THE TELEGRAPH IS PITSLISIEED EVERY DAY, By GEORC+E BERGNER, TERUEL—Snout Sorournaw. The DAILY Tatman is served to inibeerlbere le the MY at OK cents por week Yearly eubscrlbere will be barged se co WitIELY AND 81317•WEIMLY TILIGRAPH. The TILIGRAPII Is also published twice a week during remaindersloa of the Legislature, and weekly duriug the reman of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following rates, viz: Single subscribers per year- ... • • • Seven IL 14 Ten UM LAW Of NIIMPAPISS. It subecribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continuo to send them until 411 %outrages are paid. 11 subecribers neglect or reuse to take thelr nowspa em from the office to which they ere directed, they are revonsible until they have settled the bills and ordet ed been discontinued, .mmaiminmsmse ifitilitaL gIL JOHNSON LOCK ktosrulu. tj A 6 theuoverud the west eertain, Speedy and elleetwill remedy In the world tor DIBLASKS ON' LISIPIIIJUENCE. ULM) fa AI TO TWILTI Houle. Yo Mleretery or Noxious Drugs. • sea Cove WARTANTIV, OM MO L im os, la raoll use T. TWO DAYS. - 44 Wealimp 01 the Sack or Limbs, Strictures, pains it the Woe, &grooms of the Kidneys mutt Madder, Organs Westmont, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Phyeica pow ere, Dysisipsis, Languor, Low Spirits, courtuoott 0. den, tall nation of the Heart, Timidity, 'frownlings, Deimos. of Sight ur Giddiness, 1101011130 of the Steinman, Affedtione el the Head, fides!, I , lt se or ate—those terrible disor ders annuli, trout the indiscretion or Solitary Habits it Youth—tho-ie drwullul and dostrublive prlLGUselit Wh pI'UOUTT Cent tmehouul debility, render warms° hallow tittle, mod destroy bulb body and mole, YOUNG il.101„ booed teem espemally who have become the vette:moot ouniso Vice, tem dreadful and detstrautive habit tv,hteh itenuolly tWeept 10 am untimely grave thousands 01 young men el the must exalted talent soil brilliant intel lect, Who angel. OtheYWlßb hove onwanced hatentoh ttatialell with the thunders or teotwence, or waited to se :ay the living lyre, may call wl h full confidence. kIAitaLSGE. ilarried persons, or thus, contemplating marriage, be ug aivaro of physical vniakuesi, Should immediately Mal pr, .1., and de reiltorcii to portent health. iJitanAlti immediately cured and fall ova, restored. Ho who plugs Meisel tinder LOB Calif in Dr. J. ma) ruliglunsly counde in his honor as a gentionum, and roe, ndeuily rely npon bin skill as a ouyetoleat. itirtalloa No, 7&nab P. ollortoe , etroot, atattuiol% ti ma., on the' lett mid aide gems from Baltimore street, ours from the oornee. par [traitor in observing, tine 41141113 or number, or you .will mistake the place. tie par. heeler for iimoruat, Vampquakoks, with (Aida unwire, Paltry ilambuy flartecistat, attrooted try We repute• boo of Dr. Jobnson, ur near. All letters count contain a Postage Biump, to use on the reply. lilt. JOIINBLIJN. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal tieliege ul burgeons, London, graduate from one of the most ambulant eullieges of the United States, and tee greatest part 01 Wheat+ the has been spent in the tiospitalw of London, Ktria, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has edboted some of the most es- Mouthing curse that wore ever nuown. Many troubled with ringing In the earn and hood wbeu asleep, great net.