Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 23, 1861, Image 3

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HAft R f s URG. PA
golllllty Afternoon, September 23, 18
HAIIMONIC SOCIETY.—The first regular meet
ing of the Harmonic Society for the season, will
l e held this (Monday) evening, in the lecture
M OM Of the Baptist church, Pine street, at n
clock. The punctual attendance of active
members is requested.
MEND YOUR WAYS. — The pavements on the
nor II side of Market street, below Huckleberry
alley, and on the west side of Third street, be
low North, are in a very bad condition, causing
ejaculations from stumbling pedestrians, in no
may consistent with good morals. We
mend the the matter to the prompt attention of the
Toe New STEAM Flue ENGINE of the Friend
ship Fire Company is expected to arrive here
next Wedeesday or itursday. If on the latter
day the reception ceremonies will be postponed
wail Friday.
sire e tru ing the above the following dispatch
farm the agent of the manufacturing company
has been handed to us for publication:
Manny-mu, N. H., Sept. 21, 1861.
GEO. EARNEST, FrientlShip Fire Conrana—
Your engine was shipped to-day; w
Harrisburg the latter part of next week.
MILITAIIv Aau fiAr. —A sergeant, named Lockart,
who has been for some time recruiting in this
city for Col. Campbell's Fifth Pennsylvania regi
ment of artillery was arrested last Satur
day. The arrest was made in pusuance of
orders received from . Col. Campbell. Lochart
is charged with desertion, having refused,
when required, to report himself at the
camp of the regiment near Washington. The
prisoner was put in irons, lodged under a proper
guard at Military Hall, and at noon to day was
sent to Washington, where he will be trielby
a Court Martial.
days ago some half a dozen juveniles of Mecha
nicsburg, from ten to twelve years of age, hav
ing conceived a desire to visit the seat of war,
started for 'Washington ou the freight train,
and proceeded as far as this city. Here, it ap
pears, they were prevented from taking passage
on any of the trains, and after spending the
night in an empty car, retraced their steps home
ward, where they arrived on Thursday afternoon,
doubtless thoroughly disgusted with the diffi
culties attendant upon the pursuit of pleasure
of this kind.
THE New STAND Rzontustrrs. —The regiments
under the last requisition are rapidly being
formed in this city. They will number from
the Forty-fifth to the Sixtieth, inclusive—six
teen in number. The plan of numbering is to
count twenty-five three-months', four indepen
dent and fifteen reserve regiments, bringing the
number, previously organized in the State up to
forty-four. The officers assigned to regiments
thus far are :
Col. Thos. Welsh, Forty-fifth ; Col. Joseph
Knipe, Forty-sixth; Col. T. H. Goode, Forty
seventh; Col. Jas. Nagle, Forty -eighth; Col.
Wm. H. Irvin, Forty-ninth; Col. B. C. Christ,
Fiftieth. The remaining Colonels are not yet
assigned the number of their regiments.
CAPTAIN WATEBBURY'S company of Infantry,
.and Capt. C. C. Davis' company of Cavalry, are
now filled, and expect to leave Camp Cameron
Washington in a few days. A large propor
of the men comprising these companies
natives of this city, principally stout, athe
tic mechanics, who will give a good account
themselves. Both of the captains, served in
three month's campaign, Waterbury as Ad-
Int of the Second Pennsylvania Regiment,
I Davis as the First Lieutenant of the State
pital Guards. Captain Eaterbury also serv
with distiction in the x.ican War. Both
the gentlemen, therefore take with them
the service an experience that cannot fail
tave a beneficial effect upon their respective
Janda, and render them an effective part of
grand Union Army.
—Bishop Potter has issued an address to
)eople of his diocese relative to the obser
of the National Fast Day to be observed
. Thursday, in obedience to the requisition
'ongress and the proclamation of President
aln. The Bishop, after a religious and pa
tic appeal to the people of his flock, appoints
following special service for the National
Morning Prayer.—lnstead of the Venite, the
9th Psalm.
Proper Psalms, 51st and 77th
First Lessons, Isaiah 68th. Second Lesson,
t. Luke 12th, from 22(1 verse.
The Greater Litany, with the Special Prayers
ready set forth.
The Epistle Gospel, &c., for Ash Wednesday
ith the following Collect,
"0 God, whose nature and property is ever
have mercy, to receive the humble petitions
aieh, with ,ne heart and one mouth, through
it this land are now offered unto Thee ; and
ough we be tied and bound with the chain of
1r sine, yet let the pitifulness of Thy great
•ircy loose us. Give us grace odiously to lay
'wart the great dangers we are in by our na
vy divisions. Take away all hatred and
ijudice, and whatsoever else may hinder the
aoration of godly union and coucordothat, as
ire is but One Body, and One Spirit, and one
pe of our Calling, One Lord, Otte Faith, One
tom, One God and Father of us all ; so we
dice again be made to be of ons heart and
sae 130111, united in one holy bond of Truth
Peace, of Faith and Charity, and may with
rand and one mouth glorify Thee ; through
LOS Christ our Lord. Amen."
