AVY BEEF & PORK FOR 1862 NAVY DZPARTIiKtiT, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, August 24,186 1 . . Sealed Proposals, endorsed " Proposals . Ihr Beef," and " Proposals for Pork," as the case may be, will be received at this office until 9 o'clock A.M., on Wednesday, the 26th day of September neat, for famishing and delivering, free of all cost and risk to the United States, at the following navy yards : Barrels Beef. Barrels Pork. At Charlestown, Efa55..3,600 4,600 At Brooklyn, N.Y.....4,600 6,000 At Philadelphia, Penn .1,000 1,600 9,000 12,000 One-half of said beef and pork must be deliv7 ered at each of the above-named yards, respec tively, by the let day of April, 1862 ; and the remaining half by the let day of June, 1862, unless earlier deliveries should be required by the chief of this bureau. Payment to be made within thirty days after the delivery. Bidders must specify their prices separately and distinctly in separate offers for the beef and for the pork, and for each of the places of de livery, covering all expenses and all charges. The beef must be from well fattened cattle, slaughtered between the first day of October, 1861; and, the Ist day of January, .1.862, and i weighing not less than six hundred pounds, nett weight, each. The legs and leg rands of the 4* quarters, and the shins and shoulder 404 the shoulders of mutton and ends !,:of •atickuig pieces, and at least twelve pounds from the neck end of each fore-quarter, or the parts marked Nos., 1,2, 3,4, and s', on the drawing or delineation of the fore and hind-quarters of sty ox, which will be attached to and form a part of the contract, must be wholly excluded from each barrel ; all the other pieces are to be packed, and instead of being cut with a cleaver, must be cut through with a saw and knife, to give the meat a square, neat, and smooth appearance, in pieces I of not less than eight pounds, nor more than twelve Foods each. The pork must be packed from corn-fed,,.well fattened hogs, slaughtered between the Ist day, of December, 1861, and the Ist day of January, 1862, and weighing not less than two hundred -pounds each, excluding the heads, joles, necks, shoulders, hams, lege, feet, butts, rumps, lard, And all refuse pieces, and must be cut with a saw and knife in pieces weighing not less 'than six pounds nor more than twelve pounds each. Both the beef and pork must be salted with at least one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of May, Key West solar, Onondaga solar, or St. Tithe's salt ; and the beef must have five ounces of fine pulverized saltpetre to each barrel, ex . clwave of a pickle to be made from fresh water as strong as salt will make it, and must be per fectly bright and clear. Each barrel must contain full 200 pounds nett Weight of beef or pork, and no excess of weight in either article will be paid for. The barrels must be entirely new, and be made of the best seasoned heart of the white .oak staves and headings ; the staves to be not less •than five-eights of an inch thick, and the keadhigs not less than three-fourths of an inch thick ; they must be three-fourths hooped over, including the iron hoops, with the best white! Oak, or hickory hoops, and each barrel moat have on it four iron hoops, viz : one of one and a half inch in width on each bilge, and one of one' and an eighth inch in width on each chime, and ; each to be of one-sixteenth of an inch thick. Bach barrel must be of the internal capacity of dhirty-two gallons, and the iron hoops must be well' painted with red lead. Alisch.barrel.must be branded by . burning on its.,head "Navy Beef," or "Navy Pork," as the -case may be, with the contractor's name and the' year when packed, and weight and shall also be branded on the bung stave with the letter-B-or P, as the case may be. The beef and pork will, unless otherwise di reeWd ‘ by the,chief of this bureau, be inspected lby the inspecting officers at the respective navy -yards aforesaid, and by some "sworn inspector of salted provisions," who will be selected by the respective commanding officers ; but their etuirges for such inspections must be paid by the respective contractors, who must likewise have the barrels put in good shipping order, to the' satisfaction of the commandants of the re sr/fictive navy yards aforesaid, after inspection, and at their own expense. Two or more approved sureties in a sum equal to one-half the ettimated amount of the con ' (met will be required, and twenty per centum