aitDEelegrapb, forever Root that standard sheet I What breathes the foe but fall. before tag Wittig Freedom's roll beneath our feet, And Freedom*s banner streaming o'er us OUR PLATFORM! ON—THE CONSTITTITION—AND i ' cIiOEMENT OF THE LAW. rim 1 milIC EE RRISBURG, PA Thursday Morning, September 6,1861.$ Official. APROLATTMENTS BY THE GOVERNOR The following appointments of Surgeons and Assfetant Surgeons were made by Governor Curtin to-day : FAIRGEONB. Dr. E. W. Bailey, New Bloomfield, Pa. " T. Marsh, Honesdale, " " Wrn. A. Gobrecht, Philadelphia, " " C. F. H. Campbell, " I " Samuel G. Lane, Chambereburg, " " John H. Frornberger, Bristol, Bucks Co., Penns Dr. R. M. 8. Jackson, Cresson, Cambria Co., Pa.. Dr. A. B. Meylert, Scranton, Luzern Co., Pa. Dr. W. B. Woods, Pittsburg, Pa. 11118LBSTANT SURGEONS. Dr. J. H. Sheets, Dale, Barks Co. Pa "B. Donnelly, Philadelphia, " " J. B. Finney, Harrisburg, " " J. W. Lyman, Lock Haven, " J. F. Huber, Lancaster, " James R. Reilly, Harrisburg, " "W. C. Rodgere, Norristown, " "J. P. Vickers, West Chester, " " H.'S. Colson, Philadelphia, " " Ambrose J. Herr, Strasburg, " Approved A. G. CURTIN, Governor 7T3 THE PUBLIC. We are authorized - to state that, in, conse-, quence of the great pressure of business at the Executive office, Gov. Curtin will only be ac cessible to those having business with the state from 10.,a. in. until 1 o'clock p. m. This is made absolutely neeessary to afford the Governor time to arrange the usual routine of his official busi ness, and isle° to protect him from all annoy ance end interruptions. The state.of his health, as well as the public service, require that this rule sboaldhe_rigidly, „enforced, and those hay inghriaibeek9f an offiCial or Private nature will be expected to.observe it strictly„ We /nays* state, that the business of the Commonwealth is always transacted at the Executive clutraber instead of the Executive mrmsion, SO, that.per-; sons may,be paved the trouble of calling ; A the latter place for the transaction of any business. We earnestly hope that this request will be complied with, and that Gov. Curtin will be spared as much as possible from the importuni ties and interruptions of the public. And we may add that his physicians insist that unless he Is left to the unmolested pursuit of his offi cial business, and to such repose as is necessary for the•strongest constitution, he will soon be come physically unequal to the great labors of Slum, of Berks county, declined the. Democratic nomination for judge of that judicial district, on the ground that he could give,,,lko, other pledge than that he would, be faithful to the judicial positiOn L if he was eiect. ed. Mr: Smith is a very able , lawyer, but the convention would not nominate him, and placed Warnatt;J:..:Woixiward, of Columbia county, on the ticket for that position. Mr. Woodward declined the nomination of the Democracy of the:.Montgomery.district, fearing a defeat, but readllpaccepted that of his Berks county allies, because he is sure of an election—at least he can be, from the political complexion of that county., We hope, however, that. Mr. Smith will, permit his name to be used as an independent candidate for thejudgship. If he does so, it would matefially, affect the, prospects of Mr. Woo dward, as can bear witness to the great popu larity and high character of Mr. Smith, from an acquaintance of many years. Ix pp% A te, op; a u'. Itt Of all jpatriots at the erafrquk,,of g the' ex ITtiori of Commodore Stiingham and` General Butler are yet fresh in their hearts, we would like to knQw whether the sensation ca lumniators of members of the Cabinet, who b 4l O lieehocoustoul,dA9 tlltt!r,lbt4e all Wlte.s idkqul R 44 to the ~-fteqetat,iett. t he i*FiX. or par, (as the case might be,) will have the fair neat to ascßibe to those functionsaies any share of the honor of the late victory ? Come now Letal. #l,ir.klay I Jf Becrftqles Cruueret add akin to be assailed when niisehance occurs to our army, let them, at least, be hon orably commemorated when they are conquer- OIL 414:6141.1tK8W10N and the war ` for; the unionbs,..pprAhle . s.chgote4 to the...rise and progress of thimppellion,.puhlishectat New York every WedrlbidaY,l* Frederick Gerhard, No. $l, Nassau street. From the innitial number we are induced to believe that it will be a cor rest and:most useful cOmpendirirn of the events connected with this rebellion,:and a record to which the people can refer at present and here atkfor factmelatini to the first ingeti