Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 21, 1861, Image 7

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    !tutLl efrrapJi+
Saturday Morning, September 21, 1861.
Two POWER PRESSES, old Adams' Patent.
Two haw HAND. ritEss.w, ono nearly new,
and a large amount 'of see,nd hand Printing.
material, will be sold at exceedingly low prices,
for cash or approved paper. All these materi
als are in a good condition, and would answer
for a country office. They must be sold to make
room f o r new and more extensive machinery.
Apply at this office immediately.
POGIUEIiTAL PARADE.-001. Irwin's regiment
from Camp, vitited the city on Thursday night
and favored our citizens with a street parade.
The regiment was thoroughly armedand equip
ped, and marched with the precission of regu
county, in Western Virginia, is a very small
county, but she gave seven hundred votes for
the Union, and out of these seven hundred
voters, five hundred have gone to make good
tbeir ballots with their hornets, and others are
getting ready to do the same.
--• •
ARMS FOR TUE Wssr.—Four ihOusand new
uskets were shipped OTlThursday from this city
the order of Gen. Anderson, at
' Lonsville,
I °stifled for the bpi Union regiments of Ken
achy. The arms were a portion of the lot re
:ntly purchased by the United States Govern
ent in Germany, and are said to be a very ef
fective weapon.
Waltman, formerly of this city, and late in
command of Company F, 16th regiment of
three months' volunteers, is now engaged
raising a company of cavalry, in which patriot
ic labor we are glad to know that he is meeting
with very flattering success. The Captain is
an accomplished military officer, and young men
desiring to serve their country cannot find a
better opportunity than by enlisting in his
FIC-sic OF THE Parros Taran.—The "Paxton
Tribe" contemplate giving a pic-nio at Haehn
len's woods next Monday. The "Tribe" are
composed of a number of young men of this
city distinguished for their good social qualities,
and fond of innocent sport and amusement.
There will be an ample quantity of eatable and
drinkables on the ground, with choice music
for Tepsichorean practice; and we anticipate the
Tribe and their patrons will have a good time
generally. Omnibuses will start for the woods
every few minutes from the corner of Third
and Market streets. Tickets to Ilia pic-nic,
twenty-five cents.
A BAD Locatrff. —Wa habe before alluded to
the infernal orgies occasionally celebrated in
certain houses in Tannei's alleirjand hie sir
rounding, and are induced again to refer to the
subject from the fact that what has heretofore
been an annoyance, has assumed the form of an
unbearable and insufferable nuisance: The
day very frequently is rendered uncomfortable,
bat the night is made hideous, by the eternal
wrangling, screaming, swearing of blacks and
browns with whom even the Sabbath is not en
titled to respect, but on the contrary seems to
be especially reserved for desecration in the
the manner indicated. We commend the mat
ter to the attention of our police.
CHUROR Loon LonNOEBS. —Several "fast young
•. en" were arrested in Altoona last Tuesday,
, harged with creating a disturbance in front of
Methodist church, during divine worship.
e justice of the peace before whom they were
• ken fined each one of the party five dollars
d the costs. This is the only proper plan of
ealing with these troublesome gentry, and one
hich might be productive of good results if
Tiled in this city. Let a few of them be sr
sl by the police, and properly dealt with by
magistrate, and our word for it, the mere
ht of a policenian's "star" thereafter will
:tter the whole tribe like one of our cruisers
ould a bevy of Jeff. Davis' privateers.
TEE Tuos. A. Scow REGIMENT. —This regiment,
der tho command of Colonel Conroy, bids fair
'• be an excellent organization. Edward D.
uhleuberg, Esq., of Reading, who has recent
' arrived from Brazil, was yesterday selected
occupy the position of Lieutenant Colonel.
. Muhlenberg is one of the well-known fami
. of that name in Berks and Lancaster counties,
nd will make an excellent officer, having in
herited all those qualities which rendered his
ancesters so prominent and distinguished in the
revolutionary war. William E. Pauli, a well
known resident of Philadelphia, is the Major of
the regiment, and is actively engaged in re
cruiting far the organization.
Smarts Fus. —A correspondent from Wash
ington writes :—Soldiers soon learn to be reck
less. The encampment of the 2d Michigan is
in the vicinity of 'Munson's Hill. Their pickets
and those of the rebels are within talking dis
tance. I was told that they frequently exchang
ed epithets, the one daring, the other to show
himself, neither losing any opportunity that
offered to pick the other off by a well-directed
bullet. My informant assured me, with a gusto
that I could not appreciate, that it was the
greatest fun in the world to go to a certain point
in the neighborhood, whence he could see
and be seen by the rebels, and there listen
to the whizzing of their bullets in the
bushes and among the trees surrounding
him. "But," I inquired, "do they not kill
some of your men I" "Oh l" replied he, "they
occasionally take down a picket, but we are
more than even with them." A. few nights
ago three of our men stole out of camp for the
purpose of getting a few roasting ears from the
corn -field in which the rebel picket is stationed.
