nil
(ODEON, VIOLIN and also to the ,dente of THOROUOF
Rad. He will veth pleasure waft upon pupils at thawn
homes at any bear desired, or lessons will be given al
his residence, Is Third areal. . few doors below the
Renate Reformed Church. teran-t •t
QTATEBtreet near Third street, a few
duora below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A Hee
new Hearse Ready made coffins always ou band and
neatly Rebated to order. Silver plates, dm. Terms rea•
eonable.. [aaSOASste] . C. DAKAR.
THE underagned would respectfully in
term the citizens of Harrisburg that be is pregared
to furnish in any pan of the city, Lyitens Valley, Trevor
tOli and Wilkesbarre Coal as low as any other dealerß in
the oily. Please call and give me a trial.
J. WALLOWER, Jr., Agent,
• No. 8, Reading Railroad Depot,
Bepe-dim Harrissurg,l'a.
Designers and Ennavera on Woods
EXECILITE - allkinda of Wood Engraving
with beautY itirreetcess iml dispatch. OriginW
designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons
wishing Mita, by sending &Photograph or Daguerreoli pc,
can have views of Colleges, Marches, Stori• Frocts,
Machines, Stoves, Patents, engraved as welt on per.
mai application.
Fancy Ifinvelopes, Labels, Bill Headings. :how MI la,
Fishing, Business and other Cards, engrav vi a the
highest style of art and at the lowest priced.
For specimens or fine engraving, see the Oluntrated
works of J. B. Lippincott &Co., B. H. Butler &Co.
oct26 lyd
, pEt al3t RIBKR would respect' ui ly
li inform the public that he be. restored Ms numb
ing cud braes troundhip establishment to No. 22 Smith
Tbbrd street beim Hears Hat& Tbanithd.tbr past - paV•
_ lawaskt,,,
b 7 strict attention Whatnots IS mail
j; Atli* 1!
„ .
Nan Martinnumte.
ENITO ffiffilt:MW4
PRSITANT to instructions from the Serra
tary of the Treasury, a book will btopened
on the 23d DAY OF S ly ' IP , I' c'"' 111 THE
United States - treasury notek to s • : .." - : 1
the act 0fJu1y . 17,..1n .. . ~ - will be
bared Osirinsrif4llll - 4 undr, 3 d dol
lars, five hundred
dollars, one . ~. dollars
and five thonsand loltaism,',, 'AI
..., . Au
gust,lB6l, PaYablOrthree,ijarril .1 - I , ''C'c. to the
order of the subscriber or as directed, and bear
inghtterest at the rate of 'A.B-10 percent. per
i, ta
Win ~ P.rl l bte - ,gemigulplio ll Y ; ; tercet
lb Ot tinOate*f two cents for, yon
am dollars. FOC this ocep ,of
the holder, each note will have cane* at
tached expreadng the several amounts of tenni
tam* interest, ~,TH*fiouivolvemots de-1
• J lit and iirsietrUs e" pa
t9e10 1 1113/.44901 rfi ili - 101 . Vi % 1
f a r
Suirriptlon for such treasur4notee be
receiveii.lbiring 'fifielri- AaNSten the :of
opening the book as aforesaid. No
Lion for less than fifty dollars nor for any Sn
tion of that sum can be retedoed, - . StdeskiPi
must lbw paid in lantrl- coin - of the Unil
t ,
States or in Philadelphia or New York jam.'
change at the time of subscribing. "'
~. 1
Certificates will be grimed in duplicate to
subscribers for the amosmtacro paid, the original
of which the subscriber will transmit by mail
to the Secretary of the Treasury, when treasu
ry notes, as aforesaid, will be leaned thereon to
such subscriber, or his order, carrying interest
as expressed in such certificate; on payment the
subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a sum
equal to the interest accrued thereon from the
19th of August to the date of payment, which
payments of interest will be reimbursed to the
subscriber in the payment of the first coupon.
