Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 12, 1861, Image 1
~-----,..-.-Ai' p- --H------- ii ... . ~. , . , "••••• I"."'‘ * • , : , ..• . , :: ck • - ' • : • , •. . • . 11 , . . 01ININ G- e Ee.---. , c ---- -.... _ T , • >,. • _ -,--__T___ !____.--__________„ _•,, -- • __-__„--T--., „sr- ' , - - E.----+------ ___.‘ =, 1 - .. --------.,__ I ;---- d'"'" t• • . _.......................N : • • : ._11.•1 • ': BY r `^ "Al , , —_. 1 .k *4. sky -11 tit, Ili e .et I L 11 ll i t ,1 .1 .1 . I i 1 ..lf . i BY GEORGE BERGNER. illebitaL . JOHNS ON Eta XYZINICIIELNI OCK HOSPITAL. sandeS discoibetn v ui e remody in the Worldred he ost certhiu ter , speed) lm DISEAW OF IMPRUDENCE elver nt etT To TWILVI 1101/101. Nn Nereury or Noxious Drugs. eras ilLasnawrim, os do Guns, now 0115 to Two fIoa."ISIS weasscse et the fleck or Limbs, Stricturesjaine is e Loins, allectams of the Kidnesnd madder, Organic saktiess, .Norqno, Debility, Go oeyof the Physica Pow. llysimpifis bilogow, 1./0W Spiro,o„roo 4000 0 1 0 008 _ 411000 u ot ' the 'Scot, Timidity, Trembling; to inme ,,l taiga or Giddiness, !mean of the Stomach, Affections lue Head, Throut, twi se or Ain—those terrible clitor is arising [rum 0:03 dati.cretion or Solitary EOOll.O 01 Ith--100te dreadful and destructive practises which duce.aitutt debility, roodor marriage impos t, d detroy butt, body and mind. YOUNG iiHN. (Dung inn especially Who hare become the victims Of itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which wally aweeps to au untimely grave thousands 01 nng teen of 1110 most exalted talent and brilliant Intel st, who aught otherwise t arc entranced listening maws with the thunders of eloonence, or waked to ea sy the living lyru, may call with full confidence. tIdERLAZE.; Harried persoue s or those contemplating marriage, be• aware of physical weakness, should Immediately 000• and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNEB imyriediagely cured mut MI vigor restored. lie who plocee himself under the care of Dr. J. may .elipoily collide in his honor as a gentleman, and eon, Id,,bay rely upon his skill as a physician. A crOdice No. 7 South Frederick street, &Minim% ed., ou the lelt nand side going from Baltimore street, 7 Poore Irmo the corner. Be particular in observing the tome ur number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. gag . for Ignorant, Tkifiling Quacks, with false names, Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the reputa on 01 Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All 'utters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON. Dr. Joheaoh member of the Royal College of Burgeon; ,ndoo, graduals from one of the meet eminent Colleges the Lotted Otates, sail the greatest part of whose life heal apart in the Hospitals of London, tarts, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has ellboted some of the most as b nalneg cures that were ever known. Many troubled lb riming in the ears and head Wheskasieep, great net• IaWSI, being alarmed at suddensowide , baahfulnees, Intli frequent, bliwhing, attended sometimes with derange. tea of mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. in. J. 'varmint all these who having Injured them Isives by prtt ate and improper twin%swami, that seorel and solitary habit widen ruins both body and mind, un• Wing them for caber business or society. Dee, are BOMA of the sad and melancholy selects pre date op early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the flak and Limbs, Mum in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Lees el annular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, J.tya sepia, Nervous irritability Derangement of the Digestive functions, General Debility, Symptoms of .Coniump tien no. VENIALLY. AINULLY, the fearful effects on tee mind are mash to e dreaded :—Lons of Memory, Confusion of Ideas De pression of Options, evil Forebodings, Avoided' toslals ly, Self-distrust, Love of dolitude, Tlmidity,ara., are some in weevil offsets. Thousands of perms of all ages, on now judge what l the cause of their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp ms orconeumption. YOUNG YEN Mho have injured themselves by a certain practice, in Coifed in when alone--a habit frequently learned from Sid zompantons, or at school, the affects of winch are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, . should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his comm try, the darting of his parrots, should be snatched tram all prospects mid enjoyments in life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging In a certain secret habit. Su ih persons must, before content• Patin aIARRIAG.I4 effect that a sound mind and body are ,the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the www; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of soother be comes blighted with our own, OIL JOHNSON'S INVIGOkt&TLNG NI MO; YON OR: HA.NIO WHAILNIM Ey this great and Important remedy, Weakneskof the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. tbousands of the most 1101101.111 and debilitated whit bad lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All Impediments to Marriage Physical or Mental Dlsqualin. cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the moat fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGER& The many thousand's cured at this Instintlon Within tile -t twelve years, and the numerous important Burgles., mations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re. stern of the papers, and many ether persons, notices of bleh have appeared ag ain and again before the public, hts stand* gmrt of character cud re. Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF ThIPHODKNOR —When the misguide., d imprudent votary of pleasure gods he has unbibm e seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that thetimed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters from applying to those who from oducatlon and re • lability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con • Itutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their ppemrance ' affecting tile bead, throat, nose, skin, Ra y „ progressing on with friChtl'ol rapidity, till death puts a ruriodnequithint wdrheaendcelulagetrlivll:lBrbyreNturusdinft hi:lstoa"ntUlaelt snoholy fact that thousands fall victims n to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness 04 ignorant pretend. era, who, by the me of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. office. To 6,l serfoins.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang In hls srLetters must contain a stamp to us on the reply. ifirltemedies sent by Mail. 0-No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprla•dewlY JUST PUBLISHED A MANUA IL, OP MILITARY SURD ERY OR, HINTS! ON THE EMERGENCIES OP - Field, Camp, and Hospital Praotioe. ET S. V. GROSS, M. 11 PROMISOR OF MOM= M THE JUMIRSON XIDIOAL 0010101 AT MILADBLMIA. For talt at BENNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. it may BeIIEFFER'S 8008. STORE I (Near Ms Harrisburg Bridge.) Al',4t JUST RECEIVED from the 2:ea ', AL NOTE liWieu per ream tor NOTE ParEtt, decorated with the latest and very. handsome emblems and patriotic Motto. 110.130 for 100 e WHITE ENVELOPES with national and. ;ethane emblems, printed in two Color,s' /l ean give us a eau. THE F.,,ECHHIFER, Harrisburg. )11). iil. q,ross )-- A Yw7(13;4! - - - • . 3- D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 M A .R:K E T S T:RtE EIT HARRISBURG, PENN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS; We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stook in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS ea PAINTS, Oils, varnishes and Glues, Dye Stuffs, Glass and Patty, Artist Colors and Pools, Pare [hound Spices, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, dte., &c., so., dte., &c., &e., &e With a general 'variety of PERTIDERRY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, 110 11 -7 - C -7---- -o z., In 0 . \ \ k,., ~ -, .i,,,,,i;i,, 113 i ' •_ _ - \I-1 ~ 0 —...... n P N O. :'' - 0 0 •--''' 0 MI 0 ./ O, M l'. PI f „ : We respeetftuly invite a call, feeling, conili dent that we can supply the wants of all oh terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH!! Leßl l 44 , l4klA:l4lllsi.TWO:T.ol:ditilo,l ll FlrYl4:l PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATI V AS E tiof all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Oonoentrated Lye ! Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL 1 CARBON OIL I 1 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS'AND GRAZIERS, ow of you who have not gives our HORSE &ND * CATTLE POWDERS a trial knOw not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perienpa in the business gives 13,3 the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of forms. Thankful for the liberel patronage bra/towed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS , prices, and the desire to please all; to meiltaioontinuance of the Hating public. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY MORNI N G, SEPTEMBER' 12, c,861. flistellantuns ,ONLY PREPARATION MI Universal Clonfidenoe ds, .Patronage: FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAIT; Ladies and Gentlemen, in all partatif the. world to Wy tip the efficacy of Prof. 0. J. Woods Hair Restorative, and gentlemen of the Press are unanlmoult in its praise. A few testimonials only can be bere.given ; see circular tor more, and It will be imporsiblo for you's* doubt.. • 47 Wall Street, liew,jork, Dec. 20th, 1558 . . Ostinexis : Your note ol thell6l.lo Inst., has been re, cloyed, saying that you bad beard that I bad been belie. fited by the use of Weed's Hair Restorative, and requeati. log my certificate of the fact if I bad no nbjection to give it. . I award It to you ppeetifullys; because I think It due.— My ago is about 50 years ;„,Alstoolbr of aty..hairaubdria and inclined to earl. Some five °rids years dace Woe! gen to torn gray; and the scalp on.the crown of my head to lose its sensibility and dandruffto form tzpon it.. Hach of these disagreeabilitirs increated witn time, and about four months since a fourth was added to them, by habr falling off the top of my head and threatening to make me bald. • In this unpleasant predicament, I war induced to try Wood's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling off of my hair, for I had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes. I was, however, greatly.-surprised to find after the use of two bottles only, that not only was the falling oil arrested,,but the color wasxestored to the gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp,"and dandrull ceased to form on my head, very much to the , gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation I was induced to try For this, among the manyobfigations I owe to her sex, I etrougly recommend all husbands who value the mired= of their wives to profit by my example, and use it if growing gray or getting bald. •J respectfully,. . BEN, A. LAVENDER. TO t Wood & 00., 444 Brodway, New York. Ny famlly are absent from "the and I am no long er at Nil. allarrol place. ' • t3lamaston, AIL', July 20th, 1859. To PROF. 0. J. WOOD : Dear Sir : Your "Harr Restore• five" has done my hair so mnon good since I commenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to the PUBLIC Its effects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo. man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by , a resort to your Restoratine,” the hair. will return more beautiful than ever; at leaat this is my experience.— Believe It all I Yours truly, WC H. KRUM% P S.—You. can publish the shovel,' you like. By pub lishing in our Southern papers you will get more patron age south. I see Revere' of your certificates in the 'ni trite Mercury, a strong Southern paper. W. H. Henedy. WOOD'S HAIR RRSTORAT/VR. PROP. O. J. WOOD : Dear : Having had the misfor tune to lose the beat portion of my hair, from the effects of the yedlowlever in New. Orleans in 1.861., I was in duced to make a trial of yoei preparatioa, and found it to answer-se the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no w ode can express, my oblige-, Dona to you is giving to the afflicted such a treaaMe, • The Restorative is put up in bottles of , three , sizes, viz large medium, and small ; the small holdittutif a plat, and retails for one dollar per ,bottle„..tto_ruedium holds sit lesit twenty per cent more , in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars pc:l'. bottle Oho large hcids it quart, 40 per cant. more in proportion, and retails for 5 8 . 0..1. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. end cold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jyl3-dawitow 3P3IELIP3EIDEINILPEi DAILY alla LINE! Between Philadelphia Loci liArtor, JIM! SUOMI, WIII,WIEPOR; MONO; Ilsnozwrowx, WAlsoNrows t linsozir lavneavita, Nownnotaimaxin), SthIBURT, Amino; Saoßarrows, LYKINSTOWN MILLIII4- now, Hum, DAUPHIN, • AND HARRISBURG. The' Philadelphia Depot 'being centrally located the Drayage will be at'the ipweat rates. A Conductor goes through with eactk train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the tine. Goo d s delivered at the Depot of " FREW, WARD St FERRI), No. 811 Market Busk, dbiphla, by 6 o - elook P. Y., will be delivered lat Harrisburg the neat morn Mg. Freight (always) as low es by any other due. Particular attention paid Vila line to prompt and speedydelivery of all Harrisburg Goods. The undersigned thankful for, past patron kg,a hopes by /Win attention to beelines to merit a cents a hence of the same. V.1111.Pd . .k.;, Philadelphia and Readies ~inky; del746m Foot of Market ! Steno , Sternberg. DR. T. J. MILES;. • SURGEON DENTIST'I .FFERS his services :to the citizens o U , Harrisburg and Its 'vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage and gibes assurance that his hest endeavors shall be given to render satisfantionin his pro; fession. ' Being an old, well tried dentist, he lb elsAidle In nviting the public generallyt:to call on 'him, anandog heel Out they ,win not be .dissatisiled with his services, nee No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly 00 - oupod by Jao9bit. Eby, hear the trnited - Stittee Hotel, Herrkburg, Pe. . • —• A New Feature in the Spioe Trade! IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS • E. R.. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES , In Tin PA (Lined with Paper i r Weeds GINO NUTIIE . BLACK PEPPER, ' M WRITE 'PEPPER, AUSPI E, YAM CAYENNE PEPPEB, CINNAMON, CLOVE, BOBTLED. , . TN THIS AGE of adulterated and. taste. leas boons, it is with ; confide's:et that , we introd uce to the. attention of housekeepets these superior and genuine &Netts'. We gitanuttue them noyoriV . . ' ARSOLVENLY but ground from fresh Spices, selected and us expressly for the purpose, without reenacts to cas They . are beantlhdly packed In tin foil, (lowl. with pe.• per,) to prevent inlay bT keeping, 'and are FULL WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices' are aimed Invariably short. We warrant them, inpointstritreagtb and richness of flavor, BEYOND. ALL COMIPARIMON, as a single trial will abundantly prbie. Evert peelings bears our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by. E. R. Duane. ar, CO., New York For sale by WM. DOCK JR. &CO. 6 4 B. M. GILDEA D. V. S. STATE STREET,. ;.. OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All °Paragons, Surgical and Meahanical, ecieedfloally performed. Charges moderate. JeS PROF. ADOLPH P.' TEUPS ER. . WOULD respectfully inform his old v, patrons and the priblio geirrelly, that he, will continue to give instructiotui on the PIANO FOETAL KZ LODRON, VIOLIN and also In the science of THOROUGH RAS& lie will w i th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be gives e' his residence, is Third street, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. • deolikitf MST °LABS GROCERIES! LARGE ARRIVAL! HAVING} J U S T RETURNED from the Eastern duels where we eats iaeleeted with OW anaussa was a:hues= alma _complete, asa t o r meat ma .; peirr goo d s A lgot embrace aortal* ,tapt„ in the bass a l lYineetlM re11R694411Y and oOrdially Opiite th imotio to otal turd' odr *ell;;net' ref" bik: I 7 Y. coma( i 00 104 = 4.3 WORTHY OP 'PINLgY JOHNSON. ICENTUcIEX. lik)vernoritagoffin's TIN Neutrality !Wm. •., Accdnitsuoing the recent nmeo of dhier nor ittageffm.' to the Legislature of Kentucky were tr mamba of documents relating to thelsof ealltr a ntoilityßf t • hat Seater ; .;- M .pwiy,and Hunt, ComausaloAPP who' convey • • Mgeffin's letter to tiie President; make are Or the resultAtit- their , mis3lon i under 'date 3 , 29. They say :; "We lied rview with 011 President, on Thursday, } inst., and delivered to him your Cesitin 4tion, and'also your leiter ac-: crediti*es hihm as commissioners authorised to represent the condition of :things in lien-, tucky,.ankthe orgent,,reasoosfor the with drawel troops. We .;siade this represen , tation;as fallyisvrehodd and ruglikillid - withv &will of f i f e itbdps..bptili4ssalsonathabikstarred, to us as likely to have an influence. The Tre sident!heard us courteously ; but said. little in reply, except to promise that the matter should have his anxious consideration." 11*W:of s letter to Jeff. Davis has this passage: "Although I have no reason to presume that the goVernment of. the Confederate Staten con template or have ever purposed any violation of the neutral attitude thus assumed by Ken-. tacky, there seems to be some uneasiness, felt among some portion of the State, occasioned by the collection of bodies of troops along their southern frontier. In order to quiet this ap prehension, and to secure to the people their cherish. ed object of peace, this communication is to repre sent these facts, and elicit an authoritative as surance that the government Of the Confederate Stated will "Ocatintie to respect and observe the Neil:kin indicated as assumed by Kentucky." The correspondence between klagoffin and the Governor'of Tennesgee seems to have been long and affectionate. Under date of August 12th t r Regalia thus vrri to Harris : "In a few days hope to be able to inform your Excellency o the disbanding of the or ganization to which you have been pleased to call my attention. ' I am satisfied a large ma jority, even of the Union men in Kentucky are opposed to any such organization here by the Federal government, or the transportation of arms, men or munitions of war over our soil to the state of Tennesseis. Barris replied in this style : " We feel that socially; commercially, politi cally „and geographically, you are so connected with us as to render hatred and hostility anom alobs and unnatural. The Confederate govern ment has' never demanded, arid we trust and believe never will demand, that we should wantonly and unjustly infringe the neutrality of Kentucky; and our policy and intentions iu this regard have been not only expressed, but demonstrated by our conduct up to this time. "Under these circumstances, we cannot be lieve that Kentucky will, at .the instigation of either of the belligerents, abandon the position of neutrality so lately and solemnly assumed, or permit it to be so used as to render a hollo vs peace more harrassing and danbruus than open war.",, The Louisville ioniwal of Saturday says of Ma-' goffin's meow : • . , " The message of Governor itagoffin, consid eredin its general relations ' is nothing more or less than a plea in advance fur the invasion of Kentucky by the Confederate army; unless the legialature shall define neutrality as the seces sionists dein:telt, and maintain neutrality ae the secessionists would have it maintained. In other words, the message whilst apparently professing to refer everything to the free deter mination of the legislature, virtually indicates everything to the legislature, under the menace of an invasion by the confederate army if the legislature does not tamely submit to the dictation. This is the long and short of the message. On a full and• fair consideration, nothing else can be made of it. Nothing else can be .succesefully made of it on even the narrowest and most par tial ;consideration. The point is really too clear for controversy." • • The journal also contains the following pars graph • . , "A telegraphic message went from this 'city to Nashville on 'Monday afternoon, saying that ,Lseint2l6 was in danger. Of course it was from a secessionist. What did he mean?" SEZDILE OS ARMS. Plan by the name of Cartright, a huckster 4 tietween Cluarlestown, 'lndiana, and Louisville, Kentucky, who has heretofore borne a good character ' was caught in Cincinnati the other day:with $7OO worth of ammunition and pis tols: When arrested he said he was a Union man, and the pistols were for a company at Charlestown. A policeman of Cincinnati was sent to Charlestown, where he ascertained that all the statements of Outright were false.- , -- The. New Albany Ledger says it seems this man has carried on an extensive trade in arms, his good character up to this time having protected him' even from examination on the ferry boat at Jeffersonville. He was to receive $1,400 for the lot of pistols upon their, delivery in Louis ville. FROM KANSAS. The:Foras of General Lane and Rdns—Ereetion of *lo:aim --Bniployment of Adian Warriors. The Chicago Times publishes the following extract from a private letter dated : Mom CITY, MUMS, Aug. 26. 'Things look gloomy at this time, and even in the distance. Since the battle at Springfield there are five rebels on our border . where we had one before. You see by the papers how they are coming up again in the north of Missouri. It is much worse here. pen. Lane and staff passed here a week ego, and are now in Fort Scott and on the Osage. Lane has only 1,600 men, all told, with one cannon, a six-pounder, and one howitzer ; while Rains is just below, with from 3,000 to 6,000 men, and any amount of artillery. He came within twenty-eight miles of Fort Scott five days ago, and all that saved southern Kansas was the report that the brave Siegel was making, forced marches in his rear to cut him off, which at that time was not true. They retreated hak to kaingfield, and today we have the glad newe•that Siegel is , really after them. This week lane will get hie arinery and probably 4,000 men, when we 'think we shall be comparatively safe. Let me say here—and this , is ahead of the newspapers—that *thin Six weeks government will be compelled to throw 76,000 men into this corner of the Union to sustain itself. They are throwing up strong breastworks and cutting deep ditches on the Osage, at Jewell's Mill, nine miles below here. They will commence the same here, Tuesday, the 27th, on Sugar Mound ; also, one near Paris, or Big Sugar. Within fifteen days you will find all the Osage and Cherokee Indiana in arms fighting for the government, under 'toss and Little Ask-, *h. e :reW4 ei,l ge,11493'..ex,4 ;forces,, we mist alto". • I , F f=tt: i ` ~' ~ ::I?rrOm . , ~ Tl': ~►~ ; L~lltlbr TONI 'BEMOR , OF 'PHItADIONSEA4 'fresh, 1' MlWOthents .; of the gebellani- '''AORAIRS 14 AT 'ACQUIA ; . OEK ' ' • ' ,'lre .• 1 Sept tn: Thi3 "delegatio4 ''of 'citizens' of Philadelphia , *Pt f hopie to*y i after neeivher 'ritaelead engineer had been sent to Philadelphia to Mike reconnoissances of the water and land approach es to the city, with a view to the erection of fortifications for its defence. Postmaster General Blair has gone to Missou ri, to see about the resumption of the Overland Daily Mail to California, now interrupted in that State. A requisition for a million and 'a quarter of dollars, in favor of Colonel Grossman, 11. S. Quartermaster in Philadelphia, has passed the Treasury, and the amount will be disbursed in that city. Hon. William Thompson, ex-member, of Congress from lowa, is here, tendering a regi ment of superior Volunteer ' cavalry to the Gov- ernment , A wounded rebel picket guard, taken by our men beyond the Chain Bridge, says that since the affair at Hatteras Inlet, thirteen regiments have left the rebel army of' , the Potomac and gone home. • • There is no warlike news from the Virginia' side, and the prospect of a battle is not consid ered very near. This morning long and heavy columns 'of smoke were seen over the river, which, w ere thought by many people, to indicate a collie sion between the two armies ; but it turned out to be smoke caused by the burning of brush be tween Munson's Hill and Arlington A regiment of the rebel army was distinctly seen this morning drilling on Munson's Hill. No guns were visible, but it is believed that they have some mounted below the high en trenchments thrown up. , A correspondent on.board the steamer Poca hontas, of the Potomac fleet, gives the follow ing : The line of batteries at Acquia Creek ex tend about six miles. They crossed the rail ,rmul not far from the depot, and extend, in one direction, as far as Potomac Creek, where there is another battery. These batteries are well posted, and appear to.lbe in good condition. They have some large guns, and their praCtice shows they understand their management. Some of the guns are rifled, and they appear to have an eight inch colum biad. • One of their rifled guns, a few days ago, threw a shell across the Potomac, which is here about four miles wide. The battery at the creek is under the com mand of Capt. Walker ; then there is a battery of flying artillery, commanded by Capt. Brax ton, and mother, lately from Richmond, which consists of six large pieces, one of them rifled, two howitzers and three other brass pieces, and at least fifty horses. There is another compa ny, kid to be made up of Baltimore boys. The water 'defances are under the command of Capt. Lynch, formerly of the U. S. Navy, and who conducted the exploring expedition to the Dead See,. As near as can be ascertained, there are'at least 16,000 rebel troops at Acquia Creek. They are bold and defiant, and appear ready for action. - Not long since a`fleet of twelve or fifteen ves sels anchored off the creek, and from the move ments on shore, we'suppose the rebels expected an attack. As the night closed in we could dis cover butlwo or three batteries, but at dawn the next morning we could distinctly see a long line:of batteries, extending at least four or five They bad been - erected before, but were con cealed by the trees and bushes in front of them. As they now expected to use them during the night, they cleared away in front, thus leaving their works exposed. NEW YORK REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The Republican State Convention met this morning. It was largely attended. • The Con vention was called to order by Simon Draper who nominated Mr s : E. G. Lapham as temporary chairman. The nomination was confirmed. Mr. Lapham on taking the chair made a brief speech returning thanks for the honor and de claring his sentiments as those _ of the party which would, entertain 'no terms of peace or compromise with rebels. He was in favor of uniting all who support the Government In electing the best and most loyal men to offices. After the appointment of the usual committees for a permanent mganization the Convention took recess until four o'clock. • .ARREST OF COL. JAMES W. WALL. , 4 BErfumaxorr, N. J., Sept. 11 Col. lathes W. Wall. of this city, was arrest ed this afternoon by the 11. S. Marshall and taken to New York in the afternoon train.— This arrest has produced a most intense excite ment among the people of Burlington as Col. Wall has been a leading man for many years. BAILING- OF THE STEAMER ASIA NBw Yoex; Sept. 11. The Boyslutail steamer Bela sidled < at noon to-44- With 70 Apassciogers Jacinth* M. Ifelligia the 'French Consul, at Charleston. ~ - .i f, . FROM NI,ISSOURL Rome, Mo., Sept. 9. Xight, prisoners were sent to St. Louis this 'mortridg. They were captured in, s skirmish tetwe+ the Home Guard and the rebels at 13otigt4 s Prairie, in Gasgonade county. Two Of the iebels were killed, and in another skir riiiiihite same day ten or more of the rebels were Willed, add: thirty-two horses captured at another' place near Cuba. Two scouts were take With