Two were to watch, while the third gathered
the corn. Jest as he commenced picking the
ears, a bullet whizzed across his thighs, just
grazing the akin. Uttering in a loud voice the
words "I am shot," he turned, drew his gun
to his shoulder, and taking deliberate, aijn,
lodged the bulletin the heart of his enetaxorho
fell dead, without a groan. These are some of
the sports of camp life. How do you relish
Ix TowN.—Col. Lemon s ex-IT. S. Marshal of
the District of ColUmbia, was in town yesterday,
stopping at the .T6nes House. .
PROWITBRIAN Ssavicm.--Itev. Dr. Watson,
of Milt9n, will preach in the Old School Pres
byterian church on Sabbath next, morning and
A CERTIFICATE of discharge to Truman Smith,
of Capt. Travis' Company B, Bth Penna. regi
ment, was picked upin the street yesterday, and
left at this office for its owner.
BIIIiGLAILY.—The residence of Mr. Jacob C.
Holbert, in Commerce street, Sixth ward, was
biorglariously entered Thnrday night and robbed
of a galvanized silver escapement watch, a pair of
fine boots, seventy cents in money, a gentle
man's linger ring, and a basket of peaches. Mr.
Holbert offers a reward for the detection of the
thief and the recovery of the articles.
PexsprranoN op Cocoas.—His Excellency
Giw. Curtin yesterday presented one of the
State stand of colors to Col. Good's regiment.
The ceremonies took place at Camp Curtin, and
are represented as having been highly interesting.
Capt. Geo. W. Alexander, of Reading, has been
appointed Lieut. Col. of the regiment, Capt.
Wm. H. Gusler, of Allentown, Major, and ex
Sheriff Vandyke, of Northumberland county,
QUartermaster. Rev. Mr. Rothrock, of Bath, is
td be the Chaplain.
tGHOST STORM3.—There is a foolish and per
nicious practice with some people, of relating
stbries to young children to excite alarm and
teivor. If it is only foolish, or unreasonable, it
might not justly call forth strong expressions of
censure. Yet, even in such case, the practice
had better be discontinued, and condemned as
qflite improper. Stories to arouse curiosity and
excite inquiry, if the subjects tend to utility are
4tainly proper and commendable. But the
COmmon tales of Blue Beard, and Giants, of spec
tres andghosts, aro extremely injurious in their
influence and effects. Unfounded and absurd no
tions are received, that serve only to terrify, and
which even by correct knowledge afterwards re
ceived, cannot be entirely subdued or eradicated.
It is in vain to reason against them, or oppose
to them the knowledge derived from natural
philosophy and sciences. I have known men
of great learning, who were unable to get rid
of early but unreasonable fears, produced in
childhood by the stories of nurses or illiterate
parents ; and who are always occasionally under
their unhappy influence, though their sober
judgment told them they were fictions.
Let children be taught that the great Creator
has impressed laws on all things, which operate
uniformly ; and that they are in safety, when
they conduct well and have a reverence for that
great and good Being. They should be taught
that ghosts and apparitions are wholly fanciful;
that all the spectres they need guard against
art!: guilty fears ; and if they are virtuous, these
will never haunt them, nor ever exist.
Tim Eamon MANIA.—The letter envelope
is a recent invention, and has proved a great
public convenience. Recently it has extended
to more than that, and has now become expres
sive of the political sentiments of the writer.—
In fact, a sort of envelope mania is now raging
throughout the county, and has already reach
ed to that oatoalb 46t0t0 rdhaiu— ewe -01143w are - rd. -
most banished from the postoffice. The civil
war presents a rich field for the envelope illus
tration, and no little amout of genius and tal
ent is now employed in that direction. Some
contain the most beautiful devices, illustrative
of American patriotism. The American colors
are blended into every imaginable beautiful
shape, producing some of the most charm
ing designs. The humorous designs, how
ever, are the most numerous, and attract
the most attention. Momus himself seems to
have them in charge. Let us describe a few of
them. A lion (North) and an ass (South) are
in conversation. They come to the conclusion
that "one of us must conquer." A maiden,
with basket in her arm, and a national flag in
her hand, is trotting along the road. She is met
by a wolf, who drops on his knees and avows
his affection. The picture is thus explained—
" The secession wolf offering to lead Kentucky
out of the Union. That's what's the matter:"
The "Old Boy," in most horrible form, with
cloven foot, glaring eyes and forked tail, is an
other picture. He is labelled "The first Seces
sionist." "Governor Wise going to
. the war,"
is very amusing. Looking at it one way, and
you have the boat of a pompons General.
Turn it around, and it Is the head of a jack
ass. Jeff. Davie going "through to Washing
ton," is represented on the back of a turtle,
the "stare and bars" lazily flapping in the wind.
