Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 09, 1861, Image 2

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Forever Heat that standard sheet I
Where breathes the foe but fails before list
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us
Monday Afternoon, September 9, IS6I.
CAPT. JOHN H. DUCHMAN, among the oldest
of the volunteer soldiers of Lancaster city, who
has done much to improve and elevate the vol
unteer system of the state, has recruited a com
pany and attached it to the regiment being
raised in that county by Col. Henry Hambright.
This is a glorious example to the young men of
the state, and an honor to that school of old
men who have themselves reflected the honor
on Pennsylvania of which we all love to boast.
The name of the veteran Captain Duchtnan de
serves to be mentioned with distinction by our
cotemporaries, and we therefore ask that it be
passed around.
SAMUEL McWILLIAms has been nominated by
the Republicans of Centre county as their legis
lative candidate. It is not our purpose to make
invidious destinction by lauding individual can
didates from various parts of the state during
the coming contest, but when we know a gen
tleman as thoroughly as we do Mr. McWilliams,
we cannot refrain from congratulating the men
who placed him in nomination, and commend
ing the cause which has so worthy a repre
sentative and advocate, as the cause of our
friends in glorious old Centre will have in their
legislative candidate. Samuel McWilliams is
an able and an accomplished gentleman, with
that morality of character which alone can give
security and tone to the integrity of a man, and
without which no man is worthy of confidence
or support. Mr. McWilliam's election is cer
Immediately before the expiration of the term
of the three-months men, the eleventh regi
ment, of which Phaon Jarrett was the colonel,
offered its services to the federal government
for three years. At the expiration of their term,
the colonel and a considerable number of the
men refused to re-enter the army, when it was
found necessary to re-organize the regiment by
the election of new officers. Richard Coulter,
who was lieutenant colonel, under the old or
ganization, was made colonel, a choice which
could not have fallen on a more chivalrous gen
tleman or more accomplished soldier. He is a
thorough tactician, and has seen sufficient ser
vice to render him all that a regiment of brave
men could desire, both in- the camp and the
field of battle. William D. Earnest, another
good solder,,is the lieut. colonel. He has also
seen service. H, A. Frink is the major elect.
Major' Frink is a graduate of West Point, but
for some years has been devoting himself to
other pursuits. He is regarded by those who
know him best as having the qualifications to
distinguish himself on the field of battle, and
in every respect to make himself really essen
tial to the discipline and efficiency of his regi
Our reason for noticing this regiment at this
time is, that it is the only distinct regiment
which has, with a slight difference, preserved
its first organization, and is therefore the oldest
regiment in the service from this state. We
have a high regard for its officers and men, and
do not hesitate to predict for both rank and file
a noble success in the noble cause in which they
have pledged their lives, their fortunes, and
their sacred honors.
WHEN TIM HARVEST is gathered and garnered,
there will be in the state of Pennsylvania at
least fifty thousand men all of whom will be
out of regular employment. Hundreds of men
who heretofore found employment in the pine
ries of the state, as wood choppers, colliers and
lumbermen, will be compelled to seek other
engagements, from the fact that these operation.
will be suspended during the coming season, or
at least so restricted as to be carried on with
much less the force of labor required during
former seasons. The men thus thrown out of
employment are used to exposure, hardships
and long hours of labor. They have been in
ured to the inclemencies o f season s and the rough
est climates. Out of this material the very
best soldiers in the world can be disciplined,
and to this force Pennsylvania will appeal in
case another requisition should be made on her
for additional troops to swell the federal army.
The idle farm help will abo constitute another
element of good strength, not yet fairly brought
into service in this struggle, for the simple rea
son that when our difficulties first made it ne
cessary to organize armies, this portion of our
population were engaged in work that could not
be neglected for the same reason that on the
success of the agricultural interests depended
very much the complete organization, discipline,
sustenance and support of the federal troops.—
According to these facts, Pennsylvania can very
easily furnish at least five regiments of a thous
and men each, any time during the winter.—
She can do this any time after the first of No
vember, and in the meantime it would be a
most judicious plan on the part of those who
may thus expect to be called on, to organize
companies at once, and enter on a system of
drilling in anticipation of the discipline to which
they will be subjected in the army. If by such
a system they improve and perfect themselves
in the manual, without being called on to take
up arms, they will have achieved a benefit for
themselves amply sufficient to repay them for
the time and labor devoted to its accomplish
While there is a most commendable and
chivalrous rivalry among the people to serve
their country in this great hour of its trial, there
is another rivalry among a certain class of men
to serve themselves, to gain position for dis
tinction and not to aid in a great work, which
is deserving of the most unqualified condemna
tion. These are the men who are always ready
to head rival factions in any cause, and in the
present juncture are doing more harm than
good, by their persistent determination to
push themselves into positions for which
they have no earthly merit or ability.—
It is these men, too, who are striving to
raise issues between the states and the feder
al authorities, on tke subject of levying troops,
with the hope that in the general confusion
which a dispute or difference would create, they
could profit by the antagonism, and reap any
benefit which the success of one or the other of
these powers would confer. But it is only just
to declare that there is no difference or dispute
between any of the authorities of the loyal
states and the federal government, and that, on
the contrary, the very best of feeling prevails
both as to furnishing troops and the manner in
which they should be organised and mustered
into the federal service.
Immediately after the catastrophe at Bull
Run, and when the country was pierced to its
centre with the most poignant sorrow at what
was then deemed a great calamity, the War De
partment was besieged by men making profers
to raise regiments and brigades, and particular
ly their ability to bring any number of men
into the service that the department might re
quire. At that particular time, with the public
anxiety raised to its highest pitch, the policy of
refusing such offers would have been very doubt
ful, while the desire of the department was so well
known to be the concentration of a force imme
diately to insure the reorganization and strength
ening of the army. At the same time requisi
tions had been made on the states to furnish
certain quotas of men, so that the regiments
thus being formed by order of the state authori
ties and the independent organizations of indi
viduals, engendered local and personal rivalries
which were fast demoralizlng the service and
disheartening thousands of young men who
were anxious to enter the army, but who were
prevented from getting into active service by
the delays and corruptions of the men engaged
in the various organizations. Among the tricks
resorted to was the publication of despatches
such as the following :
HARRISBURG, September 2.—The act of the
15th May, 1861, section 12th, expressly forbids
any volunteer leaving the state except he shall
be accepted by the governor of the state under
a requisition from the President. It has, there
fore, been decided by the state authorities, that
persons enlisting in independent regiments, ac
cepted only by the war department, are not enti
tled to commissions from the state, and their
families are not to receive the benefits of the
funds raised by their respective counties, and
in case of their death the pension of $8 a month
for five years allowed by the state, will not be
made to their widows and minor children.
Under this condition of affairs, it became ne
cessary for the War Department at once to cor
rect all misapprehensions as to the troops which
the - different states were to furnish. When the
authority was given to raise independent regi
ments or brigades, it was not deemed necessary
to say that the states furnishing such troops
would receive full credit for their quota, as it was
justly considered that the faith and intention of
the federal government on this subject were well
understood, but as rival parties have sought to
create a different impression, such as the pub
lication of dispatches as the one we quote, it is
no more than just to state that the design of the
federal government was to facilitate the state or
ganization, by granting power to additional in
dividuals to raise troops as speedily as possible.
The rivalries of those engaged in this business
have produced other results. than those antici
pated, and in their haste to succeed, they have
created jealousy and bickering both unbecom
ing and embarrassing to the general cause.
The public understand these facts, and they
will still higher appreciate and approve the ac
tion of the federal government, when they
learn that an order has been issued to the effect
that all troops from the states for the federal
army must be organized and reported through
the state governments before they can be reg
ularly mustered into the United States army.
This will save all future trouble, and put an end
to the false issues which a few insiduous and in
terested people were fast raising between the
states and the federal authorities.
