Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 13, 1861, Image 3

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    pail g 47,tirgra,,O.
Friday Afternoon, September 13, 1861.
CITY Bons.—The Mayor this morning affixed
his signature to another large lot of city bonds.
RaURNED. --His Excellency Gorr. Curtin and
Staff returned to 'this city at noon to-dity . froixl
DISTINGUISEFID ARaPirAL.-- Lord Tempest Vane,
An English nobleman of high standing, arrived
in our city to-day on his way to the west. His
lordship is stopping at Herr's Hotel.
TUE REPUBLICANS of the Sixth Ward are re
quested to meet at the May House,. on the
Ridge road, to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock
for the purpose •of selecting delegates to the
County Convention.
Colt, of Pottsville, is expected to preach in the
Old School Presbyteiian church on Sabbath
next, in the morning at 10 o'clock, and•in: the
evening at half-past seven.
RacnurTuto.L--There are Oita' a number Of
companies, beside those who have already sent
detachments to the field, now recruiting in the
city. The war spirit continues very active, and
in ten days from now we shall not be surprised
to see all the companies now in, progress of or
ganization filled.
AT a'prolonged meeting, held by the board
of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of
considering the subject of the lease of the Phi
ladelphia and Erie. Railroad, the whole matter
was referred to, a committee of three, to be ap
pointed by the pre-inent.
spirit continues very active in theupper section
of our'dounty. Capt. E. G. Savage, of Lykens
town, has some twenty-five or thirty names en
rolled for a new company ; and Lieut. John
Parsons has also obtained a"numberof recruits
for Capt. Detwiler's company A, Lochiel Cav
Boons STAMPS AND ENTELOYES.--It has been
discovered that large numbers of bogus postage
stamps and envelopes have been manufactured
and offered at various rural post offices in ex
change for 'the new issrie- of 'the gOveritinent.
No less than eight hundred of this trash were
presented to a post master in Connecticut re
cently. Who the forgers are is not yet known.
DELEGATE ELECTIONS.—The delegate elections
in this city will be held 0-morrow ; evening, at
the following designated places: - First Ward, at
Mrs. Nell's tavern stand ; Second Ward, at the
public house of B. S. Peters ; Third Ward, at
the Park House, Market Street; Fourth Ward,
at they public house of Wm. Hughes ; Fifth
Ward, at Raymond's Hotel; Sixth Ward, at
the May House. The polls will be opened at
'I o'clock, and, close at 9 . o'clock. i perons
in favor of a union ticket 'are invited to partici
correspondent 'of the New York' Independent
says : The skirmishing winch has already oc_
curred is thrilling, but is of great service to our
troops, as it accustoms them to the fire of the
enemy. Large detachments of troops are con
tinually exposed to the random shots of'the re
bels, and, in a short time, they become not only
cool under the exposure, but eager to get into
a nearer position, where the courage and pow
ers of both parties can be tested.
Potacs--Before the Mayor.—There was quite a
lively time at the Mayor's office last evening,
occasioned by the appearance of a dozen or
more of Germans, Irish and negroes of th e
sixth ward, brought up on a charge of main
taining nuisances in the shape of filthy hog
pens. The following are the names of the par
ties : Henry Delaney ; Thomas Tracy ; Michael
Connelly; Patrick Vaughn; Amos Cowan; Wm.
Charles ; Lewis Kopheim; Fred.• Manna; Mich
ael Bengler ; Jno.. Dengler ; Martin Each ; Jos.
B. Bustin. The hearing lasted nearly an hour,
and presented some decidedly rich scenes. The
Mayor finally concluded the cases by fining each
of the parties one dollar—forgoing the . costs
in consequence of the dull times.
Samuel Hamilton and George Washington—
both negroes—were found by the police " lying
around loose" at the depot, and accommoda
ted with lodgings at the lock-up. Said they
were from Carlisle, and had come heretcLplay
servants to some militariofficers. Discharged.
George Wilson and William Monday--two
Whisky faced individuals, from nowhere in par
ticular and bound to the same place—were .ar
raigned for vagrancy. Discharged by promising
to leave "these diggins" in theshortest possible
space of time.
Charles Evans, wearing the uniform of a sol
dier, was charged with being a deserter from
Camp Curtin. Stood aside, flanked by police
Jas. Rulet— a stout burly looking customer
from the up-river country, was arraigned for
vagrancy. James said he came here to ;enlist,
and the Mayor, in order to enable him to carry
out his patriotic intention put him in charge of
the military guard.
In addition to the above cases there were six•
soldiers in the lock-up", charged with drunken-
Ileasl and disorderly conduct--all of whom, with
Rola and Evans, were placed in the custody of
a squad from the Arsenal guard and marched
to Camp Curtin.
John Deller—the keeper of a lager beer sa
loon near the Catholic cemetery—was charged
with passing counterfeit half dollars. The in - !
f ormation was laid by a soldier, on whom, it is
alleged one of the half dollars was passed. The
officer Who made the arrest found two other
half dollars of like character in Deller's pos
session, which the defendant states were passed
an himby some soldiers. He gave' bail fat his
Ppearmace at Court to answer. -
See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth7
er column.
THE TROD= A. Soorr REHIKENT.—There are
now about seven hundred men sworn into this
regiment, many of whom belong to this city.
The regimtnt is encamped at York, and intend
ed principally as a guard for the railroads which
may be taken possession of by the government.
We learn from the York Republican that Satur
day last was a gala day in the camp, the uni
forms having arrived in the morning. The
clothing for the regiment is of far different
quality from that supplied to the three month's
volunteers, an affords an indication of an inten
tion on the part of the Government to reform
the abuses which have existed to too great an
' extent in this respect.
The uniform of the Thomas A. Scott regiment
consists of pantaloons and dress coat of dark
blue with a blouse jacket and fatigue cap of the
same color, and an over coat of light blue army
cloth, and they will also be provided with a
competent supply of under clothing, shoes, can
teens, &c.
A busy and amusing scene was presented at
the camp on Saturday afternoon when the dis
tribution of clothing took place. As Uncle
Sam only allows his soldiers to be of three dif
ferent sizes and proportions, it follows as a
matter of course, that those who are not of the
required size and proportion, stand a slim chanee
of securing a fit. One man prOmenaded in his
new nutfit, whose coat nearly reached his heels,
and whose pants had to be turned up about eight
or ten inches at the bottom in order to clear
his feet. A Little attention from the tailor will
of course remedy all these little difficulties, but
they afforded much amusement in the camp on
The outfit received comprised axes, picks,
shovels, hatchets, camp kettles, and in fact al
everything necessary or useful about a
The arms for the regiment have not yet been
received but are expected during the week. It
is not yet known what description of arms will
be sent, but the officers have promise of the best
and most improved weapons. As soon as the
arms are received, the regiment will be remov
eddown to Cockeysville to relieve the Twentieth
Indiana, now stationed there. We refrain from
giving a list of the officers, as the regiment has
not yet been orgabized, but will be in a few
days, when We Will be enabled to give a full ac
count of the organization.
us to , etate,An. connection with the arrest of the
lieutenant alluded to in Thursday and yester
day's TELEGBAREI, that his committal was both
hasty and illiteral, under all the circumstances
of the case. He had a number of men under
his charge, was ordered to have them fed at
Omit's hotel by his major, and when that offi
cer was not just on hand when Mr. Omit wanted
his money, it was forcing the law and putting
justice to a strange test to commit a United
States officer on a charge of false pretences be
cause he had procured meals for a number of
men in the United States service at a certain
hotel, on the order of his superior officer.
When the matter was brought properly before
the Alderman, and when the Major was ap
pealed to he acknowledged frankly that he had
sent the Lieutenant and his men to Omit's hotel,
and of course was responsible and ready to pay
the bill. But what sort of redress was this for
the Lieutenant, who was thus sought to be dis
graced by the hasty action of a sour and politi
cally prejudiced bonaface ? We have a notion
that other Lieutenants will avoid Omit's hotel
in the future and seek entertainment where the
desert is made up of other fare than a prosecu_
,lion for false pretenses and an iniprisonment al
most without a hearing. The Lieutenant,
whoseiname_it is not necessary to mention, is a
gallant, young and patriotic Penailvanian,
and the men under his charge were on their
way to defend - the honor and glory of their
country. When they are in battle, the thought
of the meal they ate at Omit's hotel and the
hour that the Lieutenant passed in prison at
the instance of Mr. Omit, will be - a pleasant re
flection. In a wicked world, treason assumes
all kinds of shapes and acts in various grades.
PENSION To Vow:vim:in.—lt will no doubt in
terest our brave volunteers to know that, in
case they are disabled or killed while in serviee,
their families will not want for bread. The na
tion, through the Government, stretches out
its protecting. arm over the widow and the fath
erless of its soldiers, tenderly adopting them as
its own ; and every man wounded or disabled
in the service of his country, may rest assured
that, in his hour of helplessness, his support is
assured. Already, the families of many of
those who fell at Bull Run are in receipt of
pensions from the Government. By section
first, of the law passed July 4, 1836, soldiers of
the volunteer or militia service, and the wid
ows of soldiers dying in battle or from injury
or disease, incurred while in service, are entitled
to the full benefit of the invalid pension laws.
Volunteers for more than six months are espe
cially provided for by an act passed at the last
session of Congress. The wounded soldier re
ceives an annual allowance proportionate to his
disability. If totally incapacitated from labor,
he receives the pay of a soldier in active ser
vice ; if partially disabled, a proportionate pen
sion, 'graduated according to the certificate of
the e amining Surgeon. Widows of officers and
soldiers get one-half the pay which their hus
bands received. If no widow survives, then the
pension is paid to the children, if any, until
they arrive at the age of sixteen years. No
bounty land has been voted to soldiers for ser
vice subsequent to the act of March 3, 1855, but
when peace is restored, due provision in this
respect will probably be made for the loyal sol
diers now in service, or their immediate surviv
ing relatives, should the principals not live to
claim it. Those who have claims, or desire
further information upon this subject, may ob
tain it by writing to the Commissioner of Pen
sions at Washington.
Tics patriotic landlady patronized by one of
our exchanges, in her desire to emulate the
generosity of city governments and other corpo
rations in continuing the wages of absent sol
diers, has given notice that if any of her board
ers wish to enlist, she will allow their board to
run right on all the time they are gone, the
same, as if they remained. Can the spirit of
generous devotion to the interests of the coun
try go any farth'er than this?
fltunsplvania Haifa Zelegrapb, fribap "Afternoon, September 13, 1861.
SIPPLES, one of the jolliest members of the
craft—on being asked if he intended to enlist,
replied that he wake the poorest jiand in the
world to stop balls ; he never i tfouclied even a
fish ball but it went through him. His de
termination to stay at honuris fixed.
A YOUNG man who applied at a recruiting sta
tion not a thousand miles from this city for en
listment, was asked "if he could sleep on the
point of a bayonet," when he promptly replied
by saying, "he could try it, as he bad often
slept on a pint of whisky, and the kind they
used where he came from would kill farther
than any shooting-iron he ever saw."
goax RevsLocurs.—A patent was issued on
the 7th inst., to Mr. J. K. Gittens, of Green
point, for a novel application of cork to the in
terior of hats and havelocks. The idea of this
appliance is to protect the wearer from the in
tense rays of the sun, which it is claimed it will
do more effectually than can be done by any
other means. Mr. Gittens has succeeded in in
venting machinery to cut cork in the very thin
nest pieces. This lining which he uses for have
locks, &c., is of the thickness of paste board,
perfectly elastic and a non-conductor of heat
andwater. It may be wadded up in a handful
and when released will assume its former posi
tion. It is lighter than any other substance of
which a havelock can be made ; a blanket
made of it will answer the same purpose and. be
of not halt the weight of a rubber blanket ; it
is impenetrable by water ; but its greatest re
commendation is that it is a non-conductor of
heat, and thus becomes a great protector of the
soldier from the sun. The thermometer which
will stand at 112 degrees in the Bun, will indi
cate but 88 when placed under .a hat or have
lock lined with cork. Mr. Gittens is preparing
to line hats and havelocks with this material,
upon an , extensive scale.
SAVING TOR OLD AGE.—No one denies that it
is wise to make a provision for old age, but we
are not all agreed as to the kind of provision it
is best to lay in. Certainly, we shall want a
little money, for a destitute old man is indeed a
sorrowful sight, and suggests to every one that
his life has been foolishly, if not wickedly spent.
You save money, by all means. But an old
Man needs just that particular kind of strength
which young men are most apt to waste.—
Many a foolish young fellow will throw away
on a holiday a certain amount of nervous ener
gy, which he will never feel the want of until
he is seventy ; and then, how much he will
want it ! It is curious; but true, that a bottle
of champagne at twenty may intensify the
rheumatism at three score. It is a fact that
overtasking the eyes at fourteen may necessi
tate the aid of spectacles at forty, instead of
eighty. We advise our young readers to be
saving of health for their old age ; for the
maxim holds good with regard to health as to
meney—waste not, want not. It is the great
est mistake to suppose that any violation of
the laws of health can, escape its penalty.
Nature forgives no sin, no error. She lets
off the offender for fifty years, sometimes, but
she catches him at last, and inflicts the punish
ment just when, just where, just how he feels
it most. Save up for old age, but save 'more
than money ; save health, save honor, 'sate,
knowledge, save the recollection of good deeds
and innocent pleasures, save pure thoughts,
save friends, save love. Save rich stores of
that kind of wealth which time cannot diminiah,
nor death take away.
VERY Sooty.—The above remark by General
McClellan, in connection with the expected bat
tle to put down rebellion, MEANS SOMETHING ;
and who of us can realize the mighty interests
involved ? Permit us to say, that success is with
the right, and the right will prevail ; and here
pardon us for giving advice. Domestic Dry
Goods are largely on the advance. Urich &
Bowman are still selling at low prices, south
east corner of Front and Market Streets.
HAvino returnedfrom the city I now have on
hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry
Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos;. 200 dozen
of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha;
a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash
for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress
Goods at great reduction. S. LIMY,
f. Rhoads' Old Corner.
Aires from all Mineral Poooll.l.—ln cases of Scrofula
Dicers, Scurvy, or Pruptionsiof ihe Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines is truly astuaishing, often removing
in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their purifying elle= ou the blood. Billions Fevers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles and in short,
mo s t all diseases soon yield to their curative properties
No family should be without them, as by their timely
use much suffering and expense saved.
Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. - D., New York, And
for sale by all Dragebla novliway
TIIST Published in a Sealed Envelope.;
Price 6 cts : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment,
and radical Cure of epermatorrhcea or seminal Weak.
ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexuel Debiity, andlmpect.
meets to Marriage generally, Nervotieness, tonsumption,
Epilepsy and Fits: Mental and Physioil incapacity, re
sin iug from eelf Abuse, 6[3.—By MuBT. J. CULVER.
WELL, M. D., Author of the Green Book (Ix. "A Boon
to Thousan us of eullbrers," h"ent under seal, in a plain
envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six'
cents, or two postage etampe, by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE,
127 Bowery, New York, Post Lace, 80x4586.
Prepamdby Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M., D.,
THE combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the re4uit of a lona, and extensive Drachm
Tn-y are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all ob
structions, whether irom cold or otherwise, headache,
pain in the silo, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner
vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and
limbs &c , disturbed sleep, Which arises from interrup
tion of nature.
Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring
on the mouth ly period with regularity. Ladies who have
been disappo.nted in the use of cither'Plaslean4,ll,Wi the
utmost conftdencein Dr. Oheeseman's Pile doing all that
they represent to do.
There is one condition of the female systein in which the
Putt cannot be taken without producing . a Picou U 41,1
RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY—
the result NISCA/CR/AOR. Such is the nvetbaslite ten
dency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a
normal condition, that wen the reproductive pottier tif na
ture cannot resist it.
Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything
injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road, ac
company each box. Price 51. Sant by mail on ennlos
ing El to DR. commune L. Oaxasmuur, Box 4,581, Post
office, New York City.
bold by one DruggiA in every town in the United States.
General Agent for the United States.
14 Broadway, New York,
To Whom all wholesale orders should be addressed.
Bold in Harrisburg oy C. A'. &mum.
nfailible il correcting, regulating, and remolittg a
01) RIT ltions, from whatever cause, and f,,,
ways successful as a proven.
' live. . .
. _ _
JL . the doeterit for many years, both in 'ranee and
_with unparalleled success in every mum ; and
he in urged by many thousano ladies who need them, to
make the Pllls public for the alleviation of those suffering
Dom any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent
an increase of family where health will not permit it.—
Females particularly situated, or those supposing them
wives so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that
condition, as they are sur. to produce miscarriage, moo
the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo
nition, although their mildnese would prevent any
chief to health—otherwise the Pills are reconimended,
Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise
al 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by
No. 2 Jonm Row; Harrisburg, Pa.
"Ladies," by sending him 11 00 to the Harrisburg
Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation tc
any part of the country ((Confidentially) and "free of poe
Cage" by Mall. Sold also by S. 8. Mame, Reading,
Joimsort, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, Philadelphia, J. L. Lan-
Bemire, Lebanon, Daum H. Hamm, Lancaster; J. A.
Worn. Wrightsville ; B. T. Mutsu, York ; and by on*
druggist In every city and village in the Union, and by
S. D. Howe, ole proprietor, New York
N. it—Look out for counterfeite. Bay no Goldeb Pilk
of any kind auks% every box is signed S. D. Howe. A. .
otherd are a base inipottition'And u ale therefore, at
you value your lives and health, m th, (to say nothing of br
ag humbugged out of your nioney) buy only of theta
who show the signature of S. D. Bio*o on every boa,
which hae recently added i . yt(soUlall of the PillP
helng AOtlillericitoo • .18341whaWly
• Tint ADVERTIBBIL, having boon restored to
health in lififew Weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having suifered several years with a severe lung abet
lon, and that dread disease, Cogsamptien—is anxious to
make known to Vs fellow.sureiers the means of cure.
To all who desire It, he will' send a copy of the pre
scription used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and aging the same, which they will find a
sure cure . fbr CousemMlon, :Asthma, Beouchilis, &c. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the Proscription
is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which
he oonceives to be nvaluahle, and he. hopes every sot
toter will try his remedy, as it will coat them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. •
Parties wishing the prescription will please address
/Cum 'county, New York.
THE undersigned Laving opened their
Manunctory of Shirts acc.„ at N 0.12 West starket
street, Harrisburg, Pa , do most respectfully solicit the
patronage and attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and
Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of
which are our own manufacture :
dr.c., &co , aro.,: arc.,
Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large
assortment of under garments dze., (from the latest im
proved London and Vans styles,) LINEN COLLARS,
CUFFS, Se.fts 80., in great varieties, all'of which being
our own maunufacture we will sell cheaper then can no
purchased elsewhere.
rename desirous of furbishing their own materials, can
have.cutting,'sewing Sze., of every varielY done accord
ing to order. Ali of the above named goods for Genie wear,
we willinake to'hiettante t tifaranteerarto' give
entice satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability
and m -teritil. all special ordeis will be promptly 'at
tended to upon the shortest notion and most reasonable
terreks. Also Burch:nits supplied Upon the most reason
able terms.
P. S. Ladies .wishing skirts pr tinder garments of any
disoriptioh, etdehtive them made to order 'by sending
sampl.sof soak kinds as may-be desired.
No. 12, Market street,
: an29416m Harrisburg, Pa.
. Rooms next door to Hummel Jr Killinger's Grocery
WEST PENN 80 - A7ZE Pllll4.
FOR the professional Education of EN- -
The one year course on Military Engineering for grad
uates of . iterary Colleges and others mathematically
prepared, and the two year cotirselor lees proficient stu
dents, will include Field FortilicatiOns, Seige Operations,
Stralegy, Tactic and Drill,
The Ninth tinnaal session of the College will begin on
Septentber 16th, 1861.
For citalognes and inr titer information address
800 d6t President of Faculty
ASelection of the beet kinds known,
for sale by J Kral,
Keystone Farm.
Per dozen2ficts; per 100 $1 ; per 1,000 $5.
forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern
Central, Cumherland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads
.ad Canal.
HAULING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the
City to the ditierent Ramat depots will be done at the
very lowest rates. -
FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to.
Orders eft at Brant's European Hotel, or si the store
of Et.; S. Zoilinger, srfll renetre prompt attention. Con—
signinente of freignt respectfully solicited.
ape :Office Beading Depot.
Q. F.3ltIlD 3E1%7 Qmr
12,01111ANG AUNT OF Tag • !7.
_l_ is still in auccessful operation and prepared to carry
freight ad LOW as any other individual line between
Pniladelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, William@
port, Jersey shore, Lace Haven, and all points on thi
NortherUCeniral, Philadelphia and Erie, and- Williams
port and EhnirA Railroads.
Local Agent at Harrisburg,
D. A tifilligtill
Goods sent co PEACOCK, ZELL & HINC4DIAN, Nov. 808
and 810 Market street, above. Eighth, by gokilmk,
will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the neat
Morning C. F. EIIENCH,
• ap34l' Traveliss Agent
"HE UNDERSIGNED having entered in-
to the COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully
solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep on hand
Cleat dill One; from the moat celebrated. and approved
mines, which will be ;delivered to any part of, tne_city,
free, from dirt and other impurities. Film WDI 2I,
GDARADMIED. Cktat. woe ULM BY ma Boaz Loan, Oen
LOAD 031 &MID -nst. Persons purchasing by the Boat
or Car Load will receive,2,24opounds to the Ten. ,
0111 c No. 74 Market street, second door from Dewber
ry alio" Yard on the Canal, loot of NO' street. Or
dors let tat either place will receive prompt attention. .
Co Belly 100 T W HALT.. agent
!SHOEMAKERS on Coarse Work
,ILJ Apply In Narth gnats atraM bialween MalM and
bort.. Em 54.110
-- at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver
pool. Now • or•c and Philadelphia Steamship company
iinetie, o. ispatcning their full powered Clyde-built iron
Steamonips follows:
GLASGOW, Saturday Somptember 7; CITY OF NI W
YORK or CITY OF bIANCREI•IER, Saturday September
21 ;, CITY OF MANCHESI6A or NEW SORB, Saturday
September 28 ; and every Saturday at Npon, from Pier
44 , Nom River.
de to Loudon $BO 00 do to Landon —SW 00
do to Panto , $B5 00do •to Paris, ;,, oo
do to Flombtrg.. $B5 00 do to Hamburg $35 00
Passengers also tor warded to Havre. Bremen, Rotter
dam, Antwerp, lsic. , at equally low rates.
l - forgone Waning to bring eut their friends can buy
tickets berg at the following rotes, to New York i From
Liverpool or Queenstown; let (Sabin, $76, 185 asd $lO5.
St..Orage from Liverpool $4O 00 From Queenstown,
These Steamers have superior accommodations for
Pariengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are
built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire
Annihilators on board.
Nnr iurther information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM
Agent,p Waier Street.; in Glasgow to Wlf.
INYAN, 6 et. Enoch &ogre ; is Queenstown to C. Fs E.
D. BEI YOUR.Ac ;in ondonm EiVeS & MALY, 61
Slug *Hiram St. ; In Parts to 'TILOS MOGI; 5 Place
de la Source ; in Philadelphia 15 — JORN G. DALE, 111
Walnut street ; or at the Company's offices.
JhO. O._DALE, Agent,
„ 16 Broadway New York.
Or 0. 0. Zimmerman. Agent. Rarrieburs .
N old established Republican paper,
located In the interior of the State, wilt be sold ou
the thost,reastarible terms. The county in 'which It is
landed is largely Repuelicsn, and the inducements for a
good practical printer are among toe hest that can be of
fere4. It will oe sold on the most rea unable terms, end
possession given immediately. Per tniormation call on
the Softer of the TELEGRAPH.
Harrisburg. Aug. 19, 1861.
BY DIRECTION of the President of the
'United States, all volunteer regitrients or
parts of Regiinents accepted directly by_ the
War Department from Pennsylvania, either with
or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are
to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their
commanders will therefore immediately report
to these , headquarters, stating the number of
men and the station from which they are to be
taken, that transportation may be furnished
them without delay. By order of
Governor and Commander-in-Chie
Casio BIDDLE, A. C. D aug2
Exsarnvie Daniivenerr,
HAILRISBURG, Sept. 8, 1861. f
1. No pardon will be granted until notice of
the Application therefor shall have been given
by publication once a week for two consecutive
weeks in a newspaper printed in the county in
which the conviction wa had.
2 No pardon will be granted unless .notice
of the application therefor shall have been given
to the District Attorney of the proper County.
3. No pardon will be granted without first
consulting the Judge who presided at the trial
of the party. By order of the Governor.
sep4-lm. Sec'y of Corn.
Board Reduced to $2 per Day
IQN . OE the' opening of this vast anti°Om- -
, modions Hotel, in 1854, it has been the single en
detotor of the proprietors to mace it the most sumptuous,
convenient and. comfortable home for the citizen atm
strapger on this aide the Atlantic. •
And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the
comfort Of its *nests they hive endeavored; wiihontre-•
gard to cost, to provide, and to combine altthe blenients
oflndividual and social enjoyment which modern art
has invented, and modern tame approved; and she pat
ronaye which it has commanded during the - Past six years
is a pratifying,proof that their efforts have been appre-
To meet the-exigencies of thelimei, wlnan Atli are re,:
'lured to practice the moat rigid economy, the under
Rave Reduced the Price of Board to
. . .
Two Do ll ars per Day,
et tho same abating none of the luxuries With which
their table hu hitherto been irappliea.
New York, Sept, 2, 1861..0p97.(18hi0.
rytHE undersigned would respectfully in
!form the citizens of Harrisburg that be is prepared
to furnish in any part of the city, Lykens Valley, Trevor
ton and Wilkesbarre Coal as low as any other dealers in
the city. Please call and give me a trial.
J. WALIAIWRI . , Jr., Agent,
No. 8, Heading Railroad Depot,
Harrisburg, Pa.
FUR RENIC=The large brick dwelling
• I
• house now occupied by David 'Mumma Jr. Esq., on
Turd street near Market, with an office sunaole for an
attorney. Possession given firA of October next. En
quire, at the Prothonotary's office. Ww. iffirmonx. •
STAPE Street near Third street, a few
doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A flee
new Hearse Ready made Coffin.; always on band and
neitt4 , finished to order. Silver plates, an.. Terms rea
sonable. [.n3o-adzes] O. BARBR.AI
Harrisburg, Sept. 9. 1861. 1
SEALED PROPOSALS mill be received at this
office up to twelve- o'clock on Friday, the
13th day of September, 1861, to furnish the fol
lowing articles of supplies, m such quantities,
at such times and at such places as may be di
rected by this office
800 cords of oak wood.
100 tons of Lykens Valley coal.
The same to be inspected by proper persons
selected as provided by the act of Assembly.
5ep97441. Quartermaster General.
, .
Harrisburg, Pa.
A LWAYS on hand a large assortment. of
Li. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Ac., of the very beet
finalities for ladies, gentlemen, and cbildrens , wear.—
Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO
ORDER in the best style by superior workmen-
REPAIRING done at short notice.
ontlit-dtf „JOHN B. SMITH, Harrishura.
- 66 THE unity of Government, which con
stitutes.yon one people ; is now dear to you."—
War ingtea's Itweinerl Address.. A nationality is essen
tial to the enduring prosperity`of our cmuitry. True pa,
triotism must arise from knowledge. 'lt is only a proper
understanding of our civil' institutions that can induce
strong and settled attachment to their principles, and
Impart ability fee their maintenance,.
"OM GoVERNMENT : An exPlaliatoiy statement of
the system of Government of the Country,' ,
contains the
test of the Constitution of the United States, and the Con
Mink tonal provisions of the several States, with their
meaning and construction, as determined by Whew au .
ghat* yr and.. precedent mid..practice, or .derived from
ttaas* , 4 ,4 Vers'; digested aid arranged for popular use
prte6 cri clo' '''y M. WIEINSE Y,
del H rrisbarg, Pa.
F - ERV„sEE AND_ :VERY . a:Li - CATE. Put
. up neatly in flue poi:LA(lo4ns. .
WOK. .I.*
1 ir IditilE 'YEW BRIGHT ' EMPTY
Ai nous BARRELS in zed &mak= for see
Lieltel WM. DOCK, .Ir,oliCo.
1110pENJ. BUFFINGTON, Esq., of Wash-
Ington township, offers himself as a aindidata far
LOLINTY COM iiIi , SIONER at the ensuing election, aim.
lea to the action of the Peoples Counil Ooneention. He
proteiFes if elected to discharge the duties of the Mlles
with fidelity.
WILLIAM ALLEN, of West Honover
t wnship, Will be a candidate for the bTATE
LEGISLATURE subject to the nomination by toe Repub
lican Convention of Dauphin county.
RICHARD NOLEN, offers himself as a
candidate for the office of ta+UNTY Ts. BA;UnHa
at we eautulo g election, :.oci he net oni, pr, mae to dis
ettaae the du tea of he office with fidelity , but if elected
pledges bint elf to pay One Hundred rosy , . to ward cup . ,
porting the findliei of the seaters of Dauphin county
which are now or may be In aerviee in thn defence of our
beloved Country.
.1113 R -undersigned uffers himself 'as a
L candidate tor the office t f COUN t Y COMICS-lON
ER, subject to the 11011111.41.110 g Convention, ens pledges
himself if nominated and elected to ffisoharge the duties
of the like with tl telity.
DANIEL KENDIG, of Middletown, ot
ters hiteseh as a candidate for the SPATE LEWIS
LATORIC at the ensuing election, sub.ttet to the action of
toe People's pointy Coavention. And pled,es himself
to discharge the duties or the office ttontly and faith.
Nai r
DR. THOMAS (1, FOX, of Derry town
ship, offers himself as a candidate fur the STATE.
CaIiBLAB:FRE at the ensuing atect sunp•et to ta ac.
lion of the People's County Convention. tie promlset if
elected to disch.rge the eutie3 of the office with fidelity
T C. YOUNG, offers himself as a candi
d *date for the office of Prothonotary etc ' of Dauphin
county atthe enmfug elemion. He eug.gesif elected to
perform the duties or the office with fidelity.
angls4/ImitO •
ABRAHAM El. BUYER, or East Haoo
ver, offers himself as a candidato fir KiGllTitd at
tue o:awng election, subject to toe action of the People's
County Cour...igloo. He proms• s if elected to di charge
the duties of the office with
aug22 dto
H„ B. SCHREINER, of Gratz. offers
• himsell as a candidate for the sr .TZ LgGI3 .A,
tUtt~ at the ensuing election, subject to the action of
the People's County Convention. Re promi.ies,lf elec
ted to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity.
A. S. EYSTE offers himself as a
• candidate for the dace of PROVE ,Niip l Ky.
at the 'ensuing ete,ition, and pledges his reputation for
attention to business as a guarantee for the taittiful per
formance of its duties, if elected.
litirrisburg, August 21., 180 t. .iitc*
111Q10;ENJAhdIN BUCK, of Harrisburg, of
ids fern himself as a (lutanist° forCOC'Tff TUMSIIR
.Se at the e, suing eleotiou, subject to tee action .01 the
Peoples counts , ' convonuon He promises, if elected to
disellargelbe ditties of the office with fidelity.
augmsnwta •
A MITEL M A RQUAItT, of Harrisburg,
►Ofor l i himself AS a f REGlsdat at tile
eczning eleCtion, alibied to the notion of the P,ople's
Cort,iy COLvention. He promises, if elected to diecharg
the duties of the lake with fidelity.
annl7-dicale. .
. .
FELLO W CI I IZENS : I offer myselt as
Candidate for Coutity Treasurer at the enacting
emotion, itibjectio the action of he People Couiay's Con-
Tendon. nhotitd Ibe ea lormuate to be elected I wedge
myself to discharge the duties of said oth e with fidelity.
Dauphin, Aug. 12 1861.40
VELD. W CITIZENS—I offer myself as
a Union Independent candidate for the office of Re
gister of Wills of Dauphin county. Should Ibe so lot
tucate as to be elected, I promise to discharge the duties
of tse aloe with fidelity. JBSdli B. HUMIISL.
Ilunimelstown, July 81, 1861-oltawtc
Cbb. Jew. FREEL AND, of Halifax town
ahlv, offers Chosen .as acandidate fur ASSEIBLY
at the ensciag eleetion, oehject to the scion of the PeO
ple'stetliaty Convention. He promises, it elected to dis
charge the duties of the office with fidelity:
Soleot Schools for Boys and Girls
P•HE Fall•term of ROBERT bi'ELWEE'd
L !School for bid, a, will opow on the that Monday in
September. flic room Is well ventilated, comlortatly
fornisncd, and in every respect adapted for school par,
LATHARINIESPELWEE'S Fehool for girls, locate 1 in
the same bonding, will open for the Fail term at the same
tiwe. The room he, been-elegantly tided up to promote
the health anti iiomfort of ectwiars. aug241,1
pit& SUBSCRIBSR has removed hie
r emetaiso AND BNAS.I FOUND:fit from Markel
street tolirourth street.aacive filarcel,omxmite the Bettie
church. Ttiankful for past patronage, ne hopes, by strict.
attention to business, to merit a continuance of it.
iner16 , ...3n0 . PARKFID, .
Tclose up the concern the entire
. stock or SnuES, BOOTS, ate.,•late or 01 4 ver Be
elan; deceased, in the rooms Is tee Marital, Square, WI LL
be said at private sale at 00.3 T; and the rooms will be
rented to the puroll seer if desired. The ttratt will be
marls ers9 - le 17- Ott' DaN'i I‘. • attest .
To . Newly' Organized Regiments.
A lot of the very best overcoats, made
IX; according to the army regulations, sal static en
tu equip a full regiment, are for sale at D. Skle:LBN BEKt
li L Ir. cp., Second street. below Jones House. Harris.
bang: aug3o-dlat
H E SUBSCRIBER would respectfully
inform toe public that he ha, removed his Plumb
ing dud Braes lA:lending establishment to No. 22 South
Hard street balmy Herr's Hotel. Thankful for past pat
vortatre, be hopes by strict attention to business to merit
a continuance of It. -
apl2.dtf J. JONIN.
VOR, OA 1....E.—0us ot the best business
ju stands In the city on reason,ble him; or leased
for three or five yes rs situated In Market street. between
Fourth anti Fitch: ihnintro on the premises of
THE =del:signed has established a
"regular LDIM OF STAGE coscacs hem Mechanists
burg, connecting every other morning .with Chiniber
land Valley itailroad care. The coaches Wave every
eyer iv i iieday, Thursday and Sitturday; retumdoi every
other day. Passengers for Sheeparomew. mo w&
Petersburg and Gettysburg ere carried at reduced rates.
, WM. J. TAU.
Gittr t roPerty, fei Sale. •
-sod lot of ground, ideinotty locata mitotic St.,
belWealattliberfY litMictud•WashingtOil Avenue.
Also TWO LARGE PIANOS in good =Whoa and of es.
eellunt.t "./114. Apply C. O. zOOOOOLa.,
No. SS, South Secondutreel.