New 2thvcrtiontunts. AY Y BEEF & PORK rot, 1862 NAVY DEPARTMENT, Bureau of Provisions and. Clothing, August ,24,1861. Sealed Proposals, endorsed " Proposals for Beef," and " Proposals for Pork," as the case may be, will be received at this office until 9 o'clock A. 111., on Wednesday, the 26th day of September next, for furnishing and delivering, free of all cost and risk to the United States, at the following navy yards : Barrels Beef. Barrels Pork. At Charlestown, 1da55..8,500 4,500 At 8r00k1yn1i.Y.....4,500 6,000 At Philadelphia, Penn. 1,000 1,500 9,000 12,000 One-half of said beef and pork must be dellvi sired at each of the above-named yards, respec tively, by the let day of April, 1862 ;. and the reniaining half by the let day of June, 1862, unless earlier deliveries should be required by the chief of this bureau. Payment to be made within thirty days after the delivery. Bidders must specify their prices separately and distinctly in separate offers for the beef and for the pork; and for each of the places of de livery, covering all expenses and all charges. The beef must be from well fattened cattle, slaughtered between the first day of October, 1861, and, the let day of January, 1882, and weighing not less than six hundred pounds, nett weight, each. The legs and leg rands of the hind quarters, and the shins and shoulder clods the 'shoulders of mutton and ends of stioking pieces, and as least twelve pounds from the neck end of each fore-quarter, or the parts marked Nos. 1,2, 8,4, and 5, on the drawing or delineation of the fora and hind-quarters of an ox, which will be attached to and form a part of the contract, must be wholly excluded front each barrel ; all the other pieces are to be packed, and instead of being cut with a cleaver, mot be cut through with a saw and knife, to give the meat a square, neat, and smooth appearance, en pieces of not less than eight pounds, nor more than twelve pounds each. The pork must be packed from corn-fed, well fattened hogs, slaughtered between the Ist day of December, 1861, and the hit day of January, 1862, and weighing not less than two hundred pounds each, excluding the heads, joles, necks, shoulders', hams, legs, feet, butts, rumps, lard, and all refuse pieces, and must be cut with a saw and knife in pieces weighing not less thin six pounds nor more than twelve pounds each. Both the beef and pork must be salted with at least one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of May, Key West solar, Onondaga solar, or St. Ulbe's salt ; and the beef must have five ounces of fine pulverized saltpetre to each barrel, ex elusive of a pickle to be made from fresh water as strong as salt will make it, and must be per fectly bright and clear. Each barrel must contain full 200 pounds nett weight of beef or pork, and no excess of weight in either article will be paid for. The barrels must be entirely new, and be made of the best seasoned heart of the white oak staves and headings ; the staves to be not less than five-eights of an inch thick, and the headings not less than three-fourths of an inch thick; they must be three-fourths hooped over, including the 'iron' hoops, with the beat white! oak or hickory hoops, and each barrel must have on it four iron hoops, viz : one of one and a half inch in width on each bilge, and one of one and an eighth inch in width on each chime, and each to be of One-sixteenth of an inch thick. Each barrel must be of the internal capacity of thirty-two gallons, and the iron ,hoops must be well painted with red lead. Each barrel must he branded by burning on its head "Navy Beef," or "Navy Pork," as the case may be, with the contractor's name and the year when packed, and weight ; and shall also be branded on the bung stave with the letter B or P, as the case may be. The beef and pork will, unless otherwise di rected by the chief of this bureau, be inspected by-the inspecting officers at the respective navy yards aforesaid, and by some "sworn inspector of silted provisions," who will be selected by the respective commanding officers; but their charges for such inspections must be paid by the respective contractors, who must likewise have the barrels put in good shipping order, to the satisfaction of the commandants of the re spective navy yards aforesaid, after inspection, and at their own expense. Two or more approved sureties in a sum equal to one-half the estimated amount of the con tract will be required, and twenty per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, as collateral 'se curity for the due and faithful performance•of the. respective contracts, which will on no ac eount be paid until the contracts are complied with in all respects; and is to be forfeited to the United States in the event of failure to ,complete the d,eliveries within the prescribed period s _ln case of failure on part of the con tractor o deliver all or any of the beef or pork alia4e mentioned, of the quality and at the time and places above provided, the contractor will forfeit and pay to the United States , as li quidated damages, a sum of money equal te twice the amount of the contract price to be paid in case of the actual delivery thereof which liquidated damages may be recovered from time to time as they accrue. Payment will be made by the United States at the peri ods above specified, (excepting the twenty per Gent= to be withheld until the completion of the contract, as before stated,) after the said beef and pork shall have been inspected and received, and bills for the same shall have been presented to the navy agents, respectively, duly approved by the commandants of the respect ive navy yards, according to the terms of the contract. The parts of beef to be excluded will be rtietda4' designated in the engravings to be to the con tract. Perms interested can obtain them on applica.' Non at thit office. Bidders whose proposals shall be accepted, (and none others) will, be forthwith notified, endow early as practicable a contract will be transmitted to them for execution, which con tract-must be returned to the bureau within ten days, exclusive of the time required for the reg ular transmission of the mail. A record or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance of his proposals, will be deemed a notification thereof within the meaning of the act of 18413, and his bid will ,be made and accepted In conformity with this Un der Standing. Every offer made must be accompanied (as directed in the sixth section of the act of Con gress making appropriations for the naval ser -wkw-for 1846-47, approved 10th of August, 1840;) by a written guarantee, signed by one or More rasponsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation. wftili s tm days, with good and Bak:lent Sureties, 'to furnish the article pro posed. This guarantee must be accompanied by the eartilicate of the United States district judge, United States district attorney, or navy agent, that the guarantors are able to make good their gasrantee. No proposals will be considered unless ac somparded by such guarantee. The bidder's name and residence, and the name of each member of the firm, where a Ap!upany offers, with the Christian names writ tenin full, must be distinctly stated. Under the joint resolution of Congress, ap proved 27th March, 1854, "all bids for supplies of provisions, clothing and small stores for the use of the navy, may be rejected at the option o the Department, if made by one not knoi n , ail a manuficturer of or r dealer in: the attickpropcsed to be f ed, whidefebt, or bids oared.' 'tloicieverse, i ntitit be diatinctlY etetea i 4 the augeO-det. Chits of trout Se gransportatioh NUM AIR LINE HOUR. TRUE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW TOBI. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT ORANGE OF.OARS. lAN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, Islll, the Passenger Trains will leave the Plilladel and Reading Railroad Depot, at ilarelsbnri, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, vls EAST WARD. =miles LINE leaves Harrisburg at 920 a. m., on 'ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. in. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from. Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in., arriving in New York at 4p. na, and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FANr LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.45 p. m a and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FART LINE leaves New York at 6 a. in., and Philadel phia at 8 a. tn.; arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. NAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8.16 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. WREN LENS leaves Now York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.80 a. in., andisonneoang with the Pennsylvania Ripreas Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also ataaohed to Inis train: • Connections are made at_Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Oumberiand Valley , Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphht, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton. An. Baggage olexiked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, 86 00; between Harrisburg and PhUa delphla, 88 251 n No. 1 ears, and 82 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apdly to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. CXI PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I BIIMM.BR. TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAM 0A1,4,1" TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND AFTNA 110 . 1.113AY, JUNE 10th, 1861, Rbi passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Hainaut Coni pany will depart from and arrive at Harriabmi and PtiUndelphla aa follow EAST INVAR.D. BAST UNE loaves Harrisburg every morning &moot Monday) at 1.15 a. m., and arrives al Hest Philadeltibia at 6.10 a. m. EHROUGH mimosa TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dally at 9.20 a. za., and arrives at West Pellartelphia at 1.10 p.m. Led. THAW leaves aurriabute daily (except Sun ay) at 6.16 p , and arrives at West 'Philadelphia it .16 p. m. Time traindinakaoloae oonneotionatniladetpnla with he Ned 7 YKk,•,l4nen. . aoli2ilitiliA27oN 171.2117 ). So.. 'Mount Joy, lerroe Ea r' . r tabard at 7.00 a. and - arrives at West Philadelphia 0,12.00 noon. HARRISBURG AOOOMIIUDATION TRAIN, via 00bun bla, leaves Harriahneg at 1.10 p. in., and arrives at'Weesi Philadelphia at 626 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, 912 Maulit JO, leaves HarrlaburB at 6.16 a..en„ oenneeting at Diller ville with MAIL , and Arrives at West PhMadill phis at 10./6 p. , WESTWARD. ROUGLICEPREad TRAIN leaves Philadelphii, at 10,90 p. m, Harrisburg at 2.36 a. m. Altoona 7.110, a. arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 n oon. NAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 710 a. m., Harris burg 1.00 p. m. Altoona, 6.50 p. m., and arrives at Pitts burg at 1200 midnight. . FAST LINE Isms Philadelphia at 11.20 a. in., Harris. burg 8.35 p. in., Altoona 8.10 p. m., and arrives at Pitts burg at 12,30 a. m. HARRISBURG ACOOIIIIODAT/ON TRAIN leaves Phil. dolphin at 2.80 p. m. , Lancaster 8.08 p. 311. , Columbia 8.40 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 p m. -This train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.05 p. in., with North , ern Central Railroad Train for Sunbury , Willbunsport; Lock Haven, Scranton and ail points North. AOOOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.50, p. m.; Lancaster 7.50 p. Norm Joy 8.21 p. bat-brawn, 8.87 p. m. and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.100 p. Attention is called to the fact, that wringers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. in., connect at Lancaster with MOUNTJOY ACCOMMODATION TkAiii, and arrived at Harrisburg at 0.80 p. m. SAMUEL D. Y OUNG, Supt. Dull, th y. Penna. Railroad. Harrisburg, June 1, 1861.—dif -- JUST IiECIEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA ENE POINTED GOLD PENS , r o NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) manufacture, warranted to be the beet in material, the finest pointed, most durable and as cheap aa say e market, for side, with a variety of Gold and edwer Gum of various alma and pricesat EIRONER'S OBILAP BOOKSTORE, al Varlet 'dna. PHOTOGRAPHY; In faits Branches, Executed in the beat style known In the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GAlJar‘, 582 Arch Sregi Rug of MA, /Vic Luz BIZB IN OIL AND Peorm OTERIO3p4P.IO , PORT.#24T4 AmbrOiymitaillte , 410 .; 46 i "5M. 106 talk idepoko. wriak permsghimict w lg h, "Oaturbau !Morning. September 14, .1861 Holland Bitters roe. DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. Tex succeesful Introduction and nee of this tele• loafed Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood of cotopotuods called "Bitters," offered In various arms, from a quart bottle to a five-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name for "grog," or some 'famous whiskey mixture. But the really greet relief derived from the minute doses one teaspoonful, of our medicine, _end the entire absence qt after prostration, has ado- Wished brit a mutatkerwhlch the hoetof imitations and counterfeits have Ailed to undermine. It is poet tiveli a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. But one Wee of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottle.,) price Orr' Domes. It is a medicine of long-tried efleacy for Puriftnng the Mood, so emential for the ibundation of good health and for correcting disorder* of the stomach and bowel.. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION. Try BerhaveN Holland Bitten. For HILAILTBITEN, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For WATERBRASH, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try Berhavel Holland Hitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE. Try Bierhaveos Rolland Bitters. Par COSTIVENESS; Try &Rime's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try In all Nervous, Rfieumstle, and Neuralgie Affec tions, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. The genuine, highly-concentrated DwanAvVe warn Binges is put up in half-pint bottles only, 'mil retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demmci for this truly celebrated medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. lkware of imposition! Ste that oar name is on the label of every bottle you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. For We In the city otaiertuith rg oy D. WORM CO. otBOrd-4epl4l&wly JEWELRY ; WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & 001 A:2 2•MARICBT STREET, Harriebtn, Pa., opposite ilana's gam and adjoining the Holm, having purchased We stock of B. 1' -Jennings,-and added a large assortment of NSW JEW ELRY, we.solll *ell the same at the lowest cub prloe, and solloit au ctionage. W aookeind Jewelry: neittliend provaptly re-; paired an didivered. - ALPE= F. ZIIIISLARMAN A CO. - • • - Having dtipoted crank Stock or &rok to A. L'lrim merman & 00., I cheerfully recommend them to nty for mer customers, as prefab:al and experienced Wats& Naha* and sollettler them a oontlnuance of the patron. 'Age which has been so generously extended to me dusting the Out six years. jan29 • - CUM T. JXNNINGIL D. GEO. W. STiNE; gradeate of the &Dimon' 00116 to of Dental Surgery, baring. perms neatly locatedin the oily of Harrisburg sad . wren the dace formerly occupied by. Dr. Gorges, on Third str eel, between Market and Walnut, respectfully Informs his Mends and the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations In the Denial profession, either surgical or meonanical, in a manner that shall not be surmised by operators In this or any other oily. His mode of inserting antidotal teeth is upon the later m proredeotentillo principles. * Teeth, from 'one to a 10 1 l Set, motinted on line. Bold,Hi rer, Milne plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take great pleasure in ream:mending the enure ge4 Heinen to all my former patients of Harrisburg and vli *thy, and feel confident that he will perform all opera tions in a scientific manner, from my knowledge of his ability. tnityll.dtfl F. J ft GOMM, D. D. 8. FINIIIEE =1 MAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. /. Of ,he above we have all the different sized packages rem the VIT to the aim= In store and for sale at Of mond market rates. fable WY. DOC; JR. & 00. A NEW AND FINE` ASSORTMENT S H NG, BAGS' iIA I I an prloaajor Bale it -, • :• RIUMMXB,B OUMP aocuurron, ig Market Mreet OUR UNION . ea OONSTITuTION4 4i911R GOVF.RNMENT f " by M. liftnr- innr, is • work containing the ion:mon or um nom Guns, giving the constellation et its Terms and Provisions, showing the relations of the se versa States to the Union and each ottow, the Gan t gene rally the System of Government of the Gauntry. Price tl 00. gold, and orders supplied, by him, at Hants burg, Pa. • - • AGM Agents tbr Oinutaie and States wanted. • THERMOMETERS I THERNONAZOrnantlintal Nantle,Japanese Natal. TNIIIBMO do do &oozed do Tn&RNOMET Distillers Tin We, 12 inch. THERAIONETNDS, do Rasa Bound Doliblegfloale. THNIUDNINTERS Union OWN; 10-32'11/0 TEDDINONATKILS, Natalie Frame, 8-10 inch. THERNONWITDI2,,BIack Walnut We, 10 inch. TELIERNOIINDIRSI, Tin We 1440 We havejuss received a line lot of THRINIONBITICR of various styles, and are selling them low. ' asuams DRUG STORE, - 91 Market street. TILOKORY, OAK. AND PINE WOOD tor sale. OV2 to .8:1:0VE OR CORD ZENGYE TO MT POROR4BERE. ALSO, LOCUM POSIS AND 'ORESIRIS7 RALLY CM TO ORDER. 4E40, S2OIVE_AND SAND FOR.BOILDIRO ?MMUS. - Inquire of the subscriber at hie reeldence on the Rid ge mad, opposite the Good Will Engine House, or at th Yard, corner of Second and Broad streets, West Ebtr risburg. [my274l] G. Bmoug.