Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 04, 1861, Image 3

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    paiip 4 eltgrapi.
Vednesilay Morning, September 4, 15
PoLtos.—Before the Jlayor.—A man wearing
regimentals occupied the lock-up D
nay nigh
having been pulled yesterday by the polic
drunkenness aud disorderly conduct.
Mayor gave him a reprimand and put him nn-
M a yor
marching orders to CamP Curtin, where he
EXPIANATIoN It Was John Sellers,of Dauphin,
who enjoyed the hospitalities of our city lock-up
lest Saturday night, and not John Sellers, of
this (IV. The person last named is in the em
ploy of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and is a
hardworking, sober and industrious young
Tae Hermes CORPUS CASE.—In the matter of
the petition of Abraham Hartzell, of Washing
ton county, for the custody of his wife Magda
lena confined in the State Lunatic Hospital, the
particulars of which were noticed in last eve
ning's TatouPa, it was refused, his honor
Judge Pearson being of opinion from the testi
mony that she was mote likely to be cured
where she now is than to he removed to a dis
tant State; and that the journey would be dan
gerous to her malady.
Tan lasnessaAsis German Singing Associa
tion will give their first pic-nic of the season in
Haehnlen's woods next Wednesday. The plc.
• !tics of the Liederkrantz are famous for their
good edibles and driukahles—choice music, vo
cal and instrumental—waltzes and coiillions—
and good social enjoyment generally. Omni
busses will run to the woods every few minutes
during the day from Wagner's Seven' Star Tav
ern, corner of Second and Chestnut streets,
and Frisch's Beer Salocin in Market street.—
Tickets twenty-five cents.
LECTURE ON Tamura/Laos. —Kr. Lewis L. Allen,
the diitinguished Temperance orator, will deli
ver a lecture on the subject of Temperance,
under the auspices of "State Capital" section,
No. 31, Cadets of Temperance, this (Wednesday)
ll'ednesday) evening, at the Cadets of Temper
ance Hall, north Second street, to commence at
half past seven o'clock. Mr. A. spoke in the
11 E. Church on Sunday evening to a large
audience, and it is at the request of many
friends of the cause that he prolongs his stay in
ilarriburg. As this will be his last lecture in
our city it is to be hoped that the hall will be
crowded. Seats free to all.
THE VERBBKE RinKB. —We understand that
great care has been taken to admit none but
good men into this company, which now num
bers about fifty men, nearly all of whim" are
citizens of this city or of the county. It is in
tended that as far as possible, the company
shall be composed of persons of Harrisburg and
the county of Dauphin ; and we therefore' hope
ou:• young men who love their country, and
wish to see the Constitution, the Union and
our Liberties preserved, and to show to the
world that we are a patriotic community, will
at once volunteer, and become members of the
Verbeke Rifles, which we will venture to say is
as fine a company as has ever been forined.
Ws nava Norman for some time past a num
ber of individuals, wearing the guise of men
who are in the daily habit of congregating
about the depot when the noon trains arrive,
for apparently no other purpose than staring at
the lady passengers as they get on and off the
platform of the cars. The trains of North
ern Central Railroad appear to be the most in
fested with these impertinent gentry, who stand
on the sideway opposite where they have a
better opportunity of making their salacious
observations. These starers do not consist of
young men alone, but men hoary with age, of
whom better things should be expected, mingle
in the crowd to pamper their depraved tastes
and fancies. It is time this indecent practice
was abolished, and we commend the matter to
the attention of the police.
Tax Harms Tan The trunk of the
memorable tree to which tradition says John
Harris the first white setter in this section of
country was once tied by a band of infuriated
Indians who intended to burn him alive, is stil_
standing, and commands the attention of every
stranger who has occasion to pass along Front
street. It is positively known that the trunk
is at least one hundred and twenty years old, and
there are still living those who have eaten mul
berries from its branches. The massive roots
seem to be deeply imbedded in the earth, and
unless some unforseen accident occurs, it gives
promise of endurance for at least a century to
come. What a deeply impressive moral lesson
does this old tree teach us! And to hearts and
tam which feel and hear, what a silent yet elo
quent sermon upon the frivolity and brevity of
life, and the certainty and inevitableness of
death, does it constantly preach! Where are
those who planted and watered with assideous
care the tender sapling, the bursting of whose
lust bud was watched with so much solicitude ?
flay troops of bright and beautiful children,
with sparkling eyes, and peals of merry laugh
ter, have gamboled beneath its wide spreading
arms, without one thought of care—at its feet
fair maids have sat and woven dreams of gold
en tissue, (alas I as false as fair) or gave too wil
ling ears to deep impassioned, and yet whisper
ed words that stole their sortie away—here
manly forms of those who "went in the full
strength of years," have planned ambitious
schemes in the far off future, or cherished more
tender rainbow tinted hopes which woman was
to crown—here "the rude forefathers of the
hamlet" sat under the grateful shade for retros
pection sad, or to meditate upon the glories of
that other world which soon would be revealed.