There is a deal of truth in the illustration en
titled, "How Virginia was voted out of the
Union." There is a log cabin with two win-)
dews, at one of which the affirmative votes are
cat, and at the other the negative votes. At
the first the election judges are smiling. At
the negative window the voter encounters a
revolver. A group in the rear are armed with
muskets and a whisky jug. In another, "Jeff,"
in the shape of a sneaking animal, is trying to
rob an eagle's nest. The noble bird pounces on
him, saying : "I'll block that gaitte, you thiev
ing rascal." Significant ! "The 'Bragg' fruit
of the Palmetto Trees— on," is represented
by a General suspended by the neck
to the limb of a palmetto tree. " Gen.
Scott killing the secession hydra," repre
sents old Winfield beating to death a mon
ster of many southernish-looking heads. An
odd-looking pair of spectacles we have in
another. Through one glass you see J.
marching to Washington behind a Zouave.
Through the other he is departing from Wash
ington "for a warmer climate," from a scaf
A squad of Zouaves, on another envelope
have Jeff, perched in the air on the points of
the bayonets,
he exclaiming, "I only wanted
• to be let alone." • Below is the remark, "Jeff's
unbounded ambition gives him an elevated po
sition." And so they run through countless
designs. Owing to the extensive manufacture,
theists illustrated envelopes are sold as a trifle
ovir plain ones. They have now come into
general *,
413..441 .
See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth
er column.
ptunopltianict Watt - ittittibat Morning, Stptentba 21, 'l-41
LErr Town.—We understand that Lieutenant
&as. C. Raven, Jr., son of Chas. C. Rawn, Esq.,
of this city, and Lieutenant Wesley Miller, son
of Col. Stephen Miller, of Minesota, left here
Thursday morning for Fort Columbus, New
York, where they have been ordered to report
for duty. They were both in the volunteer
service in different regiments, under the three
months call. Mr. Miller's regiment entered for
three years, or during the war, before the three
months were up, and participated in the hottest
fight at Bull Run, the 21st of July. They are
now transferred by appointment to the regular
Tam late census discloses the Act that there
ate nearly a milliOn more women than men in
Great Britain. This alarming intelligence, ad
ded to the growing indisposition on the, part of
the men to marry, has of late occasioned a
panic, equal to that of Stone Bride, among the
mothers having marriageable daughters inhab
iting the fashionable precints of Belgravia and
Tybernia. These latter charge the recusant
sex with selfishness, immorality, and other
light accomplishments too ntunerouslo men
tion, and plead, with some sluiw of reason, the
expense and trouble they have been at in edu
cating and preparing their dear daughters for
the marriage statu—but, "still they don't pro -
On the other hand, - the men &betide the afore
said mothers of an unnatural striving to rid
themselves of' their perishable and costly
"goods" at their expense:; and they morever
deny, with a plucky assurance, that there is not
one word of truth in what the mothers say in
relation to their daughters, unless it he the ad
jective dear, which, with a sort of malicions gal
lantry, they admit might be used in the super
lative degree ; that, hi fine, irtstead - '4 their
"dear daughters" being instructed in those du
ties which constitute a good wife, they, on the
contrary, are all taught
_to sing, dance, flirt,
spend money, and do the elegant in "Rotten
EMPLOYMENT volt Womis. —The question of
employment for women elicited some interest
ing statements of facts at the DuPlin meeting
of the Social Science Association. The heads of
the large establishments in London, called
"monster houses" or "marts," of which there
are six or seven—each being a congerim of shops
for the sale of almost every variety of article—
have constant applications from ladies in re
duced circumstances, some of them in a state of
orphanage and destitution. They are willing
to do "anything," but are 'really capableof do
ing nothing. Musio and drawing occupied the
chief part of thetimedevdiridViVAXOn:iis
any sort of industrial training was regarded as
a thing beneath their position, not to be pur
sued, indeed, without losing mate. ,
'The employrrients by *lra; they could' earn
their bread demand training and skill ; to these
they are utter strangers, employers cannot be
expected to instruct them, or to accept from
their hands inferior work even at low prices.
There is a general complaint that at the "marts"
in question much of the lighter kinds of work,
attending customers, etc., is done by able-bodied
young men, more suited for holding the plow
than for handling ribbons. Such feminine oc
cupations, it is urged, should be left to the
gentler sea. But, on the other hand, ladies are
the chief customers of those establishments, and
Oa- believed by xda4 r mid especially by the
proprietors, that if their shop assistants were all
women their business would fail. •
Our readers are aware that in consequence of
the markets in the loyal States, as well as those
in' Canada, being entirely exhausted of suitable
blankets and stockings for the army, Quarter
master General Hale has issued a circular re
commending that every factory in the State
capable'of making blankets be put at once in'
operation, to each of which liberal contracts
will be given. He also recommends the forma
tion of associations of women to knit woolen
stockings for our brave soldiers, and deposit
them with the Treasurer of the county seat, by
whom they will be forwarded to the military
store in this city. The 'United States contract
price, twenty-five cents, will be paid for every
pair thus sent here.
This will opera field in which our ladies can
exhibit their patriotism in a substantial manner.
