Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 12, 1861, Image 4
New Zbvertioentents AV '2 BEEF & PORK FOR 1882 Navy DEPARTKEIT; Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, August 24,1861. Sealed Proposals, endorsed, " Proposals for Beef," and " Proposals for Pork," as the case may be, will be received at this office until 9 o'clock A.M., on Wednesday, the 25th day of September next, for furnishing and delivering, free of all cost and risk to the United States, at the following navy yards : Barrels Beef. Barrels Pork. At Charlestown, Mass-8,500 4,5 00 At 8r00k1yn,N.Y.....4,500 6,000 At Philadelpia, Penn. 1,000 1,500 9,000 One-half of said beef and pork must be deliv ered at each of the above-named yards, respec tively, by the Ist day of April, 1862 ; and the remaining half by the let day of June, 1862, unless earlier deliveries should be required by the chief of this bureau. Payment to be made within thirty days after the delivery. Bidders must specify their prices separately and distinctly in separate offers for the beef and for the pork, and for each of the places of de livery, covering all expenses and all charges. The beef must be from well fattened cattle, slaughtered between the first day of October, 1861, and, the Ist day of January, 1862, and weighing not less than six hundred pounds, nett weight, each. The legs and leg rands of the hind quarters, and the shins and shoulder clods the shoulders of mutton and ends of sticking pieces, and at least twelve pounds from the neck end of each fore-quarter, or the parts marked Nos. 1,2, 3,4, and 6, on the 'drawing or delineation of the fore and hind-quarters of an ox, which will be attached to and form a part of the contract, must be wholly excluded from each barrel ; all the other pieces are to be packed, and instead of being cut with a cleaver, must be cut through with a saw and knife, to give the meat a square, neat, and smooth appearance, en pieces of not less than eight pounds, nor more than twelve pounds each. The pork must be packed from corn-fed, well fattened hogs, slaughtered between the Ist day of December, 1861, and the Ist day of January, 1862, and weighing not less than two hundred pounds each, excluding the heads, joles, necks, shoulders, hams, legs, feet, butts, rumps, lard, and all refuse pieces, and must be cut with a saw and knife in pieces weighing not less than six pounds nor more than twelve pounds each. Both the beef and pork must be salted with at least one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of May, Key West solar, Onondaga solar, or St. tribe's salt; and the beef must have five ounces of fine pulverised saltpetre to each barrel, ex elusive of a pickle to be made from fresh water as strong as salt will make it, and must be per fectly bright and clean Each barrel must contain full 200 pounds heti, weight of beef or pork, and no excess of weight in either article will be paid for. The barrels must be entirely new, and be made of the best seasoned heart of the white oak staves and headings; the staves to be not less than five-eights of an inch thick, and the -headings not less than three-fourths of an inch thick ; they must be three-fourths hooped over, including the iron hoops, with the best white: oak or hickory hoops, and each barrel must have on it four iron hoops, viz : one of one and a half inch in width on each bilge, and one of one and an eighth inch in width on each chime, and each to be of one-sixteenth of an inch thick. Each barrel must be of the internal capacity of thirty-two gallons, and the iron hoops must be well painted with red lead. Ruh barrel must be branded by burning on its head "Navy Beef," or "Navy Pork," as the case may be, with the contractor's name and the year when packed, and weight ; and shall also be branded on the bung stave with the letter B or P, as the case may be. The beef and pork will, unless otherwise di rected by the chief of this bureau, be inspected by the inspecting officers at the respective navy yards aforesaid, and by some "sworn inspector of salted provisions," who will be selected by the respective commanding officers ; but their charges for such inspections must be paid by the respective contractors, who must likewise have the barrels put in.good shipping order, to the satisfaction of the commandants of the re spective navy yards aforesaid, after inspection, and at their own expense. Two or more approved sureties in a sum equal to one-half the estimated amount of the con tract will be required, and twenty per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, as collateral se curity for the due and faithful performance of the respective contracts, which will on no ac count be paid Until the contracts are complied with in all respects; and is to be forfeited to the United States in the event of failure to complete the deliveries within the prescribed period. In case of failure on part of the con tractor to deliver all or any of the beef or pork above mentioned, of the quality' and at the time and places above provided, the contractor will forfeit to the United States, as 11- qaidated damages; a sum of money equal to twice the amount of the contract price to be paid in case of the actual delivery thereof which liquidated damages may be recovered from time to time as they accrue. Payment will be made by the United States at the peri ods above specified, (excepting the twenty per contain to be withheld until the completion of the contract, as before stated,) after the said beef and pork shall have been inspected and received, and bills for the same shall have been presented to the iiavy agents, respectively, duly approved by the commandants of the respect ive navy yards, according to the terms of the contract. Th e parts of beef to be =eluded will be particulark designated in the engravings to be attached to the con tract. Persons interested can obtain them on applica tion at this office. Bidders whose proposals shall be accepted, (and none others) will be forthwith notified, and AB early as practicable a contract will be transmitted-to them for execution, which con tract nuist be returned to the bureau within ten days, exclusive of the time required for the reg ular transmission of the mail. A. record or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance of his proposals, will be deemed a notification thereof within the meaning of the act of 1846, and his bid will be made and accepted in conformity with this un derstanding. Every offer made must be accompanied (as directed in the sixth section of the act of Con gress Making appropriations for the naval ser vice for 1846-47; approved 10th of August, 1846,) by a written guarantee, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his'or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within ten days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the article pro posed. This guarantee must e accompanied by the certificate of the United States district judge, United States district attorney, or navy agent, ran that the guarantors are able to make good their guatee. No proposals will be considered unless se eompanied by such guarantee. The bidder's name and residence, and the name of each member of the firm, where a company offers, with the Christian names writ ten in full, must be distinctly stated. Under the joint resolution of Congress, op ' proved 27th March, 1854, "all bids for supplies of provisions, clothing and small stores for the use of the navy, may be rejected at the option o the Department, if made by one not know n as a manufacturer -of or regular dealer in the article proposed to be furnished, which fact, or the reverse, must be distinctly stated in the bids offered." augBo.dit. £inu of Crawl ikt transportatiob 12,000 NEN AIR LINE ROM THEE& TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YOU. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. p_QN,AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861, the Passenger Trains will leave the Phßadel and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, aa follows. viz : EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 9.30 a. in,, on 'ar rryal of Pennsylvania Railroad li:sprain Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. in. A sleeping oar Is attached to ths train through from Pitts burg wlthont (Mange. ILAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a, m., arriving in New York at 4p. tn,, and Philadelphia at 1.24 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.45 p. m., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. in. WESTWARD. PART LINE leaveajNew York at 6 a. in., andßhiladst phla at Ba. m., arriving at Harrisburg at p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaven NeW York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. EXPRESS LINE leaves Now York at 8 p. m., arri. Tin at Harrisburg at 2.80 it. na., and corineoting with th e Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping oar is also attached to tiris train. Gonneellons are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pronsylviuda, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading ror Philadelphia. Pottayil le, Wlrcesbarre, Allentown, Reston, &o. Baggage checked through. rare between New York and Harrisburg, 26 00; between Harrisburg and Phila. delphia, IS 26 in No.l 01IXH, and $2 70 in No. 2. For tioketa or other hdormadinn apply to J.J. CLYDE, myth General Agent, Harrisburg. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD: • O 41. _ BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ,ON AND arnial MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1801, the passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Corn• inlay will depart front and arrive at Harrisburg and Pntladelphla as follows EAST WARD. PART LINK leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.16 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. 9911100E1R 11XPR1198 TRAIN leaves Hartiabars daily at 9.90 a m, and salves at West Phlisdalphla at 1.10 P.-. MAIL THAN Ammo Banisi & ntri Up .gLoopt 031M day) at 5.16 ti. m., add arrives as Virtpd P 'tau at 10.16 p. m. - ' • , Thaw train etikeedeee eouneotioa at Phladetpala with he New York Lines. nOODMYODATION MAIN, Np. 1, eta Mount Joy, leaves Raertabarg $1 7.00 a. m., and armee at West Polladalpbta at 12.00 noon. HARILLSBUES AOOOI(ktUDATWN riidlte, via oo tum• b leaves Harrisburg al 1.10 p. m., ant arrives at West at 6.26 p.m. • ACOONMODATION MAIN, No. 2, via Yount Joy, leaves, Harrisburg .t 5.16 p. m. , oonmicting at Diller rtHe with MAIL TEAM and arrives at West Piniadel phis 5t10.13 p. ;-' 'W.LATW4RD- Taftoom I-IMRE:Bs TRAIN leaves Philadelphia M 10.90 Pan g Himisburg at 2.86 a. m., Altoona 7.30, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon.. HAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a.m. , Harris burg 1.00 p. m. Altoona, 6.60 p. m., and wives at Pitts burg at 12.00 midnight. FAST LINE leaveaPhlladelphis at 11.20 a. m., Harris. burg 8.85 D. m., Altoona 8.10 p. m. , and article' at Pitta burg it 12,80 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. dolphin. at 2.80 p. in., Lancaster 6.08 p. in , Columbia 6.40 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 p. This train 'connects at Harrisburg, at 8.05 p. m. , with North. ern Central Railroad Train for Banbury , Wi ll iamsport, Lock Haven, Scranton and all points Noah. AACOOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00, p. in., Lancaster 7.50 p. m. , Mows Joy 821 p. m., misa bbett 8.87 p. and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. in. //Attention is called to the fact, that wet:igen leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. connect at Lancaster with HOLINTJOY ACCW/MODATION TRAIN, and arrived at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. m. MUL 1), Supt. Rant, D SA iv. P E e nnaYOUNG. Railroad Harrisburg, Jana 7, 1861.—dtt JUST REOE'IVED ANOTHER LOT oh' THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS AF NEWTON'S (formerly. Bagley's) IL/ inannasture, warranted to be the best in the finest pointed, most durable and as cheap as any a market, for sale, with a variety of Gold arm slyer awes of various sizes and prices at essomaws °Air Boossrosa, irspitat street. PHOTOGRAPHY, In all its Branches, Executed in the beat style known in the art, at C. G.. CRANE'S GALLERY, US Ards Street, East ojarlik, Phtla. zarE ALM, 47 OA Arm-pAsur. STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, Anibrowes, nonomiotypea, for Case; Medlarkuln Wit Rini; an• novl4 wIY )0110 pennaluania adtgrapl), elmobctil ,Horning, Sqtembtr 10, 1861 j' ~ C Sittical 'BCER H Avt , s Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. THE successful introduction and use of this cele Meted Remedy has been the signal for fora Mend flood of compounds called "Bitters," Gamed. in various farms, from a quart bottle to a .fivegallon keg, until ibis word "Bitters " is but another name for d. grog," or some villanous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief &died from the minute dose„ one teaspoonful, of our medicine, ThEREAVE'S gouANT) 13MBIt8, and the entire absence of utter puntration, has esta blished for it a reputation width the hoitof imitations sod counterialts have failed to undermine. It is pad. Lively s vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottle.,} price Owe Doman. It is a medicine of kneeled efficacy isr Parr yin' the Mud, so essential for the foundation of good health and for correcting 'disorders of *the stomach and bowels. Two or three doses win amine, theatliktted of its salutary sabots. The skew& willlipeedny regai n its strength, a healthy Elko of the liver, boweh end kidneys will soon take piste, and renewed health be the quick result. For MDIGESTION, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN. Try Ikerhave's Holland Bitters. For A.CLDITY, Try - • Berhate's Beßaud Bitters. For WATERILELABH. Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For lIEADACTOB, Try Berhave , s Holland Bitters. For LOSS OP APPETITE. 'Pry Bterhave's Holland Bitters. COSTIVENESS, Try Berhave's Holland Ilitiers. For MMES. 'Try literhareos Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Ithemmatle, and Neundee 'Affec tions, it has In numerous Instances proved highly beneftcyd, and In others effected a decided cure. Read Careftally 1 The genuine, highly-concentrated BGalltineti uteri Duress is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced mai -y Imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Beware ofistposition / See that our name is on the tabel of every botae pets buy.'• Benj. Page Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA for We to the dty etinatilsh ago 7 'D WORMS CO. nalthit-empl-dawly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZIMMERALiti & 001 O. 62 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, h., opposite Etsax's Horn and adjoinhig the SAS HOMO, haring purchased the stook of S. F Jennings, and added a large seeortment of NEW JAW MEM, we will sell the mama the lowest cask price, and soden patronage. Watchee, Olean and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delirerod. ALFRED F: Ztionitiulir a co.. - ... flaribg disposed of my Molds of . Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman as 00, I cluserftdly keoommend their 10 lay_ for mer customers as prastical , and experienced Petah Makers, and solicit for them a continuance of the patron age which has been so generonsly extended tome during the last six years. !AM SULU F. AWNINGS. DENTISTRY. n. GEO.• W. SPINE , gradaate of the . Ajf altiroora Collo go of Dental surgery, haying perms nissly boated. la the oity of Harrisburg and talon the oiled formerly occupied by. Dr. Gorged, on Third Ste eet, between Market and Walnut, respectfullihtforms hb Mends and the public to general, that his Is prepared to perform all operations in tee Dental profession either surgical or meobauloal, in a manner that shal tnot be impeesed by operators in this or any other city. Hie mode of Merton artidoial teeth is upon the Mac in weeds:dentine principles. ,Teeth, tram one tot full set, mounted on nue Held, Hi yer, Retina plates or the - Vulcanite' Base. I take great pleasure In recommending the aoeve gee Ilemau to alt my former patients of Harrisburg and id; May, and feel confident that he will perfbroi all, opera tions a solentille manner, trommir knowledge„ of his ability. LmyBAltfj P.. 1 h. ooDoes, D. D. EL NM151323C S. SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1., COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Ot ,be above we have all the afferent sized patltagee rom the 1217 le the maw= In store and for sale at taw 011/eil Warhol rata. reble WIL 10244 i; Abp. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT 07 , LADIES' TRAVELLING gHOP:P'ING Atoll prkm,for isle at MUIGNIIII,3I3 OUW BOOKNOBX, Market arm OUR UNION di'OONSTITUTION4 4491:FR GOVERNMENT," by 'wrevy is a work oontalaing the mums os um MID limos, giving the construction of its Terms and Provisionly,showing the relations or the several Ames to the Union and each Willi, and explain log game redly thaSystom otGloverniuent ce: the Country: _ Trios *1 00: Bold, and orders Supplied, by Mut, sPatrils• burg, Pa. Agents for Counties And States wanted. TEEERBdObLEITEItS I -• THRRUOYSTW, Ornamental Mardis, Zapurese , Metal. TRERMOYLTERS, do do (Bronzed do THERMONSTRRG, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THERMOII6I4OItS, do Brass Round Doiblelikale. TRERMOlfingitii Union Case, 1042 Inch. THERMOMITRIS, Metall° From= inch. , , THERMOYNTERS, Blank Walnut - 3,0 inch. THERM/METERS, Tin Cue, 74.10 inch. Wehave Joel received a Ana lot or Tilossocsarrig R or various styles, and are selling them low. HSLI,IO/11 DRUG STORE, ap ; - 91 Market street. lOKORY OAK. AND PINE WOOD Xl for sale. OUT IV !ROVE OR CORD LENOIR 40 SUIT PURCHASER& ALSO, LOW= POGIS ARD CHEDIROZ RAILS CO2 TO oßw#l. , ALSO, MONA AR D SAND IVR BtDIDINO PORPOSAR. Inquire of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge raid, opposite the -Good Will aligtne - House, or at the Yard, corner of Second and -Broad streets, West Hay - risburg. Dora& ) B. OOLE REDUOTION IN PIIIOEB I IflßlN ß anilidn sad Figured. GAS Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL KLAINN3, xtra Styles and Quality. BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different prices. PINE STOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices in all the above Goods, on eiamiaation„win be bond "lower than ever," at i• WERIA-Ars, .3324 Fait door Tieryiebdrie mu*. • LTANV:.—Three Hundred Extra Sugar 11Ped gams jug received_lAy I'm DOM TL 00 Strbical AyerS CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU feeble a Ltd iminplAinine ireyou out of order, with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms arc often the prelude to serious illness. Soma fit of sickness is creeping upon von, aad should be averted by a. timely one at the right remedy. rake Ayers Me and cleanse oat the discraered humors—pun. y the blood and let the guide move duooetructaa n hostiti again. They stimu li's the lanottons of the holy tato v teems activity , pa rtly the system worn diamtse. A . old settles somewhere in the body, anti °bora .kateral [Unctions. These, Got relieved, react upon weasel yea and the surround mg orgnsa, producing goners; iggravattoo, snaring and disease While in this condition, oppressed by the de numemema, take &yer d MILS and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with Slim buoyant feeling ol oundb isaib. What is true and so apparent to this (rival and ,-Itioiakop complaint, Is also true In many of the deep-waked and dangerous diatom re: . 4 Lie same puppy. vac expels them. Caused g l 3 ', e l a n , obstructions and derangements 01 the natural Stootiour ot the body, they are .rapidly, and many of them sorely, cared by the same means. None who thou the Virtues ol lb* Nis, will neglect to employ hem when buttering front the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physiciaas hi some she principal 'Mlles, ind4thmtother wW .known public per From a foraarding, Kerr:haat of St. Louts, Feb. 4, 111/41. • Ds. Antis : Your Ms air On paragon of all that Is peat in medicine. They have cured my little daughter 01 ulcerous sores upen her Mn s and bet that had proved lecurable ter.years. Her m Aber bas been long grlevioutdy Milled With' blotches and pimples 00 her skin and in her hair. After our child was Cured, she also Sr 111t1 our Ms, and they have cured her. ABA MORGIUDGI. As • EMU: Puma Mom Dr. it W. Osrtai right, New Orleans.] Your POW are ilia prime at purges. Their excellent glades surpass any ealliar we possess. They are mi d, but , very awards' and ellddtaal in their Wien on the bowels, which make them btrulnable to us In the daily nehment of disease. asuman, Skid augment s Yon Stomas. [From Dr. &lined Boyd, Bantiooro.] DRAB BRO. ATRR : I 01111bOR 11211/411, you WHAT com @Wets I bate mono with your PUls better than to say sY that we ever treat with a piorpatioe medians& I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic Is my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do thatyour pills afford us the best we hare, fof course value them ably Pnrissase, Pa., May 1,1866. DR. J. O. cyst--tor: I have been repeatedly cured ot be worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two your MIL It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at ones.- Yours with peat respect, • ED. W. PIUMUI, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. &Luxe Doonaus.-1 Ooze. [From Dr. Theodore Belk • Hey York City.] Not only are your, Ma anm rably adapted to their purpose as an apsnent, but I dnd their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked Lulled: They Miro In . my =Proeslt more edeotaid Or the, cure ut Whom bits than any one remedy moan inention. I dn- Oerely rigid= that we tare at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence of the profeaalon and the people. Dirraniutairr or tax Washington, D. CL 7= 2 1866. I Str ihave wad your Pub' In my general and hospital practice ever since you made than, and cannot hesitate to say they are the best tathartio we employ. Titer re gulating action on the Ivor iegrucli and decided close gamily they are an admirable remedy tor derankement of that organ. Indeed, . 1 have seldom found a cue of Billow Disease epithelia ite that it did net [Maly yield to them. Fraternally your sumo BALI, M. Dy Phyideian at the Marine Hospital. ftillnarr UlaarOiOra Rau; Wendish (From Br. Green, et Chicago.] . Your ri ll s h .ve had Ang trial in my tiraetioe, and I bold thini in esteem as one of the best temente I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in =Mil doses for Bilious Women! mid Diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating makes them very aoseptible and convenient for the nee of women and-children Dimeate4 Damn or 2= &sop. (Prom Rev. J. .r. BlinesePeaWr Advent Church, Boston. Dr. Amur: I have modsour VIM with extmordlnary moms In My twiny and Imre* Mosel am called to whit In McCraw. To regulate be.organs el digestion and po lity the bleed, they are the very best remedy I have Amer known; and I can confidently recommend them to my friend', . Ton% J V. nuns. •WABILLIG Wyoming 0c.,11. T., Oct. 26,1866. Dant tits i m using your Cathartic Pill. In my prance, and And them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify Ms fassabsitu of glie blood. JOHN G. KBACHAN, H. D. Chiscr.utoar, *nesse ma, Nurriumnow, Ilewounat 0011 T, NIMULAILA, Dean; Pasamtmh Ink ITIL [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Wads.] - Too much usenet be at your PAIR for the cure al °Mirages. if Where ot your fraternity have found them aa ` emcediom an I have, they should pin me In pro. claiming Alpe the bonen of the multitudes who sutler tram that mainPlalut, 'whiab, although bad enough In It self, te the progenitor &others that are trace. 1 bellve Castilian= to originate In the liver, but your Villa allbot that algae and care the ewe's. WroBl give& Btasrt, Phydniaa and Midwife, .Baston.„l I Anil one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the proper thne, are ' steellitat' promotivarof the Natural aeration when witalier partially suppeessed, and also ery ellectual wOULLBBIthe 880118011 and 1812.81. WORMIB. they are 80 much the best phyla@ we betrothal r soon mead no other to my patients. 'Wont the Bev. Dr. Nantes, of the Methodist itpiseopel Puircl l 4 .lan. 6, 1666. Haman But : I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought no It. I did ant report my ease to you. A cold settled in my limbs and b ug on excru ciating Neuralgic Pains, which ended In Mraulo Blum madam- Notwith stand ing I had the best of physicians, the disease grew nurse end worse, until by the advice of your. atoellent ages& in Baltimore, Dr. Makensie, I tried year Pills. Their eilbots treraslow but sure. B y persevet:ng in the use ot them, lam now entirely well. Mows (humans, Malan Rouge, La., Deo. b, thy Ana I hare been endrely oared by your Pills, of Ilhoumalle•Gout...a painful dams that bad affilated me lor years. . VINCENT. EILEDBIJ,. driritosV et the RUM in market GaAs& Mercury, wldeb, althougiia valuable remedy, in sirilliut bands, is dangerous In a pablie pill, from the dread Ail oeussquen. we that frequently fellow Ile Ineautleus stse. There eadeln oo mercury oraolimeal subsumes whatever. Price 26 aunts per buyer 2 berm for Al. ' Prepared by DEt. J. 0...1:211.1141 OH., Lowell, Man. Add by 0. A. Bwarait i O. K. Zeller, B. W. Gross M. Luta; Holman & Oe., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and beim ever/where. 111127-emdso, . 1 - 14.vw HAYNE, 110 . MARENr, ST. jur: Bauusßuße,, Agent for ;EYE'S 'PATENT Wrought sad Culled Iron two and Burglar Prod MAX I Mila n Baldly Ms ONLY Maroaaate dale awls, that M both to mad Burglar' Proag. mairggey CAADLESI PABJLFF]NIL.CLNDLE SPERM OANDLKIN priMiTINE OANDLICB, E CANDLES, STAR CANDLES,.. OBECLICAL SPEEN CANDLE, , TALLOW oANDLEs. , Wrge lot 01 the ahoy* In store and kor side at the low - WIS., WOE. & 00., iW • • Optedte the Court Hoene. A' VERY ANAVY STOOK ,OF - BIAAOII AND. SECOND MOURNING ' DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the Out of importatiove. °Au. AT CATHCART'S, mayB Nest door la His Harrisburg Hank. w.L.L.LowEE , s.LINE, EIAiatIiiiiIIBGandPHILADELPHIA Tiiss. B. Bark, Agra 812 Mantit sand, Phikiitei? - p ka , formerlylivinglim dr Co. §:oda Ooridnotor 'charge of each floods delivered at the Warehouse. Philadel. at 4M o'clock P. M., out be sound:ad is raffia. burg neat isorning. d. W ALLOWII3, JR, Apo; my2liitt Oak* Reedit% Depot, HarriablzrE. RE SOLDIER'S- B4X)K, "Our Gorman'," In elleohlott of the oiitsetu ,"" at the uidied Beta , explehise Uneaten eiroper item ot our iereervonete„ trete End autheehe •ourfts<el.enots it 9(1,-,Ohe ow it DIRF 2 MitlettgßillatleoMl6 Misr tacmtous LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAKBUCI WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and bane &Lai qualities as a genuine ft lmulant, Tonic, is retie and Sedorific, highly esteemed by eminent,. play* dans,. and come of the first families in Ramp. an America. SPEER'S SAIEBITCI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is rare, from cultivated Portugal Eider, recommended by (Mom- Isla and Phydidana as possessing medical properties ea • parlor to any other Wino in nee, ant an elven mt crti• chi fir all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting Wait . and children. . A LADINAt WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other wines, We It con tains no mixture of spirits or, other liquors, and ad mired ibr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, Imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, snit and healthy BMA and comokalon. None genuine unless the signature of PrAcidc, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle, MAKE ONE 'TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. WEER, Proprietor. PassiAii, N. J. OfficeloB BrOadway, Flew `Aoki ' J. H. EATON. agent, Philadelphia., For sale by I) W. ,Grore, gt OlicO. N. Keller, Jan Wyeth and by dredgists generally . . Jyl-lowly. Great, vute• DR. LEL.LAND'S` ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY' KNOWN REM:IIIDY FOB Ilhetunatiam f Gont and Noralguv AIM Alinim CM= JOE All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a me. tz cited compound;to be worn around the Waist, without' injury to the most delicate persoue, no change inhabits of living is required, and it entirely removes the disease from the system , without producing the toloriocis alone arising from the use of powzrfut internal medicines which weaken and destroy the clinitlttltioll, sad give temporary relief only. By this treAtment, the medical properties contained in Ilia Band, come in canted with the blood sad reaches the diseaseottrough the,poree ol the skin, Monies in every instance a perfect core, and restore the pirts afflicted to a healthy condition. • Tine Band is she a most powerlhl Arts-lisnanum, agent, and, will entirely relieve the system frcun the pernicious ef fects of Mercury. Moderate eases are cured In a sew dap, and we are constantly rewiring testimonial of its 'Blowy in aggravated eases of tang standing. Paws 0.100, to be had of Druggists generally, or can us sent by mail or empress, with fall directions for ass . to any part of the country, dirket from the Principal Moe, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Bole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Bent Free. sarcasm's WaNTBD EV eilltWHEZße.ja • SOMETHING FOR TBB TIMES 11 1 A Necessity -in Everv , Householil 1 . JOHNS & CROSLEY'S • • . American. Cement Glue The Strongest Sine in, the World FOB CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, HARBLE, POR CHAIN; ALABASTER; YIONE, - • OORAL, &c., ;dcw, . The onlyartiole of the kilidever produced which will withitand Water. - ierrem44 ..trary housekeeper should have a r arksims Oroilers smericaaVement Gine.??—N r. ;Ana. "Ms so oonveasiwit to have rn tee bouse 9 .4l. Y. "it IS always ready ; thisainuttends to everY 'body." N. Yarrinninnesr. ",We have tried it, and find it as , useful in walkers. as waten.*—Wunss Pt= or no Tans. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Veri Liberal Redactions to Wholesale Dealen.. • IBMs Vesta- , • • gff" For sale by all Drugesta and Btorekeep ers generally throughout the country.. JOHNS & OROSISY,- . (Sole Manuiactureei) • 78 Wilma* Brim; (Corner . of Liberty Street,) Raw Ycniir. • . FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND , SIIKILEE STYLES. 186 1 . ISHADELPHIA FASHION% GRANVILLE BTOICNO' ONE PERE GIST CLOTHING. EMPORIU M No. 807 OllfilllTNll2 Britain. • superb stook or lino 11,41, 2110111 b and Animism! 4:ll3lliffi t, th i sgatuauck ' • • and VESTINGI3, /or Qty add enentry trada, with OM IldlppidiGh&bkl ortolan of EMIWT Mum thanium at the lam* oash pram " iggrhot Ain Mall is tusked, and istairr of =Ude worth and use presented with each &rade Sold. Peril %Ala attention paid to the Customer department, and garments made andseat to order to any address, Tn hungarating this new system of doling business, GRANVILIJi IsTOILM3 would impress on • • theininds o f the patrons of his astablistmiest, - that the cast of the gift is deducted from, and Nov added to the price of the out de sold.. ills immensely hicrealdog sales enab= is hint to act i lium liberally, and at the` Same time to a remunerative :profit. - all &rho*, guaranteed to eve entire satisfaction. GitANY I TKR STOKES' OMB PRICK,OI,O.THINGEN/101iIIIM 107 CHISINUT IMMO, 01-dtf SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Stowled Sarni& A N OTHER SUPPLY OF WALL P Ann, BORDERS, 80., SPLENDID WINDOW RUNES, to which we cal the attention of our friends, and cordially Invite them to examine our goods'and prices. We are determined to fell chew Mind the phme BCHICITIUI'd BOQIIVIVRZ: aplB4l ear the Hairkibuig Whim AIGUSTIALk. tatAyNE, 'UAEPEN'thit AND -BUILDER. Resicienoe No. 27 hortis &omit Biol. N. B.—JOIGEING ATTIMIDED TO ftbital. "They go right to the Spovf INSTANT ILILIBITI Snip YOUR Ou PURIFY YOUR BREATR 1 E.TRIENOTEIEN YOUR VOR3:I SPALD ING'S , ; Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FCMI LEOTCRER,S, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS GOOD FOR SINGKRB, GOOD FOB CONSIIMPTIVKi. egNILRYIN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTI LADIrs A RIR DELIGHTED Win, BPALDINGI THROAT CON FEci CRILDREN CRY Mt: SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECT[ON They rel!eve a Cough instantly They deer the Throat. They give strength and volutes to the vnire. They impart a delicious aroma to %Le Meru, They are dehgtitilal to the lasts. They 111111 made of simple barbs mid comout h,.0 ry 1 advise every ova who has a Cough or a H.. or a Bid Breath, or any Mulcahy of the Throat t. pw4dluip of my Throat Oodectioos, they wig F). total* * , aod yen win And them very useful an] Vi ew ant while Ofiffilihkg Of attending public 111001.1(la big your Cough or alloying roar Writ. If you try pickily lam sant In saying that you will ev e r a:ku wards ownsidoethom Indispeosiois Yon will ftu I ty.. e at the britatits and Dealers In Medicines. PRIOR TWENTY-Flys CEathi My Wyman, la en each package. AU other ar• • Pabbsige wltt b seal by mail, prepaid, on rec...l Thirty OW.' Aaron, HIMLY C. SPALDING, No. 48 ORDER STREET, NEW ydR,, CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HE ADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By eke sae of those Pali! Ofa tfene.le fetacis lONS OS Biek Zoodacke way be preeeLbO. faf LA, the natuonoennest Of !ff 11111 ri!e/ mx Pala aha sickness o• • • obtained . They nibbles UI. remold ng Nausea awl Hatay „ WhkiI:APSIA/IP are so subset, !telly est geutty upon the bowels, removing tbstitera For Literary Yea, Students, Delicate riMalcnl, 46.1 WWI of sedentary Imbue, they at. PAlume 0 I rime r hesprovhag the arrears, giving TOVI %I, 10 WO digestive organs, and restoring the oval, Oily and MOO& to thew role ayatetn. The 1:1178ALIC PILLS are we I, . gallon had eareddly &inducted exportinew -.0 ~; he ; sesdhe. nutty years, during watch ittn, may .o rented sod reeved a vent amount of from Head/ he, whether ortguniting in Lhr nerte4 tamer from a deranged state dine sigma& are entirely vegetable in their camp.. 4 .B may be taken at ID three with perfect taniy It4q l Pill any amine of diet and As a: 'trace 4 any ifta ymmilte Mes maws it on to administer the. BIWARI OW 000NTERFE1- This Pladae have No signature" or at Ma k box. 1.014 by dragging 11111 d etl oaar Moo Jere to curio:too A 801 Win be mat by mall prepaid on reetipt of PRIOR TWIENTY•FWE COls All orders arboAld be addressee to HBNIIY C. SPALDING! 48 C'elliu ...4rBLL ).e.. I or. srA abide bottle d speunNol FitsPAri, lane ko tins. 111 coat anually.-iii IiPALDINGI4 PREPARED GLCEI SPA_LDENG'I3 PREPARED G SPALDING'S PREPARED 6LLE,t BAYS THE PIKCFz. MMM gira =Km m mu soft tama.".ll • 1.1%.. 0 11 awfiiknus MOM, m s oui-rgitoa u S Y very desirable to have some coa4 coas..L.ol Way Sr repairing furniture, Toys, Crock r SPAIDII6IB PRIPAKID WA adorn meets all slush essergencles, and no aoccettolo cac to be without IS. TZ Ist always ready fled op to the ed. mi PAUL "118111131 IN EVERY HOCBN•" 11.-6 Thrnab sooompanies mob bottle. enr4 co Address dENRY C. eI'LLUIN G, Se. 48 Cedar scrrei, Noc Yori AY certain upprtoolpded persons aro attemptiai lulu' oil se the unssepecting public, !malicious at La, HUI PABID GLUE, would ammo persou' exayse aulkwis puraisailpm, and ria that the , lull D. SirSPALDING'i Pktf.T.t 4EI: GLUE, -11 Y hit Use NSW& wrapporositt otters sro !sr adilllg ditio 401/54/IWirrdrible DI-FA I , - Li