Evening Prayer. —Proper Psalms, 40th and
First Lessen, Ezek, 33d. Second Lesson,
Collect as in the morning —Special Prayers.
Se e Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth
THE Flan Crry Zouivas are requested to
meet at their armory this evening at 7 o'clock.
By order of the Captain.
Wwrr To Prusos.—Two young sisters, named
Ann and Kate Locker, said to be from Lancas
ter, were arrested this morning by officer Fl,:ck,
charged with being common _prostitutes and
vagrants. Alderman Kline committed them to
THE POPULAR Lou .—By reference to our ad
vertisement columns it will be seen that J. W.
Weir, Esq., cashier of the. Harrisburg Bank, ha";
been appointed the agent of the government
loan for this city, and he is now prepared to
accommodate those wishing to invest in any
sum from $5O upwards. Some of our citizens
have already sent to Philadelphia for these notes,
our city thereby loosing the credit. Let all
hereafter who desire to invest in this loan do so
at home, and then we can see what our city ie
doing for the government. We have furnished
a large number of men, now let us see what we
can do in furnishing money.
A Nsw COMNITKIITEIT.—A counterfeit five dol
lar note, on the Bank of Commerce, has made
its appearance, which, although nothing like
the genuine, except in the size and form of the
letters in the name, has deceived many accus
tomed to handling paper money. The note is
printed on flimsy paper, of a lighter color than
the genuine. In the right hand corner it has a
vignette of a stone mason, very clumsily
executed ; on the left are three female figures,
two sitting and the other reclining ; the one
nearest the corner of the note is holding a sheaf
of wheat. The note is marked with the letter
D. The signatures do not resemble those of the
genuine at all.
day between one and two hundred horses, be
longing to the U. S. Government broke, from
their corral near Camp Curtin, and came to the
city on a perfect rush, to the great consterna
tion of our inhabitants generally. When the
column reached Third and North streets, it di
vided, a portion of the animals going down the
former street, while the remainder continued
their rapid career out the latter street to Front,
where we lost sight of them. Fortunately the
streets through which the terrified animals
passed were clear of vehicles and pedestrians, so
that no disastrous consequences resulted from
the stampede. The animals were all recovered,
and taken to the other side of the river to await
transportation to Washington.
. THE Jaws AND THE WAIL—The Jewish Mes
senger says that in the army of the Union the
Jews will be found to occupy no insignificant
part, taking into consideration their compara
tive fewness of numbers. Commissioned and
non-commissioned officers as well as privates of
the Jewish faith there are many ; some in corn
' mead of fine regiments and gallant companies,
have made their mark already; some have been
stricken down by the hand of the destroyer ;
some have received wounds which a lifetime
may not heal ; but, on the whole, they have
been singularly blessed. "The patriotism of
our country," adds the Messenger, "has mani
fested itself in various ways ; the unwonted
spectacle of the star spangled banner floating
from the pinnacle of a Jewish synagogue has I
become an every day sight."
Cot.. Salmon' Itsonourr.—The Washington
correspondent of the Philadelphia Press pays
the following merited compliment to the effi
ciency of our townsman, Capt. Simmons, his
subordinates, and command. The writer
"Semi-Occasional," visited the Reserve corps,
and after noticing other regiments, says :
In the afternoon we visited Col. Simmons'
regiment, the Fifth Pennsylvania Reserve, and
were again delighted with all we saw. Colonel
Seneca G. Simmons entered the army more
than twenty-seven years ago, from West Point.
During the Mexican War he was promoted to a
captaincy, and recently, on account of a wound
in the foot, was granted a furlough for three
years. By permission of the War Department
he took command of this fine regiment, which,
thanks to his skill and talents, is now one of
the hest drilled and most efficient in the service.
Their evolutions were almost as interesting as a
battle. After a manner Qf his own he threw them
into hollow squares, four deep, to resist cavalry,
in a fewer seconds than it takes to write this
short sentence. Besides many other move
ments, he made them charge on a full run,
with a shout in unison from nine hundred throats, so
loud and terrific that if I had not seen them, I
would have sworn there were nine thousand in
stead of nine hundred—
"At once there rose so wild a yell,
Within that dark Secession dell,
As if the fiends from heaven that fell,
Had called Jeff Davis down to hell."
The Orientals are not so foolish, after all,
when they attempt to frighten their foes by a
great noise. If Gov. Wise had heard that yell,
he would have been running yet.