- smugness, being alarmed , at sitddensound a, •balitiftilnees, with frequent blUshiug, attended semetitnee with derenne• wont of mind were cowed immediately, ?AKIO PAMILIULAR NOT Br. ~uressis ail knees who having Injured them• selves b, private and improper intielgenuies, that secret sad solitary oablk which reins both body sad mind, sm ithies them t o , either businese or sanely. The.. are creme of the sad and elehueaholy ea . eta pro- Melee oy early bands of youth, via: Weidman ol.the Back acrd LAtelte, Patna An the Itead,,forariess of Sight, Lam of Idesaidar SWer; Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, tierirtebllrritability, Derangement. Of the Digestive yanetions, General SyillyloolB of Uoneump- Ilen, 00, ILkNTALLL ilanitmm, the fearful abets on the mho:fere - mien to ne dreaded :—Lose of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, TU. preselon of Spirits, itvil Forebodings, Aversion toelooie• ty, balf-distrusi, Love of Solitude, Timidity, he., me sums of the evil Weds. Mounds of poraoun 01 all ago!, oau now lodge what the tame or their doollne m health, ioatug Weir vigor, baconung weal, palm, uer room and ootamated, wive a 'insular appearance about the aria, sough, and aymp• ma of conaUtuption, YOUNG MEN who nave Injured taetasolves by a eurtaln prauticet, dinyed in when urine—a habit freqnently learned from eta zompanlons, or at sehoel, the adecia el winch are rightly MIL, even when asleep, and If not cured, rented, marriage impassible, and deatroys both mind and body, should apply inunaliately. What a pity that a young luau the napes ot his seal. try, the darling of his parents, should be unaided troll all proapeota and enjoyments at lite by thy uousequeneei of deinatdog from Inn pub el nature, and indulging IC It certain reedit habit. du :% persons must, aurora confers plating ateltrUAGN, tow% that 14 mood iuiud and body mottle moat Menai, raqualhea to promote commOuti Emplane:la. Lodatd without these, the jouruey through his heOmnisa a weary phgthnagm the prospect hourly darken/1 to tho view; Um mind becomes shaduwod wan (Impair, and tilled with tilt melancholy rotiection thut the happincee of another be• moues blighted with our own. OR, JOHNSON'S IN VIOURATING REMEDY 108 Ob BANTU WEANNIft. L by this great and Important remedy, WesluietuleM tti 4rgeez are speedily eared, end full vigor restored. P.housands of the moat nervous and debilitated nit and hut all Dope, have beau immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental &eau&lid. melee, Nervoue, Trembling, Weidman or islthaustion OT the moat fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this lunation within the last twelve years, and the numerous important burgle& operations performed by Dr. J., whammed by ihe re porters of the papers, and many other persons, ammo of which hove appeared again and again Wore the public, besides AO standing os is gentleman of character mad tt epongibafts, is a sulticient guarantee 10 the 'Whaled. DISUSES OF IMPRIIDENCL—When the misguided and imprudent votary of _pleasure Ands he hen imbibed the seeds of this' painful disease, it too often happens that an Maimed sense of ahame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and re • speciabllity can alone befriend him, delaying till the toe. stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affenting the head, throat, pose, skin, am, progressing on with frightful rapidity, 411 deal h What period to his dreadiul sufferiugs by Beading him to bourne from whence so traveler returns." it is a meth anehOly tint that thousands fall victims to ibis terrible disease, owing to the unskilillineas of ignor ant pr y, the who, by the use of that deadly prima, metroury, the eotistitution and make the residue of life miserable. To aloe. Stnanne.—The DocDoctor'sDipiDiplomasbang in his AI - Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the reply, sir Remedies sent by Mall. siir-No. 7 South Frederick street, Balteure. Apia -dawn _....... JUST PUBLISH ED. A MANUA 1, MILITARY SURG E RY HINTS ON ME ENZUGENCIIDS Field, Camp, and Hospital Practice, 8. D. 0 8088, U. D. FROFIEISOII OF MGM nut JO PUL if MiDIOAL Comma PEOLAMA. For eels at BERONER'S,CHEAP BOOKSTORE may 21 SCHEFF.ER'S BOOK STORE (Near the B.arrrirbto Bridge.) JUST RECEIVED from the gtl•2§e nide a lot of fine COhiMBECIAL NOTE r it, attic we will eell at 41.25 per ream. • $2.60 per reaca for NOTE PAPER, decorated with the latest and mottos, very handeome emblems and patriotic SEM f0r,1009 WHITE ENVFLOPRB, with BAUM* end Patriotic emblem; printed In two colors. !team give us a call. THE F SCHEMA it 42.4 Harriatiarg. ACIDER 1 VINEGAR 11 X.DE from ea b y and selected Apploit and guaranteed by tut to bootlick!, 'Po& WM. DOOM as' 001 . 