The old tree still remains, but the merry child,
the blooming maiden, manly youth and bend
lug patriarch, where are they ? From the bo
som of the old trunk to whom affection clings
"dose as thy bark, old friend," and by whose
side we reverently stand, .seems to come a weird
and mournful spirit-tone :
teechurc y are yard go ai ey d are dead-!—. •
in h,
but the old tree still renaaina 1"
REV. SAMUEL 11.14aNav e of the Halifax cir
cuit, will preach / lathe Vine street Methodist
church at 7} o:eVak this evening.
A NEW INNWITION in the shape of a small
rifled cannon wason exhibitioilesterday in the
State house yard, and attracted much attention
from visitors. The piece is so light that it can
be readily carried M a man's arm, and the in
ventor says it will do as much execution as the
heaviest mountain howitzer.
-- ~- --
DENTAL.-Dr. J. A. Carman, having served
his country in war, is now prepired to serve
that portion of the public who desire a dental
operation performed. He can pull a tooth as
easy as he would hare pullet:La bead on a rebel
had the occasion *tented itself• His office is
in Wyeth's ,buildink*ltetSquare.
RUIZOAD Cells oNlila.— On Saturday a
week whilst a train of ears filled with horses for
the goiremment, was passing on its way to Bal
timore, two of the cars, at a point near . Hanover
Junction, caught fire from sparks of the locomoT
tive, and as there was a considerable quantity
of straw, the men in charge had some difficulty
in rescuing the animals. A number were badly
burned, and presented a pitiable sight. Several
had to be killed to, relieve them of their misery,
and the remainder of the poor animals were left
in charge of a gentleman residing near the
scene of the accident.
Tim FaraNnsnix &soar Fins ENGINE.—The
following letter from the agent of the Amos
keag Manufacturing , Company of Manchester,
New Hampshire, to the Secretary of the Friend
ship Fire Company of this city, is published for
the hiformation of our citizens :
Manchester, N. H., Aug. 30, 1861.
Ma. Gacuos Eastussr, Thor Sir :—We are so
situated with our work that Mr. Bean the su
pet intendant of our machine shop, tells me that
you may now count with certainty for your new
steamer by the 20th or the 25th of September,
and we will telegraph you when she leaves
It is all done, and a good looking, good
working engine-you may call the "Marion Ver
beke"i when you come to house it. L,
It is ouvof the clue.tionlcit slid it be
fofe the time naMed aboV6, int - Welative no- en
gineer to spare to send with it.
Cues. A. LOOM
GEL 'McCALL's ' Cominsn.—Gen. Mcaall'a
command comprises the brigades of Generals
Couch and Smith, in nddition to all .Pennsylva
nia troops, ten regiments, anasuitable'Contin.
gent cavalry and artillery. He will soon be re
inferded by two more Pennsylvania regiments.
His troops are in the - liest condition, and in all
respects ready to take the field. The camps
are wonderfully neat, and the sentinels salute
each'other with the precision of regulars. ()tra
cers have been specially detailed to enforce the
regulations of police and military politenats.—
One whole regiment is detailed every night for
picket duty.
RAILROAD Aocroltsr.—An unknown man was
killed on the Pennsylvania Railroad, a short
distance east of Wilraore, on Friday night last.
Be was walking on the track, and as the fast
line rounded the curve,lte stepped to the other
track and was caught the express freight
train going west. was struck on the head
and frightfully mangled. He was about twen
ty-tire or thirty years of age. Re was a stran
ger, and neitheads Dame nor , residence could
be ascertained. "RiSSeMaiDp were taken charge
of by Mx. Kirby, the agentof tlieroad at
more, from whore a descriptibn of the deceased
may be had on akilioation.f. • '
A. RUMAT. Tgixa it must be for a solitary man
to be taken ill—so seriously to be confined
to bed, yet not so dangerously ill as to make
some relation or friend cane at, all sacrifices to
be with you. One ettn - •See that inAlint lonely
. _
life there can be none of those pleasant circum
stances which make days* bed, when acute
pain is over or the dangerous turning point of
disease is happily past, as quietly enjoyable
days as any man is ever likely to know. No
one should ever be seriously ill (if he can help
it,) unless- he be one Of Si' cimsiderable house
hold. Even then; indeed; it will be . raivisable
to be ill as seldom as may be.' 'Ditto a person
who when well is very hard-vrorked, and a good
deal worried, what restful days those are of
which we are thinking . ! You have such a feel
ing of peace and quietness. • There you lie in
lazy luxury when yon are suffering merely the
weakness of a serious illness, but the pain and,
danger are past. Allyour wants are so thought
ful and kindly anticipated. It is a very delight
ful sensation to lift your head from the pillow,
and instantly to fm.l yourielf giddy and blind
from loss of blood, and just drop your head down
again. It is not a question, even for the most
uneasily exacting conscience, whether you are
at work or not ; it is plain you cannot. There l
is no difficillty on that .score: And then
you are weakened to that degree that nothing
worries you. Things going wrong or remaining
neglected, which would have annoyed , you when
well, cannot touch you here. All you want is to
lie still and rest. Everything is still. You
faintly hear the door-bell ring ; and you feel
not the least curiosity to know who is there.