The following is a copy of the order on this
subject which has been forwarded to the au
thorities in all the states, where the same con
fusion produced the same rivalry between in
terested parties as has been the cause of so much
complaint and annoyance in this state. It will be
seen by this order, a copy of which has been or
will be directed to the authorities of Pennsyl
vania, that the War Department finally settles
the difficulty where it has existed by making it
the order for all regiments from all the stales to ?Tort
for service to the federal authorities through the Adju
tant Generals of their various states. This finally
harmonises the difficulties heretofore attending
this branch of the military service, and we
trust, therefore, that all complaint will in the
future give way to the old spirit of a hearty
support of the government :
Washington, Sept. 5, 1861. 71
Fast : All persons having received authority
to raise volunteer regiments, batteries, or com
panies, in the State of Pennsylvania, will imme
diately report to his Excellency, Gov. Curtin, at
Harrisburg, the present state of their respective
organizations. They and their commands are
placed under the orders of Gov. Curtin, who
will reorganize them, and prepare them for ser
vice in the manner he may judge most advan
tageous for the interests of the General Govern
Second: All commissioned officers of regi
ments, batteries or companies, now in service,
raised in the state of Pennsylvania, independent
of the State authorities, can recognize commis
sions from the Governor of that State by reporting
to the Adjutant-General thereof, and filing in
his office a duplicate of the muster-rolls of their
respective organizations.
By order. L. THOMAS,
Official.—Gso. D. RuOCius, Assistant Adju
See Professor Wood's advertisement hi anoth
er column.
pennotguania Wally getegrapt), itionban Afternoon, etptentber 9. 1861.
Editor Telegraph:—An incident transpired a
few days ago, which I will relate. It was the
presentation by the honorable Secretary of War
to a rifle regiment from New York, bearing his
name, of a handsome gonfalon and two small
flags, designed for right and left guides. Gen.
Cameron presented them in a brief, pithy, and
impromptu speech, complimenting the coloi.el
for gathering around him such able-bodied and
soldierly looking men, and felt assured that
they would never dishonor the ensign which
he is about to transmit to their protection, nor
prove recreant to the glorious cause in which
they were now engaged, to which the colonel
very gallantly and urbanely replied, " That he
would either bring that flag back or leave his
dead body on the field." How much patriot
ism was couched in that one sentence! Al
though raining copiously, the General, nothing
daunted, proceeded to review the regiment. It
being in open order, he passed in front and
come up the centre, and his presence seemed to
inspire the troops beyond measure.
His (the Secretary's) health is somewhat fee
ble, harrassed as he is by the buzzards which
constantly hover around him. He is bored
dreadfully ; and thousands of visitors call to
see him whom he has to refuse admittance.
Did he receive all the calls made upon him he
would have no time to attend to public busi
A great evil existing in this city is our citi
zens patronizing grocery keepers and tradesmen
of all denominations who are hostile to the
government. Sutlers of regiments too, who
expend thousands of dollars during a week,
never make inquiry as to the loyalty of those
from whom they make purchases, and thus a
certain class of avowed sece,sionists, particular
ly on Louizana avenue, are making untold for
tunes from a government the overthrow of
which they would hail with rapturous applause.
But the story is not yet told. At the navy
yard, where in the neighborhood of three thous
and hands are employed, it is confidently con
ceded that one half are traitors, while number
less Union men are walking the streets in search
of employment, reduced almost to a state of
mendicity. The government printing office,
nothwithstanding the oath is administered, still
swarms with traitors. A traitor will not regard a
solemn oath. The Star and the Sunday Horning
Chronicie, both staunch Union papers, the com
position is done principally by secessionists ;
and in the Republican office, the recognized official
organ, there are several who, a short time ago,
justified all the treason promulgated in the
south, and when she won a victory applauded
her. And in other branches of business the
same sad picture is presented to the view.
Tender-footed Union men obtain lucrative em
ployment while sincere ones idly peregrinate
the streets. Mr. John C. Rives, the gentle
manly proprietor of the Congressional Globe
who employs over one hundred hands in his
printing office, stereotype room, press room,
bindery and counting room, and who is a de
voted and unfaltering friend of the Union, says
that next session of Congress he will not em
ploy a man, women or boy, without rendering
sufficient proof that they are true to the interests
of the government. They must not only take
an oath, but produce papers to that effect. Let
others follow his example and all will be well.
