STATIONERY. N APT' DsPeurtterr, August 29, 1 / 861. -CIOEtAIiAT sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Seoretity of the Navy, ur.ol o'clock P.M. ,of Saturday, the 21st of Sep tember next; for furnishintall the stationery that may be required by the Navy Department and the several bureaua from the latter date to July 1, 1862. All the articles furnished must be of the best quality, delivered without delay, when or dared,.andlo the satisfaction of the head of the °floe for which they are required. If -it be required, each bidde a sam r fo ple r statione Dm* ry furnish with his proposal of each article bid for. No .bid will be considered which does not fully conform to the advertisement, and in *filch each and every article is not bid for, and in lirblah more than one price is named for any one article. Sonde in sufficient amount, with two or more approved sureties, for the faithful execution of the contract, will be required of the person or persons contracting. The authorized names of the sureties that will be given, as also satisfac tory, testimonials to fulfil the contract, must accompany the bid ; otherwise it will not be onaidered.' The Department reserves to itself the right of oidering a greater or less quantity of each and everyerticle contracted for, as the public service may require.' Should`any atticlebe required not enumerated in the contract, it is to be furnished at the low est market price, according to its quality. The'subjedned schedule specifies, as nearly as can now be done, the amount, quality, and de scription of each of , the articles likely to be re quired. Schedule. 40 reams heavy white-laid, dispatch cap ' stop-ruled, equal to sample, per roam. .20 Mule foolscap, blue or white ruled, per 75 reams extra superfine, blue or white, laidor wove, letter paper ruled, equal to . sample, per ream. 104eams Manitia paper, 38 by 36 inches flat, per sample, per ream. go reams best bluff or white envelope paper, royal, flat, per ream. 16 reams best , note paper, thick, per ream. 16 reams best note paper, medium, per ream. 20 reams copying or tissue quarto post, per ream. 100 yards tracing cloth, per square yard. 8 reams blotting paper, royal, rer ream. 60 quires patent blotting paper, medium, per quire. 80 sheets elephant drawing paper, per sheet. 'BO sheets double elephant drawing paper, "...per sheet. 89 sheets antiquarian drawing paper, per , ilieet. 6,000 ereamdaid envelopes, letter size, per •9 0 9+ 1,600 cr il eam-laid envelopes, note size, per 1,000. 600 card envelopes, per 500. 1,000 patent cloth-lined envelopes,. 8 1 by 4 inches, per 1,000. 250 patent cloth-lined envelopes, by a t . inches, per 250. 260 patent •cloth lined envelopes, 6} by 3} 'lnches, per 250. 80,000 best buff or white envelopes, Goveenji merit pattern, official size, printed ' stamp, per 1,000. 80,000 best buff or white envelopes, Govern ment pattern, official size, engraved stamp,-per 1,000. • 80,000 beat buff or white envelopes, Govern . meat pattern, official size, lithographed stamp, per 1,000. 5,000 beat buff or white envelopes, Govern ment pattern, letter size, lithographed stamp, per 1,000. 1,000 best buff or white envelopes, . Govern ment pattern, letter size, umitamped,per 6,000 beat white official envelopes, 14 by inches, lithographed, per 1,000. 20:grciss steel pens, on cards or .in boxes, (the Department to have the liberty of selecting from all the different kinds manufactured,) per gross. 24 gold pens, large size, with silver eaten , tiPidertl beet menubleturet4. :Pet Pen. 40 queititlifaiintol & Noles bleu* ink, in _ bottles, per goad. #l3,Tuata , bed Lonthm, copying ink, Ar nold's or Terry's, in bottleo, per, quart. 24 ounce bottles perise, Guyott & Co., su perfine ca i takitie, per bottle. 1,000 quills, No: 80, opaque or clarified, per 76 dozen tape, assorted numbers, per dozen; 1 , • 6 dozen 3111c:taste/per dozen. 4 dozen. penknives, Rodgers' beet, buck or pearl, hindies,, large sirs, 4 blades or equal,. per dcizen. 4 dozen coroners, large size, ivory handles, in cases, Rodgerciliest, per dozen. ' • ' 1 dozen pairs of shears, 8 inch .blade, per doz. 1 dozen pairs of shears, 6} inch blade, per doz. 1 dozen palatal' shears, 5 inch blade, per doz. 1 dozen pairs of scissors, per dozen. 2 dnrookfilnch ivory folders, per dozen. • 1 dosen rulers, parallel or gutta percha, per dozen. 