Pailp eritgraplj. tiAItIII3I3URG, PA - Saturday Afternoon, September 21, 1861. piiINTING MATERIAL FOR SALE. Two Powsa Plums, old Adams' Patent , Two litos flasm Parssa, 0110 11!.2iTly new, and a large amount of sec ,nd hand Printing material, will be sol paper.ceedingly low pricesi for cash or approved All these materi als are in a good condition, and would answer for a country office. They must be sold to make room for new and more. extensive machinery. Apply at this office immediately. A QUA wrgrrE, consistMg of a harpist, violinist, v, ealist and collectiouist, favored various locali ties of oar city this morning with serenades, to the great delight of our juvenile population. DETENTION.—The express train from Pittsburg failed to make its usual time here this morning, caused it is said by a freight train having run off the track somewhere between this city and the m ountains. EXPRESS AllEdD OF THE MAIL.—The New York Post, one of the b, st of our New York city ex changes, comes to this city regularly every day by the Hope Express ten hours in advance of the mail. Rion Wuatams desires us to say that Lieut. T. Davis, of Capt. McNally's , company has :turned to camp. having only left it for the ,le purpose of trying to persuade the company , return to their quarters. Lieut. Davis' re urn of course relieves him of the suspicion of ',Mg a deserter. SOLDIERS, STRANGERS, and all whom it may concern will find the best assortment of nick narks and fine toilet articles at Seller's drug and fang store, No. 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. We cannot enumerate all the necessary and conve niout articles for sale at this establishment, but wnaid invite all to call and examine the stock before purchasing. 1==:1 A CnicAoo Emma 9N RIB TRAVELS. —The if tstern Rultroad Gazette of September 7, contains three and a half columns of editorial description of the Pennsylvania Railway, and scenes along its route. The editor says : The country through which we pass be tween Philadelphia and Harrisburg, a distance of one hundred and six miles, is probably set tled by the most intelligent agriculturalists, and is brought to a higher degree of agricul tural perfection, than any space of country of equally great extent on this continent. We will not exef ptNew England in this statement." APPLICABLE TO 11118 Bssrow.—Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, in a recent speech at Coatland, said something for the benefit of men in this section of country who are going around "on the sly," endeavoring to prejudice the ignorant against the Government. Read it and don't let any one catch you at sucti"dirty tricks" 'hereafter : "My friend tells me there is something to be said about taxes. Who objects to taxes ? An individual here and there who not being well informed, thinks if he can have peace it will raise the price of butter. But he who rebels at taxes to support such a war, you may believe that Judas Iscariot is lawthing in his sleeve to think he was not living in this day, for he would have been surely underbid. GOOD FOR Nonatterowic—The Norristown De fender, speaking of two companies that left for this city, says in Schall's company was a rare sight, which a man sees but once in a lifetime. It was six brothers carrying a large flag, all going for the war. The first section of the company was made up of four brothers of another family. The six brothers name are Sutch, and the others are the Smedley's. To take ten men from two families is one good day's work, and if all should volunteer in that style it would not take long to depopulate the town. Norristown has now sent over seven hundred to the war in including three month men. RAILROAD Acorn - arm—Yesterday morning a young man named Wm. McLaughlin, a brakes man on one of the military trains on the North ena Central Railway, met with quite a severe accident at a place called Spark's Switch, about twenty miles from Baltimore. It appears that e was in the act of putting down the brake, itt the above station, when his feet slipped, and Lad it not been fur the soldiers who caught there is not the slightest doubt that he ould have fallen on the track and been in stantly killed ; but fortunately he escaped with but slight injuries, having his foot caught be tween the bumpers of the ,cars, which was smashed. He was taken to Baltimore, and at latest accounts was doing well. IMMEEI FLAG PRESENTATION AT CARP CllRTLll.