You can look for a longtime contentedly at the
glow of the fire on the curtain and on the ceil
ing. - When your letters and newspapers arrive
you luxuriously read them, a very little at a
time, and you soon forget all you have read.
You turn over and fall asleep for awhile ; the
you read a little more. Youemiving appetite
makes simple food a source of real enjoyment.
The children come in, and tell you wonderful
stories of all that has happened since you were
ill. They are a little subdued at first, but soon
grow noisy, as usual ; and - their noise does not
in the least disturb you. You hear it as though
it were miles off. 'After' days and nights of
great pain, you understand the blessing of I
ease and rest; you are disposed to be pleased
with everything, and everybody wants to please
you. The day passes away, and the evening
darkness comes before you are aware. Evety
thing is eininge, ind every£hlife isx ifikithinrand
pleasant. The only disadvantage is; that you
grorm fond of lying in bed' that -yOushiirdt
extrlni* from the prosokof gager hetting u p
FELL INIO THE CANAL.-A dru , . en boatman
fell from the deck of his boat b\t.o the canal
yesterday morning a short distance above North
street, and was neatly drowned Belpre he could
be rescued from the watery element
CAVALRY RECRIIITS.—The cavalry kerns to be
very popular about here, and recruits k are pour
ing in with unheard of rapidity. The iegiments
of Gen. E. C. Williams and Col. Wynioop are
fast filling up, and the cry is still thefr come.
These regiments will be among the finest in the
service, and will no doubt be heard him fre
quently during the war. '
COVET PROCEEDINGS.—The morning session'ilf
Court yesterday was principally devoted to tte
consideration of Orphan Court business. In the
afternoou, several triffling surety of the peace
cases were heard and disposed of, after which
the Judge proceeded to pass sentences on the
parties tried and convicted at the court last
week, as follows :
Wm. Johnson, plead guilty to the larceny of
several pieces of silver coin from the money
drawer at Squire Boal's tavern, in the sixth
ward. Sentenced to pay a faugof 41, restore
property stolen, and six month's imprisonment.
Eliza MoGirk, indicted for keeping a disor
derly house. Acquitted ; but lientimoed to pay
the costs. ':
Henry Hide, indicted far assinftritidOftbrt
Fined $2O, and the costs of prosecution.
The sentence of Adam Erb, convicted of sell
ing liquor illegally, was deferred until to-day.
Samuel Danner, larceny of a pair of gaiters.
Fined Si,' restore the property stolen, pay costs,
and undergo imprisonment for six months..'
Joseph Lewis, stealing a breastpin. Fincd $l,
pay costs, and undergo an imprisonment of six
Thomas Anderson, plead guilty to the larceny
of a coat. Fined $l, pay the costs of prosecu
tion and four months imprisonment.
Wm. Anderson, convicted of larceny. Fined
$l, Pay the costs, and two years imprisonment
in the Eastern penitentiary.
Wm. Weaver, plead guilty to stealing a nura
ber of articles from the drug store of D. W.
Gross & Co. Fined $l, pay the costs of prose
eution,'restore the property stolen, and eighteen
months' imprisonment in the Eastern, State
The Policy of Political llnion
Editor of the Telegraph:—l was gratified on
reading in your valuable paper, the other day,
the call eminating from the county committee
of the dominant party in this county. That
call invites all the quaiified voters of the coun
ty, without distinction of party. who are In
fiwor• of sustAining the government in a vigor
ous prosecution of the war to suppress rebellion,
to unite in fleeting delegates to form a county
ticket upon that issue alone. In my opinion,
the action of that committee is highly com
mendable, and I trust our citizens generally
will appreciate the patriotism that prompted
its issue.
The present is no time for the display of
party strife by trickery, or to regard this or that
man's claim to public favor, because of his
fidelity to this or that party in the past, when
rebellion is menacing the capital, and treason
is endeavoring to sow the seeds of discord in our
midst. There can properly be no other issue
than that presented : Yor or against thw war
and the government ; and in regard to candi
dates, particularly for representatives in the
Legislature, the • only question should be who
will make the most able and faithful represen-
.. . . . .
tative, and will they consent to serve—not, 1
who have offered to serve, and have spent the
most money in canvassing the county to serve
their nomination under that most vicious prac
tice that has been in operation for some yeas
in this county.
The present time is favorable for breaking up
that practice, if the people generally will give
that attention to their delegate elektions which
their importance demands, and send delegates
who are above the reach of all improper influ
ence and capable of making a judicious select
ion of candidates, without being fetterea with
pledges, or influenced by friendship, into bar
gains and sales that are disgraceful in them
selves, and exert a pernicious influence' in ex
cluding goCal men from nominations who are
above or are unwilling to resort to such means
of obtaining nomination. In this connection
allow me to suggest the name of Leander 11.