AN AFFRAY. TO Youso Mss.—At a time when
every nerve ought to be strained to put down
the enemies of onr beloved country, when every
able bodied man who has a spark of patriotism
in his bosom ought to be in the ranks of her
defenders, we find hundreds of young gentle
men, in the flower of health and strength pas
sing their time in idleness and complaining of
hard times. We speak now of youths who
have been well educated and accustomed to
good society, many of whom are at this present
time wasting precious hours and their own en
ergies unprofitably. A considerable number of
them have served with the three months vol
unteers, and have returned home with a very
fair knowledge of military affairs, besides hav
ing become inured to camp life. Why do they
not re-enlist ? The answer is pretty nearly the
same in each individual case. "I am looking
out for a commission. I will not go back as a
private. I know enough now to be fit for an
officer." We are willing to admit that there is
some laudable pretension about this. An hon
orable ambition to distinguish one's self and
obtain high position is one of the prime incen
tives to the soldier. But there is, or ought to
be, a far higher one in a time like the present,
this great contest is to be decided soon, it must
be done by such a demonstration of force and
such determination on the part of the North as
shall unmistakably prove the inutility of pro
longed resistance. The true public opinion of
the Unionists will be shown, also, as much in
the quality as in the quantity of the men who
take up arms.
pitittntuania Egatin j , zeettgtapti, Ittoittrar 7t f. Septfinbtr 23, ifibi A
Ray. J. L. Harem:ma will preach this evening
in the Vine street Methodist Episcopal Church.
Services will commence at 7 o'clock.
RAILROAD. —A fatal accident occurred on the
Northern Central Railroad last Saturday night,
about five miles from Baltimore, near Mount
Washington. Two trains, the foremost with
eighteen and the hindmost with eleven cars at
tached, were conveying the 49th Pennsylvania
regiment, - Col. Wm. H. Irwin, to Baltimore, en
route for Washington, and when in the neigh
borhood of Mt. Washington the rear train ran
into the front and killed two soldiers instantly,
wounded three others slightly, and crushed the
engineer's (Mr. Charles Johnson) foot and allele
very badly. The bodies of the two men killed
were taken to Baltimore, and yesterday buried
in the Western Cemetery. The three wounded
soldiers were taken charge of and conveyed to
the Adams House hospital, and yesterday pro
ceeded to Washington to join their regiment.—
The two killed were three month's men, who
had served out their time, and had re-enlisted
and were returning to the war. Their names
were John Fulton, aged 20 years, and Daniel
Parker, aged 24 years. The deceased were both
unmarried, and were from Chester county, Pa.
Mr. Johnson, the engineer, had his leg ampu
tated yesterday by Professor Smith.
A Itirerexs.—We observe that some of our
exchanges, under the idea that its provisions are
general, are publishing a supplement to the
Election Law passed at the last session of the
Legislature, which requires the return inspec
tors, once in each and every hour during the
election to count the tickets, and thereupon de
posit the tickets counted in the ballot boxes
provided for the purpose ; also ; to make pub
licly known the state of the vote at each and
every hour, and in like manner, immediately
after closing the polls, make publicly known
the result of said election. The provisions of
the supplement only apply to the city of Phila
delphia, and may be found entire on page 676
of the pamphlet laws.
Arras. Gas. Joassox.—Considerable excite
ment existed in certain circles of our city this
morning owing to.the reception of a telegraphic
dispatch containing the startling intelligence
that the rebel General Johnson had left Vir
ginia, and was making his way eastward ineog.
through the interior of Pennsylvania! A sub
sequent dispatch announced that a person re
sembling the smash General had left Chambers
burg this morning in the Cumberland valley
train of cars for this city. Of course such an
announcement was well calculated to excite our
activity, and we began to feel exceedingly "nu
merous." Visions of "bulletin boards," "long
black type for headings," " extra editions,"
"lightning presses," " clamerous crowds"—all
flitted through our mind with telegraphic
rapidity, and we began to whittle our pencil
point with a desperate energy. As the hour drew
near for the arrival of the Cumberland valley
train, we repaired to the depot, "our bosom
beating eager for the"—item. Here we found
some half-a•dozen gentlemen in uniform, whose
shoulder-knots betokened high rank. Their coun
tenances wore that staid, solemn expression
which indicated that their mission was one of
more than ordinary importance. To a question we
put to one who seemed more communicative
than the rest, we got nothing but a wave of the
hand, and a negative turn of the head, which
inspired us with awe, and gave us the most
enlarged ideas of official greatness generally.