—Yes terday evening, Governor Curtin, accompanied by his aids and the different officers of the state government, visited Camp Curtin for the pur pose of presenting flags to Cols. Irwin and Na gle's regiments. The flags were the same as those provided by the Legislature for all the regiments from this State, and are, as we have frequently stated, exceedingly handsome and gorgeous in appearance._ We were on the ground, prepared to make a note of and publish the speeches of presentation and acceptance, but the orders of Colonel Welsh, commandant of Camp Curtin, were both im perious and threatening to the crowd, of which we formed a small and homely portion ; to "stand back," while his instructions to the gaurd were to " use the bayonet without hesitation." Not being accustomed to such treatment, and rather objecting Ito being perforated with a bayonet in loyal hands, we did stand back, note book and all, beyond the sight and the hearing of the Governor as he presented the flags, and therefore of course unable to report the pro ceedings. Only those who were in carriages were permitted inside of the line by Col. Welsh, while common pedestrians and reporters were ex eluded with the order to use the bayonet if the crowd did not stand back. This must account for our mtsgre report of what would otherwise have made an interesting item for Oils Eirs4- ma' s TILVARAXU. • See Professor Wood's advertisemca in iindth er coltuva Dims SIIIIVIOEB will be held in the Fourth street Bethel at the usual hours to-morrow by the pastor, Rev. James Colder. Tas DAutaii GUARD--Recruits for this fine volunteer company continue to present them selves daily, and there is every indication that the muster-roll will be completed at an early day. The company is to be commanded by Mr. Frederick Geity, a member of the old "Dauphin Guard," which our citizens will recollect had the reputation of being one of the best drilled companies in the State. The rendezvous of the company is in Beaty's building, opposite the Bomgardcer House. Poracy..—Mayor's Office. —ln the absence of his honor, the Mayor, Justice Bender heard the lock-up cases this morning. C. W. bolt, Wm. Riely, Wm. Anderson and James Whalen, were arraigned for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and as none of the party had the wherewithal to pay fines, etc., they were discharged with an injunction to leave the city for the city's good. Wm. Hummel, a dapper little "yeller boy," with an unexceptionable pair of "ivories" and eyes as bright and broad as pewter platter plates, stood charged with kicking up a "rum pus" in the lower market house, and resisting "der perlice." William was sent across the way for five days. Catharine O'Bryan,' a saucy looking littje mulatto, apparently just out of teenhood, and fat as butter, was up for disorderly conduct on the streets. She was dismissed with a severe reprimand. THE GAME SEASON has now fairly "set in," and our sportsmen are making the most of it. Wild Pigeons still hang back, although we see by our exchanges that they are numerous else where. Reed birds, however, are said to be abun dant. They will remain in season until about the middle of October. The swamp grasses are now heavily ladened with seed, upon which the little creatures fatten until a wick pa. sed through their bodies would almost extemporize them as lamps. Black birds are flying in large flocks at an altitude too great to be reached by bird shot. They fly southward, but whether in anticipation of cold weather or in search of food is more than.we can say. When reed birds have gone, rail, partridge and snipe will follow in season. As to the oyster crop, the present winter will bring a short supply. Abse con oysters are now selling in Pkiladelpha at $8 a thousand for ordinary sizes. The supply from Virginia being cut off, our oystermen must confine themselves to nearer localities. Lovers of "shilling stews" will find themselves this time in the vocative. 11)-- :lls HOOP QUESTION.— We sometime ago al mded to the fact that a bold effort is being made by ; the fashionable females of Europe to do away entirely with hooped skirts. The Empress Eugenie discarded them some months since. Queen Victoria, who is also a specimen of plumptitnde, has made up her mind that she can do without hoops, and forthwith all the titled ladies who surround her discover that hoops are exceedingly dangerous in case of fire, and held a meeting to dissuade all the sex from indulging in the use of them. But will they succeed in this proscription? It is our private opinion, that it will not be so easy a matter to convince the fair sex all over the world that hoops are unbecoming, and until they are con vinced en that point, all that may be said about the peril from fire arising from their nse will amount to but very little. Queens may resolve this or that, if they please, but the day has gone by when queens ruled the world of fashions as well as the courts of which they are supposed to be the presiding deities. Fashion has thrown off her allegiance to the political sceptre, and become independent. She rules herself. She declares hoops to be a charming and graceful addendum to female beauty. And, voila, hoops are worn, and will continue to be worn, until fashion shall have decided that something else is still more charming and still more graceful- Mark our prediction. TRE ART OP CATCHUP:I MHZ EfORBR.