1 • . . r • f,;•'. , , • :: ~,..,.:......::: A_ it . ,,,4,_ : ,„, aesti ..., . • 4%\olopfi.. - 1 ~. ~.. .. ... ...... .. • • -- 4 ~-, ~. ~.. .. , ~• .., ~, ~ . _ ________,_ 7 .--.,1 . _._ \ •,-__- , ..--- -- -- - = ,%--- '.. • _ -,.., - ~ tri n ......_.. : ~..,... . , ... t. . .....i._ ~..,_ ,- ......_ • _,,,,,,,-,,,,p!:_.!:‘,.).4.--) _.. ,„ ~.L.„ ~„! r -_-i 1 • , g I'. ,_:7,- - ' ' - i•` 44 , e ;").C` - 4 ." -.i.-',- i it 4 ' . .4.4•14 .32 00 _l2 00 _l5 00 VOL XVI NMI 2thertilitttlfiltB SPECIAL PROOLAXATION BY THE GOVERNOR. OFFIIIiC SWILETARY OF TON COMMONWSALTI4 Harrisburg, Sept. 18, 1861. The following "provisions iu arse any cif the militia or volunteers shalt be In actual service at the time of the general election" are publish ed fur the benefit Of those citizens of Pt amyl- Vania to whom they may apply iu connection with the general election to be held on the sec ond Tuesday of October, A. D 1861 : isittenever any of the citizens of this COW mouwealth qualified tie hereinbefore provided, shall be in airy actual military semi. e in. any detachment of the militia or corps of volunteers, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this com monwealth, on the day of the general election, as aforesaid, such citizens may exercise the right of suffrage at such places a, may be ap pointed by toe commanding officer of the troop, or company, to which they shall respectively belong, as fully as if they were present at the usual place of election. Provided, That no member of any such troop or company, shall be permitted to vote at the place s t appointr.d, if at the time of such election be shall be with in ten miles of the place at which he would- be entitled to vote, if not in service as aforesaid. The proceedings for conducting suchelectious shall be as far as practicable, in all respects the same as are herein directed in the case of gen eral elections, exce i rt that the captain or com manding officer of each company or troop shall act as judge, and that the first lieutenant or of deer second in command, shall act as inspector, at such election, so far as shall relate to such company or troop ; and in case of the neglect or refusal .rf such officers, or either ofr them, to serve in such capacity; the lacer 'of facers next in command, iu such company or troop, shall act as judge or inspector as. the .case may ; be. The officer authorized to perform the duties or judge, shall administer' the proper oath or affirmation to the officer who shall act as. in spector, and ad soon as such officer shall have been sworn or affirmed, he shall adininister the proper oath or affirmation to the officer whose duty it shall be to a -i.udge, and such officer acting as judget-shallapDdiab , iwo persons to act as clerks, and Shall urlmlnister to them the proper oaths or affirmations. The sever* officers: authorised to., conduct such eleetiotlishalttak4tfie•-ffirb oatlikor-qtffir matiotts, shall hdve the like powers, and they, as well as othtil petsons who may attend, vote, or offer to vdte, at such election, shall he sub ject to the like peniltiei and restrictions as , are declared or provided imthis act, in the case of elections by the citizens at their usual places of election. Within three days after such election, the judges thereof shall respectively transmit through the nearest post office, a return thereof together with the tickets, tally lists of voters, to the prothonotary of the county in which such electors would have voted, if not in Military service. And the said judges ., shalltransmitanother return of such election to the Om manding.officar of llMmegiment or battallion, as the case may be, who , shall make a general