However, we were not to be bluffed—"if the
mountain would not come to Mahomet, why
Mahomet would go to the mountain;" so with
this determination we perched ourselves upon
a fire-plug and awaited events. The train final
ly arrived, and we made a rush for the plat
form, anxious to get the first peep at the
great Unhung, and "do him up" for the iarti
cular benefit of our readers. But alas for the
stabililty of human hopes !—those of newspaper
reporters especially—there was "nary" a Gen
eral Johnson aboard ! Him whom suspicion
had pointed out as the distinguished rebel,
turned out, upon being searched at Williams
port, Md., to be entirely a different personage—
a gentleman from western Virginia, perfectly
sound on the Union question, going north to
purchase goods. The crowd, at least that por
tion of them who were advised of. the contents
of the dispatch, took their disappointment in
good humor, and went to dinner, while we, de
termined to make the most of it, returned to
the office, and used our extra portion of note
paper in preparing this item.
Gsx atm. Nzws, Chief of Police called in!
cheering news from Missouri and Virginia !
Large arrival of new dry Goods at Uri& & Bow
man's ! Appointment of Major ! Bansenwein,
late aid de camp to Garibaldi ! acceptance of the
tender of military services by the Count de Paris
and the Due de Chartre's! a great rush for cheap
dry Goods chief of Police called in to quell the
excitement etßouth East cor. of Front & Market
Hamm" returned from the city I now have on
hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry
Goods ; 200 pieces of - new Calicos ; 200 dozen
of Stockings ; a splendid lot of - Black Alapacha•
a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 4000 yards of Crash
for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress
Goods at great reduction. S. LBWY,
Rhoads' Old Corner.
dew from all Mineral Poi&ms.—ln wises of , icrolula
Mort, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the skin, the operation
el the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing
ID a few days, every vertigo of these latthsome diseases
ny their purifying affects ou the blood. Billions Fevers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, cud lu short,
must ail dievases ii.oon yield to their curative properties
No family should be without them, as by their timely
nee much sulfuring sun uipensa may he saved.
Preparva by WM. B MDFFAT, N n., New York, and
for hie hy It Dragguls iniveway
Th Aovionisse, having been restored to
health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with a severe lung affect.
lon, and that dread disease, Consamptien—ls anxious to
make known to his fellow•sufferers Use means of cure.
To all who desire It, be will send a copy of tho pre
soription used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and using the eame, which they will find a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the Preseription
pi to benefit the afflicted, and spread inlbrmation which
he imuceiveriAo be evaluable and he hopes every, sof
ierer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
aid may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please addreen
.= %tags county, NOW York.
ew 2bvertisments
tURSUANT to instructions from the Secre
tary of the Treasury, a book will be opened
HARRISBURG BANK for subscriptions for
United States treasury notes, to be issued under
the act of July 17, 1861. These notes will be
issued in sums of fifty dollars, one hundred dol
lars, five hundred dollars, one thousand dollars
and five thousand dollars each, dated 18th Au
gust, 1861, payable three years aber date to the
order of the subscriber or as directed, and bear
ing interest at the rate of. 7 3-10 per cent. per
annum, payable semi-annually ; such interest
being at the rate of two cents for each day on
every hundred dollars. For the convenience of
the holder, each note will have coupons at
tached expressing the several amounts of semi
annual interest, which coupons may be de
tach, d and presented for paynn-nt separately
from the notes.
Subscription for such treasury notes will be
received during fifteen days from the day of
opening the book as aforesaid. No supscrip
tion for less than fifty dollars nor for any frac
tion of that sum can be received. Subscriptions
must be paid in lawful coin of the United
States or in Philadelphia or New York Ex
change at the time of subsedbing.
Certificates will be graved in duplicate to
subscribers for the amounts so paid, the original
of which the subscriber will transmit by mail
to the Secretary of the Treasury, when treasu
ry notes, as aforesaid, will be issued thereon to
sgch subscriber, or his order, carrying interest
as expressed in such certificate; on payment the
subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a sum
equal to the interest accru.d thereon from the
19th of August to the date of payment, which
payments of interest will be reimbursed to the
subscriber in the payment of the first coupon.
The treasury notes issued upon inch certifi
cates by the treasury will be sent to the sub
scribers by mail, or such other mode as may be
indicated' by them when they transmit their
original certificates. The duplicate certificates
may be retained by them for their own security.
• J. W. WEIR, •
Subscription Agent.
1 0 Fresh eo.
b ‘
. 7 a r d
la. glae kbeL
a , t ke na rem the Hire duxes vary In weight from tem
to six „mods. Tb quality la superior.
WM. DOCK, JR , & Co.
LOST in the sleeping cars between Pittsburg
and Harrisburg, eastward bound. with train
which left Pittsburg, Tuesday night the 17th
LARS, all in New York State and New England
Bank notes of denominations of fives, tens and
twenties. It was cut from my body around
which it was carried in a belt. The above re
ward wilbe paid upon the return of the money.