Mrs. S. S. Williams, a lady of some intelli
gence, and wife of a prominent lawyer in this
city, publishes a card in a recent number of the
Republican, vindicating herself and husband from
certain vituperative charges, set afloat by petti
fogging lawyers, jealous of his talents and de
sirous of injuring him in any conceivable man
ner. I have known Mr. Williams long, and
can truly testify to his loyalty. He is one of
the most distinguished young lawyers at the
Washington bar, acknowledged as such by his
colleagues, and has been offered creditable posts
by former -a-ambsi.t.eations., a ll of.hirth ba per
empbrily refused. Although a Virginian by
birth, he has been on the side of the Union
during all its trials and vicissitudes, and I sin
cerely trust that the busy-bodies who arraigned
him before the bar of public censure on false and
scurrilous charges, will hereafter hold their
peace, or else some of them, who are known to
be enemies to the Government, may have an
opportunity of enjoying a sea breeze at Fort La
fayette. A hint to the wise.
The Star announces this evening that the
main force of the rebels have been withdraivn
from Manatsas, but what direction they took is
not known. I suppose the statement can be
pronounced with safety a canard. ERATO.
AN INCIDENT AT CRESSON.—An affecting inci
dent took place at Cresson the other day on the
occasion of the arrival of the train bearing Gen.
Lyon's remains at that point. The moment the
cars stopped, General Anderson most unexpect
edly appeared on the train, and shook hands
with the escort. He said he was stopping at
Cresson, and could not allow the cccasion to
pass without taking a final farewell on earth of
the remains of so brave a soldier and excellent
officer as Gen. Lyon. The General then passed
to the coffin, and bending his head above it,
said with a trembling voice : "We could ill af
ford to spare so courageous a soldier at this time.
America needs all her heroes now." As Gen.
Anderson was leaving the car, Mrs. Plummer,
wife of Captain Plummer, U. S. A.,
one of the
escort, and wounded at Wilson's Creek, rose
from her seat, and saying she would be most
happy to know the hero of Fort Sumpter, the
General cordially grasped her hands, and gal
lantly replied, pointing to the Captain : "Yon
need not seek, my dear Madame, to know heroes
when you have so brave a one in him you have
chosen for your husband !"
IT is highly probable that Mexico will soon
become the theatre of interesting events that
may have some connection with our own
troubles. The British and French Governments
recently severed relations with Mexico, by with
drawing their Ministers, and advices from Eu
rope lead us to believe that those two nations
are about to unite in an interference in Mexican
affairs, to enforce the payment of claims of Eu
ropean citizens—the redress of outrages on
Frenchmen and Englishmen, and the resent
ment of insults to their consulates.
But it is hardly probable that the interfer
ence will stop here. Ulterior designs, looking
to a France-British protectorate, and even to
intermedling with the affairs in the United
States, it is suspected, are entertained. Events
are of rapid occurance now-a-days, and what
ever schemes and aims the British and French
Governments propose on this continent, will
shortly be unfolded.
A GOOD IDEA.—The Governor of New Jersey
has sent a commissioner to visit all the New
Jersey regiments at the seat of war, and prevail
upon the men to send their money home, either
for their families or for safe keeping. His plan,
which meets with success, is, to have the chap
lains go around a few days before pay day, and
get the men to say what amount shall go, and
then be on hand to get the money from the pay
master. The whole amount is then sent to the
Governor, and the men's orders on him are paid
wherever the men reside. This is an excellent
idea, and one which might be carried out with
advantage by the authorities of our own State.
We have no doubt whatever that if steps like
the above were taken with our troops, that a
large portion of their pay would every month
find its way to their families. The Governor
would do well to give the matter his attention,
as the plan is one which must work well, and
might be imitated with advantage by the dif
ferent States having troops in the field.
