Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 10, 1861, Image 3

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    Pailp dtlegrao.
Tuesday Morning, September 40, 1861.
L. L. ALLEN, of Ohio, delivered his last lec
ture on temperance, in this city, in the lecture
room of the Baptist church on Sunday. There
was a large audience present, who manifested
much interest in the eloquent remarks of the
To MILITARY Alm —An advertisement in
another column to military men we refer our
readers who are inclined to enter the service of
their country. We are assured the opportunity
offered is an excellent one, and none but effi
cient men need address The company is to be
a crack one, and in every way worthy the at
tention of those who wish to enter a first class
—• •
THE VERBEKE RITLES.-1111 1 3 fine company,
which has a large number of men sworn in, will
go into Camp Curtin this (Tuesday) afternoon at
:2 o'clock. If any of our young men intend to
offer their services to their country, they can
not enter into auy company that possesses a
better set of men, or in which they would find
more pleasant. associates. Great care has been
taken that none but good men should be taken
THE 17TII or SEPTEMBER.—Fetitions are circu
lating for signatures in Philadelphia, praying
the councils of that du . to pass a joint resolu
tion recommending to all the citizens of Phila
delphia to commemorate the 17th day of Sep
tember next, the anniversary of signing the
Constitution of the United States, as far as pos
sible, by patriotic observances similar to those
which annually mark the return of the 4th of
July and the 22d of February. We suggest
similar action by the authorities of this city.
hour last Saturday night a soldier from Camp
(urn°, named William O'Donnel while quietly
walking along Fourth street'above Walnut was
attacked by three or four rowdies who beat him
in such a merciless manner that he is not ex
pected to recover. When found, O'Donnel was
lying in the gutter appareatly lifeless, with his
skull fractured and other parts of his body
holly bruised. He was carried to the residence
of Xlr. John Thomas in Fourth street, where
a physici in was summone I who dressed his
w,undis, and yesterday morning he was removed
to the hospital at Camp Curtin, where he now
lie; in a critical condition. His assailants are
known to the police, and it is to be hoped that
they will be captured and dealt with according
to their deserts.
Police MAT white' an, whose name
we could not learn, was put in the city lock-up
about two o'clock Sunday morning by Chief
Police Constable Ridabaugh. The tracer ar
rested him in the office of the 'Jones' House,
whither he had tied, having seen the officer ap
proaching up the street with a lantern. At
the hear jug . before thOlii c irr4o4o44".
as the man who &Me tithe ago went to Dr.
Ilutherford's office after night for the purpose of
tting a pistol hall extracted from his arm,
which he no doubtreceived in some burglarious
attempt. He is evidently a dangerous man in
the community, in consideration of which the
Mayor give him thirty days across the way.
. A burley looking negro, named Hanibal Da
vis, was arrested last . Saturday for stealing a
coat from Herr's hotel, the property of one of
the servants of that establishment. Justice
Beader sent Lim to prison to answer.
Gee. NEGELY'S BRIOADE—We understand that
the organization of this brigade is proceeding
livorably, and that in a few days the Genera)
will have three full regiments in camp. It i s
understood that Col. Hambright's Lancaster
regiment goes into this brigade. The Colonel is
of German descent, and as he speaks the Ger
man language fluently, it is expected that a
large number of Teutons will join his command.
Capt. Sevier, who served with Gen. Siegel in
Germany, commands a company in this regi
We are also informed that Colonel Serwcll's
Kittanning regiment will be attached to General
Negely's command. It is nearly full, and will
be in Camp Cameron next week. The General
himself has a regiment under way, which lacks
but a few men of having the full complement.
He must have four regiments to fill his trigade,
but with the three already secured, he can
hardly experience much difficulty iu getting the
DESERTNRS IN I.—Two(;Nrman volunteks
named Norman and Schmidt are now in 'ttutt .
county prison, charged with dese die They
arrested at Lancaster on the authorit .f Liet,
Col. Biddle, an aid to Gov. Curtin, an, _ Lig
wards *ought up on a writ of . ."\
before dndge,gays of that city, , t.e
nearing remanded them to the custody of Lieut.
B. Lichty of CaPt: &Indus' company at Camp
Curtin, which gentleman in a card to the Lan
caster Evening Express of last Saturday thus con
tinues the particulars concerning the case, in
reply to a published letter of the deserters com
plaining of their ill treatment
"After the hearing of the case, they were re
manded to my custody. Their friends then in
terfered and one of the prisoners made his es
cape. After considerable trouble and an at
tempt to escape on their part, they were put
into the county prison and kept there until one
o'clock. a. m. As they had made several at
tempts to escape, we thought it prudent to have
them handcuffed together until they would ar
rive at Camp Curtin. On their arrival there
they were immediately taken to Capt. Bolenius,
who told them that if they would hereafter
obey orders he would at once release them.
They refused to do so, 'and he then ordered
them to be taken to the guard house and kept
there until 6 o'clock a. m. They were not kept
there more than two and a half hours. The
commanding officer then ordered them to be
taken to prison until they were willing to sub
mit. Norman and Schmidt served under Capt.
