PailD (cr.:tiegraplj. fIAHRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, September 7, 1t,61. Wan ProEoNs are beginning to make their appearance in the woods near our andcity homehave already been begged by ou sportsmen• Tire Ctrr LOOKUP had about a dozen tenants last night, consisting principally of volunteers, who had abused their furlough by getting glo riously drunk. ViuLATING AN OltDMACE.—Alexander Koser, bad a hearing before the Mayor this morning t kirged in two cases with violating an ordi nance by selling meat before the market hours. fie pail the fine and costs of prosecution. 'AHED TO FORT lamusoN.—Chas. Snyder, , iun of Justice Snyder of this city, recently ap. poiuted a Secuud Lieutenant of company Sth, United States Infantry, has received orders to report for duty at Fort Hamilton, near New York. He left for that post to-day. THE PAY OF BANDS.—Under the late law of Congress, provision is made for the pay of reg imental bands, the compensation of a leader being equal to that of a Lieutenant, and the pay of privates the same as members of the Engineer corps. It has, therefore been deter mined to organize full bands for all the regi ments. RAILROAD COLLlSlON.—Yesterday evening a freight train on the Northern Central Railroad, going south, ran into the passenger train cow i❑g north, near Cockeysville, delaying the ar rival of the latter in this city until about eight o'clock this morning. Several of the cars were much broken, but, so far as we could learn, no ,erson on either of the trains were injured. , z , t.-Dors Dawrit.—Day before yesterday on the arrival of the mail train on the Pennsylvania Railroad at Perrysville, a gentleman by the moue of Frank, on descending from the plat form of the cars, fell down and instantly ex pired. He resided at that place in the family (1 - his son-in-law, Dr. Alter, and bed been on a visit to some relatives in Perry county. Pre ciously, he had been enjoying his accustomed health. Truly, '•in the midst of life we are in death UNION MEETING AT Amsvnaix—There was a large and enthusiastic Union meeting held on Wednesday, the 4th inst., at the public house of S M. Crall, in the town of Annville, Leba non county, Pa. The meeting was ably address ed by Hon. John W. 111Binger, Mr. Derr, and Rev. Mr, 111.1arter. The °hied of the meeting was to raise a regiment oricannteers in Leba non county. A large number of the citizens at once signed the roll, and it is understood that many more will soon follow. CHIRCH DEDICATION AT YOBS. —The new Presbyterian church just completed at York will be dedicated to the service of Almighty God to morrow, on which occasion the pastor, the Rev. lfr. Street, will be assisted by the Rev. Dr. De, of this city, and Rev. Dr. Wing, of Carlisle. The sermon in the morning will be delivered by Dr. DeWitt, and in the evening at half-past 7 o'clock, Mr. Wing will officiate. There will also be interesting servi ces in the afternoon, in which the Sabbath school scholars will participate. HACK PROPRIETORS IN QCOD. —Two of our well known hack-drivers, one the proprietor of a livery stable, the other a butcher, got into rather an awkard scrape a night or two ago at Camp Curtin. It seems that one of them, the butcher, was standing with his hack at the gate of the Camp, sometime after "the shades of eve" were on, waiting to get a load of belated passengers for the city. These, however, were slow ti , come, and our friend was about leaving the "martial precincts" on his "homeward way" when he was made unpleasantly aware of a particularly bright and uncomfortable looking bayonet held in front of him, and in close prox imity to his third waistcoat button, counting from the top. Now, our friend is by no means a toward, and has always had the reputation of being as brave as "any other man," but he did not like the looks of the cold steel as It glittered in the starlight before his amazed optics. "Move away from here" cried a hoarse voice. "Shan't do it—it's a public highway, and I've a right to stand here as long as I please" returned our friend bravely, yet at the same time edging away so as to increase the distance between the bayonet's point and his vest but tons. "Then I must arrest you" said the guard, and the nest instant our friend was taken pos session of and marched into the guard house of the camp. A short time after this occurrence our ether Jehu friend, the liveryman, arrived at the hack stand. and seeing our first friend's horse and hack standing alone in the road without a driver, thought the affair very singular, and began to search for their owner. "Move away from here—march" cried a coarse voice, and the next instant our jo. key friend, as well as jocular, had a brightly polished bayo net glistening in front of his shirt linen. "Go to the d—l" responded our Jehu No. 2, Ina voice as sharp as the crack of his whip, as he continued to bawl out hastily for his absent friend. "Then I must arrest you" said the sentry, and the next instant his