Address me at Spencerville, Indiana, or in care
of Arnold, Nusbaum & Nirdlinger, Philadel
phia, Pa. SIMON OCHS.
Sept. 20, 1861.—d6t
Writing, Book-keeping and Copying,
11HOS. H. EVERETT, practical accoun
t tmt, Reporter acd Copyist, has taken an office ad
matting. the Adria and Union, on Third street, where he
will prepwe young men for nookeepere, clerks, am., sod
mud t them to situations in business in PhiladAphia t nd
New York. Re will also attend promptly, to the adjust
ment of difficult accounts, opening and clotting books,
general copy work of any kind. Re orting, turd and
Letter-writing, Time teb!ed, Muster and Pay Rene ter the
Army, Notes, Mortgages, Bonds and Adver isetn,ota
carefully msde Charges moderate.
Rtfers to
Hon. Edward Everett, Boston.
Dr. J. Henry Puldston, Puoenixville, Pa.
Hon. George L Cany, Banker, New York
William Dock Jr , Esq., Harrisburg.
In the name and by the - authority of the Oymmonwealth
f Pennsylvania, Andrew G. Curtin, Goo
of the said Commonwealth.
WHEREAS, the President of the United
States of America has by proclamation - appointed
Thursday, the 26th day of September, current,
as " a day of public . humiliation, prayer and
fasting, to be observed by the people of the
United States with religious solemnities and the
offering of fervent supplications to Almighty
God for the safety and welfare of these States,
His blessing on their arms and a speedy restom
tiod of peace."
Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia , do order that on the day named therein the I
public offices shall be closed, and I earnestly I
recommend to the people to suspend on that
day their ordidary avocations, and to close their
places of business, and to humble themselves
before the Almighty with earnest prayers that
he will favorably and with mercy look upon His
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the
State at Harrisburg this nineteenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and
of the Commonwealth the eighty-sixth.
By the Governor.
Secretary of the ammonwealth
Camp Cameron, (near Harrisburg, Pa.)
Sept. 20, 1861.
. Be it known that Captain Michael McNally,
of Blair county, Penna., (by occupation a ma
chirdst,) and his company of volunteers, con
sisting of let Lieutenant S. T. Davis, and 2nd
Lieutenant and 82 non-commissioned of
ficers and privates, having been duly sworn into
the service of the:United States, and stationed
at Camp Cameron, near Harrisburg, Penns —a
"camp of rendezvous and instruction for volun
teers,"established by orders from the War De
partment of August 15th, 1861, and by subse
quent special orders from Washington to Capt.
Hastings, late U. S. mustering officer at Harris
burg, Penna., and being on his own, McNally's,
l application to his commanding officer, the com
mender of Camp Cameron, permitted with his
company to leave camp and go to Harrisburg in
the morning of the 19th of September, 1861, to
be there mustered by the U. S. mustering offi
cer, Capt. J. R. Smead, U. S. 6th artillery, did,
after arriving at Capt. &need's office, at the
depot of the Northern Central Railroad, fail to
be so mustered, and did there about 12 o'clock
M. of the same day, viz : the 19th of September,
1861, with his company take the cars to Lan
caster, Penna.,this without the knowledge, or
ders or permission of his commanding officer,
the commander of Camp Cameron, thus desert
ing his;post at Camp Cameron and the service
of the United States.
Be it also known thatCaPt. John M. McCasey,
supposed, to be of Luzeine county, Pa., and who,
from his own report, has stayed in the 11. S.
/Mr* tolp3 did with his =Tiny of some 17
New faztvertigenunts.
men, while on drill on the morning of the 19th
of September, near Camp Cameron, desert his
post at Camp Cameron and the service of the
United States. T. Wthwums,
Major sth Artillery Commanding.
HEAD QUARTERS, U. S. Vottnerms,
CAMP CAMERON, (near Harrisburg, Pe )
September 21st, 1861.
Sin :—To my circular of yesterday's date pub
lishing to the country, through the PENNSYLVA
NIA 'TELEGRAPH, certain wholesale desertions
from this camp of rendezvous and instruction, it is
proper to add that it would be unjust to regard
these offences against military dircipline 'and
the 1 Lws of the land as characterizing the pre
vailing temper of the 1223 remaining volunteers at
Camp Cameron, but that 1 may not refrain from
giving the facts, direct and circumstantial,
whence it is dificult not to believe the deser
tions to have resulted.
Lieutenant Geo. H. Hill's, 11. S. volunteers,
note to me herewith, implicates General Negley
with Captain McNalley's and his company'sde
sertion ; Capt. J. R. Smead's, 11. S. army, en
dorsement on that note, implicates Guu. Neg
ley, and also convicts Capt. McNalley of hav
ing added wilful falsehood to the crime of de
sertion with his company from the military
service of the United States.
The note with endorsement are offered for
publication with this, as supplementary to my
Capt. Rutherford's, U. S. Quartermaster at
Camp Cameron, verbal statement to me that
he furnishtd on the 19th of September transpor
tation by rail from Harrisburg to Lancaster to
Capt. McNally and his company, with the un
derstanding from Capt. McNally that they were
going to Lancaster by my order or with my ap
probation, corroborates Capt. Smead's endorse
ment, and doubly affixes to Capt. McNally's
deserti: n from the military service of the United
States, the additional misdemeanor of wilful
As the desertions of Captains McNalley and
McCasey with their companies occurred after
certain conversations with Col. Wynkoop, Gen.
Negley and myself, at different times, in the
morning of September 19, who, I am credibly
informed, after their return from Camp to Har
risburg spoke in public in no measured terms
of their interview with me, and who, may there
fore.properly be supposed—in their assumed or
prospeCtive relations to Captains McNalley and
ilcCasey and their companies, as understood to
be designed to form part of prospective regi
ments of Gen. Negley's prospective brigade—to
have influenced the aforesaid desertions by their
remarks, if not already determined as shown by
Captains Smead and Hill, the one in his note,
the other in his endorsement to that note, I
will state substantially what was said by me in
those interviews.
In the morning of September 19, some hours
before the desertions had taken place, Colonel
Wynkoop and General Negley separately called
at the general office tent for Camps Cameron
and Grehle to see me about matters of supply,
I believe, to men in Camp Cameron ; when,
foreseeing from this sort of interference, of soli
citude if you please, nothing but disorganiza
tion and dissatisfaction, and confusion to all the
ordinary rules of arrangement, economy and
discipline enforced in military camps, and en
forced for the good of the service and for the
equal benefit of all, I said to them, after short
preface, that I did not know either of them of
ficially, and could not permit counsel, sugges
tions or interference in the details of my coin
mend ; that I was here,not only to command
and to organize, but also to provide and to show
all properly under my orders how to get their
allowances under law and regulations,rand that
if improperly interfered with, I should order
out of camp the person or persons offending.
Respectfully Your Oh't. Servant,
Maj. 6th Artillery, Com.
P. S.—l am happy to annonce to the public
that Lieut. G. H. Davis, of Capt. McNalley's
company, named as a deserter from the service
of the United States in my circular of yesterday's
date,:returned and reported himself after the
publication of the cfrcular. T. W.
Haan Quaanats U. S. VOLUNTEERS,
amp Oameron, near Harrisburg,
• Sept. 20, 1861.
Referred to Capt. J. R. Smead, U. S. sth Ar
tillery, mustering officer at Harrisburg, Pa.
By order of Maj. Wrimens.
H. A. DuPour, let Lieut. 6th Artillery, A.
A. A. G.
CAMP GREBLE, near Harrisburg, Pa.,
Sept. 20; 1861.
About 11.30 A. AL of Sept. 19th, an officer,
whom I now firmly believe to have been Lieut.
Davis, of Capt. McNally's company P. V., came
to my office at the Penna. Railroad depot, Har
risburg, Pa., with the muster roll of the com
pany, stating that by direction of Major Wil
liams, sth Artillery, commanding Camp Cam
eron, the company was present to be mustered
into service preparatory to leaving for Lancas
ter, Pa:, where they were to form a part of
Negley's brigade of Pennsylvania Volunteers.—
I refused to muster the men as no physical ex
amination had been made ; stated to the officer
that I would muster them at Camp Cameron as
soon as they were passed by a surgeon. I asked
the officer what authority the company had to
go to Lancaster. He stated that General Neg
ley, (who was in an outer room, apparently lis
tening ,tu our conversation through an open
door,) had instructions from the Secretary of
War to that effect. A short time after this I
saw General Negley talking to the men of this
company on the opposite side of the street from
my office, but took no further notice of them, as
I supposed Major Williams was cognizant of the
movements of the company. Afterwards I
learned that the company left in the train for
Lancaster about 1 P. IL, same day, without the
knowledge of their commanding offieer, Major
Williams, sth Artillery.
I certainly did not tell this officer that Col.
Hambright could muster them, for I did not
know that Col. Hambright was at Lancaster.
Respectfully submitted,
JIM. R. SMEAD, Capt. sth Artillery.
At 1 o'clock P. M., Sept. 19th, 1861, I met
Lieut. S. T. Davis, of Capt. McNally's company of
volunteers, on the road from Harrisburg to Camp
Cameron, who stated to me in answer to my
question • 'Had his company been mustered in?"
that there was some difficulty, and that General
Negley who was there (at the depot) had ordered
the company to Lancaster to join the regiment
of Col. Hambright (of Negley's brigade) in Lan
caster, and that Capt. Smead, 11. S. A., muster
ing officer at Harrisburg, said that they could
be mustered in by Col. Hambright, in Lancas
ter, as well as by him, (Capt. Smead) in Harris
burg; and that he (Lieut. Davisvas going back
to camp to finish his duties as officer of the
guard, and then. would, join his company at Lan
caster. Gso. H. Hun,
Ist Lieut. of Capt. Beunett's Company P. V.
Camp Cameron, Sept. 20, 1861.
[Pbiladellhia Press and Bulletin, lcranton
Republican, Lancaster Daily Express and Cham
bersburg :Repository insert one time, and send
bill to this office for collection immediately.)
jr ELLEIV6 DRUG STORE is the place
ix. to buy Patent Medicine..
KELLUR'S DRUG STORE is the place
1.4 tad anything in the way Rerfnmery.
BUTTER (good, sweet and fresh) in one
. pound fr ,. sh EGGS in large and small
quantifies taken akitllltime.s and cash paid or groceries
given in eachano. Regular market rates always paid
WK. DOCK, MI., & CO.
-augl9 tipposhe the Court Haase
. . _
Universal Confidence & Patronage.
Lade and Gentlemen '
m all parts of the world testily to
the ellitcy of Prot 0 .1 Wood's flair Restorative and
&riflemen of the Pre,s are 110 8111D1011.1 to its praise. A
few testimonials only can be ben , elven ; see circular or
mo - e, and it will be Imo° slbl Inc y uto doubt.
47 W.ll B,reet„ Yon., Dec.2oth, 1858.
Gammas : Your mar e tie. 15 It ins , .., has bean re
clevei, . ay big tb..t you h•al heard that 1 ha t be e . t, eue
Med by the use of Woo flair i;estoratl e, and request
ing my certificate of Ate It 1 b Me...1.i0n to
give I,
I award it to you cheerio' y, O use tiimk It dtht
My .go is about 50 fear. ; the olur oi ,ciru
and t. chuod to curl Foote tiro or ❑1 ear • Auce it ,e
-gad to torn Fray, and the -carp on Vralt n k,t my he d
to IWO its st.n4inlity ant dandrufrto ter....•"". it. Mach
••t• these disagreeabditi+g increased wits time, sod about
four awn:hs Attlee: a fourth WAS added to them, by hair
16111114 la the top or my head and threatening to mak,:
me bald.
In this unpleasant [Arid/cement, I wa• induced tu try
Wood'. flair ftesta salve, mend. to arrest the Lai tug
NY of m• hair, for I had real y 0., eXpould.lloll that gray
hair could ever he restored to its or;gmai color excep
frorn d. es. I was, however, erectly .irpris d to fled
fter the 1 / 6 C of two o le= only au: not only WAR the
falliogefi arrested, but the color we- reot••re•. to the grey
hairs 4.101 sensibi ity in h.• scalp, and dandrufl ceased to
tOrm on my bend, very miles to the gr ttifcatinn of my
%vie. ur wno.e solicitation I ant induced to try it
Fur this, among the many nbligAtious I owe to her,
I strong y rtcoodnead all ha .bands who v .lue the id
roiration of their w.v s 1.. pr fit by my example. and
1.1.40 t tl gray or getting Ole!.
Very revectin ly, 6.v, A, I.AVEV DER.
TO 0 J Wood & Co., 444 Brceidw ty stew Volt
ily faraoty ar. absent :rum th.. eity..tila I am no long
er at No. It Carrot place.
zhama:ton, Ala , July 20th, 1859
ITO Px .r. 0 J. 'boon : :hear :=lr : Your "Hair !twitters
tive" tuts done my h CO touch good tiuee I comgrienced
the use of it, that I wish to make kndwu 1. tb.• i 013. 10
'IS eltrbri3 OD the hair, which ereat, t wan or wo
mao may be clearly tb prived of hair, and by a radon, to
your "Hair keitorativo," the hair will return more
bu,,utirul thati ever ;at lea ,this Is my apkriebee.
Believe it all I Yours truly,
P —You can publtsb the above if you like. By pub
lishing ie our Southern paters you get more 'Quoit
eg • south. I s..e sever ,1 of your certlnates •n the So
bile Mercury a strong Southern parer-
Pato 0. J. WooD: tar Sir : Raving h.d the misfor
tune to ache the heat port on of my hair, from the m ffects
of the yellow foyer, hi New Orleans in 1851, 1 w:is
duced to make a trial of your urep.ration, and fouud at
to answer se t e very thing needed My hair k now
think and &ivy, and no wards ca.i exprede in;
dons to you in giving •0 the afflicted such a e re ma re.
Ibe Restoranve is put up in bottles ot three :d a-, viz :
large medium, and small ; the small holds half a pint
and retails for WIN doll r I•er bottle ; the medium holds
at least twenty per cent more in oropertieu [Nth be
httull, retails for two dollar.; per bottle ; the la -de in. Ids
&quart, 4u per e.• nt. morn in proportion, and MLA. MS Inc
O. J. WOOD & Prot, ietora, 444 drodd way, New
York, and 114 11Ara et tract, dt. Loma, No.
Ind sold by all good t ruggi,ta sod Fancy Goods
Dealers. Jyl3- awe .w
0 bo given at BhA NI 'S CITY LIAM.,
,on I a night of the reception of the Frkmdatilp Fire
Coo pany's Stem Eire Engine.
Gee. J. S. Nogley, Col. Jo.. Knipe,
" E. C. Williams, " I'. A. Zieee,
G. 0:. Wyukoop, " J. M. Campbell,
Lt. Col Wm. R. Sipes, U. Col. Wm. D Earnest,
Capt. M. McNally, Capt. I. S. Waterlkiry,
J. P. S. Goble, " Alex. For.yih,
Mr. 8 S. Child, Mr. 5....L.-Mager,
W. A. Parkhill, " H. McGowan,
" Joo. Newman, " Geo. Cdd well,
T. Rogers, " P. Gardner,
" Jo) Green, " Jac“b Kneab,
" M. Morrie, " Mary.
A. W. Berget easer.
Jae. Muir, Geo. Earnest. -
Gentleman desiring levilati lagLiorkullies will apply to
the Managers: Due notice will be given In lite daily
papers ci the night the Sall will take plive.
VV •
A Now Lot of
Of beautiful Styles, substaottally made
A Splendid Assortment of
A New and Elegant Perfume,
Put up in Cut Glass P.ngraved BoUlna
A Complete Assortment or
the beet Manufacture
A very handsome Variety of
91 lieritet street
ribt,l TA. r.
' QU F.ENSTOWN, (Ireland.) Chtl Liver
po .t. N 411' - or- nud Philadelphia gloamehtp company
name sena:ling their full powered Clyde-built firer! w. 101 Inws ;
cars "F MANCHESOPti Saturday S,mutemb.i. 21_;
KANGAROO, Saturday September 28 ; CITY
itt.REC., Saturday, October 5 ; b.LINBUSG, Saturday, oC
tuber 12 and every E-Utarday at Nemo, from Pier 94,
North Slur.
..... 00
do to London $BO 00 do to London —B3B 00
do to Paris PO 00 do to Paris oo
do to flamburg..BBs 001 do to , Hamburg IMO 00
Passengers tlso forwarded to Oaf. to. Bremen, HottEr
dam. Antwerp, am., ,L equally low rates.
/fir tcrsoor wishing w bre% out their friends can buy
tteketa here at the following rates, to New ?Orb: From
t.ivertexo or Queenstown; Ist Oabin, $75, $B6 asd $lO5 .
erage from tArrrpoel SW) 00 Fro.n Queenstown,
$3O 00.
These Steamers baste superior accommodations for
pasiteLgent, and eurry experienced Surgeons. They are
built in Water-tight iron Sdettom % and bare eatent Fire
Annihilator* on hoard.
gor further information apply is Liverpool to WILLIAM
ISMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; to Glasgow to WV.
INMAN, 61st. &tech Square ; to Queenstown to C. k W.
D. SKY MOUR & CO. ; in Lension to EIViiS & MALY, 61
King Wiliam St- ; in Paris to JOLUS LELVUE, 5 Place
do la Booms ; in - Philadelphia to JOIN G. DALF, 111
Walnut street ; or at the Company's dance.
JNO. G. DAIS, Agent,
lb Broadway, New iforjg_
Or O. 0. Zimmermau. Agent. Harrisburg.
To Newly Organized Regiments.
A lot of the very best overcoats, made
AC& _ according to the army - regulations, and
to equip a full regiment, are for sale at D. SHF.I.KNBIIIit.
fiElt & Co., Second Street. below Jones House. Harris
burg. atig.9o-dlm
0 active young women who under-
A. Mani the Butter and Dairy bu.iness thoroughly._
Liberal wages mill be paid. Young woman from the
country preferred. Apply to
eorniortable two or three-story divel.
lint houße, with six or eight rooms, With rent not
to exceed $175 yer annum, for the three, or $l5O for the
two-story home, will be rented immediately on applica
tion at this office. seplB tf
LATHER and'INFANT BRUME% In gm, Varlet,'
POWDkR% T COLOGIfIS aad urn_4g4_ or
Bulky 5t4143, torten and manufactures at KW 5
W. ti. Kenedy