•.. . . , . TELEGRAPH . .. . . ._• . •:, -_ . . . . . .... . , „ . . . . . .• ... :: -:, , ' ':. •• .. ' . . . . . . . . Ag • . . , 4 . , . ,a _ ~, ' ' • ' '. : - , ..r . s .. • . - . . . . . • . - . . , . • •• • . . . . . , - • • 40 .oiiii' ~ . f•- . ' .. . '...111r 4 . • - 7 • --. - - ',..... Nip ... Ir , .., ' . ''. -.". . , . ' . -,... .. ;..."00r _ ~...41 , --------------- ' E - - - ._. --- ir . •.' r , . . . • i . .• . . i •- . 1--, a . i• . .. . . . •.,,..:. , . BY GEORGE BERGNER IStbital. 1)R, . JOHNSON 13196.TATINECINUEll LOCK HOSPITAL. 11 A 8 discovered the most certain, speeds and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. MITT m OLT TO TWILTI ROOM, No Mercury or Ilia:lour Drugs 'WACO'S WASSRAMILD• or tta CHARON, 11l nog Ong To Two DATC - g. Weakness of the Book or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Leine, Ailed.'One of the lathier' and Bladder, Organic weakeess, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physics` Pow. ore, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Confuelon.ol dewy reit Dation of the Eleart,Timatity Trembling's, bump. of Sight or Biddiuss, Dolease of the Stomach, Affections of tne Hoed, Throat, &se or Skin—those terrible Muir dare ensiug Dom We indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—time dreadful and detaructive practises which produce, ennsiiintionni debility, render marriage impooL Obis, and destroy both body and Mind. 0 YOUNG KM." Young wen especially who have 'become the .vlotima of selititry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whisb oheueily sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men or the most entailed talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have, entranced 'llateniug M Senates with the enders ofelyquence, or waked to eie. bay the living lyre, may call "kb oontldenma I[eRSIAQS.; gurrlrd persons, os theft contemplating iiaarriap, be 'eg aware of physical weakness,. should immediately ow. Jolt Or. J., and, be restprod.tofertePl! '• • ORGANJO WEAKNIE • hamediately Lira! arid fun *or restored. Ltd who places himself under the care of Dr. J, may religiously Gonads in his honor as ri gentleman, and see, ideally rely upon his skill as a physician. • gir-Olfice No. 7. South Frederick street, Baltimore, He., on the left hand' kM going hem Baltimore street, tours irom the corner. Be particular in observing the awe or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for frorata Trifiang Quooki, arlth false names, or Pahry liumbug berrala, attracted by the repute. dos of Jr. Johnson, ler near. all letters must contain a Forageßbunp, to use on the reply. DB. JOHNSTON.., pr. Johnsen member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Loudon, graduate from one of the meat eminent Oollegai of the United States, And the greatest, part of WNW life bus boon spent to the Hospitals of London, PUMA, Phila. - dolphia and elsewhere, Ime elfeoted aeme oLtha most*, welshing cures that were ever known. Rani . troatilial with ringing ln the edit and head when Asleep, grea!: net: being Warmed at nuddel sounds, titaahfalness, watt irequent blushing,attended [sometimes with eehwite• 'brut of mind were owed Immediately,: . . WM PARTICULAR NOTICL sl t• or. j. aufiressei all tbooe•who'bititin'iltddiiiii them. saheb by prenate soddodiroper biddgoiloiss, that *Orel and solitary uaint which tutus both body and mind, on. lining Weep for either buignetiaor Noddy. flu,. 6,01 some elite lad and melancholy au. ota pro duen uy early habitat' of youth, VIZ WesiMess of We ikcv elle Limbs, rains in the Head, Dimness of Lobe or Musoalar rower, Palphatioa,of tee Bout, Dys peolEl, Nervous itritablllty Derangement of the Digestive Vuettious, General Debility, Symptoms of Lionsuinp. dos, dm MENTALLY. IIIiTALLT, the fearful drools on the mind aro mush to be dreaded :—Lose of Memory, Confusion of Ideas De pressica of Spirits, EVO. Forebodings, aversion,toblimie iy, fletf•distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity,aie., Ammo of the evil emu. Thousands of pinions of all ages, can now ledge what is the cause of their decline In health, losing their vigor, aesuming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, Intie siuguiar appearance about the eyes, cough, and aymp• ma of tionsumption. • YOUNG who have insured theihedves by a certain practice, in noised in when alone—a habit frequently learned Irma etll ZOmpaniolie, or at school, the ening of which are alghtly felt, even when asleep, and if net cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the Popes of bin cone. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatened trom all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consegneaesa of devuutug from tee path at nature, and indulging in a °erten secret habit. hiu %persons must, before conten. plating ntARRL&GB, affect that a sound mind and body are the moat neoessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through lire becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and lilted with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. conies blighted with our own. DN. JOHNSON'S] INVI IO SORATi WSOJINESS RIIMEDic MR Oil OAN. t „My this great and Important remedy, Wetanesazot the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored, 1' housands of the most nervous and debilitated whe bad lost all hope, have been immediately relieved, All Impedimenta to Marriage Physical ur Memal Disqualiii oatinti, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or NAhaustion Or the most kneel kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGtRB The many thousands cured at this ins tintion within the last twelve years, and the numerous important dermal. 'somehow' performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re• porters of the papers, anti many other penioue, notices 01 which have appeared again and again betore the pablki, betides his standing as a gentleman of Marcieter end re. Weateddr, is &sufficient guarantee to the Whined. DISTAOfd OF IMPRUDENCL—When the Wanted and imprudent votary el pleasure duds be ban imbibed as the seeds of tills painful disease, it too ofteniseove happens Mat Wainted sense of shame or dread of dry deter* hint from applying to those who, from education and re epatabillty can Mann berriend him, delaying till the rea • stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make then appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, akin, arcsprogressintion with frionful rapidity, MI death pats a period to his dreadful andertngs by sending him to "that bourne from whence ho traveler returns." li is a met. alloholy toot tout LLlOUtaLulli tall victim to this LOrraina disease, owing to the uwecilluluess of ignorant pretead ere, who, by the use of that dwells pews, tureens rula the constitution and make the residue ef Ilia nusessag , e. To Orlaselas..—The Doctor's Diplomas bang, tn his ems.. air Leiters moat contain a Stamp tons on the repllN inrltemedlea sent by Mail. WNo. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. sellidawly J UST PUBLISHED, A MANUAL MILITARY SURGERY HINTS ON l'llt KIIIMIGENOINS Field ! Camp, and Hospital Practice. 8. D.. GlAc!ss, M. D Pitman 01 IOMOl= IN 71131071,3118011 11:1111143&L 00111131 ramuyarliu. For sale at BERGNIUMCIELEAP BOOKEITORS. May 24 18 CHBFFBR'8 BOOK STORK ! Weer Ma Ho :iliftty ... , jiridc) tali/ - ,-- IiffItIVED from the .2.§.. tell n a lotof fine oom NOTX eau w e eell at $1.21i pii6rea WC per ream for NOTE PAMIR, decorated with the Isla* and very baudecnie °bible= aad 'endemic swage. • . . Sa.Bo far eamer' mmuipitt; Atitideel line Pigtail embismamortmici la amp iamactetitig. ' Sir) 44 4 44 1 1 . URI la ' Iti: tlf: ..!„41.r0z0 & ' go., - ---------,-:----- _:=__ --,. ,":T 11,.. . '..'., :--,_- - 7 -;---, ......., Aller,":, ' ' --. -- '... -- 7 .--- *- , L 3 . :. _ .;....,:".,....._...._".......N.:: DW. GROSS *& CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET IiWaISB6RG, PEIVAT'A .PRUGGHSTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of• goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call phuir- siention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, 011.01048 &PAINTS, Oils, varnishes'and Ganes. Dyedittdrs, Glassand Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, • Puii:CGroind *does, Banking Fluid ,and Alcohol,g Lard, Sperm. wad Pine.olls, Bottles, 11/lain and LafnpfidotHes, : tiketiliC 'Soap, Spionges'and;tlnrns; dos., 4se., 80., die , 810., &a, Ow. Wl* a Pm* viiFfetY °f PriainUDlY & 1 4 0ILET - A.IITICtES , selected from Gift best' tnaimfootarers and T'er , tumerenf &trope and this country. Being very large denten in penrrs, wEan LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS PAINT AND • ARPET'S TIMIS IN ALL i yEEEIR VABIFTDIS, 001/31113 , AND BRONZES OF ALL, lane, . . gi ' I:;\.\\FCAV•op 11:1 i WHoir, FiLl , .----' )9PrIAI 1 01 We respestfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all ; on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH 11 JONNEIAI4D warrEsesrov nm:!, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR II :1 'Aid kio I:ii iil 111 Di,: Of all kinds, direct , from the Proprietors.' Baponffier and Conaentrated Lye I Wholesale agents for Saponifier, whirl:Mgt) sell as low as it oan be purchased in the ()JUNI. EHLY,F I IyIk,IOI4O4, FLUID }UMW/TS COAL ozr,l wooly off, Being large puichateri in time Oile, we Can otlerieducepienfe to close buyers. Coal Lapps of the most haproTed pittterne, "ft cheap. All kinda of huitpr changed to bpti. Coal Oil. .•.. FARMERS tAiiD GRAZIERS, oae of you who have not, gives our HORSE AND 01:71.11 POWDERS a trial knOW not their superiority, and the advantage ,they are in keeping. Hones and Cattle healthy and in condition. ' , Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived froin the nee of Our Cattle Powders' by the increasing quantity "and quality of besides Improving the general health' and ap pearance of their Cattle: :Our long ex perks in the btudnees gives us thaadvantage of a thorough 119?,91ovige of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities axe each that we ma in a very ibOrt thne fornlsh anything appertaining to our business, on the . best of terms. ' ' 'thankful fox the Mang , Patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by. stilct atteloS9/ILo business, a careful selection of PIIRII DRIIIAS '444 ride., ths deihe wi144141, .. a 4 4011 # 1 4 1 9,44 1 / 9 = 414 IC 4 I. um* l uF 1 HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 'l9; 1861. -1, Nem 2Drattetments. EL.EOTION PROOLAMATION. PURSUANT to an act of the General At sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, At "An Act relating to Elections in this Comma - wealth," approved the 2d day of July, A D., one Nel, sand eight hundred and thirty-nine, .1, JACOB O. BOAS, Sheriff Of thecounty of fladvihnt, Pennsylvania, do here- . 'by make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that ah election will be held in ttuttlatit county of Dauphin, ON THE SECOND TDIEDAT 0010 BM, A. D., 1861, (being the Bth day of u.r.babe. at which time the State end County °lndere, as tel aro to be elte , eil, to wit: One persou.for esident Judge of the several of Dauphin and Lebanon roan kw for the 12th Judicial Ai- Two persons for Associate Judges et the several courts of Dauphin county. *' Iwo persons to represent the County of Daulibllt a y the Homo of Representatives. , One parson for Prothonotary and clerk of "Ikniatlion' Pleas and Quarter Sessions . Une person for County Treasurer. , • Cue person fur Register of WUts: - One &nm or County Commissioner. tine person for Director of the poor and Hoote of iirt, ploymeat. _ tine person for County Auditor. I ALSO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN AND GIVE NOTICE that the plscds ot holding the aforesaid general election in the several wards, boroughti, dotage's and townships within the county of Dauphin, are u follows, to' wit : Toe election for the P)rsi Ward In the City of Harris burg, shalt be held ,at the Piiblic School House, at tee: corder of Mary's alley and Front street. Toe election in the Second .Ward, odd be held at the weetes n waidetv.or tiered Hotel on Karr et street. The elotion for the Third Ward, shall be held, at thM School Hiiitise' in Wailful' street, between Secoi4 skid Front str et The eitunion.lk , r the Fourth:Ward, shall be held at OK Public Robed Howls in Siate.stroed, between Second god third stre,.s. - • . The election Kr the Fifth Ward, shall he het.: the boars belong to General John Forster, on the Suite road 'eating [ramie° reservoir grounds to the tistuisylvahla State aoudad Hosp ital. , The elution in . the Sixth Ward, snail be held at Ole School Medea a w est werd,berg, For. the township of Sthquenannis at Miller's (now Nis ley's) school house._ , • For the township of Lowir Stratusat the school hoise , No. 1, in Highspire. For the lownshship of Swatara at the LoCuStOrove Inn. Por the borough of Middletown at• the Brick SchiSki house,, in Pine street., in said berough. , For the township of Londonderry, at the Pliblic Ratite • of Joseph Helper, in said township: For thetownship of West Londonderry, at the housed Christian Neff, in said township • Fol. the township.of Genevrago, erected out of pasta Pi the townshlprof LondOnderry and Derry at the hotts4 Of Christian Foal, (noW Joe . S. Foltz,) in said township.' For the towostup of•Derry,,at. tie public house or:Dan iel Baum, in Rumniedstown, in said township. Futile township of South Hanoirer, at the piiblie hosSe of George Hooker,' in' said township. • yoi,the township of East Hanover, at the public hopse Uf Maj. dhell's, (now Boyer's,) in said township.. • For the'tbwashiP of West Hanover, at the public 'Wille tt 'Jacob Rudy ; (How Buck's,) in said township. For the township of Lower Paxton, at the public hole* of Robert Gfichrint, (ho* Sweigart's,) in said township., ' For the township of Middle Paxton, at the pub Itntiouse of Joseph Coakley, in said township. - For the township of Rush, at the,house belonging to the estate Of the late John McAllister; dee'd now occulibid by David. Mined in said township. , • For the township of Jefferson, at the house of Chrgigiiii Hoffman. in said township. • For the township of Joie seta, at the house now cap,- pied by John Bider, at Blider's mill, in said townshi For the township' or Halifax, at the North Ward • • House, in the town of Halifax.: For For the township of Rood, at the new School Ho Ihmenn's Island, in said township. • ,Pier thelerneugh of Millersburg, pt Frainit h ole% eh Mein's& of the %endue creek , in the bor ough aforesaid. For the township of Upper Paxton,- at the houSe of Jacob Book,' now. occupied by Samuel BlickOn township. For the township of /Min, at the public house of Mi. chael