treason against the republic, down to the close of the contest. We commend it to our readers as worthy of the most general patronage. . . COLs t..lit:autt, a gallantsoldie; and' one of thii l id'Of the batik) of Stone litidie, is named in the New York'. Papers 413 a candidate for sheriff n'tt h at city. The;:ptirrie and 05• , ROY ::irtt l , feell 3 6lPlhatt tiosigey a ~,, ,z envy je , than the saltiry ot ihr bientdent - orit o Vatted itstes. BATTLE. It is evident from all the indications around and beyond Washington, that a great battle is approaching between the loyal troops of the government and the rebel hordes of the traitor dynasty. The influences that are hurrying this encounter are as much the demoralized state of the rebel hordes, as it is the approach of autumn and its frosts to kill the deadly influences of a southern climate, and thus remove every bar rier to prevent invasion by the federal troops. They have had a lesson at Hatteras. They can anticipate other inculcations and like results along their entire coast, and with Fremont threatening them on the' Missouri and Missis sippi, the army at Manassas must either move north under the lead of its officers and attack Washington, or it will disband itself to protect their menaced homes in the south. The lea ders of the rebellion are impressed with this fact, and will therefore seek a battle as soon as . possible. Added to this, the fact of two large armies being encamped almost within gun shot of each other, with the pickets of both engag ing in daily skirmishes, must hurry a, general collision, and such a battle outside and around the federal capital, as has never before been fought in this country. That battle will do much towards deciding the general result of this great contest for. Constitutional liberty. Our foes have been concocting their plans for' years for this very , struggle—they have had the advantage of power, position,, administrative experience and military. training, so that the arming and discipling of their hosts at Manassas and Richmond are alreost the last acts of the treason which originated in South Carolina in 1888, and is culminating now in the rash and bitter determination of destroying Constitu tional liberty, cornPetely, and forever among the nations , of the world. . We have a right to be hopeful and sanguine in respect to the battle in anticipation. The men who are nui;rshaled in defence of the capi tal, appreciate the OF for which they must sooner or later contend, and when the contest does come, the victory will certainly be with the right. MILITARY EXPENDITURES OF . TEM' ,STATE. We are informed'that an account made up at the Anditer general's office r of the moneys ac tually for military expenses,. at, that office, up to and including • the. 81st day of Au gust ult., amounts to the sum of $1,515,716 40. This includes all,.expenditures actually made, whether on Auditor general or governor's warrant, since the, commencement of the re hellion, for enrolling,.subsisting, clothing, sup 7 plying, arming,. equipping, paying and . trans portingtrocPs, and all incidental expenses con nected therewith. The amount of outstanding unsettled accounts is not actually known. It is not believed that it can exceed—nor thought that it can reach $lOO,OOO. • Smile of the moneys included. in the find. stated' aggregate are probe: bly in the hands of the heads of the several military departments, not yet disbursed, and may be in part refunded to the tress*. We think Wit thi t 6 -14.4t9TELOTItmin affect every person with surnbitte_at.tho Hy- • .•• • . the amount expended.. More than 40,000 troops have been transported, subsisted, nearly all clothed, enti'many pi, them have .received two months' pay, or more, from the state. Cer .tainly, considering all that has been done—the circumstances under which it was done—the many and loud.clamors, that have - been raised about improper expenditures, frauds and impo sitions, and thei great number of men that had to be provided with every rAquisite for the war,. there la, very g!xxi _evidence of, care, economy and prudence in the disbursement to be found in the above statement. We believe it will con', pare favorably with the accounts of any other state, as it has , sunrise& many who were more or less connected,..or conversant with the husi ness, for the amount is so far at least twenty five per cent beloW their estimates. COL. ;OATH F, IC.NIP.L'. The operations and 'sic:A*4o 3 of lturi soldier:have been conducted so quietly And with