Bolenius during the three months' service; and
seemed well satisfied with the treatment they
is receved. If they had not'beerilreited
well, it i easonable to suppose thatthey Would
have re-enlisted for three years for thikthirty
dcilawil bounty which they allege . ht
hem, kr°
A New York Lieut. Colonel on his Travels.—Quite
an excitement occurred at the depot on Sunday
morning, which - for a time threatened to cul
minate in a very serious disturbance. It ap
pears that a train of cars arrived here from
New York city, containing three or four compa
nies of cavalry under the command of a Lieut.
Colonel named Kilpatrick, intended to fill up a
regiment of cavalry, now in Washington city.
There was some delay at the depot, owing to
there being no locomotive ready to draw the
train, when the Lieut. Colonel, a pompous
looking dapper little individual, with " import
ance " written all over him, detailed a squad of
men to proceed to the Round-House of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Co. and procure a locomotive
vi et amnia. Mr. Young, Superintendent of the
Eastern Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
hearing of these proceedings, at once went to
the Round-House, where he found the squad in
possession of a locomotive, which they had
fired up and were in the act of putting in mo
tion for the depot. He politely requested them
to leave the establishment, which they refused
to do, at the same time using highly insult
ing language ; whereupon Mr. Young, who is
a stout-limbed, muscular man, struck' out from
his right shoulder with a force that sent one of
the soldiers on a balloon expedition some five
feet from the locomotive. The other soldiers
at once pitched into Mr. Young, who, gave
every promise of being able to finish them
off in detail,, when , they finally concluded
that " discretion was the better part
of valor," and left for reinforcements. They
soon returned to the round house, their number
augmented to ten or fifteen, but in the mean
time the employees of the machine shop had
tallied in full force, and evinced a determina
tion to defend the company's property to the
last. The soldiers looked with dismay upon
this formidable array of men, and without
making the least demonstration turned and re
traced their steps to the depot. Mr. Young, on
his return to the depot, hunted up the officer
in command, when the aforesaid dapper little
Lieutenant Colonel presented himself.
"By what authority do you take possession of
private property,"asked the Superintendent in
a calm, yit ltrm aneffignifiea doice
"By mnitaig authority, sir I" responded the
diminutive "Importance," giving his mustache
a twirl that had an awe inspiring effect.
Mr. Young intimated that when that au
thority eminated from the proper quarter he'
would cheerfully obey it, but he would not per
mit suoh outrageous proceedings in a place where
the civil law was still superior to the law
The little officer here commenced to fume and
fret in a manner laughable to look upon. Ac
pordlog to his account he had put a steam-boat
captain in irons, and wouldn't stop a moment
to put the lid i perintendent, the Directors, Presi
dent, and all the attachees of the road in the
same coalition. He was a terrible little custo
mer, thiilittle Lieutenant Colonel.
During the above coloquy, some of the sol
diers seized the small locomotive Ontario—used
for shifting cars—belonging to the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Company, and attached it to
bleep:aim. witiretig , Mery , 44 senordntett fo Balt&
Snore. FortunatelY-bylhie time a une lcc°-
motive intend from
the other picifi riV6Y, slid - things were'
about being oat - lb ship-slope oozier, when
another disturbance was created by the Lieute
nant Colonel pb*g font of the soldiers on the
engine. The eniiiiior, noelikini this arrange.
/dent refused iir t molve this *ilia:o'l%e -dapper
little Lieutenant, Odlonel agairf , maile hie ap
pearance, and timatenedjo engbieer
as high as Haman, when one of the officiali; of the
road, opportalvk arriving at the scene, ordered
the soldiers frogs locomotive, which they
obeyed, and in a 'kw moments the train started
on its way to Baltimore.
Wherr about siatfarn Mlles this side of that
city, near Cockeysv' , the axle of one of the
cars broke, causing nearly the whole train to
be thrown from the track, =Walling four of
the soldiers instantly, MortallY'Wounding three,
and wounding less seriously eight or nineothem.
During the excitement produced:by the acci
dent, it was alleged that the' engineer had pur
posely caused the catitttroPite; when the sol
dkrq,.led on by their Ikalf-witted commanding
officer, made a rush for him With the view of
taking his life. He, hoWever, contrived to of
fect his escape, not, however, before several pis
tol shots were fired at him, one of the balls
passing througks.his hst and just grazing his
Among the killed Was a nephew of the late
Brigadier General Lyoli---the wheeistof the cars
having passed , di rover the cen)re of his
body, literally cat • him in half. He was
Quarter-Master Seri tof the regiment.
PrivayrJtu*M'Onaald and German were
aso Jr
~ilhill. :.... i
The eltrowingpriva , wereaNightlywounded:
peter • traan;*.! ?. *.j)onnell,
... . 7 i ' . l` . , :a: r: .: yi .
°i •r, ; aia4l. th e - t ',";17... , . ,i . . -1 1 'jai.: Geo.
_ • ~
Vonsebaire and*bhael Denny.
The killed and wounded were taken to Balti
more and placed in the Impital.
In justigB to the Northern Central Railroad,
it is proper to state that the cars composing the
train belonged to the wlesiey Central Rail
road, having came direc from Jersey City with
obt being changed.