The treasury notes issued upon such certifi
cates by the treasury will be sent to the sub
scribers by mail, or such other mode awmay be
indicated by them when they transmit their
original certificates. The duplicate certificates
may be retained by them for their own security.
Subscription Agent.
Writing, Book-keeping and Copying.
TllOB. H. EVERETT, practical •acconn
taut, Reporter and Copyist, has taken•an office ad
joining the ittriatened Union, on Third street, where he
will prepare young men for hookeepera, clerks, 80., and
asst. t them to situations in business in biladelphia and
New York. He will also attend promptly, to the mike t.
ment of difficult accounts, owing and closing books,
general copy work of any kind. Re,.orting, Cord and
Letter-wriling, Time tables, Muster and Pay Rolls for the
Army, Noise Mortgagee, Bondi and Adver 'Bement"
carefully_ made Charges moderato
Refers'to '
Bon. Edward Elwell, Boston.
Dr J. Beery Potation, Podenixtrille ' Pa.
Hon.,George L. Catty, Banker, New York.
William Dock . Jr , Esq., Harrisburg
THAT we have recently; added to our al
ready full stook
"31 1
[ " MONO,
Fa' INN Emmaus=
parka seesticao Boucturr
tba alus Sus
Humes non
mow Raul
NE* MOWN air,
Raving the largest stock and beet assortment of Toilet
Articles, we Caney that we are better able than our com
petitors to get up a complete Pellet Set at any prate de
sired. Dalt and see.
Always on band, a FRESH Stock of DRUGS, MEDI
CINES, CRBNICALS, &a consequent of our , receiving
almost daily, additions thereto.
91 Market Street. two doors East of Fourth Street,
South side.
Between P.hilacielohia
LOON Eivviu, Javan , Sam, WIIIIaIIaPONT, MONTT,
Gsoaosrown,Lvasasvows, Vulvas-6
BORE, HALMS, Darrow,
The. PhiLdelphia Depot being centrally located the .
Drayage will be at the 'lowest rates. A Clenductor gees
through with each train to attend to the sate delivery of
all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the
De et
W, WARD 51PRIIRD, No. 811 Marl et Steel, Phila
dolphin, by 5 o'elook will be c..livereti in
Harrisburg ihe ne=t moraine
Freight (always) as low as by' spy' other ,11.0.
Plum:whir attention paid 67tHlk line to prompt and
speedy delivery of all Harrisburg ‘loods.
The undersigned thankful for past patro • .e hopes by
stria attention to Mishima to merit a con:. • (14 nee of the
some. T. PIIIiSKR,
Philadelphia amid Beadle i.
Foot of Market Strut . ti ail, burg
deli d6m
EKBOUTIVI Dipeinturr,
Sept. 8, 1861. f
1. No pardon will be granted until notice of
the application therefor shall have been given
by publication once a week fof two consecutive
we in a newspaper printed in the county in
whiok the conviction was had.
2. No pardon will be granted unless notice
of the application therefor shall have been given
to the District Attorney of the proper County.
Z. No pardon will be granted without first
consulting the Judge who presided at the trial
of the party. By order of the Governor.
Body of Corn.
sePt - lm•
Qt) rpothaunodreigiFriecosh.b.":l'xid
in glass boxes
49 taken Abe /Jive Rome eery in weight from ten
to six pounds: The quality is superior.
WM. DOCK, JR., & co.
IV National &mg" ismit p.. 3 / 4 PER with a slaw
the city of lierriebtult, printed sad for sale as
130H6M11,13 BOW. z 4 uPt',
till Near the Nerrietture Bride.
TN consequence of the death of W. J. E.