sinewey fingers closed on our friend's coat collar, and he likewise was led to the guard-house. Our friends remained thus in quod for about an hour, when Col. Knipe, hearing of the trans action, at once proceeded to the officer in com mand of the camp, and by making the prope r representations, succeeded in effecting their re lease. The Persons alluded to still coutinue to run their lutes, to the camp, but take mighty good care to complete their tripe at sun down. Wood's adTertisement in. moth or column. AN ARGITKUNT COURT commences at 9 o'clock, A. M., next Monday. I==l TEMPERMS Lacrrusa —L L. Allen has con sented to remain in our city over tomorrow, and will deliver another one of his popular temperance lectures in the lecture room of the Baptist church, to-morrow evening. U. NZOLKY, of Pittsburg, was yesterday mustered into the United States service by Cap tain D. H. Hastings, United States Army mus tering officer, and immediately afterwards look command of Camp Cameron, the United States camp for "collecting, drilling and organizing volunteers," near this city. IF TX& Waimea is favorable, we predict a "gay and happy" time at the Liederkrante pic-nic. which takes place in Haehnlen's woods next Monday. Orgaibusses will run to the woods every few minutes during the day from Wagner's Seven Stars tavern, corner of Chest nut and Second streets, and Frish's saloon, Market street. Tickets, 25 eta. Timm NA.Ml9.—Cornelius M'Gee, Robert Cap tan land Patrick Mullen are the names of the Irish soldiers arrested yesterday, charged with committing the.ontrage at Donlees lager beer, saloon, noticed'_ in last evening's TIIXGRAga. They belong to &company recruited for Sher man's Fifth Artillery Regiment (regulars), and were encamped at the time in a field kear Camp Cameron.. We understand that Mrs. Donler, her husband, and the other Germans, are rapidly recovering from the geraW of the wohndi they received on the pwaMn. • AN OLD L,s.w .—A. law against obtaining hus bands under false Pretences, passed by the Eng fish Parliament in 1770, enacts—that all wo men, of what average, rag, profession, or de gree--whether virgins, Millis or widows—who shall after this act, impose upon, seduce and betray into matrimony any of his Majesty'e male subjects, by virtue of scents, paints, cos= metie washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Spanish wool iron, iron stays, bolstered hips, or high heeled shoes, shall incur the penalty of the law now in force against witchcraft and like miai demeanors,; and the marriage, under such cit.. onn6tances, upon conviction: of 'the offending party, shall be null and void. SIGN IN TRI llza - vass.—A New York paper Sap, that recently in that city a remarkable phenomenon was visible in the Western Sky, The moon was surrounded by a halo of red, white and blue, extending a distance of seven or eight degrees. The colors were distinctly marked, presenting a iiihnAtiftil appearance, and attracted the attention of a large number citi zens of Jersey city. The colors were visible about ten minutes. We are taught by Boa Warr that there shall be "signs in.the Heavens" forewarning us of events to come on the earth—and may we not interpret the remarkable lunar phenomtson above mentioned as a sign that our national tri-colors—the "red, white and blue," shall be maintained among the stars by theltpplication of the stripes to ow national enemies. The phenomenon at least forcibly suggests this con clusion. .. TEN Gass' t Caos.---In this vicinity there is every indic a tion of a large crop of grapes this fall. By theiray are 'oar 'readers aware 'of the remarkable curative effect of this delightful fruit. Dr. Eterpin, of Nets, has recently pub lished a very interesting paper on this anbjeet, from which we learn tbat the first acts, by 14- troducbg large quentitieSof Snits into the sys tem, which, passing drough the-blood, carry off by prespiration and other excretrons, the ef fete and injuroua materials of the body ; sec ondly, they act as a vegetable nutritive agent. Employed rationally and methodically, aided by suitable diet and regimen, the grape pro duces most important changes in the system in favoring organic transmutations, in.contribut• lug healthy materials to the repair and recon structions of the various tissues, and in deter mining the removal of vitiated matters 'which have become useless and injurious to the sys tem. Directed by a skillful physician, this val uable curative agent can be made to produce the most varied effects on the constitution. It also peewees the advazttage of being acceptable to invalids. The treatment lasts five to six weeks. The quantity of grapes that may be consumed varies from three to four pounds per day, com mencing with small quanties, which are grad ually increased. The skins and seed must not be swallowed. In the abaence of grapes, the most beneficial effects may be obtained from dried raisons, provided a quantity of water, suf ficient to satisfy the thing they create, be taken . . at the same time, or they may be stewedln the same manner as prunes. =I Sarre mm.