Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 20, 1861, Image 3

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• / ,
ridgy Morning, Septembey 20, ISM.
IVO POWER PRESSES, old Adams' Patent.
I'WO IRON HAND PitrAssa, one nearly new
i,), , I antoAlllkef.secoid, Mknd ont i t
hilledltiiceed' 010064'
lash or approved paper. All these ruateri
ooi are in a good condition, and would answer
couo try office, They must be sold to make
ha now and more extensive machinery.
at this office immediately.
County Committee. ; ; ;
i lie Chairman of the late Union County pon
y, ot ion has appointed the following County
( omit too for the ensuing year, viz':
cl,airman—B..o. ALLEMAN.
ll.l,risharg let Ward—ALEX. KOSER.
4th " A. SLENTZ. '
Swat= ............ P. RIITIARFORD: •
LACY Swatara .. . . .. .MARTINWEIZELL.
aldletwon N. W. J. H. NISLEt.
EAst Londonderry ....JOHN HELPER.
W est Lisaloyalary ..3. H. LANDIS: • ' •
c,, u asvago .......... J. M. SHANK:
Derry . ............ DR. JACOB
south Hanover. ..... (;Eoliali
East ' • ...... SEILNRe ' ' I- t
west, .• ...... JOHN KRAMER. —
E m•er Ka tan ....... JOHN F0C11.1%,,J3,
m aehanna ........ JACOB HOLBACH.
.......... ISAAC NACE.
Thdinoraston CHRIST.,SGEERLET.
Halifax JOHNBYRODE!' "
lithh JOHN •MAUSS.
else' SCI,. DUFFINGrog,,,.
i I lerslail 'COL. ICH. MOORE.
1 p per Paxton 'JOHN MIISSERv- ,
1., ,ens . AlvrOS HOM t..
i; ie .WILLIAM
ITABRlestrite r Sept. 1,9,,/86,1
ilw above named Committee and the candi
d Dominated by the TJAion Conire4tion wilh
t at my office on Monday, September 284, 1
bat 2 o'clock P. M. , _
'dons HORSES. Several carloads of honoi
:onging to the UnitedlSisiteigdAbliiint, left
t city for Washington yesterdaysl There are
several hundred more stabled near here
isting liipmont.
I sret NDED Rutaaa.—An unfounded rumor
,ailed to Qom°. mi,terkt Avyly,4fester
,l , that a deadhrimalAiolit4iaeb&ir t iarand
in Paxton creek last evening, which was sup
to be that of the'"feinale whose cries of
• murder" before day-light i laqt punday
. moth-.
ithr. attracted the aitenblortOf th attalheels
the Pennsylvania Depot, &notice of which ap
p. (red in last Monday evening's TEILIKIRAPH.— I
o such body was found. ,
yesterday for the first time one of the new
Quits d States Treasury, notes of,;th,
Con of five donate.' It is irerfliabli eIY en-'
gi ,i.ved, and resembles the ordinary bank note.
These with the notes of the denomination of ten
and twenty dollars are intended to furnish a
current medium of payment, exchangemad re
mittance, being at . all times convertible into
coin, at The option of the holder, at the place
where made payable, and everywhere made re
ceivable for public dues. They will soon be in
general circulation.
TEACHER'S Ges.—A. circular has been issued
by the committee appointed to collect funds for
the purchase of a cannon, to be presented to the
government, in the name of the teachers of
Pennsylvania, and copies have been addressed
to teachers throughout the State. Persons re
ceiving the circular are expected to act as agents
dlecting and, forwarding the funds. The
Ir asks for but "twenty-five cents or more"
each teacher. This is a good movement
teachers and it is hoped that every mem
the profession will take at least one share
tr. Elm OF ura ROMLNOB.—The girl Sophia
from near Carlisle, who discarded the
:..oats for the uniform of a soldier, and was
itiy discovered as a "high private" in Capt.
i's company of Summer Rides, at Camp
in, was committed to the Cumberland
4 prison lust Sunday, charged with setting
. the barn of Kr. George Kuhns, - WM - dig'
.., with whom she resided. It is supposed
she fired the barn as a revenge for interfering,
with her course of conduct. The barn was en
tirely destroyed. Previous to joining Capt.
Kuhn's company it appears Miss. Cryder was
in the employ of a gentleman in Carlisle,
a as
hostler, alleging that she had been several
years in the employ of the Messrs. Ahl, at New
vile, as a teamster, but her sex beingscliscover
ed she was promptly discharged from bis service,
after which she was picked up by one of Capt.
K's men and enlisted.
Ouaßovsltarsorrso Tama GOLD. —An amusing
scene occurred in the camp of a Pennsylvania
regiment last week. Our troops were engaged
in a brisk skirmish with the rebels at Dewirur
villa, just above the Chain Bridge. Nearly op
posite, on the Washington side of the river, Gen.
McCall's division was in camp, and the pay ,
master was 1301Miiiig Pont the gold dne thetroops
for their services". Word was received of what
was going on over the river. The men sprang,
to their arms, anticipating an order to march.
The regiment arming whOrn the money was be
ing distributed turned their backs upon the pay
master and his treasure, as if it were a matter
of no account. One man was signing a receipt
for his yellow heap then lying on the table ; he
dropped his pen and rushed for the c a mp, pen, paper and gold M take care ,of Ahem,
selves. Another hastily shouted, "Hold twittci
mine 'till to - morrow," and darted- . frofn " the
tent. The Parameter was left old& "With the
gold, with time to nteomplateithaltatietill
cidefitifof war, c •
000 Mmuo.—The Newton , Hamilton Band
vipited the city on Wednesday,-and favored mu
office with a hartmt fr 4 entde, liter which
th 6, proceeded the iesfilencdpf Govern
or and.otieitAttinguisho *op t Lmtpecfop
ed, sindliir services. The' . td
Col. Irwirekreginient..
. .
rAVOItABLT . RIVE vaix-Tlais suggestion in
yeeterrley'a'Tur.stM4.o..;tlhat some arrange=
ments should , be .mads• whereby our citizens
.Isi;instraled in drilling has been very
Itorshly'recoiVed • Let some of our young
mewat once start the movement. Muskets can
•. • -
bel Obtained - npOWapplication to the Adjutant.
Gtineral,-!and there-are a number of well drilled
mansintinin WhOWciiiiii;,Wtieel Confident, give
the necessitrf histrtOtiemh t the use, of
eared to id, so. We should like to,
see this work begin., - '/ . .lietruis a peculiar fitneti
for it "at this time.:liTe.tu'e in the 'midst of 't
Oil war -with mniterous,armies in the field,.
whose chief wants . bao` . ..been.thorough_inetrud.
As long as the wat lasts we shall want
wall drilled rileU,• arid4lien it 844 be ended, -
othtW'wars may then, those capable
idf i l bearing arms are taught in the military art, 1
the *wolf will.he- , tirepite4 for whatever , event•
;may come, and ,- hundreds of men -engaged in
vMlotis pteseadoice4 . : ,ztn4 commercial pursuits
ill be ready. , to -serve their, country and the
`cause of humanity and freedom in the most effi-•
Manner and MT* MOient'
. I
'HUNTING Slrti'S, itlirmat. llosunnans.rmWhile
fe armies lie. encamped among these scenes,
his a Washington correspondentof the Phil
itiphia _HOZ/clot, the 'newspaper reporters are
151 Ying siiine °t i the ,inaddeit pranks that ever
ytit heard'of, in fiction or in fact. The daring
uths -ride .on horsebaok over the Long 'or
Qbal n Eifilke,, and gallop fearlessly out , among
a4d beyond the most advanced •picket's. They
piep from tree tops at reel camps. They climb
tci the reof Ball's 'house, and stare around the
Cliimney at the rebel, entrenchments They go
up in Lowe's balloon, and attempt apything,
tensible or impossible, in their search after news.
."(:q2 'horses- and spy-glasses ' thej ; aro', getting
"illaitowing," and on military terms-they are
bfcoming.fully posted. Theytravel sleeplessly
for days and days, or stay out' iri-carp - long
iiln ghts, in hopel;cf - an engagement. In Pbila
lphia and' New Yore: reporters frequently
ve adventures among thieves and murerers
diet would Make quiet People shudder, but in
vri ß lOgton. they go into . things on a much more
Tag el ti
enioaioi,**asii Immessmun /tam-
T, seven huddred strong, arrived,Wednesday
eyemng en route for theAwat of war. , The vagi
nal:int ares4ahted independent of the State au-
thorities, by Col. Stockton, - and armed and uni
fillrined hi the United, &alas pvernment. They
r+e a flue' looking body °freak, and have attain
ed a creditable proficisnoy in" drill. Der
ing,the.passage 0-440 reldlicemt_fiehi Pittsburg,
ti) this city, one of the soldiers, who was stand
lUg on tie'tbi)' of a car received a severe contu
sion on'the head by coming in contact with a
liridge.. He is however, under the care (if the
regimental rmrgeofi, and is doing well. The
"Sowing are the office . * of the regiment :
Coloner—J. W., Stockton formerly of the U.
S. Army; exel — Pelueel of the PI-tet . IgichtSeß
regiment in the-Meaticanwar.
1 ' '
Lt. Colonel-4M. Beiley formerly Midbr of
the First Michigen'regintent, under Colonel
Stockton in the MeximuL,war.
Major—N. N. Welsli; fotmerly of thn•War
Department at Washington.
Adjutant—'l'. E. Morrie.
Surgeon—lsaac Wizan. ,
Amistaut Suzgeonicr. H. Butler.
UM Pon= or Frows&s.—An English
writer regrets the waste of flowers in many gar
dens, and recommends theiruse in perfuming
km domestic purloin: The cidlivation'of flow
era for this mare, says the writer,. is carried
On Moan enormous extent in the south of Fiance;,
thediie weight of blooms from which 'the odor is ,
there extracted being reckoned by thousands'of
pound& Highly pirifial fat is used for the pur
pose of absorbing the omit, which is thintrans
ferred the perftimer, nho then or-extracts it
from the fat by the aid of spirits of wine, .for
which it bas A still iltilThier affinitY. Vl3;
should we not grow flowers for their odors as
well as their colors ? f Theie are scores of flow:
ers in our gardens that would yield admirable
obverts bath a little pains. For instance, there
is hod4ditoP9r 4A944.Y54 # 1 q1.0,1 3 5! 4 !?E115 0 4 4 / 1 ....
myrtle, clove pink, and wall fl ower. - We have
btiracts of alt Wise Opwerif in the perfuiner't:
'shops, butthey are notldirg.but skilifid, combi
-4ti01113 of other scents. Be fuirther ; suggests
Prat every lady might be her own perfumer,
kid give us &receipt for obidning scent from
hellotrpes, or any other sweet-scented - dower.
How,t)s ouT.garddmvir,:* fall i beauty
Rttfirrno, sramcof our fir readers .may like rta
try iheexprliMeriffOiihemselqee;Mol wil there:
ore give them the benefit of the receipt
At the season when the fipwers are in bloom
obtain one ponnd o f,
,Se 4 111 [1 , melt it and
Strain it through a close liairaleye, allo*if the
!liquid fat se it falls from the sieve:to drop into
!cold spring water; this olieratiligranulateXand
'washes the blood and membrane from it. In
'order to start with a perfectlyieocioncrus item,
I :ths process may barepeated three or fourtimes,
'using a pinch of salt and a,pinch of alum in
each water; itis then->.o be washed five or six
times hilikiiisseiter;AnidintenniltAihttfatNid
casf itintoopan to free it fronx.adimring water.
,Now put the clarified Sat into a glue pot, and
place it into,such a position near the fireof the
greeiliherisq-' - or elirili4fe, that :am hjkapqi
warm' enough to be liquid; into the.fat throw
as many flowers as you can; and there lot them
I remain for twenty 7 four hours. At this time
strain the fatifrern the spent flowers and add
fresh ones ; repeat this operation for a week; we
b em e Pe corn t. e ll: v t erytirhic it i l erfem ili e d ;4 :ltr e r i :l;
may be justly termed pomade re ki heliotrope. To
turn this Pomade. into, lus mat:mot kf4 194' ,MP
handkerchief, an teat b ee te.b e de xke is - to 00
the perfumed'fat into anal piecetk drop * it into
wide-mouthed bottle, and cover amid/ kilftlk
ly restyled spirits, in which it must remain for
'.i t Week... When strained off the pretli4oll)
y~r r
ONIIIIII.- - Jeti'di -
Naw Baran. The pealpi Journal is in
fanned that that is a movement op, foot to
br dge the Susqu' a river tit or, mar, Middle
town. R
vo ofthe Young Illea'sChtis
tian Assoefattrwill be held at ..t1411%.&,
this (Fridny) efenhlg, at o'clook., A
full attendance is earnestly requested. By order
of the President - ,
DracciNTrailn.-=-The'rindl 'route beiween Mid
dletown and Hp.mmelatoWn, direct, has been
discontinuad. be ear -
Tied by the ndirti;:yrat this pity,' being wow
ing of two bond dollars to the giiiennnant.
By this arrangq4Stit tiCi 4 igieSq . a_ut ( 44 l 4 -
town will get their , matrinatters -about one
odor sooriii i tigni by; 'condi,`not
reach ) 5 4 1 -so*fr*, la#6l"llotii as soon
as: before.--: • -
GrrIING Utz'.--'Did , -you ever consult the
mirror to.aacertaM whether:y:4m , 1iftr6:70411.4
° l o — to!lCArecf;:lAcfricl' 4 o4 l ll 2ll 41)* YO .
a crow's at t hat , at the corner of your eyes—to
see if Abet scniebnil,d9hWea 7114 k
having -3"*44Y:vi r aP nothi ng, . ) 4'#-Pr .uilar
reflection of the light, and not =NAL whiter
than the ace of spades After all.? iletthe mirror
is 'nothits4 Width" fiiiliiiforination pit; reflects
to very little purpose:. • If- ycon-,wqpl4 - 7 know
whatapillideimpfeflyort, lot*:upowthe face of
a friend_you have not seen for tenyeenhapflthe
retoryis or
other about him yop cannetmit o enr4epiltexel ;,
his features aree i )lo44B4elr,' the expression
of his eYei A'iittie colder, of la lefekVit little
harder, , o!Nta mputt , l. irtile.firilier,. tc,'-be kite
t t Aiii! tut or two
has. He is the earde;Yotiathe 'Wee:: but jen
of him as of old. 'Bertha istrazigeetofiallis his
hand thatihiiii ginierinkl4li fiatectlainets face.
-soft and smooth !lased toist, ypnlemem--:
1 7, 4 1 4111 1 4 3 Piiftetiligtrifilleiqant4M was a
ttacery , of blue,veins,upon,thn.backof it, and
you and he used to read each 'other's fortnnes
and life journeys in..the
,ineniniering currents
that flowed on so quietly just uniiert.hainiifece;
'Mit it is more likti a' row 119 W, ,as if ho*teed it
id digging ; therrit is brown as Ootpbei-:?tho
full round muscle Ims shruxik away froixi the
veins, and theystand out liktr ridges in a fa
h*. Veins,
~ ,iudeedLthey look like a, handful
of whipcord. '..,There is id kaki - look and.
knotty feel about the jOirds, as if you were
. .
grasping a handful of ' walnuts. again,
his hair has grown wiry, or:bristly; or grow, or
thin, or. something that it was..p4 „fort m flr,
truth biltill&vring:24n as old head. Yon
he-keel:al gra; 'coraimnYirith his wader 14hiisi
ciin it be," and in , *AP* Yirt.keve wen
YPLI-784:as he 1 0 2pil l pi) #LeY. all, see yon, as
Tan Onv Fsttows The United StatesGia4
tiodge of . Odd',Olkiwal&nOw 1,&. naißorklittha.
city of • Baltimore.- The report of the (}rand
Secretary gives some interesting dots% relittgiii•
I t° the condition of, the order stilar 'ail reports ,
nave been received. In Canada and in the
4 0 Wer , ./t o Vinge B ..the :order,: is reporte 1, to be
Maine,Michigan, 'imungenu
subsi-Nevurrama; taszmi r kdiwiirii;
Now, York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and-
Debi Ware, • show a healthful condition. In
Z ryland prcisparkty' ,4k.filliCl*W During the
~year $61,1311 , 24 wore expended
,04 excess of $4091 88 over the Preceding yaiir.:
Of *a Whole amount :expended , $2,59842 was
from voluntary Contributions. In
0. 'Coln:l'3l;Ni a healthful COnditiOn
In 'Missouri slit More • lodges; were instituted,
though only the numerical strength °like Order,
Was. maintained. Illinois Ow not `presentSO
favorable a conditioni. , =The membership ialess
than 82 per. cent. of thit reported hat year ;
the`applicationsfor membnis falloff ibirty:thriiii
Posment., and-the revenue ;the Tylio dimity';.
ished twenty-two per Cent. 'Uniform report*
having suffered hut 4 littitilletriment during the
past year. Ohio reports an addition *num
bers. Kentucky reports **Minsk slight de
crease in membership and revenue,.: Wisconsin
is in a healthful condition,*hile loWa shows a
falling off of membert Sint revenue. California
presents a prosperous condition, 41414 uo 101.
lodges with an active membershipliflieirly i niz .
thousand: In Kansas there- was distress beanie
pficfailiiiiittesiiitc. KeboiskelitliewAsilco),
Colorado. and Washington territories, and in
the ..tbe mut" ,9f-. the
Order 4 ilfere l lifiAliti t rStiorta
received from the Stataii'iomposing the South
eta tonAdfiraisi. . ;.,,
The reccipteAul9g the year W 0148,18191,
leaving dne ta the Grand Lodge 26,868 $9, out
°f 0 1 0-it5#1.9 9 444 2, V 4 ) 11 00*
pzinvailablahalencitiof 2011;10040:urha
ditibnisementanie eitinAttedaCsl7,46o, bldg`
a deficit of Soat This 004km il ikt" 1 .* ,
,dtioed to $2,,649 yo; in cenuequence of the ab ,
isenct,of at least one-third ai the inpielaiitati*
tro , that 'amount, hinirtifer; must be -iiiildeff for
!printing and engravings $1,2813 12, quaking the
actual deficit,„22,4'o _ _
See Prcifesooi Wooa's adtmirtbierwat
er colonui. " • . " r
BOINETV Ram :TJUBIL —4! plc-hie
will be held on Wedge" 'nextn at Rlmanlier' 6
woods for the benoilkf..thi, P.. 1n
• •
Hawn returned front the city I now have on
hand a full assortment - of . all kindr - of - Drr
Gad& ' 200 pieces' of-41evitallocii ; 1 200 do#o4
of 84)elbllia ; a splendid lot of Blacriklape.obe
a late lot of Hoop Skirts; 1;000 yards of Clash
for Toweling. All' kinds , of - t Bummer Dress
Goods atgreat reduition: &-laurr,
" 'lthoads' Old Corner.
the change of • season from summer to antinii,,
comes a, lengthening of • days and change of
weather, di now the nights long_fuld.theie
is much-emnfoiiable and sound ,sleeping, but as
delightful - tut a season , is'npon'whichn kdhave
just entered, it is none the ledt . miescaeOnie
to be weft& Fall whiz are ,Prever
from w just at this thangirig . seastervfeint
of dry
00410141 rel,oo
iccedd be most in matteskAfcrotitittigp:
With a large of dry goods just received: .
Ulu= & sol9o..ifOnld be..plumed to minister
1 140 Y aPitlAwta2M 1 44 $
attin sou -east, gimm,
_ .
DA.C 11 11E8 E M 'S. -.E.LL:I;.S.
*Pref./AI q°nr-hug L 9 1
,eekteinF4 / 4s k
T H. combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the molt of a long and eaten/Art*oSW
T y are elKings*. auoizs.erd °sigma in torfcoll e i
alltrregularttlea, Ifibsurviiadok to:ll6'o4gal] e
etruottonad,yraeurer front cold 9C:otherwi* . heAditehei'
pain to the Bile. palritailan of the heart, whitei,4ll raw
vont or alms, lb .4
..05, fatigaa, pain la the back and
limos, no , disturbed Weep, which. adios from Intarrui.-
non of nature.
_ TO MARRIED 1 4 1 '1E 4 , _ -
Dr} Cbeeretean% Me, are Invaluable, as thee vria brier
on i the me thl,v period with regularity I adva.. who have
been °imp atufedaniVita ws Qt-PthertNil Gap:
utmost mundane° in Dr. Obeeeemies Pit t a dein all in
they represent to do;
eadOin*tifitheYemtlae Went he Vaidi chi
AP cannot be - token icillffullwarnosni a PNONLLe tr
aNSO4I . - Thimondatmartferrad to ft PRE° ANOY—,
the fawn AfinCiAWL(O/1: Such ft Lte - irresistib Om
dr+ey of the inedigine fdyamore Ote meant functions lo co
normal condition, ma ' , all the dupnwhictive ;power wa
to* eatuot resist it,
Warranted purely 'vegetable, aud fr. e froteinything
bOrieus. Eapliett clireepone, Which 1111011 d beped tans
ceeNteny each box. Priee 111. Sent by mail oicuilkalW
Da- AANdillna o#/ 20 40 1 3 = 1: 4 9F . 4. 8. 4e - i*
Oboe, Nt w York City. „,„„
333 1 dby one Drugglaha pvery town, lo the tilMted Slates
4 .. N. RAO LIMINGS,j r
, ; ektueral Alma for the Onited &atm
1' /Wad, Wait
To wimucan eiNOtesale order* Ann t ,ttaftt fd~eep , •
itareiburt op O. A: BaWrier:- • •
V!UtpT@ aUktt:LAP#C4
AVM O p '.
n4'llll'l6 tiOniOling v and remoM si
obaknotlons, from ilibativiw' 0 iss
41194), and
ways_ spoceisaftil. as s proven- •
nye. a.
'*l 0 . 1 . 1 , lot
i me iew ilY bolk in 4 itia l i caßo ral l t zlo,
limn P 1 LL -11 A-V-- BgEl4.- MAW ill - I
l ii
1. Mr . ..
1:IL Sel a ,
toll therAit:' '
any Inwll llo wities whatever ea well se to prevent
an increase of faintly where health will not panne. tt.—
Ire ales particularly shamed, or throe sapposibg them ,
eel W.. if1i.,.... 0 1 1 . 4 9ct..,2 0444 0,,_ , 4440 84 fl i"; 1 0 1 ,00
ekth (2 .. eNt ai i I sailia:txti . il l
~ .', 1 ,438, .., iii.:irs . .. , : ~...!..
al 172 ."— thiWIQ- '• `i ~' P. , iii*-iiiiiv ,
lanais =tr . Ur : 01 l "Mt
$1 00 per box. :old. toltsale and retail by
4 3,lllallitriir Wail,
No. 2 Jones How, Harrisburg, Pa.
ames," by tending' blot $1 00 ,to the Heryitburp
PokI N
Odle% can lave UM MI sent - free of Observadou tt
an/ Part of tht.,WY7.4. 10 01A4 04 5.: 1 1 4 149, 44 0_4 1 tritow,,itrP 0 b
e" by mall. sold alad arm 2: maven, maiming,
J 4 , Hoa r, 1 Howtm%, Platbujolpins, J . L. La-
lIMAM. W. Blisa, • bincaliterol. r ,
W '' :. e ''..; 11. , IV MlLlJie,":Yerk4 :led I Won
t lw Irobiry•nisy and. village:: tn. thm Holoa,,
S. . oWa, Ole proprietor... Sew% York r.' ~', - .:• ~...: ..,
N. B.—Loolt out forcouuterfelts. Bey no Belden Pills
of any kind unlesa : : bartrodwill S. it Howe, Ai.
u are a base and initifiar therefore, as
y - mane your lives end, ealtill. IN ) . Lai; • 01 411,4 2 .6 tit
u laiimbuggedXmd of-your amesey a ) boa, ~pf, ,•Nlios&
.r. .
: n itag e aon 'bill" 7170 111112 riel li te(1 1611" P4411‘°":4°8414"1):4":1441 .1•841 . Le'
6 1
r; ii . II
' i , . ',. 2 1 04 , casKlaintYlat • '
.. .. ~ ,
• Tkir AD ' • ArCiroWi resto r ed , to
h Ith In ale* lii hY ii'verialinple , Vetnedyi: after
h Aug sugared aevggelyw‘ wilthAgorre lung &Tout.
to., and that dreadtiill4 , Ml.Athnekda anxious to
. ke knotra to his tetiowantrerers the means (Pleura.
: , • - all w ts diep r ett,,,be )wiserind ,a: ropy ot Ake 'pre --4
pope used (teapot', obiriptlipoWarrrdirocerioos :for:
p , piriotondiltdopttite sum ',. which: they Atilt, inita
a , •courerfir COrriinapstoole' ' BrouriralsOke-514:16 ,
. ly ob3o3Vie di 'EARAP. , pilisir in , ireathop.itiakErroreptkio
• to ( O4riatir . thiAtOlol*Padi sprout . hftbramdiondthio4,'
t r t r ktibigires toben onddable, h opes ovary set- .
WO try bis remedy, rill . ' will corattismACllNog, , .
ilkinay prtivO4tOoo!log. , . -- • -,,, -- , • -.. ... . ,-,- ~, ,• •
PititorirkhkgribrivrrooriptAiraiwUplirapa address , -,.•1.
• - n t k''''' ', , d 4 :IO}UPADW4 : III)4U - WlLigili r ..,..•-,,
.' -r• r ,-,'-, --. :111T/Wariistrprph,.
~ . ~- Klngs.aorudrypitem ]bark, ,I,
, .
,WV . Fublishad: in a. Healed Env.elori;
A zaaa Leistu jou re s, on sex tb u :
D H e i b tu dit r y e l ," an tibis igm tm pod enc_
v'bjcsa: o :Ssu od " o e r ss': oeral lawiPentt°l , l3B o allici ai miWPY P tleak l: 4 ll l
le, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. BANS,
.'' 1,21 Hoory, ..i ow York, Pavt.UDias,, Box 4E40.
, Plil lo7oluo 6 htl tary '
a sioit from ~ ~,,r: Ix, ,z4vste
, 1
New /imattsemaits
?:1171-1,1311151/3 33.41:XaL0g
_ . . ...
0 be given at BRANT'S ,cri t x. .11-ILL,
on ,he night of the 'reception of the Friendship Eire
mpanrs StsamllirtgEpstan: : • ~. .-:
I: B,wegkiy;. ,-: pgr. JOs . ..Knipe t - • , -
, E. Et - Vitiating, . "' ." 'T: A:'• Zleg es
' " G. O. Wynkoep, " J. Y. Campb*ll,
4 G Opt Wm .6. - 81pas' . lA, ota.awm; n" -Bitraget, •
ph,„ hp moNtillyo. . \ 01144. I. S.:Waterthary, ~ . ,
.• J. P. S. Gobin, , Alex. Forsyth,
fta: BiAtkUlt,
__, ,•• : ur, A . ts,hapar,
.i- W,A.R.Parlibill, , , . -,,,'11. Kptioweii,*
i" Jno. Newman, " Gen: &Pawed,
11 T. h...... Gardner,
"! I Jilb 'Green; • " Jacob m ob, ' -
E-1711) " Sitle.f. - • ~
i .1 -.. .L -- -mut OFoititisitesnig:
. ; . = A. W. Bar gstkfm*.__. - i . .
. . ,
1 4 00}1 .) 1 4440 1 44- . . • . .
. .
il. • A K ,:lutze r ;. :- , , 1.. Geo. Ramat.. ~
f 41entliMiiitpiirrint iti*aitioni toi hisii4 will "wily to
Ikem.p4iNcerffr;Afitenotitot wit al's beiglveit * l the dailyp apers of the night the Ball e
l will take ' .` .
tiMAkit - ED .tPitOPOS' ALS, ,
iENDORSED 'lmpost& for freaks beef" uBl
be received by•the undersigned at his
ntil 2 o'cloc* . P. 1if.. ., sin Friday next thi 20th
gket,,f f9r in*lsslifeg IT 'siontract, Fruit Bees,
kneck ind `tibtine excliided,r Vetb6: Us* of
44 AdteA gitlft,...ifi,llie vici4itY. of igiV6i.iy;--%
he'beef ta I he .dellysized at: such timesi - ir51"..1.4.
inch q u antities as may be required' by-the lini
ii4§taten. Connithisary, during -three. months,
*WiwiliciWit October 1, 1861', unlese eathser die-
Wiki!wfit-liY,*)U l 4 l O4O l Wf-PAIO .of .#iP
United State!, Army....
! All bide Marital -unreasonable by the sindev
,'. will iiw 'OjewW,ici• ~' -. ' -'
-• ' ' '' __ •
t c ' ' ' '" .'''''',.,.,'''' - B:iDUSARTLY,
' baptaili and C:t 8: U. S. A.
,L-P B PriiiVutift.§,el4o:ZAJl 4 i'
t4:1 .1. 1 , !Ay .. layimbe t andaly_
, 00 lde•
ARi4loCer t
,• A Splendid Ammtmept of
Alimiand EleguatPetfusae,-
Put up in'Het.Glias Fugiated WHIM. !
4. 0 04 10 . 3 4 .41.**0 31 9r •
A 'e'er, Handsome 'Variety of
. POWDH ? - trPl'` - 110 x Es ; •
Bitelistvaildue &ran
esPIS ket street.
'llO ?BUSER,
1 11 - noirtu
f = 2 " 4peo ha oiat
purewm, porekamakkkgg.,ll..
=Unix to ve the ?Lam
LODEDIS . fititgleatangliatta ;r e ;
minor ti a.,„ a
138IRTS! pIEffEB , I_I , 934IITSI 11 !
THE 01171AP.1182) , letliaoM2lM: •
grHE undersigned I:tivink opened their
' mainiftctory of Shirts dc,, at No. 12 West Market
street, Eurrisbury,. Ps WWI ircopent:iiny solicit the
path °liege, gad attecticm Of die 1441(*6aitlAmeu and
Merchaom to :the fulkerewg - aisitymeekh or goods all of
which are our own manufacture „••
awful, .
fItURT, 11020M8,
0 f1141,,S
413;, -- .lte o tc„ &c.,.
Also lbs particolar &Memnon WOO Ladles to ourlarge
assented - nt of ureter Aare:mate dO , (frosenati eta&R
itrevedAnbdi add -Rate styles,) Litaao,, . - opix r ths ,
gtipee dm., in grilietrarMitlea, ell of whiollitelk
oaf own imatururacturer tratirol, : pell, cheaper than Can oe
puicbse4ll elsew here. -1 -
drArgs destrooaottorsethest War wen tnatorbals,oto
have edging, sewing ect,,:of every ivirietz dons st....Clord
u. hit*. Atone, "ere allued`goods tor Beata ire tr, ,
wd. wi.l mate to notsta snarsattesteg to IN arid`give
oath e salsfactl .411 ta* Families? foe style Attrabtlity
rn m,{'rrial. Otrldrk:lMill be POMO/ at.
tcrledip, upon the shofkot ,eoalooettlt most reasonable
4rtrie. - a also Merchant& sepplitatfupeolhei Dion 10.00u
tatnila, • •
P. S. tidies wishing skirls or nutter /Armenia or say
dterlyiarth, clan have them mide Otdfa
such kiwis as may be orttired. . . -
Market stfoot,
l'auti),l6m Harrisburg, re.
'gowns merikagl :HOlaniel 4—.44 1 01 ,314 t : 4 #4 61 1 1 7
&oFe. ,
1 1 4 1 1 1 4 , Pillow* . CAP
- .loggias, Drinking, Cups, &c.,
am seas "Byr
WM. C,Sitit FPO,
Ncirth - Bido Market Sw i tre, xLegiAl3nr'slicotig,
4 4 1 1, 14* ' .
1 444 ;Lies i
Z.. )3 I MOT ,
. winnfaciorer of
Leokinitraivand Tiotare Frames,
Gat n &I.itiio9lAtoiadings,ae.
einratial a o an ILEV.
f v d
b IL MK K.
1/ 16 -17 rr-cr.P • *
gi T; ft it - - vciT L
~- c];tt
I't '0 r I WAY ..TORM in i
-91.1(1 TtedUOid tav► ? . parat
„J.,l_o,63riji j.
IN c OE the opening r o; this,,y4t and corn
: modous Rotel, In
,11154, it hes been die single en
.ll nWieltrattattltint i tr t lrra=
tenger on this slue the auseme.
~ Andenbatever lbalaaremed4lnhly to administer to the,
comfOrt of netnews they-4.m0 eldeavored, without, re-.
Awn , to 4011 t, teprovenousi-to cotetene *litho hieing&
tl' individual- and , social enjoyment which modern Art
a briantoktend modern taste approyed,;:andthltinik...
= imam win it ban commanded- dutiog the past six years.
e sratifYhia Odor that their efforts hawk been appre- .
Tir , tneeitthe exigencies outae times, wee& -an arnme t
ei.tured to , knonne the `moat rigid. economy, the.wall , .
ate &ducat: the Price 44 ,, Board to
~. ,:. .. Mlsto:Dollirs pei.:bay t.
, 1 L ., ~.,_
the same libeling hone .'of the , minden With' which
their table•Mut hitherto beemst ._ -- . ... ,-,
TRE .1,1)& Cu, -WHID3OIIB & ba- .1t
I New York, aryl. 20.1361,—wayittallme .. .. ~ ~ „. , ---;
. . & ~
MAN iNGEN , tursrpa ßa ~
/ 44gifitt n ire Ircr •,' 1 12F . '
IN. le Artif l Oit •
VXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving
i iptir
... 7 ..„..,,,
AEI= keti lt 1:0 I =64A
hest i taf 4 104.,r !P l I v
i rrVii , thuptliked
Fore oho 'one 1-.-
0=4441 rifiNFlF4 , l , 9, l 4o l s: l , o, ,tilioin,M 6 MAlPS ,J?,)
f , . yts
~ -2saEf:
.. . ,
-, .:.1.i... ,_
TATtatreet near• Thir& - mtreet, a few .
doors Mow Brady'a Hotel, Hordsburg. a flee
ew Reams Ready made CA:Mrs always On band e
r4 -Waked to order. Lallver6 platen, Ste- Terms rea
enable. [auBo-aBtWej , 41.BARRR.
. . . _
Beleot Sphrla for "Bqi, and - dials
i , vatiiit iiiitiniTiiiis**:,ihe litst.
tia'Atieteiiii ots.*•sliik.iiitttirileY
I I. &hoof* boys, will open on I.l4'lrk Monday in
&Winner:, '."The , ,woone N: weak wanglated,oemaseV
o :nseed, ap/Alt,ay.ery igepeoloVatiop4.... D 615141510 . ',.
tAinAkititiimtzwitire 'Mita for airbi, locate) In
the, same euedldteapea feriae Veg , A 4 l l nn at th e game
01603. T4esl4ign
,kesti elegantly fitted up to promote
e lia' titkeDA it. bt, sebuiere. augt.dtf
... -
'COAL' ..'; •
LIE undersigned would respectfully in-
JatnltheWuzeini at Niartialitigi.kt ittiPirPred
!to thrash w ray tiariAt the oily, Lyreas Vaney, TreVor-
Iton and WilkAbratei Coal as low any other drab= in
pa city. Please aril and give Ana a trirl.
' ' WALIAAVEr, Jr., Agorae,
No. 8, lierditig RailroateDepoLf :
Harrisburg, Pa.
TO do.e up the concern the entire
stook sir SHORI,JIOOre3, Bto., late of 01 , ver Be 1
man,.decesse¢, •in zoome_itt rAettlquaia, will
be Bold at at MOT; ild i tiktooms_wikbs .
rented,to tba.lwaser if desired. tarsirirlif
madiesiy.: .1. WM% PILVI 46Patt,
rfiRL dfiß.s (lll Hali.**dlii Xentsctfilly
Worni Itra..pubile Oa bari Ps Plumb'
Brom Voandlog estlibliogimeelao No 4 22 'Ol6O
(UM oreekbelOw aireeklateL Mast.=
muse, be hOPea bY aria
cocktipitagoo or it.
arga-inf . • J /o?ri9
Vtalt-841LE.—One.ot the beet busiiibili
stands In raw On reasoatble terms, or leased
for Oro or era yea re ettioated i¢ liarket west between
Fount:tang -inquire oo thoprembes of .
>942m . - DeNIRL 1.1941Et1r."
CA) , hoperty for 'Salo.
and keg gronad, pleassagy lot* ed on Front St.,
between Mai -
'" a avenue.
Mao TWO on and of ei
ceitent tone. 441 p • •-•1" 4
0.0. mintwaYAN,
-ne •: - N0.08.1:16.4 seirom
, SITORA-Wq 1 11.“-; o,o:4o,9 t _NOrk
ti p kir AppAy in - North'a " street - betweehlaxibli and
beit. • - , reep6-1m): , , , . Nut. kottAbL,
OK RENT•Theriarge -brick dwoillnig.
house now occupied by pard. Mumma Jr. Esq., on
Tuird street.Fecet., with an Office ouicaolo for an
4,l9 ,o4) m ber ltZtir
quire it the rota b co. • -
' r thipi r k FLOILB...44AMP ,41 "•
OEI •N BW- 4" 11411
- & "11"8"611114 '
Ir a q
......_ _ , g
to-st 4 \\., ingrilui W On
irote,la, - ;.--• - • c
! r ' r - "Atii IMILPOOL
_ _
I,"' 4NAot AND FJPARZURI4 ratk s „,
, FA; lt,d4 nt QUKENSTOWN,(IreIniniq IPINIVIIjr- t
pool. lido ; ore and Pptladelpitia Blon==. l
latln a isfattannn tho u ` fu ll I,oWorod I
kittiiibitmos iug follow : , . / %I rt .4
tjunt)itirslo,lllMatgßp`ankutdnY SRUI iesibia.XlLA ..s
} "i / i OP , S ai l i c t la Y ft.cnOmber,74 ; car 4 F - Nsyr
yidtf , satorday, toper i , hDINBITAG,taIc
. Ir4syy, , ICIo: E
tuber and very Saturday el Noon, Illninqfof 44
~ - `
.... .
MLA' i ct,kilts —,...,..
i ii 04,,
.. 4; KIIXAGE .... .... IV 110 . ~
do "th Tkddea .. ..... no dO tO Landoa .333 Cor ,
1 1
do to Parts 46 ' 1 dii• I* Nrl.4 ...',, Ow of L..,
do ' !to:Lii.inba , g,....llBlodis do. •• ta ' ihusburg*bli iO6;
P. disepgittp 41eVer!rjr,410 49, 0f , fit... , 74• Ar l 4 l l l . .. 1 1 4 Atter- , ~
4.11 M. ADlere , p; &c., •t eqUallr:ollt rates.. , F .
mirk emu ! , macaw it ! unw, weir
,Irteada cab_ buy .
,' -
tickets% 'ore at tbr'fblllowibtriabsi, to Nolo Tort Tromp -
LAvebpodt, at: Queepusbomi i 3040bbilii.4741044iised NOV,: I ..
•Z la lfle ittk9l , 1 44 r13N , 4 i W;.P.9.! - 4 1 •Vil Allf i lifft#PA l T ' '
—7 ' dissnit44 : 'fiivt ,npetior'ton oah '
paieseageni, and ,Arry expenonoed 5arg......
,oudlop,Msteor,tigotAssweknatonr. and,tifillt Ittioldtsr*l - 1:..1
Annlbantoloi on s bostd. • .
ViWtifitidei ififoiniiiiiii it.t.ty lit Li' servo° . Titi‘litlill ' '.'
I vidiNnigetit.l22r Wm ir , 'Street ; In 41.sigoor :WO V. '' '
INMAN"; tkatti kilookt:Nntrn 'i. is tNernotOws to 11141sav l• , i
D. Wept sc,po. ; in, J4Asaon ps my Ni t. .111, 1 4,614 ~i 3
Kin • allele_ 84: ;in P.II• to .IlLu8:114.0d jt. :nue ,
do9ildia'-si ;. to . Vldlidlobiti it. JO, - ..0 '0 DILIS;111': , " '
%awl. 'Wag; 1- dr a the Loelhtliny% eilte4=.' ' '', ,
.1m). G. uaLE, Agora, •
iii444lV • •sroOsvar t y, Now Yo 0.
• • Oi 14minirtnin. Frarrialti,
Bo.olll,4kßaciEL SLIME.
„,,,.,,, d,L., ig i de t org , B k . ..
''' 0 ,
_W ' YS 'o
~. h'ittri.'iiiiirge assortliOnt 01 '
.• 1145011* MOM, 4Allit-M,'`ft., ce the ' +ivy 'biiill' '
,4litaut. tor ladies. gentlemen, sad alslidn:tre wrear;;-. ~,,
,er - la suit the lime.. tip witk.i r e * t IRK MADIL TO
KR in lbe beekstyteby spileriur rrarlopu,
cla i m
~..,PeAlitiNalailfiNst ibid aMitie: /.. .:t . • ,
ftik4,oo 1-)T , ,lit {ffilUilkli BLEIOII-, liamitning.
JO # .
G Estttitia 14111111 - ASSUI
AND rifittl
,R„. .
Central, Comberlattd awl"
..:=1! • i•ta•rul
nieutilikAßlekitiglittratobtreartitlparniol 4,ft
a/ to the dttlarent Riatroad 'dapota wilt oe 4conala the
vary loWenl, tom,
P.C.KiLidrhinavink wln oe O'ro atitam;c46.A-
Order+r eft at Brant'a European Hotel, Or atnno .riatore
0r .d.7RIUgB•FaII4/•
rt l itit4y luny .6911eL
r et 44NtAA., I IR, Alp
„At , tbaiiiv • - tetrooniwit.'
GMT Plaiatia
4:haPt: TWICALIF 1111491iF agr,
iff WILLOAtt itH, LI;;V Pi.
glB ' 6l'l : i'il' . 4 ' i l ' alii 4( 4 '4 lii,
i LAI) di rl AI AA
~stiltmodawysli 0pt.e.4434,..10 iircruAi t posmr, z,
ghts.rEOW 4k - any •itt;i' iiidlin+usi i9g..„¢#1.5 - ia '
s. l 4. lfm thia tstp2 locau l
ntg a, ,L +
ni i
. 14 amj,l,p :
4.lsl44u. ri f t i b b ia tai rg t:ll. :,4l:: :: : ".n., ri i. ..
,01 :7 :i:a w riai L iti.
: b imi u 4t riir, d: Wf uraiic igh:4 ; is
i o , 4 .4nwe e
,;. _,, , ..h., 1 &.......:
. 41.mgle Beni to PEAODCH, ZELL &BINOMIAL*. Nms. 800
,li, az tarkell o.raini, ready. ,...
e ivr a ' disc
f * raw -,,,,., • , ~, :., 4 L • .. LLL Irtlegfilie:Litaillo4 t.'
izEi . doiiii iioi:
4x10 , 1114 DlliniiitifirSa tiaiviitgliiineVed +AU ti , '
lix6:oldiaoo,tv - TRaiiieutliate city r akagd iastiaWuur
. , kit the patronage of the enizeow 'I MD asfisktia heed
:i AO . Ze .44 NlVl4tr e Arrinn VIM i . :.
: 4114irlidriLUad'igiW t ' i z a tthf , Llttrie-` 4 lltrio ‘ I;
, CuaL Poe if apo i dzia ctom
i- , 91 , .. - AMOda . ;)2 1 . 1 0 1 01 1 , 14kr
TlNFiluEra ,*
e 7 i W l .4""cetatee,' Of 'ND Dawn'.
aft, Yard 012 the Canal, 4l gortit r ielhhaat (h
lialariligarcioart itlll racikra proaiatzatiglaWai;i o ,
s et - t'lk:jEt4Ll , . , ;. ,,,,t irl,ro.iti l 4l . -Nr^i
I flip ti A itkii V i gil
OXOI4I, B . 114*,...1.
< tl ..143
rt- 14 10 7% < '..
. XI
, ' ,. ..7 2 'I `, , t_i ~IMEP kikrakeAditht &v.
- 1 i r il t . ty ra P el .. . / C 4 4. ..AM.F " Tp 442.•,,:,litivIrlatteMrariff"un
4 1RCit1 Filo4l - pAlia4:' ttars
,wo c th of CITY 80N1.16 i:..- 1 4:0(
c'• tv.o
't. • • • • • tin, 4/I!l•4l.lll.*Wihikqt....l
1 4.,
Sittit'ClD* I 11- ' - Biti i lliir a llitik
bng and eweit:;-biis 64,01% . i` • tla or,W
drdia seesikiiiigtaixi 4hilisaiWreif tali Mau tate. ,l lsbr
. le by 411141 wid. 111410* ix
..—, ~ .
- iik - ilthbitiorr OF : ' IMSII.4IIEN
is soiloitisi to our very large zgocipitiftpr,
UNDszeguree .utli-Oltiliiiiis at qi i ifizi.esilliti, My
*gni' ,toodur litolijizogsmiosinskskitp miundliciared
AndiAl4getgokl***CifFArtZ. aa
1 Limpet emorttneat °Mammy :1 . y. '
quvA*3lwarDsza, &debt iltlinsutoll,
ittnsulowywinitliaisesitireniittiwoit'lc ,7- 1-% , : LIAln T .
.1 , i • . 0 0 1 1453016
!i t .* l' "
theffitTrtnrif ffiitir i
vilhE . }3t) . 1044!;ki
.__;:t2,:l-44i#4; T.?!pp*li.:,4;•_*:,
kmAf t x
P Erliakl4. ' 4 iVagftikic i ts --- k
met t i e fdirril oriel altite•Mar.. kticootkici MI tr
tutu - 'Wilmot* • tiaskliatrigak,hae 'lt - I
Mutton to badness, to merit a coatinuanas aftlitt ,
, 26 ,604 :I rti Lam--Ptict l 4l% • 1,
W la 0 1 , •Ki 8 1 4 ( 4:2 4 k'' .11
I AttakV\ 1 ' i lid i al l iM l A Phoi
7 M • ' Er:' E •
pk.N.Alti ano 4L - infht 410 1 1 1 / 4 iwiatfikalfdlif
I g
t V e lr VS An "U b, "I
rfl i llt
tc r at as tutu) , watt/Lana wt. owe
as Or priCalt am queliti, shiPbolgAisoirlikag
eaves of 018 fact. atagtlataly.
GEITYBBECEW .1.. .' , .; , -t- 1 %).
HE undersigned • has' established a
1.:. - ragoihr LINZ Of 6TIOPC onscoss a aft-mroopoes
bkrieixitineowite every other dieriatoriiite oduria , :.
l er
land Valley Railroad cue , a coaches leave every
eTyr2,llLetZ.l2 . l4l4l fiky. r orv etarpym rimy
otqr.sayet,gertempr. mre4ta, ~. ill
Petersburg and fltattyatiorg are carried at roduced fig
jeriAsr wig J. TATR. .
To Newly Organized Regiments*
A. lot of the very best overemseposde
XL according to up. army regulallgoM ,
kr equip • foil regiment, a, e for sail . at. U,_
WM, Co., Second street. Tittatirrin
TEAca exeoyAx. 8..
VJAVEN, . 1 24_0(), l I TE2kCJISRS are
_Ed wanton in the Mania SCIbOCd poop bet
toulentel4 •tteavinCtlmet4 u s e 4 A4iliNtsir
Baitrig P. 0., Vamtizi"
5e1.941t21 Seerettrt.
tErPONV-' -13ione:saitat6d
irl k
itrar2v` l 4 '.l 7lly d so aliver'd anr
wawa ..... wM. f OI DIM. Jr.
altite: i 1)
L l 4
TOT' pat atticifiNi;
quamprosoalom, 2.0 x disci'
Agt vtettitilnaN trc R!
gu'ffikulo l # - :
iii_, ,l~lr..