return under hit hand and seal, of the voted of all the companies or troops under his command and shalrtransmit the same through the near est post office to the secretary of the common wealth. It shall be the duty of the prothonotary of the county, to Whom such returnsahailbe made, to deliver to the return judges of the same county, a copy certified under his hand and seal, of the return of votes so transmitted to him by the judges of the election in_ the companies or troops aforesaid. The return judges of the proper county !or counties, in which -thp volunteers pr men aforesaid may have ridded at the tirre'of being called into actual service as aforesaid, shall meet on the second Tuesday in November next after the election: And when two or more counties .are.. , conneoted in' the election, the meeting.,of thei.judgett front la& county shall be postponed- in such case until the Fri day following the said second Tuesday in No ' vember. The return judges so met, shall include in their enumeration the votes so returned, and thereupon shall proceed in all respects in the like manner as is provided in this _act, in Qum where all the votes shall have been given at the usual place of election. " ELI SLIFER, Secretary of, the Commonwealth. seplB-doawte STONE FOR SALE. BUILDING STONE or Stone imitated for turophdog ;wood., Wi so delivered to nay ear of the city or ita e 'chitty s oply to morTI WM. OOLDRIt. Jr. BOARDING. PLEASANT apartments, with use of beater, bath, gas ire with good board, can be Ob tained by a couple of gentlemen at. No. 6. Locust street. House lately G.:copied by fen. !fi ller,) near the river. seppli.d2w-2taw Haan @sums, Harousamo; Sept. 9, 1861. r A BOARD OF SURGEONS for the examuka- JA. tion of candidates for the post of Surgeon and Surgeon's mate in the Pennsylvania troops, will assemble in Harrisburg, at the Hall of Re presentatives, Wednesday, Oct. 2d, 1861, at 9 a. in, when and where all desiring appoint ments will present themselves. • By order of the Governor. HENRY H. SMITH, M. D. selo-3taw Surgeon General, Penn's. ALDERMAN. HENRY PEPPER. OFFICE—THIRD STREET. (SHELL'S BOW,) NEAP. MARKET. Residence, Cisestnut street saw Fourth OM Or amuusauma, pi/WA. I W 12411 "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-=-NEUTRAL IN NONE 7 F[ARRISBURG PA., FRIDAY, AFTERNOO N , 'SEPTEMBER' 27, 1861 , The above representation of the One Hun dred Dollar Treasury Note. It is of the same size, and as near a fac simile as can be made on wood,i and at the same time adaptable to the rapid printing of the typographical steam press. The orgimd note, however, is of the finest, ar tistic+ finish, and in two colors, viz : The large outline "C" behind "United States," and the figures "100" in tablet ineach lower corner, are printed in green : the figures, lettering, portrait of General. Scott, and the, coupons, are all in black ink. The name and sigasiture on the above are, of course, flod.tkolsi haTingbeAlk Put' in by wood engraver, merely to show the gen eral appearance of filing up. The back of .the note is printed in green, with its amount very beautifully expressed ingeumetcleal lathe work and figures. On one end of the back is also the indorsment, and on the other end the rate of interest per day, viz : two cents a day on the other end the $lOO note. The public will per ceive that the coupons are numbered and detect to expire every six months, and canbe readily cut FROM THE FEDERAL CAPITAL. Correspoodenee of the Telegraph. Yesterday was a gala day in the vicinity of Teruiallytown. Gen. McClellan, accorapanied by a host of military . chieftains and civilians, proceeded to the encainpment of the Pennsylva nia reserve for. the purpose of witnessing the drill and field exercise . of the : various regiments. The Pennsylvania boys stutiained themselves admirably, and won golden opinions from the General. Their active movements, soldierly bearing, and the quickness