so little ostentation or display hat only his most personal and intimate friends hay° been able to, learn their value and:extent. Under his own immediate inspection and supervi sion, the regiment he has been ordered torecruit by Gov. Curtin inflow nearly full, and Col. Knipe copfidently expects that before two weelnilniin elapsed iiii,Corps will be entirely: organized and sworn into the service of the United States. It will be composed of tried and picked men sothat it will enterthe service not as a bedY,4 raw cruits, but as a regiment of soldiers. who, have seen service,- and who have experience and courage equsl meet the emergencies and dangers of the times. Col. Knipe himself; though a young man, is an _old soldier. He has seen service where death and carnage pre vailed, and in two wars won for, himself a repu tation in toe tanks which he can scarcely, eelipe by, any deed he may _do while in ,command, notwithstandini we have a right to exiled for him such an account as will be a initification and a. glory to his frienciS and himself, and a terror to-our,common ~externies. THEY DID NOT RESPOND The Tao* Lqack says that P on Satitrday : the 24110 4ngust,the People of Chicage, of parties, held an immense and enthusiastic war meeting The day before it was to assemble tfie g iisall° , lTrile 7l#9 l `l!.!lnee As, gleat "IlnA Run,. viotory,' has. abandoned the war cry of "Onward to Richmond," , for a war upon Cam eron, insisted that the meeting shotild deinand : the removal of that gelitkmen• But it *qms to have , donkno such thing. On the contrary, it pledged itself to stand by the administration to the death in its efforts to put down the re bellion. No charge of inceM,Petencyor ,cor ruption was made against . the. Secretary of War, or any other member of the atinainistrii -I.?r a 1?!PA 'ft. '9 l y . c l .lOO in the CabinetQ. discordant notes, wgr,e hushed, and. the whore vast assemblage milted with one voice in declaring that the government must be in:stain eitnd the war prosecuted with the utmost pos-. ,429 A {Virginia place the number of theJekeltrksiwof that state now in the field at fifty-five thousand men. I)ettnoptuania !Daily 4ti elegrapt), September 5 1861. The following estimate, furnished to the Bos ton journal, has been prepared from a variety of sources, and is presumed to be a close ap proximation to the truth : From Texas. 8,000 From Florida... 2,000 From Louisiana.l3,ooo From Misaissippi.l7,ooo From Arkansas..lo,ooo From Alabama. 16,000 From Georgia...2l,ooo Total Deduct for sick and wounded Balance . 192,000 These troops are distributed as follows : - -r. In Eastern Virginia 90,000 Western Virginia 10,000 Missouri - 53,000 New Orleans,Mobile, Pensacola, Sayan- ~. nah, Apalachicola and Charleston-- 15,000 Tennessee 15,000 Texas 5,000 North Carolina 4,000 Rebel forces; in . Eastern, Virginia. Number required to ; ratch Banks and the upper PotomaC. 15,000 Number required to g-uard Ma nassas, Richmond, Norfolk, York and Fredericksburg... .15,C00-80,000 largest No. aye:liable to attack Wash'n, 60,000 Estimate of United States troops, August 28 At and around Washington 100,000 At, and around Baltimore 7,000 At and around 'Harper's Ferry.... 16:000 At and - around Frederick 2,000 At and around Fortress Monroe... 6,000 In Western Virginia 20,000 Aggregate 150,000 In Missouri and at the mouth of the Ohio and Cairo In, the field We have then In the field. Against the three first bodies of Rebel troops all in the field But we may have until i rithin the last fort night been numerically weaker than the Rebels. But while the Confederate States have nearly , exhausted their supply of troops, we have : First the... , .206;000 ,likChigati..... 6,060 And may esti- New Jersey.. 8,000 mate as now Wisconsin... 4,000 enlisted and lllinois 80,000 preparing to Indiana.. -.. 24,000 take the field Ohio, about.. 20,000 by Sept. 15, Kentucky ... 8,000 in New Eng- - lowa 6,000 land 10,000: Missouri 5,000 .New York.... 14,000 l' ,Pennsylvania . 12,000 r X0ta1...,....644,000 If to this we add for recruits enteiing new Army Regiments already offered 6,000 We may expect in all Sept. an aggre gate 0f......... , 860,000 To be gustnitied . hp. cw'N Nan, will have afloat by Vctober at lefi : E • iti . l,6oo cannon. _ If it be found advisable to add to , this one third, more, and carry our trial:* up to , nearly 600,000, We may rely„ , fnr the 150,000, without drafting, on'the followinestaies. Indiana New York.. Massachusetts. Other New Eng 5tate5........ 7,000 Pennsylvania. 