Ott, Esq., as one who would make an able and
faithful representative. Mr. Oit has to •my
own knowledge, been urged hymen of great in
fluence and position to become a candidate,
but has, with a becoming modesty, thus far ex
cused himself from voluntarily entering upon
the distasteful struggle for a nomination. I
have known Mr. Ott from his childhood, have
heLl close intimacy with him ever since, both
in business and private relations, and can safely
aver, that no purer patriot lives, and but few
1 men have a closer apprehension of the nature
of. our Government or a quicker perception of
1 the hearing of events now transpiring. Hoping
k that the convention will see the propriety of
fmtlat.. ItgaiOsnaLtlig9loll,-
HATING returned from the city T. now have on
hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry
Goodi : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen
of Stockings • a splendid lot of Black Alapacha;
a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash
for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress
Goods at great reduction. S. Lswr,
Rhoads' Old-Corner.
THE ArivEETrszE, having been restored to
health is a few weeks by , a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with a severe lung Abet
lon, and that dread disease, Consnmption—Ss anxious to
make known to his fellow-sufferers the means genre.
To all who desire'it, he wilt send a copy of the pre
scription used (free of charge), with the directions tbr
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
sure cure lbr Cossumplion, Asthma, Bronchitisoko. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription
is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which
he conceives to be nvaluable, and he hopes every suf
ferer will try his remedy, san wilt cost them nothing,
'find may prove a blessing. •
Parties wishing the prescription Will please iiddreeb
imuircy, New York
ncar is,
Fruwr.wom AND RAOLCAL cage. OF SPE EMAralt
-11.131.4, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous
involubstiry Emissions and impowney, resulting
' dent under-sash-in a plain savalope,lniiiyiadraid, Pest
mild, on aerostat of two stamps, -by Dr.. MSS . J V.
KLINE, 117 Bowery, New York. - POOL otftoe Boy, No
4,686. m2O-.6mdaw
M.0111 , 4T'13 Uri PUSS AND PHOINLX
tree from nif Mineral Poisons. --In mines of rierofula
.curvy, cr Eruptions of the Skin, the operation
1 the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing
,tjui jaw jpaia.syqry vestige of these loathsomedolmen>
ibeir purifying on MlllonAlrevers,
fever and Agee; LoosPopini; Piles, and it Stroh.,
moat- all .diattosetn 40011 Yield SO lAtiar timative proimdes
'fity,fitfully iambi be without.. them,lll6 Iby their „inninlye
ago iftareataint and'exptaisesmar bo Wed.
TocamiAll IktlerwArPrigiisPd
hale litt2 ni .T
The naval expedition has reported two forts,
730 prisoners, 1,000 stand of arms, 81 cannons,
and camp equippage take►. This is glorious
news, and we hve will have influence with that•
portion of North Carolina that is disposed to be
loyal. This news, together with the fact that
Urich & Bowman have just received a large
stock of Fall Dry Goods, to which they invite
special attention, will, we hope, have a happy
effect upon the citizens generally. sep2-2t.
See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth
er colnron.
a _Lam laLuizz
fi I
obstraatiOna, tl6m whatever"cause, an') t
ways aaccouital as a prevea
. this. _ _
the doctoral& many 'years; •beth l Ihunce an.
America, with•imparallelial success la every ease' an
he is urged by tunny ALIOUNItna 'ladies who used ' th em, t.
make the Pille.publie for the allaviancin &these sulterno
from any irregularities whatever,' as well a s. to &arena
an increase of family where ticaltti will not permit ta-
Femalee.parthadarty uituated....& these •eupposing them
selves so, are cautioned against these•Plils 'while do
otinditien; as they-era intr. to produce' othearriage, an.
the proprietor anaemia...lto ree ousibility after *lds ads.
atm; althengli•dimrtatkiness` wotdd prevent any alb
Wet to health—otherwire the title are recommencks-.
Fall and explicit directions accompany emblem. Prig
$1 00 per NW: , dolt *hideout(' and retail by ,
9lialtl4lB HAHN YART4 , Druggist,
• ;lanes Hew Harrisburg, Pa
•LsAlles," by sending tam $1 00 the Harrisburg
'oat Wipe, can INIVILItIe Pills Sent (roe ca,obaccvation tc
parAelAhc z counlarAttonfldfmtiallyj idat "frac of pm
•e" by athilit'lhdlif: ciao by , sl. - 8; has, fleadint,
imam, Hou.owar Cowoce, Philadelphia, J. L.. Las.
seem lobanon, Ma u& fi.. - therrime lanedulder; .1. A.