inaddition will be withheld from the amount of. each payment to be made, as collateral se -1 cnrity for the due and faithful performance of the-respective contracts, which will on no so ,count-be ,the contracts are complied ilth in all respects Land is to be forfeited to _t)}o United ptates the ..event of -failure - to complete the delivekei within the prescribed period. In case of failure on part of the con tractor to deliver all or any of the beef or„pork above mentioned, of the quality and at the time and places above provided, the contractor will forfeit and pay to the United States, as li , quidated damages, a sum of money equal to twice the amount of the contract price to be Aid in case of 'the actual delivery thereof - which liquidated damages may be recovered from time to time as they accrue. Payment will be made• by the United States at the peri ods above specified, (excepting the twenty per Ord= to be withheld until the completion of ~Tie contract, as before stated,) after the said beef and pork shall have been, inspected and 313ceived, and bills for the same Shall have been presented to the navy agents, respectively, duly approved by the commandants of the respect- Ave -navy yards, according to the terms of the contract. The part! of beef to be excluded will be particularly designated in the engravings to be attached to the con tract Persons interested can obtain them on applica, i -lon at this ewe. Bidders whose proposals shall be accepted, (ant{ none others) will be forthwith notified, find as early as practicable a contract will be transmitted to them for execution, which con tract must be returned to the bureau within ten days;eialusive of the time required for the reg ular tranienission of the mail. A reeord or duplicate of the letter informing wbidder of theaceeptanee of his proposals, will I.) he deemed a notification thereof within the cOriquitog of the act.of 1846,.and hh3.bid will be J-Itriade and accepted in conformity with this un tsidendaruling. , . Every offer made must be accompanied (aa ~airected in the sixth section of the act of C0n ...4W Making appropriations for the naval ser odoe lor 1846-47, approved 10th of. August, 1114(iih.bia written guarantee, signed-by one or ,more responsible persons, to the effect that he or theyimdertake that the bidder. or bidders will„if,hittor..their bid be accepted, enter into an; obligation, within ten days, with good, and - andlcient sureties, to furnish the article pro posed. This guarantee must be accompanied by the certificate of the United States district judge, United States district attorney, or navy agent, that the guarantors are able to make good their .gruneutee. =.llO proposals will be considered unless ac compameil by such guarantee. The bidder's name and residence, and the name of each member of the firm, where a company offers, with the Christian names writ ten in full, must be distinctly stated. Under the joint resolution of congress, ap proved 27th March, 1854, "all bids for supplies of provisions, clothing and small stores for the use of the navy, may be rejected at the option of the Department, if made by one not know n itsl'a manufacturer of or r r dealer in. the ProPOsed to be ed h ildch fita, or fAvigie, must be distinctly stated, hi the WOO 414 t. tints of travel 83 Cranoortatim. NEW AM LINE ROM. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO wrrsourriCaLtetz or 'cans, ON 4.1!1]) 'AIONDA'f; JUNE', 10, lap; the Peeeeiger Trilne,willrieuve th e ,Obiladel k any teadtig fti4lrspi.d•Depot, at Etzwrizeuig; te• 'New Tort lied Ptilladeaphlsi roll - tows, • EAST WARD. Eximital LINE feQvea HarrileburgAt 9.30 a.m. on - ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train • from-the Weal, irrivingin New Yorlt at .4 p. S. A' shaping oar is attached to the . train through Prom Pittsintrg, without change. NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 s. to., arriving In Now York at 4p. m., and Philadelphia -at 1.26' p. m. FART LINE leaves Harrisburg at, 1.40 p. in.,'on arrival of Pennsylvania Rai Fast Hall, Arriving in New York at 9.45 p. M., and 'Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. IMMI 3II W4RD. PART LINE leaves New - Tort at fla. tt. m., andiPhiladel. Oda at flai..no, arriving at. Harrisburg at 1. p.; NAIL TRAIN leaves New... York. at 12 . 00 noon, and Phil _ adelphlat lb p.-m.- arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. =PREIS LINE 'payee Nair York 111 - 8 p. , arid ving at . Harrisburg at 2.30 tan., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Plisprees Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping' car is also attached to this train. t. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central. and Cumberhuld Va lley, Railroads, and at. Reeding for Philadelphia, Pottsville; Wilkesbarre, Allentown, &sten, dm. • Baggage chocked through. Fare between New V oral and Harrisburg, 66 00; between Harrisburg and Phila.! delphia., 83 26 In No. 1 cars, and 112 70 Mlle. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, ' mylet General Agent, Harrisburg. PENNSYLVANIA - RAIL ROAD SUMMER; TIME' TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND APT'BR, MONDAY, JIINE 10th, 1861, Cho passenger Wallis or the'eouilaylvinli Railroad WW I . pang will - depart from and arrive at Harrisburg suit Phibidelibla as ; • 1r IC It D FAST LINK Mims kfArrilthwXo7Arr m9Filing.(except llionday),st and arrives at Wile, Phikidelphhi at 6.10 a. 113. • tiututraca win= TRAIN' lealifut itarrlidiarg did 4 at 9:20 and• arrives at' Wad Philidelphld at 1.10 , MAIL 'TRAIN Maven- Harrlaburgi -(extapt , Mtn at CU p. m., Mid arrivals at- Won Phila4hiphia,at 111.15 p. m. . • ' Thum trainamalma t paa connection at PhimMapnia with he, New ram. , . 1 - _COORRORAVO TRAIN, No, , - 11 ouny, •osvee Harrlatiort ft 'I.OT a.m.,' and sarnveis at .Wtat ebila*phil at11.9.001/oon. HAHRIHHUHIPACCOHMODATION THAW, via Colunt but,leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p.M., andarrtvea UMW,. Philadalphia.at 826 p. m. ACORICIIINAVON TRAIN, No. 2, ;_Mount JO, tempi Nirribmg at 5.15 p. m., oommoig at Diller- AIM with MAIL' TRAIN, and Wires at Weat PRRadel phhi at 10:16 p. m. WESTWAKD. THROUGH EXPREPa TRAIN leaves( Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m., Harrisburg at 226 a. m., Altoona 7.4, a. m.,And arrives at Pittsburg at MOO noon. .4 HAIL TRAlN.leavee Philadelphia all 30 a. m., arrii burg 1.00 m. Altoona, 0.50 m., and arrives at Pithi burg at 12.00 midnight. eitZ' FAST LINE - leaves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. m., Han* . burg 8.85 pi. Alteona 8.10 p. m., and arrives at Pltt¢- . burg at 12,80 a. m. ' HARRISHLRG ACOOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphla at 2.30 p. Lancaster ; *6.08 p. m , Columbia 6.40 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 p m. This' train connote at Harriaburg, at 8.05 p. m., with NOM; I ern Central Railroad Train. for Banbury, Hißiamspert, Lock Haven, Scranton and all•polnta North. - - - ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00, p. m., Lancaster 7:50 p. m., Mount Joy 8..91 p. m., Eliza bethtown, 827 p. m. and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.80 p..m. ilAttention is called to the fact, that pasengers leaving , Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrived at iurrishurg 9.8 . 0 p. m. S'AHUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Haat, olv. Penes. Railroad Narriaburg, June 7, 188L—dif JUST - REUCIVED ANOTHEA LOT ON THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTt:D OF -NEWVONl3Afornierly "Bagley's) manutneture,, warranted to be the beet=ii mulenid, the finest pointed, most durable and aa cheap 1113. a market, for sale, with a! Variety of Gout , ati,l Cues of various aim and priors, at 4 - • eIaRtiNERT CHIW. BooKettiits, ' al Maryut , street. PH _O TO GRAPH Y, In ail its Branches, ...Executed in ibe beat style known in the at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY,. 682 Arch Sired; Bad of Sidk, Phis. LIFE SIZE IN OIL. AND PAS.m. STEAMISQO,4O:, - - TVEPtArA, hk Arab ••or Daguerreotypes, kz., lbeftim rie Medalliffyi duji,Vo. WlflY 111 penniitotnitetWititr mildeotaptyn eatneag afternoon, September 7, ta6l Holland Bitters I:II(SPE.VSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. Tor successful introduction and nee of this eel& United Remedy him been the signal for a literal flood of COMiXn I O O caged "Bitters," offered in various forme, from a quart bottle to a five gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but soother name for "grog," or some vitiations whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, . and the -attire abserux el after prostration, hos oda Wished 63r it a reputation which the host of Imitations and thunterfeits hare *led tci ruhlisrudne. It 'Ls jp.4" tivaly a regetablei preparation, with bulgy sufficient 'pure Spirits to preserve it. But one else Of the genedne, (Half-Pint Bottles') price Oars DOLLAR. It is a medicine of longLhried efficacy for litrifyirli , the good, so essential inr the fbundation of good health end for correcting disorders of the stomach end bowels. : Two or three 'dews wUI cool/zip the added of its ealutery ends: The stomach wIR speedily regain its strength, ta healthy action of .the liver, heroiele and t kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result For INDIGESTION„ T 47 Berhavels Holland Bitters. For HEARTI3I.