Enterline, (now Benj. Bordner,) in Berrysburi4 in said township. For the township of Washington, at the , pupil° house now occupied by Matilda Wingert,' in Said township. • For Oa township of Lykens, at-the public house of Sol omon Loudbuslager, (now Keiser) in the borough of Grats, For the borough of Grate; at the' imbibe' house of SOIO - Loudenslager, (now lielser,) in said borough. For the township of Wicenboo, at the School House No. 5, in saiditownstnp. , I also , for the information of the electors of the county of Dauphin, publish thelollowing sections of acts of -the Genera' Assembly, enacted during the session of 11168' I° wit: • WEST LONDONDERRY- Place of Maim . ~ Also. sections 1 and 8, page IDI, pam phlet Memory proved the 18th day of blanch; 1867, vis:--"That the bill. zone of the township of Londonderry, in the welt Dauphin,. thrmerly embraced in,,th&Yortamonth el on district, together with such other citizens of said -' ship residing ~west of the' pfiblics read leading from t Royal to Niesley's mill, In said township, diall her hold their general and special elections at the ho , Christian Neff; in said township." . 1 , , Sect S. That said district shall hereafter be kno • as West Londonderry electibn dilstriet.'' - ' • • ___ , "BUSH TOVlNShil_naai of Medan. Whereas the pleCe or holding the elections in the town ship of Rush, Dauphin county,wai by law at School Howie mOnber three in said township: And whereas ; there is no such. Reboot house, thprefine—Seetion 1. Be d dowded by the ' ate and Beim Of .Riamserstatives co' the ifts'"' - wersaii ef Pennsylvania in General Assembly men and' it , GENERAL ORD fiR . 4 1 ,. NO .2 , Maltby enacted by the authority if the sow, Mot - the . k . .• . . Ximixt:Quiatrane, ...P. ti.l l general and township elections el Rush Township Dauphin g err b e ____ . o eleri the ty la s ta tual jo b bn e held at th te e r ho d ium eceas tcl edi onsing n w lo ma t; ecL esla t te y .101 mug Aug. 19,1861: f Tr. DIRECTION of the Prinddent of thi David itineal. Page 83' pamphlet laws, liiiiii. - ' Mill. United States, all volunteer . regiments tor , I ohs) make known and give : nonce, as In, anti by:the Part 6 ,of „Regiments, accepted - directly I by the , "that War Departnumt from Peumaylvania;•either with lain section of the aforesaid act I am directed, every person, excepting justices of_the peace, who *ball or without arms d qu i pnto or uniforms, ore hold any office or appointment of pit& or trust underlies' ..... 0 be ferwarded,o , t , once tow mu:loom now . government of the United Staten, - or of thi s State, or any city-or incorporated district, whether a commissioned Of- i 001111110.11 - derB will therefore immediately report finer or otherwise, a subordinate ofdeer,. or. agent, wbo is to , these, lemiquartem, stating the number of or shall be employed under the legislative, judiciary; or „ Men and :the station fromwhich they:'be executive department of this State or the United State; or' ,-,~..._ that of any city or incorporated district, and also, that every . i sew. 11, , . transportation . may be - furnishe d,l member of Congreeli and the State Legieliture, and °fps them without delay. , By order of , select and common council of any city, commissioner* of A. II CURTIN ' . , any Incorporated district, is by law, ncoyable or holding Or exercising at the sauna time the Mee or appointment ~,...,._,_ , n ,______Gloveinor. An d CumuuttlAtr-in-Aie of judge, inspector or clerk of any election 'of this Co , viaLf4u 'Etuu#o, A . ::!..i. D ' Joonerenta, inis that no impostor or Inds% or other tel. Oer of any ouch election, sbal.l.4te eligible tO My office:, then to be votedfor." . . ... - - ' -Also, that in the fourth settee bt tie Sat oehab4lfly,, entitled "An Act' relating to 'executions, and ler 7 Uher ' purposes,",approxed April 16 1840, ills mactled.tharthe afore/Aid 18h section ', shall not be, so . construed at to prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serv ing as , 'Judge, inspector or clerk at any general or special election in this Clommiakreulth. ,, . I his% that in the elm action of said act, It is enacted, that every general and special elections shall be opened betareen the hOdrs Of eight end' ten In the liketioon, and shah continue witlicsil vital Or -adjetrrinent until seven o'clock in the — , when th e polls shell be 7ai closed" ,^ The special election beld - and conducted by the I t inspectors and Judged elected as atbresaid, Mai by clerk*, appointed as hereinafter provided.::' -- • - No.person, shall be permitted to vote at the'election, as ifOresaid, but a white freeman of the age of twenty one years or more, who shall have resided In this State at least one, year, and. In the election district where he 404 to vote at east ten, daya hmetildstely Newlin such elechon, and within two years paid a,state or Mannytax, tax, which shall have been assessed at leent tan dayslbe fore the election. But a (Mum of the United States who has previously been a qualified voter of this State and re. moved therefrom and returned, and who shah bar re" , sided in the election diaries. and paid taxes. SW aforesaid shall be entitled to vote after residing in this Stets ids months : Ptocarld. That the 'white freeman; elm* it: the United States, tietween tee ars of al slid a C and have resided iii the election district ten ,da as aforesaid, shall -be • entitled to Topi, although he y, "No pin shall be admitted to vote whosie nn trir not metkinedlo the list of kisiable inhabitants, by the mannimioners, tllest: Firs, he protinceo a relief , fo r the payment within two years, `of a state or OC= tax, assessed agreeably to the constitution;and give fselsil.evieentni,either on hillOWll Mak Or-afiksiatiop,or the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid, eaqh, a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall Mike - ealhi of the payment thereof ; or, &vend. If he :labia vole by being an erector between the met 0E21104 92 he shall dawn an oath or Mirmattion that be has geemea-14 the Stme et lust one year before his=eaticen and such Mist of his residence bithe hi is by thinner, and thsa he does verily beitevic - froM Roma RIM him 194.1 is Mot ibitt age arateilfdp• • ..t...tarbisw,la required bY. !t erm cation, ; and • 7-ai'''‘' Nan "Abvattfimtnts. - - - made opposite thereto by writing the Word 'tax,' if he shall be admitted to .vote by reason of having paid.tax ,or the word Wge,' if he shall be admitted to vote by reason of such age, and shall be called out to the clerk* who shall make the like notes In the list of voters kept by them. " In all cases where the name tithe; person claiming to vote is not tbund on the list tarnished by the .on ere and assessor, or his right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any' muddled' chant, it shall be the duty of the Inspectors to examine such pet 8011 on O&M as lb its Ouatincations, and if he claims to Save resided within the State for one year or more his oath will be suilloient proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be a ema il&effector, that he has resided within • the district:for • , ore then tab day*. need' immediately ' precedrngi saki election, aid WWI also "tdmieldf swear that nis 'bad fide residence in pursuance of his Lawton calling la within the district, aid that he did, not remove_into; said district, for 1211, '=". armislyarein- ,_ , 44, *Son ed as albreseld; end ands r . ..geig‘t dui proof, if required, of lils residence Payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to , vote in the township, ward, or district in which he shall reside. "If any person shall prevent, or attempt to privent any officer of any election under this act from holding sea election, or use or threaten any violence to;any such litho: car, or shall intimate or Improperly interfere With, him in tin execution of , his duty, or shall block up' the win dow. or .avenue to any window where the . same may be holding, r shall riotously disturb the peace at such elec tido or shall use or prattler) intimidating threats , force or ' violence, with a design to influence unduiy or overewe adtelector, or to prevent him from voting, onto restrain tam freedom of choice ; each a parson, on.roonvionon t mien . be flied in any sum not exceeding ilia hundred dollars, and imprisoned tbr Ray time not less than one month nor - :noire than twelve monthsVand if it iliall bitishowit to the Court where the, trial :of zilch offence shall be had, that the. Iperstin so olninding was not a, resident , of the city, • Wad, or distriet, or township where the said offence was committed, and not - entitled to vote therein, then., on eo, Ot• 1110014 he shall be sentenced to pay 41, trffne*of JIM" Lea% than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand del: lids, and be imprisoned not less than six months or More than two years. • i ' •'PIA case the person who shall hatsel'acelaid the second • highest number. of votes for inspector shall not - attend on the day ; f election, then the person who shall have re (Wired the nett highest number of Vises for judge at the spring . election shall act as inspector In his plade. , :and In case the person who shall have received the high. est somber of totes Ibr inspector shall .. not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, and in ease the person elected shall not attend, then the inspector who received the highest number of vines shall appoint a judge id his plate, or if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time 'IAA . li ,y law for the opening of the election, the suidid Veneta of the - tOwnship, ward, or district for Which said officer Shall have been elected, present at the , paced election; shall select one of their number to Ali such vacancy • , - -... •, , .. "it shall be - the duty of ihe, several assessors, minim, tivelio-Wi'attand at the 'Paola of holding every general, special or township cohabit, during the time said-election ; as kept open, for tile'purpose of giving Inibrinationle 'the Inspectors and judges when called on, ;n, relatlnfl ito the .' rigid of buy person assessed by them to vote at such eleodoinqor Bah' Oahe mitteril lierelation to the assess ;meth. at voters as the Said asps:Zara; or either' of them, nhallAunt time to time require.",' ~ '.... . . • . VAN , , `Pursuant kettle provlsions containe d . hi the 78t h see ons of thereet first attain*, 'the judger Of the aforesaid - Is tried reiipectively take charge of the certificate or return of the , election of their reepeotive . districts,-and, *Oaf, - them at a meeting of one judge from each fill , tis tat tige ilorqggh of Harrisburg, on the " third day. • tan ddy .fille *salon, being 'Mar the 11th of putObee, then and. Mare to dO ,and , .peribrm the duties required by law of said Judges. . also, that where &judge by sickness or ihavoidablead , 'Olden; la unable to attend each meeting of ages, then the certthbate or rethrn albreetild shall be taken charge. qf by one - of the inspectors or darks of the election of district, who shall do and perform the duties required Of said judges Mut& td IMAM; 111301110 OF MOW J 171418 FA= DAUPHIN AND LIOOMON CIOUNIIIII The Return Judges appointed to ,mest `almiler Judges town theromotty of : Lapanon • rotative . to the election of Prealdent Judge will meetotthe Court Rouse in the'hor- Ough of tetaticin on TGIEDAY , the 16th day, of OrtAer at derail o'cloair, A. If. The following suction of, the; Act approved the Um day of April, 1861, 'pr.:Adding for the election of Judges of the several counties prescribes' .their ye:peaty* duties viz: •, : Scam 6. 'Theo in the ogee of the , election of presi dent judge of aoy , judicial district composed of two or morracounliesst tnemeedeg of the returniudgesidvAc k of such coonties,itheolorits aforesaid shall mate one a felt eta emeptoCAG the. votes which. shall. b. Ms ,bpea. given atlitichAleatitin witlda the county for ovary persist voted for as such presidentjudge, welch 'email be signet by said judges and *Mooted •by the 'elflike; anemia' of ailq-Almish,. ell take charge of alich.austement, andebrtl nrodinhe the same at a niceties pf oenjudge from cob of kid oOttetiel; itrhicti.misethig shall be beaten the lieverdli day after'the ;Meath* at the akin Mune ' or hoe or tfie itennt es, to.hellgembrmlosty man &antler thernatiety . Ich Oak ILlPlPlPhethlal order • ' • i • I- • Olumbit 7. That the - judges of the several sonuilea Ow let awaiet Shall oast op the several county returns : and ; iiisite4 sufficient : number of comet general retort 01•441,tho.cate h i sheen for such office In said district, all of Which they shall certify, Rik/ we of which they anon lodge fOrthwillb in the -office of the Court, of , commee , Pleas esiih of riaid'ameitiiiis; and one' of ' whbb taiey; shell enigma, sod, aniViiirest, tor the -Secrettly Of the onwealtb, in the manner preecribed 'by the *hi etien of thei ad. . • ' Given wider my hand, in my office lT.teOli t urg; h day of eeptember, • JAI oe Dc B ma t oilav qfDaAspilin ffitesiyiki Ormao,ilarrigberg, Wit mber 4ch; soz. , REGIILATZONE3. Ruuths ' E xm i urm a uno; se ll pt ie : tannurr B, 18611 f l pardon will be granted until notice of the application therefor' shall have been given by publicathin once' a week' for' lwo consecutive weeks in a newspaper printed In the county' in. which tris - otaracam: wai ' , Noliaidon will be giiffikilxintless nohce of the application'thenforshah 10g4 1 ,_ Or* to tha District Attorney of 'the proper ; uobnty.- 8.. No pardon will be granted withont, first consulting tirisi.rudge who presided at the trial of the pasty. By order of the Vidiernor. ELI SLIFER,' eep4 lm . ' - * Sec'y of Coin. iriao qii6llll3B, t 1 1:636488URC1, Sept. 9, 1861. 1 • " A BOARD OF - BURGEONS for the exatnitka4 JtiL. Mon of candidata for the post'of'Surgeon and § l n 6o o, l *a * , th eNeguisylvanbx troops, will H arr isburg, at-tbe Hall of., Be a. {n, h 2 01 1 .9 9 / 1 9 "‘ waaa and where dathfqlg.. appoiftt-t , menu w ill present thimusslTes. : By order of ..Yoraat'• . RY H.. slaw. p. I ``" 6 01*: G** 4l ; Sun: selo4taii:' " ' BOARDING... - • • FLEABAlTT.rtrholiire, with - of. liwwr.t.whoiws- ~inderikebdard, aw Slob" ned by 'a oiolipie Lot" clenkft al No 6. -Lonist etreet. Of.Paile latelß 96 0 01 1 k4 iietudaller,) aim the river. sepl6.42w-211air • LIME FOB ;BALD:, ; :1 uNtstsia ,40tg dm 1612mie. 4,411.1 bg”billagalike.as 'ili at ai n oateddmtvlig Metal:V=la Pr= wafts BY T EGRAPII From Washington. ARRIVAL OF. tp‘XTER'S FIRE ;NAVES. Return of Post. ler t Blair. BMW- KENTUCKY BRIGADE. By THE PREIIIIIOT • • ' Wd tiro*,'Sept. The Philadelphia Fire Zotiarea, Cid. Baxter, were reviewed by the Pieaide;rit , 'Pdstmaster General Blair has ritinmedlrem It la asserted at the Department Of State` that hereafter Communicatioe betieen the British government and its consuls in paha of Maur-, "ii3ctionsit Siates, will„ With the consent' of Our Government be carried on by means of British, vegsels of war. This' course will obviate the embirrassments which` have hitherto attended these communications thrinigh the channels'. The President'this niorning'inade the follow ing appointments for a tie* Keriteeki brigades now ready tirtalie the field as' portion of Gen. AnderiOn'S cOinuiand,'' viz : Major General, Maj. W. Z. Ward, 'of Kentucky. 'Mist regi; Mentr—Lieuteriant 'Colonel, John H. Ward, of Bowling 'Green, Ky.; Major, Jea. Carlisle.. 'Beitend' ruglinent:—Colonel, idW:' H. itolliKia Lieutenant doloiiei,'Joini goinilis ififer,'"CVlo: HObsnn. Third ieglinelitLOOlonel,..Wride Cluarteinitillier, Z. '9, EdwitAis;''s43ln-: Missaiy, " Tkere are again rumors to ,that lj Major 'General Fremont will be transferred from xis, souri to BOMB other military department. 4.9weiVie qe the ~Treasary, > on military eepeeet, are ao seat, thetail available. means lerelratertle, fer the woifitt t iaage of the. mend ' ,lre,kfarY, ll o 3B ti , The:Trivingy4DePitiimout4B .1004 to root 8114#ze-tiVkAadr* fieltVlOo,ll FROM GEL BANKS OOLUM N. - It, is currently stated ,that an i important cOn ,ference, was held here yesterday, at which were Feeent several.high military gentlemen. !Ale .of Mum Bonk, .I!rewer and Young, has stricken terror into, the Secession ranks °Leer community, .and,ltl is said that sonm.of the leading "Ream pan!' are , expect- . „Mc*, he arrested 4eWhiot.:l;lliA ' Dszairowsi Sept. -16.—,The resraining muti neers of the New York. Iqint . Msmth, twenty #Nk'l ,FounbeFl are.Ao be =449, Balthnere to-day, and forwardedthencs to 'pgtuma. The' original niunber was 202, Ask Ake resaduder !Ore Feb:Ple4 to their duty and allimee-, ' Yeateolay. was among, the hotbest days of the season. , For., asvonel hours.ithe:,theimometer stood ht OS deg. in wand gind4dnidy Location. rt - One of the prisoners, the Bev. Mr.' Wilson, of , Baltimore, rdelnvited coriduSt - religious ceremonies -in the encampment . .of ' the fifth . Connecticut; but he declined-to do t So. " Retorta are' tarrenr liere that .7Ohinite n is mtivint , up on the Virginia Si& 'Or bib Potomac strong unit LA:ending iirciites' he Po-, tomad. t.ime 'state his force as iitgh . $5,000 to 40;000: If he essays' ?the' attempt hie , ate- , tanee`iviglie met to a becomtng niatriar. i j i ,4:l; . j)""eT 4it, R°Oi41P° 111 : 1 0a now' held Provose #farehal,Storekof tbe Fifth . Connecticut, is. The cases of several others ;have been disposed of. The : number of P l l l . 3 9uste,c9nfilled .bY edistof colartearnarshal is• comparatively sMil4egonOtexing tizonusgEdtuthi of the army, TALE LATE: RAILROAD DISASTER: ,1. Profqxty to Fifty, =eat itatl i ne Hundred Wowidedi i i!t1:~ nscon A Or, Sep 18. The_ dbutster mite Ohio aud'Allokritri , 'rOcidProves:Worse e -- n was at fi rst reported. Vola t iles:44er Cs's were Preeigtaea into the creek, 'arid l ila 16i ind'onesggage (ins Tell on, top of them'. 4 " ' ''" These CansLLe°n, ed Foippanoi a and 1 1,sild.• the "tteinqmpanies are the yrincl.- ofiffetuis. daptain. Ilovnirk of Ccenpany I, is an n k i lled. pto 0 e qtivik 0.4" this 1/'3P/44 about thirty killed kttil been taken out, and more are posed to '.he belie ; the wreck- Alirta4-4ePwr on the way here withAdraitt: tWQ yrnended- `4l l o l 4Prlfelertet 9 1 0 Seeb !t that, there heYelwerkifiamjertY .to There seems U. ) be,h l 4 Aittlet4ootiftluit the 1 bridge had been , tempered with by malicious (*.A traitorous persons:- , Tlie bridgiwaa feet Op= and ten feet . • high; 'and' innetinlY recently iniiiectqr REBEL RETangrnr wigErntEarivil*M4; VorrFt 8. 4 1$ 1 8. . • ‘ BATI9br ,tose Ar kto ~..,'0?@t1494/14 ' 4' Als'beliavliketitheyi to join the forces beJeavierieg Washington. Red itt ewe B•xanawk Sept. 16 OE PRICE ONE CENT mAsaicsuarrs TtnaUC:3. WORCISTIM, NM, Sept. 18 The Democratic State Convention assembled here this morning, Moses Beles, Presiding- Al ter the transaction of preliminary business the Convention adjourned without Making any nominations by a vote of 280 against 184. SECOND DISPATCH The Convention this afternoon nominated Isaac Davis, of Worcester, for Governor, and Edwin C. Bailey, editor of the Boston Herald, Lieut. Governor. Resolutions were adopted, giving as the mot to of the party, "the federal Government—it must- and shall be maintained;" sustaining heartily the !administration in a vigorous proseinition of the war, asserting as their pinciple separation never—Union forever; de manding of the Government equal protection to loyal men and their property in all the States; charging the republicans with taking a position which leaves only the absorption of the democ racy or independent nominations as impera tive,' LATER FROM FREDERICK. FIISDBRICE., Md., Sept. 18 After twerity-four hourstoafinement the da d cers . of the Legislature were allowed their lib erty on iakiag the oath of allegiabce. All as sented to this condition except John N. Braver, the reading clerk, who refused, and was sent off with nine members to Annapolis.