with which they performed every evolution, elicited unbounded admiration from the distinguished visitors pres ent, and Gen. McCall was !complimented very highly for his untiring disciplining the men under his command. There is a foul blot to be erased from Pennsylvania's escutcheon— the cowardly conduct of the Fourth regiment when the battle at Bull Run was raging at its highest pitch, and about which Gen. McDowell ldevoted a paragraph of his official report—and I feel' confident that the volunteers now in the - Held from that proud State , will wipe out the ; stigma that has been cast on" hes fair fame. -A. corps lust been formed principally from the, reserve corps, and promises to readerArastic ble service, It le controlled by a notablolacer, THE UNITED- ST WeeenterroN, Sept. 22, 1861. 'ES TREASURY NOTES. oil,' and presented to the nearest branch office fOr PaYitteat at the times of maturity. The varloas denominations of Treasury Notes,bearing 7 3-10 per cant. interest, are' now being signed it Washington, and wits issued to the publ)c in it lbw days. They are as follows : $56, $lOO, $l,OOO, $5,000. • In the meanwhile, subscrip tions will be received at the Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, by 0. • Hager, Esq., who holds the agency for this County, and at the Biulkirig House of Reed, HcGraim & Co. The $5, $lll, $2O, on-demand notes / without interact al , are - ready in-circulatioia, but have not' yet reached the ordinary channels of trade. The style and finish of each denomination is difietent there fore, the above is a representation of ,the $lOO only. The coupons, horiever,' are attached to all the denominations lathe sami3iniumer, the interest is specified according to the amount of ithe face of the note. The notes are all ext cuted`by the American Bank Note Company, and embrace the most perfect security against counterfeiting or alterations. They are &So rendered anti-photographic by the use of a pat ant indestructible green colored ink, for which the Bank Note Company have the exclusivemie: who has performed like service on anterior oc casions. • William Woodall, formerly a set geant in the Kepner Fencibles, from your city, tepreSents in part that company in the corps. iThe pay of the members is twenty-one dollars 1 per month. Gen. McClellan no . doubt feels justly proud of the soldiers in the field fro& his native State, and he. will certainly place them, when the desirable time comes, in a po sition where they can win glory and renowi4; Comprodore..Dahlgren, commander :Of the Wsahingtoa Navy Yard, liturrequrstedtheafavY Department to:ram:m.llo moni passes•to persons desiring admittance, except those who have bi Sinew to the The thousands of visito daily to the Yard, have annoyed the Commodo very much,, and have ,harrassed the employees with interrogatives to such an extent, thatthey Could not do justice to.the Work assigned them!. The request was readily complied with, and hereafteknone, can gain ingress except on spd cial business. There is a larger force employed, now in the yard than there has ever been here- . • tofore, and it if; ,said that 'eight cannon 'dr ' e turned out daily, besides.: sundry other death-- dealing instriurieuts. Add! to this the' vario* nllB city walled in as, perfectly: as Paris W prior ,to the bat Ale of Waterloo; or as • •:.•(-. Attie its gliwy ; and , • Hannibal was defeated by Scipio..-4....tdif • the old Bladensburg dwelling ground is bah* , fortified, and as many as s ixty or seventy guns , will be mounted on the embrasures sh rtly. This hill co - Salida& the country forilea ~:ii, leraund, nniilitl ans iff4ius most fortnidahl sites that could luive 1.144 Selected fora fortiti lion, :There is a1g1. 