-Try Bterflaie'S llolland Bitters. For ACIDITY; Try. Bwrhave's Holland Bitters. For WAII'FatICELLSI4 '0 43, Bierhave's, Holland Bitters. For HP.A.T401321, .r,r 45 , lioiland - Bitters. For LOSS OP APEIFIIPITI. Ilitehavet ,Il6lland Bitters. COSTIVENESS, Try Rserhare's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try ~ . • In all Iterate:le; Ilfieumaticenil rtantalgi A !tr tione, ft ;begin totutietoniV instances preyed highly benetldel, and in cation' effected a decided cure , • • • ; Reskei • Cal . .atilt, I. • The geratin% hignly.ccmeentrated-Basuseree Bet- LOD 8114018 . ia.put Up In half-Opt bottles only, dud retailed at. CuM, per:nollar ottle. •-; The , great 'damned for Wile tidy Mileinnted induced - inn,. y imitations, which the public ehould van/ against purchasing. Beware grimpasitier' Bee that our name fa on the label of every bottle you buy. . . 43enj.: age Jr: & -Co. P 40L.E' AiANbrActifFeEßs for male la the 4.47 OS aristkag D IcEDIOI3I3 1)0 . r liAlioir 7. 4dogi &C • or,B4TY F 741241101.01 di 00:: 'pro:42, ItUARAST.STARET4 Harrisburg Paq;cippaattn—aliem'i , dorm •sadiaboliag.3lm ulnas Ron% bayitif i'Zl( .. M j i.the steak or 6. feriedop, sod added alarse agair of NSW JBWi ISlXoWeria46ll l •6llthoaalikeattbei loarokt mit prioNall isartabr " - t - Wakens' Gooks ana ,Jewelry neatly iiiiireAllartiilv , ered. • - • 0 • -• ALifitiD einotnumf 'lt 00. 1 :Pis) • i; : SeidLig dtippaeclipf my olookoir .learalry.ao 1201. c laarmakk co., I obis**. reixo ablnylorJ mar ditstoinkre esl plaiieticdd %Liken, and solicit for 12(040 aarabmance of the patrouJ age s whiab,has beau ea saaeroally amended to me doting WHIM alryeara.' i. l • ,-• 3 taiti ; • .; SUM 7.. ;16NNUIE/6. DENTISTRY. 41.tirtio2',0 , . iSc'tifK - .- littiate of thia „Ad/faith:ogre Oolle ,rit.ok Boole' fitgiory, havingperm rtently loosted:WthenitioT 111/TIAbiN Intl taxa' 'Qi .401fie*iiertj Occupied by-oir.raiiipsoki ¢blyd tati*, Woman filarket sod"' erilitnOespootfollY Info - Ana Olt Mende and the public to general, that 110 Is prepped te perform all operation' ; in-toe - Natal profession, fiftit i e t i nominal or ntoonaciirAl; in se Mannar that dhoti not b iniryarcei • by OPersiters ta.)thie or tirly Pthar. ode of inaorting, arkeittalal teeth: Is , volt the totes: proved aafenGOa princi plea: . • • i ' ''Tebtkirtfin one a bill' act, mounted Ow fine gold, At. aver; Mashie phase or the Volcantte , Base. take great pleasure Id recommending the above gee; ttemaa to all my former patients, of Ilerrlibiurg. and ell, densand'faircohtfitinit'tleit 'he I pfill'perfiirni all Okla liens in a scientific manner, , from my knot/node rof iii ability: tioir-dtr) .I.: J _S. GARGAII, D. D. 8. , Wignail 2 • SHAD, ,•• ElALdtd.oll:, Noi. 1, • HERRING-, Itio. 1, - • IDOD'FISIii i No. 1, • - we No. 1. OP ;he above we lei* till the itteekent ememhatereve rom the ate to the amtruiman tore &no for sale et thi meat woad rater. , feble• • 1 , 11. IMXIK, Je. & 00. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT IiADIEEP- TRAITEtaiISO S 0 PPT N-G - -BAGS! Atoll prioes t fOi isle at , ' it.:.2, BanasswwonteztimursT - ovai, - • ta,ifiirP4,lll,.r.,!: .01111:: , 1111101f,di. a It TIMIOII I tit):WirElinEett" -by WINE* INitAB gatia;glvlnrP.4 tionetmatioti'af . !terms obowing.f;3 11 9..:r01 1 01111 Or the • !ittrOid plop to the, Irrnlow - and esallx.ottleg, yid si p` loin f ilog geni i . faitiWaShstokii itgo 4 ign*islnecif Bold; auit ordstetupplital, by - Harris !burg, .!, 2 ; few - Agentik f0T,.430!,ftue5!uxi.q441.8.1"14.11414 ••••••• • • ... lit.: 113 1...,•• • itediuse. , TERS.V. • THERMOMETERS' Oinguilintld "-Manila, Japanese Metal. VMMRMOMMMIIIA - dot (Bronzed • do TUKRBIOMET • Xlistill e rs,Tlis Ouse,. TrilaltgOlierkftB,. '.llrseislYeasid"Misubleaticale. TlTERROitiltreltS, 'I:616'000f 1.012 web. , • • THEILKOMSTEme,matic walnut 4w, 10.1 bah, 21:11441rWe reee'r3l:47.:Eraimllule--rglill?"112:xr°11414-Pufre,er"WITow: Of 'villain; styles, and ire selling dieni- Myr, ' . AI Market moil • UICKORY , OA.I - AND PINE' WOOD f cr sale weikißis ligivorrr ro Solt . • • PoiNtailuzi.' Atio, zoom.; ecB44Aivii Rdtra 210 ORDER. • ALSO B.IOIYE4ND SAND FOlt BUILDINS thWitlldge ;reau f oeficeitsellie - -41•1WWiif Engine:: Mow, or et th e Yard, corner of Seoond and Broad streets, West , Hat- OtsPura• ' 11 :Rf.q 27 41) : - QUE. , SEDUATION• IN PRIDES 1 .. 