10,000 Western Vi r- ginia 5,000 Michigan 5,000 Eastern Tennes- see lowa In the course of September we may expect to have a preponderance hi forces of 76 per cent over the rebels. Population of the 'Rebid States Over-estl ma 0 . Newspaper_riters continually 44er-estimate the free population of the rebel States. 'The two free States of New York ~ andi mead in population the .free population of the entire eleven. Confederate,Stata. , Item are the exact statistics from the census of 1860 : Slave States. Free Pop.l Free States. Free Pop. ' Alabama -529,164 , ' Arkansas, 321,823. Florida, 78,686. Georgia, 595;097. Louisiana, 376,918 Mississippi, 351,699 N Carolina, • 661,586 S. Carolina, 801,271 Tennessee, 831,063 Texas, 420,661 Virginia, 1,105,196 Total, 5,68.1,649 !Total, 5,599,295 . • The alcove she* an excess , of free population in the two free States , named over that -of the eleven Confederate States of about 18;0 souls. These•Statea have three and a half 'Millions of slaves, which, in a long war, will not an element of atreng4, particularly if tie terrible altematiye be presented to our peoPlii, " Shall our liberties or slavery perish?" Cin. Gazette. Dream Tex ni 1814.—A. direpttax of six millions was levied by Congress, in 1814, for the support of the war with Great Britain. The following are the quotas assigned to each State; • New Hanriakire........ -- .sPApao 74 Massachusetts 682,404 90 Rhode Island 64,404 36 Conrieeticit 286,885 41 Vermont 90,687 43 New' York 860,208 24 New Jersey 217,743 66 Pennsylvania i lt• 770,958 87 Delaware 64,092 90' Maryland 803,247 60 Virginia 788,860 - 88 Kentucky 387,857 52 Ohio . .. ... ... . 208;200 28 ' North barolina 440,476 66 Tennessee 320,178 10 South ...... 808,810'96 Georgia 189 812 98 Louisiana 88;500 00 Total 6,000,900 00 • This wee a much heavier tax, acajording to property and PoPtilatiOn than the twenty mil lions levied by the last session of Congress: None but the rederalista objected to paying it. who were oppOied to the, war, and for that op position suffered annihilation. Only secession sympathizers are opposing the present tax, and they will be consigned to eternal infamy. A sawn of thirty-four guns ,was fired at Al bany yesterday, by order of Governor Morgan, in honor of the exploit of our forces at Hatteras Inlet. When will Pennsylvania salute the same glorious event f .- • SING& the Richmond papers anuOunced the surrender of Roeec n 8 toy the gbvernruent at Washington has received direct advicearom the former intimating that he and his command are all right. Troops in the Field TROOPS OF CONFEDERATES From S. C 16,000 From Virginia. 40,000 From NI Wend . 10,000 From 13 entucky 4,000 From Maryland 1,000 From Tenn' see. 30,000 Total An excess of more than 26 per cent.. 53,000 20,01* I Miasocod 6,000 20,000 1 Wisconsin 10,000 b,OOO New Mexico .16,000 8entacky........6;000 [Maryland . . .. . . .8,000 Xansas , and ... braska .3,000 Recruits for Army and Navy at the West 15,000 10,000 5 , 000 I New York, 3,887,542 Illinois, 1,711,753 Capture of Forth Hatteras and Clark. INCIDENTS OF THE SURRENDER. From another letter we gather the following incidents of the fight and surrender : A short time before the surrender of Fort Hatteras about three hundred of the rebel gar rison had taken refuge in the bomb proof mag azine, which was so crowded that several faint ed, and when a shell struck and penetrated it, a panic ensued which the officers could not control. Within ten minutes afterwards, our shots meantime raining in upon them, the white flag was run up During this time most of the casualties occurred. The prisoners manifested great surprise at falling into Uncle Sam's hands, from whose grasp they had believed themselves perfectly secure Ihe rank and file were equal ly astonished to find that they were fed and sheltered instead of being slaughtered in cold blood. The officers felt keenly the miscarriage, and did not hesitate to say that North Carolina had got a severe blow. All mauifested great anxi ety to know what was to , be done with them, and were assured that they were going among better friends than they had at home, and where they would receive full rations regularly. The last consideration seemed to afford great satisfaction to the privates. When the capitu lation took place, the provisions of the garrison were running very low, consisting principally of salt junk and molasses. The rebels' shells were filled with sand. But few fuses were found in the fortress. The shells were supposed on shipboard to be rifled shot, owing to . the sand. The powder in the fort was of 11 poor quality. There was a large number of percussion caps, rebel make. The copper - was not water-proof, and they were very poor. About half the prisoners had been in the fort for, three months, with little pay. They com plained of hardships. The arms were mostly altered from flint to percussion locks. They were of very poor quality. But two companies were fully uni formed, the rest were In citizens' clothes. There was a separate corps of Coast Guard, recently or ganized into regiments under Col. Martin, one of ,the most prominent North Carolina lawyers. 