• ts,, il lock..l. and by oui
. -
druggist hi' +/hey 'nay - the 'Union.. and tit
S. D. Plows, Ole proprietor, New York , . ,
N. ti.-1.0,0a out for counterfoltel spy bolded
or any Waft inilehrefaierylbeita head b D. Howe. A.
ethers are a base unpolittloo and onside; therefore, a,
you value your lives and 'health ; Ito say nothing oi be
ng bumbugsal,uut of your woueo,s; hey :only of Woe , .
who - show the Signakiires& AL. 1. owe 4n every bus
which has recently •nien addet 41.celnit .01 thy. hi,
.enw ronu!erloltee
iMPORTAni r. 3•0 FiranALNs
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D.,
T"combination of iOgFedients in these'
fills are the re tkoi a lone 1 , 11113 L i,
fn y are aid in their opereAlou, at d tell iu to corn eil
all irreeul ritlea, Peinthl nenstruatluna lemovilug all eb- ,
strutmonu, whether irvm co d or. cativrwiso, bea. ache,
punt to the el e paliftud not the heart, willful., all mu-.
v toe air ouuae, histetha, rade , te p to the back and
imos, fr.; , diaterhed veep, lei *Mee from hitrrrup
mon of nature.
Dr Chewemen's Pills are invaluable, ea they will bring
n :he mo. thly period atthVeguouity. I admit who have
been *lump o nt,:d to the n.e of other Pills can place the
t.tmost cone leuce to br. Olieeeemau'a Pale defog all thin
thy r,pt:sent to do.
Ihoe is one o-ndition of the female spins in which ths
Pilo cannot lie tacit willumg producing n P.Er.:OftfA n.
R.E.ULT. The contrition teferred to is .e. 1120 !IA Nar- 1
the rent I MISGAreRIAGE. Seek f. the IrTesistib a gen:,
ri-ncy of the arardleitts to twera g%.,exua fa, coons w
'wrote/ condi ion, that even the reproductive power of nal
lute cannot rend it.
Wan auted ,pur •Iy . vegetable, sod free from. apylblog
ilijurious. . Exploit directioOs, whhh stiouid be road so.
.DAL{ any twpitleti,„l,lloo-$l, —.4.0,4 o,Y—too4.9.x.enol9o
frix Si to Dit,;tlVWCUelit CaEI Ut x, Box 4,631, Pilot
Office, N. w York City.
I rold by onto Druitgbtin every town lo tbs Gelled Stales
General Arita. for the Coned States. ' f
14 Broadway , New 't ork,
To wbotit all ar'seleesto °Mei* ilmula be addressed.
_old to Harrisburg try C. A. lienteer.
wen otwly
New '2ovattsemnits
iILIRTEii SHIRTS!! esurriiin
THE undersigned t: eying opened their
-snot' onory of Shirts &0., at No. 19 West Market
•or II •r , ..irg, Pa ,do most respectibliv Solicit the
..,I o go an: attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and
Her. haws to the following assortment of goods all of
which are our own manufacture
tl (LLAAS,,
ho., he , ho., he.,
Also the particular &Undo(' of the ladles to our large
assortment of under garments ho , (from the latest tea.
proved London and Paris styles,) COLLARS,
DOFFS, sorrs ho., in great varieties, all of which being
our own mannotacture we will sell cheaper than can be
purchased elsewhere.
Persons desirousof famishing their own materials; can
have cutting, sewing he., of every variety done accord
ing to order. Air ofthe above named goods for Beata weal,
we will make to measure, guaranteeing to tit, and give
entire satisfaction to the purchaser for •otyle. durability
and m - All Special orders will be promptly at
tended to upoo the shortest .noticoand; most reasonable
terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the Men reaeon•
able terms. -
P. S. Ladles wishinirelerts or.nrider garments of 8.4
(Reception, can haVe them - armlet° order by sending
sample of such kinds as may be desired.
No. 12, Market, street, ,
au29-dbm - - • Harrisburg, '
Rooms next door to Hummel Ai . Hil linger's Grocery
Store., - - .
STATE Street near Third street, a feW
. doo . ii"lieleir7.lko4l3,4l:Aote - 4. lilitAbtirg: ere
Hearse lie:ady made Cofflarriliisii OD nand and
neatly neighed to Order. 7 , 1511ver plates, &o. Terms reit.
eontOte. [ oBo.e3can O. BLEAK&
- • •
AQUANTITY of Baga, ChoOkti and ding ;
buns fer wile by the -dimes lied Totem cbesp
castk, at,kbe DAUPHIN CoUN ry PRIAM mysl6Bo
.11 11181
' - ,l/INEGAR4 1 t ,
MADE fronvohoice.,and eelected ARON{
AIL and gdaraniaad by. us to beiSt&ilt i tite g
T" 131:1BSCRIBBR has removed hie
: ' PLUMBIND AND BRASS ro'orioef rrtlek Markey
street to Fourth street above Market, oppctlito the , Belle
choral Tbauldhl for pear - patronage; he hopes, bj ,
attemioa buidneett, to merit a continuer:lee of 'M.
atar 26 •3uxl ." !ASKED.
- VOR RENT.--The large brick - dwelling
heusenuw odeopied by 'Deed •Esig; on
Tout, etreetnear with en oftlee for an
attorney. &A of. Ootobeir At: In
quire et the Ilkotnceoisrrs 'onto.. •
Augs-dif. ' ' , - -
461 11 HE unityof Government; which con.,
11 stitutenyoi ode people, is now dear to yon , r,.'
rrieettleteret novice:li Address A oaduottim Is ..mwen
dal to the soda top , Itroaprritylf our efeletry. 'WO es
trahism moat - Miro froth w nitledge. It 14 Olaly tkpviatr,
dndrrstatidiag of our civil institutions • thar naztiehabe
Aron and' SatUed,Attaohmeut to their pripriples, and
impart abthty fertheir matutenshoe.
"Vijit WV:MAIM t'ea' explaaatory statement :of
toe systeui of GOvertuttent of the OcrodtrY," hbotattinfthe
teat of the ConstitutiOn:Ofthe limited States, and the Ole
witutionat provisions tit tie severtates. wile their
meaniatt and cooatitiOlho, deterMliWity ah-
Stunt wwl precedeut - ao& Prsotice; or derived frOm
oat •••••1 t Atari ; tiktested. and arranged for popular use
Price t 'l %Id 1111.1NNYit,
del rrtsburg;
City ftttertY f°%_s4l6ll
and lot of geound j 'Adieseettly lactated oit reebt
between Muiberry4treer end Waeldnittee'ffeenne.
Also TWOlsirtflg - PIe.NOEVIn good eredditteo aid of eX
. •
gene= tone. Apply to
1:1'0. , Z11111111Rifele,
In 4 . " .1r0."21h-'Bolitle efieo — led streelL:
fbl,Rea3-Valrta443--altiOtlyitUre , Sr lar t
w e totr4l 1
Bag andinreevetetve4talthrerall
Al fr-
Pieme at every tote.
40 WI 7, Mita VW* 'l'
)fi :
No. 69, Market Street, below Third,
4 0111 p , lidlllllsllollo, PA.
PARA.-zoi s ana ALKINd C&NICI, will furelsb.
g oda it LOWlitt, than ban tin bought In any ot,
the East re cities. Country merchants will do well to
call awl, unarnineprlcea aad quubty, sad cools:ice teete-:
selves of teltilied: - juosiny.
Al 0-.0 0 p S;
• t •
soaa es
, .
Bede, Pillows, Elbugurte, Coate, Caps,
• Z44 lW his, Drhad33 g ' C ul n4
WM. S. 113Arrillt,
North Side, I Sqwe, heft" Buehler' s Hotel,
TIEII4 iath tiemi,anual Term otthis Ingti
taboo commenced this day. Pattils, (male ankle- t
male) of the age of nine years and upwards a ill bb re. '
eleYee. All the 111111a1 branches of a good Noglish ado.
eat aeviell as laths lalignigtia ire bided.'
Tarifa : 410, - '112; $l4 and" VC - Of "stissffiii: tif
months, according to the branches mint. rib extra'
chants of any kind. -Apply to
V. MAYO, A. Y., Principal,
Or to Rode. F Kolkar, D. W. Grows, O. P. Wielding, A.
J. Herr and Geo.'Z. IlunkelifichooltbMinittse.
sep2-detts _ _ .
NTED at the.arriatorg Car Shop„
v v arx,omi mout,Ditgli and touts GO JD ntAoir„
swan.; W. T. saumm, Supt.
• . „
To Newly . Organised BegitaTente.:
A JO of the, very, :best overcosts„wa.dei
11:aheot t aing reguiatbius, •ild'ittdri'tn;
expip • fug,reglcoeut, ...Is for male "AO. effIEL&N
EX & Co.; 'Second street. below Jokes House El orris:
burg. augarklim
GENERAL 0pp4.4 NO. 5
Officers recruitiug fur regiments accepted by
the State of Pennsylvania, can, if they desire it;
receive commutation fur rations, fur their re
cruits. 1 hat is.: to say, the Coltirel of a regi
meut or the Captain of a company, as the cave
may be, will receive thirty otta:s a day for each
man he shall bring to Camp Curtin who shall
be 'mustered into the service of the United
States, front the timeof the recruit.; being sword
in before a Magistrate, until his arrival at
camp. Provided, That the whole time charged
for any one man, shall not exceed ten'days.
When transportation la d elc, d for compan
ies or parts .of companies application will be
made to these Head-Quarters.
By ruder of Governor A. G. CURTIN . , Com
mander-in-Chief. CRAIG BIDDLE,
auL9-det A. D. C. 1
STEADY and sober, young men to joi
the narrtabar i t Cavalry ioaapauy, aeoepte. by tb
Povernment, awl already to tamp. Engelse at th
rendozvou - s, Exchange,,Walautstrerd. ,
aairr.e.-dtt CHAS . Q. DiTrieCsptahl.
THE fall term o this Institution wi
comma • on , Wednecdry September 4th. AU.
anti-d& EN, IS DIUN, Prtnotpto.
derelaned hereby gives whim to Henry Bastlaid,
Joao Bastaio, Hate All n, and others whom it may con
cern not to +moose§ on her minims from et d after Shia
date or they wilt be sidalt with hooerfog to law.
• • ,; • ;•-:- • XIAPE• •
~,(Ifearr t ha Barriabeav Brialge.)
1.1 r. JUST RECEIVED from the
$1: • ;40.. lad - One CONSIBRCUL NOTE
Pitucti we winged at $1.25 per ream.
$11.150 per ream - for HOTS PA: 6N, deourited with
the latest and very handsome emblems and palriOlii
53.50 for 1000 %oars ENPFLOM, 'din national and
patriotic emblems, ; printed lu two °Mere.
Please sive us a call, TEIRO P. 3ORdY 6R,
jear2-dr Harrisburg.#
Manufacturer of
Looking..Glium And .Picturi Framed,,
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings dbe.
French Mirrors, square and Oval Portrait
Frames of-every .desaription.
FUR dAL.E.—One of the beet bueinetie
itantb3* it the city on reason Ale terms, or leased
for three or floe yews elt sated m Market street between
Fourth and ANIL 'inquire on the pre MlA's of
,j10.412m DANIEL LENDY.
ZORN B. .13MITErti:
''." '- • .afAilisb,tut; •
li. L, oo2l4, WAAr sit ek
g o4ht erxesi nd, a
i te „ a or se tti o s r , t ;x la
e f4n , t bo bl i
ualitlee for ladies, gentlemesioessii
Fk9Ba.tto Um". " MADE
CUDI3 bifipprioeiNrkmcm, •
don at shorreeefee.• JOHN B. gritra; Harrletiure
DeffigneTrluid ... Eirrravenvon Wood ,
: 1.7 - • L s
N: &ICOR: FlFTELattlEimrinnerg.,
. ,
LIXECUTE all kinds of Wood Edgravitig
intli beauty, oorrectcess And - dispatch. Orighial
designs thronsbno fir Pine.Boolr-Illestrationi; PerSchs
*Wring outs, by.sesil* , si Pliutberstitior DietwirrerKille.
sn have views of CollegesoChurelliek Freits,
hankie* staves; Patents, ht., engraved se well on per.
sonek.spelleiaidu.: .
Faso) , Bovriopes, Lanai/,:lan: fiesdingsf:-uoa
tirishing f —Auetnellaffslie otter G l 9r&s * ^tw6ra 9 " ~^ k ,
liglairrityle wren; and - ax tnerletteskrpriees — ••
For ipso:tuning of due engraving,•see hisetratell
.rorlts of J. B. Lippineott &CO.. Y. U. Butler & Co
- wrap lye
r I "HIS Inetitutiott chattered with full
isgtste powers, will open its Tall Term on Wadi:tits
dey the 4th o(beetenth•r•
The anent on or Parents baring :daughters to-educate
reepooduity invited to thielnktittiolon For oatolrqpies
Fldress. A. G. X&RLEIT, t '
suplll-2wd - ----Rrogidone
Select Sitotibit f6r Boja'and aid s ,
ipaoNT - sir - Biwa -ABoirt. LOCUST.
, .
tn.! k' all term of ROBERT dt'ELWEE'S
-"tVp flns. , llooday.
• , --lashmaisr 4 0 03 1, 11,11AIRPA.A1- ' m r 0 ,1 4 ,61} ,
snotell4r, r t 914 10 Zr ,l ll -1-4 :riorsGbas plir
rarnssessild eitor iesieot P
4,) riir;loCate4
J . , 6 ll l ll"rpr e
Di VD abnertisments
Harrisburg; August, 29, 1881. "
COUNTY .0041111,1§5 011 kE R. A
lißEund.ereigned offers a
candidate for the office of COIN r
aublect to the ootoinatiag Convention, ant pledges
Maw( If if norialoated and elected to dis barge the duties
of the dice with d !ably. PRIED'
atia26 te
DANIEL KENDIG, of Middletown, of
ten himself' as a candidate fer the SPATE Lii4l.3-
I.ATURE at the ensuing election, sublect to the action at
the People's Manly Convention And pledges blown
to discharge the duties of the ogle. hon.-fitly and faith
ang24-dtc ..
DR. FOX, of Derry town
ship, offers bimoott es a caollidele for the STATE
IAtit,.. 4 LATURB NA the ensuing War Wit, subtlit to lb •se
thin of the people's Coemty .ooorsottonr. , tos-promtseg It
elected to dwell- rge the .:otles of the Wake whhjidelity
- -
T C YOUNG, offers himsel: as a oandi
eis date for the °Mee of Preehonotary &c, Or. raAphin
county, et the en e cilia ekcion. Its (leg , gea elected to
perform the duties of the office with tleeuty.
an. itodewie
FOR JitHoisliF.a
A BRA H M.-11.* - 80 ER,'of East Hano
err, Were himself as a cautlioado for Kt 01.e111/1 at
Lbe e• mat election. en bject to the action of tee People's
County coov,•ottoo. He proms a if elected tu dl.charge
the dotes of tlis elite With a r lity
anst2'stai :
A B. SCHRBINER, of Grair. °f are
1.1.• himseti ceodtdate tor the Stilt LEGISI A
LU eta at: the e nsuing. election, aubleot to 'be "Woo of
the PeoOleit . Coatily Convention. de pr. hit ea, h' Glow
led to ell*Cbarge the unties of the office with fidelity.'
DA. S. EYSTr.ft offers himself se a
• candid ete ter the 'Area PV ora -T salt, so.,
at the ensuing ele,uon, raid pledees his reputation lot
attention to business as a sUarauthe to the lassos per.
formences of dudes, if elected.
barna:Wig, August 21. .186 , . ft*
11(111 ENJ AM list BecK, ot r ifirrisbnig, of
i.) fere tdateett as a I utuld.te for CPU Tr vivun
ele at the e Beteg election, aut , ,eot to the action ,the
Peopled County .COUVeII I a He pro.niee.e If y
sia to
didentu-ok the dotlts of the t thee who tkialti. ..
augl74la w to .
SAMUEL M RQU 1 RI, of Hdrris' ung,
11* rs Waled , a. a e.O I i to f r BD. I •••• a
• u tlin4 ICfo • elikb ut to ,be ..otiott ,•t* Ale' K4lOl. '4
Um ty Cu. vebtlon HO p^e Net If emote.* todls.Lar. e
tbe d ides of 1..0,116-. 4,6 d Dewy.
au 1.7416. •tc
To le, v Kit; l)3 C
Fh.LLOW CI I IZEN6 I offer niy self se
A: a t.:.,nthd .te for County Tree uecr si tue etwutiug
eedoo, cubJect to. be colon of Le I pop, C u ty's Coo
ceotioa. bou it Ibe A.M.ll,ate 40 br eleot,d t l'ke ute
myself to di•ottw•ge toe du 0, of E. 1.1,1 ,111 r wob fi k i e uty.
Thutphin, Aur 21.61
1 4 111.1., W CITIZe.;I% B—l offer • mvaelf
JU • env n ludo, eudeut o.uduista iur we ad PC of Re
ge.ter 01 Wills of ia•l h o . tinny. Stwuld Ibe es
•• as to be el. of U, f 1.101060 to obuistr.e 'be duties
of t•e Wilts w tti sdclttr. fs. EtUMIlk.4.
July 81, Isl3l-41.sumc
00L. J lett EEL ND, ot Halifax town
-11,,) , I fftrs tont& It a cts tilt ate f AS 4 RiIIiLY
ut in• nasal gch ohm a* Pet tome act oe of 'the Tel:t
ine's County Lbav uttou. He p , cruises it ele, led W die •
chit , so the dames of the OH le with Oddity.
angle:a/I.W ,
Between Philadelphia
LOOS iLAMI. Jew= suoblb., wiLumasinows,
UnioineWN, Wamirror; Mll2vll, lilll6/1010,
LAG. IiALITAI, 11401 , 81/11,
The Philadelphia Depot bailie -entrant located the
iirayege will be at the lowest rotes. A Quidnotur goes
through with Gaon train to attend to toe safe delivery , of
all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the
Depot of
FREED, WARD & FftM D, No. all Mar. et Paget, Phila
delphia, by 5 o'clock P. M, till be I .livered to
Harrisburg the next morton
Freight (Merge) as low as by any other no.
Particular attention paid by this Una b. o•oihpt and
speedy delivery of all Harrieber cods.
The undersigned thankful for past 'dam 0 bops. by
strict attention to butboese to merit 4 Goo - title of the
same. T. PSI: .
Pldlidelpbi. and ne
Vent of Market Mr , ..0 ri•trurg
i ?FORE. tile services to the eitizeite o
k," Harrisburg and its vicinity. Se solicits & share o
the public patronage, and giver assurance that nie_ltest
endeavors phall be given to render satisfaction in his pro
fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, ho feels ask In
writing the public generally U. 12111 on -him, swaging
new that they will not be diettathated with ble-servistss,
°dice No. 128 Market street, In the noose formerly ao
,upied by Jacob R. Kby. near the United &atm- HOW,
ilarrisbnrs, Pa vll-dlr. r.
Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1/361.
Y DIRECTION of the' President of - the
B United States, all volunteer regiments or
parts of Regiments accepted directly by the
War Depatment from Pr nnaylvania, either with
or without' arms,'equipinents or uniforms, are
to be forwarded at once tcoWashington. Their
commanders will therefore immediately report
to these 'headquarter's, st .ting the number of
men and the station from which they rue tii be
taken, that traturpor ation may be furnished
them without delay. By order of
A. U CURTIN.' r i
Governor and Commander-in Chist
'National dosigna, LETTER PXPER Vier IL vie* of
the ~ity of Heritable& printed and for'ado at
J 4 lbw Ronlobnin Widen
it , EMOVAI*A:
THE SU IiStRIBER would -reWpectfully
Worm toe oubhe that he ha I - emoted hut Pointe
. • _lSlWltlhat Atalabatbaleut thh ]
Plard Arent helomlierra Hetet Ontaktutior ova pat
rolman, ottiropetil6 Matti Wont= to - lminae to morn
.711raitliati t. , or.; . Ott
WATT Nr. - X •P. z..„. I .
psiebidumommehrouviduw 4100w11 •0%c4--