80 dozen.bkick-lead pencils, Faber's beat, as, noted, per dozen. : = 10 dozen best American drawing pencils, as sorted, per dozen. 1; 12 dozen Faber's red and bluqpencils, per doz. 2 dozen sable brushes, .assbrtcxl per dozen. 2 dozenvamel brtielbil, assorted, per doz. 2 dozen stichirbeitt Indio ink,. per itick. 80 pounds extra superfine sealing: wax, per 15 pounds beet quality wafers, per pound, 10 pounds best white gum =hie, per pound. 6 dozen preparectinnoilage and brush, 'large, per dozen. 5 dozen prepaied Mucilage and brush, small, per dozen. • 10 poundwbett hemp twine, per pound. 10 pounds best linet twine, per pound. 6 quarts best black sand, per. quart. 6 dozen best prepared India rubber, per doz. sept. 4 BePt 4 6" 18 , 20 . 186k i Pp OlititiG. 810PEN1N8 . 1881 SUIMMR DRESS- GOODS ;Ef AVaaT lasianernoie The-4 . 4 01,..11 4 i / Oodi for the prteewill be an Induce meet th A e` 004 pnkthese. The tgeit ties* gelds or the lemon at a great eae• 1 MOZAIKRIQMI3e, GRIRRALI B s • • VALIENCIAR,' CREPE D'IO•II:PAND-'3, BEREOR ANCILAIB; • BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPcoLITANR. , • • : LA-MIS suci LAVIW • pie amply; r CATHCART & BROTHSR: Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. - 4 49stx TON SKIRTS The tbaymT beet make to be found as , cATHeART , _Ant/Otte titelbalisburg Bank.. Ell Parasols; $4ll - ,U0403:-and INibrellas wady-fie Fvhr, emicrrgert.4 l 9l pirtliased um:when/a ' 66411 .3A -- - ' ' 411903,131 T &BROTHER. . . 4=.lttogolid4rriompipic 0 9 70 ' qexi so Wemt tilrLi LADIE 8 ' W,3 Nll4- SPEER'S SAMEPOI WI:NE Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S_..S.AMBU_CI_WI.N_Ei _ .... . for ito r rnedkOaltand,l4ol4- 11ciarVialitlee as& genuine Stimulant, lonic, , in relic and Federate, highly esteemed by eminent - pbysl clans, and some of the Snit famillen In Europe alel America. SPEER'S SANIBIICI WINE h not a mixture or manurantured kit voro, from atlitivatedn'ortn.rallider, reentamendeeririlbein ists and Physicians ea.Poseendrig Ann:deal - propiridak iu parlor to any other n'lnex in utie, an I an excel( +a rti• Ole for all weak and dehilitaled 'perieni, and the :4go , i and Infirm, Improving tho, appe tite , amtbenoflthig latli • and children. ' nonunion will not inteidlinte sia oilier wines, as it con tal•m no mixture of i•piritsiMi :ow ;Amara, and 14 a • mired Ib its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties , Imparting a beslihy tone loin , ' dlgutlve organs, and a blooming, salt and healihy skin and connolexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED seEMII, Passaic, H. J., Mover the cork of otchlontle; ' - MAKE OSE TRIAL OF THIS WINS. •' A. SPEER, PTOPrikar. ranflie, N. J. Mine 208 Sumdway, New 01 ..' - J. • SWIGS; Agent, ' For sale by ,D W. Gross & Co, Kr. K eller, John Wyeth maks` diagetts'ilitlaaily * jyl-41Aw ty. ;a t 0,1.6 e. . , DR. LELLAND'S F RHEUMATIC `BAS ANTI RHEUMATie -- B, LS THE ONLY *MOWN BEM:EDI FOR Itheuntatinnh Gaut .and' AND A SITAX CORE PO& All Mercurial Diseases'. • It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a me. 1,1 elated oompound, , to be worn around the Waist, 'without Injury to. chilliest digitate persons, no change in habits of living is required, and it-entirely removes. Ulu disease from the system, without producing the Injurious allow arising from the bee of pow.rfe• intermit medic l em Which women and destioy thomschntion wag give Winnow, relief only . r teettment, th e • medical properties contained in th 3 Band come In contact with the blood and reaction thoilserie , , through the pores of the akin, anianlng. :in every t perfect cure, and restore be parts sinned to a ',molly condition. This gaud Is **Asps' poyfurfql,4on4dgiUmutatagenti and will entirely relieve the system from the Repicions recta of Mercury:'-' a yaw days, and. we are constantly receiving tesUmonials of its ellitsacy In aggravated cesesot long standing.: Palos 00, to be lied or Druggists generally, or can ne sent by mail or expretts, with full directions for use, to any part of the costars, direct from the Principal tillice, No; 409'ifROADWAY; Neis York. G; SMITH mt - 004 Sole Proprietore: • 4 . N. B. —Descriptive. Circulars Bent Free. . sir Ali 'WATS WAN rill) EVckIYWHERW../11 J,VB-41aw SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ! A Necessity in Every Household 11 JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Ohre in the World SU CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, POR CELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, WEAL &o. - - The onlyartiele of the kisd elerap;ocineed which will witluitfatiltiteifiz:',. jorrtro p e ..,,, 132'47 I n tli.E.Mme:l l . G L uTf er,r.r Johns & "it is ao douvedlent to 'balite 'in • COo hOuge , — N. Y. Rxressa: • dt'is swop! ready'; thiscommena4 tKO every body." N. Y. 119.0VOINT. .99e bird tided it, and dud it as Useful in our house VA wator..z—Wourp srmrr'or Ta_ILT. iges, ilk/1143 1 25 ; Oeinii per Bottle:' Very Liberia Iledtieffifos to lifii6l4‘stile Dealers. TEltlffb ior Ft* sale by all Druggii)lA ind Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. _ JOHNS & OBOSLEY, (Sole Mannutctures,) 78 Wrizta.m. Smear, (corner of Liberty Street,) Naw Yoax. „Ira-ay , ETaSTHOLABB GBO'OEIIBBI I,IA •ItO:b:1 A. ft :H . I V A BLit VlNti JUST frow 14)6 liegatert-citfos tihere . we nave 'selected Ante ;e 0 las.Arein °dud 41514111:1101‘t sfl pechdr loafs 'Neloe.euierace anyttung seat_ la tee, h cdty groootee, we reupucnutly dud . cordially tti Pu .df to. 'e'en uvt crxeditioejour story Wild 'Norte. Pots Parma% WM. DOWN JR' a , DR.. T. J., MILES, SURGEON 'D.ENTISTN. tIFERS his tier eiHeit t 4 the citizens k . r. Harrisburg andits 4 vicirtity. He solicits a share o the publics patronage, and gives assurance that Ma best -endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro reeEdea. Being an old, well rigid dentist, be feels safe is mu ll th e public generally to call on him, assuring ithat they will not be dissatisfied with his services, '0 co No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly M oulded by Jacob R. Eby, near the United States Hotel, airrisburg.-Pa• . 1 011 E ,011D.FER'B BOOK. M ' aour auroral:pea .f au LapagitiOn ol Abe .oet dgp. two of the United fitictea,,:xplaining the natare and oper.- 4ten. flu our 4ovenvi , ent., trou talitnat and anthem. a oro r. Pero! ft 411). , 4 44 1 401(0 0 " B. M. IniaDEA. D. D. B. STITE - STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All openvions, Surgical ancUblechanical, wiegti v Aly ii ! errormed chances moderate ieB SIGN OF THF, Glotioni Star 'gnaw/led Banner T4bNOTTIEH SIVPLY 'OF WA LL P PElt, BORDERtchzurSPLSNIND-SINDOW- BLINDS,-* we eskthe elteepe et cw . e welfettrdielly t 4 uyamicatiftv g ir I. 41 /4 P r t e ereileteran —Mad 141806.4 • SOONIMINC, 01 8 4- di CV rim* the lailagrorg Mks. pentuiLitbanitolltgit Alateg*, flaturtiat 7tfterntrim, laptnitbev , 2l, 486 E tints of grave So transportation, Norte Oei w I NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCALtDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. A_LITIMOIR,_III ON &ND APTER'SIINDAY,:dUNE 9 th , the- Passenger TrattniM the Northern Central Rail- WT. Will leave Dantean and Baltimore as follow' Op 1N G SOUTH. lism new will Iwo. Harrisburg at 1 90 P, RE " ` 4- . " 3.00 A. M. HABB,L,BURO ACCOMMODATION 9.30 " MAIL TRAIN will Leave Baltimore at *LIG A. Al EXPRESS TRAIN " 4 35. P. DE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION 800 P. Al GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 11.k0 P.ll MORE% is gS3 " • The only 'train Mitring Harrisburg on (Sunday will be the Express, Bomb, at 3.00 A. M., and leaving Baltimore 'it 4.85 P. M. For further Information apply at the Moe, is Pion's Railroad Depot. A. C. SCHNELL Harrisburg, May 20, 11881.—dtr NW LIND ROUTE. TRUE TRAINS DAILY TO NZW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA ;, 'WITHOUT ORANGE OF CAE% ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861; the Painienger Trains will leave the Philadel phia soli Pending Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via • ~ . EAST WARD, , EXPRiI..43 10111 . 1esves Riwasbilig at 1130 a. Di., on 'u rival of Pennspliania Railroad' Expreas Train hum' the West, arriving in New York at 4, p. m. A sleeping car la attached to the train through frontPittsburg without Change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrtsburg atB a. in.. arriving in New York et 4p. m and Philattelikliia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LIN'S leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 ouarrival or,Peanevivania Railroad Fast ,idait, arriving 04 New York at 9.45 p. m., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. in. WESTWARD. lAN LINK haves New Tort ail a.m. and Philadel phia at 8 a. in., arriving at.HlNYliqicirB o lr VAIL TRAM leaven' Nair` nth &tn. Indu s and Phil attl. lb p. in.,.lllolllMgat Harrisburg at 8 p.m. 111XPRe89 LIN* leaves Nast: ; Torn eA a R ., . aro, and trA. oodnecan g ?shod-wawa:lomo tuumbr o . - A sleeping . • Gar fs aied attialt9a':l6 Izakti I , . pth.CPOOKareiNaskrittaiGANtrpritlithents on the llll)n neit i N'erancatel ow: anit i Lu d.a na tip ealakt ot d r. V 9i tliz allith "1 1 , AltiltbWiii 3 Ltiiiirditi:•' ' ' •'- iirthlielibar efieearlAkirongLi Gesio between New York i %wire • ,00.. 1, - , lmenrthroeperg and ;111U111 4 04 _14005%, fS , loa,:- anallop)10.1,. delPhis, $3 74 In NO. . . ii ~ , . , ForliGkelit or otter 1 ntbi•mailo f t to . • - ~ •'.. 2 • ' Jj.t•GLltThr4"' -. •:. - -.1..•.,:i ~. ... , !., i taylni. il ~. • ", .. ,:. - General Agent, HarrieberW.., PENNSYLVANIA RAIL - ROAD I i •,,„, :0 0 0,,, ~..; ~....,0.,,,,,...11.,"...,L. -,,,,;.n WHILES FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND Choi passenger traina of the Pennnylvanla Hallman Com pany will depart from and arrive M PWTad'etptiraaafouowi:=. +.; ,s, . PAST LINE leaven alitelbeigleteMinernlug (except Monday),st. }a6 a. m„ and arrives at Wont Philadelphia et, 6.101 v.-m ., .w I ..„ Eraitiiiiiaig -flay 44 4 9,204.• inQand, Graves, at West4ll3llatlelphlii wets 0 4 1 39.4 excep t, taus , day) Pill.kA-tfrl 1 ,44# 1 °.9f ,1 1 !.,S 1 Mtf1 11 0,4 0 1PhillifiL 10.16 Tneee *tpki* A i mit A :witb he brew -rork Lin Atte arTR I AH7, - No. - 1, via 3 oiria'B4; leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arnvesAit , West PhiladelsitWit 12.00 nalt 7 ;l .1 : r , tIANIUNNURG.4.OI3OIIIiODATION; TRAIN,. via. °alum bia.A . lrt . 44firriPPlß At•S Nut...a17'4111 at WO plj:.• A; • AC Oe IS t it Pk*: 2,7itit' H g otatt 'eaves b 5:16 P. ". &C HID Ville iiithlU i l i and ariltrek lU. West/ FMlarlig ' - - I • Vir 100 T- A D THIQUGH EXPRESS, TRAIN Mayes 411actelphia at 10.20 p. M., Harrisburg -at ni.4 l :Altoofie 7.80; m., and arrives at ;Pittsburg at 12.00 nada.; - ! • • MAIL TRAIN. MavesPhiladelphis at 7.80 a. m. Harris: burg 1.00 p. 100 Itt., Eutdtu'riv,mt Pitts burg: 31 • 111436 1 4 . 1 ., 0 .3 1 ..g". ;.• • FAST UNE . lerias burg 3.86 p. m.„, Altoona 8.10 p. m.,,aud arrives at burg at 12,80 a: • S HARRISBLING ACCONHODATION'TRAIN leaves Phil delphia at 2.80 p. m., Lancaster 6.08 p. zn., Columbia 6.40 p. m., and arrives at ilgoviebrug at 8.00 p. in: This "Ada, connects Welbsrlibirg,Nditoti p. Sn., with North ern Centrai B.stlreadMain fos : Aunbtry - ,‘ ,Wilikonspori; Lock Hiveni:Beraboni. and sia points, North., ACWHHODATIo TRAlN,leavesPhihdelppiaatCoo p. m„,'Lancister 1,50 Meant JOY 8.21. p: rit.,l , l bethtOwn; 8.37. p. 4n: and arrivee at Harrisburg .at Attention calledlothe fact; tbit piseivers leaying- PhilactehM4 0440 lit Ilx” Golmea at LhAckater MOUNT Mx ACCOMMODATION TtlALK.94.atrtitatl at. 1119790nrg at 9.80 p. m. • JUST _REOXTVED `ANOTHER' LOT:011I-1111082 EXTRA FINE POI ED GOLD- PENIS (AY NEWTON'S , Ifontterly .I;l3agley!s) Njr I manataature, warranted to be thtt beet in malarial, the finest pOinted, most; durable cheap' ai an, a market, for sale, with a variety' di Gold and, &lye: Oases' of various sizes and prices ' . (1110. P BOOKStORK, lihivirdet 'trees. .I : 'HOTQ'GrRA.TOIIX In ail its Branches. : ' . .Executed in Elie best style known in the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERri 632-Mdr greltiaM .8614,—•!1,14."7 U.Fg ' hi PA! Aiil(Patil4 PORIVITB go., , Daguarissibevatokatt,....--. lak Rings Am TRITI TRAINS DAILY TO MID MO RETURNING, FROM PHILADELPHIA• On AND AYTIR MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, E SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Bupt, Ras% L Y Penaa. Railroad. Harrisburg, Jona%lil4,l74l„G' . v x%RHAVt, s Holland Bitters FOR DYSPEPSIA, Liver °wintaint, Fever and Ague, &c. TR6 erircemittil introduction sad use of thin eele bnit.i.iseinedy has been the signal for a literal flood of nun iounds called "Bitters," offered in various nas, front a quart bottle to a five-gallon leg, until this word "Wen" is but another name for "grog,' or some yillarrenambiskes Enixtsgq,,„ But the reallfireit relief duff - Iff from tlie minute dose, one manpoostal„ ce nor BODULtVE'S MOLLMID =EMU, and the Pain: Pkielleg VA IL, ProllingYONS has ester blished 'for ft amputation wadi the hosterlinitations and cousterfeita have:ldled to IM6llllOlllle. It it peel timely a vegetable preparation, with barely irult3cient pure spirits to preserve it. But one elm of the genuine, (Halffint Bottle.,) prioe.Otee , It le a medicine of hag-tried efficacy for Perrifyiec. the RAW, so tasential for the lbandation of good health and for correcting diecodera of the etomach and bowels. Moor thine done win non time the afflicted of its salutary 'ideate. The stomach will speedily regain-its atrength; a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and, renewed health be the quick result . For, INDI.MMTION, Try • - • ~,Borhave?x,Hollant -Bitten. • For. Mil AILtrinTES; Pry - • - ' ' • ' Ikerhaieulloiland -Bitters, For Aa/DITY, fI T6' ' t. Beritaves Holland Bitters. For WATERBRABII, Try Beerhave'si Holland Bitters, For READA.OII3f, 'Pry r' ' ikerbares'll°Hand Bitters. :gor LOSS or ..szpr Beerhavelw ;‘l4MIld Bitters' COSTIVMIiBI3' - Hollan d 6'0,. 8r' aye's • For PILES, Try Berhaves Holland Bitters. ,In all , Nervous, ; Rheulnitle; end Neuralgic Affec tions, it tuts in numerous instances proved highly bentificial,' audit ottiots abet:9d .decided ' cum. (Alm geelthinadtthlrconeentiated BCBRltaereft War LAND )317 . T1138 put pp in half-pint bottle" only, ant retailed 'at One MAW peelsottle. The great dentend for this celebrated medicine has induced nun.y whTcli the' Rabbi ebould guard against Beware of imposition / See that our *Mt is on the label of every bottle you buy. • BeAj,' Page; Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERB, PIT 7: Sac( It:94:1, PA. m F" sthl 131 thq 4 07 , thinlitkag m ADOliAltAtlB as —lseso-dstis, JENOELAY, , w.tqcfps, cLobics, JUJOY GOODS, &O. ALFRED A 1 4 ,0 OMAN tic CO: sb. 46irrisbuiti s , minda!Cloria' and 'aq ► oluta~''ihe =PTV triv:iPqs4o9of stOottoc , ,E. 1! , 111 d Isrige assortment of mow sw- ELRY, we will sell the mime igt shah:mea t moth *id), and' splieitpatronage. Watopes, Cloaks and Jewelry nosily and gromp4 re *rat ink delivered. -• • --• • -- - .ARAIRA Annfr44o & CO. Hating dbsposed or my atxileof "Jewelry to k. F. Min inermitpd(Qo.vl oheatollitimoommend them 40 myJor mer oustomors,oo pnostt, and,.ettplorieutoett Watch &kVWM " SW them ecughtutnoe parent- Iffe w .hallirWP/1 0 PllerGusirlloelldetlolne during o 4: last yown. SIENENT. JENNINGS. *D4 I fI I B III RY. graduate of the nhuntkootto ge at .Rentai durgery, baying permit • Ilea 10fiatediethil airy al fliteriali . prg. andfalcon. . the , oteociftinttutf Good:104 byDr; (Organ, on T street, between Mittel add Nrcinut,respeothilly Informs "bin [nods ant the public imitontina, that he is prepared to perform _optimum' in km Denial profeadon, either surgical or mechanical, in a manner that,aba Li not be eurpssaed by operators in thin or any Whir city. life mode of inserting artificial Weak IS upon t i me law; in mired solentillo principles. „ Teeth, from ono Ws lull sat, mounted on fine Gold, se ver,' Minot plates or the Vulcanite Base. ; ' take great pleasure In recommending the seuvo gea; tiemen to all my former patients of auricle urg and vii; ead fed confident Mat he will perform all opera tions in a scientific; manner, from my knowledge of lila imyikill] Y. J GORG4B, D. D. 8. N 111533 2 SHAD, No. SALhfON,'No. • HERRING, N ' o I, 'COD FLSH,..ko. 1, 1 ' MACKEREL, • o. 1. Qt ,he above we have all the Atliereat sized packages *on; the woe to the autsau.'in store and for sale at the owed market rates. table VVY DOCK, JR. & 00. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT . . LADIES' TRAVELLING ANL SHOPPIN,G BAGS OM all prtoas,for sale BERGNER% UMW BOOKINORR, 61 Market area DDB UNION ObNgTifitri'lON 44()Ifit. GOVERNMENT ' " by M. MilLut • work oontainingtbe TEM Olf 0/ ars sumo Sur" giving theoou Iraagoa-ot its Term and Provident, showing . , the ;relations of - the severs! elates to the.l,lllllolllwdeabb other, and explaining gene rally..thedysteim of Government or - the Mum try. Price it OQ. Bold, and order."supplied, by him; liarete 7 berg, Ps. , • feb2l Agents fbr Ootintiesand Sates wanted. THERMOMETERS 1 TEDDSMOMSTROrnamentaI Mantle, Japanese Medal. TELMEMOMBV do 5 10_, Bronzed do TnIERMOMBT INadllere Tin Ow, . 13 THIULMOIIaTARS, do Braze Bound Donble MOM. THSRMOMETAIRS, Union Caste, 3012 'TEISRMOMMTBRS; Metatie Friune .- ; 8.10 Inch. ' TEIMMOMSTERS,_BIenk Walnet se,•lo Inch. TBRRMUM-RTIM, 'Ds Case, 7-8.10 mob. we havejost received a'nne lot' of 'TIIERMOMRTR R of various atyles, and are selling them low. _ • • Hauzirs DRUG STORE, s p • , 91 Market street. OAK AND' PINE WOOD • , 1 lop 2 217 BOWS OR CORD .41111 7 9.2.11 20 ant. POIIOHABZIL Al," LOCUS! PONS ADD outman &41L5 cm I ' ' - • . : . .I.tho, Of ONE AND B.AND FOR BUILDING ; PUNPOSBG. Inquire or the subscriber at tits residence on the Ridge Yoild,idliPosibi tile Good Wilt 'Engine - Rotas, or at th e ,iiiirdi cornet •of Sel iced- and Broad streets, West Etat - riabull: i - . linX l7- 4). . G 8.00.. .; , BED . lloll.olf . IN 1 PRICES 1 ALLFNOES, Plain and ' BILERaIi, Plait anr=li. .4z., . WOOL DFLAINES, .Extra Styles and Quality. BROW. LONG SHAWLS, different prices. ' x§ - FINE-STOOK OF: aIaNNET. SHAWLS. , , ,Th' prices in all the sheet Goods, on exeunination,Ndll fo alloma% thin ayetr .0 , at 0 . .. 4 t , k* , o' - ' A 1, fIATHOART'S, , .., .., - Next.door to ikka , .Hatrriabtire Bank. 0-• Ambj,.....'*'—`ihree`faurar _—_, . .. , , ,p l -. • wad Rama inat nnarrawny •r- ' •" I - -- ' - . aUs WMCDOCK .111. 4VCO . '- . Ci=rl iltMcoi Read' 'Caieftally! Vaito.l. Ay-er's CATHARTIC PILLS. . A R4YOU SICK, feeble and oomplaining? Ave you out ot order, wilt ,yolar spite= deranged, and your %chugs uncomfortable! Thesesymptams art often the prelude to serious Wean. biome 0t of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted liy a timely eye al the right remedy. Take Ayers Pills and cleanse oat the disontered humors—purt:y the blood and let the Acids move m• eliebstrOntelt •tt health again. They stimu late. the lunctious ot the body into v Waxen activity po rtly the system worn &sense. A .'old settles sotnewber• ID the body, sod obstrultaitt uataral (Unction& These, not relieved, react upon teemselves and , the surround tog organs, woducto4 gm:evu ag,grava doe, 'Wain and disease- While in this condition, (wrestled by the de kar4geneeote, take Aver s Mils, sad. see how directly they rent Ore the enteral action ot the system, and with it the buoyant tooling 01 beech again. What is Woe and so apparent to huts trey al cud common complalat, le also tree to ninny ot the deep-seated and dangerona diatom Me same purgative ellen! cape* them. (bused Ober:oolong and derangements ot the natural flanlalolllll. el . the ;body, they me rapidly, and• many ot them surely, cored by the same, osaans, None who knotelbe sirtaeihat these Pins, Will neglect to employ hem when minoring ham the ditordere they. mum. &memento lrom leading physteLene In some of the prinalpal dila, and from other well halm public per 1001. from rorwardiug Merchant d FA. LOlLilly Neb. 4, 1855. Da: Aran : tour NW are Ili, paregoe of all that Is great, I n inewhoisie. pay bare cured my little daughkr of eleeroue bores upon, her ban a and !bet the% bad proved Incurable ter years. Her m *bet bas been long grieviously blotchea and:pimples oo her akin and In her Alter our child was oarod, ehe also sr ion ou Pals, and they have cored her. AEA NOROBJD6III. Asa &mat Perm [From Dr. & W. Cartwright, New Orleam ♦ q YWr Mtn ere the prince. of Purger.. Their excellent uhaMiiis sureties any cathartic we possess. They are mkt, but very certain and eneotnal letheir acUon on the bowels, which make them tortlaablo tone in the daily . reatment Meas.: HsADABEto, lhaoholti„ POOL Biosaat. [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baßlmoro.] DrAli BRO. AT= : I oanem answer you lour ooze• plaint:ll have atom with your. Ellis better than to my ail MMus' seer treat - tiny a puritan* audio tee. I place great cepeadenoson att 'MMus! riattutrtio hi my day rented with disease, and believing as Ido that your Pills afford es the beat we ttes, lOf course value them • PriTSBURO, Pa, *ay 1, 1856. Cl , .Arsa-81r : .1 have been repeatedly cured of be worst heithsoke anybody can have, by a dose or two your Pills; it seems to arise arom a Tool stomach, Which they oltense ar. once. Yours with pent respect, PRIMA °tort el Steamer Clarion. pampa DisoaDias.l-1 ka Cionnams. (From Dr. Theodore Ben: New York City.] Not only are your Pills' Wm rattly adapted to their purpose an an speneut i , btu/ Ond the* benellcial engem upon the Liver very marked Lideed. They have An .my musks: proved more 'effectual tor. the core ul Ribes Complaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sin. cutely releite thit we haie at length a purgative which Is worthy. the nonlidence of Ithe profession and the people. Dirsirramir Or am Imeannt, Weabingum, D. CL, 7th MM. 11YM.I Sir I have used your Pale In my gowal and Opepital practice ever since'you made them, and Canner hesitate to say they are the.hest cathartic we employ. Their rm gulating action on the Iron is gluon and decided..comm. quently they ire to adnitrabie'rertiedy fOr denial/intent of that organ._ Indeed, t base soktom fouhd ,a osier of Bilious Neese° so obinatte that it did not readily, yield to them. traternally yours, . • AIWA° , S. •: • Phisktin clam Mirine lioaphei. DTSINIIRY Iheolutota Ratix,'"Westits.' (From Br. .1. Gt. Green, of 04 1 0/11 11 .) Veur Pills h cum a long trial in my practice, and. I bold them in esteem as onset toe Best apertlette I bit** ever.toeue, 'thew atteratave edam upon a m liver make. Omit atfeteelleat remedy, w h en amen in small dol3ollthr Ahem Dyttestecy : mot Diarrhoea. Mote luau -coating , makes them very aoceptable and oonvenlent for the use ot women and ehtldren. Etrarana, Lamar on vas ono® ifitultem, J. : V. Huryes, _ Paete; . Adr . 1 Muck Bolton. or. 4nm : 1 have asodjour Ma with exuaerduleiv vicideineui my tidolO`and dmeng model *6 oilledto viali In distress. it reglitUd the organs of digestion and `tot rho the. week Liwy Are the very hest remedy 1 have ever names, end Ivan clonddendr 'recommend them to my trioods. • TOW'S, X V. KUM W4F . xuar, Wlrumlug t o., N. Y., got., 2 4. /866. My* Siya: : agu using ye& Oaths:tiro Yale my PriNices awlfla,tlpwn iut exaelloni,putioNlTS .10 chines the system' and pally Gut fomiNaini tas Hood. JOHN G. NHAOrteld, H. D. lioaffauzol; Waivuor t . NottNeMull. Gorr; Fs" no. [from Ur, J: P. Vaughn, itootheuth thaidel Too mactartmunca bo mad 01 your rills for Quo - Gam; of Qoativaniat: if - Others of your reatninity have found them liiratitalaMal at have, they idiould kohl , too 9n jttl: claiming it for Ui ,booodlrol tticatittlitUttOO. "la Mader, trointhiti &Militant; 'Much; although had enough ht SOU, bl tlitt progothlor.thuliera thatium - worso. 1 balls , . OoottVenetut to,ortgluato to the liver, but. you? . !ilia that Orgio and lirrom atra. - 14 Stuart, rbyslolini and ltidttits; Bostbm] r find one'or two Large dams 01 parrPlibihtlatten.ot Ulu prOper Gina; are ematllant proModitiligir the litniar • Duration' wad& wholly „or partially aappretiosdv sod Abet (ley 8.1001,4u1 aietteltae the stemma' autimarn wolusa. they are so tour& the best phyald we have that eboal mend ao °tour to Foy ; [From the Rev. Dr., Ipforkee,,ql tbo iletbpdlel 1 4)444 , 041, ren.moknouer, &mum" fia.,1.140 AM fi Elormium : t stiOuld be angrabdul torahs relief your Mill him brought me U IMO hot r4Ort.My'cakkiii you. 4.-cold aeulmt to my liintill hfuMhir . .PAAWEAk dating - Neuralgic Pot* which ended In`ohumo MAIM. madam. Notertihatondog 1 mad the biota phyulafalluit the disease grew worse widweree, until by the advice of your excellent agent, in BaltrolOrP, Alicensik, I tried year 'M s. - Their effeetivere Moir but p e n t em jiNg in thelmout them; 1 sin sow entireiy 'WU, • ' BomaQuietists,. on : hive Wegai ondrbly taw b ytour of RheoPutlicl tic , Palma &mai. that butiattilated me for years'. yuicfaq. tiflysum d -poet icd. the Tine to market:contain' Merest*, which, although a traluable remedy . , In dmagerohe a public pill, trom th e dreadfal coupes:h ow that. frequently Ado* ita ineautiotur ese.l.olheee contain co mercury or miheral subeimiee whatepir. ' Price 26 oehte per boa; or 2 boxes tor *l. Prellared h.94X/liB dr. 90, Lowell, Yaw Sold by 14. L. Seitavert,,O. . Lauer, B. W. Groin dt Una, Holman & , 00., Annetrang; 'Harrilbergi and dogma everywhere. . apra4aulaw .JELCKNI4 1 10 .MARKET; - Kiaikugfitei, Aleut for . Wrought and" Chilled; Ircu k.rB and Burglar ?rag AIELSAF F 43IIBI.. Strictly tie (MIS itaintinSic dain lade, that L both altrghlrJllol:lf. mar2lndly . OTICE is hereby given that . app ton-. Nllori wilt be midi to • the &octave or line gym. in.unealth Lea. the pardon or throngs Wright, convicted of passing c.o'nnt.rfait money. Sept. 19, le6l-418t. • • 41,N D L .S.l rARAFFiss IZIANDLES, . SPEW& Oit;11.)1.10ei, - ADAMINTiIsi OANDLEB, fi'lakßlNE , ditibLES, '31.243,0ANDLE3, , OIELFAIPAL 13Y111201. CANDLES, TALI.ON CIANDLEZ. brie 1061618 llbtfirGin iit(4o sod for ultist the low du poookni. Wm. ;Dom( J.B. co., jan2 ' A V kilt 11E vAr ja Wok BLALIK AND. SECOND MOURNING- • DRESS GOODS ! OF witax DnaRATIDN JUST 02-Ktao At ices below. the .4V of -hAlx.occOm t d• : • ... C/L Et tir ab y 8 Nap, aor •aa Harr ail A-, WAp.LOW.ER'S LUXE, ' • ' Dram Baiwiumi 1 . it.1114.88114G aiiictP EL Obi' kAt B 04; 4 1 ,4 1413 -4 1° 4 4 ihead , iiivierly, Lif - ii9if'44 o. ..:i4 .:, ",. ~. 11.,,' `o ~ i 1 Di,...ii soh P ir l iiaddli tj° Vell e el'Od t°X ari,6 -4 w u ntiai._ , `l4!, fg010;11; apt 114Liet dallOOlP 4r4art 11- % 4 b uti nau notning. o4o 4." winil licil.LOW iteri7 Eß, M air .. ag . tioreri .. t "They go right to the Spot,-';-- INPITANT lIKURPI STOP youft 00041 PURIFY YOUR RRE),TE STRINGTUN YOUR VOICE! SPA LDING's Throat Confections, E 323 GOOD FOR CLIMGYMEI!, GOOD FOB LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAK ERs, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSII3IPTIVEs, GOTLEMIN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFEcTION LAD/AS ARE DELIGHTI.I. wiTH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFEQIiN CHILDREN CRY SPALDING'S THROAT Ci)NFECIV,s, They relieve a Cougb Instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the They impart a delicious Mina to the breath They are delightful to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and Cai,o4 hart', ` l l advise over* oho who has a Cough or a Ei Aiy ar algid Breath, or any dlalcalty of the Throg I i ma ms* of my Throat Oontectlona, they re: '.I ral,,,rt pa4iitiy t Lad you win find them very osefal aul ant While travollog or attending peek otegtio2.@`.)r.• lag your Cough or allaying your thirst. li yo, tr pkolO gO I 1111 WO 1u Oiling that you ever y:;. wards Colnalder them indispeosible. You at,;tha Drool:Rhin and Dealers In Mali:lw. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTa. - My signaleuro la on each package. All otter Paokage will be not by mail, Prepaid, ac 76:1; Thirty Yenta. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 WIDER STREET, SEW' YURI CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HE ADA CHE :;trRE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE Itr. the use et these Ms the perlo.ile aiwks r).!1F:8111.k404444 may be prevented, aLd it ta.4 7... , ME,"3 , "meat 01 tramed.i. iial¢"inid *knees mly ne obtained. They seldom WI In removing Novato ee i tlwJati 1: whiettterestee are in subject. T 01 174113 gently upon the bowels, removiug cbEueus ' Tar Xiliainarriten,thudeuta, Dehome Yeta..l,s, periow„or sedentary habits, they arc T.Ms'me u I 4 6 ,5040.119fr0Tt0g the •PPITITI, gi,iug iwis 01111.101, mad reeioriog the uat4ra t:, *plied .*length to the whole system. id:Pk:ALM PILLB are tug; rm~lt ea yind estathll conducted expromem.-, thei, many Years, during vireidi time toes "onkel and relieved a vast amount of lam and Euler tronl Headache, whether originating m the pertauj lan° , from a deranged stale of the nose& . , They Ilirftyloßtrely vegetable ID thou cowNiz , D, wt 416117. be lit* at all limas with (*sleet Balt ly !MOW, iiirahaisee of diet and the absence .1 MO dta' Orafaffatio rendve u easy le Issintiniger them :d cN:drs BEWARE Or COUNTERF6II.r. • '""',ll....rfflu WTeRYO Signatures ix Licari C. on snob box. Bold alights and all Mbar Etaalcr4 le m,11 . 4a ♦ Box will be tent by mall prepaid ou receipt of ILi PEICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. srAgANG , 48 Oedar Street. New i'ork AIWA idol& bottle of EIPALDLVEPSErAit:I)(iLi 'via ism tea times Its cost annualll.44 13PA.LDING'S PREPARED Gat] BPALDING'S PREPARED GU LI SPALDING'S PREPARED ULC hAV LOONOMY airs‘aurnaa ui TIMI aim As seeidelitapoiGt Amen, 4 m weil•tegulatt d P W4 Lz very desirable o bave some Chuilp sod auoveDial way for repining Furniture, Toys, Crocgery,,ta. SPALDING'S-PREPARED 01,111 n'VOtla ig.luelkenlirgendes, and no nousebold can to be wlthent4l. It la always ready and up to the suck . leg 014, • “lINZIFUL IN EVENT HOIISN." Ir. B. Brash asoonipentes each bottle. Price tit ett Atit .38:NBY C. orALDINt t, No. 48 Cedar 811061, Now York. CAUTION . • . 4p!cengthl uaprhulilpled peraoasare attempting hi PIM ,ati the public, imitations of my pso eitixDAttikidiciiiii hastiest all its to exaleNla purchaain& and tree that th e I all oaths, ApiII.IFALINNWEI ParagattED CLVK.H 10110 i I"fladi"lialiiiir;all others are ssrladting eeTia acielfmiewlyrdlleall DWAILU I