01 ,4, 4941: inY,Olittionary, fa at ' ta:ched to oils particu r,spok. it being th bill viboie General Winder, itrlBl4, li ke the brig of France, 1 ' • ' - .,"With;several men, NitrOFo 4P.1.1ie liikand dheil doWn as in.." 1 Evt:ry available ro,,int to'the city , le Veit, is also 114- :41'01Y fottitied, and *kW it tit 1 not withstanding the rebel 'leg is seen ' in' the die t ; twice, as Louis Napoleon. does in his.. legal 4 • hair. I hear it ,said , that, the nipple of the I t.orth have fear,. that the Capitol will 'hi at tacked ty the rebeli.* - 16111 a bialudehdest On the contrary • they aril expebting seat* dr' from Oini army dui'', AlCverified • by a state en from a d eserter who, came, inside of , oar, es a few daYs'ago.'' 't,st, 'ail iffichlearii be dlsPe . iiirtil I Ile regiment that his 'b...'fileing In this lOistrict for, some /thire-itiatowfull and I ner looking body of !nen ; gould. ‘ not. hp . , up anywhere. kr . Richard Wallach, tt's hrioSishor; ' Meilen* ifi'behatt i cif 'the adi of al gun-boats that are constantly plying bet t en ,I toff place and the. estheachuse ofi ;the POtO BC, makes it the most lively ; and , stirring place of theldetrapalis. ' l The protrost gland of this citYle doing s tod service,, and it • is really amusing td le e ithe ry f ces of officers when i passes are dens . . of them. the guard discharge their duties f th hilly? withitut fear,ffivbr, or affection. oi , . Joe no longer seen - Unnecessarily 'away " i f ui their_toste, find. loafing about the saloons and' principal hotels- ,So!itterits.too, no , longer brlrri . c.. 4 the streets , or are seen, in an intoriatiting ukte. 'Whiitliy-selletic Ett'h3ylike, mandate t dry reluctantly, but thaylliAbW ft:01 1 nel! that their I sovealente are watched and that if they are detected Mffisregfuffing,the law, ey ft , ‘itilllie deajt with severely . hence all, pa es regard the law manse it fast , through feat ofis °ovary, and the punishment that will certainly ensue. The citisentkof,ilds city feel•very te fel, to provoit_marshal Porter ; for his I .?nrs) i t" ling zeal and 'energy in Maintaining such El di order, and well theylday be for the city has never been governed better since its foundation than at the pre3ent ppriod. the city, in a neat , and, appwriate epee a beautiful standard'to the'r*iment,' on year day, whicb was reficivectfit ii , pertinent 11240131' by Col. Tait. - A large crowd = was present to witness the, ceremony ,., and everything „ oft pleasantly. ' The .dishict ladies d ve, I th ed great credit for their Patribtiata; and for their ' kindness.% administering to the wants of the sick soldiers All • honor to them. . A MEM I ~,:. .... . ..., ...7 e. — .t. "i) t.l - titeCtilitif - Winrtrir - EIM i I :t? i h, f + 7 ,i • ii ki I( ) l' FROM mug VIRGIN' IIE B*IRIT)4D ADVANOE ,OB T a """'"" 'RED/ET:IL 1 1 401:3111. 7-- - ••-- 1 „ ' 4 ,e1l E . t : k nit 1 0 ti i t • E D iiiiiikwAT Optracam irroaminr. 'IDIETT.EITE , 11,1BELE1i 4 KLDIIICD 'AND It . LURE 'NIMBI* WOUNDED. ' may;:2 ,'' •. • . :: , . •, Glamor, VA.; Sept: -25. Five handfed olt thei. Fourth . Obio • regiment with one piece of ,grtiitery and the. Ilinggrold. ca alit' seventy five nu r, under ; WI, Cantwell; And fobrlitinditid of the Eighth Ohio, under-Col: Efarke;Wiltdi'an advaricie'frdia - Ilew Creek on Monday towarsis , Reimney, the enemy, seven htuicked strong, out of (Mir cioniiilmile gap on the ,morning of the 24thi. and tuhrittiolug 6ti !Whiney stormed; 'the towli,, musing the enemy whose 'fonie numbered font.= Oen hundred infantry and civalry 'Ur retreat - Ai the mountains, with, ;loss ~ of about thirty-tive' killed `and ilarge number'wounded. Our loss is three killed and ten wounded. From Gen. 4,48' Coition. . . - Trial, of Lonaliam,l the lklurderer of Lewis. FROM THE, trilkEß poiroiami. The Rebell; Employed at, rearhigllp 1 0$0. ;111 iSTfMA ED NUMBER ,OF , ,REattS AT VARIOUS PoiNTS • THEIR. CONDITION Col. Geary ?iUte AriOtkerAildnxwih With the Rebels. • :•12taa15447", Sept 26- , Inns tbe murderer of,Xajor Lewis, of . the Permsylvenhi46th, was hied yesterday and found guilty of murder.