—September, according to Gerard Sohn Voraius, is composed of the word &plan, seven, and the termination ber, like /is in Ap rilia, Quintifis, Sexiilie. Priscian and Isidorns, considered September to be composed of &ptem and imber, a shower of rain ; this month being the commencement of the rainy season. Pea chum describes Sapte,mber, "as of a merry and cheerful countenance, in a purple robe ; upon his head a wreath of white and purple grapes ; in his left hand a handful of millet, oats and panicle, while carrying a cornucopia of ripe peaches, pears, pomegranates, and other fruits of the season in his right , band ; the sign Libra. Hispurple robe showeth how he reigueth like a king above other months, abounding with plenty of things necessary for man's life. The sign, Libra, an indifferent arbiter between the day and night, poising to each his equal hours." The Saxons called this then* gerst mond, be cause barley was then called gerst, the =lie barley being given to it by reason of `the drink made therewith, called beere, and from beerlegh it came to berlegh, and thence to barley. They also called it image month, or the holy month, from an ancient leatival held at this season of the year ; "for that our forefathers (says a Saxon metrology, or register of the months;) the while they heathens were, on this month celebrated their devil-gild." An exposition which seems 'grapey at variance with the name. The vint age and the gathering of fruits belong-to this month; the grape yieldalte wine,AUXiithe agile au,dpeach give their grateful julugo;_344E - vests are housed; and Injure paumedther : anal home*" into tiseikrottiaitit—a if ; peunspluania Datt Zeitgrapti,-, Gigue cig OLD SCHOOL PitSIBYTHRIAN escraca..—lhere will tma no public service, in this church to-mor. row, in conseqften r the absence of the pas 4 tor. Avrangements have been made, however.; for preaching on the two following Sabbaths, by ministers from abroad. By the last Sabbath in September, the pastor is expected to resume his post. The Sabbath School will meet to morrow afternoon as usual. For the Telegraph ] The Herald of Gotham comes out with a flam To astonish the brokers, "Jeff Davis is dead," But stocks remain tranquil, for who cares a d—n What traitor is found at the tail or the head Of this stupid Conspiracy doomed to defeat, And whosoe'er leads it must sound a retreat The news is confirmed. Now the rebels at fault Must choose their next best one ; but who shall I suggest, and free gratis I furnish the thought, The neat best for their bus'ness r• - why Satan is he! The old one till now had not lain on the shelf, Bad he not known that Davis was worse than himself. JINN% PETROLILIDI on ROOK OIL is about to supply an important want, caused by the deficiency of turpentine, of which Secede has furnished-the main supply. We recently published an item in regard to the dim:decry of the faCt that nap tha or bensole of pctroleum was equally gOod and in some respeals better than turpentine for painter's use. -We bad iu the Philadelphia Press a cominunication from the well known D. Jayne, Esq , of that city, in which, after al luding to the item we refer to, he Bayou.. "To the abOve I would add a word of my-ex periencs in the use of coal napalm in mixing paint. I;have tried it effectually on brick walls and on wood work, both inside and out side of buildings, and T am decidedly of the opinion that its use in paint is far preferable to the epic ifs of turpentine. It contains no oxygen, and the paint retains its color twice as long as it will when turpentine is used. I had my area well painted with white lead mixed with , nap tha, and the result was that the walls were much whiter than if turpentine had been used and at the end of sevt n years the paint - was as clean and white another walls were which had been painted with turpentine but one year. When used on woad the paint was not only much whiter but harder, and retained its color and brilliancy twice as long as it would have done had turpentine been used. I would say that the naptila was of the best quality, and as limpid as alcoho!." Hansa returned from the city I now have on hand a full assortment of alt kinds of Dry Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen of Stockings ; a splendid lot of. Black Alapacha; a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress Goods at great reduction. S. LIMY, t Rhoads' Old Corner. DR. OHEESEMAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., pETE combination of ingredients in these iL Pius ere the re-udof a long end extehstve practice. rs- y are cul.d in their operatlou, Rad i.iert to to correcd all irregul llienareations, removing all eq. struJilooB, whether irom cold or otherwise, headachy pAIn in the el le, palptiistion of heart, whites, elf per voile off Woos, hysietike; ratlgay prinio the becirendi limbs ho , disturbed ileep, wait& sitisee herd