- At four o'clock this afternoon there was not a member of the Legislature in the city—all having left for home. 'Those taken to Annapolis, are Win. E. Sal mon, Josiah H. Gordon, Richard 0. MacCub din,' Thos. J: Claggett, Bernard Miles, Clark Davant, Andrew Senior, Iswrence Jones and Wm. R. Miller. The great body of the se c:ea:kiwi nibmbers did not make their ippear- . Samna Douala's' Osav*—Among the new objects of , interest shown to the stranger in Chi cago is the grave of of Senator Douglas. On a broad and slightly elevated plain near the bean tiful grounds which he consecrated - 4o the Bap tist Society for their.oolleges, in memory of the first him. Douglas, itself a monument to his generosity and noble affection and on the very spot where he had anticipated building a man sion to enjoy a long life, a mound is now raised over the remains of the great statesman. ~Ouly a few months before his death, a gentle man in the neighborhood, wishing to negotiate with him for some of his real •estate, at that time quite extensive, was told that in that corner lot he e.xpected "to build a mansion after his own heart," ithere he and his family might live in coMfort and happiness. Near enough to read the inscription on the marble, the !waveler now passes by, looking not on the mansion,,, but on isat resting place of the dead Senator. ties Wixom, of Baltimore, now held' as "a prisoner at Fortress Monroe, is a native of Jersey. He was born at Vernon, Buie= noun ty, in that State, near the close of the bust cen tury. His father was a hotel keeper, and" was able to give his son no other education than that afforded by a tximmun school. Shemeclut- Meal talentwhich has mule the torture ofiteas Winans was. displayed in his , early years. One of his first projects was a contrivance to carry canal boats up an inclined plane, and he en dtatored to proem° its adoption by the Morris PanelOomptuly of New Jersey. The plan, how ever, was , rejected. He has been for many years engaged in railroad enterprises and the con strued= of locomotives in Baltimore. He and his sons realised a handsome fortune by.their Contract with the Bum= government for the construction of the railroad from St. Petersburg billoscow. 'A brother of Mr. Widatus' no* re sides at Vernon, Nov Jersey. ' .. 1 . CILIWIPED Corurrr, PA., is doing,noblxixiimp plyiog volunteers. The lournqi of ,to 4 l,otit sayer Company D, composed of recruit& from North • Western Crawford; and from Giraniand.l3pring fieldtOwnalkiPa. in Erie county, 1 418 ;NW/it organ ized. Capt. McCI dy's company. numbering 100.' Ina*, left on Tneaday fur Camp • Lane at Erie. l7 l"beir'aie Illie , and efficient body of soldier& IN we kver wen; and are generally composed of .meu above,tbe,onii !*ry age. Randolph: tairnebili hm iidif one-seventh of her Voters in , the army of the' Union.- Of the family of Mr. islanchard, conudning seven. Re publican voters,,five have gone into the field as sokifels. ' Where is the townabip in Norfli Wes ton that has done more?' IhieT WANT TO BN A WIDOW.—A malt in La Cropm„ Wisconsin, a few de ago, ruiq* in the river, swearing that he would drown him deli. Wtien he had waded into to the trepth of -his waist, his wife seized hint , by-titehair, and then, as a local editor describes it, site!" led him heck till they reached a Plaretrliere the water was about two feet dip, where she pulled bard . ovek:,backwardS, ioniaqiiin under, and pulled his bead up Drown your self- 7 (down he went)—leave me to father the brats I-- (another plupgq—,get drunk I—(an other souse)—end start fur die river 1 7 -(another dip)—l'll lard ye to leave me a widow, and all the men at the wazi' l After & mating himlo her heart's content. she led him into the houturand dosed the door." Wails Secretary Welles was at Ilartfor he called into the Press office a few moments; and an inquisitive gentieinan present asked him ow many= soldiers We new have -at Washington. The Secretary pleasantly remarked ,gint, there were a g..xld many there, but ,upon his honor he had no counted them,' and could'init giVe any p rec ise information." • Inquisitive -gentleman remarked . "AA selilediAVAsiklY v atei abated as though .he forgdatton something at home, which he, was under the inunedh4 o neixiSdiy of Tina Richmond Eapeer of.the 2d inskoglosts oyer,the murder,of Union,men in North West ern Virginia. It sail; of the "Union residents:" "The most of them have packed ..4, really toleave for Yinkeechnn at theahortrat possible 'lloticao- /a lirghton county way torn hoe &rasher , ids avighAvw,and in.eavral e th er courdia as sea ' 4 41 11 44, 05(47,a0P 11 .W dal" Ilood ilV ir didegitialiervios u lor Beceselphistrtasbotat his: sigirboritheisathdon Coromercial.