200,000 _B,OOO 192,000 90,000 56,000 A number of the defenders were from the country, having volunteered since the arrival of the fleet, consisting of substantial men, plant ers, ship owners, tar-boilers, proprietors. Some of , the soldiers said they bad enlisted to avoid being impressed ; others didn't hesitate to ex press the hope that the war would speedily close, adding that it was "a bad business." Nhen the prisoners were taken on board the Adelaide the callfor water was universal, and their thirst apppeared unquenchable. All thp ice on board was used up'in a twinkling. The prisoners said they had had no water fit to drjnk since they had been in the fort. They were perfectly exhausted, and could lie down anywhere for a nap. The hospital was poorly supplied. The wounds, without exception, were caused by the explosion of bombs, and were of a horrible des scription. They bled but little, in consequen ces of the searing from hut shell. In the correspondence between General But lei. and Commodore Barron the latter was re cognized only as Stunual Barron, who signed himself "Commanding C. S. forces for the de fence of the coast of North Carolina and Vir gin.. ift." tßarron is a brother-in-law of Commodore Pendergrast of the Roanoke. He left the navy after secession. 206,000 . 206,000 158,000 '.:When the white flag appeared, cheer upon cheer weut up from the fleet. Our tars, who liftcl entered into the contest with their whole Fqul, regarded the captives as their game, whipktkey. bagged with the utmost enthusiasm. One gunner, who lost his rammer overboard, was in the water after it in a jiffy. lie return ef with t before hewas missed, swearing that he want going to have his gun disgraced for Want of a rammer. The Roanoke was shot once, and, the Monti oillo thrice, but sustained no great damage. These were the only rebel shots that , struck. • The rebel prisoners speak of the firing of the dumberhuid and the Susquehanna as most ter rific and telling, A little before the surrender,, a detatcliment Of the Twentieth regiment proceeded to the encampment of a rebel regiment up the inner beach, and burnt the tents, munitions and all the garrison equipage. ,‘ Total 150,000 Itawnr.Arrorr Thrtrouns.—Officen3 frequintly arrive here wearing emblems not authorized. Vie army regulatioru3, issued by the War De partment, requires : 1. That General officers and officers of the General staff—the General staff embracing the officers of, tile Adjutant General's, Inspector General's, Quartermaster General's, subsistence, and other Federal departments—wear a button having a spread eagle and stars, and a plain border. 2. General officers are to wear no trimming on their trowsers. 3. Officers of the General Staff and Staff Corps -j-the Staff Corps comprising Engineers, Topo graphical Engineers and Ordnancare required tc> wear a gold cord one-eighth of an inch in di ameter, let into the outer seam. Shoulder straps for all of the teregoing to be of dirk blue &lat. 4. Officers of artillery, infantry, riflemen, dragoons, ,and cavalry, and their regimental staff, wear a button dmilax to the staff button, without the stars or border, and with a letter on the shield, to designate the arm of service. 5. The colors of cloth for officers' shoulder fftraps, and cord for trowsers, are required, to be as follows : Artillery, scarlet infantry, light or sly blue; riflemen, medium or emerald green ; dragoons, orange; cavalry, yellow. lisitsrucsrz.