- Seidl]. be. hung as' 80011 as his sentence is confirmed bythe au ties at Washington.• • -' • I The accomplished soldier and, 40- cer, CaPtaln "Beberf:Willhons, wdg tent General, attached to Gen. Banks' divisT „- has :accepted the command= •of lwregiment of Maeachusetts. awaity, companies of which have ilready . txten - and equipped.. It , is • that he Will" eive here in ;about ten The. latest advises: from the upper Potineee state ,that Capt. Carnes , f9r4lierlY of the rebel • y, Wag at Dam No. 4 With a Potrllfyq oval Virginians perfonning Jpiekeediity. At Williamsport andr Hageriltown our feares lhave ..n considerably-strengthened on-the Virginia de Of the, river fromF9Rl7- At 'dam No. thereviete about 400 p l e b of Henderson s, Rhinehardrs and - Tinier Ashby's oorpa. It is said tligt•Oapt. Henderson was re • alti.9 killed in:*/ ,, efEmeon county iby.. one of his rivates, named giller.,-Nhere are about 600 oot soldierS in' and irptlnd:/hisrlhOnt. were gbuerally initiating up the of the Balthnore'end Ohio alto oraf - ,_ bridge le•Adliald's otatfOu; —44 = eB tun° "fi r r•cir i • i • The !lave c‘a rating to ploy* four othort. The boolootives ham tinting ft fat!. Itartagpreouredl t atealwYcnver Preeren, we are prepar. ed•to exerts Nll3 *ld WAN PRINTING orairery aeserip. cheaper n' it inn be done at any other establish. wentto Op country. *a- Four lines or lees oanstituteone•balf square. Right lines or more than lbw constitute a square. Helf i rquire, one day one week.... Id ene month.. months 44 dr months... 4 • Ont,Square, one der oneWel'k ....• • .. R 00 n one month , three months li 00 n az months 10 00 •' One year ..... ... lb 00 sir Badness notices Inserted In the Loyd Octants, or Wore gorriges and, ellabs, FIVE CkbTd PER LINE for osch Insertion. ._ ' - N 0.2 6 gar-Mairiaterand Deaths to be deluged as regular ad "en !tale; • .as well as the iron rails haft been dropped at Stevenson's station, the nearest point on the Harper's Ferry and Manchester Railroad Noth ing hail been done towards la 3 ing the track from Manchester to Strasburg. on the Manassas road, the reason given is that thty have no cross-tim. At Charlestown there were hid two companies of militia, who are being used as laborers At 'Winchester there are «rom 3,000 to 4,000 mili tia!, half clothed, half shod and half starved. :TWAY Ow are heing used as laborers. Their condition Is deplorable in the estrum), and they.perform the duties required of them with the greatest .reluctanee. Gteri'l Johnson vow at Lees Fauq flier Sulphur Springs, where he has been staying several days for the benefit of his health. Of this fact there can be no doubt. To-day an action took place at this point be tween a part of the forces under Col. Geary and four or live hundred rebels on the Virginia side of the Rotomac. The enemy were sheltered in the4iigb point of Catoctin Mountain and in the houses at its.base, but they were driven from eveiy Plate by the battery and rifles of Colonel Geary's odintritind. The holism were burnt to the ground, and whilst several of the enemy are known to have been killed and wounded, the Federal troups,suitained no injury. The conflict there of the 15th inst., resulted in a rebel loss of eighteen killed—one shell alone from our battery killed eight secessionists Not a day or night passes but bodies of the re belt; make their appearance at some point on the secession sitie.of the river, opposite Colonel Geary's line of guard, keeping his. force in a constant state of bodily exercise. He only uses his artillery when he knows it will be effective AT ER FROM MISSOURI. Reported Attaok on Lexington by Generals Siegle and Lane. HEAVY FIRING HEARD. Detai!fief the Surrender of Lexington. THE REBEL LOSS 1200 .peels' dispatches from Quincy rerxrrta by telegraph to-day that Gen. Seigel with st,large force, and also Gen's. Lane and Hunter had ar rived at Lexington and attacked Price. An officer employ of the Government heard Aeavy,firing while passing Hamilton yesterday, =deo* that it was believed that Seigel. htul Pride in the same position as Mulligan had been 'Plated in. In 'regard to Gen. Hunter this can mot; be true, as he was at Rolla, two hundred and fifty miies,from Lexington, on Saturday. From the reports of some of Mulligan's , com mand whb reached this city last night, we learn the ftollowing additional particulars : • .The men -left .Lexington on Saturday atter- Apon. .N3aarly two hours were occupied in fey _ ng them over the river. At three o'clock i oey Cterted . for 'Handlton, forty miles distant, under the guidance of several armed secession ists. The advance portion reached Hamilton at sundown. At ten 'o'clock most of the party took the tiiin for Quincy. Along the route to Hamiltou they,. were in general kindly treated. All the money they could raise. was employed to get wagons to carry the wounded, though all those severely wounded remained at Lexington. Only One' commissioned officer, Lieut. Haiti brone,,escaped. All accounts agree that the re lag loss of killed and dangerously wounded is froth nine to twelve hundred. '''ThelthltheY Whig states on the information of Itri-bitelligent member of Col. Marshall's regi ment,' that a leading • rebel surgeon conceded their loss at 1134. One hundred mounted and seine, four hundred horses of Col. Marshall's regiment were killed, it being impossible to shelter them from the enemy's cannon. • After the surrender, many of the men killed their. horses to prevent them from falling into the enemy's hands. A large sum , of money, estimated at half a million dollard, half 'in Specie, was secured by Price, after being buried by. Col. Mulligan. FROM WA.BAINGTOIi. Flattering Prospects of the National Loan WASHINGTON, Sept. 2b_ ~,; S everal prominent citizens of Kentucky have arrived here within a day or two, and are now urging.the Government to haste in crowd mg their State with hosts of loyal troops, so as to keep Kentucky where the belongs—fast in Uhion. The popularity of the patriotic loan is some thing wonderful. Reports from new agencies come in from all the loyal States with large, fresh subscriptions and indications of great in dream in the amounts already large. The Goy i*nnient also has from the Banks in the cities as surances that the fifty millions of the next in stalment of the loan will be promptly paid up. The President has fully decided not to inter fere with the corms of General Fremont inMis sunrl, at present. Interesting from Western Virginia. The following an extract from a private letter received from Western Virginia yes tirday-: 'Turmas, Bourineourrry, Va., Sept. 17, 1861 . —The tunes aie 'truly startling here. Death and destruction are laying everything low. I am in tb:embilit of the battle field. The tan contending armies are meeting occasionally, and, do np Weir work to perfection. Our 0 , 904. % as been laid low by the Peyton IlbrriseGtianis and two companies cif the United States emu .. During the engagnmewt we krlled 111 , and 7of our 'men wounded. Since that time the rebels feel determined to fire p e yt er m. The Union men have guards out night and day. I have had my furniture our in the woods nearly,one week; all in the house now. The rebels are hot, fiery demons, regardless of what they do , andso far as I know and have heard, they suffer amazingly, and have done sh i n every battle since the Manassas fight. On the Kanawha the supposition is the rebels are In a very bad scrape. They are fight ink* Urauly Bridge, and at last report lost 460 tots Union men. 'lt is greatly feared that the Peoplerifiiinipin; the viiirdty of where the south- Ass bean, Intim - interior. of lirirginia,, bore tot deotkdAtiolgt.the 0 00ning ma . tor. • o ' o . Ws state idtbinga here that I desire to be off the that opportunity." RA ISE; OR ADVSKTIANG ..... SO 26 1 00 2 00 Pour or ROCKS, Sept. 24 I== =I CMICIAOO, Sept, 26 3 00 600 800