While they are contributing to the health and
comfort of the defenders of the glorious Stars
and stripes, they can also contribute to the sup
port of their families, many of whom will need
it during the coming winter. The societies re
commended cannot be for Med too 'Mori. We
have confidence enough in the.patriotism of the
ladies of this city, and we believe that all that is
necessary is for Berne one to take the, iniatiitory
steps, and a 'large association will be formed
in a very short time.
Think of it ladies. Have not many of you
husbands, brothers or friends in the army?. and
can you allow them to suffer for want of cm
veniences which you can supply, while you fold
your arms in idleness ? There should be no
idle hands now. Get yourselves , together at
once, and enter upon this work. Juit consider
the number of pairs of stockings that could be
contributed from this 'City hi - one week. and
then imagine the rejoicing of the soldlol, and
the blessings they will heap upon you. is
net really necessary that all Wks wbo
manufacture stockings should become members
of the society recommended. They can knit
them at home, and send them in to the treasurer
of the society. The object Mimi:l:dug the society
we presume is merely to have persons duly au
thorized to attend to the forwarding of the
and' applying articles, receiving pay therefor, applying
the money to proper uses. Get out your knit
ting needles, ladies, and go to work.
the change. of _season from summerlo autumn,
comes a limgtheving of days and change of
weather, and now the nights are Yong and there
is much comfortable and sound sleeping, but as
delightful as the season is upon which we haire
just entered, it is none the leas an excellent time ,
to be careful. Fall colds are proverbial, and it'
is 'just at this changing season when stepping
from warm nights to cool ones, that persons
,should be most careful in matters of clothing,
th, a large stock IC O Pd" Pat, received,lira& tr. Bowiskivo, ,
.comfort,beardor on* • 'new, with durakilitY;
at the south-eaat corner of Front and Market
Bsaarrr or ram Parrot; Tarim A pie-nie
*lll be held on Monday next, at Haehnlen's
lioods for the benefltof the Paxton Tribe. st.
Haman returned from the city I now have on
hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry
goods : 200 pieces of new Clams ; 200 dozen
of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha;
a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash
for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress
goods at groat reduction. S. Limy, • -
Rhoads' Old Corner.
Prepaied by Comnelins L Chessman, M. D.,
THE entabination of ingredients , n these
plllB are thiiie uli of airing and eitOnstve oractice.
Thy y are mild in their operation, aid certsin;in correcting
all irregulariti.w, Painful Ednustruations removing all ob
structions, whether from cold or .9itgrwisse:headache,
psin Id the el 'sr pulpit - plum of thefiditT, whites, all ner
vous all' Worm, hysteri a , fatigue, litin In the back and
limbs &c , disturbed steep, witch arises from interrup
tion of nature.
Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are Invaluable, as they .will bring
on the monthly period witb regularity. Ladies who have
been disapi,o need in the Use of other Pills can place the
utmost confileuee in Dr. Oheetteman'e P.lle doing ail thlt
they represent to in.
There is one cwsdition of the female system en which the
Pilht cannot be taken without producing a "PawLre.
RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY--'
the result MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresiditile ten
dency o f the toidietne to restore the sexual functions to a
minuet condit ion; that even the reproductive power if
titiv cannot resist it.
Warranted purely vegetable, and free irons anything
in crimes. Explicit directions, which should be road as
okay each box. ogee St. Sent by mall on enclos
ing $1 to Ds. COICULII7B L. Cexesxstus , Box 4,b31, Post
Moe, New York Qty.
Sold by one Druggist in every town In the United Slates.
. • _ peceial Artof rdr the (Tolled States
AC .
ißrhachiai; New York,
To t sitioniall I:omit : wale orders shoals be addressed.
Sold In Harrisburg oy O. A. asaystrir.
kola) dawly
A CA.lo , 4 l o::_tHig. LADtgfr ,
. .
n aorreatinie, , and ranurring
. .
obstructions, from whatever cause s and I. -
Ways succesidld is a proven- .
the doeture for many years, both in Prams and
rica, with 'unparalleled swum in every ease ; and
urged by roan) , Mousanci ladies who used them, to
make the `Pills public ;for the dikoriadon of thci.e suffering
film any irregularitied whatever as well a., to prevent
am. increase of family where health will not penult M.—
Females particularly.sitnaled, Or thew liupposmg them.
selves so, are cautioned against these Pins while in that
Wile; as the, are Bor . *" produce fiSsoVliaget 'and
th propnenor essurnat no responsibility after this mime.
al ion, altheiggh their , ndldnees would prevent any mis.
c et to bealth—otherwise the Pills are recommended.
Fell and explieit directions accompany each box. Prise
$1 00 per box. sold wholesale and retail by
4)HARL6I3 A. RAMPART, Druggists
, No. 2 Jones Row; Harrisburg, Pa.