0 Lpiat,and Flawed. ' 1 41. E. WOOD' Att, ► Style's and Quality , eitiiool illlNGliEttadiffertmOts. - I r a a 4n:allitite aboirt.-Gooda.-itai.iaraitiiltoit MIN tom'dlobrvieettteeier," at - ' ''','' SL " A t ,'' ' , 11,21,,,y1!, n,, , : k !Vialillaiarit a, 1 ; 1111514 . ;, 1 !. 1 Next door to the tgatilebetu-. Wg 1.8.: ' ti , 1 , , oilr ~ .!t , ~..4 4 ~ , Cif , , - , ! gala odt 70 •,, P • '''. • , otiminaro= IXERRALVE"S HOLLAND BISTIEBS, , Berhave , s , Rolland Bitters. PTTTSBURGR, PA. intbical Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. A RE YOU SICK; ieetile ^r•^ Nigaphkinfing? A Are you oat ot order, with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? Thn.ie symptoms are often the prelude to serious 'Rum. Some at of sickness is creeping upon You, aad should be averted by a timely PM 01 the risht remedy take Ayers Phis and cleanse out the discs lured humors—inn y th, blood and let the Snide move.) 4 Juonstinclos h. is I h again. They stimu - ate We function , nt the bo ly into v isorotut activity, pi:t rill-the system Item A . old !Auks isomewkere l e the body, ,and ob re :tat , ~atc ral function& These, untralleind, react upon t•inutselves anittbe surround ing organs, oredutica ig4reeittion, suffering and alum.° While m this con•litiou, committed by the de rangeweentk take 'Aver —.ills avrlf seerhow directly they mo t oir e . me eittcro ~.:lion of 10, iyolloo4 and Withil the hue Yeei trebling et n • 4ioo. What la an t e an d et , apparent hi this ins' al .ud „Ai‘u WOO complaint, le also true in many o. the deeo•ecited sod dangerous distem perd Me same purgative oiled expelsthem. Caused by similar obstruction,• an' derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of Meat surely, Cured . . by. the , same means . None who know th e virtues 61 these Pills will neglect to employ hem when butlering from the di. orders they our.. Statements ,from leading physicians to some of the principal OM and train other wall known public per Dom a forwarding Mari:neut. 01 SA Louis, Feb. 4, 1868. Ds. ATM' Your Pills are thi perm . = of all that la at In medicine. : They have cured my little daughter clef:rotas corm open her han, s and Nit that had 'Oilseed Itionrible tor *kris: Her m wher his been long grieeimthly *BMW with blotches and pimples 0.. her skin and in her hair. Alter our child was eared, she also tr tee 3 vet Pills, andibek have cured her. ABA MuRaIUDOS. As • Fie tte [From Dr. E. W..Caristright, kievi Orleans.] • m . Your 'PUbt are - the glu ot purges: Their otoellen t qhalltlit ;amuse: eny .mulutrtio Ire possess, They are 'lnlla,Vit 'Very "deitaln Wien' tuar In Welt /lollop on the bowels, Which Maze them Invaluable to on in the daily reatment of disease. itamthonn, WOK HaADAOBII, Foci 814314011. MIMI U. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DYLAN 8110. Ate : 1= °AIWA SAS war you WHAT coin plaints I. baye cusan,with your Pills better than to la/ that we vier iPeol 'with a liareatise medicare. 1 place 'great dependence on au effectual cathartie la my . :daily contest with disease, sod believing as I do that your, Pills afford us the bust we hire, I of course value 'them Prtramino, May 1, 1866. Ira. J. C. Allne—Sir bait. been repeatedly cured 01 he worst iteisionak anybody cab hive, by a dose' or two year Pills:: it swami to arias from a lout. stomach; which they !Maass at onoe. YonYi with great, respect, - • 80. W. PAULI; ' ' 01. rk of Steamer Clarion. &mini Drisoibus.-1 Ockirumns. [From Dr. rhhodore Belt , -New York Oily.] Hot Cosily irezimii'Filia semwribly adaffited to 'their Piirpcm as all speneut;.but..l Aind their beliefloial °depth open the,tiver very marked lathed. they hall(' in my m sopa proved morn, elteMulti . 'the cure of MOWS HoMplaintit itathatittineretaddy Miiiitfon. 'terety - rsienoe that vie hive At lengthintargallee which • ts : worthy the• confidence of the -precession and the people. • . - , — Dermas's:4 op tis hitstatis i . . „ D. , Feb ;Washington, D. 0 -Ith .. 13611.1• • . , . , . 131 r : I have wied'your twain triy general Bin h haPtia pratstioe Over:slum rib made tbaniVandeahnoO militate to say they &reale best cathertio ,we employ. .IT4Myre!. plating action onthe i.ver is ono* and; dealded quentJy they are an admirable remedy Dorderail - Min& of that organ. Indentrrllitivir - zoldom found a case of Bilious Ihsesse so obstin tie that It dad not eeddßy yield to then . 