--If the goverranent has Aot, a rea-di sent aid to the Union men in Kentucky, it should do so without a moment's further de ay. The Union men of that State are, it is erne, in a large majority, .but they are neither organized nor armed, while the Secessiordats have a secret organization, are well armed, and are banded together as one man. If they are permitted to get the better of the Union men in a single encounter, the Government will have cause to regret it. A Louisville corres pondent of the Cincinnati Gazette says.: " Picnics and barbecues and active canvassing are still carried on, and have been more active ly after ths election than before it ; camps of Secessionist's are forming in the State. A large gathering is to be field, including the armed State Guard, in Owen county, near the State Capital, shortly after our Legislature is to as semble; and I am credibly infortmd that the Secession Congressman of the First District, EL C. Burnett, has received from the Southern ,Confederacy, through , the agency of George N. 'Sanders, 5,000 stand of arms, for the Secession camp ,near °Wpm, in our State, called Camp 'Tanen !digham ; that 3,500 more are soon to be sent to him ; and that these arms are to be used to at 'tack the camp of Kentucky Union men in Garrard county.' A soa of Ross Winans, who is visiting the birth-place of his father, Vernon, the Newark (N. J.) Advertiser says, has been making himself obnoxious to the people of that part of the county, by drinking, whenever asked, to the health of Jeff. Davis. On Friday last, an hon est hearted but two-fisted countryman, named Adams, invited Winans to join him at the bar of a tavern, and feeling himself insulted when the windy Secessionists announced his usual toast, set down his glass, took off his coat, and gave Mr. Ross Winans, Jr., a home-made drub bing; one that it is said he will be kept in meniciry, of by his mirror for many a day. N.1611T,T10113 , THOUSAND 1111110BAMB the port of New York during the month of Au gust- 1 i i i! , 1 i , From Washington. ORDER OF GENERAL SCOTT. CONGRATULATION OF THE SECRETARY OF THE -NAVY. TEE' FIRING EXPLAINED. A REBEL 'SPY 'CAUGHT. A CON TILABAND SHOT Wiiiiiisirros, Sept. 4. The following order has just been issued by Lient General Scott : .ThISIQUARTIGIS OF FBI Mum, } WASHINGTON, Sept. 3d,.1861. - The Genera-in-Chief is happy to announce that theTreasn, ry Departmentis ready to meet future tleynientsl.o the trail's and is about to supply besides coin, as heretofore, treasury notes in fives, tens and twenties as good as gold at all the banks and government offices throughout the United States, and most conve• nieot for, tnnismitsion bytnitil frOm the officers and men to their families at home. Good husbands, fathom sons and brothers serving tinder the ind stripes will thus soon have the ready and safe means of relieving an immense amount of suffering which , could not be reached with coin. In making up such packages every officer may be relied upon, no doubt for such aablitince 118 may be needed by his men, by comlnand of Lieut. GI r. Scorr. signed E. D. Towsrsavm, Assistant Adjutant General. The Secretary•of the Navy has addressed the following letter to Commodore Stringham "NAVIE "WART - MUT, t "Wasaisorow, Sept..q, 1881. "Sia : —The Department congratulatesi you and thcse r of your cnmmend, and also the ofi cers and soldiers of the army' who co-operated with you in the reduction df Forts Hatteras and Clay k, and the capture of the forces employed in their Wpm. "The succettsfulifeitilitalini far (it an exPedi; don, projected with great care, and the occupa tion of the positions commanding the most im portant inlet on tha coast of North Carolina, will be attended with consequences that can scarcely be over estimated. "This brilliant achievement, accomplished without the loss of a man on our part, or injury to any one in the federal service, has carried joy and gladness to the bosom of every friend of the Union. "It is, I trust, but the beginning of results that will soon eventuate in suppressing the in surrection, arid confirming more strongly than ever the integrity . otthe Union, "Convey to the officers and men of the re spective vessels undir your command the thanks of the Department, for their gallant conduct, and the.assurance that is thus..afforded - that fn the great emergency now upon us, the country may rely as of old upon the vigor, the courage, and the enthusiasm of its brave officers and sailors. "I am, respectfully, your oh dient servant, , "Gummi Warms. "Flag Officer S. H. Sritnuniam, • "ConniAnding,the ,!'Atlantic Blockading squadron." Yesterday indininesome of thelaige guns at the Chain Bridge,and Alexandria were firing to test their range. These reports gave rise to the rumors which were circulated here that we were attacked. The .rumors circulated evert, said that they (the enemy) could be seen adva ncing, and that the different volleys of musketry were heard. All the people for miles around here have left their houses and taken their furniture with them. Not a woman is to be seen, no civilians, and no army officers, except those on duty. Last Saturday evening, the lieutenant of =the Mozart Regiment, who had his men out at Work on some intrenchments, on tliatumpikeroad to Fairfax Court House, concluded to have some corn to roast, and going over , into a field, found a man, in the uniform of his regiment, lying in the fence corner. He told him to get up, but not obeying, he ordered some Obis men to arrest, ! him. They did so, and found he hada drawing of `Our forts and works on which the Mozart regiment were then engaged. He stammered out some excuse, saying he did not think - there was any harin in it, but not accountingfor him:Kell:promptly, he was taken in and found 'to be tine of the rebel army &WO. hi the el9thee o> 9oe, of the M-o -start regiment , who had been &Cot while on picket duty. He says tbey, have uniforms of every regiment we have/andlt is by thiiineans they procure information. He is in the guard house at Fort Ellsworth. A twahorse team "mime &kin from the fort on Munson's Hill, this afternoon, to a corn field where our pickets were located; aild!hitch kg the horses the negro driver commenoed gathering corn,..-, ge,99lo4,fraed his amusement until a Sholfroni musket kit him 'Hit 'tiPen the . ground. The team was . standing there at dusk. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Southern Report Iron'. Forts Olark and Bittern. Itkuirmuiss, Sept. 4. copy of a Richmond dispatch of Tuesday, receiyed hy,thc flag of truce from Norfolk at Fortrese ;contains ' the folloviing items of interestingneut : • A dispatch from Charleston, dated Sunday night, says that a brig laden with coffee run the blockade on Sunday morning; and also a vessel with fruit. The ship Gondar, from Liverpool, arrived at Beaufort, N. C., last week,:and also the ship The,latter is spo4en of by the Exa miner as laden' with arms, arennunition, thread, quicksilver, etc. . The D t erixach says we may in few days ex pect General's Beauregard and Johnston's report of the battle of Manassas. The Petersburg Expreas of Monday gives an account of the taking of 'Fort Hatteras and says that a : portion of the wounded escaped in a steamboat. The same paper gives the num ber of killed and wounded at about 80 and says that a magazine exploded, but the Express doubts this" story, The Express adds, our latest datesfrom North Carolina are up to 8 o'clock last night; at that hour it was known that a formidable Yankee fleet was in sight . of Fort Mason, which Wm mands the entrance to Beaufort hartior; and is spoken of as `the most formidable fortification on, the_ coast of North Car9linat and an attack was expected on Monday moining. The garrisons well prepared'for an .assault, and will resist with determination and , daring, worthy the glorious cause in whiCh they are engaged. The .exiitement throughput North Carolina is that the torts had been destroyed by the Yinkeee. Nb - Menden is 'bade by the dis patch of the illness of Jeff.. Davis, but it con tains a proclamation of Davis calling °engross together on Use §iljpsti, onmqiusno,s - 10, failure to deliver to the President for lals signature a bill dentinning militta;sfiappoinianents„ l . 7'OmA:A boat B. B.„Forbes_,,,Tecerrtly "ashore it belie Charles was Sala Siiritfay night' and proceeded to Washington thieliggammg for repairs, she would have gone to pieces had not the weather been unusually mild. The contraband slaves at Old Point , her 1,800 including woman and children‘‘ll'-' A the crews of the barks Rowena and u, schooner Mary Alice and brig Joseph, all trued by the privateer Dixie with the exe e ,‘ r. of the Joseph taken by the Savannah. - The captain and mates of the CI en we r ,„,. twined as prisoners at Richmond. The captain of the Mary Alice is altai m rest from Charleston. Ile repiirts that tl., force there does not exceed 4.000 ores and. tk they apprehended an attack from a recent t expedi Congressman Ely was still at Ifftlimorel, at has to take his turn cooking and carryff for the other prisoners. Col. lately pukin irons for several liocr, tf, r to answer his name on roll call. Butter at Richmond was worth pound, barns 80cts., and coffee 45, t, Davis made a reconnoisance yesteolay ir i t i direction of Back river, and capti,ft ~f t mounted Worth guards. INTERESTINGFROMMISSOU Retreat of Ben. M'Cullough to Arkaol IMECI=I ST. 1J)I • Later dates frval Lexington, M., . ( „„ th , “ news of the safety of that place, and tl,-; drawal of the rebel 4. There is much disaffection in Mai army. He is in Arkansas. This i. rcl,, An expedition crossed into I last night, destined for Columbia PAPE GraAbseil, Mo., Sept. :I ties' little army, which left frown:. .11, since, arrived at Jackson, Tenn ten nnl. of here, yesterday morning. Gen. Pr , tiL, hie s staff are now here. No enemy during the march. The report ilia tiss took 850 prisoners is therefor e 11, A scout arrived from Harder'; ,Ln. night, and reported that the retek. 