War/IW non of nature. TO &I AREIED LAKE; Dr Cheeeemen's Pille are Invaluable, ae tbey will Mini o u the ino.thly period with regularity. Ladle% who have been dieap, 0 rated In the we of other Pilk can place the utmost <sentience to Dr. Oheeseman'a Me doing all' that airy represent to do. There is one e4sdition of Use female system iR whisk the Pins atsosot be taken without pr.:damn g a PECULId ' RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGSANOYa ate rested dirSOARRIAQ.I., , Bach di the imitate 4 tea dntcyof the audit:tam to reikire tbe meal fetectitnet to a normal condition, that "as Use repreelsettos power of ma, tura Cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road an. cum • any each box. Nice it Sent by mail ou ing Si to Da. Consume L. CIIROMMAN, Box 4,581, Pow. Office, New York City. cold by one Druggist in every town in the United Slates. R. B. HU [CHINES, General Agent for the United States. ' 14 Broadway, New York, To wooln all witoleeale orders should be addressed. :Sold in Harrisburg oy C. A. ilaavairr. nov29-dawly Thai Lovramorat, hsvtuis been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affect,- lon, and that dread disease, Consumption-1s anxious to make known to his Ishow•sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he wilt send a copy of the pre scription used (tree of charge), with the directions to preparing and using the same, whieh they will end a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, tom. The only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to benedt the ...Mimed, and spread information Which be conceives to be nveluable, and he hopes aviary eat rarer will try his remedy, as It will coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Panes wishing the prescription will please address -- - • NEV. NOWAPDIC: WILSON; trilitamsburgh, Kings county, New York. • octet-wly Norm's Los Pam, AND - Paamixx Burl n.— iree frees aft mirierat Pots:int.—ln asses of riorofUM Ulcers, Sourvy, or Eruptions of tbe Sian, the operation of tbe Life Medicines is truly astunishing, often fsmoviot to a few days, every venUge of these loathsome disease* by their purifying effects on the blood. %Mous revers, Fever sod Ague, Dyspepsia; Dropsy, nos, and hi short moat all diseases soon yield to their curative propertiei No family should be without them, as by their time) use moult sudering and expense may no saved. Prepared by WM. B. VOYFAY, M. D.,'New York, ant , for =ale by, nil Drawer at noy9w-ly DR. DEPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES, ufalllble st contain,. wichwans,.asit: itutiesk*All obstructions, from whatever cause, pad I. ways scoceitsfol as a proven." 11ME PlLth HAVE BEEN USED fri the donors for many years, both in *tow PAC &marks, •with unparalleled success in :every Weee ; ano he le urged by many thousand ladies who used them, it make the Pills publics for the allevianion lit those antferim from any irregularities whatever, es well as to prevent an Increase of (sadly whore health will eat permit it.- iremales particularly situated, or those suppoeing then?. selves so, ars cautioned against these Pills while in Wit condias they are ou r to produce miscarriage, anti the p ap n rietor assumes no responsibility after this mime. ninon, allhOtigh theirrnaildneas : eicathl 5W0112112 aß.7,:inil chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended Full and explktit. directions accompany each box. Print, 111 00 per box. :bid irholearde and retail by MARLS! A. RaNNVART, No. 2 Jones Row,lii Zwttt, Pa. 141„nelles,a by Not i ng Mtn 11 00 lo the Harrisburg Post Moe, can have the Pills sent freo of ebservatkei tc any part of the country (confidentially) and "fine of pm rage" by mail. Sold also by S. 8. drams, ItnadWi, Josaaox, Uounwav A (boner , Philadelphia, J. L. lam 14:4:abanon, Daum B. , Laninatar,,k" A 11 thightevIlle ; B. T. lima; Tort r • and by oat t In every oily and village in the Onlao, and by 8. D. 010 proprietor , New York N.13;-.4.00k old for connterthite. Boy so Golden Pthr a say kind u nless avery' bat lirisgind a. D. Rowe. At Wont are.* bade: bnindtten and nusate: tincel74 grodatnine your, dren,andlitea3o,. (tp.aidt.natddn des. W4 nund akar , your mlyt), Day , ady, - elan B .D.Das, 0- reeeour has sided. joaqpia drogaidlaillia P. S ME IIIPORTAt r TO FEDI/SUMS NEW YORK CITY. NOTICE TO CONSUMPTIVES PURIFY TUB BLOOD A CARD TO THE LADIES. ttn PAfttlttfitMtntii NAVY DIZEISMINT, Bureau of Tardy and Docks, &tin. 4, 1861. r SEALED PROPOSALS for each' class separ ately, endorsea "Proposdla for Class No. (name the class), for the navy yard , at (name the yard)," will be received at this office until noon on the 2d day of October next, for furnishing and delivering at the several navy yardsnamed the materials and articles embraced in printed schedules, which will be furnished on applica tion, and sent by mail, if so requested, by per sons desiring to offer to contract for any or all of the classes named therein, by the command ants