Itkihop, one the Arm of W. J. E Manor and Huns, no.
etude here by ittaloathat the books of the late firm are in
tbe bands of the arriving partner. all pereoas kpo -
log tbenteetres to be indebted to the laterfirmi and
those ha ObdErts, wiltpreaent them, datranttum -
ted, '
• ahItUKOWNI.Id 4
entitflDE pattaft.
inat.dw u rea :
WCACHT 011 •
Universal 0011fide1108 TiOro ll ag&
Ladies and deo tleol,ca,,iali 4. &hi world Whir ro
• 8 • ' f Pritta Wood's Hair IbmptraiMm, Rod
tan 4-Timo ane Utumfauttus io ma= . A
.• 7,
Holy eat, be lime even 'One or
•,,:ill he how Able for yea to doilbtal
Wall aireet, New Vega, Dem geitk,lB6ll
0 • ; Four note o• the hath latu., bag branre
cto,: Illakion had herd that nom boast bene
fited : WerWs Hail iteatendire, and request-
ing .of t h e bI h tot Mieatfon io
ldve -
n. prase t !Adult it dui
My age .;„ 60 years ; the color in los Nair aur t ora
and curl home lire or MI jaw. slate it 4 3 _
gan to ay , the scalp on cuecrown of my be •ct
to lose ...Leahy amit4audntifth fix. t.' :non IL Hach
of these ireabtlidi aliiismogedelim time, sod about
four m;Maim a. fourth wol'OpitiOd to th em, by hair
falling , • top of my head sod thriateniug to matte
me bald.
In this ypsgau► preOicement, I was induced se try
a" 4 : 1110101 to arias the fat tug
or of my 1 i Lk . jor A bad molly pie expeetatios that gray
hair could at, rdatot*. to Its original color excep.
from OM. - 1 watt, however, greatly aurpris:d to find
Iler the use t 4 two Ito ties ouly, that not, only was the
failing off arreMe. .I,ltii ch. color we* restored to the gray
hairs and sumaltiitt to the scalp, and dandruff muted to
form on my bead, Very much to the ',runic/Atoll of hi/
mire, at whom aldicitaben f WOW Induced to try It.
For this, *mobs- the many obligations I owe to her sex,
1 stroupy recommend all he--bonds who v lee the •0-
miration of Moir titty X to or , dt by my example, mid
use tif growing gray*: Ming bald.
rotl3;-.N. A. Lamm
T. OJ. wood fit ock,4“ , Maw Volt
' limit; are absent from ths city, and I am no loam
or at No. 11 Carrot place.
J A lthe of ft, Siama.ton, Ala., July Mb, Ufa
.' To Pa. O. J. sVOOD : ' , oar Sir : Your "Elan. hmAora
, , jay tuft. BO much good eines I orMarnenesid
at I wish to make known to tb• Pllfil PO
its efredts on the hair, which are great. t man or wo
mau may be owls , deprived of hair, and by • resort to
your "Flair Restorative," the hair will return more
briantilbl than ever ; at lea t this is my . Iperkoce
Believe it all I Yours truly 'm. a. HINEDY.
-. . .
P can publish the above 11 you like. By pub
lishing In our Southern papers you will get inure patron
age south. I see several of your certinftles to MO /4.
bite Mercury a strong Souther.' paper.
PROP 0. J. WOOO : Hear Yr : Raving had the mister
hum to lose the best 'Aston of my hair, from the effect.
of the yellow fever to New Orleans in 1861, I was in
duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it
to answer as tee very thing needed My hair Iv now
thick and glosay, and no wircis can °sprees m. obliga
tions to you in giving to the atilicusd snob a treasure.
The Restorative is put up in bottles of three due, via :
large medium, and small ; the small holds half a pint,
and retails for one dolLir per bottle ; the medium holds
at least twenty per emit more in proportien than •he
small, retails for two dollars p •r bottle ; the large Ix ida
a quart, 40 per e.nt. more to proportioa, and retails RIM
O. J. WOOD 300., Prop tutors, 444 droodway, New
York, and 114 Illirtet ntreet, 81. Louis, No.
And sold by all good oruggois aud Fancy Anode
Laslers. Jyl3-dawo•Jw
A Now Lot of
Of beautiful Lyles, aubstantlally made
A Splendid Azaorteent of
A New Mil Elegant Perfnme,
Put up in Cut Maas la/graved Bottles.
A Complete Assortment Of
Cif the b. - 4 NanoGown
A very Re &wine ♦arioty of
91 Make% street.
~...,-..z ...a1:, „. -,..
.f , I , 411. , K' -
• o Gait , at QUIRNSTOWN, (lrettied.) The Liver
. NiW tors and Philadelphia Steamship company
humid d.epatehling their full powered GyAebollt iron
Steamships ea hriknrs :
LITT OF iIiANGSZSTER, Saturday stmntember 21_;
KANGAROO, Saturday September 28 ; CPPT ”Ir NEW
TORK, Saturday, October 5 ; nDINSORG, Saturday, Oc
tober 12; and every Saturday at Noon, from Pim 44,
North Elver.
FIRST CARLI $715 001 arsgRAGE IMO 00
do to London $BO 00 1 do to London ..$BB 00
do to Paris $B6 00 do to Paris ....$BB 00
do to Hamburg-685 001 do to Ramberg 1185 00
Passengers also forwarded to Havre, firemen, Rotter
dam, Antwerp, &0., at equally low rates.
gar-Persons wiening to bruin euttheir friends can buy
tickets bore at the tOilowuag rake, to New Tork From
Liverpool or Quesostown; lot Cabin, 810, 1185 and blob .
Steerage from Liverpool 140 00 From Queenstown,
These Steamers here superior acoonunoJedione tor
paseengers, and carry experienced Elergatins. They are
built in Wall-tight Iron Bandon., and have eateat Fire
Annihilators on board.
For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM
INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; Glasgow to WM.
INMAN, 6 et. ftooh Square ; in Queenstown to C. & W.
D. SET HOUR & CO. ; In London to IffilS & MAIM, 01.
Ring William St. ; in Paris to JOLUS DECOUR, 6 Place
de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JOGN G. DALE, ill
Walnut street ; or at the Company's emcee.
JNO. G. DALE, Agent,
lb Broadway, New York.
Or 0.0. Zimmerman. anent. Harrisburg'.
How a Letter Written by Soldiers
can be sent without the Prepay
ment of Postage.
HARRISBURG Posy omo2, Sept. 11, 1861.
In order to give a full explanation of the
recent law pasted by Congress on the subject of
sending letters written by soldient without pre
paying the postage, the undersigned publishes
the instructions received from the Poet office
Department on the subject, from which it will
be seen that Regiments must Zs fully organized be
fore they can enjoy the privilege of that law,
and that the certficate of the Major or acting
Major must be attached to each letter.
Appointment Office, July 23, 1861;
The following ordes has been made by -the
Post Office Department, for the execdtion of the
new law respecting soldier's letters :
Postmasters at or near any camp or point oc
cupied by the United States forces, will mail,
without prepayment of postage, any letter writ
ten by a soldier in the service of the United
States, and certified to be such by the Major or
Acting Major of the regiment to which the
writer is attached. The envelope should have
plainly stamped or written on its face the cer
tificate "Soldier's Litter," gigned i n wr iti ng b y
the Major or Acting Major of the regiment, de
scribing his regiment by its number and its
State. The postage due on such letters will be
collected at the office of delivery.
The certificate and address may be in the fol•
lowing forni
"Soldier's Letter.
A. 8., Major 10th Reg't,
N. Y. Volunteers. 'b.
Mr. John Jones,
Talcs, R. Y."
commissioned officers will prepay their t wa t_
age ae heretofore.
First Asnstaw P. K. General
TikL vast amount of prop'erty - destroyed
annually by , lightning ought to be • warning to
property holder. 10 secure their buildings. AU orders
rar Lightning Rods lett at the anode° store of W. BARB,
attended to. &Ids pat up in the tared Improved
*NO warranted. Jel2 d
11,449N1 One to, Five Hundred Dollars
- frottli of urn now. Ilkware of
Ma glra IligßAitrinot.
W. H. Kenolj.