1 the exact time that General Prentis , ton, immediately commenced rut rcat hlardee was rapidly moving t‘.a.Lll.. A . saki with 6,000 men. The enemy Li ni be strongly fortifying a position at ROLLA., Mo , Aug. 30.—The c the St. Louis Democrat furnishes tlit. "A gentleman from Springn,ld evening reports that Ben. Nleculm,-1 1. F r : - : , thousand Texas, Louisiana and was moving towards Arkausa.4. 11 c heard from at the Chalybeate Mount Vernon. His wounded w,•ry moved from the Springfield hospital ; southward. On Sunday, the 29th ult., Generals Paimorus, and S ack and Churchill, 11. wards Bolivar, with a force of ten ~1 t.r t.himsaud men. When last hell,' were marching towards Jeffe.rsoti rosul between Bolivar and Warmw. , of General Mcßride's division r,u2, Spiingfield. Thirty-eight of the Kent co7lnty Gqards were surprised, early 0,/ 5 , 11,/ ing, at Bennett's Mills, bv a force in doi : and two of them were killed and ti:. ed---one mortally. The killed :Lud w thh rebels filled a large wagon, but th, tut could not be ascertained, and IL , ti::, treated. Eighteen secession prisonerrz w.. 1,. ti4e Guards the day before. 111,y wco• his house near by, and the vet , el, them for Unionists, fired upon them. several. FROM FORT PICKEN.i, The Powhatan on the Scent of Pirate Sumter. —e— , Intercepted Corresponacm•e 01 Jeff 114 BALTISIORE. Sk-p letter from Key \V to the With Amerfien, dated August _nth, on h o ard fiigate_Santee, says : On the evening or 14th instant, the United State,: etc nice hat= came in off Pensacola. t;.t, iu 1,. t captured a prize to the rebel st , auwr out w,hich was trying to get in the ricer. t‘': large letter bag, containing lett rs and others. Some of the letters stated that the Was going to a certain port or crui,ill:::.l and would be there fora stated number So the Commodore sent the Powhatau smmc ately to look for her. All was quiet at Fort Pickens when left. . The steamer Louisiana WM ii6ahlvd downward trip by an accident to 11..1 au. She was towed down by the -,t towed up again, arriving at lialtitt t afternoon. She brings no news from F , rir Monroe. ELECTION IN VERMONT 110.NTPELIF.R, The State election to-day pa.-,soi The vote was unusually small. towns have been 1, , ,n t "ditch give Holbrook (Republican i :; , r • - ley, (Union Democrat) 1050 ; icy I ridge Democrat) 841. Of the 47 Representatives elio-,n • publicans and 8 Union Democrat,. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION , The Democratic State Convention to- t ,l to-day at the Military Hall, whi it k Packed. Francis Kernan was eluctol t to chairman. There are crowds of attendance, and great interest is ni delegations both tai gE b The ne M d to the Hall, and took seats on the Lion)] o t & ic tr k t et an tn ~, li lIIDITICIPAL ELECTION AT W I I.NI I ' JILL.—UNION TICKET tiCt..Vl2..-N -WILMINGTON, PEA 4. The city election took place ye,t,ra.t ing in the success of the whole Vincent C. Gilpin was re-ele,te ,l majority of 722 out of 1300 votes RETURN OF A SOHO( ,N- Nsw v rt...: The schooner H. Middleton al iik, lug.. She was captured on tho 21-' -` Off Charleston by the Vandalic, ' to Liverpool with a cargo of ri.0.,1 1' - 1- had.previously been intended fur a. illieb On the 8d inst., Jgeserts, thughi , r ,of Mary Forstor, aged roar yaers• plabi. to ithrrow (TharEday) aftcri3 , a at = ° ittO '2lbnertufillellt3 REGULATIONS . EXECUTIVE Deice HARRISBURG, Sept. 8, 1.11 240 pardon will be gran: ed untilo th the application therefor shall haveou,. heal by Publication once a week for two coraitY , “' weeks in a newspaper printed in the which the conviction wa , had. 2. No pardon will be granted unle,i nod of the application therefor shall have been not iv to the District Attorney of the; proprr Cou ll 8. No pardon will be granted wit ohe ut tn consulting the Judge who presided at t °f Nack Party. By order of the GOVetDOI. ELI SLLFEII, 41014-/rn- Sec'y of Corn. - 1,1 SYRACUSE. 4