TILE 'l' El ,14.; t; IS PUBLISIIED EVVItY DAY. I-3v GEORGE,' BERGNER, ------------------ 1,414,0R1PH0H. the GAG TEA...DOW I, bet oe I to sub 'critters in the c ale r Week Veaely .üb:cribtrs Wlll be Iskr.... 4.1 110 Witch') AND SEMI-WIG, ELF TELEGRAPH 'Vie norm' 011 IA ti-e pottli.me•l twice a week Liming 10 1 Cl lb.:, 1 egt-lature, and =Oily curing the reortatnthr 01 the year, and furnished to subbcritters at the hdlowing rate,, viz • gle subs( r her. per year. • ----- mit 00 Soca 0 . " --------- „2 00 1 ft ......... 00 THE LAW OF NI , VI•AV 4PLE•L ll suh.erthers order the ditcontociance of thew news ',snore. the publisher may continuo to send them until arnar.te, are paid. vll It ,•tiest,rthers itegh•ct or reluce to take their neempa. , from the office to wht.li they are &reeled, they are re pl DO hie until they have settled the bills and ordered Plll 1114130111.1111iea. illtb ital. 1) R . J 011. N - ON 13ALIATI.10 1 ( 0 . 11 E 1 - 1E31 LOCK HOSPITA.L. AS discovered the most certain, speed) Haud effectual remedy M the world Tor DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. aSLIIR Ix SIR TO Twelve BOOM. IVo illoreary or dioxtouli Drugs. are COM WARRANTED, Oil NO CHARON, IN FROM ONS DAlit.lol/. Weakliest, ot the Back or Limbs, Strictures, PRIUS the Woo, AlWomen ol the Kidneys and of tßladder, Or W oeattests Nerveua !knotty, Iret ta lll, COolottlou y he Pivoted. POW laugher, Low Spirt of aces ors, Dy questa, NI Hatton of the Bean, Tromblings, Dunne& Of Sight or Gliddlue.,ll, laseuee el the Stomach, A fret:hour Of Ms Bead, 'throat, se or hi:to—those terrible (Amor • m dors atug from the indiscretion ur Solitary Mabee to Youth—det,e drradlid and destructive prat:Mates which ,or educe eons/denoted d debilitny, d mind. render marriage impose i l tde, and destroy both boy a YOUNG MEN. Young Wen nspeeht lly who have become the victims of taw), vice, that dreadful and destructive baba which annually swecpe to an untimely grave thooBoooo 01 y uLIUg gueli 01 the most exalted talent anti brilliant intel- Iccf svilo wig IA otherwise have entranced listening netnites with the thunders of °Wei:mace, or waked to eo• :soy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE.: Stark.' persons, or those contempUting marriage, ba ng aware Ell physical weakness, abooldimmediately con• Jolt Lit J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAXNES Immediately cured and full dyer restored. 1e wbo places himself under the cure of Dr. J. may religiously canticle in his boner as a gentleman, and eon, tl,l4utly rely upon his skill as a physicinn. ati-Oillee Nu. 7 6outh Fi edema street, Baltimore, ou the led hind side going Bow Baltimore street, tore irom the corner. Be particular in observing the nowt or number, or you will mistake the plane. Be p a r. alder for ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, r Paltry klumbuivar — tifiuterS, attracted b 37 the repute. s o u oi lir. Johnson, 1 ark near. All letters must contain a yoetayeStamp, to use oh the reply. Dlt. JOHNSTON. D r , Joliudoll member of the Royal College of Surgeons, l.onion, graduate from one of tile meet eminent Colleges .1 the United Stelae, and the greatest part 01 whose life nu been spent in the ilospdalo of London, Parts, 'Phila. edphia and elsewhere, hiss edectod some of the meet et waislng cures that were ever known. Many troubled ringing in the tiara and head when asleep, grout ner i Aldose, being alarmed at Sudden sounds, win instead blushing, attended sornotimee with derange. meal of mad were oared Immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. “otiresses all thma who having injured them bt,via Oy prrible and itcprOper tudulganolos, that !morel sod, aoloary uabil Which rules both body and mind, on lining Kam for either business or society. Ince, are Houle of the sad and melancholy imbeds pre- Wince by early habits 01 youth, via: Weakness 01 We Back and Limbs, Pious in the Heed, Dthiness 'ot Sighti lAmi of Alusealar Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Netnews Irritability, Derangenaeat or the Digestive Functions, Oeuend Dobtlity, Symptoms el. Consump tion, SW. MENTALLY: IIIINTAILY, the fearful abets on the mind are much to be dreaded :—Lose ot Memory, Confuaion 01 Ideas, De pression of Spirits, hull Forebodings, Aversion teSoatc