of the several navy yards, for the classes for the yards under their command, or by the navy agents nearest thereto, or by the bureau for any or all the yards. lb prevent confusion and mistakes in sealing the of fers, no bid mill be received which contemn classes for more than one yard in one envelope; and each indi vidual of a firm must sign: the bid and contract. Bildens are hereby cautioned and particular ly notified that their offers mast be in the form hereinafter.prescribed, and be midled in time to reach their destination before the time expires for receking them - no bid will be anudekredwhich shall be received after the period slated, and no allow ance will 6e made failures of the mail. To guard against offers being opened before the time appointed, bidthrs are requested to en dam on the envelope above the address, and draw a line.tinder the endorsement, thus Prop's& forams 'No. (mate the claw), for the Nary Yard at (name the yard)." To the Chief Of the 'Bureau of Yards and Docks; iWishingron, •a. .flbrOl of Ofer• "' ' ' Mare 'date the offer ) I, (here insert the =neer names compaing the firmi);of(pame,the town,) in the State of, (Caine the S t ate,) hereby offer to furnish, under your advertisement dared (date of advertase ment)--and subject to all - the requirements of the same ' and of the printed schedule to which it refers, all the articles embraced in Class No. (name the class) for the nesf‘v i ani4t (name the yard,) wording to said schedule, via : (here pasreon the 'printed class from the schedule, and oppdsite each article set the pike and carry out the amount in the columns for dollars and cents, and foot up the aggregare amount of the bid for the class,) amounting to (here write the amount in words.) 'propose as' y agent (here name the agent, if one is , required by the schedule) for the sup ply under the clan-es miscellaneous, by a non resident of the place of delivery; and should my offer be• acce ted, I r. quest the contract may be prepared and sent to the navy agent at (name the ageney) for signature mil certificate. (Here the bidder and each member of the firm to sign.) Boras of Guam/tee. The undersigned (name of guarantor) of (name the toirm,)'and State of (name the State,) and (naixte'ofaecond guarantor. Bco ,) hereby under' take that the above naravd(name the bidder or bidders) will, it his [or their) offer as above be pted, enter into contract vri h the United States within fifteen days after the date of no: tire thrOugh the post office of the acceptance of 4ilik.j_cor,theirloffor before , mektion4 , Witness : the of guarantors.) I 'Certify that the above named (here name the guarantors) are known to me to be good and r. aponnible guaranton n this case. , (Signature.) be signed by the district 'judge di trict attorney, collector, navy agent, or some pers,n known to the bureau to be responsible. POBTSMOUTII, N Clan Nc. 6. White pine, spruce, juniper and cyproN ; class No. 9. Gravel and sand; clank No: 11. Iron, iron nails and spikes ; Class No 12. Steel; class No. 14. F iles • class No. 161 Ship chandlery ; class No. 17. Hardware ; class No. 18. Stationery ; class No. 28. Belting, psoktng sad hose ; class No. 26. Augers. . .. . . Close No i. Bilcks ; 'claw NO: 2::- Stone .lass No. 8. Yellow pine timber; class No. 6. Oak and hard wood timber and lumber ; class No. 8. White, pine, spruce, juniper and cypress; class No. 7. Lime, hair and . plaster ; class No 8. Cement ; class No. 9. Gravel and sand ; lass No. 11. Iron, iron spikes and nails vclass o. 12. Steel ; clan ,1•To. 18. Pig-iron • cleats o. 16. Paints, oils and glass ; class No. 17. Hardware. NEW YORK Class No. 1. Bricks; class No. 8. Yellow pine timber; class No. 4. Yellow Pine lumber ; class No. 5. Oak and hard wood ; class No. 6 White pine, spruce, cypress and juniper; class No. 7. Lime, hair and plaster; class No. 8. Cement; class No. 9. Gravel and sand ; class No. 10. Slate ; class No. 11. Iron, iron spikes and nails; class No. 18. Pig-iron; claw No. 15. Pain* oils and glass ; class No. 16. Ship chandlery; class No. 17. Hardware ; class No. 28. Belting, packing and hose ;thew No. 25. Iron work, &a. PHILADBLPEUA.. 'Class No. 8. Yellow pine timber ; class No. 6. Oak and bard wood ; clam No. 8. White pine, spruce, juniper, and cypress class No. 11. Iron, iron spikes, and nails ; . class No. 14. Files ; class No. 17. Hardware; clam No. 28. Belting, packing, and how ; class No.-26. Augers. WASHINGTON Class No. 1. Bricks ; claea No. 6. Oak and bani. ; class No. 6. 'White_ pine, spruce, juniper, and cypress;class No. 11. Iron, iron spikes, and nails ; clm No . 