—A canes pendent of the Valley Farmer truly remarks that there .Itre few things more , aggravating than to be in a hurry to go to some place and have a great trouble to catch a horse. I have sometimes made the assertion that a horse which I raise will never be hard to catch un lessaome ono else spollshim. The way I manage 1st() keep them gentle from colts, handling them as often as convenient. When young horses are running to grass give them salt occasionally, and let them fondle about you, making as little show of trying to get hold of them as possible. There is nothing surer to spoil a horse forever than to run as if trying to hem him in, and yel ling at him authoritatively, or scolding, when he can see, just as well as you know, that be is out of your reach. To put on the cap sheaf, whip him severely for causing trouble, and my word 'for it,"the next time you want to catch him he "will not listen to the voice of your charming, charm you never so wiselY." Horses learn a great deal by sign's. In be ginning to teach them to be Caught, go toward them on the near side slowly and cautiously, making no demonstrations at all. If the animal begins to wdlk off, stop and whistle, or other wise manifest indifference until he becomes quiet again, then approach as before. When you are so close as to be confident he will not escape you again, then approach as before. When you are so close as to be confident he will not escape you, speak kindly and hold up one hand, ready to touch him on the withere; and thence pass it'along the neck until you can get hold of his head, but do not seize him with a grab, as this tends to excite:fear afterwards. By practicing this course, using the sign, viz : holding up the hand when you are a little further away each time, a horse may be taught' to stop and be caught, even when in a consid arable glee, (playing,) simply by holding up the hand and using some familiar phrase,Auch. as whoa bog, ST. By way of caution, however, watch his actions and intentions closely during his tutoring, and if at any time or from any cause 'you see that he is going to run, do not by any means say aftYthing or hold up your hand, as the sign given' and disobeyed a few times will alimet inevitably prevent your making anything ont of itmilatgze„ ' Petmog ertlegrapth iiattnlag afternoon,fdaptembut)2l.v_ 48111. Rev. Da. Weersoe, of *iltoß, will preach in the Old School Presbyterian church to-morrow at ten o'clock, and in the evening at half-past seven SUNDAY Sonora.—The Rev. T. H. Robinson will preach on the subject of Sunday Schools, to-morrow at 10 a. m., in the Presbyterian Church, on Market Square. ' Ray. I. L. Lanz:Nom, of Philadelphia will preach in the Vine street Methodist Episcopal church to-morrow morning, and the pastorßev. Robert J. Carson, will officiate at the evening services. The extra meetings will be continued during next week. Miss Assn Cm, one of the ballot girls se verely burned recently at the Continental The• atre, Philadelphia, performed at Brant's Hail in this city with her mother, Bell Carr, last winter a year. She is still lying in a very criti cal condition. Lurr Towx.—Lieut. H. C. Alleman left town to-day to take charge of Camp Coleman, at Lebanon, with the rank of Major. The arrange ment is only temporary; and the Lieutenant will return to the practice of his profession in this city in a few days. SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Bebman having retired from the Shirt Manufactory, No. 12, Market street, the establishment is now con ducted exclusively by Mr. James A. Lynn, whose amiability and good business qualities generally cannot fail to bring around him a host of patrons. On Fos ins Wins.--Two more men are wanted to fill the celebrated company of skir mishers called the.Flrst Pennsylvania Zouaves, under Capt. Gerard, an old Zonave of France. The company is attached to the 61st Pennsyl vania regiment, Col. Rippey's. The regiment has received marching orders, and will leave to morrow. Call in front Of Jones' Hotel. Warmer, Boos-Hams°, &c.—Thos. H. Ev erett, practical accountant, reporter and copyist, has taken an office in Judge Dock's building on Third street, where he will prep.tre young men for book-keepers, clerks, &c., and assist them to situations in business in Philadelphia and New York. Mr. Everett comes among us with the very best of references, and deserves the patron age of our community. PASSED THROUGH.—Wm. H. Russel, corres pondent of the London Times, passed through this city yesterday en route for Pittsburg. He was accompanied by Major Gen. Geo. Bell of the English army and W. L. Lainey. General Bell is the same man who visited our intrench ments across the Potomac the other day,' and whose opinion of their strength we published at the time. "Sigma," the Washington corres pondent of the Cincinnati Cornrnercial, states that Russell is on a sporting expedition to the west, and adds : "It is inferred he don't, expect an other Manassas battle to come off immediately., Some will have it, however, he has left for his health, politically speaking." Wasrao.