ty, Sell-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are aome el the evil Thousands of parsons of all agora,' can now judge What Is the cause of their dentine In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and einactsbal, have a singular appearance about the oyes, cough, and symp• me of consumption. YOUNG NEN who have injured thelagelaes by a certain practice, In dolled in when alone—a habit frequently 'carnal lrom evil zompunlous, or at school, the adonis of which are eigliUy felt, even when (Weep, and if not cored, renders marriage impossible, mid destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young men, the hopes of his calm. try the darting of his parents, should be snatched Irian all proepecle and enjoymouts 01 life by the consequences of deviating troth tne path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. du persons must, before contem. plating " - MARRIAGE, effect that a sound seJud and body are the moat tieoemary requisites to promote commend happiness. Indeed without those, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; tht mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another bo• comes blighted with our own, DR. JOHNSON'S) INVIOORATtNO, RRHEDY I ; FOR OW OANIO WEAKNESS. By this great and Important remedy, Wearnesszof 111 Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. rtiouzands of the most nervous and debilitated whi bad lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All Impediments to Marriage Physical or Mental O'Neill& saline, Nervous', Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the moat fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many thousands cured at thin lastiution within the twelve yearn, and the numerous Important burgle'. (, parathion performed by Dr. J., %%immix' by the re. • were et the papure, and many other persons, echoes to Inch have appeared again acid again before theublic, 1 . ides fins &landing as a gentleman of a p rrester 004 yo. lap, ht guarantee to the Whetted. DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure nods he has unidbed the seeds of this painful disease, tt too often happens that an Ilkimed muse of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying le those who, from education and re. &Notability can moue befriend him, delaying till the con. Stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affixing the bead, throat, emu, scan, So, progressiug on with frightful remedy, till daub puts a period to his dreadful nuderings by seeding tom to Nita% bours e lam wileuee no traveler returns." it is it mot. &hotting fact that thousituds tun mane to this terrible disease owing to the uuskillulness of quer ant pretend ers, who,i by the use of tom atudiy put.w.., mercury, rut the constitution and make tae residue of hie miserable. To Ornanmins.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang In hit Mau. Sit - Lettere must contain a Stamp to us on the reply. flemedies sent by Mail. Faso. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprl3.dlwly JUST YUBLIS A MANUAL ow MILiITARY SURGERY OR, HINTS ON THE EMERGENCIES Field, Camp, and Hospital Practice, BY S. D. GROSS, M. D. PROTEBBOII 0/ 1 SURGIaIr IM TIM JIMILBSON XBDICAL 0014101 Al PRILADBLAILi. F a or sale t, BERGNER'S.OHRAP BOOKSTORE mc , 24 SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE I (Near the liarriaburg Bridge.) $1 .25.'1FilFa boßloEl2l7coE m l2 Bit f c r i om N tle it P rt, • vitoott we will Bell at AL th ti e l per ream. ° per ream for NOTE PAPIEft, decorated with mottos ats test and very handsome emblems and patriotic 0.50 for IWO WENTE ENVFLOPES, with national and patriotic embletna, printed in two colors. Fleece Sive us a call. Tao). Ie..SCHEFFER, ' lel2-41 Raniabarg. -----.--- " , , • -:: ~ ~,, , , , 1 • - . ~........, ,_ i, ,_, t. 1 • ' ' ' , l i) . \ \ \ L OY "P/' ' '',./..---..-- _,<::- .1. - --....,.. 5 , 4, . -------- 7 1 . le "? "Ng" . -.. --- s- .0.4', ....-..• tt:: l illi .:,___ o.etitil!lftail ,ti, ....... _ ..„..„.r.i., ..._...._ .__ _ , ..... VOL XVI. 3D.. DJ. i:.roes $4 ea., _ Dr W. GROSS & CO.; WHOLESALE ANHARTArL DRU NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURGZPENN 4 A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS,STORE. KEEPERS AND. CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your Mention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, varnishes and Glues, Dye.S tiara, Glace and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices, Burning Fluid and Aleohol,i Lard, Sperm and Pine 01le, Bottles, Vials and La.np Globes, Castile Soap, Spongoi and COrks, ate., &c., &c , ac., dm, am With, a general variety of PERFUMERY, & TOILET ARTICLES, selected - froth ; i best l ainutrilcturerEi and Per= turners of Europe and this country. Being• very large dealers' in' PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, • LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S' -COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRIISHES - IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, ' : .______________•. \ ' 4 , 4 \ !e. F:111 ‘''''r- i !I i t PI g 0 oe i 9 N IA 4 P We respectfully invite a, call, feeling, conll dent that we can krapply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. • TEETH! TEETH!! Ilizl*El;lll,vadMW:lo):T.iMff-11.16044111 PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and 'Concentrated Lye 1 Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. PRAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, Witt OIL I CARBON OIL•!! Being large purchasers in thee Oils, we can Mier inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil W 343 of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS Amp. GRAZIERS, ow of you who have not given our HORSE &ND CATTLE POWDERS ti trial know not rhen superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g,)od condition. Thousands can testify.to the profit they have deriVed from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex parlance in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we cast in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful fot the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at %l i r prieee, , and the desire to pleas e to merL a - oAtilittaiice of the a t*Oriam: Bating public. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE " HARRISBURG, SA.TURDAY. ALF.TERNOQN, SEPTEMBER 21,. 1861 SPECIAL PROCLAMATION BY THE UOVERNUS. OFFICE Swim=AmAr OP Tifil , CO/LIWNWRALTHq Harrisburg, bept. IS, 1551. .1 The following "provisions in case any of the militia or voluuteers shall be in actual service at the time of, the general election" aiiipublish ed for the benefit of those citizens of Yamnsyl vituia to whom they may.applyin connection with the general election to be field on the see ond Tuesday of October, A. B. 18111 Whenever any of the citizens of this. Coin monivealth. qualified as - -hereixtbefore - provided, shall be is any actual military 'service in any it clllnt%it ot the miliwatflthiXof Wiltuiteerts mulct a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this coin monwealth, on the day of the general election, as aforesaid, such citizens may exercise the right ot stdf age at such places ad may be ap pointed by tne counnanoing officer of the troop, or company, to which they shall respectively belong, as fully as if they were present at the usual place of electioth Provided, 'that no member of any such troop or company, shall be pm - untied to vote at the place try appointed; it at the time of such election be shall oe with in ten miles of the place at which he would be entitled to vote, if not in service as aforesaid. The proceedings for conducting such elections shall be as far as practimule, in ail respects'tlae same as are herein directed in the case of gen end. elections, excspt that the captain or corn mauffing officer of each company or troop shun het as judge, and that the first lief/tenant or of- titer second in command, shall act as inspector, at such election, so list as shall relate to such company or troop ; and in case of the neglect or refusal of such officers, or either of them, ,to serve in such capacity, the officer or officers next in command, iu 2511011 company or troop, shall act as judge or inspector as the case may be. Thu ulhuer authorized to perform the duties of judge, shall administer the proper oath 'or affirmation to the officer who shall act as in spector, and as scion as such officer shall have been sworn or affirmed, he shall administer the proper oath or affirmation to the officer' whose duty it shall be to act as judge, and such officer acting as judge shall appoint two persons to act as clerks, and shall administer to them the proper oaths or affirmations.' ' 'llll the several officers authorized to conduct Ibtith elections shall take the like oaths or affir mations, shall have the like powers, and they, as well as other persons who may attend, vote, or offer to vote, at Huth election, shall no sub, ject to the like penalties and restrictions as are declared or provided in this act, in the case of elections by the citizens at their usual places of election. Within three days after such electiOn," - the judges thereof shall respectively• transmit through the nearest post office, a return thereof together with the tickets, tally lists of voters, to the prothonotary of the county in which such electors would have VOted,'irnot h military ; servicei Aud the said .judges.*.it 1 111mM:tie another return. Of such election. • to, file com manding officer of the - regiinSkit‘ of' batudlion, us the case may be, who shall". make a general return under his hand and seal; of ;the votes of all the companies or , troops under his coniniand and ehall transmit the same through the near est post office to the secretary of the common wealth. It shall be the duty of the prothonotary of the county, to whom such returns shall be miuie, to deliver to the rtturn judges of: the same county, a copy certified under his hand and seal, of the return of votes so transmitted to. him by the judges of the election in the companies or troops Mermaid. The return judges of the proper county or counties, in which the volunteers or militia men aforesaid may have resided at the time of being called into actual service. as aforesaid; shalt meet on the second Tuesday in-November next after the, election. - And when two or more counties are connected in the election, the meeting of the judges from • each county shall be postponed in such case until the Fri day following the said second -Tueschior in No vember. The return judges so met, shall include in their enumeration the votes so returned,• and thereupon shall proceed in all respects in the like manner as is provided in this act, in cases where all the votes shall have been" given at the usual place of election. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. seplB-doawte ' . GENERAL ORDERS, NO* 2. •.HAAS QUARTEttIi, P. M. Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1861. BY DIRECTION of the President' of - the United States, all volunteer regiments or parts of Regiments accepted directly by the War Department from Pennsylvania either with or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their commanders- will therefore immediately rePOrt to these headquarters, stating the 'number of men and the station-from which they are to be taken, that transporiation may be furnished them without delay. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chia CRAIG BIDDLS, A. C. D aug2 REGULaTIONIEL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Re • RiMBURO, Sept. 3, 1861. 1. No pardon will be gran.ed until notice pf the application therefor shall have been given by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper printed in the county in which the conviction was had. 2. No pardon will be granted unless notice of the application therefor shall have been given to the District Attorney of the proprr County. 3. No pardon will be granted without first consulting the Judge who presided at the trial of the party. By order of the Governor. • ELI SLIFER, sep4-Im. Sec'y of Corn. HEAD QUARTERS, HARRISBURG, Sept. 9, 1681. A BOARD OF SURGEONS for the examine tion of candidates for the post of Surgeon and Surgeon's mate in the Pennsylvania troops, will assemble in Harrisburg, at the Hall of Re presentatives, Wednesday;94. 2d, 1861, at 9 a. m, when and where all desiring appoint ments will present themselves. By order of the Governor. HENRIC_II. SMITH, M. D. • selo-Btaar Surgeon General, Penn's. THE UNDERSIONED , hating ernOurktd tu the Ulla BUSINEEIEfte papered - te 4 Mei ha bee , igii9leats4 oll, l lo tkie, 1 144ti0 Qua:woo wicks Be gage the lona at, Cohuabla and - atgo; that; burnt at home. mynolam 111301BIEMILEIL Nexu (210vtitlitiiienti LIM FOR SALK r • New 'AbnerOsements ARMY SUPPI•IES. Qtraanatmasrsa GENERAL'S OFFICE, HARRISBURG, Sept. .14, 1861. I S""rED proposals will be received at this of fice until 2 o'clock P. M. on Monday, Sept. 28, 1861, for the following Army Supplies, de liveralde at the State Military Store, Harrisburg, ih quantities as required. Said proposals to be yiublfral opened at the tittle and place named, and the successful bidders to be announced as soon thereafter as convenient—the right being A,mery: ed by the State to increase or diminish the number and quantity of said articles : Ten ;complete. Tents, with flies, 4oles t .-pins, fti.;complete. 1411 x teen Hundred and fifty Common Tents, poles, pins, etc.., complete. Two Hundred and fifty Wall Tents, - with flies, poles, pins, etc., complete. One Hundred Drums, with sticks, slings, car : riages, eases, etc., complete. Two Hundred (200) Drum Heads—batter. Two -Hundred •(200) D rinn Heads —snare. One Hundred Cocoa Fifes. Ten Thousand Three-pint Canteens, covered and strapped, cotton. Ten Thousand Haverhacks, army Standard. Ten Thousand Haversacks, enameled cloth. Ton Thousand Knapsacks, straps, etc.; com plete, army standaid. Ten Thousand Knapsacks, straps, etc , com ; plete, enameled cloth. Six Hundred Shovels. Six Hundred Spades. Six Hundred Hatchets—handled Six Hundred Axes—haadled. Six Hinidred Picks—handled. Ten Thousand Tin Plates. Ten Thousand pairs Knives and Forks Ten Thousand Mu Cups. Three Thousand Muslim:Ls. Oise Thousand Camp Kettles. Ten Thousand Great Coats, Infantcy., Two Thousand Great Coats, for mounted men Ten Thousand Blouses, lined. Ten Thousand dark-blue Frock Coats. . _ Otte Thousand yards sky blue tape for chewons Tiro housand Cavalry Jackets. Tiro Thousand Stable Frocks. Ten Thousand pars Trowsers, footmen, dark `blue keniey. Tiro Thousand dark-blue reinforced Trowsers, for mounted men. Twenty ThousandwhiteDomet Flannel shirts. T 1 enty Thousand pairs Drawers. •T enty Thousand pairS Stockings, T o Thousand pairs Cairalry Boots. Teri Thousand - pairs Bootees; Ttki Thousand :Forage Caps. Tin Thousand•sets infantry Accoutrements. Twelve Thoniand Double Numbers. • , Twelve Thousand Letters, 'A to 'K inclusive. are Hundred and Thirty Sergeants' Sashes: ' ' Ten .Thousand ;Blankets, seven feet •by= five Beet six inches ; wool-gray, letters P. V: id Centre four inches long, weighing five pounds. TkrThousatui3Ourry'Combe." - piro Thousand Horse Brutihes. - •.. Two Thousandisists of Horse Equipments, each eet consisting of Saddle complete, with Saddle lirgs,. Girths; Gruppeni Stirrups; and Straps, Sweat .Leather and Varbine Socket,' Bridle iv ith Curb Bit and Cult Halter, Wattering Bridle and Sirsingle. Tie Thousand Nose Bags. TWo Thousand pairs Spurs and Straps. Two Thousand Cavalry Horse Blankets. It is desirable that all the above articles be of domestic manufacture, and when any of them are furnished by. the .United States, the same must conform in all respects to the sealed stan dard pattern in the-United States Quarter-Alas te's office and military-store, Philadelphia. • Ten per cent.: of the amount of each delivery to be retained as :a forfeiture until .the contract is completed. Contractors to state Id their pro polials the time when the goods can be delivered, and the speedy delivery of such articles as -are needed will be considered in awarding the con tract. Successful bidders to give bondi with two approved securities.. The names of suretie to ' i ompany each pooposal .. ;..'very proposal . to be endorsed, Proposal for Ar.hy Supplies, September.2B, 1861. . AlLaupplies contracted for under these- pro posals to be deliirered at the Military Store house in the city of Harrisburg, unless other wise directed, free of all charges for freight, boxing or drayage, unless freight to lilac° of de livery is greater than to Harrisburg, in which case the difference will be- allowed. All pack ages so delivered to be marked on the outside with number and description of articles therein, and name of party furnishing same, together with an invoice of contents, enclosed, embrac- ind, in additionAo above, notion of what special suliply it is a putt < R. C. HALE; . aept.l.B-dBtteod • • Gen. P. M. ALDERMAN., . . I-1 EN - 111 7 , FF ER. OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence ; Meednut street near Faurth. OPFY OF ELRIVIRMIRO, PFNN A. m➢l2dU • : NOTICE. TN eonsequence - of the death of W. J.T. bishop, one the tirni orVir.StdiP and Ittaira,lio-' lace ii hereby given that the : becks of the late firm are hi the hands of toe surviving partner. MI persona know ing.themselves to *be indebted to the late arm, and all those having Claims, will present thsm, duly authentica ted, for settlemeat. SAMUEL KLTN N,, au 3 illoar 6 V.l` ' Alvah - Mk Partheti. SCHEFFEIBS BOOK STO Ei (Nu., Trurosiiintrioko BBIDOIL) UNION'ENVELOPES. ora:Pie EEC; 'of *iv iremt r ifogagoX, c40)11 . aw" fiy' 448ae11. *At Okai r t Tr** Moo, Union Brew. Pion Eagles, 114.44." andßadgea at very low Prima. s 4 ws SOILIFIRWIS BOOKSTORE. c4t Ettegrapt. THERE have been since the orgiinization of the Fedral Government elevbrattempfs made to resist its authority: ' The first was made iu 17b2 and was a conspiracy of some of the officers of the Federal army to consolidate , the thirteen States into one, and confer Lee supreme po w ou Washington. The second was in 1787, called "Shay's" Insurrection in Massachusetts. The third was in 1794, popularly called "The Whis ky Insurrection of Pennsylvauia." The fourth instance was in 1814 by the Hartford Convention Federalists. The fifth on which occaitiou the dit ferent sections of the Union came in collision, was in 1820, under the administrittion .of President Monroe, and ocourred on the question of the admission of fdLsouri into the Union. The sixth was a collision between the Legislature of Georgia and the Federal government in regard t.t certain lands given by toe latter to the Creek Indians. The seventh was in 1830 with the Cherokees in Georgia. The eighth was the memorable nullifying ordinance of South taro lino, in 1832. The ninth was in 1842, and oc curred in lihode island, between the "Suffrage Association" and the State authorities. The tenth was in 1856, on the part of Ehe Mormons, who resisted the Federal authorities. The eleventh is the present attempt at secession. STRENGTH OF THE UNION FEELING IN VERMONT. The e vote in some of the towns of Vermont at the late election shows bow strong the Union feeling is in the old Green Mountain State. Two of 'the candidates for Governor, Holbrook, reg ular Republican, and Tracy, independent, stood unmistakably upon the platform of the main tenance of the Constitution and the Union. euttiug the vote of these two candidates together and we find the following to be the vote in , the placed named below : Lincoln a solid and unanimous Tote of 186 for the Union ; Rupert, 164 to 1; Stamford, unanimous ly Union ; Woodford, 76 to 1 ; Burlington 662 to 1 ; Essex, 109to1 ; Hineburg, unanimously Union Willston-; 299 to 1 ; Groton, Hardwick and Bi;by, unanimously Union ; Elmore, Stowe, Bradford, Bratntree, Brookfield, Chetesea, .Cor iuth, Orange, Strafford, Topsham; Tunbridge, Washington, do., db. ; and every town in Rut kind county except Rutland, and even.this town gives but small comfort to the enemy, as its vote shows for the Union, 1,091 ; for the Democratic candidate, 14; Brattleboro' ' voted 466 for-Holbrook, Union and 14 for Smelly, Democrat. Taw Hiss OF Tug liormanntns.—When George 111 came to the throne there was a little boy at Frankfurt who - did not dreain of ever having anything to do personally, with'the siivereigns of Europe. He was lathe first stages of train ing for. the Jewish priesthood. His name was liner Ansalm Rotheolfild. For some reason or other he was placed in a counting 'house at Hanover, =dire soon discovered what he was lit for. He began humbly as an exchange tor'oker, and went on to the banker of lend gSave of Hesse, whose private fortune he saved by his shrewdness, When Napoleon overrun Gef many. How he left a large fortune and com mercial character of the highest order, and how hiS five sons settled in five great cities of Eu rope, and have had more autnority over. the War an I peace and the destinies of nations. than the Sovereigns themselves, the world pretty well knows.'Despotie monarchs must be de pendant upon money lenders, unless they are free from debt, and can command unlimited re'enues for untold purposes—which is never true of despotic Sovereigns. "ALL THAT GLITTERS," ETC., ETC.—One of the finest of the palatial brown stone fronts on Iliadison Square,- NeW York, erected without regard to cost, upon the most expensive - and eligible of lota, was built some few .years ago, ard presented by her father to the wife of one of 'par dry goods merchants engaged exclusively in 'the southern trade. the. house and' all its magnificent furniture, in good times, are worth perhaps sixty thousand dollars, and the fee is m the lady's name. The husband, of t course, hat become hopelessly and can see no way of IL curing his support. The wife' has pro perty (some of it contraband) at the, , south, but cat get no remittance. There they live hr that palaee of fashion; in all the mockery of million air,, wealth, the envy of ignimant unable to command asupportingincome, unable even to procure a tenaut,forso expensive an es tablishment (which they would gladly let for an almost nominal' refit ) ) pointing anew the well-worn moral; "all thatglittem isnot gold." Arid New York can furnish . a thousand such instances to-day.--.l3,aston-E'ost. Dovix ox moss,Godey, the popular publish er hf a book for the, ladies, is constrained .to 'eak out boldly in the June number against 'that abominable pe, fume, Musk, which the la dies somhtbnes allow themselves to be infested by. lie says :—" We contend that no woman should be allowed to enter a car or a church' who is covered with this vile perfume. It is sickening to many, and to many Wies it causes toe headache. In many places, where th6rci' is little lentilation, the smell is very offensive and heavy. The general supposition is, that those who use it have some powerful motive for doing so--something-upon the counter irritation prin ciple ; the same reason that accompanies gout ; a person having that does not heed a lesser pa m. Mesa x~ SAORIFLOIL—To obey the law of rigat—to follow out the law of love, is only difficult because we feel, in every %Stance of being called upon so tado, that. we arb called upon to make some sacrifice of ourselveii it is an error—a mistaken feeling. We are called'. upon to sacrifice, not ourselves ' but a present in clincilion, which self-suggests.',Make the sacri tice—obey, fulfil the law that makes the claim upon you, and you will find-that you have re linquished a fallacious fora real good. the false inclination, and, you will find that: in , stead of enthroning yourselves in despite of Heaven's King, you'llave begun to descend steps of endless descent. . "LAVE ME Lrrruo, Lova Mg Logo."—captain LamlYeer, attached to the Ifinpnier rifles, came in from the country MS indrning with alot of recrhits. Among the nuMber is . a farneef'Whci rejoices in being six - feet/4ml** tall in his stock ings There's a ljgflt infantry man fOr lie is indispuiably Vie high private of the Union N 714. one of your size apps Whim, Iw9aWinciki tan an eternal. inember x4 ot „thg oggx#Soitieti. ;•11'ortanately'hiYei a "audit , . I:consequently Cares little for adages, jab:7-' verbs or admonitions. He means fight:LOU. cage Town* Cam tinting gffixt. Havingprocured Steani Power Prewes, we are peeper. ed to execute JOB add BIGIC PRIMING denary awl**. don. cheaper than can la done at any other establish ment in the country. .Er Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight lines or more than roar constitutes square, Half Equare, one day one week ene month..., 46 three months elz months... one year...... One7quare i one day one week one month... - three months -.Mx months " one year ' Aar Business notices inserted in the Loan'. Celina's, or heioeo %%seises and Deaths, 'FIVE CaLtiT3 PER LINE. for each ineeriion. NO. 22 sir Marrges and Deaths to be charged at; regular ad. rerti-eurmda BY TELEMPiI. From Washington. NEW EXPEDITIoN TO THE SOUTH- RUDER OF A PENNSYLVANIA. SOLDIER• The formidable expedition to the southern coast, so often mentioned, has probably reached its destination, or at least the rendezvous from whence it is to commence operations. On Tues day last half a dozen naval vessels left Fortress Monroe, and ere this a number of transports and gunboats have followed. The whole fleet Will carry about 276 guns. The large steamers Vanderbilt,-Atlantic and Baltic, which left New York some days ago, are understood to have carried several thousand tioops, who are to co operate with the naval forces. We shall pro bably hear something of this expedition 'in a few days. It is stated that another expidition is soon to sail from New York. Some troops passed through Philadelphia, last night, from Wash ington, bound to New York, and others which had got as far as Camden, on their way from New Yoik to Washington, were ordered back to New York. These are probably to form part of the expedition, the destination of which is properly kept secret. A prominent officer of the army states that 14 believes there is no immediate probability of a battle here, unless one should be brought On by the picket-firing ; which is still kept up. 'The rebels in. Virginia, above the Chain Bridge, are capturing cattle and.horses from the citis-rot, and taking away all the moveable property they can lay their hands on, for the use of their army.. Private Smith, of the Seventeenth Pennsyl vania regiment, was murdered in the street last night. .He joined the regiment in.this city. Yesterday our pickets in Virginia captured five prisoners, the rebels , having advanced 1 nearer and doubled their picketa. ; SICKNESS IN TIM REBEL ARMY. lIIEI A. recent copy of the Charleston Mercury con tains an editorial article, in which it speaks of the, bad food,furnished by the Commissariat at Richmond. It speaks of "fifteen thousand troops now lying sick, scattered ad around Manassaa"- re adds that the Commissary Department "fur nish raw wheat, flour, and leave the poor soldiers to work it into a dough, which has proved mew fatal to the army, than Yankee rifles and can-. ,non." In the same paper it is also stated that "the munber of disabled volunteers in Bich mond hacreases with each day's arrival from Manassas. On Sunday the Central cars brought down 100 of the sick, who were immediately distributed in the different hospitals. An arri val on Monday morning added 160 patients to the list. ' 1P3EIII*11:31EIEIVAI DAILY'Mi Between Ph il adelphia LOOK HAYEK', .JSKONY WmilayttrOwr •• Wpm, lIIIIONTOWN, W#SHOATTOWN, MILTON, LIVVI4I:IIM4 • NOllThroasauilfD, MINBUKT, Tarronok, Usomanowri t Lirxszierows yiur.4s-; ;,. • BURG, Addiumei, D • • • ti u H AR RIS The Philadelphia Depot being centrally limited the Drayage will be at the lowest recce. , A Dondituttn ; psis through with each traid to attend to the sere delivery ,M all goods entrusted to the Use. .Goods.delivered. st the' Depot of FRED, WARD & FREED, No. tin Mare et iDeet, Ptdta dolPhia. 6 9 6 0 ' CIOGIC. P Xll., beg,ttneund •ha • Harrisburg the next morntit • Frelghi (alivsys) As tow aa by any other ;Ina: Particular attenuon paid by this bee to prompt and speedy delivery of ill liarilabur • .00hs. Mee, undersigned thankful for pug pinta 4 a hopes by strict attention to buustabli to merit a eon 11/00 Or the same. • • T. Pack , PhillidelDlitit and Ketdin ti' . Feot of Market stns ~ ri • burg del7Ailin AIOw a Letter . Written by Soldiers can be sent without the Prepay ment of Postage. HAMBISEITTRO Po. T OFFICB, Sept. 11, 186 1 In order to give a full explanation of did recent law pawed by Congress on the subject Q sending letters written by soldiers withoto paying the postage, the undersigned publishes - the instructions received from the Post Office Department on the subject, from Which ... ftwill be seen that Regimentssaust be fully organised be foie they can enjoy the privilege, of Mutt law, and that the certficate of the /ajar or acting Major must be attached to each letter. GEO. BERGNER, P. M. SOLDIERS' LETTERS. POST OFFICE JJZFARTMENT, Appointment (Juice, July 23, 1.361. The following order has been made by the, Post Office Departinent, for the executionof the new law respecting soldier's levers: Postmasters at or near any camp or .point,.oo. Copied by the United suttee forces, will, without prepayment of postage, any letter writ ten by a soldier in the service of tlid'ln t it e a States, and certified to be such by the Mijor or Major of the regiment to which writer is attached. The envelope should have plainly stamped or written on its face the cer tificate "Soldier's Laier t' signed in writing' by the Major or Acting Major of the regimen 4 de icribing his regiment hy its number and its st a t e . The postage due on such letters will be collected at the'office t yke certificate and address maybe in the fol.' lowing form : • ' - "Bo Letter. lipijoy 10Th Beet, 24 4 1 1 • a - N. 'Y. volunteers. ! 1 lobtrgolies,` • ..llvkzai 2 i• Y." ' t ;Anegattifrg PRUPaYa.thatrixat- JOHN A. HASSON, .firig .488tietont P. M. Ofenerd. RA IRS tiF ADVERTISING. NR.N COAST WAsimicacrs, Sept. 20 Baxragoas, 13t3pt,,20. SO 25 1 00 200 8 00 5 00 8 00 200 3 60 6 00 10 00 lb 00 ME