*Ladies," by sending him .$1 00 to the Harrisburg
Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observatitei to
a* part ot the country (confidentially) and "free of poe
ta. to" by mail. SON ItlSo brizt.i II: ~rirana, Readin g ,
44111102011, tIOLLOWAT A COWDZIO, P hiladelphia, J. L. Les.
alinol_Lebacioni Damn U. caste;
Wyes. Wrightsville ~. B. T., York e ;
and by one
druggist in every, oily and village in the Union, and by
s.p, own, , ole,propriator, New, York
N. B.—Look cut for counterfeits. Bry no Golden rills
or any kind unless every box is signed 8. it Howe. AA,
tut are a base Impoidtion and unease; therefore, as
y value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be•
ng humbugged oat of your money ) , buy only of those
who show the signature of 8. D. Howe on every box,
which has recently nem added on account of the Pills
Wog nonnterleiteo . . .102.elwaswly.
rho Arentnisen, having been restored to
h&ith ia it few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
suffered several years with a severe lung abet.
i ig andthat dread disease. Consumption—ls anxious to
known:M.lft tallow-suffererethe means of cure.
Wall who detire' he will'send a copy of the'pre
suription used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and using the same, whidh they will find a
sure curs lbr Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ke. The
oe ► didectof.the adverthwin sending the Prescripticin
p hjonliCtWail*Okand4prEstd,. infOr station • which
he l coureling Ve.lri4ehblevand he hopos_every suf
ferer will try his remedy, as it will coat them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please address
Kings county, New Tors
TUBT Published in a Sealed Envelope ;
er .Price 6 ate : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment,
.i ,
an radical Cure of Spermatorrhata or Seminal Weak
n , Involuntary Emissions; Sexual Debility, and Imped
im nts to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption,
Ep epsy and File : Ventil and Phyalcal Incapacity, re
„ir, from self Abuse, 10.—By E08T...1. CIJLVER-
W LL; it. D., Author of the Gran' Book dic. "A Boon
to house:nag of Sufferers.” sent under seal, In • plain
envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six
cents, or two • postage stamps, -by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE,
1 . 121 Biwery, New fork, Post Office, 80x4666.
OSTAT'II Lin Pius AND Pniuix &rms.—
Five from all Mineral Peisons.—ln eases of *morale.
Meens, Scurvy, or,Fraptiotut of the Skin, the operation
of the Life MidloisieS is truly , astredshing;olten removing
to p few days; every itatiga of these loathsome dlseaaes
byitheir purifying ellbets en the blood. -- MMus Fevers,
Fe err and Arlo, 'Dyspepsia, Dropsy; Piles, and in , abort,
m tall diseases soon yield to their curative properties
Nd family should be without them, as by their timely
use mach suffering and expense may oe saved.
preparedly MOFFAT, M New . York, and
for sale by all Druggists tiov9way
Nan 2thationnints
Writing, Bock-keeping 'and Copying.
.:,Itiii.t.ii,.iirliiiiri,t. practical : a-000,1in
._ taut, Reporter and Copyist, has taken. an Mike' ad.
joining prevue the itztria your l tg esd . f f entes, or
book - on eepimi Third , s e ctree ierkz4 w a tere ..ex h d e
assist them to situations in business in Philadelphia end
Nair York, He will able Aittel?4 to :the stii... est
mid' or : dlidriult aieinnite, Opening arid eleoing . .. peeks,
gesireicopy ardrif :of: any bind. Re,orting, Card * .and
Lelier.l.thing,:Tiine•gabbis, Master and ray Rolls ter the
Army , Notes, Hortgages, Bonds arid Adver; isements
*Drolly made Charges moderate.
' ' 1 &lora to
p*r°o:nn3....M.HHiserli'rge•L.l4l.le46oaliegitallY, iilaubil6Phlellixvillt6iler:lN:ilf;'ll6ol4t.,
- illiarn Dock, Jr , Rao., Harrisburg.
'ERE beet defu li gliA il . ii:imittnoing
Sellool Dictionaries. obstar's , Pietoria
. Quarts and
School Dictionaries for sale at
- Near the Efarristaira r ßzidge.
'JOHN' WALL -- OTEkollt — Age',
;commissibisT 11Florrit.NT.
°G forwarded
rwarded by Ph il adelphia and Reading, Northern
Usti, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads
Ait4 Oanal. ,
HAULM) AND DALLYING to and from all porta•of me
ottt to the diluent depots. will be done at the
very Sweet rates. itK
removing will be promptly attended to.
Orders eft at Branthi EUjdpesn Rota, of at the store
ot" qq.. NiZolliniM will receive:pram* attenem.
gigilleuth or fretgatreitinsottallYlnnelfbll:
JOIN* WadOWBB, 114 Agt.,
AMC Mktg bAllikV44o- 11 - ,
• Altaggjfir 'AND"BOTWA:
leadiste No. X Nora Amid Birsti.