It *dated that when the accident occured,
two or three of the soldi were on thelocomo
tiventith the engineer, 'ch certainly fully ex
honotates the latter wi any complicity in
cansing•the melancholy =renal.
unteer belonging . 4
ty companies, now
tempting to get on
the iron bridge ov
Valley Railroad last
footing and fell ..
over him, crushing
fingers of his left
ON TSB Rimaoan.—A vol
.ne of the Schuylkill corm
: t Camp Curtin, while at
assing a train of cars near
the canal on the Lebanon
i= turday night, missed hie
I , the wheels, which passed
th of his legs and the
•d. He died while being
peunevluania litailv telegraph, 01C neabap iitanittig ..f.eptiniter 10, 1 8M
the attention of our readers to the advertise
ment, in another column, of this palatial Hotel,
whose Proprietors, with a view tcmeet the ex
igencies of the times, have reduced the price of
board to TWO DOLLARS PER DAY. Our friends
visiting New York can now share all the luxu
ries of a sumptuous table and a princeley house
for a very moderate per diem sum.
LECTURE OH HAYTI. —Joseph E. Williams, a
native of Middletown, this county, will deliver
a lecture this evening in the Methodist Church,
Tanner's alley, on the commercial, political
and advantages of emigration to Hayti. Mr.
Williams is an intelligent looking colored man,
and is apparently well booked up in the affairs of
the Haytian Republic. He has resided in that
country since last June, and has been appointed
by the authorities there an emigration agent for
the State of Indiana. We have no doubt his
lecture will be highly entertaining and instruc
tive. Seats free to all.
Correspondent sends a Philadelphia paper the
following in reference to the manufacture of
burning fluid : "As accidents from burning fluid
explosions are increasing in numbers daily, let
me call your attention' to fact a that every one
tudni the article should know. Certain parties
are using in the manufacture of the fluid, benzine
made from coal tar, as a substitute for turpen
tine, the latter having risen in price, owing to
the blockade of southern States. The fluid
made with benzine is fearfully explosive, and
the slightest defect in a lamp may cause death
to even the most careful in filling and handling
the article."
, FOUND DEAD.—Last Saturday afternoon Al
derman Kline was called upon to hold an in
quest on the remains of a man, found dead in
Eby & Kunkle's warehouse, at the canal, foot
of Walnut street. The deceased was about fifty
years of age, but nothing could be found about
him to ascertain his name or place of residence.
Some people residing in the vicinity had seen
him alive a few hours previous, and it is sap
posed that he wandered into the warehouse,
fell asleep, and died with the di, , ease of the
heart. The jury rendered a verdict of "death
by visitation of God,"' and the remains of the
deceased were taken to the poor house for in
mense number of horses and cattle passed
through the city last week, en route for the seat
of war. On Monday night eighty car loads ar
rived at Pittsburg over the Pittsburg and Cleve
land road, on Tuesday night seventy-six car
loads, on Wednesday thirty-five, and on Thurs
day night fifty-four. These are, of course, ex
clusive of what came in over the 'Pittsburg,
Fort Wayne and Chicago road. They suffer no
detention at Pittsburg, and are shipped to the
Capital with the least possible delay. We un
derstand that there are over five thousand horses
for the use of the army in the neighborhood • f
Washington now, besides an enormous number
of mules and cattle. The latter are obtained
principally from Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and
the, thew, that Nve bamatuairat-letasti-
fair condition.
Summer has left us fer sunnier climes,
She brought to us music and sunshine and
flowers ;
Many and joyous her bright golden hours,
Her bowels and vines.
Autumn so beautiful crounnith the year '
With colors of crimson, and golden and brown, ,
While silently, steadily falleth down,
Leaves withered and sere.
The ripened pears drop one by one from the
trees ;
, the painteth the apple, the peach and the plum;
The purple grapes temptingly shine in the sun' ;
With joy hum the bees.
0 beautiful reaper ! The luwvest is hers
With all its abundant, luxuriant store ;
,Yet wonted each year she crieth for more,
Her voice the world stirs
We welcome the Autumn, for winter too soon
Will cover the land with irost, ice and snow,
And chain the poor streamlets whose silvery
Hoag ADvawraors.—You may talk about your
Broadways, New York, your Chestnut Streets,
Philadelphia, but when we come to our beauti
ful Susquehanna, margined by white pebbled
and gilded by scenery unsurpassed, how
delightful to strole along our Front Street, at
Harrisburg ! We often wonder at the induce
ments of Cape May and Atlantic City, which
can be arrived at only by expense and trouble.
When will our citizens beautify and -Bollivard
Front Street, which has-all the natural advan
tages of a promenade, with Urich & Bowman's
Cheap Dry Goods Store immediatzdy on the
south east corner of Front and Second Streets.
rifiXING returned from the city I now have on,
hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry
Goods : 200 pieces .of new.Csacts ; 200 doses' ,
aC~tocka - 2 ks ; a mlendid lot °Mack Alspacha;
a large lorefiloopSk; I,ooolards of Crash
for Toweling. Ali.' of Bummer . Drees
Goods atgreat reduction:.l. .44411111,
t Rhoads' Olikelbrnes. '
1:18 1 T Published in a Sealed Envelope ;
Prince eta : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment,
t d radisai,Cure of Spermatorrhtea or seminal Weak
, .= , Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Imped.