12. Steel ; clas s; Nos. 14. ; class No. 16. Paints, oils, and glass; class No. 16. Ship chandlery ; class No. 17. Hardware ; class No. 24. Sperm and lubricat ing ; class N0..27. Anthracite coal ; class No. 29. Bituminous Cumberland 'coal. • The schedule willstate the thaw within which articles will .be required to be delivered ; and where, the printed:echedule knot used, ,the pe rinds Stated in it foi!deliieriest must b e : copied in the bids. All the articketwhich may be oon trieW for must be delivered at auch place or places, including drayage and cartage to the Woe where offer Is made,.ats may be • directed by the commanding officer thereof ; and, all other things being equal, preference will be given to American manufacture. No article will be received after the expiration:of the pe riodepeclfied in the schedule for the.completlon of deliveriofa i tuiesdally authorized by the Department. In .cumputing the classes, .the price stated in the column of prices will be the standard, and the aggregate of the class will be carried mit according to the prices stated. It is to be provided in the contract, and to be distinctly understood by the bidders, that the amount and number of articles enumerated in c eases headed "miscellaneous" are specified as the probable quantity which may be required, as well as to , fix data for determining the lowest bid.; but the contractor is to furnish more s or less of the said enumerated articles, and * isch Pangines, and at such tins, as the bureau or' oOtai matutant may metre; such increase, however not to ease d one half of the quantities stated (and requisitions tient through the post offke shall be deemed sufficient notice) during the &dal year ending 80 It June, 1862 ; and whether. the quantities required be more or leas than those specified, the price' lihniliamainftl* Sadie. All the articles under the contract must be cif the beet quality, delivered in good , order, free of all and every charge or idtpeznie to the Gov eminent, and subject to theinepection, opunt weight or measurement of the said navy yam; and be in all, respasts satisfactory to the com mandant thereof. Bidders are referred to toe , yard for pleas, specifiat ions, or samples. - .041 any farthecdescription of the articles. When bidden shall he in doubt as to the precise ard trianic4 thek will te , satlemiliow the •.• • Nita) 2ti:roertisments, articles in doubt, which information the said officer ivill give in writing! Contractor* for classes headed "Miscellaneous," who do not re side near the place where the articles are to be delivered, will be required to name, in their pro posals, an agent in the city or principal place near the yard of delivery, who may be called upon to deliver articles, withautdaloy, when they shall be required. Approved sureties, in the full amount of the contract, will be , required, and twenty per centurn as additional security deducted from each payment until the contrast shall have been completed or cancelled, unless otherwise au thorized by the Department. On classes of ar ticles headed. "miscellaneous, " " to be delivered as required during the fiscal year, the twenty per centum retained may. at the discretion of the commandant, be paid quarterly on the first of January, April, July and Dauber, when the deliveries have been satisfactory, and the bal ance (eighty per cent.) will be paid by the re vective navy ageuta within thirty days after the prerentation of bills,. in triplicate, duly vouched and approved. No part of the per centum reserved is to be paid until-all the rejected articles offera I under the contract, shall have. been removed from the yard, unless specially authorized by the Depart ment. -- It will be stipulated in the contract that if default shall be made by the parties of the first part in delivering all or any of the articles men tioned in any class bid for, of the quality and at the times and places above provided. 'hen, and in that me the said parties will forfeit and pay to the Unit4d States a sum of money not to ex ceed twice the amount attach class; which may be recovered, from time to time, according to the act of Congress in that case provided, ap proved March 8, 1848. The sureties must sign the contract, and their responsibility be certified to by a navy agent, cllector, district attorney, or 'some other per son iatisfactorily known to the bureau. It is to be provided in the contract that the bureau shall have the power of "ennuili g the. contract, without lust or damage tothe Govern ment, in case Congress shallilththave made sof ficientitppropnationo for tlieltiticl.ll named, cif for the completion of works estimated for, and 'on 4liich this advertisement is booed, anti shall also have4he power to , incr. ass or diminish the classes not headed "Miscellaneous" in the schedule, twenty-live per centum. Persons whose offers shall be accepted wil be notified by letter through the post office which notice shall be cousided sufficient; audit' they do not eater into contract for the supplies spec ified within fifteen days from the date of notice from the bureau of the acceptance of their hid, a contract will be made with some other p -on or persons, and the guarantors of such de faulting bidders will be responsible for all de linquences. All offers not made In strict conformity with this advertisement will, at the option of- the bur-au, be rejected. Those only whose offers nply be accepted will be notified, and contracts will be ready for axe -cntion as soon thereatter as may be practica ble.. sep7-4w. SHIRTS 1 SHIRTS!! SHIRTS 11! HOME AIitNUFACTURE. TILE OHEAPE•2. lAr THE MARKET. THE. undereigned • aviug opeuel theh woool.ctory or Shirts At° , a No. It *ea market ittret. El.rdsoarg, Pa , do mat reaped. ally Solicit oac om go and attention of be t adi. B. 6 nt eaalu tine .Ner. haute to the follow' g aaOrtnakut of &ode all of blab are our uWel manufacture Bain di, SkilltT BOSONS, GAL& 4. 