'll**4llol9 your 4, ' • sLoNzo . .miyakdan el the *rim Hospital. nvaugmie. outallow 41.,x; mead,. [Froni Dr. J. D. Heim of Chicago.) Tour- Igo h bad a :ong-triAl nay. priustkm, and hold•them' IMesteam as one of the best otportarda l lava over tuandi ~.11mMalutratIve enact upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small docks for EnteturDysentery - and Diarrhoea. Their sugar=coating ,rakes Wein very acceptable and nonviolent for the use of women and ebildren. Rums., IrlinaTT or au -,BraoD. . [From Bev. J. V. Mai% Paster Advent, Marsh, Boston. _ _ Dr.Arta , :%l have Med yOne Ms with extraordinary success In my family and among Mosel am called I. visit in distress. Th regulate die'organs of digestion and pu rity um blood, may are the very best remedy I have `fryer known; and I tan cohfidehtlYrecomtnekd them to •my friends. ' Yours, - V. BUB& ' ' Mre st aiw, Vyam.ng 00., N. 00. St, DAC : am using your 'Wattle Ma in my prance, and Old them en exoallent iturgatlve to Mean") the system and parity uts /bah tains of di Wood. JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. D. . 001.16P.1.T10N, Uvrnveaayy, 811/PrItiBI3ION, adIFOXATIIIIX Gout, Nroaeons, Dsorar, Pesaro's, Fro; ITO. ' [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, ban - ..T00 much cannot be mad of your Pills for the cure ol Ooativenum. 11 others of your fraternity bare found them sa eMosaloun ae 1 Hera t they should Min me In pro. claiming It for the benefit of the multitudes who sutler from that oomplaiul, re hick, although bad enough fn it seu; la the prugcultor °fathers than are worse. I belive COOloveness to originate in the liver, bat your Pills 'abet thaorgarrand Cure the'dlsease. liToni Mrs: Stuart, Phystelan and Mittirtte; Boston.) Ithd . oneor twib large dolma or your I , llls, tasen the 'prOper VMS, aid' sanolteht proutotivevor we Natural eoretion vinsn wholly or partially sap Pressed, hod also orrensetnit to Mamas the stualeon and mat. They are so mnoh.the best physic hivdthat • mom ' mend no other to my patients. flfrOm the Rev. Di. Bawkes,of the Methodist Episcopal Church.] Pouden-Hooss, Savannah, oa., Jaii. 6, 18b8.Holtman Sut f atiOuld be • ungrateful fur the relief yurdskin hue brought melt !did not report my case to you. A add nettled in' My limbs did brought , on exam. dating NeuriliDe Pala, which " ended in Chronic Rheu matism. Notwithstanding i nod the Meta physicians, the disease grew wets° ar4 worse, until 'by the advice of your excellent agent • Baltimore, Dr. Makenzie, I tried your Pals. Their effects were slow but sure. B weave' rig in the use ol them, tam now entirely well. Sams Baikal Rouge, La., Dec. 6, 1665._ Ds. : I have beau entirely cured by your PUN, or Itheuelatio Coat — a painful disease that bad afflicted conics , VINCENT SLLDELL. firlil y os ea t re Ot the Pills in market contain Mercury , which, although a valuable remedy In skillful bands, is dangerous In tipubhc pill, from the dread Ail cons equeu - egg that frequently tallow Its Incautious Rae. Thule eontain no mercury - or mineral substance whatever. I Price 26 cents per box, or 2 boxes for al. Prepared by DR; J. C. ATEM & 03., Lowell, Mass. Bold by 0. A. Bannvart, Q B. HeWr, B. W. Gross & IL Lots, Holman ,k Co., Armstrong, Harrlaburi, and dealers everywhere. alr474lmdaw DAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, Lir amanita, Agent for PA TENT Wrought and ,Ohdled Imo ha•d- and Burglar Prool Strictly the ONLY Mercantile vile made, that la both re and Burglar Proof. mar 29• nly CAN.DLESI PARAFFINE CANDLES, SPERM OANDI-EB, ADAMANTIN E DANDLES, SIM EINE DANDLES, STAB DANDLES, CHEMICAL • SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CAN DLEt3. ••a lot ot the above in Woe and for sale at the d""PIee. WM. 1X)61( JR. 8i jan2 9ppostia tae Court Howe. A VERY HEAVY STOCK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF EVERY DEt3ORIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the eau of Importation. CALL AT CATHCAIMS, mays Next door to the Harrisburg Built. • WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY =TWINE HABBIEWURG and PHILADELP LI 111 Wen. E. Burk, Ascent, 812 Market idnef, Philad e ki_ phis, formerly Liothoon 4 Co. § ta, p e d a l Conductor in charge of each pain. Goods delivered at the Warehouse", Philadel. M 4 o'clock P. M. will be