Dan Rice's rhinoceros, which escaped while
being brought to La Crosse, (Wis.,) a few weeks
since has been recaptured by means of a chain
WasiliNGtoN, Sept. 8, 1861
BY THEllirt
Some important arrests were made here with
in the last twenty-four hours, which reflect cred
it on the vigilance of the Government police.
On Saturday night the officers arrested M. J.
Grady, and nineteen others, mostly residents of
the Eighth Ward, at the North Point Monu
ment House, on the Trap road, about eight
miles from the city. They were .endeavoring
to make their way to Virginia. The party had
gone thither in three wagons, and were to have
embarked on a schooner, probably for the Eas
tern Shore, and from thence to Virgina. Among
the articles seized was a quantity of blue flan
nel, several Military uniforms, packages of let
ters, medicines, etc., and a Secessionflag. The
whole party were taken to Fort McHenry.—
Grady is one of Marshal Kane's police.
This morning, about day break, A. William
son, doing business as a coach-maker at No. 50
German street, was arrested, charged trea
son against the government A few days pre
vious it was ascertained that he had been en
gaged by certain parties to make a wagon with
a false top and bottom to facilitate the trans
mission of contraband articles south of the
Potomac. The accused, after being - closely
watched, was arrested in the new wagon, with
a fine pair of excellent horses, just as he was
about leaving his shop. At first he protested his
innocence, and invited investigation ; but the
police soon demonstrated that they were better
acquainted with the secrets of his wagon than
was supposed, and gently drew from its secrets
recesses ample evidence of the guilt of some
one. The vehicle had a false floor, and as the
police quietly removed it the accused exclaimed
"My God ! I. am a ruined man."
The articles found embraced among other
things twenty large sized heavy revolvers, of
superior qua'ity, a quantity of gold lace, red
flannel, a package of about one hundred and
twenty letters, addressed b parties at Peters.
burg, Richmond, Norfolk, and Fairfax, and
some from several first class business houses in
B titimore. The letters and other articles were
sent to General Dix. Williamson was sent to
Fort McHenry.
General Dix has issued an order interdicting
all communication with the State prisoners at
Fort McHenry. All passes heretofore issued are
It is understood that, among the letters seiz
ed, were some addressed to officers in the rebel
army, and one to Mrs. Jeffe: son Davis.
Rev. W. H. Wilson, a Methcdist preacher of
this city, was arrested on Friday at Waterville,
plane No. 1, of the Baltimore end Ohio Rail
road, on a charge of being concerned in the
smuggling of quinine and other contraband ar
ticles, mostly medicines, through the lines of
the federal army into the confederate States for
the "aid and comfort" of the Southern army.
The accused was arrested by Lieut. Jordon, of
the Twenty eighth Pennsylvania regiment, who
sent him to the Point of Rocks, the head quar
ters of Gen. Banks' army.
Pr:MM=MM 7 :I I T ' MM
via BALTIMORE. Sept-
Hon. Caleb Smith, Secretary of the Interior,
Mr. Kennedy, of the Census Bureau, and Col.
Seaton, of the J.Vati3nat Intelligencer, have spent
the day at Old Point and Newport News. They
leave to-night for Washington.
The Minnesota has not yet arrived. A pre
valent gale is driving a large number of trans
ports into Hampton Roads. Distinguished visi
tors bring cheering intelligence from Washing
ton of a retrogade movement of Beauregard's
forces. It is well understood here that he must
soon capture Washington or suffer a disruption
of his army by the withdrawal of troops to the
invaded States of the Confederacy. We have
no authentic information of the death of Jeff.
ST. Jams, N. F., Sept. 9.
The Cunard steamship Africa passed Cape
Race this morning with Liverpool dates to Sun
day the Ist inst. The political news is not im
LrvErmon, August 30.—The sales of cotton
for the past week have been 100,000 bales,—
the market closing at an advance.
BREADSTUFFB are quiet and firm. Provisions
tending downward.
LONDON, August 31.—Consols quoted at 92i
ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 9
G. L. Bowne, of Key West was arrested at
Cooperstown last evening, having in his posses
sion a large number of important letters from
the South. About a hundred of his friends at
tempted his rescue, but the officers drew their
revolvers and cooled their arder. He will be sent
to Fort Lafayette this afternoon.
NEW YORK, Sept. 9.
The ba;.k Reindeer arrived this morning from
Barbadoes. The Reindeer reports that the gun
boat Keystone State left Barbadoes on August
16th, in search of the Sumter.
On Sunday night, the Bth inst., ANNE= J. Errriminusz,
aged 17 years.
[The funeral will take place tomorrow (Tuesday)
morning, at 9 o'clock, to proceed to the Dauphin Cemete
iy. The relatives and friends of the family are respect•
filly invited to attend the funeral from the residence or
her mother in Meadow Lane without further notice.] 'N.
New lbrertinements
WANTED—A First Lieutenant, a Sec
ond Lieutenant, an Orderly Sergeant, and three
Sergeants. Persons of acknowledged ability, and those
who have served in the three months service preferred.
Address, VOLUNTEER, Harrisburg P. 0.
VOR the professional Education of EN
Ilia one year course on Military Engineering for grad.
natet of . Iterary Colleges and others mathematically
prepared, and the two year course for less proficient stu
dents, will include Field Fortitt:ations, Seige Operations,
Strategy, Tactic and Drill.
The Ninth annual session of the College will begin on
September 16th, ISetl.
For catalogues and further information 'address
eepi it6t President of reiceity.
Board Reduced to $2 per Day.
SINCE the opening of this vast and com
modious Hotel, In 1854, it has been the single en
deavor of the proprietors to make it the most sumptuous,
convenient and comfortable home for the citizen and
stranger ou this sine the Atlantic.
And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the
comfort of its guests they have endeavored, without re
gard to ccst, to provide, and to combine all the elements
of individual and social enjoyment which modern art
has invented, and modern taste approved ; and the pat
ronage which it has commanded duriug the past six years
is a gratifying proof that their efforts have been appre
To meet the exigencies of the times, wben all are re
qn red to practice the most rigid economy, the undo.
Have Reduced the Price of Board to
Two Dollars per Day,
at tho same abating none or tho luxuries with which
their table has hitherto been supplied.
New York, Sept 2, 186 i.—sep9-cl3m*
Harrisburg, Sept. 9, 1861.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this
office up to twelve o'clock on Friday, the
13th day of September, 1861, to furnish the fol
lowing articles of supplies, in such quantities,
at such times and at such places as may be di
rected by this office :
300 cords of oak wood.
100 tons of Lykens Valley coal.
The same to be inspected by proper persons
selected as provided by the act of Assembly.
sep9-dtd Quartermaster General.
In the name and by the authority of the Common
„wealth of Pennsylvania, ANDREW G. CURTIN
.S. iGovernor of said Commonwealth.
WHEREAS, By the third section of the Act
of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth,
passed the twenty-second day of April, A. D.
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight,
entitled 'Au Act to establish a sinking fund
and for the payment of the public debt," it is
made the duty of the Secretary of the Common
wealth, the Auditor General and State Treas
urer, commissioners of the sinking fund created
by the said Act of Assembly, on the first Mon
day of September, A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-nice, and on the same day
annually thereafter, to report and certify to the
Governor, the amount received under the said
act, the amount of interest paid, and the amount
of the debt of the Commonwealth redeemed
and held by them—whereupon the Governor
shall direct the certificates representing the
same to be cancelled, and on such cancella
tion, issue his proclamation stating the fact and
the extinguishment and final discharge of so
much of the principal of said debt.
AND WHEREAS, By the ninety-eighth section
of the Act of the General Assembly, passed
the nineteenth day of April, A. D. one
thousand eight bundredand fifty-three, en
titled "An Act to provide for the ordinary
expenses of the Government, the repair of
the public canals and railroads, and other
general and special appropriations, " it - is
provided that thereafter, the receipts to the
sinking fund, to the amount that may be ne
cessary to cancel the relief issues now in circu
lation under the provisions of the Act of the
fourth of May, A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-one, and the re-issues under the
Act of the tenth of April, A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and forty-nine, shall be applied
toward the cancellation of said issues.
AND WHEREAS, Eli Slifer, Thomos E. Cochran
and Henry D. Moore, ex officio commissioners of
the sink'ng fund, in obedience to the require
ments of law, report and certify to me, that the
debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, re
deemed and held by them, from the fourth day
of September, A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty, to the first day of September,
A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty
one, amounts to the sum of three hundred
thousand eight hundred and one dollars and
one cent, made up as follows :
NOW THFREFORE, as required by the third
section of the Act of Assembly aforesaid, I do
hereby issue this my proclamation, declaring
the payment, cancellation, extinguishment and
final discharge of three hundred thousand
eight hundred and one dollars and one cent of
the principal of the debt of the Commonwealth,
including four hundred and twenty one dollars
of the relief issues which have been cancelled
and destroyed, as authorized by the ninety
eighth section of the Act of the nineteenth of
April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and
Given under my hand. and the great seal of
the State, at Harrisburg, this fifth day of
September, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and
of the Commonwealth the eighly-sixth.
- - .
By the Governor.
EEI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth.
FOll One to Five Hundred Dollars
worth of CITY BONDS. 'Enquire of
notrit io. 214 South Second street.
IN consequence of the death of W. J. E.
Bishop, one the firm of W. J. E. Mawr and Kurtz, no
tice is hereby given that the books of the late firm are in
the hands of the surviving partner. All persons know
ing themselves to be indebted to the late arm, and all
those having claims, will present them, duly authentica
ted, for settlement.
au3l-dhaw6t* Surviving partner.
up neatly in live pound cans.
je2s• WM. DOCK, Jr., &Co.
FLOUR BAK REFS In good condition for sale
by lje2Bl WM. DOOK, Jr., &Co.
AG&,' of arATION Alt it and JEWELRY, at prl
ces one third less than cau oe purchased elsewhere.—
Call on or address (stamp enclosed.) J. L. BAILEY,
n23-Bmd No. 154 Court Street, Hoetou, Nam
Nfw (2thertisemento.
Stock Loans $300,050 00
Interest Certificates 330 01
Relief Notes cancelled.... 421 00
ANEW LOT, just received, of the best
quality, at Ca.THCART'S, next door to Harrisburg
THE undersigned flaying opened their
Manufactory of Shirts he., at N 0.12 West Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa , do most respect:bibs solicit the
patronage and attention of the Ladies, Gpritlemen sad
Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of
which are our own manufacture :
&e. Ailio the particular attention of ' the • Ladl,s le our large
assortment of under garments &c , (from the Mittel im
proved London and Parts styles,) CuLL.kliS,
CUFFS, SE s &c., in great varieties, all or which being
our own mannufacture we will sell cheaper than can he
purchased elsewhere.
Persona desirous of fflrnlshing their own materials, cut
have cutting, sewing &0., of every variety done accord
tug to order. Alt of the above Lamed goo to for Geuts we
we wig mat e rn Luca ure, guarauteei”g to fit, and give
titan e .0-factt t. , e purchaser for style dureleitt,
and m terial All st.,e tat orders will be promptly at
tended to upon in, sho, test note° and meet reasonittle
terms. Also Slerrl.auti supplied upan the most le
able tot Ins.
P. S. Ladles wishing or under gat meat, of ny
dit,cription, can have them made to order h:, eeoeing
sample of such &Ludt us may be desired.
No. 12, 'V! arket,treel,
au'l9-clem Harrisburg, Pa
Rooms next door to Hummel & Grocery
Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1861.
RY DIRECTION of the President of the
United States, all volunteer regiments or
parts of Regiments accepted directly by the
War Depirtment from Pennsylvania, either with
or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are
to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their
commanders will therefore immediately report
to these headquarters, stating the number of
men and the station from which they are to be
taken, that transportation may be furnished
them without delay. By order of
Governor and Commander-in-Chie
A Selection of the best kinds known,
for sale by J NIVEL,
Rey., , tone Farm.
Per dozen 25cle; per 100 01 ; perl,ooo $5.
aep6 dtt
THE underigned would respectfully in ,
form the citizens of Bran...bur- , that be is papa - ed
to furnish in any part of the city, Ly t ens Valley, Trevor
ton and Wilk,enarre Coal as low as auy other dealers in
the s ty. Please call and Five me a tri .1.
J. WALLOWEq, Jr., Agent,
No. 8, Reading Railroad Depot,
Harrisburg, Pa.
set .6 dlm
50SLIOMAKERS on Coarse Work.
Apply in • orth Stat. street i.e.weeu Sixth .n .I
[Bon6-Im] WM SMALL.
FOUR good sized Hogs were either sto
len or strayed from the pen of the undersign, diu
West Harrisburg on last Sunday night. Three are white
and the other is black spotted. A reward of $5 will be
paid for information leading to their recov. ry.
sept.3-3td GEORGE GINGER.
FOR RENT.—The large brick dwelling
house now occupied by David Mumma Jr. Esq., on
Third street nose Market, with au office suitable for an
attorney. Possession given first of October next. En
quire at the Prothonotary's office. W.e. Idrrcuint.
1:T.N.1211..M M.l
ST a A . T . E b S el t o r w ee u t ra n d ex
Er T o h te ird la,, s r t ri r , e b e u t few
rg , a
new Hearse Heady made Cof f in , always on hand and
neatly finished to order. Silver plates, eso. Terms rea.
Ponable. [au3o-d3intot] C. BAKER.
BUILDING STONT or Stone auitated
for turnpiking purpose= an tte deliver.d to any
Par of tho city or ita cinurtv A .ipiy to
marTl WM. Jr.
$300,801 01
WANTED at the Harrisburg Car Shop,
sep2-dtf DspAumpar,
HARRISBURG, Sept. 8, 1861. f
1. No pardon will be granted until notice of
the application therefor shall have been given
by publication once a week for two consecutive
weeks in a newspaper printed in the county in
which the conviction was had.
2. No pardon will be granted unless notice
of the application therefor shall have been given
to the District Attorney of the proper County.
8. No pardon will be granted without first
consulting the Judge who presided at the trial
of the party. By order of the Governor.
Sec'y of Corn.
sep4 lm
STEADY and sober young men to join
the Harrisburg Cavalry company, accepted by the
Government, and already in camp. Enquire at the
rendezvous, Exchange, Walnut street,
ang26-dtf CHAS. C. DAVIS, Captain.
FOR SALE.—One of the best business
stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased
for three or five years situated in Market street between
Fourth and Filth. Enquire on the premises of
jy 9412 m DANIEL LEEDY.
ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of
BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &0., of the very beet
analittea for ladies, gentlemen, and childrens , wear.—
Prices to suit the - imes. All lamb Of WORK MADE TO
ORDER In the beet style by superior workmen
REPAIRING dons at short notice.
0ct1.6-dtf JOHN A. SKIM, Harrisbure
THE sixth Eemi-amial Term of this Insti•
tution commenced this day. Pupils, (male and fe
male) of the age of nine years and upwards will be re
cieved. All the usual branches of a good English edu
cation as well as Latin and Greek languages are taught.
Terms : $lO, $l2, $l4 and $l6, per session of fire
months, according to the branches [augur. No extra
charges of any kind. Apply to
C. V. MATE, A. 11., Principal,
Or to Rude. F Kelker, D. W. Gross, G. P. Wiestling, A.
J. Herr and Geo. Z. Kunkel, school Committee.
To Newly Organized Regiments ,
Alot of the very best overcoats, made
according to the army regulations, and suificien
to equip a full regiment, are for sale at 11. SHSLENBEItt
GEE, St Co., Second street. below Jones House Harris.
burg. aug3o-dlm
THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully
inform the public that he has removed his Plumb
ing and Brass Pounding establishment to No. 22 South
Third street below Herr's Hotel. Thankful for past pat
ronage, be hopes by strict attention to business to merit
a continuance of It.
apl2rdtf J. JONES.
New 1212mertigements.
Harrisburg, Pa