4 Caff il, WAIST BtNDR, NIUHT elfirSTP„ ha, to , to.. t 0.., oleo the partionkr attention of the Ladles to our lune atteottinent of ant* gareasto &o . (froa. the wee Un proved Lando and Yarn Inylea,) LI NICZ, CULL 11- g . cures, SET fa ha., la great yarietied, all of which beln. our own inautontictore we willacll cheaper-than can tot oorchased elsewtere. 0 - reron. destrouttor furnishing their own materials, can 'nave muting, sewhig &a., of every variety done seeord• ing to order. al• of tbei aowii mimed ROO la tor GORIS we se will mate to tataiure, guaranteet.g to Or, and give entire astisfaotim to 100 purctiaser for style durable!, .nd m unit. all spe.nal ordels will be sr m3otly Waded to upon the shortest not se and most reasonable terms. also iderebants supplied upon tee most remos able berms. P. d. Ladies trisbing skirts or under garments of sny ciscription, am bare them made to order by sending sample of snob kinds as may be central. LYNN & RBBSIAN, NO. 12, Market Street, an22-dem Harrisburg, Pa Rooms next door to Hummel do grocery Store. GENERAL ORDERg, NO 2. Haan. QUARTZES, P. M. Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1881. -1 - 1 Y DIRECTION =of the President of the _Do United States, all volunteer regiments or parts of Regiments accepted directly by the War Department from Pennsylvania, either with or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are to be forwarded at Washington. Their commanders will therefore immediately-report to these headquarters, ststing the number of men and the station from which they are to be taken, that transportation may be furnished them without delay. By order of A. G. CITRTIN, - Governor and Commander-in•Ohie CRAIG -BIDDLE" A. C. D aug2 STIUMBERAY . PLANTS, . ASelection of the bent kinds known, for Bale by 4 lIVIT, Her tone Farm. Per doze4426ogs; per VA 1 1 ; per 1,000 $ l5 - sepa•att COAL. THE uudereigned would respectfully in -101111/ the &Mena of HarrNburg that be ts prepa - ed to furnish in any part of the oily, Lyeens Valley, Trevor• ton sad Wllkesbarre Coal as low as any other dealers ID the oily. Please cult and give me a trial. W ALLuVirge, Jr., Agent, No. 8, Heading Sallroad Depot, gape dlan Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED r r~.BHOBM - AK6RB on Coarse Work. -to O Apply in 1.; orth Seer thee' between Stztb end r 'inert iee.&lm WM 31d STRAYED:Okt PTO N. F . OUR good sized Hogsw ere either ito-: len or strayed from the p n of the nedtreignrdie wemt Harriaborg on_lartSunday Elgin. Three arr white and the othrr la b ack spotted. reward of $b will be paid f. c in ormadon leading to their recce ry. septa SW GS • MOS ir.ER FUR . RENT.—The large brick dwelling home tam David Downs jr, let Tawd street D. &s Ma astorkb sn alba ava.vala for so attorney. Paramaribo vireo fr.& of uetoner next. m...• ipire,st the erothontaarrs oaks. WM. arrcentu. ' trzwx,3El EL'irAL.33.ll3 . .. • STATE , Street near Third etri3et, a few iJ dnors below Brady's Rome, tlarsleburg. /1.01 Ream Beady made Coffins always on hand and neatly finished to weer. Silver platens, dm. Terms rea sonable. [4030.080.1 C. BAKER. ‘ATA.NTED at the Harrisharg and On 'Car ic Sh knogop aooomouLalias F GO a) W. T Suit. ea,4tdit ~7141 1 1fAREMOVA 1.. THE SU NCR! BER would respecthaly IntOrtb tn. 'abbe that he he. removed Prom nut siiktimiiiestabitithmasi tot 112 Soo thl 11 =Mhs t rb ro 4li bbabialsrVga;F ib Rimmelt :tilt. • . 4: a; 13,10 i i it 7,111409116 tanbiltates. FOR COUNT Y TREASURER,/ [ONE TERN ONLY.] RICHARD NOLEN, offers himself las a candidate for the o 0 a of O , UNIT T AAA,. 13 4u.. mth, g elepttor, ;.rid he not onh pr mae to d 4• abate tir do let of be office with fl laity , but If elected pledgee blm elf in pay thee Hundred inners towaro SOP• pordog the fondle. of the soul era or Diopa,o. coolity which are now or way be to service in the Menae of oar briove Country. septs-tc COUNTY CONI toSIONEK. pB E undersigned offers himself u' ti 1. candidate for the reice COIN 1 cu m mis.m . ER, subirct In the noreinabrig Conven•ion, an • pledges Meta. lfif t ominsted and elected to dig barge 'be duties of the • Mee with ft .e.tty. PHILL• Hole MAN. FOR ASSEMBLY. DANIEL KENDIG. of Middletown, et tore hi asen as a candidate tip the STATE LEOld- LATURS: as the eipuing election, subticA is. Abe action Of Me People's Ousnly Convention And 'desires Muse in discharge the duties of the Waco hon-sitly and Puth• aug44-dte FOR ASSEMBLY DR. THOMAS Li FOX, of Derry town ship- "(Tete biatsell as a %Andean% flr the STATE I lIRB at the en.utog 'eat• is. aubj et loth ae nom of the et ople'e County Couvent.Ou protnlee•4f elected to disch.rge the tattles of the office with Lieitir epos FOR PROTHONOTARY jrC YOUNG, offers himself as a oandi • Afar for MI ofide of Pqehonocary ko , of heephin county iti tbe mooing elre•ion. He ter gee V elected to perfurm the dutlea of the ottlee with tieedke. a , 164Lawto • FOR REtfISTER. BRAHAM H. But ER, of East Hants .