Provost Marshal McKinstry's passes in their pockets Advises from Springfield to Friday are to the effect:that no battle had been fought between - Montgomery and Raids up to Tuesday last. Ben iMcaulloch was reported to be at Fort 'Smith, and his troops were en route for Fort ker, Arkansas. Nothing definite was knowri of his future movements, but it was sup posed that his force would remain near the line, ready to act in concert with the Missouri troops as occasion might require. Gen. Price had gone to reinforce Gen. Rains, Their united forces were about 7,000 when last heard from. Gen. Price was about fifteen miles from Fort Scott, Kansas, and a battle was ex pected to take place on Tuesday of last week. Claib Jackson left Springfield on Sunday night to join the State forces. Gen. Fremont's proclamation reached Spring field on Wednesday last, and created consider able excitement. Howard &Hope SHORT & QUICK ROUTE NE,W YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7} P. by the Faet Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 6t - For further information enquire of '• • GEO. BERGNER, Agen IiARRIBBITRG, Aug. 1861.-dtf f PROF. O. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE 00RiDIAL precisely what Its name Indicates, for well. pleas ant to the taste, it Is revivliying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. it also revrtilles, re inetatw and renews the blood la all Its ori i Mal purity, and thus restores and renders the system mvalnerabie th attacks of disease. it is tan only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular torm ao as to be within the readh hi all. Sownemmally and skillfully combined, as to the most •poweritd mac, end yet to perfectly adapted so se TO mrt IN.. PULFICT eOOORDANUN WITH THU LtIFI OF WON; AND HINUNNO,Tas Tau WILAKIENT BFoIIAINI and tone Up the di gestive org tns, and allay all nervous irritation. it is auto perfectly exmlaratlng in its effects, and yet it is never followed by laasitde r depression of spirits it is com posed entirely of vegetabies, and those ttioreugly cam- Dining powerful ;onto and soothing properties, and con ga quentiy can never Injure. Al a sure preventive and care of CONSUMPTION, 'BRONCHITIS, IN DIGESTION, DlM'''. PEP3IA, I.a.SD OF APPET/Tel, FAINTNILA NEE- , VOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PALPITA TION 4JF IRE HEART, MELANCHuLY, HYPO - CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDIDESS, AND ALL Trier CLArS OF GABES SO FEARFULLY s'ATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND • IRBEGULKEITiES. ITIIKEtE IS NOTHING- ITS EQUAL Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver efts• plaint s, Diseases of the Kidney, or any general derange ment of the Urinary organs , It will not only Dore the debility following CELLS and FEVER, but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmatic Influkncee, and cure the diseases at once, if already at tacked. wravelera should have a bottle with them, as it will infallibly prevent any deleterious coneequeraime follow ing upon ebauge of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens Ms digestive Organs, it should be in we hands of all persods of seden tary habits, 'wadies not aCcestomed to much onl•donr audio d bOuld always use it. Mothers should use it, far it is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. Siraeousz Sept. 11 to detect the illness or decline no drgt a e 4 re before it be too late, buf,. sway And only to o y l ou w youre appea l , your eons and husesado, for while the former from delicacy,tale urteit g o down to a premature grave, 'rather thau let their condition be knoWn In time, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of business, that if it were not for you, they too, would travel in the hare downward award pan, until it is too late to arrest their fatal f e ll. But the mother Is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ;. for we are sure your never-failing i f ec u on W il l unerr ingly point you to PROP. WOOOll 11.1faOitaTIVD CORDIAL ARO BLOOD IiBNDVATOR as the remedy which" should always be on band in time of need. to. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New Yerk and 114 Market Streed„r t.. Louis, Mo., =a sold by all . good Drusgista. Pelee One Lu lar ter Bottle.. ivg-dsw....oss • • ki • 01.1iiiK11I V LIN tanit 1 ,MA9Blivcri•clioice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by as to begtrietty pure. 012-d WM. DOCK & OD. 1--PRICE ONE CENT El'cstellaneans. FREIGHT RIiiIICED 1 EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM BLOOD RENOVATOR. MHZ IS NO 302LULN ABOUT IT. TEE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAM OR rrlti Mothers Try It I I