THE undersigned taving 'opened their
stooortotory or shirts ha., et No. 'l2 West Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa , do moat respectfully solicit the
pattonage and attention of the ladles, Gentlemen and
Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of
which are our own manufacture
Sim, Am, LEG., Ass.,
. Also the particular attentiOtr of the Ladles to our large
I I assortment of under garments Sm., (from the labistlin.
proved Loodou and Pans ibtjrles,) unw COLLARS,
CUFFS, SETTS &A., in great trarieqes, all of which being
our own mauttufactare we will sell Cheaper than can be
purchased elsewhere. •
rersons desirous offornlshhig their Own materlalsican
have cutting, sowing lee., of every ' , variety - done accord.
log to order. Alt oftbe above named gods for Gents we ix;
we will make to measure, guaranteeing to fit, and give
oath e satisfaction to tbe purchaser for style. durability
add material. All special orders will be promptly at
lended to upon the 'shortest notice and most reasonable
derma. Merchants supplied upon the meat raison
able term'.
p. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under garments of any
ditoriptiou, can bare tbem made to 'Order by . Bending
sample of each kinds as may be desired.
No 1.2; tleiket street,
iture-dem . . ...Harrbbtwg,Pa r ,
Rooms next door to Hummel k KlHinger's urocery
Beds, Pillows, Blankets, Coats Can
Legging, Drinking; Gum &L., •
North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel,
Manufacturer of
Leaking Glass and Pktare Frames,
Gill and Rosewood Mouldings die.
4 8 a c 74 STI A ET, AFONp.
; , I RX/ 3 ,8UR4i,•P1a1 . •
Bierman Mirrors, Square and oval' Portrait
grippes or every description.
Board Rednoed to $2 per Day.
SINGE: the ispeiking , of. this, vaatand oo' ta
modious Hotel, in 1854, it has been the single en
deavor of the,proprietors to make it the most sumptuous,
convenient and comfortable home for the citizen and
stranger on this slue the Atlantic.
had whatever bas seemed likely to administer to the,
comfort of its guests they have endeavored, without re.
gard to cost, to provide, and to combine all the elements
ofindividual and social enjoyment which modern art
has invented, and modern taste approved ; and the pal,
rouge which It has commanded Miring the past six years
is a gratifying proof that their efforts have been appre
o meet the exigencies of the times, when all are ra
red to practice the moat rigid economy, the und.r•
Have Reduced the Price of Boardar to
Two Dollars per Day. • '
at rho same abating none of the luxuries with which
their table has hitherto been r .
, . , _.,,TREaDW WHITCOMB & CO.
New York , Sent. 2, 1845L.—se Bm.s . •
Designers and. EnGravers , .on Wood ,
: . Phgark/phict,
V.X.FA)IITg kiude of Wood Engraving
willtiiiitukir, Corr wahine and dispihils.:,:lhfilluil
designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. ; Persons
wishing cots, bY sending a Photograph or DaguerreotVpe,
can have views of Colleges Churches, Store Frosts,HOMlNG,* Tee, g".tenki its
m k
Rea applacmilou.
Vaisay Envelopes; :Labels, BM _wading:l:how •Otti,
Visiting, Business and other Cards, &wetly:4 in the
highest style of art,'and at imam price 3. •-- • . - •
For specimens of fine engraving, see , the Illustrated
works of .1. B. Lippincott & C0.,.E.X. Butler *Oa
0ct2.6 lyd
.tzw t I* .T
STATE Striet'near Third street, a few
doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A. 1160
nein Hearse Ready made Coffins always on baud and
nwitiy finished to order. Silver plates ? ho. Terms rea
[auSO•dfirsa . 0. BASER.
Seloot Sohools for Boys and Girls
rrIHE Fall 'tont of ROBERT ki'ELVEE'S
boys, w
School for Il open on the Hist M onday in
September. flit room is well ventilated, comfortably
furnished, and in every respect adapted for school par.
CATHOROTEMTLWATS &drool for girls, located in
the same building, will open for the Fad term at the same
time. The room has been elegantly tided up to promote
the health and comfort of scholars. aug2/dtl
TEE undersigned would respectfully in
term the citizens of Harrisburg that he is prepared
rnish in any part of the city, Lyirens Valley, Trevor-
DM and Wilkesbarre Coal as low as any other dealers in
the city. Please call andgive me a trial.
. , J. WALLOWER, Jr., Agent,
i No. 8, Reading Railroad Depot,
aep64llm Harrisburg, Pa.
rpo close ialp,:the concern the entire
stock or SEIM; toms," itte.,4ette or ofiver Be 1-
man, deceased, id the rooms in the Market *pare, will
be ~ sold at private sale at COST ; and the retool witt be
rented to the purchaser if desired. The terms Irlll be
made easy. iel7-dtt. DOW!. P. Runs n.ent.
SUBSCRIBER would respectfully
inform the public that he has revived his Plumb
lug and Brass 'Pounding establishment to No. 22 South
Third street below Hares HoteL Thankful for Oast pat
rOdage, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit
• ajd24tr J. JONES.
I rj SAL—One of the beet business
•• stands in the city on reasonable . terms, or leased
lbrthree or five years situated in Market street between
Fourth and Filth. Require on the premises or
tY Property br. Sale.
a nd lot or ground;:pleaeantly located on Front St.,
between Mulberry Street and Waeldngton.Avenne.