Kahle Lo 'Marriage generally, Nervousness, consumption,
NOllepay and Fits: septet and Physical' Incapacity, ;s
-iting from reit Abuse, &;,.—By ROBT. J. CIILVM-
W.L4 M. D., Author of the green Book tie. "A Boo s
a Thousands of tu ff erers." sent under seadjin a plain
envelope, to any address, post.paiN, on receipt of six
cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr, CH. J. C. KLINE,
127 Ildwery, New York, Post Wilco Box, 4586.
Tun Anrsarnans, baying been restored to
bnattb. lea few weeks by a very simple remedy, alteg
hitrolng soared several years with is severe lung sitrOd4
ion, and that dread disease, Consumption—ls anxious to.
mate known to his fellow-sulTerers the means of cure.
To all who desire It, he win fuseyl a copy of the pre
sariptiou used (free of charge), with the directions for
coopering and using the Same, which they will find a
sßueure Consamption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The
of* object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription
to benefit theafiliotect, and spread information which
he ronceivestil nvainable ' and he hops every suf
ferer will try his remedy, as it will coot them nothing,
mut may prove a blessing.
_• pertain wishing the prescriptive will pleats address
Kw'. RD waft) A. mum,
/Imp wonky, rftw Yort.
Len more able- 1
p the mil of this,
rendezvous, op-!
-14 I
[!or the Tiilegrapb
Dispels care and gloom.
B. Z. X
Mallible n correcting, regulating, and reor. ,, ig
obstructions, from whatever cause, and I
successful as a preven
L the doctors for many years, both in France ank
America, With unparalleled 6uoresa in every case ; an.
he is urged by ,i,any thous:tau ladies who need them, I.
make the Pills public for the alleviation of the-e Bulletin.
from any irregularities whatever, as well a.- to preven'
an increase of family where health will not permit it.—
Females particularly situated, or thine auppowna then,
selree so, are cautioned against these Pills while in tba
condition, as they are ear to produce oniF.carriage, an.
the proprietor assumes no responsibility alto this adim
ninon, although their - Mildness would prevent any mu.
chief to ncaltb-.otberwise the Pills are recommended
Full and expli• it directions accompany each box. Prier
SI 00 per box. fold whoksale and retail by
No. 2 Jones }Cow, fiarrlfiburg, Pa
-ladies," by sehdley him 11 00 to the ilarriabarg
Peet 01lice CAD have the Pills sent tree of observation to
any part id the ; country (confidentially) and - free of rice
taye" by malt. Sind also by S. NrsvVia, headin;
Elriu.owar & Cowmen, Philadelphia, .1. L. Len
naintii, Lebanon, Waist' H. ft/Tittle,; J. A
Wotx, Wrightsville R. T. MALIN, York ; And by on,
drilgglnt In every city' and village in the Union, and to
F. D. Hews, ole proprietor, New York
N. B.—Look out tor counterfeit.. Bey nu delete'. vita
of any kind unlese. ~.very box to signed F. it. Rowe. At
°then are a base imposition and one lie therefore. io
you value your 'lies and health, (to mottling ot
.g humbugged out of giror rtorney,l' euy ' only tir thoet.
who snow the nig ilalure 01 - .1 . 11. Howe on every but
alrt' has rosently 'Mont 01 !In POI .
'rem,' enunle ,l etta , 411,4184-1,
IMPORTAfiI i T04011D.1'A1r4.14.
Prepared , liy Cornelius L. Cheeeeman, M. D.,
KPH E combination of ingredients In these
Pills are the reutitt of a long and extensive practice.
They are mild in their operation, and certAnie oorrecticg
all irreguiwitiPs, Painful Menstruations, removing all ob
struclions, whether from . cold or otherwise, hea iache,
pate in the el *e. pabiltotion of .the heart, whites, all ner
vous aff-ctions, hysterics, fatigue, p iq le the back and
limbs, ka , disturbed steep, %stitch adios from Interrup
tion of nature.
Dr Cheeseman's Pills are Invaluable, 48 they will bring
on the monthly period with regtilaiity. ladle+ who have
beau Weep.° nted in the use of other Es can place the
utmost cos& !mice to lir. °horseman's Pills doing all that
they represent to So.
There is one condition of the female "system in which the
Pius cannot be taken 'Mama producing a P.EVULIA h
RESULT. The condition referred to is PRBQ NOY—
the result MISCARRIAGE. Suck is the irresistib 'e ten
dency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a
normal condition, that .even the reproductive power of na
ture cannot resist it.
. Warranted vegetable, and frle from anything
Injurious. Exploit direehone, which should be road ac.
nom any each box. rice $1 Sent by mall en encloa
lug 111 to DR •ORtiIILIIIS DRERitYAN, HOS 4,581, Post
Me. N. w 'York My.
cold by one Druggl,t in every town in the United States.
R. B. aurcams,
General Agoot for the United States.
• 14 Broadway, New 'fork,
To whom all wtolesale orders should be addressed.