— REDUOTION IN PRICES t . tilltalNOEil, Plain and Figured. Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL Extra Ryles and Qualify, BROCA LONGSHAWIG, different prises. FINE Brom OF BIANHET SHAWLS. The prices in all the above Goods, on examination s fermi De found "lower than ever," at - osnaturs, an 24 1 ..Next.dnotito the Harrisburg Budr, LT ANS. "ThEi 3 43l dred, Zugai wAt. DOCK JR: WOO: lUtbital ro3:3l:f.Vri[4:(l)ANA,Lpli:Miyikr4;l:l Berhavels Rollaild Bitters. Read CswePally t DENTISTRY. LADIES' TRAVELLING illtbitat Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARP YOU SICK, feeble ^re complainine Are you out of order, with your system deranged, and your feelings nnoomlialiablel these symptoms art often the prelude to serious illness. Some Mt of sickness is creeping upon von, mid should be averted by a timely pee of the right remedy fake Ayers Pills and cleanse net the disoolored tiemors—pUrt.y lb.. blood and let the g u ide more q monetructes a h.tabit again. They slime. ate the leoctioa of the bogy woo i.orous activity, pe rtly the system Item disease. • ; old settles somewhere te me body, sod otoora-moit; ..ateral luncheon. Them, it not relieved, react upon toeutselvea and the surround. mg organs, prideertna ge err) ig4ravution, suffering and disease While u this *mutt oprreesed by the de rangements, take Aver a .111., r 0.1 ;ee bow directly they restore the net.:Tal action of the system, and with It the buoyant feeling of health .4%ib. What is true and so apparent In Ibis try al Mid .N.auOu complains" Is also true to many et the deep-seated end dangerous distem pers. same purgative eflec expels them. Mused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural function of the body, they ere rapidly, and many of deem surely, cured by the same means. None who snow the virtues el them Pttis will neglect to employ hem when eullering Item the di orders they cure. Statements from Mediae - physicians In some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per eOIIL from a forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Rib. 4, 1851. - Dn. Artie tout fills are th. paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have Lured my little daughter Of ulcerous sores open her haw s and feet that had Proved incurable for years. lier m Aber has been long grieviouely afflicted with blotches and pimples 0n her skin arid in her hair. Alter our child was eared, she 'MOW isu t our Plibt, and they have cured her. ASA 111fURGRIDG N. As a Fumy PBllOO. • rhom Dr. S. W. Oarteright, New Orleans.] Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excelten t (patio surpass any cathartic we possess. They sea mild, but very certain and effectual in their seam on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us In the daily fOILLI2IIIIt of disease. lilionamo; dux Emmons, Fool SIOKACIE. MOM I. Bdword Boyd, Baltimore.) Dian lino. ATIR : 1 wouot answer you WHAT com plaints I have GU= with your Pills better than to my of that too sea' treat with a plopatias madistos. 1 place great dependence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contort with disease, and believing as Ido that your Me afford. us the bust we have, I of course value them highly. Pressman, Pa., May 1, DM. / Da. J. C. dyna—far : 1 have been repeatedly cured of he worst keadaake anybody can have, by a dose or two your Pi ll s. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they deism at once. Yours with great reopen, RD. W. PRIME, Olcrk of Steamer Clarion. Brum Dmoarmas.-1.1 as fhistimanne. Mom Dr. Theodore Bell , New York CO.I Not only are your Ma anal' rably adapted to their panne. as an aperient, but I end their benelicial MAIM' upon the Liver very marked Weed. They have In my practiee'pitivid more effectual tar the care of Mikan Complaints than any one remedy I can mention. I sin. oerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which la worthy the oonlidenae the profemion and the Darannanrr or 2113 hITIIIIOI4 • Weabington, D. 0., 7th Feb. 1866. Sir : I have used your Pills in , my general and hospita I praotioe ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say theyare the best cathartic we employ. Thar re. gelatins motion on the Iver is quick and decided colnie• greatly they are au admirable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so ObStio kle that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., Physician ei the Marine Hairline]. Mem= DiseseorA Bus, wawa, [From Dr. J. O. Green, of Chicago.] Your Pills h .ve had a tong trial t u my practice, and I hold them in °deem as one of the beat spenenta I have ever friend. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given lu small doses Lou IdUeus Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Their intgar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children . mannu, hem= cm an Bum. Mom !Air. J. V. Plater Advent Church, Boston. Dr: Axxa : I have used your Mr with extraordinary storms in my thirdly and among those I am caned to 'Nit In distress. To regulate the organs al digestion and pu rift, the bkood, they are the very best .remedy I have ever known, ad 1 osn confidently recommend them to my friends,' Tours, A V. filiflCS. Wuntsw, Wyoming 00., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1866. Data Sot : am using your Clathartio Pills in my police, and Bn.l them an excellent purgative to cleanse tbe system and purity Ike fontscabu of Ike blood. JOHN G. DIALCIIA.M, IL D. Oeimannurioar, Barrameatax, Itannuossut GOUT, OURALUIA, DROPer, Noumea, Pm, am. • [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Wads.] Too much ammo be said of your Pills lbr the care Of °aliveness. if others of your fraternity have found them as efficacious as I bare, they should loin me in pro claiming it ibr the bends of the multitudes who suffer Irma that complaint, winch, although bad enough In it- aell la the progenitor of others that are worse. I belly. Codivences to originate in the fiver, bat your Pills affect that , Orgin and cure the disuse. Wrens Mrsig. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.] I and one or two large doses of your Pills, Wean at the proper, °aware itumilent kiromotives of the Natural earettoo learn wkrelly °martially suppressed, and also ery aiociu 41 tuomunsit the Broncos and arm. woolen. fney'are so Moot the best physic we have that. :• room mend no toner to my patients. (from the Ser. Dr. Hawke', ot ] the Methodist •itpiseopal Church. Pinsendilouss, davasnah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1860. Bosom SIIt .1 should be ungrateful for the relief your skill bat brought me it I did six report my case to you. A cold settled to my Haw ind brought on excru ciating Neuralgic Pains, which ended in Caroni° Alien madam. fietwithsing load the beat of physiolana, the disease gieW worse end wares, until by the advice of your excellent wet to Baltimore, Dr. Mahenste, I triad year Their effects were slow but sure., B y powievet rig in the use of them, am now entirely well. Mats Casing, Baton Bongo s La., Dec. 6, 1865. have bean entirely oared by your Alla, of libeiniatio Gkoot—u painful disease that had atillcted me tor years. VINCHNT XLIDIILL. ' di-Mast cd the NM In market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skillful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequen ces that frequently follow Its incautious ass. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price 26 cents per box, or X boxes for $l. Prepared by DB. J. 0. Anil & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by O. A. Mannrart, O. S. Beller, B. W. Ores '4l: Jo, J. IL Lets, Holman Oc., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. Wl7.6indaw DAVID IiA.YNEI3, 110 fir, ex. BARBABOSO, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Gulled Imo and Burglar Prod • giLagLir BAAS. ' gukrtly the ONLY Motownle dale made, that la both re and Burglar Proof. • mar2dally CAND.L.ESI PARAIITINE CANDLES, &PERK CANDLES, • • ADAMANTINE CANDLES, EnrautiNK CIANDLEN, MAR CANDLMI4, . • CHEMICAL EPEE* CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. prices br /Jr) iot icao a bove in glom and tor este at the low est WM. DOCK JII. & CO. tans Oppoette the Court Holum. A VERY HEAVY STOCK OF BLACK AND SECOND . MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF KOMI DESORTIMON JIIST OPENED. At Prize betoto the Out of hvortatias. GALL AT CAI7IOART'B, on o Seat door is the Harrisburg Bank. WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY =MED BARRTSBURGandPHILADELPfiIik WI. 'A Bwk, 11grat, 812 Marked Urge; Dawes. phis, formerly Li t 4. Co. pedal Conductor in charge of each train. Goods delivered at the Warehouse, Philade 1- st 43 Woks* P. M., will be delivered in Harr is lent morning. J. WALLOWER, M., Agent, . loy9l-dti °Moe Readinf Depot, Harrisburg. SOLDIER'S BOOK, hillinney's, ji; 10er aorefolootottioe of the aoustitu. en ' el the Oohed Statue, the nature and em it at: rfflfrunlooltr leaked and stabentle %Wet elle it . faist ellantons LADIES! WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated PorUvll Elder.. Every Family Should tree. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINS, CELEBRATED for its medical and bane WA qualities as a genuine Stimulant Tonle, is relic and &Aortae, highly esteemed by eminent Aye dana, and some of the find amines la Europe an &merles. SPEER'S SADIMICI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but le acre, from cultivated Portugal Hider, recommended by Chem ists and Physicians as possessing medical properties an - parlor to any other wines in use, and an excel. mt aro - fbr all weak and debilitated persons, and the Mted and Infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting lad: and Children. A LADIES , WINE, because It will not intoxicate u other wines ' as tt con tains no mixture of spirits or o th er Booms, and Is so. mired thir Its rich peculiar davor and nutritive properties , imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and • blooming, soft and healthy akin mid comslettnit. None genuine Indus the signature of ALFRED SPIER, Passaic, N. J., Is over the cork of each bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINS. • sexER, Proprietor. Passaic N. J. Ofilce 208 Broadway, New York. J. H. EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. Far sale by D. W. Grote, dc 00., O. K. Keller, John Wyeth and by timlUists goverollY jyt-dawly. Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, 1B THE ONLY KNOWN IlEhigDY FOB Ithenmat • moi, Gont and Neuralgia' AND A WEB MU 708 All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing me. hated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the moat delicate persons, no change in habits of living is required and it entirely removes the . disease from the system, without producing the Injurious enacts arising from the use of powzrld internal medic Ines which - weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary relief only. By this Veltman, the medical properties contained In the Baud, come in contest with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, edhoting In boy instance a perfect ours, and restore , the parts aillened to a healthy condition. This Band is abo a most powerful Arr141111101191.4t agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the palabieur ett recta of Mercury. Moderate oasts are cured In a taw days, and we are conbautly receiving testimonials of Its edlicacy in aggravated eases of long banding. Plum $.lOO, to be bad of Druggists generally, or can oe sent by mail or express, with full directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal UMee, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. jyB-claw sa-AGENIS .WANTED BYCRYWIEMItit.gyg OOKRTHING FOR MIR TIMES 111 A Necessity in Even Household ! JOHNS & CROBLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, POE CILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &c., Ac., &c. The only article of the kind ever prodnoed which will withstand Water. EXTRAviII grEvery housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & igreeleyis American (lament Glue."—a. y. lucaL is so convenient to have in ice hove"—N. Y. =mums. ”It us always ready ; lhiecomonends .4 LO•vary body." N. "We have tried It, and find it as useful to our house is Later."—Womat SPIES or mi Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TEILMn CASH. Or For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & (MOSLEY, (Sole Mann ractnrse,) 78 Wuraax Stun, .1(78-41Corner of Liberty Street,) New roes. 7 FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMNER STYLES 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STORRS' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 . CHESTAY77I 87'1=7. A superb Walk or fine _Preach, English and aacerinan CLOTHS, CIABEiIiIIIIIII3, and VIDECTINOS Por Illy and Country trade, with an unapproachable as eorbnent of Ram Mtn' 'aureate at the lowest cash Indus ,p -Bat ONE PRIOR is asked, and a Girl' of intrinsic worth andwre presented vial each article add. Patti tabu attention paid to the Customer department, and garment' made andiron' to order, to any, address; , In Inaugurating this new system Of doing brusiners, GRANVILLE WORSE would impress on , the minds of the patrons of kis establishmeat, that the ant of the gift is deducted front, and NOT added tothe price of tier arti cle sold. lets immensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus - liberally, and at the same WO tO remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire selistiottion. GRANVIL.L.B.STOKES' . . ONE PRIOECLOTHING EMPORIUM CORETNIIT STREW. ootlii4m&—rdsouBlitf - SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Sumoled Banner I ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BORDERS, am, SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS, to we call the attention 'of our triends, and cordially Invite them to examine our goods and.wrices. We are detertnined to sali.chesc. Mad th e BOHNFFEWd 800 Ha, , tar the Harrisburg Bridge. ap1342 ALGUSTINi L. CHAYNE. OARpENTIW BUILDER. Alc o a &rad. N. B-404,41111(1 , ATINODINY TO Sltbital " TheY go Tight to the Spot--- INSTANT Slum ST up youß PURIFY YOUa BRE,EI 6TELIENGTEDIN TOUR VOICE [ BP ALDING' k Throat Confectio4s, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOS LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAK El, GOOD FOR SINGEFL4 GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVE, GENTLEUFN Cn Ray SPILLING'S THROAT cuNT FF.( I , , s ‘ LArdiz , ARE DEIN lITEL, Wit F SPALDING'Iii i BROAT CON FEC't CHILDREN CRY 1i i; SPALDINQ'S THROAT CON FEe They relieve a Cough Instantly They clear the Threat. They glee strituiartla and volume to the ...01 Tbey impart a delicious aroma to Lbe L ,test They are delightful to the tat they are ma4e of elmple herbs and el I advise every ou• who has a Wll,lll • , r „ or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the paidrage of mg Throat Oonfectious, they instantly, and you will dad them v,ry 4,14 eat erbthe traveling or attending public m*t: in( your Cough or allaying your pinker I Inn WO in saying Ott you will wards aorialder them kollaponsible Volt at the Dntsslata an 4 Dealore to lie PItIOS TWENTY-FIVE (EN My WVMIAMI Is OR dash paokage. All r,lbq ua A Package will be wall by mall, prersA, ou Thirty Ciento. Addreee. HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDER STREET, SEW 1)7:i CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE MB NERVOUS HEADACHE, 11E9 ALL IMS OF HEADACHE By the Ise of these kqlls toe 1001168 fir Pik Headache may be HMI CODUZialletement a nimi! re::ra Mtn and sickness :, obtained Tbey oddest tell In remove i g Nast= s iitatcy t, which breaks are so Bybee. MIT Ma goody upon the bowels, retuuTt.g Ckcoeu Tor Unwary Wan, Students, Oche Ltd Fs a persons of sedentary bible, they ecu cl.aro l I i lit y, hnmettug the APPRITI, giltal i 11l /VD to the diseetive organs, end rest - Ines tt - , lif city and strength to the w lola elyst , m The CHPHALIC PILLS .LrL, w• • IL atl gallon and carefully conducted ex;...t., Mum to many yews, daring tninuo thu , voided and relieved a vast amount 0116 a, .4]:u.:1:1 from Headache, whether ortginatuld la .n ,11904 Wm or from a deranged state of the j.oinah. Tbey are entirely vegetabl• iLus eAllniti L:a nay be taken at all ulnas ct - ah t zri t siody r. laking ski change at diet sad the absence d illy lt 4 prombt• gaol ra*dert if atn, b adatintrfer M, ; RIW4RI OP COCRiTaFER- Thsgennina hate Iva signatures a Li .ur an dash ►ox. Sold by dragghdle and ad otbor dealeri. , 0 ale II ♦ BOX will be sent by mall prepaid ou reeetiu ;L, PRIM! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS All onkel should be eddreseed to HENRY C. SPALDIN G, 48 Oedar Sir,. I (Anglo battle of 'SPALDING'S PHEe.c , t t '' 91-1 wet Ume ten time WI CCM annuhlly SPALDING'S PREPARED GLCE BPALDING'S PREPARED ui.CL! SPALDING'S PREPARED 6a i; @AVE TER Pl.@0;1 DOONOIIY air"A lanes Is tuts sole Jti A. accidents seta Soiree, even veri 40" '- 4 It le very dateable to have some cossi, way for repairing TUIIIIIIIII4, Toys, 01"30°``' SPALDING% PRIPARAII ILLI 11116•16 all imah energonoieg, Loa au noottela ,an 0 . ; c, to be without it. It la liWaya featly and 0. . • pouu. "MEWL 1$ KVILMY HOUSh.' Er• a—A Braked:ampoules act. Address ..4.BNRY C. t ral No. 48 Cedar Sr.ei. Ziev• CAUTION Al certain unprincipled persons are attanlptiof 141° OS OS the ISUISTOOSIIg public, imitation,. al MI 14 PAM / would caution all person, Le eitsVait Pare purchasing, and see that the fall oaf, Afirenizumes plihkeliali EILLa..IES oulhd, Se srapperiall others arestrindLisg 000 n'n46-1/1 ir I pitfall Ws ,