Also TWO LARGE PIANOS In good eoliditton and of.en
cellent tone. Apply to
'O. 0. WiIiERMAN,
04 No. Ed. 4outh d street.
e: wand art:o3 Work
50 S
Apiiy — tn — E :N I
orth s E ta RS On
te strettt b
t bOrt. ("I"ni7 WX. mem.
OR.ILEN .—Thu largo briok dwelling
boa a eriw occupied by David Mumma Jr- Rog.: on
Tit d atreetWritehiattet, with in aloe aultabki for an
attorney.. POOSeflaio2 given first. of. October
quire at the Prothenotarrsealoe. . X 3 Lin .
SWIM B&IVILLS la good condition tor ogle
by U 0931 Wlt. DOCK, Jr., Idb,
N•W KW ' • lOU
. ••:
Not:l.l,st QuENNNToWN, (Ireland.) Thip War!
p oo l, mi l k .ore and Philadelphia SteariP
M lb .
Intend apatehlug their Mt powered yde-btitit
Steamehipe as follows
CITY tiF MARCHIsI3IIIR, Saturday Settuttemtter
KANGAROO, Saturday September 28 ,• CITY. vF NKW.
YORK, Saturday, October 6,; EDINBURG, - Saturday, Oc
tober 12 ; and marl Saturday at Noon, from Pier 44
Korth River. . ,
tuns .0? PAIISMIII.
FIRST CABIN : ; 476 . Oa['ENRAGE_ RAGE ......,.. 08p 00
do to London $BO 00 I do to London ..0,88 00
do to Parts $B6 00 I do to Peril Ve 00
do lo Einmburg.,BBo O°J. • 40..,30-Roolbors,o36 00
Plissougors also fot•wa.tded . to Har-e, littattgy, Itottoo.
ditto, Aiittvorp,, rek; 'ojwille: low Yates. = '
derl'orsOoo WiElOillg to-brititidethigl otiendttolol64 ,
tickets here at the following rates; tO-NiihrTailkfi 14080
Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist cabin, ST6, and. 0206 .
sheerage ft.= Liverpooi $4O 00. froq!".qttili%oll 3 ll. 6 h :
$20•00!" • •
lbese Asinnera nave ~ s uperior ezoontoteditittlif tor •
peneengers, and carry experienced Surgeons... , ' Meru*
balk in Water -tight iron 3...iction‘, and Immo ealeacom. ,
AnnlldlatOrs oti board.
-Flit thither information tirply in Liverpool to
W 1
IzrMAN,ngent,l:2 Ws.iter Street ; In Glasgow'
INMAN . , bt. &mob I...square ;12 Queenstown toil:l44AF. ,
D. BF.t DOUR .4 co. ;to t)ottoo to &1V &
Ring . William fit. ;In Ito COLDS DECOLA h •Plone
do In - Sourse ; In i t hilad...lyttia to .107 N; D 0 . 4. 13 .11
%abut street ; or at the tionipany's 0.
an'73 , f
16 Broadwm , , New Yore.
Or O. 0. Zimmerman. Agent, Flarrtebnr,
'A Nett Lot of
Of beautiful Stylise, enli4dially made
A tipleodid AsaOrtolan!. of
TLEAN..s! WiLL.HT 4-
d New and Elegant Perfuinity,
Put uP in;Cut Glass Ervosved Bott/es.
A Complete Assortment •
or the beet Altebtifietere
A very Handsome Vutekyolt h
POWDIIIII PUFF 80X118,i , 144,1
91 Marloollegteet.
. Harrisburg fa.
W AirS on baud a large assortnaint of
sours, SHOM, oartsos,.ass. or , the r Tart tiak
a &lei Ror ladles, gentlemen, and chtlairehs'wear.—
Tr)ces to suit the Woos . All hinds et WORE i ViApf ' IEI
ORVIIR hi Gas best sopaiio avrYth¢h
REPAIRING done at short notice
;JOAN a. 81(1111, hiagalshnrni,‘.,
. . ,
1 -- I '' N.SW -COAL -OFFlOlio.i,otwi
!THE UN 1) ERBltilf ED tiavlitg' eiittit,iid ..
L A to vie cOAlr'lftrOVin Oita kii'ty,- Would 4 - ,tirbelithi'
Robed. the patronage of 'bet:ahead: . d Wd ll teeprmilwan
Net. pf AR aWr l / 2 from Lee meet oelehnttell I'or lipprPteilt:
mina, Which 4111 ba defivere I to, eupp.r_, .t. .01, 14 'NV,
Imo trom dirt and Ruler tropurittga '' 'rort'''wetalti,.
GIIAKANTIND. i . , MAN Vol , MIA lf.tlgli'llbir4AbibillOiia ,
LOAD OR Sims on l'ertranr puthltudeg ,tortiter Be.
orle.r..troad will receive ; 240 Melds lo,Stre Teo -',o- 7Ji
me • tp:i.' to Market atreet, woiai door ernn.liowleor
ryi 41141.;'• ..lrarritin the Otnat.' loot of North drag' Or
dare lei tat Willer plat* will receive prompt steatoliftna.