• Ter offers himself as a condi at, for it, gll•ti toe °Letting electlutt, subject to the cotton of Ins fauplal County tnaventloo. He 'Kornis. a If elected to tit chorea the do tee of the eilke with Lt. lily. 1%122 dto FOR ASSEMBLY. E[B. SCHREMER, of Gra=s offers e himself at a candidata for the Sr QTR LIGIzo.A. ,Ltretnap the. pinatas elegtion, subleot to the antkon et the Pro k se'S County Convention. Be pr mi es, it sibs 'est to di cbtota the hunts of the aloe 'NM &WWI. env 21-e te* Futt PROTEIuNUTAiti. DA. B. EYST”.li .offers himeAlf as a . fi.r the ritgeeid N. T tit? his., we ep...134 ell 4.,011, and pled di hie rtlietiiell fbr [MOO 0 balliuetts /1! a etl luiteo fo 1114/14.141103 per term .CiDe or ita duties, if el-rted nargubarg, pesos 2 186. •It. FOR COUNTY IKKASU a tit IptENJAMIN 1.1 OK, of Harrisburg, of rert II t 611,1 d dm for rOU' T r re„smatiß. r••• at the a Gulag election, se , ,,eet to to • adios of the People's Giant. 0.4,v-t• 1 n He pro • I.•s it elected to inSCher4e the datiss tt the Jac, wan fidelity. auglNlMeto FO ft Et; EsTEK Q IiMUEL M %AQUA RT, of Harris4tirg, kj •if ra blend a+ aow Id to f a: we ca alai el• ea rot to , Ife ~o tion lb* P , ottio's - oou ty Coy vention Els pop Weil if emoted todlauhaego the d Wes of tab ,ttlre att.l7-da to TO VoTffat-01 0 LIAUPIIIN #l;l4'l' Y. VELLOW Of FIZENB t I offer myeeli sus a Candid •te for Cotety "I'te urstr at tee tweeting owe tea, subject te .be ..ctiou .1 be 1110 p • C u ty • C toe. r teat d t b.a , or u...ate to b eke:sett 1 *tat myself to diectutrato me do foro, seta eat e wub et.uty. meet, NaCts. Dauphin, Aug 121°61 ..,s rt.) Tlili INDEPe.Nur.N. I' Aau 1-NIUN VoTElt.i uP DAUPHIN F"'W UITiZ6NB-1 °lvor tuyhelf u a n lads eudest 0 thetdtk. lur the al ht of tta .tater of WM* a. tat.o .. %ably. Sh .uld 100 sr tar t. at. as to be at et o , , prOstite to OtruleSZ.6 .11e dulled of t.e 0m.6 with &wilt , : , 111. , .1. HUILIIIa.L. •Illatoutoi torn, July 81, 161...11 awto FOB, ASSLMELY. J . FRE NIL N of Halifax town -1,..) /61 • MT. f.'ibt*-1/ tat atudh.ate t.r A,4•E4 dLT the mod grla auna..e• Pet m tue maga of the flop pies County (bey Lton. He p. egoism .ktaed obelie the dotted of the all :a with &Will • artilO•dhmie • PARUCH lAL SCHOOL. , pll E Ciztit E'emi-anual Term f this Insti -1 muss commencus this day. Pu its, (male cod to. male) the age ut.nine year. and upward@ -10 be re eatV..d.. all toe noted in...netts. of a rood Z. ad.& Oda °awn as eral as Latin and ivieer. Linguadimi sic musts. Terms: 310, lin, 3i4 and 11.6, per Rankin of bra monona, annorotne to tie uraridieu taugut. No Writ °burps of any kind. Ap.dy to C. V. MAVB, A. M, Principal, Or to Roth.. 1r Welker, D. W. Glool4@. P. Wtauling, A. .1. Harr and wa.. 4, linnad, School committee. arp2.doro ARMY OVERCOATS FOR SALE. To Newly Organised Regiznents• • A lot of the very best overcoats, made according. to th • army regulations, en , t ale mt s.i equip a full regiment, for .ale at O. &IRAN tient vSN~co., Second htteet. below 141161 Hence Haiti , 0 3arg. angeodke WANTED ) STEADY and sober young men to' join the Harrisburg CavAry aumpauy, acceprea by the Government, sod already la camp. Elmore at the rendesvoul, Exchange, Ws.laut street aogrh-dti Ca&d. C. DAV/9, Catptebt. • FOR tiALK—One of the beat business etude In the city on reasontlie ce^ms, or leesed three or era yea re It fluted in Market tIAITSI4 belllollo fourth ant nth. !enquire on the preset-ea of I) neitm DeNreL UMW :MIX B. SAUTE' . 8 , BOOT & SHOE STORE, COSNER OND AND WALNUT . EITEL Harrisburg, Pa. LW AYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SROEB, am., of me very beet 'mantles for ladles gentlemen, and oldidreoe' Prices to mdt ihe times. All Mode of won MADE TO ORDER in the ormetyle by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notion. oeillt•dtf JOHN S. SMITH. Berrtabarir • FtEGULA TIONS. BXRCR:MYR DPARZNIRT, ELuuussnaci, Sept. 8, 1861. 1. 1. No pardon will be gran ed nntil-notice of the applicad- a therefor shall have been given by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper printed in the county , ta which the conviction wa 2. No pardon will be granted unless notice of the ”ppiication therefor shall have been given to the DiArlet Attorney of the prop r County. 8. No pardon will be granted without that consulting the Judge who E resided at the trial of the party. By order of the thivernor. ELI BLLFEB, be 'y of Cow sepClm.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers