Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 12, 1861, Image 3

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bursday Morning, September 12, 1881.
Tut Car Locx-tre contained twelve tenants
fuesday night—mostly cases of drunkenness
110 { whom were disposed of yesterday by the
ayor, according to their deserts.
latoss, peaches, etc., are very plentiful, very
heap and tolerably good, but with them, tat-
acdl, ( erne those scout ges of the season, diar
tine.' and dysentery. The doctors say these are
More than usually prevalent at present, and so
thaw who indulge i luxuries which are apt to
briu., on these dis n eases should do so with
A SIRCLAR Awn. —Last eyerting, after work
ig hours, two of the blacksmiths connected
vith the Round House of the Pennsylvania
Railroad made up a match to run a race of one
wudted yards for a stake of five dollars—one
to l„ q, the distance and the other to perform
tin the ordinary mode of running. The race
Pas wan by the hopper, who came to the score
t least two lengths ahead of his competitor.
A Run MILL GONE.—lnformation was made at
he Mayor's office Tuesday night against Thomas
ilnaugh, for maintaining a disorderly tippling,
ouso. Gilnaugh is the keeper of a "cheap
'ocery" in State street, east of the Capital, and
nn all accounts has been driving a thriving
le in the ivhisky I Me among the dusky denisoiill
(that classic locality known as Basso,. Cove.
3 was brought up yesterday, and entered
it for appearance to answer.
Tor Km° STORE of our friend Wm. Knoche,
fo. 93 Market Street, is one of the finest estab
genesis in the city, and never falls to attract
tttentiou of the by-passers., It is the ern
n'ioni of the musical trade hereabouts, ,and to
wet the demand Mr. Knoche is necessarily
Nape Hal to keep a large supply. There is not
,nukieal instrument from a ,jews-harp ,up to a
rst Cass piano or a church organ that Mr.
:nu , }IC cu not supply you with—nor is there a
rage of sheet music published, but what can be
)uu , l upon his shelves.
EFEECT of MUSIC ON THE Bros.—The effect of
uair on the sick has been scarcely at all no-
iced. In fact its expensiveness, as it is now,
sakes any general application of it out of the
question. Wind instruments, including the
uutan voice and stringed instruments, capable
of t,,lttinuous sound, have generally a beneficial
effe,t—while the piano forte, with such instru
ments a. 9 have no contlnuityof gonad, have just
the reverse. The finest piano forte playing
damages the sick, while an air -,l4te 71:Ifon9 ;
Sweet Home," ota he most oniinitrY
organ, will sensibly Booth them—and this is
quite independent of association.
Ix TOWN.—CoI. Stephen Miller, of the first
Minnesota regiment of volunteers, is now in
this city, stopping at the Jones' House. The
Colonel wears a decided military appearance,
and we are glad to say is in the enjoyment of
excellent health. It will be recollected by our
realers that the first Minnesota regiment par
ticipated in the thickest of the fight at •the
battle of Bull Run, and suffered severely—hav
ing lost some two hundred men. On this oc
casion Col. Miller distinguished himself for his
coolness and intrepidity, winning the highest
enconiums from his superior officers, as well as
the esteem of the army generally. The Colonel
is accompanied by his son Wesley, who left
Minnesota as a private in the regiment, but has
since been promoted to a Second Lieutenantcy in
the Seventh Infantry regiment Of the regular
Yesterday a Lieutenant having charge of
twenty-five volunteer recruits from Pittsburg,
on their way to Washington city, obtained
breakfast for himself and men at the State Cap
itol Hotel, representing to Mr. Omit, the pro
prietor, that the Major of the regiment to which
they belonged would call in a short time and
settle the bill. The matter seemed all right
until towards noon, when it was ascertained that
the Lieutenant with his men had made arrange
ments to leave the city for Washington. Col.
mit then made enquiries for the major of the
egiment, and not being able to discover any
uch personage, he at once concluded that the
leutertant's story was all a sham, and imme
diately got out a warrant for his arrest for ob
taining the meals under false pretences. The
Lieutenant was arrested as he was about get
ting on the cars at the depot, and taken before'
Alderman Kline, who committed him to prison
to answer.
CHAPLALVB. —The pay of a chaplain is that of
a captain, $l6O per month—or, by the recent
decision of the War Department, the pay of a
cavalry captain, which is $6O, three rations a
day, valued at thirty-three cents, $8 a month
for a servant, if he really has one, which will
cost the chaplain $2O a month ; forage valued
at $S a month, if he has a horse, which is
about one-half the keeping that the horse will
cost, But the horse and trappings, which
will cost from $250 to $3OO, the chaplain
must furnish himself ; but if lost in the ser
vice, he will be paid for it by the Govern
ment—perhaps at the end of the war.—
All else, including clothing, etc., he must
buy himself. In some regiments the chaplain
must get the men together on Sunday as best
he can. In others the colonel does not dismiss
the Sunday A. St, inspection till after divine ser
vice. All the services must be short. It is a
great folly, as well as danger, for a chaplain to
go armed, unless he really means to take part
in the war. The person of a chaplain and sur
geon are regarded as sacred, and in case of a
battle are not shot at generally-, and if taken
prisoners of war, are released at once or tender
ly treated; but if found armed to the teeth,
would be dealt with as other men are.
Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth•
er worm.
heard the particulars of an affair that recently
ranspired in our city, which goes far to verify
the old adage that "a fool and his money are
soon parted." A. genteel and intelligent look
ing young man arrived here about ten days
ago, from one of the interior towns of the State,
having in his poisession about two hundred
dollars, mostly in gold. He was on bis way to
the "Quaker City," but meeting some acquaint
ances here, he concluded to lay over one night,
and "stir up the elephant," iti which determi
nation he was quite succonful though at a cost
which will doubtless cure' him of any further
curic*ity on the subject. In order to secure a
proper frame of mind for his anticipated view of
the animal, he in company with his compan
ions, devoted themselves fora while to certain
labors at the bar, and by, Hie time they were
ready to sally forth, their were exceedingly
"gay and happy." While in. this cheerful mood,
they encountered a gentleman of nplestsant turn
of mind, who courteously accompanied the party
to an eStablishment most lamely to be attractive
to young gentlemen from the rural districts.—
Here they found cards, and choice liquors, and
gay, sprightly women, and for a time things
went on swimmingly. At last, frequent liba
tion from the "flowing bowl" began to tell:won
derfullY on the young gentlemen, and he who
is the iinmediate Sub:lett of our remarks, sank'
finally to the floor in &glorious shite of oblivion.
His comrades observing his condition, con
cluded that he was safely "tied up" for the
night, and staggered from the eitablishinent to
stir up the animals' - else4vhere. When the
"young gentleman. from the rural districts"
awoke next morning he foimci himself reclin
ing on the grass in the Capitol park, his eyes
swollen, his hair tangled and matted, his
lips parched, and his 'hands twitching . - with
excessive nervousness, all the effect of his
recent debaudh. He quickly arose to his
feet, brushed his soiled garmenta, adjust
ed his hair, then, as if impelled by a secret
doubt, he suddenly felt for his wallet, and upon
*fling it, discovered to his horror that of the
finelikiking pile'orbank-bills it contained the
evening previous, but a solitary " ten-spot "
now greeted his vision ! He tried to recollect,
all the occurrences of the past night—the loca
tion of the hoash he yisiteci—the Immo!! I the
owner—his icompa4orts..--illl, ho4eyk,
forgotten, and his hopes of recovering any por
tion of his money, were ; excruciatingly fsii
He prOceeded to his hotel. Witli a sorrowful'.
countenanee, mul finding , that the balance of
his money would be inadequate to pay his bill
and passage iterne; he made a olearl.breast of the.
whole affair to the landlord, who kindly con
sented to "book the account,",and noon the;
" young gentleman from the rural dist / rids
left thh city, by the Northern Central Railroad,
a wiser, buf a sadder man.
The above furnishes but one of a number of
instances within our knowledge of strangers
being fleeced by the sharks of our city who are
ever on the alert for unsuspecting victims.
Many with their pockets filled with money
freely enter places which city men would avoid,
even if they had nothing in their possession to
excite the avarice of the inmates: They trust
to their native shrewdness, and are invariably
skinned, paying dear for their experience, and
meeting no sympathy in their misfortune.
~ t ~
Corns IN Prartaffrivexte.—We yesterday pub
lished an article from the Lancaster Repress in
which the writer spoke of the possibility of suc
cessfully raising' cotton in Pennsylvania. It
has heretofore been'the genendepinton,tlutt the
climate of this and the_adjoirdng middle . States
is altogether unfavorable to the growth of this ,
important product ;''yet the'Philadelphia•Preis'
publishes a letter frein a well known • gentle- ,
man, residing in Brazil, which goes to ''-shoW
that in the table lands there, where this climate
is nearly identical with our . Own, a species of
superior cotton is produced on klants which
flourish year after year amid frostsi that are ff 4 4 ,1
to vegetation of a less hardy character. The
writer was formerly a resident of _ . Lancaster
county, in this State, and seeing a **graph in'
the Press inviting farmers to try the experi
ment of growing cotton here, - he - sent,
Hr. Forney some seeds of a peculiar
kind of cotton growing fiL for
distribution among his , friends. - Of
this cotton he says "It is Ci'fitivattad in the
province of Minas Genes i , !able land,
where they have severe fro.* and cannot grow rice
or sugar cane, but have all frult& of the Middle
Slates, U. S. The DiroPean grass, Tricticum
repens, is entirely 'every year, not the
root! There are two kinds of this; cotton;
white and nankeen, of which I .send you the
two varieties." Befeirine to• a•• Cotton tree
grown for seeds of the latter quality, which
had been planted some pis years before, he
says says : "In Pennsylvania this would be
come an annual. It produces cotton the first
year:; and I have reason to believe that it will
bear the climate of Pennsylvania. There have
been. here this yesx. some heavy fossils, and the
grass referred tois entirely killed; but on tbis cot
ton tree the leaves were still green, andthere still
remained some flowers." Mr.. Forney has dis
tributed the seeds as requested,, and the matter
will now at .least get a fair trial. We perceive
that experiments with the common seed are be
ing made this year at Philadelphia, some of
which promise well. Mr. H. B. Jenks has an
acre of cotton, some of the plants of which are
from three to four feet high, and having mostly
blossomed, the balls vary in size from a large
pea to a good seized cranberry. In a month's
time, provided the frost does not kill them,
they will reach the size of walnuts and burst,
when the cotton will be ready tnpick. Mom.
Garsed & Bro., Frankford, have 'three "quarters
of an acre of plants set out. They are now
about two feet high, with occasionally stalks
of three or four feet, their balls being generally
smaller than those of the plants grown by Mr.
Jenks. A good deal of care is being bestowed
, on these experiments, and the result, whatever
it may
, will be looked for with deep interest.
A RUMOR was circulating in our streets to-day
to the effect that a soldier at Camp Curtin was
shot night before last by a farmer who detected
him stealing corn. We were not able to wiser
tain if: the report was true.
Amuse!' ea Muptisksllo.-214,Abroth-1
ere, named Neff, were arrested- at Camp_Curtin.
yesterday charged with being participants
in the recent murder of tys Smeltser
at Safe Harbor, Lancaster county; theprticu
lars of Which were pritlishe'd biltheqtaxilda APB
last week. They were taken to Liincaster to
await theiitrial. I
ImposTANT To Coax, CONSIIII3I23.—As the time
is approaching for laying in the winter supply
of coal, the following rule for verifying the
weight of Pennsylvania coal will prove of in
terest to consumers : Coal put into bins and
leveled, can be measured from one to a thous
and tons with as much accuracy as it can be
weighed on scales. For instance, Lehigh white
ash coal, per ton of 2,000 lbs. of the egg or
stove size, will uniformly measure 341. feet cu
bical, while white ash Schuylkill coal will mea
sure 85, and the pink gray and red ash will
reach 36 cubical feet per ton of 2,000 lbs., or 40
feet for' 2,240 lbs., the difference of cubical con
tents between, the net and gross ton being ex
actly four feet. If the length, breadth, and
hight of the bin• be = intiltiplied.„64ether, and
the product is divided by the aforenarned con-.
tents of a tun, the quotient must shoW the num-.
ber of tuns therein'. '" '
How. Ammo Martert.--The colaimi is pa? in
motion and the march commences with the
samaregularity as would beobserVed by a regi
mentimoving in or out of a garrison town, the
bands playing, the light infantry with arms
sloped, and those of the riflemen slung over the
shoulder, the officers with swords drawn, exact
wheeling distance preserved, and perfectsilence
observed. After having f)rOceeded a - short dbt
tame in this mattner, the word of . command,
"route step,"-is given by the general at the
head of the 'leading battalion, =dimmed quick
ly on to the rear. The captains, instead of con
tinuing at the head of their companies, (him
back to the rear of them, that they may see
any men of their respective companies who may
attempt to quit the ranks without leave. The
soldiers then march and carry their arms in any
manner convenient to them, conversation and
smokiUg being ordinarily allowed.
TaxLana' Am Soon x er.—.The Managers of
this Society are out, in an appeal to the ladies of
Mate for contributions of hospital stores for
rise of the troops at Washington. Speaking
of the mission of the Society, they say : "Our
undertaking is one of magnitude, but one from
which; patriotism and humanity forbid us to
shrink. If the ladies in our'conntry could wit
ness the scenes presented in' he hospitals after
a battle, there is no sacrifice they would not
'rantingly make for the relief of the sufferers.
If they could hear the wounded soldier's ex
`premien of gratitude for a cup of cocoa, a glass
of wai t er, or theismoothing of his bard 'pillow
by w oman's hands ; if they could see ids de
spondency giving place to cOnfidence, and to
courage, for a renewal of the confiiat; t•tia the
slightest manifestation of woman's sympathy,
donation'swould flow in so that'our depOeitory
could not contain them. The folios ing are
some of the' articles wanted : ' Coarse woolen
shirts;and drawers, and. 'knit stockings. Let
everiwoman furnish a pair of stockings. Also,
featheir air beds, bed 'clothing, jellies;
dried fruits, apple butter, crackers, wines, bran-
dy, ate, white sugar, tea, &omelette, cocoa, - fari-,_
naceous prepaxations, spices, pickles, dried.beef,
hamsi citric acid, oil of Union, &c., &o. Pickles
are most acceptable to the men in the camps,
as well as to, these in the hospital ; in some cir-'
cumstances - they are esteemed by the surgeons.
as vainahle adjuncts.. Donationa in moneyMeY
be sent to ram Stephen .Coldwektressurev of
the Ladies' Aid, N. E. corner of Eleventh and
Arch streets. Other contributions may be for
*faded, freight prepaid, to " Ladies' - 4.1d, care
of Jolira. Elioads, Esq., No. 70; 'Walnut at,
Philadelphia," marked "hosp ital stores."
• FOR frEbiAliEfk_., '
nfalllble a correcting, revisiting, and , !into - ring .a I
i obstructions, from whatever cause, and I.
ways , suocesidlil as • mores. . •
the doctors for ' Mini years,' 6oikk bilhutioe and
America, with utiptuillided kticoese:hr oVerroase'; and
be is urged by many tnousana ladles whomnied•-theine to .
Maloithe Fillepubllo fertile alleviation of theta &uttering
from atifirt%tdaritiesWhatever, 'as wel l as topmast
aktuarase Of - family W here health will not penult it.-r
Fellit.oll partleilarly - iitueSed, or therie , troppeamg 'banal.
selves so, are cautioned' ageinst.these Pllls middle in4ltutt
(melon as they are' gm" to produce ndeintrehney.and .
t lAtils printer assumes '
although their' Widnes/I- wonl&preveet , awaits
chlet Ito health—otherwise the E'llbrrare ,, reommtulndeti.
Full Ind explicit directions acoonspany each bat. ~•, P riee.
$1 Od per box: Add wholenaleAnd retail A .ii 4,:
1 '' - ' cllidltUilil A. BAllNFART A llruggbitp-
' - • No. 2 Jones Row, Barrilebusg,-Pa.. •
Putt Office, can haitilrAWlPlllB - saptires , •. . -. • •
any part- of the country (oontlifehlialiy) and WNW et
We". by mail. Sold also by .8., S.l .Timp .i .
JOBSON, HOLLOW.O 4, vown" ridliKl= 1.,
use' 'Lebanon , Liming It.", - , r ; clAi
Wo Vrightavilleq IL T. tiaras, York ;_ and IVA coltei
d i
t In every city and, village Is the,Uplou, and by'
S. D.
i o z :Look ,
wilesa ul o e ut Pm f e o P n r liaell oo ri un b ter c : x N f e e ts w ite slgn . " : l lloili . 4 eldd i : ow ee e. ..Plilli AL l ,
others are lrbaSirtmpoidecm - and wutafertittwokirih an
you value your lives. y o health, On so! n~f be.
ug htimbugged out or - yburineney, -- y M ditty of those
who Show the signature of S.:11: nolinthin Oiree7l-1 1 lilli.-
'whicb has recently been added on menus* of ,take.n.lps
i tielnicounterietted , . 4... . Mog-ajeUiel.i?
• 1
Prepared by Cornelius L. Chef:swan, M. D.,
THE combintdion of: ipatt*utfhitakesei
Pills are the remit of a long and extensive OM:ace;
They are mild in tbetroperatioa, ebteertain >a *wresting
allirregutarities,rahteal Meeatruationa, removing all gib.
Wooden% Whether !rem• cold tog Otherwise,slieedethei
pilule the aide. palpitation of the boar; whites, all ner
vong affrmitunkhYsterica,latigne4osiln in. the beekend,l
limb's kc ,'diaturSed sleep, lett& al'lses trek la etitnp
Lion pt native.
TO IstiltßlED LADM,
Dr.ttetweineant Masao invaluable, as they m illhstet
on the monthly period with regularity, ladies who have
been diseppo riled in the use'of other Ails can place the
utmost coaddesorin Pr. Gheeseman's Pilo doing all that
they represest to do ,
.4e;e. igitelithifrut e *is TeintiftWeitY l ditigStWir t
Pali canna be take* Withiss‘p - a rzorichtic-
RBVILT. Theonaitios refernt - dAtcleis PREGAClVOY—
the*atilt MISOAERI4O24 irnsairsais toe.
dungy of the medicine to restore the Hisia ,ftsections to a
sonata oowlition, that moths tixongittetteg PAtiltrf e;
turd cannot resist it.
Warranted purely vegetable, and free trout anything
injt*lous. Explicit directions, Iraqi abused be mot, Re
entrant each box. Prieto Si. Bent by mail on enclos
ing El to Ds: Ocetnitatert: Onasiatori &x 4,544 ,:Past
Otilbs, New York Qty. •
seld by cab Druggist Wavers , town to the United States..
';:•: General agent for the United States.
14 Broadway, New York,
TO lebnixtal Indere 1 0 1001 49 6 8 441 4 ,e 4
Sold in Vitnjgbugg Ely 0. - :4.l3ativmis„ .l
Ilayoo, returned from I now havp l oti
hand full assortment of all kinds of 1 -
o 5 - 200 - pieo2is - Orkiew Calicos ; 20adozen
of Stoc ings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha;
a large, of of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash
for To sling. AU kinds of Summer Dress
Goods t great reduction. S. Lawy,
t Bloods' Old Corner.
gorylees , trii Puns AND PuarsEr Brorrsa...
Free frma nih Mineral Poisansy-4n easde of= Atrufele
,Asurvy, of of - the Skin; the operation
of the lAfe Medicines la truly astonlahlarty often , etnovint
in a fairldaya, every vestige of those loattlYerue diseases
by tbeirouritying affiliate on tife Mead.? fevers,
fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Sties, and iu short,
most allidtreases seetulelten-tbeir-surstite pruDerdea
No fatnify should be without thetn,..A. by their wpm,
sae mush suffering ego expense roay b ' saved .
FMVet tbe ‘1141)`11 Marra 4 .1 New: ‘ 1
ewe, ass
for .su by MigiriPtill I.< tioclbs-ly
Publishe449 a Bealed li PitTelppe ;
Prl ate : A realtihr oitt Via' Attire; Treatment ,'
and rad al Cture of Sperthaiorrbasa or 'remittal Weak
nesklnikoinntary Unison* reidei rebillty; atid Imped
iments tp Harriagerenerilly,liettroatitete,t onsintiption,
Epilepsy and Fits r mental artd:'Phyaitial 'incapeatty;:re-t
suiting cell Abuse, dta.—By . BAIT—
WELL, E., Auther - tic w Gretri-13dok '‘A' Boon
to Tnowien tut or SuEerera," seat under seal, Ina Matti
enaeloP4, illY':,A r ailrlieu,Cl*(Bic)?W'l 44 3eipt eta
Ot tWO s34igeitarlitigj' 137PIVCJEJ -. .43. Koss;
t W 27 BAiiiiit, - I , l4vrirerk;rsftt 41186 C
, pep9.dewBm - • '
. Tax betii testored to
+health la a few weeks by a very simple remedy, alter'
having suffered several years INM arAttierelifitratetist•
ion, and that dread dlseaae"C.uoaeantdtea,de.oogk,ea. to
make knowelchilk th ilhFlethenianeof ewe:
To all Who desire It, he win send. a ,cupy of .the pre
seriptaod owed (Nog chargeLZWlA.the - dintetiona - Tor
preparing and'utaiipthelmailmostikhummen WO a
. sgri oars tbr Coaaemption, Asthma, Bronehltie, The
titilf object of the advertiser In sending the Predsoription
riiitchedetit the afflicted, antLeprpatt information which
ha ouucAiveg to hit'ilialnittilvi,.fiinttheAttiieWeVery+sut
ferer will try his remedy, aa I t itvill+ cost them. nothing,
and may prove a blessing. - - - •
Partes ilktolo4ll.lllltill please addreste
..Williamsbergh, :.
• i'",tPrpkitr-pkv, xmri,
BUIRTS 1 ± 1313Ikifiji SEGIRTI3;!!!
' - `,l
. , .
THET.. ,
undersignodi fitiviirtg opened -tlie' it
stinufActory of-Shirts acc., at. No. 12 West Market
street, arriaburg,,Pa .do melt respectiallv solicit the
pationdge and attention 'of the Ladles, Gentemen Sod
Merchants to the following assortment or toodirtill cif
which ere our own manufaeture : : - :" . '• 3.
1 BERT BOSOMS, "'. • , .;--
. .
CCM, - -
• *km, Ito ,Ara., ato"
Alan the particular attention of the Ladles to our large
assortment of under garments &c , (from the latest im
precrnill London and Parts styles,) LLNEN''COLIiaIiS,
coOrsi sem &o:, IA great icarleties,allAlt W - liich being
ourown mauunfacture we willsell ehniPer than can be
purchaised elsewhere. -
• Persons desirousof fornistdog their owilniterials, can
hastetuting, sewing ise., of every variety done accord
ing toorder. AL of the above named goods for Gents wear,
we will inalie,tn measure, guaranteeing to Si, and give
E i
(l a the a tlaripthsit nignj !, pruchaser 'for style: Murabihki!'
and tgoAL,,,,agsAliipgiot °item T ili...popr mgor at
tended teutinittinatorildigkrlaiNitenkhlif
terms. elso4Murshants supplied upon the most , reason-.
able Winne. - ' '-- ' .- . 1 • , - r , , :. : ' 1
P.`9.4 Ladies wishing skirts or ender garments of any
discrdpro, can nave tbem order •by , sending
aampi of such kinds As may be desired.
- I ilg. 4 ft •I''.7P LYNNtailtiBM4M, i I T .'t
NO'l.2;lldirketstreer,' ''''
ititilidemi_ . ,: . t 2 i .-i --..--- Harrisburg, Pa.
Romps next. door to Hummel & HUlinger'S Grocery
.8 1 cm i , ' .
FOR thit,profettajnal 11 ducation, of EN
.41N111619, , ARCJIIT/AGTS, practical ORRNISTS and
The ne year course on jillltary ,gagineerlnt fiir grad.
:Hates iterary Colleges and others mathematically
prepared, and the. two year course for less prolloient stu
dents, will include Field Fortlflcatlons, Sege Operations,
iltratety, 'hello and Drill. _
anneal sesslintoritlikillle PI ; 1 111 1 P begin on
Septiuntier leth, 1861.
For ratalegues and farther information ad,drees
A. & H. D.,
. sopa det , . President of Faculty
IBo'Motion — of - the - best - kinds - known ,
toCia I ANYTII( IF; ;!i .6119 H,
Keystoie Farm.
Dar:dosan2.6sts; par 100 11 ; pera,oso $6.
1. ;
OF - dtr _
.."..,.,!. 1 MEW COA' ' nun .
I ItPRE UNDERSRINED iiiiring entered in-
NE tbi OQ4L 21144 in thiji pityiwoinld „leapt-3011y
f olgi
sold the paironage - of the calms. r will Itiiiii. 'ft baud
awl all
i V it trag , iiine ropWw4otrniaLiiwkiikirbiord
ink w ." I%.'diEtrelltdrili Ony h ilatit nt • too city,
ken AL, " il:rainfir .inipurities. Fuu. Wilma,
" 74 4.44 11 /*DX:roIBoAD LOAD,. OAD
a i r ' Lad yrio ' 45 r... --l i lle r a e 210'An A ls h r th g e l t i fi, "411
'OM -11044iMarka cONOW;WainOdkot *OW Me WtoW
ry IA YEA An ateXional, kat a North. ~strept. , Op(
lent Wu owl* Amu, 4111 reoehye ptoollA. , , Atie149011.,.:
s o o . ' -Y- , -' tts ~..,.; 02 - t. , : Yr". w - t_tiiLl. AM.'
2- SCHErs!" I " "
_ ,
. i
TER iwilugurna Rauxia.) • _
ICrOTE pArimpfTsixrdilferent -designs,
.111 printed in twoooU7re, ihelhointind non
by t he = m= atigty-1: heh`pr. - - ' •
Also, Flags, Uffia, , gavot Vine, angles, Union Itfngs
andinggeo,ntv ‘ ‘_ low prioee..-- Call at ;-. • '
Lrt". ivinUFFITJAI BOolleroßt.
_ .
AiN q .EW iyi r e u l t jus" t ii
OsR ext r7iiri the beef
STONE er *cope ettitat.o
for toropiking purposoa Wi, be dolirervd to any
th P ar , PPIYJA ) .
m ' -1-. '-WW - 0011DICR: Jr;
OM One to _Fii4O — Etitriared . Dollars
worts or CITY ROD& Eriqtaiis
rl4 M 0... RS Satrthannond
• • • .
B CIDER 1 11-••Striotlyipure, spark
ling and sweet—has received a Silver Medal or Di-•
at ai r eijiWtakaricaltafirrattlitiiialBls6... Itor .
Y • '"! I 'pools iscco.
;are Willis& received and for ode by
" nocK OIF 00
.... 81 4_ 0 BRAKERAS - on coarse Work
J•rikynrtontrfnalastreet, newton guati and
___ Ed ALla
kja,4% t -*LA i
qt ,
`''l'alt!tioool('' , Sto: - sf;-.
3GIC.{ ..1 QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver.
pool, N-a - • ork and Philadelphia Steamship compete,
talea“ ;ispatotring their full , powered Ciyde.built lroa
Stec . ,la follows : • - •
GLASGOW, Saturday Semptember . 7lClTY carlaw :
YORK or CITY OP MANCHE-ITER, Satu rday SePtember
21 ; CITY uF MANCH!. ITIR or NNW YORK, Saturday
September 28 ; and every Saturday at Noon, from Pier
44, •0r..• River.
Mtn CABIN 'MI Ot; Sr RAG5 .... .....5.?D'00
do to London $BO 00 I do to London ...$33 00
do to Parts do ,to Parts $BB 00
do to 131nmIkg:.$85 Do I" do to Homburg 835 00
Psesengerg also forwarded to Lial-re, Bremen, Botn r
dam, Antwerp, Atc.,..t equally low rates.
Sir Versos& .Ir:toting to brlue, Rut their Inm:ids can Dm
'tickets here'al the Tollowiterates; to New Pork: Prone
Liverpool or, c,lcee.adown; Int Cabin, E 5, 185 and $lO5
st e erage thiny , Liverpo,sl 440 00 Prom QUllenetOß
$3O 00. t
These ;Steamers have aurdzior accommodations tot
pansengeim, and carry experienced Surgeons. They fir,
built in 'grater-tight live' &cations, and have Pate It Firs
Annihilators on : hoard.
for tuither inforwation apply in I/vermin! to WILLIAM.
T•••MAN,i Z. Agent, 241:Wa•er Street Oa Glasgow to WV.
INMAN, let. Enoch %tiara •la Qneenstown to C. &
D. Sh% ISOUR k CO. ; in London to 111. 1 71.3 & Mat Y, BL
'King WI item L. ;in PidisAo .1111109. DECUUIt, 5 Macs
- de is BotirFe ; inPhiladelphia to JOHN G. DALE., 111
Walnut Alta or stlhe Company , * offices.
JNO. G. DALN, Ageint,
an 2 ,841 Broadway NOWi York:
Or D. O. Zimmerman. Agent. Parrisbors.
A N Cid established Republican piper,
focatain the interior of the State, will tic' sold on
the most;rMe. instil° terms. The county in which it is
situated bt largely Republican, and the inducements for a
good pmhtical printer areamong the best that satube of.
feres. Mt win be sold on the most reap:cable terms, and
P o sFonsiiM gyenAmmedlately. Fer intormation can on
the Edit.. of the Tmsaiusim
ti Hxnamurg.4ug..l9, 1881. i
Y DiRCTION- eof the President of the
B _
United States, all volunteer regiments or
parts cif Regiments accepted directly by the
War D partment from Pennsylvania , either with
or wit out arms, equipments or uniforkiA ars
to be f rilulled at Once to - WashingtolVrTheir
comm deka - Will - therefore immediately - repOrt
to th . headquarters, stating the . number of
men and the station from which they are to be
taken, that transportation may be furnished
them Without delay. By order of
1 i A. G. CURTIN,
Governor and Commander-in-cbie
QUI BIDDLE, A. C. D aug2
HARRISBURG, Sept. 8, 1861. k
1. No pardon will be granted until notice of
the application therefor shall have been given
by publication once a week for two consecutive
weeks in a newspaper printed in the county, in
which the conviction wa: had.
2. No pardon will be granted unless notice
of the application therefor shall have been given
to the District Attorney of the proper County.
8. ,No pardon will be granted without first
consulting the. Judge who presided at the trial,
of the 'party. By order of the Governor.
Sec'y of Coro.
Board Reduced to $2 per Day.
0:111DE the opening of this vast and win
k) medians Hotel, in '1864, tt has been the single en
deavorof the proprietors to mate it the most somptuous,
conveMent, and comfortable bome for the citizen and
stranger on this able the Atlantic,
And ;whatever ties seemed likely to adrolalater to the
comfort of Its guests they have endeavored, without re
gard cost, • to prOvide, and to combine all the elements
of individual and social enj9yrcelut which modern art
has Invented, and modern taw) approved ; and the pat
ronage*, Lich it has commanded during the peat six years
As a gratifying proof that their efforts hive been appro.
To meet the exigencies of the thaw, when all are re
cta redito practice the most rigid economy, the under
staneti• -
Have Itedacid-';the 'Yrlie - of ."Board to
Two Dollars porDayF • r • -
et tho ism° abating none of the luxuries with , which
tgeir table has hitherto been supplied.
Newt York; Sept "k, 186 1.--iseP9-dasno ~-t
Tlundert igned would respectfully in
rm the citizens of Harrisburg that he is prepared
tolurnish in any part of the city, Lybens Valley, Trevor
top Anil villkesbarre Coal as low.lis NV OWN' Aealere in
the city. Please call and give me a trial. -
' J. WALLOWER', Jr., Agent,
. l
No. 8, Reading Railroad Depot,
Beglidlto 'Harrisburg, Pa.
FUR RENT.— The large brick dwelling
home now occupied by David Mumma jr. Esq., on
Tntrdtreet near Market, with an aloe minable for an
adorn y. Possession given lira. of October next.
(jute Oho Prithonotary's office. We. hincenx..
Aug Alit
_ • ••••—•.•
;STATE Street near Third street, - a - few
KJ doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg: , A Hoe
new Roane Ready made lid always on hand and
neatty,lloisbed to order. Silver plates, ate. Terms'rea
sortabls. [tia3o.d3eatt] C. BAKER.
Quesmudeannes DEPABTMRNT,
Harrisburg, Sept, ; 9, 1861.
"D .
PROPOSALS will be received at this
S E Office up to twelve o'clock on Friday, the
13th day of September, 1861, to furnish the fol
lowing articles of supplies, in such quantities,
at Teti
office times and at such places sa.maY Ite,
rec by this :
00 cords of oak wood. • •
' 'lOO tons of Lykens Valley coal. •
The same to be inspected by proper persons
ifelected preyided by the act of Assembly.
'lcarrii 8..' rmarrall -
cowe, §Fg9I•TP sus ; ;, _
Hatristnitg, 'Pa r '"
LAYS on hand a large assortment et
• 1 1300f8, SHWA GAlnftfi; Ato.,Rf Um, very beet
'analitieft for• jatiaa,.geat t ioutqa, and abilkaosi Neat.—
'Pirko" to holt the ties . All,kinds Att ISMI. MAD?. t r o
ORIAIt In best style by enperior vorlaingw.
RpaIRING, done at stkort . notioe.
'ont} 6 - 4 kr: - JOHN .8. sgrrit, uarrtsburs
, .
~.J101 . 1)141.0V 4 1 001 , ENZ I T
6 1111[E . ianIty of GovOintlieilt, — *bia
stuutes yon one people; is now dear. to you."—
Wasltiagtoit's Farewell Address., A nationality is wizen-
Pal to the enduring prosperity of our country. True pa
triottnin must arise from knowledge. It is only a proper
understanding , 'of our civil 'lnstitutlinia' that Coultadatit
strong and settled attaihment to 'their principles, and
impart ability fur their, maintesiiim n ; • -•
act s uß COVER:OIEn An explaunitory statement of
I the system of Obvernment or the °outcry," contains the
text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Coo
stttutional provisions , ' of the—several. Staler . , with their
mearjung and construction, as determined by ludicial an
abolic ' M precedent and practice, or derived from
wan 4 teri ; digested and arranged for popular use
man a ire sett ttv M. M'6INN Et
SYleg.l) . SALMON It = 7
up neatly in five pound mina.
P 46. • • W6l DOCK. Jr., 'hem.
V Nl9N t frwiTe 91 WiatA41 8
, ,-zif tauiTLo4. ',ii-lty.zwiltal,
- -
114ENJ. BUFFINGTON,- Esq., of Wash
10.00a township. orerstbsaospg as a oanckidate tar
iouNiT CEThiel-KONfiR at^ tha - ensurtig 'election, set,-
teat to the action of the Peoples County Convention. He
prontleeslif elected to discharge the :duties at" the aloe
with fidelity.
..ne2ll-tc • "
WILLIAM ALLEN, of West Honover
t unship, will -be a candidate for the bTATS
LEGISLATURE subject to the sal:inflation by toe Repub
lican Contrentiou of lainphdt co unty.
- DIOHARD NOLF.:N, offers himself as a
Caodidefe for the office of °MINTY TitlCAt-Ur.lia
at we eusuh, g elevtiog, Nun be not unit pr,MIES to die.
oh , rge the du io of he office with fidelity but if elected
pledges biztrelf to pity Ot. Hundred Dollars toward sup
porting the . fioillie, of . We, soldiers of Daupfss county
which are cow or may be id service fti the defence of our
belovet Couidry. . •
septi-te •
VHF., imilersigsed offers himself as a
C.Aniiitbile tor the office f COUN I Y COMEES4O/ 4 1.
Eft, subie44 - to th 6 untuihattrig Convention. and pledgeS
Waist If if commated and elected diaaharke the duties
°FOC Elee'elth fl ledty . PRIUI 1:10Fellard. .
. . .
DANIEL KENDIG, of Middletown, oi.
lira' bintsell as a candidate Ur the SPATE 1.1 , 1313
LATURF: et the ensuing election, sweet to the action et
the Pele's ectinty Cooventiovi And pledges htenelt
to dirch id the donut, of the office hon-etly and faith
fully. ,
5h11 24- aYa p ' .
LQR. ,Tlli3M.ta PDX, of Derry town
shlP. eOera himself as candidate fir the ST ATIt
'BLOOM' at the eniuing Went t.uhj •et to th ar
Lion of ihe'Pkiple's County Convention. Lot protinn v i II
elected th_dteeherge Ow outlets of the Olnee with ildattsty
T C. YOUNG, offers himsell as a candl
e; ',date ler the office of Prolhonoury &cof humble
county let the ensuing election. lie nig.tpee "If elect e d 10
perform be datiee of the ernes with Aunty.
acgt4 ,
A . •
A BRAIII,fa. BOYER. , of East nano
ver,its'a cabdidtati K5(116T24 at
the enenineeTectioti, subject to the &aloe of the Peeple's
County t i binvetuion. priwiiiss, if elected to dl-cluirge
the dulies.p" the °Mee with ibirlity.
Ty B. SCHREINER, of Gratz offers
himsell ft candidate for the SL
Vito at ltiv ensuing• eineUen, suldect . to the action of
the Peclle's County,.COWfatilhes, Pftmi;ico, if elec
ted to d ge the_ duties of the office with fidelity.
DA. S. EYST6fi offers himself an a
. einilidite for the tiflusit PHOIII .NoTAKy ke ,
at the ensuing eie,:tiou, mud .11104 es his reputation for
atterknoen bueUtirsa,as a guarantee fur tha taaaful par
formun Ol . ite, duties, ir elected.
i t,
purr' litifg,`Nugust 21,'1813i. deep
1/14ENJA,,IitN ,13['C$, of Harrisburg, of
-LA ruislifai;,qiifas i'autilijate'ror COD' xTY TKEASUIt.
bin ii4‘ if eaulitir eleethiti,stibleectio mit setkie ol the
kiwi*? Camay Conveadon . +le preadult'. if
difieU s.3be ileititli ef Atte ellitut watt fidelity.
augl .daurie i . '
I.„.3AMDEL MaRQUART, ,of Harrisburg,
of4rs himself as a candldlde REGISeKK - at the
mooing election, aubJect 'to the action of , tbe People's
Cciunty Convention. Ile promises, tf elected to disebarae
the dada; of the talks with fidelity.
auglT-fiewte . . .
FELLOW CITIZENS 1 offer rayedi as
a't liandidate for County Treasurer at the etuming
e:ectioa r subject to the action PeopleGensty's Om.
vendee / . Should Ibe se fortunate to be eleeted_i pledge
myself to.discharge the duties of said m with fidelity.
. . mac' NACE.
A1ig..12 1861,40
votratts OF, DAUP4IN COUNTY.
P"`- W CMZENS—I offer myself as
candidate eoi 04 - office Of
water t iirtifis'of 'lleephin couhty.i Should Ibe eo lor-'
tOnatels to:be-4100A, i promise to diaebarge the duties
of the 114e : with fidelity. ..1$30;
fin meletown, July 31,1881.414wte • •
. . • . :
C C44 ' .11
'r . FII,EE'LANI:), of Halifaxtown
sbl3, iutrors clowst as a aaildithile, for . ASSAULT
at. the ensuing elsetion, Seelectle tie aetai of the reo
ple'e Meaty Conv., talon.. He promises, it elected 'wills,.
ehargei the duttee et the L eifine,wlth ildelitY •
Sdej' i:for Bohools Boys and air hi
Yail f ieun of: i ltol3s a M.;11: 4 W.Rp.' . . 1
est - uar i *M l) ,,ltirg 9 / 4:1 '. 1 .'41 u l tra t L T : L airon 1;
etritnd In - every's.rts4est arlapted for school mtrl.
t..A I mot hiliwzirs.. iithral 'for Ries, ilocatikt in
the a s a hidicllns, wAt opan f9t the Fail teem of same
num. !tip roo m haOiern elegantly ` fitted up fo pr#mote
the health and e.Oinfort of Scholars. ' - aurt.r.dtt
~ . .
ifi.:Sl/13Seitl Hitt tias removed hiss
11 HI NG Atilt BK.A.q&, FOLINDICY from Market
avec: let Rourti l direef AMvoi4M 3 coSPOPolito rtm, Botha
obure m i ; „Tharalrfol tor.pas patroofte,
anent ato litpdielas; to ' •
mar ,:• 7 -Waft Y1114$H (I .'t
HA t HA Neil • SOR , ..A. :litilitiN.
I[l9•blosit up-thia , isonterii -the: elitire
stipck ctllittlia,'-800113,."dre.eletc. , df • Olnrer .ne I.
man, deceased, •In Art Noma he t h e, Abtrireterignave„ will
be so at private sale atOXIT; and the rooms will be
rept to the per c limer. if desired. The terms will be
mad, r.'''.,' lert.dtf - - - Dalin. 71.' b 1 Agent: .
To 'Newly- Ortaiiised •Itegitnentei.
• 0.: ,
ot of the very best overcoats, made.
2IBL hcoordsoir,. to too anny regulatioaa, *Ed. sailioleta
ut;equlß a full regiment, aro for sale at 1). SHCJINBRItt
a 754 4 Stk!atid ;ttiapt,below Joni* Souse. Barrie.
ticirg• itug3o-dlus
•Fewt.,Mt.:LUBER would. reepeotfulli
.L (Worm tee publidthel has removed Ma Pltestr
tdid.Brsee building petabliehmeoli,t9„so. 23 *milk
i It:BINA belOW gores WWI. -,Tb4tOkidlier.,Rest . pm.
- to be hopes bietriet 'attenuon - uibdeinese to Meril
a con 'nuance or it
110)111:3 .
. ,
FFt 6ALE.=—Okui . cit the" litigt liaaiueda
stands in the city oil reasonable ;terms, or laded
for tli tt reor live years sialated w Market street between
Four iand , Filtb. ling Ore on.the prembee of
!TUE; undersigned has natal:4l4od a
ir4on'sr LINA ON STAGE 4/40S itol4.Mnehantos.
irpril v conneetiog every other morning with the Ounibst.
alley Railroad oars. The coaches leave every
every TtiesdaYrThurgdaY 'and 8114 rda.9444tarning every.
caw day. Passengers for,Sikopru, Uiueiwr,g
PewisParg &ad "inbuFg 4 . 2 . ..frflet4:Atrikitneed ridgy
letl-dtr ---21Vht•
City Property for Sa le:
and blot Stoned, pleasantly located on Faint
beteteintatni_herty street *mg Washington Avenue.
'AISO TSTO EAR4S4 KAN : OB )Itgood,:comption and of ex
- •
1 : . f 443, bl znnuMm424.l.
l ukt , d4 Botithlienorikfilreet.