—A second-hand counter, suitable for a bar. Enquire at this office. Brawn or mg ParroN Tarim A pic-rdo will be held on Monday next, at Haehnlen's woods for the benetitof the Paxton Tribe. st. HAVING returned from the city I now have on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods : 200 pieces' f new Calicos ; 200 dozen of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha;, a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress Goods at great reduction. S. DM; Rhoads' Old Corner. 11101/FAT'S LIPS PILLS AND PHONLE BELTINS.— Free from all Mineral Poisons.—ln cases of. t3crofalsi Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptioneof the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines Is truly astonishing, often removing In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Wilma nearly Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia., Dropsy, Plies, and to short, most all diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their- timely use much suffering and expense may be saved. • Prepar4d by wit-. fl 1 40174 T, N. D., New York, and for race by all Drusidals . noel/way Tag ADVIRTISER, having 'bean' rei3tored to hetaith in a few weeks by a very stelphi remedy, after having suffered several , years With a severe lung affect.' ion, and that dread disease. Consamptien—b anxious to make known to his fehow-surerera the meatus of cure. . To ail who desii'e it, he Will send a copy of the pre serlption used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and esing the sitme which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &e. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information Which he conceives to be nvaluable, and he hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, im it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Nimes wiping the preactiption will pleankadAtecc REV. KDWAPD WILSON, Williamsburgh, tisngs county, Now York. nottl-wly HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST Published in a' Sealed Enielope Price 8 ctr : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Caren( Spermatorrhom or neminil Weak noes, Involuntary lantasinns, sexuei Debility, sudlmped: intents to Marriage gen orally, Nervousness, t ousumption, Ilidteris.y and Fl s : about and Physic d Incapacity, re sin tug Qom nit' Abuse, des.--By JUAN'. 7. t.IILYttLt. WELL, IL D., Anther of the Green Book do; "A Boon to 'footman -is of eulferere" bent udder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, put paid, on receipt of biz cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office, 80x4.588, sep9.d.swBm DR. OHEESEMAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, It a, E combination of ingredients in these 1 Pills are the re•uit of a loug and extensive otatence. y aro mild In their operation, and inirtsin in correcting all irreguliciti-s, Palatal Sisostruations reir.oving all eb struotions, whether mom cold or otherwise, headache, P.m in the et le. paliultadon.ot the heart, whites, all ner vous aff Woos, hysterk*, faligne, in the back end times, &n , disturbed sleep , which arises from ihterrFp lion of nature. TO MARRIED LADIMI, Dr. Chemaman , a Pills are invaluable, as they win bring on the meanly period with regularity. Ladier who have toren dlaap..o nerd In the ore of other Pills can place the utmost confidence In Dr. Dheeeetnan's Pdls delng all that they repratent to do. There is one condition of the female systan in which the Pine cannot be token withou{ producing a PECULLi , RESULT. The condWon referred to is PIiEG Of4NClY— the remit 11.1Saittala OIL Such it the irresista ten dency of the plaids e to restore, the itenat fuhetioat to a normal omdtion, that nen therOrahactive power if na ture cannot resist it. Waerauted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road. ac. Orb any each box. Pries al. Bent by null on imolai. log $1 to DR. oinmoutro L. Ommaaataar, Box 4,681, Poet Otos, N. w York City. bold by one broagt.t.ln every barn loth& tinned &alas. B. B. HU tOBIN6B, General Agent for she United States. - • -14 Broadway, Now York, vliolesaleprdera should boaddreesed. uct4Lairr' Liburir toi C. A.,; 8 411141F, . vay I=l .....11.1e, =I I=l PURIFY. THE BLOOD TO CONSUMPTIVES MAtifEtOOD. impoRTAN r io rEaRALes NEW YORK CITY NOTICE New 'Abuertiamtitts. MITER STAIRS LOAN. TREASURY NUTES-INTEREST T 3.10 PER ANNUM pIIRSU ANT to instructions from the Secretary alba Treasury, a book will be opened on the 23d DAY OF SEPTEMBER, AT TEE HARRISBURG BANK for outiscrliniona for United States trots sey notes, to tio issued under the acted July 37 186 i. These DOMB will be issued in BUMS of fifty dollars one hundred dollars, live hundred dollars, one thousand dollars, and five thousand dollars each, dated 19th Au gust, 18434 paiable three years alter date to the order of ate subscriber or as directed, and bearing intßrrat at the rate