Sold in Harrisburg uy C. A. duffs=
RICHARD NOLEN, offers himself as a
candidate tor the office of COUNTY TfiEdsltlE
et Ice erieuie,g election, and be net only pri mite to dip
eti rge Lbu difiea rir hi office with fidelity , but If elected
pledges biurelf to pay One Hundred Dollars toward sup
porting the Amines of the soldiers of Dauphin coanty
which are now or may bele service in the defence of our
beloved Country:
11H E undersigned offers himself as a
L cindldato ler the office tt COUNTY COMMISWIN.
MR, subject to the nominattng Convention, ant pledges
himself it nominated and elected to dis-harge the duties
or the ( Moe with Glelity. PHILIP HOFFMAN.
LAVAL IC 10%. of Middletown, et
a W fere himself ea a candidate for the STATE LEOTS
'l Jan at the entningederdion, NOWA to the action of
• • 'l4toplettreimetrCenverideit. And pledgen htmsell
o dircharge the donee of the office banality and faith
1 R. THOMAS G. FOX, of Derry town
, ship, (Afars himself es a candidate for the STATk.
: LATURB at the ensuing eleoi tun, subject to th 3 ac.
pan of the People's County Convention. He promises it
Waded to discharge the Make of the office with fidelity
i ang/g
C. YOUNG, offers himself as a caudi
wdato for the office of Prothortotary duo., of Dauphin
county et the annulus election. He engages if, elected to
orm the duties of the once teith
BRAHMA H. BOY -ER, of East - Ham.
N yer, offers himself sea candid/its foi - fthofsTffitt at
w i th
t'... (miming electioit, sub ect to Me action of Om People's
r: My tenventlipt. He romiscs, If elected to dt,charge
lis duties of the - office ildrlity.
B. SCHREINER, of Gratz ,
1 R • himself as a candidate for the sr ITEC LEGISLA
V, aat the ensuing election, sobject . tO the liotiOD of
~..,,.'''' eople's County Convention. Be illtoll2l tee, it elec.
m SO dPeborge the , dR995 of the office with fidelity.
• . M41,,21-dtc• . ,
r- • • 0 A' • .
A. S. EYSTER offers himself as a
g • candidate for the °Meet& PROf El. /NOTARY, ho.,
*Skim ensuing Wootton, and pledges his reputation for
ithintion to' business as a guarantee fb the teCithtlil per
, rgoance of its duties, if elected.
itarrietsurg, August 21, 1861..dts*
• ENJAMIN BUCK, of Harrisburg, of
. 11 1 fors himsolfas a eaucddate for COUSTY,TREASIIII
scat the ensuing eloctkin; stfogait ther..nclion off the
eophea County Convention lie• premises. it elected te
discharge the duties of the earth with fidelity.
A.M.I7,EL gamer - HT, of Harrisburg,
offers himself ass candidate far REGLIVER at :the
g elecdott, sebiect. to the 'action of the People's
abtty Oretventlon. Be proedies, if elected to (Web
the duties of the office with fidelity.
ELLOW CITIZENS : I offer myself as
a Candidate for_ County Treasurer at the ensuing
Lion, subject to the idiot' of the People - Couoty's Con
. entiou. Should I base fop:mints to be Winged I pledge
thyself to discharge the duties of said aide with fidelity.
Alauphist, Aug. 12 1861.40
- ELLA. W CITIZENS —I offer myself as
a Union indepehdent candidate tor the office of Be
ter of Wills of Dauphin county. Should Ibe so tor
4, ate as to be elected, promise to discharge the duties
• the office with fidelity. JISSE B. HUMMEL
• mmelatown, July 31, 1861-oltawtc
JAh. FILERL AND, of Halifax town
- shit), offers hieptelt as acandidate for ASSE ABLY
the eneniug election, eehtect t the moron of the Pee
r:linty Ootivk beton. He promisee, It elected to
the duties ot .the otfloewith fidelity.
66 E unity of Government, which con
Altutes_you ono le, is now dear to you."—
W farewell . A nationality is essen
tial to the enduring proeie ty of our country. True pa
triotism must arise from knowledge. It Is only a proper
understanding of our civil institutions that can induce
ntrong and settled attachment to their principles, and
impart ability fur theitmaintananes.
“OUR GOVERMILiNT : Au oxpbmatory statement of
Ate 'Totem or Government of Wry," contains the
tart of the Constitution of tito
,Olatett, apd the Con
tottonal provisions 'hi the gintes i with their
end craistructhm, as detesyniaed by utile* ow
..yg., and,. pitagebint_i i sd, pr a etta dv er. derived-from
'I , otters; digestwt
s ander, , for irk
/ „ 1 Woid. ley
~.. 0 0
burg, Pa.
tw tabvtrtistnitnts
Bureau of Construction,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8,1861.
IN CONFORMITY with the act .of Congress
approved the 6th August, 1861, the Navy
Department will receive proposals for the con
struction and equipment of Twelve Side-Wheel
The load draft of water not to exceed six feet
nine inches ; to be armed with two rifled guns,
of 7,0011 lbs. each, one at each end of the ves
sel ; also, with two 12-pounder howitzers ; the
complement to be one hundred persons, with
provisions for sixty days, to have two thousand
gallons of water in tanks, and to be provided
with a condenser for distilling potable water.—
To be schooner rigged, and have a rudder at
each end, properly protected by a poet.
The Department desires to have the highest
attainable speed, which must be stated in the
offer, together with the length of time it can
be maintained and the quantity of coal that
can be carried in the bunkers for that speed,
which should not be less than for eight days.
The proposals must be for the hull, spars, rig
ging, sails,'and canvass work, boats, anchors,
and cables, tanks, casks, furniture, cooking ap
paratus and utensils, - steam machinery and
spare work, with all the equipments for a vessel
of war complete and ready in all respects for
sea service, and ready to receive her officers,
men, armament, stores, provisions, and fuel
for steam machinery.
The armament, stores, provisions, and fuel
will be furnished by the Government.
The specifications must fully describe the
materials to be used, the method and size of
fastening, the detail of the size s material, finish,
kind, and arrangement of machinery, and of
the variona equipments included in the pi opo-
The - -plans - mnst be working drawings, from
which the vessel and machinery can be built,
showing the allotments of space for accommo
dations, store- ooms,e, and shell-rooms,
disposition of the coal, .
The boilers and engines to be below the deck
—the main shaft may be above ; the boiler
pressure not to be less than thirty pounds per
square inch, and .a surface condenser to be used;
the paddle-wheel to be overhung.
Upon application to the Commandant of any
navy yard the bidder can .seo the list of equip
ments required' for the ptdpeller gun-boats, to
which, as fir as practicable, these are to con
form, and for which convenient stowage is to
be provided.
The bidders will state the least time within
which they will agree to complete the vessel
for sea and deliver her at such navy yard as
they may name, without extra cost to the Gov
ernment. It must likewise be stated irf - the of
fer the total amount for which they will engage
to do all that is required above and embraced
in their specifications and plans, ; and the bid
must be accompanied by name' of guarantors
that if awarded they will execute the contract.
The usual conditions of Government contracts
will be observed. Payments to be made at four
different intervals, as the work progresses, re
taining one-fifth of the whole amount for ninety
days atter the delivery of the vessel, to repair
any defects that may fie discoved within that
time in trial at sea. It is understood that in
the, contract a guarantee will be inserted of the
fulfilment of the condition of speed, fuel, satis
factory working of the machinery, &c., with a
forfeiture in case of failure.
The reputation of bidders as successful steam
ship builders will have due weight, and the
proposal must state the name of the marine en
gine building estab which ttm In -
` — "eitt reserves the right to accept
propositions made in conformity with the con
ditions prescribed which shall be considered
most to the interest of the Government and
combine the greatest number of advantages,
and to reject any or all of them, at its option.
The specifications, and plans of parties not
obtaining the contract can be withdrawn by
The Department will not consider itself un
der obligations to receive proposals after the
6th of September 1861. augl2-law4w
DIIRSUANTIo an act of the General As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en
titled "An Act relating to Elections in this Common
wealth," approved the 2d day of July, A. D., one thou
sand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, JACOB D. BOAS,
Sheriff of the county of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, do here
by make known and give notice to the electors of the
county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said
county of •Dauphin, ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF
Ow OBEN, A. D., 111111, (being the Bth day of October,)
at which time the State and County Officers, as follows,
arts to be elected, to wit :
One person for President Judge of the tumoral Courts
of Dauphin and Lebanon 'min les for the 12th judicial des-
Two persons for associate Judges of the several courts
vC Dauphin county.
Two persons to represent the County of Dauphin in
thin noose of Reprireniatives.
One i.arann for Prollonutary and clerk of Common
'leas and Quarter &salons
One person for County Treasurer.
' lone person for Iteginer of Wills.
. One person for County Conunissioner.
One person for Director of the poor and HOMES of em
One person foe County Auditor.
that the places of holding the aforesaid general election
iu the several' wards, boroughs, olstricts and townships
within the county of Dauphin, are as follows, to wit :
The election for the First Ward In the City of Harris
burg, shell be held at the Public School House, at toe
corner Mary's alley and Front street.
The election in the Second Ward, shall be held at the
western window of Herr's Hotel on Market street.
The eliction for tho Third Ward, shall be herd at the
School Souse to Walnut street, between record and
Front street: .
Tne election to the Fourth Ward , shall be held at the
Public School Honsa in State street, between Seeped and
Third streets.
. . - .
The election for the Fifth Ward, shall be hel.: at the
house belong to General John Forster, on the State row]
eating from the reservoir grounds to the Penntotistota
Missile Hospital.. .
The election in the Sixth Ward, sail be held at the.
School House Harrisburg."
FOr the , township of Su- quiihanna, at Miller's (now Nis
ley's) school house.
For the township of Lower Swatara at to school house
Nb. 1, in Hlghepire.
For the townstiship of Swatara at the Locust Grove Inn.
For the borough of "Middletown at the Brick School
house, in Pine street, in said borough.
For the township of Londonderry, at the Public Emote
of Joseph Helper, in said township.
' For the township of West Londonderry. at the housed
Christian Neff, in said township
For the township of Conewago, erected oat of parts of
the townships of Londonderry and Derry, at the house of
Christian Foltz, (now Jim. S. Foltz,) in said township.
For the township of Derry, at the public house of Dan
iel Baum, in Hummelstown, in said township.
For the township of South Hanover; at the public house
of George Hooker, in said township.
For the township ofFset Hanover, at the public house
of Maj. Shell's, (now Boyer'e,) in said township.
For the township of West Hanbver, at the public house
of Jacob Rudy, (now Buck's,) in said township.
For the township of lower Paxton, at the public house
of Robert Gilchrist, (now Sweisart's,) in said township.
For the township or Middle Paxton, at the publichouse
of Joseph Cockley, in said township.
For the township of Rush, as the house belonging to
the estate of the late John McAllister, dec'd now occupied
by David Rineal in said township.
For the township of Jefferson, at the house of Christian
Hoffman. in said township.
For the township of Jac san,at the house now
by John Baler, at Baler's mill, in said township.
For the township of Halifax, at the North Ward School
Houso, in the town of Halifax.
For the township of Reed, at the new/School House on
Island, in said township.
For the borough of Millersburg, at the Frame School
House, on the bank of the Wiconisco creek, in the bor
ough aforesaid.
For the township of tipper Paxton, at the house of
Jacob Buck y now occupied by Samuel Buck, in said
For the towpsblp of Mifflin, at the public house of Mi-
Chael Bataan°, (now Beni. Sorcleo 3n BerrYsburgt to
said tow . tmlt;
For the township of Was t op, at public hoaso
how oliciptird.ktOts sr ~t ► hshlP=
_ W in g er t
Or Like% at _PP
' (nowiratata ) tik anobbrooWiff:Eoatii
Tew 2butrtistments
For the borough of Gratz, at the public house or Solo
mon Loudenslager, (now Keiser,) In said borough.
For the township of Wiconisco, at the School House No.
5, in said township.
I also, for the information of the electors of the county
of Dauphin, publish the following sections of acts or the
General Assembly, enacted during the session of 1853
to wit:
Also, sections 1 and 3, page 104, pamphlet laws, ap
proved the 18th day of March.lBl7, viz:—"Thatthe citi
zens of the township of Londonderry, in the county of
Dauphin, formerly embraced in the Portsmouth election
district, together with such other citizens of said town
ship residing west of the public toad leading from Port ,
Royal to Nissley's mill, in said township, shall hereafter
hold their general and special elections at the house of
Christian Neff, in said township."
Sze. 8. That said district, shall hereafter be known as
West Londonderry election district.
RUSH TOWNSHIP—PIace of .E2ectson
Whereas the place of bolding the elections m the town
ship of Rush, Dauphin county, was by law at School Mouse
number three in said township: And whereas, there Is
no such School house, therefore—Section 1. Be tY ended
by the Senate and House of Rqmeadidine i the Comumen
wealth qf Pennsylvania in General Assembly del, used it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the
general and township elections of Rush Township, Dauphin
County, shall be held at the house belonging to the estate
of the late John McAllister, deceased, now occupied by
David Rineal. Page 83 pamphlet laws, 1858.
I also make known and give notice, as in and by the
13M section of the aforesaid act f am directed, " that
every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the
government of the United States, or or Ms State, or any
city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned of
ficer or otherwise, a subordiniAn officer, or agent, who la
or shall be employed under the legislative, judiciary, or
executive department of this State or the United States, or
of -any city or incorporated district, and also, that every
member of Congress and the State Legislature, and of the
select and common council of any city, commistdonera of
any Incorporated district, is by law iuceiable of holding
or exercising at the same time the office or appointment
of Judge, inspector or clerk of auy election of this Com
monwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or other offi
cer of any such election, shall be eligible to any °aloe
then to be voted for."
Also, that in the fourth Ilection of the act of Assembly,
entitled "An Act relating to executions, and for other
purposes," approved April 16,-1840 , it iii enacted that nthe
aforesaid 13th section shall not be so Construed as to
pievent any militia officer or borough officer from serv
ing as judge, inspector or clerk at any general or special
ejection in this Commonwealth."
Also, that in the Obsiseetion of said act, it is enacted,
that every general and special elections shall be opened
between the hours of eight and ten In the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjourment until
seven o'clock In the evening, when the polls shall be
closed "
The special election shall be held and conducted by the
inspectors and judges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided.
No person shall be permitted to vote at the election,
as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of tweak) -
one years or more, who shill have resieedin this State
at least one; year, and in the election district where he
offers to vote at least ten days immediately preceding
such election, and within two years paid a meteor °aunty
tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days be
fore the election. But a citizen of the United Statee who
has previously been a qualified voter of this State and re
moved therefrom and returned, and who .hall have re
sided in the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six
months : Provided. That the white freemen. citizens of
the United Slates, between the ages of 21 and 22 years,
and have resided In the election district ten days, as
aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall
not have paid taxes.
"No person shall be admitted to vote whose name is
not contained in the tof tastable Inhabitants fernlehed
by the commissioners, unless; First, ho produces a receipt
lbr the payment within two years, of a state or county
tax, assessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satis
factory- evidence, either on his own oath or affirmation, or
the each or affirmation of another, that he has paid such
a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt shall make' oath
of Inc payment thereof ; or, Second, if he claim a vote by
being an elector between the ages of 21 and 22 years, he
shall depose,an oath or a ffi rmation that he has resided in
the State at leastone year before his application, and make
such proof of big residence in the district sa. is tevered
by this act, and that he does verily believe from the ao
counts given him that he is of the age aforesaid, and giv
duels other evidence as Is required by this act, whereupon
the name of, the perstm so admitted to vote, shall be inser
ted in the ,alphabetical list by the inspectors anti a , nine
Made opposite thereto by writing the word 'lam,', If he
-*all be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax ,or
the word if he shall be admitted to vote bS Meta
of such age, and shall be called out to the carks, who
shall make the like notes in the list of voters kept by them.
'ln all cases where the name at the - twit:sou Mahn to
vote Is not found on
,• •• -• by en qualified citizen, it
••• •II • e • • duty of 'hi inspectors to eXamine such per
n on Oath as to ItSqualifications,
, and If he calms to
raver.•-ed• within the State for one year or more his
oath vri sufficient proof thereof, but shall make proof
by at least one competent witness, who shall be a quali
fied elector, that he has resided within the district for
more then ten days next immediately preceding said
election, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide
residence in pursuance of his lawful calling is within the
district, and that be did not remove Into said district for_zt
the p .••e of voting therein.
"EWYy person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall -
make due:proof, if required, of his residence and pay
ment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote In
the township, ward, or district in which he shall reside.
•• if a ny person shall prevent or attempt to prevent
any officer of any election under this act from holding such
election, or use or threaten any violence to any such offi
cer, or shall interrupt or improperly Interfere with him
In the execution of his duty, or shall block up the win
dow or avenue to any window where the same may be
holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such elec
tion, or shall use or practice intimidating threate,lorce or
violence, with a design to influence unduly or overawe
any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain
the freedom of choice, such a person, on conviction, shall
hefted Many sum not exceeding five hundred dollars,
and imprisoned for any time not less than one month nor
more than twelve months, and if It shall be shown to the
Court' where the trial of such offence shall be had, that
the person so offending was not a resident of the city,
ward, or district, or township where the said offence was
committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on con
viction, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not leas
than Ono hundred dollars or more than one thousand dol
lars, and be imprisoned not less than six months or mots
than two years.
" the person who shall have received the ascend
highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend on
the, day of election, then the person who shall have re
carted the next highest number of votes for judge at the
kpiing election shall act as Inspector in his place.—
And in case the person who shall have received the high
est number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the
person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his
place, and in case the person elected shall not attend, then
the inspector who received the highest number of votes
8110 appoint a judge in his place, or II any vacancy shell
continue in the board for the space of one hour after the
time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the
qualified voters of the township, ward, or district for
which said officer shall have been elected, present at the
Waco of election, shall select one of their number to fill
such vacancy.
4, It shall be the duty of the several assessors, respee-
Lively to attend at the place of holding every general,
special or township election, during the time said election
Is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the
Inspectors and fudges when called on, in relation to the
right of any person assessed by them to vote at such
elections, or such other matters in relation to the assess
ment of voters as thesaid inspectors, or either of them,
Shall from time to time require."
1110111 , 10 OP lIKTIVRN toms.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 78th section
of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid die
shall respectively take charge of the certificate at
eft= of the election of their respective districts, and
produce them at a meeting of emeltelge from sack din
trio, at the borough of Harrisburg, on the third day
after the day of the election, being FRIDAY the 11th of
tictober, then and there to do and perform the duties
required by law of said judges.
Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable-ac
cident, is unable to attend such meeting of judges, then
the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge
of by one of the Inspectors or clerks of the election of
Said district, who shall do and perform the duties required
of said judges unable to attend.
The Return Judges appointed to meet simller Judges
from the county of Lebanon relative to the election of
President Judge Will meet at the Oourt House in the bor
ough of Lebanon on TUESDAY the 16th day of OrWhorl
at; eleven o'clock, A. H. The following Eection of tlte
Act approved the 15th day rf Apri .1, 1851, providing kn.
the election of Judges of the sever/1 couotles prescribes'
their re- pective dative viz: if
Simon 6 That in the c .re of the election of prod.
dent judge of any judicial district composed of two or
more.counties at toe meeting of the return Ridges Its each
of such counties, the clerks aforesaid shalt neasz i s .
fair eta ement of all the votes which shall hAvet a
given at such election within the county for every
voted for as such president judge, wretch she a ,
by said judges and attested by the clerks -;•
1 40 L ir a.*
said judges shall take charge of such statement •
produce the same at a meeting of onejudge f ' 5.
saideoutitieu, which meeting shall be held on the
day after the jelection at the court house of engi _she
t ou ntes, to be fixed by taking snob counties altenudali
in their alphabetical order. . .
Sacrum 7. That theiudges of the severalasuntles bar
ing co met shall cast up the several countyzeturna and
make a sufficient number of copies of a general return
of all the votes given for such office In said district, all of
which they shall certify, ani one of which they shall
lodge forthwith tie tjt o office of the Court of Common
Pleas of each or sal unties, and one of which they
shill enclose, seal, an direct tor the Secretary of the
on onwealtb, in the manner prescribed by the fifth
asetl , Mcif tr e act.
my.lutini, in my office In Harrlatiarg, tbe
eiliAsr gebteraber, A. D. 1801.
. 10 . , ..1AC011 , 11.-110AS, g °).
Sowies mar, Harrisburg, Sersember 41 Di lunrijkl e /