SP tht I,v , toltl. w . tig 14 ; elm* t„ .t..
. •
HOMONT 'Beam,'
&A:Pi °Mtn , ." •• • • •
Orin US,
OW P 41 . 1 !+ 111 1.. „
•WHorE Tut Ike, to.
Just received and for sal
p wlea.tiovsrr Pewn
D04.1$ JU.
F0R ., 8= ,, ..,
140 M
One to Five .fitiodred . De fl ator
- 1
i i
north OE CITY EIONEki. SimlitieCtft ... ~ :a;
1 i . . . O. 0 AMMOOti 4 i i
meth ' : yn * Avith.+Unnike I f
. . t ;:i' '
g NR ,
4 ., 3
CID ER 1 1-1 . ~
Str iotty titre ,L ,
ling and sweet,--haa.reoelved a dlityarAbdilrier Ell
*am& at ; ' T er" Enata avicultiol Ifair atnaa4ff r dor
alb by e' - ' iallA , l
• ' ' WM, MZIC-If -
1 1 j
;Is soitoltoo to out veri - lerge. 111SeOrtatenter.
RDWISEBTIS AND Dlieleille or every SO and; ape lity
sure' Jouvto Km Gwyn, Wet litihile'sinne,l4l red
All the dithirentAititis of Wilikiti that* •--, 5 .:' '1 •.• -.
Largest worn:pent Of Hauser hi the My.: ! , ...
CRAVATS; SOSPIINDERS, li.umwsp,MMß4 Reedy gemst.O.
And everything In Gents' wear, at, .
' 'wova - mtirrs,
• Nwirt tri,,ebo-frarruthnre Beet '
- REMOVAL: - •
;LH SUBSCI - Ut3 blas remota hie
.pi.u7.ll3lSat AYD llika44:roirtaDliir'rraraiiirarkei
a 'tb frouttbuareei
calm* Thankful for paatpatrouages be bopes,_kir *bid
attontioo to businesa., to merit 11 . 41141.1aufuw of , It. ,
• WHOD.FISALE..*: I .;--;-.
, . ~ _ . ~ •. . •_.,
No 69 , Market Street Lela Third
7 ..., 7
itiltill[BUß.9 Pi..
bir . , H. , LEE, „,.. .;,,,-.4,,,
114.NUFA.CTIIIIEIL:. O.F VAt.1414444,
PiRiSOIS and , ALEING coiss,Jor
goads at. LO.W&R PRICES th an cad lin, in - f
thrist , in anise. Cornififnamnlutribia*in itei ''lib'
ea and examine prices and qualltg, and canaluditabeal
ea ea of iihrar4l ... . .. L•.. ...' Innen-4W.;
i . .•
FfRE REDU CE D TO $1.25 '1111101:14111 . .T9
I-..._-_, ~ s•• :.1,,,„1
1 ufiderligued __halt estabiiithed I tad
reiravir LENZ OF STAGE 00ACHES nom Aleoltaed -
b &A :anxieties every giber morning, edth the Onmk ....,,
T i
bl e i r vilroly SAMOSA can. OW 'Mochas leaviriAVO
every Inesday, Thursday and Saturday, retniedira , - '
o day. Passongtere for Shoppardeeswe, Lthebeuljec
Petarsburg and enlillnnrg av' POW" r e d.
ROF. ADOLPH ' 'L- r. . ni. § .. i h .,
t r
r.l2:::i o dr,_;e U 4vint : wiloo p :utibilirwan i Ttith a dand fl ithrde p dp: e izasst e p t uralcur f bin lan lioeiworiwidt.. y :gL:n -inf e.
nimaeraum o d nn ycinipwinp : Tothe —hi: venhog: ;: '
oo tinue to ktve Instructions on the HMV L y s
German Reformed Church. isela-dzi
T Newly Organised itegimente.„ -
lot of the very beet ovorcOat:11::: '
- regalatiolul, andjr
, ."
according to the army regol mi. &l ank
inip a full regiment, are for sale eta.
d & Co., second street. imam Joneii Bovaitibi
- -
wan ted to the Haifa% Saliool Diatalot. None but
competent teachers need nubs . Addrenp,
g a gf, x P. 0., Dauphin 00., Pa.
ael3-dt2l JOHN SHNPUIy, Bearattry.
81X)NN 5ik01ta 1 ..1314,E6..; )1, -;
JTLLDII 1411 d aion e . eittated
for toroptiong Oorfm . a . -.1. lie delivered to soy
of the dim or ito vteioey 4 Noy to
*mirth WM. COMM, Jr.
111.111 '
, NEW,LOT, just xeoeived, of the bee
qtualty, at OsTklesEWS, nazi door-to Banisbur
val . ?lire Willa reedited mid for sale by
WY. Do JR. 00