Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 20, 1861, Image 1

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BY GEORGE BERGNER,, ,, .- ( . 1 . . HAR ' G '1"
theuovered the meet eel' lain, Apeed,
eituatual randy We Valet for
Nu Dirsary or Noxious • Drugs
Weakoola of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Patna in
tho Lnuto, Allectiono of the itgooettactel, Madder Umiak
Win. -teen , Nervous Debility, Decay or M 014 4 ,11114 ow.
ura, Dy.qqath, Languor, LoWBpirita, Confusion di Mum,
Fall outwit ot the Uoort, tYmidlly Trombliap, pumice
of Bight or Dulthurta, Dinease of Um Stomach, Affection'
of tun Head, 'Ducat, Vise or Skin—those terrible &sor•
dery orosUOL from the indiscretion pr Solitary Habits of
Youth—tho-o tinsmith! uud destrueUve practises which
produce COLotilidioual debility, render kaaniagetrapos
slide, Bud destroy tooth body aIS,MIc4I.
y o „„g w en especially who have became the viottitis 01
Solitary Vice, that droadlill and destructive habit
t , wect , d 10 011 untimely gave, thousands, col.
young awn in do most exalted talent and brillimit ititel=
iehl, who might otherwise have marinate Ib3tenthe
Setnuee With t he tliturnlnrs of eloqwericia, or; waked to ee•
htay thu living lyre, may call, yi,t4 tub, oor4depme.
!tarried persons, or those contemplating marriage, be
iv a warn n 1 physical weakness, should lnancidlidoly non
mit lh. J., and be reiairedlo perfat
haviediately ouredafld fetri rigor ivstoreci.;
u who places himself tinder thekstre Of Dr: J. may
religiously contide in We liontir ail a gentleman, int con,
fideully rely upon his skill its phtfilisien.
whose No. 7 South Frederick rank, Baltimore,
oa We left hand side going from Baltimore street 9'
looms irom the corner. Bo yolk:dim obaCrvina" 10 ,
aurae or number, or you will mlstake the place.. He pat ,
molar for Ignorant, Thfliwir Quacks, with false, pewee,
or Paltry Humbug Ovitdcatw, attracted by ihe rebate.
hos 01 pr. Johnson, kirk bear..
All haters must contain a PoStageStamp, to use on Um
Mt. 4CiEIIigTON.
Dr. Johns= member of the4eyel Colima of Butgeqw
Louden, graduate from One Of 'toe Minh eminent 'Colleges
of the toiled states, and the greittesa of 'whole 'lift •
an. boon spent in the Hospital* of London, Farts,. Phila.
ddirtue and elsewhere, bee ellikited some of the menus.;
Mashing cures that were ever known. Many, troubled
with negiug in the ears and head when asleep; giitat nat.'
ii.urises, being alarmed at sudden sounds; bashfulness'*"
sith 'rowan!. blushingiattanthat sometimas witltdsranae.
Weill of mind were cured Immediately,
...arenas; all Maas *lib towing hijurect thaui;'
'elec. u, prrvxte out Ilithllgeholho, that thisril
mid dolcuiry paint arbligi gulps iwtitt hody, Intuil i otni
doing them for eittior buitinestior abobily. ,
Thee, are some ' r Rio ell'eutolio
duCeCl toy early habits ciF youth,' "'Ai W kneeivethe
!Lek and Limbs Paina in dm ,Reed,.Dimuesa ot. AEA
Lem of Pow,er,.Paipltpulqn 01, tho Snarly Dy,s,
peptic, Nervosa Irritability, berationwitor a te Divistlitva,
Facetious, General bobillty, alywytottiu of`
den, Bt.
Mutual, the hiarhil unlade on the ndnd ire innehlti
Le aruadoil :—Lees liemory, Coahuila& of Ideas, De.
pression or Bpirius, F0reb0411411,41/0111100 U 1010018•
ty, twit-distrust, Love of Solitude, pmidity,he., are time
evil effect.
Thu112411(111 ul persona of all ogee, II now judge what
Ls the came of tuelr decline La health, Wein their vigor,
becomilig weak , pia; nervous end 0111=}100,, Dalai •
singular appearance about the eyes, dough, and . amp
1119 Of cousumption.
ho have Injured themselves 'b ' a certain practice, In
dinged Yu when alone--a habit frequently learned from
et a zompanions, or at.wheel, the althea of which an
tightly felt, even when *sleep, and if not cured, renders
marriage impossible, and . destroye both mind and body,
should apply ImMedlately.
What i pity that a young man, the hopes ot his eons
lay, the darling of Ma parents, should he snatched trots
ail prospects and enjoyments 0/ life by the comisquonoes
of devatlang from tee path of nature, and indulging in a
certain secret habil. SuMpersons must, before contain/
effect that a sound mind andbody are the most emceeing,
renuisitee to promote connubial happiness. Wised
without thee, the journey through life becomes a pearl
pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darken to the view; tht
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the
melancholy reflection that the happiness at another be.
conies blighted with our own.
I By this peat and important remedy, weaknesspf thi
Organs are speedily eared, and hill vigor restored.
Abowninds of the meet . perms and debilitated:NM
had lost all hope, lave been immediately relieved. All
Impediments to Marriage, Physics! or Menial DieqoalUl
cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakome or Exhimilloi or
the most fearful kind, speedily cured.
The many thousands cured at this Instiution within the
loot twelve years, and the numerous Important Surgical
operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the ra
porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices ol
which have appeared again and again before the public,.
betides Air standing isit a
r e,iesuss mares* s a d
niornitabs, in a sufacient q
uar t a ntee to the inflicted.
DISEASE& OF IIdPRUDIENOE.—When the misguided
and imprudent votary of pleasure dads be has imbibed
the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens Umt
an illdlined sense of shame or dread of discovery deter,
61m from applying to those who, from education and re.
apectability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con.,
stitutionai symptoms of this horrid dusease make their
appearance, abating the head, throat, nose, skin, no,'
progrosotng on with frightful rapidity, tall death pats a.
mice to his dreadlul auderings by sending libn to omit
bourne from whence so traveler returns: , It Is a met,
unholy that that thousands tall victims to this terrible
amuse, owing to the unskilluiness of ignorant pretend
en, who, by the use of that deadly potion, mercury, rats
the constitution and make the residue of lite miserable,
To Seitssoans,—The Doctor's Diplomas bang in hi
iffiy•Lettets meat contain a Stamp tops on the reply.
Sirliemedlee sent by Mall.
a ISNo. 7 So ly uth Frederick street, Baltbnore.
Field, Camp; and Hospital Frantic%
S. D. GROSS, M . D
may 24
(Near Me Harribu t y- Bridge.)
ePb 1.•2§• Wills a lot of fine OOMKERCIAL NOTE
Wille we willaell at ith.2s per ream.
Sthlsil per ham for NOTE PAPER, decorated with
the host and very handsome emblems and
=dam. for 1000 WHITE ENVELOPES
"Ise with
patriots) emblems, printed in two oohs's.
na nsAlonal wedmil.
otoss PV cgo.;
D. W. GROSS & CfQ,
NO. 19
%Nre are daily 'adding to our assortment of
goPds all. spch articles as are desirable, and
wciuld respectfully call your atention to-the
laigest and best selected stock in this city,, of
Dp,IIGS, oßagonp & PAINTS,
Oils, varnishes and Gins, . ;
Dye•Staiffs Glass and Putty,
. Artist Colors and Tools, • '
• '• Pure Ground Spices; •
• , .
darning Fluid and diaoholA • •
i Lard, Sperm and PlnaGlls,
' •
•1 j Bottles,:Vittlatuad Lamp Globes,
. .
Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks,
disc., dca, am, dse, &al; ace.
With a gondol mOitity of "
seteeted from the best man i tifaoturers and Per
ttimers of Europe and this country.
1. , Being very hirgi dealers in '
PAINTS, WHITE raw, . '
laxszmn OIL; ttuannark
- ( • ' ' (X)LOBS,'PAINI . AND f
ooport4 AND BRON'EfIS
, : :OF ALL KINDS, • '-, • i
° '
..k U % ''' %
, ,; - r
, a _..
. •
We respectfully invite a'call, feeling, confl
dent thakwe dale - Briptatthi ova on
4rms to their satisfectkon.
Of all kinds, iilieOL from Ittieroprietors.
paponifier, and, = aoucentrated Lye
*helseale Agents for Eisponifier„whieh we sell'
as low is it male 'imreikawid.hi'.6Woltlee.
our, oir, dtutßox otb 1 ,
eib4 large Purehfieentin t h ese. cap We 010
offer inducemente , to close buyers. (Joel Oil
pimps of the most linproved patterns, very ,
plump. Ail kinds of lumps clanged to bunt
Coal Oil.
'ose of you AO have nottivea oat HOB
AND CATTLE POWDEES trhd know not
their Ruporiority, and the advantage they are
in keeping Honig and dattlehealthy and in
g.xfd L condition:
Thousands can - testify to the Prat they have
derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by
the increasing quitnkity and Ipality of milk,
besides improving the general bealth.and ap
pearance of their Cattle. • .
Our long ex petiole° in the business glvettps
the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the
trade, and our arrangements in the cities are
such that we can in a very short time furnish
anything apperiXinhig to our ' k i ndness, on the
, •
test of terms.
Thankful for the liberel paixonagel*ibmied
on our house, we hope by stunt attention to
business, a careful selection of
et t fokr Floes, end
~the desire to *see all, to
traitatontinuance of the a dieorlia
itia"ocbilid. . . , •
' Orrice Szcaataav OH Tine QduiCeiwaiddll, I . •
tiarrisburg, Sept: 18, 1861.
'"prcivisiona tone shot
I •
militia or volunteers ahaLL be in actual servid& ,
it the time of the general election?, are publislit
ed: tfie Benefit of `thdes athseng bl'lN:iinsyr-
V aitia to whom they may apply in connection
With 'the general election to lin held on. the
!aid Tuesdey of October, S.D. 1861:
Whenever any of the, citizens 4 of pis „Dom,-
quidifiall hereldbelfOrii
shall be in any actual military service in sky
detachment of the militistorderps of voltinteed,
under iii-regabiltionfroni , .tho President of the
Crated States, or by 'the authority of this com
monwealth, on the day of the general eledige,
aa-tifordold, aucit 'Chiron , may the'
right of dilflage it 'such Phitigii as may , be ap-
punned by the cbinuautimg.ellicer of troop,
or dimPtiny, tei'Vehieti they, shall respectively
belong, as fully as if they *era jaded; at
the wadi place of
Pewit/0, Thin,
no member company, shad'
be permitted tO 'diceat 'the place - a appoint - cd;
it at the time of such election liti shall. ire With
in ten indeti'of the place at Which he Would be
endtled W vote , sefilkiris;aioie4id:
The pruceedigtiluectailicpni dieheliteitoid
Aal bedi far as *4lmsix:eta the .
sour us are herein diredied iii the case of gen
oral elections, einsiiit dihi die; aptithi or dim
witMg onion of each company or troop :shah
act'itio jtiuge, and thi4; thti first lieutenant or off
neer amnia in diamond; atoll act as inspector,;
at such election, so far as stall relate to each
company or troop; and )in clime 'of.'46 neglect
or rings: al of sues olifeers,ot eithe r` them, to
serve ih,suela dipacity, the cilliceita'• officers nett
m dommand, iu did& company" tidip, shall
. .
act. as judge or inspector as :the case may be.
Thu otramr.auutordeil to perform the duties
ol judge, shall a 'l nee lister the proper oath or
aittriuto;n ; to 01, 3 '1.4w, who sha#4 -act
sixkuo'r, ano' d ad' *Won Willi& `othcor `shair Have
odsu sworn or Mimed, he shall administer the
proper oath or Amputation to the placer whose
duty it "be to iitit titigt,'and,"&tich Mar'
achug as judge ehailiaplielate two Vaxiuhal io act
as clerks, and !shall atiministor to them the
jupper , oaths or dOirdlo4o/18.
:1:110 E4V611l cancers authorized to conduct
such elections shall take the Oath' or Air:
matioins, shall haVe trukiik.e" peiwati; likid they,
as Weil 'al ether 'Perika Who may atteind, vote,
or otter to vote, at girth 'electlial, Wall be aub
ject to the like penaltieti and restrictions as are
declared or provided in this act, in the CAN' Of
duodena bythe'cithresis their'. usual'
Within .three days after' stich 'eleetion, the
judges, thereof shaft , `respectively • trawidt
thibugh the neareat'post caw, a return thereof
fogad/xi with the ttekete, tally lists of vote* -to
the prothonotary Of the count,' subli
'electors would- have voted, if not. n military
'service. And the 'add Jude:B'Blnd' transmit
another return of such election to the"com
mending dilicer the'regiment or battallion,'
as the cane may be, who shall make a general
return under tea hand and seal, of 'the votes' of
all' the companies Or'tteopsnatier'his"oomiatind
and bh*.transmit t the 'seine through - the near
eat peat office to the sextrehuy of the' common-:
wealth. -
It Mall be' the duty .tot tha prothonotary of
the county, to whoni such returns !dud be made,
te'dellYer to the jtidgei 'of the Mane
county, a copy certified, under hiihaid add seal,
of the return of 'ratite ea 'transmitted to him by
the judges'of the election in the COMpania Or
troops aforesaid.
Ine return jtulges'of the - prolier co unty or
counties, in which the volunteers - Or n2ilitia
men aforesaid may have resided 'at the time of
being called into. actual service as aforesaid,
shall meet on the second Tuesday' hi November
next afo3r the election. And When tw,o or
more counties are connected in the eleatiOn;
the meeting of the' judges ' from each` oeinity
;shall tie posVened hi such case nntil 'the IrV
day following the said second Tuesday in NO
The 'return judges so nil, shall
. include'in
their enumeration the votes so ' returned apd"
thereupon shall proceed in all i9sPe?,tB.3!l the
rummer as is provided 1 ac t , 11,1
the'all the votes shall have
,been at
thit place td sleotion.
ciimmonw6l446. -
911eitisati, P.
i• •:-; Aug;i% ige Y
d L
DIBECTION of tho,:prookipa • Of 7 the, AIN United States, volunteer regiments" or
parts of Regiments accepted, directly ' by. the
War Department from Pennsivaniw, either with
or;Without arms, equipments or uniforms;;are
to be forwarded at once to Washington. , Their
commanders will therefore Immediately
to 'these headquarters; stating 'the number : 'of
Mtn and the Station froni Which•th4 are 'to be
taken, that''tiansixortation may - be, furnishe d them without delay. By order of
GPvernor and CPi." 6 F,11 1 ,0 1- 04e •
Casio BrDDLa, A . : 6. .
• - • Exiximirs DsPairinairr, i
; • FLuuussuao, Sept; 8; 1861. f
-1 Nolpardon will" be grati:ed-until notice of
the applicatidn therefor shailligice ben& trbhiii
by publicatioreonca. a week for two anksectitive
weeks in a nisWapaptsr printed in the; County' hi
Which the conviction wit had. 7
. 2. No pardon will be granted =dent notice
the application therefor Quill bavelielni glued
'the District Attorney of the proper County.'
B.' No pardon will be 'granted without
ixonsulting the Judge who - presided at the trial
of the patty: > By order of the , Gtmernor. '
' • ELI- &NEB,
" 840 1 7 Ot Com.' •
, • I • • - Haan Quorums, .1
- • ' • - HommunnicipEept. 9, 18614
A BOARD OF , 13URGIMNS ler the exanrina-
Lion of candidates for the post of Burgeon
gnd Surgeon's mate in the Pennsylvania troops,
Will assemble in- Harrisburg, at the Hall: of Ile=
resentatives, Wednesday, Oct. 2d, 1861, at 9
m, when and where all desiring appoint-
Menlo will present themselves. • •
By order of the' GOvernor. ,
selo-Btaw ' - Surgeon General, Penn's.
IUE trNIARsIGNED having etubebtlied
tae Lutz Buq.utiOu is grapiest" to tiirfigh to
rbeteartkile utrittOrt not elp, laidllit ikeieWeilt, .0101111
4611 1 C. klermilu tie Ow untie. e mieteoute es *we
1.11.:;41P14, ::: 4 7 'z-1 :
~ , ; .* -:, ,, ri,1i ''. 3C74/4ict r'NE,,
.18 Beau regard Dead?..
The Cincinnati Commercid of last Tuesday,
contains the following under its editorial head:
A gentlemin who his left New Orl,um a few
days since, yesterday handed us the condriuni
'Cation widen appears under this •headink in-an
other . column:' : ia thoroughly convinced
, that Beauregtud is dead, and is confident.that .
his information is from sources of the most
trustworthy character. Ve are of' the'bpiniort
that be has been ' n - mialtxl by persons Sher have
drawn upon their 'imagination for the facts.—
it is certain, however, that a rumor. of Beanie
ganf a death has given Ilse to Mitch gossip in
New Orleans'. The Binithern mind is in 'such a
condition, fed as ivinta liesmby thoWUdastSan
cies, and "vr:ropgittnp to a plink. - ortimtdittent.
bordering upon insanity, and , there is nu story,
. however Improbible, that is not credited, and
••trilles light ail air" afford "coat/illation strcink
,ail proof oPholy writ."
The communication , referred ,to is as -fol
lows : . , •
Penult me through the winning of your
paper-`to make thaw/ova ininouncenient, =ic id,
mckied, true that the rebel general is no more;
hb died scsnettuee weeks since in ,the.eity of
New torlanis, Louisiana:
IHOW I 'beaten aoquainfkd with this Aiot;
,muit, in a greattiieasure, be'hidinin• trim then'
.pubito,,imit *Mild involve many persons stilt
pidigui to remain lathe south, great, dan
ger. In taCi they would 'oda their lives werp.l.
. /Ai divulge the 'natio 46v/di by which r ub
taitkednapinformstibm; - • • "
;By some strange ketone or other, ;the iname
of Beituvrati, carries with
.it At great mond
force:. both north mid solidi: . I cannot conceive
way, 'for he, ccrtaihly,-Vse ti men of 's,uPe
dor ability ; but he did obtain art influence so
great, that the: north feared him more than any
other,man in the puatioti rebel rauks; and the
south Wiped more front
.him than any other
pe r son of their traiter 4 hordis. 'Therefore
NW to the rebels , is irreparable, -as `
-tending , txi
dtdifefrten their army; .while it- necessarily
'Would be of advantage to ' the Union cause.
If it'were'generally known that - their ablist
leader watt 'dead, the hoped of cher:moats would
die also, and one half or the great: battle for the
Union, would . by acatoutolialhO Merely by, the
diffusion ot this knowledge.
• Thus t `am anxious to give publicitY to thii
fact, hnbWing it must have a good effect." Add
tile, Confederates are equally anxious to have it
kept secret, as its pronllgatiou would be tern -.
• iieraintentil to their interests. . According
tO their own report; the bursting of a shell kill
ed Beauregard's honk), and also the homes of
two of his aide—and I saw exhibited in a shoP
window, in New,Orittens, a piece. of. identical
shell which did all this mischief; The bursting
of a shell whit ( h would so Many horses
Inuit doionie hann. to - the Eiders.
Now for the facts. -
440 W days atter the battle of lifanamas, , Dr.-
Stone, of New Orleamk the most thstinghished
surgeon in the Southern Country, and named
Surgeon. General' in the Confederate army; wee
called to Virginia, ostensibly for the purpose of ,
superintending, the , stugical. operations them,
but really attend personally to the cane of
&mansard himself, who was severely wounded
in several a places by fragments of altell;•two
'pieces, of winch it became tmpossible td ex.trabt;
so glaUrelP/r4l beilK dP 111 0.t9,41, of his.
'wounds; ,was brought to'New Orleans as private
ly as pianible—it merely being known" Chat a
wounded soldier was being carried to his home;
no one suisPectillif it was BiggiVegard•
Dr. Stone accompanied him and managed to ,
have him taken to his house by night. Neyep
theless there were eyes which saw' this Opera ;
don. For several' subsequent 'nights, four of
the :mos& skillful physicians of New Orleans ,
Were seen to enter beauregard's house- r remain
some time- r and then, stealthily depart. On
inquiry, it was,,stated that .ope,of the servants
.wes,sick, but in a day or, two the same servant
was seen the itreet,' and yet the physiciand
still paid •their nocturnal vidits to the house, al
usual.:. Further inquiry elicited. • the fact that .
Beauregard lying at the 'point of death:; , a,
day Or , two farther on the delegation of phyttl
dans ceased their tails, and one night a body'
Was carried out and surreptitiously (Awned 'of.
That was. the end of the famous , Beauregard.
lie has fought his last battle. Ball Ann finish-
He died.on the 80th of August. s.T.,left New
Orleans,on:the 4th of September. I.could not
Safely remain' thank; any longer. . The above
facts maybe relied om. , .I.have.received them
freehand). reliable sources .that. I have not
ihadow of doubt of their authenticity. Before
I lett, the news was.prettymidely, circulated iii
the city, notwithstanding.the :endeavors of the
Confederates lb keep it a-secret. Not a word
has been said on' the: any of the pa
pers—onthe contrary, they publish, every day
or .two something •abont-.t4e movements Gm. Bliamegaitl, just as though he were:Wily--
in GeneraLt , ; . •
Thus it will be seen that the wholesale sys
tem of lying has been thauguntted by the Con
federate traitors_from Jeff. Awls down. The
kW. of Beauregard,- of course,- had a: ffiscrarrag
ing'effeet on hisnneni .and this accounts for
their making premora out of thediaiumruna re-'
treat of the .United Buttes army. y: The truth is;
there wasa panic in the-rebel army, and they
.were nytking glxidtheir escape long before the
'Federal army cortinatatced their inglorious re.
'treat, after a most glorious victory.. -
I I have delayed the - publination of this good
hews BeVeral days, , fearing it. might exasperate
"the Confederates and 'make them more intsoleiikt
to Union men coming N..xtit than they are now,
:which'God knows is 'bad enough at the present'.
As it Would be impossible lu . keep. the..`rievis
!of the death of Beanregard secret for any great
}length : of time (although they have a ceneor
;thir over their pretia; and no soldier in crimp
is permitted to write a letter home to his
friends without lwelienting it for examination
to >his officers) undoubtedly. the programnie
;would have been, (had I not, or some one else,)
Interfered with their calculations by this dis
closure) to have it go - ferttf' -- that Beauregard
should' command at the nett great battle - -be
killed, his body transported to New Orlegna;
'making the necesatry exciting:a there, So as to
have to have the zeal body of .the traitor Gene=
rat, have a great paradeat his funeral etc., etc
All this must now be cluinged. Ther tun per
fectly Welcome to the theistarice f bane rendered
them in relation to oneofi. their traitor crew.
would to God I could sarwith equal truth that
every. one of the secession scoundrels - through-
Out the rebel &atm had also bitten the dust or
stretched the hemp. They elf deserve the pi
'Fate's (loom. . .
BY the Pony Baratta — , we have San'Frandeco
dates to the lth init. ' The Statd election totat
place on the 4th, fin' in intense anaietY
ed . .. Bimini pittlable that" ilia 'Beiztthlicaini,
i nathar . s ., :Rh " mo ik
: 27.01ii577.4 rf.j.# 11777:41 4 , 11
4'; V) P7:41 , 1" -^ n 11 . ; sfkei
BY ... - ~ , ...
ly : TILE ~. ~ •
'tunas• na
Tiltpcirtant -Chang" in the !'avy
. _
lotlifttons for l'osltlono' In th e 'Navy:
. . i; ..41
1 0 3 :E PAY 9*. Tik* BOLPZE.#IOp
liortions of iheir Pay. for the 'Benefit .
of thefr Vw34lles.
tax I.IORANGZ Airosanci:
a; :ijy.: ~y
Wearinvorr, Sept. 19
4 The Navy 'Department has accepted. propo6i
*we trona Klemm .0.13 Buehnel & C0.,.0f New-
Sven, , hittrick & I3one, of Philadelphia and J.
lrriaschn, of .Nevit.York, for the nonetraction of
ikon clad vessele.......t •
; Within a few days the• Navy Department has
matie,some °banged in, the talkers of its squad.
rens. :
.oept: Wm. W. McKean, of the Niagara,
, •
bps bac% appolutecl Downing-ler in the Gulf in
place cif . ilapt.o., Wm. gine.... nag: °nicer
o . krineleht . having salted • b . ): relieved f r o m .
Comnumil. of the Atlantic :blockade . squad-1
r?n,l ClePt-.14. Mi., , ,Goldstimough :had , been
pbitited towneceed,him..: • , • • .
: The , 1 19.wmtrcqt,..has - been divided •and: Cept.•
RCideborough assumes command of the north
ein division, embracing: sue i coast of Virginia
141 North,Caroina: • Capt. 8. F. Dupurt has
en,appointed flag oiliest' of ,theeouthern Ate,
bautic squadron, embracing. the Coasts of South
Caroline, Gengiattind
The new fi,g tinkers-being - juniors to some -of
the Captains now oh duty other charges are
ter:dared necessary: Coninuindet filissroon has
ordered to the Savannani•vioe- 3. B. Hull
,deteehed. i Capt. Marston has been detached
Gom the OunibellanG and Ordered to the stew* i
,fligate loanoke, •vice Capt:Niehobibridetacheti.
Qapt.•Chaunoiy has been detacheirfrem theßus
quauma andOeptlaninar appointedto the
goininander , Charles =H. ‘Davie has beende
&clad froni43ocial : duty :at the: Navy de
rti KO:anted 'captain of-the ficiell of the
dootJteril - Atlantic 'squisdrotz 4' oonzaiszider
'PetclvalDsayttort'luar , been ordered to apeofel
'duty on tithe Southem iatlautib squadriten-it'
Lieut. •Chis: Rodgem• - has 'beano cirderiki
the linitraisStates steam ::the
flagship; of .the: southern , Atlantdc squadren
Conimandex J.I W Livingston htia been ordered
fp•4l.liw Cumberland, vice "Captain -Marston
trtunifetred. "Commander,WM. Smith has been
ordered itO the :United - Stated frigate Cinigresii.'
Commander iPendergrast has 'Wert - apponded
Commandant 4 of the Philadelphia' navy yard.
Commander .A. 8. Baklwin has been ordered 'to
the-receiving ship at Boston. Conimarider
M. Franey has been ofdared to ;the Pidlsidel-1,
ibis rendezvous. Conontinder ThOinaii Turner
has lawm detadhedt from the Philadelphia ribi
desivons and• Ordered 'to the= Philadelphia' navy .
Applications for positions as volunteer lieu
inants,--tiding masters and Madera mates'
shouldatittethe ages of the applicants and be'
liclempaided, by certificates 'God the - hiit own
ers'ofnlie vessels; end also froniihe ierveral
imderifiiters of the poste wheiainthe applicants
luive severally sidled; none others -win be con
:iddeted-at the-Navy Depertment. ' ' -
An order was issued 'froin the War Depart-
orient to-day"' directing that the Military pe
pii:riment of Ohio wi l in Inture consist of tha
State of that name, Indiana, and so' much of
Kentucky is lies viitningain miles of Cincbp
miti, and be under the command'Brigadier.
General Mitchell of the United , State s vulant
leers. 'TM; headidarters of the Said department.
to tie located ai Ulic*ttti:
So much of 1 4iginia as lies west of the Ai*
Ridge 'mquiLpiiiwill i coriscitute in future a sepk,
raw command, to be called tne pepartment of
Vestern Virginia, under the Command of Brig.
'perL/inicnsns; heicignartemin the field.
, The_WAr Department haainmed an 'order to
',cr_isrrintoJetiect;the larv,of Congress by which,
'l2 ol 4iuteliciOYAseigtv PctArma their. .paY for,
the twinehteittheir **km ,The , autiPullet4 ,
bt entered 04 nstparate roll aCoording ;to,
g.xescribable fona :.'huder , the teipervision of.
their immediate commands at the time . : of ..en
14ttheut,— The, roll is to be transmitted , to the
Paymastor. General, who will makelhe ,dednot
titons on each pay roil, and the ! Paymaster : sot
the regiment will transmit the money for,dis n
tribetion to those in•whose favor, •the aniign
jnenkis execute& , . • ,‘„
~The attention.of officers of, the regular army
is again directed to that motion., e act of.
congress which provides that in all cases of en
listment and re-enlistment in the military ter,
vice, the:presodbed oath may be. administered
by any .sommissitmed officerof the arn2y.. Fees
to civil cdkentfor snchearvicea will not. thero.l
fore be admitted.:l
- Another anny,order isas follows
°Siert tent tette recruit 'for. their , tughttekti
will brnignutted,psuett &Or the roads + lepiing #p,
tits leintli*Orlthit thersite`ionlio4i
Mould the route lie over raids for which suohpass-
BB are not granted they will impald 'their actual
tratilling erpenses outOf the fund Ihr recrtdang
and equipping Volttnteets:, St i In best Will'
they receive the ten cents per rah;
the transportation of baggage. TXtejrp are In
ifiances in which free passes have been issued,
'and this amount drawn for the same4liblitnee.
In all such cases the officers are requested tette
fund the amount drawn,. on the penalty of be.
ing stricken from the rolls. •
An Is quiet here to.daY.
The Government has about xieterrnined
form a Fire Bilge d° for this city, and it is pro_
bable that the servings Of those Philadelphia
Steam Are engines .that hays been aimed will
be fiat accepted. : „
,Charles; H.`, Foster, the -boos , tfiljon
Chapman/an from : Hckth Carolina,, Las made
'inquisitions on the Henn for . supplies of iltsgug
icy, , usual with otherCongrimmu.
_Hut t
case is exposed by Mr. Etheridge,,t,healerli4
the House.
- Some uniformed negroes, attached to the New
York regiments as servants, tee , haie. been re
qUired to remove their ,uniforms.
' The fialtfinore thli Jae Qtariathe i
Maryland traitors, appears today as er=l
journal, under 'the name of ''r. 24W
Russell, of the London 25nsw, 18 reporb3d to
have goni West, on ti shouting tour. Adore
probably he has gone to report events at the
western seat of war.
Col. T. G. Morehead, late commander of the
Twenty-aeixind Pennilliania regiment, has been
appointed Colonel of the Fiftnregiment of Col.
E. D. Baker's brigade.' '
Troops have arrived here 'more rapidly this
weigletlian d eVer before. - The niim d need' not
be stated, but it is very large. - '
cireat Battle at Lexington, Ifo.
Logs of the 10he1 Troops iteperte
• 4,ooo.lreieiiii 1408 i 800.
Two couriers lave just arrived tram Le siag
tot,' With the fullowhig intelligence; whiciat is
liellovedby the'domnutnding officers era lD be
in tiie main reliable
General Puce oomnienoed the attack. at%
entinnetunente at Lexington, on Monday:10010-
mi oihit4'f t idi Ohriminder: Of th e °Federal
pev made a- Agorgs defepee, and tlie 4ght
ail day was very severe. Throughout the *AY
GeneialTriteausulted the woriat, but were
it444i.i.4,0 1 3at /M.
The fighting was ;mewed on T4ua*37. !i an - .
ing,l but , the assardt was feehlysostained when .1
,cosriers left. General Lane was at Johns
*tie Crlinkr°
drousand to three thousand, marolung to Abbe
relief of Lexington.. •• ; • , • ,
The rebel late on Monday le said tb be 4;009,,
and that of. the Federal troops 800,1 rat tbl lir
probably an exaggeration.
All Work Promised in One Week
-104 L.
Xi t 11 , V A E'T
104 Market &reel between 49iesidtwer,
(Al HUE every desoriptien'of
itio th'ist"*l ' .9" ErnoVrito"'"'
-movs44 ,1.,
Between: Pliiaselbhia
Leen Have, Jimmy • *in, N nii fmrblr;` ' litm;
.IblienVAVe r WeiWkirt9wAs MAIM, ;LAWlallkblea.
Noaxeusterauare, renew, Turcuron,
• GnikeennefisriLinesemsws,4lnzeile.. ' •
: ' B U BE 4 P i t7 ga w ,
The VhDidelpfkie Depot being centrally lite"
'Muti& will be at the toweet rotes. ' diatudieSor
011.011 tram to Wend to the arts detlVny,
1/1 igbods entrusted to the line. Geode delivered lithe -
Deport)! • : • .
'FREED, wino & N0.,811 Nark as Meaty
tietyhia, bye o.olooir. PAL, belottveredl raft. i
HulUborg. the uqt , fsgraing ,
Freight werve) os !ow as by any other use.
Pernander auention paid by tniit. One ,ta.o.toultninnn
!speedy delivery of al. Harrtsbur Gait. .„ • t
The undersigned thankful for past:patron% inibeiner by
ariet astantion to bestow. to menu 4 COIN. lskomp• of We
• T. Pilitra -
Philadelphl.4 and itioliot.' •
Pea of Ibtritee •;tr, , e . I rt. born.
ALI) 41.111; '
OFFICZ-11111tatrittiCET, (SLIJELL'S . IOIO .
: Ratiikna / . 0A610141 street near ,Fa {/4,
. * iirrr or Eusenomoo, niNit ketrft`" , s 4 +4: 1
-1412-dtt '-• 'Ail 14)
t rN consequence - of th e atta t i
el.n.p, one at. arm of '.1:6 • Cesob b'.
iUd is bere.ry opv, , a tho the **taw 40.4, 4 1. 4 a. r ist
the bonds of ti e surrtrtug partner. ail waists Itseir
„log tbecoselyes to be lb teat d to-tbo loteteres, andill
those having olaima, wilt praeor, th,nn Only anitanuke
„a, for seteeteeke.
Ertrvtrhts partner.
k •uBl•duxWßts
(inuatimur 11113111MUlta same..)
11M0 Sl' . 1 1•1" VELo P ES.
NIVr P22Piß.'of 'BliiiitfOrealtleikils,
ar4 c ited
Printed fn twO sofit-bythe maw
m y um" resuracCigty aukk . _., ~..
- 445211Z1A, ~. TIVSTO ° 1 1 3 1 4 .
' xt ,l 4 aT•l4*',l,..)viiPlaiMMO4oloo4lll.
j z i nnut o m
NO 110 E.