delivered In Harris burg next ialcinsAg• J. WALLOWER, JR, Agent, • wiaLdtt 431 4 0 ° Bellt Depot, Harriabure- * . yrsri SOLDIER'S :BOOK, IrKinney,e,.: ' • "N-tEknernineaset± . , on o t the c ioNt o p . of t he untied Mates,. the =tare and - epor , *lois% ir our iroralmfoninecial f il!a Ins ' 1 , 111 ? imiorboomreso 00. - jipr gemp iiti , iLlas ~= . .1, btu iiiiol ,- WE, N 11MM0N03141., Mist ellantous LADIAS' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBIJOI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI... WINE. CELEBRATED for its medical and bane Ildma qualities ass genuine !Stimulant, ltniic, it relic and ledordic, highly esteemed by eminent physl elate, end some of the first *millets In Swope an America. SPICE R'S SABIBUCI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured artiole, but is mre, from cultivated Porbagai Elder, recommended uy ISM and PnyliCianB as pomesaing medloat pro,uirties en parlor to ally other %%Ines in use, ant an ranch irtt cis f o r all weak cud debilitated persons, and the and infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting la•li • and children. . A ILIDIRS, . - becalm it *lll id* Intoikinte as other trines, as it con tains no mixture of utility or other liquors, and in an. mired lbr ita elan peculiar a/LITOT and nutritive properties, inverting a bealihr brae to the, digative Owes, and a blooming, antt and healthy silo and complexion. • `None genulite &leis the siguittrie or ALSAKO tall-111, Palmitin, N. J., is over the cork ore ich bottle, MAKIN: ONK:TIPIAL OF THIS WINIL A. &SKR, vrpprietor- Passakl, N. J. Mike 208:dronditay, New k, • J. H. EATON. egant, For sale by D W. 0rbe6,100., O. K. Keller. Job Wyeth and by druggists gegorally. Jyl-dawly. Great Cure. DR. LELLAND S . ANTI , 110E0MAT1C. BAND, IS THE : ONLY KNOWN BRAIRDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia Atao-4611111 , 0011.1i101. &11 - Merdurial'Diseasee:' 'chi a cotivenientirltrronlied Band, tßatabiliol• l4 I: raided compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the matt delktate persoos,:oriChadge WIWI& atilt/Mgt' rmirediandlt entkely , rezooves.the disuses al:bulb° System; withoutpriiiludug the isMirfoith arising from the nee of 'poworro: Wanda :meanies which weak en and Maguey c }utilise tiintibrary'relfef only. By this ire ardent, the' iste&cal properties Sonlahtuti. In the ~1 0 4 4 1 come- uolig,l 6 with the blood and reaches the unease , t hr o ugh the poree of ilie skin , illbetirig la espy 'mamma - a perfect dark and lemon the,pattia arnottod. to a , hcaulty contlhana. Thisßaia Bailie a nioilf igen!, inf entirely the systenrfrom the •porneuref "feats or Mercury. Moderate eases are eared In. a.iew 'dh3re, aid ion are c6ihstantli reeetvulai iiistainindmi l ot lb egicabid4aggraya 0 0 Oases ei 1 9 1 17 8 1 1 wang1 Puma S.:00, to be bad of Druggists genera*, oi.citti be sent by mail or express, with full directions for olfe r .lo Any part of the country, direct from the PM/3(SW Ogiod, 'No. 409' BROADWAY, New York. ' G. SMITS&CO., Soli'Propvietore., . . s t ove meads f `Free. •Igirr.oitt.v.rs IPANStiD r arivaintit.4. ' SOMETHING FORTEM • e •.1 II A !.Til - tioiiity . in Eviiry Howielinifit zOtts l6 4 0100igitt's • American '4s3emeitt kilue . The Strongest 41rie' In the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS ITOitYi 10111 NA, • IifABBLE, PPR . CqA4iNt. ALMIAOTERI, BONA OORAL, dtc &c. Sue, The only article of the kind everpindneed which willNvitikititud Vralicc: 4.1 EXIMACTS A"hvery housekeeper .should hay, a Lul l 11.. t .TOlos Orteley's itnerioass Oeusentlitue."....N :://11;8. .3 lig BO CO¢Veniot to have mr, .oe boruseV—N. Y. ' • "ILI' alwayercedy.; , ddieoramend4 %a every body. 6 ', N. Y. brnzenaram. ' "We hie(' tided% and Red Wu Twang in ear bananas water."—Wnue Semi 9i ixe Tema , Price 25 ,Cents per, Bop). Very Reductions to ::Whoiesale TEIUK 4 , For gale by all . ,Droggiats uncl„Storekqep era generally throughout the country. , . „ JOHNS & CR OSLEY, (Sole Manufactures , ) 78 WILLIAWBraIn, (Corner of Liberty Street,) Nsw You. JYB-dIY I ( 'ASHIONABLE OLOTBING. . ANI) " - sly STYLES 18 , 61. PHILADELPHIA` FASHIONS. ariiiikarnax eaTturnei U ,:ONE ,PRIOR GIFT L OTIAING EMPORIU M NO 107 Clitilerlal •STRAW. nwerb dock' of fine 'French, aiglish Aga ainertcas CLOTHS, • • 'OAI3I3IISEEDIES • ; and , VICIEMIGS, for Uty sod Country trade with an peapproeobable ma 'Gamma OrtrIADT O at the lowest oaeli But 014 PRIM is askiti, and a iiIPT o rdruisis worth add use - presented with each article - sold. P 84 4,10 (19 4 .0 90 , f1uei! deParlaiont, and garinwas made endue& to thing adios!. I = l4-maw theraati' , ltysteut- or doinsr.!tepanteaa,. wroKsgt would unpress no the minds of the patrons et MS' ottablishMent; that' the of ntte rlft IS dedliated'lrout, and mar AckladArthitinica of the hrti do, Bo a . itta tramepa e ly ineresedni sales enabling lam 'to Set- aud at the lime time to realise • remunerative 1tt14. 1 4,' " 7 au articles guaranteed to iltreesgratiattsi .kti , tdao_ GRANVILLE. STOKES' ON E.P RIO OLOTHINA itiPo BID IA . . din.olisgrifyr Waist SIGN OF 111 E Glorious . 'SW -.filed humeri A NPTELEasurgur QPWALL PAPER, 806611i9, &c DID WINDOW BLIND% to 3 ,1003:ve eill ILo stopenonsifinni 'hope.% and_enutelly net% them to examine ourtrackif prices. We are d ned•io 11 , Aired theiphi ce . KREIN" . ." *SOON, EPOS.; ' • - " 1 / 4 ,•Aru g red i aitbdi uni gado. -Akijatidaltdal 4 .4AWlNE. VAatIABICIUstArcAIe 7- diliwaskivitaaatiVotat tome area __l-AlinikiVinatakkatp,. az•z, _ _ "They go right to the Svlti,- INSTANT RELIEF! 87 ' ) P TOUR :oil PURIFY YOUR RRE.&T t"TRENGTHEN YOUR VoICE SPA LDING', Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN GOOD MR LECI'UBEits GOOD FOR PUBLIC s j , KA E GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSITAtiTIVF, GKNTLEW N C At% 1 SPALDING'S THROAT °\}l:, Br L i ith SPALDING'S 'l' LIIIOAT CBILDRRN CRY h. SPALDING'S THROAT coot They relieve a Cough instantly They clear the Throat. They littre strength and volume u,tho They impart a delleloos aroma to tlit They are delightful to the uote . They are made of simple herb-, a., i cue. I advise every °tie who has it Codg.l or a Btd Breath, or any dltScuity el th e Thr paakage or my Throat Confections, iCry natantly, and you wlil nod them very u.e. it• ant While travelling or attending pun' mee log your Cough or allaying your thirst package lam tare In saying 1114 4.. wards consider them todispenil hie at the Druaglste and Dealers in Me PRIOR TWENTY-FIVE LES-Ib tay 04111102111 Is OD each package. A,, ..ttpr Unfelt. A Paokap will be eons by nail, prey 1. 110r8.9 Gents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDER MEET, N ., 4' Y)?,i CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK. HEADACHE v ÜBE NERVOUS HEADACHE CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE BY,llbst'ase of these Qlll6 the parte -a. ittac,. vow or. Am Headache way be I,rereub d. ,1 dad • Cp . R11110111341010211 of mti •" whew mob ;titc pain and sickness 11. obtained They seldom tall la removiog nu m, How,_ whleb females are oo sablect. pay act gen lly upon the bowels, teuh.4,4 anueu For Literary Mee, Stadenta, Delic,te Vested perits!Ll of sedentary habits, they e Tissosika, linproring the termini, pia: non c to the digeetivu organs, and testorie; um ae ' ur+3' My and strength to the wools system The:OKPRALIC MLA are it, DlSixt and carefully oeuductta 1".11se In many yearly during *WI b a oi , tented and relieved a vast awuuut BeldaCbdk Whelber origin/Lim, in tuo mr,,4 Mio or from a derungtA elate 01 the 8,.,,ad‘ They are entirely vegetablx w d.or h =ay be tanen Al all Mow with .0,1) miking Mr chine of diet and the ahl , nee .4 my 2° ' Pris*qe taste renders it am to ckiatinaltr :le 4 BiIIWAKS OS' ODUNTERMI "the tannins been leash:natured ut ti , r) ox boob box. pOW by drilliteate and all other dtgiern la ma 1 A Box wil be sent by man prepllAl resit AVA PRICE TWENTY CEN IS ♦ll orders sbould be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING. Oedgr r•tre ti :;ew inn -A single bottle of SPALDINVB Priti AH., Will live tan lima Ite cost anocoly.* EiPALDINGT PREPARED G1.C1.) B PA-WINGI3 PREPARtA, 6LO'l SPALDING% pREpARgii GLUEI rEm PISUP OONW&Y =we xi ma aim •T'• 41,0 N 0141,1 AI WC Weal Inn /Moth, Citti ILeli.74ta la is very desinage to have Bonn ottst, for repairing Furniture, Toys, Croc. O r P,ALDIMPS PRIFIRKD 61,01 Meta an Ina emergencies, and no nousebold cap 13, " SO tM Winiamt LL It is always ready lad up to die Sbd lug point .useruL t l RVEBY N. 8.--11 Brnsb scaompanies each bogie tio;‘' zo -.l4dress dENRI C. .51'.4 11 So. 48 Cedar Street, New 7EII C4UTION is 'tertian unprincipled persona aro auentroag rad 2 qa-1:10•0 I"4lluPPectlng public, imitations " ol 4% 8 4. 1 44P1r I would caution all persona to altui 14110 .ei4#l4llNl, and sea that the toll woo, 1114 4 3PALD.0103 P.HLka GI tneedeairapper;ait 'aware ars senadling .torla.daort prdfablf Dv ey mkt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers