pailp oTtitgrapl. 11AHRI5BURU, PA _- Thursday Morning, September 5, 1861. A saw and handsome flagstaff has recently wen erected ou the roof of the Laucasterian chool house SYSTEat of popular lectures is shortly to be nangurated in our city with the view of pro -911'4 the cause of temperance. TIME E.XTESDED —By a recent order of Court lie time for filing exceptions to the report of he city survey commissioners has been extend .d to the 19th of October, inclusive. I:Ann.—Two American bald eagles are now domiciled in the enclosure forinerly appropriat ed to the deers in capitol park, They are fine specimens, and attract much attention from visitors. LEO BILOKEN.—A small .boy, named Robert Elliott, whose parents reside in North street, had one of his legs fractured yesterday afternoon at t h e drove yard adjoining Camp Curtin by a horse running over him. lie was carried to his residence, and is doing well. PoLlCS—Before the Mayor.— Henry Simmer, Oloon.R and J. S. McCartney, volunteers, wet e arraigned for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Discharged. Benj. Shorter—a vagrant, fnd lying around loose. Discharged, on a promise ou to leave the city forthwith. li:ityune Butler--a tight little negro, with a fart like poliehed ebony, smiling all over with god humor, was arraigned for vagrancy, having I,t en " caught napping "in the market house. Pit ,) tine was discharged. A tall, rough-hewn Millesian, who responded to t he name of Hugh McDonald, stood charged with ,Iruukenness and disorderly conduct. Sent at lois the way for thirty days. MI I [MAY Timms. —At this particular time it proper for volunteer military men, taw! , as well as privates, to post themselves the tactic: and army regulations. This can complished by experience and observation, kit in view of the recent army orders concern in competency of officers—if not from a klinte of duty and proper appreciations of the r etonsibility which they have assumed—they tia4 seek to inform themselves sufficiently be n entering the service, in order to gain the reject and confidence of their men, and also to guard against the revocation of their commis 4lls. To do this they must consult the books, which can be readily obtained at a small ex pen ie. 'lnc eITIZR.S FIRE COMPANY AND THE PILO SYLVANIA RAILROAD.—It will be recollected by our citizens that on the 7th of July lastt num ber of freight cars were consumed by R on the Pennsylvania Railroad near Higlispire. During the conflagration, Divisional Superintendent S. Young of this city solicited the services of the Citizen fire apparatus, which went to the scene of the disaster, and rendered very efficient aid in arresting the progress of the flames. On the next day the company were the recipi ents of the following communication from Mr. Young : EASTERN DIVISION PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, &TT'S OITIOR, Harrisburg, July 8, 1881. George Fager, Esq., Chief Engineer Citizen Fire Co., Harrisburg, Pa.: Sue : Permit me to thank you and your fel low-firemen for the promptness in responding to my call for aid to extinguish the fire at the burning cars near Highspire yesterday. lam authorized by our General Superintendent to present to your company, on behalf of the Pennsylvania railroad company, the sum of dollars, as a token of estvem. Please make known the fact to your fellow-firemen, and make such disposition of it as you think proper. Enclosed please find my check for that amount. Please also present my compliments to the Citi zen boys. I am, dear sir, very respectfully, &c. SAM 'L D. YOUNG, Superintendent Eastern Division P. R. R. At a stated meeting of the Citizen Fire Com pany, held subsequent to the reception of the above communication, the following resolution was unanimously adopted, viz : Resolved, That the thanks of the Citizen Fire company be tendered to the Pennsylvania rail road company, for their generous donation. Extract irom the minutes. The money thus donated was }:laced by the company in the hands of the chairman of the collecting committee, to be applied to the pay ment of the debt still due on their engine. A Karam MAN COWBIDED BY WOMBN.—An interesting cowhiding affair came off at a house in one of the streets east of the State Capitol about o'clock Tuesday evening. It appears that a married man, well known in certain cir cles, is "numerous" on love making. Nut con tent with following and addressing several of the fair sex when he should have been endeav oring to procure a living for his family, he was "getting along" so fast as to engage himself in marriage to an interesting and plucky young lady. A rumor of his already having a wife reached the ears of this lady, and she at once isited his residence, and found the rumor con firmed. The matter was quietly talked over by the injured young lady and the neglected wife, and an arrangement made for a visit in the evening to punish the recreant husband. Ac cordingly last evening both ladies armed them selves with cowhides, and waited until the coming of the husband. In a few minutes he came trudging along, innocent altogether of the warm reception he was about to meet.— When he had entered the house both ladies sprang upon him, and commenced at once to belabor him furiously with their cowhides. He yelled like a coward, and cried lustily for help. The screams attracted the attention of the neighbors who ran to the house, and succeeded in effecting his release from the hands of the injured pair. The cowhided individual was very anxious that the affair should not "get in the Papers," aml promised to leave the city. His wife Is represented as a very industrious and respectable lady, and has been obliged to labor to support her worthless husband for a long time. The young lady to whom he had enga ged himself is an orphan, and deeply feels the vat, rage thus attempted to be perpetrated upon Ver. • Tilt LIBDKRIERASSIS rlck.gro.--44:04 ,pic-nic of the liaelmen's woods takes place onaidriday, Sept. 9, Ind not rreNe Wednesday, as incorrectly stated_ lir us yester day. SaN Poxreonso.—The sentence of Adam Erb, indicted and convicted at the Court last week fur illegally selling liquors, was postponed yesterday, his attorney having Sled excep tions, and made a motion fur a new trial. A HAvmoOK RSCIEWSNT is to be organized in the siv er counties beta eenbiew Yorkaral Albany. All the members will be required to pledge themselves to abstain from the use of intoxicat ing liquors as a beverage, profanity, gambling and cards—to avoid useless desecration of the Lord's day—to encourage feligious services ac cording to individual and to use every proper effort to . olottauler the regiment a hi: h moral and religious. character. Ammo. Rammer Aoommer.—A young man named Wm. Borah, a brakeman on a coal train on the Pennsylvania railroad, was killed a few days ago by falling from the train a short dis tance east of Altoona. He had not obtained any rest for About forty-eight hours, and it is probable that he fell off the train, while over come by sleep. His body was terribly mutila ted—both lei& being severed ~,one arm broken, and a, portinual the head cut away. The de ceased was about twenty-one years of age, and unmarried. The body was taken to Pittsburg for interment. "Mesas, Am Dm CANADA ?" —Recently a farmer residing not a hundred miles from this city, was accosted by a colored "chattel"—who came out of the mountain at day-break on a "double quick"—with the words, "Massa, am die Canada?" He informed the escaped fugi tive, who did not seem to possess much knowl edge of geography, that he was indeed very far from Canada, but told him not to be alarmed on that account. The kind-hearted farmer, be sides give the "contraband" plenty to eat, supplied him with funds to prosecute his jour ney, and sent him on his way rejoicing. A Raw lisciptinvi.—The regiment: of light infantry, underlhe 'command 'of Col. Man M: Power, now at Camp Curtin, is rapidly filling up, although one or two companies can.still be accepted. The uniform consists of dark blue cap and jacket, light :blue pantaloons, and leather leggings, all in the Zouave style. The uniform is of handsome army cloth. Colonel Power is a resident of Johnstown, and wotx dis tinction as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Third Pennsylvania Regiment of three months' men. The Major of the new regiment is O. M. Irvine, also an experienced three months' officer, who is deservedly popular. Among the company officers is Capt. John H. Miller, of Pittsburg, so well known among our railroad men. In fact, the / regiment will be officered by experienced men throughout. SLUP.—There is no fact more clearly estab lishrd'in the physiology of man than this, that the brain expands its energies and itself during the hours of wakefulness, and that those are reinparated during sleep ; if the recuperiktion does not equal the expenditure, the brain with ers—this is insanity Thus it is that, in early English history ; persona who were condemned to death by being prevented from sleeping al. ways died raving maniacs ; thus it Is, also, that those who are starved to death become insane ; the brain is not nourished, and they cannot sleep. The practical inferences are these :—1 . Those who think most, who do most brain• work, require more sleep. 2. That time saved from necessary sleep is infallibly destructive to mind, body, and estate. 3. Give yourself, your children, your servants—give all that are un der you the fullest amount , of sleep they will take, by compelling them to go to bed at some regular early hour, and to rise in , the moment they wake ; and, within. a fortnight, nature, I with almost the regularity of tue rising sun, will unloose the bands of sleep the moment enough repose has been mimed for the wants of the system. This is the only safe and suffi cient rule ; and as to the question how much sleep any one requires, each must be a rule for himself, great Nature will never fail to write it out to the observer tinder the regulations just given. Mammal. THINGS are continually going to waste. The ravages may be concealed by dust and dirt, and remain undiscovered until =ex pectedly the fabric gives way. Neither paint, varnish or soap will keep'out the destroyer.— The most careful housekeeper finds Something out of order at this season of the year. `There% jobbing to be done by the mason or the carpen ter, although but twelve months ago complete renovation was effected by their services. The paint grows dingy, the carpets look shabby, the crockery diminishes in the number of pieces, and the furniture is weak in the joints. With man himself the same decay is going on, al though he is never willing to admit it. Thefirst gray hair is the silent confession of the fact, and the unpliant joint is the unsummoned witness. Ho may be buoyant when he looks up at the serene sky and breathes the fresh air, but he would acknowledge the truth, were he to say, that if a pain or twinge here or there were gone then his enjoyment would be complete. In temper, in recreation, he gradually mutates from the extravagant and exaggerated to the mild and sedate. What would have been jolty five years ago, would now be rather steupid by reason of the excessiveness. Even the heart loses its fondness and grows cold to those who once were dearest to it. Incidents which at one period would have caused a shudder and excited a sympathy, become scenes which are beheld with the calmness of indifference. It is only when the flower is fresh, and its odor new-born, that it is wholly beautiful. So with mankind. llecuring Springs and Wintets indurate, and for the pliancy of the sapling is put on the stiffnesa of the old trunk. The paraphernalia of living may be impaired, but there is no re juvenating of man. There is no prescription for choleric humors, no salve for waning sight. The fresh paint on the house front conceals the rust and the wear of the weather, and the new suit on the man disguises the failing frame. — It is but the cry of the auctioneer after all ; from the moment we - begin to breathe ve are going, going, and then in a bintitii inirae atm. CONFISCATION Or A STEAMBOAT AT PlTlsauao. — Under *he confiscation act, Collector Bachelor, of Pittsburg, seized a new steamer in course of construction, and placed her in possession of the officers of the government to be disposed of for its benefit. The boat belongs to the Hon. John Bell, of Tennessee, and is worth about $ll,OOO. As but some $5,000 only have been paid on her, the government will be benefited by the seizure only to that amount. I===l DAUPHIN COW= SHARP &LOOMS. —Mr. Geo. A. Brooks, of this city, a member of the Locblel Greys, is now in command of a company of vol unteers, recruited from among the young farm ers and hunters at Manada Furnace, in this county. The members of the company have the reputation of being excellent marksmen, having used the rifle almost from their infancy. They showed their good judgment in selecting Capt. Brooks as their commander, as he will bring into the service an experience which will go far to increase their efficiency. -The compa ny is attached to Col. Joseph F. Snipe's 'Regi ment. e==l Surnmosn.—The negro, John Lee, indicted and convicted at the court last - week for steal=, l ing a watch from John Midlam, was iienten , yesaidairt7r) tits costa of prosecutionialui tmdergnita imprisonment of four months.. This Lee, Irma 41 itccoonts, has long been in eittelialiitof Air* uputimrpeoples property. About three months mpitiker Bad abaugh found in his possession a shawl which a brother of the late Dr. Bomgardner identified as having been stolen from his brother before he died. He was not, however', prosecuted for the theft at the time, as there was - no testimony to convict him, the owner of the shawl being dead. Tam JEWISH NEw YEAs..—To-day will be the first day of the seventh month (Tishri) of the civil new year of the Israelites, all over the world where the sons of Jacob have found a home. This is always the occasion of a holiday, and is most religiously observed by all the Is raelites throughout the world. All of them will close their places of business this evening at six o'clock for three days, and where the Christian Sabbath is observed, this year many of them will keep closed for four successive days. The Synagogue on Front street will be opened to-morrow, and the ancient rites and ceremonies of the children of Israel observed in the land of Judea five thousand years ago, will be re peated in all their solemn grandeur. THE OYSTER Srason.—Lovers of oysters will regret to learn that the prospect for a large sup ply of the bivales this winter are gloomy:' 'The principal sources of supply on the 'Virginia 'shore are entirely cut off, so that the whole de pendence must be on the Maryland beds. The mouths of the Pocomoke, Monokin, Wicomico and Nanticoke, together with the Fishing bay, are the best deposits of oysters, but are not equal in flavor to those of the Virginia rivers, while they are inferior in size. The upper trib utaries of the Chesapeake also afford large quantities, theprincipril of which are the Little Choptank and Miles rivers, but they are infe rior in flavor end size. The supply now prom ises to be equal to the demand, the whole trade with the South having been cut off, and the transportation to the West so uncertain as to destroy the oysters by detention. Heretofore this trade has given employment to some six thousand persons, and to about four hundred vessels, while the annual receipts of the trade was upwards of one and a half millions of dol lars. It is now estimated that the huffiness will fall off more than fifty per cent., and an equal per centage of persons and vessels will be left without their usual employments. The great bulk of the trade heretofore done by Baltimore will find its way from Philadelphia and other northern cities, which thus far have enjoyed only a comparatively meagre portion of the bu siness. CAPrinla OF FORTS Crank AND ELMIGIAS.— The naval expedition has reported two forte, 730 prisoners, 1,000 stand of arms, 81 cannons, and camp equippage tam. This is gloriona news, and we hope will haveinfiuence with that portion of North Carolina that is disposed to be /sok This news, together with the fact that Vrich St Bowman have just received a large, stock of Fall Dry Goods, to which they invite special attention, will, we hope, have a happy effect upon the citizens generally. sep2-2t. Hamm returned from the city I now have on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha; a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash for Tovtelint. All kinds of Sunitter Dress Goods at great reduction. S. Lswr, Rhoads Old Corner. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES DR. CHRESEDIAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeserean, IC D., NNW YORK CITY. . . THE combination of ingredients In these Pills are the resuit 0( a long and extensivecirractice. Th-y are mild in their operation, and certain in Wkirecting all Irregul trines, Maud Menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether irom cold or otherwise, headache, pan in the site. palpitation of the heart, whites,.all ner vous air alone, hysterics, fatigue, pile in the back and limbs, arc , disturbed sleep, which arises from interrup tion of nature. . TO MARRIED Dr Chea.eman'e Pills are invalualfe, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. ladisa who have beeu deep,* nted in the nee of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cdtoesemoo'S Pile delng.all that they represent to do. NOTICE; - • ___- .Thereisone csndition of the feneade gem in which the Piths cannot be taken without producing a PSOULtd et R.asuz. T. The coutitibn referred to is .1"11-110NANCY -- thereettit MISCAARIAGR. Such is the {retaliate tes deocy of the medicine to restore • the meal function, toe , normal` condition, that eten the' reproductive power of mg ewe contest resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious, Explicit directions, which should be road Ro om! sny each box. Price al. Sent by mail on enclos ing Si to Da Commune L. Cannekalt, Box 4,01., Poet Office, New York City. told by one Druggist in every town in the United States, R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the UnlttskStales. & 14 wawa 3r, Heir' York, To whom all wNeolesale orders should be addressed.. Sold iu Harrisburg ny C. A. Battu= nov29Aawly MANHOOD. HOW LOST, ,HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON TBE NATURE, TSNAT.NANT AND RADIUM...R(7Ra OF SFS FMATOR. Blir.A, or Seminal Weidman', Senna Dobiliti, Nervaua eesy bsioluntary Nadsslons and Impotency resultipg from Bell-abuse, dm. By Bobt. J. 1,11. DA- Sent onner seal, In a plain envektpe; Wally address, past -0118ral. nuuuiPt two'btawtes by itn cam• J=c. 127 Bowery, New lirork. Pessoll i tee 41111=lo, A CARD TV !RR DRL DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOE FEMALES. tifidliblik s Ootriiinins, restainting, sad ramtro‘g obstrottloos, from whatever cause, and ways successful as a primes - Use. HEt;E PILLS H A VLF BEEN USEb r the dordlare ter many years, both In France an. America, with unparalleled success in every case ; anti he la urged by many Menem.: ladies who oiled them, make the Pills public for the alleviation of tho e sutrerin? Crone any irrenkehiell lithlteXpr, as well to prevern an thorreseof (amity where beadtb will not permit It.— leentalea owthstilink , Amsted. Of these suppostaa thew ashes ao, are cautioned apluet these Pine while In that oondi sa they are war. to produce mtscai riage, an. the propetanalititea no responsibility After this adm, nitlen, although tkra =ileum would. prevent aoy wte chkd to Itetiltlerwlae the Mlle are .recommendee Full and Ihkeetiepe.stoDiapilly mush Wm Priv k/ 00 per trot. witalcasie 'sad veialt•by 'OII.AKL6B 6.. BANN VART,' - No. 2 JeDee Sow, Flarrt Dimi er,iriti Ps, *Ladies," by 'Wilding.' bin .113 00 , W ebe.linirinbur, Past Onion, can Line nen 11Ile new tree o( nbeerealkw any part al tbti otiobtrylonnfideotiallyj andlorroe or pin Lao" by maa,..Sold las° by ~ S. Stamm., Itendine, lummox Uou l Cowen, Ybilndelpeibi, 1. 1.. La wenn lummox, , Ltuscassier;J i Wow, erbibbiettle ; 111 T. mien, Vern ; &bd by cab druggist to ever*, oily and village in the Union, and 8. D. Howl, ole *Weenie, elan York , - - N. o.— Look ouVor whouterlea... Bry ou thattah rtl of sag Kraal allaitt every hoz is signed S. Have.. h. others are a Noir imposition dad anamovilherstoro, you value your Mut% and itashb, (to =sysuOthingtot= br ag butobtliged of your rowsey 2 ) ouy only or show who ate* the sl• turot et 4). Bowe-on .curerry :boa. MOO a.a row a.-mret a'':1110 TO OOMMIPTIVES: TES , having been teetered to health Is a reit lie by a very simple remedy, after having suffered er-O years ,with a severe lung &rad ios. sod that dread . disease, COn3tialPiblartie. - =Bone 10 make known to his Isalose , milivef: , the mama of cure. To all who desire it, he will serf it copy o f the pre scription used (free K charge) with.the,directipais fur preparlue and acing' the same, which they will end a sure cure Ihr Ckihsumtaioo, Asthma, Bronchitis, en. The only object of tkit advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit thediffliciad r allideriread detbrmatkin which be eubceives to be °valuable, and he hopes every ent erer will try hist remedy. ash-will coat them nothing, slid may prove &Vetoing, 7... Parties within gibe prosbriptitiu Will please address REV. EDWAPD,A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, ti las county, New York tatuid•wl y PIIIttrY Tirit -:BLOODE• litiamds Las PILLS AND Pllllllllll, BMW . - hie from all *oral Poisons.—ln tutees of :lcroful.. Ulcers Ellenrsy,tar Ertaltlonerd akkhSkin,ltiff - gperktlon of ;be Life Medalist% is truly ast.nlntneg, often removing In is few days, nary vestige of these Malmo:as dtsesses byl their purifying Meets Oil the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever sea Agilif;tl¢mpopina, Dropsy, 10t1ee,...u.1 U, tbort, ROM eli diveakell wiloo TlikklArk Weir OUrative proporlick tin faintly should ba *about Munn, 4- by aunt tnn"h urn muob suderboutud expense may De setr , ..l Preper..d by wig fl. 1101 ,1 *A1, le • 1.., ! , .1..w York, e d for .sle by all Dr st 110,11v-11 Di nu ,2tungtisenunts NOTlCE.—Having returned from the war and recovered lrom a BMWS libels. I am now I repay ed to magma the pr.ctice or my profetwon at the same old plane, (layea Butidlag,) Market Square, where I can be fon. d at all nines in the ratan. Pr. J A CARMAN, Dentist. eepB•dBt* Omoa U. S. Oroonssarty or ffidnurrarrora; t -Ruptmem,l9, - Se_pt. 2 ) 4861. EALED PROPOSALS, ,endorsed " Proposals 1.11 for Rations" will berecerVed by the under- signed at his office, unlink; m., on the 7th inst., for supplying complete army Ration (raw.) for the York Permaylvanlk Regbient or, Rome Guards, in the service of the ijuited States. Said reams tohe delifverbd at enablimes, at Om several stations of the Regiment, as may' be designated by its commanding officer, and on his requisitions. Bids must state the price per ration delivered as above. A contract, which must be executed (with bond for faithful- s Ormance) within four days . - awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, for the period of six months, unless sooner tea:mi l:tato:llw the United States Commissary General. `The undersigned reserves the right to reject all unreasonable bids. B. DU BARRY, sep2-4t Captain and C. 8., 11. B. A [York Republican please SHIRTS I SHIRTS! ! SHIRTS! HOME MANUFACTURE. THE OHEAPE TIN THE MAESET. HE undersigned i:sving opened their m tianuf.ctory of Shirts &c., at No. 12 West market street, Harrisburg, Pa , most respeotihilv solicit the peu ming° and attention of the ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of 'which are our own manufacture : SHIRT'S, • . BOSOMS, Oui-Letm CCFFB waIIMB&NDS, • HIGHT At0.,'&13 , Sao., &a., Also the particular attention of the ladies,to our largo ahlortment of under garments Ato , (from the latest im proved London and Parts styles,) COLLARS, CUFFS, Sena &c., in great varieties, all of which being ear own maunuracture we will sell cheaper than can ne purchased elsewhere. Persons desirous of fornishlngtheir own materials, ow have cutting, mewing Sic., of every variety done at: curd ling to order. Alt of the 1010911 name d goods tor Ocala weir, we witl make to mts,ure, guaranteelsg to St, and give entire Satisfaction to the purchaser for style durability and m tenet Ail ipizuil orders will be promptly at tended to epee theishoetest ;One and limit reasonable terms. Also Herrmann supplied upon the most renew , able terms. . P. S. La.dies visiting Warta or wider garments of any niseription t eiurtosyn „them : Typed. to- order by sending sample or such kinds as may be desired. LYNN at RICHMAN, No. 12, market street, wrf 9 . 4s ro , , flarrisbarg, Rooms next door to Hummel di HOlinger's wow), SofErt W'ALLONvEIIt nLuAgt. • • t R F 0 tit Al4l .rm. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 4 1 10008 AND MFACHANDISE promptly qui forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern ICentral, Cumberland Valley aid Panneylrania Railroads ad ; Canal. HAULING AND DRAYINO to and, from all parts of the re city to the diflent Railroad depots will be done at the . Iseryleirestratea. . Ltrausa remoovyiinng wlp be PFP.IO I7 0400 to. Orden oft it Brii nVe itirrOnean must, oe it Ole 'store la E. S. Zollinger, will realm) prompt attention. Con;- ,eignmenta of freight respectfully solicited, • RAIN WALLOWBR; JR., ;Ail., apt - Onleolimedies Dew* THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. HE vast amount of proierty destroyed lout i v v aby : Elsbintog li rt .to be Air 0 RidtgaMitUlllMl6 l = el at W. be attended to. WOO APISCII tel IS vial ings it «7 jel3-d 5, - 1810 Nun tabiurtismtnts WHOLESALE UMBRELLA ILANITFAOTORY I No. 69, Market Street, below Third, 41.4\ ILERRIBBLIRG, PA. >l)‹ . M. s. LEE, • MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PAR/001d we ALKINO CANES, will furnish trod* at LOWER PR((E than can be bought in soy of the Mutt rn cities. Country merthsints wid do well to call and examine prices and quality, and convince them selves of this fact. augndly. GUM GO OD S FOR THE ARMY, WC* AA Bet* Pillows, Dlsakots, Coats, Caps, Loggias, Drinking Caps, &c, YOB SLIM NI Wl S. sirisirss, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HABRISBI7II4, PA. anin•dailis • PAROCHIAL`SCHOOL Tilt] sixth F.emi-anuel Term of this Inbti• mos commenced this day. Pupils, (male and fe male) of the age of nine years and upwards sill Nice moved. All the usual banshee of a good Sogdsh ado ption as well as Latin and Greek languages ate taught. .Tsysos : NB, SA. 414 and $l6, per somion of live monlbs, according to the branches Sauget. Ntrextra charges of may kind. Apply to C. V. MAYS, A. M., Principal, Or to Rude. F Selkar, D. M. Gross, G. P. Wiestling, A. J. Herr and Geo. S. tankel, School CVmml4es. sei•24loo t rAItiTSI) at, the Harrisburg Car Shop VV , 43 1 10000 MOULDERS aid FOUsDOOD NAOS SMMISJ W. T. lULDRUP, Supt. sei.Zdtt A Y OVERCOATS FOR SALE. TO 'Newly -Organised Bagtiftenta. ALlot of the very beet overcoats, made •aeaolniing to the arm 7 regelations, and engleien to equip a MI regiment, are for sale at D. SHRUM BE itt tin & CO., Second street. below &Mel Bone. Harris. burg. angBOillm GENERAL ORDER NO. 5 EKAD-QuAtEms P. hL, 1 Harrisburg, August, 29,1861. f Officers recruiting for regiments accepted by the State of Pennsylvania, can, if they desire it, receive commutation for rations, for their re cruits. That is to say, the Colonel of a regi ment or the Captain a company, as the case may be, will receive thirty cents a day for each man be shall bring to Camp Curtin who shall be; mustered into the service of the United Stites, from the time of the recruits being sworn in; before a Magistrate, until his arrival at camp. Provided, That the whole time charged for any one man, shall not exceed ten days. When transportation is desired for compan ieti or parts of companies application will be made to these Head-Quarters. ; By order of Governor A. G. CUETIN, Com znander-in-Chief. CRAIG BIDDLE, an29-d6t WANTED ; QTEADY and sober young men to join ),) the Harriabura Cavalry company, accepted by the G O Verfitaellt, and already camp. Enquire as the rendezvous, Exchange, Walootstreet. ango26-dtr CELLS. 0. DAVIS, Ceptain. 801110FItit'S BOOK BTO.R.R 1 (Near the Elarritburp Midge.) JUST. RECEIVED Ireul the 1.• 41 " 'ia"ub , atoOn 4,o ollmicara.u. Nola • riot, •,••4 , we wilPsell at aLlii per fteel ' • 1011.00 per ream. Car NOTE PA: 33, deco;ltell with Illp Haat and very handsome embleme and patriow $3.50 Poor 1000 WHIT,: ENTFLOPES, ..fah national 4.1.11 patriotic emblem*, printed lu two colors. Please give na a call. THSO. P. SCHlrillilt, ier" GILT FRAMES I GILT maxis! Z. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, (WI and Rosewood Mouldings Ase. HAM.3IIBBII.IIG, P.A. French Mirrors, square and Oval Portrait Frames of every description. OLD FRAMES IFIE.GIVIP TO NEW. ' OR 6ALE.—One of the best business stands in the city on remould° terms, or leased for three or Ave years nitrated in Market street between . Fourth and MM. Inquire on the pre mhos of j) 942 m DANUI. Lgurr. JOEITI B. SMITH'S SOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STK Harrisburg, Pa. LW AYS on hand a large assortment of t Boors, MOM, WAITE/LS, Sm., of me very beat tettlitine for ladies, gentlemen, and childrenst wear,— Frites to snit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO CIRDIK In the best style by superior workmee REPAIRING done at short notice. ortl6-dtf JOHN R. MUTH, Harrisburg VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and En wavers on Wood§ N. B. COB. PERTH & CHESTNUT SI'S., Pkkoidphcs. . . LIXECUT.E. all .kindw of Wood Engraving wail beauty correctness .and dispatch. Original designs furnishes ' for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons Winhic.ll% en hY fmtsling Photegraph °Oleg aerreot, ye, ®nhave ows,Cf Mesas, Churches, iltor trouts, Machines, StoVes, Patents, &c., engraved as well on pnr seqat application. Slerty linvelopes,,.iabels, Bill Readings, -sox btt i 4, vatting, rube, and other Cards, engrav -1 0 tho highest stylnotari., and aline lowest prises FOUSpOOIOI43IO Or Bile engraving, see the Illustrated worts or J. B. Lippincott &Co., B. B. Butler'kCie. oct% lyd I:T.N3ZI-IDELICAL = - STA.T.gBtreet near Third street, a few doors below BradVe Hotel, dorrisb.4rg• A Ave auw.Heans,lleadY mied..Ctalks. l 4l l lo. ol LlWlWOlEgt motif oidei. gavel -pliitewato-rea ronable. [tn3o43ohn C. BAKER. FOR REKT.,--The large briols, dwelling house now. oneapled by David Mumma Jr. Esq., on Third street near Market, with an office sultana for an attorney. Posgestdon given teit or October' next. En quire at the Prothonotarrs offieti. WA. Jiangsu.. • Aug6-dtt. Select Soho°lo for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET. ABOIMIE LOCUST TFHE Fall term of ROBERT It'ELWEE'3, &hoot for boys, will open on the first Monday IR September: • The room itt-well-ventileted r igpathwaably. furnlabed, and in every reepeet adapted fOrniliool - • pose& CATHARINE hlTlAliirdi ached for girla, located in the same building, will ppm - kr the . Fall term at the same 4 Tbe room las/keen elegantly Wed up to promote the health and comibrt of scholars. anaggdif RE,MOVAIk irrHE tru'6c4'4.EpoußlßEß e ihoved his i 1 PLUllEttnektasAtathi.Faegar.a.t fro® 41 arket tlimet unatarinar i Psi= ° ' 124131 1 011 • 101.01114t9P011tOltiVer (Eanbaratq. - QOUNTY (.1041111.SaION.W. , PHE imdersigiied offers himself As a candidate tee She glade cf COMFY 001‘111*10iC ER, subject to the nominating convention, an i pledges biwkst If if nominated and elected led's' barite the dntia or the 4 Rico with ft 4etity, PHILIe HOFFMAN. ang2B To FOR ASsEM BLY DANIEL KENDIG, of Middletown, kkt fora 611'680 se a candidate for the SPATE USU. LATORK at the ensuing election, stiblret to . the action nt tne People's Comity Convention Ana pledges I:awe& to dleobarge the duties of the nine boa t•tly and faith fully. aug24-dtc FO IL A 58,14 MBLY . D'I'HOMAS G. FOX, or Derry town ship, offers bin/calf .s A caotddate far the STATE. I.sol , LAt USE at the encalog wets I, ti. aubj et to to • ac. bon of the P.•ople's County Cooventioe.. ue • promise. If elected to dtscu . rge the nude, of [ha dhoti with gidelity aut . A .... •. . • . FOR PROTHONOTARY j C YOUNG, offers himself as a candl e. sante for th+ office of Prothonotary 3teor ri m pbta county qt the en,u4 el, eo n . Be tug •ge*V shset , t l to perform the dulled o the aline with thleaty. auir,l6-dawte FOR REGISTER • i t i BRA HAM H. BIiVEH, of East Han°- , Tor t otters himself as a candl..atl for oiI:CVOS it at the .tting election. solidi ct to tne action nt khe Pooplein County Cony. Mids. He proinis a if elected to di ch ince the du.lee of the La ic. whit ft i hty a 122 die FOR ASSEMBLY "Cr D. 430Et4481N ER, of Graz offers ijs hi nisei i as a candidgto for the Sr sTg I.FODt. A TLI Kr. at the ensuing election, soblect to she at tion of the People's °suety Convention. lie prs zni=es. if elec. , ed 40 (Webers, the eutm of the othee with Sdehty. aus2l-00:44 FUR PROTHONOTARY D A . B. SUTER offers himself a• • candidate for the Enke of i'l 0r11.. , Ni1l KIT, &c , at the ensuing elemoe, and pledges b u t reputatmn for atteption to business as a guarantee fo ibe taittdul per formance of Its duties, if elected. Harrisburg, Augoin2l, 1851. 1144. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. IRS ENJAMIN BICK, of Harrisburg, of. ALID fere tilmeelf as a tanaidate for COU' TY Titliefitj Ka at the e suing election, suojeet to the action of the Peopled County Coirceottun He promisee. If elected to' din:piano the dative of the office with fidelity. apgl7-dawtc FOR, REGISTER AMU M A RQ,I7 A H.T, of liarrie burg S elLys himself as a cnntiidite f r rtEtai rE H. at tun ensuing et °Con tabiect to the action of the b 's County Convention. He promises if elected to Meal** the duties of the Ciro %ht. Ludo au:l7.dt +qv TO I'LIE VOTER6OF DAUPHIN CI ;UNIT. ELLOW CITIZENS : 1 offer ,myeell he ' • Candidate for County Tree: met at tbe emitting Weldon. subject to •he action of be Peop Out ••ty's Con vection. rbould Ibe so imamate to be clewed I pledge myself to discharge the duties of Said oln o with fidelity. ISAAC Leek:. Etansibia, Aug. 181881 -4.* TO THE INDEPENDE;NT AND UNION VOTEH OF DAUPHIN I OUNTY. FELL'W.I;ITIZENH-1 o ff er myself *a a Union Independent candidate for the al's) of Be. gager cal Wale of 1 acptun county. Should Ibe no tor-', tubule at to be elect a, 1 promise to discharge the duties . of tee office with Webb'. .I.llOldhl B. HUMBEL. • Ilummelatown, July 31, 1861.ollawtc A. D. C FOR ASSEMBLY. COL. J A FR EEL ND, ol Halifax town. ! offers t.'‘os.ll or a seudifiate for AS-Igil at the enstilug election to , Pet to the action or the fee plq's County tlenv. utton. He p.olDifiell, cleated to dia. charge the dunes of the Gate with fidelity. anglii-datvio FIEII.F" .1133311 Et' IS DAILY an LINE! ettiiven Philadel ohia • LOOK 1103:11c, JOINT "1101 th. INIILIAMISPORT 11011104, UNIONTOWN, W,AIBOIIIIOWS 14117XUA, JXIIIIIIIII7IK, NORI2II7IIMILLAMD, rasBONT , Twevowton, Gsozocrowx, LTILINSIOV.II. sIIRCI, Daoraor. D II& RIUSBII RU. The Philadelphia Depot bete: , entrtily located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A C didnutor goes through wan each train to attend to toe s ,fe delivery st all goods entreated to tee line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FKIIED, WARD & FIIBIIID, No. 811 Mar- et &est, Phila delphia, by 6 o'clock P. 11, will be .livored in Harrisburg the next morale Freight (always) as kw as by any other no. ,Particular attention paid by Ibis line i....econipt and speedy delivery of ab Harrtsbur nods. (the undersigned thankful for pant oatru a hopes by atrict attention to busies.. to inert eon o tea of We some T. Pale . dell dam DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON 13ENTISTI tFFERS his services to the oitizeue o kJ/ Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o inn public pstrouage, and Fans assurance that tuts best endeavors shall be given to render sailsfarivion in his pro fession, aping an old, well tried dentist, he feels sale in aviling the public generally 10 Can OD him, !assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, -Moe No. 'OS Kaska street, in the bouse formerly eu -upler.l by Jacob H. buy, near the United States Hotel, • Fiaryfeburs. STEAM WEEKLY, , . ii :I:4L =airl- ~ k ., N BICTWILEN NEW YORK 1 -IL .' I. E i ....: 1 .., ... AND LIVERPOOL. 1:N 3 tIN,, AND EMBARKING *PAS= b . , :.0 En-- al QUEENSTOWN, prelascl„) the 14wor , I. •ew . on; and Philadelphia Steamship company lolei , i ii.spatohing their full powered Ciyde.bulß iron &m,,nekips sa follows : GLASGOW, Saturday Semptember 7; CITY or BAL TIMORE. Saturday doptanber 14 ; KENGEEOO, Satur day; September 21, and every Saturday at Noon, from Pies 44, North River. • RAM OP PA9IAOI. MST CA BIN $75 00 BIRBRAGE.... ..... 00 do to London $BO 00 I do to London ..$BB Of/ Steerage Return Make, good for els. Korn u. $BO 000 Passengera also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Better- Orimi, Antwerp, Sc., at equally low rates. la... Persons wianhig to urwg t.ut their Inends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York: Front kaverpooi or Queenstown; let Oahu; 105, 185 sad 11106 . -*erase from Liverpool 340 00 Front Queenstown, Sa° 00, Thee* Steamers balm superior accorareedattOtis for Fera. and .carry experienced &recaps. They are' lt T. Wafer-tight Iron Section., and have ['meat Fire ibllaters on board. Fur further iniormatum apply at Sup Cost a Any's Offices 15 Bromiway p New York. Or 0. - 0. 7.imroArmatt. Arent, Barr6bpre au23 •tt A CHANGE FUR A BAItH - AIN: •10 close up the Concern the entire • stock of SILUESOKKOM, Itta.,..late of (lever Be 1- an, deceased, in thc. rooms ta the Marion :.quare, will e sold at private sale at OMR; and the roams wtil ,bp4 rented to the purchaser if desired. The terms Wl' Mks Made easy. -/el7-dtf . UAW' 1.. Ht..llS ftteoa, si TO FARMERS 1 IR UTTER (good, sweet and fresh) in* 17 pound. roln, and fr.& Et:GB In Ml* end iimadittee taken at all times and mush paitl given In exchange. Wow . market always . pad:: Wei. DOCK, Jll., W. Oppodifeithel atiglit - °mat 111 VlKKOhitli MADE from choice and selootoxt:4ppi efil - and guaranteed by us to beistrlctly i "4444 vs. City Property for .Bals, L A LARGE TWO—STORY BR ROtrtgr a nd lot of ground, pleasantly lorsit4 on Trout WK. ureenhialberry zinnias(' Waalaingion Avenue. .Alan.TWO LAnalt . elleut tone. Apply in , No. 211,13nuti", d . 7 N1114111 CIDER 1 I I—Stifoll lygia itiaas ; i x meat . * nvesy•Ntate Aetna , -1 • -5. I mo. . X - .11411/ '-`71,"7—• Pniladelphl. and ea Lino • Prot of Aiarket 41r se •. flhlrg 3140. G. DALE, Agent,