of 7 8-10 per cent per annum, payable nemi-stnu ally ; such Interest being at the rate of two centribr each day on every hundred dollars. For the COnoentence of the holder, each note will have coupow3 attached ex pressing the several amounts of semi-annual Interes which coupons may be det.ched end presented for pay meet, ttepsratdy from the Dotes Subscriptions for Such treasury notes will be reoeiveS doting !Mete days from the day of opening the book as aforeold. No Bobtail:Con for leas than fifty dollars nor fur any fraction of that sum can be re. oelved. anbeeripliona mast be paid In lawful nein of the United Slates or In Philadelphia or New York Rl cheap at the time of sabacribh g. Oertillaten will be granted in duplicate to eubscribers for the 8M09148 80 paid, the orhtinal of which the cub- scriber wla transmit by mall to the Secretary of the Treasury, u hen treasury mitts, as aforesaid, will he is sued thereon to such eubscriter, or his order, carrying. intertat a expressed In such certificate ;on pAyment. the subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a sum (qua! to the interest accrued thereon from the 19th August to the date of payment, which payments of interest will be reimbursedto tile subscriber in the payment of the Brat coupon. The treasury Dolan issued upon such certificates by the reason' will be sent to the subscrlheraby mail, or such other mode as may be indicated by them when they trammit their original cart floatts. The duplicate cavil' - cafes may be retained by them for their own security. J. W. IR, sep2l-d2w Subscription Agent. WAN FED. 'llll , ‘ 0 active young women who under ." ?taut the Rutter and Dairy bu loess' thoroughly.— titers) wares will be path. Young woman from tt.e country preferred apply t) Bep2o4ca JOHN WALLOWER, Jr HONEY 1 10 A Pounds Fresh "Tame Honey'. 1,/ so the orloisi combs, end in Vas • boxes t .ken rout the HIM tuxes lary in weight front ten tor six pounds. The quality is superior. WM. DOCK, JR , & Co. 8019 $5OO REWARD lOST in the sleeping cars between Pittsburg j and Harrisburg, eastward bound with train which left Pittsburg, Tuesday night the 17th inst., TWENTY EIGHT HUNDRED . DOL- LaEL all in New York State and New England Bank notes of denominations of fives, tens and twenties. It wss cut from my body around whi hit was carried in a belt. The above re ward wil be paid upon the return of the money. Address me at Bpencerville Indiana, or in care of Arnold, Nusbaum & phis, Pa. Sept. 20, 1861.—d8t Writing, Boo k -keeping and Copying. THOS. I. EVERETT, practical accoun talt, Reporter and Copyist, has taken an office , ad 'inning the Abu% and Nitiosson,thirestreet, where he will prepare young men tor nookeepers, clerks, Sic., sod assist theta to inflations in business in - Philadaphdi, nd New York. Be will also attend promptly, to the &din, t ment of difaalt accounts, opening and closing bckdip, general copy work of soy kind. Re °fling, lard and Letter-willing, Time tsbies, Muster and Ps, ROIL; for the Army, Notes, Mortgagee, Bonds and stdver- immune wet - oily made Charges moderate. itkftra to Hon. Edward Rverett, Boston. Dr. .1. Henry Pnlaston, Pooenlzallie, Pa. Hon. George L. Carly, Banker, New York William Dock, Jr , Harrisburg. sepl9-2wd PENNSYLVANIA, : In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth f Pennsylvania, Andrew G. Curtin, Gov of the said Commonwealth. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the President of the United States of America has by proclamation appointed Thursday, the 26th day of September, current,. as "a day of public humiliation, prayer and fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnities and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, Hislblessing on their arms and a speedy restora tion of peace." Now, TEIREFOIte, I, ANDREW G. CURITN, Governor of the Comnionwealth of Pennsylva nia, do order that on the day named therein the public offices shall be closed, and I earnestly recommend to the people to suspend on that day their ordinary avocations, and to close their places of businere, and to bumble themselves before the Almighty with earaest prayers that he will favorably and with mercy look upon His people. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at Harrisburg this nineteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and c of the Commonwealth the eighty-sixth. By the Governor. ELI SLIFER, &crektry 9f the Cbmmontuealth SEALED PROPOSALS' LitOß supplying by contract good strong hot 1U coffee when required by the undersigned to the troops of the United States passing through this city, will be teceived by the undersigned at his office until two o'clock P. M. on Monday next, Sept. 28, 1861. Bids to state the price per gallon at which it will be delivered to the troops at, or in the vicinity of, the Railroad . Depot. Unreasonable bids will be rejected. B. DuBARRY, Oapt. and O. S. U. S. A Harrisburg, Sept. 20, 1861. CIDER 111 VINEGAR'! 11 • MADE trom choice and selected Apples, and guarantned by ,niato beatnntly pare ett-d .a pi DOCK k CO, THUNDER AND LIGHTNING; 11RE vast amount of property deetroyed annually by tithlining ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their - buildings. All orders far Lightning Rode left at the 111.10tiOn store of W. BARR, will be attended to. Buds put up tu the hatet improved le *a d warranted . jell d STRAWBERRY PLANTS . , ASelection of the: beet' kinds known for ea% by , J HISS, Paidosien2ficute • per 100 $1 ; per .I,ooo eY s6 tAllie . ! um _ saps-utt OUR newly replento,he4 stock of T,./ et and Fang Goods Is undurgiaixt o Oils' citY, feeling c°13 % 4 tu realiie 4 n .gP iti .7 4-17 " 114 `" 11 ' rat., 4 1 9 11 • - KRIENR, * lll MIAS 14014,44wa doors saqt ortaiiiith street, sop* aid& e -;,, • SHIRTS ! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS I 1 HOME MANUFACTURE. TEE CHEAPEST IK THE MARKET. THE undersigned t :ruing opened his menunctory of Shirts &c., at No. 12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa , moo trespectfully solicits the pat , onege and oueution of the Lathes, B. nt!emen auu Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture BEIM CS, SUM BOSOMS, WRIST BaNDB, MOW sew% Re., Sc , Sc., Sc., Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large assortment of under garments Sc.(front the latest im proved London and Pans etylee,) COLLshg, CUFFS, Sarre hc., in great varieties, all of which being our Own mainiutucture We Will sell cheaper than can be purchased eteeweere.. Person. desirous of furnishing their own materials, can have muting, Bowled aa, of every variety dune accord ing murder. Al. ofthe above named geode tor Gents we tr, we will make to measure, guaranteeir.g to fir, and give oath e satlefactini to tee purchaser for style durability and m aerial. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upon iheshor test note() and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most reakou- Able terms. P. 8. Ladies wishing skirls or ander garments of any discription, can bays them made to order by sanding naudide of suet& kind. as may he desired. JAMB A. LYNN, Nu. u , isarket street, aui9,l6m Harrisburg, Pa. Rooms next door to Hummel uirocery Store. GUM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, MICH Ali Bads, Pillowst , Blankets, Coats, Cat Loggias, Drinking, Cups, &c., FOIL SALB BY WM. S. SHAPPEB, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. aug2l.4lBm* GILT I , lialtEB l GILT FRAMER! 3. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Locking Glass and Picture Frames, tilt and Rosewood Mouldings &ie. 43 CHESNUT STREET, NEAR SECOND. HARRISBURG, PA. French Marro r, rgrutre and tFivltt Portrait evary deotrltrilloni OLD FRAMES RE-GILT TO NEW. iyl6-ly ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Board Reduced to $2 per. Day. SINCE the opening of this vast and corn moorous Hotel, 18a4. it has,.been the single en tleevor of the prom Wens to ma.e It itielliostoutoptutiva, convenient and comfortable borne tor the citizen and stranger on this the Atlantic. And whatever has seemed likely to administer , o the comfort of its guests they neve eudeavored f without re• ay] to coat, to provide, and to combine all the elements Of individual and social eDj.yineat which modern art has invented, and modern taws approved ; end the pat , onaere which it has commanded dui log the past six years is a aretffying proof that their efforts have been appre• ciated To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re qu red to practice the most rigid eincomy, the und.r• seined Rave Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars per Day, at tho same abating none of the luxuries with which their table has lather.° been supplied. TRH eDWELL, WBITOOIIB At CO: New York, Sept. 2, 1861.--sep94Blo Sib ON OCHS VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Deaignera and Enoravers on Wood. N. E. COB. FIFTH & CHESTNUT SM., • Philadelphia. E ' CTE all kinds of Wood Engraving wail beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerretnt pe, san bane views of Colleges Churches, Btor, Fromm, ilachines, Stoves, Patents, & C ., engraved as well tin per (anal application. Fanny Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings. :mow Mils, Visiting, Business and other Carla, engem , .4 in Its sighed style cal art, and at toe lowest prices. For specimens of tine engraving, see ttie Illustrated works of J . B. Lippincott. Si Co., B . H. Butler &Ca. oct2fs lyd t7iV1:1313 ELTA.33.341 Q TATE Street near Third street, a few d.wara belay Etrad,Ve How, starrleburg. A Ilse aew , Reerse Ready made Conine always on band and attatg Masted to sewer. Silver plates, ace. .Tertim rea sonable. [aulloABnol] • C. MEER. Seleot S9hooN for . Boys and - Girls 'FRONT IT.REET ABOVE LOCUST.. . , ITHE Fall term of ROBERT biI'ELW-EV6 . ,:ohool for boys, will open on the first Monday in &pumper. fh. room Is well ventiisted, comfort .bly feroisiud, and in every respect adapted for school pm: psses. I..ATHARINftI weLsgEws Fafkool for Finis, locntei In the same butidln:, will epee for the rad term at the came time. Toe room he, been eleganuy fitted up to promote the health antromfcrrt of sotiumra, aug2,dif HE undersigned would respectfully. in !torm the citizens of Harrt-hurt th..t be IS prapa-ed to furnlil in any parr of the city, Lysol's Valley, Trevor don and Wilktabarre Coal as low as any Mbar dealers in the c.ty. Please Gall and jive me a tri .1. J. WALI.uWE ,„ Jr., Agent, No. 8, beadles Railroad Depot, sepB-dlm Harrisburg, Pa. A. CHANGE FOR A BARGAIN. T ° close up the concern the entire stock or SEWS, BOOTS, acc.,-Isto of Oliver Be 1• man; deceased, in the rooms in the Market Square, will be sold at private sale at COST; and the rooms will be mated to the plaid' iser U desired. The terms will be made easy. je I - dts tun , p. gent, REMOVAL. "1H L 811 'lll BER would respectfully . inlorm the public that he has removed hia Numb ,og and founding establishment to No. 71. South "bird street below Herr +s Huta flisuirful for past par image, De hopes by strict attention to business to meet contiuuauco of sole.dtf .1. JANIS. • ....VOR SA-LB.—One of the best business stands In the city on reasonable terms, or leased for three or eve yes ra nit 'sled m Market street between Fourth and Filth. Munture on the pre u b-es of ji9td2ra DiNIR.L LFEDY. . . City• Property for Sale. A I LARGE TWO—STORY BRICK HOUSE : andlot of gronal, Oparantly locate on Front St., itetween Mulberry street:and Wind/114ton Avenue. Also TWO LARGE PIANOS in good 6nditton god of ex collect tone. Apply to - G.- 0. ZINIANItCui, No. 28. Focitli Second greet.. WANTED ) • 5O Atri nE rAt ILK, :I it *tree: betw a ft ra n e Six:e r in k d bert 180.' 64 01 wm SMALL. FUR RENT.—The large brick dwelling home nuw occupied by David 'Mumma jr. Esq., on TWA street near Ma ket, with so office sultsole for aw, Faterney.' Ptomain,' given dr.t. of October . .110Xt: - quire at the FrownwoUrrs oince. WN. MOCEP 1 11.1! Anßs4llf: EMPTY FLOUR BARBELS. la A LARGE :NEW BRIG.HT, • NADI BARIUM in R oca ecoa m a, diticm t or • Away am. BM, 41100.4 lilieUllaattOus COA L 9Uistrlttertiiins T'.l±ll2 ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence dr Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGEt3, CLERGYMAN, Ladies sod Gentlemen, In all ovrtsof the world (evilly to the eftluacy erut. 0 J Wood's Bair ita-torotivet and gentlemen of the Preys are a antrovu. tu praise. A fawtestimonitls only can be here given ; see circular tor more, and it will be impo. dbl.. for putt to doubt. 47 Wall Street, New Yore, Dec. 20th, 1858. Gstrttnano : Your note ca the 15 h foss ., bas bean re dcoat], raying that you had heard that I had Deft boos- Sled by toe use of Woov's Hair ntstorative, and nomad. log my certificate of the fact if I b t 4 no .4]jeotwo 1 0 give it. I award It to you chearlnry, omens* I Wink it due.— by age is about 50 years , the color of m y hair &unarm, and h.olined to curl Etorae five or abt ears niece it un gan to tarn gray, and the temp on O'er:town of ray he •d tu auee Its aen.telllti aria daarirtilita tons znou It, Bach these olsagreeabilitirs wereaktd wits tine, sad about flier mat ba since a fourth was added to them, by hair Calling off Inc top of my head and threateniud to Make me o.ld. in this unpleasant predicament, I 11/44 Induced 40 44 7 WOOW, Hair Remo. mare, mainly to arrest we felting off of m. hair, fort had real y so eXpeucalioa that gray uair could ever be restored to its original color excel): from dyes. I was, however, greatly surprip d to dad tler the use of two uo tier only that out only was the falling oft arrested, but the color was restored to the gray hairs mid sensits by to , he scalp, and dandrua ceased to form oo my head very moan to the grstlaca ion of my wi 0, at WtiOte sullottahou I was itdeoed to try it.. For this, among the many obligitious I owe to her sex, strong y reconiumod all ha binds who v lue the id. nitration of their w v a to pr at by my example, and use t if growing gray or getting b4l‘ll. Very rowectlis if, 13 , N.-it. LAVENDER. To 0 J. Wows & Cu. , 444 Broadway New Yo X. dq faintly are absent ruin tho city , dna I um no long er at No. 11 Carrol place. Stomach, Ala , July 20th, 1869. `To PI"/. 0. J. Wow : mast : Your 'gimr ttestrirM. Live" has done my h so much good rine..., I comatenced ih.‘ use 01 It, that 1 wh.b to mils iincwe to the On 10 hoellfacts au the hair, which arc great. 1 man or aro um may be newly ikprired of hatr, and by • reaortto youi "Halt Itratorathe " the hair will return wore be..utlful than ever; st lea t thus 18 lily ciparlenere.— Believe a all l Yours WSI B. KINEDY. P 3,—You can publish tha above If you iika. By pub Robing In our Southern pa i era you oil get wore patron ag south. I eeeseverd of your cert.hcotes mas No bile Mercury a strong Southern paper. WOOD'S HAIR RFSTO tATIVi." ' PROF 0. J. WOOD : ar :1r : Having had the *War- tune to ione the beet port ou of my hair, from the reacts of the yellow fever, In New Orleans in 18SI., I w•e in duced b 1 maim a trial of your torep..raoou, and limed It ud ens aim as t e very thing needed My halt la Dow thick and gimpy, and no w rde caa etproes inu obliga tions to you in gtotug .0 the afflicted such a ire inure. FINLEY JOIIiNSwiN. The Restorative la put up in bottles of three siSas, via : large medium, and small ; the small bolds 'lx pint, and retails for one•ilolf r per bottle ; the medium Wads 'at least sweaty per tent more in proporthrn loan *he small, retails for two dollars per bottle; tbo la 'go twirls lequart, 40 per eimL more to proporuou, and retails tor $3. 0.. J. WOOD & CO., Provietora, 444 Etroadway, New York, and 114 Mersin street, Bt. Louis, No. sn d sold by all good t..rogghts asd Fancy Goods Dealers. jyl3. • STEAM WEEKLY -1111—:1.- .= asrmilim mcw. wax 1.17,11. a.•:,,: '' ,;"- 4":: - .. ,- :-. AND LIVERPOOL. LA.N iPtor ... AM) EMBARKING PAS • iN a NA , at YULENSTOWN, (Ireland.) MO LAVer• pool; Nor t or: and Philadelphia tlimimahip company tined,' J. spawning their full powered o:yae.built iron dm:Amapa aa follows: ern Or NANCIIeSrE., Saturday 2--. m Amain. 21 *KANGAROO, Saturday September 213 ; QV( tw Noir ItttliK, Saturday, October 5 ; aDIN•bUrsO, Saturd.y, Oc tober 1 2 ; and every naturday at Now, trout Pter 44, Nortb Snit EZZ:= SIIIBT CAHIN $l5 0. Ht . ..:ItHAGE.... $BO 00 do to London $BO 00 do to Loodoo ..$B3 00 do to Paris 186 00 I do to P die .... $3B 00 do to Hamburg—SBs Ou do to Hamburg 4146 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre. Swam; Uttar darn. Antwerp, Sul, at equally tow rates. tirVersone wishing to unug msttlieir InendS ran buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; let Cabin, 175, $B6 and 11106 . leerage 11 , 4na Liverpool $4O 00 From Quoctostowit, $3O 00. ' 'fhb* Warners have-superior accommottattotte for panneugera, and carry experienced &memos. They are bunt in Water-tight Iron &Woos, and have Patent firs Annihilators on board. far Porther information apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 War Street ; Glasgow to WII. INMAN, 6 et. Enoch Square ; la Queenstown to C. * W. D. KO DOUR & CO. ; In len ion to litViid & ICA...Y. St Ring William St. ; In POI. 10 ULUS DECOWL, 6 Plow de la Bonnie ; in Philadelphia to JO If G. CALK, 111 Walnut street ; or at the Ouippeere Mom - .Ifo. G. tiALE. Agent, 16 Broadway, Nip York. Or 0.0. Zlmmrkrmao. 'tarot. rflari.hurir. IMIII MILITARY, FIREMAN, AND CITIZENS 11.31111 Sat BALL, po be given at BRANT'S CITY 11..iLL, on he n.ght of the reception of the PriendsoipPtre Company's Sums Eire Engine. MANAGERS. Gen. J. 8. Negley, Col. Jos, Knipe, " E. C. Winiame, " T. A. Leg's, " G. C. Wyokoop, " J. M. Cal:aphid', LL Col Wm. d. ippos, Et. Col. Wm. D Serest, Capt. 11. McNally, Capt. I. Q. wets , bury, ••J. P. R. Loom, " Alex. Foreyth, Mr. S S. Child, Mr. A. riblawer, " W. A. rartanU, " a McGowen, " Jac.. Newman, " Geo. II .Id " T. Rogers, " P. Gardoer, " Jao Green, Jacob KaLsob, " M. Morris," Ma•ey. , • MMUS OF,CEREIIIONLES. ! . A. W. Bergs{ ewer... . FLOOR MANAGERS. •- •• •Gleo.lileineet Jne. Ritzier, TWEETS, ONE DOUSE, Gentleman desiring lashed tee for ladles arid appiktto the 11.93agere. Due nodes wi 1 al.o be given is the did 'paper. 01 the night the BA Ind take pia • e. septedh W E F TO CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LA DlE'9' • PURB.IIe, Of beautiful" Styles, substantlalli made. , ♦ li , plendid Assortment of Oy,NTLEMISN'S WALLIITS. ; New and Elegant Parkin% 1F2 0 1.16,131TS T.EMPLARS' BOQUiT, Put up Pleat Glass Engraved Banks. , A Complete Assortment or HANDKERCHIEF I.,CHFUIteC, Of the beet *lief4oture A very Uandsome Variety of POWDER - PUFF ' KIiLLER'd DRUG Stitn„ 9. Maim' street. CM A KMY OVERCOATS -OA SALN. • To Newly Organise d ; :Regiments. A lot of the very beet overcoats, made A according to the army regulations, and foal w.egoip a full regiment, aye for ~ a le at D. SHFISNBM tatit & Co., Second street. below Jones Boone H sogBo4lttn 4 '; FLAME; 1 FLAGS 11-- ~ I. NbT E PAPER AND EN V ELOPtS ivi Nava:tat deagea, LIM " 2 ' 44. " 47 ilti a view el the y of &Wrist. wg, printed dad ler gale at ' 4 SCHaFFECR'iI BuOK STORK tills Naar kha Flaprimtrarei ;mu& DWELLING HOUSE WANTED•TU RENT. cam ortabfe two o"r thret-otory dwel t-1. home, with EiX or eight rooms, wilit rent not to ,weed E 75 yer annum, for the three, or sl6o for tiae ewo....ary house , will ha rentecinnraedlateiy ea &pones don at tole aide. se 18 tC Tfpft, q•cicint . TH, RAT, LA.TII, tondorrANT SMARR ,to grad van, tr .1. •. ALLE.W.* RUG 40:114.4,Nt.Y . - IA RIIBBEK , BrFF A Li) HORN, VLisoNitrifl sjiLLL Datsa a- ncv, or ofi at Kultlit W A ID WO' sro4r. AaiL ktroii.ETt. 0 A P&.1 ) 615i AD ES. kIAIR 0 POWSUUI4,OOLOGANY&Asad ale al l a at I mask sty psioassamd maactsotaras at pa W_ 9. Handy.